#as if memory problems can be so easily fixed.
redysetdare · 9 months
People will always say "Write it down so you don't forget" And I tell them that won't work. That still requires that I remember that I wrote it down. it requires that I remember to look at the note I wrote to remember what i wrote down.
and they will say "Put it someplace you'll be forced to read/see it" And i tell them that won't work. The thing with my ADHD specifically is that it is trained to not notice things. the background is the background. If I'm not actively looking for something in the background then it does not register in my vision. If I put the note on my computer, instead of reading the note my brain is like "something is stopping me from doing the task so I will get rid of the thing stopping me from doing the task" and then suddenly the note is moved and unread. if i hang the note on a door or the fridge then my brain will not read the note on the door or the fridge because my brain is focused on doing a different task, usually exiting the door or looking in the fridge. why would i read a note on the fridge if my task is inside the fridge? I'll pin the note on my phone notifications but then it gets drowned out by my other notifications or i don't check my phone until it's too late.
Then they say "Set alarms" and i say that won't work because If I'm in the middle of a task then I'll snooze or dismiss it without ever reading it because I'm busy doing a different task. Sometimes i do read the alarm and I'll be like "I'll just finish this first" and then suddenly it's been hours and I still haven't done what the alarm was reminding me of. Some reminders don't have a specific time for me to need to remember them and so how can i set an alarm for something that doesn't have a time? how can i guess when I'll have free time to set an alarm reminder at that exact time?
And then they get mad at me. they say "you're not trying hard enough obviously" or "You're making this more difficult than it needs to be!" they get annoyed that I say their advice doesn't work. And I want to say "How do you think I feel?" because this isn't any easier for me. I'm the one living with these memory problems. I'm the one struggling with switching tasks. You don't have to live with this; I have to live with it every day of my life. forever.
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mee-op · 1 year
Facts about in-game Yuu (Twisted Wonderland):
This is an ongoing list and will be updated with new information. I'm not caught up w/ chap 6 and I'm not very perceptive. This list is so long because of all the people who commented/sent asks, so thank you Last but not least, some of these might be a stretch/be slightly incorrect so bare w/ me plz :] More Yuu facts [ ONE / TWO ] <- not mine
They've been good friends with Heartslabyul ever since Book 1.
They're forgiving/don't hold any bad blood with the people who've overblotted (at least on the outside).
According to the Harveston event, they can play the flute.
They don't like mentioning that they might return to their world (Deuce's Wishing Star vignette).
Many people consider them a "goody-two-shoes" (Leona, Ruggie).
A good listener.
Based on Malleus' interactions with them, Yuu talks to him a lot more off-screen as he states that he values their opinions.
Loves Grim to hell and back.
It's implied that Yuu invites Malleus over frequently enough that he visits unprompted.
They can be snarky and brutally honest when they're pushed into it.
Comes up with stupid plans that nobody believes will work but it somehow does.
They're insecure about not having any magic.
They want to be able to help their friends.
Has a sense of self-preservation.
Does not actively seek out danger (*cough* om mc *cough*).
They've cleaned up Ramshackle since living there, however, it still looks "abandoned & ancient" on the outside.
Crowley doesn't give them more money than "needed".
Silver states that Yuu is good with swords (PE Uniform).
Both Jamil and Silver seem to think that Yuu is somewhat weird/strange.
They don't know much about mushrooms (Floyd's Camp Vargas vignette).
They're very patient.
Used to be afraid of ghosts until they got to Twisted Wonderland.
They adapt to new/difficult situations quickly and calmly.
They don't complain much.
Very much so the silent type.
The audience doesn't really see anyone helping them out with their situation, so I assume they fix most of their problems themselves.
They don't have any memories of the Great Seven before coming to Twisted Wonderland.
Fluctuates between being observant and not noticing really basic stuff.
Doesn't hesitate to say cheesy things.
Keeps calm in harsh situations.
They know how to play a blowing horn (White Rabbit Event).
Good with instruments.
Not a very good singer (NRC Uniform).
It's implied that they have high stamina.
They're interested in horseback riding and wants to play soccer with Sebek (PE Uniform).
They recommend a few books to Sebek, implying that they read in their free time.
They're short in comparison to Floyd (he calls them Shrimpy).
Grim comments that they're shorter than Vil.
Crowley mumbles that Yuu looks effeminate.
They're a bit of a romantic since they seem to often ask about love stories/fairy tales (Epel & Jade chats).
They have a habit of poking, tugging, tickling and just touching people in general. This is proven through the Home Screen character interactions, so their love language seems to be physical touch.
They get scared easily but is bad at scaring others (Halloween voice lines).
Vil notes that their uniform is baggy.
Malleus says that Yuu has gotten better at dancing (Masquerade Event).
It's implied that Yuu is good/decent at cooking since they have to make meals for both themself and Grim every day.
Yuu is decent at basketball (Ace Halloween).
Deuce remarks about a tiny piece of furniture in Ramshackle and asks if it's for Grim, meaning Yuu makes small furniture for him.
They're a good photographer.
Takes part in photography competitions (Rook Port Fest).
It's implied that Yuu carries their ghost camera everywhere because Crowley constantly makes them record events.
It's said that the game cards are actual photos that Yuu took with the ghost camera. [I don't know if this is true but a lot of people have said so]
Most, if not all the characters tell Yuu to hurry up when choosing a class, which suggests that they're indecisive.
Ace, Deuce and Cater tell Yuu to relax during classes or else they'll run out of energy.
Jack says that he got tips from Yuu while he was working in Monstro Lounge, implying that Yuu might've worked in customer service before (Book 3).
According to Grim, they have a hard time saying no to people, but when they absolutely need to-- they're very serious and a bit intimidating. "You're a real sap sometimes, you know that? Then again, when you bare your teeth it's no joke."
While they won't say no to helping others, they prefer to keep to themselves and avoid drama.
Yuu is sometimes a bit distrustful of Ace and thinks he's tricking them if he offers to do anything nice (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
It doesn't take much to make them happy. (Deuce & Idia 2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
They became nervous when Riddle invited them to a salon for their birthday. Riddle response saying "I'll be right there with you, and will instruct you in etiquette every step of the way."
They're competitive in class-- at least when it comes to Jack (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
They took chess lessons to try and beat Leona in a match (2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
For their birthday, Yuu asks Azul to get something that's supposedly hard for an average collector to acquire.
They're surprised when Kalim gifts them a pop-up card for their birthday.
They own a pair of fingerless gloves (gifted by Epel).
They personally invited Vil over for their birthday party and made sure to have healthy food options for him.
Not very close with Idia.
Owns a glass tumbler that reads 'Happy Birthday!' (gifted by Ortho).
Lilia gives them a CD with his screamo performances.
They were gifted so many presents on their birthday that they had trouble carrying the gifts around. (Malleus 2024 Player Birthday Greetings).
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untitledgoosegay · 2 months
re last reblog I do see fanfic culture pushing/replicating a certain model of "what trauma looks like," "how trauma works"
this is a problem across all areas of society obviously, but transformative works are, well, transformative. they're about crafting and modifying narratives where the fan-creator sees a flaw or a lack -- often for the better! don't get me wrong, I've done my fair share of "I take a hammer and I fix the canon," it's the main thing that gets my creative gears spinning -- but what happens when that "flaw" is simply a narrative not conforming to popular expectations?
some people just don't get PTSD from events that sound obviously traumatic. they're not masking, and they're not coping; they just straight-up didn't get the permanently-locked stress-response that defines PTSD. they walk away from a horrible experience going "well, that sucked, but it's over now." some people do get PTSD from events most people wouldn't find traumatic. we don't really know why some people get PTSD and others don't. but fandom has an idea of events that must be traumatizing, of a "correct" way to portray trauma. you see the problems with this lack of understanding in e.g. fans pressuring the devs of Baldur's Gate 3 to add dialogue where the player character badgers Halsin about his own feelings on his abuse -- because he must be traumatized, and his trauma must fit a certain mold and presentation of sexual trauma, under the mistaken impression that anything outside that narrow window is somehow "wrong" and disrespectful or even harmful to survivors.
take, for another example, the very common trope of a traumatized character who hates touch or sex "learning" to like touch or sex as a part of their healing process. certainly that can be healing for some people; other people will never like, or want, touch or sex, because of trauma or because they just don't. the assumption that someone who doesn't want sex or doesn't like to be touched must be traumatized, must be suffering from this perceived lack, is seriously harmful -- to asexual people, to people with sensory issues around touch, and to people for whom healing from trauma means freedom to refuse sex or touch.
and there's a secondary trope, one that's slightly more thoughtful but ultimately repeats the problem -- that once someone has learned that their boundaries will be respected, they'll feel it's safe to soften those boundaries. once they feel safe refusing touch or sex, they'll feel comfortable allowing it on their own terms. but many people don't, and many people won't! many people will simply never want to be touched, and never want sex, and they are not suffering or broken or lacking because of it. the idea that proving you'll respect someone's boundaries entitles you to test those boundaries -- the paradox is obvious, and yet this is something i've seen hurt (re-traumatize) people i care for.
people are imperfect victims. people don't heal in the ways you expect. many people have positive memories of their abuse, of their abusers. many people hurt others in the course of their trauma, in ways that can't easily be unpacked in a 5k oneshot. very few narratives of trauma and recovery actually fit the ones put forward by popular children's media and romance novels -- which are the ones I most see replicated in fandom spaces, because they provide the clearest narrative and easiest catharsis, and so they're easy and soothing to reach for.
that's not necessarily a bad thing! i am not immune to goopy romance tropes. i am not immune to teary catharsis. not every fic has to grapple with ugly realities. but there's a problem when these narratives become predominant, when people think they're accurate and realistic depictions of trauma, when the truth of trauma is unpleasant and uncomfortable, and doesn't fit any single narrative, let alone one of comforting catharsis
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httpisaoki · 6 months
'till death do us part ft. yu jimin
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sypnosis. after 10 years of marriage, even if it was only an arranged marriage, you thought that she would at least stay loyal. least to say the sounds coming from your shared bedroom last night weren't just nothing. and the moment you shove the divorce papers to her face, she couldn't let you go just like that, can't she? 
tags. domestic au, non-idol au, ceo au, cheating, angst, crying, wlw, marriage
warnings. cheating, arranged marriage, karina CHEATEDDD, oooo you mad mad, crying, ANGST. (that's all i think?)
-> part two. not proofread!
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last night was foggy, karina had woken up naked, her fling right next to your side of the bed, an empty feeling in her stomach. she shouldn't have done that, she thinks, but it's too late. it's happened more than she can count and she knows that the fling she had wasn't going to end anytime soon. she feels guilty but you never liked her, or did you?
Now she stands across from you, the silence in the room makes her nervous. the papers in your hands made her anxious, she couldn't lose you. the tension in the room could be sensed miles away, you were mad--- and she knew it.
it's all clear in the way you stood against the door, a hint of anger radiating off your body. karina was scared, she felt the sweat on her palms, her eyes fixed on those papers on your hands as if she could burn a hole through them if she stared long enough. 
"please... just... wait a moment." she pleaded. 
why should she get her way when she had been the one who betrayed your trust? her infidelity wasn't excusable in any way. "I don't have all day." the  tone of you voice cold, she knew if you was angry— she wouldn’t have a chance.
she wanted to whimper in fear, the coldness of your voice could send her to tears, a tone that would make even the most powerful man cower in fear. she could feel the blood rush out of her face, her legs shaking, she just couldn't let you go. 
and then the moment of realization hit her, the tone of your voice, the way you were standing and the glare of your eyes had reminded her of something, a memory that she'd tried so hard to bury away..
she wanted to cry, but the fear of you turning her down stopped her tears from falling. she'd cheated because of her own problems, her own loneliness, and her own issues but she was still your wife. she was still yours.
she begged again, a tone of desperation in her voice.
the last thing she'd want was to lose you... but she knows it was her fault.
the words that would come out of her mouth right now could make or break your marriage.
she takes a deep breath, looking up at you, trying not to cry from the fear that was rising in her chest, a knot tying in her throat.
"please... i know that i cheated but..."
"stop." the ice in your tone was unforgiving, the lack of patience in those eyes would make just about everyone shut up and listen. you weren't going to be easily manipulated anymore. 
"i don't want to hear it." she flinches at the tone of your voice, her eyes fluttering for a moment before she forces herself to look up again. 
her eyes fill with sadness, those pleading words were stuck in her throat, a lump taking place in her mouth.
"after 10 years, really? I knew this would never work out." the anger in you voice had made her shiver. "but to think that you'd cheat with jaewook, one of my employees too, huh?" the venom in your voice forced out a bitter chuckle. "h-he..." the words stuck in her throat for a minute, she couldn't believe that you knew of her affair partner, then she shook her head slightly. "yes, him.." 
the fact that you knew his name made her want to shrink. your eyes pierced through her, you knew every single detail of this entire ordeal. you knew how often this had happened between the two of them, you knew she had betrayed you the moment she accepted a drink during the business dinner.
her lips parted for a moment, her brain scrambled, panic and fear consumed her. she could see your anger now, you knew everything, she was caught red-handed.  "you...you know everything.." her voice cracked as she spoke. You scoffed, "you didn't think that I'd be stupid enough to not keep tabs on you?" you smiled sarcastically, 
"we had agreed on none of us seeing anyone and being faithful even if our marriage was arranged, right? I had to make sure. and I was right, you didn't stick to your promise, karina." the way her name rolled off your tongue, the tone of disgust as you said it.
the way you had said her name, her own name, with a tone of disgust made her want to sob.  you knew everything, every single detail of this affair, every detail that she thought she'd hidden so brilliantly. 
she gulped, her throat drying out at the fact that you were well aware that she's betrayed your trust. you had kept track of her, you had kept her in your palms the whole time and she was foolish enough to do such thing under your nose.
"beg all you want, I don't care." you spoke harshly, "you know how I don't tolerate cheating." the cruel nature of your response made her flinch. her lips parted for a moment before she said, "don't you care about me? don't you...don't you love me?" 
as much as she was guilty for her infidelity, she still hoped that you liked her, that you cared for her, that you saw her as your wife despite the arranged marriage. but the tone of your voice made it clear that you didn't, that the only thing you were capable of feeling was anger, hate-- disgust.
you scoffed, "why didn't you asked yourself that before you went into bed with him?" a hint of sarcasm in your tone. "don't..." she wanted to sob, the humiliation of you reminding her of her own infidelity was torture. but the fact that she did it to herself was even worse, she was the only one to blame. but it's not like she had done it out of pure lust... no, it was her need of validation-- a need for some form of connection with a man. she'd felt so lonely in the marriage, but that wasn't your fault. she gulped, her eyes fixed on yours as the tears fell.
"Who do you think took you home after all those stressful nights that you drank until you passed out? who do you think supported your company after all those years? was it him or was it me?" your tone was cold but the look in your eyes showed that you were hurt.
"it was you..." she was reminded of all the times you'd picked her up from work after she finished her work, the times you've carried her to bed when she had passed out, the times she'd called you in tears. she owed her success to you, to your support.
a knot took place in her throat but the words couldn't come out, she couldn't find a single excuse for her infidelity. "you did...everything for me."
You hummed, "just because I didn't show it doesn't mean I didn't care. you out of all people should know that." you let out a shaky breath.
she gulped, she couldn't believe that she had thrown away 10 years of marriage for another man. your cold demeanour, your unapproachable nature, all of it was a wall she had slowly started chipping away over the years but the fact that she was the one who initiated that affair was the saddest thing of all. 
"please, I'm sorry..."
"can we give ourselves another chance? please...we can...we can start over..." her knees were nearly giving out at that point, the thought of losing you was far too terrifying. but she was the one to mess up the marriage...
but you had been so kind the whole time, despite the fact you didn't show affection, she could see that you cared in your own way. she just had to prove that she was worthy of your attention-- your love.
"fill out the papers, karina." your voice was soft, wanting to get this over with already, you tossed her the papers. "no...wait..." 
her heart was racing, she couldn't stand this anymore. the thought of losing you was enough to make her knees buckle, her heart sinking to her stomach. but the papers...
they were for the divorce, your divorce papers...
she looked down at them, her fingers trembling, the tears running down her face, and she thought of one thing and one thing alone. 
she should've never cheated.
