#argyle week
judasofsuburbia · 10 months
for good || argyle week day one: missing scenes
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rating: teen and up || pairing: argyle and jonathan || word count: 1113
day one of @argyledaily 's argyle week: missing scenes
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"Has anyone seen Argyle?" Jonathan asks. They're still coming down from El going into Vecna's mindfuck palace via the Surfer Boy pizza dough freezer. Mike and Will are holding El on the floor and the general chaos has died down but everyone is still a little shaken. 
“He's in the van smoking I think,” Mike responds with the indifference that Jonathan has become accustomed to. Even amongst the draining atmosphere that was the last few hours of their lives, Mike can still find a way to be a little shit. 
Jonathan rolls his eyes and pushes open the front door of the Surfer Boy Pizza. Sure enough, the van doors are propped open. But Jonathan doesn't see any smoke.
Jonathan calls out for Argyle and hears a muttered, “In here.”
When Jonathan appears on the other side of the open van doors, Argyle is curled into himself. His chin is resting on his knees, his long hair making a curtain of sorts around his face, and his eyes are streaming with tears. He looks up at Jonathan, absolutely defeated, and Jonathan’s breath catches in his throat. 
“Dude,” Jonathan breathes, coming to sit next to Argyle. His arms hover for a minute before deciding that yes, they should be put around Argyle at this moment, and he does just that.
Jonathan holds him for a few silent minutes, the only noise being Argyle’s sniffles. He’s never held Argyle like this, not seriously. Argyle will throw an arm around him sometimes, leading him to whatever shenanigans they have going on. It’s always playful and is dropped a minute later. This is much, much different.
Argyle’s knees drop down and Jonathan goes to move his arms off but then Argyle is tucking his head into Jonathan’s shoulder and oh, okay, comforting is still going. Argyle's had a few freak outs the last few days, rightfully so, but usually a blunt brought him down to a more mellow place, for better or for worse.
That's not what he needs right now though.
Jonathan starts to rub his arms up and down Argyle’s and Argyle’s breathing starts to become steady again so it must be helping. 
“She does that a lot?” Argyle croaks.
“Uh,” Jonathan inhales to buy himself some time. “Not since we moved, no.”
Argyle hums and whispers, “Scary.”
“Yeah,” Jonathan agrees softly.
“Is that why you moved?” Argyle asks.
Jonathan could spin this. Openly lie like the NDAs would tell him to do. But god damn it, the last few days have already rendered those documents useless. Argyle’s seen it. Not all of it, but a damn lot of it. Too much of it. Literally just helped them get El in between worlds like that. 
Jonathan’s never been a great liar anyway.
“Yeah,” Jonathan answers. “Hawkins, where we were, kinda the cesspool of all those bad things. We thought we’d get away…maybe it would die down. Go away for good.”
Argyle moves his head so it’s off of Jonathan’s shoulder and looks at him seriously. Jonathan once again feels the need to let go but Argyle’s hand stops him. His strong fingers wrap around Jonathan's.
“Why is it her? She’s so…small. Young. Will, too. Fuck, they all are. Hell, we are! They’re so small, why are they fighting this? Why are you fighting this…thing?” Argyle bursts out in a frantic ramble, his voice desperate and strained. Jonathan flinches and Argyle’s shoulders drop. “Sorry, just…that’s fucked.”
“You’re right,” Jonathan says with a shaky exhale. “It is totally fucked. No one in Hawkins would listen to us. El, she…she came from the people responsible. Or at least, the people that knew about it and interacted with it. They…trained her for it. Knew she was special and exploited her. She escaped then Will got caught up in it a few years back. The…thing. It kidnapped him. El saved him. And kept saving everything over and over again‒”
Argyle’s eyes look so, so sorrowful that Jonathan stops talking. He’s never had to explain this to anyone else before. All the people in his life know about this. Witnessed it firsthand. He knows that it’s fucked but he’s never had to drag someone else into it. 
But Argyle's witnessed a lot in the last few days. Way more than he ever should have had to. Jonathan opens his mouth to apologize but then--
“You’re so brave, my man,” Argyle breathes.
