Futuristic Ancient
935 posts
28 Year old living in England. She/her. Blog for things I like and general ramblings. I think this is a writing blog now
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primordial-shade · 1 month ago
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"Les Jardins de Nuit" (censored version) - Mixed media: colored pencils, pastels, ink, and gold leaf on paper. I created this artwork in 2020 for my book Forgotten Gods.
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primordial-shade · 1 month ago
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of. - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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primordial-shade · 2 months ago
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Shared here today by Matthew Boroson on Facebook.
Tanith Lee was the first woman to win the British Fantasy Award for best novel, for the second book of the Flat Earth series. She died in 2015. You can buy Tales From the Flat Earth here in paperback or here on Kindle.
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primordial-shade · 2 months ago
Get yourself a fabric store that will light your fabric on fire for you
No but legit I asked what the fiber content of something was and the guy didn’t know so he cut a chunk off and lit it on fire and felt the ashes and was like. Yeah this is mostly cotton with a lil bit of silk. And that was the moment I knew. This is it. This is the fabric store for me. Also that guy is marriage material. Not for me but damn some person is gonna be so happy with him.
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primordial-shade · 3 months ago
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Everyone look at the cat blanket I made like .. 3 years ago
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primordial-shade · 7 months ago
New York State Parks official IG posted about an owl they rescued but decided to use only the most wretched photos of this creature, including what EYE think is the best bird photograph ever taken
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primordial-shade · 8 months ago
list of arthurian films and shows now exists.
this is not 100% of what exists, but what i have personally seen and can discuss at length. i will update these lists as i watch more and eventually where they can be watched.
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
“but without ai how will i be able to make cool art?”
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there are resources. pick up a pencil.
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
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Cat Scarf Pattern // Crochet By Ula
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
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why would I camp somewhere named Hole Where You'll Freeze To Death
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Minotaur Partner Headcanons
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Hellloooo I’m back, very sorry for being away but honestly I uploaded those previous two posts on a whim and came back from Spain to my tumblr having loads of notifications. SO thank you and here’s another segment of my Monster Lover Headcanons with the Minotaur! One a bit of a Greek fix lately so here we go.
Minotaurs. Big beefy and sweet as all hell.
Headcanon for how they started? Easy, out Mr Original, Asterion the sweet poor lamb (BTW for those who maybe don’t know that was the Minotaur’s original name) did actual kill the sacrifices but tried to help them but they all fled in fear of him and died in the Labyrinth except one, a lovely lady I’m going to call Hemera.
She ended up staying in the labyrinth with Asterion, falling in love and determined to get them both out.
Theseus fucks along and when he’s about to kill her beloved she knocks him the fuck out, uses the yarn to get them all out, then fucks off with her hubby to the Mountains and lets everyone think Theseus killed him by leaving behind part of his broken horn.
They start a farm up in the mountains (With support from Asterions mother Persiphae and his sisters and eventually his brother in Law Dionysus who are happy Asterion is alive and happy cuz FUCK MINOS.)
Eventually they have several kids (Adorable as fuck) and a thriving mountain farm that the kiddos inherited.
As such Minotaurs are all related, and as such they often seek human partners.
Minotaurs like in mountainous regions, often protected by the God Dionysus, whose wife is all their many times great aunt who was forced to marry Theseus and tried to kill him and only gave him the yarn so her brother could kill him and use it to get out we love you Adriane <3
They grow lots of things but they are famous for wine 😉
White, red, rose, dessert. They make every type and its so fucking good.
Maybe you’re a wine coniseur, maybe you decided to go visit the farms on holiday, maybe you’re a local they trade with or a worker on the farm.
Needless to say when you catch a Minotaurs eye, you are staying for good.
