#aries horoscope 2020
elminx · 1 year
Energy Update: July 2023
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July is a “5” Universal Month [7 (July) + 7 (2023) = 14 = 1 + 4 =5]. 5 is a very dynamic number that tends to represent a big change of course or point of conflict. This is represented in the astrology in the month as well as we experience multiple planetary shifts and our lunar nodes also shift signs during the month. There are a lot of moving pieces and it may be hard to find solid ground as we slip and slide our way into the beginning of summer.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Venus and Mars in Leo, Jupiter Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. By the end of July the Sun will have entered Leo, Mercury and Mars will have entered Virgo, and the lunar nodes will have entered Aries and Libra respectively. Additionally, Venus will retrograde in Leo.
For a month with relatively few aspects (number-wise), July is going to pack a punch. We will never be the same. This is, from the perspective of linear time, always true but in a month full of shifts and heavy hitters, some people may find their lives unrecognizable come August.
The Nitty Gritty
All eyes are on our lunar nodes and the number of strong aspects that they will make with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars over the course of the month ahead. When the lunar nodes (which always move retrograde – or backward – through the horoscope) switch signs, it is one of the big cosmic gong crashes that demarcate time. The lunar nodes represent the mathematical points in the sky with which the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth can come together to create eclipses. Our eclipse cycles ruled by Taurus and Scorpio are ending and we are entering the territory of Aries and Libra. The dichotomy of the individual “Me” versus the collective “We” will be at the forefront as we transverse this change during July. Expect these energies to reemerge later in the year as we enter eclipse season.
But first, we begin the month with Mercury cazimi as the Sun meets up with Mercury at 09° Cancer. The first will be a very inspired day as the Sun and Mercury also make a sweet sextile with Jupiter in Taurus. If you need to do some positive manifestation – particularly if it has to do with wealth or accumulation of things – this will be your day. This is a great day for intention setting or goal orienting of all kinds – remember to think big!
The weekend leading up to our full moon at 11° Capricorn on Monday is going to feel like a lot if you’re not ready for it. It might feel like a lot even if you are. Capricorn has been under a lot of pressure since the beginning of 2020 and is now dealing with Saturn, their planetary ruler, in retrograde and the recent ingress of Pluto backward into Capricorn from Aquarius. Sometimes we need to pay the piper. The sooner that we get up and do what needs doing, the easier this all will be. Saturn may be out to lunch but that doesn’t mean that you can skimp on the work – don’t say that I didn’t warn you. Venus in Leo will be square to Uranus in Taurus during this energy – this is the first pass of this aspect during Venus’ pre-retrograde shadow period. There may be some money troubles or overspending that needs accounting for. Paying the piper might be quite literal in this instance. Know that Venus will return square off with Uranus twice more: a second time while she moves backward during her retrograde cycle in August and a third time when she moves forward again come September. What is coming up now may be a portent of what’s to come. The week of 7/4 may be on the quiet side as we will only experience two Mercury aspects: a square with Chiron in Aries on 7/4 and a sextile with Uranus on 7/7. Use this downtime to integrate the energies of the weekend. Ground and center if you can. With Uranus involved, the energy is likely to be electric and some may find themselves unable to sleep or slow down. Heads up to those prone to mania or insomnia, this astrological weather is highly indicative or exasperating those types of problems.
On 7/10, we get our first big hit of the month on our lunar nodal energy as Mars enters Virgo and immediately forms a trine to our North Node in Taurus and a sextile to our South Node in Scorpio. Mars in Virgo can be fairly nitpicky and critical so some people may find their feelings hurt under this energy – especially, I suspect, if they are hiding from some part of themselves or their journey. Mercury enters Leo the very next day on Tuesday and squares off with the nodes as well which shows that things are going to get a bit testy. Be careful not to say something that you cannot take back as Mercury in Leo can be a bit tactless. The Sun in Cancer is also square to Chiron (exact on Wednesday), so old wounds are close to the surface.
The secret here is, as always, to use this energy to fix problems but when there is more than one person involved, there are no guarantees. Remember you cannot fix something with somebody who doesn’t think that a situation needs fixing, or somebody who isn’t willing to meet you halfway. Focus on healing yourself instead of trying to change others during this time, if you can. By the end of the week, the Sun in Cancer will be sextile to Uranus in Taurus – any Sun-Uranus aspect is a Red Flag Day; its worth remembering that Uranus is in Taurus and what bulls do with red flags.
Lie low for sure on Friday and maybe all week if you can. Unless all persons involved are willing to sit down and be honest and objective (Mars in Virgo), nothing will get done. Any important conversation that can wait probably should. And stay away from explosives of all kinds. Maybe especially explosive people. You know the ones.
This is all leading into a new moon at 24° Cancer on Monday 7/17 which is also the day that our lunar nodes switch from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra. Aries is sign #1 and hopelessly self-involved (by design, this is not a criticism) – we will all need to rectify how individuality impacts our own lives. The combination of new-ness of the day (new moon plus new lunar nodes) is a positive double-whammy for starting projects or just wiping the slate clean. Also note the cardinality of the day (Cancer, Aries, and Libra being three of the four cardinal signs) – go for it. Take active steps towards what you want to bring forth into this world.
Again, we get some downtime to process these shifts but things will heat up as we enter the weekend. The Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on Friday along with Mercury in Leo meeting up in trine with Chiron in Aries. This is a revisitng of sorts – one which has some pain associated with it. Work your way through the pain rather than running from it – Mars in Virgo is opposed to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, this is your sign to stop avoiding that problem.
The Sun in Cancer squares off with the lunar nodes on Saturday the 22nd before entering Leo which shows that our egos might be getting in the way. Where can we think more big picture? Immature Leo energy can be very narcissistic and small-minded but we always get a choice. Try leaning into the Universal Heart energy of mature Leo and take a walk in somebody else’s shoes for an afternoon. I’m not saying that you have to try to empathize with that TERF next door, start with your partner, perhaps. Or somebody else that you care about. Where are you only thinking about yourself? Where are they only thinking about themselves?
Venus retrogrades at 28° Leo on Sunday 7/23 which is the other big event of the month. I wrote an entire post about this already but I will summarize by pointing out that Venus will make two squares to planets in Taurus (Jupiter and Uranus) and trines with Chiron in Aries. This is the time to do less – as in, don’t overdo it. The way that this will show up in personal lives will be different for everyone but some examples are: don’t jump too fast into new relationships (big R or little r), don’t overspend, don’t overeat or overdrink or insert your indulgence of choice here. You can read more about this Venus retrograde cycle here.
