#ba ye's going to be just fine
elletromil · 7 months
So about 2 years ago I got three prompts from @gaiahenshin and I fully planned on writing the three of them and go midway through the second one and then life happened
But like i said, i do want to get back into writing so i am finally sitting down to finish writing the halfway done stuff!
This is set in a star trek like!au I might eventually write more into where Ba Ye is an empath and Rishan is an android.
10. hiding their face in the other’s neck
Yatou is no stranger to people being rushed into her medbay. There has even been a few memorable -- in the worse way possible -- occasions when patients had been directly teleported to a bed.
It’s not exactly part of the routine here, but it’s not unexpected either. In fact, if more than a couple of weeks pass between these kind of incidents, she -- along with the rest of the medical staff -- will start growing wary and prepare for the worse. Something which inevitably turns out to be a good thing.
This is not one of those time. The last away mission was only four days ago and everyone on that team suffered from a very bad case of indigestion when they failed to remember one very important rule from basic training. In other words: don’t eat unknown fruits native to a newly-discovered planet, no matter how much they look like Earth’s plums. Yatou had been as disappointed in them as Fo Ye had been furious.
But they’re currently in route to their next destination without any specific mission on the way. It could be a confidential one of course, but, in deference to her rank as Chief Medical Officer, Fo Ye usually gives her the courtesy of implying she might want to be sure the medbay is fully stocked when he’s under that kind of orders.
So there really shouldn't be any reason for Lieutenant Zhang to be rushing through the medbay doors, holding an unconscious Ba Ye in his arms.
Expected or not however, Yatou is still a professional and she’s already done calibrating the bed sensors before Lieutenant Zhang is even done crossing the room.
“What happened?”
“He- he just collapsed.” The slight stutter is all Yatou needs to know just how worried Lieutenant Zhang must be right now. While it would be a complete lie to say the android cannot feel emotions she’s never known him to be anything but imperturbable in time of crisis.
She wishes she could reassure him that Ba Ye will be alright, but that’s a mistake she knows better than to make, especially without a diagnosis.
Lieutenant Zhang lowers Ba Ye into the empty bed, but when he tries to move away, Ba Ye’s groans in pain and his hands grip tightly at his clothes.
“Keep holding him Lieutenant,” she orders, making a split-second decision.
It might not be proper protocol, but whatever is happening to Ba Ye, it is next to impossible for it to affect an android. She would rather keep him comfortable as long as possible.
It’s not like it seems to be any hardship for Lieutenant Zhang anyway. By the looks of it, he would never let Ba Ye go if given the choice.
“Lie down with him for now, but leave me space to work.”
The sensors need a bit of quick recalibrating to take in Lieutenant Zhang into account too, but already, she can see Ba Ye seems to be running a high fever.
That’s too much of a generic symptoms for any number of potential illnesses, but she gets a hunch as to what it could be when, even unconscious, Ba Ye tries to avoid her touch when she takes a blood sample. That and how he turns into Lieutenant Zhang instead, hiding his face against his neck with pained whimpers.
Were it anyone else, she would have dismissed the idea at once, but she remembers Ba Ye’s attempts at describing his mental impression of the Lieutenant once, like he was a spot of tangible peace and quiet.
If his mental shields are down like she suspects, it’s no wonder that he would be seeking a deeper connection with him in order to drown out everything else assaulting his senses.
Even that doesn’t narrow things down however, but if she remembers the incubation time of the Krr’ll’t flu in empaths like Ba Ye correctly, it would correlate with their last stop at the space station about two weeks ago. She hadn’t heard of any outbreak at the time, but a delegation from Ba Ye’s home planet had also arrived at around the same time and she’s pretty sure Ba Ye had met up with them.
They could have been unwitting carriers as the virus was near undetectable until the first brutal symptom hit.
Unfortunately, there’s not much she can do until the blood analysis is done except to try and keep him comfortable. And Lieutenant seems to have it covered on that front.
“Hope you didn’t have anything important to attend to Lieutenant, because you’re stuck here for the foreseeable future.” An exaggeration if it does turn out to be the Krr’ll’t flu. The treatment for that is usually fast acting, at least where allowing empaths to rebuild their mental shields is concerned. But Yatou always prefers to play it safe in her estimates when she can.
Lieutenant Zhang looks slightly affronted and for a moment there, she thinks he’s going to protest the not-quite order. She couldn’t have been more wrong however.
“Nothing is more important than Ba Ye’s health.”
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littlelamy · 1 month
the one where he wants you again
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s2!rafe x reader
rafe was pissed at himself. was he really that dumb to dump you so quickly? you were his bunny, his princess; if he asked you to jump, you would ask him how high. you were his. he didn't deserve you. but, God, he wanted you so badly. he needed you not only for your perfect body but because you did what others couldn't. he'd never tell himself that he loves you, but he does.
it was almost like an obsession. something about you that made him needy for you. something that made you a guilty pleasure for him. you are the only one who has ever made him think of a future. marriage, babies, anniversaries. all things that meant forever.
but rafe was scared. he was scared that one day you'll leave him. one day you'll listen to others and think his too crazy to be with. so he ended it before you could. now his sitting at this party after 10+ shots thinking of you while your smiling and giggling with a damn pogue right in front of his face.
you made it seem like you were okay but you were feeling just as sad as him. but you'd never say it. you want rafe to learn that there are consequences to actions. it took a lot for you not to jump into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck and kiss all over him, but rafe need a lesson. you are a gift, and he needs to treat you as such.
"y/n you there," pope says snapping his fingers in you face. "are you still thinking about rafe." yes. "if you want him so bad just tell him, maybe he'll change." no, you don't know rafe. you say to yourself.
"he's special to me, pope," you groan, annoyed at how bad you want him. "i can't just jump in his lap and play house with him. he hurt me, pope," you say feeling those familiar eyes watching you. "but, God, he looks so good," you complain looking at rafe out of the side of your eyes.
rafe couldn't take it anymore. he needed his bunny back. "pogue leave," rafe says sneaking up behind you and staring daggers at pope. "kook business so go," rafe rudely commands.
"rafe, stop being disrespectful," you turn around angrily. "his name is pope, and if you need to speak to me, you ask me nicely and take me aside. but you will not disrespect my friend." you say, turning back to pope, who is shocked. "i'm sorry, pope, I'll see you tomorrow at john b's party."
"it's fine, y/n, I'll see you tomorrow," pope says, still shaken up, walking away. you turn back around to an embarrassed rafe, as you gaze upon him his cockiness returns.
"so just because i dumped you doesn't mean, you come to this party looking like that," rafe gestures to your tight, short white dress looking like heaven on earth. "i told you that you can only wear that when you come to parties with me."
"um let me get this straight," you start. "you dumped me two days rafe, two days before my birthday, with some dumb excuse that ward didn't want you to be with me," you say, getting angry all over again. "then i see ward at the country club saying that he loved that rafe decide to date me because i make rafe a better person. so if i want to dress slutty, i can and you cant do any thing about it."
before you storm off, rafe gently grabs your arm, pulling you to his chest. rafe was not going to let you leave this time. "don't do it, bunny," rafe whispers in you ear. "i messed up, baby. and i miss you. please don't do this," rafe pleads with his cool minty breath blowing in your ear. "please, princess, please." he's doing it again the begging thing that you love. everything felt so intense.
you fed up with the neediness pull rafe in by his neck and give him a quick but passionate peck on the lips. "rafe, you have to promise me, that you will try to do better," you order him, caressing the back of his neck. "i love you but you can't keep pushing me away," you say looking into his blue eyes.
rafe needs you. rafe wants you and only you. rafe gently nods his head, leaning down to give you another peck on the lips, mumbling an 'i love you.'
"come on, baby, let's go back to tannyhill and take a bath," you say to a love-struck rafe. "then we can talk more tomorrow, okay?" you finish.
"yes, princess, whatever you want," rafe agrees, pulling your hand out of topper's house. even though he messed up, you can't possibly give up on him.
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sachermorte · 6 months
so the thing about english is that people think it's so divorced from other germanic languages based on like. words. I've even heard people try to insist that english is a romance language. because of that whole messy business in 1066 with out-of-wedlock willy and his band of naughty normans. and now a good chunk of the vocabulary is french or whatever and they're prestigious so not using them makes you sound like a rube and this and that and the other
and yes william the conqueror will never be safe from me. I will have my revenge on him. he fucked up a perfectly good germanic language is what he did. this will be me in hell
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but the thing is that most words in, say, german do have a one to one english equivalent. not all hope is lost, for those who still dare to see it. it's just that you 1066pilled normancels aren't looking in the right place
dog (en) ≠ der Hund (de) but der Hund (de) -> hound (en)
look with your special eyes. that one was easier. not all of them are this intuitive because of semantic narrowing and broadening and waltzing and hokey-pokeying and whatever else. I'll give you a few more
animal (en) ≠ das Tier (de)
aha! you think. I've got him on the ropes now.
but then
das Tier (de) -> deer (en)
nooooo!! you whine and cry in gay baby jail. the consonants are different!!! listen to me. listen, I say, putting both my hands on your shoulder. /t/and /d/ are the same sound. you just put your voice behind one of them.
nooooooooo!! you wail. deer are animals but not all animals are deer!!! listen to me. LISTEN. they used to be. animals used to be deer. that's just what we called them. it was a long time ago. it was a weird time in all our lives. it's okay.
let's try for a verb this time
to die (en) ≠ sterben (de) but sterben (de) -> to starve
same principle with the consonants, we're just changing a stop (where we completely stop the airflow and then let it through) for a fricative (where we still let some air go through. idk where it's going. maybe to its job or something.)
to starve used to mean generally to die, not just to die of malnourishment. we do that a lot. we take one word for a lot of things and make it mean one thing. or take one word for one thing and make it mean a lot of things. this is common and normal.
"okay but roland," you say, suddenly coming up with an argument. "what about tree? trees are super common. I don't think we'd fuck around too much with that. the german word is baum! what about THAT?"
"when did you learn german?" I ask, but then decide it isn't relevant right at this very moment. but fine.
tree (en) ≠ der Baum (de) but der Baum (de) -> beam (en)
beam??? you ask incredulously. beam???? BEAM?????? you continue with the same tone and cadence of captain holt from brooklyn 99.
yes. beam. like the evil beams from my eye I'm going to hit you with if you don't stop shouting.
but the vowels!!! you howl.
listen. listen to me. the vowels mean nothing. absolutely nothing. they're fluid like water. it got raised in english.
it doesn't matter right now. they were raised better than you, at least. stop shouting. open your eyes and see what god has given you. they're the same word.
"they're NOT the same word. they mean different things!"
we've been over this. they didn't used to. a beam was (and is) a long solid piece of wood. much like the long solid piece of wood I showed your mother last night.
Q: could english be some kind of germanic-romance hybrid?
A: do you become a sexy thing from the black lagoon just because you dressed up as one for halloween? english may have gotten a lot of vocabulary from norman french, but its history and syntax are distinctly germanic. that's what we base these things on.
Q: okay but what does it matter? this doesn't actually affect my day to day life
A: you come into my house? you come into my house, the house of an autistic man living in vienna austria and studying english linguistics and you ask me what does it matter? sit back down. I was going to let you go but now I have powerpoints to show you
Q: you're stupid and wrong and gay and a bad person
A: I know it's you, Willy
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jiangyanlissidepiece · 4 months
(POV: little Ning Yingying overhears the peak lords gossiping about her Baba and corrects them!!)
“What?” Ning Yingying blurted out before she could stop herself, pure confusion on her face. “Shizun doesn’t sleep with women!”
Several faces blanched, and Yue Qingyuan rapidly began to look constipated at her bluntness.
“Oh honey,” Qi Qingqi said, pitying. “You shouldn’t even be hearing about this.”
Ning Yingying shrugged off the hand the older cultivator placed on her shoulder, now even more upset. “He doesn’t sleep with my aunties. That would be weird. And gross.”
“Your aunties…?” Mu Qingfang’s eyes cleared. It looked like he was rapidly putting things together in his mind.
“Your aunties are at the Warm Red Pavillion?” Qi Qingqi seemed stuck on that fact, eyebrows raised high.
“Yes!” She tried not to stomp her foot. Just because Baba didn’t mind when she acted childish, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t. “Why else would he go and visit there?”
Wei Qingwei coughed awkwardly. “Well, I mean…”
Qi Qingqi stomped on his foot, and he let out an unmanly screech.
“Why do your aunties live at the Warm Red Pavillion?” Qi Qingqi asked carefully, eyes narrowed.
“Ba—Shizun says it’s because he doesn’t have enough money to pay for them to leave.” The little girl looks sad, but then she brightens up again like a flower in the sun. “But he says he’s getting there, so they might leave soon!”
“Oh.” Shang Qinghua said, looking paler than usual. “Well that’s fine, then.”
“Did you almost call him something else?” Asked a female peak lord who Ning Yingying didn’t recognize.
“Baba says I can’t call him Baba in public…” Ning Yingying informed them glumly. “Because people might think he didn’t adopt me. And that they might treat me differently. I think that’s kinda stupid, though, but don’t tell him I said that…”
Yue Qingyuan put a hand over his entire face, and groaned.
