#all the villains may or may not be based on members of Arm
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kuroyuki-kokuyoku · 1 month ago
Random TCF Related Thought - Fairy Tales
In canon proper, we know that fairy tales do exist in Nameless 1, or at least, fiction geared towards children.
Well, I was reading some TCF React fics and found a hilarious moment where Heni!KRS was explaining fairy tales to Cale's kids and was shooketh to find out that Cale had butchered some of Earth's classic fairy tales into loosely-based-on stories (to put it gently) cuz apparently the "princess-in-distress" trope would not be relatable if every princess IRL they know could easily save themselves in a simailar or same situation. Therefore, Badass Action Girl!Princesses FTW.
Where am I going with this?
So my shower thought is that Cale one day decided to invoke his inner Brothers Grimm and published his own book series based off of Earth's classic fairy tales.
But here's the twist: He uses the Walt Disney versions but made every Disney Princess BAMFs.
Sorry, Mr. Walt Disney. Your own versions of Earth's classic fairy tales were a product of your time, but your 50s sensibilities won't fly when all of the princesses Cale knows can easily break a full grown man man in tiny little pieces, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Besides, he wants little girls like On and Lily to have strong female role models to aspire to be even if it's in fiction.
Sleeping Beauty? Aurora is based on Roselyn. She finds out that she got cursed by Maleficent, who is a whole Dragon that her father had offended by failing to invite her to his unborn daughter's christening like he promised, so she threw away her status as crown princess to become a mage out of spite and break the curse on her own. In the end, she succeeds and managed to tracked down Maleficent to her lair. Maleficent is so impressed by her moxie that the Dragon took her on as an apprentice. By the time, Prince Phillip shows up hoping to slay the Dragon and take Aurora back to his kingdom so they can be married, the story is already over.
Beauty and the Beast? Belle is the village chief's daughter and the most beautiful girl in the tribe. Belle is a Tiger and Lion mixed-blood Beastman and also pining after the cute human bookworm named Adam in the next village over. Dorph the greater value Gaston can go fuck himself for all she cares. TLDR: Role Reversal AU and Belle is Dark Tiger!Alberu.
Cinderella? Cinderella is a secretly a Shaman. Everything is the same up until the whole dress ruining scene. After that, Cinderella invokes the spirit of Queen Jopis, stopped giving a shit, and turned the rest of the plot into a shitshow. Her evil stepfamily is given the OG!Brothers Grimm treatment.
Pocahontas? Everything is the same except the Powhatans are all Elves. Ratcliffe is the White Bitchless.
Hunchback of Notre Dame? The plot is the same, but Esmeralda is a Dark Elf, and Quasimodo is half-Dark Elf. Frollo is replaced by Adin just so he can fall off the roof a second time.
Aladdin? Jasmine is also a thief. She looted what should've been her dowry from the Sultan, her annoying suitors' wealth, Genie's lamp, Carpet from the Cave of Wonders, Aladdin's heart, and Jafar aka the White Hobo Looking's dignity and respect, not in that order, then whisked Aladdin off of his bare feet and away to her own personal kingdom. Basically, Cale reimagined her as Fem!Hong Gildong.
The Little Mermaid? Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending where Prince Eric is a Whale Prince and Ariel is still a Mermaid, and both their families got scammed into finally burying the hatchet by Ursula.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? Snow White is a Dwarf too, and the plot is basically an otome where she has seven suitors from different tribes, and the Evil Queen (*couch*Elisneh*cough*) is, of course, the jealous villainess.
Brave: Everything's the same except Sayeru gets abused more than Mor'du in this book.
Frozen: Everything's the same except Prince Hans is swapped out for Sir Bernard cuz Hans the goodest butler doesn't deserve to be associated with scum.
Tangled: Everything's the same except it's Adin who takes a swan dive off of the tower.
Mulan: Everything's the same except the Huns are replaced by Arm.
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socialjusticeinamerica · 14 days ago
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Europe is rearming and they have rebuffed Trump, Vance, Rubio, and Musk. Since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine Europe has undergone its largest re-armament and modernization program in History. Every country in Western Europe, not just the NATO states, has massively increased their military budgets and some by more than 5 times their pre-invasion spending. Poland has also constructed massive military fortifications along their border with Belarus and Russia that would make a Russian ground invasion collapse or at least grind to a halt indefinitely.
Putin’s military is shattered and has nearly run out of arms, ammunition, and supplies. They have lost nearly a million dead and wounded. The Russian army has proved to be disastrously incompetent and ill equipped. They are relying on conscripts, convicts, and mercenaries. They’ve been supplemented by North Koreans that are even less trained and motivated and are arriving without equipment and riddled with diseases.
Russia has proven it does not have the ability to defeat Ukraine or even a single NATO state, let alone the whole alliance. NATO states have a nuke sharing agreement and even if the US pulls out France and the UK each have enough to destroy Russia many times over. The Germans are furious with the way the Trump administration has been treating them and meddling in their domestic politics. Some months back French president Macron threatened to send his own troops into Ukraine after Putin interfered in the French elections. All the members of the European Union have individually stated they are prepared to go it alone without the US. They are likely meeting now to formalize that. The European Union does not need the US as their joint economy and militaries make them nearly are equal and likely soon to be our superior.
They are not going to be brow beaten into submission like so many states were by Hitler prior to the commencement of a shooting war. Canada has long had not so secret military discussions with both France and the UK regarding military aid should a rogue US administration try to invade them or engage in economic hostilities. It’s commonly known among educated Canadians and there have even been Canadians novels loosely based on this.
Now it may seem like our allies are well prepared and planning for the worst but there are flies in the ointment. The greatest variable is that Putin is a nut job who can only hold power by launching military operations to rally the base around him. He’s done this before every election but with his losses he’s on thinner ice than ever with his own people. He also has a stated policy of “nuclear de-escalation” which NATO officials have written about at length. What it means is he invades a territory then places tactical nukes there and then “de-escalates” by threatening to nuke anyone who tries to dislodge him. Russia hasn’t done this yet as it is a plan reserved for NATO states not his lesser neighbors.
The simple fact is that no matter how much of his power, and his nation’s power crumbles around him, he just doesn’t give a flying f—k. He knows he is a dead man the moment he loses offices so he is prepared to take the world down with him, because that’s what lunatics do.
The other variable is that Trump is an ignorant, drug-addled, madman with delusions of grandeur and dreams of being remembered as one of history’s greatest tyrants alongside Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Stalin, etc. Trump is currently attempting to blackmail Ukraine into giving him all of that country’s rare earth minerals that are desperately needed to produce computers, cell tech, and other advanced tech. Now since Trump is an aging idiot he was most likely informed of the need for them by Muskrat and the other tech bros. He’s also going to meet with Putin and MBS in Saudi Arabia to work on a settlement for the Ukraine war. Could you find three bigger villains? The only one missing is Xi of China who is making final preparations to invade Taiwan and seize 99% of the world’s semiconductor production. Xi knows he has Musk and Trump in his pocket and that the US will no longer defend that strategic island.
Likely Trump and Putin are planning to divide up Europe and the Americas like Hitler and Stalin divided Poland while China is given free rein in Asia like the Axis empower Japan to do in World War II. Many Americans, especially some older types, former veterans, and white supremacists have a fascination with Hitler and WWII. They saw Germany as an underdog and wondered (even wished to have seen) what would have happened had Germany won.
Something big is brewing and the European Union leaders know the time has come. Many of them are telling their press as we speak that Europe has relied on the U.S. for too long and that they wish they had increased their military budgets sooner and began their own war preparations without the U.S. as an ally or even a possible foe. The world’s biggest democracy and biggest non-aligned nation, India, also knows something is brewing and has cancelled their military contracts with Russia while placing arms orders with European countries. They are also planning to invest in creating a homegrown defense industry so they will no longer be reliant on others and better able to stand up to the endless border wars China keeps launching against them.
What we’re seeing now is extremely similar to what transpired immediately before both world wars.
In a past life I was a historian and defense analyst before a series of family tragedies forced me to step back and take a local position as an educator and part-time internet know it all. I’ve spent decades researching these things and how they are driven by politics. Nothing is carved in stone, especially when the primary bad actors are as unstable as sh-t house rats.
All the people who still do this for a living are certain that the next several months will see us devolve into a fascist dictatorship unless something dramatic happens. Dear leader passing away, losing his nerve and backing down, or grow tired of Musk upstaging him and removing the South African bastard. There’s also a slim chance he’ll be impeached if the Dems take back both houses of Congress in the mid-terms and even slimmer chance that he will be deposed by a popular uprising. He’s very erratic and not sleeping enough and switching back and forth between coke and Adderall doesn’t help, nor does his obvious cognitive decline.
Putin is more worrisome at this point as he’s slowly but steadily losing control. Xi like all his predecessors is extremely patient but he’d be blind not to see this will likely be his best chance to snatch Taiwan, albeit at a high cost when he would prefer to take it without the expense of a war. Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia remain total wildcards sitting in close proximity to a large part of the world’s oil. All are using proxies or are themselves client states. Israel has nukes. Iran secretly has or will shortly have them. Saudi Arabia is believed to have purchased the technology from Trump with that infamous $2 billion dollar gift to Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. Empty folders of nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago point to this.
In summation few of the outcomes facing us are good. The world is again on the cusp of large regional wars, if not a world war. International lawlessness has already commenced and will certainly escalate. Fascism is imminent at home. The death of America as a super power and the world’s policeman is at hand. Trump’s insane tariffs, dismantling of government agencies, and removal of social safety nets will at the least cause a very large and long lasting recession if not a depression. If a depression takes root it will likely spread worldwide. A worldwide depression could lead to large scale wars as it did with WWII.
Putting lunatics in charge is going to end much worse than Trump’s first reign of terror. And remember a million Americans died that time from his incompetence. This time his people are prepared and are already wreaking havoc at an unprecedented level.
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awkwardauthorwrites · 2 years ago
Based on this request: I was wondering if you could write maybe some angst with fluff about how you and Sebastian are fighting against a villain and he takes the blow for you? thank you so much
Word Count: 2.6k
Themes: angst, fluff. Fem!Reader
Warnings: All characters aged up to 18+. Potential spoilers for HL
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“How are you not tired, yet?” Sebastian glared over his shoulder at Y/N, who currently had her back pressed up against his in a defensive position. They had severely underestimated the size of the camp, as they had been fighting the bandits for the better part of an hour and they were only just beginning to thin out. Y/N just let out a laugh and shot a well-timed glacius-diffindo combination at the Ashwinder scout in front of her, eyes meeting his briefly so he could see the mischief that danced in them. 
“Honestly, compared to what I usually go through, this whole situation has felt more like a leisurely stroll than a fierce battle.” Ancient magic surged at Y/N’s fingertips and she wiggled them experimentally, a sly smile on her face as she raised her hand in the air and called lightning down to hit the group in front of them. Sebastian would never admit it, but sometimes the sheer immensity of her power terrified him. It was breathtaking to watch, but seeing an Ashwinder disappear before his very eyes in nothing but a cloud of red mist was unnerving to say the least.
