#as anon pointed out animals Do Not Care about gender
twistedmionn · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland iceberg
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Explanations ahead (slight spoiler warning)
Tier 1:
everything is self-explanatory, I think
Tier 2:
Haruhi = the protagonist of Ouran High School Host Club. She's a girl who dresses up as a boy (correct me if I'm wrong) and many players who have a female MC consider theirs to be like Haruhi. [EDIT: Thanks for the anon pointing out that I misspelled the name!]
Tier 3:
Tier 4:
A fair amount of people headcanon Vil as a trans woman because he presents androgynously/feminine and doesn't care about gender roles. This has also caused discussion in the fandom because breaking gender roles ≠ trans.
Tier 5:
People sometimes wish TWST was more like a dating sim and had character/dorm routes.
Some people headcanon that Silver is based on Prince Philip (from Sleeping Beauty) and/or is a prince himself. I haven't played all of book 7 yet (only the parts out in the ENG server) so idk if the theory has been proven right.
Lilia is old and hints at dying soon.
Hot NPCs, such as Deuce's mom and Sebek's grandpa.
Ace and Deuce have expressed interest in Yuu at various points in the game.
Genshin VAs: Leona/Alhaitham, Silver/Kazuha, Idia/Razor are the ones I can think of
Tier 6:
A beastman (I think it was Jack) has stated that he has problems talking to animals, and Ruggie's talent at it is considered something special.
The tweels are considered intersex by some due to eel anatomy (I'm no eel expert).
Kalim is considered the real villain by some due to never really bothering to help Jamil.
Epel's backstory/attitude has many elements that a fair amount of trans men relate to.
There are theories that Lilia and Sebek are twisted from Peter Pan characters. I'm unsure about Silver, but I think I've read something about him being from another movie, too!
Tier 7:
Some people headcanon that Ace has experienced domestic abuse.
There's a theory that Ace will betray Yuu.
Cater has two sisters who boss him around, which is a resemblance to Cinderella.
Malleus might have two pps because well... dragon.
Epel and Deuce had a whole ass beach date. Deuce constantly cares for him and broke the school rules in order to make Epel feel better. Their scenes together (the settings) looked straight out of a shoujo manga. If Epel were a girl, this ship would be considered canon by most.
I'm not sure EXACTLY which languages Jade's VA speaks, but I do remember that he knows German.
In one of his Halloween vignettes, Ruggie — as opposed to Lilia — has indirectly expressed that he has no interest in romance/relationships.
Tier 8:
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
May I please request something w Frank where he has a punching bag set up in the apartment, and whenever you're over at his and you feel so many emotions flare up you excuse yourself sweetly and beat the hell out of the bag? And it gets to the point where you use the spare key when he's away just to use the bag? And when he comes back from an outing as the punisher he finds you curled up on the couch with split knuckles, a boxers fracture and crying, bot only from the pain of the fracture but just all of the emotions. And he takes you to the hospital to get your hands seen to and you have to wear a splint for a month which hinders you in which he helps?
Just comfort, maybe a touch 18+ when he has to help you bathe and change? Thank you!
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Summary: You fracture your hand while channeling all your emotions into Frank’s punching bag, and he looks after you.
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, implied sexual content, gender neutral reader
Word count: 2.3k
Author’s note: Anon I am truly sooo sorry it took me so long to get to this, I really hope it was worth the wait! Sending you much love <3
Dating Frank came with many perks, like always having a guard dog disguised as a big, burly man or coming home just to find dinner ready and a bath about to be drawn. He took amazing care of you and he wouldn’t have it any other way, and it made you indescribably happy. That said, you still had a lot of stress and anger and sadness to get off of your shoulders, and that was where another upside of being Frank came in.
He had a punching bag set up in his apartment, just for his convenience, and you found great enjoyment in watching him beat it up, all sweaty and breathing heavily. But when you came over to his place after a long, frustrating day at work, the annoyance too much to bear, he suggested giving the punching bag a go. He showed you how to angle your fists and how to avoid hurting yourself, and as soon as he let go of you, you rained Hell on the bag, grunting and shouting while unleashing all your rage.
Ever since, your go-to for releasing pent-up emotions was attacking the bag, and Frank encouraged it. It helped you in ways that talking couldn’t always do, even if Frank always made sure to check in with you afterwards and calmed you down with lots of kisses and caresses. It was a good outlet for you, and he liked to see you free that animal inside of you that just needed to hurt something to feel better.
”Want you to have this, sweetheart”, Frank spoke up one day, approaching you on the couch of his living room with something in his fingertips. Once he handed it over, you realized it was a key, and instantly, your heart fluttered in your chest. It was a big step in your relationship, and he could see the surprise in your eyes, prompting him to go on. ”I know, I know. I just want ya to know that you’re always welcome here and that you have the right to stop by even if I ain’t home. I know you love that punching bag, so want you to use it anytime you’d like, yeah?” he explained, the look in his eyes serious. When you gave him an eager nod, though, he broke into a smile.
”I’ll take you up on that, baby.”
And you did. The bag wasn’t the only reason you visited, you also liked to take care of him the same way he took care of you by cleaning up or cooking for him, or leaving a new book on his bedside table. Still, you appreciated the chance to de-stress whenever you wanted, and you claimed that offer on multiple occasions.
The first time you regretted it was on a particularly bad day. Your emotions were getting the best of you and you felt so burdened and weighed down, unsure what else to do except go to Frank’s apartment. You knew he was out doing his thing, so you couldn’t get support from him, leaving you no option to go at the punching bag.
As you punched and punched, tears prickled at your eyes and you began to lose track of time. Your vision blurred and your head pounded, just like you were pounding the bag with your fists. You felt so angry and defeated at the same time, it was gnawing at you from the inside and you just wanted the bad feeling to go away.
You fell into a daze that you couldn’t break out of — until your hand cracked against the bag and the shock of the pain got a wail out of you. You stopped, doubling over while holding your hand, and pained cries escaped your mouth. The ache was terrible and agonizing and you couldn’t move your hand properly, sending panic coursing through you. Your breathing became ragged and as your head was spinning, you stumbled over to Frank’s couch to ground yourself and avoid falling over.
You supported your hand with your other one, unable to stop crying as the pain mixed in with the storm of emotions inside you. You were overwhelmed and it was causing you to freeze when you should have called Frank, your body shutting down while you sobbed on the couch.
You lucked out, as Frank had called it an early night and headed home sooner than expected. Once he made it to his front door, he heard your cries from inside, and within seconds, worry flared up in his chest and he was rushing to get inside. Whatever had happened, he needed to help you, not caring about the grime on him or the swelling on his eye anymore.
Bursting through the door, he dropped his bag on the floor and stomped over to you, eyes wide with concern. ”Baby, baby, what happened? Hey, ’m here, talk to me. Are you hurt?” he questioned, quickly assessing the situation and noticing you holding your hand in pain. He felt sick to his stomach, not to mention impatient to get to the bottom of what had happened — he didn’t do so well with being in the dark, especially when it came to something as important as you and your well-being.
”I had a terrible day, so—so I came here to punch it out but I really hurt my hand and I just feel so awful”, you rambled, almost non-sensical but Frank understood enough of it. His frown deepened but he nodded to confirm that he got you, and softly, he reached to wipe away your tears from your warm cheeks.
”I gotchu, darlin’. Can I see that hand? Lemme look”, he requested, and shaking viciously, you let him cradle your hand and observe it carefully. When he turned it just a little, you winced, and he immediately felt bad. ”Sorry, sweetheart. Think it’s fractured. I’mma gonna take you to the emergency room, aight?” he explained, and still weeping, you nodded. He sighed and leaned in to kiss your forehead, hoping to console you at least a little.
”It’s gon’ be okay, I promise. You can tell me all about your day soon, sweetheart. We just need to get that hand looked at”, he insisted before helping you up from the couch and leading you to the front door. And before stepping out, he sent a mean glare at the punching bag, reconsidering whether it was a good idea to have it or not.
He drove you to the emergency room, feeling like shit the whole time. You were holding your hand and sniffling the entire drive and he kept telling you it would be alright and he wasn’t going anywhere, but it didn’t alleviate his anguish. He wanted to take your pain away, both physical and emotional, leaving him feeling hopeless when he couldn’t do that.
You were fortunate in that it wasn’t too busy at this time of the night, and a doctor was able to see you after only a moment of waiting. Frank stood behind you while you were being examined, practically your protective shadow, and you felt a little better about your shitty day just because he was there. You hadn’t gotten to rant yet, but only his presence had a soothing effect on you.
You had to get your hand x-rayed, turning your night into a long one, but while you were waiting for the results, Frank got you some snacks for the vending machine. He watched you closely as you sadly munched on a chocolate bar, lacking all enthusiasm, and he could tell you had been completely drained by the day.
”What happened today, huh? We got some time, so ’m all ears, sweetheart. What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?” he inquired with a solemn look. He hated that you were hurting on the outside, but he knew the doctor would be able to do more than he could himself, so he decided to focus on what was happening on the inside.
Sighing, you glanced at him. ”It feels stupid now. Probably wasn’t worth breaking my hand”, you pointed out, and with an unamused chuckle, Frank gave your shoulder a slight nudge.
”C’mon. Y’know I don’t mind. I wanna hear all ’bout what’s goin’ on with my baby”, he emphasized, knowing that without a little pressure you would have just bottled it up, and he didn’t like that. He wanted to know everything, help in any way he could, and he wouldn’t allow you to feel bad for leaning on him.
So, you detailed everything that had pushed you over the edge and made you feel so terrible. Sometimes it was hard to understand the extreme emotions in you but up until now, the punching bag had been a great way for you to release everything.
”That sounds real tough, darlin’. I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, y’know? I never wanna see you hurtin’ in any way”, he sighed once you were finished, caressing your unharmed hand. ”Thinkin’ we gotta get rid of the punching bag. I ain’t riskin’ you gettin’ banged up like this again. We’ll figure somethin’ else out, yeah?” he noted, though he wasn’t really looking to debate about it — to him, it was already a done deal. Anything that got you hurt was out immediately.
”Talking to you helps. Thanks for listening, Frankie”, you admitted, smiling at him softly, and he returned it, albeit smaller and sneakier.
”Anytime, sweetheart. Love you, aight? I’mma make sure tomorrow is a better day”, he swore, warming your heart as you dropped your head onto his shoulder.
”Love you, too.”
Finally, the doctor called you back in, and as feared, your hand was fractured. The remedy was a splint you were bound to wear for a month, and as he attached it to your hand, you thought about all the things you were going to struggle with for the next 30 days.
”Some help will probably be needed with routine things like cooking, cleaning, that kind of stuff”, the doctor mentioned, and before you even had time to feel bad and like a burden, Frank was responding.
