#away from my usual reblogging shitposts
blues-corner · 2 months
Controversial take, commander is the worst format in magic the gathering.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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proboblynotstriaght · 1 month
I put far too much effort into my shitposting and screenshot taking...
Oh well! you all seem to enjoy them! And I like having all my best screenshots in a place that doesn't take up a crazy amount of space in my computer!!
As usual past the cut there are spoilers for episode 40 but I try to keep it away from any major spoilers
(also psst, @raeemar this is for you! your reblog made my day!)
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Let's get into Episode 40!!!! Rich : The bean footage is a DM thing I can't say it! ||| Mike : eeeeeehhhh we can change it?
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Bro bonding moment, bullying lornings edition
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Twig : *explaining fae deals and how to make better deals* |||| Gricko : *not paying attention*
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Nikkie : *doing a fantastic Torbek impression!* ||| A++ Nikkie Torbeks voice is hard
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"Twig we haven't run a successful business in all the 8 years-" "Woah now!" uh oh! the couple is Fiiiighting
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"Think of the margins we'll have on the Displacer Beast piss"
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Frost : So are we going to kill these fucker or what?
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"I guess that makes sense... fucking nerd"
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"I knew a guy who would make and sell this kinda stuff, 5 people died it was a whole thing in the news and everything" "Well how many people did he sell it to" "Like... 5"
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"Well, I'm just going to say... shit that was funny"
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"How long did it take those goblins to die?" "the last one lingered... for a good three months"
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Twigsy, blacked out from all the alcohol, and flailing around as Gideon picks her up
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His face haunts my dreams...
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Derek : *a punny name for the drink* || Gricko : that's not very good
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Frost and Kremy are drunk, Gricko and Gideon are trying to be the smart ones for once
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"Frost you realize that you've been writing with a chicken leg, and what you thought was parchment, is now clearly human skin" "Well, I've completed page one of my cookbook, the Necro-Nom-Nom-Nom"
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"He is continuing to do whatever Torbek does" "Pump his fists" "NO HE DOES NOT"
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Grickos imitation of Gideon, I just need you to know that Mace is laughing so hard that it's not actually audible.
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This man is laughing so hard he is completely silent and shaking, I'm genuinely concerned for this mans health
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Derek : It doesn't even give Gricko a little wink? Like John Void at the end of Anaconda?
I love when Derek makes a joke because they are funny, but also he's almost laughing himself as he's telling the joke
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Richie : I'm sorry I thought he was saying something else
guys it took me like four trays to get the screenshot of his face, IT'S SO FUNNY
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MIke in Gricko's voise : Gimmie that Bussay
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"The Stream Kill-inator" "beep beep beep"
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Husband moments be like. FRosty really likes to irritate Kremy about his hat huh
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I don't understand most of the references they make but I like how hard they all laugh at them
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Derek telling a ridiculous story of how he had too watch the same movie twice in one day and he hated the movie both times
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Nikkie : *Horrifying description of Torbek eating one of the Lornlings* Just kidding that doesn't happen!
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Singing : It's Torbek It's Torbek, Everybody hates Torbek
Part 2 of this post is one the way! These posts keep getting longer and longer
Edit : Part 2 is here!!!
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tauon07 · 7 months
hate matthew mullenwanker? you should join the fediverse, NOW!
the fediverse is totally awesome. it's a magical system, sort of like email, meaning anyone on different websites can talk to each other, seamlessly! (usually seamlessly. sort of. kinda.)
there are a ton of awesome websites (known as instances) you can join! if you don't like one, that's fine, because the magic of the fediverse allows you to follow people on all the other ones!
some of my favourite are:
wafrn (short for "we allow female representing nipples") made by our own @gabbomanestamuyloco - it's a tumblr-like social media written in angular. it supports tags with spaces and symbols like tumblr does.
transfem.social (an instance of sharkey, hosted by transfem.org) - it's more like twitter, but so much better! it allows advanced post formatting allowing for animations and custom emojis and even more! it also has emoji reactions on it.
goblin.band - another tumblr-like fedi instance, based on firefish, so it's similar to transfem.social, but it has traditional tumblr features such as notes and reblogging. i think it also has tags with spaces but i'm not fully sure since i've never used it.
wet-dry world - an instance of mastodon, running on a modified software called chuckya. it has emoji reactions too, and it has a cleaner ui theme made by freeplay (but the old one can be turned on in settings). they also have tim sweeney from epic games, and steam from steam (not really)
(there is also the software akkoma, but i don't know any good instances of it, sorry! >w<)
now what?
