#back to sleep for me... honk shoo.
datastate · 1 year
i think people should get more comfortable with blacking out random strangers' faces when sharing photographs online.
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tsbs-shipfessions · 1 month
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(fym i woke up after like 2 hours of sleep to learn that there are people making.. purposefully hateful confession blogs?? because they dont like how my friends and i our running ours??? wut
g. guys, everyone realizes that my friends and i are being /haha silly goofy about this, right? like, we genuinely encourage and support confessions, but everyone realizes we're going so hard on rules and making each blog a safe space to avoid making our blogs hateful?? r. right??? and that we're literally doubling as roleplay blogs bc of how hard we're goofin and gaffin???? right?????
and btw one last thing bc i have Anxiety- this is not encouragement to like.. go off and harass the more 'negative' confession blog(s). just block them and move on, or don't. literally do whatever makes you happy. let's embrace the francis way homies ...not like to the extent he does, but you get what i mean digsigqwi)
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kinokoshoujoart · 11 months
she lei on my rock til i over. is this anything
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noodleblade · 1 year
Broooo when you find a fic that caters to your exact taste and preferences but the author hasn’t updated it in weeks!!!
(I’m the author)
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dilfkuza · 1 year
thought a little too long about what readjusting to being in each other's lives again must have been like for Majima and Saejima. coming back to one of the only people you still have left only to realize they're not the person you had to leave behind. the commadarie is there, but in a new font because you lived an entire life away from each other. how long did it take for Majima to ease up on the Mad Dog persona around Saejima, to register that he was still safe and wouldn't be taken away from him again?
only for Saejima to go back to jail and set them back to square one, adding another name to the list of people that Majima is patiently waiting for. another hand holding the leash that grounds him because they're all he really cares about at this point, Tojo be damned. how long did it take for Saejima to learn how to navigate the minefield that is the Mad Dog? how many times did Majima metaphorically bare his teeth and fight against someone seeing under the mask? it would be safe to let him in, it's just his Taiga, but for almost 30 years raising his hackles is what he's known best.
and how many times did Saejima push through regardless, because despite the showmanship and the decades lost, that's still his kyoudai.
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ghostinghome · 1 year
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enderspawn · 2 years
i love when you’re awake in the morning but so, so close to falling back asleep that you’re surely still in stage 1 of sleep bc you always get very fun hallucination effects
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mars-ipan · 3 months
honestly as an ace. dating a somnophile would be so easy
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bearjam · 5 months
Man I totally just slept through a tornado watch
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year
were just normal men moment
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Me, last night:
"It's time for bed!" *tries to go to sleep* -Honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo mimimimimi-
My brain:
"Guess we aren't sleeping-" *turns on the light*
My brain:
*Turns the lights back off* :<
So this is ended up being me till like 2 am
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i was gonna apologize for this being embarrassing or something and explain that i made it silly and weird on purpose cus its my sense of humor but i dont think i will cus i didnt make it for anyone who is hating on me rn so
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shapard · 7 months
Yeah I just got a idea for a scenario, if you don't want to that ok. date night with lucifer playing untitled goose game, I know it's not ducks but would still be funny 🤣
Playing the Untitled Goose Game with Lucifer🪿
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Fluff, Lucifer being a boomer
Lucifer x Reader
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Lucifer was working on one of his dozen duck’s creations. 
He was too deep into his work that he didn’t sense you coming from behind.
You called out his name and he was startled at your sudden presence that he jumped up from his seat. 
The duck flew out of his hand flying into one of many piles of little ducklings. 
Dumbfounded he looked at his hands, “… My.. DUCK!”
You watched guilty as Lucifer threw himself right after it, searching for it. 
After a while he came back up, “She’s gone…” He pouted, “Well, just going to make another one.” He stood back up fixing his hair and his tuxedo. 
“Luci?” You called out for him, he completely forgot that you were standing there.
“Oh- OH! Hello Sweetie!” In a blink of an eye, he had you in a death grip, hugging you closely against his body. 
He stepped back and gave you a wide smile. “Next time please knock, you scared the shit out of me.” He laughed nervously and looked up to you with his loving eyes. 
His eyes travelled on your hands which were hiding something behind your back. “What do you have there.” He pointed at your hidden hands. 
