#autism imagination gif
ace-lemonade · 4 months
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there's so much going in this one scene: the way laios doesn't even hesistate to nap on marcille, chilchuck immediately pulling a blanket over him, the little satyrs jumping over a gate
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fandomxo00 · 13 hours
Ok but imagine:
Your first autistic burnout with Logan
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It was days like today that got you. It didn't happen all at once you noticed that things begin to get harder. Self care was a necessity but sometimes you just didn't have energy for it. For you it felt like time was speeding up, like you thought it was Friday but it's really Monday. Like the world spinning but your stuck where you are. That your trying to process every day and everything that happens but it's already tomorrow.
But you don't stop pushing yourself, they tell you have to push through. That you have the break time you need so why would you need anymore? That you barely taught any classes anyway, barely a teacher there. You felt selfish most of the time because if you listened to yourself you'd try to put yourself first. But no one else understands you? Unless your autistic it's hard to understand what it feels like to be burnout.
You started having bad mood swings, unable to regulate your emotions, as you usually would be to. It was hard to get around, to do just about anything because your body was tired. Your mind was fatigued, and the wrong words come out of your mouth a lot easier. Because you weren't acting normal you usually started beating yourself up because you shouldn't feel this tired. You shouldn't feel like even breathing can be hard for you. Which in these moments because a problem because of your unrelentless anxiety about having to put your mind to anything, or having to be social situations that you didn't want to be in.
But you had to show up for your job or you were going to lose it. Charles could only be so patient with you right? Even with accommodations in place, there was a certain point where you felt like in other people's brains there was no coming back, you just didn't want to get better. That you decided one day that you were just coming to become depressed. For so long doctors who didn't know you assumed you were bipolar, though you didn't have manic epsiodes. You just really intense happiness that could last for a little while but it was usually because you were in a mood swing.
Logan was instantly drawn to the moment he met you. You had the same type of darkness he recognized in himself. When you looked at him you had the same pain in his eyes that were reflected in his. The two of you had gone through very different pain and trauma, but when he learned about yours it didn't think it was any easier. Not with the mental and emotional manipulation you grew up with. The hours you spent alone and isolated because the world was simply too much for you. That you rather stay in your little bubble and never leave.
You'd been doing good for so long, you could have a bad day or a bad week, but you always got back up. Logan had never seen you practically paralyzed. You could barely keep your eyes open, you could barely move without groaning or crying, it was like your limbs were almost lifeless.
The room was pitch black, something he knew you didn't like. You always had a night light on, and now you couldn't even open your eyes long enough. You'd even covered your ears when he tried talking to you, a faint 'shh' coming out of your mouth. He felt the pain shoot through him as he saw the pain all over your face, you almost looked lifeless. Logan spoke quietly as he checked on you, before reaching for his hand and grasping on tightly while you started to cry. "What's wrong?" He whispered.
"I-is just too much." You bawled. "H-hold me tight please." Logan's arms wrapped around you without hesitation, listening to you as you laid your head against his chest, his arms tight around your body.
Eventually you needed space, feeling almost suffocated, but you didn't want him to leave. You didn't know how to communicate this, your own anxiety of just having to talk practically making you mute. You just climbed away from him, before whispering, "Stay." Laying your head on the pillow, and he laid next to you. You moved forward eventually, wanting the comfort of his hand in yours. Logan traced your features with his hazel green eyes, trying to make sure he was prepared for whatever you were feeling. Trying to understand something that he knew you couldn't explain to him right now.
All he knew was that you needed him and he wasn't going anywhere.
note: cried while writing this, i'm sorry i'm not filling in requests rn feeling a lot executive dysfunction and just trying to remain positive.
tags: @ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland @bubblegumholland
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veeluvss · 2 months
Hey I really love your stuff abt jj having an autistic child. Could you please post more of that it’s amazing
Hii! Sorry this took so long, I was struggling for inspo but here you are! Just under 2k words. I've left CJ's age up for interpretation as it makes it more universal to insert yourself if you wanted. I hope you all enjoy !