Big sweethearts. Big beefy adorable sweethearts. Muscled as fuck and strong, with big soulful eyes and soft fur and hnghhghhg
I got fucking sidetracked
Anyway, Minotaur’s are very family orientated and all work on the huge collective farms in various roles. Don’t worry, wether or not you can contribute to the farm is moot, you’re their love and you don’t have to prove yourself in anyway and also if you’re human they kinda get overprotective and its like, ‘no please don’t help we don’t want you to get bruised or tired we love you just go and relax and let us do all the hard work baby <3.’
The hardest of workers, baby if you have a minotaur partner one of your main jobs is teaching them not to overwork themselves because they just wanna be good and make sure everything is good and they can’t stand doing nothing or not taking care of you.
If they could physically carry you around all the time, and this is more about your want to walk because they could carry you around all the time, you’re their Love, their sweet delicate loves. Please let them carry you around, it makes them so happy.
Their favourite thing in the world is taking care of you.
You’re hungry? They will literally go out to the farm and find the juiciest, best tasting produce and will hand feed it to you.
You have achy muscles? Oh poor baby, let them get their big strong hands and soothe all those aches and pains away.
If you do the same for them??
Ooooh, love, love love love.
They’re favourite thing? Honestly is when you lay down and they can curl up and put their head on your lap, letting you scratch their heads and between their horns.
Ooooh you scratch between their horns or behind their ears?? Very happy Minotaur, very happy wiggly minotaur. You’ll be lucky if you can get up for the next few hours, this is a pleasure that is rare and cherished.
They will also always show off. They can’t help it they just so want to impress you.
They’ll play fight with other Minotaurs in front of their loves, pick up heavy things, lift you up and carry you around.
They love making flower crowns too, and any crafts they take up they’ll make you something.
They love being praised. They absolutely love it, please praise them. Tell them how strong they are, how sweet they can be, how soft there fur is or how lovely their eyes are. They will melt, making soft little ‘moo’ sounds out of sheer pleasure.
They will also praise you constantly.
Your talents, your looks, even how you breathe. If it can be praised they will do it.
They also take a little longer to fall in Love, it’s a long term distrust thing, but once they do they fall *hard*.
And they will do anything in their power to prove this love to you. They love hard and they love deeply.
Bless their hearts but for a long time they’ll probably act like a Minotaur in love until one moment when they see you holding  a baby Minotaur, or if the sun catches on your face the right way or even just sitting together and drinking something warm and suddenly it’s like a switch goes off in their heads.
“I love this person. ILOVE THIS PERSON!!” Nothing but joy and love and warmth.
Very physically affectionate. Hugs, cuddles, handholding, licking, kissing….
Yeah, their love language is love and praise. Which leads us into
So Minotaurs are big. In every way.
Not only are they generally built like strongmen. All muscles and covered in a nice thick layer of fat, male and female Minotaur are built this way.
Big muscles, big breasts and pecs, fat cocks and pussies. Everything is big and ready for you to feast upon.
One of the major things they like doing to you is lick.
Their tongues are thick and long, and they love to lick the taste of your salty sweat from your skin, to lick your salty semen and tangy arousal from your pussy or cock. They long to spread you open and lock you clean or flick their tongue over your most sensitive parts.
Sit on their face. Don’t give them any bullshit about being to heavy they are fucking Minotaurs and you will sit on their face so help them Dionysus.
Suffocation??? Who gives a shit about that, fucking sit on them and let them eat your ass/pussy out!!!!! If they die they die, and they will die with no regrets.
They are so soft with you though, loving touches and praising how good you taste and feel around and in them. How good you sound calling their names and begging for them. Such a darling thing, a sweet pretty love.
Yeah they are the kings/queens of accidental overstim. It’s always just one more orgasm, one more sweet baby, just give me one more. God they love you so much, please let them keep going, please just one more orgasm, just one more sweet orgasm.
Your legs will be shaking, you’ll be cockdumb/pussydrunk to the point you can barely speak but you keep going because you love them so much and gods it feels so fucking good.
You will be covered in fluids. Cum, semen, spit, all over the place. Covering your skin, filling your mouth, filling you. There will not be an area untouched by them and you love it.