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-> idk if this is a teaser for an upcoming series of mine or if this is just my karina rip post idk but yeah, thanks for the support !! :)
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machine-saint · 1 year
the op of that "you should restart your computer every few days" post blocked me so i'm going to perform the full hater move of writing my own post to explain why he's wrong
why should you listen to me: took operating system design and a "how to go from transistors to a pipelined CPU" class in college, i have several servers (one physical, four virtual) that i maintain, i use nixos which is the linux distribution for people who are even bigger fucking nerds about computers than the typical linux user. i also ran this past the other people i know that are similarly tech competent and they also agreed OP is wrong (haven't run this post by them but nothing i say here is controversial).
anyway the tl;dr here is:
you don't need to shut down or restart your computer unless something is wrong or you need to install updates
i think this misconception that restarting is necessary comes from the fact that restarting often fixes problems, and so people think that the problems are because of the not restarting. this is, generally, not true. in most cases there's some specific program (or part of the operating system) that's gotten into a bad state, and restarting that one program would fix it. but restarting is easier since you don't have to identify specifically what's gone wrong. the most common problem i can think of that wouldn't fall under this category is your graphics card drivers fucking up; that's not something you can easily reinitialize without restarting the entire OS.
this isn't saying that restarting is a bad step; if you don't want to bother trying to figure out the problem, it's not a bad first go. personally, if something goes wrong i like to try to solve it without a restart, but i also know way, way more about computers than most people.
as more evidence to point to this, i would point out that servers are typically not restarted unless there's a specific need. this is not because they run special operating systems or have special parts; people can and do run servers using commodity consumer hardware, and while linux is much more common in the server world, it doesn't have any special features to make it more capable of long operation. my server with the longest uptime is 9 months, and i'd have one with even more uptime than that if i hadn't fucked it up so bad two months ago i had to restore from a full disk backup. the laptop i'm typing this on has about a month of uptime (including time spent in sleep mode). i've had servers with uptimes measuring in years.
there's also a lot of people that think that the parts being at an elevated temperature just from running is harmful. this is also, in general, not true. i'd be worried about running it at 100% full blast CPU/GPU for months on end, but nobody reading this post is doing that.
the other reason i see a lot is energy use. the typical energy use of a computer not doing anything is like... 20-30 watts. this is about two or three lightbulbs worth. that's not nothing, but it's not a lot to be concerned over. in terms of monetary cost, that's maybe $10 on your power bill. if it's in sleep mode it's even less, and if it's in full-blown hibernation mode it's literally zero.
there are also people in the replies to that post giving reasons. all of them are false.
temporary files generally don't use enough disk space to be worth worrying about
programs that leak memory return it all to the OS when they're closed, so it's enough to just close the program itself. and the OS generally doesn't leak memory.
'clearing your RAM' is not a thing you need to do. neither is resetting your registry values.
your computer can absolutely use disk space from deleted files without a restart. i've taken a server that was almost completely full, deleted a bunch of unnecessary files, and it continued fine without a restart.
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sirfrogsworth · 10 months
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When I got to this photo in Katrina's collection of vintage family imagery, I was pretty stumped as to how to approach it.
There is a major problem when you zoom in to 100%.
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The paper it was developed on has little micro bumps. When it was scanned, the light from the scanner caused a highlight on one side of the bump and a shadow on the other. This causes a pattern which is nearly impossible to eliminate using traditional techniques.
The easiest way to fix this is actually quite clever. You scan it once, then turn it upside down and scan it again. The second pass reverses the side the highlight and shadow appear on, so you can combine the images in Photoshop and blend them together, essentially canceling out the bumps. It's weirdly analogous to noise canceling headphones.
But I don't have access to the physical copy of this image.
So... now what?
Enter Fast Fourier Transform or FFT.
This is a filter that uses extra fancy math to recognize patterns in the image and eliminate them. There is a pretty good filter for Photoshop, but it does not work easily with newer Macs with Apple Silicon. I really did not want to figure that out, and I also was too tired to go downstairs to my PC. However, I learned that a Photoshop competitor, Affinity Photo, has this filter built in. So, I downloaded a trial copy and started the process of trying to figure out how to fix this image.
It was amazingly simple. It brings up these star patterns and you just paint black circles over every one but the center. It literally felt like magic. (Full screen with sound recommended)
So once I did this process I ended up with this...
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The paper still had a rough texture but it was much easier to work with using traditional techniques. I started with a black and white conversion and meticulously went through the photo zapping scratches and flaws and balancing tones and sharpening facial features. All of my photo restoration tricks were needed.
I eventually landed here...
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I then thought maybe I should match the sepia tone of the original print, so I got to here...
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I think the black and white looks nicer in this instance, but I always like having options and this is the most faithful representation of how the photo originally looked.
But there is something else I have been playing around with lately. Photoshop has these experimental neural filters that use cloud processing to do various tricky enhancements. Most of them are in beta and they can be very quirky. But they have a colorizer that tries to detect people and things and adds color to them. Not every black and white photo is a good candidate. I have found these professional portrait photos work decently, but the filter is very hit-and-miss. And there are tools within the filter to help you make a miss more of a hit, but often I have to accept the photo isn't going to work.
But I decided to give it a shot with this one and surprisingly, the colorizer got me most of the way there.
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I can work with that.
The one thing it does well is skin. Manually painting color onto skin is tricky and requires more skill and knowledge of traditional painting techniques than I have. But if a filter can do that part for me, I can do the rest.
So after my touchups, I got the image to here.
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All I have left to do is my standard color enhancements to make them a little less ghostly and a little more human.
And I present to you where I started and the finished product. I encourage you to flip back and forth.
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I'm not sure how, but I was able to go from an image I thought was impossible to edit to a beautiful colorized memory for my best friend's mom. I cannot wait to show her.
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sealofarchives · 4 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT about what it would be like to date Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie (separately) and what the pros and cons of a relationship with them would be?
Headcanon: GN!Reader dating the Rise!Turtles (Separate) (Requested prompt with established relationship)
A/N: This was really fun to work on and ended up surprising myself with how this turned out!!!
Since you take the time to listen to whatever he says, he'll do the same for you.
Even before you started dating him, he took some notes on what you liked and disliked. (He used to have a tablet for that said purpose but eventually, retooled as a backup photo album storage between the two of you)
- I personally think he's not one for the usual icebreaker conversations with stuff like "how's your day and etc"
So most conversations start with some tangent on his mind or about your favorite things then eventually discussing daily stuff that happened within the day.
Even though he struggles trying to cheer people up, but he's not gonna ignore your well-being when you happened to have a bad day.
- Like he makes sure you had something to eat or drink. And if talking about the problem makes it worse, already noted and tries to pull you towards light stress free activities. (Letting you borrow one of his headphones to listen to your music, sort and try out a box of fidget toys, or setting up a small space in the lair as the designated chill zone)
While there might be some technical mishaps, he always has good intentions trying to fix your phone or other electronic devices you have trouble with.
Imo I feel like during the first few weeks in the relationship, he'll be awkward towards pda. (don't constantly pester him about it)
- He'll eventually come to it maybe near the end of the first month of dating. (With his personal quota of handholding and hugs that last a few seconds)
Until realizing your needs are just as important to maintain that special relationship.
- However, If some creep doesn't get the message you're already taken, its one of the rare times he'll force himself into initiating pda for your own safety.
Easily gets jealous and refuses to admit it with some snarky remark.
When he refuses to take breaks, you probably have to step in so he doesn't accidentally hurt himself or gets sick.
- When you do so, it often ends with him passing out on you.
(And tiny bit of scolding from his brothers [namely Raph and Dr Delicate Touch] after Donnie recovered from overworking himself on a large scale project)
Can be very passive aggressive and it could lead to some unpleasant arguments towards something very trivial.
- He's definitely the most stubborn out of his brothers and probably won't hear you out until your feelings get hurt.
It might take him a few days to think up of a proper apology. And during those days, he slowly regrets yelling at you along with letting his anger get the best of him.
He won't admit it but, your level of honesty around him really puts him at ease whenever he's lost in thought about something.
- The leader can name a least few things about his brothers' special talents but during a few nights where he can't sleep, because of a nightmare from a past enemy. (either Shredder or the Krang)
He didn't have the energy for one of his usual portals but, really wanted give you a hug for saying such kind words through a phone call.
He'll instantly back off if he accidentally made a joke that offended you.
- The last thing he wants is to upset you. So he really tries working some type of compromise between the two of you, so it doesn't happen again.
He has a strong memory sometimes, like remembering the little details. It will usually happen when you least expect it.
- Casually bringing up a past event from one of the photos saved on your phone. Often being one of the early hang out sessions, before you started dating him. He'll lightly tease you about it but, mostly grateful that you took a chance to build up that relationship with him.
If you happened to have a case of bad luck, he's very determined to end that streak's rein of terror by his own hands.
- And if you can't visit the lair, he'll let you borrow his lucky rock as a good luck charm.
He still has a bit of that competitive energy in him and can be a sore loser when he doesn't win.
- It could take him a while to realize that the playful showboating upseted you and to why you're refusing to give him any attention.
This also adds on to that he's not the best at genuine apologies.
- Like the first sorry has no feeling to it until the guilt weighes down on him.
I don't think he could last a few days with you giving him the cold shoulder + silent treatment (Imo, he has the type of desperate embarrassment that would be hard to watch)
Sometimes his "surprise planning" ends up in a panic since he waits until the last minute to get you something.
- Given how some of his strategies usually works towards his advantage. (Often not telling the others about it and another similar manner along those lines)
His ego can 100% break the relationship.
- Like there's only certain amount of patience you can handle with his nonsense and his brothers will absolutely not stand for that kind of behavior. The moment he realizes he was in the wrong, he scrambles trying to avoid a potential break up.
Almost has the same level of patience as Mikey's. (Also a result of being the oldest brother and dealing with some of Splinter's shenanigans)
Will often ask if you need help with the heavy lifting. (Even towards small stuff like when you can't reach for something on the top shelf. He will immediately grab said item for you.)
Gives the best teddy bear hugs
- Not too tight or too close to his spiky scales. Just right enough where it can easily put you at ease, stopping any stressful thought plaguing your mind.
Can easily motivate you into short exercise routines.
- It doesn't even have to be the daily recommended 30 minutes. Often being close to under 5 minutes is still worth it.
When both of you were done following that one morning aerobics exercise from animal crossing, his brothers immediately teased him about it. But he doesn't care, he was just happy you got to stay up for a little bit before lazily resting your head near his plastron.
While the big guy means well, he can be a bit overbearing.
- Especially if you got a small injury, after a brief night patrol fight from an unexpecting bad guy attack.
He will absolutely be a mother hen if you end up getting sick. Drops whatever he was doing and rushes over to make sure you're okay. Which often results in him getting sick after you fully recovered because he forgot to bring the protective gear for his own safety.
(This is a personal headcanon of mine) but he's definitely close to a morning kind of guy. Light stretches to start the day before he eats breakfast.
- So if you have a similar night owl schedule like Donnie or Leo, he won't say much but, he will judge you for it unless its related to some medical reasons.
If you decide on borrowing clothes from him, a lot of the shirts he has, will have a few holes because of his spiky shell. So pack some extra clothes (like a spare tank top or something similar) if you're not into the torn up clothing look.
You're bound to see Savage Raph at least a few times.
- Please approach with caution and take Leo's advice seriously. However, still be gentle around Raph and comfort him by the time he returns back to his usual self.
The fact he knows how to cook is already best boyfriend material.
- He can probably cook up your favorite food if you ask for it.
Another plus is proper communication skills.
- Dr Feelings will always be there to help and will accommodate what's best suited to your needs.
Can be your personal cheerleader when you happened to be stuck at starting something.
- After all, he is the best hype man for a reason. But, can easily tone down the energy if you start to feel overwhelmed.
There will always be a lot of creative thought in whatever gift he makes for you.
- Very heartfelt and he will be a blushing mess if you ended up displaying it in a place where he can see it. (either in your room or a place in your house where there's a lot of care in preserving it)
Imo I feel like the Dr Delicate Touch persona leans towards some of that passive aggressive energy.
- Namely the anger tone, (which might have some influence from a certain purple turtle) so Mikey still needs to be careful about that.
It won't happen all the time but, if you forgot to eat breakfast. (or any of the other important 3 meals of the day)
- Mikey will pester you into eating some food he made. He usually does this to Donnie and the box shell turtle won't budge until you finish the meal. Or at least half of it, so it can be saved for later as leftovers.
The sad puppy eyes trick is present in all the turtles but, Mikey's more dangerous since he's a master at it. So try your best not to give in to the temptation. (If you can help it)
He's the second turtle to make a beeline into danger. (and him being commited to be the bait as a distraction [like dressing up in a hippo costume with a cologne that attracts said animal or the time he wore a cucumber suit to tease Repo Mantis' mutant pet cat for one of Donnie's vlogs])
- Be prepared to patch him up as result of his rowdy energy.
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astropookie · 1 year
Ascendants at different degrees🦚🦢 pt 2
Venus in retrograde started🎶if your ex comes back or there’s an end, you know what to blame 🤪 jk
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Ascendant at Cancer degree (4°, 16° or 28°)
they’re sensitive in a way I think they can manipulate the atmosphere, at least they have this sensitive nature. They could have had a “rebel” era, putting it with “ bc in reality it wasn’t that kind of era, they were being themselves or they needed help and were misunderstood by people around them. that’s why when they grew up they seem more mature, like a mother figure, with their cheesy side, bc they don’t want people around them to be worried and also they have had matured? they constantly idealize the idea of being with someone that ‘ll take care of them, how they have been doing it with everyone. they love food and feeling at home, there’s one person that occupies that big heart. THE BABY FACE.
Ascendant at Leo degree (5°, 17° or 29°)
they don’t know they’re the center of attention until someone tells them. they attract people easily. the way they do things have something unique. childish or excited. when they say or do something impulsive, they think about it and then the worry doesn’t last longer (depends on the moon sign. Idk but the people Ik with ascendant at leo degree have had difficulties at choosing their career, they either are delusional and not have a concrete plan or they have two options. They lack of confidence when’s about their abilities, they’re pessimistic. They could have a hard time analyzing themselves. They need to do sports so they can have a healthy copy mechanism that actually helps them. They’re proud. They’re like little kids running but at the same time with a huge ego. They get bored EASILY and you’ll always find them with their hiperfixation, they can’t live without it, could be tennis, gardening, doesn’t matter. People like them, they do the bare minimum and people sympathize with them. Could be bc of their charisma. They care about what others think TOO MUCH, in a way they don’t care but they do.
Ascendant at Virgo degree (6° or 18°)
omg these people get manipulated easily, you don’t have idea 🙄. they’re not flexible, they try! And they have todo things in their way and they’re in this constant stress when people that’s around them don’t acr the same as them. since details like if you’re eating pizza without a plate and they get mad bc you have to do that and etc. or when they went out and -you can’t lie to me about it- and then criticize or point out things that disgusted them. I don’t want to justifícate them and I’m not going to but that’s how virgo loves? Or acts or how they live? They care and that’s how they show it -and also bc they have a god complex, but beside that..-. THEYRE MANIACS, they have to have their order. They have to heal darling, they have to😩 stop trying to fix others problems or taking too much time on them instead on focusing on your unresolved trauma, bc god you have. that’s why you’re so manipulated and manipulative. Manipulative bc you know exactly what’s the other Achilles’ heel and manipulated bc you haven’t find yet yours and if you had, you haven’t healed it.
Ascendant at Scorpio degree (8° or 20°)
they went though shit that haunts them till now, they’re healing but IS REALLY hard for them to not feel the memory. to not understand things as they come, that life can be unfair. and that not always the ones that made you suffer the most have to pay BY THEIR HANDS, karma exists babe. they’re kind souls that went though a lot and want to protect their loved ones no matter what. they can overthink too much to the point they thought you hated them bc their intuition was confused with paranoia. they’re always on vigilant mood -if they’re not, it’s with the ones they feel more comfortable- and ALWAYS analyze the person before taking the first step. sadly, one of their family could have been part of that insecurity/trauma that accompanies them in the present. bb pls stop blaming yourself for things you have no control and if you had, to learn you’re human ❤️
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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scoops-aboy86 · 16 days
Your Smile Is My Favorite
Prompt Used: Summer reading (@thehairandthebanished) and cheesy pickup lines (@softsteddieseptember) | Your Smile Is My Favorite | Rating: T | CW: mild body image issues | Additional Tags: chubby Steve Harrington, gay Eddie Munson, pining, bizarre communication through intricate pickup line rituals, Robin loves these two idiots
I wrote most of this while on a 11 hour car trip, I’ll post it to ao3 later. 🥱 Still the 4th in my time zone though!