first, once you've set up your profile, you should make a post using #introduction as a hashtag. just say a little about yourself and what you like. you should also mention that you come from tumblr, people are really nice to tumblr users on fedi.
also, you should understand fedi is different to tumblr. you should do stuff like put alt text on images, and use content warnings on your posts.
next, you should follow some cool people! here are a list of some i know:
follow me if you want, i'm @[email protected]
@gabbomanestamuyloco is @[email protected]
@puppygirl-hornyposting2 is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is a shitposter (and really nice person :3) with lots of interesting history
@beigely is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is my bestie and she would really appreciate more followers i think :3
there are lots of other cool people you will see quickly once you start interacting with people :3
maybe this is just me, but after i joined fedi i started noticing a lot more "mastodon" or fedi links on peoples' websites, so i found a lot of cool accounts that way. keep an eye out!
i hope you have fun with your new knowledge about the other places out there, just a few clicks away. :3
also this is my first long tumblr post sorry if it's bad >w<
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deadpresidents · 3 months
What do you make of some of the tumblr presidential fan accounts and their activities? Shitposting, fanart, bizarre headcanons, etc?
There are A LOT of those fan sites about the Presidents and the Presidency on Tumblr! I'm shocked at the sheer number of them that have been popping up over the past few years. I don't follow very many other Tumblrs, but they are frequently recommended to me on my dashboard and I often see my stuff being reblogged by them, so I do notice them and know what you are referencing. I usually don't follow them, but it's not because I'm some sort of history snob. I've just never followed all that many blogs here on Tumblr. Some of those Presidential fan sites on Tumblr can be weird and seem to have some goofy posts and reblogs that I just don't "get", but that's normally just due to the fact that I'm old and boring and socially incompetent. Even though I'm probably one of the OGs of Presidential history blogs on Tumblr because I started Dead Presidents in 2008 (!!!), my site has always been pretty normal, straightforward history for those 15+ years. For the first few years, I even tried to steer away from being too political because I worried it would interfere with the credibility of the history writing I was publishing on Tumblr. That all changed in 2015 when I couldn't stay on the sidelines as Trumpism started taking over. But my Tumblr has always been mostly conventional, and a lot of those Presidential fan sites are very much unconventional.
I think because of that the assumption would be that I'm annoyed or dismissive of the Presidential fan Tumblrs that you mentioned because of how unconventional they can be. However, that's not the case at all. I actually think it's really fucking cool that so many young people -- and most of those Presidential fandom Tumblrs belong to really young people -- are into history, especially Presidential history, so much that they've shaped their own little universe about it. There's some really creative stuff that I've seen when sites are recommended and pop up on my dashboard. I'm particularly impressed by the Presidential fan art that a lot of these kids are posting. They are having fun and they are finding unique ways to expand history literacy, which has always been one of my main goals for creating Dead Presidents in the first place, posting original writing, and answering questions over the years.
Again, some of the stuff goes completely over my head and I don't understand the memes because I'm old, but I still think it's really cool that people are finding their own path into the field of Presidential history -- a subject I've spent most of my life interested in and hopeful that I might be able to interest others in. And, despite what a lot of those fan sites might look like at first-glance or appear to be while quickly skimming through dashboard recommendations, a lot of these kids who are curating the sites genuinely know their shit! It's great and I'm excited by the idea that there are creators finding new ways to introduce these subjects and these endlessly fascinating stories to diverse new audiences.
At its core, history is always just a collection of connected stories about people, and with so many talented young folks finding and creating original ways of telling those stories I want to support and encourage those efforts. From what I can tell, there are a lot of these Presidential fan sites that follow me on Tumblr because I've been around forever and it's pretty easy to remember that I write about the Presidency because of my blog's name. This might make me sound even more ancient than I already am and nobody needs my validation to keep doing what they are already doing well and successfully, but I'm proud to see the work that those young people are doing to further their own interests in Presidential history and inspire history literacy through their own creativity. Those memes and fan art can animate and energize far different -- and newer -- audiences than my 3,000-word essays about Presidential history and that's so important. They are appealing to demographics that I can't reach as easily and in ways that I never would have thought of, and I'm always going to be an advocate for that (even if I never understand the memes!). And the most important part is that they are having fun exploring history and making history fun for new explorers.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
Hey! I’d like to know how best to start an askblog, and how to keep one interesting over a long term.
the number one thing I've found with how to start an askblog is to make sure you have something you think you can roll with for awhile (a character or series you're very invested in, if it's an art one make sure it's a design you're willing and able to draw over and over again, etc etc) and then setting up your blog as completely as possible before you post anything.
