#baby Zeus !!!!!
emacrow · 1 month
Kronos, Agent A, and bites marks
Kronos looked a bit skittish and dejected after the sixth Doctor nearly got iced by her baby after he made an unfortunate choice of mumbling words which lead to Batman calling in a favor from the Wayne's to bring in a good doctor that actually can get near both the ancient beings long enough to give a diagnosis.
Incoming Agent A, who was calmly explained the situation as he walked slowly into the containment. Kronos look at him for a moment before a bit of realization flickered in his eyes, as she murmur something.
Batman and the other heroes watches behind the hidden camera screen office, watching as Alfred check Kronos's temperature, painless blood drawn, checking her heart and breathing and gave a clear full body examination to a couple heroes were shocked to see a long horrifyingly yet old looking scar on her stomach area that look like someone dragged something sharp and was stretched a bit wide.
That gave one point to Diana theory of Kronos story being warped dramatically, but the fact of that Zeus did cut opened Kronos's stomach to pull out his siblings pin true.
A couple of more minutes past with alfred carefully examination the baby boy who was a bit squirmish while alfred did a couple of comments obviously praising Kronos whom face flushed a rather colorful red blush turning her head a bit. Alfred did asked and provides Kronos and Her baby much better comfortable Maternal and baby clothes then what they were currently wearing.
By the time alfred came out of the containment cell, alfred's soft gentleman look shifted a bit, before speaking after handing the vials of swirling golden glowing blood.
"Both madam and the child are well, a bit underweight, Ms. Kronos will need headache relief medicine, both her and the child is in need of a very light seasoned meal and drinks to not overwhelmed their senses in which I'll be providing." Alfred told then after handing the written documents forms of the examination. Batman could only grunt a bit, considering he trying not to look back at Alfred's glance considering his armored wrist had a tiny bite marks that actually dented the armor with indents.
"Ms. Kronos did asked what and where is this place as I asked what was the last thing she recalled was falling from Olympic while trying to hide her child but as she spoke, it seem to cause her abdominal pain that seem to be PTSD related." Alfred said to which batman nod knowing that Alfred would never lied to him.
Part 3 << >> Part 5
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Look at young Seraphim! Look at him happy!
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sergeantsporks · 23 days
Y'know, I don't think Zeus claimed Athena disrespected him just because she won the game. Like, he's definitely a big sore loser baby, but I'm preeeetty sure it's not that she won the game, it's because the WAY she won the game was by leveraging the fact that he constantly cheats on his wife to get Hera to vote free Odysseus. THAT'S where the "disrespect" comes in. Not by winning, but by winning via reminding Hera that he's a lying cheating scumbag, hitting his marriage and more importantly to him, his sex life (aka, hitting him where it'll actually make him hurt)
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
Just sometimes.
Bruce, tired father of too many children, wished for a small break.
Just a tiny one.
He pinched his nose, cowl covering his head and expression and glared.
"I can't believe you snitched on me!" Billy batson, freshly revealed teen and sitting on his usual spot during meetings, hisses.
"If I have to get parented, so do you!" Danny fenton, also freshly revealed teenager, glared right back.
"Boys." Both their attention snapped to wonder woman, still tense and warry.
"Do you two have adult supervision, at least." Batman asks, feeling slightly more drained than before, he can feel Nightwing's stare at the back of his head, coming closer.
"Do the voices count?" Danny asks, to which Billy nodded. "Yeah, do they? Zeus has strong opinions, and many kids. He probably can parent, somewhat."
They shrugged both, like they hadn't just opened another whole can of questions.
"Wait!" Danny snapped his fingers, "what about clocky? He sends us on time missions, has his own lair, and lets us hang around. That counts? Right?"
The other teen nods in agreement.
(Knowing both are black haired and blue-eyed teens, he already knows Dick will never let him live this down. Deceived by children, for YEARS.)
(So much for being the greatest detective.)
(The text he sent to Alfred is between him and his butler dad.)
In the end, the two agreed reluctantly to stay around for a while. The Kents, the Allens, Diana, and the Waynes have opened up their homes to house them permanently.
Much their amusement, they declared, that to make no one jealous, they'd switch homes every other week or so.
That alone smelled like chaos.
Whatever, it was Diana's first week.
