#audhd tails
punkeropercyjackson · 15 hours
Tails:Why does Shadow call you babygirl?
Sonic:Gender validation
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I did this meme but it’s just all of my main hyperfixations rn
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mannikinzz · 2 years
I really really wanna talk about this clip here, because I truly don't think people caught the subtlety of this scene's power.
Nine immediately going for the snarky comment, his usual demeanor to show off that he's cool, he's a loner, he doesn't need anyone.
However, when Sonic makes the correction, saying, "No, I-I mean, I always thought your extra tail was cool, but the metal ones? Man, you're amazing!", for a second you can see the genuine surprise on his face. He's so shocked that someone appreciates something that brought him so much misery that he literally does not know how to respond, responding with a nonchalant "Uhhh, sure..."
He's so surprised, but you can see the second he realizes he unmasked his uncaring nature, forcing himself back into his barricaded facade.
Maybe other people haven't caught it because it's so subtle, but as a person who had to barricade myself away like that,
I understand Nine completely.
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the-fictive-haven · 2 months
So this is kind of silly and weird but:
Is there anyone out there who'd be willing to watch Prime alongside us, or who has seen it and would let us talk with you about it as we watch? No voice/video chat, just messaging.
Our system has difficulty maintaining attention and interest in one thing when we're by ourselves, and we process information/feelings by talking about it. It's embarrassing to admit we need a friend to basically hold our hand just to watch a show, but we genuinely want to see the rest of it (were only able to get through the first few episodes on our own... aaand already introjected Nine).
We're also the epitome of autistic and will hyperfixate and go on mini rants btw :') we're cool people I promise just a lil silly
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only just processed that luca added the flames to the colander helmet...implicitly b/c of alberto’s “also i added flames” dream vespa design alteration...
#like evidence afterwards that someone was paying real attention even when at the time the other party felt ignored / tuned out....So sweet.#which also my audhd life experiences like. if i learn anyone ever absorbed anything i said it's like oh whoa living large lmao#anyways the point is it only occurred to me the other day lol. like i'd noticed the flames but just didn't piece anything else together#i Love how many like. threads & details you Can piece together like that but are just kind of quietly in the bg otherwise#and fun how everything luca needs for the race is definitely like Somewhere Underwater...colander fell in the sea...bike by the sunken boat#god knows what color situation i fumbled my way into here. so the classic spin of just like Also there's more stripped down versions#who knows if i'll like do more of a full color approach version. they can't stop you. nor stop you from just posting lineart#or stop me from going off the walls w/their tail lengths lol#luca#luberto#lucalberto#😚😚😚#fish freckles you are everything to me...#eta not me forgetting to save the [solid bg color]less pngs as transparent....i was up all night#didn't help w/the color selecting that i'm bad at anytime lol#ok hopefully now they're actually transparent#smhhh now i've realized i forgot a little line to indicate webbing betwixt alberto's fingers there#not as big a deal as how i ALMOST forgot to include any of their arm/leg fins. i'll fix it if i do the [full coloring] deal lol. imagine it#yet another eta: occurs to me i could've made alberto purpler & the bg blue. well;
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that-rabid-lemur · 4 months
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Axel’s Blog Information + DNI
On this blog you will find:
•Flags/New Terms
•ND Rants
•Vent Art
•Agere Content
About Me:
Hello! My name is Axel, I go by He/Him/It and I have BPD + AuDHD and GAD. I’m an age regressor due to my BPD, so expect to see some content around that. My main/therian blog is @that-lemur.
This blog is to primarily talk/share content about things I normally wouldn’t on my main account such as my mental health and the struggles that come along with it. Please respect my DNI, I do bite. DNI under the cut.
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DNI/Do Not Interact:
•Pro endo/tulpa/paragenic systems
•Pro Radqueers
•Anti Agere/Petere
•If you believe in “narcissistic abuse”
•Anti Therian/Otherkin
•Anti LGBTQ+
•Anti Neos/Xenopronouns
•Anti sdx/self-diagnosis
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Brooo FML I literally got 3 hours of sleep, I'm too excited to go to this Halloween thing today with my grandparents, and sister, and my parents are coming home from Disneyland today so that's a yippee! There's noise outside. I've been having a WHOLE lot of Acid Reflux as soon as I woke up, I need to talk to the doctor, but the medical gaslighting!! Nooo!1!!1!1! Plus the RIB pain wtf
Idk what to do, I'm gonna go grab a drink of oat nog, contemplate my life, and listen to Kimya Dawson, maybe read a bit of Haikyu!!