[This got quite long so further elaboration + more tips below:]
Enable custom theme, plan out how you're gonna tag things a little bit, set your icon and header (if it's an art askblog, absolutely set it to your own art so people get an idea of what your art is like going into the blog), get your blog description in order, all that jazz. If it's an art blog, make sure you have a design settled for your character beforehand and I'd recommend making it a design you could draw easily if you are absolutely exhausted. Having your design be one you can doodle easily means you won't get burnt out from just the idea of drawing the character. Don't feel like you have to get super fancy or complicated with things - your askblog doesn't have to be colored in or have backgrounds or anything. Get as few barriers as possible in between you and theoretically posting. That's gonna be your number one way to personally stay invested outside of your own interest in the character/fandom/subject/etc. Also try to have some ideas for what type of questions you might get and how you will answer them ahead of time, so you're prepared to get right into things when you start getting asks.
And then the most important step is to open your inbox. Before you do ANYTHING ELSE, open your inbox. Turn on anon. Good. Now never close it. A closed inbox, or failing to ever actually open the inbox, is the number one way I see askblogs die. Askblog Muns will close their inbox and then forget to ever reopen them or wonder why they aren't getting asks and abandon the blog entirely. If you are getting overwhelmed, turn off anon. That almost always slows asks down to a manageable crawl. If you are having a significant problem with rude asks or similar, block liberally. You can block anons - tumblr may give you an error about it but in my experience it generally works.
Okay, so you've prepped your askblog and opened your inbox. Now you have to make a post to advertise it. If you are going to make an "ad" style post or intro for your askblog, make a second post as well that is just a general post about the character or meme or similar. Few people are likely to reblog the intro/ad post - this is not a personal slight against you, people just don't generally see a reason to because it doesn't fit what they usually reblog and really don't like being told to do stuff. Significantly more people are more likely to reblog general fanart, text post memes, a comic dub, cosplay photography, or etc, especially shitposts, and then check out your blog from that. Interspersing occasional posts like that is a great way to keep your activity up outside of asks and get new people seeing your askblog every once in awhile.
From that point on, don't be afraid to send yourself asks or ask your friends to send stuff in just to get/keep the ball rolling. Getting your friends to send you some asks right away can be a great way to start posting immediately and show how the format of your blog works, so new people know how interacting with it works. Don't be afraid to post relevant fandom content stuff there, but generally try to keep it to original posts in a similar vein to the askblog (i.e.: if you run an illustrated askblog, post some of your other fanart for that franchise/character there sometimes as well). And try to keep it to your own content - avoid reblogging other people's stuff too much cause it'll clog up your blog and not do anything to help bring new eyes. You can reblog stuff of course, but don't let it overwhelm your blog. Keeping your askblog active with original posts means more people are going to find your blog and stay invested in your blog and send you more asks and this will self-perpetuate.
As far as keeping it interesting over a long-term, that's subjective. But some things you can do include events, particularly for milestones or anniversaries or etc, and many askblogs include a plotline that the characters follow while answering questions, which can encourage asks inquiring about what the characters are up to and give more things to talk about. If you don't keep things changing or progressing, people can run out of things to ask about. Also, don't be afraid to answer the same or similar questions multiple times - especially if it was awhile ago. It's unlikely all your followers have seen all your posts and you can always put a new spin on it. The one billion hug/boop/etc asks do get tiresome though so don't feel bad about skipping the nth one of those. And don't feel like you have to answer every ask immediately! Saving asks can be really useful later down the line, especially if you get a ton of asks all at once but then don't have a lot later. It gives you something to post.
Just generally encouraging engagement with asks/anons is another good option, again such as with events or even things such as Magic!Anons, which is a way anons can impact the characters/story/event in random manners (some common ones are turning characters into animals or monsters, or genderbends, or etc etc). Or even just having your characters react in particular or silly ways to anons or show ways the characters get their buttons pressed by certain asks will encourage people to send in more of those types of asks or explore ways they can personally torment/annoy/etc the characters more, which people love.