An Ashwinder duellist stepped towards the pair, waving their wand to cast a shield around themselves. A barrel flew past him, guided by Y/N’s ability, and smashed through it, stunning the duellist for a brief moment. Sebastian should have used the seconds bought to bring the attacker down, but instead he flung a shield up around Y/N as a spellbinder shot a spell at her. The duellist cackled, eyes narrowing as they took note of Sebastian’s attempts to protect Y/N, no doubt trying to find a way to exploit it.
“Diffindo!” Sebastian interrupted the cast with a severing charm, chuckling as the duellist was spun around and the curse hit a member of their team instead.
“You’re brilliant,” Y/N laughed, her hand reaching behind her to squeeze his arm briefly. 
“Next time you want to sneak out of the castle we’re going to the Three Broomsticks for a drink.”
“First rounds on me,” Y/N twirled her wand between her fingers expertly and narrowly dodged a disarming charm an Ashwinder executioner threw her way. “You’ll have to do better than that,” she taunted.
“Y/N, please do not antagonise the angry murderers who are attacking us,” Sebastian groaned. He couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement as she laughed and cast expelliarmus at the executioner, causing him to lose control over the lightning storm he was summoning. Y/N tugged them both aside as the lightning crackled too close for comfort and took cover behind a tent. 
“You’re no fun.” Her chest was heaving from exertion but there was a spark to her eyes he hadn’t seen in a while. 
“Wasn’t it you who told me fun was relative?” Sebastian, Y/N noted, looked unfairly wellkept considering how long they had been fighting. Her hair had fallen from its updo a while ago and she dreaded having to work the tangles out of it later. Meanwhile, while he may have been more out of breath than her, Sebastian looked as if he had exerted no more energy than he would on a pleasant walk around the lake that bordered their school.
“And this is relatively fun,” she shot him a sinful grin as she quoted him and ducked back into the fray. Although he tried to look annoyed, Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle, unable to deny her contagious enthusiasm. He shot a particularly vicious confringo at an explosive barrel that was located coincidentally close to a handful of soldiers, taking them all down in one go, before turning to watch Y/N as she levitated three men at once and summoned them towards her before blasting them away again with a particularly powerful bombarda. 
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Sebastian let out a low whistle, eyes darting around to look for any more enemies. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes in response, looking across the quiet camp for any more Ashwinders who may have been lurking in the shadows. “Do you see Mr Pippin's chest anywhere?” 
“I mean,” Y/N looked around, taking note of several chests dotted around the camp. “Revelio.” The spell lit the chests up, not pointing to any of them in particular. “Yeah I didn’t think it would be that easy,” Y/N sighed and began to make her way to the closest container when a loud crack echoed through the air around them. 
“What have you done?” The Ashwinder boss roared at them, eyes full of rage as he took note of the destruction around them.
“Whoops?” Y/N offered. Sebastian grimaced and pinched the bridge of his nose at her casual tone.
“Whoops?” he repeated, glaring down at her. “We have an Ashwinder boss in front of us, potentially ready to end our lives for what we did to their camp, and all you can say is whoops?”
“What do you want me to - ” Y/N started to protest, only to be cut off by the boss.
“Enough. You’ll pay for this. Both of you. Crucio!” The Ashwinder boss pointed his wand at Y/N, a vile grin on his features. Red sparks flickered at the end of the stick and time seemed to slow as a bolt of red lightning zigzagged its way across the field in her direction.
“No!” Y/N fell to the ground, her palms scraping the rough stone surface as Sebastian shoved her out of the way. She watched in horror as the curse hit him instead and could have sworn her heart stopped in her chest as he fell to his knees, arm clutching his stomach. 
“Sebastian!” The scream ripped out of Y/N’s throat as she scrambled over the gravel to reach him. The arm that had been holding him up faltered and he fell to the ground with a loud yell that echoed around them. Y/N felt her stomach lurch as the boss cackled.
“Avada - ” He never got a chance to finish the killing curse. White hot rage filled every inch of Y/N’s body and ancient magic lashed out, no longer in her control as it found its target. She was vaguely aware of the sickening crunch as their enemy’s body collapsed in on itself and fell limply to the floor in a tangle of limbs.
Sebastian grunted in pain as he rolled over onto his back, the curse finally subsiding now that his attacker was dead. Y/N reached out for him hesitantly, only to recoil as his arm twitched violently - an after effect of the lightning coursing through his body. She wanted nothing more than to gather him in her arms and make sure he was okay but could still remember how painful it had been all those years ago when he had cast the same curse on her. How the pain had lingered in her bones, her very soul, far longer than she ever let him know. Tears spilled down her face as she watched helplessly as the spasms finally ended and he lay there breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.
“Sebastian,” she hesitantly reached out for him and gently pulled her head to rest on her lap when he didn’t flinch away from her. “Why did you do that?” she brushed his hair out of his face and used the hem of her cloak to wipe away his sweat. “How could you be so stupid?”
“I couldn’t watch you in pain,” he groaned. “Not like that. Not again.” A harsh cough left his mouth, followed by a wince, before he looked up at her. “Why are you crying?” he raised a shaky hand up, as if to wipe away her tears and she watched, heart clenching in terror, as it fell limply to his side.
“Sebastian? Sebastian!”
A small part of Sebastian was convinced he had died as he floated in and out of a painless sleep. He was having the strangest dream, he thought to himself as he looked at the dryad who was fast asleep at his bedside, clutching his hand in hers as if it were her lifeline. He followed the lines of her half covered face and itched to run his hands through her long, green tresses. She shifted, moving the light with her, and he watched in fascination and confusion as her features morphed and her hair slowly cycled through various shades of colour until he recognised the woman asleep beside him.
“Y/N.” He squeezed her hand with what little strength he had left and watched as she slowly came to.
“Sebastian?” she murmured, still half-asleep. The hand that wasn’t holding on his rubbed at her eyes tiredly and she suddenly sat up as she realised he was awake. “Oh thank Merlin, you’re awake - ” Y/N looked as if she were about to fling herself on him in an embrace, but stopped as she realised she would only hurt him more. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get Nurse Blainey?”
“I’m fine,” he gently tugged at her hand so she would sit at the end of his bed. “How did you get me here?” Sebastian remembered jumping in front of the spell, not thinking about anything except for protecting Y/N; he had watched her writhe in pain once from the torture curse and he silently vowed to himself she would never have to go through that again as long as he was around. He couldn’t remember much after the Cruciatus Curse had hit him, apart from the blinding agony he felt.
“I apparated us as close to the castle as I could get and levitated you the rest of the way. Blainey wasn’t exactly pleased - or surprised - that I woke her in the middle of the night. She’s going to talk to Black and Weasley first thing in the morning. I don’t quite have your level of charm, I suppose.”
“You’re plenty charming when you want to be,” Sebastian squeezed her hand gently before slowly sitting up in the hospital cot. “Did you tell her what happened?”
“I didn’t have to - she knew immediately. Apparently I’ve earned a reputation for having students jump in front of curses for me,” Y/N rolled her eyes and fixed him with a glare. “Which was a completely stupid thing for you to do, might I add.”
“Hey,” he gave her a reproachful look and watched as she stood up, “I technically just saved you. You could be a little nicer.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“Are you mad at me?” 
“Are you feeling better?”
“I…I guess I’m a little sore but all things considered, yes, I’m better,” Sebastian’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion as he watched her pace up and down. 
“Well then, I’m furious.” Y/N stopped in front of his bed, eyes blazing with anger. “Don’t you ever do that again.”
“Protect you?”
“I don’t need protection!” her loud words echoed in the too-quiet room and Sebastian watched as her chest heaved in annoyance. “What if he shot a curse that was worse than crucio? What if he - ” Y/N broke off with a sob and fresh tears fell down her face. Sebastian thought the Cruciatus curse would be the nastiest kind of agony he had ever felt for the rest of his life, but seeing Y/N’s tear-stricken face and knowing he was the cause sent a crack through his heart.
“Y/N…” he came to a shaky stand and tried to reach out for her, but she shook her head and took a step back.
“You could have been killed.” She turned away and buried her head in her hands, quiet sobs shaking her shoulders. Sebastian took a couple of apprehensive steps towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned and flung herself at him, her arms wrapping tightly around him as she cried into his chest. “I can’t lose you.”
“I’m here.” Sebastian felt a piece of his heart shatter and pulled her into a much needed, tight embrace. There was a burning sensation behind his eyes as he wound one arm around her waist and threaded the other into her hair, holding her in place against him. “I’m okay.” He kissed the top of her forehead as tears slipped out of his own eyes. 
“This time.” Y/N meant for her words to come out sharp, for them to sting, but instead he took one of her hands and held it against his chest, right above his heart. 
“I’m okay,” he repeated softly. “See? It’s still beating for you.”
“Don’t be cute at a time like this,” she glared at him but the blow didn’t quite land as intended when he caught sight of her tear stained face. He smiled gently at her and wiped her tears away, using the sleeve of his robe to dry her face.
“And never do anything that stupid again.”
“I promise not to jump in front of a curse that will cause you debilitating pain ever again.”
“Okay, okay. I promise. Anything else?”
“One more thing.” She used his tie to tug him towards her and placed a too-quick kiss on his lips. “If you ever, and I mean ever, so much as think about doing something so stupid again, I will make you wish you never taught me all three of the unforgivable curses,” she muttered against his lips. Sebastian blinked at her, his emotions torn between being frightened by her threat and flustered by the kiss. 
“Duly noted,” he nodded, nose bumping hers gently before he leant back in to kiss her again.
“I mean it Sallow,” she pulled away from him, a blush rising to her cheeks. “I don’t need you to protect me and I will not hesitate to crucio you myself if you do that again.”
“Y/N,” he groaned, head landing on her shoulder gently. “I will promise you the entire world if you want it, but for now would you please stop talking and just let me kiss you back.”
“Only if you kiss me like you mean it.” Y/N fiddled with the knot in his tie as she avoided his gaze, suddenly looking very unsure of herself. A part of Sebastian wanted to berate her for it - how could she not tell that was all he wanted since the moment she bested him in their first duel two years ago? That she was the only person he ever wanted to kiss, the only one he wanted to be with? He may have had a few dalliances since meeting her (and he knew she did too) but it had always been her right from the very first moment.
