#asset analysis
cmmssuccess · 2 months
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Defect Elimination Management And Bad Actor Analysis.
Maintaining asset integrity, maximising performance, and reaching peak production outcomes all depend on effective defect elimination management.
The difficulties of locating, comprehending, and resolving asset flaws will be examined in this article, with a focus on the significance of having a complete awareness of their nature, implications, and possible outcomes.
The significance of maintenance departments creating a framework for integrating defect elimination and bad actor analysis into their proactive maintenance strategies, enabling them to make more informed decisions, becomes clear when we delve into the subtleties of defect analysis.
Defects in an asset are characterised as flaws, inadequacies, or departures from standard operating characteristics or design specifications.
The kind of defect, where it is located on the assembly of the asset, and what happens when it exists determine how one defect impacts the performance of the asset as a whole.
For example, a minor corrosion patch on a panel that is readily replaceable and does not pose a structural risk to the asset overall is unlikely to have an adverse effect on the asset's longevity, performance, or safety.
Effective Defect Elimination Management is critical for maintaining asset integrity, optimizing performance, and achieving peak production results. It involves identifying, understanding, and addressing asset defects systematically.
Understanding asset defects requires accurate identification and comprehensive documentation in the CMMS, including risk assessments that evaluate both the consequence and likelihood of defects leading to failures.
Defect Elimination Management (DEM) is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional maintenance practices, focusing on root cause analysis and implementing long-term solutions to prevent defect recurrence.
"Bad Actors" in defect elimination refer to equipment, systems, or components that consistently underperform, require frequent maintenance, or cause repeated operational reliability or quality issues.
Advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, such as vibration analysis systems, infrared thermography, and AI-based analytics, have transformed the way asset defects are identified and managed.
Quality and timely repairs and clear business processes for managing defects are crucial, along with maintaining quality maintenance history data to provide valuable insights for future defect elimination processes.
To learn more, you can read my article via this link: Defect Elimination Management - CMMS Success
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raayllum · 4 days
Today on crackpot theories: Aaravos' making the world's worst grocery list of items for his Cosmic Council takeover, re: Claudia and the Sunforge staff
I was thinking about how both Claudia and the Sunforge staff are included in her intro, despite not really needing the staff to be (as far as we know, but bear with me for a moment).
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Viren, for example, doesn't have any item in his intro, despite the fact that Aaravos clocked that he had the relic staff Immediately. This was one of the biggest indicators at the time that Ziard's staff was related to Aaravos (since we didn't know he was a 'great one' yet).
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Callum has the cube (which we'll circle back to) in his intro, yes, but again that makes a bit more sense with the context we have. It's called the Key of Aaravos, of course it was going to be something in relation to Aaravos in the Startouch elf's head of "hehe play into my hands".
It does show a pattern, though, of Aaravos not just going after mages, but mages who specifically have the 'gifts'/objects he's left behind that he needs. He needs the Relic staff, at the very least, because it has the quasar diamond he left inside as a contingency plan seemingly just in case he was ever imprisoned since murder only temporarily delays him. The cube may be something he's been looking for for a while now.
So he adds Viren and Callum to his little collection, convenient pawns pulled in by lures, and then constructs two more grocery list items together in quick succession in S3:
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I've pondered before about why have Luna Tenebris and Queen Aditi go missing at all, in terms of being part of his plan. On the one hand, it makes sense without really trying: taking out Luna de-stabilized the archdragons (who seem like the only real threat to his power) and he couldn't let Aditi stabilize them. That doesn't explain why he'd eat her, though, unless it was just for fun.
It also never entirely sat right to me that getting the Sun staff / orb from Lux Aurea was just about protecting the soldiers from dragon fire. It felt too short sighted, not for Viren maybe but for Aaravos, given that if the Sunfire elves hadn't gotten involved, the assault on the Storm Spire probably would've gone on without a hitch.
Season six did provide more context, though! If Aaravos knew there was a good chance that taking out Lux Aurea and de-stabilizing the royal family again would make it easier to manipulate and kill Sol Regem, I could see that being incentive enough. If he's waited a 1000+ years for his revenge on that dragon, what's a couple more?
But like I said... if Aaravos ate Aditi for a reason, which was nullified maybe by his 300 year imprisonment... Does he need to eventually eat the Sun orb too? (Or Claudia, as she's consumed by the corrupted light for a beautifully on the nose metaphor?)
The relic staff has seemingly served at least one of its main purposes for now, though perhaps the quasar diamond can continue to be used past the point of giving Aaravos a new body? And we know the cube is related to Aaravos' book, so he'll want both of those within his possession and likely, like Viren in Lux Aurea and in Katolis with Claudia, be brought right to him. But I wonder about the corrupted Sun staff
The simplest reasoning I could see is the Staff just symbolizing Claudia's attachment to Aaravos and dark magic, but given its inclusion in the pawn intro, I can't help but think there's more to it, anyway. Why have it specifically on Aaravos' grocery list of items to get if all he wanted to do was corrupt the Sun forge, after all?