The only caveat to this is be careful about letting it stray too far into just straight up RP territory - askblog crossovers are super fun and can be a great way to build up an askblog community, but RP blogs are an entirely different thing that get mixed up with askblogs sometimes and when those waters get muddied it has a poor tendency to just kill askblogs. Because of how RP blogs function entirely differently to askblogs, if your askblog becomes too much of an RP blog it will become only an RP blog, and you will probably completely stop getting askblog asks because the askblog audience doesn't want to rp. Askblogs and RP blogs are similar in theory but very different in execution and attempting to combine them rarely goes well. You will just end up with one or the other and if you were hoping to make one, getting the other will probably leave you confused and disappointed. Also keeping RP blogs active is a completely different beast - that one is just general RP rules. Make your character and go find an open RP to join or community accepting new members and just hop right in. If the RP fizzles out the RP fizzles out, that's not something you can really control. It's the cons of collaborative writing. Askblogs are entirely in your hands, so you can control how active it is. It just comes down to your own engagement and enjoyment with the thing. Just remember: Ultimately, an askblog is for you, the creator of the askblog. Be as self-indulgent as you want. In fact, being self-indulgent is highly encouraged! Because that's how you personally stay invested in your own project. Never feel like you're forced to keep doing it - it's just for fun and for your own amusement. As long as you're having fun and keep going with it, you will attract an audience that will love it as much as you do. You don't need to post every day, or even every week or whatever - take as many breaks as you need.
So tl;dr:
Set up your askblog as much as possible before you post anything.
Post general fandom content separately alongside your intro/ad post so you are more likely to get traction to your askblog
Don't be afraid to ask your friends to send you asks, or send yourself asks if you need.
Have something going on or switch things up from time to time (or give a means for anons to switch things up) so people have more stuff to ask about or generally feel encouraged to ask things/interact, such as events, plotlines, and/or magic!Anons.
The more you stay active, the more people will see your blog and engage with it
Ultimately the blog is for you, so make it something you will want to stay invested in and feel like you can keep active with and that you enjoy, and people will become invested in it alongside you. If it helps at all - the audience is theoretical and/or ever-changing. You are a guarantee. So cater to you because you know above all else that you are always going to be there.
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hermitcraftx · 8 months
gay people go here
james/icarus/patroclus | he/it/they + she sometimes + neos! switch it up
19 | traumagenic system
blog is rated 16+ interact at own risk
follows and likes from @faggotcowboys | alter blog: @lowresolutionboyfriend
ccs dni i dont want you here this is my treefort and ur not invited
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hi! wewcome to my bwog uwu i am a longtime tumblr user moving blogs
i mostly post hermitcraft/trafficlife but i dabble in some other stuff too <3
i am a fan of the dream smp but i dont post about it and i have most of the fanbase on here blocked from ye olden days. i dont like interacting with the fandom other than fanart so dont expect that from me if ur blocked nothing personal just how it is
i'm a writer. in theory. mostly i liveblog and shitpost and reblog art but occasionally i will upload my own art or writing
i do not tag for shipping mostly because i am absolute dogshit at remembering. i am an adult and i don't shy away from reblogging suggestive or the occasional nsfw post, but usually they're tagged under #suggestive or #nsft.
i am a beginner artist! please be nice to me :') i use krita
for hc s10 i'll be maining grian, joel, scar, and etho, but as of right now i am also caught up on mumbo, iskall, gem, zombiecleo, and i'm trying to slowly work my way through other people's povs
i main grian and joel! i go apeshit insane over scarian and smalletho, but i also enjoy gribeans/joelian and smallidarian/badboys content. treebark fan by osmosis. outside of trafficblr i watch a lot of content creators but ive been a fan of slimecicle and jschlatt for a while
used to be a wilburian. still like c!wilbur, disappointed and ignoring the actual guy. support shelby shubble and victims of abuse
i dont tag things as duo names i think its dumb as fuck i portmanteau their names or use "ship names" even if i dont care whether its romantic or platonic. if that bothers you block button
i dont believe in dnis but if you are a fan of dreamteam vivziepop jkr matpat or brendon urie i am probably going to block you. no terfs no swerfs no maps no zionists no racists or anti-semities and i am NOT pro-endo but i dont really care?? as long as you dont cause syscourse ur welcome idgaf
i <3 heart weird problematic labels like boygirl fagdyke mspec butch lesbians bi lesbians bi gays cisgender het aros furries neopronouns xenogenders objectum and if any of that bothers you. well. block button
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