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Hi all,
So I’m new to the writing scene and I’m planning this do a lot more but I’m on holiday without internet for the next two weeks.
I’m gonna keep writing for the monster partner series and I apologise for the deluge you’ll get when you when I get back.
So, whilst I’m gone and if you wanna make any requests please feel free. I do monsters mostly but I can do character requests if I’ve watched the stuff enough. So any horror character is good!
Obviously Minors Do Not Interact.
What I won’t do:
Anything involving children
Bestiality (Obviously werewolves and other sentient monsters are good but I’m not gonna write about someone fucking a dog.)
But anything else is good as long as it abides by the safe, sane and Consensual rule
I’ll write a more comprehensive version when I get back but until then happy monster fucking!
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Gorgon partner headcanons
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Right right right right
Ok ok So Gorgons.
I have a personal headcannon for these guys. I will say they are descended from the original 3 Gorgon sisters.
They have snakes for hair, scaled skin, walk on two legs that can shift into a massive snake tail.
Can be male or female, do have the ‘paralysing stare’ but unlike their divine ancestors it only stuns for a short period of time, paralysing the attacker rather than turning them to stone.
They can also control it thanks to a third, transparent, eyelid
They come in numerous colour patterns and live mostly in warm environments around the Mediterranean sea. In fact there are hidden villages on Gorgons hidden.
Live very Modern-Ancient Greece. But more feminism, lots more feminism. They ancestors were all women by the way.
How were the species born? By the three original Gorgons mating with humans or through divine parthenogenesis.
Anyway to help genetics, and because they are all related, Gorgons tend to mate with humans and no matter gender they can sire or carry eggs. Any child will also be a gorgon.
Now that I have gotten my hypothesising out of the way, onto the stuff.
At first Gorgons are not extremely physically affectionate. In fact you may be hard pressed to even know if they like you at first. But do not be fooled! Their hard outer shells hold extremely squishy insides.
They are probably internally going absolutely fucking crazy over you. Overthinking every move they make, each interactions they have with you.
Outside face: -.-
Inside: Ok ok, be cool. The pretty human is talking to you- gods their eyes are beautiful, should I tell them? No that would be weird! Maybe I can mention it in a roundabout day- Oh.My.Gods they called my scales PRETTY!!!!!! MARRY ME YOU GORGEOUS HUMAN!
Yeah poor little guys are messes, they are quite reserves as a species.
Very much on the gift-giving and acts of service way of showing affection. But more along the way that if you mention needing something done they’ll do it. Like if you mention you have an issue with your car they’ll fic it or arrange for it to be fixed the same hour. Also very much on the spectrum of if you mention you like something they will make sure you have it every day. Use this power wisely.
Most Gorgons you meet will also have large vegetable and fruit gardens and also some form of animal. As a species a big part of their courting to be able to feed and provide for their mate. They also live in a part of the world great for crops.
They also build their homes partly into the earth. These homes are highly decorated and built with the intention for the Gorgons lifestyle. Whether its just for themselves, just for partners, or for future families. Homes also tend to be connected underground, making multigenerational neighbourhoods.
Once you actually enter into a relationship with a Gorgon things rev up.
Gift giving leans away from more practical to more indulgent, as do acts of service. They also slowly become more communicative about their emotions. Its still rather laconic but they’ll say emotionally devastating shit that will rock your world outta the fucking blue.
Like shit you’ll be washing up the dishes after dinner and they’ll turn to you and say some shit like “I am descended from the divine, and even I feel myself go mad from the beauty of your smile.” And then will turn back and begin drying the fucking dishes like nothing happened.
Meanwhile your ass is standing there having had your shit rocked on a spectral level and your deciding whether to cry, kiss them or make them see stars right then and there.
ALSO! Also also also. Snakes for hair.
These guys have snakes for hair that are semi-independent. I sort of debate on them being extensions of their gorgons mind but being individual in a sort of way.
