#drama collection vol.2
hunieday · 5 months
Nikaido Yamato - Drama Collection vol.2 Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Natsume Minami: Good evening, Nikaido-san.
Natsume Minami: I heard that we'll be appearing together on a variety show next time to promote the drama. I look forward to working with you.
Nikaido Yamato: Hey there, Natsume-chan. Thanks for your courtesy.
Nikaido Yamato: So about that show... they said the theme this time is "youth" in relation to the drama, and they sent a bunch of surveys about it
Nikaido Yamato: What did you answer, Natsume-chan...?
Natsume Minami: Oh. Aren't you looking forward to the talk on the show?
Nikaido Yamato: Well yes, but I'm just wondering about the direction you’re gonna be taking
Natsume Minami: Direction?
Nikaido Yamato: Are you gonna answer it lightheartedly or seriously?
Natsume Minami: Well, I think we need to be serious.
Natsume Minami: That's why I even answered the 5th "Please describe your flavor of youth" question seriously.
Natsume Minami: I wrote that it “tasted like milk tea."
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, so that's what "flavor of youth" means, as in what you drank the most back then.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, ŹOOĻ sells the tough-guy image well so you should be fine with that answer.
Natsume Minami: What do you mean back then? I was talking about when I was in school, I was really into drinking black tea.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, I see!?!?
Natsume Minami: Oh my. What did you think I was talking about?
Nikaido Yamato: No, my bad. It's nothing.
Natsume Minami: 
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Natsume Minami: So, what's your flavor of youth, Nikaido-san?
Nikaido Yamato: Uhhhhhhhhh...
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe melon...
Natsume Minami: How adorable. You like it, don't you?
Nikaido Yamato: Well, yeah...
Natsume Minami: Did you also eat it during those "back then"s you mentioned?
Nikaido Yamato: Forget about that LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: But maybe we’re too young to be calling it "youth", I just liked it as a kid and used to eat it a lot.
Natsume Minami: I’m guessing “youth" refers to teenage years, but it's complicated to define. There were other questions about what we did after school.
Nikaido Yamato: I see. You were busy with work, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Yes. Unfortunately, I was always so busy with work that I don't remember much of my school days.
Natsume Minami: If anything, I think now feels more like youth for me.
Nikaido Yamato: I get that.
Nikaido Yamato: Hanging out with those guys feels like I’m back in junior high.
Nikaido Yamato: We do things like chugging soda in the middle of summer, having snowball fights in winter, it’s like I’m doing kid-like stuff all year round.
Natsume Minami: Sounds fun. It's like having a little family.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: ŹOOĻ kinda feel like siblings too
Natsume Minami: Wait a moment. Who's the oldest?
Nikaido Yamato: That’s what you’re concerned about?
Natsume Minami: It's extremely crucial.
Nikaido Yamato: If we ignore the age, the oldest would be Inumaru, then you, then Mido, and the youngest would be Isumi I guess...?
Natsume Minami: I see. Our interpretations aren’t too off, but Mido-san and Isumi-san could probably be reversed.
Nikaido Yamato: Huh? Mido’s the youngest?
Natsume Minami: Since he’s a cute guy.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe Natsume-chan is the oldest son after all...
Natsume Minami: You're also quite cute, Nikaido-san.
Nikaido Yamato: Where though!?!?!? I'm three years older than you, I’m a grown man who loves beer!
Natsume Minami: During skateboard practice you asked, "Natsume-chan, if I fall, will you help me?" 
Natsume Minami: I thought the way you were trying to tug at my heartstrings by acting like a spoiled child on purpose was cute.
Nikaido Yamato: Don't say it was on purpose LMAO
Natsume Minami: Your character this time resembles you in that aspect quite a bit.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, he was pretty spoiled wasn’t he?
Nikaido Yamato: He couldn't accept his best friend leaving, so he blamed everyone around him for his problems and vented his bad days to his friends so they would comfort him
Nikaido Yamato: Wait... I kinda feel like I’m having déjà vu...
Natsume Minami: Oh?
Natsume Minami: In reality, all he wanted was to skate with his best friend again, but he couldn't say that one word, so he struggled with despair all the while.
Natsume Minami: He was unable to be fully emotionless, so he couldn’t help but show vulnerability and kindness to those who loved him, which resonates with you deeply.
Nikaido Yamato: Damn. You really went into details 
Natsume Minami: It's fun. I enjoy discussing acting with you.
Nikaido Yamato: I feel the same thing. I feel like we fit each other’s style more every time we’re acting together, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Are you flirting with me?
Nikaido Yamato: So wanting to work with you more is the same as flirting with you now?
Natsume Minami: You're making me blush.
Nikaido Yamato: Liar LMAO
Natsume Minami: It's true. You said "I just wanted to laugh and skate again. It’s enough for me that I was able to do it today." in the script. Your expression at that moment was just like that.
Nikaido Yamato: That’s the one thing you praised me for on the spot, it's embarrassing to hear it again in text
Natsume Minami:
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Natsume Minami: Being able to discuss our work like this feels like youth to us, doesn't it?
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe you’re right! I'll write that the coffee I'm drinking now is the flavor of youth.
Natsume Minami: Can I match your answer? I was just drinking some too.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, what a coincidence. Though the flavor of youth turned out quite bitter.
Natsume Minami: It's a special flavor, just like us.
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dia-souls · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers Dark and Horrific Facts (Based on HDB and MB Games and CDs) part1/part2
(⚠️ Violence, humiliation, torture, rape,... ⚠️)
Shu tied Yui's hands and feet with chains and tore her clothes with a knife in front of Ayato, stripping her completely naked. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD )
Shu cut Yui's naked body with a knife to make it easier to bleed and suck her blood, threatened to stab her to death if she resisted. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD)
Shu threatened Yui that if she tried to escape, he would trample all the wounded points on her body or even crucify her. ( Versus I Vol.1 Drama CD)
After Reiji lost his mind and killed Yui for having Cordelia's heart, he tried to kill his own father but failed and was killed by Karlheinz. ( MB Brute.End )
After Reiji found out Yuma's identity as Edgar, he tried to kill Yuma in front of Shu to torture him. ( MB Ecstasy.08 )
Reiji leaned Yui's body against the wall of the bathroom and pulled her hair with all his might. ( MB Maniac.02 )
When Ayato lost his mental health, he killed all his brothers to show his power and have Yui only for himself. ( HDB Manservant.End )
Ayato sucked Yui because of having Cordelia's heart until Yui was unable to walk, and then stabbed her to death with a knife. ( HDB Brute.End )
When Ayato got angry, he tied a chain around Yui's neck and pulled it tight, making it difficult for Yui to breathe. ( More,Blood Vol.01 Drama CD )
Kanato killed all of his brothers except for Yui by summoning his Fire power but killed her in a different way and turned her corpse into a wax doll. ( HDB Brute.End )
When Kanato wanted to keep an eye on Yui, he called Teddy by different name, and Yui was suprise to saw him walking. Kanato then said that he is Daddie, not Teddy, and that he is an familiar, not a doll. It shows that he was one of the people that Kanato killed before and now his soul is under Kanato's command. ( MB Dark.09 )
Kanato burned Yui's body in the torture chamber and collected her ashes and put them in a doll, claiming that it was only because he loved Yui and wanted to be with her forever. ( MB Brute.End )
Laito used an unknown device to torture Yui, which was revealed in the manga to be a device for sexual torture. ( HDB Dark.02 )
Laito let Ayato suck Yui's blood and then punished her for Ayato sucking her blood. ( HDB Ecstasy.09 )
In front of Subaru, Laito put a collar around Yui's neck and tightened it so tightly that it was difficult for Yui to breathe. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD)
Laito rips off Yui's clothes so that Subaru can view her body and Yui is embarrassed and humiliated. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
Subaru bit Yui very hard and while she was tired of Laito's punishment and was even struggling to breathe, he grabbed her hair and pulled. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
While Yui's hands and feet were tied with chains, both Subaru and Laito began to suck her blood and torture her. ( Versus I Vol.2 Drama CD )
Ruki held Yui by the neck from the top of a tower and threatened her with death. ( More,Blood Vol.03 Drama CD )
Ruki threatens to kill Yui if she doesn't beg for his fangs. ( More,Blood Vol.03 Drama CD )
When a cat was injured and Yui was happily taking care of it, Ruki killed the cat. ( MB Maniac.08 )
When Kou stripped Yui to suck her blood, he dug his nails into Yui's wounds to deepen her wounds. ( More,Blood Vol.02 Drama CD )
When Kou cut Yui's body with a knife to suck her blood, he accidentally damaged Yui's heart and killed her. ( MB Brute.End )
Kou forced Yui to wear a dog collar and took her to the park, humiliating her in front of people. ( MB Ecstasy.03 )
Yuma kidnapped Yui and took her to a place where he tore off all her clothes to suck her blood. ( More,Blood Vol.05 Drama CD )
After Yui cried, Yuma taped her mouth shut and threatened to kill her with a knife if she resisted. ( More,Blood Vol.05 Drama CD )
After Yuma lost his mental health, he punched Yui, a girl much smaller and weaker than him, causing her to go into a coma. ( MB Brute.End )
When Azusa was upset about Yui running away, he stabbed and punched Yui repeatedly to express his love for her. ( MB Brute.End )
Azusa wanted Yui only for himself. Therefore, he quarantined her in a room. ( MB Manservant.End )
Azusa kidnapped Yui and stabbed her against her will to suck her blood, seeing it as a way of expressing his love. ( More,Blood Vol.04 )
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goldammerchen · 6 months
Hima bullying his OC (Hetalia Prussia)
...Or "Forever Alone" jokes made over the years (2007 - 2014)
(It's possible I still missed something).
