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our-autospec-experience · 2 days ago
Very auto coded
Me and the bad bitch (alternate version of me who hates me and wants to tear me apart from the inside) I pulled
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januscorner · 10 months ago
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Made these cus I was pissed, feel free to use with credit
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its-kayyyy · 2 years ago
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You are valid (:
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lust-for-ultraviolence · 7 months ago
I'm sorry for anyone that got placed in the "other" category (bellusromantic, autoromantic, desinoromantic, and recipromantic) .
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our-arospec-experience · 1 year ago
Some Arospec Identities:
This is a list of some Arospec identities! It may be incomplete, and I am not an expert, so please let me know if there are any mistakes/identities you want added. :D
Aromantic: experiencing little or no romantic attraction to anyone; not having romantic feelings.
Aro flux: someone who fluctuates between experiencing romantic attraction and not experiencing it, and/or experiencing romantic attraction to different strengths.
Abroromantic: a fluid attraction, that can mean a fluctuating attraction between genders and/or on or out and/or throughout the aromantic spectrum, to some it's just one or the other, and to others it's both. (explained here by an abro person)
Akoiromantic/lithromantic: an individual who experiences romantic attraction but has no desire or need to have their feelings reciprocated. Sometimes an akoiromantic person’s attraction may fade if a romantic relationship is established.
Alloromantic/zedromantic: someone who does experience romantic attraction. An alloromantic person may be allosexual as well, but not necessarily. This identity is not on the aromantic spectrum.
Cupioromantic: someone who does not experience romantic attraction but has a desire to be in a romantic relationship.
Demi(a)romantic: someone who only experiences romantic attraction after establishing a strong emotional connection to someone.
Frayromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction, but this attraction fades after getting to know the object of attraction.
Grey-(a)romantic: someone who sometimes, occasionally, or rarely experiences romantic attraction. The attraction they experience may be weak, or it might be infrequent. Also used as an umbrella term for all romantic orientations that fall between alloromantic and aromantic.
Quoiromantic/WTF-romantic: someone who finds romantic attraction confusing, or cannot differentiate between platonic and romantic attraction, or is unsure of whether they experience romantic attraction. It can also mean someone who feels like the concept of romantic attraction doesn't apply to them.
Nebularomantic: is a neurosexuality specific to neurodiverse individuals, and it falls on the aromantic spectrum. It's a label for individuals who have difficulty telling the difference between romantic and platonic attraction specifically due to their neurodivergence (or can't tell the difference at all).
Caedromantic: having been able to experience romantic attraction in the past, and not experiencing romantic attraction any more, with the feeling that the romantic attraction was taken away/destroyed or left because of a traumatic experience.
Aegoromantic: Someone who is aegoromantic enjoys the concept of romance but does not want to participate in actual romantic activities. An example of this would be an aegoromantic individual enjoying watching a romantic show or reading a romance novel. However acting out these romantic stories in real life would not be appealing to an aegoromantic person. An aegoromantic individual would typically not desire a romantic relationship.
Apothiromantic: individuals on the aromantic spectrum who consider themselves to be romance-repulsed, are called apothiromantic. A romance-repulsed aromantic is repulsed by the idea of romance all together. Like with any romantic identity, apothiromantic individuals can have any sexual orientation. Their aromantic identity is not directly connected to their sexual identity.
Arospike: is an aromantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. This identity is for those who usually do not feel a romantic attraction. Sometimes however, an arospike can experience a (rare) sudden spike of aromantic attraction that will last for a short amount of time. After this they will return just as quickly, to aromantic.
Autoromantic: is a term for individuals who experience a romantic attraction (exclusive or not) towards themselves. It can occur in different forms, such as: fantasizing about a romantic relationship with yourself. Or, as described above: feeling little to no romantic attraction to others but being able to feel romantic attraction to yourself.
Bellusromantic: defined as someone who has interest in (certain aspects of) traditional romantic behaviour such as holding hands and cuddling. However, a bellusromantic would not experience romantic attraction and does not want an actual romantic relationship. So they keyword here is ‘interest’. The interest is there, but a bellusromantic can’t and wouldn’t want to put it into practice.
Fictoromantic: falls under the aromantic spectrum as they do not experience romantic attraction to (real life) people. Fictoromantic is a term used for individuals who experience romantic attraction exclusively towards fictional characters. Fictoromantic is also known as fictonromantic.
Myrromantic: Someone who identifies as myrromantic is on the aromantic spectrum but might feel confused as to where exactly, as they can experience multiple aromantic identities at once. They can also rapidly fluctuate. As an example: a person who considers themself to be both demiromantic as well as grayromantic. This might be confusing to some, which is why myrromantic can be a more comfortable label to identify with.
Recipromantic: (also known as reciproromantic) someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first.