Little Brother
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“Good morning, sunshine,” JJ said softly as CJ, her daughter, came down the stairs. CJ stopped mid-step and examined the room. It was past 9 am which meant Mom was meant to be at work. “Come on, kiddo. It’s just Mom,” Will said from behind her. CJ took a quick look up the stairs at her dad and then skipped down the rest of the stairs to get out of his way. However, she refused to enter the kitchen. Why was Mom in there?
“Don’t you want breakfast? Come on, slow coach,” JJ said. CJ examined the pancakes on the table. Pancakes were her favourite but it was Wednesday and that was cereal day. CJ looked up at the menu on the side of the wall and JJ followed her gaze. Sure enough, Wednesdays were cereal days. “Do you want me to make your cereal?” JJ asked and CJ instantly nodded, coming into the kitchen. JJ smiled and began making it. CJ explored the messy kitchen with her eyes. There were piles of clothes everywhere, and bowls of food for breakfast. There were also baby bottles all over the place for the new baby. CJ was unsure about the new addition to the family. He was going to change things. He already had changed things. Mom was meant to be at work. But instead she was here messing up her morning routine. “Sit down, sweetheart,” JJ said. She had the bowl of cereal in her hand. CJ looked at her chair and saw a baby’s car seat on it and huffed, crossing her arms. The mess was overwhelming and the whole morning was going wrong. Will noticed quickly and moved the car seat to another seat so CJ could sit down. CJ slid into her seat and didn’t say anything.  JJ set the cereal in front of her and kissed her head. CJ leaned her head back so JJ could kiss her nose and lips. JJ smiled at their little routine and kissed her nose and lips one after the other. “Eat up.” 
After breakfast, CJ went to her bedroom to do school work. Being the way she was, CJ didn’t fit in well at mainstream public school. JJ and Will had tried private school but CJ struggled there too. Instead, they settled on homeschooling. It meant CJ could work at her own pace, in her own routine without it being messed up by too many outside factors. She was busy working on algebra when she heard the baby cry for the fifth time that hour. How was she expected to concentrate in such a noisy environment? She covered her ears and screeched angrily. She kicked out her legs in frustration and waited for the crying to subside. It didn’t. Getting more and more frustrated with the incessant screaming, CJ marched from her bedroom and down the hall to the baby’s nursery. She hadn’t even been in the room yet, unsure about the new baby. She hated all the change. Although her parents had warned her and she had nine months to prepare, everyone knew she’d never be ready. 
CJ approached the bedroom door and hesitated as she touched the handle. The metal was cold under her hand but she pushed open the door nonetheless. Inside, JJ was sitting in the rocking chair with Henry in her lap. He was crying and it was louder now and CJ resisted covering her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to seem unbrave in front of her mum. Instead, she stood there motionless, in the doorway watching the screeching baby and struggling mum. It didn’t take long for JJ to notice her daughter in the doorway though. 
“Hey, baby. Can you do me a favour?” JJ asked, smiling slightly. CJ didn’t respond, only looked up from Henry to her mum. “Downstairs in the fridge, there’s two bottles. Can you grab the left one and bring it up to me? He’s not feeding and I’m sore.” “Why?” CJ asked, not moving from the doorway. “I’ll answer when you come back with the bottle. Please, Cee.” JJ was desperate. She’d been trying to get Henry to breastfeed for half an hour and he was only getting more hungry and JJ was getting more stressed and now Will had gone to work, it was even more stressful alone because she couldn’t just get up and go get the bottle from the fridge because she was in too much pain from the birth. Walking hurt, especially the stairs. 
