#This is the most autism idea I’ve ever had….
fuzzyspiderpawz · 1 month
what if I did something wild…. crazy….. WACKY…. even…..
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rogueddie · 9 months
Disabled Steve / Eddie Fics
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 🦻
give me a sign
It was sweet torture the way Steve was pining over him. Robin was sick of listening to him talk about Eddie, but she also hadn’t stopped him yet.
Words : 4,235 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
what would you trade the pain for (i'm not sure)
Steve doesn't bother anyone with his chronic pain; it's something he'd rather keep to himself. And then it spikes in the Upside Down, in front of Eddie Munson, and Steve slowly starts to learn that, sometimes, sharing what hurts does help.
Words : 8,230 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Our Love is Shown in the Letting Go
Steve’s mother comes home and has to deal with the fact that she has no idea who her son is, and maybe never will.
Words : 10,189 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Not Rated
AO3 : x
Who Am I to Say What Any of This Means?
Eddie’s eyebrows are raised. He’s speaking deliberately. “My first grade teacher set up a meeting with Wayne and told him she thought I had autism. So Wayne took me to the doctors and it turned out she was right.”
He is still looking at Steve. Oh. Steve’s been staring at him like an idiot for forty seconds instead of acknowledging this important, incredibly personal detail that he has just shared. Steve remembers eye contact––one, two, three––then answers. “That’s cool.”
“Steve,” Eddie says, carefully. “Have you ever been tested? Because I’ve been noticing… When I look at you, I kinda see some signs.”
Words : 7,371 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
she'll know me crazy, soothe me daily (better yet, she wouldn't care)
Eddie doesn’t really cry about this anymore. He’s long since shed his own personal tears of pity, spent enough time mourning a different life. He’s accepted it, for the most part, doesn’t really give a shit about being normal or whatever. No one’s normal.
But this…Eddie’s not used to this. He’s never had someone hold his face in their hands, look him dead in the eyes and say, “Eddie Munson. For better or for worse, and fuck, I know this is worse, I want to know you.”
Words : 3,988 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
the beginning of a bad joke
At the beginning of his rant, lecture, whatever, Hottie stares right at him. He has a really intense stare. Pretty brown eyes set in a prettier face with even prettier hair on top of his head. Eddie gets distracted by all that pretty and by trying to make his point.
And he doesn’t notice until halfway through that Hottie isn’t looking at him anymore. He’s looking at his friend.
Eddie looks at her, too. Looks at her confused and focused expression. Looks at her hands moving rapidly.
Oh. G-d.
Hottie’s deaf, isn’t he?
Words : 7,083 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
AO3 : x
I Took The Good Times, I’ll Take The Bad Times (I Take You Just The Way You Are)
In 1984, Eddie Munson told Steve he was going to marry him one day laying in the quiet confines of Steve’s room.
In 1985, they broke up. It wasn’t because they wanted to, but because Steve thought they had to. They spent almost an entire year apart, hurting, wondering about what could have been.
In 1986, Steve Harrington was almost fatally injured in the final attack against The Upside Down, against Vecna. He spent seventy six days comatose, and then almost an entire year in the hospital learning how to be a person again. He learns how to open and close his hands, hold things, and how to feed himself again. Steve learns how to stand, how to walk, going from walker to cane by the time he is allowed to go home.
In 1987, he did just that. He goes home.
It was a slow process. Way slower than Steve wanted it to be, but it was worth it.
Sure, his hands were never going to work the same, there was constant pain in his arms and left leg, and he would never walk without a cane, but at least he’s alive.
He made it.
That was what mattered.
Words : 30,101 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
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WIBTA if i talked to the school councelor because i suspect one of my friends is autistic? 👁️
(note: asshole is probably a strong word - what i’m mostly asking is if it would be a good idea)
I (17) have a friend (17) we’ll call Alex. I’ve been friends with Alex since we were in first grade, because our parents knew eachother. We kind of grew up together. Our entire lives, they’ve always been “weird,” they’ve never picked up on social cues well, they’re obsessed with chickens and know an absurd amount about them, they describe themself as a “creature of habit,” they struggle to understand when people are joking vs serious, and they are really bad at spelling, just to name off the top of my head. Now, any of these thing in a vacuum wouldn’t warrant anything necessarily, but all together i’m pretty certain they have undiagnosed autism.
Some added context, im not autistic myself, but i do have ADHD and i have an interest in psychology and how the brain works. In doing my own research to see if i was autistic, i noticed a lot of similarities between what i was reading and how i’ve known Alex as a friend my whole life. I’ve had the idea of them maybe being autistic rolling in the back of my head for like, two years now? But haven’t ever said anything about it, because i was afraid I was wrong or overthinking.
Now, here’s why i’m worried about bringing it up to anyone. Their parents are very… “nuclear family” ish. they’re very catholic, and have six kids with a seventh on the way (we live in the suburbs) and a part of me feels they don’t believe in mental health/illnesses/disorders or anything like that. They’re also transphobic, but you didn’t hear that from me. I just fear that telling a counselor would spread the info to parents who either wouldn’t understand, wouldn’t care, or would try and “cure” it. Alex already isn’t doing well mentally (they’ve talked about feeling textbook dysphoria and are in denial about it - i think they’re a transmasc egg) and i really don’t want to bring it up if it will cause problems.
BUT. I talked to my mom about all of this (we’re very close and i knew she wouldn’t make a big deal out of it) and she recommended talking to the school counselor, and im just wondering if it’s a good idea. In the best case scenario, the counselor would work to get them a diagnosis and HOPEFULLY a therapist (oh my god do they need a therapist), but in the worst case? in the awful world for autistic people we live in? i just don’t know if it’s wise. So here i am turning to tumblr, the most neurodivergent site around. WIBTA if i talked to the counselor about my friend who i heavily suspect is autistic?
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I’d just like to say that you and your comics about Lionblaze have made me care for him and his character more than canon ever could dream to, thank you. I never actually gave him much thought before and saw him as annoying, but now I’ve seen the possible potential he could have as a character because the booms just screwed up his personality, and I love seeing your Lionblaze content. I especially love seeing him as a med cat and him getting closer with Leafpool
Your comment means so much to me,,, I am so happy I helped you appreciate the Lionblaze,,,,
Canon did him so dirty by wasting his potential making him ''standard warrior main character''
The canon will give pieces of his personality, but all these pieces are so incredibly under-exploited and incomplete
As an example, him having moral OCD in PoT is genuinely a really good idea knowing the extent of his power, but they just throw this plotline under the rug in the next book (knowing that it's very hard to get rid of OCD lol) Like we see him losing it in the mountains, we see him going ballistic on Crowfeather and Heathertail. Lionblaze knows how dangerous he can be if he isn't always holding back in battle, and it scares him so bad he has vivid nightmares about killing his loved ones. I think it's the first real time in Warriors we had a main character who had the full potential of becoming a villain the moment he stops holding back. Like that's genuinely really good storytelling, and they just??? throw it away in the next book like it never happened????