*tips cowboy hat over eyes while staring wistfully into the distance* things just aint the same around these parts no more...not since... *trails off meaningfully so you can tell i have woes too deep for one soul to burden on its own* ...since prettyboykatsuki disappeared from town. *you attempt to walk away but i chuckle ruefully with the intention of not letting you leave without hearing my lamenting* they were truly the life and soul of the dash. no one could capture a room's- the dash's - attention quite like their zany isagi thirst posts could. we'd shitpost and laugh and viciously express our desires for sexy 2d pixels until the sun rose the next day. i'm sure you've heard of their legendary bakugou fics? *i turn towards you expectantly and you shake your head at me, fully shaking at this point because you're convinced i'm an asylum escapee* no? ah, well. i'd offer to read one for you but...i could never capture the essence of the dialogue and erotic scenes by just reading it aloud. *you try to ask me where the nearest police station is but i reach into my assless chaps' pocket and pull out a budweiser and you're promptly silenced* truthfully, i was too busy reblogging their omega fics to ask what their favourite drink was so this'll have to do. i know this definitely won't be their favourite but it's the only thing i could grab from the gas station before they saw me and called the sheriff. *you wonder if the sheriff i'm referring to is the cardboard cutout of dwayne the rock johnson standing upright a few yards away that i've duct taped a png. of a cowboy hat to and wrote in marker 'sheriff' on the nipple area* prettyboykatsuki... *i sigh like i have the weight of the world on my feeble poncho covered shoulders and take a swig of the pissy acidic vaguely apple flavoured but shitty apple not the nice kind of apple beer* this one's for you. *i pour a modest stream of the atrocious beverage onto the ground, but the harsh wind intercepts it and drenches you in the liquid* hm. *i feel awkward and i can sense you know that i feel awkward so i stand up abruptly while attempting to maintain my mysterious façade. you ask me if prettyboykatsuki was buried (or something?) where i poured the beer because thats what people usually do at funerals when theyre saying their goodbyes but i simply titter at you like you've asked the most braindead question i've ever received* no, partner... *i turn away from you and you let out a sigh of relief so loud and gargantuan that i definitely hear it and feel a little hurt but show no signs of it because im built different* prettyboykatsuki's everywhere. *i trail off extra mysteriously and walk away from you in the middle of the road where i'm definitely going to get hit if i don't move but i keep walking and you don't want to get into another interaction with me so you just keep watching and i never really go out of sight because the road is one straight flat like so i'm just uncomfortably walking slow paced in plain sight so it doesnt feel dramatic and i'm getting sand in my eyes and keep having to speed up to avoid tumbleweeds so it looks awkward but we both don't say anything because at this point i'm 50 metres away so we accept the moment for what it is, and it's beautiful*
'you' - a random innocent bystander i'm subjecting my troubles to (troubles being u being gone from the dash for a couple of hours)
i typed this in 20 minutes and my shoulder is aching bcos i was going so fast holy shiiiii.
in my entire two years active on this blog, no single ask has ever made me laugh to the point of literal sobbing tears. no amount of keyboard smashing could do my real life reaction justice. like im laughing to the point of almost puking my dinner up. this is the funniest thing ive ever read in my life. im pinning this next time i go on hiatus. im fucking crying.
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joshotime · 6 months
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Welcome to my art/main blog!! :D
Carrd | Twitter | Flight Rising | Twitch | 🔞
Current fixation: OCs, Hollow Knight, Rain world
Hello! My name is Josho / Yoshi / Mike and i go by They/Them, i'm a 22 yrs audhd nonbinary nerd who makes the art. Usually of my current fixations.
This is where i post basically all my art including shitpost and silly doodles. I post to Twitter too but not really as frequently as i do Tumblr. I make art of well, basically whatever i want, whether its just my blorbos, smthn silly, angst or whatever else.
I LOVE getting comments and asks, spending my time scrolling through them and kicking my lil feet around. Literally makes my day so if you wanna say something about my art pls do.
I highly encourage asks, if you want to request something or hear my interpretation on certain things do ask away!! ( i LOVE infodumping about my blorbos )
The fandoms i associate myself with currently would be Hollow Knight, Identity V, Sky: Children of the Light, Flight Rising and Furry
I also do commissions!! Prices are a bit up and down right now since I'm trying to figure out what would be acceptable pricing
Comm info here!
Technically my 'main' blog is my reblog one but i've had that for so long that it would take forever to clear it out. So if you get a follow or notes from @joshoreblogsstuff that's me! :]
My AF Page
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My Main Tags:
My Art
Fandom Related Tags:
Hollow Knight
Rain world
Identity v
Flight Rising
Current Sona design:
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cazort · 1 year
I turned off anon messages because I've been getting an inordinate amount of anon hate, some extraordinarily nasty, in response to people misinterpreting some commentary I added on a post recently, as being antagonistic or negative when that was not my intent.
Here is the full thread in case anyone is curious.
I get that my added commentary may have come across as unnecessarily antagonistic. I was in some pain and other physical distress from long COVID symptoms last night when I reblogged that post and wrote that commentary, and perhaps this made my tone came across as more snarky than usual, which was not my intention.
Still, the level of negativity and hate I have received is wildly out-of-proportion to any slight negativity in my tone. Like people were writing things calling me a terrible person and worthless, using dehumanizing language, and stopping only very barely short of suicide baiting and/or violent threats. One of the posts was bad enough that I reported it to Tumblr, and I worry that anyone who would harass me in this way would be highly likely to harass a long list of other users as well.