Remembering why you were here in the first place, you smirked and pulled out a game named “Untitled Goose Game”.
Lucifer looked at you confused. 
“A game?” You nod furiously. “Can you please play it while I watch? Like a little date?”
After a while of being in a relationship with him you found out that he hates TV, and everything that came with it. 
He had an old Tv and it barely worked. For you he made an exception and bought one of those newer Flat Tv (The newest). 
When you found that game you just knew you must play it with him.
It was a game about a Goose?!
Who doesn't like Geese?
Lucifer sighed, “You know I don’t like any Tv related things. Maybe something else, for tonight?” He asked nervously, fidgeting with his tuxedo.
After minutes of Arguments, you both were sitting in couple duck pajamas on the Couch.
You two were cuddled up together and he had you in his Arms.
He didn't look impressed at all.
He agreed to play that game with you if you wear couple pajamas, he bought few weeks ago.
And you gladly accept.
You explained to him the main controls of the controller and he started to curse:
“Why is this so complicated?”
“Why doesn't it work?!”.
“You’re being so dramatic.” You said and Lucifer glared at you. “Here you can move the goose.” You moved the link stick to show him. 
You danced in Victory when you saw him playing after minutes of rage.
Finally he pressed the right buttons.
With sparkling eyes, he walked around as a goose in the game he was already obsessed.
He moved the goose easily around the game and he honked at almost everything in the game. 
It was so adorable.
He loved this game. 
Even though he rages every time someone shoos him away.
Once he even tried to throw the controller at the human in the Tv. you managed to stop him just in time. 
He was very pissed at the humans in the game screaming every second: “Let me through!”
"How dare they not let me pass?! I'm the king of Hell!" You stroked his back, calming him down. "It's just a game."
It was a simple, stupid game but he loves everything about it.
And he’s secretly thankful you bought him this game.
He squealed like a child who got a Lollipop when he discovered he could swim in the little lake. 
Even when you fell asleep and woke up in the morning after you saw Lucifer still playing the game. Fighting with the urge to go to sleep. 
Maybe you changed his mind about Video games and Tv with this little date night.
He finally did something else than working on his hyper fixation about ducks.
But now he started to also make rubber Gooses.
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A/n: I hope this meet your expectations! I completely forgot about this game's existence💀.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 year
How They Sleep
Adulttrio + Kurapika and Leorio
Slight nsfw for Hisoka
Would suffocate you.
Like I will not take criticism on this one, he needs to be as close as humanly possible to sleep at all
he doesn't sleep much but when he does it's quite peaceful and he doesn't move much
As I said before he likes to be close to you and the closet he feels he can get is you lying on your back and him lying on your stomach so that's how you all sleep
I feel like he would also like read to you or tell you bedtime stories
There are books upon books stacked on his end table so you have a large variety
He sleeps in black sweats and a tee btw
Idk that's it ig
the coochie man
Kind of a creep like he would want you to lay a certain way so he can have his hands on your ass
Doesn't he sleep naked in the 1999 version
Idk either that or boxers he likes to stay cool
Would snore like honk shoo honk shoo most definitely and then denies it in the morning like
One morning you call it to his attention and he's like 'um no I was not snoring you were. ' and gives you the silent treatment until you apologize
Probably goes to bed super late because he's studying yk and would let you fall asleep in his lap if you are tired before he was.