The last week of July will be quieter. Mercury will meet up with retrograde Venus on Thursday 7/27 – Mercury and Venus have been interacting in retrograde with each other since January of 2022. We need to learn to think and feel simultaneously – so many of us can only live in our hearts OR in our brains – we are being challenged to do both. Mercury makes an exact trine with our North Node in Aries on Friday but Venus never quite makes it – that’s telling. Thought is still winning. Where can you balance this by being more in your heart?
Mercury enters Virgo on Friday. Virgo is one of the two home signs of Mercury and is also home to our planet of action, Mars, during this time. This should give us some energy to do the work ahead of us for August and our Venus retrograde that is to come.
7/1 – Sun conjunct Mercury 09° Cancer, Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus 7/2 – Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus 7/3 – Full moon 11° Capricorn 7/4 – Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/7 – Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/10 – Mercury in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mars enters Virgo, Mars in Virgo trine North Node in Taurus, Mars in Virgo sextile South Node in Scorpio 7/11 – Mercury enters Leo, Mercury in Leo square North Node in Taurus and South node in Scorpio (fixed t-square) 7/12 – Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 7/14 – Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 7/17 – New moon 24° Cancer, Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus, lunar nodes enter Aries/Libra 7/20 – Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Virgo opposed retrograde Saturn in Pisces 7/21 – Sun in Cancer opposed retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 7/22 – Sun in Cancer square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal grand cross), Sun enters Leo 7/23 – Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, Venus retrogrades 28° Leo 7/27 – Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus 28° Leo 7/28 – Mercury in Leo trine North Node in Aries and sextile South Node in Libra, Mercury enters Virgo
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dreamanduality · 2 years
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Jupiter Direct & New Moon: Rituals & Horoscopes
Jupiter is Finally going direct. I have read it said that ‘feeling’ Jupiter Rx goes unnoticed—this is something that I argue.
Sure, they are further away, and more slow-moving than that of Mercury or Mars…more subtle than Saturn…but when we think of joy and expansion is it calmer than that of heart ship and anger. In a world that desires instant gratification, farming norepinephrine and cortisol—genuine fortune, abundance & peace seems boring and is not given the same attention as drama. So is it that it goes unnoticed or that our attention is elsewhere?
The Pre Shadow for this Rx time began on May 14th.
In the idea of retrogrades being a time where we have some sensational accordance to freewill, where we have to often times take things into our own hands to see what has been transpiring in our lives, Jupiter is a space of thoughtfulness, and when Rx is not fruiting. This pre-shadow was like harvesting, moving as to not expunge all of the nutrients from one place. The first taste of what is to come and see the potential of knowledge gained.
Into the retrograde and going back to Pisces…sorting out our ideas and beliefs on expectation. Planning on how to take dreams and put action to them.
When Jupiter can't give they offer protection, like when they were co-present with Saturn those manifestations were softer and became noticeable when they parted ways.
In Rx passing back into Pisces; pensively shaking optimism.
Deeply thinking about our beliefs and the framework of expansion. I like to hold hope since we are being thrashed around, but I can say that my nihilism has been thick.
For some, ideas will not take off in the coming months, even burst, but you learned from them..nothing can ever be wiped clean if it has been thought or witnessed—maybe this was something that presented itself to you back in Dec 2020 or at various points until now that is being highlighted in the cultivation that happened in Pisces. The big motion of the theme is back to this spring. Have you ever tried to make a party balloon animal? When there is too much air, or trying to figure out reshaping? With this direct motion, it is time to take a go one more time. We will reflect on your houses below.
Hope can only take us so far when something has already ended. I think that while Jupiter was in Pisces (which we have been reflecting on these last months), many people entertained thoughts that they never would have before, dipped their toes in pools of thought foreign to them…and with Neptune co-present plus some other transits, it has been a dream…that some folks got lost I get big Uzumaki vibes—
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You know how timing is everything? Well…for those that it's felt like a dream, it's time to wake you. And from dreams, all we can take with us is what we remember. At this point going more into Neptune & aspects would be needed and this is not the time.
Jupiter Direct in Pisces 28.47
Reflection theme May 4. If you don't journal, or have a vivid memory of dates, look back on social media posts and text conversations. What themes and topics were held?
Spend this time with Jupiter Direct to collect the areas of self-improvement, the strides you have taken in expanding your thoughts and opinions—notice your growth. What have you discerned about your personal philosophies and tolerance…what of identity?
Heading Back into the heady fire of Aries on December 20th and not looking back for another cycle, take these days with care in collecting your thoughts on compassion and humanity.
For Personal Emphasis, Additional Timing for Jupiter & New Moon work & instruction can be found on my Patreon.
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coconutsplit · 1 month
Yes, astrology can connect us to a collective energy. Here’s how:
1. Universal Cycles and Patterns
Planetary Movements: Astrology is based on the observation of planetary movements and cycles. These celestial bodies move through the zodiac, creating patterns and influences that affect everyone. For example, when a planet like Saturn enters a new sign, it brings a shift in energy that impacts the collective consciousness, not just individuals. These shared experiences create a sense of connection to a broader, collective energy.
Lunar Phases: The Moon’s phases, which are visible and experienced by everyone on Earth, are another way astrology connects us to a collective rhythm. The New Moon often signifies new beginnings and intentions, while the Full Moon represents culmination and release. These phases influence group activities, emotions, and societal trends.
2. Collective Archetypes and Symbols
Astrological Archetypes: Each zodiac sign and planet represents an archetype—universal symbols and patterns of behavior that resonate across cultures and individuals. For instance, Aries represents the warrior or pioneer, while Libra embodies the diplomat or artist. When these archetypes are activated by transits or other astrological events, they influence not only individuals but also the collective psyche, shaping cultural trends and societal behaviors.
Mythology and Collective Unconscious: Astrology draws on mythology, which taps into the collective unconscious, a concept introduced by Carl Jung. These mythological stories, associated with planets and signs, resonate on a deep, collective level, influencing our shared cultural narratives and shaping how we collectively understand life’s challenges and opportunities.