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harunayuuka2060 · 11 months
Crowley: Good news, my dear students. There will be a princess that is going to visit our school to form a partnership with us.
Crowley: Now, I only need one suitable candidate to serve as her attendant for the duration of her stay here.
Leona: Sounds like a bother...
Riddle: I volunteer, headmage. If it's fine with you.
Crowley: Of course, Mr. Rosehearts. Thank you for your-
MC: Me~. I want to volunteer too~.
Crowley: ...
The students: ...
Crowley: Um.
MC: I have experience in receiving guests~. I'll make sure that she will feel welcomed~.
*The housewardens gesturing Crowley to decline.*
Crowley: I understand that you would like to help in improving the image of our school, however-
MC: Eh~. I feel like Birdman is doubting me~. Is it? *giving him a mischievous smile*
Crowley: ...
Riddle: This is a job for a housewarden. So I suggest that you stay back, senpai.
MC: *chuckles* Would you like to repeat that, Riddle~? You sounded like an ant just now~. *then makes teeny-tiny voices to prove their point*
Riddle: *fuming in rage*
Azul: They got you again, Riddle.
Crowley: Well, you mentioned that you have an experience. May I know how you would usually receive a guest, MC?
MC: It's quite simple~. You make their heart go ba-dump ba-dump~.
Crowley: Meaning?
MC: I asked a guest of mine to do bungee-jumping once~. He has never forgotten me ever since~.
Crowley: ...
Leona: Of course. What did you expect?
Professor Trein: What are you doing?
Crowley: Writing an excuse letter.
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Crewel: *enters the office*
Crowley: Professor Crewel! How is the princess faring?
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: She's enjoying their company.
Crowley and Professor Trein: ...
Crowley: Really? Are you certain?
Professor Crewel: Yes. MC is surprisingly well-versed in the language of the princess and... she has never asked them to leave her side.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: It seems I have nothing to worry about!
Professor Trein: ...
MC: *carrying the princess around bridal-style*
The princess: *giggles* Put me down. This is really embarrassing.
MC: Eh~. But the princess's feet shouldn't touch the ground~.
The princess: That's an ancient practice.
MC: I don't see why I shouldn't be doing it~. The princess deserves to be treated like a goddess~.
The princess: *laughs*
Riddle, Vil, and Idia: ...
Vil: Just look at that.
Riddle: *frowning*
Idia: A rizz pro.
Riddle: I wish MC-senpai could give us the same treatment.
Vil and Idia: ...
Vil: You want to be carried around?
Idia: Lol. Do you have a secret crush on them or something?
Riddle: No! I mean them being considerate!
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chosoisamalewife · 7 months
Hiiiii could you write suguru x male reader. Reader has been really bratty lately: screaming, throwing stuff and just flat out disrespecting Geto. He takes it because you know you'll be having some exams soon so he let's you take out his stress on him, until one day he sees you and Gojo flirting a little too much and he gets super pissed. He drags you back to his apartment and edges you to his hearts content
Top!Geto x bottom!male reader
WARNINGS : MINORS STAY AWAY-filthy smut- Dacryphilia-spit-mentions of threesome-oral-edging-anal-spit as lube-slight smacking-no protection-creampie- implied safe word-aftercare- I guess thats all. Geto is mean but ends soft and sweet…..let me know if I need to add anything
“Darling I don’t understand why are you stressing so much. You are a genius” You heard your boyfriend’s voice breaking the silence. Suguru was currently on your bed sitting with his back against the head board. You don't say anything just completely focusing on your studies. "Baby are you even listening to-"
"Yes", you responded quickly
"Okay then what did I say?" You didn't have to look at him know he crossed his arm
"I don't know"
"Why am I even here then?" He didn't realize he thought put until you finally turn to look at him with furrowed brows.
"Why are you here" You said before turning back. He gotten up walking towards you placing his chin on your shoulder
"Baby I didn't mean it like that. I want to spend time with you but right now you are more focused on that. You need to take break." He pressed soft kisses onto your cheek.
"Go hang out with Satoru." He stopped kissing your cheek at your words.
"You told me that yesterday, the day before yesterday and then the day before that. Baby I gave you a pass then because of your studies but now it just seem like you are pushing me away. It has been a week of you acting like this, acting like an ass. " You whipped face towards him at the last statement.
"Go" Y'all just stared at each other. "I said go so get the hell out Sugu"
"Fine, I'll be fucking glad to. Hey do me a favor and tell me boyfriend to text me when he gets his body back" He said leaving and slamming the door.
You didn't hear from your boyfriend the rest of the night, no calls no texts. He didn't hear from you either so the next day he was looking for you to apologize for the way he acted and for not being understanding of your stress. That though that need to apologize quickly went away when he saw you walking with Satoru laughing, smiling and talking. Satoru was showing you something on his phone what ever it was had yall smiling. Suguru couldn't take it he stormed over to yall.
"Hey ba-" He grabbed your bicep harshly pulling you with him. You talked to him all the way to his place but not one word from him. You knew what a part of this was about and you felt terrible for what you said the day earlier.
The moment you got to his place large hands push you against the wall of his room. His lips grazes yours. “ You’re such a filthy boy you know that” He whispered against them. You lean closer trying to fully press your lips to his but he instantly pulled his head back.
“Please suguru” You pleaded with him. He knew your favorite thing to do was to kiss him. Some nights you don’t even feel the need for sex, the feeling of y’all’s lips pressed together puts you at peace. His knowledge of it makes chuckle deeply. One of his hand left your waist to palm at your crotch. You looked at him with pleading eyes as your breathing picks up.
“This past week you have been nothing but an ass to me. The only time you spoke to me was to yell or tell me to leave you alone”
“Baby I'm-“
“Shut up, You ignored but oh when it comes to my best friend you all happy and laughing with him” He palmed at your hard cock even rougher. The feeling of his actions made you whimper. You close your eyes, leaned your head back while letting out groans. He removed his hand from your crotch before you can protest he pressed his clothed cock against yours. He grinded slowly causing you to clutch at his shirt “Do you want to fuck him?” You shook you head which wasn’t enough for suguru. He grabbed your jaw making you look at him “I asked do you want to fuck him. I want to hear yes or no” He thrusted harder against you
“No” You moaned out. You can feel your orgasm approaching due the harsh grinding of your boyfriend clothed cock against yours and his doming demeanor. How pathetic you really must
“Are you sure, I mean if you did I wouldn’t be angry with you. I could invite him over one night to join us.” You let out a pathetically loud moan. “Aw you already close to cumming? You going to make a mess out of your clothes.” He tapped your face lightly with the same hand that gripped your face. You mouth went adjacent and he took that moment to spit inside "You're so fucking pathetic" He said removing his body from you. "Strip and get on the bed" You removed your clothes with shakey hands. Before walking to the bed. You felt a smack on your ass as you walked by him making a gasp escape you mouth. You climbed onto the bed sitting in the middle of it.
“I’m sorry, I didn't make my self clear” He chuckled as he grabbed you by your ankles pulling you to the edge of the bed. He gotten on his knees in front of you “Hm now that’s more like it” He purred as he gotten on his knees in front of you. He unzipped and unbuttoned your jeans. You raised your hips so he can pull your jeans off leaving you in your boxers. You sit up so you can watch him.
“You’re such a needy slut. Barely done anything to you and you were already so close to cumming your pants.” He chuckled as kitten licked the wet spot on your boxers, your mouth parted at the sensation. He stared at you with darken eyes like a wild cat looking at its prey.
“Sugu please” You begged. You are so close but the licks that he is giving on your boxers isn’t enough. You wanted more, you needed more
“Nope! Remember what I said, filthy boys don’t get what they want. So don’t even think about cumming.” He yanked your boxers off freeing your hard cock. He wrapped his large hand around your shaft causing a lewd sound to leave your mouth. “Such a pretty cock for someone so filthy” he licked your slit that was leaking pre cum. You bucked your hips up, you knew you were going to last long. You are already so close to the edge again. “Do not even think of cumming because if you do it will not be pretty” He licked directly on your slit tasting you before taking you fully in his mouth. Your hands shot into his black hair threading them through.
"Fuck" you groaned, your hands gripped onto some strands causing your boyfriend to groan against your cock. The vibrations sending a new sensation throughout the nerves. The warmth of his mouth and the gliding of his tongue against the underside of your cock had your mind fuzzy. You feeling and the need for release were right there. You couldn't help but to thrust into his mouth a few times desperate for the high. You could feel it it was right there when he took his mouth off you. He slap your thigh making you jump a little. Your upper fell back groaning and hands covering your eyes in frustration. He raised up grabbing and pulling only your upper body up. He brings his face close to your staring you directly in the eyes like the day before. However your look wasn't the same, your face reaks desperation. "Please" you whispered softly. He grips your chin making your mouth open slightly. He leaned in making you think he was going to pressed his lips against yours. His lips never came though just him spitting on your mouth.
“I want you on the bed on your hands and knees ” You shakily gotten into the position and you waited there as you heard clothing being removed. You had no idea if you were shaking in anticipation or for the fact of being on the edge twice alright just to never fall.
You felt the bed dip in places then you felt your boyfriend's body up against yours. His hard thick cock directly against your ass. You could feel him grinding against it slowly. His chest was completely against your back.He placed rough kisses onto your neck. His kisses went up to your ear whincing as he bit and pulled on it. You could hear how breathless he was getting. He has been holding his own since this started neglecting his needs and wants of your body.
"Suck on them" He brought two fingers to your mouth shoving them deeply. You gagged at the sensation. Your tongue danced around them licking all over and in-between them. "There you go get them nice and wet". He occasionally shoved them back deeper to where he first put them. You could feel drool pooling at the corner of your mouth. "Aw drooling like a bitch in heat huh?" He chuckled deeply the feeling of the vibrations of it driving you more mad
Once he was satisfied he pulled them out your mouth and moving from your body. You felt spit dropping from his mouth onto your rim. Then his wet fingers entered you. Tears automatically fell from your eyes not because the stretch was the painful. It was the pain of being so close and haven't been able to release. His fingers pumping out of you didn't help. You move one hand from holding you up to your mouth hiding you moans and whimpers. You were already almost there again. Your release were so close however it still seems so far
Suguru's free hand reach up to you hair pulling it "Don't you even fucking think about it. Remove your hand". You dropped your hand back to its original place. "You crying and I haven't even put my dick inside you." He drop his hand from your hair to give your ass a smack. His moment of his fingers became harsher
"Please I can't" You turned your head as best as you could to look at him. You hope that maybe your tears and the look on your face could help you receive sympathy.
"Don't give me those puppy dog eyes. We both know you can take it. All you have to say is that magic word baby" He was right, all you have to say was the safe word and it will all stop. You don't want it to stop though. You just want to cum. "Plus you brought this upon yourself". He removed his fingers from your. He brought his palm to your face "Spit", he demanded. You spit a good bit into his hand. He took his cock in his hand pumping and spreading your spit all over it. He aligned him himself before slipping completely inside of you. He let out shakily breaths giving you time to adjust more to him. Your arms that were holding yourself up gave up now. You face and chest were against the mattress. His large hands glided against the arch of your back up to the muscles of your back and back down to your waist. . It felt good and soothing. His touch being more gentle than before.
He grips you waist and begins to move in and out of you. His pace starts out nice and calm before it picks up. You bit onto the sheet in frustration and pleasure His trusts became fast and rough as his moans increased. "Fuck" he groaned another slaps on your ass making you whimper against the sheet. "Gonna fill this ass of your with my cum. You'll love that won't you. Such a cum slut." His thrist became messy and sloppy as his breathing picked up. "My cumslut" He groaned loudly as his body shook. He fucked himself through his orgasm. The feeling of his cum shooting into you making your eyes start to roll back.
He pulled out before you could finally get there. The denial again made you scream into the mattress in frustration. He flipped you over gripping your waist and entering your hole again. You felt him cum that was oozing getting pushed back into you. He couldn't help but to watch for a bit. His cock coming out covered in his cum before going back in making the most lewd sounds.
You were completely fucked out at this point your moans were just soft whines and groans. You eyes were puffy and red from crying. His eyes were now completely focused on you. From your fucked out face, to your torso he just watched you as he fucked you. You were close again tears started down your face again. One of his hands caressed your cheek wiping the tears he couldn't help but to smile
"Please, I'm sorry" You whispered softly, you have no idea if you heard you or not due to the noise of the room.
"I know , just a little longer okay. I want you to cum with me this time" He leaned over you placing his face in your neck. You drap your arms that feel like jelly over his shoulders. Gripping onto his skin as best as of possible. The feeling of pleasure hurts more and more with each thrust of his hips. Your mind short circuiting with each of his groans on your ear, with each time his cock hits your prostate. He lift his face to look at you again. His hips starting to stagger. You body begins to shake.
"Sugu" You breath were heaving heavy tears pouring down you face. Your grip of his back tightened. His thrust became heavy, desperate and messy.
"There you baby cum with me. You can cum." He pressed his lips against your for the first time as your body begin to shake. Your eyes rolled back as pleasure hits your like a freight train. He groans against your mouth as his body stutters as he cum in you again.