“Darling,” he tilted her head up gently so he could look her in the eye, “later I’ll tell you all about how you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted, but right now I can definitely promise you that I mean it.” He closed the gap between them, trying to be a gentleman as he kissed her sweetly to convey how he felt about her, but Y/N was having none of it as she tugged at his hair and wrapped herself around him, her lips moving against his in frantic desperation. He groaned as she caught his lower lip between his teeth and tugged at it gently, causing Sebastian to reluctantly pull away from the kiss to look down at her, his eyes roaming over her tousled hair and swollen lips. “Easy now, we have the rest of our lives for that.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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mikalame · 1 year ago
hi, I was wondering if you could write some Bill x reader angst please, where Bill gets jealous bc of the reader's "fan service" towards fanboys ( for example she flirts with them (as a joke ofc), winks at them on stage...) and one day they just have a big fight bc of that, also the reader is a girl and a member of the band. Bye ;)
This is My first angst, i dont think ill make a Pt2 to this as i kinda like were i finished it tell me what you think about it mabey ill do more angst who knows 🤫
Bills a little toxic in this, but they arent really good for eachother, just pretend the band wont break up or anything ahaha.
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"Did you really have to wink at them again" Bill scoffs as he chucks his bag down on the floor walking into the hotel room.
You guys were bombarded when you got off the plane, which is to be expected as a rock star with a world wide fan base, having fans in every country in itself is good but not when your fans are a bit touchy and you have a bit of a playful personality.....expectantly when your boyfriend is a tad bit of a jealous person.
"Really Bill we just got here and you're already picking a fight, can't we just relax after a 13 hour flight, huh?" you question, getting sick of bills arguments you try and assure him that hes all you need but he cant seem to get it in his head, making you feel like your practically cheating on him when you arent your just being friendly, at least in your mind you are.
"Well you seem pretty energetic when that guy came up and hugged you, real tight" Bill looked away, his eyebrows pinched thinking over the airport insident.
"Bill really, i was JUST hugging him like i dont everybody, he wasnt special hes just a fan, a NICE fan who asked for a hug" You retort rolling your eyes, shoving your suit case under the bed not bothering to pack it away yet.
"Whats wrong Bill, huh, you seem so uptight about this whole thing, do you still think im gonna leave you, Bill, im YOUR girlfriend not anybody else and you may think that i would but i wont and i never will" You argue, completely over Bill and his jealousy.
"No because i know you would all the flirting you do when fans come up to you in party's you grab their arms and laugh at all their jokes, their not even funny half the time but you still laugh like its the funniest thing in the world, you BARELY EVER laugh at my jokes huh, am i not funny or something"
Bill continues to rant letting all of it off his chest, you felt your anger rise getting annoyed that bills painting you as some sort of villain that would cheat on him any chance she got.
"Yeah Bill i laught at their jokes because its NICE-"
"So is it a chore or something to laugh at my jokes" He cuts you off rolling his eyes walking over to the couch sitting down with a huff.
"No Bill and you know thats not true, its different, we're their IDOLS they look up to us, we're CELERITYS, im gonna laugh at whatever stupid joke they make to make THEM happy, to make THEM feel great that they made THEIR IDOL smile and laugh, its not that i dont find you funny bill because u dont your a funny person its just i dont see you or anyone in the band as a celebrity i just see you guys as normal people-".
"Oh so im not even named your boyfriend anymore im just a 'normal person' that babe feel REAL nice right now" He scoffs again flicking through the channels on the t.v.
"OMG BILL YOUR BEING SO DIFFICULT RIGHT NOW" you yell, frustrated about how hes acting right now, he does this all the time bringing this argument up again then leaving the argument when you starts to become frustrated.
"I cant do this bill" You sigh slumping down onto the hotel bed, Bill looks over raising his eyebrow he had never heard you give up in an argument your always fighting to prove that your right.
but as both of your emotions are high right now one of you are bound to say something your gonna regret, just like bill did.
"Oh yeah what to much for you?, you just gonna give up on this realtionship, not even gonna try and fix it, just gonna up and leave" he scoffs standing up, looking at you down his nose not thinking your actully going to do what he thought you would.....
but you did
"Bill were not good for each other, your to jealous and cant handle that im maybe am a bit to sweet to our fans but i cant help it a-and i know you cant handle it either, s-so i think this is where this relationship should end- this is for the best for both of us i think... and for the band you know" you say shakily standing up walking slowly to your bed that has the suitcase under it.
"W-wait baby y-your joking right, i didn't mean it, i'll get over it I SWEAR" he begs tears flowing down his cheeks his eyeliner and mascara running with the tears.
"No Bill you wont, this relationship wont work, it's toxic for me and you, this- this is for the best i think" You say sighing as you pull your bag up opening the handle up and holding onto it.
You listen to bill sobs as he tries to bargen with you, to make you stay, his promises of how he wont be jealous and he'll do better, words that fell on deaf ears as you have already made up your mind, knowing even in your mind blurry with emotions that this would be the best for both Bill and You.
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krenenbaker · 10 months ago
Ikevil Character Song Associations
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These songs are all mostly based on the first impressions and vibes I've got from the characters, so there may be some songs that don't fit as well as they could.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on these choices!
Solar Waltz - Cosmo Sheldrake
I’m not sure what it is, but this feels like a very William-esque song to me. The waltz form has a certain poise in the same way that William does, and the lyrics’ themes - though I don't know him very well yet - in my mind, suit him.
“And work they must And work they shall For all the things to grow”
Green - Kera & The Lesbians
This one is more based on genre / vibe than lyrics, but they still fit. Harrison feels like he exudes this kind of moderate-tempo, mostly relaxed energy that this song also has.
“Though, yes, it’s true, your smile confuses a few. But I can see how you start grinning your eyes And it says: There’s somethin’ wicked in you”
Curses - The Crane Wives
Liam’s a bit playful and always presents in a positive manner, despite how dark his internal world is. I see a lot of him and his behaviour in both the instrumentals and in the lyrics of this song.
“Every word I say is kindling But the smoke clears when you're around Won't you stay with me, my darling When my walls start burning down, down, down?”
Cement - Nicole Dollanganger
This song feels a bit lonely, and the lyrics focus on the preservation of things a person loves and finds beautiful (even to their detriment), which from what I understand about Elbert… fits him to a T.
“The things you love you put into cement In order to keep them they have to be dead You think that he’s yours but it’s only in your head His coffin is not your arms, his grave is not you bed”
Bourbon Street - Jeff Tuohy
Alfons is quite the hedonist, and this song certainly reflects that. It also is rather relaxed in tempo, while still having a drive behind it - much like Alfons himself.
“When I walk the street, people step aside Twirling my cane and smiling wide Some would say I’m a carnal slave I put my hands on what I crave”
Schism - TOOL
I can’t think of many genres that would suit Roger better than rock. And this specific song just feels like him. Especially considering the (slight) division that there seems to be between Roger and the other members of Crown…
“I know the pieces fit 'Cause I watched them fall away Mildewed and smoldering Fundamental differing”
Follow Me - Odd Chap, J Fitz
When I see Jude, I immediately think ‘electro-swing’. I just think it matches his energy well! I had a feeling that the lyrics to this one also work well with Jude, though I also am the shakiest on his character, so it may not be the best pick for him.
“I′m reaching out yeah So please come follow Our time is coming So please come follow”
All I Do Is Dream Of You - Faultline, dodie
I’m also a little uncertain of Ellis’ character, but this song has a similar gentleness and… thoughtfulness(?) that Ellis appears to show as well. 
“You're every thought, you're everything You're every song I ever sing All I do the whole night through Is dream of you”
Villainous Thing - Schayfer James
This song could honestly describe the entirety of Ikémen Villains as a game, but seems especially applicable to Victor. It has a surprisingly fun tone, while beckoning you into the darkness at the same time.
“Me and you are overdue for fiendish laughter. Oh dear, let me see those smoky eyes 'cause you're a villainous thing, and we can't have you living a lie”
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bungoubongoboys · 1 year ago
Thoughts after BSD Season 5
(spoilers ahead)
1. Fyodor is alive
Fyodor has been one of the driving villains and I don’t believe that even his defeat at Meursault is the end of him, especially since all we see is his arm. Further, Sigma was able to touch him and live.
While Sigma is currently unconscious, due to having taken all of the knowledge in Fyodor’s mind into his own, there are several possible ways for him to return. This includes him being able to process through all of the information due to having so little life experience (only three years of memories), and possibly receiving help from Ango and/or Chief Taneda with their own information based abilities.
Back to Fyodor. We still, after all this time, do not know his ability. But now Sigma does—assuming he can wake up. Which means the moment is perfect for a big reveal of Fyodor’s true ability. Would it truly make sense to set up such a big reveal for an already-dead character?
Lastly, Asagiri very rarely kills off significant characters (at least not permanently). So I really doubt we’ve seen the last of Fyodor.
2. New Agency Members and Allies
Ok, so this is exciting! I think there are gonna be a looootttt of new Agency members very very soon (in the aftermath of…the aftermath?). Namely Lucy (officially) and Sigma, but tangentially Aya and Bram (they may or may not be “official” ADA members, but will be closely related). Fitzgerald probably won’t ever officially join the ADA, but he will have established himself more closely as an ally for them. Similarly, the remaining Hunting Dogs will remain distinct from the agency, but I doubt they’ll just disappear after their significance in this last arc.
3. Unresolved aspects
Most things were (seemingly) wrapped up really well with season five/vol 24. And yet…
- Fyodor’s body wasn’t seen (I won’t accept he’s dead until it’s cut into pieces and ritually slated and burned)
- The immediate aftermath of Fukuchi’s death and Bram’s restoration is fully unknown (before the ‘2 hours later’ bit); what happens to the vampires? To the page? To the One Order?
- Fukuzawa’s grief and the aftermath of it, both for him personally and for the agency
- The page—was it fully used? If so, is it powerless now? What happened to it?
- Full “resolution” of the arc, bringing everyone back together
- Did Chuuya get the vampire teeth off?
- What the fUCK was that “2 hours later” scene?????????
4. The “two hours later” and other personal theories
**Disclaimer that everything after this point is my own personal theories
- The two hours later scene was absolutely wild, and I don’t have too many theories yet, but it seems most likely that the page (or a page of the book) was used to alter reality yet again, potentially creating an AU? Idk but those outfits are insane and I love them
- The time between Dazai’s “death” and his appearance to Fyodor—Chuuya absolutely was concerned about Dazai and helped (at least partially) carry him to the landing for Fyodor; the idiot insisted on walking by himself to not appear weak in front of Fyodor, but before that? He absolutely was leaning hard on Chuuya (and after too)
- Sigma and Atsushi—so, it’s easy to lose track of in the many twists of Bungou, but the overall story is still moving towards finding the book, in its entirety, rather than just a singular page.
Back in Season 2, Fitzgerald was told by Fyodor that Atsushi was key in finding the book. This still hasn’t been fully explained. Now, many have noticed the similarities between Sigma and Atsushi. In particular—their unique, two-toned eyes. Additionally, Atsushi lacks much background in the same way as Sigma—we know very little about him before the orphanage, or even how he came to the orphanage.
