#jj x autistic!daughter
veeluvss · 2 months
Hey I really love your stuff abt jj having an autistic child. Could you please post more of that it’s amazing
Hii! Sorry this took so long, I was struggling for inspo but here you are! Just under 2k words. I've left CJ's age up for interpretation as it makes it more universal to insert yourself if you wanted. I hope you all enjoy !
Little Brother
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“Good morning, sunshine,” JJ said softly as CJ, her daughter, came down the stairs. CJ stopped mid-step and examined the room. It was past 9 am which meant Mom was meant to be at work. “Come on, kiddo. It’s just Mom,” Will said from behind her. CJ took a quick look up the stairs at her dad and then skipped down the rest of the stairs to get out of his way. However, she refused to enter the kitchen. Why was Mom in there?
“Don’t you want breakfast? Come on, slow coach,” JJ said. CJ examined the pancakes on the table. Pancakes were her favourite but it was Wednesday and that was cereal day. CJ looked up at the menu on the side of the wall and JJ followed her gaze. Sure enough, Wednesdays were cereal days. “Do you want me to make your cereal?” JJ asked and CJ instantly nodded, coming into the kitchen. JJ smiled and began making it. CJ explored the messy kitchen with her eyes. There were piles of clothes everywhere, and bowls of food for breakfast. There were also baby bottles all over the place for the new baby. CJ was unsure about the new addition to the family. He was going to change things. He already had changed things. Mom was meant to be at work. But instead she was here messing up her morning routine. “Sit down, sweetheart,” JJ said. She had the bowl of cereal in her hand. CJ looked at her chair and saw a baby’s car seat on it and huffed, crossing her arms. The mess was overwhelming and the whole morning was going wrong. Will noticed quickly and moved the car seat to another seat so CJ could sit down. CJ slid into her seat and didn’t say anything.  JJ set the cereal in front of her and kissed her head. CJ leaned her head back so JJ could kiss her nose and lips. JJ smiled at their little routine and kissed her nose and lips one after the other. “Eat up.” 
After breakfast, CJ went to her bedroom to do school work. Being the way she was, CJ didn’t fit in well at mainstream public school. JJ and Will had tried private school but CJ struggled there too. Instead, they settled on homeschooling. It meant CJ could work at her own pace, in her own routine without it being messed up by too many outside factors. She was busy working on algebra when she heard the baby cry for the fifth time that hour. How was she expected to concentrate in such a noisy environment? She covered her ears and screeched angrily. She kicked out her legs in frustration and waited for the crying to subside. It didn’t. Getting more and more frustrated with the incessant screaming, CJ marched from her bedroom and down the hall to the baby’s nursery. She hadn’t even been in the room yet, unsure about the new baby. She hated all the change. Although her parents had warned her and she had nine months to prepare, everyone knew she’d never be ready. 
CJ approached the bedroom door and hesitated as she touched the handle. The metal was cold under her hand but she pushed open the door nonetheless. Inside, JJ was sitting in the rocking chair with Henry in her lap. He was crying and it was louder now and CJ resisted covering her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to seem unbrave in front of her mum. Instead, she stood there motionless, in the doorway watching the screeching baby and struggling mum. It didn’t take long for JJ to notice her daughter in the doorway though. 
“Hey, baby. Can you do me a favour?” JJ asked, smiling slightly. CJ didn’t respond, only looked up from Henry to her mum. “Downstairs in the fridge, there’s two bottles. Can you grab the left one and bring it up to me? He’s not feeding and I’m sore.” “Why?” CJ asked, not moving from the doorway. “I’ll answer when you come back with the bottle. Please, Cee.” JJ was desperate. She’d been trying to get Henry to breastfeed for half an hour and he was only getting more hungry and JJ was getting more stressed and now Will had gone to work, it was even more stressful alone because she couldn’t just get up and go get the bottle from the fridge because she was in too much pain from the birth. Walking hurt, especially the stairs. 
Henry cried out louder and CJ covered her ears and stepped back. Why did she have to get a bottle? “It’ll make him be quiet, baby,” JJ explained. That made sense. Stick a bottle in his mouth and he’d stop crying. CJ sped down the stairs and to the fridge. She picked up the left one and took it up to her brother’s nursery but she stopped at the door. It wasn’t her bedroom to enter, she didn’t have permission, plus it smelt bad - like babies. “Bring it here, please, I can’t walk well,” JJ said. CJ shook her head and set the bottle on the floor. “CJ, I need you to hand it to me. You can come in, it’s okay,” JJ sighed. She didn’t want to get frustrated at her daughter but the crying was giving her a headache and it shouldn’t be this hard to have a baby. CJ looked around the room nervously. It was a light cream colour with a safari animal themed banner around it. The bottom of the room was light blue, like the blanket wrapped around the baby. JJ sighed again. “CJ, now, please,” JJ said, holding out her hand. CJ picked up the bottle, scurried across the room, handed it to her mum and ran back out again. She stood in the doorway with her hands over her ears. 
JJ thanked her daughter quickly and put the bottle in her son’s mouth. The crying subsided and the sobs turned to quick gurgles of milk. JJ sighed in relief and looked up at CJ who was still in the doorway. Her hands were at her sides, curled into angry fists. It had been three days since JJ had brought the baby home and CJ hadn’t interacted with him once. JJ knew it was going to take time but hoped it’d be quicker than this. 
“You want to come say hello?” JJ asked, trying to keep her voice calm. CJ shook her head quickly and ran back down the hallway to finish her homework now it was quiet. 
Soon after, Henry was fast asleep. JJ leaned over, wincing quietly in pain, and put him in his basket before heading to her daughter’s room. She knew she’d have to talk to her after the stress of the morning. She didn’t like the change herself. She went from being there for her daughter 24/7 to having to put her daughter aside for her newborn. Usually, understanding CJ’s needs, she was patient and if CJ expressed that she didn’t want to do something, for whatever reason, she was never forced. But the bottle was needed and she knew she couldn’t walk from one side of the room to pick it up off the floor to then walk and sit back down. She hated that Will had gone back to work and she hated that she wasn’t yet feeling her best. She wanted to help CJ but she knew CJ didn’t appreciate her being home at all. It messed with her routine, as had everything recently. She could understand how out of sorts CJ was feeling.
She knocked on her daughter’s door three times, their little code, before CJ granted her entry. “Come in,” came the small voice. “Hi, baby,” JJ replied. “Hi,” CJ said. She was playing on her nintendo switch, curled in her sensory corner. After the whole bottle and crying incident, she couldn’t focus on her work so packed it up, deciding to unwind with her game instead. JJ smiled at the cute sight and headed further into the room, she curled up beside her daughter, being careful of her stitches and watched CJ racing. The corner was JJ’s favourite part of their house. It had two beenbagds, lots of blankets and stuffies, a big teddy bear as well as books, sensory toys and fairy lights. Around it was a sheer canopy with more twinkly lights on. It was CJ’s unwind space but JJ often used it herself to unwind after a case. If it was bad, she’d sneak in after her daughter was asleep and just lay on the beanbags for ten or so minutes before heading to bed with Will or even sometimes sneaking in with CJ. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, baby,” JJ whispered and rested her head on CJ’s. Their blonde hair weaved together to make a seamless bundle. CJ shrugged. She was never very good with apologies. But JJ knew that was an acceptance. A shake of the head was a no but a shrug was a yes and she was grateful her daughter didn’t take it to heart. “You want to come see Henry now he’s sleeping?” JJ suggested. CJ looked up at her mum. She was interested in the tiny human occupying her home and her space but she also was weirded out by it. “He’s just asleep so we’d have to be quiet,” JJ smiled and ran her fingers through CJ’s hair. Not like CJ was ever particularly loud anyway. She was partially nonverbal and never spoke around strangers and rarely around family or friends. Only on really good days could her parents get good conversation out of her. CJ nodded and turned off her game, shocking JJ. She was expecting a no. “Come on, then,” JJ muttered and stood up slowly, using the bed as support. CJ watched her injured mum and sighed, she didn’t like that the baby had hurt her. She didn’t like seeing her mum hurt. “I’m okay, baby,” JJ reassured CJ and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Together, they walked down the hallway. 
