#also. i do like the wolf forms of the werewolves in this show! not the best but DEFINITELY not the worst.
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mbat · 7 months ago
i love how werewolves are a metaphor for so many things. queerness. trauma. menstruation. chronic illness. like... its the best fictional creature for a reason
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steviewashere · 10 months ago
What if I wrote were!Steve who doesn't abide by normal werewolf rules. Like he doesn't turn in a full moon, he can do it whenever (like a shapeshifter, but can only shift into a werewolf). Except, Steve becomes were! when he's down on himself.
His parents come home, his parents who are also werewolves but have held him away by the scruff of his neck, who kicked him to the curb from their pack. And the hurt that surges through Steve when he sees his parents is so strong that he just...turns into a werewolf.
Steve turns into a werewolf cub for the first time in his life, unsure of who to turn to, unsure of where to go because his parents are there an he doesn't have a pack. He wanders around aimlessly when he can't sleep, he howls all by himself when he's trying to find somebody to take care of him, and he curls up into a little ball underneath the window of a very warm trailer. A trailer that floods with warm amber light, that sounds like heaven late at night—crooning country songs and bluegrass—it smells like homemade meals and fills with peals of laughter. He listens to them sleep. He bites back the urge to howl to this person's music. Sometimes, he stands up on his back legs and peers into the window, just to see what this person is doing. To see what this little boy, around his age and curious and sometimes a little sad, is doing with his day. Falls in love with his nerdy hobbies, how his small voice sounds doing all the voices of a very complicated fantasy book, the way his curls grow messy from his head.
And when he finally comes to know Eddie, he realizes that the trailer he's seen almost everyday is his. He ends up in Eddie's bedroom and hears that same bluegrass music, he sees the same mini figures that he watched a very pretty boy paint some years ago. He eats Wayne's homecooked meals and is reminded of the smell of freshly roasted potatoes and stewed carrots. And he finally feels home.
One day, as he's hanging out with Eddie (just them, nobody else), he tells him that there's a secret he's got to share. And so they sit in warm silence, side by side on Eddie's little mattress. And he just changes. Emerges from his human clothes, not tattered but loose enough on this different form. Looks up at Eddie with big imploring eyes. Licks his hand, nuzzles his ringed fingers. He paces in a little circle so that Eddie can see all of him. And right before he shifts back to human form, Eddie reaches out a tentative, gentle hand and pets him down his back. From between his small, curved ears to the tip of his little fluffy tail. It's the softest and most loving of touches he's ever received.
Eddie just softly says, awed and adoring, "So you were the one I used to see growing up."
And Steve is over the moon that the first person he showed, outside of his parents, was somebody like Eddie. And then Robin sees him, comforted that the big wolf she used to see in her backyard was just keeping an eye on her (starting after Starcourt, but she was too afraid of how it made direct eye contact with her.) The rest of the party members follow suit, each with their own awe and tears and comfort.
But there's nothing like coming home to Eddie and laying by him, curled up and snuffling through his snout, with calloused fingers running soothingly in his fur. To hear him read the fantasy books, do the voices and all. And to just be loved.
To have finally found someone to take care of and welcome him.
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werecreature-addicted · 2 years ago
🥲 i cant stop thinking abt reducing a werewolf who’s in heat to a begging mess. like listen he js wants to fuck you and you won’t let him?? but he’s been such a good boy?? he’d start whining and whimpering like a puppy. ears laid back, he’s so desperate for you. so you agree to let him fuck you on one condition : he has to use his muzzle. last time he got a little bit too excited and started biting a little too hard. so now he has two options, he gets to fuck you with a muzzle on, or he doesn’t get anything at all.
he thinks it’s not fair that he doesn’t get to mark you. but eventually he accepts your conditions, but he’s whining about how it’s not gonna be the same. while he’s fucking you, poor baby is panting and drooling all over himself, begging you to take it off, he needs to mark you. you manage to remind him that greedy boys don’t get anything and he just starts going faster, to the point where none of you is able to form a coherent sentence. his mind is hazy, but he takes a mental note to get rid of that damn muzzle.
Listen listen listen. Your werewolf is torn, he never wants to hurt you and is absolutely destroyed that he went too far and hurt you the last time you two had sex. It’s all of his worst fears come true! He really is nothing but a monster driven by instincts telling him to chase carnal pleasures. He thought he meant it when he promised he’d never hurt you. Every time he looks at the heald mark on your neck it makes his stomach turn. He’s so worried you’ll leave him over this…that he’ll lose his mate because he couldn’t control himself.  He needs to be coaxed into even touching you again. Sex is almost completely off the table…almost. 
He’s still human- well he’s not but you know what I mean. He still has desires. Your touch still sends jolts of electricity down his spine, your smell alone is still enough to get him hot. He tries his best to satiate his needs with just kissing and dry humping. Although. It’s hard to enjoy anything when he’s fighting against his animalistic urges telling him to just mount you already. You like rough sex, you like how big and sometimes scary he can be, so what’s the problem? Marking feels good- at least for him, it does. And wouldn’t you want to make your wolf feel good? And who cares if you’re scared of his monstrous side? It’s not like you can run from him, you both know he could track you down where ever you ran off to.
Those monstrous thoughts scared him a little bit. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he also knew he needed to keep you as his, he wondered which one of those desires would come out on top if push came to shove. 
It doesn’t take long for his more carnal desires to win out. He’s begging for his attention and pleading for you to let him have you again. It’s been almost two full weeks since the incident and he’s pretty sure people can die from going that long without sex. He’ll do anything- and he’ll promise anything if you just let him have you. You don’t even need to do anything he’ll do all the work- he’s strong enough to use you like a Fleshlight you both know that
This is where you bring up the muzzle. It’s special. Made for werewolves so they can’t escape even with their strength. He agrees immediately! Then regrets it… again he’s torn. This is good… he can’t hurt you this way but god he hates this fucking muzzle. He can’t even kiss you like this, don’t you see how cruel this is? It’s just his nature. It’s like asking him to go Vegan. 
He knows that you’ll soil him with kisses once he’s calm again. Hell, he knows that you’ll probably let him bite you if he’s careful- but all those thoughts are background noise as he listens to you whine and moan. You take his cock so well- you take his teeth even better. He loves you with all his heart and werewolves show love by biting. 
He snarls to himself and gnashes his teeth behind the cage you put him in. he watches a bead of sweat drip down your neck and he mashes the grate against your skin and struggles to lick you. The muzzle digs in his face as he pushes its limits but he doesn’t care, he manages to lick the sweat from your skin and he shudders in pleasure. 
Once he does calm down you let him out of the muzzle and kiss him senseless. He feels better… he didn’t hurt you this time at least. But part of him wants to throw out that stupid cage.
