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randomtwinkinthetomb · 1 year ago
Baye: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Foye: *recording* This is so cute.
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octopusinaskinsuit · 7 months ago
I really want to rewrite kyokos back story
Firstly obviously and most important i don't want her to be in a paedophilia relationship but I think there were more issues with it.
At 15 she can't be the legend that uo talks about. We need to see her in her prime at like 25 at least.
Tohru really respects her dad and it makes him a very unliveable charcheter. It makes torus judgement of charcter seem poor witch is like her fundamental trate. He's also ment to be very formal but he really isn't.
It makes all the adults in Kyoto's life who should have gotten her out of this abusive relationship seem much worse in particular tohrus grandad.
I really think her having tohru later in life makes her wisdom much more believable I don't think the things she says seem at her maturity level.
Her chosing not to go to highschool and later regretting it feels like a stronger story line than she tried to get in but couldn't.
I really want to rewrite it.
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sunriseverse · 7 months ago
little fluffy gentleness verse fuba ficlet for @lucientelrunya
The winter snows pile up outside the walls of their home, growing taller with each night that passes. They haven't been going out; the severe weather means that most of the people who Zhang Rishan would be taking a job from are less concerned with trying to capture yaoren, and more concerned with making sure their business ventures aren't being brought to a standstill by the blizzards.
It's also why it doesn't take Zhang Rishan as long to notice Ba Ye's altered patterns of behaviour as it normally would. Usually, they're on the road, and Zhang Rishan is busy with planning and logistics, so when Ba Ye isn't right by his side, he isn't much aware of what the other is doing. Now, though, when they have nothing to do but laze about the house, it becomes abundantly clear when Ba Ye is away—or, rather, when he's hiding something. Zhang Rishan has been watching him—not out of suspicion, but out of affection; it's hard to keep his eyes off his lover, so often lounging in his pool to read or tinker with whatever contraption he's gotten his hands on most recently, and Zhang Rishan will admit only to himself that he doesn't much try, anyway.
Today, though, when he wakes up, Ba Ye's not in his pool, the saltwater still and the bed lacking the weight of Ba Ye's upper half on it, swaying slightly, doubtless from Zhang Rishan's shifting in the night. It's not the first day that he's woken like this—it's been almost a solid week, ever since the blizzard started to go from heavy to howling. With a practised motion, he swings his legs over the side of the bed and rises, heads into the kitchen to see if Ba Ye's gone to make breakfast, though he knows full well that he probably hasn't, because he hasn't any of the other times either.
As he'd suspected, the kitchen is empty, though there are signs of their lives—dishes drying on the rack, cups left out on the counter, a box of half-opened tea. He trusts Ba Ye to know his own limits, so he's not worried that he's come to harm, but it's still mildly unsettling to not have him within his line of sight—a familiar instinct, the desire to protect his lover even when he knows full well that there's nothing that could bring him to harm. He makes himself some toast, brews a cup of tea, and then sets out to find where his lover has gone.
The other rooms of their residence turn up empty, which, while not surprising, is a little unsettling. It means that the only option is the outdoors—and while Ba Ye isn't sensitive to the cold, the dry, howling winds run the risk of drying him out to a dangerous degree. He takes a sip of tea, and goes to the back door. It's one of the only places he hadn't looked, the past week—assuming that Ba Ye wouldn't go out in the storm, but now, there's no other option; or at least, none that he wants to entertain. He hopes that Ba Ye is there; if he isn't…
He pushes the thought away. He trusts Ba Ye; Ba Ye wouldn't get himself hurt. With sure steps, he heads for the back door—and then pauses, when he catches sight of a familiar figure, clad in one of the thick coats Zhang Rishan had bought when they'd finally decided to use the house as their residence, crouches on the ground, the shape of him slightly distorted by the ornamentally-made glass of the window. Quietly, Zhang Rishan pulls the door open.
The gale-force wind hits him across the face like a slap, and he has to squint for a moment as his eyes adjust to the brightness of the light reflecting off the white field of snow. Ba Ye is crouched at the bottom step, his mouth moving in words that Zhang Rishan can barely hear. His hand is outstretched, moving across the snow—no, across a small, snow-white body, trembling and whimpering as it eats from a small bowl almost entirely hidden in Ba Ye's shadow.
"Feeding the strays," Zhang Rishan murmurs to himself, smiling without meaning to, and then shakes his head. "Ba Ye! Come inside, you'll freeze out here."
