#sanders sides ficlet
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
It's still you
Word count: 272
Warnings: coming out, kissing
@acesidesweek day 1 coming out/self discovery
"Are you mad at me?" Remus suddenly blurted one day.
Patton blinked in surprise, "of course not, Re! What makes you say that?" He took his boyfriend's hand and squeezed it a little.
Remus shrugged, biting his lip. "I donno… you've been acting weird lately…"
Patton withdrew his hand as if he's been burned before he realized what he was doing.
Remus looked at where they're joined hands just were, then back up at Patton, hurt shining in his green eyes. "Something is bothering you, Patty-cake… and you won't talk to me about it… why?"
Patton looked away, he had to. He loved Remus but he just wasn't ready to talk about it yet… it was all so new…
A warm hand on his cheek made him turn to look at Remus again, his thumb stroking lightly, "hey, you know you can tell me anything, right?"
Patton looked into his boyfriend's sincere eyes and took a deep breath. "I… I-I'm…" he stammered, the word getting stuck in his throat.
Remus bumped their noses together lightly in encouragement and Patton's defenses melted.
"I'm Asexual." He finally said, feeling as though a huge boulder has been lifted from his chest.
Remus was silent for a moment, before grinning wildly, "that's awesome! When did you find out?"
Patton smiled, "y-you're okay with it- ow!"
Remus flicked his wrist, "of course I am, silly! It's still you, I don't care what labels you use! …we can still kiss though, right?"
Patton laughed and nodded, "yes, we can-" but he was cut off by Remus engulfing his lips with his, both of them giggling into the kiss.
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dndeceit · 28 days ago
(100 word drabble for the prompt: “getting cozy”)
"What are you doing?" "Just making myself cozy," Remus said. "Grabbed myself the comfiest seat in the mindscape." He was stretched out on the couch, arms pillowed behind his head, looking more than cozy enough... Though his rear-end rested in the lap of a rather helpless-looking Patton. "Vacate now and I'll owe you a favor," Janus said. "The fun kind." Remus left, no doubt eager to plan how best to cash in. "I thought he'd never le-" Patton's words cut off, red-faced as Janus promptly claimed the vacant position on his lap. "What- What're you-" "Oh, just making myself cozy..."
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part-time-zombie · 3 months ago
Got an idea I wanna do something with:
Since Remus represents "forbidden" creativity and Roman is "acceptable" creativity, it stands to reason that if an idea is from Remus it cannot be accepted, purely because it comes from him.
In fact, Remus himself as a side exists because Thomas rejects what he stands for. So what if he didn't anymore? What do you think would/could happen to Remus when he's no longer kept at a distance? Would he change, would he disappear, would he no longer be himself because he's finally fully accepted?
Probably not. If you ask me, I'd say c!thomas has already subconsciously cemented their existences into two separate sides because that's how he sees them and that likely won't change, but consider this for a moment...
What if Remus still has that fear?
What if he's secretly terrified that now that he's finally being welcomed into the group, he might disappear? (or worse, rejoin with Roman and destroy them both)
So he keeps his distance from everyone but especially from Roman, not even giving his brother the chance to accidentally brush past him in the hallway much less willingly touch him.
He keeps up the edge and the off putting nature he projects to keep him at the fringes of the group because he simply can't risk the harm that could come to himself if he were fully embraced.
And then one day it happens.
Maybe it's one of the twins birthdays, or c!thomas just received some amazing news, and Roman cant help but just pull his brother into a tight hug before Remus has a chance to avoid it.
Remus feels like he's burning and freezing all at once and he's convinced that it's finally happening. He and Roman are rejoining, they'll no longer be themselves anymore. He'll be gone now, Roman too, all because Thomas was too forgiving of him.
Then he opens his eyes and realizes that he's still here. Roman's still hugging him, and nothing has changed. He's just... being hugged, and nothing bad is happening because of it.
It's not long after that it's realized that Remus is touch-starved, and the others all understand why he's been distancing himself from them. Thomas then sits him down for a proper conversation where he promises that he doesn't want Remus to change or go away, and that just because he's no longer being kept in the dark it doesn't mean Thomas is going to get rid of him.
"You're just as much as part of my creativity as Roman is, you're just in charge of a different part of it. I need both of you to help keep me complete, and I don't think I'd be the same if I lost one or both of you, okay?"
It takes a long time for Remus to stop crying after that, and even longer for him to stop cuddling up to the other sides every chance he gets. Not like anyone minds of course, especially not Roman.
He's just glad he gets to be around his brother again.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year ago
The Beekeepers
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Photo by Jenna Lee via Unsplash
Deep space can be boring and lonely. At least, it can be when you're not stationed with the loves of your life.