3. Shared Experiences Through Transits
Major Transits: Transits of outer planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have long-term effects that influence entire generations. For example, Pluto’s transit through a sign can bring deep transformation to societal structures and collective attitudes. These transits affect everyone, creating shared experiences that contribute to the collective energy.
Global Events: Astrology often correlates with significant global events. Eclipses, for instance, have been historically linked to major changes or upheavals. When such events occur, they are experienced collectively, reinforcing the idea that we are all part of a larger energetic web.
4. Astrological Ages
Age of Aquarius: Astrology speaks to the concept of astrological ages, which span roughly 2,000 years each and are associated with the precession of the equinoxes. Currently, we are believed to be transitioning into the Age of Aquarius, a period expected to bring shifts in collective consciousness towards innovation, technology, humanitarianism, and collective unity. These ages influence the overarching themes and energies that shape entire eras of human history.
5. Astrology and Collective Consciousness
Collective Shifts: As people collectively tune into astrological themes, whether through horoscopes, group rituals, or shared discussions, there’s a collective consciousness that forms around these ideas. For example, during a Mercury retrograde, there’s often a shared awareness about communication mishaps or delays, even among those who aren’t deeply into astrology. This shared understanding influences collective behavior and consciousness.
Social Movements: Astrology can reflect and even influence social movements. For instance, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in December 2020 symbolized a shift towards progressive ideals, social reform, and collective responsibility, themes that resonated strongly with global movements at the time.
6. Community and Shared Experiences
Astrology as a Language: Astrology provides a shared language that connects people across cultures and backgrounds. This shared language fosters a sense of community among those who engage with it, creating a collective energy around astrological concepts and discussions.
Rituals and Ceremonies: Many people use astrology in group rituals or ceremonies, such as New Moon circles or Full Moon gatherings. These practices enhance the sense of collective energy, as participants align their intentions and actions with the same astrological events.
Conclusion: Connecting to the Collective
Astrology connects us to a collective energy by aligning us with universal cycles, archetypes, and shared experiences. It reflects the interconnectedness of all beings, showing how individual lives are influenced by larger cosmic patterns. By tuning into these patterns, astrology helps us understand not only our personal paths but also how we are part of a greater collective consciousness. This connection can foster a sense of unity, purpose, and shared destiny among people.
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gautam-101 · 4 months
Exploring Mundane Astrology: Understanding the Cosmic Influence on World Events
Astrology, often associated with personal horoscopes and individual destinies, has a broader, more encompassing branch known as mundane astrology. Derived from the Latin word "mundus," meaning "world," mundane astrology seeks to understand and predict the cosmic influence on global events, societal trends, and national affairs. This ancient practice dates back to the Babylonians and has been used by various cultures to interpret and forecast the rise and fall of empires, natural disasters, and significant historical events. As we delve into the intricacies of mundane astrology, we'll uncover how the movements of celestial bodies can reflect and, perhaps, shape the collective experiences of humanity.
Also read - Exploring the Intriguing Connection: Numerology and Astrology
Understanding the Basics of Mundane Astrology
Mundane astrology operates on the principle that celestial events influence earthly occurrences. Unlike natal astrology, which focuses on individual birth charts, mundane astrology examines the horoscopes of nations, cities, and significant global events. Astrologers use various charts, including ingress charts (which map the moment the Sun enters a new zodiac sign), eclipses, and planetary conjunctions, to gain insights into world affairs.
Ingress Charts: These charts are crucial in mundane astrology. The most notable is the Aries ingress chart, created for the moment the Sun enters Aries, marking the astrological New Year. Astrologers analyze the positions of planets in this chart to forecast global trends for the upcoming year.
Eclipse Charts: Eclipses have historically been considered omens of significant change. Solar and lunar eclipses are analyzed to understand their potential impact on world events. The house in which an eclipse falls in a national chart can indicate areas of transformation or upheaval.
Planetary Cycles and Conjunctions: Long-term planetary cycles, such as those of Jupiter and Saturn, are particularly important. The conjunctions of these planets, occurring approximately every 20 years, have been linked to shifts in political and social structures. The Great Conjunction of 2020, for instance, was seen as heralding a new era of change.
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Applications of Mundane Astrology
Mundane astrology has been employed to predict a wide range of events, from political upheavals to natural disasters. For instance, astrologers might look at the ingress chart of a country to forecast its economic outlook or examine the aspects of Mars to predict military conflicts. Historical events, such as the fall of the Roman Empire or the French Revolution, have been analyzed through the lens of mundane astrology, providing a cosmic context to these pivotal moments.
Moreover, mundane astrology is not limited to the past. Contemporary astrologers continue to use these techniques to anticipate future trends. For example, the economic turmoil of 2008 was foreshadowed by significant astrological configurations, including a challenging alignment of Saturn and Uranus.
Mundane astrology offers a fascinating perspective on the interconnectedness of cosmic and earthly events. By studying the movements of celestial bodies and their influence on world affairs, mundane astrologers provide valuable insights into the patterns and cycles that shape our collective experience. Whether predicting political changes, social movements, or natural disasters, this branch of astrology reminds us of the intricate web of connections that bind the universe and our planet.
As we navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the ancient wisdom of mundane astrology can serve as a guiding light, helping us understand the broader forces at play. Embracing this cosmic perspective allows us to see beyond the immediate and gain a deeper appreciation for the ebb and flow of history and its celestial counterparts.