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fantasy-anatomy-analyst · 6 months ago
Shapeshifter Anatomy
shapeshifter is a broad category, covering any fictional creature or peoples that can alter the shape of their body. some can shift into pretty much any animal, like animorphs or DnD druids. some are shapeshifters against their will, like werewolves. I'll be covering the anatomical possibilities for shapeshifters with a limited ability to change their shape, more like werewolves.
the anatomy required to change one's form mostly involves keeping a lot of body parts "hidden" until they're brought out to use. there are a lot of animals that can do this! cats have retractable claws, eels have a secondary jaw in their throats, many snakes have large fangs that fold back in the mouth. etc.
hair and feathers are also capable of changing the shape of a creature by the way they move, like the quills of a porcupine or the display feathers of many birds of paradise. this is a much less flexible sort of shapeshifting, but it's a good option for intimidation and courting displays or temporary disguise.
to keep this post simple, I'm just going to focus on a humanoid with a singular monstrous form, but these concepts could be used for a lot of different creatures! though I haven't fully determined how to make someone go from mostly hairless to suddenly very furry. Maybe becoming a werewolf just gives you a lot more body hair growth and it puffs up during the transformation.
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(image description: compiled sketches of different animal anatomy. in the top left corner, there are colored diagrams showing the different parts of a human skull and a wolf skull. in the top left, a diagram showing how cat claws retract and bend forward. on the bottom, sketches of moray eel and viper skulls, showing the eel's secondary jaw and the viper's folding fangs. end description.)
It took a while but i managed to find an ask i answered a while back about giving humanoids retractable claws like cats have. so that's at least one part of possible shapeshifter anatomy covered! the tldr is this: retractable claws actually require the first joint of the finger or toe to be folded backwards, and then the claw comes out when that joint flexes forward. it does make the fingers and toes shorter and more bulky at the front, but that's fine.
here's a look at just the skull and upper torso of a potential were-creature or monstrous humanoid.
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(image description: colored sketches of a humanoid skeleton with a retractable fang on both the upper and lower jaws, as well as an extra joint on the lower jaw, and neck vertebrae that sit more curved in the first sketch and straighten out to a longer neck in the second sketch. end description.)
this could use more polish before it's really ready to add the fleshy parts on top, and they wouldn't quite look fully human on the outside. If you want to take something like this even further, you can alter the entire skull to be full of small moving joints, like how so many fish are able to fold up their jaws and then shoot them forward like a tube. or the sarcastic fringehead, a fish that can unfold its jaw as a method of intimidation.
(video description: a 3d model of a carp's jaw, showing how it's made of multiple parts that can all move and extend the mouth. end description.)
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(image description: two photos of a sarcastic fringehead. the top photo shows this fish at rest, with its jaw frame folded backward along its face. the bottom image shows this fish with its jaw fully extended, revealing a very wide panel of brightly colored flesh on either side of the mouth. end description.)
facial changes like this are probably the most difficult part of making the anatomy for a shapeshifter. but the more moving parts their face has, the more variety of face shape you get! moving to the rest of the body though, let's consider how an upright human figure could shift into a quadrupedal form with digitigrade legs, since werewolves are probably among the more common creatures all this advice is useful for.
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(image description: a simplified human skeleton and wolf skeleton next to each other, with an arrow pointing from the human to the wolf. end description)
pretty much all vertebrates have things in common when it comes to the form of their skeletons. the general location of each limb and the ribs and pelvis are always similar. but their exact size and shape varies from animal to animal. so you can't really make a normal human skeleton turn into a normal wolf skeleton. but you can make a weird human skeleton that doubles as a weird wolf skeleton.
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(image description: same as above, but now the human shaped skeleton and the wolf shaped skeleton match each other, and the human shaped one is hiding its longer neck, spine, and tail by holding them with a far more curved shape while the wolf shaped skeleton holds them more straight. end description.)
okay they're not an exact match, but I tried. any humanoid being with a skeleton like this is not going to be able to fool anyone into thinking they're a normal human when they're naked. but with the right styling of clothes, a lot of the weird curves, hunched shoulders, and awkward feet problems can be hidden from view.
anything that gets more complicated than this will require extra bones and joints and muscles depending on what exactly you need your shapeshifter to do! a change in posture is a lot different than, say, being able to extend the length of their limbs or alter the shape of their ribcage by making it more narrow and protruding vs more flat and open.
I can't personally cover every single possibility! so you all will have to just use this post as a springboard and go explore more ideas yourself! I started with the idea of taking a human skeleton and altering it, but imagine what this would look like if the base form was entirely non-human! or if they were more of an invertebrate! extra arms can be folded to resemble the shape of a torso, for example. there are so many more options I'm sure I didn't even think of.
go put your mind to work and have fun!
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dinodaweeb · 8 days ago
5 Times Your Werewolf Boyfriend Almost Exposed Himself
Gn!Reader x M!Oc!Werewolf
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1.Dumplings that gave you food poisoning. Living with Juan Carlos was a learning experience. For both of you.
At first, you thought he’d adjust pretty easily. He was already technically human most of the time, and sure, the whole werewolf thing came with quirks, but how bad could it be?
The first major incident happened when you ordered takeout. Simple, right? You didn’t feel like cooking, and Juan Carlos—still getting used to non-raw food—was on board with trying something new.
What you didn’t expect was his reaction to the delivery guy.
The poor dude had barely knocked when Juan Carlos lunged for the door, sniffing aggressively, hazel eyes narrowing like you’d just let a serial killer onto the premises.
“What are you doing?” you hissed, trying to shove him away.
“This is our home.” His voice was stern. You rolled your eyes.
“It’s my apartment, and that’s just some kid bringing me dumplings.”
Juan Carlos didn’t budge. If anything, he leaned in closer, chest puffing up, radiating pure animalistic intimidation.
You cringed.
The second you cracked the door open, he semi transformed showing off his fangs. Seriously, he acts like a baby most of time but puts on the whole cliche “alpha werwolf” act like some edgy seventeen year old boy.
The poor delivery guy went pale.
“N-Never mind, it’s on the house!” The bag hit the ground. Footsteps pounded down the hall as the guy bolted.
You turned to Juan Carlos, dumbfounded. “Did you just—”
���He smelled shady,” Juan Carlos grumbled, arms crossed.
You stared at him. Stared at the abandoned food. Stared at the retreating figure of a teenager who was probably quitting his job as you spoke.
“You are never answering the door again.”
(The indeed turned out to be shady, so you let it slide.”
2. The Time He Forgot Clothes Were Mandatory
You came home one evening, tired, sweaty, and done with the day. You just wanted to shower, eat something, and—
“Why are you naked?”
Juan Carlos blinked up at you from the couch, legs spread comfortably, remote in hand. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because—” You gestured wildly. “Because clothes?!”
He tilted his head. “They’re itchy.”
“That’s a you problem. We have neighbors—”
“The old lady across the way keeps looking in here anyway.”
“That’s because she probably thinks she’s hallucinating a Greek statue come to life!” You grabbed the nearest blanket, tossing it at him. “Cover up!”
He caught it but made no move to actually use it. “I don’t get it. I don’t wear clothes in my other forms.”
