#at least that's my opinion lol
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I love your last answer because it matched my musing today on the treadmill. Buck always had to go first because his was always easier. He was raised by Maddie. Despite people hating the parents I actually don't think they are homophobic. I was also raised by waspy white parents. Maybe they might have thoughts or what not but I don't think it was talked about. No religion. Traveled all over. He's always been love is love is love. That's why Tommy's plot point moment with the ash kiss face made me laugh because it served 2 purposes. Showing Buck comfortable kissing and letting everyone know. Which was basically confirmed by Oliver hinself..
Eddie's story was always going to be more complicated. He was married to a woman he has romanticized the idea of. Grew up with religious guilt. Where Buck bailed on the seals he stayed in the Army. His story was never going to be told in 2 episodes. It involves deconstructing, also what Ryan had said.
Last note I don't think Eddie would fit in dating around with guys the way you could have Tommy pass by in Bucks life. Like I can't see it play out the same. Does that make sense? When Eddie realizes it's basically going to be Buck. Not sure if I worded that right. But it just wouldn't be organic.
I think Buck's parents just don't like anything that goes against the perfect nuclear family, and I think that's backed with the way they literally ran away from judgment, the way they abandoned Maddie, the way they treated Buck, so, yeah, I think the scene is less oh they are homophobic and more this turns away from my idea of a perfect family, I'm with you in that interpretation. And, like, Buck has a much more straightforward relationship with relationships and sex in general, so a guy grabbing and kissing him works. Eddie, sure, he is a character who had panic attacks at the thought of life with a woman, so pushing him towards a guy and saying surprise, he's gay, he was just repressed, could work but it would only take him so far. For the consequences for the people around him but also because of Eddie's relationship with himself. Buck doesn't know how to label shit, so he needs things spelled out to him in a way Eddie doesn't. I don't think you can present the idea of attraction to men to Eddie and not have him attach those feelings to Buck because Eddie understands his own feelings, he just ignores them. And realizing he's attracted to men would force him to look around himself and Buck is one of the most important people in his life, he is one of the most important relationships in his life, he would make that jump, and there's the catholic guilt, the expectations that were placed on him, the way he is still romanticizing Shannon, the way he keeps making romantic decisions based on Chris not what he wants, it would never be straightforward. I would never be as simple as having a guy kiss him. So Eddie figuring out he's queer has to make buddie canon, even if one-sided. But also because, in a scenario where Eddie just gets a boyfriend before Buck figures out he's bi, Buck would have a lot of emotions, and Buck is LOUD with his emotions, it's not the type of thing he would be able to control (I mean, Eddie made a friend and Buck almost broke his leg in the confusion), and that means they would either have to trip Buck into the realization himself, end up making Buck seem homophobic, or make someone confront him and guide him to the realization. And in this scenario, if Eddie confronts Buck, that conversation ends with them making out. The show doesn't let them talk about who they are to each other because there is no realistic way to write that conversation that doesn't end with them confessing their feelings or at least shoving the other against the nearest surface. And I think you're right, Eddie was not presented as someone who dates around, not in the way Buck was, that dude wants to be in a long-term relationship, he would get kissed by a dude, like it, then be like, cool, imma go see if my boy bestie wants to marry me, because Eddie is too self-aware to be able to pretend what he has with Buck is normal if he knows he's into men. I also think Eddie would not let himself be kissed by a guy out of nowhere, a guy who's not Buck at least, I think if Buck just kissed him he would go with it, but there's a level of conversation that needs to happen there that didn't fit the plot they gave Buck, it's easier to let Buck go first, slam him into the attraction to men and let Eddie walk towards his queer arc because queer Eddie needs queer Buck first unless they wanted to speedrun buddie. Which they clearly didn't lol. Eddie has a too complicated relationship with romantic love and attraction for his arc to be that straightforward.
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i love how werewolves are a metaphor for so many things. queerness. trauma. menstruation. chronic illness. like... its the best fictional creature for a reason
#my post#werewolves#*me saying its the best is a personal opinion youre perfectly valid in thinking otherwise lol#ive been watching a show lately called being human#i tried watching it years ago but i was too young and all the sex and presumably all the blood was too much for me back then#and one of the main characters is a werewolf and his experience. at least in the first season. was resonating with me about trauma#also. i do like the wolf forms of the werewolves in this show! not the best but DEFINITELY not the worst.#if a wolf form is *too* wolf or *too* human its an instant fail#its gotta be a healthy middle ground#the 2nd season is kinda losing me on the metaphor for plot reasons but thats ok lol#my biggest issue is that it made me completely stop liking one of the characters because of how they changed for the worse
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MHA Chapter 423 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.

