#aughgh whatever
soupandflowers · 6 months
Day 2 - Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Another late entry, however I'd say this one went more smoothly than the other. It only took me about 3 hours to write! Anyways, I could've cut this one short, but I liked this idea too much and decided to pull through with it. So, yay me? Next few days will just be drawings though because writing is not my forte LMAO. This one features the Asian family because I wish we had the boys interacting with the others' families. Poor Hong Kong. Also prolly OOC loooooool. Also tried to write Korea as rather more super outgoing and enjoy meeting new people. He still has his clashes though. Hopefully I did a little bit of justice to him here. No beta we die like HRE. Word count is 2,548. @hongiceweek
Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
As Hong Kong urges Iceland- who has dumpling bits stuck in his hair and shirt- upstairs to his room, he can’t help but apathetically want to pack his things, hitch a ride to the nearest bus stop, take a flight to the middle of South America and formally live out the rest of his life under a brand new identity. Someone else can take over as the personification of Hong Kong, he thinks.
And that is saying something. Among the two boyfriends, Hong Kong is easily the more savvy between the two. He knows all the right moves and words to get his partner to flush and hide his face in embarrassment. Hong Kong is teasing, smooth, and witty, thus it’s not very often or easily to make Hong Kong falter to its knees. The point is the dynamic between them has always been consistent. When it comes to Iceland, Hong Kong rarely ever loses his cool.
That is up until now.
Hong Kong hurries Iceland to his room and slams the door shut behind him. Locking it and pulling a chair from his desk underneath the knob for good measure. As Hong Kong rushes to his drawer to find suitable spare clothes, Iceland stands by and tries his very best to reassure him. Hong Kong says nothing as he finds a suitable shirt and disappears into his personal bathroom, with running water that can be heard shortly afterwards. He walks back out.
“Here. There’s a warm washcloth and some spare clothing that you can use. Feel free to wash your hair and use any of the towels as well.”
“Gotcha. “, nods Iceland. “Thanks.” He disappears into the bathroom and quietly closes the door behind him.
Then, a breaking of glassware and shouting could be heard from downstairs . Of course, the loudest voices belong to Taiwan and Korea, only to be outdone by China’s, only to be outdone by Thailand’s.
Hong Kong sits on the edge of the bed and heaves a frustrated sigh. He places his fingers on the bridge of the nose.
Just what the hell even happened?
— It was another world meeting that was just supposed to be the two of them.
When the meeting called for the noon break, Hong Kong caught up to Iceland wanting to ask if they could get lunch together. As they were exiting the meeting hall, Taiwan just so happened to be in the area and being the only person to know about their relationship so far, she saw them and was teasing her brother in the distance.
Unfortunately, talking to her was South Korea, who followed Taiwan’s gaze and called out to greet the both of them. Not wanting to get Iceland involved with his family, he urges him to hurry out the door.
But one thing leads to another and Korea’s attention draws China’s and also wanting to greet his student, meets them just before they reach the door. Before Hong Kong could take off in the other direction, Taiwan, Korea, and now Japan caught up to them.
While initially wanting to greet the fellow asian, the family took interest in the Icelander as well. Having not many chances or reasons to converse casually with someone outside of Asia, they took the chance to get to know him. In which, while Iceland shyly returned the gesture, Hong Kong was starting to get peeved that Iceland was getting a little bit too involved with his family. When Hong Kong had to break the conversation that they were late for lunch, China brought this up:
“Oh! Well, we would love to get to know you more, Iceland. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight and I’ll treat you to some authentic Chinese cuisine!”
Hong Kong’s heart drops and he tries to pull his boyfriend out of there before he could respond. However, Taiwan and Korea blocked their way and pleaded for Iceland to visit. To Hong Kong’s dismay, his boyfriend agreed. He gazes at horror at his boyfriend as the rest of the Asians cheer and pull Iceland over to plan for tonight. Fast forward to China’s summer home in Beijing. For the past hour, the rest of Hong Kong’s asian siblings have been running around to prepare for Iceland’s arrival. In excitement to share their culture, China has been working on multiple dishes and cuisines all at once, Taiwan putting down homemade decorations around the kitchen and living room, Korea booting up the karaoke machine to put out his favorite songs to sing, and poor Japan just being pulled around by the previous three as they all demand for his help. The house was chaos.
Hong Kong could only stand there and watch in disbelief. He could withstand his family’s shenanigans, hell, he would often be a part of that too. But in the case of Iceland? Really? No way in hell.