This dude kills Russetfur, which should have been his worst nightmare becoming reality. That's it, he finally killed someone. Because for just a few seconds, he got so worried about his leader being attacked and probably killed that he stopped holding back. And yet this is less of a plot point than the obviously accidental death of Flametail. Like Jayfeather tries to save a cat who is drowning and is called a murderer during a Gathering, but Lionblaze who kills Russetfur in front of at least 20 cats, that's fine he was just being silly. Like the writers were writing Lionblaze like crap on purpose at this point they had completely given up on him lmfao
We also see his compassionate and empathetic side shine a few times, mostly when he is the one who forgives Squilf and Leafpool the easiest and the fastest. Lionblaze idolizes Brambleclaw and shows a genuine affection for his dad several times and it's genuinely wholesome. Lionblaze has a few really sweet moments with Leafpool and Squilf in OotS :) i cherish these scenes so much.......
He isn't perfect of course, far from it, he can be a douche (mainly to Heathertail, Breezepelt and Dovewing), he is hot-headed and doesn't think before he speaks or acts, he struggles to communicate properly, he often has a weird tunnel-vision in OotS and doesn't listen to Dovepaw's problems with the care it deserves. For most of PoT, despite going through some tough training as an apprentice and later as a newly made warrior, he is almost completely oblivious to the fact that his own mentor Ashfur as a personal beef with him. As someone with the autism rizz, Lionblaze's communication skills are just so autistic to me. This dude has almost no friends, even his ex-apprentice Dovewing isn't on very friendly terms with him (understandable because he was a bad mentor tbh), he feels safe only around his close family, and messes up almost every friendship and relationship he has because he is incapable of communicating properly. Him trying to date Cinderheart was just Lionblaze being absolutely incapable of understanding her point of view, and then proceeding to literally self harm by letting a ShadowClan massacre him to show Cinderpelt he could be harmed on his own will ?? Like what goes on in the Lionblaze's head ?? is he ok ???
Also they could have made him a medicine cat.... I yearn for the Lionblaze medicine cat plotline so much...... Lionblaze being so incredibly scared of hurting anyone again after his nightmares, or after killing Russetfur, that he just drops all the warrior duties and hides in Leafpool's den all day...... also Jayfeather could have been a warrior 100%, we clearly see him fight very well when he is in tandem with one of his siblings, he is capable of running on ThunderClan territory with no issues once he learned the layout, like there's so excuse anymore StarClan just wanted to ruin his life for entertainment
They could have done do much more with the Lionblaze.......
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pzos-amiserableidiot · 3 months
I had a wild dream last night that’s starts off with me reliving a memory of shopping in Burlington. I’m holding out and looking at a bugs bunny shirt that’s slightly lighter than army green, with bugs posing and taking up nearly the entire front. Except his pose has changed from my memory. He’s now in either one of two poses (memory got fuzzy on the details here) where One his left hand is close, splayed open and kinda covering his mouth and right arm is fully extended outward, mid mic drop or Two his left hand is wrapped around the microphone part of the mic and is close and covering his mouth as he raps into it while his right arm is extended outwards splayed open downwards.
And as I look at this shirt I know five things. 1) This is Damian Wayne. 2) Damian Wayne has been missing for a few (3 at most) days. (Age 12-14) 3) Damian Wayne has somehow been isekaied into the body of Bugs Bunny, completely rewritten the timeline where he’s been there from the very beginning. From the very first moment Bugs has been shown by Warner Brothers (and this is very looney tunes esc where they’re somehow real people but like also we didn’t know that until right this second) (so maybe other universe talking to this one through cartoon???) he’s been Bugs Bunny. 4) for him, he’s likely Ben gone for decades 5) Bugs Bunny is now autistic.
There’s a time skip/jump cut and suddenly I’m the in the batcave watching Nightwing and red robin and the others (they’re more in the background, the first two are yelling at each other) yelling about how Bugs is Damian and now Autistic. Suddenly the question comes up of how they know he’s autistic just from looking at him and they’re like struggling to explain the vibes. Like the way Cass in every prompt I’ve ever read with her just looks at you and knows yeah that’s the entire batfam but with autism. I also think they had it as well and that played a part.
And this next part could be like that mid wake up kinda continuation of the dream but suddenly, Bugs!Damian breaks into the batcave by like digging a hole and popping out of it. He’s wearing sunglasses. And he jumps out and there yelling and Daffy jumps out and I think he got so lost he returned home. Or he finally found home after constant searching. But daffy and bugs are yelling at each other and the batfam are in various quiet and loud stages of shock.
Wait missed a few things. Before this they didn’t know Damian was autistic. So that’s why they were yelling about it. I woke up before we could talk about that. And like it wasn’t a bad reaction it was like surprised yelling and confusion as to how it happened. No bad reaction to Damian being autistic. More just ‘how did we miss this??!!!’ And the yelling was more like how you would yell about a mandala effect
I have no idea when the panda redd’s version of Damian and DCxDP’s version of Damian got mashed and mixed in my head. But here we are
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1863-project · 1 year
One of the reasons I really don’t engage much with fandom spaces at all these days is just how much casual ableism there is in fandom spaces, a lot of which is internalized ableism. And unfortunately, when you try to explain this to people, they often don’t want to hear it or accept that the ideas they’ve latched onto are actually often pretty harmful to people in the real world.
An example, one of many: people have had theories on N being a Zoroark since Black and White first came out in 2010. That was ableist then, and it’s ableist now - the changeling myth is thought to be rooted in children turning out to be neurodivergent (especially autistic), and if you’re looking at a human character that feels neurodivergent-coded and going “What if they’re not human?” it’s...well, neurodivergent people are already dehumanized in the real world. We’re so often treated as less than human that having a character who comes across as neurodivergent suddenly being not human can feel like a slap in the face to our own humanity.
(Ironically, neurodivergent people often found representation in non-human characters before human characters with neurodivergent traits started popping up in media - this goes back at least to the half-human, half-Vulcan Spock in Star Trek, and possibly far, far further. But that’s a topic for another time.)