tagline 1 ねじ込んだ一撃ーー‼︎ ねじこんだいちげきーー‼︎ nejikonda ichigeki--!! A single, exacting blow--!!
tagline 2 No.423 OFA vs AFO 堀越耕平 ナンバー423 ワン・フォー・オールバーサスオール・フォー・ワン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 423 WAN FOO OORU vs OORU FOO WAN Horikoshi Kouhei No. 423 One for All vs All for One Kouhei Horikoshi
1 何故���付けなかった なぜきづけなかった naze kidzukenakatta Why didn't I notice?
2 この窶れた"身体"に「超再生」が適用されない違和感 このやつれた"からだ"に「ちょうさいせい」がてきようされないいわかん kono yatsureta "karada" ni 「chousaisei」 ga tekiyou sarenai iwakan [This] sense of discomfort that Super Regeneration no longer applies to this worn-out body.
3 こいつだ…いやーーー koitsu da...iya--- It's this guy...no---
4 こいつらがーー‼︎ koitsura ga--!! All of these [people]--!!
5 謀ったのだ はかったのだ hakatta no da They conspired.

1 それ単体では それたんたいでは sore tantai de wa By itself
2 あまりに脆弱な"敵意" あまりにぜいじゃくな"てきい" amari ni zeijaku na "tekii" [each one's] enmity was too frail,
3 しかし撚り集まって しかしよりあつまって shikashi yori atsumatte but when they gathered together,
4 いつしか僕を覆い感受を鈍らせていたのだ いつしかぼくをおおいかんじゅをにぶらせていたのだ itsu shika boku wo ooi kanju wo niburasete ita no da before I knew it, they enshrouded me and dulled my sensitivity. (Note: He means his ability to sense one person via Danger Sense became dulled because there were too many people with enmity gathered together in one place.)
5 与一と継承者��もを打ち込まれたあの時にもう精神のみならず よいちとけいしょうしゃどもをうちこまれたあのときにもうせいしんのみならず Yoichi to keishousha-domo wo uchikomareta ano toki ni mou seishin no minarazu Yoichi and all the successors were cast [into me]. At that time, not only my spirit but
6 身体も…‼︎ からだも…‼︎ karada mo...!! my body, too...!!
7 生半可な"身体"では なまはんかな"からだ"では namahanka na "karada" de wa (literal) A half-baked body (official) Your limp-noodle body isn't ready for it.
8 受け取り切れず四肢が爆散してしまうんだ! うけとりきれずししがばくさんしてしまうんだ! uketori kirezu shishi ga bakusan shite shimaunda! (literal) can't receive it. Your limbs would explode! (official) Your limbs would pop right off!! (Note: This frame is from chapter 2.)
9 たった2年…!8代目より少し上乗せされた… たった2ねん…!8だいめよりすこしうわのせされた… tatta 2nen...! 8daime yori sukoshi uwanosesareta... "Only 2 years...! I only added a little more to [what it was with] 8th..." (Note: He means he only added 2 years' worth of power to OFA, a tiny amount after what it was when All Might passed it off.)
10 9人分の力の結晶だ 9にんぶんのちからのけっしょうだ 9ninbun no chikara no kesshou da "It's the crystallization of power in proportion to nine people."

1 既に"身体"も すでに"からだ"も sude ni karada mo This body also has already
2 ���かれていた事に くだかれていたことに kudakarete ita koto ni been broken, unfortunately.
3 "個性"が崩れてく… "こせい"がくずれてく… "kosei" ga kuzureteku... "His quirks are crumbling..." (Note: This is a word often used to describe the effects of Tomura's Decay.)
4 やったのか緑谷…! やったのかみどりや…! yatta no ka Midoriya...! "Did you do it, Midoriya...!"

1 まだだ‼︎ mada da!! Not yet!!
2 "個性"で無理矢理 "こせい"でむりやり "kosei" de muriyari With his quirks, he forcibly
3 つなぎ止めた! つなぎとめた! tsunagitometa! tied himself together! (Note: This word also means "to save someone's life." In this case AFO is forcibly preserving his own life by using his quirks to keep himself from falling apart.)
4 まだ何も為していない まだなにもなしていない mada nani mo nashite inai "I haven't achieved anything yet."
5 誰にも奪わせはしない…‼︎ だれにもうばわせはしない…‼︎ dare ni mo ubawase wa shinai...!! "I won't let anyone steal it away...!!"
6 僕だけが夢を為す ぼくだけがゆめをなす boku dake ga yume wo nasu "Only I will achieve my dream."
7 誰にも…!継がぬ…紡がぬ‼︎ だれにも…!つがぬ…つむがぬ‼︎ dare ni mo...! tsuganu...tsumuganu!! "No one...! [They] won't inherit it... [They] won't spin the tale*!!" (*Note: The word used here means "to spin (thread), to make up a story, to assemble, to put together.")
8 魔王は常に唯一‼︎ まおうはつねにゆいいつ‼︎ maou wa tsune ni yuiitsu!! "The Demon King is always the only one!!"
9 そうだとも繰り返せばいい… そうだともくりかえせばいい… sou da tomo kurikaeseba ii... Even if that's true, I can just do it over again...
10 愚かな弔にそうしたように‼︎ おろかなとむらにそうしたように‼︎ oroka na Tomura ni sou shita you ni!! Just like how I did to foolish Tomura!!
11 OFA無き今緑谷でも…!誰でも‼︎ ワン・フォー・オールなきいまみどりやでも…!だれでも‼︎ WAN FOO OORU naki ima Midoriya demo...! dare demo!! Even Midoriya, now that he doesn't have One For All...! Anyone!!
12 "個性"を「与え」奪えばいい‼︎ "ぼく自身"を「あたえ」うばえばいい‼︎ "boku jishin (kanji: kosei)" wo 「atae」 ubaeba ii!! I can give and take away "myself" (read as: my quirk)!!

