#aztec indian healing clay mask
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beautyproductjfs123 · 1 year ago
Clay Mask | Hydra-Derm JudiiJane Flutter Studio
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"Discover the Magic of JudiiJane's Clay Mask"
Embark on a journey of skincare indulgence with JudiiJane Flutter Studio's Hydra-Derm Clay Mask. Immerse your skin in the ultimate pampering experience as this luxurious mask unveils its secrets. Crafted with care, our Hydra-Derm Clay Mask is a fusion of natural ingredients designed to nourish, hydrate, and revitalize your skin. The unique clay formula gently purifies, while the hydrating elements leave your complexion feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Uncover the radiant glow within as you let the Hydra-Derm Clay Mask from JudiiJane Flutter Studio work its magic. Elevate your skincare routine and embrace the transformative power of this exquisite mask. Unveil a new level of radiance and hydration with every application, and let your skin speak volumes about the care it deserves. Trust in the beauty of self-care, with JudiiJane Flutter Studio's Hydra-Derm Clay Mask - where indulgence meets skincare perfection.
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 7 months ago
🌷Summer Skincare Recommendations🌷
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Hey babesss the summer is officially hereeeeee and I am so excited and I need to keep my girliesss skincare in check okay! So I will be listing my skincare favorites below that you can purchase on Amazon. Always consult your dermatologist and do your thorough research on these products to see if they will benefit your skin type. I will be rating everything out of 5 stars⭐️ <3333
♡ ANUA Heartleaf Quercetinol Pore Deep Cleansing Foam
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♡ ANUA Heartleaf Pore Control Cleansing Oil ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Green Plum Refreshing Cleanser Gel
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ROUND LAB 1025 Dokdo Cleanser ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ I'm from Rice Toner Milky Toner for Glowing Skin ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ANUA Heartleaf 77 Soothing Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Essence Water Hydrating Face Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ANUA Heartleaf 77 Toner Pad ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Glow Replenishing Rice Facial Sebum Toner for Oily Combination Acne Skin ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Topicals Faded Brightening and Clearing Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Glow Serum Propolis and Niacinamide Hydrating Facial ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Asiatica Ampoule Facial Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Youth To The People 15% Vitamin C Face Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Anua Peach 70 Niacinamide Serum ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Bio-Oil Skincare Body Oil, Serum for Scars and Stretchmarks, Face Moisturizer ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream Hydrating Face Moisturizer
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Korean Moisturizer
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Medicube Deep Reviving Peptide Eye Cream ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ COSRX Retinol Cream, 0.67 Oz, Anti-aging Eye & Neck Cream with Retinoid ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Beauty of Joseon Revive Eye Serum with Retinal Niacinamide Correction ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ ROUND LAB Birch Juice Moisturizing Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ La Roche-Posay Anthelios Light Fluid Facial Sunscreen ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Face Masks 
♡ COSRX Snail Mucin Sheet Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Collagen Lifting Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
♡ Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Facial & Body Mask ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Skincare Tools
♡ BAIMEI Jade Roller & Gua Sha Set Face Roller and Gua Sha Facial Tools
♡ Colorfarm Facial Steamer Nano Ionic: Face Steamer Deep Cleaning Unclogs Pores - Humidifier
♡ Ice Roller for Face, Ice Face Roller & Eye Puffiness Relief
♡ 7 Colors Led Light Therapy Facial Mask, Face Light Therapy Mask for Face
♡ NuFACE MINI+ Microcurrent Facial Device Kit - FDA Cleared Face Sculpting & Skin Tightening Device
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obsidianstuff · 1 year ago
Night Before First Day of School Routine ♡
This is everything I will be doing the night before the first day of school to feel clean, and collected to start my school year motivated.
First, I will start with oiling my hair with rosemary oil.
Wash my face
Put on a face mask, preferably a mud mask for this routine. I will use the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay.
Wait the recommended drying time before hopping in the shower.
Wash your body
Use a body scrub
Shampoo your hair
Shave your legs
Use an under-eye sheet mask
Set your clothes for the next day out 
Use a toner, then a vitamin c serum, and then moisturize 
Wax armpits
Use a lotion on your legs and use an after-wax lotion on armpits.
Get into your comfiest pjs and drink some tea or hot chocolate 
Do something relaxing like drawing, coloring, listening to music, watching an episode of a television show, etc.
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eslamahmed · 8 months ago
مستحضرات العناية بالبشرة
العناية بالبشرة تتطلب استخدام مستحضرات متنوعة تتناسب مع نوع البشرة واحتياجاتها الخاصة. هنا بعض من أهم مستحضرات العناية بالبشرة التي يجب أن تكون جزءًا من روتينك اليومي:
1. منظفات البشرة (Cleansers):
CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser: مناسب للبشرة الجافة والحساسة، يحتوي على سيراميدات وحمض الهيالورونيك.