Sometimes he falls asleep with you and you guys wake up together in his chair and he just kisses your forehead and nuzzles against your shoulder
He doesn't
Not much anyways
He would make a fuss if you ask to cuddle him even though he loves it
He wants you to think he's tough so he won't verbally ask if you want to cuddle he'll just kinda drag you into the bed with him and wrap his arms around you
lays on your chest and let's you braid his hair
Big spoon he likes to protect you even while you're sleeping
listens to your heartbeat to fall asleep
Sleeps in his sweats and shirtless
His body's naturally pretty cold so you guys kind of just huddle up under the blanket and fall asleep like that
His grip would be so tight like even while he's asleep he would not let go
if you wake up before him you'd have to wake him up if you wanted to get out of bed otherwise you're not leaving
He always apologizes the best he can when you tell him you need to pee or something
'sorry I guess I didn't realize' and you would tell him it's fine and he would kiss your cheek or your hand on
Does it all again when you get back in bed
kind of like chrollo he loves cuddles
He'd probably suffocate you too
he doesn't sleep as much as normal ppl do but is less against it than Illumi
Likes to sleep in any position with direct contact and prefers to sleep with his head on your chest and his hands wrapped around you waist or vice versa
Always big spoon he likes to engulf you with his arms and body
His body is really warm and produces a lot of heat so sometimes you get hot but there's no way he's letting you go til he's ready to get up
His hair is long and down while you're asleep so when you wake up it's either in your face, splayed out over your shoulder or chest or just barely covering his face while he sleeps
Would dream of you almost every night
Wet dreams ofc
Don't be surprised if you hear him moaning in his sleep bc we all know he's a creep
That's why he likes to sleep with his face in your chest if you have tits
If he wakes up first he'd probably try to wake you up by kissing your neck and leaving hickeys or groping you if you're okay with that
He's a somnophiliac but would only act on it if it's consensual as with everything thing else
morning sex obviously
Probably has sexsomnia too
Anyway he sleeps naked
He would wear his boxers if you make him put on clothes but would whine about it
'but baby please, you see me naked all the time what does it matter if we're sleeping' or 'but love, you know I get hot at night' don't suggest not cuddling either because he will grab a hold of you and almost smother you in a hug to prove his point
Kisses you good morning and good night
Like Illumi he doesn't sleep much
An extremely light sleeper too like je can hear a pin drop in his sleep
He has nightmares sometimes and wakes up in the middle of the night
Cuddling you always make him feel better
Would switch between big spoon and little spoon
Blankets and lots of pillows surrounding you almost like a pillow fort
Sleeps with a fan on bc he likes the noise
Would hum to you while you lay on his chest
Likes to curl up behind you and cuddle you with your back to his chest
If you get up while he's asleep he'll wake up no matter what
'where are you going? Oh okay, come right back alright?'
Let's you play with his hair
Kiss your head and whispers 'i love you' once he thinks you've fallen asleep
You can probably tell who my favorite is but that's okay. Also I was not expecting my last post to get any attention but ty all<3
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novasintheroom · 14 days
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066. Irritate
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1.4k
♡ Warnings - Vash being annoying, he pinches your butt once
♡ Description: Vash is in a mood today, and you have to take the brunt of it.
Now part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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Vash is in a mood today.
The others don’t see it. How could they? They’ve only known him for four months.
You, however, have almost seventy years of knowing him.
And you’re on your toes.
It starts in the morning when everyone is still waking up. The light of dawn is gray, casting silver sands across the horizon. Meryl and Millie are packing up their sleeping bags, while Wolfwood putters around with Vash, loading up the heavier equipment. Quiet chatter or grumbles is all anyone can muster.
You’re kicking sand over the ashes of last night’s fire when Vash comes up behind and wraps his arms around you, resting on your chest. “Hey,” he says. His voice has the croakiness of sleep still in it. He moves your hair to the side of your neck to press a chaste kiss at its base.
You warm at the affection and turn in his hold. You want a real kiss. Lips puckering, you whisper, “Hey,” and go on your tiptoes.
Instead of meeting lips, however, you feel Vash’s mouth close over your nose and blow. The air forces your voice to honk out in surprise, and Vash pulls away with a laugh. You give him a glare. He dances away before you can hit him.
That was innocent enough; he’s done that before. What really tips you off to his mood is when you’re walking through town later in the day.
It starts with one bullet casing in your pocket. Easy enough, you throw it away and continue with your group. But an hour later, you find another bullet casing in that same pocket. You look at it oddly, but again, chalk it up to nothing. Then another appears. And another. At one point, you pull your pockets out and five different bullet casings clink to the ground. The townspeople give you looks for littering their space with your junk. Embarrassed, you look to Vash for moral support. He looks away. You see the smile he’s trying to hide, though, and suddenly, you know it was him.
Little punk.