Written for @tsspromptmonth's Rare Gifts Event. Intruanxceit in a Futuristic AU.
WC: 612 - Rated: G - CW: none (other than a sinking suspicion I'm not going to be able to let go of this AU) -
Hexidecimal characters cascaded down Virgil’s monitor, far faster than any organic could hope to comprehend. Columns and columns of numbers and datasets, an entire tour’s worth of output feeds, soil readings, and diagnostic benchmarks from the depths of the Hydrangea’s databanks.
It had been eleven months since the ship had last docked at the Hive. Eleven months worth of information on the deep space explorer's findings.
“Hm, fresh data!” Remus clapped his shoulder, then catapulted himself onto a clear spot on Virgil’s workstation. He craned his neck to gaze at the screen. “‘Got it memorized?’” he laughed, winking.
“Nearly.” Virgil answered his joking question seriously. “They’ve had a good year. A couple of rough patches.” he pointed at the screen, smirking when Remus nodded as though his eyes could interpret the shifting numbers as quickly as his photoreceptors did.
“I see that.” Remus flashed him the kind of grin that Virgil could spend hours analyzing. “Jannie’ll be pleased he was right to give Captain Sanders a shot at his own ship.”
“Pleased he let you talk him into letting your old buddy take the helm, you mean?” Smiling, Virgil didn’t look up. The uptick in Remus’ heart rate told him he’d guessed correctly.
“Jannie told you?” Still watching the numbers race across the screen, Virgil shook his head. Remus groaned, kicking his feet under the dented metal table. He took Virgil’s hand, though, lacing their fingers together. 
He appreciated the soft gesture, though he’d become acclimated to Remus’ other overdramatic antics. The contrast of this partners' eratically effusive behavior with what he expected based on his training data had been… difficult when he’d first arrived at the space station three years ago.
With exposure, though, he’d come to enjoy the organic's unpredictability.
“If Jannie didn't tell you. then who?” he almost whined, bringing Virgil’s hand up to his heart.
“I believe you just did, my dear,” Janus purred from behind him. Curling around Virgil’s shoulder, he brushed a kiss against the edge of his jaw, then pushed up on his tiptoes to kiss Remus’ cheek. 
“Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky,” Remus laughed and slid down from the workstation. “You never miss a trick, do ya, Vee?”
“Just a whole lotta trial and error whenever you’re in the room,” he muttered, not bothering to hide his smile. The final set of numbers scrolled off the screen and Virgil nodded at the other two. “We’ve got the data. Transmitting the shared library now.”
Janus leaned close to watch the transmission status for a moment before straightening and resting a hand on Remus’ shoulder. Virgil caught a glimpse of his reflection in the monitor and a softness came over his features.
“Have you already seen Captain Sanders off?” he murmured. Virgil could only guess he’d kept his voice low for Remus’ sake. Janus could’ve whispered down the hall and Virgil’s auditory sensors would’ve picked it up as clearly as if he’d fed the message directly to his DPU.
Remus pulled Janus closer until he was half-draped over Virgil’s back. The closeness was unexpected but… reassuring. “Yeah, Jannie, I did.” They shared a small kiss and then Remus hummed, reaching with his other arm to stroke Virgil’s hair. “I’ll be okay. I can always prank call him once they get past the Outer Nebula.”
“I’ll help you hide the source of the transmission.” Virgil smiled when Remus barked out a sudden laugh, shoulders shaking and eyes approaching their usual life.
“I didn’t hear that,” Janus said with a sternness that might have triggered Virgil’s defensive protocols when he’d first arrived at the Hive.
Now, Virgil merely shrugged. “Hear what?”
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i-lov-them-beans · 10 months ago
Patton backed up, only to feel the wall behind him hit his back. He looked around at the monsters closing in on him, thining of what to do. He clenched his fists, and wings of fire burst from his back. He lept up and in a flash flew above above the monsters, and away
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milkyway-writing · 2 years ago
I'm Not Real (You Are)
If you'd rather read on AO3: I'm Not Real (You Are)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: Remus/Virgil
TWs: Dissociation, one mild sexual mention (no sexual stuff though)
“I don't feel real.” Virgil mumbled, their eyes cast down towards the ground from where they were seated on the bed.
Remus looked up, tilting its head. “But… you’re right there?”
Virgil just shrugged, pulling their hoodie tighter around themself. “Yeah… But I’m not. I’m just some figment of Thomas’s imagination. Not real.”
Remus blinked, before snorting. “Vee, even if we were just figments of Thomas’s imagination, so what? We’re real enough to bug Thomas and influence him. Hell, I’m able to unlock doors and shit, I’d say that’s pretty real to me.”
