#i know i always put characters in the laundry room-- theres like no other good scenes of ppl putting on alt outfits 😔
pls-explodingstars-pls ¡ 1 month
Swapped Daniel and Emma for Kara and Alice
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They are like… two sides of the same coin
bonus- Emma and Daniel in the gallery lighting cause it's so much better
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azusaluvclub ¡ 3 years
please... here after the hand post that got me weak 😩😩 can I please request how the Weak Hero characters bedrooms would be like?
weak hero headcanons ; bedrooms (eunjang + stephen)
a/n ; ahhhhh thank u for the request !!! i rlly enjoyed writing it ! id actually thought about doing this before , so ty for giving me a reason to lol :,)
anyways , i only did the eunjang boys this time , since i had the most in mind for them , but ! if there were others u wanted to see added , let me know ! hopefully this meets ur expectations ^ ^ enjoy !
wolf keum ver.
gray yeon / yeon sieun
⋆ very clean looking ! eggshell white sheets, medium-toned furniture + accents of other colors (like warm beiges and deep blues), with everything placed very orderly. looks like the staged rooms u see in furniture stores lmao
⋆ has a ton of books about misc topics and niche interests that hes accumulated over time, and he keeps them semi-organized on a big bookshelf beside his desk :) knows he needs to go through them eventually, bc there are plenty of books he doesnt need anymore, but he hasnt set aside the time for that yet-
⋆ doesnt do decor really ?? has a few school awards that he keeps on a shelf + a lil trinket that suho gave him that lives on his desk cries ! thats p much it tho ?? hes not too big on decoration in the first place, unless its got some sort of secondary purpose or sentimental value-
⋆ theres a tiny bit of clutter here and there (mainly in the form of things that werent put away™) but for the most part, he cleans regularly ! doesnt set aside a certain time to do it, but if he feels that his room is getting a bit too messy, or he has a guest coming over, he'll take a moment to give the room a good tidying up !
⋆ neatest area: his bed ! makes it every morning, if not first thing then right after he finishes his daily routine ! read somewhere that it makes your room look 1000x cleaner and took that seriously lmao
⋆ messiest area: surprisingly (?), his desk ! but its not that messy- bc he spends a good percentage of time there, he doesnt always take the time to carefully put away stuff like his books, stationary, random notes from lessons past, etc. etc. ;;; that being said, he tries to keep things somewhat manageable, but if hes busy studying for exams or tests or whatnot, then ... :,)
ben park / park humin
⋆ has a p small bedroom ! headcanon that hes an older brother (specifically to younger sisters) and they got the bigger room, both bc they needed the space and humin, being the loveable big bro he is, couldnt say no :,)
⋆ its still v nice and has all the necessities — just a bit cramped in the space lmao- lots of orange-toned woods and warm shades of primary colors !! so like orangey-reds, deeper green-blues and honey yellows ~
⋆ hes quite family + friend-oriented, so what he does have decor-wise is mainly things of sentimental value !! for example, above his desk he has a collage of pictures of his friends and family, and on his bookshelf (and other empty spaces) he keeps things made for him by his sisters or other items gifted to him by family ^ ^
⋆ generally tho his room is fairly neat ?? he doesnt keep it organized or super tidy or nothing, but he picks up after himself and sets aside time on the weekend to do laundry, clean the floor, etc. etc.- very responsible !
⋆ neatest area: the nightstand ! its p small, so there isnt much space to leave a lot of mess :,) keeps his phone, alarm clock, and a lil lamp there ~
⋆ messiest area: under the bed- it gets cleaned out at the end of the week, buttttt for the other 6 days it exists as a sort of vacuum that sucks up everything thats on the floor :,) dirty socks, trash, and such- once found a 2-week old unopened sandwich hiding under there (considered eating it ; fortunately, he did not)
alex go / go hyuntak
⋆ looks like a stock photo of some stereotypical teenage boys room- grody :/
⋆ ok not exactly But its fairly messy- not because he doesnt have the time to pick up, he just doesnt feel like it, and so a mess it remainsss- u can see the floor, at least, and he does do a general sweep of the room monthly, so :)))
⋆ lots of blues !! blue bedsheets n curtains, and his furniture is a lot of lighter wood shades or plain white ! has a blanket from when he was a toddler that he keeps at the edge of his bed — its also blue :) (used it as a security blanket thru elementary school, isnt ready to let go even tho its hanging on by a literal thread-)
⋆ not crazy in the decor department either ? has a couple posters of his favorite fanboy interests around the room, a picture of him and humin in elementary school that he keeps on the nightstand, and a plastic piggybank beside that :)
⋆ neatest area: above his desk is a shelf where he keeps a couple of his sports awards !! mainly soccer trophies that he dusts regularly, bc hes p proud of them, even if theyre from when he was little ^ ^
⋆ messiest area: his actual bed, lol- doesnt wash the sheets often , probably has week old crumbs nesting in there ,, nasty :// he always forgets to tidy it and tbh, he doesnt think it matters much ? his logic is if hes gonna mess it up later, why make it up in the first place- :,) might straighten the sheets if hes got someone coming over tho, lol
gerard jin / jin gayool
⋆ an overall simple color scheme + general look ! darker woods and accents of soft, but still warm earthy tones (like tans and shades of green) :))
⋆ not much for decor, but he has a few posters of his favorite bands that he keeps tacked up over the bed ^ ^ one is signed ; its his prized possession-
⋆ has a bunch of random objects from hobbies that he picked up !! a box of tarot cards + art supplies on his desk, sports equipment under the bed, hobby kits piled up in the closet, and such-
⋆ bc hes either at school, work, or hanging out w the rest of the boys, he doesnt get much of a chance to be in his own space — therefore, he isnt often home long enough to clean up, much less actually care to. so its veryyy messy, and while he keeps telling himself that he'll clean it one day, that day has yet to come- :)
⋆ clothes strewn on the floor, his bed is made but always haphardly and wrinkled, trash thats been sitting in the bin for weeks ;; all that among other piles of clutter that he never sifts thru that have p much become the damn floor
⋆ neatest area: between his door and desk, theres a small corner wherein he keeps the things he reaches for most often (school + work clothes, his backpack, guitar, etc) ;; bc its the only truly functional area, aside from his bed, its the only part he tries to keep somewhat tidy- :)
⋆ messiest area: literally everywhere the closet :( a wasteland where everything that isnt in the actual room goes and gets forgotten about- it barely closes at this point, but he somehow manages to find space for more stuff in there ?
eugene gale / seo juntae
⋆ nice, average room ! lots of soft colors like pale yellows, creams, sky blues, and blond / light-toned woods !
⋆ his bed is so .. comfy ;; headcanon that hes a bit picky about how he sleeps, so his sheets are super soft and cozy and hes got pillows that feel like putting ur head on a cloud .. also keeps a lil elephant plush on his bed, for cuddling purposes ofc :,) hides it when hes got guests tho bc he thinks its childish, rip-
⋆ doesnt clean as often as he knows he should, but he makes sure theres nothing on the floor ! however that just means any mess migrates to other places in the room-
⋆ very simple decor ! nothing crazy, but he has two plants on the windowsill that he cares for dearly~ other than that, and a few objects sprinkled around that he cant find proper space for, its p minimal ?
⋆ neatest area: the desk ! now that hes taking studying and school seriously, he decided he should probably keep his desk neat in order to have a better and less distracting space for studying :)
⋆ messiest area: the bookshelf- its a small one, right beside his desk, and because its so small he doesnt have a lot of space to put stuff on it- that being said, he still has it overflowing with random books (fiction, textbooks, notebooks), school supplies, stuff thats probably useless but he cant do away with ... since he doesnt often reach for anything on there, the clutter tends to be forgotten about :,)
rowan im / im juyang
⋆ fun bedroom ! a bit eclectic, lots of mismatched furniture and colors and patterns and such- the fact that his walls are a plain eggshell white helps break it up :,)
⋆ since hes only recently moved back to south korea, i imagine he hasnt had much time to unpack everything and really settle into the space ? so there are still unopened boxes in the closet that he keeps forgetting to go thru buttt- oh well :)
⋆ decor galore ! has a lot of souvenirs from his time in australia that he likes to show off, so he has them placed on shelves and his bookcase and whatnot, alongside other cool things hes collected over time- no real pictures or posters, but hes got those led striplights on the walls ! (only uses 3 of the colorways tho-)
⋆ fairly neat, but he doesnt always pick up after himself sooo- u can often find dirty laundry and empty cans/water bottles in different corners of the room- he'll get them out of there one day ...
⋆ neatest area: by default, the closet ! its mainly just unopened boxes, his school uniform + other clothes, and a skateboard that he knows he should make more use of, but consistently forgets he owns- very simple :)
⋆ messiest area: under his desk- a graveyard for wrappers, pencil shavings, "missing" assignments and other papers, things that missed the wastebin, etc... theres a weird stain under there that he cant identify and the longer it sits there, the worse it becomes- should probably clean there, chooses to ignore it instead :,)
teddy jin / taeoh jin
⋆ fairly average, another stock photo kinda room-
⋆ dark woods, mismatched bedsheets, and hes got blackout curtains ! has a small tv w a gaming system hooked up to it in the corner of his room, too very fancy ;) juyang routinely asks if he can come over and play video games together ; to this day, taeoh hasnt said yes-
⋆ his room isnt the cleanest overall, but certainly not the messiest- has some laundry piled up in its own special corner, coke cans that are overflowing in the wastebin, hair elastics n claw clips on the desk, and some cat toys littered around that he cant be bothered to put away-
⋆ not really a decor kinda person- has a couple of posters around the place and a rarely-used beanbag chair near his lil gaming setup, but thats about it ? has a hanging mirror on the back of his door and uses it for routine outfit checks :,)
⋆ neatest area: u know those clothing racks that have shelves at the bottom for ur shoes and shit ? yeah, hes got one of those where he stores all his very expensive, brand name possessions- clothes, shoes, his backpack (which is always placed perfectly on a part of the top rung that sticks out for ... y'know , ur bags . whatever it is lol) probably the only thing hes rlly fickle about, so he takes extra care so that his stuff doesnt get dirtied or wrinkled-
⋆ messiest area: is it a copout to say the floor ? lol ;; its not crazy messy, but theres definitely some dust bunnies growing in the corners of the room, and hes got random piles of mess sprinkled about- not baddd, but could be better :,)
stephen ahn / ahn suho
⋆ very nice, somewhat typical bedroom ! deeper wood tones for the furniture, has accents of light blue and cool grays, and creme-colored curtains (often closed for maximum deep sleep potential !)