Henry cried out louder and CJ covered her ears and stepped back. Why did she have to get a bottle? “It’ll make him be quiet, baby,” JJ explained. That made sense. Stick a bottle in his mouth and he’d stop crying. CJ sped down the stairs and to the fridge. She picked up the left one and took it up to her brother’s nursery but she stopped at the door. It wasn’t her bedroom to enter, she didn’t have permission, plus it smelt bad - like babies. “Bring it here, please, I can’t walk well,” JJ said. CJ shook her head and set the bottle on the floor. “CJ, I need you to hand it to me. You can come in, it’s okay,” JJ sighed. She didn’t want to get frustrated at her daughter but the crying was giving her a headache and it shouldn’t be this hard to have a baby. CJ looked around the room nervously. It was a light cream colour with a safari animal themed banner around it. The bottom of the room was light blue, like the blanket wrapped around the baby. JJ sighed again. “CJ, now, please,” JJ said, holding out her hand. CJ picked up the bottle, scurried across the room, handed it to her mum and ran back out again. She stood in the doorway with her hands over her ears. 
JJ thanked her daughter quickly and put the bottle in her son’s mouth. The crying subsided and the sobs turned to quick gurgles of milk. JJ sighed in relief and looked up at CJ who was still in the doorway. Her hands were at her sides, curled into angry fists. It had been three days since JJ had brought the baby home and CJ hadn’t interacted with him once. JJ knew it was going to take time but hoped it’d be quicker than this. 
“You want to come say hello?” JJ asked, trying to keep her voice calm. CJ shook her head quickly and ran back down the hallway to finish her homework now it was quiet. 
Soon after, Henry was fast asleep. JJ leaned over, wincing quietly in pain, and put him in his basket before heading to her daughter’s room. She knew she’d have to talk to her after the stress of the morning. She didn’t like the change herself. She went from being there for her daughter 24/7 to having to put her daughter aside for her newborn. Usually, understanding CJ’s needs, she was patient and if CJ expressed that she didn’t want to do something, for whatever reason, she was never forced. But the bottle was needed and she knew she couldn’t walk from one side of the room to pick it up off the floor to then walk and sit back down. She hated that Will had gone back to work and she hated that she wasn’t yet feeling her best. She wanted to help CJ but she knew CJ didn’t appreciate her being home at all. It messed with her routine, as had everything recently. She could understand how out of sorts CJ was feeling.
She knocked on her daughter’s door three times, their little code, before CJ granted her entry. “Come in,” came the small voice. “Hi, baby,” JJ replied. “Hi,” CJ said. She was playing on her nintendo switch, curled in her sensory corner. After the whole bottle and crying incident, she couldn’t focus on her work so packed it up, deciding to unwind with her game instead. JJ smiled at the cute sight and headed further into the room, she curled up beside her daughter, being careful of her stitches and watched CJ racing. The corner was JJ’s favourite part of their house. It had two beenbagds, lots of blankets and stuffies, a big teddy bear as well as books, sensory toys and fairy lights. Around it was a sheer canopy with more twinkly lights on. It was CJ’s unwind space but JJ often used it herself to unwind after a case. If it was bad, she’d sneak in after her daughter was asleep and just lay on the beanbags for ten or so minutes before heading to bed with Will or even sometimes sneaking in with CJ. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, baby,” JJ whispered and rested her head on CJ’s. Their blonde hair weaved together to make a seamless bundle. CJ shrugged. She was never very good with apologies. But JJ knew that was an acceptance. A shake of the head was a no but a shrug was a yes and she was grateful her daughter didn’t take it to heart. “You want to come see Henry now he’s sleeping?” JJ suggested. CJ looked up at her mum. She was interested in the tiny human occupying her home and her space but she also was weirded out by it. “He’s just asleep so we’d have to be quiet,” JJ smiled and ran her fingers through CJ’s hair. Not like CJ was ever particularly loud anyway. She was partially nonverbal and never spoke around strangers and rarely around family or friends. Only on really good days could her parents get good conversation out of her. CJ nodded and turned off her game, shocking JJ. She was expecting a no. “Come on, then,” JJ muttered and stood up slowly, using the bed as support. CJ watched her injured mum and sighed, she didn’t like that the baby had hurt her. She didn’t like seeing her mum hurt. “I’m okay, baby,” JJ reassured CJ and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Together, they walked down the hallway. 