Every time I see a character who feels pretty damn neurodivergent, I also see a wide chunk of the fandom interpret their neurodivergent traits really negatively, and it hurts. I don’t engage with the Submas fandom anymore outside of answering people’s train questions that they bring to me because enough people in said fandom looked at Emmet, a character who is more like me than any other fictional character I’ve ever seen in my life, and decided he was scary and unhinged, creepy because of the way he talks when he isn’t close to someone, potentially violent because of his intensity. He’s none of these things, he’s just one of the most autistic characters to ever be written. But the damage was done, because when I saw people treating a character just like me like that...well, it basically told me how they saw me, too.
I graduated high school way, way back in 2007. Some of the people on this website now weren’t alive back then. I wouldn’t get my autism diagnosis for two more years, and all I knew was that I was somehow different from the kids around me, and so many of them had bullied me for this. I was treated horribly because I was intense about my interests, talked differently, walked differently, and acted differently from them. It more or less went on for my entire time in school before I got to undergrad. That shit stays with you. I had this notion that this was how everyone saw me, and that still sits in the back of my mind in my 30s. It’s actually one of the things that prevents me from trying dating, because my bullies were primarily my male peers growing up. It was so important for me to see Ingo and Emmet being themselves and being accepted as themselves, because it meant that maybe people could accept me, too. Except then PLA dropped, and a bunch of new people came rushing in...and enough of them reacted in ways similar to how my bullies did when I was younger, so I had to disengage because it hurt too much.
And the cycle continues with every new character that takes the stage. Nemona debuted in Scarlet and Violet, and once you get more of her backstory in the later game and eventually the postgame you realize she sounds like a neurodivergent person surrounded by neurotypicals. I’ve seen headcanons of autism, ADHD, and a few other neurodivergencies, all of which were definitely people relating to her experiences with their own - Geeta even introduces the “weird girl” to the “new kid” at the beginning of the game in the hopes that she’ll make a friend, a common experience for neurodivergent kids growing up. But then I started seeing people calling her a yandere, and they weren’t joking, and I knew that people who related to Nemona who saw that were going to feel hurt the way I did with people taking Emmet’s autistic traits so negatively.
Fandom spaces tend to be online bubbles, so to speak, and people don’t often realize the impact that these attitudes have in the real world. It’s important for people to have representation and see themselves in the media they interact with, because that’s extremely affirming and validating. Seeing a fictional character just like you being accepted for who they are goes a long, long way when you’re being bullied for who you are in your real life. When you see a bunch of people looking at those harmless traits of yours that people bully you for and interpret them in ways that portray you as scary, creepy, or even unhinged and dangerous...it does damage.
I think about people with psychosis. I think about how media has portrayed them throughout the ages, and how stigmatized they are as a result. I think about people with personality disorders, about people with OCD (of which I’m one myself), about autistic people and ADHD people and people with Tourette’s and other tic disorders, about plural people/systems...the list can go on, and on, and on, and this post doesn’t even touch upon physical disabilities and how ableist fandom spaces can be to them, too (cons being physically difficult to navigate are just one challenge of many they face). I think about how desperate we’ve all been to see ourselves as characters - nuanced characters that feel like real people, not caricatures. The days of the “evil, unhinged schizophrenic” need to be over. We know people with disabilities and mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators; we have so many studies affirming this. And yet the rest of the world is taking a long time to catch up on this.
Sometimes, you’re 12 years old and you make an edgy OC who wears a straitjacket because they like to stab people, and then you get a little older and you realize that was pretty ableist and you grow and change as a person. That’s normal - you’re learning about the world around you and learning how to be more kind. But if someone who’s out there in the real world explains why something is ableist towards their disability or mental illness, and they provide examples, that’s not the moment you double down and act like you can do no wrong and that everything you’ve written is fine. It’s supposed to be a learning moment for you, a chance to step back and try to do better. And this especially applies to internalized ableism - like I said, so many fandom spaces are heavily neurodivergent, and the internalized ableism I’ve encountered in fandom spaces has grown substantially with the rise of social media. Sometimes the call is coming from inside the house, and we need to be mindful of how we’re portraying people like ourselves, too.
I think it’s a good idea to really try to be aware as we engage with others in fandom spaces and try not to perpetrate harmful stereotypes or portrayals, and becoming more thoughtful and nuanced about how we depict characters is a big part of that. If you’re writing something edgy just for yourself, that’s for you, and you don’t really have to think too hard about it. But if you’re sharing it in a public space, remember that anyone can encounter it, and it might do damage you’re not really thinking about. It’s important to remember that the internet is a public space, too, just like the places we go in real life, and that we should carry ourselves the way we would if we were interacting in person - we need to try to be respectful, and accept feedback and improve things when we accidentally aren’t.
As an extra reminder, here’s a great graphic from Sonny Jane Wise on Instagram that shows just how many things fit under the neurodivergent umbrella:
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Please do your best to do no harm, but if you accidentally do, please listen to the people who are being harmed and want to help you do better.
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deemsterrr · 10 days
Hi! I’m Sterrr,
I’m kind of new to all this but I offer the Gravity Falls Fandom a fanfic! (More like sh!tty cobbled together comic ideas)
It’s kind of my personal interpretation of Stanford and Stanley’s childhood and how their dynamic was and changed. (Very sorry if my HC’s change them completely I tried)
I would appreciate it if you checked it out and I will try to update as fast as I can! Thank you 🫶
Tumblr Ver. Under the cut
Tw: old offensive dated word used to describe autism and implied abuse (they will never make me like you Filbrick Pines)
I was born first; fifteen minutes before Stanley to be exact. My mother would often tell me she wished she made me cry more. Not in a malicious way, for I was as quiet as a mouse, from my birth to my sixth birthday.
Stanley could never; it’s honestly amazing how he got enough air to his lungs to be able to speak for as long as he could. I liked that about him. I foolishly used to think he would do all the talking for the both of us, he was capable of that. We were twins after all.
Now we never had twin telepathy, but he would often know what I wanted with just a look. Our Mother found it endearing and would exclaim that Stanley was her little telepath. Our father did not. Often scolding our mother for celebrating insignificant achievements.
Once Stan and I were old enough to go to kindergarten, that’s when father started disciplining me for being mute helping me speak. In his own tough guy way. Father would ignore me whenever I was in his presence, I do not see the vision as he usually did anyway. which did not change much. So he made my mother give me less attention. She stopped waiting for us at the door when we came back from school, with our fresh scrapes and bruises from either rough housing or bullies. I did not react much to the change, as I thought mom had better, more important things to attend to. Stanley did not take the change well. He would always proclaim his entrance, something along the lines of ‘Your bundles of joy are home!’ or ‘Your entertainment is back!’