Virgil seemed to think for a moment, before humming softly. “Yeah, but I can’t do that. All I do is make him anxious, that doesn’t sound very real to me.”
“Virgil. You’re real. You give the poor guy panic attacks, you used to freak him out so badly that he didn’t like it when you showed up. You pushed him towards Nico, right? Ro said you did that, and that sounds really real to me. How many imaginary people do you know can push someone?” Remus looked up at Virgil, a slightly concerned, and a bit softer, expression on its face.
“None… But even if I can do that, I still feel fake. Not real. Gone.” Virgil was now fiddling with their hoodie sleeve, curling in on themself.
Remus seemed to think for a second, before standing and haphazardly flopping onto the bed next to Virgil. “Can I touch you?”
Virgil blinked, face flushing a bit. “Huh?”
Remus rolled its eyes. “Not like that, just like, can I touch your arm or like, hold you or something?”
Virgil went a bit redder, before nodding. “Uh, yeah, I thought you meant- Um, yeah, sorry, go ahead.”
Remus grinned for a moment, before scooping Virgil into its lap, holding them close. Octopus tentacles protruded from its back, wrapping loosely around the other. Virgil seemed to relax a bit upon having the pressure of the tentacles around them, along with being propped against Remus’s chest.
“You’re real, Vee. You’re real, and I’ve got you, okay? You’re real, you’re safe, and it’s okay.” Remus gently tangled its fingers in Virgil’s hair, twirling the purple locks around its fingers.
Virgil nodded softly, tucking their face into Remus’s chest. As time went on they seemed to come back to reality bit by bit, until they eventually looked up at Remus, before gently bumping their head against its chest.
Remus hummed, loosening its grip on the other. “Feeling better?”
Virgil nodded, rubbing their eyes with a small huff. “Mhm… sleepy though.”
Remus nodded softly, before gently rolling them to the side so they were laying down. “Nap time?”
Virgil nodded again, tucking back against Remus’s chest. “Mmm… stay?”
Remus smiled, once more tangling his fingers in Virgil’s hair. “Of course, Bugbite, I’ll stay with you.”
Virgil just smiled a bit, before pulling the covers over them both, and settling down to rest.
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yomica12345 · 22 days ago
Patton yelped as Logan swept him up into his arms. “You really know how to pick a guy up.” He chuckled, pausing as his eyes landed on an open suitcase on the ground. “Logan, what are you—”
Logan deposited Patton into the suitcase, moving to zip it closed with alarming efficiency. “I cannot feel anything if you are not around to remind me of the irrational feelings I have no need for.”
“But Lo, stifling your emotions is really bad.” Patton squirmed, pushing against the sides of the bag as Logan calmly pressed a hand to his forehead, shoving him back down. “Logan, just—”
Patton grabbed at Logan’s arm, trying to leverage himself upright, only to accidentally pull Logan’s face dangerously close to his own. Their noses brushing, and for a brief moment, neither of them moved.
The lights flicked on the light of the TV, no longer the only thing illuminating the living room.
“What is going on down here?”
Virgil’s voice cut through the silence, his gaze flicking between the two of them before his face scrunched in confusion. “Why is Patton in a suitcase?”
Patton opened his mouth to respond, but Logan slapped a hand over it, muffling Patton’s attempts at speech. Patton wriggled, kicking his legs as he let out a series of incoherent sounds, which rapidly devolved into distressed whines.
“Patton and I were just… entertaining ourselves with a game of hide and seek,” Logan said stiffly, adjusting his glasses with his free hand.
Virgil moved further into the room, stopping in front of Logan and crossing his arms. “If the two of you were really playing hide and go seek, why couldn't you have just let Patton answer?” 
With one swift motion, Logan grabbed Virgil by the hoodie and yanked him forward, shoving him into the suitcase with Patton.
Virgil’s eyes went wide, his face going red as he scrambled to get off of Patton. “Logan, what are you—?!”
“I apologize, Virgil, but as anxiety, you must go too.”
“L, buddy, please don’t—Mmph!”
Logan zipped up the suitcase with a swift, practiced motion. He exhaled, pressing his palms flat against the lid. “Now to find an optimal place to hide this.”
From inside the suitcase, there was some shuffling.
Then a loud thump.
Followed by a very distinct squeak.
And then—silence.
Logan frowned as he watched the bag.
Before he could dwell on it, footsteps echoed from the stairs.
“Hey, Logan, have you seen Patton? We were supposed to—”
Roman froze on the stairs, eyes locking in on the suitcase as something shifted inside it. His gaze lifted slowly to Logan, narrowing in suspicion.