The only pre-orphanage event we know of is from Dead Apple, where Atsushi is shown to have been experimented on by Fyodor and Shibusawa (before killing Shibusawa). But where was he before that? How did they get him? Well…if Fyodor had one page…
I think Atsushi himself, like Sigma, was written out of the Book. Created to play a role he had no idea about from the start. And why is he key to finding the book? Because Atsushi himself is a product of it. He is fundamentally connected to it in a way no one else is (until Sigma).
This also contributes to my theory that Fyodor is not truly dead. He has his own motives, apart from the Decay of Angels, and would use the book for his own purposes (to effectively become unstoppable, though he’d enjoy any attempts to fight against him). He’s nowhere near finished yet.
Anyways this was way too long but AHHHHH waiting till February for the next Manga chapter is going to kill me
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aikesmenrouger · 10 months ago
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“The political ace of cyberspace”
“The diplomatic director of Motherboard's political team”
“The political conspiracy crusher”
An idea that I wonder if anyone noticed
Hacker can actually be a great politician if he changes himself, He posses the same intelligence as his father, Dr.Marbles, and excellent political talent (and perhaps even better than his mother, Motherboard). I personally think that this kind of business acumen can be very keen to identify the interests of various countries and seek benefits for the cyberspace.
More importantly, he used to be a villain, a villain who would do anything to achieve his own ends, and this machiever way of thinking can help him easily see through other people's sugar coating and even mild political intrigues.
Marbles and Motherboard are brilliant politicians, but they need Hacker to help them discover the machinations of Marbles and Motherboard, who are in danger of falling into a trap set by others because of their good intentions to care about everyone in cyberspace.
Therefore, in order to match the Hacker of this period, I redesigned his image. The image I designed for Hacker at the beginning was based on the pictures of his youth, but later I realized that the reason why he specially transformed his body to be so large was that he admired power, and he wanted to give people the impression that he was powerful. I don't think he'd want to be that small even if he'd gone straight, but his body proportions are a little hard for me to accept. So I referenced the body of an average adult and used the hair of a young hacker, and finally settled on a draft of this image, which I will try to draw digitally in the future.
In terms of personality, the reformed Hacker is a bit more stable than before, and a bit of a gangster, if any of you have seen the Three-Body Problem, Hacker's personality may be a little bit Shiqiang (certainly not the Netflix TV version of the Three-Body Problem)When Motherboard and Marbles are distracted, he quickly takes over and helps them solve their problems.
Marbles and Motherboard are not surprised that Hacker went straight, and in fact the three eventually reconciled in a series of events. But for Motherboard and Marbles, it's hard to believe that they can make peace with Hacker (" It's a dream." They said.) Marbles didn't react much, but Motherboard cried and hugged Hacker, and then Motherboard fell asleep in Hacker's arms. (By the way, during the reconciliation process, all three of them went to regular counselors, The reason why Motherboard never gets better is because of Hacker, which is psychological. (One scene describes the three of them: Hacker gets his arms around Motherboard and Marbles, and the three of them laugh happily.)
Sometimes Hacker takes on an additional task: Getting Marbles, Motherboard, and Ada to bed from their late nights on the desk (Digit, Buzz, and Delete help recharge their late-night snack) (because cyberspace is so busy with so many things to deal with because of its relations with other countries, Several people can't even get a good rest) (illness is almost a common occurrence) (Hacker may be shown holding the motherboard in his arms and carrying her to the bed, then pushing Marbles and Ada to the bed to rest) (as well as holding the motherboard, weak from illness, (Past events made Motherboard have a vague sense of insecurity, and it is easy to have nightmares when outside and under pressure. The nightmare content generally includes: and Hacker in the second feud; Hunted by Miron; Hopper was killed; Marbles Ada was killed; Jackie, Matt, Inez was killed; Everyone in cyberspace is dead, no one is spared)
In terms of height, Hacker is higher than Marbles and Motherboard, Hacker > Motherboard > Marbles
In terms of politics, some national politicians described Hacker as "the only noteworthy opponent in the seven-member political team." That's why I was quoted in Time Magazine (the first three sentences were about Hacker in Time magazine, and I may try to draw the cover of Time magazine in the future) as "a man with the style of an ancient Chinese tactician."
Hacker has some physical skills, which allows him to protect himself in the war. (There will be pictures of hackers in military uniforms in the future)
Finally, there are some Hacker lines to end this article.
"We should be on our guard, Motherboard, they can't be that kind."
"Ha, see? What did I say, a bunch of bullies."
"So you're trying to get me to betray Motherboard? With these things?" (raising eyebrows)
"I suggest that your people look into the past logs of cyberspace and try to woo me again."
"Come over here, you fucking bastard."
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midnightactual · 1 year ago
So, this scene in TYBW Episode 24, right?
In CFYOW Volume III, Chapter 22, we get Ichibē saying:
“It is said that the Shiba clan’s ancestor attempted to persuade him, but in that opening, the Tsunayashiro clan’s ancestor sealed the Reio into a crystal. I did not view what had happened then firsthand, but everything that followed is the history of the Soul Society itself.”
Everybody is now saying Ichibē is a liar because of this scene. They're wrong. Ichibē didn't lie. CFYOW is not just shy of a thousand pages of propaganda. Let's cover what else he said a little later:
At that point, the Osho cast his eyes down and returned to his telling. “However, the Tsunayashiro ancestor doubted even the Reio’s nonresistance. He was most frightened of the Reio using his powers to escape the seal and destroy them. And so, without letting the Reio live or die, they tossed him into a contradictory spiral of simultaneous, continuous life and death. They even tore away his right and left arms that ruled ‘stillness’ and ‘advancement.’” The new soldiers held their breath while the members of Squad Zero, not including the Osho, remained silent, each with a unique expression on their face. Then the Osho himself uttered a cruel fact in the same tone he might use to merely discuss the weather. “Well, that likely was not enough. With the Tsunayashiro leading them, several of the ancestors spent a great deal of time carving out the Reio’s heart, whittling away his legs, scraping out all of his internal organs and removing them from his body. They did this in order to carve away his power and to render him simply a convenient figurehead for their benefit.”
This part is very detailed, so presumably Ichibē was actually there for it. He never claimed not to be there for the dismemberment.
Okay, so what do we get in this scene?
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This is the Soul King.
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This is the seal.
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This is the "contradictory spiral."
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The Soul King is then being butchered, but still has at least one arm.
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Then he loses all his limbs. Notice you only see one arm?
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We get an indistinct figure which may be Ichibē.
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And finally we get Ichibē for sure.
Now, notice that nothing Ichibē says is at all contradicted by these events. He isn't present when the Soul King is sealed. We don't see him attack the Soul King. He isn't there, just as he claimed. He only shows up perhaps during or after the butchering, which fits with his testimony.
You might thus ask, who is relating these visions then? Well it's Pernida. Which was the Soul King's arm at the time. These are Pernida's visions, not Ichibē's. That's why you only see the one arm during the shot of all the limbs.
In short, everyone telling you that Ichibē was lying in CFYOW because of what they see in the TYBW anime, has no idea what they just watched. I get that everyone thinks the dude is sus, but he was absolutely telling the truth.
And of course he was, because while Kubo is a huge troll, dude was not going to make CFYOW pure propaganda and lies only to have to overturn it all probably 20 years later whenever he actually finally finishes dealing with the Hell Arc. It's not Nineteen Eighty-Four, it's not that complicated. Also, making Ichibē into The Big Bad would both be frankly not that impressive since he already took an L to a base-state Yhwach, and also because having a big singular villain doesn't fit Bleach thematically, because the theme of Bleach is that the system is the real bad guy. The problem isn't some dude you can kill. It's everyone.
Also, while I'm here, note that Ichibē said "several" of the ancestors butchered the Soul King. When you have 5 people, several implies 3, as it does more generally. This means 2 ancestors did not participate. Obviously, Shiba would be one of them. Who was the other? Well, Byakuya had no problem removing Tsukishima's heart, and I doubt Another Clan who apparently live in Hell really have any scruples at all. It's a toss-up between the latter and the Shihōin, but the Shihōin are consistently "the good guys" in so far as there is any such thing, even more so than the Kuchiki—they have a history of subversion, rebellious behavior, and showing up for the good fight.
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nerdy-bits · 2 years ago
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Marvel Studios, PG-13)
When Guardians of the Galaxy came out in 2014, I didn't know a single person who knew who they were. No one knew who Starlord was, Gamora, Drax, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, none of them. It was one of the only times I walked into a theater for an MCU movie and thought, “Why am I here? I don't care about these characters at all.” Ironically, the other instance of this thought was before watching Captain America: The First Avenger. Luckily, I was very wrong on both occasions. What James Gunn did with the first Guardians movie was nothing short of a small miracle. The Guardians of the Galaxy were a middling hero team devised in the late 60s. One that, as I mentioned before, never really reached any amount of wide acclaim. When the team was rebooted in 2008, with the members seen in the movie that would come six years later, still its readership remained low. In May of 2023, the names Starlord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax, and Nebula are household names. 
Guardians of the Galaxy, as an MCU team, is unique. Preceding the now-inbound Thunderbolts, the Guardians are the closest thing to DC’s Suicide Squad. Though the Guardians aren't ostensibly villains, nor are they part of a government initiative to leverage villains into doing good things by holding a proverbial gun to their head, the Guardians of the Galaxy are all misfits and ne’er-do-wells. Peter Quill being a thief, Rocket an arms dealer, Groot being Rocket’s muscle, Gamora is essentially an assassin, and Drax is called The Destroyer. They are all bad people to differing degrees. So what James Gunn had to do with the first film was two or threefold: He had to introduce us to who these people were, convince us we should care about what they do, and then make us care about them both individually and as a group. To this day, the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie is one of the closest things to a perfect execution in establishing a relationship with unknown characters. 
Now, nearly ten years later, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 seeks to remind us why we cared, show us we were right to care, and make us root for our beloved misfits one last time. Ya’ll…it fucking rules. 
It’s been a while since we last saw The Guardians. We saw them off in Endgame, traveling with a disheveled and melancholic Thor, and then in Thor: Love and Thunder we saw them unload the God of Thunder, moving on to do their own thing. When the Guardians of the Galaxy  Christmas Special  came out Thanksgiving weekend last year, we got to see Knowhere (the Guardians’ base) rebuilt, and the introduction of Cosmo the Space Dog. We also fully establish that Starlord isn't doing well with the death/return/departure of Gamora. Guardians Vol. 3 picks up from there. Starlord is out of it, drinking himself into a stupor, the rest of the team is just kind of milling about in Knowhere, and the mood is pretty stale. Enter one of Marvel’s most powerful and heroes Adam Warlock, only the Warlock is here not to help, but as a repo man for the fabled High Evolutionary, the madman who turned Rocket into the creature he is today. This initial and shocking attack sends the guardians on a quest to save the life of a mortally wounded member. It’s a race against the clock film, with a little globetrotting heist film stirred in. 