La Roche-Posay Effaclar Gel Cleanser: مثالي للبشرة الدهنية والمعرضة لحب الشباب، يحتوي على الزنك بيريثيون لتنظيم الإفرازات الدهنية.
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Cleanser: مرطب ومنظف للبشرة العادية والمختلطة، يحتوي على حمض الهيالورونيك.
2. التونر (Toners):
Thayers Witch Hazel Toner: تونر طبيعي يحتوي على خلاصة بندق الساحرة والصبار، يناسب جميع أنواع البشرة.
Pixi Glow Tonic: يحتوي على حمض الجليكوليك لتقشير البشرة بلطف وتحسين إشراقتها.
3. السيروم (Serums):
The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%: مثالي للبشرة المعرضة لحب الشباب، يقلل من المسام الواسعة ويحسن من ملمس البشرة.
Skinceuticals C E Ferulic: سيروم مضاد للأكسدة يحتوي على فيتامين سي، يعزز إشراقة البشرة ويحميها من الأضرا�� البيئية.
4. المرطبات (Moisturizers):
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream: مرطب فعال لجميع أنواع البشرة، يحتوي على سيراميدات وحمض الهيالورونيك.
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel: مناسب للبشرة العادية إلى الدهنية، يوفر ترطيبًا خفيفًا بتركيبة هلامية.
La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer: مرطب مناسب للبشرة الحساسة والجافة، يحتوي على نياكيناميد وسيراميدات.
5. واقي الشمس (Sunscreens):
EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46: مناسب للبشرة المعرضة لحب الشباب والحساسة، يحتوي على الزنك.
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-in Milk Sunscreen SPF 100: يوفر حماية عالية من أشعة الشمس الضارة.
Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch SPF 100: يوفر حماية فائقة بملمس خفيف وغير دهني.
6. علاج البقع وحب الشباب (Spot Treatments):
Differin Gel (Adapalene): يعالج حب الشباب ويقلل من الالتهاب، يحتوي على مادة الريتينويد.
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution: يقشر البشرة بلطف ويساعد في التخلص من حب الشباب.
7. الأقنعة (Masks):
Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay: قناع طبيعي بالطين الهندي ينظف المسام بعمق.
L'Oréal Paris Pure-Clay Masks: توفر مجموعة من الأقنعة التي تعالج مشاكل البشرة المختلفة مثل اللمعان الزائد والشوائب.
8. مقشرات البشرة (Exfoliators):
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant: يقشر البشرة بلطف ويعالج انسداد المسام.
St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub: مقشر طبيعي يمنح البشرة نضارة وإشراق.
نصائح للعناية بالبشرة:
التعرف على نوع البشرة: من الضروري معرفة نوع بشرتك (دهنية، جافة، مختلطة، حساسة) لاختيار المنتجات المناسبة.
الاستمرارية: الالتزام بروتين عناية بالبشرة يومي للحصول على أفضل النتائج.
شرب الماء: الحفاظ على ترطيب الجسم بشرب كميات كافية من الماء يوميًا.
نظام غذائي صحي: تناول الأطعمة الغنية بالفيتامينات والمعادن لدعم صحة البشرة من الداخل.
تجنب التعرض المفرط للشمس: استخدام واقي الشمس بانتظام لحماية البشرة من الأضرار الناتجة عن الأشعة فوق البنفسجية.
باتباع هذه النصائح واستخدام المستحضرات المناسبة من متجر عشق التجميل ، يمكنك الحفاظ على بشرة صحية ونضرة.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 10 months ago
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beperfect3-21 · 1 year ago
skincare needs can change over time. However, here are some popular and well-regarded skincare ingredients and product types that address common skin concerns:
CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
La Roche-Posay Toleriane Hydrating Gentle Cleanser
CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel
La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer
EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-in Milk Sunscreen SPF 60
Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence SPF 50+
Retinoids (e.g., prescription Retin-A or over-the-counter retinol products)
Vitamin C serums (e.g., SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic)
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) for exfoliation (e.g., The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toning Solution)
Hyaluronic acid serums (e.g., The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5)
Rosewater or witch hazel toners
Clay masks for deep cleansing (e.g., Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay)
Sheet masks for hydration (various brands)
Eye Cream:
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Eye Gel-Cream
The Ordinary Caffeine Solution 5% + EGCG
Remember, it's crucial to patch-test new products, introduce one at a time to monitor for reactions, and consult with a dermatologist if you have specific skin concerns or conditions. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, proper hydration, and sufficient sleep also contributes to skin health.
