#but i do think there might be missions where he wears laces as an asset
marshmallowprotection · 9 months
…Is Seven wearing velcro strap shoes???
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These shoes are either Velcro or Button-Snaps. I imagine that's for the sake of convenience. He doesn't have time to waste tying his shoes during a mission, or when he needs to move from location to location without worrying about tripping over his laces. I imagine it's way easier on his hands, too, which no doubt have carpal tunnel from all the years spent repeating the same motion over and over again!
I think he values functionality over fashion in his everyday attire, even though he loves dressing up! The day he doesn't have to live in fear... that's the day when he wears shoes with laces. Saejoong is no longer a threat, nor is the agency in the RAE. Laces! The agency is gone and never coming back, but Saejoong is still in the Secret Ending! Velcro!
I think that is a neat character aspect... it shows a subtle means of his palpable paranoia, and a great accessibility tool.
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generalfoolish · 3 years
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Mayhem Times Infinity
Part Two: Multiverse Mayhem
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader (enemies reluctant co-workers to lovers)
Rating: 18+
Warnings: cw mentions of death, gore, trauma; the snap, violence, comic mischief, language
Word Count: 4k
Summary: The duo finds out what odds they're up against, but Loki has other plans.
A/N: Hey babes! I couldn't help but put in the work ASAP on this one. Gotta chase that hyper-fixation high. I'm ready to move into the "will they" part of this story! Sorry, for that slow burn, guys. Also, this doesn't necessarily join up at all with the series, but I threw a little nod in there, a little Professor Loki at the end. Enjoy 💕
Masterlist | Part One | Part Three
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged :)
“So, to summarize,” Loki drawled. “This is Earth-616, and it’s in danger.” Doctor Strange groaned, but nodded. Four hours. You had been listening to Doctor Strange for four hours. He had detailed the Multiverses, interdimensional travel, sling rings, all-powerful creatures more heinous than Thanos, and the ultimate demise of Earth-616--your Earth, your universe--and all Loki could do was joke.
You were reeling. Sure, you had considered the idea of other dimensions. You gulped as you tried to wrap your head around the gravity of the situation. There was a Multiverse jumper, Strange had given you all the information he could about the existence of multiverses and the area the villain was from, but couldn’t be more specific.
“Sure, in short. Now, listen, we don’t know who exactly is doing this. It would seem they’re working for Kang or Gah Lak Tus, but we aren’t certain of anything. We’re sending you for reconnaissance. Find out anything you can.”
“Yes, but why us? Why not the Guardians with Thor?” You asked. The tea in your hands too cold to enjoy, but you took a small sip anyway. You pulled a small face, and lowered the small cup again.
“They’re busy.” Strange told you without preamble.
“Well, so are we. He was just resurrected, and I’m technically homeless right now.” You argued, lifting the cup again, and taking another sip. The now pleasantly warm liquid tasted much better than it had even when you poured it. You raised an eyebrow at Loki, wondering if it was his magic, but he was looking at Strange, a small smirk on his lips.
“Then it should be less of a discussion. You’ll need to travel light, and neither of you are otherwise entangled. Now, do you recall our conversation of sling rings?” You nodded, and yelped when a thick bar ring appeared on your hand.
“I just focus?”
“Yes, visualize, focus and see the destination. Look beyond what you see. You know how to do that. This is the only way you’ll be able to travel through the multiverse, and I only have the one. You’ll have to travel together.”
“Okay. What about the Negative Zone?” You asked, your hand weighed down by the new accessory. The physical weight was negligible, but the mental weight left you straining.
“Start there. Remember Earth-616 is yours. Though it is unlikely anyone will refer to them as their numerical filing. What’s your job?” Strange asked, and you huffed, annoyed.
“Gather intel. We can handle it.” You snapped, and he lifted his hand.
Suddenly, a golden ring appeared before you, and on the other side an empty field.
“Go on, then.” Strange challenged, and you shot him a look, but walked through the portal.
You felt the portal close behind you, the energy rippling shut.
“That was strange.” Loki murmured, smoothing his leather jacket down. Without thinking, without pause, you replied.
“Doctor Strange.”
“That is not a good joke, darling.” Your eyebrows shot up.
“First, it definitely is. Second, ‘darling,’?” You asked.
“I told you, I refuse to call you ‘Stone,’ and you haven’t supplied anything else.” Loki argued, and began walking through the field. The grass, untouched, reached far up his long legs engulfing his waist, and you tried to pull your attention away from how he looked surrounded by the golden strands.
Celestial. God-like, you thought as you failed.
“Well, perhaps we should focus on the mission instead.” You cleared your throat as you walked to him. You tried to ignore how you had to incline your head to see him, failing again as you took in the height difference.
“Yes. I was thinking, we should perhaps change our clothes to fit in.” Loki mused, and you nodded.
“Good idea. Where are we?” You asked. It looked...vaguely Earth-like.
“How should I know? Aren’t you the one blessed with infinite knowledge?” He grumbled. You rubbed your palm down your face, and tried to perceive your location.
“I got nothing, Mayhem.” You mused, and began walking again.
“Casual linens, then?” Loki inquired, a ghost of a smile on his lips. You shrugged, and before you had relaxed your shoulders back down, you were draped in a dark green gown. You rolled your eyes at Loki’s shit-eating grin.
“Subtle.” You told him, gesturing down. He held his hands out in a shrug, and you laughed. He had matched his own ‘casual’ clothes in the same deep shade of green. You expected another jab, but instead he started walking away from you, and didn't break pace to see if you were coming. You jogged to catch him.
"Where are you going?" You asked, slightly out of breath. You were only just realizing how much taller he was than you. His long legs had carried him swiftly away from you in no time.
"Anywhere I please." He told you, barely looking down, but you could see his lips lifted in a smirk all the same.
"What do you mean?" You asked, looking around, wondering what destination he meant.
"Norns, woman, are you daft? I'm leaving. I'm free, finally. A better question for you would be: where are you going? Hmm? All that time on Midgard, now you're in space, darling. Where are you going to go?" He had broken stride to sneer down at you. You tried to hide your obvious shock at the sudden turn of emotion.
"To find the threat against our Galaxy. Why wouldn't you want to do the same?" You asked, malice lacing your tone. Here he was, wearing his true colors finally. The treacherous Loki, the one you'd been told about, the one you should've heeded the warnings about.
His nose crinkled in disgust, and you felt the vision coming before it hit. You'd seen this one a few times already, but nothing prepared you for it. You gasped for air as you felt Loki's throat being constricted, and winced when you felt the crunch of his neck.
