#aroace roman
in honor of pride month, here’s some incorrect quotes for all my aspec folk out there! y’all are rad and i’m fist bumping you through my screen
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crowfromfoggyforest · 7 months
"I have an important question." "What is it?" "Do you... want to be my partner?"
(He asked me to join his team)
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razmerry · 2 years
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my campaign continues
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ho-ho-homosxual · 3 months
Sanders (A)Sides headcanons because I can
Asexual & aromatic Remus (He sees sex and romance as a joke) and Demiromantic & demisexual (looking for his special someone) Roman my beloveds
Virgil is a touch averse ace and Patton’s love language is touch
Logan and Remus hang out once a week. They aren’t friends but they bonded over their shared love for science. Remus likes the weird stuff and Logan is just happy to have someone to talk to.
Janus and Logan are also close. Again, they aren’t friends but they talk shit with each other. (Cough cough alcoholism)
Logan watches/listens to fanfics and fan edits. It’s how he found lots of the songs he likes. He has an affinity for songs with meanings behind them (cough cough vent songs)
contrary to popular belief, Virgil’s playlist is a hot mix of different genres and songs. He has some fast paced and/or nightcore songs just because. He also has pop songs, but they’re usually vent songs with heavy meanings. I kinda like the idea of him liking hyperpop ironically at first but slowly starting to like it. The first hyperpop song he heard was sugar crash. Logan introduced him to ajr, he loves it now.
Patton has much stronger emotional responses than the others. He also has a higher emotional intelligence than the others.
Pat’s shit at cooking but he can bake really well. No one knows why.
Remus flirts with the others as his way of completing them. ie. ‘that shirt would look better on my bedroom floor’ as a way of complementing their shirt.
Roman makes lots of gay jokes
Janus sleep talks. Curiously, he only says the truth.
Oh and Janus and Remus have a QPR (queer platonic relationship)
I'll write more later, but I'm tired.
Headcanons Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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aroace-hetalia · 6 days
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kmzoo · 5 months
I want to thank the LGBTQ+ for teaching me my language roots
It’s coming in clutch this finals week >:)
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I made a character sheet for one of my ocs. Took a lot of bravery to do it, but I made it.🥲 I wasn't sure how to handle the two boxes under the main picture, and I should add that this character is AroAce.🏳️‍🌈
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Metrics explained here:
*Name: Peter Romanov was named purely by his mother. I would go into detail about how his patronymic works but I'm not very sure on how it works in Russian culture, so I'll keep my mouth shut. Anyways, Roman prefers to be called, well, Roman because he despises his first name for some reason.
*Nicknames: If you want to avoid a death glare, call him by Roman or Wolf.
*Race/Species: Before he became the Wolf, he was a first-generation Russian American human. After getting diagnosed with a supposedly rare fatal muscle wasting disease, he secretly began injecting himself with wolf DNA on the genetic level. This was actually working really well...until an assistant startled him during one such procedure and he injected a massive amount into his cells...and mutated into his current state. The unstable state of his cells means that every 5 days, he turns back into a human, and after five days again, he returns to the Wolf, rinse and repeat.
*Age: 30 as of 2024, being born in 1993 after his parents left Russia for the Americas.
*Gender: Born Male, identifies as such.
*Alignment: Wanting to follow the pursuit of knowledge and science for the betterment of mankind, Roman ignores the fact that he was stripped of his license to run a laboratory (after the genetics incident) and continues operating to create new inventions. Problem is, he can't patent them under his own name...
*Class/Job: As stated above, Roman shouldn't be operating a laboratory. He was banned from the high council of intellectuals and was forbidden from ever using their tools to create or invent again. That hasn't stopped him from creating a laboratory from materials gathered on the black market, hiring minions from criminal origins, and operating secretly underneath a normal Pennsylvanian town as a scientist.
*Perception and Communication: He takes advantage of his improved wolf senses to observe every detail around himself. As for communication, he's a great orator and debater, but he can get frustrated if people don't understand his high tech jargon.
*Persuasion and Mediation: He listens well and can use it to his advantage when trying to persuade someone into doing something for him and when mediating an issue between two groups. He's not the best at it, but he's good enough for most scenarios.
*Literacy and Creativity: Raised by a genius mother who noticed that her child's intellect was increasing at an abnormally fast pace, she opted to guarantee that his childhood was to be surrounded by folklore, documentaries, and educational materials. This led to a man that could be omnidisciplinary in Engineering, Robotics, programming (Python/HTML/C++), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Genetics, mathematics, and neurology. Not surprising for an IQ that reached 300 at 16 years old. (he refuses to do actual medicine though.) He also grew up speaking English and Russian at home.