You have no idea how long you were gone. You came to your senses feeling kisses being pressed all on your face, lips, neck and chest. Hand rubbing your sides gently. When he noticed you he smiled "There you are" He pressed another kiss on your lips. Tiredness began to settle as you closed your eyes again. "No no no, you cant sleep yet. I got to clean" You groaned in annoyance. "Baby I don't think you want to sleep in cum". You could feel it oozing out of your body more onto the bed. He shook his head getting up walking to his bathroom turning on the bath tub. He cleaned himself up quickly before returning to you
He lifted your body up before you can protest gently putting you in the warm water. "I'll be back baby, I'm going to change the sheet." You just nodded
He came back to the bathroom once he was done wearing his boxers. He sat by the bathtub watching you lay there with your eyes close. He touched you softly "You okay baby?" Concern was heared in his voice. You open your eyes and smiled.
"I'm fine, just sleepy now. I love you sugu and I'm sorry. I won't study tomorrow." You reach for his hand holding it.
"I love you to baby, and it's okay. How about you just study for an hour tomorrow. Since the exam is the day after. " You nodded your head. "Just a question what were you are satoru laughing about"
Your laughter filled the bathroom. "How you were whining to him like a love sick puppy needing attention."
"He showed you the messages? I'm going to fucking kill him"
I don't know how to end shit 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
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barça femeni x teen!reader
request: here & here
A/N: i love everything about this request. (i did make lucy ona and keira a throuple for the memes)
also Asisat has left.. no more dedicated funny person in my stories 😔
TW: Panic Attack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You’re late. You’re never late. That’s how you end up on the phone with Ona, stressed and out of your mind.
“I’m not sure Ona! All I know is that my period is late, and I am FREAKING out, so god help me and come over please.” You’re borderline screaming at the phone.
“Ok ok, please just calm down I’ll be there soon. When I get there you better have an explanation of why you think you might be pregnant, you are literally 17.” You can hear her disappointment.
“Yes I know, I know. Just get the tests please.” She says yes and promptly hangs up the phone as you go back to worrying.
- - - - -
All was going well for Ona, she bought two tests which were different brands and payed for them without getting recognised by any fans. She opts to not buy a bag, considering it’s 8pm at night. It’s not like she was going to run into anyone anyways, right?
Wrong, immediately as she walks out of the pharmacy, tests in hand she bumps into not only her captain. But 1 of her 2 girlfriends as well.
“Uhh, what is that?” Lucy says, looking down at the tests in her girlfriends hand.
“I, uhh.” The younger spaniard starts to freak out, not wanting to put you in a vulnerable position.
“Tell us.” Alexia says sternly, leaving no room for argument.
“Well, it’s not for me. It’s for… it’s for Y/N.” The older women look visibly shaken and shocked.
They speak at the same time.
“Ok, I’m about to go to her house. Lucy you can come with me and Ale you can come if you’d like.”
“I’ll leave the nena to you both, just update me ok?” Alexia is concerned, rightfully so. Ona and Lucy nod, before getting in the car and driving to your place.
- - - - -
You open the door, surprised to see not 1 but 2 visitors.
“Hola.” You say before allowing them access inside the apartment.
“Sorry, I uh might’ve ran into Lucy and Alexia and I had to tell them.” Ona blurts out, you don’t worry though as it would probably get out anyways.
“It’s fine… can I just have the tests now?” She nods slowly, passing them to you before running off to the bathroom.
When you’ve followed the instructions and done what’s needed, you walk out and place the two sticks on the table, flipping them upside down. Once again you begin to spiral.
“Oh god, what if it’s positive.” You mumble, pushing your knees to your chest.
“Hey, if it is positive we’ll do our best to support you, if it’s negative then there’s nothing to worry about. Might be a cyst or something. Take deep breaths for me ok?” Lucy’s reassuring voice leads you into a less panicked state, and you just hoped that time would fly by faster.
When the timer on Ona’s phone went off, you felt sick. You took deep breaths as Ona scratched your back slightly. You counted in your head to three and flipped both tests open to reveal one negative… and one positive. Oh fuck.
“Ona? Luce? Please. What do I do, I’m scared.” Tears stream down your face, your body starts to shake and Lucy immediately holds you tight against her.
“Shh, shh, it’s ok. It might be a false positive, youre going to be ok I promise.” She says as you’re crying, her words fall deaf in your ears as you can only sob harder. Now going into a full panic attack.
“Call Keira, I’ll message Alexia.” Ona nods and calls the other Englishwoman.
- - - - -
It’s around 5 minutes later, you feel like you’re going to pass out when there’s knocks on the door. You register something else happening and soon enough someone has their hands touching your knees and speaking.
The person takes your hand and puts it agaisnt something that’s beating and you try to get in sync with it.
Soon enough, you regain your senses and it’s Keira who’s pulled you back to reality. It seems she knows you’re back with the look she gives.
“Hey…” She whispers softly, wiping the tears out of your eyes. “Whatever happens, you have me, the team and we won’t judge you at all. Ok?” You nod.
It takes a few more minutes until you’re basically back to where you were. You look up at their curious gazes.
“You can ask questions if you want.” You answer the unspoken question.
“So you… you had sex.” You nod at Keira.
“With a guy?” Ona pipes up and you sigh nodding your head again.
“Ok, how about this. Give it another week and we’ll do another two tests, IF you haven’t got your period by then, sound good?” You half-smile and stare at the table.
“Do you want any of us to stay at all?” You shrug, not even sure what you want at the current moment. “Ok, Keira will stay with you and you’ll go to training in the morning. We updated Alexia and she’s worried. She agrees with us about the waiting and what we’ll do after today. She might want to speak to you tomorrow though.”
“Ok, thank you for everything Luce and you Ona.” You look at both of them, smiling gratefully. They pat you on the shoulder before walking out to presumably go home. Then Keira turns to you.
“I brought stuff over in case, don’t worry about lending clothes or anything like that.”
“Ok… could you maybe sleep- like in the bed with me?” You ask, slightly embarrassed.
“Not at all come on, you need the rest.” She leads you to your room and you immediately crash fast asleep against the pillow.
- - - - -
The next morning when you wake up, you know something has changed. There’s a light ache in your abdomen and your muscles are slightly sore. Keira is peacefully lying beside you and you’re happy that she stuck to her word and stayed.
You lazily make your way to the bathroom to use the toilet when you feel as if God has blessed you. low and behold that positive from the previous night was a false one.
You feel immediately at ease and get done what needs to be done in the morning.
“Keira!” You greet happily, she smiles slightly confused. Considering it’s such a dramatic change from last night.
“What’s up?” She asks.
“I finally got it.” It takes a second for her to register what you meant by that but when she does she’s also happy.
“Well, that’s great. Come on, eat this muesli bar and we’ll get going, then you can tell the girls about it.” You nod and head off to training.
- - - - -
When you walk in the room where all the girls are, the ones who knew look at you in surprise of the look of joy on your face.
“Why so happy cariño?” Ale asks.
“Well it seems like someone has blessed me because this morning I got what I’d been hoping for. My period.” You say dramatically and she smiles.
“YAYY THE BEBE ISN’T PREGNANT!” Mapi’s loud voice shouts as you look down, cheeks turning red.
“Welcome to womanhood elskling.” Ingrid pulls you in and presses a kiss against your temple.
i fangirled so hard today on the woso writers discord
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wheeboo · 9 months
shirt(less) | lee jihoon
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SYNOPSIS. in which jihoon should really learn to wear a shirt whenever someone is at his place... unless you don't want him to. PAIRING. lee jihoon x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. shirtless jihoon (yes, this is the MAIN warning), just reader (you guys 🫵 checking him out), a lil lil suggestive, kissing, terms of endearment, mild cursing WORD COUNT. 1.3k
notes: just a silly thought i had thanks to nana tour blessing us with shirtless clips 😚
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Jihoon really isn't used to people sleeping over at his place.
It's not like he doesn't want for people to sleep over (some of his members have involuntarily slept over many, many times at some point), he's fine with people sleeping over as long as he has his own little space to decompress. His place is his safe haven, his personal castle, his own little pocket of Jihoon-ness where he could exist without the need to put on a show. Here, he could simply be Lee Jihoon.
That is, until his life started to intertwine with you.
It was a simple invitation𑁋you decided to stop by with dinner and ended up staying longer than usual, and Jihoon had offered for you to stay the night. He remembers seeing the hesitant look to your face at first, but then you agreed with a warm smile. And despite some of the nerves and shaking off the anxious thoughts realising he had just offered you to stay at his place for the first time in your early relationship, Jihoon found comfort in the fact that it was you. And that's okay.
However, he probably should've been more mindful with you staying here. When he's alone and doesn't have anyone staying over (which again, he isn't exactly used to), he's used to settling down for the night at his own pace, with his own routine, so he probably should've told you beforehand that he... doesn't sleep with a shirt on most of the time.
And no, he didn't forget that you were sleeping over; it's just that the thought simply slipped his mind and hit him the moment he had opened the door to his bedroom.
"Hoonie, do you think tomorrow we can𑁋oh my god!"
The loud shriek makes Jihoon shoot his eyes to where you stood next to his bed, noticing the blush that had quickly spread across your face as your eyes widen in surprise. He lifts a brow, before looking down at himself, and he feels the embarrassment heat up at the tips of his ears.
Oh, he's shirtless.
You find yourself standing frozen like a deer caught in headlights, mind going blank, unable to tear your eyes away from your boyfriend's chest in full display in front of you. Your cheeks are definitely burning hotter than the kimchi stew you shared for dinner earlier.
Jihoon's heart stutters in his chest. He feels a blush of his own creeping up his neck, mirroring the one painting your cheeks like a delicate rose. Shit, he wants to melt into the floorboards, disappear into the fabric of his nonexistent shirt. But instead, he stands there, frozen in the awkward form of his bedroom doorway.
"I, uh..." he stammers, voice barely above a whisper. "I usually don't sleep with a shirt on."
He knows it sounds lame, like something a teenager caught in his underwear might say. But it's the truth, the only defense he has against the heat rising in his cheeks and the sudden, unwelcome flutter in his stomach.
Your eyes might as well bulge out of your skull at this point, darting between his bare torso𑁋taking in the clean lines of his abs and the gentle curve of his shoulder blades𑁋and the open door behind him, contemplating a quick escape route that wouldn't involve jumping out of the window. A nervous laugh escapes your lips, before you snap your gaze away.
You have seen Jihoon on stage, in music videos, in photoshoots𑁋you know he has a good build, sure. But seeing him shirtless in his own private space, bathed in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, it all felt impossibly intimate. And you can't help but ogle.
"I... I didn't know," You finally let out nervously, eyes flitting back to his chest for a fleeting moment before darting away again.
His eyes meet yours, and you see a flicker of vulnerability in them. He's nervous too, You realise.
"Sorry," he mumbles in slight embarrassment. "I should've warned you."
Warned you? You almost want to laugh at that. How could anyone warn you for the sight of your boyfriend, shirtless and disheveled, standing in his bedroom doorway?
"It's okay," You assure, gathering your wits. "It's just... unexpected."
Then Jihoon lets out a chuckle. "You're acting as if you haven't seen me shirtless before. I send you gym pictu𑁋"
"Okay, b-but this is in person, so it's different!" You exclaim quickly, cutting his words off.
"So do... you want me to put on a shirt? If it makes you uncomfortable𑁋"
"No! It-it's fine, really. I mean, it's your place, and you're comfortable, right?" You interject, your words a bit too rushed. "I'll just... get used to it. It's okay. Besides, you... look really good."
Jihoon's cheeks flush even deeper. He sees the way your eyes keep flicking back to his torso, then quickly looking away, and it makes his heart race in a different way this time. It's not the nervous thump of embarrassment anymore, but something else. He steps closer to you, and you nearly stub your toe on the footboard of his bed.
“You think so?" he questions, a pinch of tease to his words.
You nod, heart still throbbing in your chest. "Yeah, I-I mean I know you work hard at the gym and that you're always practicing so I𑁋"
Jihoon cuts you off with his lips melting onto yours. It's a kiss that tastes like surprise, like nervous laughter held back, like the sweet, lingering warmth of the kimchi stew from earlier. Your hands find their way to his arms, tentatively tracing the line of his biceps, before wrapping around him and pulling him closer, your palms meeting the smooth contours of his back. The warmth of his skin against yours sends shivers down your spine, and you feel yourself melt into him, the awkwardness of the situation forgotten.
When he pulls away, his eyes are soft and locked on yours, searching for your reaction. A playful smile dances on his lips, and you can't help but return it with a breathless giggle of your own, before a yawn leaves you. You stifle it with the back of your hand, feeling your eyelids getting heavy despite the surge of electricity that coursed through you just moments ago.
"Tired?" Jihoon asks you.
"Yeah, a bit." You sit down on his bed, toying at his soft sheets with your fingers. "Lay down with me?"
The smile on his face widens just slightly, and that's enough of an answer that you need. You crawl into the bed, slipping under the covers as he climbs in beside you, pulling the covers over both of you. The bed smells like him, a comforting mix of laundry detergent and his natural scent, and you snuggle closer into his pillow, letting your exhaustion melt away.