⋆ minimal decor — think a painting or two above the bed, some kitschy trinkets, and a big, leafy plant on the desk ! headcanon that hes a not-so-secret kpop stan sooo- has a girl group poster on the back of his door and a few albums from his other favorite groups displayed proudly on his bookcase~
⋆ another one who dedicates time in the week to clean up ! his room is p neat already bc he does take care of stuff, but he tries to sweep/dust regularly-
⋆ has a candle on his desk (something sweet and warm, like vanilla or christmas cookie) that he lights sometimes, but never fails to nearly burn his thumb off doing so :(
⋆ neatest area: the bookcase ! its not a very large one, but he has stuff on there that he treasures, so hes a bit particular about keeping it tidy :,) merch, souvenirs, a few awards hes proud of~ doesnt really use the space to store books despite that being, y'know, in the name- but hes set aside the bottom shelf for textbooks, notebooks, and such !
⋆ messiest area: the closet / dresser- he tries to keep his clothes neatly stored — really ! but somehow, the moment he looks away, they become a crumpled, disorganized mess on the floor- can never find what hes looking for and, at this point, has given up trying ;;
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pomegranate-belle ¡ 5 years
Crack pairings you say? *picks two characters that literally never interact* Fuckin... elektra and foggy *spins wheel of tropes I fall for every gd time* unexpectedly sheltering the other when theres a storm outside
So this, uh. I was just gonna do a quick little… Anyway, it got out of hand so have like 1k of this nonsense which in my head is probably a prequel to some World’s Weirdest Poly Ship MattFoggyElektra nonsense:
Foggy does, actually, expect the knock at his window that night in late fall when the mother of all storms blows in. That’s the kind of life he lives now, apparently. It’s just that he’s expecting an idiot in a horned helmet and red body armor on the other side of the glass, not… Well. Not his best friend’s dead (undead? re-undead?) ninja ex-girlfriend, soaked through and too-pale with her ink-black hair slicked over her shoulders like a waterfall.
“Hello, Franklin,” she says with glowing eyes and a voice full of teeth.
Foggy’s pretty sure giving demons or vampires or what-the-fuck-ever a Black Sky is supposed to be permission to enter your home is how the protagonists of horror movies get murdered, but Elektra’s trembling from head to toe and no matter how unfairly perfect her bone structure is it doesn’t stop her from looking about two seconds from toppling off his fire escape. He’s on the fifth floor. It wouldn’t be a pretty fall.
So he slides the window open as far as it’ll go, lets Elektra Natchios slink into his bedroom and drip all over his carpet. Gets his fluffiest towels because yeah he’s spent most of his adult life hating her guts for breaking Matt’s heart but he’s still a good host, dammit.
“Here,” he tells her briskly when he hands over the pile of them. “Before you catch the ague.”
A sharp laugh spills from Elektra’s bluing lips and she sweeps the towels around herself way too gracefully for someone who looks like they’re barely standing.
“How kind of you, Franklin.”
“Yeah, I’m a saint,” he deadpans. “What exactly are you doing here? I mean, first off, how did you know where here was, obviously, but also why here and not Matt’s place?”
Elektra tilts her head, thoughtfully, and begins toweling off her hair. The shadows in the room shift and writhe, and no matter how good a speaker he is Foggy can’t convince himself it’s an optical illusion caused by the distant forks of lightning outside.
“I was curious,” Elektra says finally. “He goes to you, afterwards. Matthew. When he’s done fighting and he wants to fit the devil back under his skin again. But you’re nothing special, not that I’ve ever seen. What’s so different about you in the dark?”
Foggy shoots her an incredulous look, and then has to hurriedly spin away as Elektra starts slipping out of her — whatever they are. Fighting clothes. They hit his floor with a wet slap.
“I’m always the same,” he tells her too-loudly, rummaging in his closet. “Not all of us Jekyll and Hyde it like you guys.”
He holds out the sweatpants and shirt behind him without looking, and there’s a brush of cold, damp fingers on his wrist as they’re taken.
“Aren’t you a gentleman. I’m decent now.”
“I doubt it,” Foggy mutters under his breath.
She’s got his sweatpants cinched as tight as they’ll go, based on the way the ties trail past her knees, and his shirt is so big she looks like she’s wearing a tent. Her hair’s wrapped up in one of the towels, and the others are on the floor with her wet clothes. It’s the least put-together Foggy has ever seen Elektra, but it doesn’t soften her the way it does Matt.
“You really don’t like me, do you?” she asks.
“I would need to be extremely inebriated to be dumb enough to answer that question.”
Elektra smiles again, threateningly.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.”
“I, however, am trying to cut back so my burgeoning alcoholism and Matt’s reckless life choices don’t send me to an early grave,” retorts Foggy. “Therefore—”
He’s interrupted by a deafening crack of thunder that rattles the windows. It makes him jump. It makes Elektra jump too. And every shadow in the room. Foggy hadn’t even known shadows could jump. Of more import is the wild-eyed, hunted look that goes over Elektra’s face. She’s shaking again, and it’s not from the cold.
She’s also one of like, the three deadliest people he’s ever met, somewhere between Frank Castle and Matt, and also they don’t actually like each other. That in mind, he doesn’t pull her into a hug the way he might Karen or Matt. Just takes one slow step forward with his hands up.
“Hey. It’s ok. You’re safe here, it’s just the storm.”
The fear on her face persists for another three terrifying seconds, and then she lifts her chin and folds it back inside of herself.
“What are you doing? I’m not a wild animal, Franklin. Or a child.”
Elektra’s voice is full of scorn, but Foggy’s intuition tells him it’s about ninety percent defensiveness. Maybe she and Matt are more alike than he ever realized. Which at least gives Foggy a bit of a stepping-off point for where to go next.
“No one said you were, your highness,” he replies as blithely as he can manage while he tries to ignore the shadows in the room all converging at Elektra’s feet. “But unlike some people I’m not a freaking black belt, so excuse me for not wanting to get drop kicked across my apartment.”
A close-mouthed smirk curls Elektra’s lips, and bit by bit the tension drains from the room.
Foggy busies himself by bundling up the towels and clothes on the floor and tossing them into his laundry hamper, then trying to dry out his carpets. Letting Elektra roam his apartment unsupervised feels a little like letting the fox into the henhouse but… Come on. What is she really going to do? She could just as easily kill him with her bare hands as a steak knife.
When Foggy’s finished cleaning up, he finds Elektra lounging on his couch, fiddling with something. It takes him a few seconds to identify the object - one of Daredevil’s… Sticks, batons, clubs, whatever they are. Even in the low lighting it’s pretty battered. Probably one of the ones that got buried under Midland Circle.
“I can call Matt, you know,” Foggy offers. “Even in a storm like this, he’d be over here in a heartbeat if he knew you were back.”
Strangely, the words don’t hurt like he thought they would.
“If I wanted to see Matthew tonight, I would have gone to him,” Elektra answers simply.
“Yeah, I guess,” says Foggy, because, well, yeah — she doesn’t seem like the kind of person to hold back from what she wants.
She pushes herself upright and then pats the empty couch cushion. Foggy figures his life is already so weird that he might as well. When Elektra turns towards him and crosses her legs, he mirrors her. And then there’s a long, long silence. For Foggy it feels unbearably awkward, but Elektra’s eyes are narrowed and she sets the weapon in her hands aside as she studies him.
“You’re not like Matthew and I,” she concludes.
“I mean. Of course I’m n—”
“And yet. I wonder…”
Elektra takes his face in her hands, and Foggy has about half a second to freak out about her potentially snapping his neck before her mouth is pressed against his own.
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supacutiepie ¡ 5 years
I have headcanons... Head Cannons if you will
I thoroughly believe Bakugou is the type to bullshit his way around every little truth so honestly this shit might as well be canon bc he is Absolutely That Extra
- The new reveals told that: The reason we didn’t see his room is because it’s got shelves of romance manga.
-Therefor : Bakugou is a MAJOR BOOK NERD NESTER
-He has cookbooks, his trashy literature, his classics, his mangas, every school book he ever owned has been kept. 
-This includes shit he wrote himself
-Cookbook notebooks, its a full wall to wall scenario. He has books in every language and they make a librarian weep.
-The books he can’t read?? He has notebooks filled with translations he’s jot down after hours of scouring the internet and his OTHER books.
-TBFH his self written notebook collection puts “shitty nerdy fanboy deku” to shame
-Not only does he have this many books, they have consumed him. His room is wall to wall with them and they are so neatly organized to his mind that he just AUTOMATICALLY knows EXACTLY where every little page is. 
-You may think, “Bakugou is the neatest of the students”
-He understands his methods. You could never. I’m not shitting you, we have only ever seen his bed because its the only clean spot. He has piles of books, his closet is filled with his novelty t-shirts--
-Oh, he swaps out his wardrobe every season. Not because he cares per say but rather if he didn’t he’d drown in the clothes. His parents own a fashion line, every. single. month. he gets something new.
