#as a transmasc person
snortoborto · 10 days
I'm so over the victimhood complex of feminine cis women.
Gender diversity isn't a threat. Diversity in gender presentation isn't a threat.
Femininity is not equivalent to purity and innocence.
Femininity can still be harmful when enforced on people who don't want it. Women and feminine people can still do harm. Femininity can still be weaponized, especially white femininity.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
ok I need to vent cause I've been crying all morning.
I am so sick of being told being emotional when I'm on/around my period is bad. I'm tired of afab people having this vulnerable, emotional, sacred time used against them constantly. I'm tired of being belittled because of it. having men justify their mistreatment of me because I'm just "having my time of the month"
cause you know what, I am emotional, I am crying, tears flow from my anger, my pain, my suffering. my body is going through so much, more than any man could EVER handle. I am emotional and it is beautiful. I am emotional and it is sacred. I cry tears of joy and pain and fear and anger and discomfort and this holiness or spiritualness or whatever word brings you comfort. these tears are so sacred because they are this culmination of everything I am.
I may not identify as a woman, but those tears, they are my femininity concentrated into the liquid dripping down my cheeks. the time I spend crying. the moments I scream and shout and curse. the smiles I wear. whatever they want to deem overemotional, I deem sacred and beautiful and worthwhile and perfect.
they are a show of my empathy for others, of the weight I carry in my shoulders, of the pain I bury for others comfort.
I am not perfect, I am human, and sometimes I have to break, I have to show something.
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scramratz · 11 months
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with duct tape scars on my honey
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pally-plate · 7 months
Actually, I AM trapped in the wrong body.
I AM a boy trapped in a girl’s body.
I WAS born in the wrong body.
I DO hate my body.
I DO want to change it FOR ME and NO ONE ELSE.
I AM distressed because my body ISN’T right.
And I’m definitely not the only one.
It’s ok if you, as an individual trans person, hate the “born in the wring body,” thing. But stop trying to convince people that every trans person hates that way of describing our experiences.
You are 100% allowed to use whatever descriptions you want for your experiences, but so are we. We who WERE born in the wrong body and feel most comfortable describing it that way.
This is in no way a call-out post, or trying to offend anyone. It’s simply a request to stop acting like trans people are a monolith who ALL prefer the SAME EXACT terms.
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transmascissues · 8 months
it’s so funny to me that people used to try to warn me “if you go on t it won’t make you androgynous it’ll just make you look like a man” because 1) i do want to look like a man, that is famously a major part of being a trans man but also 2) t literally has made me androgynous?? like they were wrong on both counts. i got most of the looking-like-a-man changes that i wanted (deep voice, broader body, hair all over my body including my face) and i also give every single cis person in a five mile radius a stroke every time they try to figure out my gender. the assumption that trans men wouldn’t actually want to look like men and the assumption that cis people are good at correctly gendering us once we’re on t are both weird as hell.
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titvs-androgynous · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi does a lot of things right but honestly for me, as a transmasc person, the best thing about the show is Thistle being a male character. You're telling me I get to see a character whose physique and voice are relatable AND who's referred to by he/him pronouns* from the get go?? And he's an 'evil wizard'?
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*apart from some parts of the English translation lol
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courtmartialme · 1 year
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my transmasc riza art from 2022 :^)
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artificial-ascension · 4 months
Being transmasc means you will hear people say shit to you with their whole chest that, if they said to a cis woman, would get them on a block list of raging misogynists instantly also you are also on that block list for bringing this up.
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if this isn’t the transmasc experience i don’t know what is
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butchharts · 2 months
I think getting my face grabbed and being kissed with force would heal me idk tho
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thund3randrain · 7 months
"I respect you and won't stop you from being who you are" and "I'm not ready to call you by a new name and pronouns because it hurts me" can not co-exist when the speaker is your parent who has a huge amount of control over your life.
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wrenderart · 1 year
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A tribute to the transmasc body
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the-trans-advice-blog · 7 months
Please please please think of trans people of color when you’re going to make a generalized statement. When you’re making posts about passing tips, medical treatments for transitioning, even light hearted stereotypes include people of color in your sentiments.
As a black trans person it is so fucking isolating to see stuff I’m supposed to relate to only to find that they weren’t talking about me or people like me.
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transmechanicus · 14 days
I know some people have unfathomable beef with the term but i really don’t see the issue with transmascs describing their specific experiences with societal mistreatment and persecution as “transandrophobia”, like i think it’s good to be able to discuss specific experiences and articulate the problems you’re facing actually.
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genderqueerdykes · 5 months
a long time ago, my roommates had an argument over whether or not hamburgers are sandwiches. this actually got heated to the point of one of the guys having to get upset and walk away because he was convinced that hamburgers are not sandwich, but instead their own classification of food.
people will pick any hill to die on- we as a species cannot 100% all agree on the definition of anything. that's why we can't agree on the definition of gay, queer, lesbian, trans, bi, pan, aromantic, asexual, etc. because we as a species just can't do that. we all have a unique perspective on what concepts are and what they mean.
if we can't agree on whether or not a hamburger is a sandwich or not, i think it's best if we learn to agree to disagree on what the "true" meaning of gay, lesbian, trans, queer, etc. are and just let people live their version of that identity in peace. at the end of the day it literally doesn't matter if you don't know if a hamburger is a sandwich or just a hamburger- you're still going to eat it and gain nutrients from it.
a trans person having a different definition of trans than you, or a lesbian defining lesbianism differently than what they've been told, or any other type of queer person defining their identity in their own way isn't a threat to you- at the end of the day, it doesn't stop them from being trans, a lesbian, queer, or whatever. disagreeing on the definition won't stop it from happening; it's just petty. not every hill is meant for someone to die on. let go
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