1 器を!!! うつわを!!! utsuwa wo!!! "[I'll make] a vessel!!!"
2 もうやめろAFO もうやめろオール・フォー・ワン mou yamero OORU FOO WAN "Give it a rest, All For One."
3 緑谷‼︎ みどりや‼︎ Midoriya!! "Midoriya!!"
4 白雲…⁉︎ しらくも…⁉︎ Shirakumo...!? "Shirakumo...!?"
5 消…太 しょう…た Shou...ta "Shou...ta"
6 山…田… やま…だ… Yama...da... "Yama...da..."
7 ゴメン…ナ…… GOMEN...NA...... "I'm...sorry......"
8 行かなくては…私はーーーーー いかなくては…わたしはーーーーー ikanakute wa...watashi wa----- Have to go...I-----

1 死柄木弔を守らなくては しがらきとむらをまもらなくては Shigaraki Tomura wo mamoranakute wa I have to protect Tomura Shigaraki
2 Xあ‼︎X生‼︎ Xあ‼︎Xしょう‼︎ XA!! Xshou!! (Note: This speech bubble is partially cut off.)
3 やっぱり…‼︎どこまでも… yappari...!! doko made mo... "As expected...!! No matter what..."
4 手ぇ差し伸べちまうんだよあいつは‼︎ てぇさしのべちまうんだよあいつは‼︎ tee sashinobechimaunda yo aitsu wa!! "he's that guy who'll hold out his hand [for someone]!!"
5 A…FO… オール…フォー・ワン… OORU...FOO WAN... "All...For One..."
6 死柄…木弔を…オ返シ…下サイ しがら…きとむらを…オかえシ…くだサイ Shigara...ki Tomura wo...OkaSHI...kudaSAI "Tomura Shigara...ki...Please give...him back."
7 オッおォッ OoO "Ooo"

1 オ友達が待っテイルんデす オともだちがまっテイルんデす Otomodachi ga matTE IRUnDEsu "His friends are waiting."

1 爆豪⁉︎ ばくごう⁉︎ Bakugou!? "Bakugou!?"
2 病院にって…‼︎うっそだろあいつ! びょういんにって…‼︎うっそだろあいつ! byouin ni tte...!! usso daro aitsu! "They said [you were heading to] the hospital...!! That guy's unbelievable!"
3 「爆破」で一人で来やがった‼︎ 「ばくは」でひとりできやがった‼︎ 「bakuha」 de hitori de kiyagatta!! "He went and came over alone using Explosion!!"
4 轟の"ジャンプ台"貸りたけどよォ〜〜〜〜〜 とどろきの"ジャンプだい"かりたけどよォ〜〜〜〜〜 Todoroki no "JANPU dai" karita kedo yoO~~~~~ "I borrowed Todoroki's jump platform, but~~~~~"
5 俺に追い越されてンなよ出久‼︎ おれにおいこされてンなよいずく‼︎ ore ni oikosareteN na yo Izuku!! "don't let me overtake you, Izuku!!"
6 AFO…‼︎おまえを許しはしない オール・フォー・ワン…‼︎おまえをゆるしはしない OORU FOO WAN...!! omae wo yurushi wa shinai "All For One...!! I won't forgive you."

1 けれど理解できない化物だとも思わない けれどりかいできないばけものだともおもわない keredo rikai dekinai bakemono da to mo omowanai "But I don't think you're an incomprehensible monster."
2 …やめろ ...yamero "...Stop."
3 おまえは魔王なんかじゃない おまえはまおうなんかじゃない omae wa maou nanka ja nai "You are not actually a Demon King."
4 見るな みるな miruna "Don't look [at me]."
5 おまえはただの omae wa tada no "You're just"
6 寂しがりな人間だ‼︎ さみしがりなにんげんだ‼︎ samishigari na ningen da!! "a lonely person!!"