2007 Christmas – Original Story part 5 (Explicit/Mature! No kids!)
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(And the post it's already long! Fuck!) In the next page, Fran helps with a revenge, this backfires, and... He is given away to a fan?!
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Old Blog: 2008/04 (in Japanese). "Not rewarded"
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Nonlinear – Valentino – Final Chapter
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Dejected collection (2008)
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The whole way he behaves towards Ita during 2009 April's Fools Event (also Rode and Erzsi), mentioning this here because is so one-sided lmao (at the same time RusPru is also very one-sided loool)
From the event adaptation: Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 05 “What’s up with that guy”
Prussia: “Italy-chan! Let’s go on a date at the river Danube today!” Italy: “Ah~ a photo of the bird!” Prussia: “Danube! Danube!” Italy: “I really like drawing pictures of birds like that. They are so small and cute~” Prussia: “Date! Date!”
From that CD song, Track 8 or "My Song That Is Written By Me, For Me" (yup)
Being alone is too much fun! (Too much fun too much fun…)
Requests (2010)
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Philhellenism (2011), or why it is he fucking alone down there lmao (the sleepy series has groups! In this post EGY, GRE and TUR are away from PRU)
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2011 Halloween Overflow – Page 2. Not exactly on topic but kitawiki highlights how he gets quiet after India tells him he has many friends
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Overflowing Passion (2012), BTT/BFT song from Hetalia Digital Single The Best Plus α
Prussia: So much fun alone!
France: Let’s talk about love Prussia: Solitary passion is the best, too!
2013/2014 Halloween Comic – Page 5 (backup on blog)
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Extra, from Some guys I doodled (2014)
【Bierßen】 (Beer + Prussia) You’ll find him in festivals. He likes to make people drink beer that he’s already taken a sip from.
no comments about that, I have mentioned this before enough times.
Conclusion: there is plenty of reasons why Hetalia Prussia has fame of loser/pathetic and why he is that, at least in interpersonal sense(?). After all, we are talking about the same character that threw away a book about how to socialize with people, concluding that after... sneezing? (he also became fed up with a how to draw manga book after sneezing). He is well educated and skilled and can learn shit fast, but that is something different! He is someone capable, and there is multiple references about him being bored "out of his mind" because his brother does everything (or talking about wanting to be remembered), the type of info that adds to his pathetic image, in the literal sense of the word, or pitiful, to sound less harsh.
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mashleverse · 4 months
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles The Divine Visionary Candidate Selection Exam Arc Blu-ray DVD Disc Jacket Cover Vol. 4
The jacket illustration for the second season’s final blu-ray and DVD volume has been released! The fourth volume, which is scheduled to release on June 26, will contain:
Episodes 22, 23, and 24
Original jacket illustration drawn by character designer of the anime Hisashi Higashijima,
Next episode preview collections,
Original Drama CD Vol. 2
24-pages special booklet,
Mini character sticker,
Specifications and benefits may be subject to change.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, September 21
GLORY/FIRST: I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off.
~~BtVS 7x01 “Lessons”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Dolled Up (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Don't End With Blood (Giles, SPN xover, G) by CookieDoughMe
Youth and Beauty (Buffy/Giles, G) by GhostDetective
In(Discretion) (Giles/Faith, E) by fleetfootedfox
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Thank You (Angel/Cordelia, M) by Serena The Drama Queen
Reflections of the Night (Ensemble, G) by Doe 23
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Salvaged (Buffy/Spike, R) by RavenLove12
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Salvaged (Buffy/Spike, R) by RavenLove12
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Kiss It Better (Buffy/Faith, M) by Technicolorrevel
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 342 (jojo's bizarre adventure xover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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Season 1, Episode 12: Play it Again, Chapter 1/4 (Ensemble, T) by Emcee
hit rewind, Chapter 76/? (Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, M) by untiljanuary
Aegis, Chapter 18/? (Xander, DCU xover, T) by dogbertcarroll, Narsil
Recompense, Chapter 16/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by Moonkid10
CAT-SCRATCH FEVER, Chapter 5/5 (Buffy/Cordelia/Oz, E) by KNZ1
… A Stranger I Go Hence, Chapter 17/? (Faith/OMC, M) by MalkMcJorma
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Soul Mate Magic - Chapter Five (Giles/OC, M) by emma-m-black
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The Steps Saga, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Superboys, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Angel, T) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
I Don't Want to be the One, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, ensemble, T) by pommedapi
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Unchained Melody, Chapters 1-3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Getaway Gang, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Out of this World, love..., Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Miss Kitty
Lost in Desolation, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
Incarnate, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Sigyn
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Happily Ever After, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Dusty
Unchained Melody, Chapters 1-3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
Getaway Gang, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 73 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Viral, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [Drawing of Jenny Calendar and Anya] (worksafe) by mistyintherivers
Gifset: Every Tara look: S4E17 Superstar (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Artwork: If I drink enough (Buffy/Faith, worksafe) by artseamoni
Artwork: Virginia Woolf, in a letter to Violet Dickinson, September 1907 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by silkspectred
Gifset: Buffy Meme: [2/8 Episodes] 5x16 The Body (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Fanvid: a willow edit bc s6 is so special to me (worksafe) by bananabeans88
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Video: Interview with YOU! Part 1 by Slayin It with Juliet Landau
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[Vid Collection] Fall Equinox 2024: After Life (2 fanvids for BtVS) by Unrevealed authors
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel Season 1 Opinions by Business-Chair4961
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PODCAST: It's DJ Adam! (S4E21) by It Stakes Two
PODCAST: Episode 74: Somnambulist by Gym Was Cancelled
[In Search Of]
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ISO: I need help finding info on the green mushroom shirt Xander wears in the 2nd episode of season 1 requested by blackdogwalksatnight
[Community Announcements]
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[Prompt] Angel doesn’t do the memory wipe by buffyversekinkmeme
[Fandom Discussions]
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The fact that Angel knows a lot of things about Cordelia is probably explained by some moments off-screen by cangel4ever, vampandvisiongirl
Watching seasons 2 & 3 of Angel and man. Gunn was NEVER just the muscle. by paarthursass
One of the reasons Buffy the Vampire Slayer is so good by coraniaid
the thing i just don’t get about the whole “buffy should be alone” thing by pinesorneedles
Something that isn’t talked about enough is how totally unhinged Buffy can be like by paperpuzzles
This may be me jumping the gun by judging the season too early [...], but I dunno, Buffy season 3 is kinda turning into the “gas leak year” of BTVS? by trojanteapot
season seven is good because buffy anne summers. by artloife, nicollekidman
in btvs 5x22 “the gift” when spike and buffy go to buffy’s house there’s that little moment of disconnect [...] by lesbianmarrow
So much of the horror in Buffy comes from struggling to achieve bodily autonomy in a world where everyone else is trying to take ownership over your body by 5bi5
giles suffocating ben in the gift was kind of hot it must be said by lesbianmarrow
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How would you rewrite Xander? by MR422
I really love how the Mayor evolved during Season 3 by sKullsHavezzz
Connor might have gotten a worse storyline than Dawn, but he was a better character by yeahitsme9
What’s your favorite rando scene that you lost it at? by HockeyPuckRattleSnke
In the series, what does losing your soul mean to you? by murder_drone_V_N_Usy
Out of Mind…Out of Sight by UhOh_HellNo
S6x18 Entropy by raccoon_smh
Connor IS the most tragic character of these universe by FoxIndependent4310
Favorite songs from "Once More, with Feeling" by StarsThatGlow
Giles’ exasperation with Xander and Cordelia is my favorite thing about him by spectacleskeptic
Anybody else take a drink whenever Giles cleans his glasses? by okgloomer
Am I the only one who genuinely likes Connor? by Fancy_Fuel15
Multiple slayers by Electrical-Host-8526
[S4E4] Cordy’s Yearbook by TheHan27
Did anyone else think Buffy was crazy for sending the Gem of Amara to Angel? by HinduHillbilly
Slayer's blood by Lloronalina
How episodic is this show, and what are some core episodes? by FelixDaPenguin
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solradguy · 2 years
Please contact me if there are translations in other languages (or I missed something) and I will add them to this post. If you find this post through a reblog with an old "last updated" date, check the original post on my blog for more recent information. There is a mirror of this post on my Neocities page. The Neocities page also has better navigation, organization, and will now be updated before this post.