“Logan… what’s in the suitcase?”
Logan struggled to find a natural way to pose his arms, settling on holding them behind his back. “Nothing.”
The suitcase wobbled violently.
A muffled voice—Virgil’s—yelled, “LOGAN, LET US OUT!”
Another voice—Patton’s—let out a panicked giggle, followed by, “I—oh my gosh—Virgil, I think we just—”
Roman quirked his eyebrow as he returned his attention to Logan. “Why are Patton and Virgil in a suitcase?”
Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “This was far too sloppy of a job on my part.”
The zipper jerked from the inside, and the suitcase exploded open as Patton and Virgil tumbled out onto the floor, faces bright red. Virgil scrambled away from Patton, looking anywhere but at him, while Patton hid his face behind his hands.
Roman smirked. “Well, well, well. What was going on in there?”
“NOTHING.” Virgil practically shouted.
Patton let out a nervous laugh. “Just, uh… very close quarters!”
Roman smirked. “So something did happen.”
Patton’s hand went to his lips as he watched Virgil tug up his hood over his head.
“Oh my gosh, no. Did you two kiss?” Roman burst out laughing. “You two kissed! I can’t believe it.”
“Patton!” Virgil tugged the drawstrings of his hoodie, his hood now hiding most of his face.
“We didn’t mean to.” Patton offered, sending an apologetic look Virgil’s way.
Logan sighed as he watched the three. “If they will not stay in the suitcase then I have only one other possible solution.” He climbed into the suitcase himself, reaching for the zipper.
“Logan, wait.” Virgil moved closer, glancing to Patton, nodding discreetly at Roman and then at the suitcase.
Patton’s eyes widened, a grin forming on his face before he schooled it into a neutral expression.
“If you’re going to zip yourself away at least take Roman with you.”
Logan’s eyebrows furrowed before realization dawned on her face. He held out his arms to stop them but Virgil and Patton easily overtook Roman, stuffing him into the suitcase along with Logan, zipping the suitcase up.
Logan and Roman’s face heated up as they shifted in the suitcase.
“This is the least romantic thing I’ve ever done.” Roman murmured, pushing against Logan’s chest to give himself a bit more room.
Logan huffed, adjusting his glasses even as his arms were pinned awkwardly against the suitcase’s interior. “I would argue that this is not romantic at all, Roman.”
“Oh, no, of course not,” Roman said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Just two grown men, practically nose-to-nose, locked in a suitcase together. Nothing romantic about that.”
“What was that? You want it to be more romantic?” Virgil teased. “Patton, help me turn this onto its side.”
“Onto it’s-” Logan’s eyes blew wide. “Wait!”
The suitcase shifted, Logan and Roman’s lips crashing together as Logan fell against the princely side. 
Roman was the first to react, letting out a muffled yelp as he jerked back—or at least tried to. There wasn’t much to escape.
Logan’s brain short-circuited for a second before he quickly recalibrated. “This is—” He cleared his throat, pushing himself up, voice coming out slightly strained. “This is an objectively poor use of space.”
From outside the suitcase, Patton let out a loud gasp, hands flying to his cheeks. “Oh my gosh.”
Virgil howled with laughter, stumbling back as he held his stomach. “I—I was joking—I didn’t think it would actually—oh my—did you two actually just—”
“Oh, let us out already, Scara-more!”
“Now we’re even.” Virgil snickered but quickly unzipped the suitcase. Roman practically tumbled out onto the floor, scrambling to put as much distance between himself and Logan as possible. Logan, meanwhile, sat up with a bit more composure, straightening his tie.
“Even? Even? I was never involved with your kiss, how was that even?” Roman argued.
Logan shook his head with a soft sigh. “Let us never speak of this again.”
“Never again.” Roman agreed.
Virgil leaned in close to Patton. “We’re never going to let them live it down are we?”
Patton grinned. “Not a chance.”
patton: stifling your emotions is really bad
logan, shoving his emotions into a suitcase: unfortunate
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kieraelieson · 10 months ago
Sanders Sides Fandom: You still alive?
I want to start writing some sanders sides fanfictions again, to get more involved and social and interact with other fanders!
Send me in asks and for every one I receive before the poll ends I will write at least 100 words of a ficlet in response, more if the inspiration takes me!
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noblest-roman-of-them-all · 8 months ago
Trust You
Ficlet brought to you by @sleepyvirgilprompts based on this post.
"Shhhh," said Thomas into Virgil's hair and ran a hand up and down his spine. "Sleep."
"But- but-" A yawn swallowed whatever protests Virgil might have been able to come up with. He snuggled back into Thomas's shoulder. "...But what if?" he managed after a few seconds.