"Rishan!" Ba Ye's head snaps about, his eyes wide, a sheepish smile spreading across his face as he takes in Zhang Rishan's form. Then, he glances at the creature, and his expression turns to one of concern.
Zhang Rishan, already guessing what he's about to say, calls out, "Bring it inside with you."
In a fluid motion, Ba Ye picks the small creature up, cradling it against his chest, half-hidden in the coat, and then picks up the dish, now empty, as well; rises to his feet, and crosses the distance between them. Once they're close enough that neither of them have to yell to be heard, Ba Ye says, "You weren't supposed to be awake yet."
"What, were you planning on hiding it from me forever?" Zhang Rishan raises a brow, and hustles Ba Ye inside. His skin is already looking dry; he'll need to get back into the water, or he'll start to get dizzy and weak from the dehydration.
"I suppose I can't hide from you," Ba Ye admits. "How long have you been noticing?"
"A week," Zhang Rishan says, and carefully doesn't smile at Ba Ye's indignant expression. "Here, let me hold it—go get into the pool, I can get it more food."
Ba Ye hesitates a moment, and then sighs; acquiesces. The small creature turns out to be a cat, its ribs prominent and its paws tiny. Zhang Rishan holds it carefully, and then takes the empty dish as well, and cocks his head. "Alright, alright," Ba Ye says. "You worry like you're guarding eggs."
"Only one," Zhang Rishan says, drily, and watches Ba Ye's retreating figure until he sees him take off the coat and slip into the pool, lower half returning to its natural form. At a distance, it just looks like a smear of orange, but Zhang Rishan relaxes nonetheless. Against his chest, the cat lets out a plaintive mew, reminding him of its presence. Well, he thinks, as he turns towards the kitchen to get the pitiful creature something to eat, perhaps two.
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lucientelrunya · 2 years ago
No Archive Warnings Apply
Zhang Qishan & Zhang Rishan
Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Rishan
Qi Tie Zui & Zhang Rishan
Zhang Rishan
Zhang Qishan
Qi Tie Zui
no beta we die like a-ning
Cursed Tombs
Time Loop
Love Confessions (Kind Of)
a smidge of mutual pining
Angst with a Happy Ending
After years of searching they finally manage to find the third part of Fo Ye's bracelet, deep inside a special tomb. But the way back home with this treasure becomes an insurmountable obstacle, the cost for finally finding it seems to be their life. Over and over again.
for @spinecorset who gave me the idea in the first place :)
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lasenbyphoenix · 1 year ago
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In which a wartime mission goes south, and Ba Ye and Zhang Rishan must rely on each other to survive while trapped behind enemy lines.
I got to draw for this awesome fic by @tenillypo 💜
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katamaricule · 2 years ago
The DMBJ Small-Medium Ships Exchange fics are now live! My gift from a nice (and for the moment anonymous) writer was The Answer is Always Yes, a fun Ba Ye/Zhang Rishan sex pollen tomb adventure about how Zhang tattoos are (literally) hot. To my generous stranger, thank you! To everyone else, go read it and all the other pieces! There's also art and videos to enjoy.
As per the rules of the exchange, my own contribution will also remain anonymous for the coming week. I may even have left a few too many clues already, so that's all I'll say about that!
When it is revealed, though, it will become part of the Small Fandom Summer '23 collection -- which I haven't abandoned, I swear! It's just that between this and Reverse Cowgirl (Not Gay as in Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, Queer as in Dude Ranch), my work has been slightly embargoed.
I've said too much again! Go read!
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 5 months ago
Disputa por las universidades
Se trata el veto de Milei al financiamiento universitario. Los decentes de Argentina repudian al degenerado Milei que compra diputados. Lucha universitaria Los que voten el veto serán traidores Imagen: Letra P.
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selfcaredicas · 1 year ago
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1 xícara de fubá fininho
1/2 xícara de amido de milho
1/4 xícara de açúcar demerara (ou adoçante natural)
3 colheres (sopa)de manteiga s/sal
1 ovo
Adiciona a manteiga com o açúcar e bata bem com auxílio de um fouet ou na batedeira.
Acrescenta o ovo e mistura com uma espátula, por fim adiciona os ingredientes secos.
Mistura com a ponta dos dedos, até obter uma massa maleável, se preciso for adicionar mais um pouco de fubá.