It escalates. When you go to hold his hand, he takes it and shakes it – every time – like you’re meeting for the first time. “Hello, miss, nice to meet you,” and “woah now, I don’t know you like that” are his go-to responses. He pinches your butt subtly when you’re in the middle of talking to someone, letting out a high squeak that makes the other person pause and look at you strangely. Vash also feigns a strange look, asking “Are you okay?” You can only give him another glare, the heat of the suns having nothing to the heat of your face. A hundred other little annoyances build up throughout the day, and by the end of it, you’re tired of his antics and avoid him like the plague.
The camp is set up in relative quiet. Millie’s talking about her family, with Meryl and Wolfwood halfway listening while getting dinner and a fire going. You’re trying to help, gathering sleeping bags and lean-to tents from the back of the car, when Vash comes up behind you and says, “Lemme take those.”
Your wary look has him acting innocent. “What?’
You slam the trunk closed and whirl on him, sleeping bags in hand. “Don’t ‘what’ me, what are you planning now?”
“I’m not planning anything – “
“Ha! Liar.” You hold the sleeping bags close like a shield. “Go away. Shoo. Go help Nico with the fire or something.”
He blinks. “But I want to help you!”
“Oh I bet you do.” Nose turning up, you march to the camp and start handing out everything.
Meryl gives you a strange look as she takes her bag. “Everything okay?”
You look at her, then roll your eyes. “Vash is Vash,” you simply say.
She nods like she understands. Millie frowns to the side. “Are you and Mister Vash fighting, Miss ______?”
A strange feeling settles in your stomach. The last thing you want is for them to think you’re actually fighting. “Nah,” you say, giving her a reassuring smile, “he’s just playing. He gets like this every once in a while.”
Light of understanding comes to her eyes. “Oh! My ma and pa do that! They’re always playing, poking fun at each other.” She shifts her legs to cross them. “Ma gets so annoyed at Pa, but they still love each other at the end of the day.”
“Yeah, that’s what we do.” You laugh, some of the tension of the day dropping off. Looking across the fire, you spot Vash setting up his own space for sleep tonight. You smile at him, and, when he notices, he smiles back.
Later, you’ve taken up a spot on top of the car. A small booksits on your chest as you read, curled up in a blanket, and stars glimmer overhead. Everything is cooling down, and with it, your temper.
The car shakes suddenly. You peak over your book and see Vash at the back end, climbing up the ladder. His eyes light on you, and your hackles rise. “What’cha doin’?”
You give him a look. “Reading…”
His smile is innocent to the unwary eye. You watch him carefully as climbs the rest of the way up. He shirks off his shoes and socks and coat and crawls under the blanket with you. He does not stop moving, flipping this way and that, bumping your elbows and squishing you further on top of the truck, bullying you into the side bar. You let out displeased grunts but try not to react.
When he finally settles, he’s got you pinned, rolled onto his side with an elbow supporting his head. “Hey,” he greets, and you see the mischief in his eyes.
The smile you give is tense. You only hum at him and pretend to go back to reading.
Slowly, he nestles down next to you. The blanket gets pulled up to his chin. He doesn’t give you any more room, but at least he isn’t doing anything. Your hackles settle after a few minutes, and you continue to read.
His legs shift. Then shift more. And more. His hand creeps out and takes a handful of your shirt. You shoot him a warning look. He blinks back. Then, in one swift motion, he lifts your shirt halfway and digs his feet into your side.
“Vash!” You shriek, and the others look over with wide eyes, “Your feet are freezing!” You squirm and kick to no avail; his blocks-of-ice-for-feet stay rooted to your ribs.
Vash laughs, smooshing his toes into your skin, ignoring the slaps you give his ankles. “Aw, c’mon, mayfly! It’s not that bad!” He hums and closes his eyes with a pleased look. “Nice and warm…”
You snarl and sit up, shoving his feet off you. “You’re such a boy! You irritate me! All day! Annoying little sh–”
 “That’s so mean…why would you say that…” He gives a kicked-puppy look, bottom lip wibbling.
You don’t fall for it. Grabbing his cheeks with one hand, you lean down and press your nose to his. “If you do not keep your filthy little ice nubs to yourself, I’ll throw you in the fire. That’ll warm you up.”
His eyes have a certain sparkle in them. Unrepentant, he gives you a quick peck on your lips. Ooo, he’s in such a mood. Your mouth twitches. He knows just what buttons to push to get a reaction out of you.