Mother would be by the window with her back facing us and would wince when Stan would jump and hug her real tight. Usually she and Stanley would start engaging in conversation, while I would just take in their colorful stories, but she, more often than not, started giving excuses to Stan, and told him to chat with me in our room for a while. I wonder if Stanley ever saw the bruises that she hid.
Mother would still make dinner though, but would eat in her room as ‘she wasn’t feeling well’. So it ended up being my father, Stan and I at the dinner table, most nights. One particular night, we ended up eating chicken. I never liked the feeling of chicken skin and as usual, I’d give my brother all the food I could not stomach. Father did not like that, slamming his fork on the table, making me and my brother flinch, dropping the skin on the floor.
“Stanford! I’ve dealt with your idiotic habits long enough! First you don’t speak, then your mother spouts some nonsense about ‘Asperger’s’ and now you're wasting your food! Pick that skin up and eat it, now!”
Stan started to defend me, “Pa, I don’t mi-”
Father slammed his hand on the table again, cutting off my brother, “God, you’re just like your mother. Do you want to be hit too? Now stop rocking that chair before I give you something to talk about. ” Stan flinched, stilling and started to chew his lip.
I ended up eating the skin, we ate in silence and I ate the most chicken skin I have ever had before. After dinner, I threw up all that I ate while Stan sat on the rim of the bathtub, kicking his feet and being uncharacteristically quiet. Stanley ended up in my bunk that night. In the darkness, I whispered, “Thank you.”
short ik but u should see the other two im letting collect dust,,
be good ppl, lots of luvv <3
wzr Erbv dqg d prwkhu
vwrub wrog eb odwwhu
rqh erb lv mrbrxv
dqrwkhu frqwhqw
d whpsrudub kdsslqhvv
l plvv brx prwkhu.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
I’ve been dx w adhd several times but this one doctor who was very unprofessional told me I couldn’t have it due to my weight which is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever heard in my life I have every single symptom imaginable but he really had the nerve to say he’s never had a patient my weight lmao. he did say I have autism which I agree with but I also don’t like using his dx if that makes sense bc I don’t wanna think of him. He’s also a family friend and didn’t charge us and is in another country so same rules do not apply there. This was several years ago but I can’t stop obsessing over it and feel so incredibly invalidated
Hi there,
This makes no sense to me. How is weight connected to a neurological disorder? I could understand food issues, which could affect weight. But weight being a trait on its own? That’s just ridiculous to me.
Have you managed to find a new doctor? Surely there are some that won’t invalidate you like this.
I have no idea how that doctor got his license. I hope he loses it. He’s doesn’t sound very smart or professional.
I’m sorry you went through all that. Thanks for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night.
Here’s a hug to make you feel better. People are stupid.
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fearlessbythebeach · 1 month
Another idea for a supercat story I had and wrote in 30 minutes haha
Kara gets sensory overload -a supercat story
Kara gets sensory overload once in a while because it’s hard to tune stuff out when you can literally hear every heartbeat in a two block radius, and see flashing lights from a mile away. There are signs that she’s close to an overload and has to step away. Sometimes she’ll have trouble regulating all of the things she usually does and accidentally sees her neighbor Dave’s skeleton.
She’ll get more irritable than usual and things will sound more hostile than they usually are.
It’s one of the tough parts of being supergirl. Because even though she knows sensory overload is a thing that happens to some humans too, she’s never met anyone who can understand her reactions.
Her family here on earth have learned to understand, and can help her out when she’s feeling overwhelmed. She normally goes home or to her mother’s house when this happens so she can be safe.
Sometimes Alex will send her to the DEO. She’s super strong so when she has a sensory meltdown and loses control, she’ll want something to hit, she’ll lash out at people, and it’s good to be in a place like the DEO where everything is strong, like her.
Sometimes she’s alone which feels tough and unpleasant, but it’s best when Alex or her mom can stay with her. But it’s never happened anywhere too public before. She’s been able to disappear in the nick of time, like supergirl does.
But one day she’s at work and it’s a busy day. Cat Grant is shouting at everyone, obviously stressed, and the whole space has an aggravated feel to it. Kara tries to escape this mess a few times but every time she’s about to walk out the door, Cat glares at her and she’s forced to stay. At least there’s no one that needs saving? That would be incredibly stressful.
“Whitt!” Cat shouted. “What have you been doing this whole time? Are you begging to be fired?” Kara sighed.
“Keeeeeeerraa!!” Cat suddenly screamed.
Kara couldn’t keep it together anymore.
“I’m right here, shut up!” she whined. She realized what she had just said and fought back tears, sitting down at her desk, breathing too shallow and too fast.
“Hey, hey,” said Cat.
“Everyone get out of here! You can all go on break!” Cat announced to the office.
Kara looked up at her in surprise. She’d never let everyone go on a spontaneous break before.
“It’s okay,” Cat said softly. “Do you want me to sit with you?”
Kara blinked rapidly.
“It’s ok to cry if you need to,” said Cat.
“But I’m not supposed to,” cried Kara.
“It’s alright, I’ve felt exactly how you do before, you know,” she said.
“You have?”
“Yeah, it’s a superpower thing for you, right?” said Cat.
“No I’m not supergirl I mean, it’s something else.”
“Oh right,” said Cat, remembering she wasn’t supposed to know Kara was supergirl. “It’s not that.” She lifted Kara’s chin up with her fingers and fed her an m&m.
“For me it’s autism. I haven’t told almost anyone I have it, but you know Carter does. I think it’s hereditary, not entirely sure,” said Cat. “But you know I’m not the best with other people.” Cat inwardly cringed. Talking about feelings was disgusting. But she needed to now. Maybe she didn’t have to open up so much but she wanted to. It was okay.
They sat in silence for a few minutes until Kara felt better.
“One time I was supposed to go to a movie premiere with Cate Blanchett and I had sensory issues and she told me I should go home. It was one of the most embarrassing things that’s ever happened to me,” Cat groaned. “Okay, maybe that was too much sharing.”
Kara giggled a bit.
“You’re sounding more like your sunny self,” said Cat. “And I promise, if you’re ready to let the others back in, even though this is a stressful time for work, I won’t have my usual Cat Grant freak out.” Kara laughed.
“Call them back,” said Kara. “Do you need anything like a sweet drink? I’m thinking a calming, sweet chai would be good for us.”
“Oh Kara, that sounds lovely,” said Cat.