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bonkerlon · 2 years
Chiron retrograde 2020
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Embrace the process, and by the end of December 15th, you might just feel a lot more whole.Chiron, the Wounded Healer, stations to begin its annual retrograde, in the sign of Aries, on July 11, 2020. When in retrograde, Chiron can help you look within and uncover the root of your insecurities, your pain, and the feeling that something is missing. It deals with your deepest wound and your lifelong mission to heal that wound. This is because this planet (which is technically an asteroid) is known as the “wounded healer” in astrology. This retrograde will not end until January 14th, 2021.Ĭhiron retrograde: July 11th – December 15thĬhiron retrograde is a great time for therapy. While the rest of the world might feel like they’re staying the same, you notice how much you change. When Uranus is retrograde, it encourages you to embrace a deep change within. Uranus is the planet of abrupt change, eccentricity, and innovation. Like Neptune, Uranus is also an inner planet, which makes its retrograde less frightening than it looks. Uranus retrograde: August 15th – January 14th (2021) Recommended: Monthly Horoscope November 2020 For Each Zodiac Sign. When retrograde Neptune ends on November 28th, it will be easier to drift into daydreams and romanticize everything. It can also reduce the overall glow and creativity. Since Neptune is the planet of dreams, fantasies, and illusions, retrograde Neptune can take off your rose-colored glasses and show you reality. However, don’t underestimate the impact it can have. You may not notice that Neptune is retrograde so intensely due to the fact that Neptune is an outer planet. Neptune retrograde: July 23rd – November 28th Luckily, it also helps you familiarize yourself with what makes you truly passionate in life, and by the time that ends on November 13th (aka Friday the 13th), you’ll have a better understanding of what it is. It can also cause problems in the bedroom and take away any motivation to get things done. This can cause dizziness and aggressive pushes. Mars is the planet of conflict, sexuality, and ambition, and when it is retrograde it is a real pain. Mars Retrograde is not a walk in the park. Mars retrograde: September 9th – November 13th Recommended: Scorpio Season 2020 is Here – Time to Embrace Your Transformations Mercury retrograde ends on November 3rd, which is also Election Day in the United States, in case you ever wondered what a trickster Mercury could be. Mercury is the planet of communication and logic, so this retrograde tends to cause misunderstandings, technological errors, and confusion. Luckily, you’re only dealing with what’s probably your least favorite retrograde for the first three days of November. Mercury retrograde: October 14th – November 3rd Chiron retrograde: July 11th – December 15th.Uranus retrograde: August 15th – January 14th (2021).Neptune retrograde: July 23rd – November 28th.Mars retrograde: September 9th – November 13th.Mercury retrograde: October 14th – November 3rd.Retrogrades often come out with a bang so here’s what you need to know: Also, a retrograde likes to create confusion and disharmony (especially if you are dealing with an inner planet).įortunately, no new retrogrades are starting and a few even end in November. For example, a retrograde can turn a planet’s energy inward rather than outward, encouraging a more introspective and thoughtful approach to the overall function of the planet in astrology.Īdditionally, as a retrograde planet technically traces its previous steps through the zodiac, it tends to bring up issues from your past that have not been resolved. There are a number of things that happen during a planetary downshift. The reason this matter is because Astrology is interested in Gaia’s perspective. The reason the term “apparent” is used is that planets do not literally move backward in their orbits they just seem to be doing it from your perspective here on Earth (aka Gaia). Even though five planets will be retrograde in November 2020, there is a lot more to the story than you might think.Ī retrograde is when a planet undergoes apparent retrograde motion. November is nowhere near as bad as October for all “retrograde” business. However, if you’d much rather deal with monsters, demons, and ghouls than a planetary retrograde, you can breathe a sigh of relief. October could technically be the scariest month of the year, but November certainly has a few things up its sleeve. If you are feeling totally disappointed that Halloween is over, don’t worry.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
6 अगस्त राशिफल | ऐसा रहेगा आपका दिन, देखिए क्या कहती है आपकी राशि?
6 अगस्त राशिफल | ऐसा रहेगा आपका दिन, देखिए क्या कहती है आपकी राशि?
वीडियो डेस्क, अमर उजाला.कॉम Updated Wed, 05 Aug 2020 10:40 PM IST
यहां देखिए क्या कहता है 6 अगस्त का आपका राशिफल इतना ही नहीं अब हर रोज दिन के हिसाब से जानिए अपना राशिफल।
अमर उजाला की खबरों को फेसबुक पर पाने के लिए लाइक करें &nbsp
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aadishaktijyotish · 4 years
मेष राशि मई 2020 राशिफल | mesh rashi may 2020 rashifal | Mesh rashi
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rashifal mesh rashi may 2020,mesh rashi may 2020,मेष राशि मई 2020,mesh rashi may 2020 in hindi,मेष राशिफल मई 2020,मेष मई 2020,मेष राशि may 2020,aadi shakti jyotish,mesh rashi may 2020,mesh rashi,rashi,मेष,mesh rashi 2020,mesh rashifal 2020,aries rashi 2020,2020 mesh rash,aries horoscope 2020,aries 2020,aries 2020 horoscop,2020…
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gingersaurus · 4 years
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Tag yourself, I’m trump gets corona
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blowthecandlesoutt · 5 years
the signs’ 2020
Aries: with Saturn leaving Capricorn, your ambitious, career driven side becomes more enjoyable and easier in the coming year. your professional and public relationships will grow and become healthier. while the first half of the year stays career-orientated and focused, the second calls your attention to the ways you communicate and love. with Mars spending time in Aries, you’re going to second-guess your goals, plans, and aspirations. impulsive decisions can get in the way of your peace and prosperity. keep a tight reign on your thought process. your relationships, friendships and romance-wise, will be called into focus from mid-2020 to March 2023. keep your friends close and positive. stay alert for romantic connections that will change your life.
Taurus: the mistakes of 2019 will follow you unless you make a major change that will be hard and extremely self-analytical. however, this change is vital and positive. your mistakes in the past year do not define you, and making this change will cause your relationships and self-image to be far happier, healthier, and beneficial. 2020 will offer you the opportunity to break out of your routine-oriented life. you will find yourself in new and exciting situations that are far out of your comfort zone, in a positive way that’ll offer learning and enlightenment. near the end of 2020, you will find yourself tying together what you have been working on for a long time. finishing up projects, finding new levels of self-actualization, and finding success is likely this year. your past relationships will only haunt you if you allow them. let go when appropriate. apologize when appropriate. you are mere baby steps away from something you have been waiting for.
Gemini: your 2020 is defined by your own innovative ideas and aspirations. with Venus retrograde in Gemini at the beginning of the year, your self-love calls for your focus. you will be able to harness your own ability to attract what you want and need for yourself. as the North Node heads into your sign, this only heightens your ability for self discovery, and your independence and love life will become key parts of you this coming year. however, as positive as this may sound, 2020 brings some hardships as well. Uranus brings forth hidden secrets and parts of yourself you’d rather not admit. watch your own impulsive tendencies; sometimes, it can be self-sabotage. some big questions that come up on this year are; Who can you depend on? Who can you trust? What do you attract?