In the background, you hear the giggling of Millie, the long-suffering sigh of Meryl. Your cheeks heat, embarrassed. With your own feet, you push Vash away. He lets out an ‘oof’ as you push his stomach in, and he scrabbles against the luggage and roof of the car to stop this assault. “Why,” you say, “are you like this?!”
Still, he smiles. “Because I love you.” And with a great heave, he rolls over your feet and tackles you in a big hug, pinning your arms to the side to keep you from resisting. The air rushes out of your lungs in a wheeze. “My mayfly~” he sings, smooching your cheek.
“Get a room,” Wolfwood calls out.
“Isn’t it nice to see two people so in love, Meryl?” Millie sighs across the fire. “I wish I could find someone to be so comfortable around!”
When you have enough air, you reach around and bite Vash on the cheek. Hard.
Meryl smiles sympathetically amid Vash’s howl of pain. “I dunno if ‘comfortable’ is the right word for this situation, Millie.”
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do something with reader yeeting a weighted blanket at the chain and their reactions? I got reminded of that weighted blanket trend and thought it’d be funny
A/N:HAHAHA ABSOLUTELY OMG this ask made me actually laugh out loud😭 I have a weighted blanket I use sometimes bc it helps with chronic pain(I have arthritis) and anxiety and such—also I’ve always wanted to do that trend w someone but I’ve been to scared bc I don’t wanna hurt anybody :( anyway enjoy!
The chain and a weighted blanket!
(For simplicity’s sake, we’ll say they have weighted blankets in Hyrule lol)
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Is a bit confused with the initial throw(I’d be struggling if I tried tbh) like—why is a blanket being thrown on him, but once it hits him, he stumbles back with a groan and a laugh
“What’s wrong with this thing, great goddesses!”
Totally thinks it’s funny
Will be buying a weighted blanket as soon as possible to get Malon with it…also just cause it feels nice.
Catches it
“Hylia, this is heavy, why is this blanket heavy???”
When you(albeit shocked, cause how did he freaking catch it) explain to him that it has sand(?) in it, and what it can be used for, he’s pleasantly surprised.
“Oh wow! Who would’ve thought of such a thing!”
He accompanies you to go get Wild with it.
Body folds like a lawn chair
“OGH-“ and a thunk on the ground 💀
But he’s laughing!
Pokes his head out and just kinda lays there. Twilight’s cackling his head off behind you.
“Why?” He asks with a laugh and you just
Funny is funny, and it’s nice to have a few pranks here and there, both to keep you on your toes and have a laugh.
Also folds like a lawn chair
Except he doesn’t like his head out like wild. When there’s no movement and you peek under, he’s asleep
Mans can fall asleep anywhere anytime in a short amount of time. Sleeping is like second nature to him.
Nothing. Dead silence. You’re actually beginning to wonder if it knocked him out, but no. He’s snoring, and seems perfectly fine. It’s just comfy and he decided it was time to honk his shoos. Go night night for a bit.
You throw it at him from behind and he stumbles forward into the stump he was using as a table for planning their next route.
“Agh! Hey!!!”
Was originally upset but when he saw how hard you were laughing, he can’t seem to make himself stay mad
You were too cute, and far too happy. He didn’t want to ruin that.. and it was a little funny
“Alright Alright, You’ve had your fun…. Now go get the vet.” He said with a soft smile. The effect you had on these boys was remarkable
Get ready to run, and run fast
Yeah—he’s… pretty much the only one that didn’t take it well.
You threw it on him and he fell forward and cursed
“Y/n what gives?!”
Though when he saw how upset his yelling made you, he softened.
“It was just a joke, I didn’t mean—“
“No. It’s whatever.” He drops the blanket to the ground with a thud and crossed his arms. “It’s fine. Stop looking like that, though. All…sad. You look like a wet dog… or wet blanket, more appropriately..”
That made you crack a smile, and he huffed and rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up as he turned away.
You can’t figure out if he said the pun with the intention of making you laugh or not, but it worked. (Spoiler alert, yes he did. He’s a softie whether he likes it or not and he has a particular soft spot for you.)
(Totally got the blanket to sleep under it for comfort, but if you told anyone or asked him about it he’d deny everything.)