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devilsrecreation · 8 months
Outlander Incorrect Quotes pt 3
Janja: *mocking Jasiri* Miss me, miss me, now you gotta ki- *pauses*
Jasiri: Now, I gotta what? 😏
Janja: Nothing, forget it-
Jasiri: No no no, now I gotta what? 😏
Some hater: Listen to me, I don’t like you!
Shupavu: Do we give a fuck?
Njano: No, not one.
Shupavu: How many fucks do we give?
Njano: Zero.
Shupavu: Exactly. Therefore, your comment is
Both: ✨Irrelevant✨
Reirei: My husband is wearing a fucking suit to his autism diagnosis appointment
Goigoi: It’s a special event :D
Reirei: Shut up-
Janja: I don’t see any beautiful girls
Reirei: Just turn around~
Janja: Reirei please, only one of us can hallucinate at a time
Goigoi: Who’s the toughest animal you know?
Dogo: Mom.
Goigoi: …….Who’s the toughest male animal you know?
Dogo: You’re the toughest male animal I know!
Human AU
Nduli/Hodari: I made you a friendship bracelet!
Kiburi/Makuu: I’m not really a jewelry person
Nduli/Hodari: You don’t have to wear it
Kiburi/Makuu: No, I’m gonna wear it. Forever. Back off
Some female jackal: What’s your type?
Goigoi: I have a mate
Jackal: So what’s your type then?
Goigoi: …My mate
Jackal: What does she look like?
Goigoi: She looks like my mate
Jackal: So what would you rate me out of ten?
Goigoi: I can’t do that
Jackal: You can’t rate me at all?
Goigoi: Nope
Jackal: Then what would you rate your girlfriend out of ten?
Goigoi: She broke my scale cuz she’s so beautiful
Jasiri: You guys kidnapped Queen Dhahabu?! That's illegal!!!
Cheezi: But Jasiri, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Dhahabu or destroying the Outlands?
Jasiri: Kidnapping Queen Dhahabu, Cheezi!
Janja: Jasiri. Listen. Whatever I may think of you right now, these guys are counting on you. You inspire them!
Jasiri: What? T-To kidnap animals?
Janja: To work together!
Chungu: Prime Minister Jasiri, we all agreed a celebrity is not an animal
Sumu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me
Sumu: Kenge, I’m begging you to go to a healer
Kenge: Sorry, is this OUR stab wound?! Stay out of it!
Sumu: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Kenge’s been raging in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get him out...
Kenge: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Sumu: I do have a sense of humor you know
Kenge: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Sumu: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Kenge: You kill animals for food?!
Sumu: I can explain!
Kenge: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
After he accidentally said ‘little’ in front of Kenge:
Janja: Top 30 reasons why we’re sorry…Number 5 will surprise you!
Kenge: Top 30 anime deaths. Number 1:YOUR FUCKING TAIL RIGHT NOW
Nduli: What’s the height of stupidity?
Kiburi: *turning to Tamka* How tall are you?
Janja, driving his crew: So how was your day?
Cheezi: We almost got surprise adopted!
Chungu: Yeah!
Janja: What?
Nne: We almost got kidnapped.
Janja: Oh, okay.
Janja: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Store Worker: Would a Mx. Kiburi please come to the front desk?
Kiburi, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Tamka and Nduli
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Tamka and Nduli, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Kiburi: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Ushari: How's the lovliest animal here~?
Shupavu: I don't know, how are they~?
Ushari, flustered: I-
Njano, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Tamka: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Kiburi?
Kiburi: … No.
Nduli: I do!
Kiburi: I know, Nduli.
Nduli: I’m sad!
Kiburi: I know, Nduli.
Jasiri: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Shupavu: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Njano isn’t
Human AU
Tamka: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Kiburi: You’re a hazard to society
Nduli: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Kiburi: Heh. Look at those guys using that cliff as a slide
Janja: *chuckles* What furbrains!
Kiburi: Idiots.
Janja and Kiburi: *realizes it’s Chungu, Cheezi, Tamka, and Nduli*
Janja: Wait a minute…
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eeblouissant · 1 month
Hello, if you are up for it I would love to know more about your headcanons for Rose being autistic. It makes so much sense to me, and I'd like to more 😊
I’d love to talk about my rose hcs :D here’re a few !!! this became a bit all over the place so bare with me lol
(some of you may have seen / seen me talk about these in the past but shhhh I like talking about things over and over - I love her so much it’s insane where do I even begin)
Firstly I think it’s important to note that rose obviously has/would have been autistic her whole life. The way an autistic person who has lived longer than you or I with their autism and autistic traits is going to deal & cope differently, and have more experience with managing/regulating - or at least in my head! We have to look at rose differently because I don’t believe she would experience autism the same way you or I would anymore; nothing is really new to her.
Until she moves in with Blanche, that is!!!!
I think rose, after being in the same spot for so long (st. Olaf) learnt on her own how to manage & cope with being autistic because she had a “life long” routine that never really changed until Charlie died? From the bits she’s shared about her at home life during her marriage it all sounds meticulously planned & never changing, which is one of the many reasons why I hc her being autistic actually. Charlie also seemed to have a similar routinely-ness about him but I don’t know enough to properly headcanon him (although, rose having an autistic partner would have brought her great comfort im sure. The idea sits in the back of my mind - however, I could definitely go on about Blanche & Dorothy being their own kinds of neurodivergent haha)
I think roses most “obvious” autistic trait is how oblivious (?) she can be, and very often is. She has moments where it’s made very clear that rose is not stupid, because she isn’t!!! She’s very clever and it’s crucial that point is underlined often!! She does tend to have things fly over her head, or taken too literally. We know that and it doesn’t need repeating - But another thing that really stands out to me is her lack of filter when speaking!!! This may just me be projecting, but I’ve noticed that most of the time, when she drops some wild out of no where (and sometimes slightly out of character) comeback at one of the girls, it comes out straight and with little thought. Innocently, almost? Like a thought just breached containment, you know 😂. I’ve seen a few autistic people talk about this but it really can be a problem - it’s something I personally struggle with and that has caused very angry fights between friends & family. It’s that, “if you didn’t want my opinion why ask?” thing I guess? But also just speaking your mind. This extends to her interests as well, and often in an “anger” of outbursts we don’t ever expect from her. ie: the scene where Blanche has accidentally given away her teddy bear & rose snaps. It’s a bit jarring the way it comes out of nowhere! But I’ll touch on her interests later.