-Clothes mean jack shit to him. Sure, he gets it. He understands that clothes are “Expressions”... but to him its just bullshit extra merchandise that he gets in  packages once a month since he born. He long since left behind any attachment to anything that wasn’t some doofy bs novelty shit. His skull shirt collection is hideous and he loves it. 
-Bc he gets clothes so often, he just as often donates them.
-Everyone in 1-A has received a mysterious package of clothing. Everyone. And it’s always customized because like hell he’d just throw clothes at people puh-lease his father DESIGNS FASHION FROM SCRATCH
-It’s also ‘secretly’ his way of trying to put some kind of fashion sense in the heathens he lives with. 
-So his closet is full, his walls are lined with shelves and stacks and notes.
-But the rest of the “clear space” is filled with art.
- Drawings, Sketches, Designs. Little thing stacked up or tapped together. Prototypes over a desk thats STUFFED with pencils and erasers and extra paper and books. 
-Photographs of the places he’s been. So many different shots of Paris, mountains, rivers, lakes. He has a series of photo albums for the best and one is entirely dedicated to sunrises- another to sunsets.
-He has a map above his bedside. It’s the only spot big enough because it doesn’t have a big ass bookshelf on the wall.
-The map is big and delicately detailed. But it’s still just a map.
-The cool shit is that it is COVERED in tack-markers. Well, most of it is. 
-Europe is washed out by tacks. France has so many different colored tacks its an eyesore. Paris has a big ass push pin bc he’s been there so many times. Enough that when Aoyama starts mumbling obscenities at their classmates he has to stop himself from cackling along.
-He has a trail of pushpins along the Alps and Pyrenees. 
-The different colors mean things. But only he gets its.
* Black is Done. Been there, done it, no point going back.
*Green is Good. It’s a place he kinda liked, but its not somewhere he needs to go back to. Paris is a big ass green push pin.
*Red is for a place he wants to go back to. The mountains are a trail of red that grows inch by inch longer.
*Blue is for Potential. He marks his next trips in blue, but not his dream trips.
*Those would be his nice, doofy, silver tipped push pins. the classic “string on a crime board” kind. He has major cities plotted out with these. Theres a large mishmash over america filled with silver and blue. He has books and books and BOOKS on american mountain ranges and cuisine and he not-so-secretly plotted out a course all-might themed rest stops.
*Yellow is for his favorites. The first mountain he ever hiked, the onsen he found while his parents dragged him out to a business trip up north, the island they went on once for a family vacation. (He fell in love with the sunset. It was clear and bright and there were so many colors at once that its his ‘happy place’. He sat on top of a fucking volcano and it was AWESOME.)
-The map is obsessively picked over, the pins are carefully arranged, and the map itself its surrounded by his favorite snapshots of the places marked.
-His room is a mess. But he does know the exact inch everything belongs in.
-He may not seem it, but he is sentimental. He just doesn’t keep all the sentimental shit in the dorms. Those things are at home. On shelves and wall caddies and tucked between his even BIGGER collection of books and cd cases.
-He does have All Might merch, but again, at home. The few things he has at the dorm are hand drawn posters, so much cooler than the cheap shit you get in the store.
-He doesn’t have time for movies and shows, but when he does its either “cheesy romance serial” or “blood, guts, and glory”
-TBFH his FAVORITE movie is a bastard child of a romcom, an action, and a suspense thriller. It’s horrible, its audacious, its cheesy and the vgi is awful but its one of those Things he loves. (On really bad days, when his arms ache for hours and he didn’t sleep well the night before he lets the movie go on repeat just for the cheese. It’s a soothing ‘nothing really matters’ kinda Thing)
-Oh, lets not forget his arms.
-His quirk is DEMANDING. Its a needy little princess. He gets sick of it acting like a bitch. His arms will ache if he over does it, so he has a giant fucking box of tiger balms and compression wraps and weird fucking icy-hot concoctions.
-He DOESN’T have skin car shit. Surprise surprise, he doesn’t need it. He is soft. He is also, incredibly fucking annoyed.
-He has those super obnoxious spray colognes, some super expensive shit, and inbetweeners. Because otherwise he smells like he just rolled out a vat of butterscotch and step into a shower of caramel. But BURNT.
-Seriously, his room would be noxious from the nitroglycerin smell alone. He constantly has a fan going and the window open. And while the room is cluttered he CANNOT let it go uncleaned or he risks a build up of explosives. He has to change his sheets daily, he has a routine for covers and pillow cases, and he is damn near religious in clothes washing because otherwise he’s destined to explode Something he Doesn’t Want Exploded. (The books. The very flammable sometimes RARE books.)
-Oh, and he has MANY a blanket and throw. He swaps them out so he isn’t doing huge loads of laundry for the big shit. It’s mostly thin blankets anyways, but they’re super soft and cozy and he nestles up to read his books like a demented caterpillar. The blanket he sleeps with ALWAYS ends up on the floor. 
-He doesn’t like to think himself overly conceited. But he is cocksure and arrogant and he has an image to keep. So of course he has routines to make himself look good.
-This is just a Bakugou thing TBQH.
-More of a personal headcanon, but he’s definitely gay. Not in the super obvious way, but he’s definitely confident in it. He isn’t about to go plastering his walls with flags (as if they’d fit), and he isn’t jotting down crushes in a journal (he does have journals, they’re just... incredibly volatile and profane)
-He’s just, confident.  He has a single little rainbow picture, its a picture he took and its super cool and shit. A rainbow in the mountains, right after a shower. He keeps in in a frame in one of the bookshelves near his manga. It’s tasteful, and it’s subtle. He knows what its for, and the littleness of it feels nice and secure.
-He doesn’t shy away if asked. But no one asks. He’d be honest, if anyone did. It’s not something he will hide- that’d be cowardly...
-But deep down, it does give him pause. It’s something he wrestled into submission since he figured it out. He had this big dream of being N.1 and then one day he realized that, had society not advanced the way it did, he could have nothing. He’d never tell a soul but it scared him, to know that despite all his ‘perfections’  he had this one thing that would turn heads in a way he didn’t want.
-He realized though that it as just one more thing he’d own. So he noosed it, that fear, and he throttled it into submission. He’d be N.1, he’d be open, He’d pioneer that shit if he had too- but he didn’t have too. It ended up being something that added character if nothing else, and he was determined to make it a trait and not a flaw and to build his pride with it.
-That all being said, much like any self respecting gay- he does has a string of lights tastefully weaving over the wood of his bookshelves.
* He doesn’t get sick often. Just, doesn’t. He keeps a close watch on his health, is always good on hygiene, and in general doesn’t jeopardize his well-being.
* When he gets sick. It hits him like a FREIGHT TRAIN.
* He only gets fevers once in a blue moon and he’ll fight the damn moon itself to keep it this way because when he DOEs get a fever its like a putting a handful of firecrackers into a cooking pot.
* He pops when sweaty. He just DOES, It’s INCREDIBLY annoying but thankfully localized to the hands. But when the fever strikes, his whole body pops. He spends the majority of his fever curled up in something flame-proof to wait it out.
*If he’s sweating, and by some MIRACLe he blushes, he CRACKLES.
* He’ll kill you if you witness it.
* I said he’s confident, not that he can’t be flustered.
* On that note, he’ll take it to the grave, but he definitely made Kaminari discharge in front of the dorms that first day by kissing him. It was on the cheek though! And it fucking hurt. Touching Kaminari is like playing roulette and his finger tips smell funny afterwards so he tries to avoid it.
* Honestly, the same can be said for anyone with a quirk that can react to his.
*Fucking half-and-half actually worries him. For the sanctity of his clothing.
* That fight with Deku in ground-beta set off every nerve ending he had and for a solid 24 hrs afterwards he actually had trouble keeping his quirk under his skin. He can still vividly recall the arc of electricity over his face and it never fails to leave a lasting echo in his mind.
* Kirishima is good for this though. Ironically, he’s grounding. He’s the one person Bakugou has never worried about hurting or leaving damage behind. Likewise, he knows that Kirishima high-key needs the confidence boost that Bakugou drags with him everywhere, so he amps up his attitude when the red-head seems down.
* He has no earthly idea how to describe his relationship with Kirishima and it shows. He would never dare say it allowed, but he knows that the boy is his best friend and he’d honestly kill for him. But more so, he’d be willing to live and fight beside him.
* Kirishima is one of the VERY FEW who has a picture in Bakugou’s room. It’s from a hiking trip, and its really backlit so you honestly wouldn’t know at first glance, but its beautiful. A sunrise, right at the summit. A figure standing on a rock with a hand excitedly outstretched towards the horizon.
* The other people with photos, are his parents- and the Midoriya’s.
* It’s not as obvious this one. But he keeps a family photo on his bookself of the three Bakugous, and then theres an old photograph tucked away between some of his older school book collections.
* It’s a beach photo. He couldn’t be more than, maybe three? 
* It’s a whole other life. A time before his quirk. Before he knew he was destined.
*He’s sitting on a rock with a backsplash of salt and foam. He’s got an arm wrapped around a tiny Izuku. It was the only thing keeping the other boy from tumbling off into the waves. Their moms are sitting on either side, big happy faces all around.
*The boys were burnt, both heavily freckled, and smiling like the world was endless.
* The photo...makes him sad. He can’t explain it, not even sure what words could do so. It’s nostalgic sure, but something between the pixels of ink has him at a lost. It was such a different time, and the little boy in the photo is a stranger.
*Sometimes, rarely and in the dead of night when a nightmare finally gets him awake, he thinks about life. About how different it could have been, about the paths he chose and the ones he burnt. He wonders, he regrets, and he moves on before morning.
*Bakugou Katsuki refuses to dwell. He bottles and compartmentalizes and he tucks it away like a pamphlet in a library. Notes and subscripts to be lost in translation. 