It’s hard to stay absorbed in a book when Steve Harrington is swimming laps in his little red shorts, but Eddie is managing. 
Sort of. Kinda. 
Okay, not really. Or at all. 
But he’s read Return of the King so many times before that he can fill in any paragraphs his eyes accidentally skim over from memory, so it’s fine. And he definitely rolled high on stealth by being smart enough to bring sunglasses, because Middle Earth has nothing on his view of Steve’s chest while the guy does the backstroke. 
Earlier in the summer Steve would have been poolside with Eddie and Robin, sprawled out in the sun snacking on pizza and chips with them and letting Eddie draw him into their umpteenth debate on which is better, Coca Cola or Mountain Dew. Now he’s going at it in the pool like he has something to prove, or diving in over and over while complaining about his form. 
Which, Eddie thinks, is a very fine form indeed. He’s thickened up some since their harrowing adventures last Spring Break, transformed from merely good-looking to downright beefy in a way that makes Eddie’s mouth water and fingers twitch with the urge to rake through that tantalizing chest hair, test the give of Steve’s deliciously softer pecs and stomach. It’s starting to become a problem. 
As if Aragorn, son of Arathorn, would have an easier time concentrating on a book about the Party’s adventures if Arwen were parading around in front of him while scantily clad, Eddie thinks, trying to make himself feel like a little bit less of a pining loser. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Robin says, sounding bored from the next lounge chair over. She hasn’t even looked up from her own book. 
Eddie considers protesting. He could; they’ve never actually discussed the way they’d clocked each other as queer during Spring Break, he has plausible deniability. 
Instead, he says, “Got a camera you can loan me, Birdie?”
She snorts, sliding her bookmark into place as she turns towards him on her lounger. “No, but now that we’re talking about it, can we talk about how your crush is visible from, like, space?”
“He is not!” The protest tumbles out of him before Eddie even thinks about it, and his cheeks immediately flare red under layers of sunblock. It’s not like Robin would talk about the way her platonic soulmate had recently put on some extra weight like that, Eddie is just a moron. Well, he’ll just have to blow past it and pretend he’d been… bluffing about his crush not being Steve. Yeah. “Uh, I mean. Fuck, I’m not being too obvious, am I?”
Robin’s grin is smug, and definitely a little bit at his expense. “Not really. You’re super easily distracted when there’s more people around, so the kids haven’t picked up on it yet.” She glances back at the pool and the expression softens to amused affection. “It’s written all over your face right now, but I’m pretty sure dingus over there has this fixed idea about your type being all dark clothes and leather and tattoos. He’ll never figure it out on his own, completely hopeless.”
That’s a relief to hear. Eddie relaxes beneath the shade of his poolside umbrella, glances down at his book again… 
And snaps it shut and scrunches up on his side to face her too. He’ll be able to find his place again later, more or less. The occasional splashes of Steve reaching one side of the pool and flipping around to swim back fades into the background for the first time all day in the face of this new, unexplored conversational territory. 
“So,” he says matter-of-factly. Because he’s reconciled with this a long time ago: Robin has literally helped save his life a number of times, she’s safe. “Clearly you’ve got me all figured out. And there’s no way you could be around that all the time and still get anything done without being… oppositely inclined.”
She nods, and the teeny tiny bit of him that had been braced just in case he was wrong relaxes. “Yeah. I don’t see the appeal, but I’ve literally seen a few girls walk into things when they catch sight of him.”
Eddie snickers, like the hypocrite slightly wired on nerves and relief that he is. Curbs, trash cans, the glass doors of Family Video… he’s been there, done that, and been forced to turn it into a bit so no one catches on to what all of those instances had in common. (Steve smiling at him. Steve looking at him. Just, Steve.)
“Not as many lately though,” Robin confides, a little sad. “Shallow bitches.”
“Shallow as hell,” Eddie agrees. One hundred percent. “They have no idea what they’re missing out on.”
“It’s taking a toll on him,” she continues. “You know, how his hair kinda deflates a little when he’s bummed out? Those great big puppy dog eyes come out and it’s all—” her voice drops in a possible Steve impression “—‘Is it me, Rob? What am I doing wrong?’”
Eddie huffs a wordless disagreement with that whole sentiment. Wrong with Steve? Wrong with Steve? There’s nothing wrong with Steve, in his opinion. Badass scars, heart of gold, hair of the gods, and a little more meat on his bones making him even more solid and dependable? Sign Eddie the fuck up. 
Sure, there’s also the nightmares and a general jumpiness whenever the phone rings or lights flicker or a radio starts to crackle, but the same can be said of pretty much everyone in the Party, Eddie included. It’s perfectly understandable after everything they’ve been through, the number of times they’ve helped save the world. 
“I think that’s why he’s leaning so hard into swimming again,” Robin adds. And even though she seems totally casual, there’s something… not pointed, exactly, but definitely not dull behind her words. She’s giving him a look that Eddie can’t figure out, because he just doesn’t have the same kind of in-tune-ness with her that she and Steve display on a regular basis, having conversations with nothing but stares, blinks, and funny eyebrow twitches. 
He tries anyway. Even pushes his sunglasses up into his hair for a clearer look, but message not received. Frowning, he glances over his shoulder at the pool again. “Because he’s… upset about not going on dates lately?”
Not that Eddie had been paying attention or anything. Not that he’d daydreamed hopelessly a few times that it was because Steve was hung up on him, lingering a bit more than necessary when dropping off and picking up the kids on Hellfire days. Inviting Eddie to hangout days like this. Taking Eddie up on it whenever he offers to smoke the guy out, usually when they both have dark circles from sleeping poorly blooming under their eyes and everything about the no longer in peril world around them feels like too much. Springing for fast food whenever they get the munchies, since Eddie supplied the grass…
“Because he thinks there’s something wrong about him,” Robin corrects, “that he needs to work out.” 
Oh. What—oh. Eddie blinks, reorients, and realizes that the thing he hadn’t been able to read before is concern. “But… he looks so good,” he says dumbly. 
Steve is self-conscious about his weight? Oh no, that won’t do at all. Eddie’s mind is already racing through ways to reassure their friend that he looks great, fantastic, amazing, all the positive adjectives that he knows. He wants to build Steve up, make sure he knows that there are definitely people who would absolutely jump at the chance to be with him. 
Or, you know, right here. Or something. 
Splashing sounds draw his attention back to the pool, and it’s Steve wading up the shallow end towards them, apparently tired out for the time being. And Eddie… panics. 
“Damn, Harrington,” he blurts out, “is it hot out here or is it just you?”
Which is. It’s. Something out of that terrible pickup lines book one of the Corroded Coffin guys found at a yard sale a few weeks ago—he can’t remember who exactly, maybe Jeff?—that they’d all howled over, reading the worst ones out loud in ridiculous voices. Why the hell is that what popped into his head?
Steve pauses with one foot still in the pool, squinting at him. “Uh… It’s definitely hot today. Are you… overheated or something? I could get you some ice water.”
“No, I’m good,” Eddie manages. And then, because he’s an idiot, he continues, “Have I told you lately that you’re very attractive? You must eat magnets for breakfast.”
He catches a glimpse of Robin out of the corner of one eye. For a second he hopes that she might step in and save him from himself, but nope; her face is frozen in a look of appalled fascination. No help coming from that quarter. 
“I,” Steve starts, stepping the rest of the way out of the pool and putting both hands on his hips like he doesn’t know what else to do with them. “Dude, are you high?”
If only he were. The proximity of Steve’s naked, dripping wet chest and the gentle roll over the top of his swim trunks seems to have roughly the same effect on him though. 
“Nope,” Eddie squeaks. His face feels incandescent, and he can’t even blame it on a sunburn. And still he opens his mouth again, because he’s already gone this far, might as well commit to the bit. “But we should smoke up later, sweetheart. I think weed be really good together.”
That one wasn’t from the book. It’s an Eddie Munson original. If death took him now, he would not hate it. 
Steve looks to Robin, who shrugs and throws him a towel. He catches it and starts drying his hair, returning his attention to Eddie with a perplexed look. “Low blood sugar?” he asks, and it takes a second for Eddie to place that Steve is still trying to guess why he’s being so weird. 
As if the Freak of Hawkins needs something so pedestrian as a reason. 
“We can order pizza,” Robin suggests in a strangled voice. She’s trying so hard not to laugh, which is good. Probably. 
Eddie can muster a little gratitude for that, right up until he opens his mouth again and “Oh, are you craving pizza? Because I’d love to get a pizz-a you” falls out. 
… Maybe he does have low blood sugar. Or, like. A brain tumor or something. 
Steve sends Robin another look, then shrugs and heads inside the house. Presumably to order pizza, and hopefully for Eddie’s sanity to put on a shirt. 
As soon as the glass door slides shut behind him, Robin whips around and whisper yells, “What the hell was that?!”
Eddie throws himself back on his lounger and covers his face with both hands. “I don’t know. I wanted to cheer him up, make him feel good about himself or something, but—”
“And you thought hitting on him would do the trick? Very badly, I might add!”
“Oh, like you know anything about what works when hitting on dudes!” Eddie shoots back, even though she’s right. So very right. Cruelly correct, to a poor gay man who is suffering. 
He rolls over on the chair, only putting a knee or elbow through the plastic straps beneath him a few times before flopping face down and tugging his own unused towel over his entire head. It’s almost restful under there. The lounger cradles his face a little too high because the back is still angled slightly up for, you know, lounging… and Return of the King is dry and solid under one shoulder, twisting his frame a little oddly, but other than that…
By the time Steve comes back outside, Eddie barely notices. He feels slow and drowsy from the heat, everything muffled by the towel. But he does hear a scrape over the concrete beneath him and cracks an eye open to peer through the gaps in the chair. 
It’s a slice of pepperoni and extra cheese on a paper plate, positioned directly below his head, right where he can smell it. 
Fuck, okay. He can’t not get up for food freely offered. It’s just not how Wayne raised him. 
“There you are,” Steve says brightly when Eddie emerges and resituates himself with the plate in hand. “Feeling better? Seemed like the heat was getting to you there.”
“Must’ve,” Eddie replies with a weak laugh. “Thanks.” For the pizza, and for allowing him some semblance of dignity to fall back on after… whatever that had been. Because Steve, above all else, is a good dude; something Eddie has been all too aware of for over a year now. 
Steve passes him a can of Mountain Dew and taps his own Coke can against it like a toast. “Don’t mention it. And, uh, Eds…” He’s starting to smile, just a little. “I know this is going to sound cheesy, but I think you're the gratest.”
Somewhere to Eddie’s other side, Robin chokes on her drink and has to cough a few times to clear it. 
Eddie just stares, jaw dropped open and feeling flushed all over, heart in his throat. Even with his hair still wet and smelling strongly of chlorine, Steve has somehow retained that signature swoop. Maybe he fixed it while he was inside, procuring pizza and slipping into an old and raggedy high school gym shirt that makes him only slightly less biteable. 
And that smile, fully bloomed now and brighter than the afternoon sun. Like he’s decided, playfully, to meet Eddie at his level no matter how dumb it is. 
“Alright,” Robin rasps. “Okay. I’m just gonna go inside to finish my summer reading while you dingi do… whatever this is.” Followed by the creak of her chair as she clambers off. 
“Don’t mess with the thermostat,” Steve calls after her. He turns slightly to do it and releases Eddie from his tractor beam stare, letting Eddie breathe again—when had he stopped doing that? And then those hazel eyes are back on him, hypnotizing. “Well? Cat got your tongue, or do you have any more?”
The words are… different, now that they’re alone. Quieter. Steve is leaning forward slightly, legs over the side of the chair as he faces Eddie. Elbows on his knees and Coke can dangling forgotten from one big hand. His stare is intense in a way that is almost too terrifying to try to read into. 
Eddie wets his lips nervously. “No, I… I’ve got more.” He sits up a little straighter, turns to put his feet down on the shaded but still warm concrete and face Steve head-on. “I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.”
It sounds, feels, almost terrifyingly like a confession. 
Steve’s grin gets impossibly brighter and Eddie is back to not daring to breathe, because what is happening. “Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”
Which is. That’s. Does he? Eddie is having some sort of out of body experience trying to think back. 
The part of him that’s still anchored in bones and nerves and skin takes a deep breath. Committing to it. 
“Of all the beautiful curves on your body, your smile is my favorite,” he hears himself say, and it’s probably the plainest, most honest words he’s uttered in his entire twenty-one years of life. 
It’s not like he thinks Steve is going to punch him for saying it. Or even for saying it like that. Good dude, inescapable. But he wasn’t expecting the guy’s eyes to go big and molten, or for him to swallow hard, all while that amazing smile never dims. 
“I’m… Shit, I’m going to give you a kiss, Eddie. If you don't like it, you can return it.”
And then Steve leans forward, and does. 
Half an hour later, Robin comes back outside to check on them and finds the two young men twined together on one lounger. Steve is sprawled half on top of Eddie, who looks like he’s holding him in place with both legs and teasing a half eaten slice of pizza against Steve’s mouth. Steve snaps at it with his teeth, and Eddie yanks it away but then goes back in to tap it against his lips anyway with a laugh, loose and easy. Happy. 
They both look so happy together. 
She knew it. All she’d had to do was get those two pining idiots talking about something real—even if Eddie had surprised her with a deeply unexpected means of doing so. Whatever, he’s weird, nothing new there. The important thing is that her plan to end her two best friends’ ridiculous mutual pining for one another had worked. 
And Steve hadn’t believed her when she’d insisted that the metalhead definitely doesn’t think it’s a bad thing that his clothes all fit a little more snug these days. Ha. One more tally on her own You Rule column. 
Feeling magnanimous, Robin decides to wait until they’re done with lunch to turn the hose on them. 
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @irishvampireboy @oatmilk-vampire
@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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astro-vogue · 5 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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● They're 12 and each of them is characterized by 3 things: element, quadruplicity & polarity. They represent one of the basic components of a chart along with Houses, Planets, Angles, Degrees and so on...
⎯ They can be described as 12 different characters in a movie, and embody specific traits and characteristics as well as different ways of seeing and interpreting reality.