His smug look told you he'd made that happen.
"I have a few reasons." He told you, his voice quiet and dangerous.
"We were chosen for a reason, Loki." You tried, grasping for any shred of logic that might convince him to stay. Treacherous or not, he had much more experience in space than you.
"Yes, we were. Isn't it obvious to you, yet? We were sent here to die." He held his arms out and gestured around at the field.
"What do you mean? It's just recon." You replied, noting his wingspan, the subtle way his lithe muscles pulled taut the fabric of his shirt.
"Oh yes, truly the omnipotent Dr. Strange would send a known liar and the newest avenger to stop a doom to the universe." He rolled his eyes and began walking away from you. You watched his hands trail lightly over the blades of grass, and knew he was right. You hated him for it, but he was. You had been pushing those feelings down since you had first found yourself in space looking at Loki. If this truly had the gravity Dr. Strange said it had, why wasn't he here? Or anyone of the other space faring avengers, or the guardians? Why were you sent here with Loki of all people?
You followed behind him, the grass reaching much higher on you, and contemplated your choices. You had the sling rings, so the options were endless. Yet, you kept coming back to the same one: do the job. Every fiber of your being told you Loki was right, but a small voice in the back of your mind told you he could be wrong. And it was enough.
You glanced up at your companion, his black hair curling at the edges of his collar, his back straight and proud, his shoulders broad and capable. He could handle himself in a fight, this much you knew. He'd be an asset. How would you convince him to stay? Trick him? Trick the God of Mischief? Surely you weren't dumb enough to try.
You threw your head back and looked at the sky. You knew you were. You knew you had to. You needed his help, but more than that, you actually wanted it. He was charming, after all.
"So, where exactly are you going, then?" You asked, breaking the steady silence. You watched his stride falter for a second as he turned to look at you.
"To the town." He told you, confidently.
"So, you do know where we are?"
"Then how would you know?" You challenged him.
"There'll be a town, eventually." He told you, clearly agitated at your questions.
"Sorry, just working out a few things." You told him, keeping your gaze averted. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.
You kept your face passive as the wave of wariness washed over you. You had thrown your plan together in about three seconds, but already it was going perfectly.
Step one: make Loki suspicious. It was easy to do. He had no real reason to trust you. Plus, he had to be expecting it anyway.
It led to the rest of your plan. He’d “uncover” your deceit, and you’d go along acting caught in a lie. Then, you’d gain his trust for real. Finally, you trick him into actually helping you do some reconnaissance for Strange.
Easy peasy.
Now, just to find this town.
I’ll be damned.” You muttered when you first saw it.  A light cascading in the sky, not the stars that littered it currently, but a new one. A man made, or alien made, one.
“Aha!” Loki called, looking at you expectantly.
“You did it!” You laughed, peering through the trees that stood between you and the source. Failing that, you reached out with your mind. No one was lingering about, so you focused on Loki. It was a mixture of joy and trepidation. It was all bitter endings.
He was planning a betrayal of his own, of course. What you couldn’t piece together is why he was feeling hesitant to do it. Clearly, he had worked out a way to get off-world.
“Perhaps we should make camp here.” He suggested, turning his steady gaze to you. You looked around, considering it. More open than the forest, but that could be helpful in a fight. Unlikely anyone would be able to sneak up on either of you. Especially if you took turns sleeping. But, didn’t you just feel his looming betrayal? Should you risk it so soon? You needed sleep. Would he leave you alone, asleep, in a field on an alien planet? Surely not. But could you trust it? Did you trust him?
“Okay, Mayhem. I’ll grab some firewood.” You told him, starting to head to the edge of the woods. He chuckled, and you heard the whoosh of a flame. You turned and your mouth fell open. He had conjured an entire campsite. The fire was contained within a stone structure, there was a clearing to sit, he’d even managed a few blankets.
"Surely this will suffice." He teased, a grin ghosting on his lips. You nodded, lamely, and grabbed a blanket.
"Can you be troubled with dinner?" You joked, and he raised an eyebrow at you.
"What do you want?" He asked, settling down onto the ground, long legs stretched before him.
"Oh I don't know, what's your favorite thing?" You mused, snuggling under the thick material. It was softer than cotton or wool, warm but not hot, heavy enough to provide weight without being unbearable. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling against your skin, and nearly dozed. He startled you when he began speaking.
"The perfect night-meal is a sampling of delicacies. But the most exquisite taste is fresh champagne from the springs on Alfheim. Poured lazily by the Pleasure Elves, of course." You laughed.
"Pleasure Elves and champagne springs, what the hell are we still doing here?" He chuckled and adjusted the blanket around his shoulders, before looking at you seriously.
"I will show you Alfheim, if you wish." You resisted shuddering under his intense gaze. You could barely meet his eyes, a deep, dark green that rivaled the evening forest.
"I'd like that, someday. For now, dinner. Can you do...pizza?" You asked, smiling broadly. He frowned, clearly disgusted.
"I could, but I would not. Is that truly what you crave? Greasy, unimaginative mortal food?" You shrugged. "Very well." With a flick of his wrist, he brought forth two wrapped sandwiches. Curious, you pulled the wrapper off and smiled happily.
"A cheeseburger! How is that better than pizza?" You asked, laughing and taking a bite. You watched him peel the wrapper with grace, only touching the burger with his fingertips.
"I'm not sure. Thor described them much better than they appear." He seemed vaguely disgusted.
"We could have had alien food." You told him, laughing at his discomfort. He rolled his eyes at you.
"Technically, darling, you're the alien here." His matter-of-fact tone wrecked your mood. The way he said "darling" was more like an insult. How could he conjure burgers and then ruin the moment so seamlessly.
You didn't respond, just silently tucked into your sandwich. You still needed to work out how you were going to break his trust anyway. It couldn't be too clever, you thought. Just clever enough that it seemed like it would work, but not clever enough that he would suspect another attempt.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't see the way he studied you, mapping your face, reveling in how the starlight splayed shadows on you. He had put you in green as a joke, but lounging fireside under the thick blanket, you looked at home in the deep shade of mid-summer forest green.
You finished the burger and tossed the wrapper remains into the fire. You turned to find Loki already looking at you, he lifted a corner of his mouth but remained silent.
"I'll take first watch." You told him, hiding a yawn behind your hand. He waved you off with a flick of his wrist.