( He’s vocal, he’s vivid. He writes. He loves his book collection and he writes his own short stories. His imagination is as vivid as the rest of the class, and he jots down half finished ideas all the time. He has a memory that makes an elephant cry, so his school notebooks are tiny and his idea notebooks are scattered. The words he can’t get out into the air are sometimes trapped in ink. )
1 note ¡ View note
ferriskilldeer ¡ 4 years
from this ask meme
What does your character typically keep in their pockets? nothing. pockets must be free in case he wants to put things in them later :)
Do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality? considers himself a realist. he’s mostly a pessimist, with some optimistic ideas about the people of barovia.
How do they carry themselves around strangers? Friends/Lovers? Family? always polite. a bit less sincere, more ingratiating around strangers. shy and mild around friends. tired around family.
If your character was a work of art, how would you describe them? oil painting -  tenebrism - isolated - articulate - cavernous despair
How does your character express they're comfortable? willing to close his eyes or at least lower his lids, relaxing his posture, asking personal questions of someone else
How does your character express that they're uncomfortable? wide, unblinking eyes and a rictus grin, quiet voice with less inflection. whats quickly becoming a catchphrase: “dont say things like that”/”oh x you shouldnt say things like that”
How impulsive is your character? not too much, but in the heat of the moment he makes some dumb decisions
What is something they cannot resist? cleaning and wine
What is their favorite scent? fresh laundry or fresh water, fruits
If they were in a rock band, what role would they play? bass guitar or keys
How does your character blow off steam? he decompresses a little by fussing over his companions’ appearances
Physically, does your character feel warm or do they always feel cold? cold-natured, but heats up quickly with drink or embarrassment
If they were a body of water, what would they be? pond
Does your character value promises? Are they good at keeping them? yes and yes
Describe their ideal date. something quiet and respectable--a public place where they can enjoy a private conversation. a quick but interesting meal before or after. escorting them to their home and bidding them goodnight. laying awake and giddy for hours afterward
What keeps them going? he’s not built for anything else
Does your character swear? What's their favorite phrase/word? he tends to swear because i do, and “fuck” slips in as a sentence enhancer a lot. if i played it completely straight he wouldn’t swear as much, especially in front of people he thinks are his social “betters”
How does your character act when they want to seem inviting? pleasant, servile, and charitable
How does your character act when they want to seem threatening? he hasn’t tried this yet. probably gets cold, toneless, and petty
Can your character flirt? Are they aware they're flirting? How do they do it? he flirts through compliments or friendly gestures, but gets embarrassed and immediately backs down from it 
If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.) something light and translucent, maybe green or pink, in a fine-cut clear glass decanter sealed with red wax. smells of soap and blood.
What kind of person would they never side with? the ruthless, the hungry, the unrepentant, the narcissistic
Would your character want to be famous? Why or why not? hell no--he must never be in the spotlight
What's a controversial food opinion they would have? he loves weird combinations. totally a “x on pizza” or “dip your nugs in y” type
How does your character feel about spending money? he’s frugal for himself, but generous when it comes to spending on others
What would they want for their funeral? he wants everyone he knows to come, he wants no one to come, he wants to be cremated, he wants no speeches, he wants a thousand tears, he wants no one to notice he died at all.
If they were a ghost, how would they haunt in the afterlife? funny: would clean up after the living and help out around the house. less funny: plaintive scratching at closed doors, cold spots, sounds of pacing, banging cabinet doors in a bid for attention
Why do they keep secrets? he’s ashamed of being alive
What does your character have too much of? shame and anxiety
What never gets old for your character? Something your character can't get enough of? new food and external validation 
Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts? yes, strong third eye
Does your character daydream? What do they usually keep their mind occupied with? he doesnt daydream often. often goes over lists of supplies, chores, sensations to occupy his mind if he starts to get too anxious
How do they feel about the unknown? frustrating and scary, but cant be helped
How do they respond to condescension? part tight, teeth-grinding fury, part resignation/agreement, self-loathing
Do they consider themselves childish/mature for their age? he’s always thought himself mature. but actually, his self-denial and black-and-white judgment of himself is a bit childish
What makes them blush? impropriety of any kind, and being complimented in any way
What are some ways your character acts silly? makes weird offhand remarks about birds, responding seriously to the overly creepy things others say
What fairytale/myth suits your character the best? the nightingale and the rose prob
What does your character believe their party lacks? power and, if hes honest, a fighting chance
Describe a corruption/redemption arc version of your character. the letter opener demands more and he gives more because hes always been a servant, and himself for the chance at beating strahd and saving ireena+barovia is hardly a price at all. i guess the letter opener eats his soul or something and he becomes cold, driven, and megalomaniacal. probably scares the others and eventually they part ways--perhaps violently, since ismark and marceline dont suffer any sort of disrespect or threat lightly. could only be redeemed if someone can convince him that he doesnt have to bear all the responsibility, and that theyd rather have their normal squishy ferris over an insane powerhouse. hed have to sacrifice himself/his power in some important way to make up for it though, if he did something really bad
What's a texture/sound your character cannot stand? dislikes ripping+scraping sounds, and chunky gloopy textures
Is there something your character isn't very good at, but enjoys doing nonetheless? talking about wine
Is your character good at apologizing? Why or why not? yes because hes very tactful
How do they hold onto people? physically? clasp a shoulder, grab an arm with one hand, or hold on to the fabric at the small of their back. 
What would they never forgive themselves for? killing an innocent person or doing something purely selfish
How does your character feel about growing old? fine, he just wishes hed wasted less time
Do they consider themselves funny? How do they use humor? he doesnt think hes especially funny, but gets a big confidence boost when someone laughs at his jokes, which he uses to defuse tension or establish a rapport
What do they want to leave behind? he just wants to forget his time at cobblepot manor. and he doesnt
Do they talk to themselves? sometimes mutters when hes annoyed
What is their native language? If they know multiple languages, how do they speak/act differently? he knows a lot, but the further they get from elvish or common, the more formal and archaic they get
What makes them a hypocrite? though he holds high standards for himself and others, he relaxes his standards for others quickly (“oh what did i expect anyway, im the responsible one here”). also will decry needless violence or murder, even though he murdered his boss brutally in the guy’s sleep
If your character was under quarantine, what type of quarantine person would they be? (Productive? Hobbyist? Lazy?) very productive. flits to new hobbies quickly
What does freedom mean to them? confusion, terror, excitement. its the only thing that would make him really happy, and he doesnt want it
What is something they currently look forward to? What is something they dread? look forward to getting a reward from the burgomaster. dread seeing strahd again
How has your character's mental health been recently? not great! but hes been holding it together because marceline is already upset and ismark is volatile. theres not room for his feelings.
If your character had wings what would they look like? sleek, pointy, fast-flying, well-preened, earth tones. falcon for efficiency, owl for discretion, or towhee for smallness
How does the way they act seemingly contradict their ability scores? very high cha abilities that he rarely uses, since marceline and ismark are more assertive. notably an intimidation score higher than marceline’s and equal to ismark’s that he would probably never use
What's a habit that needs to be broken? he needs to learn how to aim eldritch blast (i need to roll better)
What's something your character has realized? hes fucked
Who do they go to when they need to bounce ideas off of someone? suggests things to marceline and ismark (the other PCs), but makes a point to ask ireena (DMPC) what she thinks
Who do they go to when they've had a nightmare? nobody
Who does your character think is the most put together in the party? marceline or himself
Which party member would they pull a prank on? Who would they plan a prank with? ismark; marceline or ireena
What is one thing they want each party member to know? marceline: no matter where you come from or what youve done, youre a precious ally and friend to me. we are all unhappy here, so please just try to play along. ismark: you need a goal beyond protecting ireena and killing strahd because if you achieve those goals then youll be left adrift. and you deserve better. please stop yelling at, lying to, or trying to fight everyone we meet. ireena: you deserve more than life dealt you. as long as you live, there is hope for you. youre loved and protected by a lot of people, and its a happy burden.
Which do they value more?
65. Adoration or Intimidation? adoration
66. Outward Passion or Quiet Rebellion? quiet rebellion
67. Selflessness or Self-Preservation? selflessness
68. Objective or Subjective? objective
69. Journey or Destination? wishes he could say journey, but its destination
0 notes
comicteaparty ¡ 6 years
September 20th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on September 20th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal~! (http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin! NOTE Disclaimer about today’s questions: Questions have been written with the assumption at least some people have only read The Hunter of Fenaur and not Cali’s other comics. Keep that in mind with your spoilers.
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
I really enjoyed the restaurant scene, the facial expressions were adorable and I enjoyed the back and forth between the characters~!
i really enjoyed iris being like whatever to how ever much money he was spending.
This page gave me a good laugh
Draco Plato
hahah I enjoyed that too
take it offfffff
i actually think scene wise ivan getting to the place where thistle is dancing is my favorite. theres a lot of great illustrations and good energy.
Draco Plato
his little cameo in the back
ivan always showing up in the pervy places
I actually really liked chapter 3! http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/28 I relate so much to "holy crap everything here is expensive"
Iris, though... I mean, it's nice that he ordered what Thistle wanted, but... :| I feel like in some ways that's crossing a line
but he's trying to win Thistle over, so... I dunno, it's just something that makes me slightly uneasy.
haha i worried about that
its okay for me i also wondered if thistle even wanted a pansket. cause thistle couldve just been looking for that under the assumption itd be the cheapest
Well, from a comic side, it's fine. It shows their personalities. But if it was me on that date, I'd be like... "wait what"
Draco Plato
i wondered that too rebel, lol
Thankfully it ended up being that's what Thistle wanted.
Draco Plato
yeah i felt like if that had been me i'd have been a bit offended, like iris was coming on way too forcefully(edited)
nah personally im with you. i would be pissed if iris did that and would probably leave XD
http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/46 The bottom of this page
Draco Plato
what about it?