⚠︎ dates highlighted may vary yearly according to planet's transits
♈︎ ARIES (Fire, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ March 21- April 19
active, bold, independent, courageous, energetic, purposeful, lively, athletic, enthusiastic, restless, competitive, ambitious, goal-oriented, headstrong, assertive, commanding, dominant, always striving for the better, individualistic, impulsive, adventurous, "I'm the first/number one/want to be the first", passionate, motivated, confident, determined, a leader, straightforward, straight to the point, impatient
♉︎ TAURUS (Earth, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ April 20 - May 20
calm, reliable, trustworthy, charming, slow, comfort-oriented, patient, persevering, relaxed, serene, comforting, pleasure-oriented, sensual, material, deeply physical, hard working, focused, resilient, silent strength, romantic, security-oriented, loyal, steadfast, consistent, stubborn, obstinate, devoted, faithful, dislikes change, grounded, money-oriented, dependable, solid, realistic, sensitive
♊︎ GEMINI (Air, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ May 21 - June 20
flexible, mental, scattered, rational, multifaceted, multitasking, playful, intellectual, curious, constantly juggling with new ideas, friendly, have a huge variety of interests, quick-witted, funny, seeking change, short term memory, forgetful, distracted, inquisitive, communicative, social, natural chameleons, fast-moving, adaptable, charming, cheerleading, having fun, seeking dopamine, chatters
♋︎ CANCER (Water, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ June 21 - July 22
sensitive, intuitive, nurturing, introspective, caring, soothing, can read a room's energy, gentle, compassionate, self-protective, may hard to get to know, defensive, motherly/fatherly behavior, loyal, devoted, empathetic, dreamy, moody, imaginative, quiet, passive-aggressive, family/home oriented, receptive, guided by emotions, may seem aloof, impressionable, defensive
♌︎ LEO (Fire, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ July 23 - August 22
charismatic, bold, independent, courageous, playful, confident, determined, ambitious, individualistic, self-centred, seeking recognition, strong, willful, theatrical, extroverted, loves the spotlight, leaders, commanding, seeking luxury/pleasure, full of life, stable, loyal, dedicated, consistent, passionate, "I put my heart into everything I do", prideful, exuberant, noble, fierce, entertaining, headstrong, affectionate
♍︎ VIRGO (Earth, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ August 23 - September 22
organized, dependable, practical, grounded, intellectual, logical, structured, systematic, perfectionist, nervous, detail-oriented, analytical, meticulous, helpful, supportive, good at problem-solving, realistic, hard-working, committed, modest, nurturing, focused, efficient, easily worried, can see things from a lot of different perspectives, high standards, critical, judgemental, selfless, natural healers
♎︎ LIBRA (Air, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ September 23 - October 22
diplomatic, alluring, sensual, balanced, harmony-seeking, aesthetic-oriented, loving, agreeable, intellectual, social, relaxed, likes attention and spotlight, people oriented, potentially people pleaser, seeing multiple sides at the same time, indecisive, charming, romantic, creative, fair, communicative, both rational and sensitive, good at reading rooms and adapting in them, empathetic, compassionate, moral
♏︎ SCORPIO (Water, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ October 23 - November 21
passionate, strong, sensitive, intense, deep feeler/thinker, stubborn, powerful/power-oriented, intuitive, silent, introverted, calculative, determined, ambitious, hard-working, devoted, obsessed, seductive, mysterious, magnetic, enigmatic, passionate, potentially big egos, intimacy-seeking, hard to get to know, decisive, fierce, protective, jealous, persistent, "I can't let go", confident, controlling
♐︎ SAGITTARIUS (Fire, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ November 22 - December 21
adventurous, pioneering, seeking new things, always planning something new, curious, enthusiastic, bold, passionate, philosophical, dynamic, passionate, adaptable, constant quest for knowledge, desire for change, freedom-seeking, wanderlust, funny, entertaining, honest, never taking anything too seriously, infectious laughter, magnetic "I take no bullsh*t" attitude, possibly arrogant.
♑︎ CAPRICORN (Earth, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ December 22 - January 19
serious, stable, grounded, responsible, practical, hard-working, productive, efficient, authoritative, striving to control everything, good administrative skills, structured, analytical, organized, introverted, resilient, full of stamina, ambitious, high standards, perceived as cold/distant or unemotional, selective, honest, straightforward, cool under pressure, inspiring, tireless, steadfast
♒︎ AQUARIUS (Air, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ January 20 - February 18
inventive, out of the box thinking, intellectual, unstable, "I live by my own terms", progressive, rebellious, curious, social, unusual, independent, innovative, humanitarian, rational, perceived as distant/unreliable, detached, philosophical, seeing the big picture, focused on the collective, unafraid to challenge morals and authority, eccentric, nonconformist, obstinate in its ideas, indomitable
♓︎ PISCES (Water, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ February 19 - March 20
sensitive, empathetic, emotional, compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, warm, mystical, creative, imaginative, fantasy-oriented, possibly delusional, psychic, "I'm in the clouds", escapists, impressionable, humourous, adaptable, kind, gentle, "I see things as they could be", easily worried or paranoid, struggles with criticism, can have a victim-complex, spontaneous, emotionally intelligent, great listener
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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beneathsilverstars · 27 days
been doing research on writing plural systems for sif+loop in mundane modern aus, and i think i've got a solid idea of what i want to do! specifics may vary by au but i wanted a base set of headcanons to vary from, so sif+loop being a system can be a background fact of my au musings instead of something i have to reinvent every time.
(i'm a singlet so if any systems have concrit or thoughts they want to share i'd be happy to hear it! i'm not like planning a fic or anything currently, but it's still nice to not be working off of misconceptions for my silly little posts.)
siffrin took over as the main host in their late teens and doesn't remember anything from before that. in their early-mid 20s their work/housing situation was horrible and when they couldn't take another day like that, siffrin split into loop (who kept the mid 20s memories, with a new personality) and siffrin take two (who remembers the 17-20 era a bit better, but then there's a big gap). between the two of them they were able to cope better and hold a not-as-awful job and get a shitty apartment all to themselves!
siffrin fronts more often on average, because they're better at quietly accomplishing day-to-day tasks. but if he gets too overwhelmed or anxious (think their mini loop-backs in canon) then loop takes over, bc loop dgaf about some of the things siffrin worries about, and doesn't shut down as easily. but since they don't bottle up their feelings as severely, they're more likely to react outwardly and make rash choices like quitting their job, being rude, splurging on little treats, etc. so that's why siffrin is the default fronter for things like work and chores, when he's feeling up to it.
loop is fairly aware of what's going on while siffrin is fronting - sometimes they choose to tune more of it out, but they can catch most of it if they want to, and sometimes siffrin will talk to them or nudge them to pay attention. since they know at least the basics of what siffrin was up to, they can usually step in pretty smoothly when they need to take over! and it's very easy for them to take over, with or without siffrin's say-so, though they try to ask if it's not an emergency (and if it is an emergency, siffrin is likely trying to back away from the front anyway).
when loop is fronting, though, siffrin is entirely away, dreaming in the void. loop can nudge them for a vague opinion or relevant memory, but they can't hold a full conversation and they're not aware of what loop's doing. when loop puts them in the front again they're usually disoriented and need a moment for loop to tell them what's been happening. and again, loop is the one deciding to switch; sometimes siffrin might resist getting pulled back if they're still feeling bad, or get antsy and start reaching out if they've been asleep a while or are having bad dreams, but they're not gonna react to environmental situations since they're not aware of them.
mal is in there too but doesn't front. its role is to be socially hyper-vigilant, pointing out when other people might be upset at them so the alter who's fronting knows to fix it or avoid the person. it's been around longer than siffrin, and was helpful way back then, but now that siffrin and loop have worked out an effective balance and are fairly safe, mal's behavior is somewhat maladaptive (ha!). it's not super directly aware of the outside world like loop is, not anymore at least, but it does get secondhand memories from both siffrin and loop. it actually sometimes remembers facts and details that sif and loop both quickly forgot, because maybe those details will end up relevant to spotting and avoiding future problems - but since it got the memories secondhand and filtered them through a particularly paranoid worldview, it's likely to misremember subjective interpretations as literal truth, so you gotta take its claims with a grain of salt.
it mostly hangs out in the void imagining fractals and whatnot these days, keeping an eye on siffrin while they sleep. it occasionally perks up and chimes in with its pessimistic point of view when siffrin is really upset - it can communicate better with sleeping siffrin than loop can. loop is not on speaking terms with it because they're mad that it goes behind loop's back and makes siffrin more upset right when loop is trying to shield him from the upsetting situation. but siffrin doesn't mind it bc it's just trying to help in its own way, and sometimes it is helpful to face their fears in plain words instead of avoiding them. and siffrin will sometimes ask it for help with like, puzzles, because it's good at pattern recognition.
there's also a no-longer-quite-dormant alter that presumably fronted for much of the body's childhood. they don't hang out in siffrin and mal's void, and they don't talk to anyone else within the system. but now that the system is more safe and stable, every once in a while something will catch their attention and they'll gently push to the front and start talking. as soon as their train of thought is interrupted they're gone again, and the other alters don't even remember that they got usurped for a moment, a la siffrin's bits of telling childhood anecdotes in canon. loop and siffrin have surmised that they exist, and call them the lost one.
mal has also implied that there's at least one more dormant alter, but it's from before siffrin-and-loop's time and possibly mal's as well.
if something happens that's so distressing that siffrin retreats into headspace and loop won't take over either, the body goes into dissociated autopilot. it will follow basic one-step instructions (such as "follow me" or "eat this"), speak in a couple simple scripts (such as answering "how are you" with "i'm fine"), and complete rote tasks such as taking a familiar route home from work or going to bed. loop doesn't pay much attention because that would defeat the point / put them back in front, so they usually have very little if any idea of what happened in this state, but it is possible for outside events to catch their attention enough for them to try fronting again. otherwise they'll be back next time the body wakes up. siffrin, on the other hand, usually won't front for at least a day or two after this happens, and will likely have forgotten the events leading up to it as well.
it doesn't happen very often since it's the very last resort, after siffrin dissociating, loop taking over, and loop dissociating. loop and siffrin don't consider the autopilot an alter because it doesn't form memories, have emotions or opinions, or interact in the headspace; it just follows where it's led, by habit or outside influence. loop has argued in favor of trying to imbue it with more personhood so it's less uncanny for other people to interact with and can get loop's attention when the distressing thing is over, but siffrin argues that if it can think that defeats the point, and they'd just end up with this new alter and a new autopilot.
past all that, the specifics will depend on the exact au; particularly the ratio of loop time to siffrin time will depend on how much siffrin works and how awful their job is, whether siffrin and/or loop have friends yet, etc. but i think when they're doing pretty well they'd be happy with siffrin doing work/chores and most of the activities that they both enjoy (since then they'll both remember it), and loop fronting for maybe a third of their free time to do their own thing, and maybe here and there if something goes wrong at work. and then if siffrin starts feeling burnt out, they swap for a couple days of loop doing most things and siffrin just coming out for an hour or two. siffrin and mal probably talk maybe a couple times a month, unless siffrin is really going through it, in which case they might talk a lot for a couple days. it also might be possible for mal to eventually adapt a little more to being safe, and start providing a wider range of possible interpretations instead of just the worst case scenario.
ok that's all! and as i said, i'm totally open to feedback. :3
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bitsbug · 1 year
good evening rainworld community. look at my ocs NOW
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YOU CAN ASK THEM QUESTIONS BTW. please do I’ve been marinating them for months. finely cured.
multiple paragraphs introducing each under the cut !
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Curtains Drawn Over Bone - he/him
The first of my iterators, and frankly the most developed. Curtains is incredibly young for an iterator, made at the tail end of the last generation, and was subject to some.. negligent planning during his construction. He was placed in an area of dubious rain quality and worse ground stability; the conditions were considered acceptable back then, but millions of cycles later that's no longer the case.
 Despite this glaring issue, he's been handling it better than you'd expect. Having recognized the long-term affects of his placement early on, Curtains took an interest in maintenance and optimization in order to survive, completely disregarding the Great Problem. He's broken some taboos in the process, and surprisingly didn't contract rot while doing it. His efforts have paid off with a suite of purposed organisms and a significantly more advanced, upgraded facility.
 Some things would be impossible to address, though. Despite his best efforts, erosion and earthquakes now threaten to topple his can; something he's scrambling to fix.
 Curtains is generally regarded as a finicky, flighty person by his group. He's a recluse and a workaholic, driven by some desperate ferver to avoid the worst. When he does appear in chatrooms, he seems constantly wound up, often vanishing as quickly as he arrives. He was like this long before his current situation. But do not mistake his nervousness for ineptitude, because Curtains is very meticulous and dedicated in his endeavors, backed by his thorough understanding of iterator anatomy and a genuine passion for his work.
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Twenty Taken in Vain - they/them
The only iterator in this damn group who isn't a social recluse. Built in the golden age of the Ancients, a time of prosperity and uneventfulness, TTiv found their place in the bustling global communities of their kin. They're of the belief that research is best done collaboratively, and constructed their workflow around this frame.
But, really, they never much cared for that work or their purpose. Devoting themself to tireless research for something likely impossible just wasn't a good use of time, nor did they find the process very interesting, so they sought to fulfill their life in less desolate ways. As much as a sentient, static building is able to, at least.
In particular, Twenty Taken in Vain pursues a variety of art forms! There's a critical lack of artwork made with iterators in mind (While interesting to discuss, most Ancient books can be read in less than a second for example), so they seek to fill that gap. Their main passion is literature, but they do dabble in many other subjects, such as digital painting, textile weaving, 'false memory' qualia fabrication, and DMing a tabletop roleplaying game for their local group.
Their social proclivities haven't served them well in recent years, because the global communications decay has left them more isolated than ever before. Losing contact with multiple close friends has drained them of motivation, and made them fearful of losing those they do have left. Imagine like, depression but on a supercomputer scale.
In personality, TTiv is as chatty as you'd expect of them, but without the energy associated with extroversion. Their charisma is carried in their nonchalance and humor, with an undertone of snarkiness - only occasionally with any bite to it. They're adaptable as well, without a fixation on one subject and a willingness to introspect. Since the comm failure, they've become a lot quieter and more irritable, stress they've barely kept under wraps.
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Anxiety Practice - it/xe
Polite and inoffensive, AP is an easily overlooked iterator. It appears frequently in chatrooms, but always in the shadow of its kin, and rarely draws attention to itself. Despite this demeanor, xe certainly aren't shy or nervous - that's already taken by Curtains - xe just prefer xer distance and privacy.
 As it currently stands, Anxiety is the only member of its group actively working on the Great Problem. It prefers exploring more unorthodox theories for ascension, with a fixation on Karma flowers and their properties. As part of its experiments, its created a few.. curious organisms hybridized with the flower. It also collaborates closely with Distant Humming for information on the grander Cycle and general advice. Thus far, it's made a few fascinating discoveries, but predictibly no breakthroughs on the Triple Affirmative. Oh also, sometimes xe put karma-affecting drug cocktails into xer water intake. normal iterator behavior i promise.
 Even at xer most comfortable and nonchalant, AP keeps an aloof, almost stoic nature. Chronically icy cool, xe seem incapable of expressing anything besides calm indifference. This isn't true, of course, xer composure is just nothing to scoff at. It even uses its reputation for comedy at times, usually through deadpan delivery or 'breaking character'.
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Distant Humming - she/Her
An anomaly in existence, the first iterator to almost reach ascension. Distant Humming became an echo by her own hand, using heavy adjustments to her retaining wall and filter pumps to essentially bathe her facility in void fluid, solving the issue of her kinds' distributed conscience by just addressing all of it. at once.
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 Her subsequent failed ascension left her systems broken and mutated in impossible ways, but she functions nonetheless in her ethereal, undying state. The warping irreparably affected her memory and personality though; she considers herself a different person from the Humming before.
 Despite her uncanny nature and haunting appearance, Distant Humming is a surprisingly amiable person, if vague or foreboding at times. Her detached state of existence allows her the breathing room to appreciate the world for what it is, and insight into the Cycle that'd be impossible to gain from within it. She's happy to share her observations with anyone who'd listen.
 About once a year, Humming's karmic cycle aligns with that of her local group, affording her a limited time to speak with them. She appears totally non-existent outside this period.
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Gale x Tav
words: 885 rating: T pairing: Gale x Tav summary: As in all things, it seems, you and Gale dance to the sound of your own music. tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, so much fluff, I hope you brushed your teeth today, You/Gale scenario, more gender neutral than the others
Ao3 - 1000 Night Series
There were many things that you loved about Gale’s home. First, and most importantly, Gale was in it. Second to that was you liked all the ‘Gale-ish’ touches around the home. His books, of course. His propensity to collect shiny stones like a magpie under the guise of ‘research’ or some arcane activity, but in reality you think he just liked them. The wear spots in the kitchen counter where he stood to make meals, faded from constant use. But your favorite thing about the home, apart from Gale, was the view.
When he showed you visions of Waterdeep from his terrace on that first night they shared, you had been mesmerized by the view. Many a night your mind would drift back to that moment and think not just about being with Gale, but the memory of that view and how much you wished for it to be reality.
Now it was your. The view. The terrace. Gale. And just as you had told him that night, the reality was much better than the illusion.
Looking over the ocean. Listening to the waves brush against the sand. And, if you listened very closely, you could hear music & revelry from some of the bards and patrons at one the taverns down the road. Also enjoying the night air and peaceful moments left freely to them.
“What a brilliant scene.” you turned to look over your shoulder at Gale. Standing in the entry way. A soft, pleased smile on his face as he watched you watching the horizon. “The sunset isn’t bad either. What I would have given some time ago to make this vision a reality. I feel compelled to pinch myself.” You chuckled as you watched Gale move to take his place on his favorite spot. His eyes back on you once he was settled. “Enjoying the view, my love?”
“More the music.”
