#arcee headcanons
starliights-shining · 2 years
Tfp arcee nsfw and sfw hc's with human female s/o?
I'm kinda taking a moment away form Nsfw, so here are sfw headcannons for Tfp Arcee x Female S/O. Not going to lie this was fun to make. If You want more please jsut request! Enjoy :)
She's a care giver, Always around even when you least expecct it. Either there to lift, grab or steady you. She knows with all these decepticons running around, she's gotta keep you safe. Think like those child leashes with the stuff animal backpacks, but she's willing wants to watch over you.
With that comes internal threats, a chaotic S/O is something i feel like she'd enjoy, but also have a hard time coping with. Sassy S/O she can be sassy back, servos on her hips as you looks down at you in disapproval of whatever you did or said. Plus have you seen Tfp Arcee, everytime I see her shes sassing or telling off one of the autbots, and just becasue youre her S/O doesn't mean she won't give oyu the same treatment.
She tries her best to get into the things you like or are interested in. She wants to connect with you in other ways than just the human help for the autbots, You like legos, so does she. She can't build them but she can just sit and watch you enjoy yourself for hours, as long as she was with you and you are happy.
I feel as tho she also can't really say no to you, The pleading from your eyes and the occasional pouty lip and shes off to get whatever you want. A certain Ice cream only found in stores near large busy cities, Alright put your helmet on, youre going for a ride. She will ride with you for hours to get god knows what, simply becasue she didn't have the nerve to say no to such a cute look.
Tfp Arcee seems like she's not all to found of touching in front of others. SO that being said, when its time to leave for a mission, she looks back at you a winks with the signature smile and her shoulder moving up a bit. She doesn't have the heart to just ignore you, you never know what could happen out there and this wink is her way of saying "I Love you, be safe." without actually saying it.
I like to think when Wheeljack or some other bots come to the base for a vist she get possesive. ushering you into spots where she can see you and your in arms length in case one of them pulls some funny shit. She feels like you can be too friendly sometimes, and its shown when you were jsut caught talking to Soundwave while being held captive. So since that day, when it wasn't one of the 'regular' autbots, she decided you MUST, and I mean MUST be in arms length or line of sight at all times.
Lets not star about how she can get when she cant find you, Panic, but also quite and deadly panic. She doesn't freak out, her optics move around frantically as she tries to spot you, you small, and some of the other bots are large. One wrong move and you cold be seriously injured and she wouldn't be able to forigve herself. SHe truly would keep you in one of stuffed animal leashed, or keep you in a cybertronian to human sized baby carrier. At least until your fully healed and know the ground rules.
That was just her 'I know theyre not in con hands panic', her panic and anger when she finds you in the hands of a con is scarier, you almost felt bad for the way she beat the shit out of Starscream just for holding you in a tight grip above the ground. Her servo grabbing his wrist and twisting it before prying you gently out of the cons servo. She was far too gentle then you thougth she'd be in that moment. A smile on her face as she moved you aside and out harms way, but you saw the dark glint in her optics.
But at the end of the day, Arcee was a lover girl. Desperatly in love with her S/O, no matter how hard she tried to keep this tough autbot act up. All it takes is your voice and shes whipped like no other. But that's what made her yours, your large lover girl.
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doctorsilverhead · 8 months
Heal Me! (Bayverse Optimus X Human Reader) Headcanons!
To set the mood: Trailer
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At first, Optimus was hesitant and did not trust you, either because you were a complete stranger or because he had been betrayed many times before. However, as time passed and you and the Autobots became closer and worked together, you became great friends with both the Autobots and Optimus.
You would always leave Optimus being inspired by your acts and words. He would show a lot of respect for you.
Whenever Optimus or the other Autobots were harmed, no matter how slight or severe, you would become extremely anxious, and Optimus would find it adorable.
Optimus really wouldn't get any time to talk to you, either because of him being busy or you being busy but when he does, that is during midnight, you both would engage in a rather in conversation talking about your private lives or past. Him sipping his energon and you sipping your coffee would talk for hours and even cry on each other's shoulder.
He loves it when you touch him during your regular check-ups. He fantasises about you caressing him out of affection.
He would even go so far as to fake his injuries or intentionally injure himself in order to meet you or be touched by your small fragile hands.