*Cooking: He can bake, but actually making original meals is kinda hard for him. Especially as the Wolf, because it's led to him just settling for any food with meat in it, even if it's raw.
*Tech Savvy: From as young as 4 years old, he was fixing phones and taking apart cars.
*Combat: Roman took martial arts classes at 16, but rarely uses what he's learned. Especially after becoming the Wolf, because now he has boosted strength that allows him to easily knock out people with a punch or throw them. Not very good with guns either.
*Survival: He learned basic survival skills from the numerous books he's read, but has never really exercised it or gone camping to hone it. As the Wolf, he does have some natural instincts that help.
*Stealth: Ugh. He's never had a reason to be stealthy as a human. This worsened when he turned into a hybrid, because his clunky, furry body is harder to hide. Being 6 ft 7 inches in Wolf form doesn't help.
*Street smarts: Roman has never known a normal childhood due to his rapidly increasing intelligence netting him media attention and breezing him through school. Therefore, he's never been able to make friends with kids his age, and his overprotective parents kept him from exploring the world, leading to his street smarts being shockingly low.
*Seduction: No...just...no.
*Luck: Not anymore or less lucky than a normal person.
*Handling Animals: When in Wolf form, it's very difficult to handle animals without them freaking out on him. In human form? Animals love him.
*Pacifying Children: He's good at distracting kids with a story or a piece of candy, but his stronger senses mean that a child crying is painful to listen to.
*Strength: Probably due to his wasting disease, he's weaker in human form, (as in, weaker than the average human), but notoriously strong as a Wolf.
*Dexterity: Pretty average. Struggles in Wolf form due to not being used to the big furry paws.
*Health: As mentioned before, weak in human form, strong and vibrant in Wolf-man form.
*Energy: Usually in the middle.
*Beauty: Considered handsome in human form. Considered cute fluffy doggo in Wolf form.
*Style: While he's usually in a lab coat, whenever he ventures into the town, he's wearing designer clothes that fit his Wolf form well.
*Hygiene: So for some reason, Wolf still has human lymph nodes in the usual spots, meaning that he also sweats from those areas. So he has to shower daily or else he develops a pretty wild smell.
*Intelligence: From the age of 2, Roman's brain suddenly developed at an insanely fast speed. Nobody knows why this happened exactly, but they had no choice to accept it as Roman began to pass classes flawlessly, finish entire novels in hours, and do complex equations by himself. He's graduated highschool by the age of 12 and helped teach college classes at the age of 15.
*Happiness: Despite his current situation, he's really good at seeing the bright side of things. Roman actually enjoys being in his Wolf form, and feels more free now that the council isn't constantly watching over his back.
*Spirituality: Raised Christian, Roman became agnostic around his pre-teens, and had stayed that way since.
*Confidence: He's very confident in his skills, but not to the point where he thinks he's infallible.
*Humor: His humor tends to vary greatly. While he doesn't make jokes himself, he does find other people's jokes and references entertaining.
*Anxiety: Like with the Happiness stat, Roman doesn't let much get to him. His Wolf affliction actually saved his life, as it stopped and partially reversed the progression of the wasting disease, leading him to be relatively positive.
*Patience: He's learned to be patient with the average person since they can't make hundreds of calculations a minute in their brain like he can, though it does have limits if he can tell if someone is intentionally trying to be an obstacle in his mission.
*Passion: Developing his love for science from his mother, Roman wants a world that is as free from suffering as humanly possible, and he will invent and create as much as he can.
*Charisma: While he gives off a cool and professional aura, his social development was still stunted by his strange childhood.
*Empathy: He can feel like other people, but he sometimes thinks that other people blow things out of proportion, or can solve their problems more easily than they think.
*Generosity: Gives to those that severely need it, doesn't give to much of anyone else.
*Wealth: How does Roman fund a laboratory and a couple dozen minions? Hacking banks obviously. He's good enough that the possibility of police discovering that it's him doing it is so unlikely it's insane, and he usually steals enough that it can pay the bills and all of his minions while still having some left over for leisurely pursuits.
*Aggression: He can be fierce when he needs to be, but prefers giving off a stoic energy usually.
*Libido: Never had much of one at all. Being aromantic asexual helps in making sure that this isn't ever an issue he needs to care about anyway.
I'll add more later, but I'm tired and it's getting late.