You tilted your head towards the faint sounds and Gale followed suit. Seeming to be straining to hear it, but eventually picking up on the notes drifting on the air. “Ah yes. Sounds like they’re having fun.” You agreed but said nothing as you continued to just listen. “Do you want wish to join them? I’m sure we could easily find which tavern all the commotion is at quickly with your tracking skills.”
The adventurer chuckled. “No. I don’t think so.” Though it did sound fun, you weren’t interested in joining. Just admiring. “It would be nice to dance though.”
“Oh, well that is a problem easily remedied.”
Gale stood up. A confident, cheeky smile on his lips as he offered you his hand. “Are you serious?” You asked in jovial disbelief.
“I’m no Wyll Ravengard,” he had clearly seen their Blade practicing his dance moves in an attempt to woe you, but for the sake of their friendship Gale elected not to acknowledge it, “but I can handle a simple box step.”
You grinned, then took his hand and let yourself be pulled into Gale’s arms. One hand linking your offered one together while the other rested at the small of your back. His eyes were completely fixed on you as they started to sway to the music.
The space on the terrace was small. Not a lot of room for anything dramatic in terms of footwork, but plenty of space for Gale’s simple box step. Your head rested on his chest. Lost in the movement and Gale’s scent, coupled with salt & jasmine that miraculously showed up on the windowsill potting plants after you mentioned once that you liked their fragrance. With your ear to his chest you could hear his heartbeat, along with a gentle hum of the music for a song that they can barely hear but Gale seemed to recognize.
You weren’t sure how long they were dancing for before you lifted her head from its spot and leaned up to kiss him. Their dancing stops, along with the music. Although, the music may have still been playing in the background, it simply didn’t matter anymore. Nothing mattered right now except you and Gale.
“It’s dark now.” You were confused for a moment after Gale’s announcement, but then realized that the sun had indeed finally sunk down past the waves. The sky not completely dark but a faded shade of lavender, bleeding into indigo as the lights from the other homes began to freckle the shoreline like stars. “Shall we go inside?”
“Not yet.” This moment felt precious. Like that moment in the Weave they shared and you first realized you had feelings for him. When he realized that you had feelings for him after you let your mind’s eye say what you couldn’t. When they realized they may both have feelings for each other. “Can we stay here a bit longer? Keep dancing?”
Gale smiled and was already starting to sway again when he told her, “Whatever you want my love.”
They dance until the sky & sea became a matching shade to darkness. Melding together like they soon would be. Neither one had to ask. It was clear they both knew where this was going. Still, the couple danced to the music and their own tune for a while longer. Holding to the moment for as long as they could while they held onto each other.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Saw a Timeloop prompt and had to come here! Because? Accidental Time Loop Au! Most times? Time loops are Serious Business(tm) with something at stake. A terrible threat or enemy agent. But WHAT IF you knew exactly what caused the problem, how to fix it, and it legitimately WAS your own fuck up? And the fix was just tedious to find? So it would take a while. An enforced vacation if you will.
The day is even *gasp!* Uneventful?! Say it isn't so! But it IS. And Tim fucked up. He let Damian get under his skin, words were exchanged, and he slammed into a magical idol, breaking it. Constantine can fix it easily. IF HE WERE HERE.
So in the 24 hours he has... he has to grid search Earth (yes all of it) for the man's damn magic house, find it, GO TO IT, convince him, and get free'd. The going is easy. He has both a Flash AND a Super on speed dial. Bruce has THE Flash and Super on speed dial. It's the "finding" that's the issue. *groans*
Luckily? Photographic memory and a supercomputer. Set up, exclude what's already been searched, and go! But what to do with the rest of his hours? He... doesn't know... case work maybe?
He runs out of case work. And games he wants to play. And silly things he wanted to try. And honestly? He's really frustrated by... all.. this........... Now there's a thought.
He hasn't really had TIME for a proper "me day" in... actually has he ever done more then THINK about how much he'd like it? Well today starts now! So Tim explores himself. Has a leisurely time of it. The loop starts over. He stays in bed for that one, learning what feels... Good.
He starts up the search again the next loop, the back off to bed. To do research. To rub his poor little clit raw. Work fingers into himself to figure out what the fuss is about. Next loop he steals Dick's lube. He figures out what the fuss is about.
Loop after that he steal more then just Dick's loop. He works fingers into himself one by one, til he can take himself with slim dildo he's stolen. Loop after that he's so eager to try the other toy he saw he forgets that to GET to Dick's room, he had to dodge Damian. He's confronted.
They argue about why he's in in Dick's room. Damian once again gets under his skin. He says things he shouldn't. Once second they are nearly ripping each others throats out, the next Tim is nearly shredding his back, demanding fingers plowing into his body with little skill are somehow still sending sparks up his spine. Making him wet. Spreading him open.
His legs are being roughly held open as the most obnoxious little shit he knows, rams home like it's his right, to take him like an animal on Dick's bedroom floor. Damian is panting and cursing and he ruts, taking his pleasure, thinking of nothing BUT. And it's... it's...
Tim doesn't think he can go back to just touching himself. It's not enough after this. Could NEVER be enough. By the time the loop ends, his poor hole is stuffed full and on fire. He can never go back.
He wakes up and starts the search. His pussy doesn't ache but it feels like it should. He does the obvious, calls up Kon. Bros help bros with their virginity problem after all. Then bros fuck them up and down their cock like they weigh NOTHING and let them practice oral. You know, like bros.
Bart is equally willing to help, next loop. Is SO excited in fact, he blurs when slamming in to him. Pumping him fuller and fuller of cum then he ever thought possible. Vibrating to the touch and sending Tim's nerves alight. He's never loved ANYTHING as much as sex, he decides before passing out, it's the Best~♡.
He decides to shoot his shot the next time, gets turned down hard and lectured. Dick is Unamused. Next turn he tries again, and again, and again. He refines his approach. Dick hesitates longer each time. He pulls out the big guns. Oh noooo. He got exposed to (a low dose of) Ivy's Pollen! He's applied the antidote, but he's soooo uncomfortable and upset! Hurting even!
Dick eats him out until he sobs. Rocking himself deeper and deeper into Tim's mouth until he can barely breathe. He fucks his throat like lover then bends him in half and pounds him until Tim wonders if he'll ever sit again. Tim passes out covered in sweat and cum and slick and... the loop resets.
He decides not to test Dick's self control. Jason's? Well he hasn't learned his lesson. He does. Bent over on his hands and knees, getting slammed back onto to the thick thing inside if him. He learns Jason likes to hear him beg, to make him squeel. He didn't know he made that noise.
He spends a loop sleeping. The search is half way done. Damn you, Constantine.
Tim can't banish the crazy thoughts. To be honest he never could. Usually his friends can talk him out of bad ideas. But... it's a time loop... no consequences... and he HAD always low-key wondered. You know, under the absolutely unethical and monstrous everything... Would it be good? Just... just a string free hook up. Would he take it?
Apparently the answer is "Yes". God help him, he might be going insane. He calls up Ra's. Today only, he'll be at checking into a hotel, Tim knows damn well you can find out which one, show up or don't. This is Ra's sole chance to fuck him.
The man damn near breaks the sound barrier. Not that he'd even SHOW it. Tim has never seen such covetous unholy glee. He also learns Ra's will do things to him with his tounge that shouldn't be legal. Balanced on his shoulders as the man slams dead on to that spot inside him with out mercy, as he has been for HOURS, Tim is torn between sobbing and passing out as the bastard spills another load of seemly endless inside him. Purring all the while of how he will BREED him, KEEP him, dress him in jewels. He's lost count of how many time Ra's has cruely brought him off as Batman crashes through the window, but midnight hits and he's back in his bed.
At least he has his answers now.
After a loop's break, he decides he wants to spend time with Bruce. He DID apparently rush to save him. And it's been a while. It's nice. The thing is? He... he's AWARE now. Of things he missed before. Of Bruce's possessive little should touches and back rubs, the clingy way things are scheduled so they always travel together... the way he wants Tim to "double check" his flawless work, just so Tim spends his free Tim with him.
Tim shouldn't. He really, REALLY shouldn't. It's a Bad Idea.
He presses his leg against Bruce's anyway. Sits closer. Leans closer. Braces his hand on Bruce's thigh when reaching over him for the otherside of the desk. He catches Bruce's eye out of the corner of his. It's all over the second he does. Bruce is too good a detective not to know how to read arousal and interest, especially on a familiar face. He's in Bruce's lap in seconds. His mouth plundered.
He's hauled off to Bruce's room. Bruce barely let's him breath between consuming kisses as he mercilessly finger fucks him open, almost cruely drawing the first orgasm of the night of of Tim just so he'll be relaxed enough Bruce can FIT. And then it's like being crushed and swallowed alive. It's so big. Keeps going and going. Bruce is growling little whispers of reassurance and praise but Tim can MOVE. Bruce won't let him.
Pressed to the bed, spread so wide it almost hurts, arms trapped against his sides by Bruce's embrace. It's like he's being pinned and impaled. Then Bruce starts to MOVE and... and... oh god, Tim can't take it. Too much. Bruce, too much! Everything is pinpricks and stars and his inside are being destroyed but it's g-good and... and he just CAN'T!
But all Bruce does is kiss his tears and hum, making soothing little noises as he buries his face in Tim's neck, and pounds harder. Holds his boy. Close and perfect, everything melting together. Bruce loses himself to the rhyme of the thrusts. The wet heat. The gasps and whimpers and whines. It's so, so good. Overwhelming for Tim no doubt. Bruce groans and fucks them both through orgasm after orgasm until everything is too bright and too hot and the edge of agony. The last hour before midnight, Tim is held tight, stuffed full of Bruce and keeping him warm, barely able to move.
Loop resets. Tim feel sudden and accute sympathy for Selina. Also deep respect. He ALSO wants to strangle John Constantine. He let's the computer run. And Run. Aaaaand Run. Until his Bad Idea impulse starts to kick in and he can't take it anymore. He HAS to know. Dick has denied it but there's no real telling and it kinda is THE gossip in Hero circles... plus he HAS money.
He has to fuck Deathstroke.
He doesn't get the chance, John has been found! Oh thank FUCK. One trip on the Kon express later he's pound on a hungover magicians door. Bastard laughs at him. Just for that, no thank you sex. Oh LOOK, suddenly not funny? Imagine that. Kon would like to know, you know, since HE didn't laugh, if Thank You sex is still on the table for HIM? Absolutely. But only AFTER the Time Loop is Fixed.
Invested Kyptonian is Invested in these proceedings. John fixes the idol... not that he gets THANKED or anything :/ . But uuuuh, you didn't do anything... CRAZY while you were looping, right?
Local Kon has Remembered some shit. Bros helping bros. Uh Oh.
Tim's phone starting blowing up with messages and calls. OH NO.
They remember. SHIT.
the thing is that tim is always so busy. its not an exaggeration, every single moment of tim's life has a time slot specifically set aside for it- even bathroom breaks and showers. its not about being 'anal' like how jason likes to say or 'psycho' like how steph likes to believe. it's quite literally only about tim maximizing the amount of time he has in a day and, put simply, there's not enough.
there is not enough time in the day for tim to be able to get everything he wants done. the amount of days he's had where he was...free to do what he wanted are small. very small. as in 'hasn't happened in years' small.
and its not like tim couldn't take a vacation if he wanted to!
he was sure that if he told bruce he needed a break and wanted to go away for a week to recharge, tim's almost certain bruce would have the plane tickets booked and tim's packed bags out the doors before he had a chance to finish the '-tion' in 'vacation'. he's pretty sure that's how it would play out. but he'd never tried it. he just forced himself to be content with the fantasy of it and pretending not to stop for a moment and stare at the windows of department stores while running errands as they displayed mannequins in swimsuits along with surfboards and posters of young teens tim's age living life to the fullest.
tim has a deep respect for the work he does and he feels that a lot of his work is incredibly important so...he never tries to go bigger than the occasional wistful dream.
until he's stranded in, quite honestly, the most boring day to time loop within- in history. bruce is down in the cave all day, only surfacing for dinner. alfred is carefully instructing a landscaping crew for the new lawn design he drew up because alfred is actually quite proud when it comes to the greenery of the manor. dick is in one of the manor's offices pretending he's not upset about another job rejection letter and trying to redo his resume again in a more 'atmospheric' room. damian is in his room listening to music and watching other people play video games on youtube yet somehow remaining startlingly aware of each creak of the floorboards in the manor. jason is in the city, lounging in his apartment and committing credit card fraud by using bruce's card to order the things that catch his interest on qvc.
the thing is that tim knows what to do in a time loop. there's a protocol for it. there's a protocol for everything.
but the thing is...most of those protocols are of the 'world is ending' variety. someone keeps dying/ "I" keep dying/ the world keeps going to shit. or it's one of those loops where it's more centered around character development where tim needs to reach some kind of revelation about appreciating his family and believing in santa again or something.
but its none of those. tim doesn't have to go on some journey of self reflection or find some way to stop dying. no. because tim knows exactly what caused the loop. and it was damian picking a fight with him while tim was on 'tagging' duty for the new box of magical artifacts that bruce wanted identified, logged, and put into storage.
a magical artifact that bruce was now painfully and delicately reconstructing because he and damian had gotten into a fight that ended with tim throwing the closest thing on hand at the twerp-turned-towering-giant which....turned out to be a carefully carved statue of a hand that was apparently from an offering site of some germanic god.
there was no other explanation of it because as soon as that stone had shattered; tim had woken up in bed, dizzy and cursing damian. he spent the entire day nursing his body and the next day felt...slightly better so he'd ventured out.
it took the third morning before tim figured out he was stuck in a loop and what the cause of it was. knowing that there was no danger afoot tim took a few loops to rest his horrendous splitting headache before buckling down and looking for a magic user to help fix this.
loops started by magical objects were relatively quick fixes. all it required was the 'stabilization' of the person affected's soul to tie them back to the timeline.
only that zatanna was out with the league on some mission in space. doctor fate was utterly unreachable by tim's current standards. zachary was a douchebag who would hold this over tim. which left basically only john constantine.
who would winge about it but help tim out without being too much of a dick. so long as tim could find him.
bruce had a program on the batcomputer specifically for being able to track down constantine's exact coordinates. only that the program had to go country by country for the search and each one could take days. bruce usually had an educated guess about where to start and didn't normally use the program because it was so slow so other magic users were usually contacted before bruce resorted to the program.
but it was tim's only option.
besides this could be...nice. he finally has all the time in the world to do everything he wanted. tim had been laid up sick for 2 whole loops and nothing had happened while he was curled up in bed.
he could get a headstart on everything he needed to do while waiting for the program on the batcomputer to find constantine! like his casework!
it takes tim almost a dozen loops to find the culprit in each one of his active cases. there's no point going to gordon or typing up a report because it will just disappear in the next loop but the entirety of tim's investigations are safely stored away in his head for when time finally starts working right again.
tim is at a bit of a loss for half a loop before he remembers all the birthday gifts from his friends, both civilian and caped, he'd never gotten to use. videogames he never got to play. books he never got to read. movies he never got to watch. in fact, tim had a huge towering stack of gifts from christmas and eid he never got to open.
tim spends about a week and a half on each videogame, systematically beating every game. then when he's finished he goes back around and starts going for all the achievements. then he starts playing all the games on the hardest settings. he tries to co-op a few times but after the first loop realizes that each attempt will just be with the same people who will say the same things and have the same conversations.
tim decides to put the games to the side for a little while and starts digging through his stack of unwatched shows and movies he'd never watched. he even cracks open some of those gifts and finds packages of candy and sweet treats waiting for him- many of which are still good! he watches all the movies and binges the shows. he laughs, cries, boos, throws popcorn at the screen of his tv in his room.
that takes up almost two months worth of loops.
tim tries reading a few of those books jason rants about and even gifted him but keeps falling asleep halfway through them.
speaking of sleep. tim sleeps. a lot. a lot a lot. he catches up on his sleep debt for a few loops but ultimately can't stand it anymore.
he does everything he can think of. he rests and relaxes until he's bored to tears. he looks into and solves the few cold cases that bruce has sitting in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet in the cave.
tim even eats until he's sick. he pigs out with no reguard for his usual diet and gorges himself on food until he's sick at the sight of it.
it doesn't work. tim runs out of distractions and things to have fun with.
he's...bored. woefully understimulated and SO frustrated and...
well....there was an idea he hadn't considered before.
