#blood libel
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
Reminder that the lizard alien conspiracy theory is antisemitism
"They drink blood/adrenochrome/feed on fear" - repackaged blood libel.
"They're manipulating the economy and starting needless wars" - repackaged Jewish banker conspiracy theory.
"The reptilian aliens control the media" - repackaged "Jews control the media" conspiracy theory.
"Judaism was created by reptilian aliens in Babylon" - demonizing Judaism by claiming it was created by malevolent aliens.
"Reptilian aliens are creating fake 'vaccines' to harm/control us" - repackaged conspiracy theories about Jews creating dangerous vaccines.
"We're not inciting violence against everyday Jews, we just want to share the truth" - still trying to convert Jews to something else, which itself is antisemitism.
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jewish-microwave-laser · 4 months ago
maybe stop committing genocide if you don't want the shit rightfully beat out of you. How many Palestinians have you murdered again?
oh shit you got me. i, personally, have killed probably 10,000 palestinians from my home in kentucky. i'm actually personal friends with benyamin netanyahu, too, he comes to our kabbalat shabbat services regularly on his private jet or something. he also always makes sure to bring fresh christian babies' blood for us to use in the matzah we eat every shabbat afternoon. damn, i really thought i was hiding it
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germiyahu · 6 months ago
Republicans are absolutely 100% manufacturing consent for pogrom-like violence against immigrant communities, specifically Haitians. That is true. Haitians keeping their children home because of increased threats and harassment is a cause for alarm.
But seeing people already call it a pogrom... nobody has been chased out of their home, nobody has been murdered, nobody has been raped, nobody has posed with the bodies for grizzly photo-ops. I don't know, this all fits into the larger narrative of liberal~leftist apathy toward anti-Jewish violence, taking it and washing out its historic Judenhass connotations, and applying the term to anyone even when the conditions haven't been met yet. At the least, there's a lot about historic pogroms that the general American public just don't know about. They're not aware of just how brutal and swift they were. All it takes is a little education, but clearly it took me wanting to become a Jew to even try to learn more about Jewish history so I don't have a lot of faith in the vast majority of gentiles.
It's a complicated mix of emotions where like, it's appropriate to be nervous and scared for these communities, but I find myself annoyed that most of these accounts just don't care when entire Jewish communities are harassed and have libel spread against them. A lot of online leftists certainly didn't care, in fact celebrated, the October 7th pogrom!
Let's hope nothing escalates further, but it is not appropriate to just take terms from Jewish history, not understand the actual implications of these terms, and throw them at the nearest Republican politician. It's just like invoking Hitler. And when you also apply these terms to Jews, I know you are not operating in good faith.
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mossadspypigeon · 2 months ago
palestinians and their supporters want to make up shit that happened to their kids and attack us for “killing children,” when throughout history jewish children were ripped from their parents, enslaved, burnt alive, killed on pikes (stacked on pikes by knights during the crusades and then burnt alive), kidnapped and forcibly converted, raped and shot, forced to marry and raped, burnt alive AGAIN, kidnapped kidnapped KIDNAPPED, never seen by their families again, left to die on an island and FUCKING EATEN BY PREDATORS, shot over pits, murdered in gas chambers, ACTUALLY ATTACKED BY DOGS, stabbed, mutilated.
why don’t you ask what your relatives did to our babies on oct 7? during the farhud and hebron riots? the jerusalem riot? during pogroms? during the holocaust? maybe research what they did to jews during the inquisition? i could go on. there are a million other instances and i’d say 99% of you are guilty by association alone.
fuck you for trying to use OUR PAIN AND OUR HISTORY against us and turning it into a fucking blood libel. don’t talk to us about genocide or killing children. the world has always rejoiced in the abuse and murder of jewish babies. even today you think the murder of our children and the kidnapping is justified.
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months ago
there is a very cruel irony that, at the same time as people progress a blood libel against jews—that our self-determination is just an excuse to murder children—people are appropriating the figure in jewish tradition that represents infant mortality—a demon that exists to murder children—as a figure of female empowerment & individualistic self-determination
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prokopetz · 2 years ago
Okay, I know this is going to come off as me holding queer creators to higher standards, given how many urban fantasy tabletop RPGs there are out there whose default premise has the player characters fighting blood-drinking Illuminati cultists, but any time I see a self-labelled Queer Anarchist Revolution RPG with an urban fantasy bent whose default premise still has said queer anarchist revolutionaries fighting blood-drinking Illuminati cultists, I'm struck by a certain sense of, well, clearly you want me to receive this as a politically aware text, but you couldn't do ten minutes of reading up on the origins of the conspiracy theory tropes you're name-checking here? Really? Really?