1 与一…⁉︎ よいち…⁉︎ Yoichi...!? "Yoichi...!?"
2 緑谷くんは みどりやくんは Midoriya-kun wa "Midoriya-kun"
3 限り限りのラインでカケラが残るよう ぎりぎりのラインでカケラがのこるよう girigiri no RAIN de KAKERA ga nokoru you "seems to have a fragment remain for as long as possible."
4 ぶつける力を調整したんだね…… ぶつけるちからをちょうせいしたんだね…… butsukeru chikara wo chousei shitanda ne...... "I guess he adjusted the force of his hit......"
5 そして 残り火による"感応"で叩き起こしたんだ そして のこりびによる"かんのう"でたたきおこしたんだ soshite nokoribi ni yoru "kannou" de tataki okoshitanda Then, I was roused awake in response to his embers.
6 僅かな残滓となった僕を わずかなざんしとなったぼくを wazuka na zanshi to natta boku wo I, who became mere dregs,
7 ワン・フォー・オールを WAN FOO OORU wo One For All.
8 正しく完遂させる為に ただしくかんすいさせるために tadashiku kansui saseru tame ni In order to properly follow [things] through. (Note: The order of the lines here makes this confusing. He's saying that, in response to Izuku's final attack with his embers, the barest dregs of Yoichi's vestige was roused. This one last piece of his vestige remained likely because Izuku held back on his attack using Yoichi's vestige. Now that he, the base One For All quirk, has awoken, he will carry out the mission of One For All.)
9 どうでもいい‼︎ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
10 どうでもいい‼︎ dou demo ii!! "I don't care!!"
11 消えるな‼︎顔を見せろ! きえるな‼︎かおをみせろ! kieruna!! kao wo misero! "Don't disappear!! Show your face!"
12 無理だよ むりだよ muri da yo "That's impossible."
13 消える きえる kieru "I'll disappear."
14 駄目だ だめだ dame da "You can't!"
15 僕のモノだ‼︎僕を見ていろ‼︎目を見せろ‼︎ ぼくのモノだ‼︎ぼくをみていろ‼︎めをみせろ‼︎ boku no MONO da!! boku wo mite iro!! me wo misero!! "You're mine!! Look at me!! Show [me] your eyes!!"
16 兄さん にいさん niisan "[Older] Brother,"
17 貴方を導けなかった あなたをみちびけなかった anata wo michibikenakatta "I couldn't guide you."
18 これは緑谷くんが見出してくれた これはみどりやくんがみいだしてくれた kore wa Midoriya-kun ga miidashite kureta "Midoriya-kun discovered this for me."
19 僕らへの最期の救済だ ぼくらへのさいごのきゅうさいだ bokura e no saigo no kyuusai da "It's our final* salvation." (*Note: The word used for "final" here means "one's last moment at their time of death.")

1 駄目だ‼︎許可しない‼︎大好きだ! だめだ‼︎きょかしない‼︎だいすきだ! dame da!! kyoka shinai!! daisuki da! "You can't!! I won't allow it!! I love you!"
2 大好きなんだ!!!おまえがいないと僕は駄目なんだ!!! だいすきなんだ!!!おまえがいないとぼくはだめなんだ!!! daisuki nanda!!! omae ga inai to boku wa dame nanda!!! "I love you!!! If you're gone I have no purpose*!!!" (*Note: The word used here, dame, means many things depending on context. It means "bad, no good, useless, broken, hopeless, wasted, in vain, purposeless.")
3 そうやって sou yatte "In that way,"
4 全てを己���為に利用してきた代償を払う時だ すべてをおのがためにりようしてきたツケをはらうときだ subete wo ono ga tame ni riyou shite kita TSUKE (kanji: daishou) wo harau toki da "it's time to pay reparations for taking advantage of everything for your own sake."
5-6 彼が起こしたのは僕だけじゃない かれがおこしたのはぼくだけじゃない kare ga okoshita no wa boku dake ja nai "I was not the only one he awoke."

1 先生に喰われて消滅したと思ったんだけどな… せんせいにくわれてしょうめつしたとおもったんだけどな… sensei ni kuwarete shoumetsu shita to omottanda kedo na... I thought I had been devoured by Master and disappeared, but...
2 あんたが俺を あんたがおれを anta ga ore wo were you
3 消えないように繋ぎ止めてたのか きえないようにつなぎとめてたのか kienai you ni tsunagi tometeta no ka tying* me down so I wouldn't disappear? (*Note: Again, this word also means "to save someone's life.")
4 おばあちゃん obaachan Grandma,
5 黒霧…………… くろぎり…………… Kurogiri............... Kurogiri...............
6 先生から身体を奪い返しただけで せんせいからからだをうばいかえしただけで sensei kara karada wo ubai kaeshita dake de I only stole my body back from Master, and
7 何も壊せやしなかった なにもこわせやしなかった nani mo kowase ya shinakatta I didn't destroy anything.
8 結局俺はおまえの言った通り…泣いてるガキだったって事か けっきょくおれはおまえのいったとおり…ないてるガキだったってことか kekkyoku ore wa omae no itta toori...naiteru GAKI datta tte koto ka "In the end, I was just as you said... A crying kid, huh?"
9 この手をX壊せなかったX このてをXこわせなかったX kono te wo X kowasenakatta X "This hand X couldn't break X"." (Note: Some of this speech bubble is cut off. It could say something like "I couldn't break these hands of yours.")
10 …やった事を許せはしないだから戦った …やったことをゆるせはしないだからたたかった ...yatta koto wo yuruse wa shinai da kara tatakatta "...I can't forgive the things you've done; that's why I fought."