Adiciona a massa sob uma superfície lisa e abra com rolo ou com as mãos,e corte no formato que desejar, se quiser pode fazer bolinhas e achatar com o garfo.
Arrume em uma assadeira untada ou forrada com papel manteiga e deixa na geladeira por 10 minutos.
Leva ao forno já pré aquecido à 180•C, assar por cerca de 12 a 15 minutos (eles assam muito rápido.
Depois de pronto, retire da assadeira e deixe esfriar em uma grade ou no pratinho. Rende aproximadamente 30 unidade,nessa espessura.
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heymeowmao · 10 months ago
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- Lieutenant, look at me. I can't walk anymore- - You're thinking too much.
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rainbowdonkee · 1 year ago
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Men? Let's GOOOO!!!!
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transfemgeorgecostanza · 1 year ago
mods are asleep, post berliner philharmoniker playing de abreu's "tico tico"
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electric-rabbits · 1 year ago
To the tune of Mitski's Nobody: Give one good honest Bolinho de Fubá and I'll be alright
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sunriseverse · 1 year ago
hi. i finished my fuba role reversal longfic this evening. enjoy.
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lucientelrunya · 2 years ago
The first scene from my yet untitled merperson!Ba Ye AU for @spinecorset :)
Zhang Rishan wakes cold and clammy, wet clothes sticking to him like a second skin. The water has dried on his uncovered skin, leaving a sticky, salty crust behind, clinging to his lashes as he opens his eyes. There is a blur of motion above him and then a splash right beside him before he even manages to wipe his wet hair out of his eyes and sit up. He is on a little secluded strip of beach littered with smaller and bigger natural stone pools and lying right beside one, half of his legs still floating in the water.
The water is still in motion where his savior must have dove down and it does look like there is a hole in the floor of the bigger pool, leading down into some caves – the locals had said something about the sea witch residing in a cave, too – but it’s too dark to see anything below the hole. The rest of the water is moving with the waves, crashing against the side of the pool softly.
Either his savior is gone or hiding somewhere down there, hidden so well that even Zhang Rishan’s sharp and trained eyes can't spot him.
Sighing he reaches for his phone that is still hanging from the lanyard and still recording. He stops the recording and waits for it to be ready, so he can watch from the beginning.
It's a blur of splashing water and bubbles and then the dark bluegreen of the sea as he had sunken deeper. The phone wasn’t made to record in these conditions, but it's good enough to see movement in the dark, blurry depths of the sea. Something like a face peeking out, framed by dark floating hair, watching for a moment before the merperson darts out of his hiding spot, just a blur of movement in the recording. And then he's close enough that Zhang Rishan only gets flashes of something that almost looks like fabric, like a sleeve as a hand reaches past the scope of the camera.
More blurry movement follows, when the merperson must have grabbed Zhang Rishan, because the phone gets tossed around so much that it's hard to watch without feeling sick.
But then it stabilizes as Zhang Rishan is dragged out of the water, the phone coming to rest on his stomach. He can see more glimpses as the merperson drags him up the side of the pool and then, finally, he can actually see his face when the merperson stops, resting beside him for a moment, half bent over him. Probably making sure Zhang Rishan is still breathing, because he can hear himself coughing, sputtering out water. The person moves again, obviously catching sight of the phone and his own face mirrored back at him because for a wonderful moment he is mostly still and just looks at the phone curiously and then makes a move as if to reach for it. But then Zhang Rishan makes a sound and the merperson freezes and darts away in a blur of sea green.
Zhang Rishan rewinds the recording and stops it to take a screenshot of that wonderful, still moment the merperson had just looked at the phone. He can see his face almost perfectly, just a little residual wetness and salt on the camera smudging the picture in some places.
It's him. It’s really him.
For a moment Zhang Rishan looks up from his phone again, letting his gaze wander over the pool and then the shoreline behind it. There is still no trace of the merperson, but he had come to save Zhang Rishan. Again.
He smiles to himself. So he is still here, still saving drowning people.
That means Zhang Rishan can start step two of his plan.
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lasenbyphoenix · 3 months ago
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Zhang Rishan/Qi Tiezui, requested by @gaiahenshin 💜
Reference pic here
If anyone else wants to request a sketch, check out my "my sketch offers" posts and choose a reference pic!
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gothamphantomgoat · 5 days ago
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