CJ peered over the side of the basket, just about tall enough to see in. He was small, tiny even. He had a little button nose and long, blonde eyelashes. CJ looked up at her mum and then down at the baby boy. He looked a little like the dolls people used to buy her. She never played with them, she never understood how to play make believe. She used to just stare at them or shove them as far down her toy box as she could because she hated the noises they would make. No one bought her toys anymore. “What do you think, sunshine?” JJ asked. CJ thought for a moment, what did she think? “Pretty,” she muttered. “He is pretty. He’s your little brother.” CJ nodded, understanding. A brother. She still didn’t like the noises he made or the way he moved and wriggled or the way he smelt but maybe, just maybe, she could get used to the way he slept, silently and still. Maybe a new brother wasn’t so bad.
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Emily Prentiss X Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau X Autistic Teen Reader
Request: hiii! could i request one where the reader is the child (they/them pronouns please!) of JJ and Emily and they're autistic and have a meltdown and jemily helps them through it? preferably the reader being an older teen. thank youuu :))
Third person pov...
It was Y/N Jareau-Prentiss first day at their new high school, the 16 year old was nervous to start the new year in a new classroom, with a new teacher and completely new classmates.
JJ and Emily knowing their child gets overwhelmed a lot with things like this met their child's teacher before hand and explained to him how Y/N is autistic and gets overwhelmed easily and will need support.
The teacher was happy to accommodate which helped relax the mothers, at 7am Emily woke up and turned off her alarm she then, shook her wife awake, the blonde woman groaned and turned away making her wife sigh.
Emily then yawned and kisses her wife on the cheek before getting out from the warm covers and wonders into wake-up Y/N, currently the 16 year old was asleep, they hadn't slept well because of how nervous they were for the new school year.
Emily smiles and gently wakes them up, being a light sleeper Y/N wakes up when she shakes them, they give their Mum and sleepy smile. "Good morning honey" she smiled; "Mum" yawns the teen stretching.
Emily smiles and places their clothes on their bed to get dressed in. "you ger dressed honey, I'll go wake Momma up again" says the black haired woman before leaving, the 16 year old then gets up out of bed and into their clothes.
This is their routine in the morning, their Mums wakes them up at 7, then they get dressed and have breakfast downstairs. Since finding out their kid was autistic the two women spent every waking moment researching to help understand their child and listen to them.
While Y/N was getting dressed Emily walked back into her room to wake up her sleeping wife, JJ had definitely fallen back to sleep making her wife sigh, suddenly an idea forms.
Emily walks back into her childs room and devious grin on her face. "hey N/N wanna wake up mum with me?" she askes the kid, Y/N sees the look on her face and grins. "Definitely" "okayy lets go!" Yells Emily.
The two then run to Emily and JJS room grins on their faces, Y/N peaks their head in and sees their Mum still asleep with a pillow over her head.
Emily and Y/N grin evilly before jumping onto the bed shaking JJ effectively awake. The blonde woman groans at the assault on her sleep but smiles at her family none the less.
"Morning guys" she grins at the duo on her bed, they grin identical grins back. "Time to get up I suppose" she questions, "yet sleepy head, come on N/N let's makes breakfast" Says Emily, the mother and Teen then run of to the kitchen leaving the blonde behind to get dressed and wake up.
Hours later the family of three are getting out of the car outside Y/Ns high school, the Teen was nervously flapping their hands (stimming) and swaying as they wait for their parents to get out of the car.
JJ and Emily soon get out and lock the car, they stand beside their obviously anxious child. The teen breathes in and out before bringing their hands to rest by their sides but still flapping them.
They look up at their parents faces before the trio begin walking towards the office, as they stepped foot onto the busy grounds Y/N felt overstimulated, their ears hurt and flight or fight response where telling them to run.
But then it was quiet, JJ patted her childs shoulder she had put their ear defenders on, she noticed the early signs of a meltdown before the teenager did, sighing sofly Y/N felt better not as overwhelmed but it was still there.
For the past couple of years the teen had been homeschooled as they couldn't deal with school, the bullies and the people. For them it was too loud too crowded, which why their Uncle Spencer suggested they get her a diagnosis and of course the genius was right Y/N was autistic, since then they have been learning about having an Autistic child and helping to understand their child a lot more.
As they continue walking Y/N could feel it coming - the creeping sensation of overwhelming anxiety that had been slowly building up all day. Despite their best efforts at controlling their emotions, the feeling of rising panic was too much, and tears began to roll down their cheeks.
As this was happening they made it to the office, JJ speaks to the receptionists asking where the sensory room is, Emily comforts their child, the receptionist spots Y/Ns state and quickly showed them.
Once they were alone Y/N sunk to the floor curling in on themselves, realising it was a meltdown JJ and Emily quickly they jumped into action, JJ gathered her child up in a hug, providing pressure.
while Emily stood protectively by their side, though her leg was pressed against Y/Ns back so they new she was still there.
JJ was almost the more affectionate one while Emily didn't do physical touch but had her owns ways of helping. "shh shh its okay N/N" "its okay Mum is here and so is Mumma" "yeah don't worry kid we wont leave you" the two woman whisper to their distressed child.
With soft words of encouragement and pressure JJ strokes Y/Ns hair and back. They reminded the teen of the things they enjoy and talking about their special interests and the strategies Spencer had taught them for dealing with anxiety and meltdowns.
For the next half hour or so, Y/Ns parents gently guided the H/C teen through their meltdown. They reassured them and tried to look at things from their perspective so that they could gain new insight and understanding. They also gave her new ways to handle her emotions, slowly, very slowly, the feeling of panic began to subside and everything that was overwhelming them before stopped.
Y/Ns breathing evened out, and they were able to start taking in their surroundings again. JJ and Emily stayed close, offering words of support and reassurance once they had fully clamed down Y/N took of their headphones and looked at at their Mums and smiled.
"thank you" the teen mumbled, earning them a smile and hug from their parents making them feel better instantly.
The end!
Hope you liked this so sorry for the wait ive been super busy at college my art class has been super busy working on projects.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1155
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
Sundrop's Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Lessons For A Genius - Capsule Series (Temporarily Complete)
Note: This is a Capsule Series, so each fic can be read as an individual oneshot. There is no overarching story, and no specific ending.
Lesson One: Slick Silicone - Sub!Spencer Reid x (BAU)Dom!Fem!Reader. Co-Workers to Friends With Benefits. Smut. Despite being a genius, Reid still has a lot left to learn about life. (Mostly sex related.) And he definitely wants to learn from you. His first lesson? Well, a linguistics lesson turns into a hands-on demonstration with a very special toy. (17,200 words.)
Lesson Two: Magic Metacarpals - Sub!Spencer Reid x (BAU)Dom!Fem!Reader. (Pining) Friends With Benefits. Smut. After receiving his first lesson, Spencer is eager to learn more for you. So you teach him the next logical thing - how to pleasure you in return. (26,300 words.)
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The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes - Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader. Co-Workers to Lovers. Fake Dating. Hurt and Comfort. While undercover inside the Separatarian Sect, you and Spencer realize something important: you can’t live without each other. (8,200 words.)
Push and Pull - Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader - Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut, Sexual Tension. When investigating Viper, Emily doesn't fall for his tricks, and in fact - spends the night teasing him by showing more interest in you. Little did she know, she was driving you insane in the process. (2,800 words.)
The Perfect Brat - Dom!Elle Greenaway x Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Spencer Reid. Co-Workers with Benefits. Smut/PWP. Spencer acts up, so you and Elle put him in his place. (2,900 words.)
Loverboy - Bratty!Virgin!Spencer Reid x (Dom)Fem!Reader. Co-Workers with Benefits. Smut/PWP. You try your hardest to make Spencer's first time a good one. (3,100 words.)
Black Suit - Dom!Emily Prentiss x Sub!Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut/PWP. After a particularly hard case, Emily takes you home and helps you unwind by showing you exactly where you belong. (2,900 words.)
From Your Lips - Jennifer Jareau x GN!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut, Hurt and Comfort. After JJ is attacked on the Hankle farm, you take the time to check on her and distract her flustered mind. (3,000 words.)
Figure It Out - A Criminal Minds Casefic. Fem!Reader x Gen!BAU Team (Platonic). General Casefic, modelled after a Criminal Minds episode. Angst, Mystery, Hurt and Comfort. When the team takes a case in your hometown - a secret that you have been trying to hide for years comes to be known with a vengeance. (18,000 words.)
Meddle About - Sub!Spencer Reid x Dom!Fem!Reader. Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut. Morgan calls you Reid's 'Mommy', and you don't think much of it - but Reid can't get it out of his head. It accidentally slips out of his lips, and you like how it sounds coming from him. (6,300 words.)