”That ain’t a problem. I’ll take care of everythin’ for as long as necessary”, he stated simply, giving you a stern look. ”No arguments, you hear me? I’m lookin’ after you, not gonna let you outta my sight”, he proclaimed, and unable to hide a smile, you agreed.
He took you home and right away, you were faced with problems that only Frank could help with. ”I was hoping to take a bath…”, you trailed off shyly, but it was all Frank needed to hear.
”You got it, sweetheart. C’mere”, he wrapped an arm around you and steered you into the bathroom where he plugged the tub before starting the tap. As the tub began to fill up, he gently reached for the hem of your shirt, giving you a questioning look. ”Aight if I help you undress?” he asked, and already nodding, you lifted your arms.
”Always”, you affirmed, and with consent acquired, he began peeling your clothes off. He started with your shirt, and as soon as your chest was revealed, his eyes lingered. You could tell he was trying to be respectful, but you grinned, nonetheless. ”See something you like, mister?” you teased, and with a snort, Frank licked his lips.
”Y’know I do. Can’t get enough of you, darlin’”, he praised, his eyes dark as he towered over you and unbuttoned your jeans. As he shimmied them down your thighs and legs, he brushed his hands across your underwear and you saw him swallow hard. ”Fuckin’ perfect”, he muttered under his breath, boosting your ego as he tossed your jeans aside.
Once you were completely naked, he had to stop himself from letting his hands roam, although you wouldn’t have minded. Still, he showed restraint as he helped you step into the tub and get seated comfortably. Rolling up his sleeves, he grabbed the shampoo, ready to wash your hair for you, and you felt heat rise to your face at the thought of your own uselessness.
”Sorry about this”, you sighed as he was massaging your scalp, his thick fingers expertly scrubbing the shampoo into your hair. It was going to be a long month, and you feared he would get sick of it, but he was quick to reassure otherwise.
”Nah, don’t apologize, sweetheart. I’ll always take care of you, got that? I ain’t lettin’ you go through this alone”, he vowed, his loyalty to you unwavering. He had been unable to prevent you getting hurt in the first place, but he sure as hell was going to stick around for the aftermath. ”Think you should stay here for the next month, yeah? Don’t want you strugglin’ at home by yourself”, he added, and with a careful smile, you nodded.
”I’d like that”, you beamed before continuing, ”you sure it’s gonna be okay?”
With a confident smile, Frank stopped massaging your hair just enough to tilt his head at you and meet your gaze. ”I’m sure, sweet darlin’. I’mma make sure things go smoothly”, he spoke with conviction, fully intending to take care of everything for the next month — and after that, too.
He stayed true to his word. Your fractured hand came in the way of far more things than you had anticipated, but Frank watched you like a hawk and you never had to ask, he was already there. He cooked for you, letting you take charge with some of the easier steps to involve you in the process, and he helped you get dressed every morning, admittedly with wandering hands and a hungry stare. He wouldn’t let you do anything by yourself, just to be safe, but he also didn’t let you feel like a burden, always ready to console you and remind you that you were one day closer to getting the splint off.
And just like he had said, the punching bag was gone.
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turtleybeachin · 2 years
The Boys Trying to Help with a Menstrual Cycle
Has this been done? Sure. Am I writing it anyway at 2:30am with a mug of mulled wine? Hell yes I am.
(content warning: discussion of menstrual cycle products. MC has a menstrual cycle and vagina but no gender assigned. involves demon men being pretty oblivious but honestly not worse than human cis men.) *edited, thank you to the anon who pointed out my mistake. ♥
Mammon's the one texting to ask "yo human what size is. ... hey what size your ... ... ya know. ... how big is your ... ... it's cool no matter what size ya know all sizes are great you're perfect no judgement just. .... small medium or large????"
Satan is like "You can't ask a person what size their vagina is you moron." He's read enough about the issue at hand to know these are flow levels not vagina sizes anyway. Still not sure which to get though. Buys one of everything better safe than sorry.
Lucifer rolls his eyes confidently picks up the most expensive package of regular pads and regular tampons. Looks like he knows what he's doing. Is 100% faking it.
Beelzebub's worried about the flavor of the tampons. Won't lemon be unpleasant when they're already in pain? Those look like probably key-lime pie which sounds good. He'll buy two packs, one to sample on the way home. (he's distressed to report they don't taste like anything the colors are lies.)
Asmodeus goes straight for whatever has been popping up the most ads or getting the most discussion on DevilGram. Only the cutest and trendiest for his favorite human!!! Also gets you some cute underwear gotta dress up your time of the month~
Leviathan's just having a complete panic attack feels like other people are staring and judging him THESE AREN'T FOR ME, THEY'RE FOR MY-- errr, I mean, not my r-really, but... m-maybe sorta my-- OH MY DIAVOLO I'M BEING SUCH A NORMIE I'M BUYING PADS FOR SOMEONE THIS IS LIKE IN THAT ONE ANIME--
(Don't worry, after a text from them cheering him on and thanking him for being the perfect Lord of Shadows to their Henry he Demons Up and buys five of everything because DAMN STRAIGHT HE'S TAKING CARE OF HIS HENRY BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE.)
Belphegor just picked up the squishiest package and that's what they're getting. If these don't work for them, at least it'll be a decent pillow in a pinch.
Solomon is the one competent man in the whole gaggle. He actually knows what menstrual flows are and whether MC prefers pads or tampons, because he asked, because he knows these things. Is the only one to actually know what he's buying.
Diavolo has Barbatos send them a year's supply of absolutely every menstrual product either of them could find anywhere in both the Devildom and Human Realm. Congratulations on the storage facility now in their name that has two lifetimes' worth of menstrual supplies.
Simeon just asks. That's it that's the whole shtick. He just asks specifically which they need and admits he doesn't know much about these products but is willing to learn. He'll text them photos from the store but also offer to go somewhere else if none of that looks right.
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mayasaurusss · 2 months
I want me some yandere adult lottie, with an innocent reader. Do whatever the fu<k you want with it bae
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Old ghosts. Contents: mentions of abusive relationships, mentions of violence, horror moments, Yellowjackets coded, light romance, two OCC's, reader is gender neutral but wears a dress at one point, Lottie is as delusional as ever, open ending 350k wors/ about six pages. Author's note: So uhm, I don't think I've met any requirments you had, anon. I tried to do yandere Lottie in this but it really doesn't come across as it and I'm not familiar with the genre, so everything I did prior to this sucked. So I did something more akin to a murder mistery? But since I still wanted to make this yandere coded, I left the story as raw and ugly as I could. In my personal opinion this is very Yellowjackets coded. It isn't a very romantic oneshot nor smutty one, but I hope you will still like it!
It would be an understatement to say you had messed up. You could not even predict where this relationship would lead you.
You had met Lottie months ago, or well, you had come into contact with what you now knew was her 'cult'.
The marketplace had been very busy at that hour of the morning, vendors shouting and people chatting. However, you felt as lonely as ever. After many years, you have been dumped by your boyfriend. Or, he had cheated on you and blamed you for it. It was for the better, really. You were clingy and he had taken his anger out on you on multiple occasions, so at least now you weren't going to be his next punching bag. You had been miserable: not that you really loved him, after all, after the umpteenth hit -love or not-, an animal stops loving its master. But you had never managed to learn to live alone, yet alone care for yourself.
Other than that, you were battling with the understanding that you loved women more than men during your entire life. That realization had come during your relationship with Simon, and he had understood quickly. One night, you were invited to his friend's house. His girlfriend was so beautiful you were jaw slacked and shy with her for the whole night. Simon's friend hadn't noticed, but Simon did. The morning after, you had walked in your office with bruises under your suit, a black eye and a heavy heart. He was so bitter and awful that he had slept with many women the weeks after, and among them -as far as you knew- there was the woman from that night. At least you had dodged two bullets.
So, the woman who sold honey knew perfectly what to do with you. It wasn't her fault, really. People like her see someone that went through the same, and just want to help. She introduced herself as Olivia, a woman the same age as you, and when she saw your healing bruises, she had told you about where she lived. A compound, lost in nature and away from civilization. There, according to her, people lived in harmony with nature and with each other. They learnt to face their inner demons and past trauma under the care of Charlotte Matthews. Their caretaker. Olivia talked about Charlotte like a believer might have talked about their God, with such adoration that it left you breathless. And, a bit skeptical.
You had accepted Olivia's invite. One of Simon's many gifts, other than bruises and breaking your trust, was throwing you out of the house. Besides your friend's generous hospitality, you were basically homeless, and jobless after your boss had fired you just days prior to your break up. So, living at the compound didn't seem like a bad idea. Olivia had assured you that Lottie -that's what she called her- had a special program for whoever wasn't in the right economical situation to live at the compound, but still needed care.
You had started to travel that same afternoon, having packed the last of your belongings and bid farewell to your friend and family. To go to the compound, you had traveled on old streets that unraveled through barren outskirts and lush forests. There was no one else in sight. That made you even more scared than before. How could you just accept a stranger's invite to an isolated place in the mountains? You had truly lost your mind.
But Olivia was so nice with you, so friendly and lovely. She had no problems in telling you what made her arrive at the compound in the first place. Two years ago, when she was 19, her father and mother had fought and in a fit of rage, he had pushed her down the stairs, almost breaking her skull. Ever since then, she had been taken care of by her son, who did not have time to help nor give a fuck about Olivia. So, for a year, she had been alone. That was until Lottie had found her. With the exact same tactic you had been recruited -kidnapped?- she had come to live at the compound and with it, came to peace with her trauma.
Your story wasn't as grim as Olivia's, but you still needed to be taken care of. "That is what Lottie will do" she said, brown eyes on you and a smile that could kill on her lips.
The compound was on the foot of a mountain, surrounded by vegetation and overlooking a lake. When you set foot on the ground, the first thing you heard was a strange melody, a chant in the distance. Olivia had been quick to show you away from it, inside the main building where your belongings such as your phone and wallet had been taken from you. "Well, that's because our phones chain us from nature and healing" she had answered you, after you had asked her why they needed to take your phone at all. Great, so, you are in the middle of nowhere, without your phone close to you, surrounded by strangers and without a clear path back to civilization.
Great, just great. What has gotten into you?
"Wait here, I'll go get Lottie" Olivia said, seating you on a wicker chair in the waiting hall. You had noticed that everyone here wore the same purple outfits. Oh, this is definitely a cult. "Here she is!" you heard behind you, along with the steps of two pairs of feet. Fearing that you might have looked like an insensitive asshole, you stood up, waiting for Lottie to circle to your front.