“You also don’t have—” You clamped your mouth shut before you could acknowledge anything about Juan Carlos’s current state. “Just… get dressed before I lose my mind.”
He smirked but finally—finally—wrapped the blanket around his waist. “You like looking, don’t you?”
You left the room before you could commit a crime.
3. The Time He Marked His ‘Territory’ (Figuratively, Thank God)
At first, you didn’t notice anything strange.
Sure, Juan Carlos was clingy. You’d expected that. Werewolves were affectionate, territorial, all that weird instinct stuff.
Honestly, he was usually nothing like this. But his job left him hyperactive and stressed.
But then you started noticing little things.
Your shirts? Smelled way too much like him, even ones you hadn’t worn recently. Your blankets? Always a little ruffled, like he’d been rolling in them. And worst of all?
Your pillow smelled distinctly of wolf.
It was gross.
One night, you caught him burying his face into it, inhaling deeply like some freak scenting a mate.
“What the hell are you doing?” you demanded.
Juan Carlos looked up, completely unapologetic. “Making sure no one else tries to claim you.”
You stared. “Who, exactly, would be ‘claiming’ me in my own apartment?”
“You never know.”
“Juan Carlos.”
He shrugged, flopping back onto your bed like he lived there. “Instinct.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“You love me.”
You threw a pillow at his smug face.
4. The Time He Took ‘Pack Bonding’ Too Far
You were sick. Just a cold, nothing dramatic. But Juan Carlos?
You’d think you were on your deathbed.
The moment you so much as sniffled, he went into full wolf mode. You woke up to find him curled around you, his entire body wrapped around yours like a sentient weighted blanket.
“Too hot,” you mumbled, trying to shove him off.
“You need warmth. Helps healing.”
“You’re a furnace.”
That wasn’t even the worst part.
He groomed you.
Not, like, licking (thank God), but his hands were constantly in your hair, untangling knots, rubbing circles into your scalp. When you finally got up to brush your teeth, he followed you—leaning over your shoulder, making sure you didn’t keel over.
“You don’t have to guard me.”
“I do.”
“No, you really don’t.”
“You’re pack.”
You sighed, pressing your forehead to the sink. There was no arguing with him when he got like this.
At least the head rubs were nice.
5. The Time He Couldn’t Handle Small Talk
Juan Carlos was bad at human conversation. Not because he was shy—God no—but because he was too honest.
You took him to a casual get-together with your coworkers once. Just drinks. Just socializing. Big mistake.
Someone made small talk, asking him where he was from.
His response? “Born in the woods. Raised by wolves. Killed my first deer at seven.”
The silence that followed was deafening.
You nearly spat out your drink.
He was completely unbothered, sipping his beer like he hadn’t just admitted to being a feral child.
“…Man, you’re hilarious,” your coworker finally said with a nervous laugh.
Juan Carlos just blinked. “I wasn’t joking.”
You had to drag him away before he could elaborate on the specifics of his first kill.
+1 The Time He Almost Got It Right
It was a normal night. Just the two of you, curled up on the couch, watching some terrible movie neither of you were really paying attention to.
Juan Carlos wasn’t being weird for once. He wasn’t marking his territory, or threatening the neighbors, or traumatizing the local delivery guys.
He was just there, pressed against your side, warm and solid.
It was… nice.
“See?” you murmured, nudging him playfully. “You can be normal.”
Juan Carlos let out a soft, content hum. “I guess. But normal’s boring.”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. He had a point.
Besides, you wouldn’t trade him for anything.
Not even for a normal life.
a/n: erm I’m writing again or something
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xmalereader · 1 year ago
Moonknight x Shifter! Male Reader
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Requested: can i request a fic that's more of a headcannons post than a fic? i really love the way you write the moon knight boys and was wondering how'd they react to a protective shifter!reader who's usually quite calm and reserved(maybe a wolf just for the irony of wolves being sorta synonymous with the moon)? maybe in a world where shifters are starting to be accepted but some people are still jerks. kind of a "three times reader protected the boys and the time they returned the favor" sorta thing. if all three is too much though i totally understand, im okay with just one, your pick. whatever your schedule allows for ❤️ sorry if this is hard to understand it's a fever at 4am kinda night but i couldn't pass up the chance to make a request lul love your writing! hope you're doing well! i wish you good writing thoughts and dexterous typing times 🫡
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Fluff, slight angst, request, Steven is a sweetheart and Jake is scary while Marc is trying, short, headcannons, reader is a shifter, werewolves, society differences.
WC: 1.5k
TAGS: @luci-the-brat-boy
NOTES: I apologize for the long wait on making this request I’ve been busy on my end but I’ve finally got the time to get these completed! Thank you for enjoying my moonknight shots, writing these characters can be a bit tricky since they all have different personalities but I was able to make it work! I did make a few changes so hopefully it’s still good!
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Shifters were still new to society and not many have grown used to them due to the fear of getting hurt one day if they were to shift in front of them and perhaps hurt them or kill them. Each shifter was different and due to their existence, laws were established in order to keep a balance between shifters and none shifters, but the laws didn’t really stop the hate that some people carried for them.
Steven Grant:
Steven didn’t think he’d end up dating a shifter, let alone one who shifts into a wolf the size of a car. He was shy at first since he was new to the whole shifting when it came towards his partner.
After a few dates Y/n grew comfortable in showing Steven his new form, taking things slow with the man since he was always so nervous around him until months of dating he’s grown used to him. Steven had also told Y/n about his DID and about Marc and Jake, giving him very little information about them expecting his partner to pry for more information only to reassure him that he doesn’t have to force himself.
After their confession they continued on with their dating life like normal. Until Y/n started to notice the way that Steven is treated at the museum, each time he paid him a visit he noticed how rude his manager was being to him, making him growl in anger by how to orders Steven around and makes him do the extra work while she sits back and does nothing.
Y/n knew how much Steven loved his job, but there were times that he couldn’t help but interfere with the situation.
It didn’t take long for him to track down Steven's mangers and corner them in an empty hallway, whispering them threats on treating their employees with respect and to not treat them as slaves, frightening the poor women.
“Treat them like slaves again and I’ll hunt you down on the next full moon.”
Lets just say that Steven stopped receiving bad treatment after that which only left him a bit confused and oblivious to the matter.
Y/n was always protective of Steven due to his innocence and oblivious state at times. Every time someone looked at him wrong or stopped his ancient Egypt mid rant he’d slowly turn to the person to give them the stink eyes as if saying, “how dare you stop him from talking about what he loves?!”
He had scary dog privileges…literally.
The first time that Steven actually lost it was when one of their neighbors caught Y/n coming back home from a full moon with Steven next to him. His wolf form looking a little smaller as he padded next to him quietly and tried to regain his thoughts after last nights events only for their snotty neighbor to step out into the hall and scold Steven for keeping a “mutt” around.