Pathetic - Dom!Elle Greenaway x Switch!GN!Reader x Sub!Spencer Reid. Established Dom/Sub Relationship. Smut/PWP. Spencer gets punished again - in a very creative way. (2,600 words.)
She Keeps Me Up - Dom!Jennifer Jareau x Sub!Fem!Reader. Established Dom/Sub Relationship. Smut/PWP. JJ is very protective of you - and very possessive of you. When an UnSub leaves a tiny scratch on you, she feels the need to remind you exactly who you belong to. (3,100 words.)
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Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader Headcanons
Jennifer Jareau and Emily Prentiss Kink Headcanons
Random Spencer Reid Headcanons
JJ Being Protective Of You (Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic Reader)
The Scale of Dominance and Submissiveness in The Criminal Minds Characters (Headcanons)
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How would Spencer react to you teasing him with a lollipop?
How would Spencer react to you fainting around him?
How would Spencer, Emily, and Elle react to getting proposed to?
How would Derek, Emily, and Spencer react to your daughter being clingy with them?
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Note: This last fic links off to AO3. I'm probably not going to edit it and post it on Tumblr - it's going to live on AO3. So if you want to read it, you can do so at this link.
Burn The Witch - Spencer Reid x (BAU)Fem!Reader. Mutual Pining Co-Workers. Heavy Angst, Smut, Casefic. (Series - Complete.) You weren’t sure which you regretted more: acting on your feelings for Spencer, or writing them down first. But there wasn't much room for regrets when a psychopath was waving a gas can in front of your face and telling you he intended to turn you to ashes. (69,900 words.)
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
Requests are closed right now, but the Masterlist is always open! 🫶🏻
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Texts from Olivia Benson
Eyes Open
When Worlds Collide (x daughter!reader)
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Texts from Alex Blake
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Texts from Alex Cabot (18+)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Find Your People (x sibling!reader)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Just Playing
Headcanons: Coming Out to Rosa Diaz as Transmasc
Passenger Princess
A Little Lunch
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Lee Harker (Longlegs)
The Halloween Party
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Fight or Flight (x daughter!reader)
Texts from Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (18+)
The Aftermath
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Home Again
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
With the Crack of a Bat
Just One Kiss
Texts from Casey Novak
They Go Low
Getting Older, Too
When Worlds Collide
Frozen Oranges
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
The Surprise Series Masterlist
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
Burning (18+)
Tracing You
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
Control (18+)
The World's Largest Box of Condoms (x daughter!reader)
Touchy (18+)
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
White Fang
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Texts from Amelia Shepherd (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write for characters who are women. No men here. Sorry, folks.
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships. I've done a couple of x daughter!reader and x sibling!reader fics, and I'm happy to do them, but to be honest I very much prefer romantic fics.
I only write for readers and characters with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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hi!! do you have any fic recs for non-bau!reader x spencer? i’m not too picky just would love to read about navigating a domestic relationship with an agent while being entirely NOT in that field! so maybe something fluffy (but never opposed to smutty). thank you in advanced 🧚‍♀️
Hey friend! I've compiled most of my Civilian!Reader fics here, although I will say not a lot of them focus on the difficulties navigating the job. For that, you'll find the most luck with my two most popular series below. Otherwise, it's a somewhat eclectic group of fics, which I hope you can still enjoy ❤️
If anyone has any favorite fics that the anon might be interested in, please share them in the comments or reblogs! Self-promotion is always welcome!
S.R. Series (NSFW, 18+ MINORS DNI)
The Birds & The Bees (ongoing series): Prof!Spencer, Virgin!Reader. Reader interviews for a position as Dr. Spencer Reid’s Teaching Assistant, and Spencer learns something special about her.
Here to Misbehave (completed series): Spencer meets a girl he can’t get enough of at the nightclub, then quickly realizes she is not supposed to be there.
S.R. SFW Oneshots
Dead Air: Professor Reid is hesitant to be a guest on his old student’s true crime video series, but is surprised to find it’s not so bad.
Defining Family: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Devil’s Advocate: Spencer’s been hooking up with the defense attorney in secret. At some point what was purely physical turned into something else.
Fairytales: Spencer comes home to his very tired wife and even more tired child who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story from their dad.
Funny Thing Fate: Autistic!Reader is tipsy and lost in D.C. when she spots a man she thinks might be able to help.
Haunted: Spencer’s never told anyone what happened in prison.
Growing Pains: Spencer finds unfamiliar lingerie in the laundry. When he confronts his wife, he learns it belongs to their teenage daughter.
Intentions: Spencer’s teenage daughter wants to have a conversation with you about your intentions with her father.
It’s Personal: Reader reminds Spencer’s team that it’s never appropriate to ask someone for their age, even if they’re dating their coworker.
Java Jive: Spencer and Emily take a break at the local coffee shop and she makes an understandable mistake about barista Reader and Spencer’s relationship.
Kitten Love: Spencer’s vet begrudgingly agrees to an emergency house call.
Maddening One, My Goddess: Spencer has a one night stand… on February 13th. The next day, he is confronted with a familiar face on his pre-planned double date.
Not Your Backup: Spencer and JJ argue about her jealousy of his girlfriend.
Quid Pro Quo: Spencer is entranced by the law student in his class.
Rib Cage: Spencer realizes Reader is the one, but it might be too late. He has to find her.
Serendipitous: Spencer’s pretty sure Penelope mixed up his blind date.
Stranger Danger: Reader is a single mother having a very bad day.
Style Theory: Fashion student Reader meets their favorite scholar and teaches him a lesson in self-love.
The Perfect Plan: Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
The Prodigy Path: At a parent teacher conference, Spencer and Reader explain their seemingly unorthodox parenting style.
S.R. SFW Blurbs
At Ease: Spencer comes home to his partner and finds them still asleep.
Birthday Wish: Spencer is sad he can’t reach you on his birthday.
Favorite Person: Reader just needs a little extra reassurance sometimes.
S.R. NSFW Oneshots (18+, MINORS DNI)
Big Bad Wolf (Part 1, Part 2): Spencer is overwhelmed by the apparent innocence of an elementary school teacher he meets on a case.
Blush: Spencer finds something surprising in his girlfriend’s sock drawer after he’s released from prison.
Cupid & Psyche: Reader and Spencer get kidnapped by a rather romantic matchmaking unsub who demands they perform for him.
Devil in the Backseat: Reader is a little too much (and Spencer's into it).
Get Lucky: It’s 3AM and a pipe burst in Reader’s apartment. She is soaked, angry, and forgot her wallet and phone. Her neighbor Spencer tries his best to make the night not terrible.
I Like It Like That: Spencer is jealous after a rowdy party.
Kiss ’n Tell: Reader gets drunk on a night out with the girls and accidentally mimics her boyfriend’s habit of oversharing.
My Boss’s Daughter: Spencer’s fling with his boss’s daughter is definitely going to get him fired.
Relief in Regrets: Spencer turns to his ex-girlfriend in a time of need.
Rewrapped: Reader tries to be cheeky, but regrets it a little too late to do anything about it.
Rodeo Show: Spencer and Reader weren’t planning on having an audience that morning.
Schrödinger’s Relationship (Part 1, Part 2): Reader finds out Spencer has been dating a kind and cute woman (when he’s not spending the night at her house).
Study Session: Spencer really hates his student, but he can’t resist her.
Vienna: Spencer is a bona fide 40-year-old virgin. After a few months of dating Reader, he finally decides he wants to change that.
Yellow Light: Everyone thinks Reader is dangerous. Probably because she’s Cat’s sister. But is that why Spencer likes her?
Happy reading!
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blackbird-brewster · 2 months
Mom!Em Fic Recs
@bau-babygirl requested: Fics featuring Emily as a mom [X]
JJ/Emily + Kids
[Find all of these and more fluff in my Domestic Jemily collection on AO3]
Mother's Day by w00t4ewan (me) Rated: G || WC: 715 Summary: Henry helps Emily surprise JJ on Mother's Day
Dreams Do Come True by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 2000 Summary: Emily and JJ take Henry to Disneyworld on their first family vacation.
Breakfast by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 840 Summary: Emily tries to let JJ sleep in and winds up with her hands full of a certain toddler.
Love is an Open Door by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 1010 Summary: Emily and Henry work together to plan an unforgettable evening for JJ.