"Sleep. I'll watch over you." He watched you as he spoke, and you felt his dark eyes on you as you snuggled your way into the blanket nest. The fatigue from the battle with Thanos, and the rush of adrenaline from finding Loki and talking with Dr. Strange, and the long walk through the field came crashing into you all at once. Your eyes closed of their own Accord, and your limbs followed soon after tingling with sleep.
"G'night, Mayhem." You mumbled, your mouth and brain mostly asleep. You were drifting off, even as you said it, but you heard his response.
"Good night, darling." You smiled as you fell further asleep, his tone softer than it had been.
As sleep began to take you under, quieter than before, you heard Loki mumble to himself.
"Damn. She's adorable." When you awoke, you wouldn't remember, as it were, you barely heard it at all. Proof, you thought dreamily. It was proof, that Loki wasn't all bad.
You blinked hard against the morning light and groaned as you rolled over. You remembered where you were quickly, the hard ground your first clue. The event of the previous day hit you at once, and you sat up quickly, scanning for Loki. You started to panic, he had slipped off during the night, and now you were alone on an unfamiliar world.
“Shit.” You cursed, rising to your feet.
“What?” You whirled on the voice and sighed deeply when you saw the God of Mischief staring back at you.
“I...thought you left.” You admitted, stretching your back out. His smile faltered a bit.
“I did not. I found breakfast.” He told you, tossing you something that looked like an apple. You smiled sheepishly.
“You didn’t wake me.” You said, and he merely shrugged. “You haven’t slept.” You continued, unsatisfied with his nonchalance.
“I was dead yesterday, darling. I think I can manage without one night’s rest.” You winced at his nickname for you. It dripped with venom and mistrust.
“Don’t act offended, Mayhem. Betrayal is literally your middle name.”
“What do you know of betrayal? Hmm?”
“Plenty. You may have cornered the market, but you didn’t trademark it.”
“I would not simply slink away in the dead of night. I am Loki, prince of Asgard, the rightful king of Jotunheim, and the God of Mischief, and I do not lurk in the shadows. My betrayal would be right in front of you, rest assured.” You scoffed, as you watched him pontificate.
“What do your titles get you here?” You asked and smiled in triumph when his face fell. You turned the fruit over in your hand, and looked back at him. “I’m sorry I thought you left, thanks for the fruit.” You mumbled, guilt already eating away at you. Why did his crestfallen face split you in two so quickly? You bit into the apple, and winced right away. It definitely wasn’t an apple. The texture was similar to a kiwi, but the flavor was unlike anything you’d ever had.
“It’s a local fruit, not one I’m familiar with.” He explained, his voice tight. “It isn’t dangerous.” You furrowed your brow to object, but he held his hands up. “I had one already to test it.”
“Thank you, Mayhem.” You told him, genuinely thankful. He waved the campsite away, and the two of you began your trek through the dense forest. The dark green clothes helped camouflage you as you picked your way through the vegetation, and while you knew he had done it to get a rise out of you, you were thankful to be out of the clingy spandex uniform you normally wore.
You had been training with Nat when the first power surge flowed through your fingertips, and the blast produced was golden. Nat must have alerted Tony, because within the hour you had a brand new, golden suit. You looked like an asshole, flying around in a shimmery gold suit, but no one would change it. Friday had told you to “Fuck off,” and that was the end of it. You’d become the Golden Avenger in the news, but everyone called you stone. It was a horrible joke, born out of horrible circumstances. You looked like a walking gauntlet, and you were treated that way too.
You focused harder on the ground, stepping around massive root systems, and avoiding areas where the ground had sunk into itself. Loki was right. You hated that you were thinking about it now. No one had truly accepted you as an avenger, except Nat. It was hard for them, you understood. The thing that gave you power was the same event that had destroyed them. But, it isn’t like you wanted it. You hadn’t asked Thanos to do this, you didn’t have control over the events that led to your origin. Yet, the first chance they got, they sent you away. You were the outlier, you were the uncertainty, and you were safer kept at arm's distance. Why else send you on an obvious goose chase with a wanted intergalactic villain?
You glanced at your traveling companion, and found him deep in thought as well. His brow was creased, and his mouth was set. He looked handsome, bathed in the filtered sunlight and the flecks of gold illuminated his dark features. He flicked his eyes at you, and relaxed his mouth into a small smile.
“Shouldn’t be long now.” He told you quietly, and you found yourself wondering what he was thinking about. His double-cross to you? You needed to hammer your own plan together, but it could wait, you thought. You didn’t want to think too hard about it.
“Good, it’ll be nice to get a real seat,” You laughed and he smirked at you. “Is Alfheim your favorite place?” You asked, thinking about the pleasure elves, you could see the appeal. He cocked his head to the side, a ghost of a real smile playing on his lips.
“No, Asgard was my favorite place.” He murmured, and you wanted to disappear. Of course, his world was just destroyed, what a dumb question.
“Sorry Mayhem, I didn’t think…” Your apology died on your tongue, as he began chuckling.
“Don’t fret, darling. I’m not that fragile.” He teased. Your heart was firmly lodged in your throat, stuck from embarrassment, but remaining still as you realized he had softened your nickname. No longer did your skin crawl, instead, a warmth spread through your chest. His soft tone had rendered you speechless, dumbfounded, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice. What could you say? I was embarrassed at having brought up a potentially sensitive subject, and then you called me a flirty name and now my tongue is heavy. Why would it even matter? You were going to betray him, and then he would betray you. It was what your master plan was hinged on. Who cared if he was soft and pretty?
“Truly, it is not an issue.” He continued, confused, searching your face.
“Tell me about it?” You managed to squeak out, and you caught the look he gave you, the look of skepticism.
“It was a Golden City, built up in the mountains, and the rainbow bridge connected it to the bifrost. It was devastatingly beautiful. That was only the Palace, though. The forests around the city were as cruel as they were beautiful. It truly was a world fit for gods.” He looked wistful, and you pretended not to see the tears welling up. “Where is your favorite place?” He asked abruptly, and you smiled happily.
“You remember that place I took you yesterday, when I plucked you from the debris in space?” You asked, waiting for an answer. When he nodded, you continued. “It was my attempt at freedom. I had just broken up with a man who controlled me, and well, it was a little crappy, but it was mine, y’know? I had just gotten back in touch with my family who I had been cut off from, and it was so right. I was only there for a few months before Thanos’ attack.” You told him, fiddling with your sleeve, swallowing hard. “It was the first taste of happiness I had, and then it was taken from me just as suddenly as I had gotten it.” You wiped your eyes and cleared your throat.
