#arrow discourse
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laurelwinchester · 1 year ago
Okay but since you started, to continue ar*row posting into 2024, it was blatantly obvious Quentin resented Laurel for being the one that lived when they all thought Sara died, and people still thought he was a good dad??? The whole Lance family was so fucked up and Laurel deserved a better family
oh yeah 100% both quentin and dinah thought the wrong daughter died on that boat. there is no doubt about it. they resented laurel for being alive instead of sara. they did not hide their favoritism well. with dinah, she was open about it. with quentin, it only came out in waves, usually when he was drunk but even when he was sober it still sometimes seeped out of him in these little hissed remarks.
it's one of the reasons thinking about laurel's childhood fascinates me so much. at a glance, the lance family was a normal middle class family. two beautiful, smart girls, a home, two parents with well respected careers and a loving marriage. a happy family.
but i have to wonder if it was really all that happy for laurel.
i mean. she dated oliver for years. devoted herself to him. adored him. she took him back when he made mistakes, she wanted to move in with him, she wanted to marry him, she loved him with everything the whole way through. and he treated her like trash. he cheated on her over and over and over again with her friends and her sister. he had zero respect for her. he was stupid and he was nasty and he was cruel. and it's not like the island changed him when it came to her. i'm sorry but it didn't. he was an arrow in her lung from the day she met him until the day she died. and she just. accepted that. she accepted that was all she would get and lived with it until the end. that was as far as she got in terms of believing in her own worth.
that kind of chronic, damaging low self esteem doesn't come from nowhere. laurel's canonical desperation and pleading and searching for love was one of her most devastating traits (partly because she was never able to find it) and it's something that can only come from the lack of love. and that shit starts at the top. it starts with mom and dad. they poisoned her. bit by bit until she was dead, gone, and replaced, quite literally, by a doppelganger.
no, i'll never understand why people love "papa lance." he was only a loving father to one daughter. he was an abuser to the other.
that's one of the reasons why one of the recurring characters in my laurel fics is her non canon grandmother. she needs at least one family member to love her completely and unconditionally. lord knows no one else did.
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rirururu · 1 year ago
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They're partners uwu
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glitter-stained · 3 months ago
Still so mad that Mia's official Speedy suits didn't let her keep her wide pant legs, like come on that's such an integral part of her look
Like, I'm sorry, but putting aside that I have a very obvious favourite Mia artist, those:
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Will never have the same oomf as this one:
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Anyway Mia's always wearing wide pants as a civilian and I love the shapes when she jumps and does flips in them it's so cool she deserved to have them in her hero suit thank you for coming to my ted talk
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 11 months ago
i honestly wish bow had more depth to his character than just being the “friendship guy” or the mom friend. like he’s part of the main trio and somehow he’s one of the most underdeveloped characters in the show. i think it would have been really interesting if they explored bow’s relationships with his dads and his fear of letting them down, in more detail, than just cramming it into one episode and calling it a day.
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aerascreamer · 5 months ago
Quick (or long) question for Green Arrow and Arrowfam fans since I’m new:
What is the worst characterisation for the characters and what events/series are unfaithful to them?
For example:
I read that Ollie rejecting Connor after the reveal that he is his bio son is extremely OOC, while others also despise Red Hood and the Outlaws because Roy’s character is butchered.
Are there any other series, events etc. that are really poor writing and can be ignored/rewritten?
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theatrekidenergy · 1 year ago
🧠 brain-on-the-brain Follow
Just a reminder that monster/human relationships are inherently toxic, especially between the freaks that need to be taken to the pound to taste some silver and humans.
🩸B4TTYB1TES Follow
Dude what the actual fuck? Is all that rotting effecting your ability to comprehend basic logic? Go and crawl back to the grave yard where you belong.
🌒 dirty-paws1 Follow
@brain-on-the-brain Uhm- I- What? Ok yeah you did not just say that. Let me guess, “vampires shouldn’t date their sires.” Should they?
🧠 brain-on-the-brain Follow
Mhm. Exactly. You are just proving my point, @dirty-paws1 you are literally just proving to everyone that you dogs can’t control yourselves. And yes, vampires shouldn’t date their sires, it’s not a complicated thing, there’s an obvious power imbalance that’s only going to end in abuse.