Jemily Ficlet Archives by w00t4ewan Rated: M || WC: 31,000+ Summary: An unrelated collection of Jemily ficlets and headcanons which were originally posted on my tumblr and up until now hadn't been shared on AO3.
Sand by @otahkoapisiakii (Phoenix_Falls) Rated: G || WC: 2630 Summary: JJ and Emily incorporate Henry in their wedding ceremony
Steps by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 4670 Summary: Modified prompt from tumblr: "you asked me to the store with you and your child, and now my distant relative we met thinks im married with a baby"
Darwin by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 831 Summary: Henry has an odd nickname. Likely takes place in the same verse as Steps, but 11 years later Mittens and Hats by @velutluna Rated: G || WC: 1944 Summary: JJ and Emily take their sons for a walk in a winter wonderland.
Perfect by velutuna Rated: G || WC: 660 Summary: A perfect evening at the home of the Prentiss-Jareau family.
Happy Birthday! by @ellegreenawayslover Rated: G || WC: 2028 Summary: Emily’s feelings during her birthday, her feelings years ago, and how she finally is truly happy with her life and how it turned out.
Morning Cartoons and Middle Names by @vhsrights Rated: G || WC: 2634 Summary: A shift in the numbers on his digital clock indicated that the time had arrived. 7:15 am. No sound of an alarm echoed through the upper floor of the Prentiss-Jareau house. There was pin-drop silence, and then the quiet chaos began.
Bonus: My Master List of MomEm Headcanons & Fanworks
Other Fics: Emily + Kids
A Year in the Life by @gaelic-symphony (thelarkascending) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 8455 Summary: Twelve vignettes from the married life of Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss, written for the Year of the OTP writing challenge.
handprints on my soul by @prrentiss (unitchiefprentiss) Tara/Emily || Rated: T || WC: 32,000+ Summary: tara and emily after the events of just a dream. Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange Halloween Interlude by w00t4ewan Tara/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1573 Maternal Instinct by thelarkascending Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 1207 Summary: Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange
Bluey Mom by @alexblakeisgay (ArwenLalaith) Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 2713 Summary: The adventures of Emily Prentiss as she navigates running the BAU, being a wife and mother, and her relationship with gender.
Oh, My Darling Clementine by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 930 Summary: Emily Prentiss is not above bribing her toddler daughter to get her to call her Mama…
Book Ends by ArwenLalaith Alex/Emily || Rated: G || WC: 18,500 Summary: Emily's life revolves around Lux - her four year old autistic daughter. She hasn't had a relationship since she got pregnant and certainly isn't looking to start one when she meets Alex Blake: phenom children's author.
Alex's life since her husband left and her son passed has revolved around writing and little else. She's been a recluse for years when her agent finally convinces her to make an appearance at her latest book launch. Little does she know, she's about to meet a four year old girl that will change her life....
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader:
Lazy Genius: reader decides to skip a school assignment, and her dad isn't happy about it.
Statistics, Rubix Cubes, and Waiting Rooms: Your dad, Spencer, sits with you as you wait for your psychological testing to begin.
To Start: you and your dad, Spencer, talk on the way to your first therapy appointment.
Intoxicating Hurt: If anyone knows how intoxicating hurting can be, it’s Spencer Reid. If anyone knows that there’s a better way to take pain away, it’s Spencer Reid.
Big Day, Huh?: (child!reader) Spencer's autistic daughter has an eventful morning at the BAU.
I'd Better Ask Emily: When Spencer goes looking for your school notebook and accidentally reads your diary instead he goes to the BAU bisexual badass for help.
Death by a Thousand Cuts: After you hear about JJ's feelings towards your dad, you tell her the truth about how you feel about her too... and it's not friendly.
Crave and Courage: Spencer comes home from a case to find you torn between crave and courage.
No Matter What: Spencer helps his daughter with BPD through an anger breakdown.
Spencer Reid x teen!reader:
The Washington Tales: Spencer's busy schedule leaves you feeling lonely. You run away, finding company in an old friend.
You're Real: As you get deeper and deeper into a depersonalized state, your dad doesn’t need to ask- he already knows the best thing he can do for you.
Spencer Reid x reader:
Perfect Anyway: (GN!reader) Wounds don’t always heal perfect, but Spencer makes sure you know just how perfect you are.
Valid: After experiencing a non-epileptic seizure, Spencer refuses to leave your side.
We Need You That Way: (GN!reader) Spencer reminds dyslexic reader that they’re a valuable part of the team.
Thirteen: (mostly platonic!reid) reader waits by the river and reflects on a time in their life filled with love, loss, and sacrifice. Completed (Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)
The Happen Anthology: (Spencer Reid x daughter!reader) Spencer's daughter was kidnapped And then she was saved But what happened then effects what happens now.
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader:
Getting an autism diagnosis
Helping you with your eating disorder (ft. Garcia)
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reblog-reblog666 · 4 months
Masterlist 7
Matthew Murdock
Virtuous person - Fluff, Spice, Hurt/Comfort
Matt x Chubby!Fem!Reader - Fluffy Smut
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
A sensory game - Smut Adjacent
Hygiene hcs
The silver culprit - Smut, Comfort
To pay the price - Smut Adjacent
But daddy I love him - Fluff, Suggestive
A dirty chai latte kind of love - Fluff, Blurb
The safe word - Smut Adjacent, Hurt Comfort, Fluff
Cabbage and tears - Hurt/Comfort, Mom!Reader
Brush strokes - Fluff, Spicy, Artist!Reader
Submissive Matt - Smut
Thumb v printer - Fluff
Love language character study - Fluff, Comfort, Smut, Drabble
Drunk raccoon hcs - Fluff
A purrfect edition - Fluff, Autistic!Plussize!Reader
Sick - Hurt/Comfort
Coming back from space (sub!Matt version) - Fluff, Comfort, Smut Adjacent
Sfw headcanons
Too much - Hurt/Comfort
Accidents - Fluff, Mom!Reader, Dad!Matt
Coming back from space (sub!reader version) - Smut Adjacent, Comfort, Fluff
How far does it go; when does it end? - Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Enduring - Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Beautiful. - Fluff, Smut
Lack of focus - Hurt/Comfort
Read my hands/read my mind - HOH!Reader, Fluff
Meeting the defenders - Fluff
Fucked up leg - Hurt/Comfort
Midwest emo and the music debate - Fluff, Blurb
Sex pollen blurb - +Frank, smut
The fallen angel’s destruction - Smut adjacent, sub!Matt
Say goodbye to my heart tonight - Smut adjacent
ddba!Matt smut shorts
Do I need to beg? - Smut
Devil’s work - Smut
Beach hcs - Fluff
Bruce Wayne
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
x GN!Reader - Smut
Clark Kent
Picture perfect - Fluff
Michael Kinsella
Ring the changes - Smut
Lovebites - Smut
Smut blurb
Predawn bliss - Fluff, Blurb, Mom!Reader
Frank Castle
Hygiene hcs
With care - Pregnant!Reader, Comfort, Fluff
Sex pollen Drabble - +Matt, smut
Aaron Hotchner
Autistic reader comfort
Wear it well - Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
x Adult!Daughter reader - Comfort, Fluff
Grumpy - Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Drunk - Fluff
Meeting Jack - Adult!Daughter Reader, Fluff
Spencer Reid
Soft Spencer hcs - Fluff
Being protective - Hurt/Comfort, Autistic!Reader
TASM!Peter Parker
Burning candles - Fluff, Comfort, Autistic!Reader
Charlie Swan
Let’s get in the back of your car, officer - Smut
Cockwarming - Smut blurb
Freaky - Smut Blurb
Burns - Fluff, xCarlisle Cullen, Hurt Comfort? Part 2
Small town shit - Smut
Let the rain wash away our secrets - Smut
Carlisle Cullen
Burns - Fluff, xCharlie Swan, Hurt Comfort? Part 2
Love and Deep Space
would you still love me if i was a worm? (and other thought-provoking questions) - Sylus, Fluff, Comfort
She’s with me - All, Angst?, Comfort/Fluff?