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
…Is Seven wearing velcro strap shoes???
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These shoes are either Velcro or Button-Snaps. I imagine that's for the sake of convenience. He doesn't have time to waste tying his shoes during a mission, or when he needs to move from location to location without worrying about tripping over his laces. I imagine it's way easier on his hands, too, which no doubt have carpal tunnel from all the years spent repeating the same motion over and over again!
I think he values functionality over fashion in his everyday attire, even though he loves dressing up! The day he doesn't have to live in fear... that's the day when he wears shoes with laces. Saejoong is no longer a threat, nor is the agency in the RAE. Laces! The agency is gone and never coming back, but Saejoong is still in the Secret Ending! Velcro!
I think that is a neat character aspect... it shows a subtle means of his palpable paranoia, and a great accessibility tool.
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mumblztumblz · 2 months
Outlast Trials mini-analysis
I think the reason for the sexual tones of the prime assets is the fact that your Reagent is being conditioned into being a paragon of 1950s American-Conservative values (on paper, atleast), mainly hating any sex in any non-missionary position that isn't for the purposes of reproduction. This is also shown in the pre-trial hallucinations often involving the reagent getting castrated and the goals of a lot of Trials, particularly the orphanage and toy factory one's.
The assets all represent a perversion of the 1950s Nuclear Family ideal, the father (Coyle), the mother (Gooseberry) and the son (Franco). Therefore I speculate the next prime will likely be a big sister or brother-figure.
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chushanye · 1 year
people who hate Mabel really listened to the in-universe Bill manipulate Dipper into believeing his sister only cares about herself and fell for it.
like that girl is 12 years old in this story about the difficulty of growing up and maturing what do you mean a grown man has made a 4h long analysis on how she's toxic
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overlyimmersed · 1 year
I found something weird again!
So I have two sets of compiled images of fairy wings for my research.
One was taken from the episodes where Harlequin fights the albion, The other comes from the later in the series, where Harlequin and Diane have their time travel adventure/test thing from Gloxinia and Drole.
Now the weird bit. There seems to be a shift in wing patters over time.
During the trial we see the old Fairy King's Forest and the population of Fairies that was present during the first Holy War. In the new Fairy King's forest we obviously see the population of Fairies that's currently present.
In my references from the first Holy War there are a lot of Fairies with spots on their wings. The wings are a solid color with large/small cell vein configurations and spots, typically of a darker version of the primary color.
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During present day I have a lot of images of Fairies with "tipped" wings. Again there's a solid color, though there's more variation in vein configuration. But the tips of the wings have a darker color.
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3000 years ago there were NO Fairies with this type of wing marking. Though currently there are still Fairies with the spotted pattern, but A LOT fewer.
I don't have any theory as to why or how this shift occurred. Cuz...it's not like there's a genetic element... but it is interesting.
Another thing I... don't have an "in-universe" explanation for is Ende.
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they're not tipped, they're edged. And this is not super common currently but it's not the most rare pattern either. And it used to be VERY common 3000 years ago.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years
Demon ideas that (Kinda) exist in both/either fan projects and/or the series
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(This comparison image is made by Shadesmaster, who also made a lot of mod/map works for Doom, Heretic and Quake)
Some interesting observations to have is comparing some mods/wads/assets to the games and see certain ideas exist in both areas, in some way or another.
Sometimes it's by coincidence or fans "backporting" elements from the series to a mod.
Other times, it's theories on whether or not id is influenced by someone's fan project.
Or it's just how so much is done with Doom that some people end up having similar ideas.
It's also a way to think of whether or not a certain concept is "canon" if it exists in any official capacity.
Because there will be differences.
Basic zombie melee fodder
Most zombies ever since D3, because even D2RPG had non-soldier zombies, so it's a very basic idea.
D3 even had zombies with a monkey wrench, which might've inspired fan ideas like scientist zombies with axes.
Sometimes in the series, they can be creative like 2016's cyclop looking possessed.
Hellhound/dog enemy
D1RPG and the Marauder's wolf, along with maybe the unused 2 headed dog for D64.
Worm demon
FreeDoom's Pinky replacement is obvious.
D2016 did had a worm demon but you only fought it when it was piloting a biomechanical "mech", so it barely counts.
Exploding enemies
In mods, it could be anything ranging from a red mean Imp simply exploding upon death or even that one Realm667 "cyber-imp" like demon whose death summons an exploding orb that shoots fireballs in all directions.
Or even a walking barrel with legs.
In the official games, you get the possessed engineers/Cueballs, modern Lost Souls and D1RPG's Revenants.