You had expected her to look like a hippie: an old woman with short white hair, sunglasses indoors, long hoop earrings and who smelled like weed. Instead, you found yourself in front of the most beautiful woman ever. Lottie was tall, quite literally towering over you, her hair was long and black, the same color as her eyes, skin dark coloured. She looked really good for her age, every wrinkle she had was perfect on her skin.
Her velvety, deep and calm voice had greeted you, "Hi, I am Charlotte Matthews. You can call me Lottie. And who might you be?" you answered back with a trembling voice. She smiled at you with such care and love you thought you could combust on the spot. "I will show you around here" she told you, as her hand came to rest on your lower back, guiding you through the place.
The first months at the compound had been... calm. You shouldn't have expected anything more than that, but it felt like a breath of fresh air. You always wore purple -heliotrope- dresses or clothes, woke up at six am and went to sleep at ten pm. Everyday the cycle continued, so much so that you didn't at first notice the... signs, as you were completely immersed in your routine.
Whenever you started to hear chants in the distance, Olivia, who was ever present in your life, would lead you away from them. If you questioned her, she would just say "It's just a special therapy. You will see one day".
Lottie was always with you. Always. At first you didn't pay too much mind to it, thinking that since you were probably a mildly troubled individual, she would feel the need to have her eyes on you more than the others. But Olivia had had it worse, far worse than you, but she wasn't as followed as you were from Lottie. And you were certain others have had it worse than Olivia.
Lottie was always following you: whether that was during the many therapy sessions, the lunch or even your personal alone time in your personal cabin -which she had so graciously given you just three weeks after you became a member- where she would knock at the last hours of the day to have small talk with you. It had become such a nag for you that at one point, you even said it to her, clearly and plainly, "Lottie, look. I understand that I might be... weak, in any way. But I'm fine, I don't always need you".
You wished you hadn't said that, because her eyes had stopped reflecting all light, a dark look in them. "Ah, I see. Very well, I will leave you alone" she went away and didn't talk with you for a few days. All the time though, you felt eyes watching your back.
Everything comes boiling back to right now.
When Lottie had talked with you again it was in the late afternoon. She has just finished one of her communal meetings in the clearing overlooking the lake. She had walked over to you, took your hand and led you where no one could hear. "I want you to meet me this evening, to do something that will build our common trust in each other" she had gestured to a man you hadn't noticed before, prompting him to give you a white flowy dress. "Tonight, after dinner, come to me, here. I want you to wear this" she talked to you, taking your shoulders in her hands.
When the sky became purple, you had gone out, waiting for Lottie. The clearing seats had been moved, now just the yellow signs of the compound's symbol left. Lottie had moved from behind, greeting you with her velvety voice "Hello dear. Are you ready for our therapy?" she said, and her hand came up your face, stroking your cheek. "Uhm... Lottie... What are you doing?". Your cheeks felt hot with blood, voice weavering. You had battled with your small crush for Lottie for a while now, and even if you did find her attachment to you a bit too much, you still liked her. So much.
Lottie just smiled, her other hand rested on your hip before she let you go, walking over the lake's shore. You followed behind her like a dog, small and frail in comparison with the towering grace she was. "Come down here, come" her hands extended to you, helping you down the wood platform to the shore's sands. She gestured towards the dark waters, prompting you to follow her. When you did, she wordlessly placed your body into the lake, the water splashing at your hips. "It's... cold" her smile was enough to fend off the shivering of your body, but what she said next made you rethink her sanity.
"I want you to lower yourself in the water. We will calm your heart as well as our trust in one another" she said, attempting to push you in the water. "No! No, no, no. What if something happens?!" your voice straining over, before she replied calmly "Nothing will happen, because I am here".
And how could you say no to Lottie? So, you started to fall back in the darkness, the cold waters nipping at your skin making your breath shallow. All the while, she held your head and hand, gently guiding you.
There you were, at her mercy. You trusted her with your life and she had to be responsible for it. In her eyes, this was the most pure form of adoration. She adored you and you adored her.
The baptism was over.
When you resurfaced, she had quickly guided you back to land and had dried you with a towel promptly left on the sand. With her hands on your cheeks, then, Lottie had kissed you. So deeply and lovingly it made your heart ache. Her tongue found yours, overpowering you, cutting your breath away.
You were so distracted that you didn't hear the sound of movement behind Lottie. When her lips fell away from yours and you could look away, a shiver went down your spine.
Masks. A group of masked people stood before you. Some depicting bears, some birds, some wolves, some humans. All lined up, looking directly at you. "L-Lottie... what is this?" you didn't know why your first thought was that Lottie must've been behind it, but something screamed at you that this was indeed the case. "My love" she said, "you need to trust me. To let me cherish you. It's what It wants".
You backed away from her, your blood freezing in your veins. Someone, a man, stopped you in your tracks. He trapped your arms into his, uncaring of your trashing. "Let yourself be one with the Wilderness" Lottie said, no light behind her eyes. As if something possessed her. She pulls a knife from behind her, and for a split moment you think that Lottie will kill you, but the blade slashes across her fingertip. She draws a symbol on your forehead with her blood, trickles of it streaming down on your eyes.
"We hear the Wilderness and the Wilderness hears us" the chants rise in the air, filling the empty dark sky. Lottie's voice is louder than everyone else, and finally the voices die down, as hers is the last one still chanting. When she is done, her body turns to yours, and she utters a single word.
You don't need to be told twice. You sprint in the forest, leaving wet trails behind you. The masked people follow you, searching, predicting where you will go, if you will hide. Lottie is the last one to join the hunt, her white dress engulfed by the forest's darkness.
It seems like the forest itself has a mind, trying to prevent you from running further away. Branches claw as your skin and dress, thorns planting in your flesh, wind blowing so you can't understand if the sounds you hear are the wind or howls.
You run, you run and run, until every bone of your body, every organ and every drop of blood screams at you to stop. And just as you were about to fall down in exhaustion, you see something in the dark. A house, one that looks like it had been left to time's mercy.
The walls are dirty and rotten, the white plaster almost unrecognizable under years of dirt. Your sixth sense tells you to get away, to search for another place, but there isn't anything else that could shelter you.
The air inside smells of old, wilted matter. It makes your stomach close and you try not to vomit, pinching your nose while you explore the rest of the house, searching for a hiding place until morning. Your plan was to hide and travel down to the nearest town, then, telling the authorities that up in the mountains, a cult was trying to sacrifice people to a made up entity. You wanted to hope that by doing so, you would help others to not follow your steps.
From the hall, you turned left towards the kitchen. It was empty, except for a table with scattered documents on it. Photos of an old soccer team, articles about the disappearance of a plane in the wilds of Canada, a symbol... The same one of the compounds. Bit by bit, you started to understand. In between the documents, some by psychologists and others by articles, you found a small diary. It was a brown leather diary, expensive from the looks of it. The pages were yellow and some started to rot away, but you could still make up the words written on them. The words were written with a tremulous hand: it seemed like whoever was the author, they must have written quickly, in fear of being found out.
'12th January, 1998. I hate it here. It's cold in the winter, and it makes me remember that place. I try to help the other patients, but the nurses forbid me from doing it. They told me to stop talking to It, and told me it isn't real. I know they are lying. It must be real, or all we did was for nothing. All the hurt was for nothing. It can't be. I know it's real. It hears me, I hear it'.
Something about this made you shiver. Could It be whatever Lottie was chanting to earlier? 1998... the plane crash happened in 1996; it couldn't be a coincidence. You take the diary and a couple of documents in your hand, before continuing to explore. Nothing seems out of the ordinary: the living room, the bathroom, the bedroom; everything is neatly placed. You spot a dark flight of stairs at the very back of the house. It doesn't look inviting at all, and you're almost ready to leave, when you hear something outside. Sounds of steps circling the house. The hair of your back rises up and every fear you had of the stairs is thrown out of the window.
As quietly as possible, you reach the second floor, listening for the sounds. The floor is far darker than the first one: so much so that you can't see anything. You wait a minute for your eyes to get used to the dark and then continue walking down the hall, towards what you assume is a bedroom. Just before you reach it, you hit a metal tube: it's a ladder, red and rusted and it leads you to the attic. You are about to get past it when you hear the front door of the house open: someone is inside.
Quickly you head up the ladder and in the dark attic. It's not all dark you realize, some lights shine in the middle of the room, circling...
An idol. An old idol made of old bones and burnt hay. The idol was planted in the wooden floor, its arms branches extending outwards, bent up as if it was deep in ecstasy. Its torso was made out with a large ribcage, so you suspected it to be of non-human origin; inside the organs were replaced with hay and fresh grass. Lifeless eyes stared back at you, antlers protruding from the back of the skull.
You feel someone's arms circle your stomach, placing their nose in the crook of your neck. "I knew you'd come here" her voice said, "It told me". Lottie holds you tight against herself, mumbling incoherently on your skin. "L-let go of me you witch!" you try to shove her away, propting Lottie to just let go of you: as such, you fall in the candle circle, spilled wax burning at your skin.
Lottie watches you with adoration and hunger. Upon your fall into the circle, her eyes lit up. She raises her arms up in the air -much like the idol itself- and towards you, in some sort of divine bliss. "Yes! Yes! It- It choose you!" she says out loud, "I'm so glad it was you!".
You trembled in both fear and anger, "How did- How did you know I was here?" you say, looking up at Lottie, shrouded by the darkness of the room. "It told me, of course" she says with an uncanny smile.
You're shocked by this new side of Lottie, and for a moment you forget what she had done to you. "You are crazy Lottie! You tried to kill me!" her eyes widen at your accusations, "Kill you? No, no, I didn't try to kill you... I just wanted to...". Your anger makes you uncaring of Lottie's emotions, so you lash out at her "Just wanted to what, Lottie?! Sacrifice me to your creepy god-thing?!".
It's like she's torn between the illusion of her god and the reality that she had scared you. "I thought- I thought you were going to kill me! I thought what we had for all these months was for nothing!", what she does next makes your skin crawl. She watches between you and the idol behind, her eyes filled with tears. "No I wan- I needed to know that It accepts you" she said, coming closer to your body.
Suddenly Lottie grabs your wrists with force, like she sees you but her ears are filled with whispers from old ghosts and gods. "And now, I know it does!" she almost looks delirious. Lottie shakes your wrists in her hands and cries; the black abyss of her eyes staring back at yours.
"Can't you understand? This is It's love, my love" you try to move from her grasp, but even in her old age, Lottie still proves to be as strong as she once was. "Y-You were hunted, weak, and you lived! You lived! And now It recognizes you as part of Itself" a connection is made in your brain.