Oh wait, it was the one before it
Silly me
But good to see we got a dance lover in this story
Iris strikes me as wanting to unsettle thistle just a smidge. "Don't get too comfy"
tbf i think that might be true. cause you dont want your persons of interest to be too comfy when youre getting ready for an interrogation
although alternatively, iris might just not get out much
and just thinks its normal
secretly this is iris' first date and he spent 2 hours deciding what to wear
I have to say the restaurant scene. Thistle is so adorable eating those fancy food.
Draco Plato
takes two hours to decide what to wear and shows up in the same outfit XD
@RebelVampire Great, now I'm thinking of all the ways you can make someone comfy during an interrogation.
^That's me on a busy day
clearly iris decided that he should look casual and not come off as overly eager O_O
maybe iris did it this way so many times he thinks this is how a normal date is like
iris is the victim of the gold diggers
which to be fair
fenaur is probably full of them
cause fenaur is a terrible planet /shot
Draco Plato
iris just showing off his rich fancy pants self
Iris and his pants
Draco Plato
Waiter, I'll buy the whole menu
actually surprised he didn't do that XD
"That'll be one million dollars."
Ask the person to go on date. 5mins later... "Hey, are you the dude I'm looking for?"
"This is all business, no pleasure. That'll be in a few days."
wait wait wait
iris you cant wait till then to ask if youre making thistle uncomfy XD
that ship sailed at dinnedr
Draco Plato
"This aint uncomfy at all"
"So you're wasting my time" No, hes getting paid
Draco Plato
I'm sorry is my stalker nature uncomfortable
the questions are less work aren't they xD(edited)
Draco Plato
i did wonder why iris didn't just pay for him and only talk
I thought it was kinda a jerk thing to actually use him as a whore by actually sleeping with him based on what his ambitions are
especially knowing that thistle isn't that into him atm
granted thistle said it was fine
but maybe that was just to shut iris up too
Honestly, it wasn't until chapter 4 page 15 that I actually imagined Thistle having a deeper voice. I'd imagined he was putting on a falsetto to sound demure and then on this page he's all like: "Hmph. I highly doubt it" And Iris is all like "Dropped the bass too soon"
Thistle said his boss would be mad if he didn't do his job
Draco Plato
true but i mean sleeping with someone seems like a big deal, but that may just be me too
especially if you're mainly just trying to use them for something, it seems dishonest
sleeping with someone can be a big deal but might be a better option than getting beaten.
Iris was kind of trying to demand that he do what he paid for or gtfo
Draco Plato
yeah, and I think it works in story, but from a personal level I wouldn't consider it romantic at least
His boss could make a ton more money by treating these as therapy sessions tho
Lol yeah
I mean, there's an entire industry based on cuddling
Draco Plato
and unless the boss is filming it he doesn't really know wtf they're doing in there
Oh yeah, Kabo's right
Gotta milk out all them monies
...I mean, they live in fenaur. ....................Therapy would be useful.
Draco Plato
There might be cctvs. The world may never know
no no the planet has to be fixed first. cause otherwise therell never be enough theapists for the planet.
what about ciropractors
at the risk of being gross -- I would think the boss is happier with clients that talk instead of have sex -- means less to clean up...
Draco Plato
oh that's a good point
You don't have to pay for laundry or cleaner or anything!
Draco Plato
on fenaur i doubt they'd do that anyway
ew, ew ewwwwww
Draco Plato
omg that room is probably so filthy
Sex can be fun sometimes but good god it's messy as hell
never enter a Fenaurian brothel. Or at least don't--- take a black light in there
Draco Plato
rip PG chat
Realistically, the bigger problem is people who fall asleep and drool on the pillows
thistle now owes the boss an extra $10,000 for the pillow
That's why I always sleep on my back
Draco Plato
they didn't even spoon, gosh
http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/50 These pillows are probably just covered in drool.
to iris' credit, he at least commented what he did felt wrong
Draco Plato
drool and sweat
And some other unmentionable stuff
Draco Plato
Iris: I feel so wrong, if i stay longer maybe there'll be a round 2
If I stay longer, maybe I can examine him more.
Draco Plato
gotta look over his body again
for "clues"
jokes on you thistle has all the answers inked on his back
Draco Plato
QUESTION 2. Though Thistle and Iris grow close rather quickly, much is left to mystery. Who exactly do you think Thistle is? Is Iris right in that Thistle is connected to Dezar in some way? Alternatively, do you think the resemblance is a red herring? Whichever the case, do you think Thistle knows more about Dezar than he lets on? If so, why would he keep it secret? What do you think Thistle’s past is, especially in regards to the pain that Iris keeps mentioning he sees? Do you think Iris will be able to help Thistle in regards to his past, or is Thistle going to be forever haunted?
Thistle didn't let him see his back, so
I think Thistle is Dezar. But we'll see!
I like Thistle's reaction when Iris mentioned the name Dezar
Draco Plato
I think Thistle is some kind of plant
Thistle doesn't want his rap as a monster gettin' out, so he's like, ooph, gotta look cute! MAGIC, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Did someone say rap
Thistle is a flower literally iirc
draco no
thistle was a planet monster all along
I have thistles in my yard
should I pull them up
Clearly the solution to heal thistle is to give him fancy food
Draco Plato
maybe Thistle is his missing uncle
in disguise
Draco Plato
and that's why thistle was like no this is bad but then was like well okay, for my cute nephew
It is high likely that Thistle is Dezar tho becos it was mentioned Dezar can shapeshift.
draco no
bad draco
Altho by that logic Dezar can also be one of thistles pillows.
Draco Plato
and then he becomes his wife
and it's beautiful
but i am going to post a theory draco stated yesterday elsewhere
“maybe thistle is a sleeper agent
and was ordered to kill iris, and this is all a trap he set up to entice him”
a pillow that thistle drooled on
Draco Plato
oh thank you cause i couldn't remember the real theories I had XD
So thistle is Dezar XD
but Dezar is the sleeper agent of DESTRUCTION
Draco Plato
thistle cannot be dezar
Draco Plato
Why's that
Draco Plato
because one has black hair
So? XD
Draco Plato
and their face markings are different, gosh
and they have different clothes!
another of draco's darker theories
“they just happen to be the same height
maybe dezar brainwashed iris into loving him
and replaced thistle in his mind”
He's one of the pillows
Draco Plato
ah okay that was the better theory
even tho that tech be psychteria spoilers but w/e
Draco Plato
flails over multiple story confusion
cause atm i think most of us here have read psychteria anyway
Draco Plato
wait @CalimonGraal have you read psychteria? /shot
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Gasp Such spoilers how dare
Tenor | Shinavar
Zage had been changed, but. I mean like. ................Why can't Dezar have been changed to Thistle and then back?
Draco Plato
cause OvO;;;
Tenor | Shinavar
Would explain a lot tbh - serious mental damage
Draco Plato
internal screaming
we know almost nothing about Dezar aside from him being a super murderer
I'll never forgive him for what he did to Jamie's mooooooooom
Draco Plato
it's sad the song Stacy's mom started playing in my head(edited)
Kabocha no spillerz
Tenor | Shinavar
-Holds back my own screaming about Jamie's mom-
Hunter takes place AFTER Chronicles, so...
are they spoilers?
are they really
dezar couldnt live with what he did to jamie's mom either so said "plz employers i want to forget." so they made him into thistle. but then thistle regained dezar memories anyway cause employers sucked.
Tenor | Shinavar
THat's fair
hunter does indeed take place a lot of years after chronicles
Tenor | Shinavar
Wait why just Jamie's mom tho
and not like the whole neighborhood he nuked/moved
Draco Plato
cause she baked cookies
and we like cookies
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
We need dem cookies
Draco Plato
what's life without cookies
come back mom
fenaur clearly doesnt have cookies
Tenor | Shinavar
...Does Iris make some fine cookies?
its like the most luxury item
Dezar actually just want cookies
Draco Plato
Iris certainly does some fine baking in the bedroom
Pretty sure Iris can do anything
Draco Plato
except be tall
Draco Plato
Iris brings a box to stand on from now on
im so glad i was not drinking anything in that moment.
No workout will save him from that
Sorry Iris
i like the sleep agent theory because it makes iris bumping into thistle less of a coincidence
Draco Plato
I do too
Lol, yes.
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
cause it puts thistle more in control than it seems like
thistle laying in bed like all according to keikaku
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
New level of Voyuerism right there
as long as thistle is still drooling while thinking that
Draco Plato
well he's thinking about jamie's mom's cookies then
Tenor | Shinavar
Or exhibitionist. Or both. \
He's drooling about food and other stuffs
Tenor | Shinavar
LOL omg
BL doesn't stand for boy love it's Bake Love
Pretty sure he wished Iris brought more strawberry cakes
I heard strawberry cakes
ya know iris really should have
strawberry cakes for everyone
cause bribery is another option for getting ppl to talk
Draco Plato
Iris: I know you're not happy to see me, but- BUT- I brought cake, so
"Hey uh I brought you strawberry cakes, tell me, are you Dezar?"
Draco Plato
Thistle: eating the cake MMmmmmph?
Draco Plato
Thistle: Man you're focused on this Dezar guy, just go sleep with him then fume fume
I heard Dezar likes strawberry cakes too
Draco Plato
Thistle: Who told you that???
Thistle: I mean.... cough I don't care, who cares, who's Dezar, who's cake
thistle and dezar are really brothers. and the pain iris is always seeing is thsitle remembering that time dezar stole his cake
Draco Plato
inwardly he's just cursing him in his mind
He stole the entire thing
Draco Plato
maybe dezar is his split personality
Not even a morsel was left
Draco Plato
maybe they're conjoined twins
in their soul
split personalities opens hilarious doors
iris and thistle sleep together
iris wakes up
surprise dezar is in bed with him
"Wake up, sweetie"
Draco Plato
Oh no, I was supposed to capture him but instead I captured his heart
Or rather his heart was captured
iris is a pokemon trainer
catches hearts
hey the king just wanted dezar contained. iris is choosing to contain dezar with love.