You feel Jihoon shift right behind you, hearing a yawn of his own leave his mouth. You flip yourself around to face him, your eyes meeting his sleepy ones in the soft moonlight filtering through the window.
"Is it okay if... if we cuddle?" You whisper, a hint of shyness in your voice.
A curve of Jihoon's lips bloom like a flower opening to the morning sun.
"More than okay," he replies softly.
Then he wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you close, his bare chest warm against yours. It's more intimate than you ever imagined your first sleepover at his place would be, yet it feels incredibly right. You let out a contented sigh as you adjust yourself in his hold, your head resting on his chest and your legs intertwined together under the sheets.
"Comfortable?" he murmurs, voice a low rumble in the quiet room.
"Mhm," You hum in response, nuzzling closer to him.
Some silence passes, and you take the time to listen to Jihoon's heartbeat against your ears, with a finger lightly tracing the outline of his shoulder, his skin smooth and warm under your fingertips. His breath quietly hitches from your touch.
"Mmh, babe?" You call out to him. "Can I tell you something?"
Jihoon's eyes flutter open. "Hmm?"
A tiny smirk crosses over your face, and you move yourself up in his hold to be able to whisper in his ear, your breath tickling against his skin.
"You're so pretty."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @rozisisme @rubywonu
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littlefireball · 2 months
Can we so get a version of Seongwha like F*ck away the pain? Seongwha is a clean freak so I'd love to see this side of him
Here you go~~ btw there is an exact same request lol
Other members (fk away the pain series): yeosang
ꜱʜ|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ ꜱ*x (ᴀ/ᴍ)
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ʙᴜɴɴʏ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ꜰᴏx ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ|ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ|ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx|ɴᴇᴄᴋ ᴋɪꜱꜱ|ʙʀᴇᴀꜱᴛ ᴘʟᴀʏ|ꜱᴇx ᴅᴜʀɪɴɢ ᴘᴇʀɪᴏᴅ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.9ᴋ
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You and Seonghwa have been apart for a week. It was unusual for you both to be separated for so long, as you were used to spending everyday together. There was no choice, however, a pressing matter awaited at the residence that demanded immediate attention.
You neglected to inform Seonghwa of your early return, opting instead to delight him with a surprise. Stealthily making your way into the house, you caught sight of him seated in his favorite chair.
"BA~BY~~" You leaped onto Seonghwa's back, unaware of the fact that he was holding a cup of noodles. "Goodness gracious!" Due to your unexpected jump, he inadvertently spilled noodles all over the legos.
"Oh my…" He straightened up abruptly, releasing your grip from his neck. "Have you returned?" His expression soon shifted from surprise to a hint of annoyance. "Well…yes. My apologies." Sigh "Let me clean up first" The tension in the air was palpable, especially since it was his beloved limited edition legos that was now in disarray.
His silence left you speechless, unsure of what to say next. Okay, look at what you've done. The entire desktop became a mess, not to mention his legos were all dirty─what he hated most as a clean freak.
"I'm sorry…" He glanced at you with impatience." "Can you be careful next time? You know it's hard to clean oil stains?! " His composed demeanor swiftly shifted to a slightly fierce one, his voice escalating in volume. His outburst, unlike anything you've witnessed before, sent a shiver down your spine. Coupled with your current irritable mood due to menstruation, his unexpected anger only fueled your own frustration.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" You shouted back. "But you are the one who made this mess!" Despite your strong urge to argue, you chose to maintain silence. Observing him meticulously restore his legos while muttering to himself, you swiftly retreated to your room to grant yourself solitude.
Feeling aggrieved, tears began to flow. Normally, you wouldn't cry easily, but the fact that you were on period slipped your mind. What followed such a display of emotion? The excruciating cramps that grip your stomach relentlessly. You gasped in agony as your body contorted in pain. Clutching your stomach, you struggled to sit up straight, let alone to take painkillers or call for help.
"Y/N?" Upon tidying up the desk, he pondered whether he had been too harsh with you, prompting him to seek you out but you had no response. 'Was she still angry?' "Y/N?I come in now." To his surprise, he found you huddled in a cocoon of pillows and blankets, your complexion pallid and your expression distressed.
"Y/N?Are you okay?Are you in heat? But there is no scent…" Alarmed, he hurried to your side to assess your condition, only to discover that you were in pain. You looked pale, drawn, and sweaty, as if something was torturing you.
"It's just on my period…" "Is it painful?But you won't be hurt before. Do you want some water?Or painkillers? Or something?" He gently caressed your head, his eyes filled with concern. You shook your head, taking his hand and placing it beneath your cheek. "I'm…fine…" Your furrowed brow betrayed your true feelings. As a fox hybrid, you knew that intimacy could alleviate menstrual pain, but you couldn't bring yourself to ask him. How could a rabbit, so obsessed with cleanliness, agree to such a request?
"Sorry, hwa.I didn't mean to. I know I am sweaty now and I'll wash the sheet." You pouted, your fox ears dropped.
"Why are you saying sorry? It's fine, baby. Let's not talk about this, okay? What can I do for you to reduce the pain, hm?" He comforted you softly while caressing your fluffy fox ears.
"Please don't be mad…" You hugged the pillow filled with his scent tightly, said "I want you…fuck me…" "Yo─you said what??" "Intimacy could reduce menstrual pain in foxes…" You hesitated, avoiding his eyes as you nestled into the soft pillow. A heavy silence lingered, intensifying your discomfort. It was no surprise that he reacted this way. He probably viewed you as unclean and not willing to help you.
"Forget what I said…I'll take the painkillers…seonghwa?" Strangely, you found him not in the room. Your attention was drawn to a faint noise, the gentle clinking of objects brushing against each other. As the door creaked open, Seonghwa stood before you, clutching a dry towel, a wet towel, a box of tissues and a plastic bag.
After placing down the objects on the table, he climbed over the bed, gently leaving your thighs and putting the dry towel under your body. "Hwa?" "It's okay, honey, I'm here to help you." As you watched him lift up your dress and pull down your panties, you held his hand to stop him.
"It's dirty…You don't have to do this, I can take the pill." He pecked at the back of your hand, whispering gently. "Taking too many pills is not good for your body and let me make it up to you. I'm sorry I was too tough." "I'm sorry, too."
Seonghwa caressed your head and placed a kiss on your cheek, giving you a sweet smile. "Let me help you then." With utmost care, he placed your foot on the ground, positioning you on the bed in a L shape. He removed your panties and set them aside, ensuring not a drop of blood tainted the fabric. However, upon witnessing the sight of your bloody hole, he hesitated momentarily. "It's fine, hwa. I can drink some hot water to reduce the pain…" "Everything is okay, honey." He wrapped up the condom before aiming at your entrance, slowly entering without hurting you.
Your tail puffed up as his cock fitted you perfectly, causing you to bite your lips not to make a sound. "Let me adjust first, honey." Wrapping by blood was weird, he could tell. It was hot and sticky, but indeed was a good lubricant. He found he can slide into your deepest part thanks to your blood. Maybe he could feel better just by thinking that it was not your blood but cum.
Slowly, he adjusted the feeling and thrusted into you. You were so sensitive that you moaned at the slightest touch to your sweet spot. "Fuck, honey, you are sensitive." He propped himself with both of his arms on either side of you, drew his hips and slid into your deepest area until he could not go further. "Ah~hwa~" The bed creaked as Seonghwa rolled his hip at a fast pace, you grasped the bedside and moaned choppy.
"I can't baby, it feels good." His hand trailed to your tail, caressing from bottom to top. He knew you loved it, badly. "Oh─oh!Gosh, hwa~ah!" Your wall tightened around his long cock as the numbness almost overwhelmed you and the period pain was gradually replaced. The musk scent belonging to you filled in the air combined with his sweet strawberry scent, fueling the desire within your bodies.
Seonghwa laid beside you and made sure the towel was still in the right place. "I love your scent so much." He couldn't help but bury himself into your crook of neck without breaking the thrust. Both of your left leg and tail were pushed forward to allow him to enter deeper. His hand trailed down to the hem of your dress, climbing up to your breast, kneading and squeezing it.
The electrifying sensation cascaded through your being, causing you to gasp in delight. You adored the way his form molded against yours, his imposing presence making you feel petite, while his intoxicating aroma surrounded you like a warm embrace, promising endless waves of ecstasy. You could cum multiple times because of this feeling.
But that's not enough. He licked the back of your ear, the sound of his tongue against your skin stimulating your nerves, making you tremble; his lips gradually moved downwards, planting shallow kisses on your nape, sucking on your fine skin, leaving faint red marks.
"Honey, are you okay right now?" His soft voice made you awake temporarily. "Yah, yah." He stopped thrusting and cupped your face, made you look at him. "Can I go rough?You can say no if you don't want to." "I can, please." Upon hearing your answer, he flipped you over to make your chest pressed against the sheet.
"Tell me if I'm too rough." You nodded, sensing the bed dip under his weight. He smoothly slid you once more, pressing against your back, his cock buried deeply in this particular angle. Contrary to the tenderness before, he pounded in and out with primal intensity. "Shit!!Fuck!Hwa!" Your derriere quivered with each rapid thrust, the delicate caress proving irresistible. He groaned uninhibitedly, reveling in the sheer pleasure of it all.
Seonghwa grabbed your hair and pulled it back a little bit, allowing him to leave a bite mark on your neck. "It's beautiful." Pressing a kiss on it, he sat up straight and continued to enter in and out as fast as possible. You were on the verge of losing your breath due to the pain and stimulation coming from below, and could only express your excitement through desperate screams.
His hand once again found your long tail, kneading it as if it was a ball. "Hwa…hwa…" "What if I pull it, a bit?" He pulled your tail slightly, pain blended with pleasure and numb, this sensation sent you to the edge of climax. "Hwa, I'm…oh fuck, ple…"Your cries of pleasure were now intertwined with the sound of weeping. You were rendered speechless, unable to form coherent words, only producing incomprehensible sounds.
"Tell me, what'd you want?" "Cum…Fuckkk!!" He collided with your sweet spot without any error. "Cum baby, let me feel you." Closing your eyes tightly, you could feel a knot in your stomach. His thrusting became sloppy and lost his rhythm, he was almost at his limit. With a few more thrusts, both of you reached your peak.
"Thank you, hwa." "Don't say this, honey. You're amazing." Catching his breath, he slowly withdrew from your body to ensure you can feel every vein of his manhood. "Clean up first, little fox. Stay still." He carefully took off the condom without dirty his hand, threw it in the plastic bag and cleaned you up with tissue and wet towel.
"Let's go take a bath first and I'll change the sheet, hm?" He pecked at your forehead as you nodded. After you showered, he already changed the sheets and all the pillow bags. Of course, all the rubbish was thrown away, and even the towels were put in the washing machine.
"Cuddle?" He guided you to the bed as you nod, cradling you tenderly in his arms. "Is it hurt now?" You shook your head, feeling comfort in his warm embrace. "It's much better now, thanks babe." He tenderly kissed your forehead, his eyes filled with affection. "Let's sleep, hm?" You snuggled closer to him, and together you drifted into a peaceful sleep.
And the legos? Well, although he said it's fine, you still buy ten more packages for him as a make up. One can never have too much of a good thing, right?
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acciofictionalmen · 2 days
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(sebastian sallow x female!reader)
→ you and sebastian get distracted whilst trying to enter salazar slytherin's scriptorium, and it's not by solving clues..
warnings: sexual references, implication of & references to thigh-riding, intense makeouts, spicy!!, 16+
a/n: felt inspired after a 5 hour hogwarts legacy run today..
bon appétit ??
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You stepped back in frustration as the stone snake hissed at you once more. Something wasn't right, there was clearly a clue you were missing.
"Have you given up on it yet?" asked Sebastian, sat on the cool stone floor as he observed you with a teasing glint in his eyes. That knowing, smug expression had returned.
His head was leant against the wall, and his legs were splayed. You clenched your jaw, took a shaky breath and turned back to the puzzle.
After one more attempt it was clue your efforts were futile.
"It's not going to work. Let's just hope Ominis has found something that could help us by now." You groaned.
Your mutual best friend, Ominis Gaunt, had left the chamber you were currently in, claiming that his aunt - who had previously entered the scriptorium - had left notes behind.
Sebastian didn't respond.
You stepped forwards and eyed the stone snake suspiciously. Your desperation to decipher the engraved symbols below was amplifying. This puzzle would get you one step closer to leaving the dark chambers you were trapped in, dark chambers where you were currently accompanied solely by Sebastian Sallow, and hastily losing control of your thoughts. You shook your head in an attempt to focus yourself. It was fine, since you'd surely soon leave this chamber anyway, and along with it would come the restoration of your weakening self-restraint.
"You alright there love?" A hand brushed the small of your back, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You jumped, "Bloody hell Seb !"
Turning around, you expected him to take a respectful step back. He didn't.
You uncertainly backed against the wall, the snake statue to your right.
Seb neared. The lighting was so dim his dark hair cast long shadows against his face, and you traced them with your eyes before meeting his.
"Ominis should be ba-"
"Don't talk about Ominis." Seb almost seethed, his left knee shoving inbetween your thighs as he pinned you against the wall, his hands ghosting over your waist.