1 止めたかったし…止まってほしかったんだ とめたかったし…とまってほしかったんだ tometakatta shi...tomatte hoshikattanda "I wanted to stop [you]... I wanted [you] to stop,"
2 悲しみが紡がれないように かなしみがつむがれないように kanashimi ga tsumugarenai you ni "so that the sadness wouldn't [keep] spin[ning]*." (*Note: This is back to that word that means "to spin yarn, to spin tales, etc." Izuku is saying he didn't want the sadness to beget more sadness. He wants the chain of sadness to stop.)
3 ハッ HA "Ha." (Note: This is an exhalation that could mean any number of things, like shock, laughter, realization, etc.)
4 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya,"
5 スピナーが生きてたら伝えてくれよ スピナーがいきてたらつたえてくれよ SUPINAA ga ikitetara tsutaete kure yo "if Spinner is alive, please tell him [something]."
6 "死柄木弔"は最期まで壊す為に戦ったって "しがらきとむら"はさいごまでこわすためにたたかったって "Shigaraki Tomura" wa saigo made kowasu tame ni tatakatta tte "Tomura Shigaraki fought until the very end* in order to destroy." (*Note: Again, this is that "finale" word that means "one's last moment at their time of death.")
7 もう…壊したよ もう…こわしたよ mou...kowashita yo "You already...destroyed [it]."

tagline 決着‼︎永きにわたる因縁が晴れ上がるーー‼︎ けっちゃく‼︎ながきにわたるいんねんがはれあがるーー‼︎ kecchaku!! nagaki ni wataru innen ga hareagaru--!! Settled!! The chain of cause and effect that spans a long time is cleared up--!!
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 423#bnha 423#my hero academia manga spoilers#final arc spoilers#this chapter got fma music stuck in my head#wow there's a lot to say about this chapter#i'm sure everyone's gonna have strong feelings about it#a lot of people read all sorts of feelings and such into these characters#i fear that may convolute some things unfortunately#i'll probably try to withhold my final opinion until we get some falling action#i suspect spinner will add some things to this at the very least#anyways when i said that as a katsuki stan i was worried about stans for all the other characters i was serious as hell lol
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Hello, Spamton!
How's life? Also, do you have any opinions on the Addisons? (Pink, blue, orange, and yellow)
If so, what do you think of them?
#raaughhh ruhhh i am immediately going tyo bed ive been working on it. almost all day so if you see mistakes NO YOU DONT#[you've got mail!]#spamton#spamton g spamton#deltarune#deltarune spamton#deltarune chapter 2#still frame asks on regular in exchange for animated ones is a pretty good deal i think#rruuhahahah#Now this is the point where id say why you pissed him off but id be lying becaus he isnt#And i like the asks about the addisons despite people forgetting that they are indeed a topic lol#i would just say that askihin him on HIS opinions on them will get you a slew of censored brackets and a largely irritated guy#Im sure eventually youll figure out a good question that will get him talking in a way you want but for now its either : youre flatout#ignored or insulted..... or he only answers whatever else you put in there. which counts as being ignored. mu ha ha#at least for the “your opinion” ones but i do like this ask#as per usual the tag paragraph#eat well my disgusting bug horde im going to bed even though i had other plans
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I cannot express how much I think about this stat 🐐