Jonathan freezes. His body feels too warm, his skin itching to get off of his bones. The moment feels too intimate. Yet, he fights his instincts to pull away. Something in his brain tells him this moment is too important.
“I‒” Jonathan’s tongue feels too big for his mouth, “I mean‒you. You-- you're brave. You like... helped us. You could’ve kicked us to the curb days ago.”
“Nah man,” Argyle interrupts, a little stern. “You needed help. I’ll always help you.”
Jonathan sighs with a soft smile and Argyle’s fingernails trace circles into his palm. It sends a shiver up Jonathan’s arm. He doesn’t fight it.
“Is that where your mom is? Down where El‒”
“No,” Jonathan cuts him off to help shake the mental image that started to form. “I don’t where she is. I don’t think it’s Alaska,” Jonathan’s laugh is pitiful. 
“Why would she just leave?” Argyle asks.
Jonathan shrugs and his eyes sting with tears. “I don’t…I don’t know. I wish she hadn’t.”
Argyle wraps his arms around Jonathan’s torso and pulls him in for a hug. Jonathan starts to cry into his hair. Argyle cries again too. Jonathan's never cried in front of him before.
It feels so good to be held while they’re crying. Neither of them can remember the last time someone just held them like this. Let them release everything that was bottled up inside into reckless, ugly sobs. 
It’s the first time they’ve ever truly hugged. This also feels good. 
They must cry into each other for at least five minutes, maybe ten. It’s Argyle who pulls away first and wipes his tears and snot with the sleeve of his shirt. Jonathan lets out a little laugh and pulls his collar up to do the same. They’re still holding each other. Argyle is rubbing circles into the middle of his back.
“How do we end this thing?” Argyle whispers. “For good.”
Jonathan turns his head to look back at the front of the van. He looks back at Argyle, his best friend, really his only friend, whose look of determination sets something alight in him. 
“Are you down for a longer road trip?”
Argyle nods with his lips pursed, the vulnerability of the last few moments slipping into a newly found, almost easy sense of purpose. A look that says, "For you, dude? Anything."
This makes Jonathan smile. 
“Let’s get that motherfucker," Argyle declares.
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donttellunclesam · 3 months
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subway ride home from pride <3
(close ups under the cut)
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wild-e-eep · 1 month
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Floating Islands #FencepostOfTheWeek
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gmaybe666 · 7 months
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it’s getting dicey!!!!!!
part five of my comic ‘roadtrip’
part four, part three, part two, part one
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@steddie-week Day 4 - body swap
i'm challenging myself to keep each of these at 660 words; see day one for more of an explanation!
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“Eddie! Eddie wake up!”
Steve’s own sleepy face blinks up at him confused, then snaps into shock when his body throws itself backward and nearly off the bed. “Jesus H. Christ!”
“What the fuck is happening, Eddie?!”
“Yeah it’s Steve, and this is not my dick!”
Steve watches his own face shift into a scowl, “Why’re you looking at my dick?!”
“How else am I supposed to piss? I didn’t even realize there was something wrong until I fuckin’ whipped it out!” Steve feels his throat strain as his voice pitches higher, “Lo’ and behold, I look in the mirror and your stupid face is staring back at me!”
“Hey! My face isn’t stupid.”
“You’re right, it’s the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen,” he says, voice teetering on sarcastic. “Now what in the actual fuck is happening?!”
Eddie opens his mouth to reply, and there’s no doubt it’d be scathing, but instead, Steve watches the color drain from his face.
“Oh fuck”
“Oh fuck! I’m so sorry Steve.”
“For what??”
“I– Okay, we were pretty toasted last night but I distinctly remember thinking– wishing I suppose– that you could..” Eddie gulps once, loudly, and it’s weird to see so much of the  mannerisms he’s learned to pick up on whenever he’s around the other man, plastered on his own face..
“...You wished?” He leads when Eddie doesn’t continue.
“I wished that you could see me the way I see you.“
Now it’s Steve's turn to let the cogs turn.
He can recognize the tone of his own voice, the vulnerable lilt to it. Eddie’s nervous.