You gasped at the sudden contact, your small skirt now hiked up your thighs. Sebastian's sudden change in demeanour was surprising, but not unwelcome.
Heart pounding, you swallowed as he drew closer, your chest rising and falling in anticipation as his eyes bore into you with an intense look of what could only be described as hunger. By the brief, almost imperceptible raise of his eyebrows, you could tell the longing was evident in your eyes too.
Your eyes widened as the heat spreading throughout your body threatened to burn your cheeks.
Sebastian raised a finger, dragging it down your lips and over the tip of your tongue, before teasing it along the nape of your neck. You gazed up at him through dark lashes, realising he was holding his breath, eyes fixated on your lips as though looking at anything else would cause him pain in comparison. As his finger dropped lower and lower and began to caress the outline of your bra through your shirt, he seemed to reconsider, instead dropping his hands back down to your waist. He forced his eyes to leave your lips, now meeting yours.
'Your move', his unwavering stare read.
Disappointment pooled in your stomach; the sudden lack of contact was driving you insane, you had to say something, had to-
"Seb- I-" you swallowed anxiously, your words fading, drowned out by your body screaming to close the small distance between the two of you. You had dreamed about this moment for so long, the boundaries between friendship and something more had forever been your enemy.
"Yes, love?" He breathed, as though talking any louder would shatter the spell the two of you were under.
"I-" your throat suddenly felt dry, as you found yourself unable to form words.
"Don't act so clueless, love.." He murmured, eyes flitting to your hips as you glanced down, realising that they'd been moving as if of your body's own volition, desperate to be against him. As if your body had craved to be touching him, and had known long before your mind was able to catch up to what was now so blatantly obvious.
You might as well have cast 'evanesco', because all of your self-restraint irrevocably vanished.
"Seb," You gasped, as his fingers took ahold of your hips, guiding you both into a slow, repetitive movement. Without warning his lips slammed against yours so passionately, that you couldn't do anything except kiss him back and revel in the feeling of his flushed lips upon yours.
Neediness overtook your body as Seb shifted his leg, angling himself so that his entire front was pressed firmly against yours, elliciting a gasp from your mouth that he quickly stole away with another deep kiss.
"Hush, love, or you'll get us caught," he brushed your hair back, soothing your whines with dozens of kisses on your neck, chin, and lips that left you even more consumed with desire as the feeling of his body pressed against yours, and moving against his, drove you to near insanity. As though close wasn't close enough, as though the heat from his body was the only thing sustaining yours.
Your eyes met his as he briefly broke away, his gaze enchanting as you noted the freckles dotted across his cheekbones, like the stars you'd studied together during countless astronomy lessons. Not that they had mattered. After all, what was the point of looking through a telescope when Sebastian Sallow was next to you?
Each kiss left you increasingly more breathless than the last as your whimpers filled the occasional space between you, filled with such desperation that you felt Sebastian smirk against your lips, fully aware that you'd wanted him since the beginning: because he had, too.
You heard nearing footsteps, and realised that Ominis must be returning. In that moment, against your better judgement, you couldn't bring yourself to care. You could only react by entangling your hands into Sebastian's thick hair to kiss him deeper, faster, as you simultaneously chased the high that was almost within reach.
Sebastian groaned lowly, clamping a hand over your mouth as you finally collapsed into his chest, regretting how he couldn't hear every small moan and melodic gasp of his name that left your swollen lips. He swore to himself that he'd make up for it.
You both quickly pulled apart as Ominis walked in. Hastily gulping down oxygen, you were still shaking from the waves of pleasure that coursed through your body.
"Are the two of you okay? It sounded like one of you had gotten injured! I wasn't sure.." Ominis began, the letters he'd found clutched in his right hand.
"She got scared by the snake." Sebastian responded quickly before you could even form a coherent thought, your eyes drawn to the dampness on his clothed thigh. Forcing yourself to face Ominis once more, you hastily looked away.
Ominis scoffed, crossing his arms in disbelief, "So have you at least managed to solve the puzzle?"
Your eyes widened, "We-"
"-have, yes." Seb interrupted flippantly, causing you to turn and stare at him in confusion.
Sebastian strolled towards you, as your eyes flitted towards Ominis warily, unsure what was happening.
He crouched before the stone snake, and fiddled with the rotating slab, solving the puzzle almost instantly.
Realisation dawned.
"You asshole," you spat in disbelief, conscious of Ominis on the opposite end of the room, "you knew this whole time and just sat there, watching me strug-"
Seb leaned in, his lips brushing the tip of your ear as he murmured, "Next time you'll be riding something else, love."
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a/n: aaaaaahhhhhh !!!! hope you enjoyed this one loves, and that it drove you as feral for this man as it did me.. id love to hear your thoughts & feedback as always <3
if you have any requests, please don't hesitate to send them over, my inbox is very much open ! non-smut requests for the moment please, but who knows in future ;)
- yours, odette ☾
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
hashira receive chocolate from you
Author’s Note: only a lil late for Valentine’s Day… 😅
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hashira receive chocolate from you
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,100
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: this sad b*tch could use an emergency request 😭 men have more audacity I swear
If possible could you do hashira men x female reacting to you bringing them chocolate on Valentine’s Day😭
Don’t mind the varying lengths of these headcanons 😆
I just wrote out scenarios as they popped into my brain
Aka not in order
Some are short and sweet; others are more fleshed out
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Cries (happy tears)
—Duh 🤠
Good thing the chocolates are in a box, otherwise they’d be soaked 🙃
Also refuses to eat them w/o you present
Insists you take the first bite of every bonbon 🥺😋
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VERY red 😡
—Apparently this is my go to hc for Obanai… he’s always red 😂
“Is this for me?” <— dangerously soft
Uhh- 😶 *cue awkward fiddling w/ the box of chocolates*
“Are you sure?” <— somehow even softer
“... yes?!”
“Thank you.”
“You don’t want them,” you accuse, more embarrassed than anything
Obanai’s eyes widen
He’s still ~mostly glaring
😓 “It’s fine! They’re my favorite anyway! I’ll just-”
A firm (sweaty) palm on your shoulder stops you mid-stalking-away
“I’d like to have them,” he declares
“W-wha-whaaat?” 😳
“Thank you,” murmured again, gentle fingers prying the box from your grip, “How about we sit beneath that tree… andyousharethemwithme?”
Best believe not a single second of eye contact occurs
#shy boi
Also What did he just say? 😃
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“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
You’re glad she’s so excited, but-? 😅
“NO WAAAY?!?!?!” 😍
—What I’d give to swap chocolates w/ Mitsuri 🥺💞
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“Sugar can lead to cavities.” 🧐
“You want me to get cavities?”
“No, I-”
“What if I get-”
“I’m kidding, darling!” 😃
😒😒😒 <— you rn
Shinobu leans in, pecking your cheek as she accepts your gift, “With you around, the harm’s already done.” 😉
… “Was that you flirting with me?”
“Yes, savor it.”
“Babe, that was so ba-”
“GOOD, [y/n], my flirting was so good.”
“Thank gosh that wasn’t your original approach.”
“You’re saying my flirting wouldn’t woo you, darling?” 😎
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 💀
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“Chocolate?!” 😁
You only wince a tad at Kyojuro’s booming excitement 😬
“For you.” ☺️
“For me !!!” 😁😁
If you take a step back to protect your poor ears, he doesn’t comment
“A token of my appreciation.”
“How thoughtful!” 😁😁😁 “You are most generous!” 😁😁😁😁
And then he notices your slow but sure retreat ☹️
“Are you okay?” voice immediately softening
your relieved sigh = barely stifled 🤫
“Oh,” he blinks, head tilting a fraction, “I was loud!”
“Ouch,” you nod in sheepish agreement
“I apologize! Please! Share your wonderful gift with me to make up for my carelessness!” 
“I was loud again.” 😅
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Sanemi sits cross legged on his engawa, unimpressed by your offering
“I hate chocolate.” 😐
“You’re full of shit.” 🙄
“Just like your chocolate.”
“My chocolate? It’s yours, Shinazugawa Sanemi,” hand on your hip as you huff, chocolates shaking in their box as you hold them out roughly toward him, “I got it for you.”
Raising an eyebrow, he pushes your hand, “I don’t want it.”
“Fuck. You.” ☹️
Scoffing, his eyes roll, “You know I hate chocolate.”
You pout, plopping down beside him, “Hate is a strong word.”
“Eat it yourself.”
“I don’t want to.”
“See! You hate chocolate too, so don’t try pawning it off to me.” 😒
Sanemi finally shifts to face you, mouth smug, knee bumping gentle against the crook of your hip, “Hm, my love?” 😌
Seething, you ignore his advance, “We are eating this chocolate together, and if it kills you, then so be it.”
“Ooh, so this is a we situation now?” he teases fondly, plucking the box from your lap
Crossing your arms, you look away, “You’re insufferable.”
“So insufferable that you bought me chocolate,” he smirks 😇
“Whatever, I’ll keep it,” you grumble, halfheartedly grabbing for the box
“No.” 😐
“We’re eating it together, and it certainly won’t kill me.” 🥰
—Bc lover!Sanemi = emotional whiplash central 💀🤍
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“What is this for?”
“For you,” you grin
“I figured that part out.” 🤓
Snorting, you tap Muichiro’s shoulder, flicking his chin when he glances down at your movement
“Hey,” he pouts slightly, cheeks tinged pink, “Seriously though: why?”
“Because I adore you.”
“Mhm.” ☺️
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” 😁
You poke his cheek, eyes rolling fondly, “We should eat them now.”
“We? But, they’re for me.”
“Muichiro,” you deadpan
“Just trust me.” 😇
His cheeks warming further, he allows you to tug him under the shade of the nearest tree, sweetness soft in his stomach before he’s had a single taste
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“You can put that over there,” Giyuu gestures to the nearest corner of the room, not bothering to greet you 
Disappointment curdles in your stomach, stare carefully neutral as you nod, “Okay.”
Your soft sigh as you move away from him does not go unnoticed
“Are you alright?” 😕
Swiveling sharply at the slight edge in his tone, you shake your head, frustration narrowing your eyes
“What’s on your mind?” he asks, gentle now as he approaches your agitated figure
“You’re so dense,” you manage to choke out, tears welling involuntarily
“I’m so…” Giyuu trails off, realization hitting him, “Oh shit.”
—Realization being the train that was just derailed #so punny #the punniest 🤡
“Yeah,” you exhale raggedly, tiny smile tugging at your mouth despite yourself, “Not even a Hello or a Thank you.”
“I’m sorry,” he mutters, lithe body curved protective and apologetic around you before you can even blink, “That was messed up of me.”
“I can leave and come in again, so you can practice,” you chuckle wetly, face buried in his haori, “You clueless man.”
Embrace tightening, he murmurs, “You’re too kind.”
Giggling faintly, you squeeze his hip, other hand still awkwardly clutching the box of chocolate, “I know.”
“Thank you for being patient with me.”
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“We better eat them before everyone returns.” 😈
Clucking your tongue at Tengen, you pull another, another, another, and another box of chocolates from your knapsack
“Oh.” 😔
“Tengen-sama, do you look crestfallen?”
“Well, I, hm, I thought we would-”
“Unlike someone, I’m not so selfish to suggest indulging in a pleasure without our wives,” smile unwavering even as you scold him, “Which is why I bought enough for everyone to enjoy their own.” 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫
“Okay, but! Size wise, I’m large.” 😃
“Which is why I bought you two.”
“You did?!” 😍
“No.” 😐
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saylorsaysstop · 8 months
Home | Dick Grayson
↪ Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome! ⭐️
↪ My Masterlist
↪ Prompt: “Nothing feels as good as coming home to you.” “Nothing feels as good as having you come home to me.”
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When Dick made the transition from Blüdhaven to Gotham when the team needed him, you came along. He couldn’t rest comfortably knowing you were thirty minutes away from him. He wanted you there every night he came home, wanted the knowledge that you were safe in a home with him each night. He was more than relieved when you immediately said yes to coming to Gotham with him. 
It was another late night with you hounding the evidence board, placing sticky notes on the latest clues in crime. Cobblepot was heavy on the radar at the moment, where Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin were going to– scout and interrogate suspects on the whereabouts of the Iceberg Lounge owner. 
Nibbling on the cap to the Bic pen in your hand, you stand back and observe. Using a red string, you connected crime scenes and possible hits Oswald would take to next in the city. Dick was lucky to have you, and you even went and impressed the Batman himself. He joked frequently that he was two seconds away from making a secret identity for you and suiting you up to join on patrol, only quieting when Dick threw very aggressive glares in his father’s direction. 
You heard the jostling of the door before it opened, revealing the man in question. Dick Grayson strutted into the room, his powerful legs bringing him into the room in seconds. The automatic doors shut behind him and he removed his cowl, his dark strands of hair mused from what you knew to be his hand running through it. 
“Hey, you,” You shoot him a smile. Dick looked up and took notice of the board. 
“Hey, baby,” He sighed, smiling at you. “Anything?” He points an index finger toward the evidence board. 