Cancer: you are poised for a fresh-start this year. your friendships and co-dependent nature are up for questioning in the beginning of this year. who you depend on may not be healthiest for you. watch for your friends’ patterns and how they treat others. 2020 calls for you to protect yourself from manipulation. Jupiter spends some time in your sector at the beginning of the year, also, bringing committed relationships and even possible romance. wellness and wellbeing are boosted, and your motivation is at an all time high. your passion this year is unmatched and you are ready to face the world with what you can do. you can easily expand your world-view with these advantages at your side.
Leo: 2019 brought hardships and lost relationships. your easily-riled nature had possibly made you react poorly to situations that could have been avoided. this year, however, gives you opportunity to start anew. your focus on self-care continues through 2020, bringing your own personal needs to light. early 2020, there might be a bit of a reality check when it comes to relationships and health. however, this gives you a tremendous opportunity to rebuild and become better. Jupiter and Neptune offer new relationships in your life this year, and a subtle, quick-romance might come your way. however, this aspect is fleeting, and as the planets shift you learn to focus more on your own short-comings and accomplishments. this is the year to better yourself and make changes for the better.
Virgo: 2019 might have dug you into a hole, virgo. relationships faced hardships with mercury retrograde, however, with the new year, rebuilding is exactly what you needed. a “new you” is vital to your own mental health and prosperity. you are being challenged to work hard for your own success. venus spends some time in at the top of your solar chart, giving you new ways to find pleasure in your work or future plans. your motivation has struggled in the past few years, however, as the North Node follows Venus, you have the tools to fight this bad habit and continue your usual hard work. you play by different rules this year when it comes to relationships and romance. the Jupiter-Neptune transit is not one that favors commitment or defining romance. however, this does not mean relationships will struggle. simply, giving room to yourself and to your partner to grow will benefit everyone. falling in love is likely.
Libra: your new year will be filled with renovation and comfort. you’ll find a voice you hadn’t thought you had before, and forefront a change in your friend group, family, or relationship. this should not make you panic; 2020 brings you uplifting changes that’ll help you for years to come. with changes, however, you must focus on not becoming too rooted in your own agenda or beliefs. when turning a blind eye to new information or situations, you can appear ignorant or close-minded. be sure to keep your eyes open for new ideas that will suit you. this year is a perfect one for you to keep in touch with yourself. stay out of drama, and focus on your own growth and happiness. it’s okay to be a little self-centered this year.
Scorpio: your perspective on the world is called to a change this year. your ideas and beliefs are rooted deeply in your personality, Scorpio, however, you aren’t always right. these challenging bits of information and experiences will deepen your connection with others and the universe; you just have to learn to let go of the past to do so. home and family life come into focus later in the year. flaws in your home-life, relationships, and self are sure to come to surface. this is an opportunity to fix what has been broken long ago, and will be beneficial to everyone involved. excitement and change are in store for your personal relationships with Uranus opposing your sign. romantic partners come and go but leave lessons, happy memories, and a new insight on connection. this year, independence is important.
Sagittarius: your 2019 mistakes will not haunt you, Sagittarius, as much as it may seem they will. 2020 is a year for rebuilding and growing. your past year has put you through the ringer, and this year is going to let you show what you’ve learned. for the bigger part of 2020, Jupiter encourages you to push your own boundaries and deepen your sense of security. in order to enjoy this, however, you must let go of things weighing you down from the past. Jupiter and Pluto come together to give you the resources to do so, as well as the encouragement and drive to persevere. you may be turning over a new leaf in some form of partnership; whether it’s with a new person or an old friend whom you’ve changed your mind about. a flood of emotional intensity could be connected to this, and by the end of it, you may come out the other end slightly battered. keep your eyes out for red flags and false personas.
Capricorn: your sign is usually not the focus of the zodiac, Cap. however, 2020 changes that. there may be a fall-out with a close friend or relationship in the beginning months of 2020, and your sense of extreme independence is called into question. are you really trying to make everything right in the world, or simply trying to push your own agenda? this question plays on repeat this year as you struggle to keep relationships together. let go, Capricorn, and allow the universe to pull you where you need to be. this year is a powerful one for lifestyle changes, connections, and confidence. you have the ability to work hard and make whatever you desire a reality. you find yourself creatively inspired, through romantic relationships and recreational activities. one thing you will find this year that you’ve never had years prior is time to enjoy yourself and relax. 2020 brings you an enlightening and self-critical time in which you will come out of stronger and happier.
Aquarius: your private-life is called into question this year, and background activity are brought into the light. this can also mean your subconscious, your deepest desires and your karma. if you have been feeling guilty of something that has happened in the past, 2020 gives you the tools to let go and move on. you have been seeking closure that you won’t get. moving forward seems impossible. although 2020 does not offer the ability to fully do so, 2021 brings moving on into full bloom. 2020 gives you the strength to analyze what has been bothering you and observe it objectively. Jupiter moves into your solar twelfth house, which shows you the positive in situations and puts an end to outdated attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that have been holding you back. There is a lot of inner work and preparation on your part that needs to happen, and though this will be no walk in the park, your relationships and self esteem will benefit greatly.
Pisces: your social life is a main focus in the new year, which will cause sweeping changes in your company. this brings improvements and a higher ability to be your true authentic self. when you surround yourself with those who love the real you, your self-esteem flourishes. though losing close relationships will be hard, 2020 brings a promise that this is meant to be, and will better your own life and self. your interests this year will become far more eclectic and new, and you’ll find yourself becoming interested in things you never have been before. this will broaden your horizons and teach you new skills you’ll use later. watch yourself, you may feel pushed to alienate anyone who doesn’t serve a purpose in your life. take a hard look at your relationships and how you look at people. you don’t want to lose anyone you might miss.
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teamastroyogi · 5 years
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scared-aquarius · 4 years
signs as yellow things
Tomorrow, green. Happy Pride!
Aries warning signs, lightning bolts, mac n’ cheese, trumpets
Taurus cheese platters, haystacks, potato chips, twine rope
Gemini canaries, pineapples, snapchat, lemonade
Cancer raincoats, scrambled eggs, bumblebees, rubber ducks
Leo gold bars, sunflowers, taxis, golden retrievers
Virgo baguettes, wheat fields, aged paper, burt’s bees lip balm
Libra mangoes, sandy beaches, flowering tea, custard
Scorpio cat eyes, sulfur, tree sap, cheetahs
Sagittarius dandelions, giraffes, smiley faces, french fries
Capricorn school buses, amber, lemon squares, medallions
Aquarius waffles, stars, honeycomb, ouija boards
Pisces blonde hair, pencils, buttercups, banana taffy
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astroseri · 4 years
New Moon in Scorpio ♏️
November 15th (2-4 week Horoscope)
Through the Signs (Ascendant & Moon):
New moons periods are good for planting seeds 🌱 The seeds usually sprout/manifest in subsequent full moons (can be multiple).