"What if what?" said Thomas calmly, trying to hide his fond amusement.
"What if," Virgil insisted, but without much conviction.
Thomas lightly kissed his head. "What if you got some rest? And what if everything was okay?" He challenged gently.
"Hmm. Unrealistic. Blocked," Virgil stated flatly and began toying with Thomas's hoodie strings.
Thomas snorted. "What if everything was just kind of okay, like, not great but, like...it's okay?"
"Don't mock me, Sanders," Virgil complained. If he hadn't been so tired it might have been closer to an actual warning.
"I'm not!" Thomas objected innocently with a giggle. "Just trying to find a compromise." He switched tactics and locked a secure arm around Virgil’s waist and brought his other hand to gently hold Virgil’s head, lightly thumbing his temple. "Things don't have to be perfect or even okay for you to get some rest, Virge. That's kinda when we need rest the most, honestly. We're safe, bud, you've made sure of that today."
"What about tomorrow?"
"We don't have any information about tomorrow, so we may as well get some rest till we find out."
Virgil pouted. "You sound like Logan."
"I'd hope so considering he's my Logic."
"Don't sound like me and I'm your Anxiety."
Thomas laughed in fond exasperation. "I sound like you plenty. Just not at this exact moment. Look, Virgil, I can tell something is genuinely stressing you out. I can feel it. And that's okay!" He assured quickly. "It's okay, I want to hear from you. But I think sometimes...these worries, they're just...a little too deeply burried in the subconscious to actually be able to deal with them in the moment. Things don't have to be solved right away. Sometimes...it takes time for them to be fully brought up. That's okay too. When the time comes, I know I'm going to have you at my side to help me deal with it and that makes me feel better. I know you're just looking out for me, Virge, and that means the world to me, but for now, let me look out for you. Alright?"
Virgil nodded into his shoulder, trying to ignore how much Thomas briefly sounded like Janus. "Alright," he relented.
Thomas smiled and kissed his head. "Love you, buddy."
"Love you too," Virgil answered, worming his way just a bit closer, so his head was tucked under Thomas's chin.
Thomas smiled and hugged him tightly. "We're safe, Virge, I promise."
"Trust you," Virgil answered, finally letting go of the defiant tension he was holding in his body to keep himself awake.
"Thank you," Thomas whispered even though Virgil was already asleep. "I trust you too."
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krowfics · 8 months ago
Holding Still (ficlet)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: LAMP for @lamp-appreciation-week
Plot: Virgil is attempting to finish Patton's makeup for Pride
Words: 971
Notes: uhh barely edited, like only a smidge. day 1 prompt was 'hold' i am in fact late i am not in fact surprised. Patton 🤝 me - getting distracted by things out the window
“Hold still.”
“Sorry!” Patton said, whipping his head back to position.
Virgil glanced out the window to see it was a squirrel running along a branch outside of it that caught Patton’s attention this time. Maybe he should be annoyed, but he couldn't help just being endeared.
“It's fine, Pat.” he said, returning to the eye shadow.
“You gotta make it easier on our dear emo, Pattycake, it's already so hard for him to remember that eye shadow goes above the eye.” Roman said, ironically focusing on the eye shadow he was blending out under Logan's eye. Virgil had already finished that part anyway.
“Asshole.” Virgil mumbled.
“Hey,” Patton frowned.
Virgil ignored him in favor of turning to Roman and very maturely sticking his tongue out at him. Roman gave a sly smile and dove in for a lightning quick attack of pressing a peck to the hinge of Virgil’s jaw. 
“Wait!” Virgil pulled back but was too late to dodge, he quickly grabbed the nearest mirror to check the damage.
“Oh, calm down Scare-bear, I dodged your glitter.” 
Virgil confirmed that he, in fact, did, but the transfer-proof lipstick he was wearing had failed. Only slightly, Virgil wiped off the speck easily but it was the principle of the matter.
His attention was drawn back to Patton by way of his giggling. Logan next to him was looking with fond amusement, eyes darting between Roman and Virgil.
Virgil huffed, “Come on, let's finish so we can leave at a reasonable time.” He’ll be damned if he put glitter on his face only for them to miss the entire pride event. That wouldn’t happen, probably, but Virgil was nothing if not at least a little nervous about something all the time.
“Fine fine, I'll stop distracting you.” Roman conceded, “I'm sure you need your full concentration to work against your every instinct, dealing with pastels like that.” 
Virgil only rolled his eyes, opting to return to Patton’s face. He settled back into the zone easy enough, subconsciously tuning out the movement of Roman doing Logan’s make up beside them. It was only when he was completely zoned in on the final part of the pastel rainbow that his canvas suddenly moved again.