Along this journey we are served up dollops of emotion. The film is framed around flashbacks illuminating Rocket’s journey under the knife and eye of the High Evolutionary. A villain portrayed brilliantly by Chukwudi Iwuji, and a villain that outshines so many villains in the MCU purely because of his acting. The High Evolutionary is a despicable, maniacal, monster of a man and each moment he is on screen your skin crawls. Truly, everyone in this movie is acting their whole asses off. Each performance is nuanced and intense, emotional and gripping. ITs something only a movie following two parts, like this one, can pull off. We all know everyone so deeply, we’ve grown to love them all, grown to admire their found family. So when this family of weirdos is put to a real test, one that threatens all of their lives in ways we haven't seen before, what comes through the cracks is this pure and natural love and passion. It works like glue throughout the film, like connective tissue, pulling each little bit you’ve ever remembered about this rag-tag team and placing it neatly in order for you to experience again. 
Rocket and Groot share their dynamic in new ways, Starlord and Gomora have some truly dynamite scenes navigating their new and nonexistent relationship, Mantis remains one of the best additions to the team as she and Drax foil each other, and Karen Gillan’s Nebula is a tremendous stand-in for the Gamora we lost in Infinity War. But this movie isn't merely old bits. It’s reimagined bits, moments illustrative of the ways family evolves and adapts. As you are recognizing the way these people interact with each other, you are also recognizing that the first time we met them, none of them would have been willing to do this. This Guardians of the Galaxy is stronger, closer, and emotionally available to each other in was the previous movies simply couldn't convincingly do with everyone. Furthermore we get more Kraglin and we get Cosmo. The Guardians of the Galaxy has changed so much in the comics over the years it begins to feel like dozens of heroes have claimed membership. In the hands of a lesser director and writer this can be a pitfall that lends to shallow writing and skin-deep characters. In James Gunn’s hands instead it lends to this tone of acceptance and love, resolute with making it clear: all types are welcome here, strange and broken as you may be. It’s downright endearing, and such a refreshing take in a world far too comfortable being unaccepting and cruel. 
James Gunn’s delicately procured playlist of songs is present again in this film, and just like the films that precede it, each song fits and feels like it was meant for each moment it is played in. Perhaps as a result or side-effect, sometimes the film’s score feels a bit out of place, but I rarely caught myself caring so much it interrupted my enjoyment of what I was watching. Perhaps because what you will be watching throughout the film is pretty outstandingly composed. Action scenes are cooperative and hectic, without losing fidelity or readability. In-fact, most of the action is so well shot and choreographed it plays out like anime fights, dripping in style and out of the box angles. I deeply appreciated this simply because superhero flicks, especially those featuring folks with similar powersets or fighting styles, can start to feel less like composed orchestras and far more like pop singles. And while Guardians Vol. 3 has its pockets lined with singles from the 80s and 90s, the format doesn't permeate or seep into the action. 
Also, for a movie in a freshly launched Phase 5 MCU, it feels like both the real and proper send off to Phase 4 and the best foot to start Phase 5 on. A dichotomy that is not easy to navigate and perhaps even harder to accomplish with a legible, parsable plot. We take everything we knew before and expand our knowledge, but we also wrap up our loose threads, tucking them into a neat-ish bow. In the process of doing this, James Gunn and his cast deliver what will end up being one of the more emotional Marvel movies released yet, content with plucking on heart strings like Redbone. 
Ya’ll, it’s just such a good movie. They did all the work they needed to beforehand, allowing them the runway to gracefully land this deeply heartfelt trilogy in a way most other properties are unable to. There are dark moments and joyous moments, funny and sad, furious and tender, and all of it fits because we know who these people are and we know how they feel. It all feels just so deeply earned and earnest. It may be a lot to take in for young fans, but this trilogy is nearly a decade old now, those fans that were young in the first film are adults now, and as those fans aged with the Guardians, the Guardians came to them with more deep and pointed stories about loss, brokenness, and family. Messages that will stick with people for years. 
If this truly marks the end of James Gunn’s involvement in the MCU then it is a masterful goodbye to some of the best characters in the whole MCU. If he decides to come back someday, well then I will be just as excited for whatever comes. But for now, go and see if the galaxy’s quirkiest band of misfits can worm their way into your emotions too. They sure found a way to pummel mine. In the best way.
@LubWub ~Caleb
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kudosmyhero · 1 year ago
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #9: Spider-Verse, part 1: The Gathering
Read Date: May 22, 2023 Cover Date: January 2015 ● Writer: Dan Slott ● Penciler: Olivier Coipel ● Inker: Olivier Coipel ● Colorist: Justin Ponsor ● Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos ● Editor: Nick Lowe ◦ Ellie Pyle ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I don't have anything specific against Dan Slott, but I'd like to see a different writer at some point here. Slott has some decent ideas, but he stays very surface-level with what he could do with them. ● whew what a rude awakening ● why does he keep speaking in rhyme? ● I’m kind of over seeing Spider-Men die ● Downton Webby. heh. ● Spider-Gwen’s costume is cute
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● 👏👏 👏
Synopsis: The story opens with Spider-Man waking up to a phone call. When he answers, J. Jonah Jameson yells at him to get over to "Armstrong Park" to get pictures of a super villain. This is unusual, since Peter no longer works for J. Jonah Jameson. When he arrives at the park, Morlun is waiting for him, and kills him, saying "Why do I even bother explaining, when all you ever do is DIE?" It is then revealed that this is an alternate universe where Humans live on the moon.
Later, on Earth-001, Morlun's family, the Inheritors, wait for him to return from his hunt. When he comes back, Daemos asks him what world's Spidey he killed this time, and Morlun responds by saying it doesn't matter. Verna says to keep telling himself that. She then decides to go on a hunt, and her servants fetch 3 of her hounds: Sable, Fireheart and Kravinoff (all resembling characters from Spider-Man's life), and tells the Master Weaver to bring her to a world with young Totems. After she leaves, Morlun asks his brother what she meant, and Daemos tells him that the whole family knows that Morlun has been avoiding a specific thread of the Great Web. Morlun says he has been saving it for last, and when Daemos considers hunting there himself Morlun tells him to stay away from it, and Daemos remembers it is Earth-616.
Our Spider-Man from Earth-616 wakes up to see Cindy Moon, aka Silk, hanging before him. She says she has a solution to their problem, which is that whenever they get close, they feel the need to mate because of their connection, having been bitten by the same spider. She says he should move to another city, jokingly suggesting the moon, and that she could handle New York.
They go outside and swing around the city. They then run into Looter, who has stolen a Spider-Tank and Spiderling outfits from Spider-Island II, Superior Spidey's base. After dealing with him, one of the henchmen flees from the scene. Suddenly, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, and Spider-Man 2099 arrive. Miguel tells Peter that they need to talk.
The last remaining henchman is very confused, and is confronted by Spider-UK, MC2 Spider-Girl, and Spider-Ham, who knocks him out. Peter becomes becomes very confused, and Spider-Uk says that they are the Spiders of other dimensions and that all the strands of the Great Web are converging on him. Peter is shocked, but Mayday Parker, aka Spider-Girl, reminds him of the time they met before to calm him down and says that they need his help to stop the Inheritors. Spider-UK tells him Daemos, Morlun's elder brother, is coming to Earth-616, and all of them, including Silk, head into a portal to another dimension.
Meanwhile, in Mountain Wundagore, Eastern Europe, at the home of the New Warriors, Kaine Parker, aka Scarlet Spider, is beaten down by Daemos, who defeated the New Warriors members Justice, Water Snake, Sun Girl, and Nova. Kaine then stabs him through his shoulders with spikes coming from his arm and Daemos realized that unlike other spiders, he actually make him feel pain. He realizes that he is the current receptacle of the Other, and says he will savor him for days.
Suddenly, Old Man Spider-Man, Bruce Banner Spider-Man and a mysterious Spider-Character appear through a portal to save him. The third Spider turns out to be Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65. This shocks Kaine, and he thinks she is a clone and that the Jackal was behind it. Suddenly, Ben Reilly, the original Scarlet Spider, appears to help out. This surprises Kaine, because Ben Reilly was killed by the Green Goblin. Daemos then breaks Bruce Banner Spidey's spine and the others all escape through a portal.
Meanwhile, on Earth-13, a large group of Spider-Men are gathered. The group that saved Scarlet Spider arrive, and Peter can't process how Ben Reilly and Gwen Stacy are here. He then asks what was so special about this Earth. Suddenly, Cosmic Spider-Man arrives, and hands Mayday Parker her baby brother. Cosmic Spidey tells Peter that this is a world where he never lost the Enigma Force, and the Inheritors would be foolish to come there. However, he cannot leave his world or the Enigma Force would stay behind, but in the coming battle, he would go with them. Peter asks him what he means, and Spider-UK says there is a war coming, and they tell him he is the greatest of them all.
In the Ultimate Universe, Miles Morales is seen mourning the loss of his mother, and how he could have saved her. Ultimate Jessica Drew arrives and tells him that he shouldn't quit being Spider-Man. Miles says he isn't, but being Spider-Man cost him his family. Jessica says that he can make a new one, and that the Spiders need to stick together. Suddenly, Verna arrives from a portal to kill them, and says it's better for them to split up, because it's much better when they RUN!
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Fan Art: Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse by Hammling
Accompanying Podcast: ● Amazing Spider Talk - episode 09
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delulu--lulu · 2 years ago
Spider-Man into/across the spider-verse Spider-sona story
Oc name: Kyana (nickname is Yana)
I wrote a Spider sona story instead of drawing one because I suck at drawing more than writing... so 😃👍
Face Claim! :
Spider-Man into/across the spider-verse Spider-sona story 
Oc name: Kyana (nickname is Yana) Her family moves a lot. She was born and raised in Dallas Texas and her family moved to Brooklyn New York later. 
Her family moved because her father’s family lived there and her grandma was sick so they came to help. 
Mr. Wilson’s family lives in the Bronx but he didn’t want to move back so decided to move to Brooklyn.
She has two annoying younger brothers; Keenan (10) Kel (8). 
She speaks English and only knows a little bit of Spanish but the rest of her family speaks it well which Yana gets frustrated at cause she can’t understand the rest of them while her younger brothers speaks better than she does.
She understands it more than she can speak it unfortunately. So she hears what her family members say about her behind her back. She wishes she didn’t though.
On her dad’s side, they’re Dominican 🇩🇴 . Her mom is just American 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Yes, she knows how to dance bachata.
Yana’s parents swear she was born in the generation because she’s an old-head, loving all the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s classics. One of her favorite songs is I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston. 
Yana was bit by the radioactive spider before Miles was. 
She went to Visions Academy prior to taking the test in Texas and getting in (another reason why her family moves). 
Personality: she’s kinda awkward, little bit of anger issues, but is the nicest person on earth, she’s sensitive and gets taken advantage of sometimes because of it. A completely different person at school than at home (quiet kid 101). 