tim never understood the fuss about sex. couldn't understand why it made people like bruce and dick lose their cool at the promise of it. tim has masturbated, sure. for hormone and health reasons but orgasms had never been something so life-changing that he'd let himself get turned stupid over it like how...so many of his friends and family had.
so. tim tries. tries to figure out what's so good about it. he stops rubbing at his clit with single-minded focus and intent to get off.
he goes slower. he tries watching porn. reading porn. tries to find what gets him aroused.
it works. tim finds himself fascinated with the sight of plush lips swallowing down cocks until their throats bulged. he grows red and hot with the sight of thick, white cum flowing out of red, stretched-open pussies.
tim starts fucking his fingers into himself, using fingers to explore the little hole he's never paid much mind to.
the thing about masturbating is there is always a reward for it. tim always feels good, body growing warm and content with orgasm. unlike the other things he's tried, he doesn't grow easily bored.
there are just....so many things to learn about his body. about how he likes pinching his tits until it's painful and they're blossoming into a red color. he likes figuring out how many fingers he can press into his hole, how many times he can orgasm in an hour.
it's good. it's nice. it's fun.
but...its also labor intensive. tim's hand hurts from rubbing so much after a whole day. by the time it reaches nighttime he's so horny he's sobbing but he can't get off because his poor abused hand keeps cramping.
it also takes awhile for tim to work up the arousal to get wet enough that every clench of his thighs or working of his fingers releases wet sounds that echo in his room.
tim likes how wet he gets. how he just keeps drooling and dripping clear cum from his hole onto his bedsheets until he's lying in a wet spot.
tim knows there are...toys.
he's seen them in videos and he's overheard dick's friends joke about his 'collection'.
tim is...curious. there's no way he can get a toy delivered from the internet on time and the sex shops in gotham all require IDs to purchase and tim would get kicked out if he even tried that.
normally tim would be too mortified to even think about sneaking into dick's room to steal the lube he knows he keeps in his bedside drawer or seatrching his room for those dildos he's seen in porn because tim's desire to know what a cock feels like inside him has only grown...
but tim is stuck in a loop and it only takes another day of hand cramps before he's creeping past damian's door to sneak into dick's room.
he manages to get the lube and opens a drawer....filled to the BRIM with toys. tim gets so suddenly embarrassed that he just grabs the smallest one and darts back to his room.
tim took a dildo that vibrates at a kind of humming frequency. tim only has to touch it to his red throbbing clit a little bit before he's whining and grinding his sopping baby cunt all along the length of it. he doesn't try any of the 'techniques' he saw in porn and just relies on instinct to kick off the rest of his pajamas and gasp as he presses the things head against his hole. the vibration is intense being pressed in and tim almost gets a tummy ache because he can feel the vibrating in all his other organs as he gasps and wetly drags out the dildo streaked with strings of tim's wetness. the glide provided by the lube is heavenly as tim grinds against it, arching into each stroke and crying out as he cums and clenches around nothing. eventually tim gets brave enough to try fucking the slim dildo inside. tim is still in the middle of fucking himself when the loop restarts and even though tim's cunt isn't wet or throbbing from use he's so damnably aroused and furious that his orgasm was cut short.
tim races to dick's room and is digging through the drawers again when damian interrupts him. he's haughty and annoyed because he got grounded for the artifact breaking even though tim had been the one who broke it.
tim's happy the little brat was finally facing consequences for messing with him though he's a little irritated that it was only when damian surpassed him in height that bruce and dick started putting their foots down.
tim is horny, hot, and all kinds of annoyed at the interruption. he tries to ignore damian but the boy doesn't take kindly to it and starts yelling about tim being in dick's room and askin what he's even doing and tim is half tempted to whip out the dildo just to see the bug-eyed look on damian's face but that would just cause more problems in the loop than it was worth.
besides...tim has other concerns as he drowns out damian's huffing to press his thighs together. he can feel himself getting wet. with every loop its like he's so much more aware of his body.
before, tim had to work to get wet but now it was like the slightest thought had his pussy beginning to gush with interest and the promise of feeling good.
damian's not going away only getting louder and closer and tim is so warm and sooooo not in the mood for an argument-
the frustration and mutual aggravation in the room is reaching boiling points.
tim's not sure how it happens.
but he's on his back, pajama bottoms discarded somewhere off near the foot of dick's bed.
damian, the not-so-little-runt, is on top of tim and growling, grunting, almost heaving as he fucks into tim's wet, warm hole. tim doesn't even care that he hasn't stretched himself, that damian is the first real life cock he's ever had inside him. tim doesn't care, all he wants is to feel that thick cock inside him hammering home as tim grinds his clit along with every snap of hips into him. tim is whining and squirming on damian's cock. every time damian thinks he's trying to crawl away he's dragged back down and fucked harder like it's a punishment. it's not, tim is delighted to feel the force of damian's thrusts slapping wetly into him as he tightens his legs around damian's waist. tim arches and lets out a broken cry when he finally cums, clenching tight and feeling damian let out broken grunts as he pushes deep inside.
the feeling of cum flooding his insides is like nothing tim has ever felt. the relief and satisfaction that comes with it, the feeling of a warm body over him and pinning him down....
his fingers will never be enough. a fake cock will never be enough. there is no way tim can ever go back knowing what a cock feels like now.
the next loop tim is calling kon.
damian is right next door but...that's a whole mess tim would rather not repeat. he's blaming it on the loop madness. a burst of temporary insanity!
kon is his best friend and probably one of the few things that kon has more experience than him in is sex.
tim will try to forget the fact that he let the brat fuck him and "technically" take his virginity even though a new loop meant that tim's cunt had never known the feeling of a cock... besides tim's pretty sure if he tried approaching damian for another go he'd get a blade to his throat.
kon is willing to help tim out with his...virginity problem. more than willing actually.
tim doesn't even get a chance to hang up after his request before kon is knocking at his windows with the face of a kid set loose on a carnival.
kon explains that he's more of a 'hands on' instructor. he tells tim this while flinging off his shirt and groping one of tim's tits with an almost audible sound of glee.
kon is a good fuck. tim has no real standard for comparison but everything kon does feels amazing. his cock is BIG. about the same length, maybe an inch or two bigger than damian's, but also much thicker. it's a struggle to sink down on it but kon helps him with his grip on tim's hips, gently bouncing him up and down until tim's mouth fell open at the feeling of being so...full. kon kisses at tim's gaped mouth, humming and murmuring little noises as tim wetly clenches around his cock spearing him open.
they fuck a couple of times before tim needs a breather. he asks kon if sex is always like this.
with damian it had been more of a 'tearing at their clothes and each other and fucking desperately in one position'. kon takes him on his back, on his side, his front, and sitting down facing each other. tim liked that one. sitting in kon's lap with a cock pressing all the way to the opening of his womb and grinding their hips together while kon hugged him close and tim whined about being so full.
kon makes a humming sound of consideration as he grinds his hard cock between the wet seam of tim's cunt, not pressing in and just idly thrusting between tim's rosy folds.
"well most chicks don't let me cum inside them bro."
tim makes a considering noise and honestly, if he wasn't in a time loop there was no way that tim would risk getting pregnant with either damian or kon's fat headed babies.
but this was a time loop and by morning both of their cum would be banished from his womb and his eggs would be unfertilized.
of course tim doesn't say that.
"well that's cause you're my bro kon. special privileges."
kon makes a happy sound and finally presses the thick head of his cock into tim's pussy with a wet sound as tim's cunt accepts the gentle thrusts.
tim hums a little at the nice feeling but his poor pussy throbs at the stretch.
"can i try sucking your cock?"
kon moans into to hollow of tim's neck.
"god, you're the best bro to ever live tim."
well there was tim's answer.
next loop tim wants a smaller cock. kon's was nice but by the end of the night it was clear that his cock was not for first time pussies like tim's.
so tim dials his other best bro.
it's the best decision tim's ever made. it's like having a human vibrator. bart fucks him so fast everything is a blur. tim is pretty sure he blacks out for a few moments. bart babbles the entire time, talking about how soft tim is and how nice he smells and how good he feels and how he has really nice tits- real cute!
bart has basically no refractory period- he just keeps cumming. he never stops fucking into tim, not even for a second. when he cums the only signal tim gets is the flooding of warm cum filling him up and then just as quickly being fucked out of him.
tim manages to get bart to slow to a grind by cupping his sweet head and kissing him. apparently bart loves kissing with tongue. the makeout is so thick and wet that tim's not sure if the wet sounds in the room are from them kissing or from bart fucking him.
tim is fucked until he's on the verge of passing out- and bart never stops. tim's insides just hum with the constant buzz of arousal at the thought of bart continuing to fuck his unconscious body. just as he starts to black out, tim can't help but think about how he loves sex so fucking much.
sex has made tim braver. more confident. maybe stupidly confident because as soon as he's up and restarting the program to search for constantine- he makes his way to the office where dick is agonizing over his unemployment.
tim knows he's always had a little crush on dick. his cool, hot, kind older brother. when he was younger it'd been harder to hide the blatant admiration. the years hadn't been kind to them or their relationship. there's a distance between them they both wish wasn't there. tim knows they've grown apart and maybe that along with his new sexual discovery have provided him with the guts to go in and proposition dick.
if all failed he could just go back to his room to lick his wounds of rejection and call up kon or bart (or both) for a round 2.
he doesn't get a chance. he spends the whole loop in that office being made to feel like shit as dick furiously lectures him about how incredibly "inappropriate" his proposition was. that dick was his brother and several years older and that tim was a child and what on earth got into him to believe that this was okay? if tim was young and curious about sex fine, he got it. but there were so many other people his age that he could go for-
it's probably the worst that dick has ever reamed him out.
but...tim couldn't help but feel like there was something... off about it.
so many of the points that dick brought up were...really well thought out for something that dick was put on the spot for. almost as if...almost as if dick had already thought of it all before.
....like he was just repeating all the reasons he'd thought of for why a relationship between him and tim wouldn't work.
the next loop tim isn't discouraged. he tries again. he's shot down.
he tries another approach. turned down, but gentler this time.
he tests boundaries and tries again. dick hesitates before telling tim to go back to his room and they'd talk about it in the morning.
it's like tim can see all the pieces chipping away as he finds a new way to ask dick to fuck him. after a handful of loops it becomes very clear that dick wants to say 'yes'. that he probably wanted to say yes during that first loop. but....some weird moral hangup was preventing him from finding out how sweet and tight tim's pussy was.
even if tim spent every loop from therein asking dick, he'd never say yes.
unless....he was given an excuse to.
like ivy's pollen. of which there are plenty of sample vials in the cave. antidotes too.
but antidotes don't always work to the full effect. side effects are still possible. side effects that only tim's big brother can help with as he stumbles into the quiet office with a whimper and call of 'diiiiick'.
dick holds him close, hands stroking tim's fluffy strands as he tells dick about how his stomach hurts and how...how the place between his legs is all sore and -and...wet. tim whispers it shamefully in dick's ear and pretends to not feel the shiver that courses through dick's body.
dick strokes tim's abdomen, softly whispering comforts at each of tim's whimpers until tim starts kicking off his pajama pants.
"it huuuurts dick-"
tim whines. he's sure that dick is going to offer his fingers but he's suprised when dick presses him onto his back. dick is as red as a tomato as he tells tim he has something that will help. dick helps tim out of his pajama bottoms and carefully spreads his thighs apart to get at tim's cute clenching pussy.
tim squeals when dick puts his mouth on him. at first it's just a careful drag of a tongue along the slit but then tim's thighs are in a brusing grip and being spread further open as dick lets out a moan and starts pressing his tongue inside tim's tender baby hole.
tim has been poking a bear for several loops so he has no right to complain when all of dick's self control breaks and he has tim's legs over his shoulders and starts pounding tim's baby pussy like an animal. as soon as he spills burning cum inside tim's seizing cunt he painfully grabs tim's hair, tugging on his head to pull tim's chin against his sternum and sits on tim's chest so he can feed tim his cock that he hastily ripped out of tim's pussy just as he started cumming. tim is trapped under him as dick fuck's tim's throat like its a cock sleeve. his balls slap against tim's chin and he can only be grateful that kon helped him figure out how to suck cock without gagging or choking. dick. messes. him. up.
tim's face is a mess of drool, spit, and cum. tim gasps for breath everytime dick tugs his cock out only to swallow a gasp as dick sinks all the way in with a choked moan. dick fucks tim's face for a while longer before deciding that's enough.
tim is flipped like a pancake on his front when dick is done and his tender hole is immediatly filled with tim barely having any time to adjust as dick begins slamming deep and hard into his tender hole, every wet slap is echoing as dick pumps into tim with a fury of someone whose self control has just snapped.
tim gets so messy and wet. cum streaks his thighs and mouth and all down his chin. dick even pulls out at one point and strokes himself in tim's face so he can smear a thick white mess all onto tim's sweet face.
tim gets fucked unconscious and wakes up having to take a minute to process everything. clearly dick is a creature that must be awakened with caution.
but tim has already had a taste of what a fucking from someone who's lost control feels like and needs more.
he goes to the only other brother he hasn't fucked. jason.
jason takes no convincing. he has tim kneeled and on his front. tim gets rug burn on his poor tits because jason does not let him up. he's the first one to fuck tim's ass and tim makes noises he didn't even know he was capable of. jason likes him vocal, he wants tim to sob and cry for more, he wants him to beg jason, to thank jason, to worship jason and his cock that fucks him so well and fills his womb so good.
jason likes telling tim that tim is going to have his babies as he slams into tim and floods his womb with cum. jason makes tim bend in ways that ache his body- dick is the flexible one but jason ignores tim's whines and fucks him in impossible positions while grunting about how tight tim's slutty little princess pussy is.
tim falls asleep to jason stroking his hair and telling him about what a sweet little cunt he was for jason and that he's going to fuck that little thing whenever he wants because its his now-
so tim's brothers are freaks. he always suspected that but now he's certain.
tim doesn't seek anyone out for a few loops. he spends them sleeping, resting, and eating.
even though he's physically fine and there are no aches in his body- tim's soul has spent that last few loops getting mercilessly and endlessly fucked.
the search for constantine still hasn't turned anything up and the time loop might be making tim go a little bit...loopy.
a time loop is endless possibilities and potentials.
it's really a test of a person's character because of the whole 'do anything you want and there will be no consequence' thing. some people might kill, rob a bank, or fulfill some dangerous stunt to test their new 'immortality'. but not tim.
no. tim, after being trapped in a loops for a few months, decides to call a psycho cult leader and long time enemy of his and....bootycall him.
tim tells ra's al ghul he's checking into a hotel in downtown gotham in a little bit because he's apparently gone crazy. if ra's shows up tim will let him fuck him. no catch. no trap. just tim having what's clearly a crisis and this is the way he's decided to work through it.
tim almost doesn't go. he gets in the car and just stares at the wheel and asks if he's really about to do this. if time loop tim is really about to fuck ra's al ghul for...the kicks.
in the end tim goes. even if it ends badly at least the curiosity will be satiated and he'll have no regrets and that damnable voice in the back of his head that sometimes brings up about how ra's is built so nicely, how his voice is like a purr and sometimes sends shivers that aren't all that bad down tim's spine. and....tim really wants to know what getting fucked by someone with centuries of experience is like.
it's amazing. more than amazing.
tim's pretty sure that ra's makes him feel pleasure in muscles he didn't even know existed. tim's half sure that in terms of technique, he's ruined for anyone else. even if tim lived for the next one hundred years he'd never be able to find someone who made him feel what ra's did.
ra's had, apparently, decided to go all out on tim's poor body the moment tim told him to not use condoms because he wanted to feel it all-
tim had seen what those words had done to ra's. the way his eyes had darkened, the way he'd creeped closer like a lithe panther and said 'oh timothy' with that wonderful drawl that tim would finally admit- turned him on.
tim is ashamed of his kissing skills as ra's pillages his mouth while thoroughly fucking his pussy. skilled fingers rub and stroke tim's clit while tim gasps and wraps his fingers into ra's hair and whines, grinding down on the cock inside him. ra's coos at him like he's a darling little pet doing something adorable. tim can't even talk to tell him off, too focused on the feelings flooding through him as ra's bends him in half and fucks him harder and deeper while whispering about breeding him nice and full with his child, that tim will carry his heir in his lovely little womb and they will be perfect because they will be timothy's-
tim's brain is mush. purely oatmeal gray matter mush leaking out of his ears. he doesn't even care about the windows breaking and bruce flying in with a furious snarl as ra's continues fucking him. tim's eyes roll back into his skull as he feels one final blissful orgasm.