Draco Plato
Iris: It's okay, I've contained him in my bedroom sparkles
It still works in a way.
Tenor | Shinavar
(I admit minor disappointment in Iris no having candy crush on his phone)
Draco Plato
hey maybe we just didnt see it
He already finished it
>Candy Crush
thats what he did after buying thistle's time
So he deleted the app
he probably had sailormoon drops if he wanted suffering
Draco Plato
Hi Bone~!
Hi bone(edited)
hello bone~!
eey Bone~
Tenor | Shinavar
“1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?”
THe dinner scene: Because Iris comes off so much like a sugar daddy it's killing me.
“2. Though Thistle and Iris grow close rather quickly, much is left to mystery. Who exactly do you think Thistle is? Is Iris right in that Thistle is connected to Dezar in some way? Alternatively, do you think the resemblance is a red herring? Whichever the case, do you think Thistle knows more about Dezar than he lets on? If so, why would he keep it secret? What do you think Thistle’s past is, especially in regards to the pain that Iris keeps mentioning he sees? Do you think Iris will be able to help Thistle in regards to his past, or is Thistle going to be forever haunted?”
I wasn't under the impression they're close at all. Just because you pay to do the deed don't mean jack and neither have been very forthcoming without having serious strings attached/one hell of a mental game of chess going on. DUE TO SPOILERS I can't answer some of this but yeah I like the secret agent idea going around.
Seems like the dinner scene is a fav
Draco Plato
it was a good scene
full of emotion
sorry thistle, no one cares about your dancing. your performance calling is eating(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm just hooked on the idea Iris is SO USED to being rich any concept around it is kjust mind boggling to him
Draco Plato
thistle was showing much leg
Tenor | Shinavar
To the point he's forgoing so many social norms apparently hhhh
Iris is secretly a prince
Iris is now our price
iris was the king's son all along!
it's all in the l e g s
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd believe it
Draco Plato
le gasp
the king just wanted an excuse to meet his son
Tenor | Shinavar
Boi gotta earn his lavish lifestyle
Becos he can probably get anything with cash
i imagined iris in a prince outfit now
Tenor | Shinavar
Next time he pays for Thistle - meet him in the room already dressed
prince iris's actual plan; make thistle into one of his concubines
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
i'd buy it
nope this is the new canon
iris is a prince
its how he got his sassy walk
Tenor | Shinavar
iris also intends to overthrow his father
which explains psychteria
all the pieces fall into place
and then we put them back together?
??? not sure what your meaning is?
Fnaf ref(edited)
Draco Plato
if it wasn't in a song I won't get FnaF refs
QUESTION 3. In recent times, Iris seems to more or less have convinced Thistle to help him. Do you think Thistle will indeed help Iris, or will Thistle throw in the towel for some reason? Similarly, will Iris still want Thistle’s help after they’ve been together for some time? Besides information, how do you foresee Thistle might help Iris? Given Thistle’s fear of his boss, do you think Thistle and Iris will suffer consequences for Thistle trying to leave? Assuming the two manage to find Dezar, what do you think will happen in that case? Lastly, what events in general do you foresee might bring the pair closer together?
Draco Plato
so many questions
Somehow I think Thistle will mislead him
Draco Plato
i think foreshadowing has been set up for the boss being hard to get away from
so it seems like he'll be an obstacle at some point because of that
if Thistle were Dezar why would he be so afraid of the boss
what is the boss's secrets
is he a titan
the boss is scary
Draco Plato
he don't look scary
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm waiting for Thistle to like; milk Iris dry. "Do you like this?" "SLip me a $20 and I'll tell you" /shot
Draco Plato
he totally should, LOL
Tenor | Shinavar
But nah; the way things sounds there's gotta be a conract on Thistle or something that money alone would prevent him from being able to escape - though with Iris' penchance to just kill and ask questions later in case he was heavily mistaken <_< He's gotta be a top grade A badass for that to just not happen either
THe boss I mean being a badass
thistle agreed to help cause hes like "clearly this dude wants to be my sugar daddy. time to leave and get to wear jewels and fine fabric outfits all the time."
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
buy me a penthouse sugardaddy
i would assume the boss has minions so maybe it doesnt matter if the boss is scary or not if the minions are scary
and secretly titans
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
i wonder how strong thistle is
Tenor | Shinavar
Either way something has to exist to prevent Iris' murder itch
strong enough to fireman carry Iris when he's being a shit
Draco Plato
cause if he were dezar on that hypothetical than why would an immortal fear anyone
Tenor | Shinavar
THat would fall into the sleeper agent idea, wouldn't it?
If he doesn't know he's immortal-
Draco Plato
or if he's a sleeper agent for an organization and not dezar than it could all be a ruse
Tenor | Shinavar
Tho TBF - if you were immortal would you still want to go through pain and live your life on the run?
if this is the case, thistle is gonna get stabbed, almost die, but then not die and be like "wtf is going on"
Draco Plato
maybe he's trying to have the boss kill iris
Tenor | Shinavar
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Iris holding him sobbing hysterically in a pool of blood
Thistle just coughs and sits up like "who died wtf iris"
Draco Plato
stop blubbering like a baby you loser, i'm fine
Tenor | Shinavar
-choke- "tis but a flesh wound"
Draco Plato
omg XDD
Tenor | Shinavar
I was about to cheer I didn't feel old
then I remembered we're the same age
Draco Plato
it's okay, we're old together
kabo and rebel got it too i'm sure
Tenor | Shinavar
I liked the scene where Iris was all "I will buy all of your knives ... also I will take a couple right now because evil is afoot!"
Draco Plato
i wondered why iris didn't bring his own weapons
after he'd been preparing for days
but then didn't bring weapons XD
Left them in the last person he killed. Can always buy more.
Tenor | Shinavar
I want to pretend he did
Draco Plato
pulled a deadpool and left them in the car
Tenor | Shinavar
but left them in the bike
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
Cause he's kinda 'derp' about social norms - so I like to think he's one of those people who never failed a lot?
Cause he acts like someone who doesn't know much failure in life <_<
Tried spoons on the last mission, they didn't go so hot, needs to buy his knives back.
He never picks the knives once he threw it
what about forks
Had watched 'The Tick' too much.
Draco Plato
when in doubt use cutlery
But get the cake to go.
Tenor | Shinavar
yes i concur with tenor, that iris isnt well adapted to failure
minus whatever might have happened with his uncle
thistle is not helping iris' ego
Tenor | Shinavar
THistle's gonna make it worse I bet
Thistle finds Dezar, Dezar says "I am your father", and Thistle helps him escape from Iris.
Draco Plato
oh that could be
dezar could be his dad
cause there was the orphan comment on thistle's end
Yis. Dezar gave him up for adoption because people were trying to kill him.
Dezar that is, not Thistle.
Tenor | Shinavar
Would Dezar know tho, bc mom and all that?
Don't want to give assassins someone who's a relative to target.
Draco Plato
men give birth a lot on fenaur
Tenor | Shinavar
I forgot that
especially shape shifter men
Tenor | Shinavar
...WHat if the original Dezar is gonna die thanks to Iris but then Thistle changes his identity to Dezar to escape his boss?
I ended up thinking of seahorse
I was thinking the boss know who dezar is
Iris shouldve bribed him first
Tenor | Shinavar
i like it cause its ironic, that this immortal dezar actually wasnt so immortal after all
i mean really
where is the king's info coming from
Draco Plato
Dezar isn't really immortal, it's just he keeps giving the title over to another shapeshifter. Thistle is next Dezar.
Draco Plato
Tenor | Shinavar
This is true. And look at how rumors/legends get around
Draco Plato
that'd be neat tho if it was just an assassin name or something
It's like that pirate king in "Princess Bride".
Dezar is the avatar
Draco Plato
yus, that's who i was thinking of too
Tenor | Shinavar
Or maybe Iris is the next Dezar. Takes on the mantle to protect Thistle from people who think Thistle is Dezar.
Draco Plato
that'd be neat
but iris so short
Draco Plato
they're like storm troopers, gotta be 6ft
guy who knew the last dezar meets iris dezar, is like "hey did you get shorter"
Draco Plato
then iris pulls out his box and stands on it and says call me short now O_O
More like pulls out knives.
Draco Plato
real question is does iris' stature hint at him being the uke
in the future that is
only if we apply the anime ruleset
That means he plays the ukulele in bed?
Draco Plato
now that i know zage is pronounced like mage I feel like anime logic is lost
that's exactly what it means math
Problematic if there's no strings attached.
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
awww wouldn't it be cool if Thistle were a living doll
I always thought it's pronounced like that
I think I ship.... the booth bunnies in Panel 2 here. http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/9
i cant unpicture iris playing a ukulele in bed now. and thistle waking up being like wtf im trying to sleep
Draco Plato
oh no i didn't even notice them before, they're cute
thistle would make a pretty doll
Draco Plato
Iris: It's because I'm the Uke, this is what I do
yeah cali's background characters are actually pretty interesting and cute if you take the time to look
Draco Plato
They are, it's true
Rebel: Thistle can play the seme instrument.
QUESTION 4. Despite the comic’s infancy, there are several mini mysteries that have been hinted at throughout. Who do you think was the mysterious stranger who glared at Thistle and Iris on their “date?” Is it no one, someone from Thistle’s past, someone from Iris’ past, or someone tied to the story in a different way? What do you think the stranger wants from Thistle and/or Iris? Further, Iris has mentioned a missing uncle. What do you think happened to Iris’ uncle? Do you think hunting Dezar will help Iris find him? If so, how? If not, do you think Iris will give up the search or suffer through it for years to come? Lastly, who the heck is Dezar? How do you think he became immortal, and do you think there is an actual way for Iris to defeat someone so dangerous?