Gargoyle/flying imp-like demon with wings
A basic idea, partially because of things like Heretic/Hexen's winged imp-like enemies and Wolfenstein SoD's Angel of Death.
Doom Eternal gave us the Gargoyle but even D64 had statues of gargoyles.
Plasma rifle zombie
In mods, it's a basic "expansion" to Zombiemen carrying the same weapons as Doomguy and dropping them upon death.
Since 2016, it's a sort of "yes but no" situation because the possessed soldiers are somewhat "reinventions" of the Zombiemen in terms of style and gameplay.
Even then, it's still canon that Elite and ARC soldiers carry Plasma Guns.
But would fans accept enemies with access to not only the same weapons but even the weapon mods as well?
Plasma Revenant
A very specific idea but some mods do it. Officially, imagine if the Plasma Powered Revenant skin was an actual new enemy.
A new "demonic head" type
After the Cacodemon and Pain Elemental, id still hasn't given us a new member of this family.
With mods, you have some demons like these that aren't just mere sprite edits and can be more unique in terms of visuals and gameplay.
Some are even too unique that they don't seem related to Cacos or PE's at all (Or at least use a different base like the Iron Lich from Heretic).
Poison enemy
In mods' case, it's probably inspired by Hexen and the idea is a basic health drain attack.
D2RPG had an Imp variant with a burning fire attack that shorted for some time.
In the main series, there's Cybermancubi (If creating hazardous floors counts) and Cursed Prowlers (A more complex idea, let's say).
Grenades or flamethrowers
In mods, i specifically recall cyber-Barons shooting grenades and Zombiemen with flamethrowers.
For grenades, we had D2016's SMM, Eternal's Arachnotron and maybe some other example like Davoth.
Flamethrowers are obvious: Mancs and Mecha Zombies.
Teleporting enemy
Wraiths and Prowlers.
Though it also depends if people expect "instant" teleportation and not "enemy becomes invisible/non-solid for a while" in case developers want to avoid potential game breaking issues.
Multiple projectiles at once
Doom 2 already started this with the Mancubus but mods explore this with stuff like "what if a Cacodemon shot 3 projectiles at once?".
D64 has the Arachnotron shoot 2 plasma balls at once, the Mother Demon's attacks, even D3 had some example like the Hell Guardian shooting multiple fireballs, 2016 had a tri-projectile attack from the Hell Guard, then there's the Prowler's tri-shot, i guess Samur and Blood Maykrs etc.
I expect Mighty Doom to have a lot of examples of this.
Ranged attacks on melee enemies
Like when a Lost Soul variation can shoot projectiles or that one cyber Pinky edit with a chaingun on its mouth.
Officially, D2016 did an opposite thing where Hellknights became melee focused and no longer throw fireballs.
Laser attack
D2016 had the Hell-razer and maybe the SMM with laser beam attacks, while Eternal had a laser beam attack from the IOS.
(And how could i forget the Harvester? Also had a 5 projectile attack too)
Both Tyrants and 2016 Cyberdemons have quick railgun lasers.
In mods, there are some examples of laser beams (Sometimes being just very close projectiles if some modders couldn't figure out proper laser attacks) and Zombiemen with Rail guns (Partially because of that one popular Rail gun for the player which i think comes from Skulltag).
Another fan example being Revenants with Rail guns.
Upper half design
Everyone already knows that one red Baron edit with no legs but instead it has flames and it floats in the air.
D3 RoE has the Helltime Hunter which is close to that concept, whereas phase 2 DHunter uses rockets to float.
Cyber minotaur that isn't a Cyberdemon
Some mods make cyber variations of Barons.
Officially, i guess there's RoE's Bruiser, DHunter and the original box art showing a red demon design that's not ingame.
That one stone face texture probably inspired that lion Baron enemy with the shield (Said shield also resembling the Evil Eye prop).
But it's an idea that was never done officially.
Also not a thing officially. Whatever mods did this, it's probably because of the centaur enemies from Hexen.
"medieval fantasy" enemies
Obviously some Doom mods would borrow elements from the likes of Quake and Heretic etc.
In some contexts, it could be Hell aborbing Earth's medieval elements, corrupting souls of medieval knights or demons just having medieval-like elements.
D2016 came up with the Sentinels, which are fantasy/sci-fi knights and their own setting.
This obviously leads to the Marauder.
But the lion enemy i mentioned also predates the Gladiator, the idea of demons using weapons and shields like warriors.
2016's Hell Guards have concept art where they look different and wore armor and carry hammers or something.
Hooded enemy
Like a demonic wizard or one of those Dark Bishop/Disciples enemies from Heretic/Hexen.
D2RPG had the Watcher/Brier design.
But some mods also have Zombies with hoodies or gun carrying "cultists", as if Doom had its version of Blood's cultist.
"Armored" demons
Some mods have the "Terminator" which is like a demon that looks like a robot and has like a machinegun/grenades etc.
