#audhd core
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keziasshittyshitshow · 1 year ago
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the-future-is-chrome · 18 days ago
the neurodivergent experience:
20% of the time: wowwieee!!! i love my passions and interests!!!!! they make me so happy i want to jump up and down!!!!! weee!!!!!!! :3333333333
80% of the time: this mind is a prison
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year ago
People with ADHD on their way to down 4 cups of coffee, 3 energy drinks, an ice tea, a soda, a spoonful of cocaine and 8 Pervitin pills to create the Magic Concoction™ (it will help them do their 12th missed assignment):
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beatsboy · 2 years ago
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ancient autism in echo park
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months ago
Margo,showing the other Spidey Core Four an image of Jason Todd in Under The Red Hood on her phone and pointing at it:Miles G
Miles and Gwen:*Understanding nods*
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loki-core-the-variant · 5 months ago
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Retro post from my Zucced fb page, Loki-Core: The Variant To everybody who has ever felt this way, or does on a regular basis, I see you.
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ominous-faechild · 1 month ago
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(bitterly) “You can do it, too. Archfae aren't special. They just gatekeep knowledge, and pretend we're all lesser than them.”
“Hm. I don't much like that name, either...” - Nova “Me” Fae
One of the many fae born in the early days of the Reborn World, Nova woke up in a world of chaos and magic. The Faewildes permeated all of what would have otherwise been reality, leaving the world nothing but madness.
This—a rapidly, ever-changing world of danger and subjugation—is the world that Nova grew up in.
For much of their life, Nova had watched the rest of the world from afar. They'd used their magic to see without eyes, taking in the actions and consequences of others. They learned the rules of the world without putting themself on the line.
And then Nova dipped their toes into the water.
They joined the rest of the world, abandoning their old voyeuristic ways to experience things for themself.
And then deeply regretted their decision.
Life As “A Normal Faerie”
Not accepting the typical rules of the Faewildes—where weaker fae fall under the control of archfae stronger than themselves—Nova has run from archfaerie dominion to archfaerie dominion, struggling to find a place they feel at home.
And each and every time, they've done something wrong.
The archfae turn on them, attempting to kill them for their crimes.
And yet... Nova's still here today.
They've survived countless archfaerie attacks, escaping to live on another day... and run into the next.
So, with their terrible luck, will Nova ever find somewhere they feel safe?
Magic & Combat
Nova is vague about their faerie domain—presuming they know it at all.
Still, they have displayed an incredibly diverse range of abilities, including (but not limited to): seemingly-unbound teleportation, turning invisible, creating sound barriers, and creating protective shields of magic.
In combat, Nova most often uses a combination of teleportation, warping their surroundings, warping their own body, and physical barriers to avoid attacks and turn the terrain against their opponents.
Despite their great skill in combat, Nova hates fighting. If a fight would be any more difficult than them curbstomping their opponent, they often default to the ability given to all fae: will-breaking.
Like all fae, Nova is able to break the wills of their fellow faeries and then command them. However, instead of subjugating other fae under their will for the rest of time, Nova brainwashes their enemies into leaving them alone.
Overall, Nova has extreme skill over their inborn fae abilities, but purposely goes around with an underwhelming amount of essence (magical power) in order to fly under the radar.
... if only it worked nearly as often as they hoped it did.
As a faerie and a shapeshifter, Nova can technically take on any form they want. However, they tend to stay in the form of a 4'8 (142 cm), androgynous humanoid faerie.
Nova physically appears to be 14, but the Faewildes are infamous for their space-time distortions and inconsistent rules. Due to this, even they are unaware of their exact age. However, when their time experienced is translated into our perception of years, Nova is approximately 16 years old.
Described to be a "surprisingly human-looking faerie", Nova has warm peach skin, an endless amount of plain brown freckles, sharp features, and a mess of long, curly ginger hair. For their fae features, they only have mothlike eyelashes, fawn-like legs, wooden hands and forearms, and stereotypical long, fae-tipped ears that move with their emotions.
Despite Nova's tendency to remain in that form, they shapeshift far more often than most fae, using it every time it's practical and/or convenient to do so. For example: they are frequently seen adjusting their height to be more intimidating, warping their body to work in impossible ways, and even growing massive butterfly wings in order to fly.
(Notably, Nova always wears a dark green, hooded cloak)
Personality & Motives
Nova is loud, crude, hyperactive, and childish. They've had very little significant interactions with others, and have instead spent a majority of their life watching others live their lives from afar or exploring the Vast Faewildes.
Nova is talkative, theatrical, and extravagant; and often uses dramatic gestures and magical effects to accentuate their speech. They constantly over-exaggerate and put their entire self into everything they do, making themself come off as extreme to others.
Still, despite their sociability, Nova is hyper-alert and paranoid. They're constantly prepared for anybody, everybody, and everything to suddenly turn around and try to attack them... and yet are still desperate for friendship. Although they refuse to admit it, Nova is extremely lonely, and is secretly searching for a place where they feel safe and loved.
To this end, Nova has been exploring the Faewildes almost aimlessly, mostly just doing the bare minimum to keep themself alive... until they came across two faeries in Kilrey.
Now, Nova has a new goal: to help Sky and Cloud find themselves a home, and to maybe finally form a friendship they never thought possible...
... just, not with Sky. He can go crawl into a hole and die. Or just shut up. Y'know, Nova doesn't really care, so long as he “just leaves them the fuck alone!”
(Except they do care... don't they?)
Despite being referred to as Nova by the story, the faerie who claims “I'm just... Me.” has yet to pick their name. The name “Nova” was selected for poetic as well as symbolic reasons:
Nova, as in “new” (because they're a young faerie) (and... for other reasons 🙂)
Nova, like the “supernova” star (😉😉😉)
During Faerie's Dawn, “Nova” searches for a name for themself... as they simultaneously try to figure out who they are and want to be.