“I know a great deal about that, darling.” He reassured you, and you were surprised to feel the pressure of his hand on your back. You gave him a tight small, and felt the smallest tendrils of affection reaching out to you. You widened your smile and turned to the forest before you.
“What’s your favorite power, then?” You asked, falling in step beside him. He laughed.
“Power?” He asked, and you rolled your eyes.
“Yes, your powers?” You wiggled your fingers, knowing he’d never done anything like that.
“It’s magic, darling.” He rolled his eyes at you, but you could tell it was playful.
“Whatever, your magic. What’s your favorite spell?” He chuckled at you.
“Duplication-casting, then.” You raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that? Conjuring?”
“They’re two completely different powers.” He explained with a long, suffering sigh.
“So, they are “powers” now?” You asked, laughing.
“Norns, you are so aggravating.” He huffed.
“Well, why duplication-casting? Why not the poison one?” You asked. He raised an eyebrow.
“What poison one?” He asked, looking confused.
“You can have poison without it hurting you.” You told him plainly.
“No, I cannot.” He was genuinely confused at this point, and you held your hands up.
“But you tested the fruit for me.” You told him, confused. He blinked slowly at you, and your face fell in realization. He had been protecting you. And immediately you treated him like a monster.
“Mayhem, I’m…” He fixed his lips into a small line. You were trying to form an apology, clearly you were the one deserving the monster treatment. You had actively plotted against him since you had landed, and he had done nothing but try to make you comfortable. He raised a finger to his lips, his face hard. You heard it then, the crunching of leaves and splintering of sticks underfoot. You were no longer alone with the God of Mischief.
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justlostinautumn · 5 years
Playing House 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Clint Barton x OC (Alexandra Knight)
Fury calls in help on a long hall mission that requires Clint to play house with someone he doesn’t know and has never met. Alexandra likes to work alone and isn’t one to play well with others. Nick and Alex have a past together and now Nick is asking his old friend to help out with the monitoring and infiltration of some HYDRA agents. But, not everything is as simple as it seems. Nick isn’t the only old friend Alex has on the team.
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We get dressed I opted for a pair of black yoga leggings with a matching sports bra and a purple lumberjack shirt wrapped around my waist, deciding to wear a pair of black trainers. It would be nice to get some training in with Clint, to feel his hands on my body… no, to make sure he is ready for everything and anything. Clint opted for a pair of black jeans and grey fitted tee, I can’t help but stare and pout a little.
“I thought we agreed you’d be shirtless?” I smirk looking at him as his eyes scanning my body.
“Looks like you’re doing it for me. Plus, I don’t think Fury wants me to distract you.” Clint laughs.
“We’re training after Nick gives us a speech about being considerate for others and also mission updates.” I sigh, this was a speech I knew well, I most probably could say it word for word.
“Get that speech a lot?” Clint smirks trying not to laugh.
“Yes, every time I am around Maria… oh, he gave it to me when I first met Nat too!” I giggle.
“I can imagine both you and Nat gave him a run for his money.” Clint laughed as he watches me tie my laces.
“Oh we tried, but Nick is good with being patient with me. He’s one of few people who doesn’t get distracted easily by me... to be honest, he’s the only parent I have ever known.” I sigh looking at Clint who is smiling, “but if you tell him that, I will kill you!”
“Let’s go Trouble!” Clint shakes his head smiling at me, he knew the threat wasn’t real.
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Walking back into the living room with cups of coffee we see them all whispering and we stand there waiting.
“Nicolas, do you really make them call you Fury?” I ask taking a sip from my coffee as they all try and figure out when we walked in.
“It’s respectful, I am their boss.” Nick looked at me sternly.
“Geez, you and that Dad look. Also, it’s kinda douche like.” I smirk at him.
“Talking about respect…” Nick started and I turned to Clint smirking.
“Told you the consideration of other’s speech is about to happen.” I snicker and Clint can’t stop the smile spreading across his face.
“Really Alexandra!” Nick warned me.
“I know the speech, there are other people here and I should take into consideration about my attire and not play my tricks on them. Blah. Blah. Blah.” I wave my hands dramatically and impersonate Nick. Nat and Maria don't stop themselves from laughing, while the others cover their giggles with coughs.
“Watch it, young lady.” Nick points at me. “Also you impersonation is getting good.”
“I know, I work on it while I work… and when I’m bored. It helps when I give myself little pep talks using your voice, reminding myself I can do anything.” I smile at him and he returns the smile.
“Mission update.” Fury started.
“I told you! The speech then update.” I pointed at Clint bouncing up at down laughing.
“You should know the routine by now, you do it every time.” Maria giggles.
“You guys will be leaving in a month,” Nick started ignoring our idle chitchat. “Before you go into suburbia there are a few jobs that need to be done… some are hits, some are extractions, but they are all very illegal. Stop smiling like that! This isn’t something you can do alone Ally-Cat they know you are a duo and they are showing interest in the both of you.”
My Black Butterfly phone alerted me someone was looking for me. I looked at it smirking and then it started to ring.
“Hello.” I purred, putting my phone on speaker.
“Nice to hear your voice again Black Butterfly.” A deep voice that caused Bucky to stiffen rang out.
“Miss me?” I smirk and Bucky looks at me confused.
“No, the last time I saw you, you left me with a horrible present and broke out my favourite asset who is now on the opposing team.” He growled.
“Well, money speaks pretty loud. Someone wanted your toy and was willing to pay a pretty penny, more than you would ever pay me.” I spoke coldly.
“Where are you Cat?” He growled.
“Can’t find me?” I laugh coldly and I see several of the team in front of me shiver.
“I want you and your rogue Avenger to do a job for me. I hear you’re planning to move to suburbia, I want you to have an easy transition and for you to prove your loyalty.” I could hear his smirk through the phone.
“Everything comes at a price you know that well,” I spoke calmly.
“Get me my file.” He said simply.
“That’s all you want.” I cackle.
“You have it! How you little bitch?” He growls.
“Ohhh, my husband doesn’t look to please at you calling me that. I’d be careful his temper is worse than mine. I’d hate for him to find out what you tried to do and do to me.” My voice was sweet, but the threat was there and I could hear him gulp through the phone. I could feel Clint’s stare on me, along with the rest of the team as if trying to figure out what it was.
“Fine. I need you to take someone out. He’s HYDRA, he worked closely with the asset and survived the downfall of SHIELD.” He was tensely waiting for my response, scared of what I might say.
“He’s one of your own. Why am I taking him?” I purred.