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vermiciousyidreborn · 7 months ago
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So...Russian agents apply blood libel to Muslims and still manage to make it about the pernicious Jewish influence on the west? Ok, I gotta say, I'm impressed that they managed to blood libel another group entirely and still make it about demonizing Jews
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vaguelywatermarksthesky · 7 months ago
It's not antisemitism unless it comes from the Nazi era of Germany. That's just sparkling blood libel.
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kleptozoology · 10 months ago
Yall are the Nazi's useful idiots. Block me.
I don't have mutuals because if I give any of you long enough you'll inevitably prove to be Jew Haters. I've blocked half this hellsite because you crypto-fascists masquerading as progressives can't read my pinned post BEGGING you to block me first. "Haha this person posts funny/informative posts. I'll follow them! ...Oh wait they mindlessly eat up nazi and terrorist propaganda like they're fistfuls of shredded cheese direct from the fridge at 2AM. Well nevermind then. Unfollow/blocked." Palestine will not be free or at peace with Israel destroyed and Hamas in control. Hamas has been murdering, raping, and torturing Palestinians for almost 2 decades. On top of that, so many of yall regurgitate nazi conspiracies and blood libel like you are vultures vomiting up worms to feed other mindless pawns of the Far Right. Leftists have been doing more legwork to promote the agenda of fascism than any Proud Boy or Neo-Nazi Gun Club has in years. Do I seem mad? I am mad. I'm mad that those I care about have to start making plans for when their home countries kick them out or hunt them down. For when YOU hunt them down. Not "if." WHEN. They know that they have nowhere to turn but Israel, the one place that has never turned them away. Every single country refused Jewish refugees during World War 2, during to pogroms, during the purges. Every single one. With one exception. Israel. That's why Israel must survive. Because without Israel, the Jewish people may not. They are a remarkably tenacious people, survived everything the world has ever thrown at them. The Romans, the Nazis, the Soviets, everything. But I don't want my loved ones to be in survival mode for every subsequent generation to follow. I want them to be and feel safe. That's what this is about. Safety. Jewish people, AND Palestinians, are being held hostage by Hamas. Women, children, elderly, the disabled. If you want a ceasefire, then they must be released. It's honestly the simplest and easiest demand Israel could make. Return the innocent. And yes they are innocent. They're only crime was not being Hamas, a crime so many of you openly believe deserves the death penalty. You want to free Palestine? Free Palestine from 17 years of Hamas tyranny. Demand that the hostages be released. Only then can their be a ceasefire. You can't expect Israel to just lay down arms while her people are having their heads cut off. Are you stupid or do you just want Jews to die that badly? Don't answer that. Two things can be true. Free Palestine from Hamas. Free Israel from Netanyahu. Release the hostages, negotiate ceasefire. Stop parroting Far Right propaganda. Jump off the bigoted bandwagon. Failing that, STFU and block me. I'm sick of this shit. Eat glass.
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elder-millennial-of-zion · 11 months ago
A (passion) play in two acts:
Posted yesterday
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Posted later yesterday
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How quickly they return to those Christian blood libel roots. That edgy, new age pagan veneer just crumbles to reveal a medieval Christian peasant with a pitchfork ready to burn the Jewish village to the ground on Easter because we killed Jesus.
(Bethlehem is not being bombed FYI)
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 year ago
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See, this is what I’m talking about with hyperbolic & totalizing rhetoric both obscuring the actual problems and inevitably falling back on antisemitic libel.
At no point have I said the destruction or loss of life in any war isn’t excessive. But when war isn’t enough for you to criticize it, and it has to be “genocide” for you to care, you become more susceptible to filling the holes with hyperbole and misinformation. And more often than not, the hyperbole & conspiracy theories that are closest in reach rely on antisemitic tropes.
It isn’t enough that bombs are inherently destructive to human life & infrastructure, and that even “precision bombs” are not actually that precise; it has to be the worst, most total version of that thing—it has to be “carpet bombing”.
It isn’t enough to criticize the concept of civilian casualties as acceptable “collateral damage” in war; Israel has to be especially evil, so they have to be intentionally targeting civilians for the sake of it—thus the long and well-documented history of Hamas using civilians as “human shields” (even openly literally bragging about it), preventing civilians from escaping, and building military bases under civilian infrastructure, as well as the status quo of accepting civilian casualties in warfare, both remain unaddressed.
It isn’t enough that the destruction of war causes food and water scarcity, it has to be intentionally engineered. It has to be Israel poisoning wells.
And there it is: well-poisoning, an antisemitic libel nearly as old as—one could argue, an offshoot of—blood libel.