Wanna help out but have never scanned a book before? Here's a guide I wrote on book scanning: Tumblr Link
I have done my best to link all of the works here back to their original scanlator/translator's uploads and hosting websites:
🔥 Volcanic Fighter (aka Nincopyjasb) - If there's a surviving archive for something Guilty Gear, Volcanic probably has it. Works in English and Spanish.
Twitter - Youtube
🔥 Justice Revival Project (aka Longshotte) - Formed solely to translate the GG Xtra manga.
Mangadex - Twitter
🔥 Ed Chang - One of the first, and most prolific, JP>EN translators in the GG community, as well as a popular Gamefaqs author for the old GG games. Used to have a personal website that hosted his works but it is lost to time. He is a name you will see often in old archived works.
🔥 Sol Radguy :) In case my Tumblr gets nuked
Email: junkyarddogmkii [at] gmail [dot] com Archive.org - Neocities - Mangadex
🔥 Tillman - Scans and archives manga and Encyclopedia/guide book volumes, as well as rips animations and other information from Vastedge and the old games.
Neocities - Tumblr - Archive.org
🔥 LesbianGiratina - Has scanned a very substantial chunk of the Guilty Gear trading cards. Also scans some of the rarer side media or special release editions of games.
🔥Guilty Gear Begin - Light novel focused on Frederick (pre-Gear Sol Badguy). The current earliest point in the lore.
English (Sol Radguy): Tumblr - Archive.org Español (Volcanic): Dropbox
🔥 Lightning The Argent - Light novel focused on Ky. Currently does not have a full translation but Volcanic has made what he's translated into Spanish so far public. Sol Radguy is currently working on an English translation. All current translations listed here are by Volcanic.
English, Chapter 1: Dropbox Español - Dropbox (complete) Español Resumen - Dropbox (story summary in Spanish)
🔥The Butterfly & Her Gale - Light novel focused on Chipp. Translations here are by Volcanic, who is also working on a full translation.
Español Resumen - Dropbox (story summary in Spanish) English, Chapter 1 - Dropbox
🔥Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Material Collection - Art book for Overture. There are 8 short stories in it.
English, Volcanic (Izuna, Paradigm, & Valentine) - Dropbox -- Español - Dropbox English, Sol Radguy (complete) - Tumblr - Neocities -- Archive.org (.PDF + uncompressed scans)
🔥GG Xrd: The Unseen Sign - Intro? story to Guilty Gear Xrd included in the Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection art book. Translations by Volcanic.
English - Dropbox Español - Dropbox
🔥DRAMA CDS - The English files for these are also hosted on Sol Radguy's Neocities site if the .ru domain is blocked for you. That site also hosts a .PDF of all the following English translated files so that they are more portable/easier to read than the raw .TXT format some of these are currently in.
🔥 Night of Knives - GGXX drama CD mainly focused on Zato and Millia with some Venom and Slayer. Translations by Blade (vol. 1-3), Mei (ES side stories), and Volcanic (EN side stories). NOTE: The volume 1-3 translations done by Blade (aka Blade Galewind, Mimeblade, gear-project), who is known for purposely misinterpreting lore and inserting headcanons into translations. Unfortunately, these are the only translations out there of these drama CDs. The Spanish translations of these 3 volumes worked off Blade's English ones. Read at your own risk. A new translation is currently in progress by Vaporbabe.
English: guiltygear.ru: Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3 Español: Dropbox +Robo-Ky side story: English: Dropbox Español: Dropbox + A.B.A. side story: English: Dropbox Español: Dropbox Axl side story: English: Neocities Español: Dropbox
🔥 GGX Drama CD - A bunch of the cast have a big fight over some Old War Technology (black tech). English translations by Ed Chang, Spanish translations by Aegis High and Volcanic. NOTE: There are significant errors in Ed Chang's translation (& possibly in Aegis High's & Volcanic's, which worked off of Chang's text), the biggest of which is the infamous "Johnny Sfondi" last name mistranslation. Cross-reference information presented in these texts with more recent confirmed canon before using it as a source or citation. Ed Chang's statement on these translations can be read here: screenshot. Tl;dr: Chang was new to Japanese translation and the mistakes were honest accidents. These translations are nearly 20 years old. Vaporbabe may very well do a new translation for this CD too.
--Disc 01: English: guiltygear.ru Español: Dropbox --Disc 02: English: guiltygear.ru Español: Dropbox +Dizzy & Testament side story (from when they first meet): English: Included at the end of Chang's Disc 02 translation. Español: Dropbox
🔥GGXX Drama CD Sides Red & Black - This is an alternate timeline where Ky is killed during the Crusades. English translations by Ed Chang, Spanish translations by Volcanic.
English: guiltygear.ru (red) - guiltygear.ru (black) Español: Dropbox +Night of the Living Dolls extra story (feat. Zappa): English: At the end of Chang's Side Red translation. Español: Dropbox +Letter extra story (a letter from Dizzy to Testament): English: At the end of Chang's Side Black translation ("A Message from Dizzy to You") Español: Dropbox
🔥GG Petit 2 - Fanny & Faust arcade modes dialog. Translation by Volcanic.
English - Dropbox
== Fanny win/lose quotes. Translation by @kaialone.
English - Tumblr
🔥Guilty Gear (1998) Comic Anthology - The first anthology manga published for GG. This is a collection of isolated stories, both original to the volume and recaps of parts of the lore. Sol Radguy is currently working on this. Fábrica de Lutadores and Maxima-Dub are also working on a Brazilian Portuguese translation. Chapters 1 - 8 are in English, while the first two are in Portuguese.
Full volume raws (Japanese): Archive.org English & Portuguese translations: Mangadex
🔥 Guilty Gear Xtra - Manga that introduces two new characters that promptly get forgotten by the lore at large. Scanlation by Justice Revival Project.
English: MangaDex - Archive.org (incomplete) Español: Dropbox
🔥Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2004 - Art book collecting a decent chunk of Daisuke' art from GGX through to early GGXX. Contains more rough sketches than the 2007 sequel as well as an interview with Daisuke in the back. The available scans are very low quality. The original interview translation was by fairymisao with additional translation and editing by Sol Radguy.
Raws: Archive.org Interview, English: Archive.org
🔥Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 - Art book collecting (most) of Daisuke’s work going from GGX through to Isuka. Does not have anything from Overture, despite it being in production around the time this book was published. Translation by Sol Radguy.
English: Tumblr tag - Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear X: Drafting Artworks - Collects a bunch of concept sketches for character designs but most of it is roughs for their moves. Has some lore stuff and map design stuff.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear 2 Overture Material Collection - This is a loose folder of all the artwork from this art book but a bit out of order and with additional illustrations from the Overture era of Guilty Gear.