Walking in on him watching adult content - All, Smut adjacent blurbs
Gossip hcs - Fluff, Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
Yandere thoughts - Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
“Be gentle” - Sylus, Smut blurb
Clingy - Sylus, Blurb, Fluff
His own hands - Zayne, Smut
Stroke game - Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel, Smut blurbs
Midnight stealth - Sylus, Smut
Sylus relationship hcs - Fluff, Smut adjacent
Nervous reader during sex - Xavier, Rafayel, Smut
Play fighting - Rafayel, Fluff, Smut adjacent
The sixth of March - Rafayel, Smut
Switch - Sylus, Smutty thoughts
Cat and mouse - Yandere!Sylus
Blowjob Drabble - Sylus, Smut
Kindred spirits - Sylus, Smut
Trying to get you to sleep - Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel, fluff, smut adjacent
Plan - Sylus, Smut
How Sylus fucks to when he overstimulates you - Sylus, Smut
What he says in bed - Sylus, Smut adjacent
Somno and lingerie - Xavier, Rafayel, Zayne, Smut
She can’t come to the phone right now - Xavier, Smut
Random habits - Hcs, General, Rafayel, Xavier, Zayne, Sylus
Comfort for a crying heart - Blurbs, Hurt/Comfort, Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus
Responsible dads - Fluff, Blurbs, Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus
Muscle mommy - Fluff, Blurbs, Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel, Sylus
When you playfully reject their kiss - Blurbs, Fluff, Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel
Dress to impress - Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Sylus, Fluff, Blurbs
To make a family - Xavier, Smut
Good girl gone bad - Xavier, Smut
You are my favorite mistake - Sylus, Smut, Fluff
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marie-swriting · 1 year
EN Specific Rules For Characters
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Criminal Minds characters
Spencer Reid one shot will always be platonic (family or friendship). If it's a one shot with a daughter!reader, the reader will always be written as autistic. For a sister!reader, the reader can be neurodivergent or not.
Emily Prentiss one shot will always be for a romantic relationship or a friendship.
Supernatural characters
The one shots will always be platonic (family or friendship). You can request anything as long as there isn't a romantic relationship with Dean nor Sam.
Marvel characters
TASM!Peter Parker can be about a romantic relationship or a friendship.
MCU!Peter Parker will always be platonic (family or friendship).
Stranger Things Characters
Steve Harrington one shot will mainly be platonic (family or friendship).
I won't write for El, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max or Will if it's romantic. For them, it'll always be platonic.
For Eddie, Chrissy and Robin, it'll usually be a romantic relationship or a friendship, unless you want a Chrissy Cunningham x Munson!reader, for example.
Heartstopper Characters
I haven't written for this fandom yet, but I'd like to. However, it has to be platonic, no exception.
Outer Banks Characters
I haven't written for this fandom either, but i wouldn't mind writing for JJ Maybank. However, the one shot will be platonic (family or friendship).
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punksarahreese · 2 years
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Chicago Med
16:22 (Time of death!AU) - Ghost!Ava post 5x1
4 Mg Ativan (Anxious!Ava) - Ava mental illness vent AU
A Chance Meeting (Twice Over) - Reesker teen vs adult first meeting AU
Atresia!Fic - A rhekker surgical fic
Beautiful - Heathers inspired reesker AU
Bloodletting - Human!Sarah and Vampire!Ava occult AU
Borderline - BPD!Ava struggling with motherhood
Breakdown - Connor x mental breakdown AU
Carcinos - Oncologist!Ava AU
Chronic - Spoonie!Sarah chronic illness vent AU
Estrangement - Reesker exes!AU
Familiarity - Rhekker!step sibling AU
Fractured Reality - Schizophrenic!Crockett-centric psych ward AU
Heaven or Hell - Angel!Sarah and Demon!Ava AU
La Douleur Exquise - Hanahaki!Reesker AU
Metamorphosis - Ava religious trauma vent AU
Murmur - Parents!reesker and their daughter with a CHD
Recovery - Post suicide attempt/SA Ava AU
Recurrence - Cancer survivor!Ava AU
Rehearsal - Chekker theatre kid AU
Restart - Med student!Sarah x fellow!Ava AU
Someone New - Rheesker polyam AU
Suffrage - Suffragette!Reesker AU set in Edwardian era America
Undertow - Selkie!Ava and Marine Biologist!Sarah AU
Unethical - Mad scientist!Ava and her kidnapped test subject!Sarah
Criminal Minds
Acoustic - Hard of hearing!JJ AU
Blackbird - Jemily angst AU
Malevolent - Unsub!Emily AU
Revenant - Emily adopts Declan
Stranger Things
Autistic!Eddie Munson
Autistic!Robin Buckley
Blindsided - Blind!Max Mayfield (post 4x9)
Mermaid Bar - Mermaid!Robin Ronance AU
Over - Robin Buckley Vent Fic
She Don’t Fade (and Rain Don’t Fall) - Ghost!Nancy
Sunshine Girl - post-UpsideDown Ronance
Things We Lost - Ronance Coparent Holly and Mike AU
911 Lone Star
Discrepancy - Marjan lower limb difference AU
The Mentalist
Your Love (Is Red) - Jisbon post 7x13 AU
Crosshairs (FBI!AU) - Reesker x criminal minds AU
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veeluvss · 1 year
jj x autistic!daughter
some words
jj’s daughter turns up at work after a traumatic event at school
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the bau were working hard on completing recent case files when they heard the commotion in the hallway outside. derek turned around first, being nosy. however, seeing jj’s daughter, he rose to his feet.
people were crowding her. what was she even doing here?
“jj,” derek said, tapping her shoulder and looking out the glass doors.
“i just need my jumper!” she cried, pushing people out of the way. jj jumped from her seat, walking over to her clearly distressed daughter.
“mum! i need you,” she said panicked, stopping in front of her mum.
“what are you doing here, y/n?” jj asked, looking her up and down. her school uniform was disheveled, the plaits in her hair were a mess- like she’d been rubbing her head constantly, something she did when stressed.
“mum my jumper,” she whispered, glaring at her. “where is it?”
“baby it’s not here!” jj said suddenly.
a security guard walked into the bau then, going to grab y/n’s arm but morgan stopped him.
“it’s fine, she’s Jareau’s daughter,” he told the guard.
“she doesn’t have a visitor badge. she just walked through,” he groaned.
“i said leave it dude,” morgan said. the guard walked off, shaking his head.
“mum i need my jumper!” y/n whined.
“you’re meant to be at school!” jj argued.
“mum!” she groaned. she walked around her, beginning to search through jj’s stuff. throwing the things out of her go bag onto the floor.
“baby no,” she heard JJ say and she sighed loudly.
“i need it, why do you not understand?” she cried, shouting at her mum.
“i know, i know,” jj whispered, putting her hands on her daughters arms. “but it’s not here.”
“then where is it? you’ve got to help me find it! they said you had it!” she pushed her mums chest and jj sighed. this jumper was y/n’s comfort jumper. she went no where without it, it was old, tattered and hardly ever got washed but now she couldn’t find it and the world was upside down. jj knew how important the jumper was to her daughter.
“what’s going on?” the team heard emily say from the stairs. y/n turned around from jj’s arms and ran to her auntie emily.
“have you seen my jumper?” she asked, practically begging.
“your jumper? no baby, when did you last see it?”
“at school but- but -but the girls they took it and said mum has it,” she cried out, looking at the team frantically. jj sighed then, taking out her phone and ringing the school. emily guided y/n into her office.
“sit down,” she told jj’s daughter.
“no, i nee- they said mum has it! why is she lying to me?” she cried, rubbing at her head. emily sighed and walked over to the teenage girl.
“was it the same girls? hannah and freya?” emily asked, crouching down in front of her. y/n just nodded, feeling herself growing more and more panicked. these girls regularly bullied y/n, for being different. they’d obviously taken her jumper and told her that her mum had it - causing her to leave school and head here.
“listen sweetheart,” emily muttered, running her fingers down y/n’s arms. she knew it soothed her, she’d been doing it since she was young. “your mums talking to school now. she’ll find your jumper.”
“i need it now,” she began to sob and emily could only comfort her in the way she knew how. arm tickles and forehead kisses.
“put someone on the damn phone who knows what i’m talking about!” jj shouted down the phone. she’s excused herself to her old office, trusting that emily had her daughter safe.
“i am sick to death of this happening,” jj said. “did you even know she’d left? what if something had happened to her?” she was getting angrier and angrier. “no! she’s autistic, not special. why can’t you see that! you’re allowing them girls to ridicule her and bully her day in and day out and you’re doing nothing about it.”