Y/n was close to turning around and snapping his jaws at the neighbor in order to scare them only for Steven to step in between them while glaring at the man angrily. Steven was already tired from chasing after his partner through the streets and making sure he wasn’t causing any trouble all night and his neighbors comment was his last straw.
The shifter had never seen Steven so upset, using every cuss word he knows to call the neighbor out, pointing a finger at him and jabbing them in the chest. It caught both shifter and neighbor by surprise until Steven finally cooled down and opens their door to allow them inside.
Once inside Steven slams the door behind him and leans his back against it with his face buried in his hands. Y/n had approached Steven slowly, still a small wolf and whining softly to get the man’s attention only for Steven to drop his hands and look at his partner in horror.
“Did I just do that? Oh god I’m gonna have a heart attack.”
Steven had never blown up like that before that even he was surprised by his outburst that night.
Marc Spector:
Marc wanted to scold Leon for picking a shifter as a boyfriend. Marc didn’t hate shifters he just didn’t know much about them to actually trust them yet, so when he finds out that Steven got himself a shifter of a boyfriend he couldn’t help but be a bit cautious around him.
Y/n didn’t spend much time around Marc since the man refused to be around him when it was his turn to take over the body. The shifter wanted to ignore him and let him do as he wanted, only to end up following Marc secretly whenever he went out.
The two didn’t get along quiet yet, but Y/n is still overprotective of the two of them. Yes, they share the same body but he can’t help but feel like he needs to be there to protect them both.
Only Marc doesn’t need protection he knows how to take care of himself and stick up for others, so the first few times he caught Marc being defensive or fighting back he couldn’t help but find the man quiet attractive.
Marc was perhaps the one who could actually make him blush whenever they spent time together back in Steven’s flat. Even when Marc returned back home stressed and upset, Y/n already knew how to help the man distress by shifting into his wolf form and lying on his back across Marc’s lap and letting the man scratch his belly or bury his face into his warm fur while groaning in frustration as if someone would do to a pillow. Y/n enjoyed cuddling with Marc during his full moons when he’s stuck in his wolf form for long hours of the night.
Y/n was in the cities office when he was first called out for being a shifter while renewing his passport due to Marc wanting to take them on a trip. A few strangers were waiting around for their turn and due to Y/n being a shifter he was first priority since he went through a longer process in getting a renewal which pissed off a lot of people.
Only for Marc to shout at them to shut up and reminding them the laws between humans and shifters and how not everything is fair between them, giving them a deadly glare that made them back off.
Y/n can’t help but crack a small smile when hearing Marc’s words as he focused on his passport renewal.
Jake Lockely:
It was harder for Y/n to get along with Jake since he acted like the silent but deadly brother between the three. He found Jake intimidating that he was perhaps the first person to actually make him tuck his tail between his legs.
Jake didn’t need protection and Y/n knew that since he’s seen the man beat another human to near death until he stopped him from going to far. Y/n didn’t know about Jake until one night when he noticed a change of smell in Steven and Marc’s scent, realizing that they weren’t the only ones.
Jake was suppose to be a secret, hiding in the shadows as he watched over Marc and Steven. Only the cab driver didn’t really need to protect them since they had a shifter by their side, but that didn’t mean Jake couldn’t keep an eye on him too.
Their first night together was awkward for them since Jake rarely spoke and Y/n was too afraid to ask him questions without getting the man angry. It didn’t take long for Jake to notice this that he finally decides to speak up, asking questions that’ll get him closer to the shifter.
They only spent time together during late nights when Steven and Marc are sleeping and Jake is able to take full control. Giving Y/n a chance to join him on his nightly trips and sitting next to him on the passenger seat while talking.
It didn’t take long for Jake to warm up to the shifter, not realizing that Jake had added him to his list of people to protect. Even though Y/n can shift into a large wolf, big enough to kill anyone on sight, Jake still decided to take the roll of taking care of the shifter too.
Y/n first witnessed Jake defending him when he was helping a man into the cab from a club, drunk off his ass while the shifter gets him inside the back seat. What he didn’t realize was the group of men lurking around the club, clearly drunk as they whistled at him, trying to get his attention which he ignored.
That was until one of them had the balls to slap his ass filling him with shock and ready to strike the man down, but when turning around Jake was already doing that for him.
Jake was filled with rage as he slams his fist into the man’s face over and over again. The others tried to pry Jake off, but he was faster than them, kicking their asses and forcing them on their knees and apologizing to the shifter.
Y/n could only stare at Jake with wide eyes as the men whimpered out their apologizes to him.
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bisexualbrainrots · 1 month ago
please tell me more about werewolf Tommy actually
omg! my time to shine. I'm a firm believer in werewolf!tommy
so, I like to think of him as a lycan, that means he's one of those who was born a werewolf and can transform at will, these kinds of werewolves are also believed to be naturally evil. his father was the leader of a pack and didn't like the fact that tommy was more sympathetic and gentle "like a filthy human".
whenever he needs some time alone he transforms and takes a little trip to the woods. it's his way of recharging and learning to connect with the wolf.
he was kicked out of his pack because he just couldn't kill mercilessly, and lived for so many years in solitude. the person he definitely misses the most is his mother, since as a child he was closer to her and she always comforted him.
chimney was the first person that showed him that you don't need other werewolves to form a pack, that you can form your own (though it took them years to get that bond).
when he met buck he was just obsessed with his scent (I like vampire!buck in this situation) and didn't know what to do with himself so he acted more bitchy than normal, but this proved to be more effective than he thought because he immediately smelled the arousal emanate from buck.
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skulla-rxcks · 1 year ago
A wolfs puppies
Paring: werewolf!chan x fem reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut
Warnings: cr3ampie, breedlng
Day 31 of k-tober
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Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28
A/n: sorta pt2 of werewolf in heat, it’s not needed to read it but you’ll understand what’s happening better if you do :)
P.s; i’m afraid kinktober has come to an end, thank you for all the new supporters and all of the reads on my stuff throughout this month, as much as it’s been tiring for me, i’m really fucking thankful for all of you <3
It’s been a while since I’ve been in the woods, after what happened last time I mean; a whole fucking werewolf fucked me against a tree, definitely something that wouldn’t happen on a daily day basis, hell. I didn’t even believe in myths like werewolves before then. Maybe I should go back and see how he’s doing, If I remember correctly Chan was his name.
Anyways I should probably head off now, maybe I’ll bring him some food too? Maybe I’ll meet others like him sometime. I sigh going to my fridge and grabbing a chunk of cooked beef, he’d eat that right? Either way, I slip on my boots and exit my house, as I shut the door I think about why the fuck am I going out at like 12AM again, but whatever I guess, it’s a full moon tonight so hopefully that’ll up my chances of him showing up.
I made my way to the path once again and begin to walk down it, a smile forming on my face as I see the familiar trees get closer and closer to me. I continue to walk down the pavement until I reach the lake, taking a seat on the log before frantically looking around if I can find the strange creature from about a week ago.