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tiphares · 1 year ago
was thinkin abt doin an updated skincare list..
my skin type: oily, mature, textured and sensitive / allergic. use to be very acne prone when i was younger but found out it was allergic or dermatitis from using products that werent compatible w my skin. im not someone who is always trying new stuff, when i find something that works i stick with it.
preferred water type: warm and soft/filtered
face wash: my OG HG cetaphil (the reg 1) even off brands of this seem to be good, the rexall one especially.
moisturizer: my OG HG is lush dream cream (this is advertised as a body cream, but i use it on my face) it is so hydrating and smells nice never disagrees with my skin. i have also been using lush celestial since the air is colder and my skin is dry, but only on the dry parts of my face... mouth area, between my brows, my crows feet and corners of nose, chin.
exfoliator: i just dont use these they are too hard on my skin, i used to dermaplane but as i get older i find peach fuzz to be a natural filter lol it just softens the lines on my face 🤷 as well my toner eats the dead skin off good enough imo.
serums: my OG HG is the ordinary niacinamide + zinc. i also enjoy the hyaluronic acid, matrixyl, and multipeptide serum as well as the mandelic acid. for awhile i was into the ole henriksen vitamin c serum but havent veen using vit c lately as my hyper pigmentation is mostly gone.
oils: MY OG HG is the ordinary sea buck thorn fruit oil. this basically healed my skin barrier completely and is an amazing product. i dont use it too much anymore as it did its job. now i use the lush full of grace naked skin oil bar and it is really nice, made with mushrooms n keeps my skin free or dry flaky patches.
toner: paula's choice salicylic acid glow toner, this is amazing!!! but i can only use it 1-2 times a week as my skin is very sensitive. and food grade rose water in 1 parts to water as a mist/spray.
face mask: my OG HG is the aztec secret indian healing clay mask mixed with braggs apple cider vinegar. i use this once a week- 2 weeks depending on how much/heavy my makeup has been. as well the Lush " beauty sleep" mask is a nice treat when i remember to get it.
deodorant: lush aromaco natural bar, this oddly enough had helped my skin breathe and be clear....anytime i use a commercial deodorant i get rashes on my face? idk but this has the best smell n i got ambrose hooked on it too lol.
lip balm: used to love the bite beauty lip mask but its hard to find now.... a lot of chapsticks really irritate the corners of my mouth :( but this knock off burts bees *beehive burst* is my favorite right atm, so creamy no irritation and really nice flavor/smell (using vanilla) otherwise my OG blistex DCT medicated (in the beige pot) is the best by far esp in winter. if u apply it on ur nose with a cold ur skin wont chap from blowing lol!
also: the biggest things i have noticed that have done my skin wonders have been * quitting smoking. * drinking water * taking allergy pills *using a humidifier gettin 8 hrs of sleep *using spf (after finally finding 1 that agreed with my skin. ) i am almost 40 so my skin is still changing and i plan on staying au natural (no filler or surgical enhancing) so no matter what i will age, the goal is to do it gracefully.
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lovemiyoshi · 1 year ago
My Skin Care Routine
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For clear, clean, glossy skin, I like to keep my skin care routine simple. Lately, I’ve been trying to live by “less is more”, so I try to use as little products as possible with my routine.
Here’s what I use daily:
- Face wash: I usually try different face washes, but my favorites have become the Alba Botanica acne site scrub or the Acure facial cleanser
- Hyaluronic acid: it’s a must for hydrating your skin! I would recommend any hyaluronic acid for all skin types
- Moisturizer: to seal in that hydration I use Simple Replenishing moisturizer in the daytime and Simple Sleeping Cream at night. I also enjoyed using Acure’s 12 hour moisturizer
- Eye cream: I can be sensitive when it comes to eye creams, but Elf’s Holy Hydration eye cream has been working well for me and I don’t have an allergic reaction to it
- Gua Sha: to drain lymph and keep my face structured, I use it twice a day
Once a week, I use:
- Facial scrub: Acure’s brightening facial scrub is AMAZING. My skin is so smooth every time I use it
- Face mask: I either use the Acure brightening face mask or the Indian Healing Clay. Both make my skin feel amazingly smooth afterwards, but the Aztec clay will make your skin feel pretty dry after using, so be mindful of that.
Links for everything I use can be found here.