Hong Kong palms his forehead as Japan passes by. Japan, sensing his frustration, assures the boy that everything will be alright and that the rest of the family is only doing everything in their power to welcome Iceland. Surely, his own family wouldn’t make a fool of themselves in front of a guest.
When he finishes that sentence, Taiwan calls for his help, grabs him, and pulls him abruptly to the side. This causes Japan to yelp and grasp the tablecloth as he falls with the rest of the tableset going down with him. Shouting ensues.
Hong Kong can only stand in horror. Just then, the doorbell rings.
It was as if a pin dropped. Everyone starts scrambling to fix the kitchen as Hong Kong quietly slips out of the room to greet Iceland.
Calmly, he opens and slips out the front door. Iceland is standing there before him and raises a shy wave.
Hong Kong only returns with a poker face.
He grabs his shoulders.
“DO NOT COME IN.”, he grits through his teeth. Iceland starts to tremble as his boyfriend looms over before him.
The door opens behind them and they both turn to find China standing there. China’s bright smile looks as if he was about to greet Iceland, however his face drops when he processes what he is witnessing.
Unfortunately for the boys, their faces were perhaps a little bit too close to each other.
An angry yell can be heard across the neighborhood.
When China finally calmed down and the boys explained what was going on, they made their way to the dining area. To Hong Kong’s surprise, the table was already set with the silverware and dishes set in place. The others come up politely to welcome their guest.
Despite the evening getting off to a rough start, the dinner itself began smoothly. Iceland’s mouth was already watering as everyone took their seats and gave thanks before digging right in.
If there was anything that at least went well today, it was the pride and presentation of the variety of Asian cuisine right before them, with each dish being of origin from each asian personification. And it made for great discussion too, as Iceland asked what each meal was, the asians took turns in explaining and sampling for him to try it.
What a great way to start off the discussion! That is until- China being a little bit too prideful of his homeland’s cooking- started sampling and piling food onto Iceland’s plate more than the others. Iceland, not wanting to be rude, could not bring himself to decline and he nodded nervously at the pile of food building up in front of him. Already annoyed with China’s meddling, Hong Kong stands up and forces his sensei to sit back down, in which he begrudgingly obliged.
Sensing the awkwardness in the air, Taiwan (once again, being the only one aware of the boys' relationship), started playing wingman and began doing icebreakers with Iceland. The topic started off general at first, but gradually, the conversation shifted in trying to frame Hong Kong the best way possible, much to his embarrassment. However, it only grew worse when Taiwan brought up their childhood together and accidentally slips in a story about her brother being so afraid of the dark that he needed China to sleep with him every night. Hong Kong was about to lose it again when Korea interrupted.
Wanting to join in the conversation, Korea opted in. Thankfully with the addition of Korea, the conversation shifts topics before any more embarrassing stories about Hong Kong could be revealed. Korea begins asking about Iceland’s home country, his culture, and the other Nordics, in which the Icelander happily obliged to answer. Unfortunately though, as Korea and Iceland ease into each other’s presence, his boyfriend found great difficulty to slip his presence back into the conversation.
Taiwan takes notice of this. In another attempt to assist her brother, she intervenes in their conversation, claiming that Korea is being inconsiderate to Hong Kong for barging into the discussion, with a tone that may-or-may-not sound a bit condescending.
Then, one thing happens and leads to another and all of a sudden, fighting ensues at the dinner table. Taiwan and Korea are fiercely throwing insults and shouting over Iceland before China intervenes, yelling at the both of them that they have a guest over and they are embarrassing themselves. Of course, this family has a long history of not taking shit from China and only ignored his intervention. Fortunately, the fighting moved on from the subject of Iceland, but unfortunately, the two started arguing about each other and personal matters that a guest definitely should not hear.
Offended by his disciples’ disregards, China calls out to Japan, who has been silently and anxiously watching the whole thing, to try and stop them. Japan stands from his seat and tries to mediate the two, but Taiwan takes advantage of the situation to claim that Japan sides with her. Mouth agape at offense, Korea takes a handful of food and aims it at Taiwan, in which she dodges and it hits Japan square in the face instead.
The tables ensues into chaos. Taiwan returns Korea’s gesture and soon enough, food is flying across the room as China starts screaming in rage as he witnesses his precious hardwork go to waste. In which both respond back by pelting him with rice and noodles, which only amplifies his shouting. Japan tries to crawl away but Taiwan pulls him to stand up, hands him a bowl, and orders him to start throwing.