“I’ve got a little headway,” You answer truthfully. “I mapped out possible locations Cobblepot may place his guys, but I’m hoping Tim or Jason will offer more insight once they get here.” 
Dick exhaled, nodding his head. You notice him wince. 
“Dick– are you hurt?” You gasp, putting the pen down and rushing. Immediately, your boyfriend lifted his hand and shook his head.
“It’s fine. Just a scrape.” He chuckled. That’s when you noticed the red seeping through the cut in his suit.
“Richard John Grayson!” You gasp, rushing over to him. Dick never wanted to worry you. He took a seat after pressing his hand to the scanner to lift the medical bed from the floor. In one fluid motion – and a groan – Dick unfastens his suit and slowly rolls it down his body, revealing ab after chiseled ba. Cuts and grooves in his sides often make your mouth water, but right now you were thrown into protective mode. 
You rushed to grab the first aid kit and make it to him to see the gash on his left side, just above his hip. “Someone worked on their knife skills. Caught me off-guard.” He admits with a sheepish grin. You shake your head and quickly get to work, cleaning the cut with an antiseptic that makes Dick flinch under your touch. 
“I can’t have you getting hurt out there, Grayson. I need you.” You sigh, giving all your attention to mending his small wound. Dick watched your hands work on his side, his tongue gently wetting his lips. 
“I need you too,” He whispers, softly grazing your hip with his hand. “Have I told you lately how much I adore you?” 
Smirking, you take a peek at him through your lashes, seeing he is wearing his signature smile. Pearly whites on display, you feel the heat creep up your neck. 
“You like to remind me, I’ve noticed.” You sigh. “But it never hurts to hear it again.” 
Dick grins wider, knowing he’s got you under his thumb. You finish up by adding a bandage as he gently rises to a sitting position. Spreading his legs apart, he pulls you into the space between his knees and stares at you adoringly. 
“Nothing feels as good as coming home to you,” Dick whispers, cradling the back of your head in his large hand, his fingers splaying across the back of your skull. A soft whine falls from your lips as you savor the thorough feel of his digits lightly massaging your scalp, earning you to rise onto the tips of your toes, lavishing in his attention to you. 
Falling forward slightly, Dick wraps his arms around you and holds you close to him. The heat radiates off his skin even through your clothes, and you ease your head back to stare up into the beautiful ocean he has for eyes.
“Nothing feels as good as having you come home to me… Even if you did take a little injury,” You giggle. 
The feel of Dick’s lips crashing to yours is all you need to succumb to the insatiable want that develops deep in your belly for him, the desperate need to have all of him. He reaches for the hem of your shirt, working it over your head. Although it could be any moment that the rest of the group would return from patrol, Dick read your thoughts.
“I don’t need much time to get you screaming for me… We’ll be quick.” He seals the promise with a chastising kiss to your throat, his tongue unlocking a deep moan to rise in your throat and pierce the air. 
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seinenkai · 6 months
"Cursed Eyes."
Gojo Satoru x Male Reader
Reader is implied as transgender and is seen as a young adult (25yrs old) and he's a vessel. First chapter is taken place in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 The Movie so MAJOR Spoilers. Slow burn probably.
C/TW; transphobia, implied grooming, swear words/cussing.
This is my first (lazy) fic lol. Depends if I'll continue this or nawt.
It was 2017, you were looking out the window out of boredom until you hear someone.
"L/n." Geto called out, beckoning the boy over.
"I told you to call me Y/n. We're close after all, Master Geto." You said as you walked towards Geto, looking at the big grin he had on his face along with the bags under his eyes.
"You call me 'Master Geto', I think it's fair to call you by your last name." He laughed, fixing the Gojo Kesa he wore. You sighed, looking at Geto with annoyance "what is it that you needed?.." you ask as you tilted your head. You see Mimiko and Nanako bickering at eachother, talking about Tokyo.
"Would you like to come to Tokyo with us? See an old friend?" You look at him surprised "...see an old friend?.." you repeated.
Geto nodded, knowing who you both are talking about. "I don't think he'd even like to see us- just what do you mean 'see an old friend'?" You came closer. "It'll be fine, Y/n! We just need to chat with him."
Then you remembered. Getos plan about the war. "Are the others coming?" You raised a brow and Geto nodded "of course. We're a family." He chuckled, walking away.
"We were about to go right now." He says as he pointed at the large pelican. You were grossed out since you had to get inside the pelican. "...maybe after I ba-" Geto cuts you off by taking your hand and dragged you inside the pelican. You sat there with disgust while Mimiko and Nanako comforted you.
"It's fine L/n! It doesn't stink and we were planning to go to the Cafe near in tokyo- the crepes look so good!" Nanako says with a grin. You didn't do anything but nod.
You all were in, flying towards Tokyo. You look at Geto and asked him "...are you gonna meet the Okkotsu boy again?" You asked as you tilted your head back with annoyance "Gojo's going to kill us." Geto raised a brow "I'm sure he won't. Just a little talk that's all."
You landed, getting out the pelican and stood there watching Geto rush towards Yuta Okkotsu. Geto held Okkotsus hand and started blabbering about his little cult and how he should join him and insulting Maki Zen'in.
That all ended when Satoru Gojo walked in along with other jujutsu sorcerers working at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. "Dont tell my students such nonsense, Suguru." Gojo said coldly, his eyes hidden under the white bandages. Gojo grew so much.
Geto smiled, pulling away as Gojo stood infront of Okkoutsu protectively. Your eyes meet with his covered ones and you can't help but look away. "I wanted to declare war." Geto said with a smile. Yaga, Nanami and Meiemi were there but you couldn't spot Shoko anywhere.
"Y/n." Gojo suddenly said. "You're working with Suguru. Actually." He says, making it sound like you were pathetic. You don't say anything back. Gojo and Geto began to bicker. "Mr. Geto! Hurry up! Let's go to the crepe shop!!" Nanako whined, beckoning him over.
Geto smiled at her and turns to Gojo "well, I better get going." He said as he got in and announced the date of the war.
It was soon, in December 24th 2017.
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"Master Geto..." you muttered to him as Nanako began taking photos, taking 0.5 photos of you and the others in the Cafe. "Yes y/n?.." Geto looked at you, eating the sweet crepe. You had a strawberry crepe with cream while Geto had one with blueberries. "Nevermind. Nothing. I was gonna ask you something stupid." You say as you take a bite out of the crepe. You felt so stupid.
You began to question things. What if you never betrayed Gojo? What if you never went with Geto? You hate these damn thoughts.
You get a flashback. It's Higanbanas doing.
Your younger self with a older sorcerer, you were close to him. You two always were together talking when you were a child. "Y/n, promise you won't leave me..." Said the older male, caressing your face. You look at him and laughed "leave you? Why? I'm not a grown up yet!" You say with a wide grin and the older man pulled you in a hug. "...I know. But. Nobody will ever love you like this my dear y/n.." He whispered, running his hands through your hair. You look at him confused and nodded. "I know..." you muttered, sitting on his lap.
You stood up, walking away towards the bathroom and Geto gave a confused look as he watched you walk away.
You washed your face in the restrooms sink, looking up at the mirror. "Damn you." You suddenly say, looking at the mirror as you saw the cursed spirit.
"Quit making me think such thoughts. I don't regret my decision." You glared at her, your left eye turning red when your eye colors are originally e/c. Higanbana pouted, her white hime haircut with the blue streaks in her hair along with the blue spider lily's on her head.
"Stop taking those stupid sorcerer meds! It enhances your strength and you're too damn strong to take over!" She whined, pulling on your cheek.
She was in you, controlling your body but you can see her behind you, through the mirror. "Higanbana please...we already talked about this..." you sigh, turning around and sat on the bathroom floor. You looked down at your chest, lifting open one of the kimono folds to see your bandaged chest, seeing if its tight enough for you to look flat chested. "During the war I'll let you take over." Higanbana smiled, hugging you with a wide sinister grin "for real? You will?" She says and you nodded, walking back to Geto and the others. "Just stop reminding me of the past." You say as you began walking back to them.
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December 24 2017.
Your last time seeing Suguru Geto.
Nanako and Mimiko were off somewhere and the others following along with Getos plan. You were assigned to distract and defend, bring paired with Miguel.
You look down and see Gojo dragging his students, Panda and Toge Inumaki and made a sign in the sand, teleporting the first year's back to the school.
He found out.
You stood besides Miguel and patted his back, pushing him. "You can go first." You say as you backed away "you'd kill time." Miguel rolled his eyes, hidden under his shades and got down.
You watch the two fight. Miguel was losing and there were curses everywhere. Miguel's whip and Satorus cursed technique were everywhere, destroying almost everything. Gojo slid open the white bandage, revealing one of his blue eyes.
Eventually the fight ends when you blinked and you see Satoru Gojo gone.
Where is he?
"Migeul!" You yelled out, jumping off the rooftop to get on the lower one until you see Miguel missing. Damn. You turn around and felt something gripping onto your Kimono. You looked at see Gojo.
He was looking at you right in the eyes.
Where's the bandages?
Where's Miguel?
"Gojo." You say as you tried staying calm. You know you'll die. But that doesn't happen.
Higanbana takes over. Your h/c now having blue streaks with blue marks on your face. Higanbana takes over and instantly aims for Satorus head, attacking him only for it to get blocked by infinity.
"Y/n." Gojo coldly says as he doged the attacks Higanbana gave him, the blue nails you grew being like claws. Why wasn't he attacking? Why wasn't he hurting you? "Satoru Gojo!" Higanbana yelled out, her scream sounding scary.
She controlled your face, a evil grin appearing on your face. She aimed for more attacks and Gojo was about to unleash an attack. You pull away quicker than Higanbana and retreated. You're just like Miguel.
You dissappear, not wanting to fight again since you know that your body's too damn weak to even handle Satorus attack. Nanako and Mimiko were already done with their assigned job and meets up with you.
"Y/n! Y/n!" Called the two, running towards you quickly. "We need to find Master Geto!" Said Nanako and you nodded. "I'll find him I swear-" you say as you tried catching your breath, your kimono folds slipping down to show off your shoulders and the turtle neck like compression shirt. You sat down, catching your breath. You're too weak for this.
So much time has passed and you ran towards jujutsu tech to retrieve Geto. You were out of breath, your chest felt like it was burning along with your sides. You stood ontop one of the roofs, standing above the tiles.
Your eyes widened.
Geto was wounded.
You saw him holding his missing left arm and with a bloody body.
You wanted to break down. You wanted to catch him until you saw Gojo. The two seemed like they were talking about something. Gojo crouched down, whispering something to Geto and you tweaked.
"You." Gojo suddenly said, standing up and looked at you. "Y/n." He says as he glared at you, both his eyes bare for you to see. "G-geto...what the hell did you do?" You asked, your voice trembling as you got closer, staring at Getos corpse. You looked at Gojo, your face darkened.
Gojo walked towards you, face to face. The atmosphere was absolutely tense but he didn't have any hostility or danger. But you did.
A vein grew on your face, glaring at Satoru. "Gojo. Tell me what the hell you just did." You say as you got closer. Gojo stays silent, glaring back at you.
"You know why I had to do it." He says as he gets closer. Satoru noticed the blue markings fading in, Higanbana was about to take over your body since you felt weak. Gojo puts two fingers on your forehead and suddenly you felt sleepy. "...Go...jo.." you say as you instantly fall down onto your knees, laying on the dirty floor as Satoru looked down at you.
He'll retrieve your unconscious body later. Right now he has to meet up with his students.
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first-edition · 11 months
Fox and the Hound
sandor clegane x reader
Chapter 6
Previous chapter here
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for this chapter- Threatening, Joffrey (we know why), mention of sex, breathing restriction, 18+ language.
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Your arm is linked with sansas as you walk through the city courtyard seeing the gold, white, and red decorations. You look up seeing the banners, seeing them draped from windows and strung across the walls. Walking into the town square the space has been cleared and the severent are working to continue the decorations. 
You see joffrey barking orders as merryn trant and hound stand behind him. He notices the two of you and adjusts himself before walking over. 
“My lady sansa. Lady clegane.” he says 
“Your grace” you both say. Your eyes glance up at Sandor before focusing on the king when he speaks. 
“Wonderful don't you think..i think this is just what kingslanding need the festival!'' Joffrey says. 
“It's beautiful.” Sansa acts. 
“Yeah sure, it should be completed in 2 days time i hope the food will be good, come with me my lady, I want to show you where the fool will be performing.” Joffrey says, holding his arm out to sansa. Who takes it? He takes a step as the other two men begin to follow. 
“Not you dog, stay, keep an eye on the bloody workers if they can ever fucking move fast enough.'' Joffrey says before walking off leaving you Sandor and the other guard who assisted you and Sansa on the walk to the courtyard. Sandor nods his head to the guard who must be new by the way he shakes when he sees his superior, and the guard scurries off to fill his place with Sansa and joffrey.
Sandor turns watching as the servants continue to work. It's quiet for a bit before he turns his head to you looking at you. You notice he's looking at you so you look back at him. 
“What?” you ask, his hardened expression doesn't change. 
“What?!” you exclaim as he turns his head back forwards. 
“Are you hurting?” he asks reluctantly. You frown in confusion not understanding what he means until he speaks again. 