“He’s a liability and also seeking vengeance against Rogers, Wilson and Barnes. You know that’s not we want… well for now at least.” He laughed.
“The new assets first then the destruction of the Avengers. You forget I know you, Dimitri.” I laugh.
“I forget how good you are. I have missed you, Sweetie.” He laughs and I withhold a gag at the nickname he has for me. I see Bucky’s eyes widen hearing the name.
“Name Dimitri, I have things to do. A husband to cheer up.” I smirk at Clint as he stares at me.
“Brock Rumlow.” He states.
“Oh, I may have killed him already. I’ll ship you his body… in parts.” I smile.
“Who’s been using his phone?” He asks, “Tell me it’s you.”
“I don’t have it. You’ll have the body tonight and I will look into the phone thing and tell you what I find. He didn’t have it on him when I took him out.” I shrug, I was bored but also worried.
“Why did you kill him, Sweetie?” He asked, his tone serious.
“He was trying to get me to kill people he couldn’t afford to kill. Also, when I refused him, he sent someone after me and I dragged his little hitman to him and tortured him in front of Rumlow until he broke and told me it was his brother and then I killed his poor brother and then slowly killed him.” I smirk as I remember the day.
“You have both bodies?” He asked.
“What HYDRA want their property back or hoping you can track them with the little trackers I carved out of them and destroyed?” I laugh.
“Worth a try.” I can hear his smirk in his smug tone.
“You’ll have the bodies tonight and the information will be sent with them.” My tone is cold.
“Thank you, Sweetie, I know they’ll love you and your husband… Congratulations on the marriage. I have to admit I always thought it’d be you and the Soldier, but oh well.” He laughs.
“Goodbye, Dimitri,” I said before hanging up on him.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath and then pick up my phone and send a message to Marcus to let him know we needed Rumlow and his brother's body.
“Marcus?” Fury asks and I hum in acknowledgement.
I look at Nick raising an eyebrow asking where my bag is and he points to the table. I walk forward and take my laptop out and drop to the floor and start to tap away tracking Rumlow and his brother's phone along with Dimitri. It looks like Dimitri was in suburbia, I’m sure it’ll be short-lived. The pings come back and I pull out my holsters and weapons and place them on the table.
“Where’s the collar?” I look at Maria, there is no humour or fun in my eyes. This was the job.
Maria passed it to me and I looked at the pendant, Maria added the new toys on the table and I smiled at her. Putting the collar on I tap the crescent moon pendant that catches Bucky’s eyes and I smirk at him. I rip the Lumberjack shirt from my waist and drop it into the bag, tapping the pendant the suit covers my body. It’s black with hints of silver running through it, a mask covers my mouth and I pull on all my holsters checking my guns and my new toys. Slipping the bracelets on and flicking my wrists and watching the claws come out and I smirk, flicking them to retract them. I put the whip on my waist and looked around the room.
“What?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked using his Captain voice.
“To work.” I shrug, closing my laptop and checking my phone.
“Kitten?” Clint looked worried.
“Husband,” I answer laughing pulling the mask off for now.
“I’m coming.” He states, I look at him and hold my hand out to Maria and she presses the leather bracelet into my hand and puts Clint weapons on the table.
I put it on his wrist and bring his other hand up to tap and activate the suit. His was black with gold and I smirk. I take his mask off for now and help him with his holster standing close and tugging roughly causing him to groan and for me to smirk.
“I say jump, you say?” I looked him dead in the eye.
“Yes, wife?” He laughs, I step back and my gaze hardens.
“I say jump, you say?” I turned to Nat and Bucky asking them.
“How high.” They gulp looking worried.
“This isn’t a game Clinton. When I tell you to do something it isn’t for fun or a joke it’s to ensure you survive this.” I look him in the eye and I could tell he could see my stress and worry because he pulled me close.
“We will be okay.” He murmurs and kisses my forehead lingering and I close my eyes and let out a sigh.
“Okay.” I pick up our masks and hand him his and I put on mine. I take his hand and look at Nick with a nod before I pull him to leave the room. 
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Bucky Barnes X reader
Insurance: chapter 3
Summary; Reader has also met Pierce who has confirmed her situation of being a toy to the ‘Asset’. She has seen what Bucky looks like, but has been put into another isolated room. Awaiting his return from a mission.
Warning: mention of blood, slight violence, smut finally 😉
It’s been three days. Three days since Iv been locked in this room, awaiting the Asset to return. The room itself was slightly better than the one I first experienced. The bathroom was the same, but with a few extra products for the shower along with a cabinet. There wasn’t much inside, a toothbrush, tooth paste and a hair brush. Clearly they wanted me to remain in at least decent condition for the asset. Just like the last room there was a wardrobe full with grey tops, shorts and a whole manner of different lingerie types. I couldn’t even name half of them, there was so many! It was irritating to admit that some of them were pretty, but it doesn’t mean I wanted to wear them. The ones Iv had on were incredibly uncomfortable so far. Next to the wardrobe was a desk with a few old books, next to that a laundry basket and finally there was the bed. This was the biggest shock. Instead of the shitty, thin, worn down bed in the other room this one was a king size with a few pillows and different thickness blankets. This would make sleep easier, if it wasn’t for the paranoid state I was constantly in.
On the forth day I was awoken by my daily breakfast being delivered by a silent agent. They never once spoke to me, despite my tries. This usually consisted of a bottle of water, an apple and a plastic bowl of oatmeal along with a plastic spoon. I would receive another meal at what I could guess was around 5 o’clock, of course I couldn’t tell as there was no clock or window. The ‘supper’ was simply another bottle of water and a sandwich.
After eating the food I slid the bowl back through the doors latch and without a word the agent left me alone. I placed my apple on the desk to save for later in the day, and I sat down in the middle of the bed.
As what felt around mid day, I was reading one of the books HYDRA had oh so kindly provided me with when I was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm. The sudden piercing noise shocked me so much I jumped slightly with a yelp, to which I quickly covered my mouth in a poor attempt to hide my embarrassment. A thundering hoard of footsteps could be heard running back and forth through the hall. I stood up from my seated position on the bed and put my book back on the desk. Before I could even go closer to the door it swung open and in matched a single agent who I had never seen before. The man gave me a cold stare before stating “The Asset will arrive in 10 minutes. Be prepared” and with that he sauntered out the room.