For Hong Kong and Iceland, they take cover underneath the table. Hong Kong’s face is red in embarrassment and when he looks over to his boyfriend, his eyes widen at the sight of Iceland’s hair and upper shirt being covered in dumpling bits. He feels like he could bury himself alive underneath that table right then and there.
Suddenly, the front door could be heard opening and closing, followed by multiple footsteps growing near.
“Hey all! Philippines gifted us some pastries from his house! Whose down to try so-”, the voice is instantly silenced as a splatter could be heard.
The boys peer from underneath the table. As it turns out, the voice belonged to Thailand’s and he took a dumpling as well to the face. Macau and Vietnam were behind him in shock as they supported his balance from being smacked in the face.
The room went silent. Thailand was the best buddy anyone could ever have.
Unfortunately, he could be the worst enemy anyone could ever have.
Thailand roars and launches forward fiercely, but Vietnam and Macau struggle to strain him back. The shouting and food fighting resumes.
Hong Kong tugs at Iceland’s shirt and without saying a word, they both quietly sneak away from the kitchen. He takes Iceland’s hand and hurries him upstairs to his room.
And that, brings back to now.
As another shattering of glass could be heard downstairs, Hong Kong bends over and rubs his face, feeling absolutely mortified. He starts thinking of ways to get a new visa when Iceland exits the bathroom, his hair damp and wearing his boyfriend’s shirt. As Iceland sits on the edge of the bed beside him, Hong Kong pretends to keep his cool.
A moment passes, before Iceland places a reassuring hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Hong Kong avoids his gaze.
“You know my brothers are the same as yours, right?”
Hong Kong rolls his eyes. “Do your brothers throw food around as well?”
“Pfft, no… they throw dishes.”
“Even then, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t act like lunatics in front of a guest.”
“Maybe not", begins Iceland. He scoots closer. "But have you ever met Sweden? The guy doesn’t even do anything and you already have people throwing their wallets begging him to not mug them.”
Hong Kong tries to shrug it off, however a chuckle escapes.
Iceland grins. “Don’t get me started on Dan as well. One time, we had a diplomat over at Dan’s house and then a mouse ended up scurrying into the meeting room. The woman was freaking out so he pulled out his fucking battle axe from his display case. You know what happened next? He split it into a bloody half. I’m pretty sure she passed out right there.”
That got to Hong Kong and it sent him into a series of giggling. Iceland gently leans into him.
“And then you have Norge, who we keep telling him to stop talking to his trolls or whatever in front of others. But he keeps forgetting to do so everytime and everyone else stares at him like he is crazy.”
“And then you have Fin! You’d think he would at least be the one to know how to host a guest, but that guy is seriously weird on his own.”
Hong Kong‘s giggling turn into full-hearted laughter as Iceland’s grin grows. He leans into his partner’s side to plant a kiss on his cheek. Hong Kong smiles and returns the gesture by wrapping his arm around his boyfriend’s waist and planting a kiss on his shoulder and then placing his chin on top of it.
“Maybe I should come over to meet your family instead.”
“Yeah, well, wouldn’t you like to see how that would turn out?”
Just then, they hear Macau calling their names for them to come back downstairs. The boys turn to look at each other before getting up and making their way back down.
When they returned to the kitchen, it became a palette of wasted food staining the walls and the floor alongside with two broken plates scattered by the table. They are immediately greeted with Taiwan, Korea, China, and Japan (who didn’t even do anything), kneeled over on the ground as Vietnam rants away at a lecture frenzy. To her right, Thailand’s smile has returned, but his eyes glare down at them menacingly as he rubs his cheek with a washcloth. To Vietnam’s left, Macau stands there and is the only normal-looking person in the room. He takes notice of the boys’ arrival and greets them.
Vietnam also takes notice as well.
“ALL FOUR OF YOU, APOLOGIZE THIS INSTANT TO THESE BOYS!!”, she demands to the four. They all lift their heads in the boys' direction. Just as when they open their mouths to apologize, it dawns upon them that Iceland is wearing Hong Kong’s shirt.