Japanese: Dropbox
🔥Guilty Gear Xrd (Revelator) Visual Book - Small art book included in the special edition release of XrdRev in Europe and Japan. This is a scan of the European book, which is in English (mostly). These scans were done by@birthdaytrain and were compiled it into a .PDF for Archive by Sol Radguy.
English: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear 10th Memorial Book - Book celebrating the 10th anniversary of Guilty Gear. Clear images of some rare illustrations in it that weren't reprinted elsewhere, such as the Isuka arcade ending art.
Japanese: Neocities
🔥ASW 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection - Celebrates Arc System Works surviving for 25 years. Sol's on the cover but has stuff for Blazblue and some other ASW properties. Originally scanned by tokimekicn. - This could use a rescan.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Channel 3 Records Guilty Gear: Missing Link Vinyl Art and Interview Book - A 2LP that came with a short booklet containing some ML era GG art and a brief interview with Daisuke himself. Sol Radguy did not rip the music from the records for this archive. In-house translation.
English (some Japanese): Archive.org
🔥Dengeki PlayStation F, Volume 10 (October 13, 1995) - Volume 19 of the Japanese gaming magazine, Dengeki PlayStation. Has an article on what appears to be the first printed appearance of any sort of Guilty Gear 1 material. Very early prototype stuff in this. Translation by Sol Radguy.
Japanese, English: Archive.org
🔥Dengeki PlayStation F2, April Special Issue, Volume 19 (April 10, 1996) - Volume 19 of the Japanese gaming magazine, Dengeki PlayStation. Has an article on an early build of GG Missing Link. This issue also has articles for Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 2, Street Fighter Zero, Darkstalkers, and a lot more. Translation by Sol Radguy.
Full magazine raws: Archive.org English translation of the Guilty Gear article: Archive.org
🔥Asura System Guilty Gear Trading Cards - Scans of some of the Guilty Gear cards made for the Asura System TCG. Scanned by @lesbiangiratina . The cards are in Japanese.
Japanese: Google Drive
MISC. //
🔥Guilty Gear Vastedge XT - The canon pachinko machine. This upload contains all the ripped assets (meshes, sound FX, animated assets such as cutscenes, UI assets, etc), the .APK and two .OBB files from the Android port rip, all the concept art, the JP dialog script (+Volcanic's partial EN translation), Shmuel's restored/remastered opening animation video, and some videos of the gameplay and of the physical machine all into one place. Full credits for this pack are long, please see Archive link for them.
🔥A.B.A. Design Documents - Original analog sketches used for A.B.A.'s design and for the design of her moveset. Courtesy of famiccha on Twitter.
Google Drive
No one has translated any of these and a lot of them are uploaded together. Most of the guide books have not been scanned. See the MISSING STUFF section below for what's not here.
🔥Guilty Gear Complete Bible, GGXX The Midnight Carnival Starter Encyclopedia, GG Isuka Complete Guide, GGXX Accent Core +R A Gainful Material, + 1st Gig Artbook. - 1st Gig scans by Lux/Xaeldritch.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear X SLASH Encyclopedia - Scans by Sol Radguy. Special thanks to @dizzyrobo for lending a copy to be scanned.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥GGXX The Midnight Carnival Burst Encyclopedia - Scans by Tillman
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥GGXX Slash Beat Encyclopedia - A.B.A. and Order Sol were introduced in XX Slash, so this guidebook has a lot of stuff featuring them. Intro/win dialog transcriptions + Slayer haiku table, too.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Guilty Gear Petit 1 & 2 Official Fan Book - Guide book for the Wonderswan games. Scans by Tillman.
Japanese: Archive.org
🔥Vastedge Official Guide Book - I don't know how you make a guide book for a pachislot machine but, well, someone found a way. Scans by Tillman.
Japanese: Archive.org
GGX Plus Anthology Comics vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics):
=== Archive raws
=== Google Drive - Chapter 1 translation by Renexuz. This project has been dropped by Renexuz and no further work on it will be done by her. Please let me know if someone else picks this up.
GGX Anthology Comics (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Archive raws
GGX Plus Anth. Comics vol.2 (Bros. Anthology Comics) - Archive raws
GGXX Anthology Comics vol.1 (Bros. Anthology Comics) manga - Archive raws
GGXX Anthology Comics vol.2 (Bros. Anthology Comics) manga - Archive raws
GGXX Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics), Volume 1 - Archive raws
GGXX Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics), Volume 1 - Archive raws
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Archive raws
Guilty Gear Isuka (Ohzora Comics) manga, scans by Lux/Xaeldritch - Archive raws
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.1 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.2 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear XX 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.3 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear X 4koma Kings (DNA Media) vol.1 - Raws on Archive
Guilty Gear X Plus 4koma Kings (DNA Media) - Raws on Archive
Character Designer Issue 1. 2003 (キャラクタデザイナー ISSUE.1 2003年秋) - Has SUPER early concept art for a lot of characters in it, including concept art for Baiken when she was initially planned to be male. - lesbiangiratina is currently scanning this; Sol Radguy translation of the GG pages is in progress.
The EU special edition release of GG Accent Core Plus. Came with what's likely to be an official English translation of the 10th Memorial Book OR a book called The Lost Archive, which seems to include artwork for Overture but additional information is unknown. Which book it came with depended on which version of the SE was bought. These were limited to 200 copies (100 each) and are very expensive (>us$450). (thanks to Renexuz & Tillman for this info)
Arc System Works 25th Anniversary Memorial Booklet - A Japan-exclusive limited-edition artbook that was available at the Arc System Works Festival 2013 to commemorate the company's twenty-fifth anniversary.
Guilty Gear 2 Overture Secret Gig & Secret Gig Neo - Two different booklets given out at Tokyo Game Show (2006?) that have some Overture art in them that wasn't included in the GG2Overture Material Collection art book, mostly of Valentine and Chimaki. Neo has art by guest artists, including a Valentine body pillow... Neo also seems to be the rarer of the two, but both are pretty hard to find.
Username by the book title denotes that someone owns it and will scan it eventually. For @tillman, double check with its pinned post to make sure the listings here are up to date.
Guilty Gear Isuka Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear Isuka Yonkoma Kings - 4koma - Tillman
Guilty Gear X Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear X Plus Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX (Ohzora Comics) - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX Slash Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tillman (both volumes)
Guilty Gear XX Slash Yonkoma Kings - Tillman
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Yonkoma Kings - Tillman
Guide Books/Encyclopedias:
It's difficult finding information about the guides/encyclopedias. Drop me a message if you find one that's not listed.
Guilty Gear X Official Guide - Dreamcast-specific guide
Guilty Gear X Plus Official Guide
Guilty Gear XX Complete Guide - Sol Radguy
Guilty Gear XX ♯Reload Complete Guide - Radguy
Guilty Gear XX Slash Complete Guide
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Break Encyclopedia
Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Complete Guide
Guilty Gear Isuka Outlive Encyclopedia - Tillman
Guilty Gear Isuka Technical Guide
Guilty Gear 2 -Overture- Complete Guide
Names are left in Japanese to make them easier to copy-paste into web searches. Here is how to read them:
電撃プレイステーション = Dengeki PlayStation
Vol. = Volume number
1995年10月13日 = 1995 [year], 10 [month], 13 [day], so October 13, 1995. All dates are yyyy/mm/dd format.
There may be additional Dengeki PS articles from 1995 and 1996. DPS April Special Issue Vol.19 1996/04/10 has been scanned/translated (see above).
電撃プレイステーション F Vol.10 1995/10/13 The ML beta character bios scans. - We have scans of the GG article from this but they are very poor quality.
電撃プレイステーション vol.14 April 1996 Beta GG article, page 22
電撃プレイステーション vol.59 1997/11/14 Beta GG article on page 28
電撃プレイステーション vol.32 1996/11/22 Beta GG article on page 14. - There exists in the current GG archives a poor photo of a double-page spread with a blue background from this issue. It's illegible but shows a different UI than the final release of GG1.
電撃プレイステーション vol.72 GoGoRPG Special Issue 1998/4/24 GG article page 34 - This issue was published about 3 weeks before the official release of Missing Link. Very likely shows final-release stuff.
電撃プレイステーション vol.73 CD-Rom Special Issue 1998/5/22 Came with a physical disc. GG article on page 12
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faint-kitten · 8 months
So about Solid Snake being in Fortnite...
