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She/Her • Quotev: www.quotev.com/Iphiloupe • PFP by @rorydrawsandwrites
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
You: This sour patch kid would kill a victorian child!
The victorian child, who has been in the Peaky Blinders since the age of six and has already drunk more gin today than you have in a month:
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
I had a dream that I was in the Interview with the vampire universe despite never seeing a single episode of the show, and I was tied to the chair while the two main (gay??????) vampires were about to like. Kill me and drink my blood or whatever but they got into an argument about something right in front of me, bickering and shouting non stop
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
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EPIC: The Face Saga
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
As a theatre major this is one of my favourite anecdotes
Hey, i was wondering if you could hook us up on some info (preferably a bit detailed or crazy) about the ,,Battle of Hernani''. It's possibly my favorite insane Hugo story, and unfortunately i can't get my hands on any Hugo biography here in my country :(
Before this morning, all I knew of this was from the brief mention in the Foreword of my copy of Les Mis that had suggested that Vicky started a riot at the opening night of one of his own plays, which, on-brand as it seemed, also felt like I must have read something wrong.
Strap in, Friends, because this is gonna be a wild ride.
So first we need to talk about what Hernani is and represented: it's a play (full name: Hernani ou l'Honneur Castillan, free at Gutenberg Project and honestly a gem on its own) that Thicctor wrote around 1829/1830 whose opening night was slated for 25 Feb 1830. It was a Romantic play that subverted basically every Classical pillar of plays (these pillars having been erected by Aristotle, so of course Classicists and Neo-Classicists were real hoity-toity about it). Also, Vicky had actually written another play before this which had been censored for making fun of King Louis XVIII, and after several appeals was still blocked, including by King Charles X himself. So this play was kind of in response to that and intended to be highly inflammatory.
As the performers rehearsed and snippets of the script were leaked to the public, people were horrified by basically everything about it. In theory, this should have made them boycott it, right? But theatre also was the primary form of entertainment there, and this is Paris, so everyone was like,
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Vicky sees this happening and is like, "yeah, that's right, stirring the pot." Thing is, Huge-hoe has respectable friends in the Romantic community: Balzac, Baudelaire, Dumas, Lamartine, Chateaubriand, etc. But also, Thicctor's been blazing a trail for the Bohemian movement with his plays, the preface to Cromwell being his most notable contribution amd widely considered to be the original call to arms, so to speak. These Bohemians (including young Hector Berlioz and Théophile Gautier) were taking over the Hugo Salon everyday and basically waiting for Thicctor to call them to action.
(hint: Victor-Marie Hugo having a large group of dedicated, motivated people prepared to do whatever he asks of them is a bad idea)
Vicky knows opening night is gonna be a shitshow and that all of these Classicists and Neo-Classicists are gonna try to boo his show into the ground. What he does, then, is form (and I cannot stress this enough, this is the exact phrasing used in multiple sources I looked through) a Romantic Army.
He gave them all free red tickets for early admission that said "hierro," a throwback to a revolutionary poem Thicctor had written that the Bohemians knew well.
They all show up, intentionally wearing the most ridiculously out-of-fashion clothes they can get their hands on (including Robespierre waistcoats, Friends) and with food and wine to last them through until everyone else was slated to show up four hours later.
Problem: they're locked in a theatre with no bathrooms, a lot of food, and more wine. By the time the rest of the audience shows, there's something like 500 drunken Bohemians running amuck and piss/shit in every dark corner soiling their silken shoes.
Everyone was pretty shocked and disgusted, even Huge-hoe's other Romantic friends, and the actors performing and the stagehands pretty much hated their lives (and Huge-hoe).
Before the play even begins, both sides are harassing one another. The first line is read, and some Classicist is already heckling that it doesn't scan. The Romantic Army responds that the guy should shut up and be escorted out. This happens throughout the entire play, and at the end The Romantic Army goes absolutely fucking wild.
Vicky literally isn't even in his box to watch it, it's just Adéle.
Anyway, despite the entire cast and crew openly hating everything about the production, it shows one hundred more times, Vicky and his family are no longer absolutely fucking broke anymore like they were when it started, and apparently every single line has been heckled by the end of its runtime.
After this, Vicky also abandons his Bohemian Army and returns to his bourgeois Romantic friends. Bohemians are cool with this and mostly just remember him as he was, never really bothering with his later works, and uhhhhh yeah. That's the story of how Vicky started a riot at the opening night of one of his own plays.
TL;DR: Vicky raises a Romantic Army to combat Classicists opening night of Hernani. It basically works.
(This was the most informational source I could find without a subscription, but I went though basically every other link I could find too.)
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
writer’s block isn’t real, it’s just your characters deciding to go on strike because they’re mad about how you’ve been treating them
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
is it really a vtm game if the toreador and ventrue aren't yelling at each other?
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
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I really need to start posting more on Tumblr, so have this trad drawing of my beloved musical Toreador.
My darling, quirky pretty boy ✨️🥀
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iphiloupe · 6 months ago
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@dreamcatcherwriting @fraugustends @foxannethemuffin
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iphiloupe · 7 months ago
Art like this is part of the reason I wish I actually got around to making OC references this year 💀
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ArtFight attacks I did this year... wish I could've done more, but these two were fun!!
Clyde belongs to @bananafire11; Dee belongs to @gloomii-willow
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iphiloupe · 7 months ago
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Offer me that deathless death
Oh, good God, let me give you my life
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iphiloupe · 9 months ago
i will never forgive the dsmp fandom for how dirty they did cSam
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iphiloupe · 9 months ago
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Very nice 👀
@yes-i-have-thoughts @horror-theorist @rorydrawsandwrites
tag game idea! :) go to pinterest, type «___ aesthetic» with your city/country, eye color, favorite color and name. put in image that comes up and tag friends! (you not have to say city/country and name for privacy obviously, or use online name)
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@loserhoneyy @worldsbiggestnerd101 @1nternet-ang3l @starberrymothh @arrxw81194 @eternallyajanedoe
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iphiloupe · 9 months ago
Rory, Jer, blink twice if you need help /lh
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awe he is a low bump haver 🥺❤️ he is DEFINITELY having sixtuplets. and Gangle is the mother and Caine is the donor. i know Gangle is a good partner and rubs his feet when they cramp with definitely no weird intentions.
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iphiloupe · 10 months ago
“Perhaps you are right. But even with that knowledge, it never gets any easier. Every time I am forced to bury a murder victim like your father or your brother, I feel like an accessory to the crime. Hiding the evidence deep underground, where no one will find it. Making sure they’re forgotten.”
“They have headstones.”
“And so does everyone else, in every cemetery all over the city. After a while, their names sink into the sea of so many others, like drops of water in the middle of a stone and marble ocean. Even when the monuments still stand, those who lie beneath them are lost to time. It is just like the theatre; no one applauds the stagehands behind the scenes, only the actors under the spotlights. Only what the audience sees. Conceal it, and they forget. They won’t care anymore. It is that simple.”
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iphiloupe · 1 year ago
If I am not mistaken, this might be about Les Misérables 👀
My boyfriend and I are watching Ratatouille and he made a comment about the complexity of the sewers at the beginning.
So I, a nerd, go "oh boy do I have a book for you!"
Amd he goes "oh? What book goes that in depth about the Parisienne sewers system?"
And my friends, he was shocked at my answer.
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iphiloupe · 1 year ago
torture the blonde man some more
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