CJ peered over the side of the basket, just about tall enough to see in. He was small, tiny even. He had a little button nose and long, blonde eyelashes. CJ looked up at her mum and then down at the baby boy. He looked a little like the dolls people used to buy her. She never played with them, she never understood how to play make believe. She used to just stare at them or shove them as far down her toy box as she could because she hated the noises they would make. No one bought her toys anymore. “What do you think, sunshine?” JJ asked. CJ thought for a moment, what did she think? “Pretty,” she muttered. “He is pretty. He’s your little brother.” CJ nodded, understanding. A brother. She still didn’t like the noises he made or the way he moved and wriggled or the way he smelt but maybe, just maybe, she could get used to the way he slept, silently and still. Maybe a new brother wasn’t so bad.
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emodaryls · 6 months
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Father!Daryl Dixon/Autistic!Child headcanons
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Daryl would try his hardest to meet their needs. Going on runs to find headphones/earplugs, sunglasses, things with a texture they like, comfort foods, clothes that aren’t too overstimulating, whatever they need.
If they have sensitive hearing and didn’t bring their headphones/earplugs with them, he’d place his hands on their ears to block out loud noise as best as he could.
His poncho would probably bring comfort to his kid. Smelling like him, being a decent texture, them liking to just feel the fabric pattern. He’d hand it over to them whenever they’re overstimulated so they can get calmed.
If they like physical contact and pressure, he’d give big tight bear hugs, holding and squeezing them close for as long as they need. If his kid doesn’t like pressure and physical contact, he’d keep physical touch to a minimum to not make them uncomfortable.
He would never forgive himself if he were the reason why his kid was overstimulated and upset. He’d never want to be the reason why.
If they were all fidgety and pretty much on the verge of freaking out, he’ll hold their hands until they calm down. (But not without asking if it’s okay first!)
During meltdowns he’d be there for them, making sure they’re okay. After their meltdown he’ll give them time to calm down and rest, since meltdown might be very draining for them.
Overall I think he would be very supportive!! Ran out of ideas… might make a part 2
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Top 10 Tolkien Characters to be with Neurodivergent Partners.
1. Boromir
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2. Glorfindel
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3. Elrond
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4. Aragorn
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5. Arwen
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6. Bilbo
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7. Faramir
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8. Eowyn
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9. Kili
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10. Thranduil
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Might do headcanons for these one day x
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
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Magical Mystery Tour Stimboard
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sweetreliever · 1 month
nick x platonic!autistic!reader headcanon
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the second you told nick your diagnosis, he was very understanding and made sure to support you every way,
"you're autistic? i'll make sure to support you every way, social cues, overloads, meltdowns, etc!"
"thanks nick you don't have to-" he cuts you off, wiggling his finger
"ah ah ah! what did i say before?"
stores were a struggle, and nick knew,
you tap his shoulder "its too much" you say, the walmart was huge and you could immediately get lost, nick made sure you had your headphones and music, along with your fidgets too
post meltdowns felt embarrassing but nick didn't make it feel like that
"i'm sorry i cried over none of my safe foods being here i'm a burden, i know!" you cry before nick stops you
"hey hey hey," nick assures you, wiping your tears from your cheeks, "you are not a burden, you're my best friend, and i've commited to taking care of you and making sure you're well."
you pull nick into graceful hug, what did he do to deserve you?
taglist! @lovesturni0l0s @cherib3lla @rubyperic-09 @weirdratperson @dominicfikeenthusiast @bratzforchris @mattsbrowser @nicksbestie
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soullessjack · 3 months
something i was thinking about at work is jacks insecurity about being a burden to the Winchesters + Cas and how much that fits into the autistic lens of his character. obviously it starts with the fact that Sam and Dean were essentially forced into taking care of him at first because of the circumstances surrounding. Literally everything. but it goes beyond that all the way to jack just being what he is and that being inherently dangerous.
for one thing, the bunker (Jack’s only beloved home ever)
initially, the only reason sam and dean agreed to take Jack back to the bunker at all was to safeguard the public from his then-uncontrolled powers, and in last holiday mrs butters also suggests that they’re only keeping him there so he can’t destroy anyone else like he did mary (which jack doesn’t even fight against so.. maybe he’s fine with it being that way?)