These little guys are key to their Gorgons emotions. The hair will give it away peeps.
Whilst they will stay relatively neutral before a relationship properly occurs the snakes will pay more attention to you than anyone else.
Once the relationship begins the little snakes will be all over you. Hissing and nudging and kissing your face little snakey kisses when you’re close.
And gods if you pet them?? Good luck getting your hand back babe, the snakes are keeping it, pets forever.
Also as your Gorgon gets more comfortable with initiating physical contact it will be hard for them to stop bless them. They’ll probably use the old adage of ‘but baby I’m cold blooded!!’ to eek out more cuddle time.
Also in the cold months they will stick to you like glue. It doesn’t get freezing in the Mediterranean but the poor babies are cold blooded. Any unnecessary trips outside are vetoed and they make more use of the Thermal Hot springs they usually build their towns around.
They will damn near climb into your clothes if a breeze hits them. They don’t like the cold >:(
Iiiiiittttttss Sexy time!
Hahaha lets go.
First lets talk About the paralysing stare, because if you want they can and will use that as a part of sex.
You’ll be conscious, and you’ll be able to blink, but besides that your are paralysed baby.
Its kind of an ingrained kink in the species. Shows a deep bond of trust between a mortal mate and their gorgon. It also scratches that ‘predator’ urge in the backs of their heads.
Having you so pretty and still, letting them do whatever they want to you, letting them move and control you like a good little doll. It gets them so fucking horny.
They’ll love a bit of kinky hide and seek as well. Tracking you by the scent of your arousal in the dark, tongue licking at the air, tasting your arousal as they track you, hissing every fantasy of what they’ll do to you when they find you…
And when they do, they’ll fuck you on the spot, taking you hard and fast until you’re a gibbering mess, only then they’ll drag your limp and shivering body back to their nest.
Yeah you won’t be leaving for a while, but what bliss guys, what fucking bliss.
In bed they’re all over you, long scaly tail trapping your legs as hey take you, licking the sweat from your skin and moaning about your beauty. About your pretty pussy/cock/ass and how good you feel.
You run so much warmer than them, everything feels so hot and wet and they adore you, relishing in your warmth. They wanna stay permanently inside you/you inside them so they can keep experiencing your warmth.
They also will bite you a little bit, just a little. No they’re not venomous baby, please just let them bury their fangs into you, they promise it’ll feel so good.
Also, if you do want kids, they will make that happen. Both male and females can lay and carry eggs. The moment you say you want a baby with them they are ready to load you up with eggs, filling you so prettily and making sure you’re fully and happy.
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Werewolf partner headcanons
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*Pats werewolf* this werewolf can fit so much love in them-
But seriously, by nature werewolves are highly affectionate, especially physically.
Perhaps not initially. They will be very aware they’re poor human partner may not be used to overwhelming affection yet :(. They will be super good, they will hold themselves back looking like sad little puppies.
Please just let them and let them cuddle you they’ll be so happy :(
Like the moment you give them the green light they will be all over you. Cuddles, kisses, pets. All over you. They love you! Why wouldn’t they want to cuddle you all the time :(
There will also be a lot of scenting and licking. The licking I imagine is like kissing for them, little affectionate licks, big sloppy licks all kinds.
They want to show they love you! And it has the added benefit of removing any scent on you besides their own. You should smell like them! Not others!
Scenting is also a massive thing.
Early in a relationship they’ll hold hands and give you their jacket to make sure you carry their scent. But if it gets serious it’s all over.
Cuddling together, showering together, making sure you spend every moment covering you in their scent.
But the reverse is also true. They love your scent! They want to be covered in it! Please let them. They wanna smell like you so bad, you smell like heaven to them and they want you to smell like them.
Speaking of scent there will be some adjustments to your life style. Overly scented stuff isn’t any good for a werewolf. They will not only be severely discomforted because of their smell sensitivity but smell is a key part of how they read emotion. It a smell strongly covers your natural smell is can be very upsetting as they can’t get a proper read of emotions or health. Very upset baby.