I want people to know that I harbor no negativity or hard feelings towards the author of the original post in question, I really enjoyed the post and its humor and was trying to add some tangential commentary that highlighted one of the many reasons I like Tumblr, how you can have a post that is basically like a shitpost, and people can add totally unreasonable commentary to it but at the same time other people can add very reasonable commentary that adds insight, and this is one of the things I love most about Tumblr.
I wished people could see this instead of just assuming that I am some kind of mega asshole.
I also think that a lot of this negativity, frankly, is an example of the absolute intense bias and bigotry, hate even, that people hold against neurodivergent people.
Yes, I take things literally sometimes. Yes, I choose to take things and engage with them literally even when I know they are not intended to be taken this way. Yes, I like deep commentary. Yes, I like writing long text posts. No, this does not make me a bad person.
And if you think it's okay to threaten or harass someone because of these things, especially when a person expresses themselves without making personal attacks or without voicing overt hostility, if you think it is acceptable to initiate or greatly escalate any type of negativity or hostility just because someone said something that you perceived as mildly antagonistic, then maybe, just maybe, it would be best for you to spend some time away from the internet.
For now though, anons are off. I haven't received any legitimate anons in weeks so it's not like I'm missing much. I have no interest in allowing myself to be verbally abused by people who lack the courage to show their face. Anon messages were for positive, encouraging compliments, or questions that people were too shy to ask, they have never been turned on with the intention of exposing myself to hate messages.
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sygneth · 2 years
First things first:
Don't hesitate to ask me things, DM me or suggest drawings, I don't bite (usually).
DON'T repost my art without credits, reblogs are very appreciated. You can use it for personal purposes (icon, wallpaper in ur phone, printing it out and eating putting on your fridge ect.) (and if it's the icon/header/ect. kinda thing please credit me).
If you are here for art only, you may be interested in my art archive sideblog @sygneth-archives
About me (meet the artist): 2023 - 2024
I am and will be posting content that is not suitable for children and sensitive people. My current and future posts for both fandom stuff and OC content may directly include or mention topics such as:
graphic violence, death
mild gore; body horror, blood
swearwords, slurs (censored), in-universe slurs for fandoms
anxiety, depression and other mental disorders and their consequences
suicidal thoughts, suicide
abusive relationships, toxic relationships, trauma
sexual jokes/talk, suggestive talk and posing, soft NSFW content (occasional frontal nudity but rather not in sexualised way)
use and abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and other substance
addiction, co-addiction, codependence and people not always dealing with them the right way
If you don't want to see this kind of content, please unfollow me or consider taking some measures that will help you filter out those posts. Stay safe.
Second things second:
I'm a multifandom mess and I'm not in charge of whatever my brain decided that I am going to hyperobsess over. Fortunately my obssessions rather stack than die away so sooner or later I will probably come back to whatever era you've found me at.
My recurring topics are for sure Undertale/Deltarune, ACD Sherlock, Good Omens, Disco Elysium, and whetever else that I forgot to mention.
I am currently handling a few projects:
Echoes of Elysium (a Disco Elysium comic where Harry tries to stay sober and sort out his relationship with people, set directly after the events from game, with some retrospections) - AO3 - ComicFury - INFO - Page 1
Sherlock Holmes and Victor Trevor College Adventures (a short comic series about friendship/QPR between the two of them, retelling/filling in the events from the story) AO3 - Masterpost - Chapter 1 (finished) - Chapter 2 (finished) - Chapter 3 (in the making)
HIATUS (let me believe I'll come back to them):
Postcards from Revachol (a postcard series + my thoughts to it, where I paint over my photos of my hometown bc it reminds me of Revachol and here is why)
Postapo Disco Inferno (a stupid silly AU where I do not think too much. Revachol got bombed 20 years earlier and Harry, Kim & Jean have a dog Dolores) - here
Sonnaá (my OC universe that may turn into something with some chronology one day)
Aside from those I am sometimes drawing or writing unrelated things in mentioned fandoms or in other fandoms too.
General tags:
#my art , #my writing - the names say it all
#holmes collage adventures - a mini-series exploring Holmes' and Victor Trevor's friendship
#echoes of elysium - for the Echoes comic
#echoes talking - for the Echoes lore
#postapo disco inferno - for postapo silly content & Dolores the dog
#jeanalysis, #jeanposting - special tags for a special man
#conversations with the void - my shitpost tag
#[fandom] scribbles, #[fandom] talking, #[fandom] meta, #[fandom] analysis - pretty self explainatory, I assume (including them here to keep the order)
Tags for other things are generally corresponding but forgive me if I suck at keeping them in order (I probably do).