An uproar fills the house.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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smile for the camera!
crisis belongs to @amyupup47
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I am having a moment
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arklay · 2 years
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"This is how a girl becomes holy: first she becomes empty." — Brynne Rebele-Henry, Prelude
[templates × & × — insp — playlist]
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caramelmochacrow · 9 months
im about to kill someone in my friend's server..... (THEY SAID THEY HATED D4--)
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crystallizsch · 4 months
I'm having a lack of ideas for sketches atm so! I've decided to draw some mutuals' ocs and Yuusha came to my mind💙 hope you like these sketches🤧
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I JUST LOV IM -- I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ,,,, I LOVE THEM ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
and the way you drew them im just 😭😭😭💖💖💖 your art style i love it so much im devouring it rn rn
hgrrhsdfhdskfd im just. gonna. hold them gently ,,,, then shaking them violently with affection hrrngh this is so cute, this is so cute aghdslfjksdlkj im crying sobbing rolling on the floor 😭😭😭😭💖💕💖💖💖💖💕💖💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💕
damali 🤝 yuusha tormenting jamil
(i think theyd be besties but idk idk 🤧🤧🤧)
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milezryn · 1 year
xina and miguels relationship is sooo good actually. in like a raw, deep, emotional sense. in what they do for each other. specifically what she would've done for him. xina is everything miguel needs in a partner–she holds him accountable, she challenges him to be better than he is. and that makes him uncomfortable. and that should be a GOOD thing, like it should be what he needs to grow and be a better person and not fall into that trap of being stuck under tyler stones thumb at alchemax, but breaking out and being that person for her is hard and it's scary and miguel just wants to live a life where he can stay the smartest guy in the room and live comfortably without having to face that reality. he doesn't wanna throw himself into the unknown of self-discovery, he'd rather just wallow in what he has and pretend he doesn't hate himself. AND ITS LIKE... the things being spiderman does to his character over time, that like, desire to finally grow up and become someone worthy of the good things in his life, whether it's gabriel or xina or whatever else, SHE WOULD'VE DONE FOR HIM had they stayed together. like. aughgh. she was so good for him, and that scared him because since when does miguel o'hara deserve something that perfect, so he had to bring about the self-fulfilling prophecy of his own inability to be worthy of being loved and cheating plotline ensues. ugh his psychology in this relationship makes me insane.
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kikikakapo · 2 months
Also you mentioning how to train your dragon being your favourite movie reminded me how much I loved that movie, I’ve probably watched it hundreds of times as a kid, the designs in it are so cool, I remember really liking the red ones with that weird fire and green multi headed ones, and like pausing on the pages of the dragon book when they’re looking through it aughgh. This actually made me go looking for some of my dragon books I had as a kid and I actually found one, sadly not the one I sent you I think that ones long gone, but yeah I really liked dragons as a kid
oh yeah I was obsessed with dragons as a kid and believed they were real, I even tried to get a Nightfury egg and I’d look up ways to get an egg on the internet lol I literally had a box of sawdust by my pillow so that whatever gave me an egg would put it in their lmao but yeah httyd was awesome, I think toothless and the blue spiky one, stormfly?, were my faves
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trenchcoatsbi · 7 months
Thought we'd dip by and send another music rec just in case someone else likes the song that we've been obsessed with for the past week. It's "Heather On The Hill" by Nathan Evans (genre is modern Scottish folk, I think?)
Hoping everyone is doing well with school/work/life/whatever's going on at the moment
- 🦁⛰️ [TC]
oooo just listened to it! highly recommend as well aughgh thats good music!
sending good wishes right back at ya! hope y'all are doing good!!
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honeybeekao · 2 years
Augh ok so madakana right? Sooo unrequited imo. I feel like for as long as madara lives he will not be able to forget or not think a day about kanata. Wondering what he's doing, if he's safe, if there's anything madara could help with. But kanata learns to move on and live on his own with his new friends, eventually, he moves on from his past. He doesnt feel the need to reach out to madara. And madara, self loathing as he is, also tries to minimize their contact to not hurt kanata more. So eventually they stop speaking. But madara never gets over kanata for as long as he lives.
Anyway i started thinking about them cuz my semi asleep state was thinking about a glimpse of us by joji and thought hmmm. Yes i ship madarei. But. Madakana... and then you bring up the kanata-rei parallels and it's just aughgh!
in my heart, absolute best case scenario not something i necessarily believe would happen but for the sake of my sanity i'll turn to. is that through learning the ways of rei, madara can try to reach out again. because rei's so persistent at reaching into other people's hearts, that has to rub off on him aomewhat. a Wittle. maybe it's one of those things where madara goes in assuming it'll be the last time they ever speak, as a final communication of whatever trust that existed when they were young. and he doesn't expect to hear the "You did all you could do to 'save' me." — "Arigatou Madara."