Shivers run down your body, at the realization that either you aren't alone in this old attic, or you are alone with a roman and her ghosts. Either is terrifying. "What... what is It, Lottie?" but it's far too late to run from Lottie or the ghosts in her head. You are sure that either will haunt you anyway, if you manage to escape that is. She pauses, contemplating your words. "It..." she tries to put a name, a significance to whatever this It is, but she decides against it, instead opting to close her arms on you, one caging your body on hers and the other cradling the back of your head.
Her voice is lifeless while it whispers in your ear "It doesn't matter. You are one of us now". That last phrase confuses you, "I have... I have been here for months now. I was always one of you, no?" she shakes her head, cranes her neck to look down on you.
"No, one of us".
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starance · 6 months
So like. Dad!Alex (stardew) hcs? 👀
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ミ☆ “The memories we make with our family are everything.”
⤷ PAIRING SDV - Dad!Alex x gn!reader
⤷ TAGS so much fluff, it's ALL the fluff!! pregnancy/adoption, Alex is such a girl dad omg, sports ig, and just soft and sweet
⤷ NOTES Welcome my beloved Anon!! Again I went with gender neutral due to no specified gender ^w^
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Like I said before he is the softest dad he absolutely adores his kids
Alex was there for everything during your pregnancy or adoption process and never once let go of your hand- (don't try to shove him he has an iron grip)
He was not afraid to let himself absolutely sob and bawl once he got to hold your child, all blubbery saying how excited he was <3
He's another big supporter of what his kid wants to do but he will HIGHLY encourage sports
When your kid started walking right before a big touchdown in his game he cheered SO loud
He had a lot of issues with his own father and while he knows he's better then that man will ever be he still needs reassurance that he won't turn out like him
Your kid absolutely loves their granny and grampy, George may be a grouchy old coot but he will let the kid join him on his wheelchair to ride around and you know Evelyn is sending all the sweets she possibly can home with them
but despite all the activity and energy some of Alex's favorite moments is just lying in bed with you, your toddler cuddled up between you as they mumble in their sleep
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"Shh, look." You smile warmly as you point down at your toddler's messy form. They were spread out, limbs in every which way on top of your blankets loud snores echoing in the room.
Alex wakes up groggy, normally waking early but finding himself surprisingly comfortable waking at noon and realizing it's because of his spouse and child being all snuggled up before him.
A warm and soft grin splits across his face as he presses a morning kiss to your lips. Both of you lean down to press a kiss to the small kid's cheeks making them giggle awake before you and Alex absolutely attack them in kisses.
All Alex can think about is how great it is to have you here with him and how much he loves his little family.
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Of course with him it won't stay little for very long- he wants as many kids as you'll allow him
His goal is an entire football team
If you ever need help around the farm he makes it into a game every time
"Who can carry the most rocks to the chest" or "animal care" are their favorites
The domesticity is domesticating omfg
I just love them sm
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muuurder · 28 days
your finest gaara headcanons my good regent
*breathes* I have so many anon thank you for asking. I’ll put more under cut to spare people from a long post lol.
*cracks knuckles*
-starting us off right here: I flip between Gaara’s gender but honestly I maintain the idea he has tboy swag and most of Suna was too afraid to question it for years and now it’s just the norm. Not to mention his general physique and medical neglect aided in pushing off puberty.
-gaara still has erratic mood swings post chin in exams even when he’s getting better and learning. That boy faced traumatic events from a young age and then was neglected and hunted for sport on top of total isolation. That shit doesn’t go away just because a blonde boy punches you with the power of friendship ok.
-that being said I will maintain the idea his siblings Lee and Naruto are the only ones he feels he can relax a bit with.
-also I do not see people making him weird enough. Cause affectionately as someone who like also experienced isolation, trauma and neglect. You end up having weird interests and like just a r e the weird kid. And I mean yes he is the weird kid, but like…… make him weirder you know lol.
- he loves gardening he talks to his plants. He also likes animals, and is fiercly protective of small kids. That amplifies as he gets older and temari has kids of her own.
-I also think he is a funny guy but his humor is super dry or a little dark. But he will catch you off guard and say some of the most out of pocket shit I swear.
-I am a medaru is gaara’s biological kid truther. I’ll maintain the idea medaru was not planned. Lee absolutely stayed in Suna for a longer period of time and Lee subjected Gaara to routine and healthy habits and the stars aligned and medaru happened.
-honestly ever since I read the brunch fic (I linked it I love it please.) I love the idea of modern au gaara incorporating his mother’s ashes into his garden. It’s sweet.
-I also love the idea that the face tattoo fades as time goes on. Like he stops carving out the wound as a reminder and it fades with time which is a lovely show of his character change.
-I also like everyone else believe he and Lee begin corresponding through letters. Particularly I think the letters begun either after gaara’s death, where Lee wrote to him. Or perhaps Gaara begun them because he was growing and changing and felt guilty about Lee and reached out (at Naruto’s suggestion.)
-following the last point, I can never decide if when gaara died in shippuden if I headcanon Lee realized he was inlove with him and had feelings then the moment he thought he lost gaara.
-both Lee and gaara are gossip mongers I do not care. Gaara finds out so much shit and caught the gossip gene from his brother. He is nosy.
-I also think gaara is still a menace. A little shit even. He thinks it’s funny to fuck with people just a little bit.
-that being said I think he doesn’t do it often unless you work with him or he’s really close and you know he would never hurt you now.
- adding onto that, I will also say I headcanon that in his attempt to become more palatable for his people and suppress his mood swings and correct his behavior, he gets taken advantage of more often and gaara just lets it happen more sometimes because he’s afraid of slipping back into the old image. Especially once he feels connected to his people again. Gaara despite past transgressions chooses to be kind and gentle. He always was a kind gentle child. I think that shows a lot more as an adult and that shit takes so much strength.
-I am a rasa hater so. You know. Fuck rasa, he abused all his kids post the death of their mother.
-I also love the idea gaara has super human senses from shukaku. He can see better at night, detect and smell things better. That being said he isn’t immune to illness, he has gotten sick because his health is absolute dookie okay. He doesn’t sleep his immune system is shit.
-he had the fattest crush on Naruto I do not care lol.
-he doesn’t exactly hate sasuke. But he very much dislikes him because he mistreats Naruto.
-gaara is a crier. Like when he isn’t compartmentalizing and disassociating to cope with his mood swings and trauma, he is a leaky faucet.
-also convinced the whole chunin arc was a really fucked up way of him going friend? Because literally the only way he ever learned to socialize is through violence. The whole thing with him showing up at sasuke’s training was he tried to be friend cause he said “oh you’re fucked up too huh? Wanna fight about it?”
-gaara has the earth sign stank face when he doesn’t like something.
-gives solid advice
-modern au headcanons (might be courtesy of the moss cough cough) he would get into therapy and want to become a therapist lol, he gives solid advice. Also the incident with Lee will always be either he hits him with a car or my personal favorite (potentially for a fic I am brewing) he beat that fucker with a lead pipe when Lee tried to be a Good Samaritan and got involved :)
-also love the idea of gaara had substance abuse issues to cope in modern aus.
-oh and I love when shukaku is brought in as a fucking small crusty white dog with bad manners and barks too much. I may be biased because I have a white crusty small dog who barks too much and has an attitude that rivals god himself.
-gaara hilariously doesn’t actually like fighting especially as an adult. He by nature is nervous and it just sets his ass on edge.
-last thing I’ll say, he is a bratty bottom. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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prettypei · 10 months
hi i'm here to request again! may i have another drabble with gojo, choso, yuta, kashimo and kamo! could you please write about how he accidentally discovers that gender neutral s/o is a good singer and used to be in an award-winning school choir? thank you!!
some context: s/o doesn't like to brag or even care enough to behave like that, so he isn't aware of the fact that s/o is an all-rounder and has many hidden skills and talents! (it's all thanks to their hardworking, passionate nature but also having countless hobbies due to their curious personality)
oh i just remembered... regarding the previous request, gege once said that gojo is canonically good at everything so he doesn't want to be too involved or attached to things. i think it's safe to say that he's actually good at cooking hahaha
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plot: them with reader who's good at singing; fluff
reader: gn! Reader
characters: gojo, choso, yuta, kashimo, kamo
warnings: kashi’s is a bit angsty at first
a/n: HI ANON!! Your requests are so cute to write yayaya! Fun fact: I was in the school choir in elementary! also I want to believe that gojo is vulnerable in some aspects of his character so he doesn't get too cocky LOL but I'll keep that in mind so I can write more accurate reqs :3 also for those who want to request in the future: this is the last post I'll accept with five characters since this was submitted before I changed my rules!!
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Normally, Gojo doesn’t press his ear to others doors, but normally, Gojo doesn’t hear a lot of amazing singers singing live. Gojo was at your apartment, and he wanted to give you a fright since he was supposed to leave 15 minutes ago, but now, he’s entranced by your voice. At first, he was shocked by your amazing voice, because, could someone really be that perfect? Attractive and a good voice? He just won in life! "Baby?" Gojo coos while knocking on the door. There's a reluctant pause before you open the door. "Gojo? Aren't you supposed to be gone?" You try to hide your bashful face with the brush in your hand. "Not the point, where did you learn to sing like that babe?" He smiles. "Well... I used to be in xxx choir.." Gojo's eyes widen in surprise as he feigns a dramatic gasp. "You mean... like the one who won the national competition?" "Yeah that's the one." You answer nonchalantly, as if it wasn't such a big deal. Gojo then wraps his long arms around you, mumbling about how "my baby's so talented" and "I have such an amazing partner". "Stop that, weirdo." You giggle while burying your face in his chest. "What else are you hiding from me?" Gojo's eyes twinkle as he says those words.
Choso should not have came here. You had reassured him that "It's fine! Go out with your family once in a while babe" but in reality, he preferred to spend some time with you. But when he brought this up to you, you said that you had something busy tonight. Busy? What did you have to do today? Animal Shelter? No, that was on Thursday mornings. Coffee Shop? No, that was on weekdays. Cheating? Choso feels guilty for even thinking about the idea of you cheating on him, but you had just disappeared so mysteriously that he didn't even have the chance to question you. So now, he's at a bar with his brother. "Choso! Have you tried the food here? It's delicious." Itadori grins while holding up a can of coke. "...no, not yet." Choso mumbles halfheartedly. "mic check, mic check!" The whole club goes silent as the manger steps up on the stage. "Hello! Welcome to xxx club! Can I hear a big round of applause from the audience?" The crowd around him erupts in cheers and Choso covers his ears. "Welcome, all! So today, xxx club has prepared a lovely guest that has been in high demand since the start of the year! Lets welcome... (name) from xxx choir!" Choso swears that his mouth fell to the ground as you waltzed onstage with a microphone. What? You're a singer? He's still in disbelief...and he loses it when you start singing. Choso had never head such beautiful singing in his life before... okay maybe it might be the fact that you're his s/o but still! The crowd erupts in cheers as you take a bow. In that moment, Your eyes meets Choso's and you give his an almost secret wink. Choso's whole face is red as he tries to hide his face with his hands. You and him were definitely gonna have a little talk tonight.