(Also, Nova is canonically genderfluid. Feel free to use any and all pronouns for them! ❤️)
Theme Song
With one desperate push His poor diaphragm forced out a plea He said: “One home burned down, one fell apart One met a flood, and one was nothing from the start Weapons built against me, well they all seem to fail But weapons built against my home They always will prevail “So leave me my liver and leave me my skin Leave me the way all those other homes did But leave me a soul, only by definition I don't want to feel anything “My neurons are snapping like cat gut strings A symphony of agony”
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“Oh... it's time for us to part ways, huh...? Well, then... take care, I guess...”
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Faerie's Dawn Taglist:
@honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @thecomfywriter @an-indecisive-nerd
@seastarblue @rae-butter @teamarine777 @caffeinated-starsailor @oliolioxenfreewrites
@corinneglass @thebookishkiwi @storyteller-kara @themongosianhorse @theburningeyeofdawn
@notyourlocalworm @write-with-will @mildlybizarrecorvid @forgottenvalor @huewrite
@vesanal @differentnighttale @plip-plap-plop @olliedoesthings @pupculture
@princessuncertain @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @i-do-anything-but-write @a-zendrial
@real-fragments @lunauphternal @sullymarlowe @aalinaaaaaa (ask and ye shall be added)
divider by @thyming
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theodditylacey · 3 months ago
why can’t i be normal
like seriously these neurotypical bitches be like “ i’m so quirky omg i’m so different”
you don’t actually fucking know what it’s like to be different.. it’s not some fun little quirk. people treat you like SHIT.
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strayheartless · 10 months ago
how do you think genesis handles meltdowns?
Simply put? He doesn’t. Not really anyway. He usually needs a lot of help to regulate himself from Angeal (don’t ask sephiroth to help him regulate it’s like asking a mole to lead a bat to the sun, neither of them know what their looking for.).
Genesis’ meltdowns are either uncontrollable rage that usually end up in him or someone else getting hurt, or crying so intensely he throws up. As a kid he used to throw himself backwards and scream himself horse. His nannies often had to restrain him in a towel and when that stopped working sometimes they just locked him in his room and hoped he stopped.
As an adult Genesis throws things at walls and hits. He’s prone to lashing out and trashing things. He’s also prone to digging his nails into his skin and making himself bleed. Angeal usually has to stand in the room and monitor what he’s throwing/ stop him from hurting himself. If he can manage to he’ll herd Genesis to the training room to minimise damage.
When he cries all Angeal can really do is rub his back and try to sooth him via touch. Genesis is a sensory question mark because he can’t stand the feeling of air on his skin (hence the coat and gloves) but he needs physical affection to function. Angeal spends a lot of time bear hugging him into coming down before he throws up.
The problem with Genesis is that his meltdowns have been historically extremely traumatic events for him. Regardless of what triggers them, Genesis does not have any self regulation techniques (on the moment) to bring himself down.
He has regulation processes to stave off meltdowns (these he either subconsciously built or learned with Angeal) but once he’s in it it takes hours for him to come down from the adrenaline.
After meltdowns however Genesis now has a full routine (thanks ‘Geal) dedicated to de stressing. Baths, not wearing PJ bottoms to bed (they make his legs feel choked) low lighting and not being alone are all key to his recovery. AngeL will cook for him, and sometimes he’ll call whoever he needs to to get Genesis out of something, but generally he just stays with him as Genesis finds his own way back.
If you ask Angeal Genesis’ desertion and the Banora bombing were all Genesis’ reaction to having a prolonged sensory meltdown caused by his illness.
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lobster-paws · 11 months ago
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I wanna hold your hand 💖
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
I really do like the sun reflecting off the bright snow. I swear, winter might be my favourite season. Autumn is nice, but Halloween is too scary and it ruins everything. Summer is too hot, spring messes with my allergies and has all the rain. Really, I would take Winter over any of the other seasons. I like the snow, the light, the christmas festivities. Winter is the superior season. Just think about it. Since my city was hit with a massive snow pileup, my mood has felt lighter and brighter than usual. Usually i'm bored and depressed and angry and agitated. I've still had those feelings, but the bright light seems to have actually made it harder for me to feel so miserable. Of course the sun going down is an easy way to occasionally drop the mood again, but the sun reflecting off of snow so high that it almost looks like it goes up to your knees... it's beautiful and amazing. I love the winter season.
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arrayoflightarchives · 4 months ago
Just realised that the reason I can't sleep, is cause I'm in waiting mode for an appointment
But again bc I'm in waiting mode, doing smt like reading ff or smt also feels impossible
Sometimes being nd do low key suck
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elavihere · 9 months ago
I love it when I feel like I'm dying cus I'm chronically ill and autistic so I have to play a fun guessing game called
✨is it a flare up or am I experiencing emotions✨
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cashewpilk · 2 months ago
Y'know when your community of queer and anticapitalist folks is so small, sometimes putting up with people who are beyond incompatible with your life happens, it's kinda crazy the difference letting go and expanding your potential for better interactions can make. I defs reccomend
I can't be the only neurodivergent person who has let my fear of never making new friends keep me in weird situations, I see it all the time.
The new energy I have for people in my life who don't actively make things harder for me is so important.
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punkeropercyjackson · 18 days ago
Would your favorite Spider-Verse characters have a grilled cheese party together?
The Spidey Core Four???????They throw them every sunday to deal with the week,silly!!! /lh
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jakowskis · 11 months ago
trans owen AND autistic owen posts in his tag today. inspired
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