“i don’t care if you understand because you clearly don’t. i am coming to get my daughters jumper and to clean out her locker because there is no way i am sending her back into your care. authorities will be hearing about this,” jj told them. she slammed the phone down and took a few deep breaths.
for the last 16 years y/n had always been excluded, different- unique. she had a mind of a genius, she didn’t talk a lot and she took things very literally. she wasn’t one for physical contact unless it was auntie emily and she needed her routine. but since starting this school, jj had only grown more and more furious with their handling of her. she was a vulnerable child, she did need that extra care sometimes but jj felt like her daughter was being thrown under the bus constantly.
walking out of class, was her fault. lashing out at other kids was her fault. breaking down and going non verbal was her fault. the way she handled anything wasn’t understood and now the school had let the bullies walk all over her again.
jj entered emily’s office to the sweetest sight. emily sat on the sofa, cradling y/n in her arms. her legs were over emily’s thigh and her head in the crook of emily’s neck. emily continued tickling up her arm, singing softly her own song.
“i’m going to get her jumper, is she okay here?” jj asked, feeling so, so grateful for emily.
“she’s okay yeah, you go beat to them kids,” emily sniggered. jj rolled her eyes and walked out, shutting the door quietly behind her.
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Can I request an Aaron Hotchner x autistic!daughter young adult ideally but any age. Or even she’s on the team and he’s a father figure to her because her own is so ableist. My dad is so ableist and I have so much autistic trauma from him even though my autism is from him too. He thinks that gives him even more rights to say whatever he wants to me and bully me even more. I just need to know what it feels like to have a good dad who cares about my autism. Who cares about me ❤️❤️
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Aaron Hotchner x Autistic! Young adult reader
Of course I can, I'm sorry you have to deal with that, my parents have trouble understanding my Autism as well but they are getting better. I will write this for you!
Summary: Y/Ns ableist Dad comes to the BAU and starts being an Ableist arsehole to his daughter, her father figure (Hotch) steps in and saves her.
Third Person pov...
It had been 3 years since Y/N L/N joined the BAU, she was 21 when she joined and instantly became the baby of the team and Hotch became her Dad, Y/N is autistic and has sensory issues.
Ever since she was little her father was ablest and would bully her and verbally abuse her saying how her being Autistic meant something was wrong with her and that she needed fixing, the man caused her to have so many meltdowns and sensory overloads that it made others concerned her teachers as school.
He was later arrested for child abuse and was sent to prison, Y/N was then left with her neighbours who were a nice loving family and always liked her but hated her dad and were glad she got away from him after suffering for years, her Mum was out of the picture.
The young girl had so much trauma from her childhood when she joined the BAU that Hotch became her father figure, their relationship helped mend Y/Ns trauma from her bio dad and she was able to live comfortably knowing he wasnt in her life anymore, she was treated with respect and was always told that her autism wasn't a bad thing.
From being with Penelope and Spencer (who are also Autistic) her relationship with her Autism was mended and she was able to be herself, while with her dad she could stim or doing anything 'autistic' but with her new found family she was free to stim and had all her accomedations, if anyone disrespected her or called her weird they would have to deal with an angry Hotch and the rest of the team.
It was a normal day for the team, they weren’t on a case and for once they all got to relax and fill out paperwork, well aside from Hotch and Spencer no one was doing any paperwork, Derek and Emily were sat giggling loudly like children as they kept throwing rolled up pieces of paper at their second youngest member.
The laughter increased as they kept hitting their mark, Spencers head, the genius was none the wiser as a pile of paper was forming around him at their many failed attempts. From the side JJ and Penelope sit and watch as Spencer doesn't realise, opposite the genius sat Y/N she was busy spinning in her chair with her headphones on and watching the scene play out.
She had the perfect poker face for when a paper ball hit Spencer's head, as the children in the bull pen play the two adults Hotch and Rossi where actually getting work done, , well Hotch was at least the Italian was drinking and watching the kids outside keeping an eye on them as someone responsible needed too.
As Y/N continued to spin around her in chair she didn’t hear the heavy footsteps off someone walking up behind her, the H/C woman was suddenly yanked off her chair and onto the hard floor by a man, in the process of being manhandled her headphones when flying off her head.
“What did I tall ya about doing that Girl!” exclaimed a voice that haunted her nightmares, gasping in terror Y/N stared frozen at her Father who was suppose to be in prison, the large man had a sickening grin on his face as he saw the terror in his daughter eyes.
“Yes its me!” he laughed that horrible laugh that had Y/N holding her hands overs her ears, the 21 year old was still frozen on the floor while the others were staring at the scene before them guns raised, by this time Hotch and Rossi had heard what happened and were out of their offices.
“bu-but your supposed to be in jail!” exclaimed Y/N finally finding her voice stuttering, the man looked down at her crumpled form, he then grabbed the front of her blouse pulling his daughter close. “they let me out for good behaviour, did ya miss me!” he semi whispered as Y/Ns face grew a sickening pale white, she scrambled to get away but the man wouldn’t let go instead he raised his hand and slapped her.
Y/N cried out in pain. “you really didn’t think I could be held for long did ya you retard! You really are still a fucked in the head as you were years ago” yelled the man, Hotch had had enough, he rain down thw ramp arms raised, gun in his hands. “Get your hands on hr now, you do realise you just assaulted a federal agent” growled out Hotch as the man teared his eyes away from the shivering form of his daughter.
He spat at Hotch. “your not her father I am, this waste of space in am Agent HA!”!” he laughed again and kicked Y/N hard in the ribs, Penelope gasps tears in her eyes as she witnesses her friend get beaten. Y/N holds in her cries of pain and raises her head from the floor glaring at the man.
“your not my dad you never have been!” she cried tears rolling down her face, the sadistic man smirked at the tears rolling down his daughters face, the sight reminding off when she was a kid and he would verbally abuse her, he had never hit her before now, it felt good.
Her words made him angry. “I am your father retard, though I hate to admit it you share my blood, your as stupid as I remember crying on the floor like the child you are to stupid to do what I say” he goes on on berating Y/N and saying how stupid she was once again verbally abusing her, as he went on his rant Y/N managed to stand up.
She was then pulled behind Hotch, his finger close to pulling the trigger. “you Bastard, you shut the fuck up now, you have crossed the line now get out of my building and away from my Daughter before I pump your body full of bullets!” yelled Hotch threw clenched teeth, he was so close to pulling the trigger instead he stormed up so he was chest to chest with the man and pulled back his fist.
When he lets go his right hand connected with the nose he was satisfied to feel it shatter, a smirk on his face before gesturing to a couple of agents. “now don’t ever come back or I will kill you” Hotches hand was burning but he felt satisfied when Y/Ns Dad freeze before he tsked and stormed out not before calling Y/N the R slur before he was detained by two agents ans forced into handcuffs.
Hotch crossed his arms before turning around to hug Y/N was had collapsed, the stress from her dad coming in draining her, she was then sat at her desk with Hotch hovering around her looking at her injuries, E/C eyes locked on his brown ones.
“Im your daughter” she whispers hoarsely, this made Hotch smile and run his hand through her hair. “of course, you are sweetie” he smiled softly kissing her forehead still smiling when she smiles back.
The end!!
Hoped you liked this oneshot so sorry for the wait! As usual sorry for the grammar and spelling mistake!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1366
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specialagentlokitty · 4 years
Avengers/CM x teen!autistic reader where they try to explain to Thor and Steve what autism is? The reader is JJ and Wills daughter?
Ohhh I can try!
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veeluvss · 1 year
bed time
jj x autistic!daughter
some words
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“i don’t know what to do em,” JJ sighed, running her hands through her hair. “every night, even when i’m not home she sleeps in my bed-“
“she’s been sleeping in your bed for 16years?”
“yeah! we did it when she was little and it’s just a way to keep her anxiety low at night. i never, ever imagined myself getting with someone, nevermind in a long term relationship,” jj explained. she put her head on the jet’s table and groaned loudly.
“how long have you and will been seeing each other?”
“almost 10 months now.”
“and he’s still not met her?”
“no! and he’s coming this weekend and she’s going to sleep in my bed but so is he and that’s not going to work!”
for the last 16 years, you’d slept in your mums bed. you took naps in your own bed, you played in your own room, hung out in your own room but at 10pm every evening, you climbed under the covers of your mums bed and snuggled up on the right side.
sometimes, she’d snuggle up with you, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you close but sometimes she didn’t. she wasn’t always home but that was okay because regardless, you felt safe in mums bed.
“hey sweetie,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to you on the friday morning. you hummed, still tired from your mums tossing and turning but you settled when you felt her begin to play with your hair - the only thing you really let your mum do.