Requisromantic: someone who experiences a very limited, or no romantic attraction and interest due to some form of emotional exhaustion. The reason of emotional exhaust may have many reasons such as (bad) past experiences dealing with romance or other emotionally draining reasons.
Amicusromantic: means you don’t have romantic attraction to someone unless you form a platonic bond/ friendship with them.(explained here by an amicusromantic person)
Uniromantic: also known as oneromantic or unianthroromantic, refers to someone who feels romantic attraction toward one person and one person only for advanced periods of time, or perhaps one’s whole lifetime.
Desinoromantic: when one does not experience full-on romantic attraction, but a romantic attraction akin to "liking" someone rather than "loving" them
Idemromantic: when one experiences no notable internal differences between platonic and romantic feelings, often categorizing relationships (and feelings) as platonic or romantic based on external factors.
Alicoromantic or Agnoromantic: someone who knows they are somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, but their romantic orientation does not fit in any aromantic spectrum label.
Iamvanoromantic: the desire to not show romantic affection to someone but you may have the desire to receive some (via @/aroace-safe-space-for-all)
Placioromantic: you don’t have the desire to receive romantic affections but you do have the desire to show some (via @/aroace-safe-space-for-all)
Arohaze: alabel for an arospec individual who’s other orientation(s) are in between or both allo and ace/void. source
Apathromantic: Someone whose orientation form of "romance indifferent" which can also be used as a title. It does not distinguish if the person does or does not have romantic attraction, but just that they are indifferent in receiving it or acting it out. Source
Loveless Aromantic: describes someone who is on the aromantic spectrum that is in some way disconnected from the concept of love, does not feel love, may doubt that they feel love, or rejects the idea of experiencing love. source
Lovequeer: someone who fully rejects the concept of “love” as society applies it for romance, and to redefine the word around oneself and the types of love neglected by amatonormativity. source
Subtiliaromantic: someone who experiences zero romantic attraction.
Non-SAM aro: an aromantic individual who doesn’t use the Split Attraction Model, aka the SAM.
Again, tell us if there's any we can add/ have got wrong (probably tell mod ozzie, he's the one that updates it)
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dhddmods · 2 months ago
After creating our "I support equality always" design and "Gender and sex are spectrums" design, we are on a roll!
Again, everyone is free to use this design on shirts, stickers, pins, whatever they'd like, as long as they are using it for inclusive purposes! Just don't claim it as your own, please.
The transparent version:
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A second version with a background, for easier viewing:
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From left to right on the top row, there's:
-Non-binary/genderqueer x women (using the trixic flag & maedic flag) -NB/GQ x men (using the toric flag & adonic flag) -NB/GQ x NB/GQ (using the enbian flag) -WLW (using the sapphic flag) -MLM (using the achillean flag) -WLM/MLM (using the duaric flag)
On the left in the middle segment, there's:
-Objectum (with the red picket fence objectum symbol, using the objectum flag) -Auto-spec (with the heart & circle arrow symbol, using the auto-spec flag)
In the very middle, theres the a-spec compass, using the aspec flag
On right in the middle segment, theres
-The monogamy rings -The ethical non-monogamy heart, using the polyamory colors
On the bottom row, from left to right, theres
-The bi- symbol, using the bi flag -The poly-/ply- symbol, using the poly/ply flag -The pan- symbol, using the pan flag -The omni- symbol, using the omni flag -The abro- symbol, using the abro flag
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takethebunny-andrun · 8 months ago
This is something I've needed to hear so I thought I'd say this for any auto spec that needs to hear this too. Your attraction to yourself is not weird or gross. Your love for yourself is as genuine and real as any other relationship. You're not vain or rude for loving yourself. You know yourself better than anyone because unlike others you're always going to be by your side because there's no way to separate yourself from you. I think that's a beautiful thing. Keep being you, and show yourself some love today! <3
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cristi-makes-userboxes · 4 months ago
•──⋅☾ Arospec userboxes ☽⋅──•
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Userboxes for all arospec orientations I could find.
Arospec - aromantic or are closely related to aromanticism when placed on a spectrum ranging from aromantic to alloromantic.
Aegoromantic - those who enjoy the concept of romance but do not have a desire to participate in romantic activities.
Apothiromantic - does not feel any romantic attraction and is repulsed or disgusted by it.
Aroflux - fluctuating between experiencing and not experiencing romantic attraction, or that attraction is being experienced to alternating or changing degrees.
Aromantic - do not experience romantic attraction, or experience little-to-no romantic attraction.
Autoromantic - elicit romantic attraction from themselves, by themselves.
Bellusromantic - having an interest in conventionally romantic things without desiring a relationship.
Cupioromantic - do not experience attraction but do desire a romantic relationship.
Demiromantic - do not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone.
Desinoromantic - do not experience "full-on" romantic attraction, but do experience "liking" someone instead of loving them romantically; the attraction then goes no further.
Frayromantic - only feel romantic attraction to people that they do not have a strong emotional bond with.