Poor Optimus cries on his knees every night, because he knows you would not love him in the same way he does or at least he thought you wouldn't. :)
It would be difficult for him to resist the want to simply hold you securely close to his spark, kiss you, or touch you and have his way with you. But he would fight them while remaining in control of himself.
Everyone knew Optimus was in love with you since his entire attitude changed around you,from being a prime, a protector, the great leader of the Autobots to a soft,shy and nervous robot. 
Despite everyone telling him to express his feelings to you, he would hide them inside himself and never say or admit anything to you. He was too afraid of what the consequences would be.
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hx4x4enthusiast · 7 months
Papa Prime Headcanons 2
After a tough mission or when Bumblebee gets backlashes from particular disturbing events of the war, Optimus will tell him old stories. And he extend his ERM field to further comfort Bee and only leaves once Bee is in full power down. That is also one of the few moments that Optimus fully relaxes and let's his emotions out.
Whenever Arcee starts to pull back from everyone and her past regrets come back Optimus spaars with her or just silently drives next to her on patrol. He just let's her vent without giving advice if she doesn't ask for it.
After Smokescreens arrival he and Optimus had a long talk about Alpha Trion and Cybertron in its war days. At the end Smokescreen broke down and Optimus hugged him and wrapped him up in his ERM field until he calmed down again.
Knockout and Optimus once got trapped in a mine collaps due to stray blaster fire. Instead of facing of against each other, Optimus witnessed Knockout curled to a ball in a corner hyperventilating. He slowly got closer and gently extended his ERM field to calm Knockout down. He talked to him in hushed tones until they where freed. Knockout never forgot that day and after he joined the autobots he thanked Optimus, who just regarded him with the same gentle smile he held all those years ago on that same day.
Optimus has in his cabin a photo of the entire team that miko took, raf edited and jack printed out to robot size. It is his most treasured possession and his good luck charm. So whenever he feels unsure or doubt he touches his chassis to remind himself who he is fighting for. The team doesn't know that and think he touches his chassis because the matrix lies there.
June once witnessed Optimus reprimanding the children for putting themselves in danger yet again. As she leaned back she commented more to herself. "He is such a dad." To which Ratchet answered. "Oh you have no idea". The entire team except for the children and Optimus himself realized that, Optimus sees the children as his own sparklings. And noone is gonna mentioned it. Mostly because there is an ongoing betting pool for when Optimus is going to realize that his sire protocols are running.
~Hi apparently you all liked the first part I made of this so here is another one. Do let me know if you want more of this, Scenarios, Headcanons with the kids, the bots both just TFP or other contuienies.~
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michaela-o · 2 months
Hiiiiiii! Would you consider drawing any of the femmes x human? Chromia and Arcee are my fav but whoever strikes your fancy lol. Your art is amazing, you are super talented and thanks for sharing it with us 😊
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Awww first of all thank you so much i appreciate it and i’m very happy that you like my art and that i’m able to share it with you🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻
Second- Chromia finds amusing how scared of heights humans are🤭🩵
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lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you had any headcanons for the bots' fears/phobias? Specifically TFP
The only one I have is that Bumblebee is, ironically, afraid of bees for no reason other than I thought it would be funny. I'd like to hear your takes!
Hmm I think their fears would go something like this:
Arcee: Terrified of blood.
She's seen too much energon over the course of her long life. Watching so many good mecha die and losing both her partners has left her with a strange apathy to energon. She's grown used to it. But blood? Human blood is vibrant and so different and yet so similar. When she sees blood, it ignites old horrors and memories she's long tried to suppress. Her servos shake when one of the children ends up getting a cut large enough for her to notice. It's all too similar for her to handle.
Bulkhead: Afraid of Deep Water
Bulkhead is a big mech, one lacking in serious dexterity. He's a combat and manual labor unit and he knows it. When he was young, he fell into a solvent pool, and while unharmed, he was so heavy that he couldn't get out on his own. He was trapped there for almost a whole cycle, and now that he knows what lurks in Earth's waters, he's terrified of falling in and possibly being crushed to death by either the pressure or something that lurks in the deep. He hasn't fallen in any deep water yet, but he's terrified that it may happen and much prefers the desert.