👻 trans-parent Follow
FYI eveyone, @brain-on-the-brain is openly anti-siren and thinks that not undead monsters aren’t actually in the monster community. They aren’t worth it, just block and move on.
🧠 brain-on-the-brain Follow
Okay and you are all just going to ignore how @B4TTYB1TES said blatantly anti-zombie statements aren’t you
🦇draculaishotlmfao Follow
Eh you’re right they did say some shit, but like, is no one else going to bring up sirens or are you guys gonna make me side with an anti-monster/human relationship supporter :/
🌒 dirty-paws1 Follow
Why would we bring sirens into this? My friend Lilly is a siren and she’s an amazing friend, if you guys are going off of stereotypes you need to knock it off. So let me make this clear, not all zombies are not stupid, not all vampires are cruel, not all werewolves are open about our lycanthropy, and not all sirens are manipulative. Jeez.
🧜‍♀️ Saltwatersweetie Follow
THIS!!!!!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
🩸B4TTYB1TES Follow
Well this escalated quickly 💀
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roseofthewind · 2 years ago
Kannazuki no miko continues to be one of the most horrible, heart-wrenching, beautiful, terrible, amazing, painful stories I have ever experienced and I love it so much and I am never, ever going to recommend it to anyone else ever
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thecruellestmonth · 2 years ago
Do you guys really believe that killing is the singular bad thing that cops do?
Or even that killing is the most frequent bad thing that cops do?
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Are you saying that if cops didn't kill, then they'd be the same as Batman? Because then you're suggesting that effectively Batman already is a cop, with the "exception" that he hasn't killed (just like the majority of U.S. cops, who have never once shot or killed anybody).
I'm a bit worried to see opinions suggesting that only killing is wrong—and that violence, stalking, and humiliation are okay. In real-life, police commit countless acts of those "little" abuses, terrorizing entire communities, before they murder anybody.
Invading people's privacy is wrong. Hurting people to the point of hospitalization is wrong. Forcibly drugging people is wrong. Putting people in cages is wrong. Torture and "enhanced interrogation" are wrong. Ambushing people in their homes and safe places is wrong. Keeping inexhaustible wealth is wrong.
Superhero comics are power fantasies. Not all fantasies need to reflect our ideology in reality. But once you apply your real-life values to fiction, once you decide that fiction showcases exemplary real-life ideology—then your praise for Batman's ideology does become a worrying reflection of your real-life understanding of social issues.
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laurelwinchester · 2 years ago
Laurel/Helena had so much potential but knowing the writers, I am so glad nothing ever happened. But oh man, the potential.
oh, fully agree! i love my girls but if the show had gone there, it would have been a disaster. undoubtedly toxic and probably incredibly offensive in more than one way. it's for the best they never did anything with laurel/helena. .......but the potential! all that wasted chemistry! such a shame.
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violetreminder · 2 months ago
"I paid a guy on a crypto exchange $200 and he gave me an NFT image that anyone can just grab but told me I had the rights to it bc I have a blockchain link certifying the sale"
"I paid an artist I follow on Twitter $200 and they gave me 'exclusive use' of their design that I had no input on and anyone can feasibly use as yet another badge to wear in a furry Discord RP server but the artist pinky swore it was mine now"
I see no difference. If anything the NFT holder probably has more of a valid claim on any legal property grounds and they explicitly have none. Clownshoes.
It's so crazy how we (rightfully) shit all over NFTs but there are still artists out there ACTUALLY making money on "adoptables" like
You don't even buy the art, you buy the "rights" to a character design that anybody can still draw (and in all likelihood you or they will never use). Please explain to me how that is meaningfully different than an NFT without the Blockchain and the lack of finance tech bro speculation money.
Like at least with a commission youre directly requesting something from an artist you enjoy to get *something* you wanted that you didn't have the requisite skill to produce.
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kuwdora · 1 year ago
Anytime I see people talking about canon and fan fiction and all the discourse that happens therein, my brain always goes back to this line from Slings and Arrows. It’s been living in my head rent free for nearly 20 years.