“can we talk about something?” she asked next and you rolled over, alarmed.
“what?” suddenly you were wide awake - concern flooding your mind.
“it’s okay, it’s okay,” she reassured, sitting up and grabbing hold on your hands. “i just need to discuss something with you.”
“what is it?”
“how do you feel about sleeping in your own bed tonight? and tomorrow too? maybe we start a habit of it-“
your mouth opened. “no mum,” you told her simply. “why?”
“because i think it’s time you started sleeping in your own bed at night baby. you’re 16, you can’t live with mum forever,” jj whispered softly but you shook your head.
“no you’re wrong. i don’t need to.”
“baby id like you to,” jj pleaded.
“why?” you asked, feeling yourself getting more and more worked up. “this is where i sleep! every night! mum you can’t kick me out, why don’t you want me anymore?” those words shattered jj but she knew that’s what her girl was really thinking.
“hey,” jj whispered, wrapping her arms around you. “i want you more than anything darling but sometimes, i need some grow up time without my daughter here too,” she said softly.
“mum,” you sobbed, unable to keep the upset back anymore.
you headed off to school, shaken up and upset at what your mum had proposed but you tried to let it settle to the back of your mind. you knew your mums boyfriend was coming over today and staying for the weekend, it had been planned for weeks but you didn’t think she’d kick you out !
that’s your bed, where you slept! not some strangers, you couldn’t comprehend why your mum would want to sleep with strangers anyway.
the day ended and you headed out to your mums car. she sat waiting in her usual spot and you climbed in the front.
“hi baby, good day?” she asked, starting the car. you only nodded, far too overwhelmed to speak, you knew what was waiting for you at home.
“wills at home, you just need to say hi and then you can go do your own thing, okay?” jj said softly. you nodded once again and the car fell silent.
you walked into your house and was instantly overwhelmed. will smelt different and he brought this smell into your home and he’s going to put it in your bed.
“hi! you must be y/n!” will said with a smile; walking over to you with his hand out to shake.
you didn’t reply, or shake his hand. you weren’t a hand shaker.
“y/n, will. will, y/n,” jj greeted you both and you nodded before heading off to your room. you couldn’t help but feel sick. who was this person in your home making you feel so horrid?
you trudged down stairs at the smell of your favourite, lasagne. you peeked your head around the corner of the kitchen and saw them laughing and joking together. will was funny, he made your mum laugh which you liked. you studied him from the doorway. you watched his body language, the way he moved himself when speaking. he would stare at your mum, completely stare and that made you uncomfortable just thinking about the prolonged eye contact.
“oh hey mouse,” your mum said quickly, noticing you. you waved at her slightly and then will turned to you.
“i wondered when you would reappear,” he said softly. you walked over to your mum, wrapping your arms around her tightly.
she wrapped her arms around tou, holding you close in the silent comfort.
it was 930 and you climbed out the shower. you felt nervous, sick. you couldn’t sleep on your own. not without her. you headed to your own room and got into your comfort pjs - hello kitty shorts and a top before plaiting your hair the way you did every night. but then you saw the time and audibly whined.
9:50, time for bed. how did you do this? how was you going to do this?
shaking, you climbed into your own bed and almost immediately, JJ turned up at your door.
“do you want me to join you?” she asked and you nodded frantically. she slid into your bed, holding you close and although you settled slightly - it still wasn’t right.
you never fell asleep, no matter how much she played with your hair, no matter how much she tried to coax you to sleep. but you pretended to be and she left the room silently, making sure you were tucked in before turning on your night light.
at around 230, you headed to the toilet and you walked past your mums room. she was in her bed with will beside her, both sound asleep and you had an idea.
after washing your hands, you grabbed your blanket and slid in behind your mum. you made sure you were comfy but not taking up too much room before falling asleep quickly.
this happened for the rest of the weekend. they’d fall asleep without you but wake up with you. your mum knew you were trying though and that’s all that mattered to her. will went home on the monday and mum dropped you off at school on her way to work.
when you arrived home, you were exhausted- with hardly any sleep all weekend you weren’t surprised. you headed up to your room, expecting your mum to be at work but when opening your door, you were greeted by the team - re decorating your bedroom.
“your home early!” JJ gasped.
“i skipped last lesson. what are you doing?” you asked.
“we’re moving jj’s bed into here so you can sleep!” derek told you.
“without you?” you whispered, turning to your mum and letting your lip wobble.
“i’ll sleep with you ever opportunity i get baby but now; you can sleep in this bed whenever you like.” she replied. she wrapped her arms securely around you and you sighed, soaking up her love.
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veeluvss · 7 months
fire alarm
autistic!jj who is affected by the fire alarms
this is the first fic i’ve properly written with jj being autistic, pls share your thoughts with me and let me know if you want more … or less
elle and hotch help (mainly elle)
sorry it’s taken me so long to upload new things, i’ve been super busy with uni and life in general :)
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Elle could tell from a mile off. The anxious looks, the finger tapping, the quiet cloud that just came over her. She shot Hotch a look and they both glanced to JJ who was ready to break down any moment. It hadn’t come as a shock either, which was thankful - in a way.
Only half an hour before, the entire building was evacuated due to a fire alarm. They were herded like cattle down the stairs. No one could see their feet, their hands - nothing. It honestly felt like they were on the way to the slaughter house. And then the loudness of the alarm, blaring through the entire building. JJ hated it - yet she tried to keep herself composed. She was better than it. She could do it. She was going to be okay - that’s all she kept telling herself.
They managed to get back into the building after being outside for twenty minutes but the bullpen was a mess. People had just up and left so quickly. Hotch had called the team into the round table room to debrief on the rest of the days plans just as JJ was on her way to the bathroom. She couldn’t miss the debrief so she quickly followed the rest of them. She sat in her normal seat, next to Derek. However, he seemed to be completely oblivious to JJ’s struggles and was going on about how stressful the whole ordeal was. Spencer went along with it, spitting statistics about fires which only panicked JJ more.
Elle knew something needed to happen very soon before JJ had a complete meltdown. Hotch knew too.
“Right, Morgan and Reid, I want you to go down to the terrorist unit and get the files for the recent case. Garcia, we need the names and numbers for the families involved. Rossi if you get started on the directors report please.”
The team members mentioned left the room in a hurry and Elle moved to sit beside JJ. Hotch closed the blinds, shut off the lights and put a do not disturb sign on the door before leaving them alone.
“Sweetheart, can you hear me?” Elle asked gently, putting her hand on top of JJ’s trembling one as it reached to her face to pick at it again.
“So loud,” JJ whimpered, shaking her head.
“It was really loud but it’s nice and quiet in here. It’s just you and me.”
“Hold,” JJ asked, avoiding eye contact. Elle moved closer to JJ and wrapped her in a tight embrace. JJ needed the deep pressure therapy - it helped calm her so well and Elle was proud she recognised that was what she wanted and asked for it.
“I’ve got you. You’re safe now baby,” Elle sighed, squeezing JJ. JJ buried her head deep into Elle’s neck, hiding from the room.
Half an hour later, JJ was feeling much better. She’d calmed down completely and sat in Garcia’s office with her headphones on. Hotch let her off from work for the rest of the day, to relieve the pressure but she didn’t want to go home on her own. Elle still had work to do and they thought it’d be easier for her to be with Garcia. Someone fun, in a small space with little noise or disturbances. She sat on the floor, under the desk in her small safe space whilst playing her Marvel game.
However, it wasn’t long until another fire alarm ripped through the building. JJ didn’t notice at first, too engrossed in her game but then Garcia pulled off her headphones and reached for her hand.
“We have to go Jay,” Garcia said but JJ’s eyes were wide. She didn’t want to do that - not again. She shook her head and turned into the wall, closing her eyes tight and covering her ears. Garcia didn’t know what to do. She opened her door and looked around - just as Elle came round the corner.
“Oh thank goodness, she won’t move,” Garcia said, panicked.
“It’s okay, I’ve got it. You go,” Elle said. She crouched down beside JJ and reached for her but JJ threw up her hands, hitting Elle away.
“JJ, we have to leave now,” Elle told her sternly, ignoring the pain in her wrist.
“No, no no no no, I can’t!” JJ screamed, covering her ears and cowering further in.
“Agent, you need to leave-” a security guard said from the door.
“Give me a minute,” Elle replied, turning back to JJ.
“Come on love please, I’ll be there the whole time. We can go to the back we just have to get out,” Elle pleaded.
