#backyard eating
purplbear · 4 months
Found morels growing in our yard upon returning from a trip. What a welcome home!
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pixelatedsnuggles · 1 year
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Landscape - Contemporary Landscape Inspiration for a sizable, modern, concrete-paver landscaping project in the backyard.
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expectopatronope · 1 year
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Landscape - Contemporary Landscape Inspiration for a sizable, modern, concrete-paver landscaping project in the backyard.
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chappelroans · 8 months
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missing someone bad for you
trista mateer / trista mateer / sue zhao / u.k / u.k / clementine von radics / trista mateer
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
I’d like to be clear to new followers that I’m not vegan? My fish cruelty post has moved into vegetarian/vegan circles and I’m getting a bunch of new followers so I don’t want someone getting pissed later because I post about what I eat.
I grew up on a farm, I believe that humans are interconnected in the food chain with other plants and animals. I believe we have a duty to reduce any undue suffering and allow any animal in our care to thrive, but I also believe that to eat an animal you raised with care is part of the food chain and eating it without waste is respect.
These are my beliefs and choices and I’m not knocking anyone else’s, but I’d like for it not to become a hot button later.
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jon val jon or something
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frogwiththephatahh · 2 months
So I've been watching a lot of tiktoks about sheep care and what happens on sheep farms...and that makes me picture Polyphemus and the other cyclops doing these things to keep their sheep healthy and happy. Polyphemus carefully plucking a stuck lamb out of its mother. Polyphemus carrying around a lost lamb, trying to find its mom (he definitely raised his favorite sheep from a baby. that thing was orphaned and it was his child Odyesseus how dare you) Polyphemus having to roll sheep that get stuck on their backs onto their feet again. Polyphemus in a sun hat throwing grains and foods onto the ground from a large basket in his arm. And all the sheep love him. Yes, they know he might eat some of them. But he cares for them. he shears their wool when it gets too long. He keeps them safe from predators and he feeds them regularly. He's like a god to them. Every so often, he takes a few of their friends, maybe their children, to eat. But in return they are safe, they are cared for, and they are loved.
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canisalbus · 10 months
Since everyone is on the topic of food, do you have a favorite food? Or something you tend to snack on a lot?
I like sautéed reindeer a lot, I think it's been my favorite dish for a good while now. With mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam. Creamy salmon soup too. I've eaten roasted moose just a couple of times but it was one of the best things I've tasted. Unfortunately it's expensive, I can't really justify splurging that much on delicacy meats. When I'm getting takeout I tend to default to sushi, Subway or Chinese.
Snacks, uhh... Lately I've been eating various yoghurts on a daily basis I guess? I don't eat tons of candy or salty snacks, if I'm buying a little treat for myself I'm going with a cinnamon roll, voisilmäpulla or some other pastry. I also like trying various seasonal and imported sodas.
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toyastales · 5 months
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This outdoor space is so serene. Even on the hottest day you will be able to chill in a shaded area.
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batz · 3 months
i take my cat outside bc she Loves to lay in the sun but then she acts so Rude for the rest of the day. she keeps screaming at the door like NO its dark And chilly outside rn. even with a lead and harness you WILL be eaten by owls or coyotes,or a slenderman, even
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puppyeared · 1 month
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Vegetable Guard
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vaynglories · 9 months
one of those "steal his look" bird memes but it's this guy and his look is just a white sleeveless tanktop
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let-them-eat-rakes · 4 months
they have the same eyes
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shadowkira · 1 year
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DeKay's brown snake
(Storeria dekayi)
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superfluffychickens · 47 minutes
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Your Local Teenage Goth Menace™️
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pupkou · 2 months
i planned a clothing swap that’s going to take place tomorrow at my house and im very scared that no one is going to come </3
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