then when you come to jacks powers themselves:
they are fundamentally [part of] what makes him different. they’re part of what makes jack dangerous. he can’t have public meltdowns or show extreme anger (or even any frustration, really) without there being consequences — the consequences of someone else getting hurt-or-worse by him, and him being perceived more negatively & fearfully each time it happens. those consequences are just added to the burden jack feels he brings to his family, which breeds guilt and frustration in jack for how he feels he’s affecting them and disappointing their expectations.
this in turn is why jack is so abrasive whenever the guys try to comfort or reassure him. it’s rejection sensitive dysphoria with a little more C4 to it, basically. and speaking from my own experiences, when you’re constantly in a state of low self image or rejection sensitivity, it creates a cycle of eggshell walking and people pleasing—putting all of your focus and energy into managing the feelings of others because you assume the slightest slip-up will make them upset or disappointed or even hate you.
you react to the idea of being rejected before it even happens, and even if it doesn’t happen, because at the core of it all you already perceive yourself in a rejective way.
and that’s exactly what happened between jack and mary after he tortured Nick.
after he’s done, jack turns to mary, ‘flushed with pride’ and grinning about what he did. it was cathartic and sickeningly enjoyable to do. but when he sees the horror on her face as she just says “what did you do?” his pride ‘curdles to shame.’ he’s already sensing rejection for what he’s done, and tries to justify it to mary, and somewhat console her; Nick was a killer who deserved it, and Sam and Dean would’ve been grateful for his death. if Mary thinks something is wrong with him for what he did then she’s the one who’s wrong, actually.
mary (honestly god bless her for still being sympathetic & patient with jack after that) just gently tries to tell him: “something’s wrong. it’s not your fault. you just need help and we’ll help you because you’re family and we love you,” but all jack hears is “something is wrong with you and it scares me. YOU scare me. I’m going to tell the others that something is wrong with you and they’ll be scared of you, too.” **
I don’t think i need to explain in-depth how jack loves his family a very normal and healthy amount, but suffice it to say that he’s established to have a deep fear of, and inability/unwillingness to accept, losing them. he can’t think about it because he hates thinking about it. he’d do anything for them (like self sacrifice or slowly burning a man alive) and to be with them again (like necromancy and unleashing biblical plagues upon nonbelievers).
so when jack perceives that the Winchesters would reject/hate/fear him because of what he did to nick—because there’s something wrong with him—he starts spiraling right there, and he can’t accept that Mary still loves him and wants to help him; he doesn’t even think he can be helped. he can’t deal with any of the rejections he’s perceiving and just wants to be left alone…..
I was going to try and reroute this post back to the whole burden thing, but it’s 3am and I’m losing my train of thought. TLDR i just think it’s very autistic for jacks nature to be narratively framed as both a burden and a threat and also something that just wants to be loved for what it is even though it knows it’s difficult ……. yeagj
**additionally i think he does the same when Rowena refuses to help but I’m getting too sleepy to write that in
Goodnight everypony (<__>)
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fuzzyspiderpawz · 1 month
what if I did something wild…. crazy….. WACKY…. even…..
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sydney-grimes10198 · 2 years
Daryl Dixon x Grimes! Autistic!Reader/platonic relationship
Warnings: none
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You are special, that’s at least what dad and mom called you. They never meant it in a hurtful way, they really found you as a gift. You always saw the good in the world even after the world went to shit. You still saw the good.
Throughout your time with the group, even after the prison and Alexandria you have always found the good in people, hell you even tried to reason with Negan when you met him, which caused you a lot of emotional damage; but still somehow didn’t break your spirits.
If anyone wanted you to be protected it would be your dad, Rick Grimes, but of course with your spirits being so innocent; it also captured the attention of another person; an archer for that matter.
Daryl Dixon found it quite hard to keep you away from him, he wasn’t a people person, but you seemed to just latch onto him, and always be around him. He just found out you longed for father figures and he just happened to be one you picked.