Bumblebee: Scared of Being Alone
The fear of being alone stemmed all the way back from Bumblebee's sparklinghood. Growing up in a time of war meant that he was often left to his own devices cooped up in a base or safehouse while the grown mechs went off to war. He came to despise being left alone, and so joined the war effort both to help and to be with them. The fear of being alone only grew after he lost his voice to Megatron. When he's alone, he sometimes hears the Warlord taunting him. This can lead him to spiral badly, and so he relies heavily on others for support. This is part of the reason he bonded so well with the children.
Ratchet: Paranoid of Biological Agents
Being a Doctor, Ratchet has seen many things. Not a lot bothers him anymore, save for scraplets. But in his mind, that's not even a fear. It's common sense. But with that said, the Cybonic plague awoke in Ratchet a fear he'd never realized lurked within him. After that great plague, he now fears biological agents above all else. Not necessarily germs, but anything that could become a weapon of war. Contaminated items especially. In that regard, he is an increadible germaphobe when it comes to his supplies and will grow frantic if anything is brought into his medical bay that reeks of disease.
Ultra Magnus: Fear of the Dark
Being inside the Magnus armor means that Ultra Magnus, or perhaps Minimus, is entirely reliant on the armor's optical systems to see. The fear of the dark developed the first time he lost his sight and was completely incapable of maneuvering the armor, effectively leaving him open to any and all attacks since he couldn't use his personal field or even his senses to navigate. He has told no one about his fear, but when the lights go out, he often panics and instinctually enters a state of fight or flight out of a pure primal fear that something may harm him even within his armor. The team doesn't understand. Only Optimus knows why Ultra Magnus goes to recharge with a nightlight.
Smokescreen: Frightened by Fires
Smokescreen's fear stems from his time in the Archive. It is a new fear, one he has not fully realized. But seeing Iacon burning and the Archive coming down around him, destroying the home he'd known for so long... it changed him. At the time he was too busy being enthralled in the thrill of potential battle to care. But now, whenever he sees fire in close proximity, he automatically flies into a combat position, often lashing out at the first thing that moves simply because he associates fire with foes. Anything greater than a candle unsettles him.
Wheeljack: Unsettled by Connections
He doesn't talk about it. Ever. However, from what Bulkhead knows, Wheeljack got very attached to his ragtag family back when he was young and promptly lost them all one at a time. He tried to get attached to fellow workers before the war, but every connection fell through. Now he doesn't bother and actively flees anything that could feel like it weighs him down. He's scared of caring enough to actually cry when someone dies. Bulkhead is a rare exception to his rule of no connection, and it is simply because Bulkhead has lasted this long and all but demanded friendship.
Optimus: Petrified of Being Lost
The fear began when he was still Orion Pax. At the time, he got lost almost every time he travelled, and often, he ended up in frightening back alleys and dangerous situations. The fear evolved after he became Prime and now Optimus does not fear being lost in his journeys. Rather, he fears becoming lost within the grasp of the Matrix and the madness of war. It is such a real fear that often, Optimus will throw himself into days long studies after patrols, reviewing everything he knows about Cybertron and the corruption of the Council just so he can reaffirm who he is.
Just so he won't lose himself to the tempting thought of letting go of his morality.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hello, can I place an order?
The reader has a pet owl (Lona), and one day she shows it to children and Autobots
this bird is very playful)
she would climb up to everyone, sit on their heads, look at them continuously and scare them, but Miko would be delighted)
Good luck!
Ok, I like this, and I don't think I've done an owl request before, so this will be awesome! Also, i chose a barn owl since i think they are the coolest owl out there. By the way, thank you for being Paitent since my hand/arm is injured.
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Reader X TFPAutobpts
(Pet owl edition)
What started this was simple. (Y/N) simple said they had a Pet owl when the kids started to discuss about pets and what they wanted to get.
This caused a lot of them to turn their heads to (Y/N) and asked for pictures. So (Y/N) showed them.
(You're owl)
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They where so amazed by this that they begged (Y/N) to bring it. (Y/N) had to ask optimus first to make sure it's ok.
So, (Y/N) went to optimus and asked, but ofcorse he dident know what a owl was so he allowed them to bring it since he wanted to see what an owl was.
So, the next day, (Y/N) arrived at the bass with their lona, the Barn Owl. The kids immediately came to see long and (Y/N) let them pet her and hold her.