Third things third: If i come up with anything else, I will update this pinned post. Have a nice day!
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fungalleech · 11 months
This isn't my usual art shitposting but I wanted to talk about something
Everyday ageism is running rampant on social media and it's saddening and disgusting to look at. I've seen people put "minors/kids" in the same sentence as "p3dophiles", "m@ps", "z00s", etc etc. It's just as bad as racism or homophobia. It's outside of their control and they shouldn't be ostracized for it. I get if you have mature content in your blog or you're uncomfortable talking/inting with minors, yeah go ahead put minors dni in your bio or whatever, but the fact that some people are genuinely so aggressive and derogatory toward someone simply because they are a minor is absolutely fucking revolting.
Awareness should be brought to it and the fact that it's so common, and that it's looked over by most people. Prejudice against someone because of their age alone is disgusting and isn't supported on my blog/acc/whatever, and shouldn't be anywhere else. If you agree with this, feel free (and please do) spread awareness via making your own post, reblogging this, or whatever. If you *disagree*, respectfully get the fuck away from my blog and don't come back as long as you think that.
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thatscottster24 · 2 years
@chaoticjos28 is my Alt! I made it bc I got locked out of my main Google acc lmao
Hello, my name's Josie and I'm your normal aroace teenager! I write stories, draw, and make characters! I am a demigirl and go by she/they pronouns.
I'm also currently dabbling in music and FNF modding :3
Key to my tags:
- #josies queue bc i'm lazy - Queued posts and reblogs
- #josie's character chaos - OC stuff, usually shitposts
- #josie art josie art - Art tag
- #F-For me? 🥹 - Fanart tag
- #rambling to the wall - Random rambling/text posts that don't fall into the lower two categories
- #welcome to rant corner - Negative rants and vents about my life. here so u can filter it out :3
- #checking the mailbox 📬 - Answered asks! Sometimes I will forget my inbox exists tho (<- on mobile)
Social Links:
Discord Server (feel free to join, it's kind of dead though)
YT Channel (I barely post here)
Twitter (barely active)
Toyhou.se (For all of my characters!)
Reddit (barely active due to the blackout, only still have it bc there's a few subreddits I desperately need as lore + info obtainers)
Ao3/Archive of Our Own (I use this for stories, you'll need a registered account on there to access them though)
Wattpad (For the peoples who don't have Ao3 accounts that want access to my stories and fics)
Art Blog (because I want my art to get more traction and not buried in my reblogs)
General Art Tag
Stories that I am currently writing (clicking on the names leads to their story masterposts!)
Doki Doki Expanded (DDLC OC Story)
Friday Night Funkin': Fandom Crossover/FC
Friday Night Funkin' Void-Sides
Friday Night Funkin' Highlights
The Protectors
Neverending Nightmares (+ After-Story)
The Experimental Journals
Cross Console Clash (crossover AU between Deltarune, FC, and Neverending Nightmares)
Among Us: Crew 1429
Current Fandoms (you'll see a lot of reblogged art, stories and other stuff of these, as well as my own fanart for it as well)
FNF (currently one of my main fandoms and hyperfixations)
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Anything Minecraft related (albeit barely, I'm very much involved in the fandoms there)
Undertale Yellow
I am known by my friends for making way too many OCs (earning the title of 'The OC Collector') and am also angst hungry as I am always traumatizing said characters
Feel free to send me asks of my characters, I really enjoy talking about them :3
NOTE ON ASKS: I have anon off as to prevent creeps from getting away with saying weird shit and not getting blocked. It hasn't happened yet but I'm using it as a safety measure so if you're more comfortable with anon I am sorry ;-;
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If I were a mutual who would like to befriend you, are there boundaries that come w that?
Fun thing about tumblr is that settings allow anyone to set boundaries within the app and website.
For example, I allow everyone to send me anonymous asks using the app settings because thus far I am okay with them :3
I don't really have anything against DMS, but I don't start conversations and I don't Isuzu hold them well, which is part of the next things.
Alot of my boundaries with social media are things I set for myself. Things like "I can set down my phone whenever I want if the vibes are off", etc, but also
I do not share personal details about my life. Pretty much the only things people know about me are that I'm a white queer from the USA and other shit they've gleaned from my posting about experiences as an [insert identity] person. I don't share things like the events of my day normally, because I like to compartmentalize tumblr and keep my safe persona here seperate. I can spend some time in this little pocket reality.