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by Faint_Kitten
I got into Fortnite in December 2023 for the first time. I just unlocked Snake and I have so many thoughts on it I can't completely break them all down. But I think I've done my best.
But the #1 thing I think I want everyone to know is: Despite shaving off his ass. Despite being artistically bankrupt and pushed out by Konami and Epic as a means to make money and promote the MGS Vol 2 collection.
Despite artistically, and Narratively being antithetical to Metal Gear Solid…
Snake being in Fortnite feels mechanically and tonally consistent with his legacy.
There is so much inherent "Kojima" in Metal Gear Solid. This weird blend of hyper realism, mixed with anime siliness, mixed with philosophy mixed with trying way too hard to be sombre while also mechanically being silly and then you spin around three times to puke, or Johnny does a big poop fart and all of it adds to the weird just Kojima-esque nature of the series. It extends to the love, the fandom and the humor around Metal Gear Solid. So many memes around Snake, between fan art, in jokes, and original Animations and gifs that it doesn't feel THAT weird to see him do like a...Naruto Run emote. So much of Metal Gear Solid* was a very serious drama taking place in a game that mechanically is silly and lets you do goofy shit and has elaborate bro fist handshakes played deadly serious. And Fortnite is a game where you have these characters doing goofy shit that doesn't mesh with who they are or the universe they came from all the fucking time.
You also have to realize the Battle Royale mode has big locations full of NPC's and Bosses you can kill for loot.
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The "narrative" as it is of Fortnite Chapter 5: Season 1 is (near as I can tell) that Peely the Banana has been kidnapped by the Society (who serve as the current skins for this season and AI controlled bosses and NPC's on locations of the map.) And the map is littered with their fortresses with Jonesy (I guess the main character?) Going up against them to get his friend back. Which means there are a handful of locations in the current Fortnite Map that are just Boss bases. These are bunkers, and huge mansions and little outposts that you have to be careful around because once they know you're there they will just start spawning endless enemies to try and kill you, and the attention WILL draw enemy players. So you're shooting out cameras for XP and to keep them from beeping, avoiding turrets to keep from alerting guards and keep them from chewing up your health.
Guards already had the "?" and "!" system for showing if they detected you, despite having no inherent stealth mechanics in the game or any intention of introducing MGS. They didn't do this FOR an MGS tie in. There are recruitable companions and they can't speak so a way for players and enemies to detect if their companion "senses" an enemy player is to use the "?" and "!" system. While it doesn't mean that much without him. This is very clearly taken from Metal Gear, and as a result the alert system feels very natural around Snake.
In game modes where you have teams of two three or Four players, you get downed like Gears of War or Apex, and have to be revived. You can crawl and move. But players who are on their feet can pick you up and sling you over their back, or even yeet you to safety.
Enemy Players can do this too.
When I play Team modes by myself (I am alone, everyone else is in a team) I frequently pick enemies who wandered off of their pack and pick them off, tossing them somewhere their team mates can't get to or won't find them specifically to draw them in to their rescue.
Additionally there IS wildlife to hunt: Chickens, Frogs and Fish which give you medium effect healing items.
The game has items you can put on to "disguise yourself" like bushes, or snowmen during christmas that work EXACTLY like the card board boxes in MGS (though it's debatable if players are convinced by anything but the bush)
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All of this was going on BEFORE Snake was unlockable. (I don't know if the camera's and bosses stuff existed before this season)
Which means that MECHANICALLY. Snake doesn't feel out of place at all in Fortnite.
It's super weird when a Xenomorph, or Spiderman, or a Ninja Turtle, or Goku, or a teen from My hero Academia, or Eleven from stranger things comes in and starts mowing people down with an assault rifle. The disconnect is part of the charm for better or worse, and it's both amusing and horrifyingly upsetting when you think about these characters sold as nothing but IP to get rich off of being so taken out of context from their character's intended art, themes and meaning.
It's just weird to see bright bubbly Mina from My Hero shooting people dead. Spiderman doesn't kill people, that's the Punisher, it's fucking weird to have Spiderman just gunning people down, if you get my gist.
It's super fucking weird to see these characters handle a fire arm and move around in a shooter. They feel less like themselves and more like what they are: A skin of a popular thing, plugged into a world to please fans and rake in money. It's fucking weird to see Spider-man holding a firearm.
It is NOT weird to watch Solid Snake do it. As a result of this, Snake kind of slips into the absurd world of Fortnite rather well.
It feels kind of cool strip snake of all like falling trail effects and just watch him super-hero sky dive toward a giant compound full of NPC's and land on the roof (It looks cooler in the dead of night but I didn't get a screenshot of it)
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It's not weird to experience Snake in Fortnite's world handling Fortnite's mechanics. Because so many of the mechanics and the tone feels distinctly normal for Metal Gear Solid. This is not the first time Snake has been pawned out as a mascott to other properties.
It's weird as hell to watch Kratos blow a car up with a rocket launcher. That is not a part of his world, you see. It's NOT weird to watch Snake fire an RPG at anything. It's not weird to watch Snake do a bulk of the things he can do in Fortnite.
It's not weird to watch Snake run around a forest and shoot a frog or hunt a chicken for it's meat because we've played Snake Eater
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It's not weird to hide in a bush as Snake:
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It's not weird to watch snake shoot someone or Reload a fire-arm. The Snowy Mountains bases, the outposts, the big mansions and small cities the open world all feel like places Snake has been at home in, from Shadow Moses, to the Middle East, it's not unusual to see Snake* surrounded by girders and steps and concrete and cabins and tents and forrests etc. It's not weird to watch Snake pick someone up who's downed and carry them over his shoulder, or chuck them into a closet: We've seen this in MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid kind of invented a lot of these mechanics.
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There isn't that much about Snake in the following footage seems out of place for Metal Gear Solid:
Snake doesn't feel out of place in fortnite. It might feel sacriligious for the biggest thing in gaming adding snake (with no cheeks I might add) to it's roster to be eyerolling or cringe. But Snake doesn't feel "too good" for fortnite. But he also doesn't feel like a total shill in fortnite either. A lot of the gear and missions and challengees to unlock him felt like a someone was asked to put together activities at a Metal Gear Solid themed birthday party (Use hiding spots. Shoot out 2 cameras. Fire an RPG, shoot silenced weapons, uses the disguise mechanics, travel in the disguise items. hack Trains or Vaults) the Emote could have easily been just the alert noise over Snake's head, but they put it on a freaking stick, Wile E Coyote style.
There's a weird Fortnite blend of "Lets make something as cheaply as possible in some places and yet give some things the love and attention that comes from making 5billion in revenue a year affords you." that shows up in everything they do. And they clearly put a lot more effort into this promotion than they did the Family guy stuff (not that I care one way or the other about Family guy I'm just calling it like I see it.) To be honest Snake has been shilled out to so many other games for cross promotion over the years this is hardly his first.
Snake has been blended with many things like Ape Escape, Smash Bros, and Monster Hunter. Seeing him along other games and even other characteres not of MGS's worldbuilding doesn't feel that odd. Snake has kind of left his "world" behind many times. Which is...kind of in keeping with Snake being this cipher? This character the player slips on. Snake is a character an icon but he's also this THING puppeted by us. A lot of games work to break this illusion to make us forget we're not Kratos, or We're not Nathan Drake but ever since Metal Gear Solid 1 Kojima's writing has been pretty clear there's "something" that drives snake. Not motivationally, but literally piloting him giving him what he needed to succeed (us). To put it simply. Snake has always been a bit Meta as a character. And it's hard to see liscenced characters (sold for up to 15 dollars a pop) as themselves when we're piloting them telling them to drink slurp juice out of jars, or swing a pickaxe or or sing "The Real Slim Shady" or do cutesy Jpop dances. All of this is to say, having played MGS 1 through TPP: nothing about this gameplay feels that out of character for Metal Gear aside from the cartoony art style. The look and feel of Fortnite naturally lends itself to having Snake as a Playable character in it. Narratively, Thematically, Fortnite is almost antithetical to Metal Gear Solid. But tonally, and mechanically, it feels in keeping with the series.