#I think about it at least 3 times a day#it’s the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before bed#lol I am just kidding#but for real#these two are amazing#and in my opinion the most talented two on the grid#they are so unmatched and made for each other that it’s insane#I also alway think about the fact that they are consider once in a lifetime generational talents#and they are only born 16 days apart!#that is so insane to me#i truly believe that an invisible string connects them#god I love them both#lestappen#the goats!
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Snoopy #90
description under the cut
[description: a cartoon-style drawing of Snoopy's head. Snoopy is a white dog with black ears. His eyes are shut and his mouth is a horizontal line. There are two large blue teardrops, one under each eye. The text "I am at my limit" is handwritten across the top of the image.]
#peanuts#snoopy#art#90#based on that emoji face meme but i can't find the original ANYWHERE#at least not the entire image unedited. other than on like redbubble listings but i don't want to link those haha#if someone has a link to it please send it to me!! so i can link it in the post. thanks :)#also i have decided to start doing descriptions for each image (which i have been meaning to do for a while)#now that people actually follow this blog and interact with it and stuff#tbh i should've started doing them a long time ago#but the idea of retroactively going back to every post and adding a description kept putting me off... which is silly because it's only#gonna become more work the longer i leave it. so you know. just gotta start doing it#i will endeavour to add a description to all the previous snoopys of the day soon 🤞#anyway i made this because i sent a friend the original emoji image (taken from a redbubble screenshot LOL)#because we have been trying to book a place to stay for a group trip (6 people)#and like i did all the research and made a list to start us off (while letting people know they could add to the list) and sent that around#and made a poll for people to vote for their preferred place#and some people in the group have been taking FOREVER to respond with their opinions about accommodation#like to the point where all the other good places on the list have been booked up now and there is just one left#which luckily is the one with the most votes#and today i was like (about to book that one) ok well before i book i'm just checking that everyone is ok with these dates?#and some of them were like ohhh actually no. we haven't booked our flights yet so we're not sure which days exactly we'll be there#WHAT DO YOU MEAN!#in fairness i should've checked that we were all on the same page about dates beforehand#but like. the trip is literally in like 5 weeks AND during a public holiday like omfggggggg everywhere is gonna be booked out#do you know how hard it is to find accommodation for 6 people#and i don't even know the people who haven't been responding/haven't booked their flights/whatever#they're friends of a friend (who will also be coming on the trip) and i know nothing about them#i think i would be a lot less annoyed if it was just my friends because we would've just hopped on a call and sorted everything out in like#one night. otherwise we know + trust each other enough to make decisions for each other if we can't/don't want to be involved in planning
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#Diomedes fans definitely have it so much worse in my opinion though. If I could make one arm more buff looking I would because#y'all are so strong as you're dealing with it so much worse than I. I salute you.#Ngl. as a Penelope lover. I think Odysseus would be thrilled if Penelope got more love than him. like he's her biggest fan.#At least it makes sense for Odysseus to be mentioned with Penelope as they love each other but for it to be all the time???!!!#Diomedes ain't even in the picture. He's in Rome founding cities and probably picking fights with Aeneas about the horses he stole lol#penelope#penelope of ithaca#penelope odyssey#penelope of sparta#the odyssey#odyssey#diomedes#diomedes of argos#tagamemnon#greek mythology#anti odydio#bruh the fact that the other tags that showed up after I typed Diomedes were odydio related is infuriating. Justice for this man#Mad rambles#Mad memes#shot by odysseus#<-literally my specific tag is a joke about how I'm one of Penelope's suitors because I'm obsessed with her and so he's coming for my#fangirling ass and it's STILL has his name in it. :') it's what got voted in the poll I did though sooooo
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I had the slow realization that when we will finally be on the real reveal that "oh yes everything in this manga is only here for the poor Yugi boys uwu. And the mysteries and all plots are just here to make the twins story shine" the manga will have lost me entirely lol
We are so close to a clock keeper's backstory but atp it would be foolish to think that the Yugis won't have something to do with it or its reveal and honestly I am just sad :'))) I know the manga is around Hanako and Tsukasa but doing the biggest fxk you to all your other characters for the main three is insane to me
I am still happy we got tbhk and all the character ofc, just really sad to see in which direction it has been going for some time (it started around chap 96 for me rip)
#toilet bound hanako kun#tbhk#this is a rant ig#rambling#Idk what I will do with myself when the clock keepers arc will be finished and we will be left with only the broadcasting club and the yugi#I hate both of those biggest rip#some of my friends who are just casual readers said that it feels like AidaIro just wanna finish their manga#bc the last arc is so underused it's insane#most people were ready for it to last more than 2 volumes I swear :')))#perfect picture arc is 3/4 long lol#wanted to be annoyed before the absolute disaster that the next chapter will be for me rip#imagine waiting 5 years for this#for the yugi to be a fcking cat in your fav mystery's boundaries#I just want it to be a random cat atp#i say I will lose it but tbh I have been active only with the strength of my delulu since 2021 so welp#I won't disappear lol#I will just more and more go away from canon#I hope I am wrong on everything here tbh somehow but welp#disclaimer: this is my opinion lol#I don't like to show negativity but for this arc I feel like I dewerve to do at least one post on it lol