And I never ask those questions of other people either, because I consider it invasive to want to know more about others than they know of me, [but of course what people choose to share on their own blogs is their own choice <2] so I don't ask more than follow ups (eg. If they say their sister was cool in the orchestra I ask what instrument but that's it. Fake example btw)
Most of my mutuals are people who either I've spam reblogged until we started legit interacting and I've said based stuff about the niche I followed then for, or people who spam reblog me and like my art n shitposts.
Anyone can tag me in stuff regardless of whether we're mutuals or not. I might not always answer, but that is not personal it is part of my personal boundaries. "I only have so much energy to give to this app and website" and "I can block hashtags if I don't wanna see my mutual's blorbo who's source material I don't care about, it's my own damn dashboard" and such.
And I answer specific question anons like this pretty easily, but I have a more difficult time with statements like positivity anons.
I love positivity anons ["if you're getting this it means we appreciate you", etc] but I find it hard to answer these because they are statements and because they sometimes come with instructions on how to pass them on because they are chain anons. Both of these take more energy than I am willing to spend, but I never delete them and I always enjoy getting them <2
I post a lot about Stranger Things and miscellaneous fandoms, and I welcome interaction there. Additions that add more insight or context to a post, etc. This type of conversation is easier to maintain, is something I am comfortable with, and is typical for the website and what I do here.
Of course, I usually don't shy away from conversing with others about what they choose to discuss on their own posts, with the understanding (the hope) that they will tell me if I am overstepping. And I also can drop it off someone appears to lose interest by not adding in case that is then wanting to end the convo.
Going back to asks, I accept asks of pretty much any topic, so long as they are well-intended and something I can answer well, as well as keeping with my blog's sort of "quota" (not getting too personal, relatively "family-friendly" as they say, and these are just my personal preferences, obviously, other blogs have different things going on that fit their own valid and swag preferences)
I also get asks on my sideblog @threesongsinatrenchcoat which is a music blog or either of my sthings rp blogs.
Basically, invade my space and if I haven't blocked you or confronted you just assume you are fine /hj
I hope this answered your question :3 hopefully you are already following because I don't think you as an anon will get notified so you might not even actually see this lol.
UM notice for anyone else who wants to send me anons and find them later: they are tagged as #anons, #asks, and #song spouts bullshit, which is my personal tag.
And since we're on tagging, if it is not anonymous, I tag as the full url or as their nickname and a heart. Fake example #the-real-spiderman-official-not-fake-not-flash-thompson, #petey <2,
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Can you suggest ways to make friends in a fandom? Especially if someone is new to the fandom experience.
Hey Nonny,
First, welcome. I know how you feel, this was my first fandom experience, and when I came here, it was a big learning curve. Sometimes, it still is, but I'm a little more comfortable now.
The best thing to do? Just begin chatting with your fellow fandom members. If you read a fic, like an edit, comment, and let the creator know your thoughts. You really just end up making friends naturally.
If you have questions, not just for creators but for anyone, send them an ask. I recommend not doing it as anon because they won't know who it is, so it's not "getting to know you."
If there are reblog games going on, or people are just online "shitposting." Posting any old silly thing, jump in on the conversation. I think you will find that most people here are very friendly and welcoming. They're usually very happy to have new members on board.
We're much smaller now, so I like to think our remaining members are pretty good people. My advice is if anyone is very "stay away from this one and that one and this one and that one", they're more often than not the one you want to avoid. lol Just make friends and make your own decisions.
If you ever need any tips on "how to" on Tumblr or just want to chat, my DM's are always open.
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leeviathans · 2 years
Update I guess?
It's been a long time since I actually posted in earnest here! YEARS, in fact! I don't think I've actually made a post since that time I almost died. I usually just hop on to shitpost or reblog my art.
Biggest update I have is that I lost both of my cats in the past few years. I lost Piper very suddenly to a congenitive heart failure, and Jake hung on for about a year before passing away from the same causes (plus cancer). I'm not over it, not even close. Jake and Piper were the first pets of mine who were actually *mine*. They meant the world to me and always will. I got their pawprints tattooed on my arm, along with Quid's (which I've wanted to do for ages). I also gained three pets. A dog, my stupid idiot gremlin baby Comet, and two cats, Gibbous and Eclipse. OH and I gained a nephew, so that's pretty cool. He's my favorite human. Outside of that not a whole lot has gone on in my life! Same job, same life. Mentally I'm doing WORLDS better than I was before. Got meds, got therapy, things are pretty ok. I am planning to open up a shop for stickers and a few other things sometime soon though. So that's something!
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