The stars are brighting so I pay my attention to them as I’m waiting for the man/werewolf thing to come out of the shadows. It doesn’t take long until I hear a rustle in the bushes, followed along with someone tapping my shoulder.
“Oh, you’re back” a voice says to me, I turn around. It’s Chan, it’s really him. “Y-yeah I uhm, wanted to see how you were doing.” I stutter as my cheeks become visibly flustered.
“Ah, I’m not too bad myself, what about you?” He replies. As I’m thinking of an answer I pull the slab of meat out from my bag and hand it to him. “I’m okay, t-this is for you, I sort of have an idea what you’ll eat but I also don’t..” I turn my head embarrassed.
“Oh thank you~ of course I’ll eat anything from you.” The creature smirks. “So why did you come here this late again? It’s pretty dangerous for a girl to be walking alone in the woods, or perhaps.. you wanted something from me” Chan whispers into my ear before pulling away to see my bright red face.
“I.. I told you, I just.. wanted to see how you’ve been and if you want anything else from me..” a splash of fear and lust runs through my veins, also being visible on my face too.
“Hmm? Only that? Fucking boring, well may I at least one thing. Has your body recovered from me breaking your pretty little cunt yet..?” He grins, taking my hands in his.
“C-chan.. why are you asking?” I question, feeling my cunt grow wet as I drip down my thighs.
“Because I want to fuck you again. I want to breed you, fill you with my puppies and claim you as mine.” He responds boldly with no hesitation at all, making me gasp in shock as I feel my body growing weak due to the slutty words he’s saying to me.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking good you felt around me. Please, may I?” Chan asks me, I nod in response letting the strange werewolf begin to strip me of my clothes, he unbuttons my jeans and slides my panties off, taking my shirt and bra off slowly after, he licks his lips at the sight of my tits, wanting to touch me, wanting to fuck me, but most importantly; Wanting to pleasure me until I can’t take it anymore.
“Channie… please.” Whimpers fell out of my mouth as he begins to make circular motions with his fingers around my clit, making me buck my hips for more. “Patience baby doll.” Chan chuckles, moving his head down between my thighs and taking my swollen clit In into his mouth and sucking on it lightly. “Mmgh.. more.. I need you inside of me..” I cry out. He thrusts two fingers into my cunt slowly changing the speed and pressure of the thrusts. “There you go, I’m inside of you now”
“N-no..” I whine. “No?”
“Dick.. I want your dick.. I need your cock in me..” I plead, needing more of him so fucking badly.
“You whine so fucking much..” he growls, positioning his tip at my opening before slowly pushing me open, I let out an airy gasp as he does so. It’s almost like I’ve forgotten how thick his cock is. “B-big” I moan, wrapping my legs around his waist as he begins to pound in and out of my tight, wet hole, stretching it really fucking good. Way better than last time we did this. “Yeah fuck.. god you’re such a good girl.” He praises me, this thrusts getting more and more rougher than ever before, making me squeal out in pleasure. “Shh” he chuckles, connecting his lips to mine making our mouths dance together, as well as our tongues.
“Chan..~” I moan into the kiss, feeling myself get tighter as I drive closer towards my orgasm, hoping he also is. “Mm, I wanna fill your pretty hole with my pups..” Chan teases, pulling away from the kiss to watch my face as he’s fucking me good, making my body into his property. “Please.. please” I answer him, wanting him to feel me with his seed until I can’t take anymore. “Yeah? You wanna get filled with my cum until you take all of my puppies?” He teases, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he hears how god damn eager I am for him to thoroughly breed my cunt until his balls are dead empty from spilling all of his semen inside of my hole. “Yes.. yes please, give me your babies.. please Chan..” I beg again, tears beginning to swell up in my eyes from how badly I want this.
“Mm, I’m gonna fill you up. You ready babes?” He smirks, holding my body still holding himself from releasing as he waits for my answer. “M-mhm, do it.. I want to carry your puppies.” I cry out, my pussy tightening around his cock as he finally, fills me up with his seed, not pulling out until he’s certain that all of it’s gone into my womb. I climax not long after, my nails scraping into his back as I cum around him. “Do you wanna come back to mine for a bit? So we’re out of this shitty looking forest?” I ask, blushing. “Of course babes.”
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aimportantdragoncollector · 3 months ago
Oh? Multiverse? Are the werewolves originally from a different world?
This ask is in response to me commenting that if the werewolves take over their Earth then they have ambitions to invade other worlds across the multiverse. I confess I've been sitting on this ask for a bit trying to decide how much I want to give away. Some of this backstory may come up later in the series.
The alternate Earth that And Then There Was One takes place in is a nonmagical baseline normal world. There was absolutely nothing supernatural before the werewolves showed up. (Which left this poor world unfortunately unprepared.) The werewolves originated from an eldritch abomination who briefly stopped by this Earth. In a sense, you could say that the werewolves have origins from a different world, but also that this world is the first one to experience an outbreak of this particular type of werewolves.
Once upon a time, a human made a wish to an eldritch abomination to create a world without murder, without torture, without evil. The eldritch abomination laughed a lot at such a silly and impossible wish that many humans had tried to make before without thinking it through. Only to get extremely surprised when the person who would become the first werewolf presented a detailed plan to create a new type of magical being.
Eldritch Abomination: Do you realize you can't eliminate evil without also eliminating free will?
First Werewolf: Yes, but I consider it worth the sacrifice. I can maximize free will by allowing people to act as they chose until the precise moment they cross a line, at which point they have a wolf passenger that stops them. The passenger also ensures that no one is ever alone or unloved.
Eldritch Abomination: No one ever gave me such a detailed and well-thought-out out wish before. Okay, I admit it, I'm impressed. I'll let you try. The cost is your soul.
First Werewolf: That's oddly cheap.
Eldritch Abomination: That's the cost to turn only you into a werewolf. You get one wolf per soul. If you want to turn all of humanity then you'll have to devour every last human soul.
First Werewolf: And non-human souls too. If I want to eliminate evil, I need to get everyone. Including beings like you, eventually.
Eldritch Abomination: HAHAHAHA you're adorable. You know what? Sure, give it a try. It will be amusing to see if ants with enough persistence can take down gods.
Yes that means the werewolves started from exactly one person. It would have been easy to eliminate them in the early days but back then they got a lot of volunteers to start the pack.
Some extra facts:
-The souls of everyone who gets infected are all gathered together and trapped inside the pack hivemind. (Or protected inside the pack mind depending on how you look at it. Their souls cannot be eaten by soul-eating creatures nor can they reach any kind of afterlife that might exist across the multiverse, good or bad.) Souls fuel werewolf power and they become stronger the more they collect. As a result modern werewolves are stronger and faster and tougher than when they first got started.
-Werewolves appear to be an eldritch kind of wolf in their true forms because they started from eldritch power.
-The First Werewolf deliberately designed werewolves to have an urge to bite others and for the bite to feel good in order to spread the infection.