I guess Doom's official equivalent is TAG2's armored Baron unless i'm forgetting something.
Fire Baron
A very basic Realm667 concept.
Eternal's take on it has fire blades, so it's a bit different.
Stone Imp.
Funny enough, a reverse to above because the Realm667/mod version has a more unique design (Like a classic Imp with no neck because it has like an hunchback thing connecting their shoulders to the neck or whatever) while TAG2's Stone Imp is a recolor.
Black helmet Chaingunner
To be fair, whoever made that black helmet Chaingunner in some mods was probably inspired by D3's Z-Sec.
BFG enemy.
In mods, it's usually that one Commando Zombie with a BFG.
In D3, your own boss becomes a tank monster and uses the gun against you.
Chainsaw enemy.
Like the Plasma and BFG stuff mentioned above, also extending on enemies having access to the player's arsenal.
D3 has the Sawyer who i think uses the same attacks of it on the player and even drops a chainsaw after death, so it's an extention to that system.
D2RPG had the Sawcubi monsters.
DHunter comes packed with a nice D64 homage and considering how the player's chainsaw in Eternal works, it may be expected that DHunter's chainsaw works the way it does.
Female enemies
Doom technically has female demons (SMM, Mother Demon, Vagary, Summoner, Whiplash and the unused D64 HR Giger lady) and outside of that, there's the Khan Maykr.
But some mods also tackle on female scientists/zombies which tries to extend on the setting.
Though stuff like succubi or very humanoid demons may feel out of place (Depending on how its done that is).
Some mods did tackle on this idea, like Zombies with jetpecks or even stuff like Mancubi with jet rockets replacing their legs.
Modern Doom's most obvious example is the Revenant and maybe Eternal's Soldiers having jet boosters on their back.
Even D3's Lost Soul sort of counts.
"Demonic" tech on demons
There are popular versions of Mancs/Revs/Arachnos with "tech" that looks more Hellish and Hell-Forged is an obvious example.
Eternal introduced Cultist tech but you also had Immora (Which fans may be split on) and i guess the Hell Guards in 2016 being "mech suits".
Because the idea of Hell controlling/using tech was present in the originals obviously.
"Demonic" guns on soldiers
There's that one red armored Former Human carrying the Unmaker (Fanmade version based off Doom Bible, not exactly the D64 one).
I guess the official equivalent is Immora soldiers with the Reaper (Or at least someone in 2016's MP using a more demonic looking armor and using the real Reaper).
Hell "turret"
Some mods use the Evil Eye prop as a turret.
Eternal has its eye turrets too.
An idea that existed in some mods but was probably rare, even if it predates Eternal's official inclusion.
Tentacles on enemies
There were those Arachno/Mastermind edits with tentacles or even floating Mancubi with tentacles
Officially, there's the D3 Caco and i guess Maykrs as a whole.
Smoke-like enemies
Actually, this one might not exist at all in the series unless i'm forgetting.
At least we had TAG1's spirit as far as ghostly enemies can go.
Slime enemies
Also probably not a thing. Most mods who did this were probably inspired by Quake's Spawns or even the Flemoids from Chex Quest.
(I mean, it's also a popular fantasy concept too)
Gold enemies
You know when a Complex Doom addon has those "gold tier" overpowered enemies? I guess in the series, you'd imagine if the Empowered Demon system actually applied some gold aesthetic/skin on an enemy.
Floating cube enemies
Some mods use the IOS' spawn cube as an enemy.
TAG1 had the trial of Maligog, which may not be close.
Wait, what about Eternal's floating skull thingies that drop lava on SGN?
Pig enemy
There's a custom enemy in Realm667 that's like a pig with a gun attached.
Closest to this might be D3's Pinky design and D2RPG's Pinkynator.
Even if they're borrowed from sources like Hexen or comparable to the winged Imps i mentioned before.
Anyway, D3's Maleditch and Eternal's Wintherins.
You know how Eternal's Arachnotron looks kinda like a scorpion? Just discovered a similar "Arachnotron looking like a scorpion" design in a mod called "Hellspawn" and the "scorpion mastermind" from 2004's Monster Resource WAD
Alternatively, some mods probably used scorpion enemies from other games.
SSG Zombie
Well, the Marauder has an SSG.
Some mods like to give Zombies a Quad SSG (Worse, i once played a Complex Doom addon where a Zombie had a SIX BARRELED SHOTGUN).
Spider enemies
Some mods borrow them from Blood but then there's the stuff in a (Dead) mod like Doom X which might've been inspired by D3's Trite.
Some mods imagine the UAC having an extended military and make Zombiemen ride military vehicles that may be taken from Duke Nukem 3D's Pig Cops.
D3 had an half man half tank (Sabaoth) and Eternal had ARC tanks as part of the scenery.