Aries ♈️
Your seeds and actions will manifest transformations & breakthroughs. Starting new things with your actions or changing old ways of doing things will be successful. Also, Aries may be indulging in sex with someone in their community or who lives from a short distance from them. The thought will weigh on your mind 👀 Anyway, you will feel extremely productive during this time. Mars is finally direct so you will feel relieved as you begin to make progress that wasn’t possible before. You will make changes to your routine or work that allow you more freedom and efficiency. You will feel powerful/unstoppable right now.  You could make transformations to your status. Overall you could experience more harmony in relationships or be meeting a new partner (Venus is in your 7th house). They may be clashing or be in the way of your drive to get things done though. (Venus opposite mars) You could be changing your perspective or your physique/appearance🦵 during this time. 👁👃👁  You could also be doing work in your community or neighborhood (it could be going through transformations). Mars (your planet) is going direct  in Aries and the New Moon is powering it up in Scorpio (the other sign of mars). Accomplishing your desires is a breeze for you during this time.
Taurus ♉️ 
 Your shadow side is likely to come out regarding your desire to break free from the manipulative nature of people or siblings 😒😡. It will come out unconsciously (unless you are an early degree Taurus 0-2°) -- because lilith is in the early degrees of Taurus. You will feel inwardly rebellious, but breaking free may feel difficult (it’s your fear of losing stability, of course). On a positive note you can manifest transformative relationships or partnerships that will push you forward. People you know will be trying to support you subconsciously and transform your perspective during this time. You could feel highly creative or artistic during this time and be socializing more than usual, especially on the internet 🌐
Your partners may change their appearance or presentation. Or you may meet a powerful new partner during this time. Likely a foreigner or someone from a different culture. In general am seeing that your relationships during this time will go through new beginnings and you will experience powerful new adventures and revelations. fun fact: Despite their immobility, Tauruses secretly crave adventure, knowledge and fulfilling their spontaneous explorative and sexual desires.
Gemini ♊️ 
You will probably be transforming your routine drastically and on a whim. To something much better. Aunts/Uncles, Distant family and daughters could play a role in your next weeks. You could encounter a sexy or powerful foreigner (pluto is conjunct jupiter in your 8th) and start a partnership. Whether you end up meeting someone like this or not, you will notice someone like this. It will be in your daily routine or job. Either sexy or powerful. In the case you are starting a new relationship during this time I am betting they are likely to be from a past life or be someone highly spiritual (south node in your 7th). Right now it’s all about you though (N. Node in 1st). I feel like Gemini’s may be diving deep into conspiracies or taboo subjects during this time as well.
Cancer ♋️ 
 You could be transforming the way you present yourself to others during this time 💁🏾‍♀️. You may be receiving groundbreaking information from others especially sisters during the next month. A son may decide to “leave the house.” But you may be doing so too; you may feel a need to get out more. Similar to gemini you will be capable of encountering a sexy or powerful foreigner during the coming weeks. Instead of being from work though, it will be from your neighborhood/city. Likely while having fun, going shopping, or going out, you will enable this encounter (it’s in your 5th house). Like I said with gemini, if you’re not meeting this foreigner, you may at least catch a glimpse of one.
Leo ♌️ 
 You may feel a need to express yourself more harmoniously 🕊. You may have reflected on wounds to your ego (☀️💔😔)  recently or you will be . You will set new emotional beginnings and family beginnings. You could be conceiving this month (especially if you want a child). It’s more likely going to be a son—less likely it could be daughter (mercury is in your 4th). Mercury is usually boys, 4th is womb. If it is a girl she could be intelligent and energetic like a boy. I’m seeing that some really blessed/powerful kids will be conceived by Leos this month (Jupiter conjunct Pluto). Other than kids this is basically about blessed/powerful expressions. They will make an impact. You will be planting powerful creative seeds. Others may transform your beliefs during this time with their unconventional thoughts. You may make powerful transformations at work or with your routine.
Virgo ♍️
Virgo, you will be moving full throttle the next 2 weeks. You’re channeling Aries energy during this time. You could find yourself transforming your physique/appearance --> 💇🏻‍♂️. In general you will be planting a lot of intellectual seeds and acquiring knowledge from your investigations. You will be tempted to dig up a lot of dirt during this time. You are the king/queen of thinking about dark and negative topics. As well as investigating corruption and manipulation 🔍.. You will likely express yourself effectively at work during this month. You will be innovative and a high achiever at work. But an individual may misconstrue your rebelliousness and powerful expressions as you being toxic or full of yourself 😒 (you are simply stepping into your power).
Libra thru Pisces.
Libra ♎️ - Libra, you will be making a transformation in your values, appearance or possessions. Manifesting a new appearance will be highly effective during this time. You could be making drastic transformations in your home and your emotional comfort zone. You also may be starting a new financial venture with someone, especially through a deal or contract. You have a lot of value right now (venus is in your 1st house). You are an attractive prospect. Be careful, others could be a little unfair in the financial agreement, be gaining more from you, or have an unspoken desire to be free. You are valuable. You will have a tendency to be self-sacrificing and easygoing during this time so set firm boundaries and be clear with others about what you can tolerate.
Scorpio ♏️ - Scorpio, this is your time. You will have no trouble changing your appearance or even perspective right now. Your routine, diet or workout regiment could be the source of the transformation. You will be going hard at your routine and at work. Partners may be trying to break free from your grip during this time or be seeming to act toxic but it’s because they are analyzing all the power people like you have over them. Try to give them space and step back for a while before resuming your grip lol. On the other hand, you may find yourself to be more communicative and expressive during this time. Your deep thoughts will be well received right now and will influence others. Others understand you abnormally well. People may share your passion about a subject and be supporting your point of view, which may feel strange and out of the norm as a Scorpio. Enjoy it.