tim stays in bed for the entire next loop. he doesn't get up. he just lies there and stares at his ceiling and accepts that he did, in fact, do that.
he's almost disappointed in himself for not feeling a shred of regret.
tim hasn't seen bruce in a while. even though every loop starts with tim restarting the program and checking off all the countries that have already been searched.
bruce is a different level than everyone else. he's in a league completely of his own. and even before tim considers it, he tries talking himself out of it.
but the loop eliminates many of the reasons why tim shouldn't fuck bruce. the change to their relationship, their dynamics, bruce's history of how he treats the people he fucks, the fact that bruce is his father, the fact that for tim- it will always mean something more than a simple fuck.
but the loop will let tim get it out of his system. it will let him feel and know and experience what he's fantasized of ever since he was a child.
the loop has also allowed tim to better prepare for the confrontation. tim's memories of how bruce talks to him, treats him, acts around him help develop support. and then there's the loop with ra's, which in tim's mind, was further evidence of how bruce...might have a deeper interest than he lets on.
its not hard to find bruce. he's in a more isolated part of the cave digitally reconstructing the broken artifact. he doesn't even blink at tim's presence and accepts his companionship as tim glares down at the artifact that's to blame to tim's most recent questionable life choice.
tim takes the oppertunity to...look at bruce. to admire him in the way he hasn't in a while. to stare at the fine line of his jaw, curve of his lips, the dark lashes shadowing those cold blue eyes, the neatly groomed hair and the gray shadow of his unshaved face. bruce's thick, calloused fingers and neat nails, the fine slope of his broad shoulders and trim waist that lead down to thick, muscled thighs.
bruce has always been a level of handsome well above most people and tim knows its partly the plastic surgery he's gotten over the years but also the natural air that just oozes from bruce, the authority and confidence that can just never be replicated.
tim knows that bruce feels him staring. he doesn't falter even when tim slides closer and lets their thighs touch. bruce glances at him and tim stares at him with big undisguised interest in his eyes. he lets bruce pick up on his fascination and attraction and he can see as bruce's eyes sharpen to confirm if the messages tim is putting down are, in fact, correct.
it's not a hard sell for bruce. tim knew that the moment bruce stopped working and turned to him with something heavy and burning in his eyes with the words 'tim....what are you doing?' echoing in the cave.
bruce's tongue is in tim's mouth and his hands are fondling tim's tits as tim straddles him in his chair. bruce picks him up like it's nothing, navigating the cave without looking at all or pulling his mouth away from tim as he makes his way to the exit that leads up to his bedroom.
tim can feel as bruce barely manages to restrain himself from how he squeezes tim's ass and tits, from the way he practically rips tim's clothes off and climbs on top of him the minute they reach the bed. how, without a word of warning, bruce stuffs two fingers into tim's baby cunt. tim can feel the brutal want overflowing in bruce as he finger fucks tim and mouthes at his tits, sucking harshly on tim's chest and mumuring little words while tim runs his fingers through bruce's hair and hums, twitching around bruce's fingers. tim figures out that bruce is trying to force an orgasm out of tim with just his fingers as bruce's thumb brutally starts stroking tim's little clit, grinding the pad of his thumb against the wet little hole. tim whines, closing his eyes and trembling as he feels a shaky little orgasm begin to stem from his little clit. tim gasps and bruce covers his open mouth with a wet, possessive kiss.
bruce gets lube at some point because the fingers return and start fucking tim deeper with an easier slide. tim whines and fucks his hips down, taking bruce's fingers deeper until bruce rips them out without mercy and uses his hands to wrap tim's arms into a hug and pin them to his side. the hug is tight and constricting, the top of bruce's head is under his chin and tim's back is slightly raised from the bed courtesy of bruce's arms under him. tim can't move his arms at all. his legs are spread obscenely open, as far as they can go, and tim can feel the stretch and strain in his hip socket from being in a split
tim can feel the cold air of the room in his pussy that's holding open. but then he feels the press of a very BIG cock. tim almost stops breathing as he feels bruce's mouth fall open around a tit and give it an open-mouthed kiss.
its a stretch. even with bruce's fingers and an orgasm to loosen him up- tim can feel as his pussy is pushed to the limit to accept the cock that bruce is sinking into him. tim is gasping 'ah ah ah's', choking, getting the wind knocked out of him as he feels bruce's cock fill. him. up.
every bit of tim's hole is hyperaware of the cock grinding inside him. tim clenches weakly around it and whines loud and low at the full, aching throb in his cunt at bruce's cock. it's...it's too much. not even the good too much- it's just too much. tim can't take it. there's no way he can take it. his pussy resets every loop and tim's poor virgin pussy can't take this. tim bends his knees and tries to squirm off-
"b-bruce t-too much, it's too big nnnngh-"
tim can feel bruce shake his head against tim's chest. bruce inches inside a bit more and tim yelps at the stretch. god he can feel his pussy stretch, the muscles working hard to accommodate. tim's insides are painful with pinpricks of pain as bruce goes deeper in. tim tenses up which earns him a groan. he can feel bruce, he can feel him so deep inside and even though it's not physically possible, tim's pretty sure that bruce has breached his cervix and he's now fucking his womb.
"y-you're i-n my womb- bruce, bruce hhahhh hnnn i-it's too much you're too deep-"
bruce groans deeper and starts slowly fucking tim, using his hold around tim to bringing him down on his cock as he destroys tim's insides. tim can feel as bruce's cock bumps his other organs out of the way as he sinks all the way down to the base of his cock.
tim's cry is soundless as bruce's rough, calloused fingers pinch his clit and force tim's uterus and pussy to hum with arousal. tim gasps and lets his head fall back while his brows furrow and alternating feelings of pain and pleasure fill him. bruce's cock brings tears to tim's eyes and tears streak down his cheeks. they're kissed and lapped up by bruce who starts speeding up.
tim's pretty sure his brain has become zombified all he can do is helplessly moan and groan as bruce's thrusts grow faster and wetter, as every slap is followed by bruce's grunt as he falls into a steady, panting pace to fuck into the wet heat of tim.
all tim can do is lie there and take it. his poor pussy and womb are being ravaged by bruce because he fucks just like how he fights- without mercy.
it never stops being too much. bruce's cock and his fingers on tim's clit force orgasm after orgasm out of tim that all make him a little looser until bruce has tim on his knees on the bed, savagely banging tim even though their orgasms. he fills tim up with cock but never slows down, continuing to fuck tim even while soft until he gets hard again inside of him and restarts the cycle.
its pure overstimulation. it's torture and tim cries through it all as bruce keeps fucking him even after he's cum its like...like he's some kind of possessed beast intent on killing tim with his cock.
it's only when the sun has been down for hours and the manor is quiet and silent and bruce is humming with tim limp and weak on his chest that tim can breathe. he strokes tim's hair with the tender love that you would stroke a beloved cat. he kisses the top of tim's head while one of his hands play with tim's gaping hole that's drooling out thick cum. bruce rubs tim's burning clit between two fingers, presses gently to the hot puffy lips of his pussy and reverently strokes at tim's tired little hole that's home to the buckets of cum that bruce has released into him.
bruce just hums with satisfaction and presses another kiss to tim's head.
tim lucks out. he lucks out because the program finds constantine and tim can end the loop. he's also lucky because the program found constantine just as he was about to dial death stroke's 'work' number that he managed to track down.
tim's not sure just how far his bad idea impulse would have taken him but he can only be glad that the most recent loop begins with him at constantine's door and kon, who flew him over, that was confused but willing to help.
constantine opens the door, takes one look at him, and immediatly must see his soul unanchored because he immediatly starts laughing.
tim has grown something of a...shamlessness while stuck looping so he says the first thing that he knows will hurt.
"well you just lost out on the 'thank you' pussy you were going to get for laughing."
constantine sucks in a sharp choked sound. tim doesn't even have to turn around to know kon's eyes have widened.
"i'm guess you know why i'm here though?"
constantine stares at him for a moment longer before rubbing at the deep wrinkles between his brows with a 'bloody hell'. tim's not surprised at the reaction. most other heroes know him solely as the 'uptight' one of the robins.
tim and kon follow constantine inside as he gestures for them to enter.
constantine grumbles something while he begins clearing a nearby table of books and knickknacks.
"you know, 'I' didn't laugh rob." kon innocently offers and tim knows this is just him being his usual flirtatious self. but tim's also had his cock inside him numerous times in another loop so...
"once constantine's done i'll suck your dick in his chair." tim assures him. kon immediatly starts helping constantine clear the tables he needs to perform whatever spell that will end this debacle and allow tim to finally return to his normal life and bury what time loop tim did as just another temporary bout of insanity.
it's a quick fix. really quick. tim doesn't even realize anything has happened until constantine is clearing his throat and lighting a cigarette with a "right, that ought to do it- and just to be clear, you didn't do anything too murdery, crazy, or shitheaded right love?"
tim's 'why?' is on the tip of his tongue when kon, who is standing nearby, suddenly goes blank-faced and raises a hand to his temple like he's a teen psychic in a TV show that just had a vision.
"woah." kon sways slightly before the fogginess in his eyes clears away and he looks at tim with a sort of energy that wasn't there before. "tim- did we have sex today somehow?"
tim feels something cold flood his insides.
constantine blows out a puff of smoke suddenly much more interested in the conversation happening in front of him.
tim's phone starts vibrating in his back pocket.
tim's phone starts chiming with news of a text message.
oh no.
and another. and another. tim's phone doesn not stop vibrating.
it turns out the artifact tim broke did not start a normal time loop but rather a 'layered' one. in which everything tim did or said would be recalled by the people he did and said it to. turns out it WAS one of those 'valuable lesson' time loops. just a...delayed one.
constantine had been banking on tim having murdered someone in the loops which is why he hadn't told him. the asshole.
he had NOT been banking on tim having fucked friends, family, and an actual villain. constantine's laugh is cut short when batman and nightwing break his doors down accompanied by their respective confused speedster and kryptonian, that they clearly called to carry them to tim's location once they tracked him down.
in response to the inquires, interrogations, and questions from the various people he allowed to pump his guts- tim....evades.
tim is wholly of the opinion that he cannot be held responsible for the actions of time loop tim. so what if tim had some ill advised liaisons?
he only did it because he thought he'd get away with it!!!! and he would've!
if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!!!
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annwe24 · 4 months
Part 1
Summary: The past still haunts him as a painful reminder of being played at love. Even with such opportunity, Lucifer refuses to open up his heart.
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People often say death is the well-deserved eternal rest after a life of hardship. That, unfortunately, has been proven wrong. Hell is like a punch in the face for those who seek escapism in the afterlife, leaving undone business to the living. So why the Hell would sinners be able to redeem themselves in the first place? Lucifer frustratedly thinks to himself. He is totally baffled at the idea. Even, hypothetically at best, they somehow made it into heaven, would they be accepted? However, seeing how determined his daughter is, it would break his heart to not support her only grand goal in life. He hates how he cares enough to awkwardly pour tea into your teacup with a shaky pinky at the moment. Charlie has been pushing him to leave his usual working desk to spend time socializing. It's a bonding exercise, she said. Given how well-mannered you usually are, he is glad she chose you instead of the other sinners. Ah, you. Always so caring, always so polite, always so-
Your Majesty, your tea is getting cold.
Coughing loudly, he drinks all the tea in his cup at once and silently cringes at himself.
Sorry, I’ve been having too many thoughts these days. Many things, you know.
Is there any way I can help? I noticed you’ve been so paranoid lately, I’m just worried but of course! You don't have to agree to that just because I ask you but please don't feel pressured to keep everything to yourself because I know-
Hey, it's alright! I understand your sentiment.
He softly cuts you off seeing that you are getting worked up. You always have this rather odd excitement for helping people. Your kindness stands out too much compared to others, something almost too pure. A question he's been asking himself lately is how did you end up here. It has been fun contemplating the possibilities during his free time, imagining your sweet face distorts into madness. Wait, what? Sweet face?
The fuck is your problem? He knows good people, even a rarity, still exist in this hellhole. Not all good people end up in Heaven, something Lucifer has long accepted. The problem is your goodness is absurd. Ever since your arrival at the hotel, it is clear that you are one of the most eager helpers, going as far as taking Charlie’s exercises almost too seriously. It irritates him to no end how you are so easily exploited.
He noticed many guests at the hotel use you as an errand runner unknowingly from time to time. There is certainly no malicious intent underneath, they themselves don't even realize that. It’s just that you are too easy, too gullible. Angel Dust is one glaring example. He has been known to ask you to fetch him stuff when he is “too fragile and sore due to overwork”. In reality, he sleeps through the afternoon and just gets too lazy. Lucifer can't help but find you suspicious. Afterall, who is going to trust someone in Hell, suffers memory loss, no identity and came to this hotel saying they wanted “a second chance”. He is determined to see through your facade, peeling you out like an onion.
A loud yelp followed by the squeaks of a hundred rubber ducks echo though his mansion. He quickly puts down the boiling kettle and dashes to his room. Piles of rubber ducks scatter across his room with you being the center of it all, dumbfounded. Panic reaches your eyes as you stand up hastily and say small “sorry” over and over. You look like you're about to cry.
Lucifer calmly squeezes through piles of rubber duck to get to you and places an assuring hand on your shoulder:
It’s nothing I can't fix. Here!
With a snap of his finger, the ducks magically fly back into place and the room starts to look like a room fit for a king rather than a depressed single dad. Lucifer is quite pleased with your wide-eye expression. Letting out a sigh, he guides you over to the tea table where you two would spend the rest of the afternoon. This kind of “date” has been going on for a while under the encouragement of Charlie. She is ecstatic to see her father finally be able to find someone to confide in and is a sinner. Although Lucifer can hang around the hotel whenever he feels like it, he prefers somewhere more private and quiet so that no one judges him. He hates being judged. It reminds him of his time in Heaven which he absolutely wants to forget. This is where Hell steps in. The place is literally his playground, albeit a bit grotesque, but at least he is free.
As time flies, the little hangouts between you and him occur more often. It has reached to a point that he finds his mansion eerie without your presence. You are not a talkative person nor a charmer, but you carry yourself with such sweetness that makes him feel peaceful, a warmth he has long forgotten. He wonders if the same happens to you. Do you find yourself incomplete without meeting him at least once a day? He certainly is not a mind reader but a keen observer at the very least. You seem to light up every time you see him, always looking, listening in his direction. He is scared. What if this was all a ploy you set up to get closer to the King, to have some kind of privilege down here? You are first and foremost still a sinner. Although he believes not everyone in Hell is bad, being in Hell means breaking some morals while you were alive. He can't handle another failed relationship. Not right now, not when Lilith still lingers hauntingly in the back of his mind, not when he can break at any moment and Charlie is the only thing that keeps him going. He can't let her get hurt too. She is just as fragile as him after the divorce.
Tonight’s hangout is just the same as every other hangout: comfortable silence. You are rolling on his king-size bed while fidgeting a rubber duck he especially made for you. You have been quite comfortable in his mansion, letting yourself go as if you were at home. As for Lucifer, he is at his working desk as usual. He likes it this way. Lucifer is not a chatter at heart and you are the same. After a while, you decided to break the silence:
What are you making today? You rolled over on the bed to face him.
Oh, just rubber duck, you know.
You have so many already. Why don't you make something new every then and there?
What do you like?
What do you like? He asked, turning back to face you.
Well, um… I like stuffed animals? I guess?
Okay, it's a deal then! He said with a toothy grin.
Y-you don't have to!
It's alright. I’m running out of ideas anyways.
Thank you!! You say as you hug the rubber duck.
What am I doing? Lucifer silently thinks to himself.