Rick told him, he doesn’t know why you choose men who seem like they would be a safety for you to become a father figure but you do so anyways. Rick doesn’t mind it at all, he’s more then happy you find comfort in more people then just him.
There would be times when you’d be over excited or just over nervous and have yourself not being able to stop moving, you’d either be swaying back and forth or twiddling with your shirt; or just moving your hands around a lot. You seemed to always do that; Daryl watched you closely just to understand you more.
You would never like large crowds, lots of loud noises, textures as well; you weren’t fond of some things. One thing though you found comfort in was Daryl’s poncho; for some reason not of being known to him, you loved the feeling of it and would often fiddle with it when you were overstimulated.
Daryl knew when you were overstimulated and he would often take you outside of the house in Alexandria or just if you two were on a run, he would stop and let you calm down. He would always have something handy for you, either his poncho or if it wasn’t in hand, he would hold you and let you recollect your thoughts and sometimes he’d even place his gloved hands over your ears to keep you from hearing lots of different noises.
Daryl always seemed to know what to do, he would do anything for you if he could, you were like a daughter to him. He knew he would protect you no matter what.
Daryl once during the party at Alexandria in the beginning; he was outside during it and saw you walking out; you seemed frantic. He came to you and asked you what was the matter; realizing the noise and buster of the party must have triggered you, he sat you against a tree outside with him and held you while you fiddled with his poncho and matched your breathing with his. He could never tell why you found such comfort in him but you did. He would make sure the world knew you were under the safety of Daryl Dixon as well.
Daryl found it quite interesting when he realized you could hear sounds he couldn’t even hear, the problem with your over sensitivity to things, came your crazy hearing. He of course could hear well because he grew up a hunter, but you? You could hear the smallest things; saved his ass quite a bit. The only issue with your hearing is that it caused you to be overstimulated and overwhelmed a lot easier, especially when there’s lots of different noises. When there’s too much going on your brain can’t process it and just kind of reboots, it’s hard becuase you’ll just blank out and have your ears pop and ring until you hear everything again.
Daryl would always try to take you to places where there wouldn’t be lots of noise. Runs were a favorite for you two, mostly because it was quiet and it was just you two, a few walkers and the forest beyond.
All I can say is Daryl protecting and letting an autistic young adult be so close to him is indeed a rare sight but once you see his love and care for that person; no one would stand in his way.
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gaydexvocaloid · 1 year
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123countwithme · 8 months
Have them! Take them! Use them!
I made them for the fandom since I have only seen about 3 gifs so I'm restocking the shelves!
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ericcarrsworshipper · 8 months
Tbh my little imagination maladaptive daydreaming world of me and Eric may make me delulu but idc bc it is my only source of happiness. And it means. Even if its just in my mind. For a little while. He's still alive and happy.
Idk maybe no one else relates. Maybe it's only me. But I can be happy in my own world. Away from my life.
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veeluvss · 2 months
I loved your JJ x autistic daughter fics, and it got me wondering what Emily Prentiss would be like with an autistic daughter. I love your writing, and was wondering if you would consider writing one like this? Thanks!
Hii! Thank you for your ask, here is Emily with an autistic daughter :)
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Monday morning came around quicker than the Prentiss duo wanted it to. Having had the weekend off, Emily was feeling refreshed and ready for another working week. She was ready to see her team again and hoped they felt as refreshed as she did. However, she didn’t want her weekend to end. She’d had a lovely weekend with her daughter. They’d gone to the aquarium as it was their favourite place. They’d both done their homework in their office, they’d had two movie nights and a whole movie day on Sunday. They just spent as much time together as possible. It was rare they both had a free weekend so it was nice to hang out together. 