“I can’t,” JJ sobbed.
Elle sighed, there was no way JJ was moving and Elle couldn’t leave her. “Darling here, come into my arms.” JJ cried but moved over to Elle. She covered her ears and collapsed into Elle’s arms.
“Ma’am please, you have to evacuate,” the guard said again.
“God, I’m trying okayy.” Elle replied.She was trying her best not to explode at him. JJ was her priority, and the last thing she was going to do was force her to leave before she was ready. This has been a stressful enough day for JJ and she was not making it worse.
“Can’t go, I can’t,” JJ sobbed to Elle.
“Jay, we have to.” Elle stood up and pulled JJ with her. It was a struggle, it was hard and JJ fought. As soon as they got down the stairs, the younger girl collapsed to the floor again, shaking in fear. She swung at anyone who came near her and screamed at Elle from across the car park. The team watched on, as well as the many other FBI agents who had also been evacuated. No one could help the small girl as she screamed, rocked and cried - she wouldn’t accept any of it.
“Stay here with her, I’ll go grab her things. She needs to go home,” Hotch said to Elle after the building was deemed safe again. Elle nodded, agreeing JJ had to go home.
“Jay,” Elle whispered, moving closer to the trembling girl. Her hands were over her ears and her eyes shut tight. Elle rubbed her back, “We’re going to go home now.”
JJ nodded, removing her hands from her ears and agreeing : “Home.”
“Home, let’s go.” Elle smiled. She got JJ in the car as they waited for Hotch to bring her stuff. Elle put her belt on and stroked her hair to keep her settled. JJ was fiddling with her fingers so Elle grabbed a spare fidget toy from the glove box. JJ took it, signing a quick thank you, then played absentmindly.
Hotch came back down and handed Elle the bag. “Take a few days, both of you.”
JJ stimmed the whole way home, her hands fiddled with her fidget toy and she rocked back and forth in the passenger seat. Elle kept the music on a low volume wie and put gentle tunes on, as to not overwhelm her girl. It had beena tough day but Elle knew JJ was strong and knew she could get through it.
thank you to @cmfan2005 for the edits!!!
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veeluvss · 2 months
I loved your JJ x autistic daughter fics, and it got me wondering what Emily Prentiss would be like with an autistic daughter. I love your writing, and was wondering if you would consider writing one like this? Thanks!
Hii! Thank you for your ask, here is Emily with an autistic daughter :)
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Monday morning came around quicker than the Prentiss duo wanted it to. Having had the weekend off, Emily was feeling refreshed and ready for another working week. She was ready to see her team again and hoped they felt as refreshed as she did. However, she didn’t want her weekend to end. She’d had a lovely weekend with her daughter. They’d gone to the aquarium as it was their favourite place. They’d both done their homework in their office, they’d had two movie nights and a whole movie day on Sunday. They just spent as much time together as possible. It was rare they both had a free weekend so it was nice to hang out together. 
Miley was still in bed, not wanting to go to school whatsoever. She hated it at the moment. She hated school in general, ever since she could remember. But Emily didn’t like her to stay home alone and be homeschooled whilst she worked and boarding school could never be an option. She was in a private school, which meant Emily didn’t like Miley missing days or even classes because it was expensive. Being the way she was, Miley didn’t have many friends. She struggled to interact with people and hold conversations for long periods of time. People thought she was weird because she never looked at them whilst she was talking. On top of that, she was super smart, smarter than the rest of the kids in her class. Like Spencer Reid, her uncle, she had an eidetic memory. She could revise so easily and retain information with a blink. She was in the year above the normal at school which meant she was a year younger than her classmates. Which made it even harder for her to make friends. And today, her best friend Daisy, wasn’t in. Daisy was Miley’s rock. She was older but she took Miley under her wing and they did everything together. Daisy was often at the Prentiss household with having such a busy household herself. However, Daisy was on a field trip with her geography class and Miley wasn’t chosen to go which meant a whole day without her other half. She couldn’t face it alone, not the bullies. 
“Miles, come on it’s nearly 8,” Emily said, entering her daughter’s room. “I’m not going,” Miley said, matter of factly. “Oh yes you are, come on, up.” Emily pulled the covers off her daughter’s head and walked to open the curtains. “No, I’m not.” “Yes, you are, Miley. School is non-negotiable.” Emily was strict in her voice. She was adamant on Miley going to school, on top of that, she hated leaving her home alone and she couldn’t take her into the office with her today as they had a big staff meeting. “Hurry up or I’m going to be late for work,” Emily said as she left the room. Miley groaned loudly and pulled the cover back up over her head. She couldn’t sleep anymore but she did not want to go in. If she wasn’t ready, her mum couldn’t force her. 
“Young lady if you’re not out of bed, I’m going to be very upset,” Emily said as she came back down the hallway. “It’s 7.55 and you’re not even dressed. What is going on?” “I told you, I’m not going in.” “And I’ve told you, school is non-negotiable.” “But Daisy isn’t in. I’ll be alone.” 
Emily sighed, she knew how important Daisy was to Miley’s school life but that really was no excuse to miss a whole day of learning. Deep down, she knew her girl was clever enough to miss a day here or there, she knew she’d catch up easily. But at the same time, she had to put her foot down. Daisy wasn’t going to be there for Miley every day of her life in the future and with college coming up, they couldn’t afford to be as attached as they still were. “You can survive one day without Daisy,” Emily said, her tone softening. She walked to her daughter’s wardrobe and pulled out an outfit. A cute skirt and sweater as now it had got colder. 
“No. I can’t,” Miley groaned from under the covers. The idea of the bullies terrified her. As soon as they saw her alone today, they were going to attack her - she could feel it. “And why can’t you?” Emily sat on the side of the bed and pulled down the covers to see her daughter’s face. She needed to have a conversation about it because there was clearly something else bothering Miley. Miley paused. She couldn’t tell her mum about the bullies because then she’d march straight into the school, attempt to do something about it and it would fail and then the bullying would only get worse. “Come on, spit it out,” Emily said. “I just can’t,” Miley said and rolled over so she didn’t have to look at her mum. “Miley,” Emily sighed. “Come on, kiddo. I know there’s something going on.” “There’s nothing going on.” Miley hated lying to her mum but she knew she would try and help and only make it worse. “Is it the bullies again?” Emily asked, her voice gentle and understanding. Miley didn’t respond. She couldn’t say no now, not now she’d got it right. “How long has it been going on for?” Emily followed up her question, taking the no response as a response. “Daisy makes it better,” Miley managed to squeak out between her growing tears. She didn’t want to cry, she was an overly emotional person. She sniffed and Emily sighed quietly. “I know she does but she won’t be there forever.” “She will,” Miley replied, trying to keep her voice strong. Emily wasn’t an emotional person so having an emotional daughter made things difficult for her. She accommodated Miley’s needs when she needed to, she was a good mum in that sense but when she started crying out of nowhere, it made it hard for Emily to respond. She knew she needed a cuddle. 
Slowly, Emily laid down on the bed behind Miley and wrapped an arm around her torso. Miley quickly rolled over and cuddled herself into her mum. She knew her mum often didn’t know what to say when she was crying so silence and hugs helped. 
Once her tears subsided, Emily pulled back and brushed some wet, black hair from Miley’s face. “It’ll be okay. Do you want me to come in and speak to your teachers?” Emily asked. “Please, no,” Miley replied and began playing with her mum’s hair. The time was 8.15 and if Emily didn't’ leave now, she’d be late. She sighed and nodded. “How about you come with me today?” Emily asked. Miley, taken aback at the suggestion, looked up at Emily with shock. “But you said -” “I know what I said but clearly this is impacting you more than I realised. We have to put your mental health and wellbeing above a bit of school,” Emily explained. “But what about the money?” “Forget about the money, sweetheart. That’s my worry not yours. Plus, it’s one day. Daisy will be back to school tomorrow and so will you,” Emily said. Miley felt  weight lift off her shoulders and she smiled widely, pulling her mum into a hug. “Thank you for understanding,” she whispered. “I’ll always listen to you, you just have to talk to me,” Emily replied. “Now get dressed, I’ve got a meeting at 9 I can't be late for.”
The team loved having Miley, their little helper around for the day and Miley loved it too. She loved all of the BAU family, especially JJ and Penelope. They’d known her the longest and they all got along so well. She loved that her mum had listened to her and understood her needs for the day. She loved her mum, her very own Unit Chief. 
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