“The first time is usually uncomfortable, '' he says. Your ears burn as you realize he's talking about last night in public. 
“O-oh..i'm alright, s-sore. I should ask the same for you.” you say looking up at him. 
“Mm. just cat scratches i've had worse.” he grumbles. 
“I'm not hurt, you know. You didn't hurt me sandor, like you said.” you say taking his hand, his rough palm in your soft one. He looks down to you, feeling your hand in his. 
“The marks…do those hurt?” he asks. 
“Not at all if anything…I kind of like them.” you say blushing lightly. A short chuckle leaves his lips as he looks back to the servants. 
“Your cape is back in the room.” you add on. 
“Hmm..last night wasn't enough for you then little fox?” he asks. 
“N-no! I mean yes– i-I it was enough- i enjoyed myself- i hope you did as well- i'm just suggesting- n-no i'm not. NO i mean ah…” your face burns as you fumble over your words. 
“If you'd like it b-back you're going to have to get it yourself. My maids are terrified of you so they will not return it by mail.” you say pulling your hand away from him.
Amused at how easy it was to fluster you but less so that your hand is gone from his. 
“Fine then..” he huffs and holds out his arm to you. 
“I'll get it myself.” he says, waiting for you to take his arm. 
“Good” you say and hold his arm in yours. You turn your head away, opening your mouth to speak again when you're hit from behind, causing you to almost fall forwards if sandor hadn't caught you. Three men run by you, the last one running into you. Sandor grabs the third by his neck lifting him. 
“Watch where your fucking running boy! You've hit the princess. Watch it or I'll use your entrails as a damn jump rope!” he barks out, resorting back to his usual roughness. The man whimpers in fear once the hound puts him down. 
“M-m-my apologies milady!” he says bowing before running off to his friends. 
“You alright?” he asks you. Going back to you facing you. Your hand rests on your shoulder where he hit you. 
“Yes. Thank you for catching me.” you say. He nods, bringing his hand  up to your face, tucking your hair behind your hair, spotting the marks he left on your neck. He lifts your chin looking at his handy work. 
“Fucking pigs running through the streets nearly ran into me!” you hear jeoffrey's whining voice. Sandor pulls his hand away from you before turning to face the sound of the king. 
“You just stare at the fuckign flags waving in the air you mutt?” Joffrey asks, not really wanting an answer from sandor. 
“Sure.” he says 
“Mm whatever entertains your boring scared ass. Honestly I don't know how you entertain yourself around him.” joffrey says walking passed you both making sandor roll his eyes with a sneer mouthing a mockery of joffrey. Making you press your lips together suppressing a laugh. 
“Come along dog, we have to look in the bakery.” Joffrey says not really having to do so; he's probably just hungry and wants food. 
You continue the rest of the day and and the next exploring the festival decorations ever going as far out as the the towns square only with two f your hand maidens. Sneaking out of the castle with out a gaurd is no easy feat and often times with in the hour a gaurd who bring you back to the castle. Every guard its been has been Sandor.
you admire the decorations the towns people have done and the hope they share for a good and well festival even spending some time with the local children in the orphanages. Playing games and reading to them. Until you are once again escorted back to the castle.
But now you are on a different mission you walk into the seamstress house.
“Excuse me?” You ask a woman
“Oh! My princess!” She says and bows down.
“Shh no no i-im not supposed to be outside of the castle walls without supervision please get up.” You say begging her. She raises.
“Can you please make something like this. Black gold and yellow?” You ask
“A black dress milady? Was th’re a death in the family?” She says her thick accent almost missing words.
“N-no i want to wear it for the festival would you be able to make it for me?” You ask handing her paper with the sketch and your size.
“ o’course i can.” She says with a smile.
“Thank you i apologize for the short notice um. Here” you say placing a little pouch of coins on the table next to the paper.
“OH why mildly id’a do it f’free” she says you shake your head.
“No no. Your dresses you make are far too beautiful to not be paid for.” You say and smile.
“I’ll do me best, I’ll ‘ave it sent into the ca’sle on the day.” She says you nod smiling at her before hurrying off having heard that the guards were looking for you.
Walking down the hall you reach the library on your usual rounds to keep yourself entertained. When you’re stopped by two guards thier armor shiny and unbent letting your know they are new.
“Hello there little lady.” One speaks as the block your route to the library.
“Excuse me ser’s” you say and try to pass but to no avail you cant pass them, more like they wont let you.
“Whats a pretty thing like you doing out alone eh?” The other says hes got a Scottish accent.
“You’re blocking my way. Excuse me i wont ask again?” You say sternly looking up at them.
“Oh so fierce. Eh the little minx bites then does she? Id like you to use those teeth for something else then eh?” He speaks again. A disgusted look falls upon your face.
“She dosnt bite, but i do.” You hear the familiar gruff voice behind you.
The immediately straighten up.
“What are you two bastards drivleing on about.” Hound speaks again.
“N-nothing ser.” He  says. 
“Making s-sure the lady princess is safe on her w-way..” the other speaks.
“Fuck off or i‘ll cut off your cock and balls myself and shove them so far down your throat you’ll be coughing each others semen for a week.” He says shifting in his stance. The men bow to you before they scurries off. 
You turn to him facing him looking up at him. 
“You alright?” He asks. You nod in response. 
“We’re you following me?” You ask a small smile on yor face. 
“No.” He says immedetly before starting to walk off you smile at him skipping up to him. 
“You were weren’t you?” You smile looking at him as you walk. 
“No I wasn’t I was just walking the same way as you were standing.” He says 
“That..that sounds like watching me.. Don’t you think its also familiar that every time i’m out of the castle walls you’re the one to come a retrieve me?” You say. He stops and turns to you. 
“No, and if i was following you.” He says you smile up at him taking a step closer. 
“Why?” You ask, knowing that he was, placing your hands against his armored chest. His hands remain one at his side and one as his sword. 
“Because little fox…” he trails off you nod your head waiting for him to finish. 
“Because this city is not safe half the time.” He says. A toothy grin forms on your face as you realize what he’s trying to say. 
“You’re worried for me arn’t you?” You ask he huffs. 
“You are! Sandor you’re worried. Well you needn’t worry becuase i have a strong personal gaurd that follows me wherever i go.” You say. His dementor changes his soft gaze hardening. 
“You, Sandor. You follow me.” You say poking at his chest. He grunts and begins to walk away from you. 
“Will I see you tonight?” You ask out to him leaning your head to the side. 
“why?” He asks 
“The festival?” You ask 
“I have to be there.” He says 
“Good.” You smile. You watch as he turns to walk off again but turns back to you taking a few steps twords you due to his long strides and leans down to you kissing your cheek before turning and finally walking away.
You stand in front of your mirror, your maids interchanging dresses for you to look at as you wear to the festival tonight.
“What do you think of this, my lady?” one asks as she holds out a pink and white dress. 
“It's too…young I would look like a strawberry and cream pastry.” you reply. 
Your handmaidens giggle as one retorts to you. 
“Maybe the lord clegane would find you good enough to eat.” she says as they all giggle your face flushes with heat as your mind backtracks to the night. 
“This my lady?” she asks, holding up another dress. 
“Too green.” you say 
“My lady the dress you ordered came in?” she asks again, holding out a new dress.
You look at it for a moment recognizing the colors; it looks like sandors house banner. The black dress with yellow accents and golden corset display.
You smile about agreeing to it when the doors open and your hand maiden walks in with one of the queens holding out a dress crying in your presence. 
“Her grace the queen has requested you wear this for the night my lady.” she says holding out a red gold and white they would more than likely be restricting as hell. Your smile fades when the black dress is taken away from you and the maids help you undress in the current one. Your eyes glance back at the other dress before you're completely stripped of the dress you hand on and you step into the dress cersi told you to wear. 
The dress slips on perfectly, the collar coming up slightly around your neck, not leaving any room for slouching. As the maiden laces the corsets your breath becomes more and more restricted. 
“F-fuck.” you curse under your breath as she fully tightens the corset. You grab onto the desk side as she tugs pulling your waist in more and more. Until the ties are tight enough. 
“Are you alright my lady?” she asks, concerned. 
“Y-yes i'm fine.” you say your hand resting on your stomach now sucked into the heavens. She nods. She bends down to fix the trail of the dress so you can fully see the results of the garment. A knock at the door can be heard. 
“Enter.” You call out as the door opens. Sandor walks in. Causing the maid who opened the door you hurry a step backwards. You turn to see him in new armored gear. The white and gold armor shining against his dark hair and features. The intricate patterning on spikes and swirls reside on the shoulder pieces and in the middle of his chest the crown symbol. His white and gold cape flowed behind him. But what shocks you the most is his face, he shaved, but more so most likely forced too. And a boy about 16 or so follows close behind him.
A smile forms brightly on your face as your mouth drops open a bit. When you fully turn to face him. His grumpy resting bitch face still present as he sneers a look at the maid from cersi’s hands and she squeaks past him to return to the queen. His eyes hit you seeing you in the dress and his eyes immediately soften. 
“Did you shave?!!.” you ask excitedly. He doesn't answer his eyes just wander your garments growing colder again
“Ive been poked and prodded and shaved down i have uncomfortable armor and they gave me a fucking squire…im not in the mood for jesting. If anything all i want is to cut the fucker who did this to me in half and feed his shit to jeoffry for ordering it.” he says slowly. 
You walk to him only now noticing how heavy the dress is. 
You stand in front of him looking up at his face then down to his squire. 
“And you are?” you ask if the boy seems stunned to be in your chambers more than anything. 
“J-joss stillwood milady.” he bows. 
“Pleasure to meet you. Has my lord husband treated you well?” you ask. 
“Yes milady. Of course.” he says, actually telling the truth. You look back at sandor. 
“You look very handsome sandor.” you say. 
“Shut the fuck up.” he grumbles his heart burting at the compliment. You give him a small smile.  “Cersi has asked that i escort you into the banquet hall as a guard, as lord ...and as a husband” he says your eyes widen ever so slightly.
“Well you certainly look the part then.” you say he sighs and holds out his arm. For you you take it and exit the chambers walking to the banquet all seeing other guests walking the same way.
Holding onto sandors arms you can hear the faint gossip from others as you walk towards the doors. You feel the looks as people stare. 
“y/n.” you hear sandor speak. You look up at him seeing he’s already looking at you. 
“Ignore them. That's what I do.” he says, having noticed your discomfort. You nod. 
 You reach the doors and are announced. 
“I present princess y/n of house clegane and her lord husband, kingsguard, Sandor “the Hound” Clegane.” Everyone stops what they are doing and bows to you. As you enter. You see cersi, joffrey, tommen and sansa sitting at the head banquet table waiting for you. 
You both walk down the aisle that will soon become a dance floor to the table. You lift your skirt ever so slightly to climb the few stairs to your seat. Sandor pulls out the chair for you and you take a seat. He stands behind you slightly to your side. 
“Welcome my dear, i'm so glad the dress made it to you in one piece you look ravishing, Doesn't she look beautiful clegane?” cersi says turning to sandor to ask. 
“Yes, your grace.” he answers coldly. She picks up her knife and cups tapping the metal utensil against it. Quieting everyone. 
“It is with great pleasure that I have invited you all here tonight. We have music, fine wine, food, dancing here and in the courtyard. This festival brings us all together. Please enjoy yourselves." She says everyone cheers before the music begins. She sits back down and food is placed on the table. 
Everyone begins to eat but you sit and poke at the food. Cersi takes notice of this and leans to you. 
“Are you well my dear?” she ask
“Yes, your grace.” you answer. 
“I hope as well, my maidens told me of you and sandors consummation, I do hope those markings amount to your body healing well.” she says. 
“...y-yes your grace i haven't needed a maester.” you say she nods. And leans back to her seat you looks up at sandor you stands like a brick wall watching and scanning the room. You watch as everyone enjoys the party and dances and eats. You manage to eat a small amount before not wanting anymore, just a few raspberries and strawberries. You've sat at the table half board and half content for an hour or so before Sansa gets up and walks to you.
“y/n..dance with me?” she asks, standing next to you.
“Oh i don't think..” you say 
“Come on!” she says holding out her hand you sigh and nod standing up and taking it. Sandor follows close after you both to watch as a guard. She leads you out through the open doors to the court yard where more music plays and others are eating and dancing. 
A new song begins just in time as you both take your place. You admire Sansa's dress. A flowy blue dress no doubt Joffrey has chosen for the golden landed bodice shines against the outside lighting. The dance begins and you hold up your hand turning along with sansa. 
“I can't breathe in this dress.” you say to her. 
“Neither can i” she says, giving a small laugh. 
“My hand maids tied it so tight I can feel my heart beating in my throat.” she continues. You laugh and nod. Turning to the side to switch partners as part of the dance, it's a young man around your age as he smiles at you, surely admiring you. 
“You smell good my lady if I may interject.” he says. 
“Thank you my lord.” you answer. 
“Willow berry and prose is such a fine scent of a beautiful princess.” he says linking your arms with his as part of the dance requires. 
“Y-yes.” you say.
“I'm lord of the hotel house , segal.” he says. 
“A pleasure.” you say before returning to sansa. 