Miley was still in bed, not wanting to go to school whatsoever. She hated it at the moment. She hated school in general, ever since she could remember. But Emily didn’t like her to stay home alone and be homeschooled whilst she worked and boarding school could never be an option. She was in a private school, which meant Emily didn’t like Miley missing days or even classes because it was expensive. Being the way she was, Miley didn’t have many friends. She struggled to interact with people and hold conversations for long periods of time. People thought she was weird because she never looked at them whilst she was talking. On top of that, she was super smart, smarter than the rest of the kids in her class. Like Spencer Reid, her uncle, she had an eidetic memory. She could revise so easily and retain information with a blink. She was in the year above the normal at school which meant she was a year younger than her classmates. Which made it even harder for her to make friends. And today, her best friend Daisy, wasn’t in. Daisy was Miley’s rock. She was older but she took Miley under her wing and they did everything together. Daisy was often at the Prentiss household with having such a busy household herself. However, Daisy was on a field trip with her geography class and Miley wasn’t chosen to go which meant a whole day without her other half. She couldn’t face it alone, not the bullies. 
“Miles, come on it’s nearly 8,” Emily said, entering her daughter’s room. “I’m not going,” Miley said, matter of factly. “Oh yes you are, come on, up.” Emily pulled the covers off her daughter’s head and walked to open the curtains. “No, I’m not.” “Yes, you are, Miley. School is non-negotiable.” Emily was strict in her voice. She was adamant on Miley going to school, on top of that, she hated leaving her home alone and she couldn’t take her into the office with her today as they had a big staff meeting. “Hurry up or I’m going to be late for work,” Emily said as she left the room. Miley groaned loudly and pulled the cover back up over her head. She couldn’t sleep anymore but she did not want to go in. If she wasn’t ready, her mum couldn’t force her. 
“Young lady if you’re not out of bed, I’m going to be very upset,” Emily said as she came back down the hallway. “It’s 7.55 and you’re not even dressed. What is going on?” “I told you, I’m not going in.” “And I’ve told you, school is non-negotiable.” “But Daisy isn’t in. I’ll be alone.” 
Emily sighed, she knew how important Daisy was to Miley’s school life but that really was no excuse to miss a whole day of learning. Deep down, she knew her girl was clever enough to miss a day here or there, she knew she’d catch up easily. But at the same time, she had to put her foot down. Daisy wasn’t going to be there for Miley every day of her life in the future and with college coming up, they couldn’t afford to be as attached as they still were. “You can survive one day without Daisy,” Emily said, her tone softening. She walked to her daughter’s wardrobe and pulled out an outfit. A cute skirt and sweater as now it had got colder. 
“No. I can’t,” Miley groaned from under the covers. The idea of the bullies terrified her. As soon as they saw her alone today, they were going to attack her - she could feel it. “And why can’t you?” Emily sat on the side of the bed and pulled down the covers to see her daughter’s face. She needed to have a conversation about it because there was clearly something else bothering Miley. Miley paused. She couldn’t tell her mum about the bullies because then she’d march straight into the school, attempt to do something about it and it would fail and then the bullying would only get worse. “Come on, spit it out,” Emily said. “I just can’t,” Miley said and rolled over so she didn’t have to look at her mum. “Miley,” Emily sighed. “Come on, kiddo. I know there’s something going on.” “There’s nothing going on.” Miley hated lying to her mum but she knew she would try and help and only make it worse. “Is it the bullies again?” Emily asked, her voice gentle and understanding. Miley didn’t respond. She couldn’t say no now, not now she’d got it right. “How long has it been going on for?” Emily followed up her question, taking the no response as a response. “Daisy makes it better,” Miley managed to squeak out between her growing tears. She didn’t want to cry, she was an overly emotional person. She sniffed and Emily sighed quietly. “I know she does but she won’t be there forever.” “She will,” Miley replied, trying to keep her voice strong. Emily wasn’t an emotional person so having an emotional daughter made things difficult for her. She accommodated Miley’s needs when she needed to, she was a good mum in that sense but when she started crying out of nowhere, it made it hard for Emily to respond. She knew she needed a cuddle. 
Slowly, Emily laid down on the bed behind Miley and wrapped an arm around her torso. Miley quickly rolled over and cuddled herself into her mum. She knew her mum often didn’t know what to say when she was crying so silence and hugs helped. 