Part of this is just the fact that Kojima's games have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to what you can do in gameplay and so many of these things were adopted by gaming later that slotting Snake back into mechanics his games inspired just doesn't feel disjointed. So many games have copied Metal Gear Solid over the years and became main stream. MGS has also had it's own unique air owing to both Kojima's own unique style and the weirdness/humor brought about as the game tries very seriously to balance it's story and themes against poop jokes, and mechanics that are often very silly but very fun and a total detachment from the poe faced somberness snake goes for or is possibly trying to mock. This, overall is a chunk of what makes metal gear feel like metal gear. The mechanics of Fortnite feel eerily comparable to the mechanics of later Metal Gear games (especially MGS V) .
And the tonal disconnect between what Metal Gear games are doing as a plot, and the inherent nonsense the mechanics provide contrasting it, have always been a part of MGS and it's charm, and that's kind of what makes Fortnite the thing it is today? You have a very serious plot about war and the military and a gravely voiced man and then in the corner a Vampire man does a big dance, and large bi-pedal mechs moo like cows. It's why any time any popular thing is announced in fortnite it kind of becomes a joke. Very serious Rapper Eminem is in Fortnite, and has his personal OC Slim Shady as a playable skin, and he's shoving his hand in Pinata's and chugging slurp juice, it's kind of weird to see someone who takes themself so seriously dancing at the whims of whoever controls him. But that's been a core part of Metal Gear and the Metal Gear Solid Franchise, and the fandom forever. I dunno. I'm not trying to defend the fact that Fortnite is a center for companies to strip their IP of all love and meaning and sell it to us as pure nostalgia and profit. I'm just trying to say I was surprised by how weirdly normal (and to be honest kind fun) it felt to run around RPing Solid Snake in fortnite and I've been at it all day. As someone who originally didn't care one way or the other, and felt kind of cynical about such a beloved character being absorbed into this mess: I'm kinda glad he's here now.
*I know Snake and Big Boss (and by extension Venom/Punished Snake/Boss) are all different characters. But for the sake of this discussion I dipped in and out of talking about Solid Snake and "Snake" (any) as a whole in Metal Gear as a whole
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jeannereames · 2 years
Do you know of any good resources on ancient Greek festivals? Festivals like Thesmophoria.
So, THE chief book on Greek religion generally remains Walter Burkert’s Greek Religion. If you’re interested in the topic, buy yourself a used copy. (Linking to Harvard UP, but you can probably find a copy out there for $5 or less if you don’t mind highlighting.)
Although published in 1987, and while sections have been superseded by more recent discussions, this is STILL the go-to book as a starting place. It’s just an astonishing, encyclopedic collection of knowledge and Burkert’s students (and their students) still dominate the field of Greek religion.
Let me also add the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Now in it’s 4th ed. (2012), this is another critical book for anyone interested in the ancient world. Check it for the individual entries on gods and festivals. It may not have the most up-to-date information, but it’s solid and, again, comprehensive. The link goes to the online version to which you can subscribe, but there’s a paper version too. It’s been out long enough that a cheaper used copy is available.
As for Demeter and especially Persephone, prominent in the Thesmophoria, Ellie Makin Roberts put out the very important Underworld Gods in Ancient Greek Religion, which was sadly out of price-range for most in hardcover. The paperback is more reasonable. I’ve linked to Routledge’s site, but you can find it cheaper elsewhere. (It’s currently on sale at Amazon as of 2/22/23.) Incidentally, she has another book coming out on the Greek goddesses later this year. It’s not academic in the same way as that listed, but much cheaper, and I expect it to be quite good.
Routledge does have a “Gods and Heroes” series, btw, which I quite like. These little books, written by specialists, are aimed at undergrad audiences and/or interested others. They’re great. BUT they don’t have Demeter or Persephone yet.
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Information on specific festivals is usually best searched (on JSTOR or Google Scholar) by the name of the festival. I did a real quick search and here are three:
Sarah Iles Johnston has an article in History of Religions 52.4 (2013), 370-401: “Demeter, Myths, and the Polyvalence of Festivals.” I’ve not read it, but given who wrote it, I expect it’s an excellent discussion. (I just downloaded the PDF to save for later myself.) You’d need access to JSTOR to read it, or you can probably order a single copy.
Froma Zeitlin wrote “Cultic Models of the Female: Rites of Dionysos and Demeter,” in Arethusa, Vol. 15, No. 1-2 (1982), 129-57. Again, have not read it, but the name alone recommends it, although it may also be somewhat dated now.
Last, Chris Faraone has “Curses, Crime Detection, and Conflict Resolution at the Festival of Demeter Thesmophoros” in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 131 (2011), pp. 25-44. Once more, the name alone is a recommendation.
So I’d suggest poking through Google Scholar to find articles. Or, again, if you’re at a uni, use your JSTOR access. Do recall that Aristophanes wrote a comedy called the Thesmophoriazusae,” so a lot of articles may address that rather than the festival. While the play does provide some useful info on the festival, the usual caveats apply when using drama, and especially comedy.
There’s some cool work being done on Persephone in S. Italy too, at Calabria and (Italian) Locris. You might be especially interested in the Persephoneion there: her sanctuary. These are part of the Magna Graecia diaspora.
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dykerory · 9 months
My 10ish Favorite Books I read This Year (In No Particular Order) (But Then I Did Put Them In Order)
10. Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey
A really fun haunted house story about a woman who returns home decades after her father was caught torturing and killing young women. Whatever you think is happening is probably not. Absolutely adored the ending.
9. A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
The highly anticipated follow up to the Priory of the Orange Tree did not disapoint! It's a doorstopper of a fantasy book that is about a) queer women b) dragons c) pretty compelling fantasy alchemical laws. This book, in my opinion, rectifies the imbalanced POV chapters that Priory struggled with and does an excellent job of weaving together its point of view characters.
8. "I Hate This Place Vol. 1" written by Kyle Starks, illustrated by Artyom Topilin and Lee Loughridge
A HYSTERICAL little horror comic about what if you inherited a farm that had absolutely everything wrong with it. I have vol. 2 locked and loaded once I get back from vacation
7. You Made a Fool of Death with your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi
A gorgeous, lush, romance book about how the heart wants what it wants, no matter how ill-advised it may be. I cannot over-emphasize the pervasive, sheer beauty of this book. The prose is sensual and exquisite, the world is stunning, and it has all the messy drama you could possibly want from a book like this.
6. Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
A Silvia Moreno-Garcia book that was made FOR me. It's got obscure, cult horror films, it's got complicated alchemy, it's got dark magic via movie, it's got two terrible bisexuals at the center of it all who cannot be normal about each other EVER. Perfect book. No notes.
5. Little Rabbit by Alyssa Songsiridej
Songsiridej absolutely ratfucked me to the docks and back with this little book. It's the story of a beautiful young woman falling in love with a hot older choreographer and getting into BDSM along the way. In many ways, tailor-made for my interests. It genuinely affected me in a really serious way and I eagerly await whatever Songsiridej writes next.
4. How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
This might be my favorite Hendrix novel yet. After the sudden death of their parents, siblings Mark and Louise fight over their parent's house and the content therein- namely, hundred and hundreds of puppets. It's about as normal as you think. It has that trademark Hendrix grodyness and a good amount of grief, love, and hope in its pages.
3. The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
I read this book back in February and I haven't stopped thinking about it for one single second. It's the story of an online fetish chatroom for gay men in the early 2000s and it quickly devolves into a story of identity theft, sex, murder, and just the nastiest things done to an asshole you can imagine. It's dark, it's shockingly funny, it's everything you could want from a book called the sluts
2. The Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty.
This is technically three books (four if you count the post-trilogy collection of short stories) but god I couldn't possibly choose just one of them to put on the list. This fantasy trilogy, inspired by islamic folklore, follows Nahri, a pickpocket living in French-occupied Cairo as she discovers a mystical world of djinn, magic, and danger. I can't sing this series' praises enough. The characters are so rich and compelling, the world is luscious and beautiful, and the plot has enough twists and turns to keep you hooked until the very last page.
1. Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder
Nightbitch owns so bad. I don't even really want to describe what it's about except that it's dogs. It's motherhood. It's art. It's nightbitch, bitch.
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hunieday · 10 months
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🍑 includes a work in progress list at the bottom
☆ Heya! I'm noda, 21 living somewhere in north africa. Japanese is my 4th language while English is my 3rd, and I'm mostly self taught, so I'm still learning and improving as I go. I started this blog as a dump for various media i create (hence the occasional art or animation post) but it's slowly transforming into a translation account LOL enjoy & don't hesitate to send asks if you have questions, requests or you just wanna tell me something!