Sagittarius ♐️ - You will be highly creative during this time 👨🏽‍🎨. And you will feel an unnatural insight into your emotions 🌙. Out of all the signs, you are the most likely to be receiving gains in capital during this time. These could be enormous (you have Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in your natural 2nd house and Venus in your natural 11th house.) —bill gates has this in his chart, except venus in 5th (i’m not saying your going to become bill gates rich tho lol but you can on the INSIDE at least). Remember new moons are seeds, so more than likely this will be a very lucrative idea (seed) coming to mind. It’s up to you to put your inspirations to action. This is a great time for you to meditate and quiet your mind so you can be open to receiving random ideas throughout the day. Partnerships are favored during this time 🤝. You could have a breakthrough at work or have a need to break free (get some space).
Capricorn ♑️ - Other people’s expressions will inspire transformations in your perception and actions 🤔💡. You may consume or receive some information online that changes your perspective on life and makes you see things through a deeper lens. You could make improvements to your physique, routine and workout regiment. You may also feel a desire to change the way you present yourself to others. Capricorns may want to express their unconventional beliefs and ideas. This may feel disorienting to others (who know you for your practicality), who are used to your practical side. They may be critical of your expressions (out of fear or discomfort). Make sure you are being concise in your presentation of information, and paying attention to details. Your unconventional ideas are actually very appealing to others once you present them well (Venus is in your 10th). On a side note, transformations to your appearance or public image will be highly supported during this time 🤩
Aquarius ♒️ - Along with many other signs, there the theme of transforming appearance or presentation for Aquarius (this will be supported during this time). It could either be your outlook or your physical appearance that you are positively transforming by planting manifestation, actions and intentions. You may decide to release a lot of subconscious junk 🧠 🚮 Emotional transformations and purges 😭 are possible. This could also manifest as making changes in your home (a complete revamp) or maybe moving.  Also, the New Moon is taking place in Aquarius’ 10th house. New beginnings in status, career or public image. These changes will be powerful. The outcome could be massive increases in value and achievement. During this time you may come up with groundbreaking inventions, but probably ones that you have trouble putting into physical matter (they have never been done before). Also you could be creating deeply creative art or expressing enlightening ideas 🗣💡  right now.
Pisces ♓️ - New beginnings in learning and education. These personal studies and knowledge will spark ideas for inventions and unconventional creations. Your below-the-surface perception makes you highly creative, pisces 🐳.! The positive seeds that others plant in your mind during this time will manifest through your actions later 🗣  --> 💡. You are likely to be creating a lot of art or inventions during this time. In general, you could be focused on your finances, building wealth at work or sharing value through your own expression to others. In any case you will certainly reap financial gains from the actions you take right now. 
*Pisces, whenever you take action it tends to increase your self-worth and value (your actions and wealth are very interlinked). Perhaps it is because you are so creative. Whenever you do practical things, the outcome is very beautiful to others (they are like --> 😮)
Thanks for reading!
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zodiacqueenn · 4 years
Who you daydream of fucking
Aries: Libra
Taurus: Gemini
Gemini: Pisces
Cancer: Sagittarius
Virgo: Aquarius
Leo: Virgo
Libra: Scorpio
Scorpio: Aries
Capricorn: Taurus
Aquarius: Leo
Pisces: Cancer
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Beatus Solstitium
Happy Solstice, new moon, and solar eclipse my fellow stargazers. I’m sure all of you can cut this potent celestial energy with a knife. Throw in Mercury’s quarterly retrograde and there’s no doubt your chakras are on overdrive right now.  The second half of 2020 has major transformational energy coming our way. And today of all days is the best time to manifest the blessings you want to make their way to you. Manifestation energy is best on a new moon but not only that, solstices and solar eclipses are prime times to do so as well. Unlike Lunar eclipses that are better for banishing and sometimes bring unwanted occurrences or feelings of melancholy, solar eclipses honor their namesake and bring light and benefic changes into our lives.  But remember, the universe helps those who help themselves so if you do anything today, even if it’s speaking your intentions out loud, do not be afraid to do so. This is an auspicious time to call in good health, honor, and riches. The current celestial climate brings people together and is a good omen for ending conflict through peace negotiations. That is also a facet of Mercury Rx. Think about it, has anyone from your past come in contact with you again? Are their opportunities coming your way that looked hopeless and grim even just a month ago? For those of you who dabble in cartomancy, feel free to do a spread on what you can expect in the last 6 months of the year and how to get the best out of it? Since Tarot is not affected by Mercury’s backspin [Mercury rules the 6th house of work and routine and Tarot is about the 8th and 12th houses] the messages you received with still be clear. Still, be mindful that other powers are at play, you’ll see this in the social/ societal reconditioning of many nations throughout the world. People are awakening. That’s the energy of Pluto and Saturn retrograde still going on. You might find that you’re asking yourself “is what I’m doing in my day to day, serving my spiritual evolution?” Pay attention if this inquiry crosses your mind. Self-care is paramount during cosmic moments like these. Protecting and nurturing ourselves and others is more important than ever, and that's where we’ll find solace. Changes may even occur without your assistance. Be sure to check your transits but just in case you needed a little help getting started...
How the Solstice/Eclipse will affect your sign:
You’ll be hit right in the feels. Nostalgia might be at play more than usual and aspects of your home life may shift. In fact, changes in your foundation may shift completely. Are you ready to move out?
Speaking from the heart will elevate your power. Why? Because this eclipse will affect your house of communication. You might find yourself having difficult conversations with friends or family members. Look out for misunderstandings [there may be a few] and be sure to approach discussions with as much diplomacy as you can.  Your grounded natures can help you find the best solution and come out with fair and balanced understandings from both sides.
Pay attention to your coins. Be resourceful with your money and save up. Why? Because the eclipse is affecting your house of income and value. I know your dad is on vacation at the moment but it would be best to use all that analytical prowess and be extra vigilant regarding your savings. Is the gamble on that game really worth it, honey? Make sure there are no glitches in your money flow that could be avoided. Your future self will thank you.
It’s your season right now so anything you’re dealing with will most likely affect your house of self. As a result, self-care is paramount. Take time to just sit with your feelings and practice some much-needed TLC. Embrace your emotions and softer sentiments. Utilize mediation [I beg you] and see how a few moments of undisturbed peace can make a difference.