Got bit by the radioactive spider before she went to school. She was bitten by it without knowing (kinda like a mosquito bite) while she was listening to music and senerioizng on the rooftop.  
School was kinda ass for her. Despite the racial dysphoria of other people wanting to be her race, everything was semi normal.
“How come you’re Latina but your last name is Wilson?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe there’s something called colonization to other countries.”
She handled that better than she thought she would. “By the way I don’t identify as a Latina. I’m black but my ethnicity is Dominican and my nationality is American.”
Gwen noticed her powers first and they became friends first. Yana also spoke to Miles first. 
But that was a mistake after she remembered that her parents were more strict about boys than they were with her brothers about girls.
Ain’t that a shame 😔
Yana was who Miles talked about with his uncle but Gwen happened to be there instead of her. 
While he was trying to rizz up Gwen and his hand got stuck to her hair, he panicked and swung his arms around and it stuck to  Yana’s uniform shirt (she happened to be walking by). 
So they were all embarrassing each other in the middle of the hallway.
Yana spoke to Gwen about what happened afterwards when and explained to her that she thought Miles might be like them.
Spider-Man’s death didn’t take a surprise to Yana with all those crazy villains he fought. 
They both “befriended” him in the forest after they stole the hard drive. She went with Gwen first to save them in her store bought spider man suit. 
Miles and Yana had coincidentally wore the same store bought suit and Yana used one of his cringey lines from the beginning of school.
“Oh, my gosh! This is embarrassing. We wore the same suit.” She laughed but he wasn’t amused.
Yana goes with them to Aunt May’s for the first time and meets the new spider people. She befriends Peni first. She gets to tell her story: “Hi, my name is Yana Wilson and for the past two weeks, I’ve been Brand New Spider-woman.”
Her theme song is Push It by Salt-N-Pepa.
Yana’s spider-woman name is “Spider-Blast” because her spider suit is extremely colorful (she’s based off of the Green Bottle Blue Tarantula) it’s like a “blast” of color. 
The spider team didn’t think that Yana and Miles were good enough to save New York and it made Yana feel insecure about herself.
Of course I’m not going to be good enough, I’ve only been spider woman for two weeks!
When Miles ran away and his crazy self started jumping off of buildings, Yana accompanied him.
They both helped each other personalize their suits. Yana made her suit colorful with the Dominican flag. 
She wanted to practice with him because she felt like she didn’t deserve to be Spider-woman and if she was then she’d at least learn how to.
On that roof after Yana and Miles swung around the city they shared their first kiss. 
During the fight and while everyone was going to leave, Yana almost cried when Gwen had to leave but she assured Yana that she would see her again.
After the fight with Kingpin and after they save New York City, Miles and Yana start a relationship.
A secret one at that matter. Mostly secret from their families. 
Yana got her phone taken away for failing a class (because she was doing spider things) so she couldn’t call or text Miles.
But he randomly called her phone that was sitting on the counter and Yana just happened to answer the phone before her mom could.
“Boy, it’s past 12! I got minutes.” She whispers angrily into the phone. “Ima call you back on the house phone. Do not call back if I hang up.”
It took a lot of convincing and serious talk with her parents about boys before Yana finally takes Miles to meet her family. But they like him and say that he reminds them of their daughter (no sabo kid). 
Her aunts like that he’s Latino. 
Keenan and Kel do not like Miles at all. They speak about him behind his back in Spanish. Yana tells them to stop though.
Being the only spider people in their dimension gets lonely so they of course miss their friends. 
Yana notices that Miles seems to miss Gwen more than she does. (She finds his drawings of her). 
Once Yana got home from fighting a villain and Spider-Blast was on the TV news in her family’s living room. 
“Spider-Blast?” Her Tia Semira questions while helping fix dinner. “What kind of name is that?” 
Although Yana knew that her Tia didn’t mean it in a criticizing way but it still made her cringe.
“I heard that she was from la caribe.” Her messy Tia Maia says, sticking her nose up. “She better not be dominicana.”
“Nah.” Yana quickly jumped in the conversation. “I’m pretty sure she’s boricuan.” Her tias shrugged it off with a scoff. 
Yana quickly went to Miles’s the next day. “Man, I almost got caught by my nosy tias.” 
“Oh, word?” He says, smirking. “Let me guess… she said that she hoped Miss Spider-Blast wasn’t Dominican.” Yana nods with an eye roll.
When Yana and Miles first met the Spot, as said, Miles didn’t take him seriously. Y’know, that “villain of the week” mess. 
But Yana sensed something off and tried to tone Miles down but he wasn’t listening.
He had to go to his parent teacher conference and was already late so he was rushing. 
Yo girlfriend is always right, Miles 🤷🏽‍♀️
When it’s the party that celebrates Jeff’s promotion to captain, Yana puts off her spider work to go while Miles clearly does not. 
She gets to thinking that he supposes that he’s the better hero than her for still tryna save the city. 
He obviously doesn’t .
When he does get there, his parents are on his ass about not getting there on time and Yana calms him down. While sitting in his room talking, Gwen arrives.
Yana is ecstatic to see her best friend after a whole year and a half. But Miles seems happier. 
And she sho notices too 😒. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Are the last words said that Yana immediately knows will lead to trouble. 
Although swinging around the city with Gwen is fun, she feels like a third wheel even though she and Miles are together and not him and Gwen.
Yana’s petty like that and goes back to the party to see if Gwen and Miles would even notice if she was gone. They do, but not until a little later.
Strike 1
At the party, Yana sulks around watching Miles and Gwen interact on the tower thingy. Rio notices so she goes up to introduce herself to Gwen.
As you could tell, it didn’t go well.
After Gwen leaves Miles and Yana have a little serious talk about what happened and he says he won’t do it again. 
Mhm 😒. 
So to make up for the little argument, Miles decides to take Yana with him to follow Gwen. 
Great job bro 😑
Miles turns invisible and Yana camouflages (another perk of the green blue bottle tarantula). 
Blah, blah, blah, the learn about the spider society and follow Gwen into the dimension. Yana is the first to go in because she feels like she’s being pulled towards it. 
Miles tries grabbing her hand to pull her out but he gets sucked in too.
Meeting Pavitr is the best thing that could happen to Yana. That instantly become friends and she joins in on Pavitr grilling Miles about saying Chai tea.
“That’s like saying Naan bread. Naan means bread. It’s like bread bread, Miles! I thought we talked about this.”
He got sad. “Man, even my own girlfriend is chewing me out.” He mumbles. “I SAID I WAS SORRY, YANA.” ☹️
When Yana met Hobie, it was over. She befriended everyone instantly and it made her happy to meet so many friends since she didn’t have a lot back home. 
Gwen was a little upset that both of them were there because they weren’t supposed to be. But she didn’t have any control over it because Miguel requested both Yana and Miles.
Learning that the Spot was traveling dimensions to get power was nerve wracking to Miles because just yesterday he said that he was just a villain of the week and he wasn’t. 
Yana told him he should’ve known better because she warned him.
Strike 2 
Meeting Miguel could’ve gone better than Yana hoped. He wasn’t very friendly in her opinion. She definitely didn’t like him after how he talked to her and Miles.
She was tryna be nice and chill but obviously it didn’t work.
“Hey, my name is Yana-“
“You aren’t supposed to be here.”
“Damn. This is why you can’t be nice to ppl 😒.” Yana rolls her eyes at him. 
When she learns about the canon events is when things really started to become trouble. Miles’s dad was supposed to die and by Miguel’s introduction on saying that “she isn’t supposed to be here” he explains that Yana is the only variant of herself.
Meaning there are no other Yanas in any other dimension. 
Basically like America Chavez. 🤭
That’s when all her friends turn to stare at her in either awe, confusion, or anything else for that matter. Yana feels exposed in that moment. She didn’t even know it was true but somehow she felt judged.
But the look Miles gives her is something else. It’s the look as if he was hesitant. 
It wasn’t until she and Miles were being chased by every single spider person in existence that Miles realized that she was too fragile. There wasn’t another Yana, so if she died, that was it.
He didn’t want to lose her just like that. 
“Go find Margo and tell her to take you back to our universe.” He said.
Yana didn’t have much choice since she wanted to get out of the chase. These people were chasing her like she owed money. Yana didn’t find Margo until Miles found Margo.
He looked pretty upset. 
Even though they were both invisible/camouflaged, they could sense each other.
Turns out Miles wasn’t even meant to be Spider-Man. So that meant Yana wasn’t either… or so he thought.
Margo didn’t want to send Miles and Yana to Ty roe dimension due to Miguel’s constant threats to not let Miles nor Yana go. 
But she had too.
(She and Hobie the real ones). 
Miles helps Yana into the dimension switching thingy (I don’t know what that thing is even called😭). 
Yana and Margo made intense eye contact which was a whole conversation without even talking. Miles thought it was some girl telepathy thing.
Margo pressed the button. “42.” Yana says with furrowed eyebrows. “We’re not from 42-“ 
Miles yanks Yana along with him as they both tear down through the streets on New York to Miles’s house. Yana climbs through the window first and then Miles does.
His room looks the same… “but this isn’t our New York” she wants to say.
“We made it…” Miles sighs in relief before he turns to look at his girlfriend. “Yana, are you alright?”
She nods. “Yeah, I’m fine… But Miles, this isn’t our-“
The door opens, light filling the room. Panic fills Yana’s head. Since she’s the only version of herself in every universe, that means Rio won’t recognize her.
Yana swiftly hides behind the door. “Miles?” His mom enters with a basket of clothes. Miles had quickly put a large jacket on. “Is now a bad time?”
She continues to make conversation with him as Miles tries to figure out a way to tell her he’s Spider-Man.
Yana watches it all intently. 
“I’m… I’m Spider-Man.” He zips his jacket revealing his suit. 
Rio stares blankly at him. “Who?” 
That’s when Yana realizes. It confirms her suspicions that they aren’t in the right dimension. There is no spider-person in this universe.
No wonder the streets looked so gloomy and dark. As soon as Miles and Rio are out of the room, Yana makes a break for the rooftop. 
As soon as she’s on the roof she takes her mask off to breathe. Taking deep breaths in and out, don’t seem to calm her. They wrack her nerves even more.
Yana looks around. It’s night and it’s darker and gloomier than Brooklyn regularly is. Her eyes soon land on something that makes her jaw drop.
Jeff’s mural. It replaces Aaron’s.
He’s dead in this dimension.
The rooftop door opens. Yana panics again because this time she doesn’t know where to hide. So she goes over the roof but sticks to the wall so she can still see.
“You got the plan?” Aaron’s voice enters her ears. 
“Yeah…” Miles follows quickly behind him looking just as shell shocked as she is. “But maybe we should go over it again… just to make sure.” 
He looks around shocked at all the chaos. And at his face, that’s when Yana knows that he’s seen it. He’s seen the mural.