"I hate escape rooms..." You mumble while clutching onto yuuta's arm. "You were the one who suggested this for date night, remember?" Yuuta chuckled. “Shut up… and wipe that smirk off your face!” You hiss. “I’ll go find clues in this room and you go look for ones in another room, Kay?” Yuuta suggests. The bth of you split up, and you find a key. You rush to find your boyfriend, but… “BOO!” “AHHHHHH!” Yuuta falls to the ground, belly-laughing as he just gave you a heart-attack. “WHAT THE HELL?” You shriek. “You’re so-!” “I know, I know.” Yuuta smirks before grabbing the key from you. “Let’s head to the next room, shall we?” The both of you unlock the door as Yuuta starts flipping through the cabinets. “(name), I think-(name)?” He turns his head, confused to see no one. All of a sudden, he hears a creepy singing behind the door he came from. Its high and weird, like a little girl speaking, which does definitely not sound like your voice. Although the singing is good, he’s too creeped out to appreciate it, so he takes a chair in self-defense and opens the door, surprised to see you. “(name)?? B-but y-your voice-“ “I have many talents yuuta.” He shudders as you speak in that voice again. “Where did you learn how to sing like that though?” You shrug mysteriously. “Let’s head to the next room, shall we?” You tease before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Damn, he loves you.
Kashimo doesn’t doubt you. He really, really doesn’t but when you had signed up for the national singing competition rather than the city one first, he asked you to think twice before going onstage, the biggest performance of your life happening in 5 minutes. “Kashi I’m gonna be fine!” You reassure him. “(name), I mean this in the nicest way possible, don’t go.” It was then when he knew he struck a nerve. “Kashi, can’t you just support me for once?” You mumble. “I just…” he grits his teeth as he musters out the words. “I just don’t wanna see you get hurt. I’ve done the same thing before… rushing into battle before I’m prepared… and I paid the price. I don’t.. wanna see it happen to you.” You eyes soften instantly as you press a kiss on his cheek. “Kashi, I’ve trained for a long time… plus you’ll be here for me right?” You grin. “(name)? You’re on.” A staff member pushes you onto the stage and all Kashimo can do is pray that you won’t get hurt. But as soon as you start singing, Kashimo knows, he knows that his worrying was for nothing. You sing like a bird flapping its long and delicate wings, spinning and spiriting into the wind, as if it was really where you belonged to. He watches in amazement as you channel your voice to the highest note, the whole crowd screaming as you do. And as the judges clap and the audience cheers, a certain someone pushes the guards away and engulfs you in a tight hug, to show you how much you meant to him.
“Kamo! I bought your favorite…!” It’s pretty funny seeing your once stoic boyfriend be reduced to a sniveling mess, but you can’t help but feel pity for him. “Babe *sniffs* s’ okay, I can do it myself-“ “Say ahhhhhh…” you tease as you serve a spoon into his mouth, airplane style, earning a blush from him. “Shut up…” He hissed. “I’ll go cook some more chicken soup, Kay? Gimmie a sec.” You left his side to serve another bowl, and that’s when Kamo heard the most beautiful melody of his life. It was bittersweet and kind, a smooth mixture of love and…home. When had he ever felt at home before? Probably only with his mom or you. Sure, his eyesight was blurry and he has a raging fever, but he’s pretty sure that that wonderful melody is coming from you. “(name)?” He whispers when you come back. “Hmmm?” You sigh as you feed him another spoon. “Can you sing that melody you were humming again? It was…nice.” You nod as you start humming along to the tune, head bobbing up and down. Perhaps being sick wasn’t so bad after all.
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angellic-critique · 10 months
Hey, I want to ask something: why Is using a drag queen's persona to create a female character a bad thing?/genq
The implication of cissification/forced gender norms is what I take issue with.
You're okay anon. I am going to clarify that this is a queer person critiquing upon a poorly mishandled drag persona of an animated Italian mobster spider that is named after cocaine. I am aware of the extremities here but I cannot stress enough how harmful viv's surface level writing for only her character designs is genuinely harmful and hurtful to me, as a queer person.
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I see the themes she attempted to write but having angel dust only centered purely around sex, sexual advantages from the porn industry [without substance[, the pimp abuse and nearly racist depictions of Italians [Gold tooth mobster who only likes guns, violence, sex, drugs, money, alcohol etc,]-
I could go on and on and on as to why Angel Dust despite seeming to come from some level of apathy to drag kings/queens is nothing but surface level tripe. I do not care if the show releases and all it is focused upon is Valentino's abuse and misdeeds towards angel, IS THERE ANYTHING TO THIS CHARACTER BESIDES BEING ABUSED.
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there is a difference of wanting to design a drag persona and having the gender be ambiguous but it is an entirely different level of tripe bullshittery to have a character that is allegedly surrounded around drag performing and openly being himself, is supposedly forced under a guise of abuse to undergo the said drag performing...????
Having a AMAB crossdressing to be a drag persona but then take that empowerment away from him, as if he was never allowed to be feminine in the first place. Angel Dust screams tryhard sexy appeal. I do not understand his, alastor, or Stolas for that matters' 'sex' appeal if they are not written well nor with any care for that regard about the communities they are representing.
Viv just wants to write the themes of addiction, gay trauma and industry abuse? That's perfectly fine as long as there is nuance and reasoning and justification for those characters turning to those types of aliments for aid. What do I meaaan????
Alastor has no asexual/aromantic representation, if anything the fandom has proven that it is APHOBIC !!!
Stolas takes pills and it never going to be brought up until Octavia finds out and then SHE is casted to be the villain over calling out the fact that her dad is a POS that only cares about Blitzo! GENUINELY WHAT?
Husk is also a surface level alcoholic that doesn't get called into question! I'm sorry I'm not talking about the main point you asked anon but genuinely please look at the larger scope over why viv just depicts abuse and substance use as 'haha comically funny' while attempting to 'humanize' her Demons. It seems that the show is just pro-abuse and of they genuinely actually have Valentino try to be threatening or a well written pimp ill laugh and delete my blogs honestly since I have no hope from script leaks revolving around him comparing guns to cocks. Viv really loves writing about industry abuse with no nuance here.
I did not bring up Molly whatsoever because unlike Viv I actually love the drag performer community and empowering culture they represent. It's the same reason I believe that Brandon Rodgers is anti-drag despite constantly crossdressing/displaying it within his videos. It's harmful because his drag didn't NEED to be a separate person angel dust should BE the DRAG PERFORMING NAME.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Nizat 'Kvarosee, Romantic/Platonic intentions. Scenario where during his exile on Netherop, he captures the darling from the similarly stranded UNSC forces and keeps them as a pet - at first as a psychological warfare thing against the humans but eventually forming a twisted attachment. Optional: the inclusion of prompts #2 and #14 from your blog's prompt list, since I read through them and thought those would be fitting for this and your prompts deserve more love in these requests. - Scale Anon
I watched lore videos and read his wiki entry on Halopedia so I think I got this >:) Hope you enjoy!
Yandere! Nizat 'Kvarosee Prompts 2 + 14
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Dehumanization/Degrading behavior, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Covenant religion, Manipulation, Violence, Slight worshipping, Implied darling is on the verge of mind break, Forced relationship/companionship.
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Out of everything that has happened during his exile on this planet... you may have been the best thing that's come of it.
At first your capture was meant to a message. A message that eventually he'll win this war against Petrov and break the humans fighting against him. However... it has been a long time since Nizat had any company other than the Sangheili he was stranded with.
Despite being a dissenter, Nizat felt incredibly religious during his exile. He began to view your meeting with him as fate. You were a gift from the Gods... all for him.
Nizat had learned human language to speak with you. Instead of treating you as a prisoner... he began to be softer. He doesn't want to kill you as you're defenseless. Instead... he treats you like the gift he believes you are.
His fellow Sangheili find his behavior strange. Their leader is so fanatical about this human prisoner. All to the point of treating you like some pet.
Nizat began to adore you once he saw you as a gift from the Gods. He began to see you as a companion... one he loves more than most things. He never let you get far... often dragging you around like one would do a pet.
He made sure you were as comfortable as you could be on this hot planet. Even as his Sangheili brethren perished... Nizat found comfort in you. You may not wish to be with him yet he can't just toss aside a divine gift!
Nizat worships you as his human. You are meant to comfort him in his exile, aren't you? He hates that you keep fighting him... don't you see it's meant to be?
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that." Nizat tries to reason with you. The heat outside could kill you if he doesn't provide for you! Despite you being placed in his lap as he sits with you in private... you struggle against him.
How long had it been? Weeks... months since he's caught you? Your determination was becoming tiring... he wishes you'd just give in.
Nizat catches you whining and trying to squirm like a scared animal. Like most Sangheili he found humans weak... but not entirely deserving of being killed. In fact he found you quite beautiful in your own alien way.
"I'll take care of you, my gift... just relax into me, alright? I'm not going to hurt you. If anything, you're hurting yourself." The Sangheili tries to comfort you by holding you closer to his chest.
For now... you give up and allow him to coddle you. He really is the only sense of comfort you've had in a long time. Sighing softly you lean into the Sangheili, allowing him to crane his head into the crook of your shoulder. You hear the Sangheili give a growl of approval before squeezing you closer.
Thankfully this was out of sight from anyone.
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you." The Sangheili whispers into your ear, nuzzling into your shoulder. The feeling is scaled and strange but you don't fight it. Do you have any power in this situation anyways?
"You are my divine gift... the Gods have not forsaken me completely for my sins." Nizat coos, indulging in the comfort you give. "I'd never let anyone take you away from me...."
You then hear him growl behavior, this time it's threatening instead of comforting.
"If anyone ever does try..." Nizat muses and you feel his claws dig into you. "They'll die brutally by my blade, I can promise that, my gift."
You say nothing and only stare at the ground, quietly accepting your fate.
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meowmeowriley · 6 months
Hi MeowMeow Costume anon here sorry it’s taken a couple days for me to reply life got busy finding one’s honour is harder then I thought!
You want my autistic head canons for Zuko? Strap in for some unhinged rambling because I have ✨thoughts✨ this will be long
(CW: implied child abuse (Fuck Ozai))
Zuko likes music (Iroh mentiones he’s talented with the Tsungi horn) and his swords I also think he would have picked up dancing at some point with how he moved during dance of the dragons.