“Sorry!” Patton jumped, “There was a sparrow- outside it was- It's gone now, sorry.” he said, sheepishly.
Any irritation he had evaporated instantly, “It's fine. I pulled the brush away in time and it's all stencils anyway so we’re good.”
“I'll stay still.” He said, somehow with confidence, and Virgil loved him so much, but he did not believe him for a moment.
“This part is nearly done, but I really do need you to hold still for the dots.” Patton had requested pastel hearts in rainbow order across his cheeks, which was easy enough being that they already had stencils on hand for that, and then little white dots, almost freckle like. They wouldn't be particularly hard to do but they would be very easy to mess up.
Patton nodded, “I'll be still.”
Logan must've had the same lack of trust in the sentiment because he blindly reached over and grabbed Patton’s hand, squeezing for a moment, and Virgil had an overwhelming urge to lurch forward and… kiss them? Bad idea, considering the make up. He should at least finish it before he ruins it. Well, he hadn't put on Patton's lip tint yet…
Now who's distracted? He shook his head in an attempt to clear it and returned to finishing the final heart. He did so, and proceeded to peel off the stencils and add the white speckles with little fanfare. Logan’s hand holding idea must've worked to keep their boyfriend’s attention occupied.
Patton made a chirp in excitement at seeing himself in the mirror after Virgil had finished, gushing over the look and flustering Virgil with praise.
“And done.” Roman announced, somehow having not gotten distracted by Patton’s joy. He held up the mirror to Logan and immediately looked to Patton so he could start with his teasing praises at Virgil’s work, “Our bundle of darkness really isn't allergic to color, it's a miracle.”
Patton meanwhile quickly got distracted again, “Oh oh oh! you're so pretty!” Patton all but gasped at Logan's more glam look.
Logan opened his mouth to speak but only managed a strangled noise at finally seeing Patton, having managed to look straight forward the entire time he was having his makeup done. “Virgil is very talented.” is all he said, eyes not leaving Patton while looking a bit like he was staring at the sun.
“Indeed,” Roman said, “It takes true talent to somehow manage to add to the beauty of Patton’s already perfect face.”
“A mastery of the art form,” Logan agreed.
“I am not wearing enough foundation to handle compliments” Virgil said, face ablaze. 
“But you did such a good job we can't help it!” Patton said, noticeably flushed himself, only adding to the look.
Virgil barely resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands else he’d smudge his own make up. “We should go if we're ready.” He said instead.
“Oh, fine.” Roman sighed. And Logan stood to gather last minute things, making sure they had water bottles and granola bars and the like.
A few minutes later, Virgil caught Patton staring out the window again, but he didn't interrupt him this time. Patton startled a bit when he noticed Virgil staring, but he smiled, “There's a butterfly.” He explained and indeed there was, but Virgil only gave it a glance, far happier to enjoy his own view.
“Stop being sappy, we're ready to go.” Roman interrupted, causing them both to blush. 
Patton giggled adorably while Virgil scoffed, “That's rich coming from you, you're the sappiest of us all.”
“I accept that title with honor, now come on, Logan's already in the car.”
taggg @flowercrownsandtrauma
edit after ive woken up and consumed coffee- never let me post things at 1 am oh my god i live in shame (there was a couple minor inconsistencies)
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bumb1e-vee · 1 year ago
A small smile graced his lips as he walked closer to Anxiety, looking over his features. His eyeshadow was still on, he fell asleep in sweatpants and a bigger hoodie, different from the black and grey one he usually wore, his hair was curlier than his and the other sides.
Without giving another thought to Anxiety, Logan went over to the closet in the living room and took out the blanket Patton had made for Anxiety (the fatherly side wanted him to feel welcome, but hadn't figured out a good time to give it to him because he was so standoffish). He then walked into the kitchen to get himself some coffee and food, moving quieter than normal as not to wake Anxiety.
After his food and such were done, he messaged the group chat with Roman and Patton, Anxiety is asleep in the living room, don't be loud, that means you Roman.
After that he finished his food and sat in the living room, working on his laptop while Anxiety slept, it felt good. Something felt perfect and peaceful. He hoped Anxiety would fall asleep in the living room more often.
Logan went into the living room, and then paused. Anxiety was asleep on the couch.
This was unusual. The fact that he was in the living room at all was unusual, since he didn't typically spend much time there, and he'd never fallen asleep there before. He looked... tired.
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
The Prince, The Dragon And The Knight
Summary: rescueing and marrying the prince didn't go as planned...