The claim that Israel is poisoning Palestinian wells is so baseless that even the source of that claim, Mahmoud Abbas, admitted his accusations were entirely baseless the very next day:
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I’m pointing out that specific claim because it’s the easiest to illustrate just how baseless & bigoted it is. But it goes deeper than that: the same totalizing rhetoric and thought process that led this person to believe that antisemitic lie is also responsible for their willingness to attribute Hamas blocking escape routes to the IDF, to describe the bombing of military targets under civilian infrastructure as ”carpet bombing”, and that Israel is trying to exterminate the Palestinian people, despite so much evidence to the contrary.
I am not downplaying the loss of life & tragedy of this conflict or “mincing words” when I say this; I am not even denying the possibility that at some point more information may surface that suggests extermination was actually Netanyahu’s goal (though we are not there).
I am pointing out how this totalizing rhetoric, and the eagerness to believe Israelis are evil, genocidal monsters is impeding the left’s ability to accurately assess & address the root causes of that loss of life. I am pointing out how this goes deeper than just avoiding a checklist of antisemitic tropes. I am asking you to ask yourself, “What is making me so susceptible to believing Jews would poison wells or commit genocide?” “What bad habits am I engaging in with regard to my thought processes & rhetorical habits that makes me more prone to believing this?“
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
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A fountain still standing in #Bern, #Switzerland depicts the #BloodLibel against #Jews. The Kindlifresserbrunnen (#Swiss #German for “Child Eater Fountain”) is located in the Kornhausplatz (Granary Place).
It includes a painted statue of an ogre wearing a pointed Judenhut (“Jewish hat,” which Jews were legally required to wear in German-Speaking #Europe - both as a form of humiliation, and so Christians could easily identify them) who is devouring a naked baby as he carries a sack full of three additional horrified babies on his shoulder.
The history: In 1293-1294, several Jews in Bern were tortured and killed, and others were robbed and expelled from the city after accusations of a blood libel. Bern Christian citizens absurdly and baselessly alleged “#TheJews” had tortured and murdered a boy named Rudolph.
The historical impossibility of this widely credited story was later demonstrated by Jakob Stammler, pastor of Bern, in 1888.
However, that would come centuries too late, especially as some Jews returned to Bern in the 14th century only to be accused – again, absurdly and baselessly – of poisoning wells during the #BubonicPlague in 1348. In response, a mob of Bern’s Christians rounded up the town’s Jews and burned them at the stake.
Finally, in 1392, all remaining living Jews were expelled from Bern. About 150 years later, this #antisemitic statute was erected for all to see and remember the "evil Jew" who would "eat Christian children."
It would be laughably absurd if it wasn't for the fact that many thousands of Jews were tortured and murdered (usually burned alive) across Europe over similar accusations over the centuries.
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zhooniyaa-waagosh · 1 year ago
Organs are literally removed from a body, placed straight into a cooler, and TRANSPORTED BY HELICOPTER for transplant a lot of the time because every single second brings that organ closer and closer to decomposition and nonviability and there's people legitimately out here claiming that the evil Jews sorry, Zionist Israelis are stockpiling buildings full of organs stolen from already decomposing bodies (because I've also seen people claim that Israelis are digging up Palestinian bodies for this!! digging!!!) as if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Bigotry really destroys people's ability to use critical thinking and pay attention to basic facts and antisemitism seems to be especially bad. So many otherwise completely reasonable and respectable people are jumping straight into QAnon conspiracies because it gives them ammo against "Zionists" (read: any Jewish person they don't like).
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omeryotam4 · 1 year ago
New emergence of the ages-old blood libel "Jewish people steal non-Jewish kids":
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I want everyone to take a good look.
Remember that the Pro-Palestinian mob is trying to dehumanize Jews in any way possible, even using this middle-ages classic blood liable.
This is *clearly* fake, but the amount of people who take it as a fact and continue to share it as a serious source here on tumblr is absolutely frightening.
Here's where I found the post, if you wish to report it:
@lunian you should know that what you're sharing is fake, and you're playing a useful idiot for Hamas mouthpieces.
This is exactly what the Nazi propaganda looked like. You might as well replace it with their articles, as there's no difference:
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The world is going back to the 1930s. I personally cannot let this slide. I will keep fighting for Jewish justice, as long as I have my fingers attached. And you should too, if you learned anything from history.
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ind1g3n0us-lev1t3 · 6 months ago
Ladies and gentlemen, is this sane behaviour?
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jewish-vents · 5 months ago
is it normal to have to put up with terror attacks every week simply because we're israeli and "we deserve it" because 17 year old Emily from Boston heard on tiktok that the idf shoot kids for fun to drink their blood
No, that's nothing anyone should live through - hoping people will understand this soon and understand that Israelis are people and stop believing blood libel. -🦦
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