I don’t think rose overly struggled/struggles with masking, because I don’t believe she’s ever really felt she had to (This adds onto my last point about lacking a filter). She grew up in an environmental where she always very closely related to the people around her, and that had mostly known her for her entire life (that she had grown up with). So I would like to assume that to them, this was just rose. The only rose that they had ever known. Nothing would be out of place to them because what else do they know! So naturally there would be no room for judgement = rose feels no pressure to conform. St. Olaf sounds like my autistic heaven, no wonder rose misses her hometown so bad 😭. Anyway the first time she’d ever get a strange look would’ve definitely been that first moment her & Blanche met. Blanche was a little startled by roses definition of being “a wild woman” and rose seemed completely lost by it - because she had never experienced that before! She even asked, panicked, why Blanche was putting her flyer back up. I could over analyze that scene forever. Dorothy was a separate shock to the system for her but I feel like that’s a whole post on it’s own. I really want to write out my thoughts on Dorothy & Rose warming up to each other one day because it’s not expanded on much :’) they’re soooooooooooo important to me.
Roses main interests also inspired this headcanon. Many autistic people tend to have “weird” or “childish” interests, regardless of age or gender. Lots of autistic people don’t tend to view age and gender the way someone who’s not autistic would - they’re not as concrete & restricting. Rose definitely has interests that would be considered strange for her age! Her protectiveness of her stuffed animals, Disney, even (what I consider to be her special interest) St. Olaf could be considered by some, outside of Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia, kind of odd. I think these things can be seen as less-so because Rose is a woman, which I’m sure would’ve been a lovely thing & saved her many uncomfortable questions.
Rose often self soothes/stims when she’s feeling particularly out of sorts or if she’s run into a slightly uncomfortable situation. One of my favourite examples is that clip where she’s taken two sock puppets & acts them out to be Blanche & Dorothy. Dorothy walks into the kitchen without her noticing &, once rose says something with her sock puppet that she’s not very fond of, hits her over the head (lovingly) with the paper. Rose repeats “bad puppet” to herself & knocks her wrists together. She also turns to the girls (but mostly Dorothy I think?) when she needs to self soothe or regulate. Another example that I think about all the time because I just love the clip so much - that bit where Blanche was on a diet for whatever reason she felt she needed to be & rose had accidentally eaten the food Blanche had prepared beforehand. Blanche explodes & rose immediately goes to hide herself behind Dorothy. Hinting at autistic traits or not, that scene is so damn precious 😭 be still my heart.
(the clip in question … I couldn’t help myself. Excuse the quality it’s been sitting in my camera roll for a while)
These are just some of my thoughts :D if anyone has any specific questions about my headcanons (or examples of autistic traits that I haven’t mentioned yet) pleaseeeee send them my way !!!!! I love love love talking about rose !!!!!!! <<<33333
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nebulamist · 4 months
Guys, how do you find out if you’re neurodivergent? I think I might be. That is, a lot of stuff would make sense if I was*.
Btw, a professional diagnosis is off the table, because my parents refuse to entertain the idea of my problems being caused by anything but my laziness. And they see being neurodivergent as something bad and taboo, so they’d get mad at me if I suggested that I may be.
*[For context — I’m very socially awkward and spend most of my time in my head. I often find it hard to really connect with others and make friends. I find it hard to keep eye contact and rarely do. As a child, I’ve always felt like I was 2 or so years behind my peers socially, and often had trouble understanding social cues and acting appropriately. I’ve always stood out like a sore thumb, and people often notice and remember me, even when they don’t other people. I remember, when I was a child, my teacher thought I was neurodivergent (I don’t know if she thought I had autism or ADHD), and my father insisted I couldn’t be (at least partially because he’s ableist). Several other people have made that assumption about me, and I’m asking myself that question as well. Also, I don’t know if this means anything, but ever since 2020, I’ve been having a lot of trouble with focusing and staying on top of my studies. I went from being at the top of my 10th grade class to failing my first year of college. Honestly, there’s more stuff, but I don’t know if anyone’s gonna reply to this post, so I’ll stop here.]
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
this chapter . babe you have outdone yourself once again.
firstly, carmen baby - wtf actually wtf pls stop I NEED YOU TO STOP YOU ARE RUINING IT
secondly, richie defending chip from creepy exec you loveeeee to see it these are my besties
also love how you worked the richie carmen argument into this fic because it needed to happen so badly but obviously it couldn’t because of how chip was introduced (i’ve also decided im calling her chip its my fav of the nicknames)
carmen proving everyone’s point that he can’t let good things happen to him LOL (not lol actually very very bad)
her and sydney are my favourites, this plaster motif is so flipping cute
carmys people princess insult was kind of good BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT INSULT CHIP WAS HOLDING BACK - i feel like this will help me understand what she was like with mikey, like their roasting personalities.
pls don’t call me chippy - WHAT, i need an explanation of this name, denny’s pls come soon
thankyou for resolving between chip and richie!!!!! i said i needed it and you sure as hell gave it to me. i think richie x syd x chip is squad i love them
also who doesn’t love richie and uncle jimmy beef teehee teehee
sorry this is the most chaotic response ever but i had to get it all out
I have. So much to say, babe. Let me plug in my laptop hold on. let me fucking
lock in.
First of all, thank you so much. I was honestly worried this last chapter was a mess and terrible. Could anyone tell I thought that. I thought that so much. IMPASTA SYNDROME!!!
I loved writing Richie this whole chapter. I think it was just nice to write the way he'd act if he had someone to protect at The Bear. Like, those Girl Dad instincts don't just leave you, when you're at work. he STAYS LOCKED IN!!! And also writing a softer landing for him out of that fucking freezer fight, that was yknow, that was a little treat for me. cats can have a little slami.
I had to look up what the fuck plaster meant. BRITIS HPEOPLE CALL BANDAIDS PLASTERS??!?!?!?1 dramatic. Love it. It might just be the ADHD/Autism diagnosis in me but there's something about the ruffly texture a bandaid on the finger has, that I couldn't stop describing, every time Syd and Chip came in contact.
the holding back is the thing i wanted to talk about
So. There was no specific insult in mind, when it came to him saying 'you're excused', but essentially, I'd been plotting out this fight scene since I literally came up with the series. Like we always planned the roadtrip to lead to here, there was just a lot of different ways it could've gone--
It's actually why I did that Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn poll, a few weeks back, if y'all remember. I think the result we got was Freeze? I went with a blend of Freeze and Fawn with a flight escape plan, I feel. Like, sorrysorrysorry here's everything i can do to help also brain is utterly numb and now i will make haste.
But if Fight had gotten the majority? And also just the way I was plotting it in my head, initially?