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randomnerd737 · 8 months
the sides as pride flags pt 1
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part 2
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ok I understand prettiness in theory. now someone please explain what makes a person ugly
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marsneedstherapy · 10 months
as person with glasses, phoebe pushing up silas' glasses change my brain chemistry just a taD
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Roman Space Pride Icons! | Sanders Asides (( Flirting w/ Social Anxiety ))
⤷⠀More Roman Space Pride Icons
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soysaucevictim · 1 month
Random Trivia. But I just find so much amusement that Carrie and Vic conceived the Begotten!Twins at a Halloween party.
Just aBSOLUTELY courting with supernatural shenanigans, hence forth.
(Never mind stuff like Vic's family history for magic and whatnot. This man was NOT aware of that shit for most of his life on this rock.)
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lily-janus · 1 year
The Prince, The Dragon And The Knight
Summary: rescueing and marrying the prince didn't go as planned...
Word count: 568
Warnings: sword mentions
@acesidesweek day 2 fantasy/sci-fi
Roman panted as he rushed up the stairs of the tower, sword in his right hand and his red cape that is attached to his armor flapping in the wind. He hears the roar of the dragon that guards the door to the prince's prison and speeds up his pace.
He finally reaches the top and takes a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath before marching on.
The prince was kidnapped by the evil dragon a few weeks ago, the king sent countless knights to retrieve him but none of them was able to find his prison's location. Roman suspected it was due to the dragon's magic, so he found a special necklace that sees through spells.
He clutches his sword in determination, he's going to save their beloved prince, no matter what it takes.
He finally catches sight of the dragon's tail, and charges with his sword raised. When, suddenly, he hears laughter.
Frowning, Roman stops, right behind the black and yellow dragon's back and watches the scene in front of him with his mouth gaped.
Prince Virgil was sitting on the floor, his purple, royal clothes a bit tattered but he seemed fine other than that. He was smiling and laughing, the dragon rumbling with laughter as well. They were… playing cards?
"Stop cheating!" Prince Virgil laughed as the dragon put a card on the floor between them.
"I'm not!" The dragon protested with a surprisingly silky smooth voice.
Dragons can talk?
"Liar! We agreed you're not allowed to use magic, Janus." The prince raised an eyebrow at the dragon.
It has a name?
"I didn't use it!" The dragon, who's name is Janus, apparently, continued to insist.
Prince Virgil gave him a look.
"Okay… maybe a little.." the dragon smirked.
The prince snorted, "cheater."
"You like it." Janus winked.
"Shut up-"
"Eh…" Roman decided to finally step forward and announce his presence.
The dragon and the prince barely flinched as they turned to look at him, "can we help you?" The prince asked with a bored tone.
Roman cleared his throat, "prince Virgil, I have come to rescue you!" He declared, raising his sword for emphasis.
Virgil and Janus exchanged glances, "rescue me from what?"
"I…I'm not sure, actually…" Roman admitted, lowering his sword and standing there awkwardly, "we were told the dragon kidnapped you but… you seem to be having fun."
"Oh, I did, but it was his request. And I can't blame him, there's a limit to how many arranged dates a man can bear." The dragon explained, making the prince huff.
"Don't remind me… they were nice people but… I'm just not interested in that stuff, you know what I mean?" he groaned.
"I see… so you wouldn't want me to bring you back…" Roman sighed, all this journey, for nothing. In truth, he planned to claim the prince's hand once he delivered him safely back to the king but… now it doesn't seem the prince would be interested "I'll leave you be, then." He turned to leave.
"...do you wanna join us?" Asked the dragon, "you did come all this way."
Roman turned towards them again, considering, then shrugged, "sure why not."
He sat down and the prince gathered the cards, shuffled them and split them between the three of them.
"No cheating, Janus, I'm watching you." Virgil warned.
Roman laughed when the dragon smirked.
"No promises."
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xiaeom · 7 months
thinking about aroace spec asmo..
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anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Performance Over
For @sanders-sides-a-spec-week free day
Summary: Life is a performance to Janus as he tries to be successful in his career, but pretending that sex or romance interests him gets to be too much sometimes. On one of the days he takes to avoid all flirting, he finds himself new friends who understand.
It was all a performance and Janus knew people never understood that. He didn't want them to understand it either, but that didn't make it any less exhausting.