Word count: 568
Warnings: sword mentions
@acesidesweek day 2 fantasy/sci-fi
Roman panted as he rushed up the stairs of the tower, sword in his right hand and his red cape that is attached to his armor flapping in the wind. He hears the roar of the dragon that guards the door to the prince's prison and speeds up his pace.
He finally reaches the top and takes a moment to lean against the wall and catch his breath before marching on.
The prince was kidnapped by the evil dragon a few weeks ago, the king sent countless knights to retrieve him but none of them was able to find his prison's location. Roman suspected it was due to the dragon's magic, so he found a special necklace that sees through spells.
He clutches his sword in determination, he's going to save their beloved prince, no matter what it takes.
He finally catches sight of the dragon's tail, and charges with his sword raised. When, suddenly, he hears laughter.
Frowning, Roman stops, right behind the black and yellow dragon's back and watches the scene in front of him with his mouth gaped.
Prince Virgil was sitting on the floor, his purple, royal clothes a bit tattered but he seemed fine other than that. He was smiling and laughing, the dragon rumbling with laughter as well. They were… playing cards?
"Stop cheating!" Prince Virgil laughed as the dragon put a card on the floor between them.
"I'm not!" The dragon protested with a surprisingly silky smooth voice.
Dragons can talk?
"Liar! We agreed you're not allowed to use magic, Janus." The prince raised an eyebrow at the dragon.
It has a name?
"I didn't use it!" The dragon, who's name is Janus, apparently, continued to insist.
Prince Virgil gave him a look.
"Okay… maybe a little.." the dragon smirked.
The prince snorted, "cheater."
"You like it." Janus winked.
"Shut up-"
"Eh…" Roman decided to finally step forward and announce his presence.
The dragon and the prince barely flinched as they turned to look at him, "can we help you?" The prince asked with a bored tone.
Roman cleared his throat, "prince Virgil, I have come to rescue you!" He declared, raising his sword for emphasis.
Virgil and Janus exchanged glances, "rescue me from what?"
"I…I'm not sure, actually…" Roman admitted, lowering his sword and standing there awkwardly, "we were told the dragon kidnapped you but… you seem to be having fun."
"Oh, I did, but it was his request. And I can't blame him, there's a limit to how many arranged dates a man can bear." The dragon explained, making the prince huff.
"Don't remind me… they were nice people but… I'm just not interested in that stuff, you know what I mean?" he groaned.
"I see… so you wouldn't want me to bring you back…" Roman sighed, all this journey, for nothing. In truth, he planned to claim the prince's hand once he delivered him safely back to the king but… now it doesn't seem the prince would be interested "I'll leave you be, then." He turned to leave.
"...do you wanna join us?" Asked the dragon, "you did come all this way."
Roman turned towards them again, considering, then shrugged, "sure why not."
He sat down and the prince gathered the cards, shuffled them and split them between the three of them.
"No cheating, Janus, I'm watching you." Virgil warned.
Roman laughed when the dragon smirked.
"No promises."
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dndeceit · 28 days ago
Bonus drabble, because my brain couldn't make up its mind for which way to take the prompt this month...
(100 word drabble for the prompt: “getting cozy”)
Virgil glared as Janus entered the room, which was unfortunately business as usual these days. "What crime am I guilty of this time?"  "I don't like how comfortable you're getting around here." "Shouldn't I be?" Janus asked. "You can't honestly expect that I'm going anywhere at this point." Virgil didn't answer, and his glare didn't let up. Making a decision, Janus sat down on the couch beside him. "What are you doing?" "I'm not going anywhere," Janus said, "and I'm certainly not looking to push you out. So get cozy, because we're both going to be here for a while."
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aphandgflover · 5 months ago
Trick or Treat !
For the month of Halloween, I'm doing a little challenge instead of any inktober, or kinktober, or flufftober, or any kind of -tober, cause I never finish those x)
Instead, I'm putting out a candy bowl for all the trick-or-treaters! The rules are easy, pick what kind of candy (fanfiction) you'd like, and let me know what it is. You can also ask me to pick one out for you! I'll post it for you as soon as possible ^^ Also, please only pick one at a time, but I don't mind giving out more than one per person!
Tumblr media
Candy can have one or several textures and flavors! Tell me what you'd like ;) For example, I love peanut butter-flavored candy that's soft and melty. I don't really like a slimy texture, though I can handle it when it's raspberry-flavored. I also find that orange and peanut butter go well together.
Ooh, and let me know if I should add something to the list!