Tony would've straight up swung on him i'm so fr
There were a lot of routes, there was screaming match, there was swinging on him (it would've been an immediate response to the Mikey line), there was actually a completely different scene that would've taken fucking FOREVER but essentially, she would've gone full numb Job Mode and went to serve the Exec, and it would've gotten fucking weird so fast It was gonna be very like Meeting The Wizard behind the curtain type vibe but the Wizard is a fucking bitch and he also thinks you're hot
But the thing is, as I wrote more chapters and got a better idea of Tony's character, it just wouldn't be in her character to do anything that could embarrass Carmen, so she just opted to leave. Oof.
But if we're just going roasting personalities, the immediate comebacks i can think without getting creative
Who died and put you in charge? ...oh yeah!!!
IF I'M FUCKIN' PRINCESS DIANA ARE YOU KING CHARLES YOU BALDING BITCH!!!! And what's fun about this is that he uses her rosemary water, so that's a layer
The real 'liferuiners' though? All Mikey related. 100% all Mikey Related. She would've busted out the board game 'Who Knows Your Brother on a Genuine Personal Level' and he would've fucking lost. And that would've been..... shattering
There was also a world where Carmen actually brought up the fuckin' photos, and essentially would've implied she was..... A believe the chicago term is a 'runner'? And THAT would've really had some fuckin' motor mouths running. Very much so 'Am I supposed to apologize for being likable???' AOHGH
It'd essentially be exactly what Carmen did. Picking on exact pain points, in the other. So Carmen's insecurities about his relationship w/ Mikey, and the almost competitive nature he gains around Tony being 'less sharp'. I guess to summarize, Tony's fighting/roasting style, if it's not to fawn, is to match energy
I love doing callbacks-- I feel almost certain Dennys is never gonna happen. But I also don't know what I'm doing, past chapter 15. So. I guess in theory anything is possible. I think we'll probably wrap up not long after that, though. Maybe a Dennys epilogue? Who's to say.
THE RICHIE CHIP SYD SQUAD IS FUN FOR ME. I enjoy having two characters that objectively alone together wouldn't get along but once they have the glue there, they're pretty good.
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I finally decided to listen to the Perfect Brains podcast, did all four episodes that are out so far in the last couple of days. And, okay, I wasn’t going to say this because I didn’t want to be pointlessly negative about something people enjoy – but now that I no longer hold this opinion, I can say, I was pretty skeptical when this was first announced. It felt like a weirdly manufactured pairing, since as far as I knew Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont had nothing to do with each other before Taskmaster, and it’s not even like they clicked with each other especially well during Taskmaster.
It felt like one of those things where people on Reddit (or, to be fair, Tumblr) see two people on a panel show and say “Oh my God, they should have a sitcom!” And then Avalon just gave them a sitcom podcast, not because there were any artistic reasons to believe that would actually work, but just because fans thought it would be a funny concept. This seemed especially true since they didn’t even have a format when they launched, just said “Okay you guys liked these two on Taskmaster, well here, subscribe to this then.”
And I wasn’t convinced it would work. Sam and Lucy don’t have anything that would make them work well together except that they’re both weird, and they’re not even the same type of weird, or particularly compatible types of weird. Zany characters can be very funny on their own, but when bouncing off someone else, the “straight man” role exists for a reason. The weird one has to be paired with someone who’s been tailored to fit with them.
I can say all those now because it turns out my concerns were unfounded – this shit’s hilarious. It still seems like a bit of a cynical idea that might have just got lucky, but it really works. Possibly because I didn’t need to be worried about the lack of a straight man. They have a “straight man” in the podcast, and his name is Sam Campbell. And it turns out it’s amazingly funny to listen to Sam Campbell playing the straight man. He’s surprisingly good at it.
There’s a kid at the autism centre where I work who speaks almost entirely in “scripts”, in which he’s repeating things he’s heard elsewhere (songs, TV shows), mostly talking to himself, sometimes he can be persuaded to answer a question but only if it’s a very simple one and he can answer with something from his repertoire of quotes. By last week, I’d spent probably 50 hours with him one-on-one in various sessions over several months, and I was very used to his voice. But then we introduced a new program that he didn’t like, and when I started doing it, he suddenly said “All done all done!” in a completely different voice that I had never heard before. It was significantly higher-pitched. He normally mumbles a lot but this was clearly enunciated. If I heard that voice out of context I’d never have guessed it was him. It was shocking to realize I’d heard him say thousands of words and this was the first time I’d ever heard his “real” voice. How he sounds when he’s talking as himself, and not scripting from other things he’s heard. (Not relevant to the story but just to be clear: I didn’t finish the program after he said that. I do not torture children for a living.)
That’s what I thought of the first time I heard Sam Campbell respond to one of Lucy Beaumont’s most absurd statements. Sam stays in character on everything, even situations where most comedians break character (Taskmaster podcast, Off Menu), so the first time Lucy caught him so off guard that he just gave a genuine surprise response, his answer shocked me almost more than her statement. I had that same moment of “Oh shit, I’ve heard you say a lot of words before but I think I’ve just heard your real voice for the first time.” It’s not constant or anything, Sam’s still mostly in character throughout this. But every once in a while Lucy will throw him right off and it’s delightful. Her mother had him unable to keep up any persona for pretty much the whole time he was on, I think he nearly forgot he was meant to be acting and just enjoy the stories. (Please note: That moment of “Oh shit, you became a different person for a moment there and I think that’s the real one” is as far as this analogy goes, I feel the need to clarify because I know the internet is full of speculation about Sam being somewhere on some spectrum or other and that’s not the point I’m making here. I have no theories as to what spectrum Sam Campbell may or may not be on. But I do have views on how funny it is when someone gets emotionally pushed to the point of suddenly turning into the “real” person, my view is: not particularly funny if it’s a child confronted with a therapy program they don’t want and you should probably back off, but very funny if it’s a comedian who’s too confused by another comedian’s mother’s holiday anecdote to remember to do his inflection.)
The biggest downside to this podcast is I just can’t imagine anything living up to that guest episode. Tim Key was so good that by the time his segment finished, I felt bad for Lucy and her mother trying to live up to that. But I needn’t have, as by the time Lucy’s mother was done, I felt bad for Tim having given his time to that podcast only to be comedically upstaged by someone who isn’t actually a comedian (although Lucy’s mother is a playwright, and she sure crafted some theatre in that episode).