Eddie wanted Steve to see him the way.. Does that mean..Eddie also has feelings for him?
Instead of unpacking all that, Steve says, “And you think that’s what happened here?”
Eddie huffs a sigh, he still hasn’t made eye contact with him (himself?). “I mean, sure, that’s what always happens with wishes, the genie plays with your words.”
“Always.” Steve deadpans, watching Eddie run his fingers (Steves! Steve’s own fingers!) though his (again, Steve’s!) hair
“Yeah! They always twist shit around to teach you some fucked up lesson, or just to fuck with you.” Eddie starts to chew on one of the aforementioned fingers then, nibbling on what Steve knows is some unseen flaw on his cuticle.
“Eddie, genies aren’t real.”
“Yeah, well, until this past spring, I didn’t think that monsters from another dimension were real either.'' The same finger goes back to his teeth once he’s finished talking, and, curious, Steve looks down at his (Eddie's, damn this is still weird) same finger, the pointer of his right hand. There’s a noticeable divot in the skin there on the side of his nailbed, and it’s pink still, recently gnawed.
“Dude! Don’t chew my finger off!”
Eddie ignores the request, “You’re not gonna say anything?”
“About what? My poor finger?”
“No! About—” he cuts himself off, dropping the hand to wipe his finger on the leg of his pants. “Nevermind, what are we gonna do about this?”
“No, what were you going to say?”
“Nothing man, let’s just figure this out.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll say it then; Argyle’s actually a genie and his “super mellow” La Uva Loca made us swap bodies because you think I don’t find you as hot as you find me.” Steve looks at his own face, jaw dropped and eyes wide in surprise..and promises himself to never make that face again. “If I knew it was going to cause such a problem, I would’ve told you how I felt a while ago.”
Eddie blinks once more, then rolls his eyes, “Ha Ha Ha, very funny Steve. Now really, what are we going to do?”
“I wasn’t kidding Eddie. I’ve thought you were hot since we found you at Rick’s.”
Eddie’s gaping again.
“And sure, it’ll be weird, but I have an idea.”
He sighs, “Alright, sure. Lay it on me, big boy.”
Steve grins, “Kiss me.”
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on AO3 here!
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findafight · 1 year
More stranger things fic should have the teens laughing and giggling about sex. Like. Do you remember being 18?? Of course Steve kept saying boobies that shits hilarious. Sex is a funny thing and it can be silly and soft and intimate but it's also sooo funny to talk about. Like. There can be serious convos but oh my god let someone giggle when they hear the word "blowjob".
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fleouriarts · 6 months
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deer jane for the anon who wanted more of my furry design for her... anon i hope you're still out there to see this...!
detail shot + the ref pic under the cut
originally finished 4-7-2024
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ref pic is by brendon burton, i changed the color grading up cus i misremembered it as being warmer than it actually was LOL
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natty-f · 1 year
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day 5 - steve&jon + another char / argyle
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Cat Distribution System
Week #13 Prompt: Cat or Farmer's Market | Word Count: 587 | Rating: T | POV: Argyle | Characters: Argyle, Jonathan | CW: Language, Recreational Weed Use | Tags: Modern AU, Silly Fluff, Argyle Goes To Get One Kind of Brownie, Comes Home With Another
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"You bought a cat? At the farmer's market?" Jonathan asks.
No, no, no. 
Is he goofy? Has Jonathan already been smoking the ol' sticky icky icky without him? That won't do. He was supposed to wait on Argyle to go get the good brownies at the farmer's market. You know, the good ones. If you can follow that drift. 
But buy a cat? Of course not. You can't buy cats at the farmer's market. Cats are just at the farmer's market sometimes, and then you just…take one home. If you want. If you're chosen. If the cat distribution system is smiling down upon you and yours.
Then, and only then, you get a cat. And it gets to not be homeless anymore. Win-win for everyone. But his buddy Jonathan looks concerned. There's no room for concern here. Only happiness at their good fortune at winning today's cat lottery.