Aaron gets a text and upon that text, he turns to look at Miles suspiciously. 
At that moment, a dark figure jumps up and punches Miles in the face knocking him down.
Now, how immature would it be for Yana to shout something at this moment? Very. 
“Damn!” Yana exclaims. She didn’t mean to, it was an instinct. She quickly covers her mouth and ducks back down when Aaron and the figure look in her direction. 
“Someone’s here. Check the area.” Aaron orders and slips back into the stair room while the figure disappears. 
Yana panicky looks around for where the person went but doesn’t see or hear them until she’s getting smacked back into the rooftop floor right next to Miles. 
Despite the pain and ringing in her ears, she can look up to see the figure more clearly. A more clean design of the “prowler” suit. 
Another prowler?
The new prowler’s phone rings in his pocket. He takes it out and answers it and his mask opens up. 
Yana’s eyes widen at the face. It’s Miles, but not her Miles. 
It’s the last face she sees before she completely blacks out.
A/N : Do y'all know how long it took for me to finish this?? 😩 I was kinda on and off this this tho
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nothingspecialherern · 1 month ago
Just a little more on this too:
Op is right-- go read the whole executive order. Look at the first damn section:
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Did you see it? It's the age-old conservative call to arms-- protect the women! Poor women! Our sad, defenseless women! They use this call to invent a villain. The invented villain is, of course, trans women, noted several times as 'invading men' for this EO.
In blue is the real reason for doing it, coined better than I could have said it: "policy has a corrosive impact not just on women but on the validity of the entire American system. Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to... trust in government itself." Now our villain has an MO: they don't like the government and question the system. They're dangerous to everyone, and need to be stopped. By the way, if you are trans and have pictures of yourself protesting, consider retiring them, especially on social media. You may want to consider keeping them for yourself and print them out if you want to look back, but know that's what they're looking for. Be safe about it, please. Still, if you want to live unashamed of it, by all means do. This is complicated, and please make your own choices.
And thirdly, in red is the real impact: trans women are about to be barred from many government programs, and several women's homes or abuse shelters will now be told to refuse trans girls at the door. Later in the EO, it states that trans inmates will be moved to prisons based on sex, so incarcerated trans folks are about to have a much harsher time of it. And lastly,
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Transgender discrimination is no longer protected by Title IX or Title VII. For those of us too young to be familiar, Title IX is usually what people use to defend themselves at jobs or schools. Trans folks no longer have a right against discrimination under this statute.
Now, let's calm ourselves a bit. Take a breath. We're here. We're alive. We're going to be alive tomorrow. There are trees outside and dogs to pet and hobbies to do. Take another breath. It's not okay, but we're okay right here.
Now, the Title IX thing is immediate. But compliance is not. Most 'plans' for addressing these changes have 30 days to be given. Past that, total compliance either takes 90 or 120 days-- 3 or 4 months, respectively. Which means we've got 3-4 months for lawyers to take this to court and fight it.
Luckily, Lambda Legal is on the case already! Of course, court cases take forever, and likely, these effects will happen before they win a case. But the fight is ongoing. Things will get worse before they get better, so prepare. And please, take care of yourself-- fight discrimination in whatever way you can. From the article:
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So please pay attention. The knee-jerk 'make trump look stupid' is fun, but still a surface reaction. Take it seriously. Take time to let it sink in. Be safe out there.
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everyone trying to own trump about the "he doesn't know sex isn't determined at conception" thing really fundamentally does not understand what the point of that was, and learned basically nothing from his first term. he is not invested in science, biology, or any rational discussion where his provably false beliefs would be subject to scrutiny. he is signaling to everyone in the country that it does not matter what you say, he will never care and he will take every action to enforce these views and embolden his followers with the same rhetoric. you cannot logically talk to a person like this when they are reasoning with emotion, not logic. you cannot dunk the transphobia away. someone post the vonnegut quote.
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paragonrobits · 4 months ago
Neutral-to-Antagonist Ungulate Empire Remnant Concept
So here's an idea I've been mulling over for a bit, as a continuation on one idea I've suggested earlier for an antagonistic enclave of a bygone empire who exist in my OC setting as a mixture of antagonists and allies based on which group you're dealing with and their current agenda; a splintered empire that retains powerful stockpiles of magitech, reliable magic techniques generally unknown, and a relatively easy source of making powerful super soldiers whose enhanced physical and skill-based powers make them absolute powerhouses in war and administrative, trying to project power and conceal how their infrastructure is falling apart faster than they can gather resources for it, and primarily populated by species of monstrous humanoids modeled after various ungulate animals!
They're something of a spin on Exalted's Realm; a powerful empire stylizing itself as civilized and its super soldiers achieved enlightenment, which this group also retains. They believe themselves to be the last remnant of a mighty empire, though its hard to actually know for sure due to much of the setting creating magical oddities from imagination and dreams, so their records may LITERLALY be imaginary and they have no real way to be sure.
They are primarily populated by ungulate-like beings, most predominantly huge and imposing hippos, smaller and more graceful gazelles, powerhouse rhinos, and others. The hippos are ostensibly the one in charge, claiming descent from a legendary matriarch whose lineage grants them legitimacy, though they don't really have a caste system. The matriarch is absent, possibly dead if she ever actually existed, and the empire used to have much wider holdings; they were one of the member states of the villain alliance alluded to as something the previous generation of heroes had to deal with, being more of a mundane military empire rather than cults to nebulous forces of corrupting nihilism like some others.
As they began to lose, this empire broke apart into several large splinters led by various contenders to the seats of power, who to this day lead their own forces, viewing themselves as the True Leader, though they have a common culture and could hypothetically be unified. They originally held a large archepelago as their homeland, occupying a role similar to Atlantis-inspired concepts, and its currently under disputed claims and constantly getting wracked by magical storms and all manner of giant monsters. (The island itself IS a giant monster, though a docile one that's pretty indifferent to all this. If you dig down enough you WILL hit blood, though it doesn't seem to care much.)
They have a reliable means of empowering ordinary people with immense power, using special chambers that convert magical resources into raw power that permanently empower a specific person, granting them greatly amplfiied physical strength, a connection to at least one of several elements significant to their culture, and most importantly, can amplify their skills and abilities into potent magical forms that make them very skilled with them and give new magical powers; a skilled general can turn a group of random farmers into skilled soldiers within a week, a painter can create a wondrous work of art within a day, and generally tthey can achieve huge effects with only a tiny fraction of time, making them essential to administration and combat alike, and deadly foes.
On paper, they are fearsome foes; they have huge stockpiles of magitech with the lights of chainsaw swords, powered armor exoskeletons and giant robots as the flagship force multipliers of the Naval Legions (as they refer to their armed forces); technological amenities are commonplace, and they enjoy a quality of life similar to utopian sci fi settings in some respects. However, this is all stockpiles they've found and worked out how to use, and they cannot actually replicate most of it, and most of it is slowly breaking down and they have no idea why.
They might have gigantic airships with huge cannons that can obliterate whole armies, command armies whose greatest champions can summon dust storms and lightning blasts, but they can't make more of it. Their empowerment chambers are requiring progressively more resources, and soon enough they will be unable to use them at all, and their greatest weapons are breaking down past the point of repair.
Much of their current actions is to obscure their growing helplessness, conquering for resources while portraying themselves as bringing order to a chaotic multiverse, as they scour for information to rebuild the decaying magitech they rely upon. This combines with another aspect; they're technically a order faction, in the sense that their ultimate goal is to bring order to the multiverse, and they DO genuinely mean it, though their notion of order is highly authoritarian and patronizing, viewing themselves as inherently superior and civilized compared to the brutes they fight. Combined with their collective state of anxiety at anyone seeing past their feet of clay, they can act as antagonists or allies depending on context, and most are pragmatic enough to make allies, even if they intend to later make war against them once the time is right.
They are mostly meant to be antagonists, serving as foes in military-focused campaign stories or as a looming threat. Their take on order means they can pursue and antagonize characters for violating one or another of their social dogma; they're somewhat prudish and fixate on the idea of an inherent way that things ought to be, and regard people who break such order as criminals to be apprehended and 'fixed'. Mutants, spontaneously created beings born from spiritual concepts and other strange beings are likely to suffer their attention, and just being a mildly chaotic nuisance will also get their attention.
Other factions concerned with order, and more specifically doing good, are going to deal with them even if they can't stand these remnants, but consider them the only reliable sources of achieving their goals.
In the long term, their empire is probably going to crumble and most likely merge with a rival that proves to be more adaptable, or be conquered outright. Many of their more notable figures are growing discontent with the current situation and may wind up leaving entirely; a good number of their empire has already abandoned their ways in favor of coexistence and embracing the spirits of adventure, which can be a source for species modeled after other ungulates; reindeer, pigs, elephants and cetaceans are all possibilites.
In the SHORT term, though, they're still not to be taken lightly, and their legions hunt down specific targets at the behest of the noble houses which still command them, even if its for incredibly petty reasons; its not unreasonable to have such groups hunting down adventurers as a recurring antagonist or source of fights without having to think too much about it.
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aspenforest732 · 5 months ago
Libertias aut Mortis Chapter 5: Respectfully, You're a Bitch
tw: deadname, misgendering, wrong pronouns Stage 1 begins; little shorter than normal
may have forgotten there’s a reason I had the formerly uno game in chapter 3 in a safe house not the plf hq. Oh well. Also!! GUB is now available as a free mod for Tabletop Simulator on Steam :) I welcome any and all feedback, it’s absolute chaos and unplaytested ‘text’ JSL Text thoughts Page break text page break ???
Chapter Text
“ Respectfully ,” mother’s icy gaze sliced right through Asami, “your voice holds no weight here. Daitan may be your twin, but she is far too close to this and has had far too many coincidences.” She turned back to the traditional kneeling table where the family was hosting a few of the heads.
Asami bowed in deference, taking the half step back against the wall with the rest of her available older cousins and siblings. There was no way. There was just no way Akira would take it this far. They were a good kid, even if she didn’t understand why they did half of what they did. But kids ? Kids were the reason Akira— they wanted to be heroes. 
Not everyone could withstand the level of training they had to go through, so they would protect those who were too weak. Like you protected Minori? the little voice that sounded entirely too much like Akira pestered. Asami batted the thought aside as they turned their attention back to the meeting at hand. 
Nezu was almost too formidable an opponent for any sort of legal battle, but simply removing him would take too long if the time between murders continued to accelerate. Asami refused to think of it as Akira’s plan. Her fingers tapped lightly against her legs as she struggled to maintain a perfect smile on her face against the increasingly… creative ways to get ahold of Akira.
Asami jumped as every screen lit up with the blare of an emergency broadcast. The adults’ expressions turned to mild confusion and annoyance as they looked to the big screen usually reserved for presentations.