“AAH!” He yelled as he flew forward when you threw it on his back.
He’s laughing, which is good.
Like time, he just laughs and holds it out to you, only he’s doing it with a touch of struggle to keep his arms out until you take it.
“That’s so heavy! What the heck! How did it get like that???”
After a long winded explanation, he really likes it!
Definitely asks for it one night, especially after a particularly rough battle.
Like Wars, he’s a bit upset but laughs it off, because at the end of the day, it is funny
Just make sure to pay attention to when you’re throwing it on him. Make sure he’s not working on any weapons—that’s dangerous ground both in injury and messing the weapon up.
Then, he’d actually be upset(but not for too long. He can’t stay mad at you.)
“Oh cmon!” He laughs, shoving you once he’s out from under the blanket.
Once he gets over his small upset, he’s laughing louder. It starts being real funny to him.
“That’s so dumb, that’s so dumb.” He says through laughter.
He goes FLYING
“Hey y/—WAH!”
When you pick it up he’s got the biggest mischievous grin
Thinks it’s the funniest thing known to mankind
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choochooboss · 2 years
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Submas sketchdump! Vol. 1
April-June 2022
Literally dumping all the presentable works as promised, whether I'm proud of them or not! This is where I started, even before the first thing I posted online (That subway station one). Many of these are not on Twitter yet so there's lots to see!
The top piece above the header is my very first digital Submas artwork!! I never finished it bc I didn't know how to pull my vision of as I wanted & started modeling the train and didn't finish that either, whoops! I really want to remake this later and make it super cool!
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^^^ My reaction to breaking 500 likes & 100 followers in a single day with my first tweet (the battle subway one) all the way back in May!! I was completely floored by all the attention, oh how it skyrocketed my excitement and anxiety! Crazy times, I was so super nervous to be there with so many amazing artists and doubted if I could ever survive there ahahah!! Many had joined the community much much earlier than me, so I had arrived with a late train to PLA/neo Submas hype!
Next up is a bunch of stuff I haven't posted before:
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One of my fav sketches! Been saving this for so long bc I really really want to finish this one day!
One of the first submas sketches with an actual story behind it! The subway bosses are running late for their flight because they didn't pass the safety check! The irony!! This would never happen as bosses are always on schedule. But Emmet hadn't noticed a wild Joltik hiding under his coat, so he set up the alarm and they got examined and interrogated of smuggling! How embarrassing for them! The bosses resolved the situation by catching the Joltik, but will they be able to catch their flight anymore?? Maybe if Elesa can distract the stuerts performing the safety protocol for a minute!
More sketchbook stuff...
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In case you can't make any sense of it, Emmet's dreaming of different combinations of pokémon. Meanwhile Ingo snores louder than the train! HONK SHOO!
Top 7 every submas fan draws at some point!
Submas trademark posing
submas sleeping in a train
sad Emmet
Emmet with Joltik
Ingo with a cool solo pose
Emmet being chaotic & Ingo reacting to it
a bunch of mirrored submas poses
I sure have a full bingo card lmao, most of them you can see here XD
Next up is a sad man...
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Stay strong our friends!
My typical sketchbook pages, crammed and messy as usual. x)
Post-PLA exploration:
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A few examples of how my pencil sketches evolve.
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I've done so much art experimenting with submas. I really like this black & white painting but I don't think I'll finish it anytime soon.
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Where did you go?
The way I draw the twins' faces has changed a lot. They started with softer features and somewhat neutral emotions, because I wasn't as familiar with them or comfortable drawing them yet. Now there's hundreds of submas sketches, and they still keep evolving! My style is also kinda hard to pull off well, so their features differ from picture to picture.
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This one was inspired by some submas music videos, can't recall their names anymore. The glowing eerie eyes and yellow&orange + black&white color schemes were neat!
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I keep telling myself I need to draw more butlers, these twinks look so lean and neat and have more color and are posh with their monocles and have fun tailcoats!
(...why eyeglasses are not called binocles??)
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I was there for the vinegar chaos. Good times!
That's all for now, I hope you got something fun out of this! Still got loads more art to share but I'll save them for another time. Next round I'll bring in my first submas comic!
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