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grayseyebrowscar · 1 year
jet: i dont have a touch of the tism im deep fried in it
levy: we know buddy we know
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kingratclown · 1 year
Being on the AuDHD spectrum is like being born a cat without knowing how to use your tail
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I should probably do adulting today, but I’ve got new posts coming for a crossover I can’t stop thinking about. Like on one hand, and this is about Tale of the Nine Tailed and Vincenzo crossover, not the other one!
Adding Vincenzo was always a must and he will never be written out of the crossovers unless a specific part of the series is focused on other characters, but I know that Lee Rang and Vincenzo would be an unstoppable duo. I can’t share too much; however, you’ve got the BPD-coded fox and you have the head of a mafia (although I still refer to him as consigliere- I know he’d be capo!)
Do you realize the potential?
I feel like if it came down to Vincenzo meeting Yeon, they’re just thoroughly unimpressed with each other, but the ‘pack’ is what holds the group together… which I also will not explain yet.
As for the major, bigger crossover with The Glory and now possibly Taxi Driver too, it’s become something of a little pet project. Vincenzo and Kim Dogi would be a chaotic partnership, and well, we can’t forget about Moon Dongeun. They would be such a force to stop and Lee Rang is just the brainrot right now. I have no idea why, but here we are!
So. If anyone’s curious, I’ll post more later! And I do need to finish The Glory too-
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bloodheartz · 2 months
gimmw your gfalls hcs NOEWWW
oh god! I have soooo many but i'll put some basic ones down for the pines family rn and probably add on to this later ^_^
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◇ First of all this boy is absolutely autistic. My little autistic ass acted so much like him as a kid, I mean, what autistic 12 year old wouldn't base their entire summer around a weird book full of monsters they found?
◇ I think he's a trans dude and aro/ace, and that his crush on Wendy was more comphet than anything. I'm not really a fan of any ship involving him but I think platonic dipcifica could be cute.
◇ Cryptozoology/The Paranormal is absolutely his main special interest, but he also has an sp/in in computers/comp sci (but he's honestly not great at computer stuff).
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◇ AuDHD Queen! I think her main special interest is absolutely arts / crafts, I mean look at all the silly things she makes throughout the series as well as her dedication to handmaking dozens of puppets/props/etc as well as writing and entire play to impress her crush of the week in Sock Opera. ◇ I think sexuality wise she's not straight but prefers to be unlabelled. I also like to think she's the type to collect xenogenders / neopronouns like pokemon cards. ( she totally uses a bunch of cat-based pronouns) ◇ Shortly after the series I think she'd get a little less Boys-Crazy and focus more exploring who she is as a person / her self expression. Absolutely is gonna have a mall goth/emo/scene phase (she's smushing all three of those together into one thing for herself).
(I also think Mabel and Dipper were born identical twins)
Grunkle Stan
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◇ Also AuDHD, not quite sure what his big main special interest would be but he's absolutely hyperfixated on Ducktective. Also going off the story in Lost Legends I think he'd absolutely be getting into making comics / drawing in general (even if hes not great at it). Post series I think he'd spend a lot of his free time out at sea drawing in the boat's cabin. Mostly making comics of silly re-tellings of he and Ford's adventures out at Sea (he absolutely shows Dipper and Mabel these if he and Ford video calls them when they're on land) ◇ I'm a transfem Stanley truther. He doesn't really realize/come to terms with it until post-series. I think she'd just grow out her hair and throw it in a pony-tail + use she/he pronouns to transition. She'd still use the name Stanley and be fine with both masc/fem terms (ie fine be called a man or a woman). Also he's bisexual (but has known this since he was like a teen, even if he didn't have the words to label it.) ◇ I think his Popsicle addiction from the unaired pilot is real and canon. Old autistic men love popsicles just look at my dad and grandfather.