Blinking in shock, my hands began to shake, ‘holy shit, what do I do?!’ Panic began to flood through my veins as I scrambled to make the ‘room’ as neat as possible, who knows what he will be thinking when entering the room. I decided to change into a clean shirt and shorts, accompanied by a baby blue one piece lingerie. If it were not for the sheer lace material one might mistake it for a swimmer, that is, one with an incredibly low back and deep V line at the front. ‘Thank god for these baggy tops’ I thought to myself. As time began to run out on my little preparations, I sat down on the edge of the bed, with my back straight and hands in my lap. After what felt like a century, the door swung open and someone was shoved through. The door slamming shut once again.
I could tell it was the Asset, aside from his unmistakable metal arm and leather tactile gear, I recognised his relatively long brown hair, if I was in any other position I’d be longing to run my fingers through it. His hair looked so soft, despite the obvious debris in it. As I trailed my eyes up his body, a pink hue overtook my cheeks as I realised he caught me staring. The most intense, steel blue eyes I’d ever seen were staring back at me. They looked dead, soulless despite their beauty. It was almost poetic how contradicting they were compared to the rest of him. His obviously sharp jaw line was covered by a black mask, which went from below his chin to the bridge of his nose. This made his stare all the more deadly, causing me to shrink back into myself, wishing I was invisible.
After an intense staring contest the Asset stalking his way into the bathroom, not sparing me another glance until he returned with a medical kid I noticed hidden in the cabinet on my second day. I yelped as he dropped the kit onto my lap as he began to take off his gear. Only then did I notice the intense bleeding coming from his right side. My eyes widened in horror while he finished his little strip show, leaving him in a white tank top and his trousers. I stood up and tried to back away before he caught my arm, muttering in a deep rough voice “Очисти мою рану” (Clean my wound). I only stared at him confused, not knowing a word of what he just said. The Asset let out a grunt before sitting down in my previous spot on the bed. “Вы русский язык знаете?” (Do you know Russian?) He muttered, followed by “конечно нет. Вы, кажется, невинны, гораздо больше, чем ГИДРА” (Of course not. You seem innocent, much more than HYDRA). He opened the medical kit and grabbed my hand, ignoring my pathetic struggles and put my hand on the equipment before pointing to his bleeding side. I muttered a small ‘Oh’ before realising he wanted me to help his injury. I took out a cleaning wipe and gauze along with a needle, not knowing if he needed stitches I gave him a questioning look which he shook his head ‘no’ to. Hoping that meant I didn’t need to use it, I tentatively lifted up his shirt and began to wipe away the blood. I could tell he was watching me, his calculating eyes made me almost squirm in my uncomfortable, hunt he’d position. After cleaning as best as I could I positioned the gauze over the wound before swiftly standing straight again.
The Asset copied me, standing up and towering above my meek frame. He brushed past me with an unreadable look, grabbing a change of clothes from closet before grabbing the medical kit and returning to the bathroom. The sound of the door closing and the barely audible sound of water indicated he was showering. I retreated back to the far side of the bed, slowly sinking down and attempting to gather my thoughts. ‘What the fuck was that all about?! He didn’t seem to bad though...maybe he doesn’t want to hurt me’. I hummed to myself I’m distraction as the doors latch opened without a word and 2 trays of food where shoved inside, ‘it must be in the evening’. I made my way over and picked both up, placing the Assets good on the desk and I slid down the wall, the furthest side from the bathroom and began to eat in silence.
After a few minutes the sound of running water stopped before the bathroom door opened and to my shock, revealed a naked Adonis of a man with only a towel around his waist. He was soaked, trails of water dripping from his hair down to his chest, oh god his chest! Perfectly ripped abs and a distinctive V line drew my attention while the water made him glisten in the dim lighting. Small scars and cuts were scattered across his chest, my eyes drifted up to the edges of his metal arm. The amount of scar tissues shocked me slightly, and a huge surge of remorse and sadness welled up inside me. The sound of a throat clearing snapped me out of my daze and my eyes snapped up to his, only to be met with a harsh glare. I flinched at the cold stare and blurted out “I wasn’t staring!” ‘Great’ I thought to myself. ‘The first words I speak to a potentially deadly, extremely sexy yet terrifying assassin was a down right, blatant lie’. The asset looked as if he wanted to give me an amused look, but instead opted to hardening his stare.
I shyly looked away from him, his eyes piercing me while I flushed red in a poor attempt to stop my staring. “Come here, маленький котенок” (little kitten). I was shocked to hear him speak English, but then again, HYDRA is a world wide organisations. They must have the best resources, the best of the best fighters, which entitles the knowledge of different languages. I must of gotten side tracked (again) because I heard a grunt of irritation. I shot up off the ground, taking shaking steps until I was a foot away from him. I refused to meet his eyes, not even when he laid a metal hand on my shoulder and applied a small amount of pressure. “On your knees, маленький котенок”. I gulped before slowly kneeling before him, big doe eyes staring up at him below my eyelashes. I knew that if I were to disobey, he could kill me instantly. I could almost see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes while he stared down at me in concentration. His metal hand moved up to cup the right side of my face, his ‘thumb’ tracing over my cheek bone, over my lips before going back up to rest behind the back of my head. I was startled at the sound of a snap before my hair feel from it’s pony tail and it drifted in front of my eyes. Before I could even lift a hand the Asset beat me to it, grabbing my hair in his flesh hand and wrapping it around his wrist, suddenly yanking it back harshly earning him a gasp as I stretched my neck up towards him.
I stared at him with wide eyes as he bent down more towards my level, his face inches away from mine. I felt my face flush pink as his eyes roamed over my face, drinking in my almost submissive position. Apparently he found what he was searching as he sharply stood back up, he let go of my hair and walked around me to the bed, taking a seat on the edge. “Crawl towards me, маленький котенок” he muttered, his voice deep and raspy yet smooth as silk. Embarrassment flooded my veins as I slowly got down on my hands and knees, shuffling towards him until I was before his legs, sitting back on my heels between his legs I was growing more and more humiliated. This man, this practical GOD was ordering me around, so simply making me submit to him. I shouldn’t be enjoying this, yet I could feel the desire growing within me.
Suddenly the towel adorning his waist feel and I let out a squeak of shock before snapping my head to the side so to not look at his manhood. A cool sensation touched my cheek before turning my face back towards him, ignoring the huge distraction in close proximity to my face I stared him in the eyes. I’m no prude or snob, simply inexperienced. But it didn’t take a lot of experience to tell that he was bigger than the average man. In both length and thickness, this man was huge. The mere sight of his manhood sent me into a frenzy.