“Who?” she asks. You shrug giving her a pained expression. 
“Sandor doesn't seem to have taken a liking.” she says gesturing over to where he stands by the doors. You see him looking at you, his gaze hardened at the sight of the man who was making conversation with you. You also watch as joss nods his head enjoying the music in his place next to sandor.
“Oh no..”you say Sansa laughs as the dance shifts once more bringing you back to the lord. 
“Pleasurable once more.” he says. 
“The dance, yes of course.” you say. He chuckles, shaking his head. 
“No my princess, you are.” he says 
“I appreciate your kind word my lord for I am promised to another, sealed in fact.” you say looking over at the 6’7 monster of a guard and husband standing glaring. 
“Ah..well a dance will not hurt then.” he says. Before you can answer the dance ends and you curtsy as he bows to you. 
“May I have the next one?” he asks
“I really dont think-” you begin glancing at Sansa who has already been caught up by joffrey. 
“Please my lady, dance. one.” he says holding out his hand you nod taking it. The music begins again to play a very upbeat song known for lots of movement and dancing which you don't know how you will complete in the dress. He pulls you into him and begins to lead the upbeat dance. 
Not being able to last the entire song you break away from him gathering your dress and walking off trying to catch your breath. 
“My lady?! Are you alright?” he asks, you hold out a hand to tell him to go away but too out of breath to speak, but before he can place a hand on you he is grabbed by sandor. 
“Fuck off.” he speaks gruffly. 
“Excuse me sir but I am a-...” he trails off seeing Sandor fully and runs off. 
“Are you alright little fox?” he asks you to look at you. You place your hand on your stomach as you walk farther away from the music and dancing. You walk out onto the side view balcony hearing the faint music. Still struggling to breath your lack of air causes your vision to blur black spotting in your vision. The dress becomes heavier by the second causing you to lose your footing and hit the side barrier, you gasp about to fall off the side when you're caught by sandor he pulls you into him. 
Your knees give out as he holds you. He kneels to the ground. His hand is placed on your waist feeling the hard boning of the corset and hearing your labored breathing.
“Shall i call the maester ser?!” Joss asks worriedly.
“No…For fucks sake” sandor curses before he pulls out his dagger and cuts the corset down the middle allowing for a gush of air to return to your lungs. You grab onto him as you can finally breathe again. You blink as your vision clears. The color also comes back to your face as he places his hand on your cheek. You give him a weakened smile placing your hand over his. His eyes scanned to make sure that that was all that was causing your discomfort. 
“You're alright now little fox.” he says, kissing your forehead. Helping you stand before lifting you into his arms he carries you away from the party back to your chambers.
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i9messi · 1 year
For me — Pablo Gavi
Gavi is jealous of the way in which everyone seems to be obsessed with you and your food.
Word count — 1,2k
a/n: it's been a long time since the last time I wrote about gavi, but here i am! i've missed my boy
gavi's masterlist
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It was Frenkie’s birthday and since you were a friend of his, you had decided to bake a cake for him. Cooking was something you were passionate about and you liked to be able to prepare pastries. Your boyfriend Gavi was the one who enjoyed everything you baked, and even though he was strictly forbidden to eat certain things due to his diet and his profession as a footballer, at the end of the day he always gave some bite to what you prepared.
Mikky had invited you to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, where you were waiting for the birthday boy to arrive. Today’s training was to end in the next few minutes.
Pedri was the first to appear, in the company of Ferran Torres and Raphinha. The boys came to greet you, and the first stayed with you, while the other two went with Frenkie's girlfriend.
"How are you, Pedri?"
"Well, better now that I see you brought something to eat. You know you’re my favorite, right?"
Pedri winked at you, accompanying his comment with a smile. He was the only one who had that kind of trust with you.
"I know you’re just saying I’m your favorite so I can give you a bigger slice of cake. It's fine, just don’t tell my boyfriend, he tends to get angry when I give you a bigger slice."
"It’s our secret."
The door opened for the second time and more Barça players appeared, among them, was Gavi. When he noticed your presence, his face lit up and a pretty smile appeared on his lips. Pablo did not hesitate to come to you to give you a kiss, despite having seen him yesterday, you had missed him a lot.
"Hello, my love."
"Hi, amor."
"What are you doing here?"
Well, Gavi was a little forgetful about some things. And as much as you had told him several times that you were baking a cake for Frenkie, he had completely forgotten. When he saw you holding a box with what seemed to contain a cake, the feeling of being betrayed appeared.
"It’s Frenkie’s birthday and Mikky invited me, I brought him a cake."
At the time you didn’t notice the look on Gavi’s face, because you heard that the guys were starting to mention that Frenkie was coming. You handed the cake to Mikky and waited for the arrival of the Barça player. Frenkie appeared just a couple of minutes later, and when everyone shouted his name, he smiled like never before. All of you wished him a happy birthday. His family and girlfriend were the first to approach him, then his teammates, and finally, you.
"You bake me the cake, don't you?"
You nodded, while Araujo complained loudly.
"It’s unfair, I also want a cake for my birthday."
"Yes, so do I. I love the food you make." Ferran Torres also joined in the flattering comments.
Smiling, you approached your boyfriend and hugged him from behind. He was a little serious and you had a feeling something had happened to him. However, you thought you were going to ask him later, because maybe he was just angry about something that had happened in training and with which you had nothing to do with.
Without knowing it, you were wrong. Gavi was jealous of the way everyone was constantly praising you. Maybe it was a childish thought, but you were his. You had chosen him. It was like everyone else wanted to steal a piece of you that only belonged to him.
While everyone started tasting your cake, you went to the kitchen, where there was another box that you had brought. You grabbed it.
"I made macarons too."
"I love you!" shouted Ferran and grabbed one of the macarons.
Gavi didn’t like hearing Ferran say he loved you.
And like every time they ate something you cooked, the compliments started. One by one they came, making you smile. Gavi looked at his teammates and he felt like every comment was worse.
It was Pedri who spoke first.
"Watch out, Gavi, if your girlfriend keeps baking like this, they’re gonna want to steal her from you."
"This is great, could you give me the recipe later?" Raphinha made a passive comment, oblivious to what was happening in the room.
"Yes, sure."
And Ansu Fati joined in the provocations, "If you ever end your relationship with Gavi here I am, I’m not opposed to you cooking me tasty food every single day."
"Oye, tío. I’m here." Gavi complained and you looked at him.
"They’re kidding, they’re just being nice to me. I’m glad they liked what I cook."
Gavi decided to shut up, knowing that his teammates noticed his annoyance and they only did it to make him even more angry. You held his hand all the time and every time you looked at each other, you kissed him. When it was time to leave, you got on an Uber and headed home.
"Do you want to go in? There are more macarons in there, I made them especially for you."
Gavi sighed and nodded.
Your boyfriend got out of the car and the two of you came into your house. You went towards the kitchen, where you brought two glasses of milk and left the macarons on the kitchen table. Gavi ate them quietly and that’s when you knew you had to talk to him.
"What is it, baby?"
"Are you upset?"
"I’m not."
"Oh, come on. It’s obvious something’s happened to you, you’ve been serious and you barely spoke to me. What’s going on? Did the boys bother you? They were just kidding."
Gavi decided it was time to be honest with you.
"I’m tired of the way they’re always talking about you. It’s like they always find an occasion to mention you in every conversation. They used to say you’re a perfect girlfriend and that they want to steal you from me. And I don’t like it, none of that."
"I don’t like how Ferran was telling you today that he loved you and Ansu saying he was going to steal you from me. I want you to cook for me, not for them. You’re my girlfriend, not theirs."
"Oh, you’re jealous, Gavi."
"Maybe I am. But who wouldn’t be? Seeing you with them while smiling at them annoys me to no end."
"You’re right, Gavi. I’m your girlfriend and let me tell you the truth. I like it when you’re the one telling me you love my food, and I like it when you help me cook and you’re always stealing me little spoonfuls. I love you. There is nothing to worry about. No matter what, the only opinion I care about is yours. The only compliment I care about is yours. I'm so in love with you, Gavi."
And you came over and left a kiss on his lips. Gavi's lips tasted like the chocolate macaron he was eating. During the kiss, he smiled.
"Do you promise me you’ll always be there for me? That doesn’t matter what others might say, will you always be mine?"
"I am and always will be yours, Gavi."
"I love you, amor."
"I love you, bonito."
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thalialunacy · 4 months
[for the @calaisreno May Prompthagoreum Theorum. Cheers to ya'll for still following along despite it being, you know, June.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) 23: apology (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
At first, partially because it's 6am, neither of them recognise what Rosie is actually saying. But it's clearly directed at Sherlock, who looks at John from the table with an eyebrow raised.
John shrugs. 'What was that, sweetheart?'
She helpfully points at Sherlock. 'Say sorry!'
'Oh ba--balderdash,' John says. 'There was an episode of that Australian programme about apologising, I didn't think--'
'Be sorry, Sherlock!'
Sherlock looks merely amused. 'What for, Miss Rosamund?'
She moves her pointer finger to John, but her accusatory gaze stays on Sherlock. 'You ate banana.'
'I… ate your father's banana without asking?'
She nods decisively. 'Say sorry.'
'I'm very sorry, John. I shall ask next time before doing anything nefarious with your banana.'
How they manage to keep straight faces, John has no idea, but they deserve an Olympic sodding medal in parenting for it.
'She's not even old enough to really get the concept of apologising,' he says as it occurs to him. 'I can't--'
'Nonsense, she's brilliant. Aren't you?' This last is to Rosie, obviously, as he clears away her cereal bowl.
John rolls his eyes. 'Oh, so now you're in favour of emotional intelligence.'
'When it applies to my--' He smothers a wince, John is certain of it, but rallies immediately. '--my young flatmate, here, absolutely.'
He stands before John can say anything else. 'Time to be off, yes?'
'Sherlock,' he starts a few minutes later, but they're halfway out the door and he knows he's being cowardly.
Sure enough, Sherlock waves it off. 'You're for pickup today, correct?' John nods. 'Good. I've that case, have to go make several witnesses cry.'
John hides a grin, in case his newly-pious daughter is paying attention. 'Try not to get arrested, yeah?'
'I make no promises,' Sherlock calls back as he heads off down the pavement.
'John,' Sherlock says that night, once he's changed clothes and washed the distinct aroma of back alley rubbish off himself while John put Rosie to bed. 'You could take a turn from your daughter about the apologising. Be a good example.' His voice is light, but careful. Only a little bit mocking.
John, who is standing in the kitchen making coffee and around whom Sherlock has just reached to avail himself of the biscuits, is certain he didn't hear correctly. 'I beg your pardon.'
'No, you don't.'
John stares at him, mouth a little open. 'This? Coming from you?'
'Who knows you better?'
'No, I mean-- You never apologise.'
'Implying you yourself are a model for showing regret?'
John can practically hear the 'zing' of the direct hit, and it irks him. 'Fine, I apologise for nothing!' He stops. 'No, that's not true, I apologise for some things. A few things. Several things. I apologise for about half of the things!'
'That doesn't even make sense, you realise.'
'Shut up.' He pulls Sherlock to him. 'Shut up, you absolute wanker.' He drags their mouths together for a surprisingly filthy kiss considering how tired they both ought to be.
John has a suspicion, though, and he breaks the kiss. 'What's this really about?'
'Don't know what you mean,' Sherlock says against the skin of John's jaw.
'Sherlock…' He swallows, considers pulling back but isn't sure he'd be able to get through this if eye contact is involved. 'You know she's yours, right?'
Sherlock stills, his cheek brushing John's, and John feels him close his eyes. 'John, you mustn't say things that aren't true.'
'Oh for--' John does pull back, then, pulling on the back of Sherlock's neck and keeping him in check so he can't escape. He waits until Sherlock's focused on his face, on his nose today. 'Here's the thing: You're right. Beyond, you know, the big-- Beyond what we've worked out in therapy, I'm shit at apologising. I'll work on it for Rosie, and for you. Starting with--' He takes a deep breath. 'I'm really bloody sorry I ever gave you the impression I didn't want you as Rosie's father.' He sees and feels Sherlock's sharp inhale. 'I just thought you knew that you already are.' 
'John.' The air leaves Sherlock's body in a stream, warm and damp on John's skin. 'You're serious?' he asks, doubt small but lingering in his voice. 
John clears his throat, breaking their gaze to look down at Sherlock's collar. 'I asked-- Well, the papers have been drawn up, and I owe your brother now which will only come back to bite us in the arse, but--' 
Sherlock's mouth captures his in a desperate kiss, and John finds himself held so tightly he actually feels his heels parting from the lino.
'Sherlock,' John manages when they break briefly for air.
'Sorry, right,' Sherlock says, very near sheepishly, and loosens his grip.
'Don't be sorry, just, you know.' He tilts his head to indicate the hallway. 'Come to bed with me?'
Sherlock's eyes darken with a combination of lust and merriment. 'Where I can do nefarious things to your banana?'
John groans, then turns away and starts down the hall. 'Oh God, dad jokes now? I have so many regrets.'
'No, you don't.'
John smirks and holds the bedroom door open. 'No, I really, really don't.'
[ <3 ]
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