The same that was said for Cancer can be said for you. The solstice will be affecting your house of spirituality ruled by Neptune. The house of the hidden. Take time to be introspective, meditate, study. Turn your phone off and really take some time to tune out the world. You never know what insights might hit you out of nowhere. What could be revealed to you during your unconscious moments? What you could see or what could be revealed in your dreams.
The eclipse will pinpoint your house of friends and community. your place in the world/society as a whole. Don't be shocked if relationships and dynamics within your social group start shifting or redefining themselves. Eclipses bring about inevitable changes, so your acquaintances/friends might be showcasing sides of themselves you didn’t know where there. Their true colors, so to speak, for better or worse.
This solar blackout will be affecting your house of reputation and career my peace-loving friends. Get ready for some shifts in the way you approach things in your public sector. You're examining and reevaluating where you stand in your work life/space. Changes are inevitable here. It’s up to you to make the most of it. Will you?
The house of exploration and the higher mind is getting hit from all sides, my fellow arachnids.  Jupiter is working overtime here. You might find yourself daydreaming about new places, exploration, etc. In general, higher-minded activities will bring you happiness. Learning new things from different people from different places can bring you more wealth and happiness than you’d expect.
Heavy 8th house energy coming at you, Sag. Your house of transformation will be affected by this solar eclipse. Resources, other people’s money or inheritances, what people find mysterious and raw about you or aspects of your life, sex in general. But you might find freedom in realizing where you can push your boundaries. Enjoy the transformative ride toward growth.
House of relationships and love will be at the forefront of this eclipse for you.  Love may create issues, so boundaries are important. Take time for yourself. Take time to listen to the one you feel is most important to you. Your relationships in general could see some changes. By taking the time to really evaluate what’s going on, you can isolate any molehills before they become mountains.
6th house energy hitting you all day, Aqua. Your daily routines, mundane matters, schedules, work-- all of that. Changes will be seen there. You may even find yourself seeking a new routine. Go for it. It will be beneficial to your overall vibe.
Hope you all are doing okay out here. For such an empathetic sign, the current energies have to be a lot for you to handle. This is why you’ll need to may attention to what makes you happy. Your house of pleasure and fun, children, and merriment will be affected during this time. You’ll see changes occurring there that will bring sweet sweet rewards. Connections deepening with others. Stronger ties. Questions that you’ve always had about these things? Now’s the time to discuss them.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
5 अगस्त राशिफल | ऐसा रहेगा आपका दिन, देखिए क्या कहती है आपकी राशि?
5 अगस्त राशिफल | ऐसा रहेगा आपका दिन, देखिए क्या कहती है आपकी राशि?
अमर उजाला डॉट कॉम Updated Tue, 04 Aug 2020 09:11 PM IST
यहां देखिए क्या कहता है 5 अगस्त का आपका राशिफल इतना ही नहीं अब हर रोज दिन के हिसाब से जानिए अपना राशिफल।
अमर उजाला की खबरों को फेसबुक पर पाने के लिए लाइक करें &nbsp
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drindyeinstein · 4 years
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Mars Retrograde in Aries September 9th-Nov 13th, 2020
On September 9th, Mars officially retrogrades in Aries at the 28.08 degree and will stay in this energy until November 13th. We will not see another Mars Retrograde until the year 2022 starting October 30th in the sign of Gemini.
What exactly is Mars Retrograde? During this time, Mars gives off the illusion that it is moving backwards or slowing down (although it really isn’t). The keyword is illusion as illusions as illusions are meant to be looked at symbolically vs literally. During the time of Mars retrograding, we are to “slow down” and “move backwards” when it comes to our actions aka we are to reflect on our actions and our past actions. What can we improve? How can we switch up our approach to do things more efficiently? This is the time to reassess what is working and what isn’t working when it comes to our actions. This is not the time to act on impulse, this is the time to tame our instincts because not always is an instinct rooted in truth sometimes instincts are rooted in trauma. This is also the time where Mars energy will be shifted inwards vs outwards. Mars becomes more “yin” or passive vs “yang” or direct. This is the time to take accountability for your actions. During this time you may notice that you direct feelings of resentment, tension, aggression, etc towards yourself. Please be sure to take it easy, especially as Mars is in Aries. Learn how to healthily channel and transmute your anger so that you are not inflicting harm on yourself. This period doesn’t mean that you should suppress your “nature”. This simply is a time to think before you react.
The last time Mars retrograded was June-August of 2018 in the sign of Aquarius. During the time of Mars retrograding in Aquarius/Capricorn, this was the time of resisting situations where we felt we couldn’t be in control of our lives, revisiting old friendships/connections, and displaying detached energy. We may have lost interest in the things we normally desire or lost faith in our goals. We had to question the way we handled matters surrounding friends, career, rules, authority, business, electronics, etc. Think back to what happened during that time of your life and expect these things to finally complete their cycle. This current Mars retrograde will be the finally reassessment before the burst of vitality we will begin to feel again.
Mars retrograding in Aries (its natural sign) starting 9/9 asks that we become patient with our actions, instincts, aggression, + impulses. With this starting during Virgo season, we are being asked to reconsider if our actions are organized and structured in a healthy manner to obtain our goals in an efficient way. We are being asked to slow down so that we do not negatively affect our health. We are being asked to heal (especially from mother wounds/family issues/self identity issues) so that we do not continue climbing a mountain with broken legs to the point where the damage becomes irreversible. This is also the time where our fears or “fight or flight” reactions will be triggered so that we can see what is causing these triggers + how to heal them. With Mars retrograding in Aries at the 28th degree, this is the time to slow down your movement so that you won’t miss important downloads the universe wants to send to you. Also be careful with signing contracts during this time. Take the time to carefully read them. Marriages may be delayed.
September 9th also happens to be the amplification of the “9” energy as the date is 9/9. 9 symbolizes the ending right before the new beginning. 9 is also ruled by Mars (the irony lol). This is the time to recharge ourselves so that we have enough energy once this is over to rebuild much needed new systems/structures.
Check to see where Aries 28 degrees is located in your chart. This is the area of your life that will be affected by this retrograde the most. Remember it is a retrograde so the degrees will be going backwards. 
Twitter: AlchemistIndy
Youtube: Alchemist Indy Luv
IG: Indy the Alchemist
Tik Tok: AlchemistIndy
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