[LAST UPDATE : September 17th 2024]
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Momo Summer Memories [1/5] Momo bnOurs! in snow festival [0/3] Yuki Sugao [4/5] Re:vale Fruits Lollipop Rabbitv Re:vale Second beat! Drama CD (80% done) New Years story LIVE OR HEAVEN (prologue & epilogue)
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lgbtqmanga · 1 year
New Releases June 13, 2023
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At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender: Life Lessons From a 50-Year-Old After Two Decades of Self Discovery by Shou Arai
At age 30, Shou Arai came to a realization; they had no gender. Now they were faced with a question they'd never really considered: how to age in a society where everything is so strongly segregated between two genders? This autobiographical manga explores Japanese culture surrounding gender, transgender issues, and the day to day obstacles faced by gender minorities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with a lighthearted, comedic attitude.
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The Dragon's Betrothed vol. 2 by Meguru Hinohara
Troubled writer Chiharu Izunome is betrothed to Rin, the local water dragon god. Despite Rin’s gentle demeanor, when a supernatural intruder threatens his husband-to-be, the angry deity unleashes the full might of his beastly fury, injuring Chiharu in the process! With Rin’s destructive power so clearly laid out, fear displaces the fragile affection growing in Chiharu’s heart. Can he truly learn to love someone monstrous?
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Even Though We're Adults vol. 6 by Takako Shimura
It’s finally time: Ayano tells her parents that she has left Wataru and has fallen for someone else. And that someone is a woman. When the news breaks, Wataru finally gives up on trying to make things work, which means the wall between Ayano and Akari’s love has now been knocked down. Meanwhile, Eri struggles with her feelings for a married man. Is there a way out of this labyrinth for anyone?
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If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die vol. 1 by Auri Hirao
When it comes to idol group Cham Jam, Eripiyo is the oldest — and perhaps only — fan of Maina Ichii. Despite Eripiyo's enthusiastic support, Maina is the least popular member of the group, but that doesn't deter Eripiyo, even though she spends so much of her money that she only has a single outfit of her own. But her love for Maina doesn't waver, even if she knows she might never be noticed for it!
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Last Gender vol. 3 by Rei Taki
Welcome to "BAR California", a place where people with different genders, propensities, and sexual orientations gather to find a certain "something".
A transgender bisexual who has been hurt by the voices of others, a pansexual looking for true love, and a person who identities as both male and female. There are as many sexualities as there are people.
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Old-Fashioned Cupcake by Sagan Sagan
A visit to a pancake shop leads to an unexpected May-December romance that breathes life into the monotonous routine of an older salaryman.
At 39 years old, Nozue lives a routine, if not melancholic, life of sleep and work. Togawa, his younger subordinate, finds it troubling and takes it upon himself to shake up Nozue’s routine. During a lunch outing, the two go to a pancake shop full of exuberant young ladies to “do what girls do,” and it’s just the thing to breathe life into Nozue. The two men start an unlikely friendship - and perhaps something a little sweeter!
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Qualia the Purple: The Complete Manga Collection Omnibus collects volumes 1-3 by Hisamitsu Ueo and Sirou Tsunasima
Through Yukari’s uncanny purple eyes, all people look just like robots. Her talent is both a blessing and a curse–she’s an asset to the police, with her “skill” allowing her to evaluate humans at a glance, but her strange sight has cost her the friendship of her peers. Luckily, she does have one friend in her corner: Hatou “Gaku” Manabu, a girl at school who cares deeply for Yukari. But when Yukari is recruited to join a secret organization, the real trouble begins. Gaku is thrust into a realm of mystery, quantum experimentation, and alternate universes, with only her wits–and her love for Yukari–to guide her along the way.
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The Summer You Were There vol. 3 by Yuama
At Kaori’s gentle urging, Shizuku reaches out to Ruri, the girl she bullied back in elementary school. All Shizuku wants is to apologize, but it soon becomes clear that even that won’t be so easy. Things take a dramatic turn when Kaori faints, and Shizuku learns that Kaori’s been keeping a big secret. Now, with everything out in the open, will things between the two girls ever be the same again?
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Why I Adopted My Husband: The True Story of a gay couple seeking legal recognition in Japan by Yuta Yagi
As a gay couple living in Japan (where gay marriage is not yet legal), Yuta and Kyota have found a unique loophole in order for the government to recognize their union: Kyota adopted Yuta.
This nonfiction manga depicts how the two men met and fell in love, their life together for the last twenty years, their struggle to communicate their relationship to their families, their anxieties about the future, and their determination to live happily and carefree as any other married couple, while they strive for independence and equal rights in a changing cultural landscape.
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X-Gender vol. 2 by Asuka Miyazaki
Covid-19 has hit Japan, and Asuka is struggling. Not only has the serialization of X-Gender been delayed due to the virus, the closure of Poker Face and other bars means they’ve lost access to their community. Can they find a way to stave off the loneliness, while also dealing with their fear of getting sick?
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lygerzero14 · 1 month
Been a while. Still going through my DC phase but it took quite a left turn from Superbat focus.
Came across the Wayne Family adventures graphic novels and I hadn’t know I needed these in my life so much!
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They’re such a nice break from regular DC drama/action filled comics and I’ve always wanted to see stories with Batdad and his many kids just enjoying and loving each other. (My theory is this is another version of Batman from the Young Justice cartoon)
So with all the wholesomeness, I fell into the fanfic side of things! Had no idea (don’t know how it didn’t cross my mind) that there were so many fics focused on Tim Drake (my fav Robin who has been done so dirty by dc over the years).
So many ‘Tim joins the family early’ and fix-it fics. Jason tends to be a big focus too and I’m very very very slowly warming up to Damien. (Though I still don’t think I’ll read anything outside of supersons that focuses on him. And Tim fics have ruined any chance of me reading Dick’s Batman run. Just like Ironstrange ruined mcu civil war)
But anyway that’s my current obsession now.
Working on collecting the Red Robin run. The graphic novels are so expensive. Vol 1 was 50 bucks at half priced books and vol 2 was 35! I still got them but geez, my wallet!
My DC bookshelf is growing again.
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Also they finally made an update of my fav version of Conner! Was so awkward with the old one on my shelf.
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Really looking for a decent Nightwing and a not terribly expensive Red Hood. I really hope they make an updated kid Jon one day to go with Damien.
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sinful-liesel · 9 months
R18 Drama CD Split No.60 – December 2023
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Hello~ I’m hosting a split for December 2023 R18 Drama CDs. Please see the registration form below for more details.
Shares are appreciated too! ❤  #lieselGOs
Form: bit.ly/3RgZa1v
Deadline: Dec 22 @11PM CST
Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ko-fi 🆗
Total CDs: 10 (including tokuten, if any) + Bonus Gifts
Shop: Stellaworth (Unless stated otherwise)
Love Time Collection Vol.2 (Manaka Sawa)
Kuse ari Share House Kanrinin Hiromu Morino (CV: Tetrapod Noboru)
Unmei no Tomoshibi -Ango Yagami- (Subaru Ichinose
My Sweet Honey (CV: Souji Sarutobi)
Meguriya Ichizoku no Konrei Vol.4 (CV: Masaru Kuki)
Shoukan Sareta Seijo wa Itsuwari no Douke to Sekai wo Damasu (CV: Mikado Sumeragi)
Shoukan Sareta Seijo wa Majimekei Kishidanchou to Sekai wo Kowasu (CV: Sen Yagami)
Shoukan Sareta Seijo wa Uragiri no Koutaishi to Sekai wo Tadasu (CV: Cherry Uitoki)
Otoko Tomodachi ~Kuro no Shuuchaku~ (CV: Dai Mano)
Otoko Tomodachi ~Shiro no Aichaku~ (CV: Dai Mano)
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havendance · 3 months
It's time again for another Library Trade Roundup! In which I talk about all the books I checked of the library on my last time around.
Wolverine: Black, White, and Blood -- I'm a sucker for a good black&white or black,white&color anthology and this one was printed in oversize form so it was like 1 1/3 or 1.5 times larger than a standard comic book. This was just a very enjoyable read. It had some great artists working on it and the oversized art was a treat to see. The black, white, and blood concept meant that the use of red was really effective throughout (with a special shout out to Declan Shalvey's story in the first issue and the single red lettered 'blood'). I am also not immune to the appeal of watching Wolverine commit bloody slaughter. I'll have to see if I can find some of the other white black and blood anthologies at my library.
