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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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first day of standing lessons
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
"bruce wayne is batman not because he never went to therapy but because he doesnt want what happened to him and his parents to happen to anyone else"- i say into the mic and am booed
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
Older Damian from the future for post related reasons: *is wearing glasses*
10yr old Damian: This is outrageous! I am a Wayne! An al Ghul! I would never succumb to such weakness as needing a visual aid!
Older Damian: *so done* Listen, whether you want to admit it or not we are, in fact, a human being. And as such there are only so many concussions we can get before there are consequences.
10yr Old Damian: But father has no such difficulty! And as his son neither should we!
Older Damian: Father is a lying little bitch that secretly wears contacts like the coward he is.
Bruce: *has been outed*
10yr old Damian: *shocked Pikachu face*
Older Damian: *smirks* And besides. Its not like I need to keep up the appearance of being invincible. I'm not even a vigilante anymore. I'm a doctor.
10yr old Damian: *demonic screaming*
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
Jayce is Odysseus throughout epic EXCEPT FOR 'would you fall in love with me again' in THAT SONG hes Penelope and Viktor is Odysseus. I will not be taking criticism.
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
i’ll make more memes until we get s3 markhelena sex ig
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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Severance has shot up to the number 1 spot in the “Shows That Have Ruined Me” category. I am SAT for season 3 I will wait patiently for you my sweet dysfunctional work-place dramaaaaa! What a masterclass in television 😩😩😩😩😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨🩵🔻🩵
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
The batkids, no matter how much time passes, how much trust and love and safety and security they build with their team, still will not break. Will not show any sign of weakness or grief or sorrow or pain. The only place they collapse is around Bruce, because he’s safe, because he loves unconditionally even if they don't consciously admit it, because they know he will stay. 
Nightwing gets stuck in a haunted underground tunnel system with Flash, Superboy and Viktor for two weeks. By the time they make it out, Barry hugs Hal for so long he loses feeling in his arms, Kon buries himself in Clark’s embrace and calls Lois, and even Viktor asks for Dinah to talk. They all marvel at Dick, at his ability to stay calm, to keep them all together, to remain unruffled after the massive toll. 
But then Batman arrives, harried and billowing into the room(idk plot maybe he was on a search mission with someone else for Dick) and Nightwing spins on his heel from the opposite side of the room, and beelines for his arms. 
Bruce scoops him up bridal style and carries him to the Zeta Tubes and no one hears from them for three days. 
Dick breaks the second they breach the Batcave and its all Bruce can do to hold him and brush his hair and whisper “i love you you’re safe you’re home baby you’re home” to keep himself from crumbling as his adult baby boy son cries in his arms and won’t let go. 
“You didn't even break a sweat!” Barry laughs in awed disbelief, thumping him lightly in the side with an affectionate grin, and suddenly Dick’s forced smile twinges a little, because, sure, in the moment he hadn’t broken a sweat, yeah. But he had also spent the last three days with a fever above 100 due to the mental and emotional strain of staying composed and strong and also hadn't been able to sleep unless he was curled in Bruce’s arms.
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
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Look, now we match
- In many hospitals. purple wristband typically indicates a patient’s “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) status, alerting staff to the patient’s wishes regarding end-of-life care.
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
Please stop ✋🚨 you're the only hope to save a child🥺
My son Mohammed is in critical condition after being shot by Israeli drones. He has been taken to the operating ⛺️ and urgently needs treatment outside the Gaza Strip.
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I lost most of my family. I'm afraid to lose my son too 🥺 .
I need your help please donate and share, evry contribution, no matter how small, brings us hope in these dark times.
Mohammed deserves to live a happy and healthy life, just like every other child on this earth.
Please Donate now:👇👇 👇
✅️My campaign is vetted by el-shab-hussein& Nabulsi's, my number verified on the list is ( #355)✅️ 👇
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marsneedstherapy · 19 hours ago
What Strength Really Means 💪
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️
Hey everyone, my name is Abdelmajed. I don’t usually talk much about myself, but today, I want to share a little piece of my story.
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I was born and raised in Gaza, a place that has always been my home 🏡. I grew up surrounded by my family, my friends, and the streets that I knew like the back of my hand. Life wasn’t always easy, but we had love, laughter, and dreams. I used to think that no matter what happened, home would always be here. But life has a way of changing things in ways we never expect.
Over the past months, everything I once knew has disappeared. The streets that were once filled with children playing are now silent. The houses that held so many memories are now just rubble. And the people I loved—some of them are gone forever. 💔
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537}✅️
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marsneedstherapy · 4 days ago
Tim and Bruce getting into an argument bcs Tim demands to be independent and NOT get involved in the mess of being a legal part of the Wayne family, and Bruce being final on the fact that Tim is FIFTEEN and needs a legal guardian. out of spite Tim asks the person he thinks Bruce would approve of as a guardian the least to sign some guardian papers.
Tim: you don’t have to do anything parental i just REALLY wanna make Batman mad and i get the sense that our wishes align on that specific aspect so if you could just sign here for shits and giggles-
Red Hood:
Red Hood, rapidly changing his plans on how to deal with getting revenge on Bruce because his replacement is actually kinda hysterical: if we’re doing this we’re fucking doing it right, kid
Bruce shows up to Tim’s next parent teacher conference because hey just because he’s being given the silent treatment over this whole adoption thing doesn’t mean he’s going to slack off on his parental duties, only to freeze in the doorway because Tim Drake-Hood is stood there with his shiny new CRIME LORD LEGAL GUARDIAN giving him the most SHIT EATING GRIN POSSIBLE, and he almost has a panic attack on the spot.
Jason’s really getting into this whole caretaker thing. he’s doing school runs, delivering home cooked meals to Drake manor, helping with homework, this was his fucking CALLING. Tim is having the time of his life because him and Hood actually get along really well, but then he realises two weeks in that it turns out Hood is actually Jason fucking Todd, and he has to deal with the existential crisis of causing the very thing he was trying to stop because he is now technically a legal child of the Wayne family.
out of embarrassment for the fact that he failed and amazement at the fact that he’s bonding so well with Bruce’s dead kid and his own childhood hero (who is now a badass crime lord that lets him call for advice about english assignments while organising drug runs and picks up batburger on his way home from weapon shipments, seriously what more could Tim want in a parent), Tim somehow becomes even more invested in hiding Red Hood’s identity than Jason is.
Bruce has just been in a constant state of panic for the past three months and he doesn’t know what to fucking do. Dick was concerned for Tim up until he demanded to have dinner with him and his new ‘guardian’ to vet the guy and Jason, who stopped caring about his identity when he realised how much being a working dad agrees with his mental health and is only actively keeping his identity from Bruce for Tim’s pride’s sake, takes off his helmet to eat and Dick stares at him frozen for fifteen minutes across the table before finally pointing at the two and saying ‘you know what? he didn’t even tell me Jason was dead until after the funeral. whatever the fuck’s going on here? he has it coming. proceed.’
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marsneedstherapy · 4 days ago
Helly: So what even is the work we're doing down here?
Mark: No one really knows :(. Okay now turn on your computer and navigate to
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marsneedstherapy · 5 days ago
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Emile thanks you.
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marsneedstherapy · 5 days ago
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is anyone else reading this.
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