Geoffrey Tennant is standing in front of a workshop class full of corporate middle management people who tell him they’re at the workshop to learn communication skills and management styles by learning about the works of Shakespeare. And they’re all just very cut and dry business folk who are there and are gonna Learn a Thing. Geoffrey basically waves the class’s notions aside and says: “Let’s fuck around with some text.”
I love that line. I think about that line a lot when I think about fandom. Taking canon and finding our own way to play and fuck around with it. Search for profound truths about a character. And the horny. The silliness and fun. Explore the new and process trauma or share joy with fic or art or vids. Going in completely different direction from canon because we’re in so deep and are possessed and that’s where the stories and the fanon has carried us.
Let’s fuck around with some text. It’s so good.
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gaywineauntsstuff · 4 months ago
Bro this whole discourse over who would be a republican/ a trumpie in the dc verse is so stupid imo bc we have so much canon info
Batfamily: none of them have been even vaguely conservative since the 90s, infact they’re all pretty far left with Bruce being the most center because he trusts one (1) cop. (Oooh but dick was a cop, yes as an infiltration tactic until he realized they were too corrupt -he was also like 19-20 during this time- to fix and canonically doesn’t work with them at all as a rule)
Bruce rebuilds his city pro bono like twice a year and single handedly funds like 80% of their social welfare, it’s also canon he refers goons to the nearest Wayne enterprise and gets them hired if Batman knows they’re just their bc they’re struggling
Arrows: NEVER INSULT OLIVER QUEEN IN MY FACE EVER AGAIN. This man is 50% a communist 50% Bernie sanders biggest fan depending on the media.
This man would never be a republican ignoring the arrowverse like it’s actually canon that Ollie won’t shut up about politics
Superfam: … the illegal alien who has to hide the fact he’s different from everyone else in a small town…. Hmmm maybe Kon is conservative if you’re blind, deaf and a little slow, Jon has a pink haired boyfriend and is besties with a middle eastern/south Asian kid actually so let’s not?
Clark Canonically hates the KKK you think he’d be part of the party whose candidate was endorsed by them??
Flashes: Barry Allen is a conservative, Wally west was when he was younger but he’s been pretty liberal since he became as adult, Wallace has never been conservative (TV Barry you will always be the most likeable Barry)
Lanterns: Hal Jordan is a Conservative, the rest are in fact not
Wonder Woman collective: Diana??? Donna??? Artemis?? Cassie??? None of the above don’t be dumb
Anyway it’s pretty hard to have a heroic character who doesn’t believe in social welfare? Since they’re running around saving people for free and 99% of them are anti killing. + having characters be sexist, racist and/or homophobic makes them less likable objectively and also narrows down the amount of stories you can tell.
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puppetwoman17 · 4 months ago
Just wanted to remind everyone about that issue from Power of Shazam where Billy finds Princess Taia’s house. I think it’s on an island, so pretty closed off.
I headcanon that Fawcett heroes go to that specific house to lie low, or just to hang out. To get away from this new world and just…have a sense of normalcy(well, normalcy for Fawcett). Because there are now so many other hero groups, and they know they should branch out, but sometimes, old is safe.
This also goes for the Marvel family. Unlike with the other her teams, there was no discourse about Billy, Mary, and Freddy being children. And after years of knowing each other, it was just the norm for the Squadron to know that they are kids, treat them like equals, and also treat them like young kids deserving of love. I like to think they found that balance together.
Taia: *Getting ready for a movie shoot*
*The doorbell rings*
Taia: Ugh, coming! *Opens door*
Billy, Mary, Freddy, and literally everyone else: Uh…surprise?
Ibis: *Sleeping on the couch* SNOOOOOOOOOOORE
Cue the Squadron coming there one by one. I have a headcanon that there’s magic involved, obvi, where the outside looks like a typical small summer home and the inside is just huge. So all of the Squadron fits into the living room.
And their relationship is just way more family oriented. Unlike other teams, they were a large family far earlier than they were a team. So when they hang out, it’s just natural wholesomeness!