Dawn of X vol. 2 -- After reading X-Men: Red, I've started dipping my toe into modern X comics at the beginning of the krakoa era. I'd read House of X/Powers of X and Dawn of X vol. 1 digitally but I picked this one up physically when I saw it. The Dawn of X volumes each collect one issue from each of the X-books so this one was 5 issue #2s which has been giving a different feel to the reading experience so far. I do like not having to worry about figuring out which X books go where. I think Marauders is my favorite series so far of the 2 issues I've read of each. Fallen Angels is yet to really click for me. And across all books, my continued reaction is 'watching X-Men evolution as a kid did not sufficiently prepare me for the presumably decades of X drama being referenced.'
Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja Omnibus -- All of my Omnibuses are these big honking things, so at 24 collected issues this has got to be the shortest one I've read. Anyway, I see why people like this run so much. The visual storytelling of these comics was very strong. Storywise, I'm not sure if I've got much else to say other than it was good, but it's probably not going to stick with me. I think it's much more likely that the visuals do. The Kate Bishop subplot confirmed for me that Kelly Thompson was a strong fit for her solo series and also that I'm less invested it. It might've been because the Kate Bishop issues were also the ones that tended to get guest artist fills, but I found myself putting down the book more often during them.
Paper Girls -- This was a wild ride. I'm not sure what I was expecting coming into this, but it wasn't what it turned out to be. I'm curious to see where it's going. I really liked Chiang's art in this and the cypher was very fun to sit down and puzzle out.
She-Hulk: Breaking the Fourth Wall -- This was just a fun read. For the most part, the comics this collected weren't trying to take themselves seriously and it made for a very enjoyable read. I also enjoyed all the fourth wall break gags. This is the first thing I've read of She-Hulk so I don't know if this is typical for her, but it made me interested to check out more.
The Autumnlands vol. 1: Tooth and Claw -- I picked this up because it had a pretty cover and it had colors by Jordie Bellaire, but I was a little surprised at how much I enjoyed it! Bellaire's colors were gorgeous as always--I love how she colored the magic, but the plot also has so many elements that I enjoy. We've got the nations of magical animal creatures, and they're trying to solve the problem of why magic is disappearing and they do it by trying to summon the ancient hero of legend--who turns out to be a soldier from a technologically advanced time. It's not the most unique premise, but it's one that I enjoy and it's very well executed. The art's pretty and the solider guy is doing chemistry stuff with bat guano to make/harness explosives to blow up a bridge. What more do you need? This is hitting all of the notes that sucked me into reading David Webber books in high school. This story definitely has the potential to be a spanning epic, but it looks like there are only fourteen issues. Alas, I'll have to see how the story gets wrapped up if I can find the next volume at the library.
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tm-trx · 3 months
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selections from my week in media [30 june - 6 july 2024]
from my July book list:
Camp Daze by Katy L. Wood - queer, apocalypse, summer camp - I have the Kickstarter edition that comes with a badge collecting bookmark that should be fun. My top priority once I finish the books I'm reading now.
My Summer of You by Nagisa Furuya, vol 2-3 - BL manga
Ascendant by Michael R. Miller - YA "boy and his dragon" fantasy - The first in an indie published series that has been getting rave reviews so I'm hoping it's as good as everyone says it is.
"Fakin' (Sumin & Yoon)" / STAYC
"Psycho" / Red Velvet
"Stay Gold" / BTS
"We'll Never Change" / TXT
Follow Your Heart {finished: 5 stars} - Had so much fun watching this drama. Even the parts I didn't like were good, because it meant the actors were doing their jobs well. I could easily rewatch it, so I'm adding it to my down day list. I loved it.
Love in Panacea {finished: 3 stars} - Needed more Luo Yunxi after ep 22 of FYH, so decided to go back and see if this show got any better once the characters returned to China. It got much better and I ended up binging the rest of it. I loved the two leads and the secondary pair were surprisingly great too.
Sunset x Vibes, ep 4 - This week, the friends were plot-necessary over the top, which I didn't love. Yo and Pim were acting like Lin was their five-year-old child at one point, instead of a grown man with a job (and who knows taekwondo apparently?). But Sun and the way he loves Lin saved the episode for me. And that ending? Perfect.
previous Currents posts
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nenilein · 2 years
Every single unlockable Character Profile in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (Screenshots and Translations)
I spent way too much time unlocking the character profiles in Fever 2 yesterday, so to make it worth my while, I went on twitter right afterwards and made a huge-ass thread translating every one of them.
Since I am planning to move back to tumblr in the long run anyway, let's compile them all here in a nice post first, 'aight?
The unlock conditions:
*) Lexicon of People (Girls): Play 24 VS matches in Freeplay mode (I think the majority of them need to be wins).
*) Lexicon of People (Boys): Unlock Lexicon of People (Girls), then play 6 more VS matches in Freeplay mode (This is a pun. The internal development name for Fever 2 was "24/6", and marketing reflected that).
*) Lexicon of Creatures: Beat Sig and Raffina's WakuWaku courses.
*) Lexicon of the Undead: Beat all HaraHara courses.
Follow me under the cut for the Boys' Lexicon! (The others will be in separate posts for space reasons)
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Lexicon of People, Vol 1
Profiles of the boys of Primp Town. All contents were approved for public consumption by the subjects of the articles. One must first prove themself as worthy to the subjects of this volume to be allowed to browse it.
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Sig Born June 16th (Gemini)
Blood Type: B Special Skill: sleeping with his eyes open Favorite Thing: bugs Least Favorite Thing: ghosts
A rather sleepy boy who is a classmate of Amitie's. Lately one of his arms has been odd.
(Translator's Notes: Unlike Ringo, Sig doesn't panic when faced with ghosts, but he's often been shown to have a very deep hatred for Yu in particular, especially in the Drama CDs. She's one of the two people he'll tell to the face that he doesn't like them, the other being Lemres. He gets along with Rei, but only because they both collect bugs.
苦手 can mean both "least favorite" or "weakness". Since some profiles use one meaning while others use the other, I will swap back and forth between how I translate it depending on the profile.)
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Tartar Born July 19th(Cancer)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: imitating bird calls Favorite Thing: all living things Least Favorite Thing: spiders
A gentle giant. His only fault is that anyone sitting behind him in class can't see the blackboard.
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Klug Born September 29th(Libra)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: card games Favorite Thing: researching sorcery Least Favorite Thing: self-important people
A troublesome, bespectacled boy who things evil things are cool. He idolizes Lemres.
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Lemres Born August 25th(Virgo)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: candy presents Favorite Thing: parfait Least Favorite Thing: his family home
A student from a magic school one town over. He always secretly carries some sweetstuff, which he loves, on him.
(Translator's Notes: The "least favorite thing" part later got elaborated on in the drama CDs. Turns out he's actually an emancipated minor who escaped from his rich family because they more or less emotionally abused him to parade around his talents...)
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Gogotte Born October 1st(Libra)
Blood Type: AB Special Skill: cooking Favorite Thing: honey Weakness: sunlight
A strange chef who lately showed up in Nahe Forest and now seems to be cooking up potions there. His speech carries the accent of a distant land.
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Prince Salde-Canarl Shellbrick III Born March 5th(Pisces)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: finding servants Favorite Thing: traveling incognito Least Favorite Thing: state Business
A freedom-loving prince. Currently M.I.A. His personal attendant is looking for him.
(Translator's Note: Salde's name is a pun. "Salde-Canarl" can be shortened to "SaCana", which is where his nickname in Japanese, "Sakana Ouji" ("Fish Prince") comes from. This is what is consistently translated as "Ocean Prince" in English, even though this means the pun no longer works...)
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Otomo Born April 17th/Aries
Blood Type: B Special Skill: knitting and crocheting Favorite Thing: the prince's photo album Least Favorite Thing: the prince's selfishness
A royal childcare attendant who is currently looking for his missing prince. The thought of how his prince might be faring right now gives him stomachaches.
(Translator's Notes: Firstly "Otomo" literally means "attendant" when written in Kanji(お供) (it's written in Katakana here tho), so it might not even be his real name.
Click here for PART 2 (Girl's Lexicon)!
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