Let's hear it for background characters!
aww ukelele duets
Like duelling banjos but with more gay.
rubs hands together cause some of those questions you cant have answers to just from reading cali's other comics
I thought it was the boss
I step away to get dinner and come back to conspiracy theories and avatar talk!
welcome back~
I'm proud of you all. Anyway, who glared at Thistle and Iris? Probably Iris' boss.
The stranger wants to know where to get cool knives and birthmarks like them.
Iris has probably been told not to sleep with his marks.
iris pls
Or possibly the stranger just wants a nice cake, like Thistle got.
Iris is a walking HR complaint.
Thistle was seduced by cake. :3
Seduce the cake back
gonna give some help http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/25 glare-y person http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/comic/43 who we can assume is the boss
The missing uncle is actually the guy who was selling gym equipment at the sales day. Disguised. Been tracking Iris for a while.
While the Glare-y person is Thistle's ex-boyfriend.
Or maybe that's the other way around.
just watched them at the restaurant the whole time thinking "how dare you buy thistle cake you date stealer"
WAIT IS THAT GLARING PERSON............................................ Whatishname
"how dare you go to the one restaurant I cannot afford"
i'm not sure if sen was born yet when HoF happened
no shush cali
its sen
Sen's father! Or grandfather!
Sen is also immortal now.
Sen's memories of his sister are fake.
maybe it is sen's father tho
She was ACTUALLY his handler and the mastermind of the Psyc/ --cue Kabocha being dragged off for spoilers
rip XD my theory is its iris' debt collector. iris isnt rich, he just maxes out his credit cards
Good idea
GASP! He's gonna break Iris' knees
iris trying to impress everyone how rich he is
I like that one. Collects debts by taking Iris' boyfriends.
has trashcans full of dead cards
Or maybe it's a ukulele salesman. ducks runs
What if it's really Dezar with some foundation to cover up his eye marks
Or it's Thistle's makeup specialist/manicurist.
or both O_O dezar quit being a murderer and switched careers but had to hide lest the past follow him
"If he eats cake he's going to ruin his lipstick!!"
r.i.p. lipstick
after thistle ran out he approached thistle and said how dare, now we have to go redo all your makeup
what color lipstick does he wear
Like Iris' heart.
like his soul
or that
On the topic of how do you trap a person who's immortal... maybe pin them to a wall with knives? Or dig a pit and put tasty cake on top as a trap? (Does Dezar like cake too?)(edited)
that sounds brutal
iris has black everything. black heart, black soul, etc.
he likes to paint it all black
Black beard?
i mean tbf being immortal doesnt auto mean youre super invulnerable
Black lipstick
so maybe they just pin dezar to the wall
leave him
he still feels pain
and dezar is just trapped forever
Dezar's the pin-up boy.
ppl stop by every tuesday to throw tomatos at him
Or cake.
His feelings can be hurt.
hes secretly quasimoto
Iris: You have split ends and your skin is dry. Dezar: cries forever
on a diff note, maybe iris' uncle is the king O_O and iris just doesnt realize it cause the king looks like a kid
Oh, right, the King. Hmm, maybe Dezar and the King have a bet going, that's how the whole thing started. It's why Iris had to swear to the consequences and all.
the king and dezar are teaching iris a lesson about failure
since iris doesnt know about failure
That's actually a pretty valid point. They already tried to do it through the debt collector and it didn't work.
Iris does seem to be rethinking things towards the end there though. That's interesting.
yes, iris does have a conscience
maybe during his journey iris is going to find out dezar killed his uncle, thus giving him personal incenetive for his hunt. only to find out that his uncle was a terrible person.
That would be an interesting twist.
Or it was an uncle-Dezar duel, and they both attacked, except for the immortality thing guaranteeing a win.
(Or is Dezar the uncle?)
Anyways I guess since time's almost up, I'd like to say good luck with the rest of the comic, Cali. You have a great story going on here and it's backed up with some cool art (and cute bois).
Draco Plato
I think it's a fun read and the dialogue is well written
Yeah, big universe there, much going on!
but that is an interesting point. dezar can just always win by challenging to duels and then surprise, hes immortal
can never lose
try try again O_O
thank :"3
Maybe that's why the King wants him dead. Accidentally accepted a duel next month.
Cali - I look forward to reading more!
You're welcome
And I second Kabo~
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to CalimonGraal, as well, for making The Hunter of Fenaur. If you liked the comic, make sure to support CalimonGraal’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/
CalimonGraal’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CalimonGraal
CalimonGraal’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/CalimonGraal
CalimonGraal’s Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pAjPAfu
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Heart of Keol by keiiii. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, September 27th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub! @keii4ii Comic’s Main Site: http://www.heartofkeol.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: < https://tapas.io/series/keol/%3E
Comic’s ComicFury Mirror: http://keol.webcomic.ws/
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limbsbo ¡ 8 years
Tag meme thingy
I was tagged by @gay-cacti lets gooo
-most recent-
• Drink: water • Phone call: my dad • Text: dad, again • Song listened to: Partition by Beyoncé • Time you cried: if we’re being completely honest, today
-have you ever-
• Dated someone twice: nope • Been cheated on: nuh uh • Kissed someone and regretted it: no sir • Lost someone special: yep • Been depressed: yeah • Been drunk and thrown up: ive been sober my whole life
-in the last year, have you-
• Made a new friend: i made a fuck-ton of new friends this past year • Fallen out of love: ive never been in love romantically, but platonically yes • Laughed until you cried: omg yeaah • Met someone who changed you: probably • Found out who your true friends are: @gay-cacti, my friend michael, a few others • Found out someone was talking about you: these two girls were talkin shit abt me wearing a green robe instead of a white one at a promotion ceremony and basically just being transphobic assholes. I dont give a shit tho lmaooo they can be ignorant all they fuckin want i have enough problems as is Kissed anyone on your FB list: nope
• How many ppl on your FB list do you know irl?: all of em • Do you have any pets?: i used to have two cats but they both had to be put down, Indigo was super sick when i was like 3, dont remember her much, and Tigger was super old & was in a lot of pain so we put him down when i was 8. I had two beta fish named Beauty and Beast (lived up to their names lmao) and they live to be about 6 months old, which sucked bc i remember taking rlly good care of them??? Mayb my lil bros did smthn i have no clue • Do you want to change your name?: nah jamie suits me • What did you do for your birthday?: i dont remember holy fuck! Wowie you woulda thought id remember the big one-five but [insert that shrug emoji here] i think i hung out with @gay-cacti????? Julia help me out here • What time did you wake up today?: i got out of bed at 6:40am i hate highschool scheduling • What were you doing last midnight?: catchin some killer zzz’s • Name something you cant wait for: getting my grubby mitts on a copy of the walking dead season 3 for xbox one im a SLUT for this series please put me out of my misery • Last time you saw you mom: a lil over an hr ago while i was doing laundry • What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: i wish i was happier • Have you ever spoken to a person named Tom: nah but the name tom is weird and i associate that name with voldemort so. No Thnks • Whats getting on your nerves right now?: my parents • Bloodtype: O neg if youre fatally wounded hmu • Nicknames: my fam calls me JJ, J, sibling, sweetheart/honey/etc., my friends call me jamjam, my name in spanish (pronounced hai-me), and one of my friends calls me jim on occasion, that was mostly in middle school tho (also in middle school i was called pajamas bc i always wore/wear sweatpants) • Relationship status: solo sniper • Pronouns: they/them. If you refer to me with she/her i will find you and i will cover your living room with dildos. Every surface of every object in your living room will be smothered with silicone rods of phallic resemblance. Also a 55gal drum of lube will be used to coat them • Long or short hair: short, used to be long af • Height: tall enough to knock your teeth out, short enough to duck and run sucessfully • Do you have a crush?: nah • What do you like abt yourself?: im very funny and pretty • Rigt handed or left handed?: right • First surgery: never had surgery for anythin • First best friend: this girl named Abby in kindergarten, she moved away in second grade. We got along very well, her mom helped us make broomsticks from branches and hay, they were rad as shit • First sport you joined: technically ballet, but if we’re talkin olympics then tennis. I took lessons for about 3 years but then stopped for some reason • First vacation: the first one i can remember is disney world in florida back in kindergarten, that was p lit
-right now-
• Eating: burger, brat, tater tots • Drinking: nothing, last thing i drank was oj i think • Im about to: do my hw • Listening to: nothing really, just the sounds of the dryer and my fam talking downstairs • Kids: Maybe ill adopt a teenager when ive got my life sorted out (30s maybe??? Only future me knows) • Get married: if i dont get married id at least like to live with someone i trust and care about, be our relationship romantic or platonic • Career: im hoping to get into a good art school but i doubt ill be able to afford what i want, i want to be an animator or a character designer. Voice acting sounds cool too
-which is better-
• Lips or eyes: eyes. • Hugs or kisses: why not both • Taller or shorter: i wanna be taller, i like being taller than my friends • Older or younger: there are pros and cons to both, but im gonna have to go with younger. Everything is new and exciting and games are everywhere when youre young, as you get older theres still some of that but its discouraged and that sucks ass • Romantic or spontanious: Why Not Both • Sensitive or loud: i, myself, am a confusing mix of the two, so i must direct you to my previous statement; WHY NOT BOTH • Hookup or relationship: relationship • Troublemaker or hesitant: B O T H calculated troublemakers are always so much fun to hang around and they dont go too far most of the time
-have you ever-
• Kissed a stranger: no • Needed glasses/contacts: bitch im blind without my glasses. No joke. I Will run into a wall. Im basically velma • Broke someones heart: i hope not • Turned someone down: yeah • Cried when someone died: Yes • Fallen for a friend: no
-do you believe in-
• Yourself: yeah for the most part • Miracles: eh • Love at first sight: noope its cute but impractical • Heaven: i dont believe in god but i like to think that theres a place after we die that allows us to be whomever we want. You want a dick? Done. Vagina? Here you go pal. Wanna be a teen again? BAM youre 16. A place where you can be yourself and pursue you passion without fear of consequense • Kissing on the first date: it depends on your history with that person
Im not gonna tag anyone to do this but if you wanna do it then be my guest homie
0 notes
viralhottopics ¡ 8 years
Drew Barrymore ‘I don’t pretend to be perfect’
Drew Barrymore is back on our screens, this time as a flesh-eating estate agent. She tells Rebecca Nicholson about the endless ups and downs of her life from child star to teen rebel, and savvy producer to business woman and explains why shell fight to the death to be happy
Drew Barrymore walks into the hotel room in Berlin flanked by assistants, caked in heavy TV make-up and wrapped in a brown fluffy jacket that makes her look like a very glamorous teddy bear. Within seconds, the entourage has disappeared, shes wiped every last scrap of foundation from her face and shes rummaging around underneath her dress, a kind of earth mother hippy smock, regretting her decision to wear tights on this sub-freezing day. Why does anyone wear pantyhose? she exclaims, barefaced, faux-exasperated, shifting in her armchair, trying to get comfortable. Theyre so fucking sadistic! Theyre not even control pants, she says, conspiratorially, but Im forcing them to be.