-There are some rare circumstances that can cause someone bitten to reincarnate as a human instead. For example, this happens if someone is bitten but dies before being fully turned.
-The First Werewolf is the only werewolf who consistently reincarnates as a human instead. Part of the price of the original wish was for the First Werewolf to get stuck as a human repeatedly hunted down by werewolves in order to get a taste of what the wish caused the rest of humanity to experience. This is also how the First Werewolf planned to invade other worlds. If the original Earth gets taken over, that will trigger the First Werewolf to reincarnate into another world. The pack has the ability to track a soul that is connected to them and use that to open a door to the other world. Thus the First Werewolf is the harbinger of a werewolf plague.
-Both magical worlds and nonmagical ones exist across the multiverse. There are beings more powerful than werewolves out there, but all are vulnerable to being infected by werewolves and turned to the other side. If werewolves infect a dragon, for example, then they get a massive powerful dragon on their side who now has a bonus wolf transformation. Werewolves don't currently have the power to infect an eldritch abomination but the more souls they consume, the more they level up. The eldritch abomination never expected the werewolves to take over an entire world and has started sweating.
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bots-and-cons · 11 months ago
Since requests say open
Can I get knockout and Shockwave with werewolf reader (not the transforms only on a full moon kind but the basically always able to transform, also not very scary just fluffy creature)
A/N: I basically went with the twilight type of werewolf (or at least what I remember of them), because that’s the only “fluffy, not very scary” one I can think of, also they’re biiiiiig. The reader is their partner/s/o so they’ve got a romantic relationship
•Shockwave is probably more interested in the whole werewolf thing on a biological/scientific level
•If you let him, he’d like to scan you, take blood samples, and other stuff like that
•He’s just interested in how the whole transformation thing works for you, because the mechanics of it seem way different than for his kind
•You sometimes sleep in the lab, just on some counter, in your wolf form
•Shockwave is aware that humans pet dogs, and the dogs enjoy it, so he’s wondering if the same would apply to you
•So one time you’re asleep, he starts giving you some scratches behind your ear
•You seem to quite enjoy it, and he’s absolutely enamored with how happy you seem to be when he pets you
•He doesn’t really do it often, because he doesn’t think it’s necessary or a thing you would need, but he does still think it’s nice 
•Shockwave thinks it’s odd that you don’t seem to match much of the lore he ends up reading about, because you’re very much a real thing
•You explain to him that most people don’t actually think werewolves are real and that most of the stuff online is just flat-out fanfiction
•Shockwave learns that he shouldn’t believe everything that’s on the internet
•Because he asks some very weird and uncomfortable questions based on his online research
•You’re just like “No, no no no, no no, no nope”
•Shockwave doesn’t really see you as a normal human, though you’re the only human he knows so he doesn’t really have a benchmark for a “normal human”
•He thinks of you as a werewolf, which you’re not offended by, because that’s what you are
•The first time you transformed into a wolf in front of him, he was pretty freaked out
•In his (very loud) words “How the scrap did you turn into a dog?!”
•You walk up to him and bark at him playfully, and he thinks you’re the cutest thing ever
•Then he just basically starts baby-talking to you, because “puppy!”
•You of course can’t answer, because wolves can’t talk, even in the case of werewolves
•It’s honestly a bit weird, because if you showed a human this side of you, they would run away screaming, but Knockout’s reaction is “puppy” because you’re basically the size of a normal dog for him
•There’s a sort of “magic aspect” to this that your clothes become a part of you during the transformation, so you’re clothed when you turn back
•He of course has a ton of questions, main ones being “What?” and “How?”
•You’ve been werewolf since birth, but the traits only started presenting themselves when you were about 15
•You mostly find the “puppy” comment to be funny, but it ends up becoming a pet name that Knockout uses for you all the time
•It grows on you, but you weren’t that fond of the name at first
•You have to transform every once in a while, or you start getting this itchy kind of feeling and it starts driving your crazy
•You also just like running in the woods and feeling free so Knockout bridges you to places around the world where you can run
•Sometimes you like sleeping on Knockout’s chest or lap, and he likes to pet you, which you enjoy as well
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ghouljams · 4 months ago
My favorite thing about werewolves is when the show/book/movie/etc shows how much happier they are as a werewolf. They’re comfortable in their skin, happy with their abilities and their body! Not horrified of what they are or just shown as a monster.
(Is this me talking about being trans subtly? Maybe. Up to you.)
Listen lycanthropy has been a metaphor for so many things over the years. I think it all depends on the way that the wolf is depicted more than the way the human handles it. Is the wolf a sapient creature that is able to think, reason, and communicate on a human level? Or is it a wild animal that one can only hope to impede but never control?
A werewolf that is able to think on a human level even in their fully transformed form is probably going to be fine with being a werewolf. It sucks to transition, there's a lot of work involved, and society may have a hard time accepting them initially, but they aren't hurting anyone and ultimately they're just like everyone else except for the "turning into a wolf" thing. <- Great metaphor for queer-ness.
A werewolf that is unable to control themselves once they transform, unable to be reasoned with on a human level because they're reduced to baser instincts like fuck/fight/flee, running amok and causing havoc no matter where they go and what they do? Potentially purposefully infecting other people in order to grow their numbers and then attempting to live among the general population only to lash out when they're discovered? <- bad metaphor for queer-ness.
But I also think the second one is a great story about the way that good people can be transformed into monsters when given the tools and environment to do so. In the original wolf-man film our titular wolf-man is cursed to become a wolf after killing a Romani man. Despite attempts from the Romani man's mother to help the wolf-man he ultimately rebuked her and ended up dead because no one would take him seriously.
In traditional mythos werewolves could be seen as a way to explore the violence that some people enact without cause. Perhaps it isn't man that is able to kill indiscriminately but a man possessed by a wolf. We might see various ways to "cure" lycanthropy and all the different ways to tell if your loved one has been cursed as attempts to understand sudden mood changes or anti-social disorders. Werewolves aren't my area of expertise, but myths always reflect a fear of the time or become an attempt to explain the unexplained. So. Y'know. Maybe it is that deep.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months ago
Do you know any stories where a shapechanger is the protagonist?
I think the clearest example of this would be the tale type in which a sorcerer's apprentice or servant flees from his master by magically shapeshifting into various animals and/or objects. For instance:
Master and Pupil (Danish)
The Magic Book (Danish)
The Thief and his Master (German)
Farmer Weathersky (Norwegian)
But if you're willing to be a bit more lenient with the definition of "protagonist", I think there are also proper animal shapeshifters that would qualify.