When he’s around people he trusts he emotes more with his face and masks less in general and I’d say if he felt safe enough he’d do more overt (for him) stimms like humming, minor rocking or tugging on his hair Iroh would be one of his safe people and eventually the gaang would be too
*I don’t think he’d have very obvious stimms in general being raised royal he’d be expected to act a certain way and hand flaps are not it. Also flaming 💩lord Ozai would have seen any aberrations as weakness and stamped that shit out fast
*I honestly think it could be one of the reasons the flaming 💩lord despises Zuko being inherently different would be a weakness in his eyes and reflect badly on him
I think he and May get along well because they’re both autistic and are a safe space for each other. she has trouble processing her emotions he has trouble controlling his they make good emotional counter balances
He cares so much about the people and animals around him even his enemies a strong sense of justice is a common sign of autism and speaking out of turn was the initial reason for his banishment.
He’s so socially awkward he doesn’t know how to talk with people instead of at them his entire pep talk to himself and subsequent introduction to the gaang when he tries to join them is peak “how do you do fellow kids” and his “that’s rough buddy” is as iconic as it is socially inept.
The guy totally hyper fixated on hunting the Avatar and when he could no longer find his purpose in it and realised he was wrong he did not cope
He has no tackt. none. and he takes things at face value and he hates lying his humour is also a little left leaning and he tries to relate to others and their experiences as a way of bonding.
While he’s not a prodigy fire bender like his sister he found ways around his limitations that helped accentuate his natural talents like his sword fighting (dancing would help with sword work) being incorporated into his bending (I don’t remember any other character bending with weapons).
He’d know a lot about tea from Iroh and I think he enjoyed working in the tea shop
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
I hope these make sense it’s kinda late now but this was fun to write thanks for reading my insane rambles :D
Also in response to the (non gendered) Prince! line you gave me so much surprise gender euphoria I cried 😭🫠🥹 sincerely thank you. I’m going with he/him pronouns atm but he/they is something I want to look into.
if you don’t mind me asking what are your pronouns?
I’ll probably send another ask in the next couple of days to annoy you with lol but in the meantime have a great day!
Sorry I took so long to get back to this, but damn I needed it today so I guess it's good I kept this in reserve. ❤
Holy shit, I can't unsee Zuko as autistic now. Like it's impossible. He's so perfectly coded to be on the spectrum. He's generally monotone, until he's not, and that's always when he's dealing with big emotions. He'd be a lip biter for sure.
Zuko doing dance as a stim 😍 the first time the Gaang sees him dancing when he thinks he's alone, they'd be so supportive, and have no idea what that would mean to him.
Fire lord Zuko infodumping about tea to some random person who tried to ask if he'd like them to make him some, as he heats the tea himself with his bending, and damn if that isn't the best tea that servant has ever had in their life.
Until next time my non gendered Prince Zuko! (Which will be in like, a few minutes, when I get to your other ask. Again sorry for the wait 😭 I'm bad at this)
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the-way-astray · 3 months
if you were the author of kotlc, what would be different? (besides keefe)
i'm so sorry this is so late, anon, but every time i feel like i'm done and up to posting i feel the urge to add something else. here's a (long) list:
representation/diversity stuff
it would be completely normal to be queer in the lost cities. you tell the matchmakers what your sexuality is and if you don't know then they just assume you're pan and are cool with any gender. also, they don’t care if you’re trans and there are plenty of elixirs (temporary and permanent) to help with transitions and dysphoria. the elves are still scared of blood and sharp things though, so instead of top/bottom surgery, there’s permanent elixirs that can change . . . what you’ve got down there. recovery time is also zero
fitz and dex becomes canon. but don't you ship keefitz- yes, sir, i do indeed. but the sad truth (for me) is that fidex is more suitable for canon and keefitz is more of a fanon daydream. it brings both fitz's arc about learning the world isn't perfect and dex's arc about not judging vackers just for being vackers to a satisfying close
stina is non-binary and goes by they/them
sophie is a (straight) trans girl, mostly because it would be funny as hell. alden and fitz spend twelve years looking for a boy, but sophie’s on puberty blockers and goes by sophie, so they miss her completely. forkle has to send alden the article on sophie three times before alden realizes the “boy” they’ve been searching for might be a girl. sophie’s transness was the best defense against being found by the neverseen all along. sophie’s also alienated by her senior class’s transphobic thoughts towards her. when she goes to the lost cities, they treat it like it’s completely normal and della gives her a gender-affirming elixir with her birth fund. this is never brought up again and is completely irrelevant to the rest of the story
talked about this a tiny bit in my keefe rant but the sexism in the supposedly un-sexist world really grates on me. i would take it all out. sophie wouldn't be forced into wearing girly clothes all the time, either by herself or by anyone else. women frequently do/wear "masculine" things and vice versa. oh, and alden wears a dress at one point. also, foxfire uniforms are unisex. definitely no weird sexist comments made by keefe or anyone else. the lost cities are truly and really gender-equal
alden and della are t4t
the women aren't all housewives that get like one over-the-top girlboss-y moment because shannon realized she was being unintentionally sexist
female characters are allowed to be angry instead of sad more and are allowed to yell instead of cry more
della is a more prominent character. edaline is a more prominent character. juline is a more prominent character
cut down on poc stereotypes (like quinlin and livvy's crumbling marriage, prentice being in jail for his son's entire teenagehood, tiger parent songs, comparing tam and linh to both k-pop idols and anime . . . )
the main vacker family are all poc
the main heks family are all poc
bronte is a poc
tiergan is a poc
the elves have normal-colored eyes and the thing that makes sophie different visually is that she's the only elf not to have pointed ears (and i would erase the whole “elves only get pointy ears as they age” thing). all the poc have brown eyes, including the vackers (i'm so sorry, fitz). sophie tries to cover her non-pointed ears with her hair as a sign of insecurity, which could be related to the way she used to hide behind her hair in her high school senior class
the poc don’t all have dyed hair (tam, linh, maruca) and are allowed to keep their natural hair color
despite the lost cities’ progressiveness when it comes to gender and sexuality, polyamory is not socially acceptable because it is considered “imperfect”. sophie learns about this and campaigns against it
there's two polyam relationships: alden, della, grady, and edaline, and tiergan, prentice and cyrah
vacker stuff
alden and della's trust issues and generally fucked up relationship are explored (but minus the forced gender roles because i took out the sexism)
alvar is closer emotionally to sophie (kind of like alden), making his betrayal feel less cheap
the pressure for vackers to be perfect in every way is explored more
fitz is not demonized just because he and sophie didn’t work out
fitz and biana are twins, actually. alden and della just hid it really, really well
alvar knew that fitz and biana were twins and tried to use this as blackmail to get them to join the neverseen because he genuinely loved his little siblings and hated betraying them (his gripes were with his parents and the immense pressure put on him because he was a vacker). when they refuse, he makes good on his threat, leading to actual repercussions that affect the story (alden and della are kicked out of the nobility)
brant is a vacker and that's why his name is redacted (could still happen) and alden and della know his parents
tiergan and alden used to be best friends canon for real for real (could still happen, i guess)
biana's scars arc is given the time it needs to feel like a full arc and not a half-baked two-scene wonder. also she has scars on her face, too
fitz actually kills alvar (could still happen, i suppose)
biana's feelings with regards to alvar are explored more
keefe and alvar lore is expanded upon
ruewen/dizznee stuff
more stories of jolie. we don't really get to know her for her. maybe from brant, or grady and edaline, or someone. stories of mundane things, like her worst subject and her hobbies and her ex-friends and her conjuring classes and what she got her friends for midterms and how she got in trouble and grady and edaline's parties and how she picked a fight with anyone that put brant down
grady and edaline's parties are talked about more when people bring up how different they used to be
the fact that jolie died in an everblaze fire is actually acknowledged
the ruewens are just as prominent a family as the vackers because on the original council, just like fallon vacker was a member, there was also a ruewen
ruewen is juline and edaline's name, which is why grady took edaline's and also why juline took kesler's because that is a sign that she's literally forsaking her incredibly prominent noble family for a life of scorn. it's also why edaline and grady hoped jolie and brant would end up together (because a vacker and a ruewen together is like. the ultimate noble couple)
juline's struggles with adjusting to a life of scorn are acknowledged because it couldn't have been easy to be the top of the top falling all the way to the bottom of the hierarchy. she beats herself up about this, too, thinking it means she doesn't actually love kesler. he reassures her that he understands but she still feels guilty
the triplets act like actual twelve-year-olds instead of six
dex's family is more relevant, as the primary bad match couple and an example of the lost cities’ injustices (the main point of the story)
the lost cities inequalities/other worldbuilding stuff
sophie campaigns for rights for pyrokinetics, shades, talentless people, twins, bad matches, polyamorous people like the moonlark she's supposed to be and the entire point of the story isn't forgotten
the fact that councillors are the only ones allowed to elect and impeach other councillors is called out and fixed (could still happen, i guess)
the elvin justice system is fixed (vackers are not let off easier just because they're vackers, the council's say isn't what decides a person's fate) (could still happen, maybe)
exile is made out to be the horrendous prison it is and in the end, is banned. sophie heals the minds of everyone with a broken mind in the end (i honestly don't think shannon's going to do this. but hey. she might)
controversial: the elves' relative beauty is emphasized more. i think it should be immediately obvious to humans that something's off when an elf is around. they look too beautiful, almost ethereal, and it makes humans uneasy, but they can't quite put a finger on why that is. this is also why sophie had no friends and even her family felt strange around her. that scene in nightfall where the girls are staring at tam and fitz? well actually, they’re trying their hardest to avoid the group. humans are fleeing left and right at the sign of the group, but they can’t really put a finger on why they feel so off
shades are not allowed to take the elite levels. the ability isn't banned or anything, but they are barred from the elite levels anyway. sophie and co call this out
vanishing and flashing is one ability. hydrokinetic and cyrokinetic is one ability. mesmering and beguiling is one ability. empathy and inflicting is one ability. also there's an earth ability and it's not just given to the dwarves because man, that's cheap
the dwarves and gnomes are one species that can control plants and are really good with minerals. they are still in charge of exile, though, because plants roots can go that far deep or something. this means there are no gnomish slaves servants
there is confirmed to be a third school where you go if you aren't a noble and also not a criminal
the segregation that happens between the classes with regards to mysterium and atlantis is acknowledged
other types of couples are explored, such as talentless-talentless matched couples and talented-talented bad matches. nuance is acknowledged
that rule about councillors not being allowed to be married is challenged. i don't care whether it actually gets revoked or not, but i want it to be challenged (could still happen, i suppose)
if it does get revoked, councillor fitz! (could still happen, maybe)
at the end of the series, a multispecial council with two representatives from each species is formed with the goal of promoting equality among all species. this is different from the actual rulers of each species (could still happen)