Billy and Mary: *doing hw*
Spy Smasher: *pointing and helping*
Minute Man: *brings Billy food because he forgot to have dinner*
Freddy: This is boring
Pinky: Yeah…
Freddy: Wanna go mess with the Ibis Stick?
*The two kids run off*
MM: Should we stop them?
SS: No no, I wanna see where this is going.
Golden Arrow: Wait for it…
Everyone: Arrow! Arrow! Arrow!
GA: *draws back arrow and lets it fly and hit a line of watermelons*
Minute Man: *nudges her playfully and looks toward Billy*
BG: What? *Looks at Billy*
Billy: *Smiling wider than the Joker*
BG: Oh, hell.
Taia: Psst, hey!
Bulletman: *watching tv with everyone else* Hm? What?
Taia: *nudges her head toward the couch*
*Billy sitting on the couch sleeping with Ibis using his lap as a pillow*
BM: *Takes out camera*
Mr. Scarlet: *Holds his own camera* Sorry, Jim, I beat ya to it.
Pinky: Actually… *holds out HIS own camera* I beat both of you
BG: *shakes head* He’s gonna kill you all in the morning.
I just wanna see more Squadron bonding okay? I miss their bond and hate how DC basically erased them. Shouldn’t be surprised tho, cause they’re very tied to the storylines where the Batson parents are good people and Fawcett is tied to magic and we can’t have that, can we?
Anyway, Squadron on top!
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paingoes · 9 months ago
Destroyer Masterpost
Destroyer is a sci-fi story about a telekinetic living weapon called Δ-107, or Delta for short, who is controlled by an evil space empire. The story takes place immediately following the death of the old Emperor and explores the ensuing succession crisis. Delta is inherited by the Emperor’s only son, the crown prince Paris of Thales, and lives aboard his battleship.
Character Overview:
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Delta (Δ-107) - living weapon with strong and destructive telekinesis
Paris - crown prince of Empire and Delta's current owner
Simon - a theoretical physicist and glad scientist, one of Delta's handlers (not pictured)
Dr.Martino - a doctor who specializes in psychic abilities, Delta's other handler (not pictured)
You can also read this story on AO3 !
Prologue - Intro to Delta's powers, the moment he was acquired by Empire
Even More Prologue, Somehow - Death of the emperor, succession
Trigger Discipline - first meeting
Blood Ties - Paris tries to break Delta in
Thorns - Daily routine
Lightshow - First brief mission
Night at the Ball - what it says
Behave - Obedience training or maybe just fucking around we're not sure
Moonshine - Delta steals a laptop. Paris gets too drunk.
Dune - not the one you're thinking of
Penance - Delta’s on probation. kinda harsh!
Memory - Some info about Delta's childhood
LEECH - Simon goes too far
Castle Damon - Delta’s not the only psychic in the world
Web - Delta plays on the computer for a few hours
Bottle Episode - Everyone’s mad?
Mercy - Drastic measures are considered in light of rebellion
Sea Changes
Marks - Slap on the wrist
Bingo - This meeting could have been an email
In Shadows - Internal analysis
MK - Drug trials
Golem - Delta cinches a critical victory. Paris gets mad.
Graduation - fuck yes lorelai is in this one
Medical Conference - delta gets shown off and also drugged
Lemuria - There's a massacre at Lemuria
Discourse - The internet has opinions
Asking - Delta asks for something. He doesn't get it.
Like An Arrow - Time flies
Rupture - Some information gets declassified
Time Flies - Like an arrow
Come Back - Delta blows up the parliament building
A Sentence of Sorts - More things get declassified. Paris is troubled, more than usual.
Help - Delta offers to help Paris
Masquerade - A bad party and a mild identity crisis
Tundra I - Spiritually this is the Christmas episode because there's snow and they fight
Tundra II - Post-fight hangover
Birthday I
Birthday II
The End
aaaaand that's the end! ....or is it?
Delta's story continues in the sequel series Rubies <3
Paris has a series too I guess.
Thanks so much for reading :D !
