#are you a narc…?
ruvonix · 4 months
insert shudder
would you draw house of card emmet or ingo mpreg, those tags were suspicious slash lighthearted slash lightheaded slash jay
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Whattttt? I would nEVER.
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sirenetica · 9 months
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My beautiful boyfriend @spellboundcities made art of the wonderful DDVAU (made by @xmaruu11 and @kitsuneisi respectively) and, obviously, i took that as a CHALLENGE!
So here's some fanart for a wonderful AU!
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autopsyfreak · 2 months
Homicidal Ideation
homicidal ideation is the term for having active thoughts about murdering others. these thoughts can be intrusive, however they can also often be voluntary.
‘people who have these thoughts either have killed someone or will kill someone in the future’ - this is false. most people who have these thoughts usually have disordered behaviours (most commonly as a result of personality disorders) and struggle to find healthy ways to cope with their emotions, therefore provocation and stress can easily cause thoughts of inflicting harm onto others. this doesn’t inherently mean these people are dangerous, nor does it mean that they’re going to act upon these thoughts. most people who experience homicidal ideation never act on it and use it more as a way to process their distress/frustration internally.
‘having these thoughts about people in your life means you can’t possibly care for them’ - also false. caring for someone doesn’t make them an exception to mental illness and it doesn’t stop your mental illnesses from existing. to think that someone’s love for you is only valid as long as they’re not displaying traits of mental illness is unfair and is hugely misinformed. to love and be loved by someone who is mentally ill is to accept that they will display symptoms of their mental illness. you are not the exception and they do not love you any less by showing traits of being unwell.
‘so you endorse murder’ - no. that’s not at all what this means and if you seriously think this then your grasp of severe mental health issues is too limited to be commenting on such topics.
‘you’re evil’ - for being unwell? don’t be a cunt. if you seriously think that having a disordered manner of processing emotions internally makes someone ‘evil’ then that sounds more like an issue with you being too sensitive and having a lack of understanding, not an issue with the mentally ill person experiencing these thoughts. don’t make your inability to understand mental illness into someone else’s problem.
as someone who does experience homicidal ideation, it’s also important to not make the mistake of assuming everyone who is mentally ill experiences these thoughts either. i had an anonymous ask earlier today that directly associated the fact i’m mentally unwell with murder and homicidal thoughts, to immediately make this assumption just because someone is mentally ill is disgusting.
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Reblog to kiss a narcissist on the forehead
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solitaryschizoid · 7 months
Why is it so hard for neurotypicals to understand that it's not safe to be formally diagnosed with a personality disorder when they literally paint us as abusers and evil monsters at every possible chance they get?
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kurtdotkelly · 1 month
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sorry im a sucker
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
So, we're making this post because we've found out we've had a few "NPD abuse is truth!!" people who have interacted. I'll be blunt. We don't want you here.
NPD is not abusive. Narcissistic traits are not abusive. If we see one more person trying to use malignant narcissism as it being abusive then we're going to lose our shit. Stop making an already stigmatized disorder WORSE.
I'm not invalidating anyone's trauma. I hear you and I believe you, but the one thing I will do is correct. It is not NPD abuse is or narc abuse (using narc abuse as we do have NPD, if your not a pwNPD then please do not), or even malignant narcissism abuse, it's verbal/mental/emotional/physical whatever type it is abuse. Narc abuse is NOT a real thing.
Yes, there are abusive pwNPD. They aren't abusive because they have have NPD. They're just abusive. This whole belief on it is trying to divide us into "good narcissists" and "bad narcissists" where the good ones shut up and let people talk about how NPD is abusive and keep mouths closed and pretend to have empathy. The "bad" ones speak out against people's blatant ableism (which idgaf if you have a mental disorder as well, that does NOT stop you from being ableist), don't care about pretending empathy and are just themselves. What happened to not trying to divide a community already under attack all the fucking time?
To sum up a long ass message, if you believe in any form of narcissist abuse then do not interact here. Your not welcome, we don't want you, we don't even want to think of you here. Because in this situation, if any of us would be abusive, it'd be you who push that narrative in your strive to "educate" and instead ruin people for something out of their fucking control.
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angel-cove-choir · 3 months
narc abuse isnt real. just call it abuse
endos aren't systems. you're not disordered so use your own tags and terms
autism isn't innocence. autistic people can and will be dirty little fucks
kink belongs at pride. to ignore the history of sex work in queer spaces is to ignore queerness. there are lots of family friendly pride events you can participate in
aro and ace are not the same thing. don't conflate them
free palestine. blm. 1312. to be punk is to be kind.
(help a system out will ya)
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yeehawpurgatory · 4 months
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Dutch said this to John in Horseshoe Overlook in regards to Jack, I thought he should’ve payed more attention to his own words
(Please click for better quality!)
Closer look in the cut
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doomsdayradio · 8 months
hey maybe, when people with npd tell you not to call abusers and rapists and the like narcissistic just because they're horrible people, view it not as us defending abusers or trying to control how victims talk about their trauma, and more like i as a survivor don't wanna be fucking put in the same category as an abuser or rapist for no fucking reason because you can't bring it upon yourself to spell the word egotistical
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abuzd · 10 days
fuck you if you single out npd as evil. my dad with npd is more kind and caring after getting therapy and help than my neurotypical mother who abandoned me without hesitation over religion. people with npd aren’t fucking evil. yes my dad was very unwell throughout my whole life. i cut him out of chunks of my life. but you know fucking what? at least he realised his mental health was affecting his family (now two families) so he went and got help for it. now he’s a better dad to his three new children than he ever was for me and you know what?? i’m fucking happy for him!! and his new kids and new wife! and i let him back in my life because he grew and changed AFTER turning 60. my mother? completely regressed. closed her mind. buried herself in her beliefs and justifications on why she gets to hurt everyone and it’s “righteous” so fuck off with your npd is evil bullshit and maybe start pointing fingers at people who actively choose to be evil.
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autopsyfreak · 6 months
‘i’m not demonising NPD, i’m talking about narcissistic traits’
so… symptoms of NPD.
do these ableist freaks not realise that narcissism and NPD are not separate things?
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mothcpu · 1 year
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today marks the one year anniversary of Dream's End Come True. thank you for reading
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 8 months
ERIDAN: i lovve you…
FEFERI: Swordfis)( slas)( to the c)(est. And you’re on fire.
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npdmonoma · 9 months
Being a narcissist is bizarre because every so often you see someone talking about what it supposedly feels like to be abused by a narcissist and then they describe... what it feels like to be a fucking narcissist
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falloutboyyaoi · 5 months
my ex had high empathy. reblog to support victims of empath abuse
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