Once her tears subsided, Emily pulled back and brushed some wet, black hair from Miley’s face. “It’ll be okay. Do you want me to come in and speak to your teachers?” Emily asked. “Please, no,” Miley replied and began playing with her mum’s hair. The time was 8.15 and if Emily didn't’ leave now, she’d be late. She sighed and nodded. “How about you come with me today?” Emily asked. Miley, taken aback at the suggestion, looked up at Emily with shock. “But you said -” “I know what I said but clearly this is impacting you more than I realised. We have to put your mental health and wellbeing above a bit of school,” Emily explained. “But what about the money?” “Forget about the money, sweetheart. That’s my worry not yours. Plus, it’s one day. Daisy will be back to school tomorrow and so will you,” Emily said. Miley felt  weight lift off her shoulders and she smiled widely, pulling her mum into a hug. “Thank you for understanding,” she whispered. “I’ll always listen to you, you just have to talk to me,” Emily replied. “Now get dressed, I’ve got a meeting at 9 I can't be late for.”
The team loved having Miley, their little helper around for the day and Miley loved it too. She loved all of the BAU family, especially JJ and Penelope. They’d known her the longest and they all got along so well. She loved that her mum had listened to her and understood her needs for the day. She loved her mum, her very own Unit Chief. 
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Sherlock Masterlist
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Crushes Brother is in debt to him
Crime boss kidnapping S/o
Sherlock vs Moriarty
Demon Queen S/o
Comforting S/o after watching a Scary Movie
Mycroft vs Moriarty
Kidnapping Headcannons
Bloody Wedding
Famous S/o getting creepy gifts
Pregnant S/o Escaping
S/o pregnant with Sherlocks Child
Jealous cause S/os getting attention at the Gym
S/o Breaking Down over a Halloween Prank
Physically weak s/o
Sherlock vs Moriarty: S/os birthday fluff
Sherlock vs Moriarty: getting S/os attention
Smart S/o yet is too trusting
Fighting over a S/o whos great at singing
Affection HC
How he shows his love when off on work
Finding themselves stuck in the amazon with S/o
Finding themselves stuck in the amazon with S/o prt 2
Encouraging S/o to get candy with their rival
S/o being spiteful and challenging him
S/o playing horror games
S/o who barely eats TW
S/o who comes from a long line of assassins and government officials
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Sherlock Holmes
This is for your Protection
S/o who he cant read
Sherlock vs Moriarty
Sherlock vs Mycroft
Possessive S/o
Vampire Sherlock
Sending Sherlock a Love Letter
Halloween Date
Life Threatening Situation
S/o getting overprotective when Sherlocks insulted
Bed Sharing
Timid S/o being harassed by their ex
Hacker Crush realizing their Husbands having a Affair
Crush found stood up
Being the cause of S/os Amnesia
“Keep your sluttish hand away from MY man.”
“Youre all i think about”
Whipped and Soft for S/o
Jealousy Headcannons
S/o whos stressed over School
Single Parent S/o
Fluffy Headcannons
S/o who is scared of relationships for theyve never been in one
American S/o
Yandere Letter
Murder Mystery
S/o who charges straight into danger
Extremely calm S/o
How hard he fell for S/o
S/o who always accompanies him on cases
Sick S/o
How he shows his love
Sherlock vs Moriarty: getting S/os attention
Sherlock vs Moriarty: S/os birthday fluff
Fighting over a S/o whos great at singing
Finding themselves stuck in the amazon with S/o
Finding themselves stuck in the amazon with S/o prt 2
Encouraging S/o to get candy with their rival
Getting S/o a puppy
Formal business S/o dropping everything when he wants them
S/o who plays minecraft a lot
Christian S/o
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Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock vs Mycroft
Asking him to sign a marriage certificate
Mycroft vs Moriarty
Trying to Escape
Dense Crush
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Irene Adler
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NS FW Headcannons
Sub Sherlock cumming in his pants 
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NS FW Headcannons
166 notes · View notes
froggirlboobs · 6 months
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stimming in bed be like
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