Bucky’s POV;
I felt a smug smirk stretch across my usually stoic face. This innocent little pet was a spectacular sight. Kneeling before me, to afraid or maybe to scared to look at my crotch. I felt my cock harden at the sight of her big doe eyes staring back at me, her very prominent hardened nipples peaking through the thin layers under her shirt. I almost wanted to laugh, she knew the potion she was in, physically and metaphorically. I had been previously told by my handlers that I would receive a toy, a girl I could do whatever I wished with. I could ruin her or treasure her, they would not care. As long as I don’t kill her then they can use her a leverage to make sure I return from missions and follow orders. Perhaps it would make my life more fun, maybe I could be more human instead of a killing machine. I have no remorse for all my actions, this is my purpose in life. I am told that I’m humanities last Hope. I will do my job as instructed.
I once again grasped her hair but this time turned her head down, forcing her face closer to my hardened member. “маленький котенок, be a good girl and suck” I commanded. There was a flash of horror in her eyes before she began to struggle to escape. She twisted in my hold but I easily overpowered her with my metal hand behind her head and flesh one reaching into my discarded gear and grabbing a plastic tie. I secured her hands behind her back before delivered a swift slap to her cheek with my flesh hand. I did this as a warning, hardly any strength going into the hit but it was enough to scare her to still her movements.
“A-asset please sto-“ I harshly interrupted her by wrapping my flesh hand around her throat roaring “DO NOT call me that! You will address me as sir, and only sir do you understand?!”
I let out a whimper of pain before he squeezed my throat even harder, hissing “ I said do you understand?”
“Yes sir! I understand” I all but whispered. He once again motioned me before his rock hard cock, so without much choice I leaned further down and poked out my tongue with a tentacle lick to the tip, taking the angry red dome into my mouth and swirling my tongue around. He let out a low growl before forcing my head deeper, I gagged at the sudden intrusion before licking and sucking as much as I could. Taking him as far as I could, with the little experience I had, I used my knowledge from my friends tales that I should pay extra attention to the slit on the tip. I hollowed out my cheeks as I licked over the slit, tasting his pre-cum. It was an infuriatingly divine taste, salty yet sweet. Bitter yet tangy.
My desire began to peak more as I began to such and lick even harder. I must of been doing well as the asset, or ‘sir’ began to thrust up into my mouth. “That’s it my little pet. Swallow me deep, we will have to work on your skills, it’s obvious your new to this. Doesn’t meen your doing a bad job маленький котенок, quite the opposite. You want me to cum down your throat don’t you? Your such an obedient toy. You deserve a reward.”
His dirty talk in a distinctive Brooklyn accent made me flush and the heat spreading across my body made me moan lowly around his cock. The moan must of tipped him over the edge as his fist tightened on my head, pushing me deeper than before and his huge length made me choke. With a sinful moan his cum shot out to the back of my throat, straight down into my stomach. The delicious taste flooded my mouth and I savoured as much as possible before being lifted back off him. I gasped and tried to catch my erratic breath, cum dripping down my chin as one (metal) hand reaches behind me to snap off the wrist ties and the other drawing almost caring circles on my cheek bone.
After a moment the realisation of what just happened sank him. I sucked an assassins cock, he spoke such filthy words to me. And worse of all, I enjoyed it. “Get to bed”. A simple command sent me going to the bed and slipping under in silence as ‘sir’ stood up and went to the bathroom, I’m assuming to clean up. I turned my back to the bathroom, curling my legs into my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I heard him step back one and he lay down behind me. I flinched when I felt his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling my back flush against his front. The only thing covering his modesty is a thin pair of shorts. His legs intertwined with mine, the last thing I heard before submerging into the abyss being “sleep tight little one, I have such plans for you.”
Im soooo sorry for the wait guys! Iv had an unexpected work load recently along with my friends wanting to meet more than usual. Not used to socialising so much! I hope this made up for it tho! 🖤
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The Division - Part Two - Chapter Three
Author: @thelibrarianintraining
Title: “The Distance I’d Go”
Word Count: 2,037
Warnings:  slight angst, violence
Summary: Eve begins her search for Mitch with a man both of her parents knew.
Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four
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The skies were pouring rain when Eve arrived in Amsterdam. She pulled her hood up over her head and hailed the nearest taxi cab that she could find. She slipped into the back seat and leaned forward to give the driver the name of a street that was a few blocks away from her destination. He warned her of the dangers of that area, but she waved him off and settled into the seat for the ride. She was well aware of the danger. She’d grown up in it after all. It’s reputation gave her hope that it was exactly where she’d find information on Mitch.
It was also where she would find Markus Jepsen, her father’s informant and her mother’s former employer. If there was anyone that had the kind of connections and information that she was looking for, it was him. She only hoped that he’d be willing to help. If he wasn’t, she had absolutely no idea where to start. She knew of other people that might have information, but she wasn’t sure how she would find any of them. It had been years since she’d been in the area and there was no guarantee that any of them would help her even if they were still alive.
No, she’d have to find Markus and he’d help her. She could threaten him. He didn’t need to know that her father had no idea where she was. She would let him think that her father had sent her on an operation. That’d she’d been assigned to finding the missing asset and that his assistance was required if he didn’t want to be terminated. He’d help. She was sure of it. It’d just take the right kind of persuasion and she figured a threat from Stan Hurley was the right kind of persuasion. He didn’t need to know that her father wasn’t actually involved in the mission. He didn’t need to know that technically she was AWOL and her superiors had no idea where she was. Though she was sure that if they had noticed that she was missing, they’d put two and two together. She just hoped that they wouldn’t waste their resources to send someone after her. She refused to leave the country without Rapp, no matter the cost.
Rapp rolled onto his side  and groaned as the car went over a bump, causing his bruised body to slam into the floor. This was the second time that they’d moved him. The second time that he knew of anyway, he couldn’t be completely sure. He’d been unconscious once or twice.
He was starting to regret his decision to keep his promise to Eve. These guys were bad news and he didn’t want her anywhere near them. He knew that if she found that book, she’d have no trouble making her way into Amsterdam and hunting him down. She knew the area and the people. Sure, she hadn’t been to the country in many years, but he doubted that it would hinder her ability to gather the information that she would need to find him.
The vehicle came to an abrupt stop and Rapp was thrown forward and then back. He heard the door open, but couldn’t see anything through the dark fabric over his eyes. Hands grabbed him and yanked him from the car, but he kept his body relaxed so that he’d be a dead weight as they dragged him wherever they were taking him. They drug him about a hundred feet and then down a flight of stairs before forcing him onto his knees.