Miko was the most excited since they always liked owls. (I see her as a owl girl)
Soon, the other autobots come to see what an owl was.
Ratchet didn't like the owl since it's weird how its head moves all the way around.
Bulkhead was scared of Lona because of how it kept moving it's head around weirdly.
Arcee was in love with Lona since, in her eyes, "lona looks like a strong Hunter."
Bumblebee loved Lona since she was playful. Always nibbling at his fingers and hooting every time he made a noise
Optimus was the most amazed by the animal. Since he never seen a creature like this. He was even more amazed when (Y/N) explained about everything about owls.
Like, they can't move their eyes so they have to move their head. They have one of the best hearing and eyesight out of the animal kingdom, and most amazing of all, they mate for life and they have a strong bond with their partners. (I don't if the last part is true but I know some owls mate for life)
Optimus was indeed impressed and held Lona. Letting her climb on him and he did enjoy her hooting.
Jack was nervous to hold her but got it down.
Raphael was excited since he was never really allowed to hold or pet animals back home so this was fun.
Miko was just being miko.
Maybe next time you can show them you're snake.
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Can we talk about this Rescue Bots episode (Spellbound) because I need to appreciate how TERRIFYING it is??? Especially considering it's cannon in the Aligned Universe. This is some A+ horror.
Like damn, some of Griffin Rock's technology is more powerful than even the Decepticon's tech.
Can you IMAGINE if those creepy mind-control cell phones were used in TFP?
Legit mind control that effects humans AND Cybertronians?
And it's SO UNSETTLINGLY subtle, too. The victim's voices sound like their normal selves but just SLIGHTLY off. *shutter* The voice actors did such a good job.
Just IMAGINE that in Prime.
I feel like Optimus would probably be immune (because the Matrix of Leadership is goated) but can you imagine the Jasper Trio getting mind-controlled, and all their guardians + Ratchet know SOMETHING is off, but not what? Then, slowly, the mind control spreads to the Bots? Or vice versa, the Bots go first, and the humans are like: "Something's up with my guardian."
Kinda wild that Invasion of the Body Snatchers shit 100% exists in TFP's world. Felt like I needed to acknowledge that.
Is this gonna be my next TFP headcanons post? Feeling inspired.🤔
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In Transformers Prime, Cybertronians are apparently vulnerable to extreme cold. (“You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage.” -Ratchet, S1 E7)
They are in danger of freezing when they go to the Arctic which continuously becomes a plot point, but somehow handle themselves just fine in space which is definitely way colder. Which leads me to believe it’s probably not the cold itself that’s dangerous to them, but the moisture in the air that freezes up around all their joints and crevices that immobilizes them.
The humidity in the Arctic is actually quite low, but in a snowstorm (like the one we see in S1 E7 where Optimus and Arcee nearly die) the snow that hits their bodies could totally melt from their body heat only to re-freeze around them as clear ice, expediting the process. It would gradually make it more and more difficult to move.
It’s like the clear icing that planes encounter when they fly through moist air, where supercooled water droplets freeze on their surfaces and make it difficult to move the control surfaces on the wings. Which is why I imagine flyers are probably more resistant to the cold+moisture conditions, since they already have built-in anti icing. Starscream does complain about the cold a lot in S2 E13, but that might just be Starscream being Starscream, or just trying to manipulate the others into letting their guard down. Dreadwing and the flying vehicons don’t appear very bothered, but then again neither does Optimus, so that one is staying as a headcanon for now. Maybe Starscream is bothered because he doesn’t have paint for extra insulation.
Optimus does say “the current temperatures are not extreme enough to affect our biology.” during that episode, and when he does there’s only a little bit of snow, which might confirm that when they say “temperature” they actually mean “moisture”. I don’t know.
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I am SHOCKED that no TFP pride art has come across my feed yet, so I took it upon myself to create that art! Because, let's be honest, this is the most closeted gay show to ever exist. All I really knew when drawing this is that I wanted to include bulkhead, because the poor guy gets no love :(. I wanted to make each character the color of the flags I head cannon them to be:
Arcee is Bisexual!
Ratchet is Pansexual!
Bulkhead is Polysexual!
Optimus is Demi-Bisexual!!
