45 posts
hi! I'm kay! i use they/it pronouns and im agender, aromatic, cupioromantic, and pansexual! i love melanie martinez and im in the bluey and gravity falls fandom! i am also a therian (theriotypes: black cat, calico cat, sea otter, golden retriever, and darwins fox) and fictionkin (kintype: nyan cat). another note about me is that im a pagan witch! and i have adhd (current hyperfixation: mushrooms).
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
Happy Mabon!!!!
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
If your having a bad day
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
here's some witch thing to do for Mabon (mah-bawn) (also know as the Autumn Equinox, or Pagan Thanksgiving) since its saturday!
• make stew to celebrate the gifts (aka crops) that the earth has given us (even better if it has squash in it)
• eat stuff with apples and squash!
• set out an offering for the wildlife
• eat pomegranate in honor (idk the right word to use there) of Persephony
• relock your mirrors, recharge your wards, cleanse stuff, ect.
• journal what you've done this year so far
• set your home up for winter
and here something bigger that I would suggest doing is taking a healing bath.
put some healing herbs in your bath and corresponding crystals and candles (the candles and crystals are optional). here's a list of herbs im going to use: dried rosemary, apple slices, bay leaves, thyme, dried rose pedals, spearmint leaves, himalayan pink salt, blackberries, and cucumber. the crystals im using: clear quartz, rose quartz, moonstone, aquamarine, and jasper. and im going to use some ocean water, too (if you have an ocean near you, you can use ocean water). and here are the candles im using and the meaning that im using that color for:
white (peace, purity, spiritual)
blue (calmness)
pink (emotional healing, self love)
green (physical healing)
yellow (comfort, joy)
also, if you want to use different herbs and crystals then me visit pinecone pub on the ✨ interwebs ✨ and click the get started button and type in 'heal' or ' healing' (of course with out the 's) in the search and a list of stuff would come up (herbs and crystals) that you can put in your healing bath.
Mabon simmer pot:
what you'll need:
• an orange
• rosemary (dried or fresh)
• an apple
• cinnamon sticks
• rose pedals (dried or fresh)
how to:
(1. cut up your orange and apple into slices.
(2. start heating up a pot of water on a stove
(3. add in your orange slices, apple, rose pedals, rosemary, and cinnamon sticks.
(4. let simmer.
and a little extra tip for this coming autumn, the stuff that makes up pumpkin spice, all of those herds can be used for protection. so if you like pumpkin spice, there's a little excuse to eat more stuff with pumpkin spice in it.
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
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1990s FTM portraits by trans photographer Dean Kotula (featured in his book The Phallus Place read here)
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
hi, im kay. and I want to do a very serious post.
A large note, this post is not recommended to be read by children.
Another note, this post contains information about topics such as suicide and n*z!s.
Our democracy is falling apart in the usa. If a conservative president is elected in 2024, so many people including trans people, queer people, autistic people, neurodivergent people, mentally and physically handicapped people, and even people of color. If a conservative president gets elected the only safe people with be old christian conservative white men. If a conservative president get elected in 2024 A bill called 'bill 2025' will be released indangering trans people, lgbt people, mentally and/or physically handicapped people, and neurodivergent people. The people that I just listed will be labeled as threats to society and put in 'detention centers'. And for the people who say 'well trans people are indangering our children' no they aren't. They are not pedophiles, infact most pedophiles are old white conservative men. And no one is forcing you or you're kid to be trans, the representation of muted voices is not forcing your kid to be trans. And d.d you know that 25% of trans people altogether commit suicide? And a even higher percentage of trans kids commit suicide. And if a conservative president gets elected all trans healthcare will be gone. Do you think that's going to help trans suicide rates? At this point the government is fine with trans people and trans CHILDREN killing themselves because they are different. Plus, suicide rates are already high enough and with all the terrible bills that are going to be pasted it will only grow higher. The conservative government are trying to eliminate the people that they don't like. You know who else did that? Adolf Hitler and the nazis. So now anyone who is lgbt, handicapped, or neurodivergent is indangered to a nazi like government. People like me (A neurodivergent trans lgbt pagan minor) are scared for their life. Now their are basically Nazis walking around our cities. And im not even going to get started with the anti-abortion bills and stuff like the don't say gay bill.
And they call the United States 'the land of the free'.
please vote Democratic next year.