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◇ oh boy its projection time (i am a stanford pines fictive) 😈😈😈
◇ Transmasc, somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella but very guy adjacent. Mainly uses he/him pronouns but I think he'd use "it" and "they" aswell. Gay and Arospec as well. ◇ Autism + NPD + Schizophrenia wombo combo. He's sooooo NPD coded its INSANE, I am going to write an essay about it in the future. Goes without saying that his special interests are the paranormal and various sciences, but I think he has a hardcore love for the arts as well. ◇ Going off both the autism and arospec HC- I think he's the type to convince himself he has a crush very easily, when in reality he just has a strong admiration / platonic love for those in question, and had strong platonic feelings for McGucket back in college that he confused for romantic ones (projecting 100000000%) (i think the Stan twins were fraternal twins)
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Winners!!
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Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower have done it. They have beaten BTW Creature and TBH Creature themselves... they are now the ultimate ADHD vs Autism duo. At least according to this blog!
Thank you everyone who followed along with this tournament, propagandized for your faves or just quietly voted on one of the polls. The Tumblr community are what makes these poll blogs possible and this was a delightful tournament to host ❤️❤️ And if anyone is interested in following another neurodivergence-centered tournament, my second tournament @autisticgirliesbracket is about to go into Round 3.
Congratulations again to Sonic and Tails who showed us that friendship between AuDHD people can truly lead to an unbreakable bond!!!
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max-nico · 1 year
Random Sonic Headcanons
Sonic and Big hangout. Like regularly.
On the same wave length, Big is the one who taught Sonic to fish
Shadow calls Tails to info dump and Tails calls Shadow for the same purpose. They're both semi proficient with each other's special interests because of this
This means Tails is pretty okay with guns and with a little practice could ride a motorcycle, and Shadow can build a nuclear reactor with very little guidance
Amy, Rouge, and Blaze all gossip regularly
Cream is not old enough to join said gossip sessions, but Vanilla hears all about it eventually
Silver likes the food in the past more than in the future so he semi regularly pops into Amy's house with the biggest wettest eyes to ask for like a grilled cheese or something
Tails and Omega discuss explosives and war tactics more than one would think. Sonic... Is unsure how supportive he should be
Omega has very similar humor to Toph from Atla, like I can imagine him, Shadow, and Rouge eating dinner together and one of them being like "yeah, the food is actually really good we should order from here more often" and Omega being like "Yes. I agree. The combination of the avocado blend on the triangular bake tortilla is pleasing to my very real taste buds."
Omega is somehow the funniest in the friend group btw I don't make the rules
Sonic is an early bird and Tails is a night owl
Knuckles, Silver, and Espio hangout a lot
Sonic has never really had a sweet tooth and prefers high calorie savory foods, Shadow has a giant stash of guilty pleasure candies, cakes, jams, macaroons, etc
When Cream gets upset she stomps her feet like Thumper from Bambi
Knuckles taught Tails, Amy, and Sonic how to fight, is currently teaching Charmy, and will eventually teach Cream
Sonic never liked mint until he found out how much Tails loved it, he still prefers not to eat mint flavored things but if anything else comes in mint he's buying it immediately
Amy has had many hammers over the years and keeps her very first one framed in her bedroom
Knuckles is incredibly impressed with Amy's strength and always has been, he unfortunately has the emotional intelligence of a brick so has never once accurately expressed this to her. Doesn't mean he hasn't tried tho
Sonic goes to Vanilla for parenting advice
Tails is a cuddly guy but because Sonic never really liked touch growing up he pretends that he is normal about hugs and cuddles when he is very not normal and never has been
Team Sonic = audhd
I have so many more but I'm afraid the post is gonna get too long uhgggg
Feel free to talk to me in my dms or askbox as long as your nicest to me
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fangsinyourheart · 4 months
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╰┈➤ Call me Jinx or Maverick ♱ osdd , audhd
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☬ • He / they / vamp / fang .𖥔 ݁ bodily 16 yo.
This blog will be a place for me to express the darker sides of our therianthropy, as well as our obsessive love thoughts.