I might do some of the other bots or show off some of my ships before the month ends, but we'll have to see!
Note: these are all head cannons, nothing official! If you don't agree, that's fine! Just be nice :) I hope you're all having a good month! Also, if anyone has any tips for drawing Ratchet, please let me know; I think I could've drawn him a bit better.
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showstopper35 · 5 months
TFP Bots When You Ask For Pads
a/n- sorry I haven’t written anything in my inbox, this is my last year of high school and I am determined to get all A’s, so school is kicking my ass. I wrote this because I’ve been having issues with my period and desperately need comfort. warnings: AFAB! Reader, mentions of periods obviously (but that should not be a taboo topic)
Optimus Fine
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Bulk Barn
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Wheelie Jack
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Ultra Magnet
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Lightning McQueen
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bots-and-cons · 5 months
Howdy again! Is it possible you could do the same prompt l asked last time (reader dies and turns cybertronian) but with Autobots instead of cons? Thank you so much!!!!
A/N: If someone’s interested in the decepticon version you can find that here. Ratchet has morals, hence no human experimentation on the autobots’ part
•You were taken by the decepticons and experimented on 
•Ever since the whole thing with Silas, Knockout and Shockwave were both interested in if they could repeat the experiment
•It was mostly Shockwave though, Knockout thought what happened to Breakdown was absolutely disgusting, but he also wanted to know how it was done, so repeating the experiment on you was a chance for that
•So, they did their experiment, constructing you a body from vehicon parts and putting the necessary parts from you into it
•Anyway, the cons returned you to the autobots in a rather cruel manner, basically Megatron just tossed you at their feet saying something like “I believe this is your pet”
•Ratchet worked for days to make sure you would survive in your new body, but he had a lot of trouble, because he didn’t know how much at all about human anatomy or biology
•Shockwave and Knockout had already done most of the work for him though, so he just had to finish the job and make sure you would continue to stay alive
•When you woke up, you were very confused, and scared too
•Your head was all foggy, you couldn’t remember much of anything, certainly not how you’d come to be this way
•It took a couple of days for you to be even able to move your arms or legs, and being able to stand and walk took much longer
•Ratchet was there to look after you the whole time, someone had to be, because you were pretty confused most of the time
•You had a lot of gaps and holes in your memory, you knew things like your name and you knew the autobots were friendly or at least not a threat to you, but you didn’t know who they were or what they were like
•You also didn’t remember anything about how you’d been made into this thing you now were
•You knew you used to be human, but it felt like it had been a dream
•Optimus was of course furious that the decepticons had done this to you, but he kept it under control, so hardly anyone noticed
•Except for Ratchet of course, he was also horrified by what had been done to you and he honestly just tried not to think about it most of the time, because you were still alive
•Arcee was probably the most visibly furious about the whole thing, she even ranted a little about how this was the last straw, etc etc
•Bee was also seething, but his anger was more mixed with this overwhelming sadness and confusion, he had seen the decepticons committing countless atrocities, but this was undoubtedly among the worst
•The whole team had a very hard time understanding how the decepticons could do this, you were no threat to them
•They were all furious, but they tried to keep a lid on it, some managed that better than others, because they wanted to aid in your recovery
•Your recovery was very slow, but they all tried to be there for you as best as they could
•You had to learn to control your new body, and all that came with being a pseudo-cybertronian
•Ratchet kept scanning you constantly for the first three months, at least twice a day, more if something unusual happened
•You had a very hard time mentally for a long while, because of getting used to your new body, never being able to see your family/friends again, and the fact that you had been dead
•Even though you didn’t exactly remember how you had been experimented on, the whole thing still plagued you in your nightmares
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transformer-analysis · 5 months
TFP Theory: the Vents
I personally find the face vents of Transformers pretty fascinating. Like the ones Optimus and Starscream have.
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Which doesn’t really look like part of their disguises really.
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So does these face vents have any actual functions to their biology? Why are they there?
And why only a few of them have it and not everyone? I think these two are the only ones in the show who have them. And we see in Arcee’s Tailgate flashbacks, she used to have one, too.
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(“Predatory”, Season One Episode Twelve)
But not anymore
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(“Predatory”, Season One Episode Twelve) And we know that Transformers don’t need oxygens according to Bulkhead in “Rock Bottom”, Season one Episode 19, so why do some even have a vent in the first place?