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
time to make some witches angry!
you are not a reincarnated from the salem witch trials.
if you believe you are, sorry to break it to you hun, but your wrong.
there's a few problems with this, (1. only 25 people where executed, their are not enough souls to go around. (2. the people who were executed were not witches but normal christian people. they were just doing stuff that wasn't regular in the community and got accused of witchcraft because it wasn't normal in the community.
has my point been proven yet?
and before i get super attacked I am a pagan witch who does believe in reincarnation. so i am not 'sticking my nose in others business' i am putting my opinion out in my own community, which is, in fact, my business.
and feel free to attack me, block me, tell me how im oh so wrong, but my opinion will still stand indifferent.
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
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i am addicted. i got these books at barns & noble and i can say i am addicted to buying witchcraft books. i was going to get a book on runes and a book on practical magic, too... but at that point i already spent $50 (USD).... next time....
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
a little witchcraft tip, if you have leftover coffee pour it into a baking tray, and soak a piece of paper in it for 2-5 minutes and take it out and let it dry. Coffee can be used to make spells, manifestations, and intents stronger. what i do is cut a small square of it and write a good intent and a sigil on it and then burn it. but you can use it in spells, to burn, and other thing like that.
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
to all of the boomers
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
This sign makes this "devil" guy sound pretty nice 🤔
- a pagan witch
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
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i found these amazing books at BJ's that i oh so needed. they were $14.99 USD (the contemporary witch) and $19.99 USD (1001 crystals), and these are my first witchcraft books so i splurged and decided to get them 😅
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
(please reed all of this)
trans men are men.
trans women are women.
trans children are valid.
cis or cisgender isn't a slur.
nonbinary people are valid.
genderfluid people are valid.
agender people are valid.
aromantics, asexuals, and aroace people are valid.
bisexuals are valid.
pansexual are valid.
polyamorous people are valid.
neopronouns are valid
xenopronouns are valid
xenogenders are valid.
they/them pronouns are valid.
it/its pronouns are valid.
therians are valid.
furries are valid.
otherkin are valid.
neurodivergencey is normal.
stimming is normal.
autism is normal.
adhd is normal.
systems are valid.
age reggresion is valid.
witchcraft is completely fine to use.
paganism is valid.
theistic satanism is valid.
polytheitic satanism is valid.
luciferianism is valid.
demonalotry is valid.
worshiping deities or ancient gods/goddesses are valid.
this should be common sense but to some people it isn't. if you do not agree with one or more of these please don't interact with my blog. If you agree with these feel free to check out my blog. i am a agender cupioromantic pansexual minor named kay. I love mushrooms, bluey, melanie martinez, and gravity falls. im also a fictionkin and a polytherian. if you are interested in my blog , read the dni (should by at the top, i pinned it) and follow me!
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
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indigo milk cap (lactarius indigo)
note!! please do not pick and eat mushrooms by yourself! it is very easy to pick up the wrong mushroom and I could be poisonous!
the indigo milk cap is a bright blue colored mushroom that grows throughout north america, east asia, france, and central america.
this mushroom is edible. it has a bitter almost peppery taste to it, and the flesh of this mushroom is also very firm.
common places for this mushroom can be found are: gulf of mexico's coast, mexico, guatemala, along the appalachian mountain range, arizona, california, virginia, (one county in) texas, china, india, costa rica, and south france.
the indigo milk cap has a depressed cap, pretty tightly pack gills, and a square shaped stem. the flesh is also blue and once exposed to air for awhile will turn a greenish color. and the milk of the indigo milk cap tried a greenish color.
in early stages of life the indigo milk cap is wet and slimy but grow dry and brittle once the mushroom is established and older.
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
I think an mushroom obsession is growing within me....
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
˖ ࣪ . 🌱 ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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☆ normalise alterhumans that don’t fit the “therian” stereotype
☆ normalise alterhumans that don’t experience shifts
☆ normalise alterhumans that have common kintypes; or kintypes that are considered unusual
☆ normalise alterhumans that don’t wear “gear”
☆ normalise alterhumans that awakened later in life
☆ normalise alterhumans that keep their identity a secret
☆ normalise alterhumans that don’t yet know their kintype; or have mistaken kintypes
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alterhumanity is a personal identity. it is a unique, individual experience for everyone.
our community is so important; your alterhuman identity is valid. ‹𝟹
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its-kayyyy · 1 year ago
It's all a matter of perspective. "I can't fall in love" sounds tragic but "I'm immune to love" sounds fucking badass
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