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I don’t think this is an unpopular opinions but lowkey fannon kailor is sm better than cannon kailor.
(Read the tags)
#I’m not even huge on kailor but I this thought just came into my head as I thought ab Sky#cuz I was thinking ab how it would be awesome if we got Skylor to come back at least for a cameo#but then I thought ab how sucky it would be if the show tried to keep on trying to push Kai and sky to be together#because it would feel so forced atp#the show just writes them so bad it just feels like everytime they bring Skylor back to the show#which is like- whenever there’s BIG emergencies#the writers remember that ‘hey! Skylor is also Kai’s love interest! let’s give them some cute moments together!’#it’s like they’re not even trying 💀#and even in the book ‘quest for the lost powers’ they were *KINDAA* cute but tbh the way Kai acted w Skylor pissed me off#and I love Kai btw but damn reading their part made me feel like she deserves better 😭#but if they really tried#they could actually make a great couple#srs#which is why fannon content for them is sm better#but I feel like usually that’s the case for most fandoms or shows#so that’s why I doubt it’s an unpopular opinion#and tbh it would also be interesting to see Kai just admit that his past relationship failed and that’s ok#portray a healthy breakup that would be awesome 🔥🔥#but that’s just my personal opinion and my desire to see more complex relationships and stuff like that lol#lego ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#ninjago#dragons rising#ninjago dr#Ninjago Kai#Kai Ninjago#skylor ninjago#ninjago skylor#kailor#kai x skylor
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wizard kittens ✨
so far Melli's been the biggest troublemaker, which is apropos to her namesake! Rusza's a little more lovey, which is rather less so, hehe :3
#dnd#dungeons and dragons#character art#illustration#gnome#halfling#wizard#kittens#cats#when I told him the names we were considering#my brother whose roommate's cats had the kittens-- and who was in the campaign in which ruszca was an NPC--#said 'oh that'd be a good name for the one with orange on her she seems like the really curious one'#joke's on you! BOTH names are derived from chaotic-ass gnome wizards dkfgjhdfghkjh#melli's so weird she's got a lot of Opinions but it's rarely clear what on earth they're about#most vocal cat I have ever had#they're both affectionate but rusza is much more willing to be picked up and held and scritched until she falls asleep#whereas ruszca the NPC is notorious (at least to kethri) for being antisocial and sometimes kind of a bastard lol#ruszca#my OCs#felix#melliwyk#kethri#dungeons and doodles#noncanon shenanigans#... I don't THINK I'm going to draw the cats enough that they'll need their own dedicated tag. but we'll see
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I know so many people think we'll get a sad ending for Squid Game, but honestly, I think there's a good chance we'll get a happy-ish or at least hopeful ending.
Because of the end of Season 1. Specifically the scene with Gi-hun and Il-nam. If HDH wanted to make things completely bleak, he could have easily written that homeless man dying out there, "proving" Il-nam right. But he didn't. In the end, we see someone helping the guy, proving Gi-hun right, that there are still other good people in the world.
I feel like that's good foreshadowing. Not saying there won't be sad moments coming, but I think in the end, we'll get something similar. A glimpse of hope and goodness, if not an outright happy ending.
Personally I'd be happy with the following scenarios:
In-ho gets a redemption arc and helps Gi-hun and Jun-ho put a stop to at least the Korean games. Possibly gets arrested but doesn't die.
In-ho starts to get a redemption arc. Gi-hun and In-ho team up as Front Men and it's implied they'll work together to take things down from the inside, but the games are still continuing currently, maybe with modifications.
Darkest I'd go with: Gi-hun genuinely becomes another Front Man with In-ho (does have a lot less faith in humanity), and there's no indication the games will stop, but Gi-hun manages to make things a little more fair for the players.
Anyway, just some thoughts I had. I'm honestly sick of super downer endings for shows. It's tedious and done to death, imo. I'd like to think HDH would rather leave us with a potentially hopeful ending. Especially since I'm pretty sure he said somewhere Gi-hun is based a little on who he used to be? If I'm remembering that right, then I'd hate to think he'd leave us with a hopeless ending.
#squid game#seong gi hun#hwang in ho#inhun#my thoughts#also sick and tired of seeing so many people being all like “oh everyone will die”#or “i hope they die”#or acting like a sad ending is inevitable#like wtf#have your opinions I guess but like idk it rubs me the wrong way#and yeah some of those ending ideas are the basis for a couple of fics i'm working on#i have too many wips i need to finish at least one before i start posting inhun fics lol
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maybe link should consider that I filled my inventory with salted milky smoothies right before the fight and spent all that time leveling up the sword and energy gauges tho ...🥲