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infiniteglitterfall · 9 months ago
the worst part about the i/p discourse
it's NOT the posters of Nazis with the swastikas on their flags replaced by stars of david. or the pages and pages of blood libel conspiracy theories in instagram posts about why local pride organizers are such big meanies. or the newfound insistence that jews just exaggerate and make up antisemitic incidents to smear the pro-palestine movement....
it's the fact that every. single. time. i try to post anything about any of these things, i end up in a rabbit hole SO DEEP IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO THE BOTTOM.
Yesterday, I saw a --
YOU SEE? I went to Reddit for a second to find the link to the post about the Melbourne protest this week that had people carrying the Nazi-star-of-David posters. But first, I saw a post that began, "All I see on social media and the news is more and more attacks. Who beat up a Jewish family here, who stabbed a 1 year old in front of a synagouge. Those are two examples, I've lost track of all of the other ones."
Two days ago, I saw an article about Cincinnati Socialists setting up a table at North Kentucky Pride without asking, it sounds like, to hand out flyers saying the war in Gaza was Netanyahu's "Final Solution" for Palestinians. Cincinnati Pride organizers alerted the NKY Pride organizers, who kicked them out.
I was like, "okay, well, let's see what Cincinnati Socialists say about it." Then I discovered that their instagram not only "names and shames" the two Cincy Pride organizers and one NKY organizer. Which led to the Cincy ones getting so much harassment and violent threats that they resigned....
But also has a related post that goes on for pages and pages of pure blood libel.
So then I sat there fact-checking all their blood libel and finding out that not only was it untrue and impossible, but half the stuff they referenced didn't even exist.
Then I ended up fact-checking things in the "article" that they'd clearly used as their source. Fact-checking things I found while fact-checking those.
Trying to write a Facebook post about how fucked up it all was. Giving up on the Facebook post after several hours because it made more sense to write it on Tumblr, or at least to write it on Tumblr FIRST.
Then I'm also looking at the post they made "naming and shaming" the organizers, which is like... "the Cincy ones are partners! two days after Hamas's incredibly violent and brutal massacre, one of them changed his profile picture to a photo of them honeymooning IN ISRAEL two years ago! they did it through some group that COVERS A LOT OF THE COSTS FOR HONEYMOONS IN ISRAEL!!!!" and "the other one went to a protest of Hamas's massacre!!! with a sign saying to free the hostages!!!"
oh no. the fucking horror. truly how did these genocidal monsters even end up on the pride organizing committee. this is a shanda scandal.
then I'm responding to people's comments, trying to talk them down from horrible positions. telling people things like, "I know it's asking a LOT, but if people could grasp the idea that "going to Israel for your honeymoon" ISN'T "committing genocide," it would be really great. Or that wanting the hostages freed is actually something that both Israeli AND GAZAN protests have called for, and it's only Westerners who are opposed to it. Or that in fact, saying you "Stand with Israel," a few days after an incredibly brutal attack that burned multiple towns to the ground in one day, killed entire families and their pets, an attack which Hamas has promised to repeat "again and again and again" till Israel is violently destroyed... is opposing that attack, NOT calling for genocide."
then i'm like, "oh, i should edit these images to show the correct info, and i can explain that I drew arrows and added the correct info!" so then i'm doing that and working on writing alt text, and holy shit??? how many fucking hours??? did i spend on this?????? just because i read a frigging reddit post that linked to an article about it?????????
and like. i can go through and debunk all that shit in the comments. (and did. i responded to every single comment that believed this shit.) but ultimately, everyone who pulls this shit has way more reach than I do.
just. like. THAT'S ONE ORG IN ONE PLACE. And it was bad enough that I persevered and finished debunking it and commenting on it today and started telling people about it. Do you even know how many more of those I've seen?! How many I would see if I looked for them on purpose?!
The tsunami of deliberate disinformation is SO FUCKING BAD. All of it is SO FUCKING LAYERED. In any single bullshit post, there are SO MANY horrifically bad and wrong assumptions. So many of them are DESIGNED, BY HAMAS, to lead people down the path to "All Zionists should die! Israel should be violently destroyed!"
There were so many comments on a "Free Palestine Melbourne" group's instagram post (Sydney? Could've been Sydney) asking, pointedly, how many Jews are Zionists. What percentage of Jews are Zionists, again?