or something . im clinging on to madara getting positive closure. i also need kanata at madarei's wedding or i'll die
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zoeyslament · 25 days
fmk ummmm. charlotte zoey emma
Ok well marry Zoey….aughgh whatever i say here is gonna sound bad but fuck charlotte (and maybe get her a better therapist) and kill emma (sorry emma, you were a bitch to zoey). ziggs can inherit the weed farm
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echotunes · 11 months
OH I SEE IT!!! however... i did also hear that forever told fit to kill him (probably for the mission)... i'm so torn i want them to reunite i hope there's a bit of angst i also hope they're a comfort to each other... whatever whateevr whatever it's fine...
also i don't know if i mentioned but i went back to see forever's vod just after richarlyson and i saw the scene you based your 4pac fic on and oh my god... if youtube autotranslate isn't lying to me... i was already in the trenches but i just dug myself deeper...
- purposefully placed pickaxe puzzle :)
he did do that and it was for the mission but it's fine it's fine... it's just purgatory things... I also heard Pac let blue team kill Fit today :( but I assume there hasn't been a 4pac reunion yet. or if there was then I will be very sad that nobody told me. at the rate things are going in purgatory I somehow doubt there will be reunion angst (or an emotional scene in general) but who knows who knows. I trust in Pac's roleplaying I'd be happy for him to surprise me
also RIGHT. YOU GET ME. from what Portuguese I understand the autotranslate is pretty accurate and AUGHGH. for everyone else's benefit this is the scene (4:02:29) and I'm making it required viewing on my blog. if you've read my fic I need you to know the beginning is very much based on the conversation they had in canon (well. up until the gay kissing that was all me) and it's literally so. look
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arklay · 2 years
sadge i haven’t been able to catch a lot of the mutuals lately because i’ve been so hyper focused and then when i’m done i have to go bed cause i’ve fixed my sleep schedule 😔
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kirlianradio · 11 months
Ranboo saying they aren’t sure if gay rlly covers or fully describes them and honestly what if I go on a whole rant abt how difficult it’s been navigating sexuality while I’m transgender
Like idk I commend that, for some ppl it IS easy and that’s valid too. but god I’ve pent up so many feelings of uncertainty that it’s..rough sometimes. I feel like I HAVE to almost decide on a label becuz even in posts saying how valid questioning is. they almost make that an end goal. “You’ll figure it out eventually” and I do sometimes feel comfy with labels. Sometimes it’s nice. Feels secure. But sometimes it feels.. restricting?
I’ve used gay for now becuz well, I know for sure I like men and ppl outside the binary! And the majority of the time I do just, feel like a man.
But I’ll have these fleeting moments where I feel like just “anything goes” I don’t have a care in the world, for both gender and sexuality. I’m just human we’re just human whatever. Do these short periods invalidate the majority?
Sometimes I’m a man but at the same time maybe I feel like a lady a little bit, while yeah I’m still a dude, that feminine aspect sometimes makes me feel a lil disconnected from the gay label. Those who r fem and gaymlm r valid but idk sometimes for *ME* I feel out of place..
I’m attracted to ppl outside the binary, sometimes very feminine ppl. where yeah, they’re still always gonna be outside the binary but it makes me think, AM I not attracted to women? gender is just a label, idc abt genitals, idc abt gender presentation, whatever u wanna be? Valid. But like. Idk it’s difficult to just exclude who I might be attracted to based on what just.. a label? It’s hard to picture myself with a woman but at the same time it’s hard to explain or make sense to myself becuz people are all so different. Sometimes a random girl will look like a dude and it’s like ?!?!? AUGH?!? I find them attractive but is it just that I thought they were a guy or is it that I just find certain women attractive ??
IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE TO ANYONE ELSE. I’m also worried I come off as like transphobic or smthin😭 I swear I respect ppls genders no matter what just sometimes how ppl present themselves gives *me* a sexuality crisis and that’s not their problem it’s mine AUGH this almost 100% could be worded better but idk how. Just please keep in mind I’m not trying to be a transmed or smthin🤮
I never feel sure of myself I never feel sure of how I feel about other ppl. It’s prolly also the neurodivergence of not understanding societal rules and standards but AUGHGH Emotions, gender, and sexuality are all such difficult things for me. God I wish I was one of the ppl who just, understood immediately. Idk man
I might just say fuck it and just give up figuring shit out and call myself achillean or queer. At least for a lil while
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muzzledcachorro · 2 years
everyday i wake up and remember ill need to apply to a job one day
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skenpiel · 2 years
i love not being part of the fun i love being isolated i love being left out /gen /pos
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