talentless people are allowed to serve in the nobility at the end (probably will happen, would be weird if shannon didn't do that. but just saying in case)
controversial: cognates are erased. i don't like the concept of cognates very much. i find it makes telepathy too overpowered compared to other abilities. i'm so sorry, keepblr
the council are called out publicly for their unfair treatment of talentless people, pyrokinetics, shades, twins, bad matches, and polyamorous relationships by the neverseen. this leads to the sophie and the black swan being conflicted
black swan/neverseen stuff
gethen is kenric and oralie’s secret child. this gives gethen an interesting motive, makes us question kenric and oralie, characters we are supposed to like, makes sophie have to grapple with the fact that her half-brother by blood is a neverseen member, and gives oralie an internal conflict
glimmer is keefe's twin sister and lady gisela's daughter, explaining why she's so loyal and how she ended up with the neverseen (she was kicked out by cassius, who didn't want the shame of twins). keefe is forced to grapple with this
. . . or maybe glimmer just. wouldn't exist. i don't know
brant, vespera, umber, and possibly alvar wouldn't have died such anti-climatic deaths
vespera and biana face-off. brant and edaline face-off. umber gets a proper backstory (which still might happen). umber and trix are a bad match (which still might happen)
cut the keefe’s legacy plotline. fintan stays the main villain the entire series instead of randomly being hijacked by gisela halfway through
cut the forkle twin reveal
cut the trolls and everglen plotline. fitz kills alvar a different way
cut the timeline to extinction plotline and silveny/greyfell. i'm sorry, but it adds nothing to the overall story besides "the neverseen are evil and want to control the council"
cut the lodestar symbol plotline. it was interesting, but took too much page time for a plotline that effectively ended up changing nothing about the overall story
cut the criterion plotline. it's never brought up again anyway and takes too much time for something that goes nowhere
cut the gnomish plague plotline. it didn't have much of an impact on the overall plot. all it proves is "the neverseen are evil", which is kind of the point of the story. also dimitar's project is never brought up again
cut team valiant. it never should've happened
cut the lodestar initiative plotline. It’s too vague and hasn’t affected anything important to the overall story in a while
cut the boy who disappeared plotline. it added nothing except "alvar is evil". also, don’t have fintan purposefully spill the beans about alvar. the black swan find out he's part of the neverseen a different way
cut the unmatchable sophie plotline. instead have the elves do matchmaking by dna. the point of this plotline is to show why matchmaking is unfair, but the system targets talentless people and pyrokinetics more than anyone else, so it feels forced to try to have sophie be a victim of it. sophie has a (non-pyrokinetic) ability, so she can’t be oppressed by the matchmaking system. sophie isn't affected by the matchmaking system in the way that it's supposed to target its victims, so the plotline fails to showcase the real reason matchmaking is unfair
instead, have the black swan and sophie actually listen to the povs of characters who are directly affected by matchmaking and fix it
marella's dad pushed marella's mom off the balcony (he’s not trix, though) (could still happen, i suppose)
fintan ends up being sophie's biological father (could still happen. pretty likely actually. but just in case)
the black swan are actually competent and don't throw away the entire point of their organization by working with the council
the black swan actually fight for change instead of hiding in the shadows
sophie realizes that forkle sucks over the course of the series and never talks to him again after the end
fintan is confirmed to have long hair and a flat ass from the start
fintan and vespera are confirmed to be childhood friends and fintan is confirmed to be the councillor that threw her in the dungeon. this means that there is tension between them when fintan breaks vespera out
the black swan learn about this and sophie comes up with a plan to divide and conquer by taking advantage of this rift and worsening it. this gives sophie a chance to actually use her brain to fight the neverseen instead of her abilities. the black swan hatch a plan to subtly worsen fintan and vespera's relationship: through the use of a double agent, keefe
this leads to the keefe double agent storyline, where keefe learns to listen to other people and consult them on his plans, and actually works toward a very specific goal (try to split the neverseen into two neverseens: fintan’s neverseen and vespera’s neverseen by subtly turning them against each other). the plan actually ends up working, but there are serious repercussions that actually affect the story (in the process, keefe is slightly indoctrinated by the neverseen and starts to sympathize with them and even bonds with fintan a little bit, which alarms sophie and co)
the neverseen actually act like a found family (with the exception of fintan and vespera)
the collective hire people to throw the council off their scent
bronte and fintan are confirmed to have had a thing that didn't work out
fintan is thrown in jail by a heartbroken bronte at the end of the story
after fintan’s captured, he still trains marella in pyrokinesis
livvy opens up a medical school
instead of dying, vespera is locked up again. this is her worst fear, and a fate worse than death for her
the neverseen are not a large group, like shannon implies. it's no more then twenty people. this actually makes them more terrifying than not, because if such a small group can cause such large scale damage, then that is alarming and the council looks extra incompetent
writing stuff
multiple perspectives. but not evenly. like 80% of the story would still be sophie's pov, but here and there there are chapters sprinkled in from other characters' perspectives as a break
a few chapters from the adults' povs that go into stuff they got up to before the series
a few chapters from the neverseen members’ povs
a few chapters from sophie and co's povs
the love triangle takes a backseat to the actual plot
keefe and fitz actually act like best friends
the cast is cut down significantly to just sophie, fitz, keefe, biana, dex, marella, stina, and wylie (i’m so sorry tam, linh, maruca, and jensi). there are just too many characters. instead of tam and linh being from exillium, have marella manifest earlier and get kicked out to exillium, highlighting the injustice against pyrokinetics through someone in sophie’s own friend group and making the injustice much more jarring and in-your-face. sophie, biana, fitz, dex, and keefe go to exillium later as well and meet marella there
stina's arc would not have been undone. instead, there would be a conversation between her and dex about how stina apologizes for bullying him and we learn that the reason she did that was to deflect attention off of herself and her own parents' shaky match status by pretending she was better than dex, a "real" bad match's child (the book would be multiple povs, so this would be possible)
dex and sophie never kiss and remain purely platonic friends for the entire series. erase dex's crush on sophie entirely. because we need a single purely platonic male-female relationship goddammit
sophie ends up single, but takes away something from both her relationship with keefe and her relationship with fitz
prentice and sophie's first conversation after prentice wakes up is actually meaningful
the series is only four books long because please shannon i can't handle this anymore
move the lumenaria-collapse climax to the second-to-last (third) book. that plotline slapped so hard and shannon had no business losing it in the middle of the series like it was just some random neverseen plan. it needs to be given the proper weight, so it needs to be the climax that truly showcases the neverseen's might and wit that finally kicks sophie and co into gear and motivates them to knock out the neverseen for good in the last book
i don't know where shannon's going with this yet, so this is tentative, but: move the elysian/ability-to-strip-elves-of-their-abilities plotline to the third-to-last (second) book's climax, so that sophie and co can have a proper reason to not rely entirely on their abilities all the time and actually use their brains for the rest of the series (like the divide-and-conquer-the-neverseen plan)
first book's climax is still the kidnapping
last book's climax is they take the neverseen down for good and fix the lost cities' problems (i assume this will still happen)
miscellaneous stuff
terik is talentless. i'm going to be so honest: i don't think shannon's going to do it. the series isn't done but i feel like i know shannon's style well enough to be able to tell how far she's willing to go with regards to plot twists
keefe is adopted by elwin (could still happen)
the great gulon incident was such a great triumph that it actually made alina quit. she's elected to the council a few years later
whatever stina's parents did to get matched is finally revealed and they fall out of favor with the public. stina gets character development and a reason to help sophie fix the world
alden and della and grady and edaline actually all act like friends (partners?) with inside jokes and not coworkers that only come to each other with problems. sophie wakes up and comes downstairs for breakfast and della and grady are chatting about dinosaurs. she goes into grady and edaline's room and alden's there, helping them pick a new wallpaper. she goes to everglen after school to play with fitz and biana and goes inside and edaline and alden are chilling on the couch talking about how that team got absolutely crushed at the latest bramble match. she goes outside and sees della getting thrown around by verdi and grady, edaline, and alden are laughing at her. and this is like. normal stuff. they're the kinds of friends where they can just show up to each other's houses and it's not a big deal. edaline and grady's dna is on everglen's gate
everglen's gate is explicitly said to also have security measures protecting it from levitators, because that is currently a plot hole
alden is not a century older than della. this is not because i think it's toxic. this is because i want alden, della, edaline, grady, tiergan, prentice, cadence, and quinlin to have all been foxfire friends and that's kind of not possible if alden and della are a century apart
grady, edaline, della and alden's blind spots with regards to the way society is laid out is acknowledged and actually a major part of the story. they are prominent nobles, after all. at the end they all become more aware of the lost cities' problems and are at the forefront of change
timkin and kesler end up best friends by the end of the story somehow. they realize they are in the same situation in different lightings. timkin (and vika) help out at slurps and burps by the end of the story as an apology
that's all for now, but there's probably something else that'll come up that'll make me go "oh, shannon should've done this instead!!!" so. there may be a part two, i don't know
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pomefioredove · 4 months
im not sure if the 500 followers event/matchup includes anon asks but i'll try. (if you can maybe both platonic and romantic??)
i usually prefer they/them pronouns but im more generally gender fluid. im also asexual (not aromantic so i do get romantic feelings but its just harder for me to fall in love or develop a crush on someone). im in my early twenties (so definitely older than the main cast). im incredibly short (4"11/149cm but i think i've grown but not entirely sure how many). so i am quite insecure about my height especially when you're the shortest of the family. my main hobby is writing and reading. but im currently on writer's block so i haven't written anything longer than a chapter these past few months because of college. i also play games quite a lot but nothing like fps or any horror games.
im usually quiet when meeting with new people and once i get comfortable, i can get chaotic and i let out a couple of dark humor jokes here and there. and i prefer to stay indoors rather than outdoors. however, i wouldn't mind going out with people that i actually like/am close with. also, i tend to curse a lot and a bit tomboyish. i can also get a bit harsh with my words if i dont think on what i say and just say it outright.
also, dont rush and take your time. i know how stressful writing can be at times so there's no pressure in answering this one. thank you!
I match you with 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 (romantic)
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okay hear me out.
The First Impression:
"Not my circus, not my monkeys" Leona could not be bothered to take on more than he already has to, and that includes meeting new people. The first time you run into each other, it doesn't exactly leave a lasting impression. And the second time, the third... the fourth time you end up in the same place at the same time, you're basically as close as you can get to friends.
Why He Fell:
Honestly? It was your sense of humor.