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) Prologue
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Body shaming/issues, Family problems/mental abuse, bad language, Violence and Blood.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
Next Part >
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The firstborn of the family always carries on the family name which is why high class families want their first to be a boy, so when you were born a girl you were a disappointment from the start. It didn't matter from that point on, what you did or what you accomplished in life, you would never be good enough for them, but you still tried. You wanted to be smart like your farther and prove to him that you can one day run the several companies that he owns, they were inherited from his farther who inherited it from his farther, it goes on and on. Your farther is very old-fashioned, men should work and women should stay home to raise the next generation, Your mother agreed with him on this so tried to raise you to be a lady, be pretty and proper. You wanted to please both of them, so they would finally look at you with love and respect but the more you tried the less happy you became. Still trying for a boy your parents had 4 other girls before finally having a boy but during that time of waiting they decided to put what they had to use. Beauty competition and pageant became your life and the things you actually liked to do had to be dropped in order to make time for all that. Your mother became more controlling sometimes scaring you with how far she was willing to go just to get you to win, she told you what to eat and when to eat, you were never aloud to cut your hair since it had to be longer and better than the other girls. You were measured and weighed every day, if you were over a certain weight then she would withhold food until you were back down to that weight.
Your mother broke down in tears when it turned out you needed reading glasses stating that it will damage your nose, you tried contacts, but they hurt and caused eye irritation, despite that you grinned and bared so you could continue to read and do your school work trying to impress your farther while also pleasing your mother. Even though you were only doing extra math's lessons to try and get your father to notice you it was something you began to look forward to, your teachers praised you for your work and even moved you up a year, because of this you enjoyed it more and more some times forgetting the reason you were doing all this in the first place. Unfortunately your sisters were pushed to the side most of the time, your mother stayed focused on you and trying to have a boy for your farther while your farther was either locked in his office or on business ventures, a lot of resentment formed between you and your sisters, they wanted mothers attention and you wanted less of it hoping it will take some pressure to being the most beautiful off of you. Things got better when your farther's company took a turn for the worst, he actually needed you and you were more than happy to help, hopefully making him proud of you in the process. It was hard work and you spent a lot of late night but your Farther made sure your mother didn't interfere because of this she turned her attention to your sisters finally giving them the attention they wanted.
It took months of work but you managed to fix the problem and found a way to save more money without hurting anyone who works for your farther, despite all that you didn't get a thank you, just sent back to your mother. It broke you seeing how he would easily throw you aside once he had what he wanted and things got worse when your brother came along. You were 14 when your brother was born, you didn't even know him and yet you hated him, your farther now had a son and it didn't matter if he grew up to be stupid or ugly, he would still have farther's praise. Your farther did most of the work raising your brother making sure he would one day be the head of his companies, it broke you even more seeing how your brother who was still a baby had more love and respect that you ever did or ever would. It didn't take long for the anger and hurt to boil over, you started acting out and rebelling, it started out small, going down stairs for late night snacks, ripping a dress you were going to wear just before a contest making it seem like an accident, missed pageants to go to business lectures or extra classes. To get your anger out you took up late night defense classes and a bit of kickboxing, it helped you calm down, not do anything rash and gave your brain a break from thinking about everything. Building up muscle made you feel better in yourself but when ever you would get weighed your mother would become angry since you put on weight. It didn't matter to her if it was muscle weight or not, a girl shouldn't have muscles, she should be thin and fair skinned, she didn't make you food but you would sneak down and make your own pissing her off even more.
Over time, you got more and more brave while also learning how to deal with your mothers anger when ever she would yell at you. The first time she truly yelled at you the poor maids had to come in and hold her back from hurting you, what made her so angry? You cut your hair up to your shoulders, you didn't want to do pageants or beauty contest anymore, you wanted to be your own person, you wanted to do the things you actually like and make a life for yourself that didn't revolve around pleasing your parents, but she never took you seriously until you cut your hair. She was losing control of you but gripped on tight, everything you did to rebel was met head on by something she would do and in turn you would do worse. She pulled you out of school, so she could home school you to become a lady but you sneak out and sit outside a class room listening through the open window while taking notes, because of this she hired security to have you on 24 hour watch. After a few weeks you got their routine and shift changes down so would use that time to sneak out either going to the school or going to the local gym. She would send them out to get you but over time you started to fight back refusing to go home until you were done with what ever you were doing. It wasn't long until those men quit finding you too hard to handle, your mother hired people after people, but they kept quitting and soon word got around making it impossible to hire anyone else knowing that you would physically hurt them. You 1, Mother 0.
Your mother still forced you into pageants by threatening to break something you loved or tricking you in some way, she would lie to you getting you to come back home or to a hall where the pageant was held, it got to a point where you stopped believing her even when she called to tell you your grandmother died, you thought it was a lie so just hung up on her but it turned out to be true. The main things she threatened to break was your glasses or what ever book you were reading at the time, one time your called her bluff causing her to break your glasses and then going through your room to break other stuff. You 1, Mother 1. Your mother would cook meals while keeping a food and calorie book for you, she watched what you ate and when she realized things weren't adding up with the amount of food used, she put chains and padlocks on the fridge and cupboards. Your farther had to step in on the argument you and your mother had over this telling you to do as your told but you refused to give up, it took you a while to figure out a way around it while not destroying the kitchen but you managed to get your hands on the key and make an imprint of it so you could have one made. It was going great until she caught you, from then on she would change the locks regularly, you didn't have the money to keep making prints to get a key made so you thought, if she's not going to be sneaky then neither am i. You bought bolt cutter and cut the chains and locks, she would put new ones up but you would just cut them again, it was another thing she had to back down on since your farther was getting upset with how much money she was spending on this. You 2, Mother 1.
You managed to save up enough money to get your first tattoo at 16, by working as a cleaner at the gym and tutoring other kids, It was hard work but you actually found joy in it. You wanted to go for a collar bone piece since your mother loved for you to wear sleeveless dresses but luckily the tattoo artist convinced you to go with a less painful area for your first time, so you got it on your forearm. A stack of books with a steaming cup on top, your favorite flowers, chocolate cosmos scattered around and leaves poking out from between the books. Your mother was beyond pissed when she found out and tried to get you to lazier it off but since you were 16 it was your chose medically so when you refused there was nothing anyone could do. During pageants or beauty contests she would use make up to cover it up, you hoped getting a tattoo would deter her form putting you in skimpy dresses but it seemed to make her worse. You didn't know if you won or lost on that one but as the outfits got skimpier you decided as much as you love your tattoo and would never get rid of it, she won that time. You 2, Mother 2. Your farther often had to get involved when your mother yelled at you since you'd just stare at her blankly waiting for her to calm down so you could talk but this would make her even more angry, her yelling could be heard from all over the house and it could last for almost an hour or until her voice gave out.
You know there's no point in trying to talk to either of them when they get angry, what ever you have to say will be met with more anger and mean comments, there's no point in yelling back. Your farther used to be mad that your mother was too loud when yelling at you but that soon changed to him yelling at you since your the problem, if you just did as you were told then your mother wouldn't be yelling and spending more money than needed to keep you in your place. Why they didn't give up on your or kick you out? Its most likely to save their reputation, having to kick out their eldest would put them in a bad light. You wanted to leave home as soon as you could, so you kept working, unfortunately it wasn't enough to get a boat and have money over to survive on out in the water especially when you'd have to buy new glasses whenever your mother break them or pay to fix broken things in you room. The money you saved up would come and go depending on you mothers mood and if you were willing to do as she says that day. You didn't have enough money to leave but you did it anyway on your 18th birthday when your parents did something you can't forgive, It was the straw that broke the camel's back as they say, so you gathered all the things you could and grabbed what money you had before leaving. Your parents didn't come after you which you were thankful for, but they probably hoped you would come around and not run away like you were planning on.
You bought a small boat that had a small hut, it was shabby at best but the engine worked and you just wanted out. It lasted longer than you thought, after a few islands the engine gave out but you managed to get to an island before that happened, some of the wood panels were coming loose and when you turned the light on inside the cabin to check things it sparked and a fire broke out. Luckily you managed to put it out quickly but the wiring was all kinds of messed up, no wonder the boat was cheep, it's a fire waiting to happen. To make matters worse this island isn't the friendly's, they don't mind outsiders, but they will charge you extra just for being one, It was hard to get a good price on anything but you managed to get a few things with what little money you had. You spent over a month on that island trying to fix the boat you had no idea how to fix while working in the village doing their taxes for little money. It was hard work and you felt like you were never getting off this island but surprisingly it was better than home. After another day of lots of work and hardly any pay you went to by supply's to fix your ship only to find two pirates that needed help with the cranky shop keeper over pricing them. You helped them in exchange for a ride to the nearest island with a village, their crew was a strange one but fun, of course you hid things from them, you never once mentioned your family and gave a fake last name when they asked. They may be fun to hang around with but their still pirates at the end of the day.
As you spent time with the crew you became very good friends with House, the ships new Doctor, well she was the best person they could find for the job. She didn't know how to fight at the time so you taught her a little on how to defend herself, she was sweet yet crazy and you didn't want to leave knowing she could get badly hurt. The other person you became close with was surprisingly Heat, you were a little scared of him but you refused to show fear around anyone in case they take advantage of it, he liked you for not being fearful of his appearance and for not flinching when ever their captain yelled or lashed out in anger. Kid's anger wasn't normally directed at you but most people run and hide when being anywhere near the angry or drunk captain. You didn't mind doing things around the ship since you were staying on there for free and even sorted out some of their finances with Killer looking over your shoulder most of the time, Killer and Kid were impressed that not only did you save them money on land but now you were saving them money out at sea too. It was the first time you got praise for your work, normally people would just hand you the money and watch you leave but you didn't charge them for any of it, and they actually thanked your for it all. When it was almost time for you to leave the ship, Captain Kid asked you to join his crew, It was a big surprise but you couldn't pass up the opportunity so you joined.
At first, you were mostly a cleaner and helped Kid or Killer with the money while they watched your every move until they could fully trust you. After a year not only where you put fully in charge of finances, budgeting and negotiating but Kid and Killer got together, you knew the two had a thing for each other and you, along with the crew were relived that it finally happened. There was a bit of hurt in your chest though, as much as you were happy for the two and enjoyed seeing them together you still had feelings for the both of them, time should have gotten rid of those feelings, but they only grew more and more as you got closer with them. As the crew grew you felt more and more at home, the crew was your family and the Victoria Punk was your home, you started to act more like yourself and how you wanted to be with no repercussions. The collection of tattoo's on your body grew over time, either relating to the things you love and things that remind you of the crew but you refuse to get your ears pierced, Kid wanted to do it for you but thanks to some past trauma you refuse. A few years went by before Killer and Kid pulled you into their room to talk, it turns out they felt the same as you did and after a long time of talking about it the two decided that they wanted you to be a part of their relationship. How could you say no? Your feelings for them never went away and you wanted nothing more than to be loved by them and show them how much they mean to you.
The hole crew knew about your relationship, it was no secret and no one had a problem with it so the three of you didn't mind a little PDA, Kid's a bit more closed off when off the ship and can get flustered easily when the two of you tease him or show affection when out in public, he'll yell at the two of you to shut up before storming off. There has been some fights and arguments between the three of you, well mainly between you and Kid but at the end of the day you all felt better when sleeping in the same bed. After Kid lost his arm you started painting his nails for him, it was the first time you actually enjoyed doing any kind of make up so ended up doing it more often for both of them. Even though you trust the two and fully love them you still haven't told them about your past and who your family was, you only said that it wasn't a nice place to be so you left, they never pushed you on the issue but some times worried when ever you'd lash out over someone commenting on your looks or waist line. They learned not to call you certain names or nicknames like, pretty, beautiful, Sweetie, princess, Darling, Doll ect, they all brought you back to what your mother used to say or what judges would call you, once you almost killed a guy for calling you "Just a pretty face". The only thing you didn't have a problem with was your height, muscles, scars and tattoo's which are all things your happy with, you worked hard for you muscles, love your tattoo's and your proud of your scars since you fought through some tough battles.
----- The battle -----
Speaking of battles, getting into a fight with the marines is how you ended up losing most of your memories in the first place, you could blame kid since he's the one who started the battle but the marines were carrying some good stuff that even you couldn't pass up on. While Kid and Killer were off fighting on other ships you were with Heat and a few other crew member's taking out the marines and trying to find what treasure they were carrying, unfortunately the treasure wasn't what you exacted, barrels of explosives. Making your way up to the deck you spot Heat about to use his fire breathing again as a bunch of marines run at him, in fear of him setting the ship ablaze causing the explosives to go off you jumped into the crowd of marines. "What the hell Y/N" Heat yells unable to use his fire with you in the way, kicking and grappling onto the marines you take a few out before Heat joins you slashing his swords to take out the rest "This ship is carrying explosives, i don't want the ship being blown up with the crew still on it" You yell as your foot connects with a marines face sending him flying back into the side of the ship, Heat sighs while slashing another marine knowing he can't use his fire breathing "If the treasure isn't here it must be on one of the other ships" The scarecrow like man calls back turning to face you now the deck is clear, turning to face him you nod before looking over at the marine ship next to this one. "I think its best if you head off to another ship, I'll set the ship to head towards the reinforcement and get the rest of the crew off" You state over the loud noise of fighting and cannon fire, Heat thinks for a second then nods "I'll inform the captain, be safe" he yells before running off and jump over to the next ship.
You know the best thing now is to get control of this ship and use it against the others marine ships that are starting to close in. Foot steps running towards you gets your attention getting you to spin around ready to fight only to see a member of your crew "Bubblegum, there are explosives on this ship get anyone off who uses gun or fire, I'm gonna gain control of the ship and set it on cause out to sea, hopefully we can get it to crash into the reinforcements" You call out to the blue haired man who nods at you heading off to tell the others on the ship. Heading to the control room you have to fight more marines on the way but soon get to the control room, opening the door you have no chose but to duck when a marine in a white coat swings his sword at you, it cuts the door in half as you slide under his legs to get behind him. The Lieutenant is fast though turning around and swinging his sword down, dodging out of the way you push off the floor using both feet to kick the man in the face. He stumbles back giving you time to stand up and jump kick him back further into the wall behind the door, with a sigh you head over to the control panel seeing the ship has set cause straight for the Victoria Punk, you had a feeling they were planning to doing the same thing as you were going to do, use the ship to blow up the other one. Before you can change its cause the marine's reflection in the glass gets your attention seeing him standing behind you and swinging his sword across to hit you. Barely managing to dodge to the side your shoulder gets cut pretty deep as his arm swings out grabbing you by the throat and throwing you window looking out onto the deck.
Glass shatters some piercing your skin as your body hits the slightly wet wooden deck rolling before managing to find your feet and skid to a stop "Y/n" Boogie a man with teal hair yells out going to run over to you when the lieutenant lands just in front of you bringing his sword down, flipping back words you avoid his swings before going under his legs again and kicking him in the back forcing him away from you "Get to the control room, this ship is on a direct cause to the Victoria." You yell as Bubblegum runs over to join Boogie, the two nod seeing you have this handled while also hearing the commanding tone you used. "So you figured it out, how smart" The marine yells running over to you while swinging his sword at you, dodging you manage to miss a few swings but get caught on the last one, the sword grazing your side as you use the palm of your hand to hit the marine in the throat. He steps back coughing from the hit as you grab his arm and round house a kick to the side of his head forcing it down onto the wooden deck while pulling his arm behind his back, he yells out in pain as his face breaks the wood under him and how your pushing his arm up further than it should go causing him to release the sword in his hand. With the lieutenant unable to move and the marine ship starting to turn around heading away from the Victoria Punk you feel a sense of relief, the marine under you stops struggling his eyes glues on something as he starts to laugh.
Pushing his head further down with your foot you growl wondering what's so funny "FIRE" The marine yells out making your eyes widen as the marine ship across from the one your on fires a cannon ball straight into the hull of the ship hitting the explosives inside. Everything happened in a flash, the ship lighting on fire as wood splinter and breaks apart, the ship creaked and roared as it split apart starting to sink into the ocean. You felt the fire hit your legs along with pieces of wood and metal before cold salty sea water engulfed you, still conscious you tried to swim to the surface above as body's and piece of the ship sink past you in the water. It was getting harder to breath but you soon made it to the top, bursting through the water you gasp for air while trying to gather your surrounding. A loud snapping sound catches your attention but you only had time to look up as the marine's mast breaks in half and falls right on top of you. Blood filled the water around you as your body was dragged down, deeper and deeper into the depth, your head hurt and your vision became blurry but a figure swam over to you just before your eyes closed letting darkness take over your vision and mind.
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