The sack was yanked from his head and a gun was pressed to his right temple. He slowly lifted his gaze and he was staring straight into the eyes of a man who looked surprisingly familiar and the familiarity went beyond the pictures in his file. Rapp had seen this man somewhere before. Rapp just couldn’t quite place how he knew him.
“Ah, good to see that you’re awake,” stated the man as Rapp continued to glare at him. “I’ve got a lot of questions for you.”
Rapp didn’t respond. He just continued to glare.
“Who are you?” questioned the man.
“Maybe you should do some research, Aksel Frandsen,” said Rapp.
“Who do you work for?”
“Someone who wants you dead,” answered Rapp.
“That doesn’t really narrow it down for me.”
“Well, that says a lot for your personality, doesn’t it?”
The man to his left cuffed him on the side of the head and almost threw him off balance. This time Rapp didn’t say anything, he just kept his eyes locked on Aksel.
“We know you’re American, but who sent you? CIA? Are you a mercenary?”
Rapp stayed silent. They’d have to do a lot to get him to talk.
Eve found Markus exactly where she’d expected to. The old building hadn’t changed much other than a few updated neon signs. She let the man at the door know that she was looking for Markus and he motioned her past, pointing in the direction of Markus’ office. He probably assumed that she was looking for a job and she wasn’t about to correct him if he asked her.
She knocked quietly on the door and a gruff voice told her to come inside.
“What can I help you with?” he questioned as she opened the door.
“Markus, it’s me. Eve Gallowin,” she said, entering the room slowly, slipping off her sunglasses, and closing the door behind her. Markus spun his chair around to face her, his eyes wide.
“Eve? My goodness, you’ve-”
“Yeah, I’m in town on business and I was wondering if you might be able to help me. I’m looking for information,” she interrupted. She wasn’t in the mood to hear about how much she’d grown or how good she looked. Markus was silent as he studied her. She didn’t like it, but she’d have to deal with it until she knew if he could help her find Mitch or not.
“That would depend on the kind of information you’re looking for,” he responded finally. She took a seat across from him without asking, crossing one leg over the other and lacing her fingers together before resting her hands on her knees.
“On Monday a man showed up in the area. We’re looking for him,” she stated, making sure not to mention that he was one of their guys. She’d let Markus think whatever he wanted, but she wouldn’t risk blowing Mitch’s cover by announcing that one of their guys was missing. She’d let him think that Mitch was just a target.
“A lot of people pass through the area, you’re going to have to give me a little more than that,” stated Markus and Eve frowned at him.
“He’s on the taller side. Lean. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Probably wearing worn out Adidas and dark clothes. Not quick to strike up a friendly conversation. Traveling alone…Look, we’re looking for him. If I knew all the little details of where he’d been snooping around, we’d probably have found him already,” she snapped. Markus was silent for a moment as he thought.
“I might know who you’re talking about, but somebody has already nabbed him. They caused a bit of a ruckus, trying to get him. He wouldn’t go down easy,” stated Markus finally. At least for now she could hope that they hadn’t killed him. If that had been their intent, then they would have done so to begin with and saved themselves a lot of trouble. There was still hope that she could get to him on time. But she’d have to act fast because if they hadn’t wanted to kill him, then they wanted info and they’d torture and then kill him for that.
“Who took him?”
“Look, Eve, if it was the guy you’re looking for and he’s where I think he is, then he’s a lost cause. Whatever information you wanted is gone. If you wanted him dead, they’ve probably already done the job for you,” warned Markus. “I’m an old man. I’ve seen a lot and I know a lot. Trust me on this: it’s a waste of your time.”
“Either way, I want to know where you think he is,” she stated, not backing down. He didn’t want to give the information. Maybe he was scared of whoever did it, but she could be scarier. She needed this and she’d do anything for it. She’d cause a scene if she had to. She’d do something that scared him more than whatever the other guy’s had done, if she had to.
“I doubt anyone wants you to risk your life to extract this guy. Namely your dad. I’d rather not have that man show up on my doorstep because I fed his little girl the information that got her killed,” argued Markus. “I couldn’t stop what happened to your mother, but I can prevent you from putting yourself into a bad situation like she did.”
Eve eyed him warily at the mention of her mother. She hadn’t recalled it being that way. The way she remembered it, her mother had been walking home with them when a man attacked and murdered her in the street. She ignored it for now though. She could get that information later. Her mother was dead. Mitch wasn’t and he was her number one priority right now.
“My father sent me on this mission. He approved of it,” she countered, leaning forward and staring into his eyes. Markus sighed.
“Fine. You’re looking for Felix Jansen. That would be my best guess. They looked like some of his guys. A couple of them are regulars here, but it’s hard to say if they’re still working for him or not. He’s the kind of guy that even the bad guys avoid.” Markus scribbled down an address and slid it across the desk to her. “That’s where you’ll most likely find him.”
“Watch yourself, Eve. Don’t get yourself killed. I don’t need your father coming after me. If he asks me, I’ll deny that I ever saw you.”
“I didn’t come here to die, Markus,” she assured him, pushing herself from the chair and heading for the door.
She’d come to Amsterdam to save Mitch Rapp. If anyone died, it’d be whoever had taken him and she wouldn’t hesitate to destroy them. Not for a moment.
Eve took a cab to a park near Jansen’s house. He lived in an upper class neighborhood and as she walked the streets, she realized that it’d be very difficult to get the information that she needed here. There were too many people around. A few were residents, but the majority were gardners, maids, and various other employees of the local wealthy. Too many witnesses and she knew that she couldn’t risk it. She’d have to trap him somewhere else and she had a very good idea of where and how.
Markus had helped her out quite a bit so far, but she wasn’t done with him yet. He could still be very useful to her. The success of this mission might even depend on him and his connections. Despite the fact that she’d been hoping that she wouldn’t have to ask him too many questions or for too many favors. The more she asked of him, the more he would know and she was sure that eventually he would know that she wasn’t on an official mission, or at least he would begin to have his suspicions. She’d have to be very careful with the questions that she asked and how she asked them.
She was also starting to worry about when Hurley would decide to make an appearance. The agency wouldn’t send anyone after her, but she didn’t doubt that her father would. If he didn’t have time to come looking for her himself, then he’d undoubtedly send one of his guys to find her. She doubted it would be one of his instructors from the barn, but she didn’t doubt that he’d send one of his friends who still worked in the field to find her. She’d really hate to have to take down a family friend.
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