Animal grooms (like Hans-My-Hedgehog) always turn human at the end of their stories, but these two serpent husbands seem to keep the power to shift at will:
The Snake Who Became the King's Son-in-Law (Romanian)
Umamba (Zulu)
The typical animal bride (like The Swan Maiden) is almost invariably kidnapped by the protagonist of the story. But in some folktales the focus shifts to the wife enough to make her feel like the protagonist:
The She-Wolf (Croatian)
Legend of O' Dowd of Inniscrone Castle and the Mermaid (Irish)
The Mermaid Wife (Shetlandic)
Last but not least, while they are harder to find, some folktales treat werewolves as a mere fact of life. These are not quite typical protagonists, but very close:
A woman reveals she is a werewolf to show her neighbor where she gets meat (Polish)
A werewolf wife does the same, making her husband afraid for her safety (German)
A workman is discovered to be a werewolf by his two companions and reacts angrily but leaves without attacking them (German)
Three werewolf sisters spend the evening in wolf form and are found out by some young men come to court them (French)
That's all I have for now! If anyone else has folktales they'd like to add, please feel free!
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whiteheartlight · 2 months ago
I have been chewing on this these last few days so here is some outlining from my Toa Metru werewolf au, even though I would probably never get around to writing the whole thing. inspired by the Hordika arc of course
Onewa has been a werewolf all his life. He's the son of a powerful pack leader and has always had a place, although it hasn't been an easy life. His father can be cruel and commanding, and Onewa has spent most of his life biting back at him. When things reach a breaking point, he flees to a close friend of his uncle's: Lhikan, a werewolf advocate and expert who has made a career out of helping new wolves and those in trouble.
Onewa's still trying to put his life back together after escaping his father's pack when a string of violent attacks begin to preoccupy Lhikan. An unknown werewolf is attacking and biting humans, turning them into werewolves themselves. Although the attacks look random, Lhikan begins to suspect there's a pattern as Whenua, Nokama, Nuju, Vakama, and Matau all find him in their search for help. This is a diverse group of skilled new wolves all around the same age. Who would turn them, and why? Onewa soon finds himself forced against his will to help Lhikan mentor this new group of wolves who have had their whole lives turned on their heads - especially since Lhikan believes these attacks may be related to some of the same evil forces in the city who turned his brother Nidhiki to dark magic and killed Onewa's uncle years ago. featuring...
Nuju, a PhD student who is now at risk of losing his funding and everything he's worked for. the most recently bitten, he's still recovering from his violent attack. he was raised in the foster care system and has no one to turn to as he struggles with new impulses and the dangers of his situation (since we were just discussing this the other day, he would eventually become Deaf in this story too)
Nokama, an education professor who can no longer teach and is resisting a strong instinct to just follow the river out into the wilderness and never be seen from again. she shows an early talent for communicating while in werewolf form
Matau, a self-proclaimed engineer who used to make his living off testing new technology and making stupid inventions to share on the internet, now feeling a desperate need for a pack that will wind him up in trouble if he can't find some stability. on the plus side, he's incredibly skilled at transformation for a new wolf.
Whenua, an archivist at the museum who just wants to be left to go back to his work and avoid being deported for his new status, but also can't quite let go of the idea of solving the whole mystery of this situation
and Vakama, who has spent the last year of his life just trying to survive his depression and the strange nightmares and visions he's convinced are signs of psychosis. he's quiet, resigned, and self-doubting - so why does Lhikan insist that Vakama is an alpha, a kind of wolf made to lead packs and gather wolves together? and why the hell does he seem to think he can convince Onewa of all people to be this new wolf's right-hand man??
Lhikan's convinced these six are meant to be a pack and figure out what's going on. they'll just have to deal with a few small things such as: injuries, self-hatred, discrimination, Vahki cops, seductive witches, evil alphas, old enemies, daddy issues, and, of course, powerful new instincts to do things like chase rabbits, fight for territory, and lick things (and people) they would not previously have licked. it's fine. this is all totally fine
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mimicmockingbirds · 10 months ago
Yellowjackets - Werewolves HCs
I know absolutely no one asked for this, but I'm missing the Yellowjackets crew, and I've been binging a horror media all week, so here are my loose ideas for a werewolf AU as inspired by this post
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Van & Taissa:
Obviously Van is the first one to turn, having been attacked by a rival werewolf during her side-quest with Tai, Mari, Akilah, and Misty like in the show
Tai also gets bitten in the process of helping Van heal/deal with her first transformation
From there, they spread the curse to the rest of the group, making them the leading alpha pair by proxy of "creating" the rest of the pack like alpha-parent pairs in the wild
Van struggles with the leadership role, considering herself more of a follower than a leader when in human form
Tai leans into it, being a natural leader in human form; although, since it was her idea to go on the side-quest that got Van bitten to begin with, she is more cautious when it comes to making decisions
Tai also gets more protective of the group as a whole, often herding them or biting their scruffs to keep them in place (i.e. safe) from rival wolves
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Instantly embraces having a bigger, physically stronger body as a wolf
Uses it to unleash all of the compartmentalized anger and aggression she carries in human form, making her the most snappish of the group, bordering on feral
Consequently, she really struggles to submit to Tai and Van as the alpha pair, often testing their patience by trying to go off on her own or stealing scraps of their food
Has a lot of nicks on her body from Taissa constantly having to correct her behavior
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The complete opposite as Shauna; she absolutely hates having a second body and the strangeness of having to navigate it
Is the most resistant to change in general, so her transformation process is particularly difficult
Stays in her human form as much as possible; only really shifts when there's conflict among the other wolves and they need a mediator to calm things down (especially because it's usually started by Shauna)
Since she's in human form so often, her social standing in the team/pack starts to decline, making her more submissive and subdued
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Is resistant to the change at first, as she is resistant to the supernatural in general
Gradually starts to embrace having a wolf side when it proves useful in hunting/providing for the others
Starts to thrive because wolves naturally communicate via actions, which she prefers as someone who was raised on volatile emotions rather than rational words
Sometimes stays in wolf form just to vibe and show her affection for others, clambering on top of them or licking their muzzles when she's in a good mood
Mostly reverts to human form when she's upset, because it's easier to hide her emotions that way (although it quickly becomes a sign in and of itself that she's in a poor mood)
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Is absolutely enthralled with having a new, bigger body with better senses and strength
She is still the smallest of the group, so she compensates by being very vocal as a wolf, constantly yipping or howling
Shifts between human and wolf the most often, usually at random, because she does still value having human qualities when she needs to play group medic
As a human, she lacks a lot of social awareness for boundaries; as a wolf, that becomes even worse
Constantly inserts herself into others' personal space, butting her head or muzzle against theirs to see what they're doing or where they're going; consequently, she receives a lot of corrective behavior from the others, like nips to the ear or base of her tail
It works for about 5 seconds, then she's right back in their space
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Laura Lee:
Absolutely hates shifting
Still views the entire situation of being stranded, and now forced to deal with transformations into another body, as some form of divine punishment
Like Jackie, mostly keeps to her human form whenever possible, and shifts only to play mediator when the others need it
However, unlike Jackie, her social standing doesn't suffer, since she has status by proxy of being friends with the likes of Van and Lottie
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Is disorientated by the transformation process at first, wondering whether it's another symptom of her mental illness or withdrawal from her meds
Eventually accepts it, and is even comforted that she's not the only one suffering from strange phenomena for once
Due to her acceptance to change and the unknown, she is able to shift the most easily from one body to the other
She's the most attuned to the Wilderness as a human, so she has the best senses as a wolf; starts to accompany Natalie on hunts, wherein she tracks down the prey for Nat to kill
Is very anxious, so she is often scratching or grooming herself; her fur gets patchy around her paws from licking them so much
Builds a closer friendship with Natalie (from hunting together) and Van (for gifting her the bone-necklace), so they try to console her anxious habits, either by laying next to her or directly on top of her to keep her still
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Only embraces the change when Natalie does, especially since it proves so useful in hunting
Despite being a bigger size than the girls, he has the lowest social standing, since he was never officially on the team and thus, is considered an outsider to the instinctive pack dynamic
Mostly hovers at a distance from the girls during any gathering; however, he only exhibits outwardly submissive behavior like lowered ears and a tucked-in tail towards Van and Taissa, since they're the official alpha pair
Prefers to flee rather than fight during conflicts amongst the pack, only becoming aggressive when his hunting partners (Nat and Lottie) are involved
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Werewolf partner headcanons
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*Pats werewolf* this werewolf can fit so much love in them-
But seriously, by nature werewolves are highly affectionate, especially physically.