Snake enemy
There's that fanmade Imp variation with a snake tail (Probably taken from Heretic's Ophidian) and FreeDoom's Imp replacement.
Eternal gave us a cybernetic snake-like demon (Whiplash).
"Double" Cyberdemon
When some mods have a Cyberdemon with both cannons/cyberlegs, chances are they thought of it without knowing of D64's unused design.
Techless cybernetic demons
Maybe Wolfenstein's Harbinger of Doom came first before fan takes on the idea (Depending on how difficult sprite editting can be).
But fans did came up with Revenants, Mancubi, Spiderdemons without the tech elements, with a popular example being Arachnotrons in Valiant losing their techlegs and becoming flying enemies with tentacles.
D2016 had a "techless" Mancubus but it was a very different design in general.
Meanwhile, D3 made the Pinky and Lost Soul cybernetic but again, different designs in general too.
Giant Icon of Sin with a body
Everyone will bring up Brutal Doom but i know of Zen Dynamics and maybe that one project by Craneo that also tackle on that idea.
But then there's the stuff of "what if the IOS is his own character AND the leader of Hell" vs Eternal making him as a "weapon" with the soul of Valen's son and under Maykr tech armor.
Or whether or not the IOS could have had a different body.
Meanwhile, D2RPG had a "virtual" IOS and it predates TNT Revilution's design of the IOS.
In a way, what mods/wads can do with the IOS can be interesting because not everyone is a fan of the traditional format.
What else
There's probably some stuff i could've mentioned.
When D2016 was revealed, people theorized if id were taking influence from Brutal Doom, which i think even led to SgtMarkIV being somewhat displeased.
And there were still arguements about the game's melee system (Development of D4 already having said system, taking influence from Serious Sam 3's melee grab maybe, other elements related to the Slayer like the Doom comic, Death Battle, imageboard copypastas etc).
But the Fire Baron in Eternal is when i actually thought "wait, is someone at id taking inspiration from mods?".
Because Bethesda was once accused of copying a quest from the NV mod "Autumn Leaves" in Fallout 4: Far Harbor.
And i've already talked about how Doom fans influenced the actual series or at least its image in people's mind (Even made a post about the Cosplay Slayer skin incident).
The idea of a game taking ideas from mods or fangames seems weird, specially if no actual credit is given to the creators and they get nothing in return.
(Even worse if it affects people's access to playing/making mods or fangames but at least Doom modding seem to be somewhat safe, even if John Romero still can't share Doom related assets due to ZeniMax being stingy)
But then you have the add-ons for the Unity Doom 1/2 ports and maybe other examples like the D64 EX dev being one of the people involved in the official D64 modern release.
So if id Software collaborated with fans in certain projects like spin-offs or stuff, would that make it less bad?
At least in a way that respects not just those modders/creators/etc but even fans/players: Specially if you want to give fans the impression that a certain product is still good on its own and isn't a rip-off just because free mods exist.
Because when you think about it: Most of Doom modding/mapping/fan creations/etc is essentially a fan saying "this is cool and i like to see it in Doom" as if they're an advanced form of fanfiction.
Specially mods with concepts like crossovers such as Samsara or "modernizing" the game like those Smooth/Beautiful Doom mods.
When a mod isn't based off a different series, original characters or memes, it's essentially Doom fans doing their own fanservice and almost acting like they own the series.
You could think of Doom modding like an alternate timeline where Doom had more games but never had any modding scene, "reboots"/changes of art style/direction or even "familiar" games like Quake if they were literally part of the Doom brand. (Specially since Doom is a gaming "titan" like Mario, Street Fighter, Pacman, Final Fantasy etc yet it doesn't have as many games/releases/material, so the "expansion" of this series really is the fanbase)
Some specific mods even exist to answer certain questions, like Final Doomer is the answer to "what if Final Doom had its own weapons for both episodes?".
So perhaps, there are things that id could learn from fans but in a way that doesn't feel bad.
In general, Doom is a series that a lot could be done with: So i guess with how much id can borrow from mods or other games, they could have a lot of ideas to justify a new game or two.
They could even be creative to make things different as in, who knows if the Gauss Cannon and Ballista weren't created because of Rail guns in FPS games and that one from Skulltag.
At the same time, even the character of the Doomslayer has some fan related origins.
And i guess copying something from the area of "mods and wads" has its differences from including memes and jokes (Specially if a meme like "DOOT" is referenced too many times but id Software isn't obligated to reference FIREBLU related jokes).
And speaking of Doom's versatility: The existence of some features in the series being comparable to mods could mean that some concepts are "canon": Like how some mods have exploding mines as items and D2016's multiplayer has the Kinetic Mine.
Or even how D3 had its own version of Half-Life's Gravity Gun: You just think of features that exist in the series and assume "it's canon" when a mod has it too.