#when tri said give him the sword back i was like NO!!!! IM GOING TO SHOVE HIM OFF THIS CLIFF TRI DONT TRI ME!!#ILL TURN THIS FROM ECHOES OF WISDOM TO ECHOES OF WIDOW REAL FAST (ZELDA WILL BE A WIDOW)#i think post game should have a mode where u can refight the bosses and get them as echoes at least if ur not allowed to use swordfighter#in the last fight...like...give me SOMETHING here#eow spoilers#echoes of wisdom spoilers#echoes of wisdom#loz eow spoilers#loz eow#zelda#link#princess zelda#eow#loz#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda#fanart#ms paint#doodle#comics#truly the quickest lil doodle comic of my life but i know from complaining abt this on my main other ppl got miffed abt this too!!#that being said its still my fav game in recent years i ADORE THIS game dont take this as like serious hate lol#i get WHY they did this. i get it! but Still wasnt what /i personally/ wanted so i will gripe abt my Opinions#im queueing this to come out (1) week after i draw it so maybe everyone is done by now but if not . sry for the spoilers. i tagged every#possible blacklistable term i could think of </3#&yes I know why they did it thematically etc no one needs to Um Actually 🤓☝️ me this is my opinion 🧍🏻 pls just scroll if u disagree this is#silly hehe 10 min comic not. a serious real thing. u know??#I love link and I am glad we got to do stuff with him at the end I wish it would’ve just been more of the split room puzzles together and#we both got to fight also .
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Me: Ugh Bakugo x Deku? Didn't Bakugo tell Deku to kill himself? Doesn't Bakugo bully Deku all the damn time and we can see how it effects Deku? I don't care if he changed as a person, I still don't like it!(I respect those who ship it tho)
Also me: hehe Ribbun...
#insert that one spongebob meme where hes about to get squished “WAIT A MINITE I CAN EXPLAIN”#i think its mostly due to fandom perception of these ships for me ngl. the mha fansom at least in 2020 was very “deku is an uwu cinnamonrol#>//<!! he needs his big bad bf bakugo to protect him uwu“#and i see a lot of ribbun enjoyers on here just draw them much more normally and..not like that..also ppl either think jax would legimately#change or they dont romanticize the toxic realtionship#probably a hypocrite but eh#to me theyre different vibes#idk#mha#this is just my opinion#bakudeku is not anything to burn at the stake for lol its just not personally 4 me#ribbun#tadc#lucyshipz
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hii! first of all thank you so much for your drawings, they are very beautiful! I'm in love with your artstyle💖💖 secondly- do you have any headcanons about about the ages and birthdays of johnny and simon? 👀
thank you for the compliment 🥰 as for your question...hehe, I do 😏
Johnny is 30 and a November baby, and Simon is in his late 30's, born in May....;)
#asks#these are just my personal opinions based on nothing lol#I cannot fathom the idea that soap is younger than me so we're sharing our birth year 😔#price is not 37 either that's a lie he's at least 42 😤#also if these seem familiar no they don't
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Hate on Total Trauma all you want, at the very least it's existence produced this image and i think we can all relate to it
#cheese posting#if you want my opinion on it#i read through it and it's fine overall lol#i don't care enough to have a detailed opinion about it outside of “some outfits are really cool!”#and “why the fuck is that character doing *that*”#at the very least i can give it props for actually finishing an entire volume#like for a fan comic that's fucking impressive#i couldn't do that
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Holding out hope that the writing in veilguard will get more bearable but rook saying to lucanis that it's "not nice that Spite hurt him" and he "shouldn't accept that it’s fine bc it wouldn't be ok if a person did that" like. That is a demon. Built off a single emotion called SPITE. Rook I am finding it really hard to believe that u have lived in thedas for more than 30 seconds.
#wow the demons which are one of the consistently evil forces in these games did something bad#hey players do you know that that was not nice#ok thank you. do u think I am 4#dav spoilers#veilguard spoilers#dragon age the veilguard#also grinding my gears that everyone (including dalish elves???) just immediately accept the evanuris are evil/have come back#like the first person to not immediately believe it is the first warden and honestly he is the only character so far I respect#like maybe if this was like inquisition and a huge hole in the sky/rifts opened everywhere#but it seems like nothing like that happened but everyone somehow magically knows about the ritual and instantly believes everything rook sa#the more I think about these things the more annoyed I get#guys did you know being a leader means u sometimes need to make hard decisions... varric taught me that in my ma15+ game#i am enjoying the combat at least lol and I like Bellara and want to see Babylon so I'm in it for the long haul#why does everyone have a gun to their head making them nice though like it's so painfully out of place sometimes#and being able to only say the same thing but in a slightly boring slightly funny or slightly serious way is driving me insane#like I seem to be the only one who had no problem w the limits on dialogue in inquisition but this is driving me insane#Mourn watch rook what if you were somehow boring and nice. yay thank you bioware#ALSO rook stop talking and forming opinions without me getting to choose what u say like no I don't want u to day we have to save that perso#ok I swear I'm done now.. I need to go back to writing my thesis instead of grinding my teeth about this game#this is all coming from an inquisition enjoyer as well (sorry) but like so far I have found nothing I enjoyed about inquisition in this game#maybe if the inquisitor and Ghilan'nain are cool latee on I can focus on that (big maybe)#I am only early on still (just met first warden) so there is still time... i guess..
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