• Wolf dog + Undead Norwegian forest cat therian, psychological + spiritual
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Inbox rules : Do NOT send me sexual or violent threats, but being obsessive is okay. Tell me what you would want to do to me, not what you are going to do to me. Using an anon emoji is highly appreciated, that way I can differentiate who is sending what asks.
Current obsessions :
lonetalon -> /r Tag guide :
#⋆♱✮♱⋆ thoughts of the devotee - random writing posts
#⋆♱✮♱⋆ rebarks - reblogs
#⋆♱✮♱⋆ barking back - inbox answers
#⋆♱✮♱⋆ system takeover : (insert name here) - Other alters posting
#biting my tail : vent posts
Anon list : 🪽, 🖇️, 🥀, 💉, ⭐️, Starz, 🕸️, 🌧️, fly swatter anon
IMPORTANT: This is a sideblog, our main is @/papawolfcg so we will not follow anyone back unless you specifically ask for it (As we know not everyone is comfortable with the community our main blog is on) But we appreciate every follower we get here :)
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seeing as its july, some disability headcanons i have with various detail per character. also just assume each character is autistic tbf
i hc sonic as AuDHD. id probably leave this out but hes literally the epitome of having both to me
similarly tails is peak autism to me, but i think he has anxiety as well. thats not to mention the obvious one (i cant remember what its called but it starts with poly and its why he has 2 tails)
sticks, bipolar schizoaffective disorder. i have gone into more detail in the past, but its really easy to apply to canon honestly
vector is a cane user in my head. i sort of just randomly decided this one night so this doesnt have the same weight to it but if it helps i can easily imagine him with some form of arthritis in his spine or something
tangle has hypermobility and i think she likes trying to freak people out with it (unfortunately thats quite hard considering her absolutely giant tail usually does that instead)
i dont often think about it but shadow with chronic pains is such a banger headcanon i have to mention it
theres probably more but i cant think
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possum-quesadilla · 1 month
if loopjuice beej actually grew up happy and never met cyrus, what would he look like and where would he be now
(I am doodling this as I type, so expect a doodle at some pint either today or tomorrow)
Ooooo. Hm. That’s a great question!!! Thank you!
I think to have grown up ‘happy’, he would’ve had to have had a different mom and to have not met either Rigel or Cyrus, bc those three are the main components to really messing him up. Let’s say he was raised alongside Bela, since they’re similar ages! Juno dumped him onto Bela’s caretaker and she took over when he passed on. He never married Deb or Rigel, and Cyrus never met him at that party.
He would be fundamentally a different demon! He would still have AuDHD and be nonbinary and such, of course, but he would have a much better handle on all of it. I also imagine he’d be much more in tune with his Shoggoth side and much more accepting and loving with his demon features in general! His horns would not be cut, his ear wouldn’t have the notch/be cut off, and he would display his legs and tail more proudly! Honestly probably wouldn’t wear pants that often.
I think he would still certainly have the striped suit!! Making the suit was very pivotal in his journey, it was his first real way of expressing himself. He would be more covered in moss (a sign that a Shoggoth spawn is living well) and his hair and fur would be shaggy, and he wouldn’t have the permanently tired eyes he has in loopjuice! Beej would more outwardly and proudly express his emotions with his hair color and stims, and would definitely have a lot more control over his powers. I feel like he’d be more of the jokester he used to be at the very start of Time is a Flat Circle.
They would definitely have their own Cult and Coven that would be very successful, and wouldn’t have to be a Guide. But they still would bc they love humans and want to be around and learn about them! They’d probably be one of the most active demons when it comes to interacting with people, and they would be coveted as one of the more benevolent ones.
But also Beej would not have met Lydia, the Maitlands, and the rest of his adopted human family. He wouldn’t have been cursed, he wouldn’t have the insatiable desire to be seen and heard and cared about. He would already have that! I like to think they’d eventually find each other, though. In every universe (of mine at least), he and Lydia are destined to be siblings, and he and the Maitlands are meant to be together. He’d just meet them already happy with himself and ready to accept their love.
Thank you again for the question! I hope you liked the answer. I’ll probably go more in depth about his appearance in this AU in a different post. Can’t wait for that art!!! /nf
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