Obviously why some mods like MetaDoom are interesting (They make the "Doom universe" feel bigger) but also puts into thought ideas like "what if Doomguy was a playable fighter in Smash and we were to explore the series?".
Maybe people like when Doom technically gets "new features" but what if that makes people think how much is done with the official games has an impact with how fans implement ideas?
Not like it'd prevent people coming up with ideas for mods just because some would exist in an official game.
I bet some people have that "fanboy" part in them that goes "man i wish this thing would be canon" even if it clashes with the other side being "this doesn't seem ethical".
Another thing is the "canonicity" of ideas and the difference between "canon" and "official", when it comes to companies owning/controlling properties and so on.
It's why Final Doom, even if NOT CANON, is secretly "more canon" than John Romero's SIGIL because id Software technically owns Final Doom while SIGIL just happens to come from Romero and then made as one of the first add-ons in the Unity ports.
It made me think of "what if Doom was public domain or had a Touhou situation where people could make fangames (With some rules) and make money from them?": Because if it's not under the property owner, it may not be "canon" unless there's some exceptions to the rules (But it can also depend on how picky some nerds are).
When i made that "meytr" Rentry post, a lot of ideas are obviously copied from other people's works (And the bottom section of that file even has names of creators and projects from the fanbase or related to it).
So i guess when i write this, i'm not jut opening a can of worms but also showing conflicting ideas as if different parts disagree with each other.
Now i wonder: Do people think a new Quake game would take influence from Arcane Dimensions? And does a guilty part of them even wants too? That sort of "it'd be wrong but..." feeling.
This also reminds me of when people said D2016 "confirmed" that "every WAD is canon" because of some lore quote about "time and dimension": It might be taken out of context (Like a lot of things) but even if it's true, it's not like id Software could easily lift designs from fan mods and put them in official games or promo material.
(And also if people don't just bring up this "fact" just to make memes about HDoom or Simpsons Doom being canon, as opposed to someone thinking about other kinds of mods)
(AND also how much of the new Doom universe appeals to newer fans, even if some elements are fanservice to older fans etc)
Something else i could bring up is how modding itself is a form of game development or even "practive" and the examples of game devs that used to be modders (Or even mods that became/inspired actual games).
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jcmarchi · 1 day
The Skills Power Duo: Threat Intelligence and Reverse Engineering
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-skills-power-duo-threat-intelligence-and-reverse-engineering/
The Skills Power Duo: Threat Intelligence and Reverse Engineering
The 2024 Summer Olympics may have garnered as much cybersecurity related media focus as the games themselves. Every two years, threat actors from a slew of countries seek notoriety by attempting to or succeeding in breaching one of the world’s largest sporting events, giving cybersecurity teams all they can handle to mitigate potential threats.
Although no incidents disrupted the 300-plus medal competitions across dozens of sporting events held in Paris, authorities in France reported more than 140 cyberattacks occurred during this year’s summer games. From late July through the closing ceremonies on August 11, France’s national cybersecurity agency ANSSI recorded 119 reports of “low-impact security events” and 22 additional incidents in which malicious actors successfully targeted information systems. According to ANSSI, the attacks focused mostly on government agencies as well as sports, transportation, and telecoms infrastructure.
From the Olympics to financial institutions to all sectors of most industries, organizations need their workforces to possess the best cybersecurity skills possible. A recent survey of IT professionals conducted by Pluralsight revealed that the top two skills needed to dismantle the most dangerous emerging security threats are threat intelligence and reverse engineering.
Organizations that arm themselves with a workforce that brings this one-two punch to cybersecurity are better equipped to defend themselves from malicious actors. When threat analysis, reporting, and response (threat intelligence) is combined with uncovering how malicious software works and identifying vulnerabilities (reverse engineering), the results play a significant role to help future-proof a business’s defense systems.
Taking Action Against Innovative, Novel Cyber Threats
Using threat intelligence and reverse engineering in tandem can optimize cyber risk mitigation programs and fortify cybersecurity defenses. Professionals trained in threat intelligence and reverse engineering are more likely than those lacking these skills to develop updates and implement patches to avert risk quickly and effectively.
Threat intelligence helps drive early detection and improved response to threats by analyzing patterns and indicators of compromise as well as giving security teams more effective incident response plans to quickly mitigate threats. Reverse engineering drives better understanding of malware by analyzing its structure and methods of operation as well as developing mechanisms for detecting its characteristics. Even when faced with innovative, novel cyber threats, teams who possess these skills will be ready to take immediate action.
Incidents such as the BlackCat ransomware attack, the Poly Network hack, and several high-profile breaches in the healthcare sector reflect ongoing trends in cyber threats and the importance of instituting robust cybersecurity measures across all industries.
Companies that fall behind in their efforts to upskill and train their IT teams against cyber threats will become increasingly more susceptible to opportunistic attackers. In 2023, Pluralsight found that surveyed IT professionals know they’ll need to learn AI skills to secure their careers as 96% say staying up to date with AI skills is the best way to ensure their job security.