Grayromantic - low amounts of romantic attraction, rarely feel romantic attraction, only feel romantic attraction under specific circumstances, or are not sure if they experience romantic attraction.
Lithoromantic - feels romantic attraction but does not want that attraction reciprocated or loses attraction when it is reciprocated.
Nebularomantic - unable to or has a hard time distinguishing romantic attraction from platonic attraction due to being neurodivergent.
Quoiromantic - not being romantically categorizable, being unable to tell the difference between differing kinds of attraction, being unsure about experiencing romantic attraction or not, and/or not feeling the concept of "romantic attraction" to be relevant to oneself.
Recipromantic - only experience romantic attraction after knowing that the other person is romantically attracted to them—that is, when it is reciprocated.
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redacted-coiner · 10 months ago
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Fictosexual, Fictoaroace/Fictorose, Fictoromantic
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Autoromantic, Autorose/Autoaroace, Autosexual (link)
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Demisexual, Demirose/Demiaroace, Demiromantic
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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ahyesthesufferingoftvteens · 6 months ago
*Clears throat into the mic*
Adam is ASPD-coded. He repeatedly has difficulties with empathizing with the other characters in the two seasons. He’s hyper-focused on his goals to the point that he neglects to consider others in mind. He has a tendency to control and dominate in his relationships. These are all ASPD traits listed in the DSM-V.
This is the same guy that was A(. Completely ok with cracking someone trapped in ice and potentially killing them in the process as long as the person inside was not one of his teammates, and B(. Told the fourteen year old redhead with parental issues and self-worth insecurities that the only reason they were put on his team was because “there was an opening, you were available” in the most nonchalant way possible.
Adam from The Hollow does not understand how emotions work but he still tries his best. Like he is genuinely an asshole sometimes but when he knows he does something wrong, he makes up for it because he knows what’s right in the end and he still cares for those who are closest to him. He just needs the consequences of his actions spelled out in big letters sometimes. I love him for that.
As someone who has BPD I love Cluster B personality disorder representation that isn’t demonized! We aren’t inherently monsters! We can choose to be decent people just like a neurotypical person can choose to be a huge jerk.
…Also he’s giving Autoromantic. It’s a vibe. “I mean look at me! How could you resist?” Says Adam, who likely admires himself in a mirror daily and would probably kiss his clone if he had the chance. Good for him. I need the self-love he has. Go on casual dates with hot guys and then treat yourself to a movie night, Adam. Slay.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day.
*Drops mic*
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manyminded · 2 years ago
hey this pride month
shout out to..
aroaces aroallos non-sam aros loveless aros lovequeer aros loveloose aros lovepunk aros aplatonic aros questioning aros auto aros objectum aros aros in qprs aros in romantic relationships
and every other aro out there!!!!
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squidfreak · 1 month ago
NPD autospec & persodivergent autospec
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A flag for people with NPD that are also autospec or persodivergent and autospec!
Requested by an anon!
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lovelessrage · 1 year ago
Make sure you show respect to autospec and objectum people. People who fall under these umbrellas exist in aspec communities and outside of them, and regardless of any other labels they may use, they should not be made to feel unwelcome. Brush up on your understanding of these identities to assure you are welcoming and open. Being autospec or objectum is not a joke or a bit; it's a real way to live, feel, and thrive.
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webby-mogai · 10 months ago
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auto-fictosexual / auto-fictoromantic
[pt: auto-fictosexual / auto-fictoromantic /end pt]
auto- and ficto- orientations where one is attracted to a fictional(ized) version of oneself. most often in the case of introject & kin, but can also be used to describe an attraction to a self insert, or anything similar.
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[flag 1 id: a rectangular pride flag with 6 horizontal stripes. the 4th-5th are thinner than the rest, and in the center is a circle with a black outline. the colors top down are: black, light blue, pale bluish purple. purple, grey and black, and the circle is a pale purple-pink color. /end id]
[flag 1 id: a rectangular pride flag with 6 horizontal stripes. the 4th-5th are thinner than the rest, and in the center is a circle with a black outline. the colors top down are: black, light blue, light green, desaturated forest green, grey and black, and the circle is green. /end id]
[divider id: a thin divider of an old-school grey scrollbar scrolling side to side. /end id]
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chronicallyleggless · 2 months ago
Hehehe blog takeover (*^‿^*)
Eliza (me) misc pack
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despairsviscera · 2 months ago
Rewatching the P&F 2D movie and I don't think I've ever caught this before but 2D!Monogram says that 2D!Doof would "probably wanna see" our Doof because he's "into that freaky sort of stuff". Which leads me to one conclusion... 2D!Doof is the type of person to reply with these answers on the infamous clone question
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And is most also likely autospec in some form. Dude wants to get freaky with himself and I respect that to hell and back. And I'm only a little upset I never caught onto that before now.
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