I’ve gone through various phases in my assumptions about Lucy Beaumont. It started with – well obviously that’s a character, it’s funny. Then – she is committing to that bit really hard, is there any chance she’s just actually like that and has lucked into her career? Then – oh that was some shitty misogyny of me to even consider that, no one wonders whether someone like Sam Campbell is a character act, obviously Lucy Beaumont also has a differently-pitched voice of a completely different person that she uses in real life, she just never lets it come out in a performance. Then I listened to her on the Comedian’s Comedian podcast where she started talking about how all famous literature was written by ghosts, and Stuart Goldsmith gave her so many opportunities to clarify herself, he kept saying that’s an interesting idea but she means it metaphorically of course, and she kept saying “No I mean it completely literally, I think people are possessed by spirits”, and you could hear the moment when it clicked to Stuart that he wasn’t going to get her to admit she’s doing a bit because she’s not, and he finally said “Are you pulling my leg, Lucy?” and she said no, and then he hurried off the topic. And after that I stopped feeling bad about wondering whether Lucy Beaumont might be actually just like that, not some carefully crafted character. I mean, obviously some of it is crafted. Obviously she couldn’t get where she is if she didn’t know what she was doing and understand that some of her absurd thoughts are funny, and funnier if she plays into that. But I think she does mean this stuff.
Hearing her mother on that podcast has broadened my view of Lucy Beaumont further, to thinking – oh, she might be the normal one. She might be genuinely like this but only because that’s her compromise between the normal she was taught and objective reality. And she, being very intelligent (and you can’t have as successful a career as Lucy Beaumont with having lots of intelligence, even if that someone goes alongside the belief that 1984 was written by an angry spirit), figured out where to find the humour in that compromise and in the gaps, and it’s worked out great. That’s my current working theory. I’ll let you all know how it evolves in another ten or so episodes.
The guests were great, but the three episodes with just the two of them have been funny too. Sam Campbell obviously brings a lot to the table, I’ve had the theme song stuck in my head for 48 hours straight, so fuck him for that, and Paul Williams too for good measure. It is fun to listen to them pass the brain cell back and forth, jockey for which one gets to be the weird one, and Sam Campbell normally loses, which is funny. But he still gets to be the weirder one often enough for that to also be very funny. Four episodes in and I'm sold.
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codecurucho · 4 months
Man something about today felt so final. I hope it’s not, but it feels like the natural conclusion to the story.
This is gonna be a long thank you to the ccs, the fandom, and most importantly, the admins
I was here from day 1. I watched the walls at spawn come down due to a shared hive-mind disobedience moment, and thought, “dude, this seems like it’s going to be special”
I watched as Spanish and English speakers struggled to communicate, but still found comedy in their shared moments.
I watched the Brazilians and the French join, dying of laughter as the events turned into pure chaos and sound.
I watched the ccs form friendships and meet up with each other, I heard them speak about the impact and importance of qsmp to them specifically.
I watched as members of the community formed friendships, as we shared cultures and exchanged some of the most beautiful artwork and fanfics I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. I made this account because my main got so qsmp-centric that I needed a space to go full-autism and just talk into the void about my cubitos.
My first day of having this account, I mentioned a fic idea I had. So many people replied, encouraging me to write and engage with the community. When I posted it two hours later on pure adrenaline, the same people praised it, reblogged it—it’s a memory I’ll probably never forget because it made me feel so welcomed into qsmpblr.
Lastly, I remember first meeting the egg admins. I remember how hyperfixated the ccs became on keeping them alive, how attached we all became to them. For me, the egg admins proved that this wasn’t just a silly minecraft server, but a team of workers dedicated to the storyline and lore of the QSMP.
The QSMP, to me, felt less like a Minecraft server, and more like a story being told with the help of Minecraft. That team behind it was invaluable to its success, and built their characters in ways that were so convincingly authentic that they sealed QSMPs place, for me, as a story being told.
The QSMP would not be what it was today without the ccs, the fandom, and most importantly, the admins. So thank you to everyone for doing your part in making this community what it is—pretty fuckin special <3
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perhapsisuppose · 6 months
you. give me your ninjago headcanons
the joy that surged through me.
i have a LOT
my faves tho are related around what they’d look like as humans
cole - definitely a big guy, super strong, would have darker skin and cool hair. i sometimes see people hc him as blasian or indian and both of those ARE SO FITTING
I fully and firmly believe cole is a metaphor for being gay
the royal blacksmiths ep in s1 is smth i have always felt was a subtle nod to the struggle of being gay and having a “double life” where he was nervous to tell his dad.
zane - either darker skin for human form or just the titanium (i think he’s a metaphor for autism 😈)
jay - white. canadian, probably. freckled everywhere, redhead bs, etc. (my adhd twin) the thinnest ninja, my guy is muscly but thin.
nya and kai - asian, tan skin, nya is definitely taller after s8 when they all start to grow up. nya’s bulky but kai is on the thinner side.
lloyd - asian, sometimes i see him portrayed as tan, and sometimes white. either work in my head. he’s not that thin, probably middle build.
random ones i’ve collected :
- jay’s special interest is video games, hence why they pop up as a constant interest for him throughout seasons, unlike the baking and cooking he mentions in the pilot (those were definitely his past fixations.)
- jay has a knack for inventing and tinkering - maybe it was a past fixation because it did fade as nya took the character role of “inventor”
- kai thinks cole is probably the hottest dude he’s ever seen, whether romantically or platonically is up to you, but he’s definitely had at least one fleeting homo thought
- jay and zane stim and talk over robotics and tech for hours. nya often walks in and joins, but will leave after they fall down another inevitable rabbit hole.
- lloyd dyes his hair blonde. he was born with terrifyingly bright blonde hair, but it became darker into a light brown with his rapid aging in s2. he just prefers the blonde.
- misako 100% has had some cheating-ass romantic interaction with wu while garm was out of the picture.
- harumi doesn’t love lloyd. she loves the idea of him. all she wanted was to be protected, and here’s the easy-to-manipulate, powerful, and cute green ninja - her easiest way to feel in control, whether subconscious or not at first.
- while arguing about nya with kai, jay has definitely pulled something like “what, you want me to marry you instead, asshole??” “you can say you’re jealous.”
- cole and jay have a closer bond than many.
- during the early seasons when cole was “interested” in nya, i hc that as him either experimenting or caring for her and confusing it for romantic love.
- nya struggles to say ‘i love you’ directly to jay due to the intense vulnerability it fills her with. she shows it in many other ways, and regrets not saying it sooner before seabound
- jay is insecure about this. ^
- that one archer ghost from s5 who wanted ronan’s soul bc of some deal he made was DEFINITELY into him. or vice versa.
- pythor and scales are 100% a divorced couple. how would that work lore-wise? it wouldn’t. they just are.
- chen is into the most fucking kinky shit you could ever fathom. he was alone on that island for a long, long time.
and is insane.
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