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missbeautifulyou · 2 years ago
Banishing Blackheads: The Power of Clay Masks for Clear, Radiant Skin
Introduction : Blackheads, those pesky clogged pores that can mar our complexion, are a common skincare concern for many. Luckily, there is an effective solution that can help combat these blemishes and restore the natural radiance of your skin: clay masks. Harnessing the power of natural ingredients and their ability to draw out impurities, clay masks have become a go-to remedy for banishing blackheads. In this article, we will explore the benefits of clay masks, their application techniques, and the top clay mask options to incorporate into your skincare routine.
The Power of Clay : Clay has been used for centuries in skincare rituals for its remarkable ability to absorb excess oil, unclog pores, and purify the skin. When it comes to blackheads, clay masks work wonders by gently exfoliating the skin's surface, removing dead skin cells, and absorbing excess sebum. The clay's natural drying properties help tighten the pores, making them less susceptible to impurities.
Choosing the Right Clay Mask : Not all clay masks are created equal. Different clays offer unique benefits for different skin types. Kaolin clay is ideal for sensitive and oily skin types, while bentonite clay is excellent for absorbing oil and deeply cleansing the pores. For combination skin, French green clay works wonders, while rhassoul clay is gentle and suitable for most skin types. When selecting a clay mask, consider your skin's specific needs and opt for masks that are free from harsh chemicals, additives, and fragrances to minimize the risk of irritation.
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Application Techniques : To maximize the benefits of a clay mask, proper application is key. Begin by cleansing your face thoroughly to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities. Then, using a clean brush or your fingertips, apply an even layer of the clay mask to your face, avoiding the delicate eye and lip areas. Allow the mask to dry for the recommended time specified on the product label, typically around 10-15 minutes. As the mask dries, you may feel a tightening sensation. Finally, gently rinse off the mask with warm water, using circular motions to exfoliate the skin further. Pat your face dry with a clean towel and follow up with a moisturizer to replenish hydration.
Top Clay Mask Recommendations:
a) Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay: This highly regarded mask contains 100% natural calcium bentonite clay, renowned for its deep cleansing properties and ability to draw out impurities.
b) Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask: Formulated with Jeju volcanic clusters, this mask helps absorb excess oil, unclog pores, and refine skin texture.
c) L'Oréal Paris Pure-Clay Mask: Available in various formulations, such as Detox & Brighten, Exfoliate & Refine Pores, and Purify & Mattify, these masks cater to specific skin concerns while addressing blackheads.
d) Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask: Infused with activated charcoal, this mask effectively detoxifies the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and clean.
e) Fresh Umbrian Clay Pore Purifying Face Mask: This mask combines Umbrian clay with sandalwood oil and chamomile flower oil to calm the skin and refine the appearance of pores.
For More Info.:-
Clay Mask for Blackheads
Best Clay Mask for Blackheads
Natural Clay Mask for Blackheads
Best Pore Minimizer Mask
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hautecouturechronicles · 2 years ago
A Follow-Up to 5 Tips for Creating a Relaxing Spa Day at Home
Hey lovelies,
I hope you enjoyed my last post on 5 Tips for Creating a Relaxing Spa Day at Home! Today, I'm excited to share some amazing products from Amazon that can help you take your at-home spa day to the next level. Let's dive in:
Set the mood: To create a peaceful atmosphere, try lighting some candles like the Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Soy Candle or playing some calming music with the Portable Bluetooth Speaker.
DIY face mask: Treat your skin to a nourishing face mask with the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay and mix in some apple cider vinegar for an added boost.
Hot bath: Make your soak even more luxurious with the Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soaking Solution (I like the lavender!) and add some Lavender Essential Oil to promote relaxation.
Massage: Relieve tension in your muscles with the TriggerPoint Foam Massage Ball or the Gaiam Restore Massage Stick.
Moisturize: Hydrate and nourish your skin with the CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion or the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion with Soothing Oat and Rich Emollients.
Remember, taking time for self-care and relaxation is important for your mental and physical well-being. Treat yourself to a spa day at home with these helpful Amazon products.
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guide-beauty · 2 years ago
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Aztec Secret– Indian Healing Clay: Ready for clearer skin in 3 Easy steps? Mix. Apply. Rinse. Is a deep pore cleansing facial, hair and body mask, Bentonite Clay that’s great for facials, body wraps, clay baths, foot soaks, hair masks, chilled clay knee packs, insect bites & more. Works best when mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar.
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Get your Aztec Secret– Indian Healing Clay now!