Occasionally someone would almost get it, almost understand just how much was a performance, but never quite. They always believed that he was being genuine to them, or revealing who he really was to them because they were special, not because they were the type to be convinced by feeling they were different to other people. Honestly, Janus could do without people pointing out his treatment of others was all an act and ignoring the biggest act he'd ever had to perform: The romancing, the wooing, and especially the flirting to convince people to do or think how best to benefit him.
As the door to his home fell shut, Janus could only let out a heavy breath. He'd taken his bows and left the stage for the day.
It had been building up for a while, just how badly keeping this performance up constantly was making him feel, but it wasn't so simple to find spaces to let down the act. Sure, he could go to a bar, and spend an evening without trying to charm or get something out of everyone he spoke to, but he'd still be expected to flirt.
And flirting, showing any interest in dating or fucking another person, was the most exhausting part of this personality Janus showed to the world.
He needed a day without people, or a miracle to strike and reveal a group of aroace people he could hide with.
A day going on a hike it is then, he decides.
There's a hill that Janus tends to climb when he wanted to get away from people. It wasn't that nobody else went there, but usually the people who did were hiking themselves or with a group and didn't want to speak to strangers equally as much as Janus.
“Virgil, you can bury yourself in your room when you're home again. You promised me you'd spend time with us all today.” A masculine voice was chiding and sounding far too friendly for Janus's liking. Since they were ahead of him on the path he could only hope to pass whatever group there was without getting noticed.
“I said I'd spend time with you, not that I'd be dragged up a mountain because of your whims.” Presumably Virgil replied, grumbling, and now Janus could see the group and hence the speaker, looking around their group as if hoping one of the other 3 with them could distract the person trying to grab his hand.
He was just behind the group now, trying not to listen to the conversation. Besides the conversation between Virgil and the man who'd been identified as Patton over Virgil joining them, there was a pair of brothers prone to wrestling or deciding to simply carry one of the others of the group, as well as very teacher type person, who'd gone of on a few rants, barely listened to, over the plants or bird song they could hear.
Then Janus found himself grabbed in a bridal carry by one of the brothers. It was the one in darker clothes but he hadn't been able to figure out their name. “Excuse me?” He stated, shocked enough that no venom or anger made it into his tone.
“If Roman gets to carry Virgil, then I get to carry someone, and I'm not getting in the way of Logan doing science stuff.” The person explained, as if that ruled everyone out.
“I'm a stranger and what about that guy?” He growled, gesturing sharply towards Patton.
Remus pulled a face, sticking his tongue out as if disgusted. “He thinks romance is great. I'm not doing anything that could be seen that way to him if you offered a million bucks. Besides I'm Remus, and now you know my name we aren't strangers!”
“Janus, and are you saying everyone here except whomever that is, is aromantic?” He blinked, frowning for a moment. The entire reason he chose hiking over socialising when needing to get away from the performance of romance was because he couldn't find a group of people like this, and now he's seemingly being kidnapped by one, given he's still being carried.
The other shrugged, “Aromantic Roman, asexual Me, both Virgil, demi-aroace Logan, and fully allo Patton.” Remus nods to various members of the group, identifying them for Janus, who was even more surprised when as they were mentioned everyone waved, or called a greeting. “Why? You looking to know more people who only flirt to joke at how many absurd things people try to claim are flirting? Hell I've been told I flirt with my brother because we had month long competitions over who can take the longest to say hello.”
“More like people I don't have to pretend romance is a thing I'd want at all around. I'm aroace, by the way.” He admits, smiling when that gets and excited grin thrown down at him, until the moment Remus stumbles because he stopped looking at where his feet are going.
“You got us now!” Remus yells, making Janus startle in his arms.
Virgil snickers, making them both notice Roman is now walking beside them, still carrying him. “Or rather Remus has you. I hope you're okay with being carried. These two don't put new friends down easily, well unless requested, demanded or said person is spiralling into a panic attack and they start freaking out over scaring their new person.”
“I'll assume you were the one to panic then.” Janus countered, sparing a glance for the path ahead and the other member of the group he'd been made to join.
“And will share stories of it forever more.” Virgil's smirk widened at the protests that came from the brothers. “These two are still learning how to help with them, even after knowing me for 3 years.”
Janus smirked back, letting the conversation carry on around him easily.
Life is a performance for Janus, and flirting was the most exhausting part of it, but today a miracle happened and he found people the performance didn't need putting on for. A blessing he hadn't dreamt of receiving.
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emoprincey · 1 year
Bold of Janus to try and take his hat back from Roman in ATHD, doesn't he know that when u dump someone they get to keep any clothes u left behind? Smh.
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