Perhaps not initially. They will be very aware they’re poor human partner may not be used to overwhelming affection yet :(. They will be super good, they will hold themselves back looking like sad little puppies.
Please just let them and let them cuddle you they’ll be so happy :(
Like the moment you give them the green light they will be all over you. Cuddles, kisses, pets. All over you. They love you! Why wouldn’t they want to cuddle you all the time :(
There will also be a lot of scenting and licking. The licking I imagine is like kissing for them, little affectionate licks, big sloppy licks all kinds.
They want to show they love you! And it has the added benefit of removing any scent on you besides their own. You should smell like them! Not others!
Scenting is also a massive thing.
Early in a relationship they’ll hold hands and give you their jacket to make sure you carry their scent. But if it gets serious it’s all over.
Cuddling together, showering together, making sure you spend every moment covering you in their scent.
But the reverse is also true. They love your scent! They want to be covered in it! Please let them. They wanna smell like you so bad, you smell like heaven to them and they want you to smell like them.
Speaking of scent there will be some adjustments to your life style. Overly scented stuff isn’t any good for a werewolf. They will not only be severely discomforted because of their smell sensitivity but smell is a key part of how they read emotion. It a smell strongly covers your natural smell is can be very upsetting as they can’t get a proper read of emotions or health. Very upset baby.
Of course you can have scented stuff. The right level of scent can be extremely complimentary to your natural smell. But they have strong sensory needs to just be aware of that. Be kind to your werewolf lover!
Werewolves are also very active and very hungry. You’ll need to be prepared for that. They won’t make you do exercise with them but they will like romantic walks and hikes and will be high energy.
Note for my physically disabled and chronic pain bros they will be accommodating to a T. They will lend support whenever needed and help you with any physical therapy and pain management.
Pack is pack. No matter what. When they love you they do anything to make sure you are safe and accommodated for and their family will do the same.
These guys are also big blankies. Wolf and human form. Werewolves are big, big and hairy and physically affectionate. Always snuggles and nuzzles. They will lay on top of you and around you like big fuzzy weighted blankets.
They do run hot as well. Combination of their metabolism and their natural magics. Great in the winter but they do suffer in the summer and hate not being able to fully cuddle with you because you both overheat. They will do a full bellyflop into a pool of water and lay there, they will do the big shake too. But in winter? Oh goddamn, cuddles for days.
Curling by the fire after eating a feast, safe in their territory with their partner. Werewolf dream scenario.
They are also big on various acts of service. Particularly ones that involve taking care of you. Feeding you, massages, kisses and cuddles, spa days, you name it.
Now the dirty >;3
Werewolves are high energy, so they tend to have high sec drives. They will run you ragged if given the opportunity. So if you’re gonna go all out make sure you take the next day off work, maybe the next few days.
Like wolves they have a form of Estrus. Males and females are generally fertile all the time, but lower than average. However when they hit these periods they become highly fertile. And really horny. Make sure you grab some magical birth control because that’s the only shit that’s gonna stop you getting pregnant. But don’t worry, your werewolf will also take birth control if you’re not ready for pups yet.
They run hot, so werewolf dick and pussy? Hot as fuck, temperature play at work here.
They are also Quite hairy. I imagine in werewolf culture that long hair is common, as are hairy bodies. They do groom, but you won’t find a hairless werewolf.
Lots of cum, they fucking gush, male or female. So sex is gonna be messy, they are gonna get you covered. No point trying to stay clean because not only to werewolves love seeing their lovers covered in their cum but it also links into their scenting of you and means they will be very happy.
Oral fixation baby! No matter what you got, they wanna lick it, hell they wanna lick you all over. This can lead to very much causing oversensitivity. Once they start they get drunk your equipment quickly. They will eat you out or suck you off for hours. Good luck and godspeed.
They fuck like beasts. They can and will be gentle but they need to let go as well. You may not be able to walk for a while until you get used to it. Doesn’t matter, male or female you are gonna be walking funny until you can build up endurance.
It’s a lot, they will hold themselves back at first but soon it will be a test of endurance.
Aftercare royalty. Food, baths and cuddles are holy trinity and they will ensure you are happy and comfy.
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zombii-ships · 5 months ago
Imagine all the SWWSDJ boys and Dachabo are werewolve. Which of them are mostly likely able to protect MC from 6 foot+ killer robots, demons, and ghosts?
Okay im gonna dooooo top 3 fellers!
3: Joseph
Joseph’s tough, but he’s not the biggest fan of causing havoc unless he absolutely has to. But let someone or something actually hurt you?? And he’s going to politely remove you from the area, go back, and remove the problem in the quickest way possible. Dude also probably doesn’t let you see him wolf out often, mainly because he doesn’t want you to look at him like some kind of a monster, so he usually heads out on full moons by himself, but he is VERY capable.
2: Shaun
Creature fucking with his best friend??? That’s not gonna fly for Shaun. He’s already protective when in his human form, but PLEASE do not fuck with his family near a full moon. Shaun’s protective instincts are damn near impenetrable. He can hear when MC stubs their damn toe, but let it be an actual threat? No matter where or what the issue is, Shaun can get there to fix it in five minutes or less. TRUST.
1: Jack
Jack is. A showoff. And very protective and kinda possessive as we know. If he had the opportunity to help you, he’d take it. And he’s gonna make a show of it. Jack’s ready to give you every reason of why he should be your first and only protector. He NEEDS to be the person you call when something’s wrong, so if ripping a robot to shreds or battling a demon til’ its a pile of ash, he’s gonna do it with a smile on his muzzle. Bonus: he’s absolutely coming back to MCA with the dumbest grin asking “Did I do good??”
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