Texture :
Soft (Fluff)
Hard (Angst)
Melty (Smut)
Slimy (Horror)
Crunchy (Crack)
Chewy (Hurt/comfort)
Flavor :
Original (Canon)
Vanilla (Human AU)
Coffee (Coffee shop AU)
Meringue (Royalty AU)
Marshmallow (Winged AU)
Banana (Kid AU)
Apple (Fairy AU)
Strawberry (Magical girl AU)
Raspberry (Vampire AU)
Blueberry (Werewolf AU)
Orange (Animal hybrids AU)
Sea salt caramel (Mermaid AU)
Pumpkin (Hogwarts AU)
Peanut butter (Omegaverse)
Seasonal exclusivity (not on the list, please give details)
Type of candy :
Well, too many to list x) Let me know what kind you want, whether it's a cute first meeting, a competition, a party, etc. ^^ I have most things, and I'll let you know if I really don't. No restrictions, "problematic" content is also allowed. The one rule is that I won't serve explicit sexual content to minors, please show your age if you ask for that.
All the candy is fun-sized (drabble to ficlet), but as I said, you can ask for more of it once I've given you one!
Brands available :
So many! Check out the read more for the full list, and know that any character and ship is allowed! Also, if you want a brand that's not in the list, you can always ask, I might have heard of it too ;)
Angel's Friends
Black Butler
Cult of the Lamb
Dungeon Meshi
Ever After High
Good Omens
Gravity Falls
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
His Dark Material
Invader Zim
Monster High
Night in the Woods
Nu Carnival
Ouran High School Host Club
Over the Garden Wall
Roleslaying with Roman
Sanders Sides
Six, the musical
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Steven Universe
The Arcana
Tokyo Mew Mew
Trouble with Sophie
Yuri on Ice
Zombies (Disney)
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months ago
Castellucci Clones appearance headcanons
One day I wanna make fanart specifically of "the Geoff Clones"/"the Geoffettes"/"Geoff's identical brothers/cousins"/whatever you wanna call them - Jeff, Jeoph, Goff, and Daryl, in other words. But I wanna wait until there's another video where they're all confirmed identifiable and they're each clearly their own distinct character - so like Way Down, Folsom Prison Blues, and Unshaken.
But currently, @fallingblueroses just recently uploaded a very amusing little ficlet involving interactions between the four "Geoff Clones", and Kathy, who gets unwittingly caught up in the middle of it (go read it here). And it flashed me back to my time in the Sanders Sides fandom, and got me thinking about visual appearances. In other words, if Jeff, Jeoph, Goff, and Daryl were "entities" connected to Geoff, who could just hang out "in the real world" sometimes (very Sanders Sides-esque), and they had some at least minor visual distinctions between each other (while still all maintaining a clear resemblance to Geoff), what might they look like?
Sorry for the rambling intro but hopefully you'll see what I mean. Note that this is partially based on stuff from videos, and partially based on the personalities given to each in FallingBlueRoses' fic.
Daryl: Usually has at least a light amount of stubble/facial hair, similar to Geoff in Drunken Sailor, the Rawhide short, or Narrator!Geoff in Ghost Riders. He and Goff are the most muscular, but Daryl is a little "stockier" (a little bit more built like a tree). His hair is bushy but not completely unkempt, and is the darkest brown out of the four, but the white-grey streak is quite prominent in the hair, because Daryl thinks it looks cool (and he's right).
Goff: Also notably well-muscled, but a little leaner than Daryl, and his skin is usually the most tanned-looking. His hair is the most "standard brown" colour - not super dark, not super light, and is usually kept under a backwards baseball cap.
Jeff: the one most likely to be wearing glasses [blatantly taken from Folsom Prison Blues - let me have this]. Jeff has the lightest hair of the group (think Wicked Game or the Rainbow Connection short), with the white-grey streak being joined by additional white/grey hair across the scalp. However, it's also usually the most well-groomed and styled of the four.
Jeoph: Hair is only slightly lighter than Daryl's, though more of a "muted"/"dulled" brown colour. Jeoph's hair is straighter, but rarely flat/neat in appearance. As the regular workaholic [credit to FallingBlueRoses], Jeoph is the most likely to have dark circles under his eyes, and he's usually seen with a 5 o'clock shadow as well.
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8-bit-fanfic · 11 months ago
Hrrrrrrrr my tumblr veteran ass wants to start a sanders sides ask blog that takes place in the this age, where it’s been 7 years since Virgil left the dark sides. Sanders Sides is not what it used to be, and all people want is to move on and be happy with that they’ve got.
But trauma is not that simple.
So it’d start by following Remus probably! Would anyone be interested in this?
When I did ask blogs before, to make up for the fact that I can’t draw, I do fics and ficlets between asks and really utilize tumblr’s capability of different types of posts! Please let me know if u want this!!
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