The Wandering Jew, still on the move.
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Ashkenazi Jew; Zionist; anti-Kahanist; Ancient & Medieval History buff; former lifelong LA/OC leftie-liberal now living in conservative rural areas for work; completely disillusioned with the Goyische Left following Oct 7th
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former-leftist-jew · 1 hour ago
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former-leftist-jew · 1 hour ago
I think I finally have words for a frustration. And a lot of folks may be like "duh" but there's nuance that I just didn't have the heart or tongue to articulate before.
I'm so frustrated with highly capable, smart, genuinely insightful people who cannot see how their expertise and personal experience does not translate to a different problem.
This really came to a head when Trevor Noah did a podcast interview of Ta-Nehisi Coates about Coates' new book "The Message"
They each spoke about intimate personal experiences, which is a gift they give to the world. They talk so frankly about real problems and how they approach those problems. And time and again I'm very moved by that. I'm very impressed by that. The words they choose to describe these things moves me as a writer and as a person.
I'm so frustrated by how they both make pronouncements about a conflict that is remote from these feelings. View the conflict through their familiar and ultimately inappropriate lenses. In the interview, they both talk about how they have spoken to "Jewish friends" and how those friends have been unable to articulate x, y, and z about Israel, Palestine, and Jewish feelings about that region and the world. They talk about how they've been to Yad Vashem or the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.
And then they go on to equating Jews to Afrikaners. The "fear of the oppressor" that Israelis have. Or Coates saying "I don't know how Israelis can live with themselves in XYZ situation."
But they haven't spoken to Mizrahi or Sephardic Jews. They haven't talked to anyone who was expelled from any number of countries that wasn't directly impacted by the Shoah. The countries where Jews lived under Arab rule.
"I don't know how the Israelis can live with themselves..." because we are Jews, and surviving, living is the most important thing culturally / religiously to Jewish people in almost every imaginable circumstance.
Coates, now famously, has said he doesn't know what he would personally do if he had been born Palestinian and lived under Israeli occupation.
But nobody in all the world extends that thought experiment to Jewish people, ever. Nobody every says "if I were a Jew, I don't know what I would do in X situation."
No one can imagine or extend the possibility of such a thought experiment to us.
And I am deeply frustrated with these ideas. That so many people latch onto people they trust to tear apart hard to fathom problems and miss the mark by so far when it comes to questions I could personally answer.
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former-leftist-jew · 1 hour ago
Jewish culture is forgetting upcoming holidays until you see a Tumblr post about it two weeks before
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former-leftist-jew · 1 hour ago
Hamas essentially desecrating a Palestinian person's dead body just to further psychologically terrorize Israelis really is an encapsulation of their priorities, huh.
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former-leftist-jew · 1 hour ago
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Argentina remembers Ariel and Kfir 🧡🧡🧡
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former-leftist-jew · 3 hours ago
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former-leftist-jew · 3 hours ago
Probably gonna get put on a blocklist for this (if I'm already on a blocklist, lmk, some of the other blogs on there might be cool people to follow) but if you've never posted anything against antisemitism but you have made posts against "Zionism", there's like a 99.999% chance that you are actually an antisemite using anti-Zionism as a smokescreen and I will be treating that as a 100% certainty
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former-leftist-jew · 3 hours ago
tbh i liked adrien brody's speech i thought it was authentic and moving especially considering his career. proud of him and his awareness of winning the same award for a similar (ish) role and what that says about the world around us atm. idgaf i'm a brodyhead wishing i would get some brody head yup
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former-leftist-jew · 4 hours ago
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Anti-race-mixing, but make it left-wing.
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former-leftist-jew · 4 hours ago
the fact that the two world leaders to most publicly put trump in his place so far are sheinbaum and zelenskyy and they’re both jewish oof i know he hatesssss that. that’s that diasporic tenacity that we sorely need right now
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former-leftist-jew · 4 hours ago
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Since the beginning of the war the relationship between the Nation of Israel and Druze people has become better than ever. Even outside of Israel their community leaders have begun to show support for us.
The Druze have a religious tradition of loyalty to whoever controls the land they live on. This loyalty is rarely reciprocated. After those 12 beautiful children were blown to pieces by a Lebanese rocket last summer there was an immense outpouring of support and mourning from the entire nation. In Syria the Assad regime had spent years using Druze civilians as cannon fodder for terrorists. The entire community saw that difference.
More and more Golani Druze are applying for Israeli citizenship. After the fall of the Assad regime several Druze villages voted to secede and join Israel. A week ago a Syrian Druze military leader declared loyalty to Israel. Some Syria Druze militias have even declared they will fight against jihad for Israel.
According to some people this relationship may be ancient- there are some who believe the Druze are descendants of Jethro: father of Moses’s wife Tzippora
I believe that we are at the beginning of a region shaking friendship and I hope it continues to grow.
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former-leftist-jew · 4 hours ago
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please just.... stop? leave Jews alone? idk everyone is always punch a nazi or whatever but never "protect Jewish kids"
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former-leftist-jew · 6 hours ago
i'm mostly off social media because of. well everything lol but imagine my surprise when i see that a creator i supported through patreon for years has changed her twitter bio to just an inverted red triangle. lol. like cool glad to know i used some of my little expendable income to support a creator who supports a group that no nuance wants me and all of my family dead just because we're jewish! someone i supported because i thought her videos (not about politics btw!) were well researched, incredibly compassionate, and refreshingly humane in an increasingly vitriolic internet environment! so fucking happy to know that all went out the window and she decided that actually rape and mass murder and abuse and war crimes and militant theocratic authoritarianism are okay as long as the (intended) victims are jews! hahahahahahAHAHA. it's just so fun to be reminded that even people who would be described by many as kind hearted and caring and empathetic clearly just do not see jews as people!
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former-leftist-jew · 6 hours ago
“this place is in the occupied west bank…blah blah occupied west bank…”
it’s in area c, which is legally run by israel under the oslo accords.
😂 okay
just say international law and agreements dont matter to you when jews are involved.
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former-leftist-jew · 9 hours ago
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former-leftist-jew · 10 hours ago
Really dont wanna hear "hollywood is run by jews" ever again tbh after awarding that shameless, ahistorical arab colonizer nonsense
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As usual with pallywood, its all just lies and excuses to hate on Jews in Judea
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former-leftist-jew · 10 hours ago
In Yiddish we don’t say “I hate you, we say “Ale tseyn zoln dir aroysfaln, nor eyner zol dir blaybn af tsonveytik.” And I think that’s beautiful.
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