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lorcantips · 3 years ago
Hey my loves! I finally tried the Aztec Indian healing clay mask on My natural hair and let me tell you this is one amazing detox hair … source
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crystalbaby12 · 4 years ago
Let's do some self care!! Currently, using the Aztec Indian healing clay mask
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eslamahmed · 9 months ago
منتجات العناية بالوجه
منتجات العناية بالوجه تشمل مجموعة واسعة من الأدوات والصيغ التي صُممت لتلبية احتياجات البشرة المختلفة. تنوع هذه المنتجات يسمح بإنشاء روتين العناية بالبشرة المثالي الذي يناسب كل نوع بشرة. إليك بعض الفئات الأساسية لمنتجات العناية بالوجه وما تقدمه كل فئة:
1. منظفات الوجه
الغرض: إزالة الأوساخ، الزيت، المكياج، والشوائب من البشرة.
الأنواع: جل، رغوة، كريم، زيت، ومياه ميسيلار.
مثال: Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser، Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Cleansing Gel.
2. التونر
الغرض: توازن درجة الحموضة في البشرة، تصغير المسام، وإزالة آثار المكياج والمنظفات.
الأنواع: مرطب، قابض، ومنقي.
مثال: Thayers Witch Hazel Toner، Pixi Glow Tonic.
3. السيروم
الغرض: توفير تركيز عالٍ من المكونات النشطة مثل مضادات الأكسدة، الببتيدات، وحمض الهيالورونيك.
الأنواع: مضاد للشيخوخة، ترطيب، تفتيح.
مثال: The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%، Vitamin C Serum by Mad Hippie.
4. الكريمات والمرطبات
الغرض: ترطيب البشرة وحمايتها من الجفاف.
الأنواع: كريمات ليلية، كريمات نهارية، كريمات للعين.
مثال: CeraVe Moisturizing Cream، Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream.
5. واقي الشمس
الغرض: حماية البشرة من الأضرار الناجمة عن الأشعة فوق البنفسجية.
الأنواع: كيميائي، معدني.
مثال: EltaMD UV Clear Facial Sunscreen Broad-Spectrum SPF 46، La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-in Sunscreen Milk SPF 60.
6. الأقنعة
الغرض: توفير علاج مكثف للبشرة، مثل الترطيب، التنقية، أو التقشير.
الأنواع: أقنعة طينية، كريمية، ورقية (Sheet Masks).
مثال: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay، Laneige Water Sleeping Mask.
7. المقشرات
الغرض: إزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة وتعزيز تجديد البشرة.
الأنواع: كيميائية (أحماض مثل AHA وBHA)، فيزيائية (حبيبات تقشير).
مثال: Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant، St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub.
عند اختيار منتجات العناية بالوجه، من المهم مراعاة نوع بشرتك واحتياجاتها الخاصة. كما يُنصح دائماً باستشارة أخصائي العناية بالبشرة أو الطبيب قبل تجربة منتجات جديدة، خاصة إذا كانت بشرتك حساسة أو لديك حالات جلدية معينة.
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besthealingclay-blog · 6 years ago
Aztec Healing Clay Mask Review
Aztec Healing Clay Mask Review
You can like feel your heart beat in your face it’s like big bandage. hi guys welcome or welcome back as you can see. It’s like in the process other than that nothing really new here. My skin is still drying and amazing. Anyways I am a little sick so bear with me if I’m not as energized as normal all the weather changes. It’s like snowing and it’s hot and it’s snowing again and then it’s 70…
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yourdavidreview-blog · 6 years ago
Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Review + Demo ¦ David Review 2019 Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay review! This stuff is fabulous, and it will last forever. Amazing face mask for acne prone or oily skin! Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2tg1v2c Aztec Secret - Indian Healing Clay - 1 lb. | Deep Pore Cleansing Facial & Body Mask | The Original 100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay – New! Version 2 About the product • ✅ 100% Calcium Bentonite Clay for external use only. Does not contain: Additives, fragrances or animal products • ✅ Version 2! Transparency by Amazon 2D barcodes: Scan for proof of authenticity and manufacture date. Shrink-wrapped with a non-tear Calcium Bentonite Clay security sticker on the lid • ✅ Product does not come with an inner seal. Laser printed lot numbers and expiration dates on bottom of jar • ✅ Important Note: Do not leave clay mask on skin longer than 5-10 mins for delicate skin; this will reduce redness/drying. Slight redness of skin is normal and will disappear in about 30 mins • ✅ Important Note 2: For external use only. Please conduct a forearm skin patch test prior to facial use to test for allergic reactions or sensitivity. Works best when mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar ************************************************************* Thanks for watching  PS. If you enjoyed this video, we'd really appreciate it if you could click like button above. Please LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZJH...
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