Of course you can have scented stuff. The right level of scent can be extremely complimentary to your natural smell. But they have strong sensory needs to just be aware of that. Be kind to your werewolf lover!
Werewolves are also very active and very hungry. You’ll need to be prepared for that. They won’t make you do exercise with them but they will like romantic walks and hikes and will be high energy.
Note for my physically disabled and chronic pain bros they will be accommodating to a T. They will lend support whenever needed and help you with any physical therapy and pain management.
Pack is pack. No matter what. When they love you they do anything to make sure you are safe and accommodated for and their family will do the same.
These guys are also big blankies. Wolf and human form. Werewolves are big, big and hairy and physically affectionate. Always snuggles and nuzzles. They will lay on top of you and around you like big fuzzy weighted blankets.
They do run hot as well. Combination of their metabolism and their natural magics. Great in the winter but they do suffer in the summer and hate not being able to fully cuddle with you because you both overheat. They will do a full bellyflop into a pool of water and lay there, they will do the big shake too. But in winter? Oh goddamn, cuddles for days.
Curling by the fire after eating a feast, safe in their territory with their partner. Werewolf dream scenario.
They are also big on various acts of service. Particularly ones that involve taking care of you. Feeding you, massages, kisses and cuddles, spa days, you name it.
Now the dirty >;3
Werewolves are high energy, so they tend to have high sec drives. They will run you ragged if given the opportunity. So if you’re gonna go all out make sure you take the next day off work, maybe the next few days.
Like wolves they have a form of Estrus. Males and females are generally fertile all the time, but lower than average. However when they hit these periods they become highly fertile. And really horny. Make sure you grab some magical birth control because that’s the only shit that’s gonna stop you getting pregnant. But don’t worry, your werewolf will also take birth control if you’re not ready for pups yet.
They run hot, so werewolf dick and pussy? Hot as fuck, temperature play at work here.
They are also Quite hairy. I imagine in werewolf culture that long hair is common, as are hairy bodies. They do groom, but you won’t find a hairless werewolf.
Lots of cum, they fucking gush, male or female. So sex is gonna be messy, they are gonna get you covered. No point trying to stay clean because not only to werewolves love seeing their lovers covered in their cum but it also links into their scenting of you and means they will be very happy.
Oral fixation baby! No matter what you got, they wanna lick it, hell they wanna lick you all over. This can lead to very much causing oversensitivity. Once they start they get drunk your equipment quickly. They will eat you out or suck you off for hours. Good luck and godspeed.
They fuck like beasts. They can and will be gentle but they need to let go as well. You may not be able to walk for a while until you get used to it. Doesn’t matter, male or female you are gonna be walking funny until you can build up endurance.
It’s a lot, they will hold themselves back at first but soon it will be a test of endurance.
Aftercare royalty. Food, baths and cuddles are holy trinity and they will ensure you are happy and comfy.
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
I was getting pretty fed up with links and generators with very general and overused weapons and superpowers and what have you for characters so:
Here is a page for premodern weapons, broken down into a ton of subcategories, with the weapon’s region of origin. 
Here is a page of medieval weapons.
Here is a page of just about every conceived superpower.
Here is a page for legendary creatures and their regions of origin.
Here are some gemstones.
Here is a bunch of Greek legends, including monsters, gods, nymphs, heroes, and so on. 
Here is a website with a ton of (legally attained, don’t worry) information about the black market.
Here is a website with information about forensic science and cases of death. Discretion advised. 
Here is every religion in the world. 
Here is every language in the world.
Here are methods of torture. Discretion advised.
Here are descriptions of the various methods used for the death penalty. Discretion advised.
Here are poisonous plants.
Here are plants in general.
Feel free to add more to this!
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
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primordial-shade · 1 year ago
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to ’+ See all activity controls’> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too) Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they’ve buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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