One (1) had a response telling them it doesn't matter what the percentage is, no percentage would justify collective punishment of Jews.
The rest all said things like, "Too many."
It feels like constantly being lied to. Just constantly being lied to about things I have looked up and verified myself from solid sources, now and in the past, by people I counted as my community.
Then just now I opened Instagram because I hadn't taken screenshots of a couple of the pics I wanted to add. And I'm hit with these:
Then some brighter posts (including one of a baby bat!!) and then a post which sums up a lot of what I'm feeling right now.
It's like, yes, that, plus the uncomfortable sense that some people are getting thisclose to going, "Most Jews are Zionists anyway, so YEAH, I DO think most Jews deserve to die."
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comicaurora · 1 year ago
These have been pent up for a while, so there's a whole list lol. Some are Aurora, some are not.
1) Can lacrimas carry out multiple purposes at once? Or will they blend them? I'm assuming that this is possible, considering that the automaton in the ruins was using a lacrima as a brain
2) Has anyone tried to make tools or weapons out of lacrimas? I'm talking like chisel that needs no hammer. Or maybe a Fire lacrima on a bow that sets your arrows on fire
3) Can you engrave runes on lacrimas to make them affect themselves?
4) Where can I read more about the Twins? If I'm not wrong they're the creator gods, aided by the Light dragon and the Void dragon to create life, but I might be getting a wrong read on that
5) Since we see Erin successfully become the first Void mage, does that now mean there's potential for him to make a Void lacrima? The dragon probably won't allow it, but still
6) What exactly does elemental corruption of each element do? Fire literally burns you up, as we saw in Arc 1. I can infer that Life likely makes you a chimera. Void corruption makes you a cave crawler. But what do the other one do? Does Earth make you a statue? Does Wind disintegrate you, Thanos style?
7) Now onto the non-Aurora questions, is your art vector or raster? I believe it's vector, but it's always better to confirm
8) What are your opinions on reading into the environment and the character design to infer things about the character themselves? In any type of media
9) Have you played Baldur's Gate 3?
10) Do you have any music that you'd recommend? I've listened to every song I liked so many times that I hate them now.
11) I'm new to Tumblr, anything that I should know? You don't have to answer this one if you don't wanna. I think I know some of the basics already. Reblog what you like, and avoid the terfs, right?
You might be able to tell that I like the idea of the lacrimas a little bit. Just a teensy bit. The artificer in me definitely isn't obsessed. I appreciate any answers you can give :3
Ooh, lots of stuff!
Yes, it's possible. A lacrima can be engraved with multiple spells, set in a casing engraved with commands, or some combination of the two. Typically, all spells engraved directly on a lacrima will activate at once when the lacrima is "switched on", but a spell can be quite complex, and conditional activations are possible - "if-then-else" statements, basically.
Yes, magic items exist.
Generally no. If the lacrima is disrupted or broken, the spell generally stops functioning, so a self-affecting lacrima will run only as long as it takes for the lacrima to distort or break.
There's an extra lore page about them!
He probably could if he wanted to (and the Dragon allowed it) but Void energy is very dangerous, so he likely doesn't want to.
Each form of elemental corruption agitates the presence of the element in the mage's body. Earth corruption can damage or alter bones, encourage unhealthy petrification of soft tissues, etc. Wind corruption can have physical effects but it often most obviously produces breakdowns in the person's ability to speak or understand language. Lightning damages, numbs or intensifies a person's physical senses.
Raster, I draw with CSP's digital pens. I've only very briefly experimented with vector art - I don't like how it simplifies the lines.
I think it's a fun school of analysis but, like all literary analysis, it runs into trouble if it tries to lock down exactly what the writer was thinking or intending (which is an objective fact that one can be incorrect about) rather than trying to analyze the story on its own and what meaning might, intentionally or unintentionally, be factoring into it.
don't trust my taste in music it's 90% nu metal and sonic OSTs
Like what you like, reblog what you want, generally it's considered dubious form to add a comment to a reblog unless you have something profound to contribute (commenting in the tags is fine), steer clear of discourse and callout posts and generally the sectors of the site that are constantly on fire, blocking someone for any reason is 100% fine
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