As such, organizations need to reduce the cyber workforce skills gap by training their employees in the latest tech trends to give them the expertise they need to proactively guard against attacks. According to a report from the Sloan School of Managementat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, cloud misconfigurations, increasingly sophisticated ransomware, and vendor exploitation hacks are contributing to rising cyberattacks.
The Threat Landscape Continues to Grow
As organizations seek to fill traditional positions or create new cybersecurity roles to defend themselves, the threat landscape continues to grow. According to the Biden administration’s director of National Intelligence, the number of ransomware attacks worldwide grew by as much as 74% in 2023. In testimony to Congress earlier this year, Avril Haines said U.S. entities were the most heavily targeted last year with attacks in sectors like healthcare doubling between 2022 and 2023.
The current and future cybersecurity landscape will be characterized by a range of threats and factors that include the role of skills development in protecting against cyberattacks, from day-to-day business operations to high profile events like the Olympics, large-scale public gatherings, and political elections.
In the United States, cybersecurity issues related to the 2024 presidential election have already come into focus after a trove of confidential information was hacked from Donald Trump’s campaign operations. Although the handful of news outlets that received the information from an anonymous source chose not to publish any of it, the damage had already been done, orchestrated by a hacker who identified themselves only as “Robert.”
To stay ahead of opportunistic bad actors, it’s more important now than ever before for organizations to build out a workforce that possesses the most sought-out cybersecurity skills like threat intelligence and reverse engineering. In today’s competitive labor market, this entails not only recruiting and hiring the best talent available but also fostering a culture of continuous learning across the business to ensure that skills gaps are identified and workforces remain as equipped as possible on thwarting cyberattacks.
This includes proficiency in knowing how GenAI can be properly leveraged for threat detection and as a response tool against emerging attacks. Amidst the evolving AI landscape, its adoption by malicious actors, and ongoing cybersecurity skills gaps in the technology workforce, Pluralsight has found that over 80% of surveyed IT professionals are concerned about AI-powered threats.
By mounting a cyber defense using AI tools, organizations can bolster their strengths in threat detection and prevention, incident response, vulnerability management, user authentication, fraud detection, and threat forecasting. As such, AI can enhance cybersecurity by delivering advanced tools for detecting and responding to threats, automating routine tasks, and improving the overall efficiency of security operations.
According to a report from IBM, in 2023 the average cost savings for organizations that used security AI and automation extensively for cybersecurity and breach prevention was $2.22 million compared to companies that did not do so. The report also found that the average cost of a data breach globally is $4.8 million, which represents a 10% increase over the prior year and is, to date, the highest total per breach cost ever. The findings also revealed that one out of every three breaches involved shadow data, showing that the proliferation of data is making it harder to secure it all.
Defending Digital Assets and Ensuring the Safety and Reliability of Systems
By upskilling the workforce and implementing the right technologies and practices, organizations can safeguard their digital assets and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their data and networks. The multi-faceted discipline of cybersecurity is critical to ensure the safe and reliable operation of technology systems. When armed with the right skills and consistently practicing how to react to simulated cyberattacks, businesses can create the best defense possible against an increasingly active threat landscape.
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healthhubforyou · 25 days
**Unlock the Future of Wealth with Intelligent Cryptocurrency**
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cryptonewscentral · 26 days
📉 The memecoin party’s had a hiccup! With Bitcoin slipping and market sentiment wavering, what’s next for Dogecoin and Shiba Inu? 🌟🚀 Will they rebound or face more challenges? Let’s dive into the latest updates! 📊🔍 
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stoxboxin · 1 month
How Technical Analysis Can Help You Make Informed Decisions in Mastering Stock Trading
Let us try and understand why developing a well-researched perspective is important for stock market success.
The perspective should include practical information about the stock like: 
Price at which stocks should be purchased and sold
Risk involved
Anticipated reward
Expected holding period
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raayllum · 1 year
One of the things that craziest to me about Aaravos is in 5x09 is how much his own overconfidence in Claudia got in his way. (Whether things went the way he actually wanted/secretly planned and he was saying shit about his faith in her to mess up Viren is up in the air, but I doubt it, given his anger at Viren in the end does seem legitimate at being turned over / 'disobeyed').
Before the season came out, I wondered how Claudia as a solo mage would fare against presumably at least three combat opponents - Soren, Callum, Rayla - in addition to Ezran. It seems just the trio (+ Stella) were enough to foil her plans and leave her badly injured with heavy losses all around.
However, Claudia literally could've had the easiest walk in the park getting the prison if Aaravos had just channelled his magic through her the way he did with Viren in 2x09. He'd been nothing but a dark mage, but was able to use all six arcanum like he'd been connected all his life, Aaravos manifesting it through him seamlessly.