(And if the house of mysteries appeared in front of them sometimes, that's also between them and a very suffering John constantine.)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
A continuation
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pinkmirth · 5 months
inviting him to my bedchambers
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undeadmagick · 5 months
a tip for beginners since it worried me when i first started: its important to note that while there are deities that are heavily connected to each other, you’re not obligated to work with both of them.
many people speak on specifically married deities (ex: hades & persephone, zeus & hera, odin & frigg). a lot of people refer to them as a “package deal” since they are heavily entwined. but it’s important for those just starting out, this does not mean you have to work with both.
as someone who works with hades, some of my offerings to him are related to persephone but i don’t worship her. in fact, when i had the opportunity to meet her and ask, she smiled and said, “you’re not mine”. we both mutually understood that we didn’t have a connection to one another but we have mutual respect and kindness for one another.
the “package deal” part is where i offer my coffee that is too sweet for hades so he said he’ll hand it to persephone instead. which is the cutest fucking thing btw omg
this is all just in an effort to say, please do not worry about having to work with two deities rather than one. don’t get overwhelmed.
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aliciavance4228 · 23 days
"The hardest mythology painting? That doesn’t exi-"
The Infant Jupiter by Sir Joshue Reynolds:
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the-storyteller78 · 20 days
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“He is very small…”
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howhow326 · 17 days
Congratulations Kaos, you officially have the most accurate adaptation of Hera in 2,000 years because she is actually scary.
Edit: This post was lowkey a mistake but also I'm here for it lol
Ok so when I made this I didn't know that the writers made Hera cheat with Poseidon and I agree that is bad/inaccurate/not very demure and mindful.
I stand by my original statement that Hera screwing that one girl was good and yall can fight me on it
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marblesandmuffins · 2 months
I believe in freedom of belief and religion and practicing it in a way that suits you, your style, and your needs, but people need to understand not everyone has the same beliefs or has the same structure as you.
If you're a person that takes the myth of your religion seriously in your craft then that's perfectly fine, but other people do not. If person worships Zeus or Poseidon don't give them the stink eye for "worshipping a bad deity". Those deities are more than just their myths, it can even be argued that the myths have no basis at all when it comes to worship. (moral context)
It is understandable that certain individuals will be uncomfortable or downright disgusted by these myths and it will affect how they see the deity, but remember that no one has the same beliefs. Do not hunt someone down for their differences in beliefs.
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I’m thinking about how Wasteland, Baby was a call to action and a tongue-and-cheek acceptance of the end of the world. And how Eat Your Young and Unreal Unearth are about the nine circles of Hell, about the afterlife, about the consequences after death. I’m thinking about one album cover being under water and another being buried under earth, about NFWMB “ain’t it like thunder under earth the sound it makes”, about Unreal Unearth and unearthing something, un-burial, about Like Real People Do “what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth.”
I’m thinking Eat Your Young, about Kronos’ mythology, about hunger for and to keep power, about gluttony. I’m thinking about Swan Upon Leda, about the lust Zeus had for Leda, about the greed of man over bodies, about who is the sinner. I’m thinking about angels, about their lack of power in Swan Upon Leda “could never belong to angels”, about their fall from grace in the “Unknown” song “I thought you were like an angel/going unknown as any angel/you called me angel.”
I’m thinking about Hozier.
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claudiaeparvier · 4 months
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Hestia and the Eleusinian Stone
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Young Seraphim in Blood of Zeus 2.2
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clown-cult · 1 year
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Minthe in her reparations arc for the ULO discord.
Pls observe the specific hand colours and how she gets happier as she recovers.
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bugwolfsstuff · 4 days
The argo crew try and do their own version of Epic the Musical for fun with their limited cast and all I know is:
Leo is Hera not because of their connection but because no one else wanted it and I have a really distinct design in mind and Leo deserves to look pretty in a sea foam green dress and peacock feather earrings
Jason was gonna be Zeus for obvious reasons but they all took one look at Leo and then at Jason looking at Leo with hearts in his eyes and absolutely no one could suspend belief enough that someone who looks at their 'wife' like that would cheat)
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raphael-angele · 4 months
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 33 (feat other Hades)
"Hades" Hades: Hello, little ones.
Nico: Hehe Hehe Papa! Papa! *running to him*
Bianca: Papa! *running to him*
Hades: *carries them* There we go. *kisses their foreheads*
"Disney" Hades: Hey there, kiddos.
Nico: *throws a pomegrenate at him*
Hades: OW!
Bianca: Why is your hair on fire?
Hades: Cuz...I don't know.
Bianca: Why is it blue?
Hades: I don't know
Bianca: Why is your face so long? Why are your eyes yellow? Do you have jaundice? Why is your skin blue? Why are your teeth pointy? Why is your nose pointy? *keeps adding questions*
Nico: *throws a pomegrenate at him*
"PJO Series" Hades: Hey, kids!
Nico: You look old.
Bianca: Like a grandpa
"Blood of Zeus" Hades: Hello, children
Nico: *cries loudly*
Hades: No no no no no, Nico, don't cry *picks him up to try and comfort him* Shh, shh, don't cry.
Bianca: *hesitantly takes a step forward*
Hades: Come here, angioletta. *picks her up*
Bianca: *feels his head* Where's your hair?
Hades: *chuckles*
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