Leona just... wasn't expecting it. For someone who seems like a prey animal, quiet and meek, hearing such a morbid joke coming from your mouth catches him off guard. It takes a lot of wit to come up with something like that, after all. You actually manage to make him laugh. You might as well be married at that point.
Obviously, there's more to you than meets the eye, and Leona suddenly doesn't mind hanging out with you more often.
The Relationship:
He ends up sticking to you like glue. If he's going to be stuck at this lousy school, he may as well surround himself with people he tolerates, right?
Well, he more than tolerates you. He likes you. (But good luck trying to get him to admit that out loud).
Over time, Leona finds himself caring more and more about you as a person. Your interests, your likes and dislikes, your home life... suddenly, he has this whole catalogue of information about you and he doesn't know what to do with it. So, he just hangs out with you.
Every little detail, he likes. You want to stay in? No problem, so does he. Your tomboyish tendencies? Perfect, he's glad you're not fussy. He convinces you to tell him one of your stories "to fall asleep to", but he ends up staying awake 'til the end.
Leona is oddly sensitive about your feelings, too. Once he finds out you're insecure of your height because of your family, he never brings it up again- and you can be sure that anyone who does is in for it.
Short Platonic Blurb w/Tweels
since you asked! I'm trying to limit this to one matchup per person, but I'm glad to do a brief platonic summary. I just think both Jade and Floyd would be enamored with your sense of humor and chaos, they would find it fascinating. If you were feeling insecure about your height, Floyd would offer to let you sit on his shoulders for funsies. They're the friends who drag you outside (once you're comfortable with them ofc)
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One of my friends is going to give their brothers (cis, 10 and 13, multi-gender attracted) the Talk and isn't sure where to start. Do you know any resources or guides to help them make sure they hit the highlights?
hi anon,
first off, tell your friend that a stranger on the internet is stoked that they're taking the initiative to have this conversation with their brothers! that's awesome, and I hope it will lay the groundwork for them to be a safe person for their brothers to talk to as they continue to grow up and change.
for a well-rounded first conversation (which I think we can safely assume will not be either boy's first introduction to sexuality, especially the 13 year old), I would recommend your friend consults the circles of sexuality first developed by Dennis Dailey:
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we use a similar model to this in Our Whole Lives, where I teach kiddos in a similar age range to your friend's brothers. it covers a lot of territory, is easy to adjust for any age, and can be a great way to let the kids steer the conversations by bringing up the things that may feel most pertinent or troubling to them. the five outer circles basically break down as such:
sexuality identity: honestly maybe not the most precise name for this circle, since it also includes things like personal expression and sense of gender that are sometimes completely detached from sexuality; editing this one to just be "identity" can work just fine. regardless, I've found kids grasp this one pretty easily, and it can be a great starting point to the others. talk to the boys about who they like, how they like to dress, what their sense of boy-ness feels like, how those pieces interact or could be different, etc.
sexual health and reproduction: all kinds of health and safety fall here! later is could entail things like frank discussions of safer sex, but right now we can talk about things like bodily changes brought on by puberty (what have they noticed? how do they feel about it? what do they like about puberty, and what feels difficult?), everyday precautions such a protective gear if they play sports, and how to safely remove pubic hair if they choose to do so.
sexualization: this one's IMPORTANT. this is where we talk to kids about how sexuality and peer pressure can be harmful such as objectifying advertisements, people making you feel uncomfortable by talking about your body in ways that feel bad, or pestering you to send nudes or look at other images that may make you feel uncomfortable. this is also an important place to talk about consent and good ways to express interest in people without making them feel unsafe.
sensuality: what helps the kids feel nice? responses I've heard range from dancing, nice-smelling shampoos, hugging a pet, snuggling with a blanket or stuffed animal, eating good food, getting hugged by parents, and playing a favorite sport. this can also be a good spot to talk about how masturbation is normal, healthy, harmless, and a great way to safely explore one's sexuality in private!
intimacy: a good place to end, because this whole conversation about sexuality is a powerful act of intimacy! this is a great way to start a convo about trust and safety, and how sex is fine and rad but people with whom you want to be sexual deserve to be treated well and with care. also a great space to talk about how intimacy and closeness IS NOT just for romantic/sexual partners, which I think is really important for young boys to hear especially! these little dudes should know that they deserve to have close friendships with people who make them feel good and support them and let them talk about their feelings.
your friend is probably gonna miss some stuff and not get everything 100% right, and that's okay! being available as a non-judgmental resource who's willing to admit you don't know everything and learn along with the people you want to teach is more important than being infallible!!
also for your friend, might I recommend checking out Peggy Orenstein's book Boys & Sex? it's a pretty good look into the sexual cultural a lot of teens and young adults are currently swimming in, and may be very helpful for someone trying to help two young boys navigate it.
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geraniumplant · 11 months
Welcome to my roleplay blog. Here is the general info: private/ selective /mutuals only / 20+. I am not affiliated with any fandom. I am not pro or anti ship. I ship what I want & that's the end of it. If you have a problem with that you do not need to follow. I like to keep my dash & blog tight-knit, but I'm not against meeting new people if we vibe.
About the mun: My name is Wolf. I am 25+ she/her/they/them. I have a learning disorder, dyscalculia & dyslexia. Please be patient with me. I tend to switch between past & present tense & write in a stream of consciousness. Spelling mistakes & grammar mistakes are likely on my end, as this isn't my strong point. (but I try) I love writing regardless & use it as a form of escapism, but also to meet cool people with similar interests. I'm always happy to chat or plot with mutuals. I'm very easygoing & I care about the comfort of my writing partners.
My writing tends to deal with themes of identity, gender, sexuality, trauma, mental illness & sometimes suicide. I will tag these themes to the best of my ability with the main tag #usfw (unsafe for work). That being said, it is possible themes such as homophobia might come up in my writing. This will never be glorified or encouraged as its purpose is to explore the negative effects it has on my muses. If you have any concerns you are more than welcome to message me privately.
Anyone younger than 20 who follows/interacts with me will be blocked. I am not comfortable roleplaying with anyone under the age of 20.
The main muse of this blog is Vash the Stampede from Trigun. If you do not specify a muse in asks & tagged content I will answer as Vash.
This blog is mobile based. 99% of the time I am on mobile. If I can’t read your rules, muse list, writing, etc. because of small or fancy font I most likely won’t follow.
If I follow you that means I am interested in roleplaying with you. Think of it as me giving you permission to write with me & send me things.
You do not need to ask to turn asks into threads. I encourage this. If I send you something it means I am eager to write with you.
I am fine with shipping but I will not force someone to roleplay a pairing they do not like. I ask that you do the same in  return.  
Smut in roleplays will be asked to be continued on Discord if possible. This applies only to smut. Kissing, making out, etc. will be present here.
I am selective with OCs due to bad experiences in the past. Please  do not pester me if I decline an offer to roleplay with your OC. It  isn’t anything personal. This is for my own comfort. If you're an OC blog & I follow you first or follow back then that means we're good to write.
I will roleplay almost anything except for the following: Do not  ask me to have my character rape or violate yours. Relationships must be  consensual. No  underage ships or sexual relationships with minors. No dead baby jokes, severely harming, abusing or killing children & animals. I do not wish to read or write detailed scenes of birth, abortions, miscarriages, genital mutilation, or anything too graphic regarding medical procedures, injury, piss, vore, or extremely graphic body horror.  (light body horror is fine)
I will not tolerate: drama or call out posts, anon hate, racism, any kind of homo or transphobia, bashing people for their religion, politics, ethnicity, or beliefs. I tend to unfollow people who post too much ooc negativity, or politics of any kind. Roleplaying is my escapism & I’m not here for any real world drama.
The respect you give will be the respect you receive. ♥
( Please like if you have read & agree to the rules. This is not required but it does make me feel better. )
The following is a list of Fandoms/characters I have no interest in interacting with...
Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss // FNAF // My Hero Academia // One Peice // Naruto // Harry potter // video games such as Mario, Sonic, & Pokemon. // Comics such as Marvel & DC. (No hate towards these fandoms or anyone who likes them. I just have no interest in roleplaying them. I am unlikely to follow blogs related to these fandoms unless you're a multi-muse. )
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bilesproblems · 1 year
My biggest problem as an mspec lesbian is being in inclus spaces and seeing "labels don't have meaning" or "gender is fake" yes the fuck they do and no the fuck it isn't.
If labels meant nothing, no one would use them. Saying labels mean nothing is invalidating to mspec lesbians and lesboys because our use of the lesbian label isn't "lol it means nothing anyway." Lesbian means something and that meaning means something to us. Just because our relationships with the label and the ways we use them are complicated doesn't mean it means nothing. Just because an increased understanding of gender and orientation can allow labels to encompass different experiences doesn't mean they mean nothing. If they meant nothing we would just avoid the drama and not identify this way.
If gender is fake I wouldn't feel it so strongly. "Social construct" has never meant fake, never meant it can't exist in your brain. We're social animals, and social constructs can greatly impact our brain. Saying gender isn't real invalidates everyone that isn't agender, genderless, gendervoid, or cassgender. Gender is complicated but it's real. (ETA: I found this post again. As an anon pointed out, it also invalidates genderless people who consider not having a gender, refusing to be gendered, or refusing to care about their gender to be important parts of their identity by taking away the thing that makes their identity unique in the first place.)
Just because something is complicated and isn't perfectly linear doesn't mean it's right to say it means nothing. That's not a justification, if it meant nothing we wouldn't need to defend our labels, it just invalidates people. Stop.
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shalvis · 8 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I think you’re overthinking this, anon. I’ll go by paragraph here:
-gay men don’t like women because gay men like men
-having a preference for femininity or masculinity is not inherently sexist. it also has nothing to do with being gay, imo, bc feminine and masculine are not gender markers (feminine men and feminine nonbinary people exist)
-if someone lies about who they are (which can happen regardless of gender) break up with them? otherwise, comparing humans to animals is a moot point here. It’s silly to assign human sexuality labels to animals because animals do not have gender presentations.
-sometimes it really can be about vibes, but mostly for people who experience attraction to multiple genders. I didn’t know what gender my bf was when I fell in love with him for example, and didn’t really care what that answer was wrt my attraction to him.
-all orientations are out of our control but also fluid and subject to change. while I do think that outliers exist for everyone (ie that a lesbian can have feelings for a man or a gay person can have feelings for a woman or a straight person can experience same-gender attraction), it doesn’t mean that their orientation is an act or fake or anything. It’s just something that can happen sometimes. It’s also unfair to postulate about bi/pan orientations being “more natural” or innate than others imo.
-TLDR it’s about gender identity (and biological sex to some people, as long as they’re not dicks about that it’s okay to have preferences for a specific genital) and at the end of the day, there aren’t like any hard rules in stone about sexuality in humans
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