So, yeah. Argyle wanted. He definitely wanted. A cat? Who wouldn't want a cat? What a fun brochacho to add to the house. Cats have the best energy. Having a cat will be way better than hiring someone expensive to Feng Shui the place. 
"Argyle? Are you listening to me?" Jonathan says, more snappish this time. What bee is in his bonnet? 
The cat is wiggling and squirming, and Argyle puts him down. He immediately darts away.
"Little, dude. Wait! You gotta meet Jonathan. He's your other dad. I told you about him!"
"Argyle," Jonathan says, and he looks exasperated. But he always looks like that, so Argyle isn't concerned. "I don't think I'm meant to be a cat dad. I'm allergic."
"Not anymore, dude," Argyle is happy to inform him. He knows this. His uncle's cousin on Margy's side has a friend who knows a guy from work who was able to, like, stop being allergic. To his own cat. Not to other cats. But to his own. 
Through love.
Or exposure.
Either way. It happened. And BAM! No more allergy to Mr. Snaggletooth. Or Fred. Argyle doesn't know what that cat's name is, but it's probably something real good.
"My cat allergy doesn't exist?" Jonathan asks, and immediately wipes at his eyes that do look a little watery and red.
But it's psychosomatic. Or the weed. Argyle's sure of it.
Or, maybe the cat exposure therapy takes longer than five minutes. Maybe it'll take a day. But once you've claimed your cat as your cat, then you won't be allergic. Because the cat is family now, and you can't be allergic to your family. It's against the universe or some shit. For sure. Argyle's absolutely certain.
"Say he's your cat," Argyle demands.
"Declare it."
Well, he doesn't have to say it out loud. He just needs to think it. And surely he's thinking it. 
"You won't be allergic tomorrow," Argyle informs Jonathan, and then hands over the sack of special brownies that he bought from behind the curtain, before he found Brownie the cat. 
He should probably formally introduce Jonathan.
"His name is Brownie," Argyle states.
"He's not brown?" Jonathan questions, but takes the tray of brownies out of the sack, inspecting them.
"No, but he was near the brownies. And we have brownies. And now we have him. It's a Brownie day. All around."
Jonathan doesn't look excited about Brownie the cat, but he does look happy about the brownies, as he takes a big bite.
Argyle smiles. That's it. One or two of those, and Jonathan will love Brownie.
He'll love everything.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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hey-hey-j · 7 months
Lately I've been annoying my brother by doing this thing where I point at the movie we're watching and name which of the actors have been in a Dreamworks movie
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
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if you ignore the depression this is how ex1 went right
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astrangersummer · 3 months
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Thank you to everyone who participated!
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or maybe we don't by @ataliagold
tumblr | ao3 | steddie | G | 1280 words
like sunshine on skin, a warm blanket in winter by @xzerosparrowx
tumblr | steddie | M | 1061 words
dude is happy by @thisapplepielife
tumblr | jonathan, argyle | T | 1010 words
got the giggles by @arelliann
tumblr | steddie | G | art
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divider by @/cafekitsune this list will not be updated for any late entries
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I don’t care if you ship jargyle or not you have to admit that he did wonders for Jonathan. This is really the first season where we have seen Jonathan behave as a teenager and I enjoyed seeing him outside of caregiver.
And it’s a huge part of my skate au that I am writing. I feel like there is so much to explore with Jonathan’s growth. To see him make more friends and be young and dumb for once.
I’ve been avoiding being on here too much while writing. This piece is very special to me and it’s been great to kinda build onto Argyle as a character without too much influence from the fandom.
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wild-e-eep · 1 month
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When your path marker-posts look like this, you know you are in for a boggy time! ^_^
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These posts, show the insigna of the Dalriada Project, which built a path network around The Kilmartin Glen area. 
The path was new (and posts completely devoid of lichen) in 2010. 
The path I took - between Cairnbaan and Dunadd - is holding up fairly well. It has some really excellent plastic boardwalk sections, but there are some slippery stone slab sections and some very slippery wooden plank sections, which would make me shy of recommending it for anyone without good balance.
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lexirosewrites · 4 months
(explanation in comments or tags for extra credit)
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lunar-years · 2 years
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