For a lot of women, especially women who grew up between 1982 and the early 2000s, Barrymore is a particular kind of icon. Shes the accessible rebel we all wanted to be, or be friends with. Shes the child star of ET who hit the skids early and hard, and not only survived, but went on to be one of the most popular (and bankable) female stars of the past three decades. She appeared in, and often produced, the kinds of movies that are vital viewing for teenagers, from the trashy taboo-busting rebellion of Poison Ivy, to the triumphant high school romcom Never Been Kissed, to the moody angst of Donnie Darko. Plus, in her 20s, she seemed to hang out with the best bands, go to all the best parties and always looked like she was having the time of her life. She was the manic pixie dream girl before it became a tacky indie film stereotype. The memoir she wrote in 2015 is, appropriately, called Wildflower.
She looks genuinely pleased that she holds such a place in peoples minds, and decides that if people do like her, If anyone has any goodwill towards me, careful not to sound arrogant, its because she extends goodwill to other people. Not in an annoying way, but just, like, being in peoples fucking corners. Its this combination of soft and sharp, all wrapped up in that valley girl lilt, that has carried her through life. I want people to be happy, but I know happiness has to be fought for. Its a warrior trophy. Its not hippy, she insists. Im like, fight. Fight to the death to be happy, and dont kill anyone along the way.
Little riot grrrl: Drew Barrymore with Steven Spielberg at the age of five on the set of 1982s ET. Photograph: Everett Collection/Rex Features
Were in Germany to talk about Santa Clarita Diet, the new Netflix series which has brought her back into the spotlight again at 41. Its a warm and occasionally gross 10-part comedy about Sheila and Joel, estate agents who have been together since their school days, and whose marriage is tested when the amiable Sheila develops a sudden taste for human flesh.
I stopped working to have my kids and take care of them and raise them, and so I was nervous about working again, she says. I was going through a dark time in my own life. And then I read it and I liked it. Now what am I supposed to do? I cant do this right now, its terrible timing, my whole life is falling apart. She ended up executive producing it as well as starring.
That her life was falling apart out of the spotlight was a new thing for Barrymore, who had played out most of her life in a very public sphere. No ones talking about my life. I mean, yes, I had a divorce, but even that was real quiet. She split up with actor Will Kopelman, the father of her two children, Olive, four, and Frankie, two, at the beginning of 2016, but recently posted an Instagram of him running the New York marathon; she was there, with their daughters, to support him. It was like, Oh, they didnt work out, I wonder why? Oh my God they seem like such good friends, and so amicable, I guess well stop giving a shit. I was so happy about that, she says, breezily.
Warm and occasionally gross: Barrymore in Santa Clarita Diet. Photograph: Erica Parise/Netflix
In the midst of her divorce, Santa Clarita Diet was a transformative experience. Ironically, it wasnt the worst timing. It was great. It was really happy. It was a good summer. My daughters and I got to go out to California and I got three days off a week. Just as becoming a proto-zombie saves Sheila from the numbing boredom of domestic life, Barrymore went through her own kind of rejuvenation. I feel like Sheila. I feel like maybe I was dead inside, she says cheerfully, blowing her nose. I dont know. I was in a place in my life where I had gained a lot of weight, and been in a place of fear and sadness, and I felt stuck. I dont think thats so much unlike the character.
Until she took time away from acting to have kids, Barrymore had never not worked. She began her career at 11 months in an advert for dog food, quickly becoming the main breadwinner for herself and her mother, Jaid, who raised her alone. Her father John Barrymore, of the Barrymore acting dynasty The great line of loonies from which I come, as she puts it wasnt around much. Her extraordinary youth was public and well-documented. Her breakout role in ET, at five years old, was followed by an outlandish few years of childhood boozing and drug-taking, rehab and institutions, and the sense that, at 14, she was washed up and her career was over.
But it wasnt. She moved into an apartment by herself, got a job in a coffee shop, learned how to do her own laundry and, eventually, clawed her way back into the business, defeating the curse of the child actor where so many others have been lost. She has said her 20s were a kind of delayed adolescence. Now, in her 40s, shes had a lifetimes worth of parties and experiences, and says she doesnt miss it at all. I dont feel like Im not at the centre of things. I dont worry about career stuff. I dont worry about who the hottest band is or that Im not at that show that night. I dont care if the latest trend is happening and its just passing me by.
Star quality: Barrymore with Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu in Charlies Angels. Photograph: Image Net
Her idea of a good time these days is taking the girls to Disney World, or setting up movie nights for the kids in my daughters class. I just watched Home Alone and all the moms and I were crying at the end. Oh my God, its so good! I appreciate it now much more than I did when I was younger.
Shes too classy to be drawn into any child actor comparisons it would be patronising, annoying, no thanks, she says, nicely but firmly but we talk more broadly about celebrity scandals. Everyone goes up and goes down. Thats life. Nobody wants all of it looked at and discussed. However, if you do put yourself out there, then you need to be prepared for that to be examined and you have to handle it to the best of your abilities. So for people who are like [she puts on a whiny voice]: Dont look at me you put yourself out there!
Is there any way to avoid being examined and discussed? Not in this day and age. You just try to manage things in the healthiest way you can. And by the way? You wont all the time. Youre gonna fuck up. So fuck up, then pick yourself back up. But just be nice and kind and humble and gracious and have a sense of humour. And dont pretend to be perfect.
Golden girl: winning a Golden Globe for Grey Gardens in 2010. Photograph: NBC/Getty Images
Barrymore dealt with her own initial fuck-ups in an incredible and startling memoir, Little Girl Lost, which she wryly calls, The mea culpa book I wrote when I was 14. She appeared on Oprah with her mother to promote it, to go over what went wrong. You can watch it on YouTube; shes 15 going on 35. Yet the book has a cult following, in part because it makes all the partying she did as a young child sound kind of adventurous. Yeah! Its like an 80s cult tragedy book, which is super cool and wrong and fun all at the same time. Its a little riot grrrl, you know?
Theres a chapter where Barrymore describes being hauled off to an institution at her mothers behest, and shes furious at the starstruck guards. God, youve just yanked me out of my house with cuffs on, I thought, and now youre asking me what it was like to meet ET. What jerks, she writes. Even at 14, she had a disdain for celebrity. Still do, she says, today.
We meet on the afternoon of Trumps inauguration. She plans to watch it later, as shes a total news junkie, but she doesnt particularly want to talk about what she thinks of him. Im not a painter and Im not a musician and I think people dont want to hear it from actors, she says. I read this op-ed in the New York Times that was saying, just do things quietly, in your art.
Slasher: Barrymore in Wes Cravens Scream, 1996. Photograph: Allstar
Barrymore is more about the practical. During her screen break, she wrote Wildflower, which became a New York Times bestseller, and shes built a sizeable business empire, including Barrymore wines, a production company, Flower Films, and beauty brand Flower Cosmetics. All of which channel some of that free-spirit warmth into profits reports suggest shes worth $125m. Theres a line in Santa Clarita Diet where Sheila announces: I sleep two hours a night. I get so much done! It struck me that for Barrymore, spinning so many plates, that might be funny. Actually, she says, it was originally written that Sheila would use her spare time to learn French. Me, in my real life, would spend time learning French. This woman literally has a ticking clock on her mortality. Shed be studying fucking Bruce Lee moves and learning to do shit. The line was changed at Barrymores request: instead of learning a language, Sheila would get the ability to parallel park in one move. Im, like, yes! Thats practical!
Its strange to see Barrymore, who seemed to be an eternal teenager, starring as the mother of a teenager in Santa Clarita Diet, partly because her fame is life-long, and you can see interviews with her at almost every age on YouTube. But, she says, she never watches them, never goes back. Hell no. The only thing I ever think when I see myself when Im younger, if Im on a talk show and Im stuck there having to watch clips, is that I was so much more brassy when I was young. Im like: Where do you get the balls, kid?
She says it as if those balls have disappeared with age. She claims shes much more polite now. Sarcastic, but polite. And worse still, she tries to say shes newly dull. In my life Im just so quiet and boring, she declares, not entirely convincingly. This is Drew Barrymore, after all, who talks with the hunger of someone who will always be on the lookout for something new, whether thats being a mother, a businesswoman, or playing a friendly estate agent who kills and eats bad people. I am pretty boring, she insists. I tell her I dont believe it. She smiles slyly, and leans in. Theres a rebel in her still. Im not sure I believe it either.
Santa Clarita Diet launches on Netflix on 3 February
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jr2JjQ
from Drew Barrymore ‘I don’t pretend to be perfect’
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