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Aaravos can channel any (all) of his magics through his pawns by the body/soul-sharing quasi or outright possession shit. There doesn't seem to be any kind of time limit with the possession. He could've had Claudia breathe underwater in a way that couldn't be removed. He could've given her access and help through six arcanum, something the trio definitely would've had a difficult time defeating (they, to be fair, barely defeated her in the first place). Having powerful, capable pawns is useful in terms of carrying out his plans when Aaravos doesn't feel like directly intervening, but it is absolutely not necessary for them to be ultra-powerful so long as Aaravos has a hold on them. Which makes sense - if you're ultra-powerful, what do you really need him for, as a pull, as a lure? If Claudia could just save her father herself, why bother with Aaravos at all?
But it does make me curious as to where Aaravos and Claudia will go as a dynamic. In arc 1, Claudia's main 'failure' she was trying to make up for was to her dad for losing the dragon egg. Now, she's majorly failed Aaravos, but he's also failed her, and he'll have to spin it delicately (revenge wise) to keep her fully on his side now that he doesn't have a Viren carrot to dangle over her.
It also makes me think about what will happen the next time Aaravos possesses Callum, as it will, inevitably, happen. He has two arcanums down, of course, but nowhere near Aaravos' knowledge overall, and it means he'll be a particular force to be reckoned with if Aaravos is channelling all six arcanum through him. The first time, Aaravos used Callum to verbally hit his friends where it hurts; I expect the second time, it'll be a much more brutal, physically grisly manner with magic.
After all: Aaravos won't make the same mistake of overconfidence twice (at least, not until after he's free).
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cmmssuccess · 2 months
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Get In Control Of Your Assets Using Bad Actor Defect Analysis (BADA), Taproot & Quality Software.
Gaining control over your assets will enable you to maximise their quality, availability, and dependability, which will result in the best possible costs, outputs, and productivity.
You can take control of your assets in a number of ways, but one of the most well-known is through efficient maintenance.
An "in control" maintenance department oversees optimal maintenance strategies developed for the entire operation in addition to fixing machines.
Being 'in control' requires planning, insight, and a thorough comprehension of the requirements of the entire operation.  Being able to accomplish this is dependent on two crucial actions, which are as follows:
Identifying any signs of defects as quickly as possible.
Using a comprehensive investigation technique to examine defects and then ensuring that a proactive maintenance strategy adjustment results.
A good way of doing this is to combine Bad Actor Defect Analysis (BADA) with Taproot Investigation techniques and quality software products.
BADA helps identify problematic equipment and processes, while Taproot investigations uncover root causes of issues.
The combined approach enables targeted solutions, predictive maintenance, and optimized resource allocation.
There are several steps involved with implementing this integrated method, including data collection, bad actor identification, and action plan development.
There are many benefits for taking on this approach, such as reduced downtime, cost savings, and enhanced safety.
There are a few quality software solutions can be adapted to support the BADA-Taproot process and then the best results will surely come from then combining these software tools with people expertise.
The 6 main takeaways for people wishing to learn more are:
The integration of BADA and Taproot techniques provides a comprehensive approach to identify, analyze, and address recurring maintenance issues.
Implementing the BADA-Taproot method can lead to significant improvements in asset reliability, cost reduction, safety performance, and overall operational efficiency.
The process involves systematic steps, including data collection, bad actor identification, root cause analysis, and action plan development.
Existing software solutions can be adapted to support and streamline the BADA-Taproot approach, enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency.
The combined method promotes a shift from reactive to proactive maintenance strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
While software tools are valuable, the most effective implementation combines these tools with the expertise and judgment of experienced maintenance professionals.
To learn more, you could read my recent article:  Get In Control Of Your Assets - CMMS Success
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noragaur · 2 months
Expert Stock and Mutual Funds Reports | Investment Insights - Recipe by Finology
Discover quality stock and mutual funds reports on Recipe by Finology. Get expert analysis, industry insights, and investment tips to enhance your financial journey. Subscribe now for comprehensive reports and valuable information on profitable companies and investment opportunities.
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eninrac-consulting · 2 months
Unearthing Opportunities in Distress: Analyzing Non-Performing Assets in India's Changing Market
Is financial distress a hindrance or a hidden gem? This blog examines the relationship between financial market analysis, non-performing assets (NPAs), and the evolving business case for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in India. Learn how analyzing NPAs can reveal potential for turnaround and profitable investment opportunities.
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techandtravel · 3 months
Understanding AOP in Finance: A Comprehensive Guide
Assets Over Period (AOP) is a fundamental concept in finance that refers to the assessment of a company’s assets over a specified period. This metric is crucial for financial analysts, investors, and companies as it provides a clear picture of how assets are managed and utilized over time. By examining AOP, stakeholders can gain insights into the financial health and operational efficiency of a…
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