The League of Villains flashed on the screen, standing in a line with Shigaraki front and center in a crimson cape and covered in hands. A tall, lanky man stood next to Mr. Compress while Spinner and Magne stood to the other side of Shigaraki. Asami peered at a disturbance behind Dabi, not quite able to make out who or what it was.
Shigaraki spoke, “We are the Paranormal Liberation Front, and we will bring society as it stands to its knees. Too long have corruption, quirkism, and bigotry festered in our society. Today, we say no more. Today, we declare war on the Wrens with one of their own.”
Asami blanched as Dabi stepped to the side slightly and Akira in their hero costume stepped forward into the line. He interpreted while they signed, ‘ Too long have their children been abused and died at their hands. No longer can they merely reset those who question. The government and police only facilitate their crimes, so today, we take matters into our own hands. ’
Asami numbly stared at the now dark screen while the room erupted in a cacophony of arguments and speculation. What have you done?
Base Tour
The feed cut off and, with a few strokes, played across every channel and on the front page of HeroTube. “Come on, Pipsqueak, I can finally give you the tour.” Dabi ruffled their hair as he swept past.
Detnerat gifted the largely underground compound as part of a tentative partnership. Armed with substantial evidence Mortis gathered and an easy way to expose them, Shigaraki uncovered the wealth of resources the organization could provide not just in finances but also in manpower. With over a hundred thousand members, including some heroes, the Meta Liberation Army drastically expanded their intelligence network.
The compound itself was grand in scale with enough rooms to house most of the army and massive meeting halls to account for the rest. A network of tunnels branched out from the complex and utilized the latest Tinker tech to avoid detection from most sensors and quirks. Most of the compound was plain steel and concrete with cold tile floors. Screens dotted the bland hallways, most depicting the news or weather reports with a few buttons. Dabi explained any could be used to set off the alarm or view security feeds with the required biometrics. They put Mortis in the system already with one of Twice’s clones and verified with a clone of Dabi that the biometrics would still match up.
In addition to the dining hall for the compound, the VIP section held a smaller kitchen for the heads of the organization. The bedrooms were a bit larger but still had gender-neutral, shared bathrooms.  With most of the MLA’s leadership dead, the League now occupied the rooms. I guess that officially includes me now .
Dabi and Mortis made their way back to the rest of the League in the familiar living room off the kitchen. A few new splashes of color dotted the still very beige area, clashing throw pillows and blankets muffling the creak and pokey springs. A handful of nails dotted the walls, a hammer resting on the frame of a once glass-topped side table. A large tv hung across from the door, though none of the furniture was particularly pointed towards it.
“How are you feeling, my dear?” Compress looked up from his tea and book as they walked in. Shigaraki poured over a stack of papers with a scowl while Spinner leaned against his chair, adding a few comments here and there. Magne scrolled on her phone with a deep frown while Twice focused on a rubix cube.
‘ It’s just a lot… ’ Mortis trailed off as they lowered themself onto the couch while Dabi grabbed tea. ‘ Always thought it’d just be me and Blue Fang against the world, but now there’s a literal army. ’
“You give people a storyline.”
Mortis looked over to Shigaraki in surprise. The usually quiet man briefly met their gaze before returning to his papers. After a moment, he looked up and huffed while his shoulders stiffened. “Before the Wrens, we were playing in a sandbox. Now we’re in a JRPG.”
Gradually getting more used to game terminology, Akira slowly nodded. “You want to talk house, Pipsqueak?” Dabi asked. “We can wait till tomorrow, but you should know the structure.”
At their nod, Dabi went over the divisions and lieutenants. Compress and Spinner ran support, or Brown Division, coordinating with vigilantes and other allies as needed for the other divisions. Twice and a Thinker named Twitch ran Black Division, making plans for who to target when and were currently working on timing for hitting the compounds. Dabi and Magne ran Violet Division, which Mortis bit back a smile at the name of those doing most of the fighting as well as directing any nomu on operations. “Right now, Joe is the head of Carmine Division, and we anticipated you filling the second Lieutenant position over it,” Dabi finished, looking over them lazily.
Where did… Mortis startled as the perfectly ordinary man came to mind. ‘ That works. Didn’t know he was more than an arms distributor. ’
“Any of your squad joining us?” Dabi drawled with a knowing glint in his eye.
Mortis rolled their eyes but nodded with a scowl. ‘ Raven insisted, so I told him to go with Hawks’ decision. Animal Whisper will probably check in with critters but will be going through Sir Nighteye. ’
Magne fully looked up from half paying attention to her phone. “Didn’t you have other friends? The purple-haired one and Dabi’s brother?”
‘ And Sparkles, yeah, but Blank split off a bit ago. It’s too much for Peppermint to risk, and Sparkles… ’ Mortis shifted uncomfortably, trying to think of a delicate way to put it.
“Trauma?” Dabi offered. They nodded.
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the-hem · 6 months ago
"The Tusk." From the Ganapati Upanishad.
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Legend says Ganesha broke off one of His elephant tusks in order to write the Mahabharata, which contains the history of India and the Bhagavad Gita. Similarly, man must write and study his history and analyze the heroes and villains in his life and make all the correct decisions.
The moment I realized Donald Trump cheated in the 2016 election and found solid proof that he had done it, I rang alarm bells all over the place and tried to get him put to death for it. Like Sri Krishna, I asked the US Government, “why won’t you fight?”
Now we are dealing with October 7, a Trumpism that could have been prevented at just about any time if the investigation I tried to initiate were to have been taken seriously.
I was interviewed by the Secret Service three times and each time I stated the reasons for my plea with the government to execute Donald Trump and where one could find the evidence he had cheated but nothing happened and people died. Donald Trump and members of his party have recently claimed to be responsible for murdering members of my family and have provided photographic evidence they indeed committed the murders .
We know all this already, I’ve posted about it, and there is nothing that can be done except we can read the Bhagavad Gita and the Torah etc. and see what God advises us to do when every possible firebreak against the spread of wickedness has failed.
First we need to do as I said and Donald Trump and Mike Pence and the rest of his cabinet need to be put to death. Everyone in his party and family who is affiliated with him has to be investigated, arrested if applicable and put to death. This is the only way we shall ever be free of such a pervasive evil.
Next we need a dialogue between the politicians and the polity that will explain the policies and their proper procedures and why such a thing as I have explained above shall never, ever happen again. Finally spiritists must take up the noose and goad and direct the people as to the proper disposition and attitude saints are expected to abide by consistently in the format of our society. We recently cheered this man on. Something is wrong with us.
Instead of living in peace, we are living in fear and this the Upanishad says can only be cured with its banner:
10 Let us think of the one-toothed, let us meditate on the crooked trunk, may that tusk direct us.
11. One tusk, four arms, carrying noose and goad, with his hands dispelling fear and granting boons, with a mouse as his banner.
The banner of the science of the Upanishads states one must always do one’s duty and do so without attachment. About this Krishna said Crimes Against Humanity are not to be tolerated:
“The following are the most barbaric actions and ideologies that have existed in human society. - Human slavery - Human trading - Taking females captive (wives and daughters of fallen soldiers) and raping them - Stoning people to death - Burning people - Eternal punishment - Religious intolerance - Dividing humanity into believers and unbelievers based on religion - Instilling fear - Terrorizing - Looting - Conversions by use of force or deception - Taxation based on religion - Adults sleeping with children - Female genital mutilation All the above are against USA and international human rights laws. The Bhagavad-Gita DOES NOT advocate any of the above and these are all considered barbaric by Bhagavad-Gita standards. The speaker and God of the Bhagavad-Gita is Lord Krishna and He very clearly instructs His followers to be kind and loving to all living beings. The Bhagavad-Gita is the scripture on human values, and even the animals and trees have the right to freely exist.
“One who is beyond duality and doubt, whose mind is engaged within, who is always busy working for the welfare of all sentient beings, and who is free from all sins, achieves liberation in the Supreme.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 5.25)
The self-effulgent Vaikuntha planets, by whose illumination alone all the illuminating planets within this material world give off reflected light, cannot be reached by those who are not merciful to other living entities. Only persons who constantly engage in welfare activities for other living entities can reach the Vaikuntha planets. (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 4.12.36)
“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Fearlessness, purification of one's existence, cultivation of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, performance of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity and simplicity; nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger; renunciation, tranquility, aversion to faultfinding, compassion and freedom from covetousness; gentleness, modesty and steady determination; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy and the passion for honor—these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 16.1-3).
These principals our politicians have forgotten about because the people do not care about them any longer in large numbers. So during discussions after the public executions of Donald Trump, his sons, wives, and daughters, et al, Mike Pence, “JD Vance” , Tony Perkins, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan etc. and all the Mormons for treason, churches and temples need to revisit them in order to ensure future White Houses Congresses, and Supreme Courts understand the values they have been hired to protect without delay or hesitation.
I do not want the Republican Party to operate, every last member of it in Congress knew what was going on. It has since shown not a shred of obligation of compassion towards the world and has encouraged despotic regimes and turned away those in dire need of our country's direct assistance. Their policies have in fact cause death and dismemberment and they have not recanted their mistakes. There is not a good man or woman among them, no, not one, so I see no need for their lives to persist.
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vallianttreedreamland · 2 years ago
The villain enters the headquarters lobby and the first thing they see is the receptionist in a spy outfit who is wearing a pair of glasses which the left arm of the glasses is tied onto the lens frames with a piece of floss and a burned and frayed fedora. “Hi, welcome to the agency. How may we help you today.”, they say in an unenthusiastic voice. “I’d like to make a formal complaint.”, the villain responds. “If you need it corrected quickly, you’re not going to be happy. It takes 2 months for the complaint to get to management and then an unspecified amount of time to actually correct that.”, the receptionist replies, pulling a bottle of whisky from under their desk and drinks straight from the bottle. “Are you alright? From what I hear, hired superheroes aren’t allowed to drink on the job.”, the villain inquires. “Well, guess what. I’m not a superhero, I’m not even a registered member of staff. I fucking hate this job, everyone like me hates it. Management looks down on us, heroes look down on us, my office is a goddamn closet, I didn’t even ducking drink before joining this, I was a super spy before this but coming back from a mission, I got kidnapped and ended up here-*hic*- I’m not even allowed to leave due to a stupid contract I didn’t even sign because they forged my signature, and we’re not even paid and the media doesn’t know about us overworked and underpaid workers meanwhile t-the fucking heroes get all the attention-”, the receptionist passes out on the desk mid rant.
The villain looks up from the passed out receptionist to the huge amount of the others the receptionist was talking about, watching the drunken rant as if it was the most interesting thing all of the have ever seen in their time here. “Ok, where’s your upper management? I have a few things to complain about.”, the villain responds.
15 minutes later, the villain walks out of the headquarters with 70% of the entire staff base and a passed out receptionist in their arms back to the villain’s lair.
A villain has entered the Hero’ main headquarters… to make a formal complaint.
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