Now, hear me out. Because I have an idea.
So, the grills on actual cars are there to be used to cool down its internal engines, so I think maybe, for the Transformers, it works the same. Ratchet and Bulkhead also got belly grills so those probably act the same too, and not just part of their disguise.
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Maybe some Transformers, not all, would experience overheating when stressed out. So they need bigger vents, closer to their face so it can bring the cool air to their brain faster, help them calm down when they overheat. It could be that they overheat when under stress, and thus become uncomfortable, distraction, and more stressed out. And when they got a vent to keep away those heat, it can make them more comfortable and calm.
So it is like a soothing mechanism for some transformers I think. Beside I bet the hearing the blowing of wind by their face constantly can also feel comfortable sometimes.
That would explain a lot because Optimus got the biggest vents of all, and he totally needs them for all the stress he’s been through, and maybe this is even one of the main reason why he’s still relatively calm despite everything.
Starscream’s is obviously not big enough.
Maybe Ratchet and Bulkhead’s belly grills also works the same. But it surly didn’t help Ratchet much. Or those could just be disguises.
And as for Arcee, I can totally imagine that she had her mood swings and grumpiness even before Tailgate’s death, and got a vent to help herself be kind of nicer and calmer. But After Tailgate’s death she sealed her vent off with that diamond shape shield on her horn, because she wanted to use her anger to revenge and didn’t want to be calm anymore.
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doctorsilverhead · 1 month
Autobot Leader Grieves Fallen Comrade (Optimus X Human Y/N)
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Optimus Prime stood in front of Y/N's lifeless body, his spark heavy with grief and sorrow. The battle between the Autobots and Decepticons had been brutal, and Y/N had sacrificed herself to protect her comrades. As the leader of the Autobots, Optimus had seen many losses, but this one hit him particularly hard.
He knelt down beside her, his massive frame dwarfing her small, fragile form. Gently, he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his metal fingers trembling slightly. Y/N had been a brave soldier and a loyal friend, always ready to fight for what she believed in.
Optimus bowed his head, his optics dimming as he struggled to control his emotions. Around him, the other Autobots stood in respectful silence, their own sparks aching with the loss of their comrade. Bumblebee, who had been particularly close to Y/N, let out a mournful whir, his doorwings drooping.
"Y/N was a true hero," Optimus said softly, his deep voice resonating with emotion. "She fought with courage and determination, and she will be deeply missed by all who knew her. We will honor her memory by continuing the fight against the Decepticons, and by protecting her species."
With a heavy spark, Optimus carefully lifted Y/N's body into his arms, cradling her against his chest. He would ensure that she received a proper burial, befitting a warrior of her caliber. As he turned to leave, he caught sight of the devastation around him - the smoldering ruins of buildings, the twisted metal of destroyed vehicles. But amidst the chaos, he also saw hope - the determined faces of his fellow Autobots, ready to continue the fight in Y/N's name.
"Till all are one," Optimus murmured, his optics glowing with resolve. "Till all are one."
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hansa-lao · 7 months
Which flowers are suitable for bots?
Ratchet-Lavender (healing, devotion, purity, health)
Optimus Prime-Gladiolus (military honor, courage and nobility)
Ultra Magnus-Edelweiss (love, respect, courage and devotion)
Bumblebee-Freesia (innocence and trust) and blue hyacinths (dedication)
Smokescreen-Rosehip flower (youth) and blue delphinium (beginnings)
Bulkhead-sunflower (loyalty, warmth and strength)
Wheeljack-amaralis (strength and determination)
Arce-cynii (friendship, endurance and passion)
What do you think?
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weenwrites · 4 months
Optimus, Arcee, and Ratchet
Those 3 with human adult reader who’s homeless? I’m talking no home, lack of money, and I’m assuming that they stay at base the majority of the time. Also, they weren’t born homeless, they said it themselves that they caused it on their own.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He explains that you are free to stay at the base if you have nowhere else to go, and if anything it would be much safer for you to remain here than out on the streets. Now that you're under the Autobot's care, he tries to be as accommodating as he can, but for the time being all he was able to find in the storage room was an old couch, a table, and a dusty tv, all of which were presumably from the previous inhabitants of the silo.
The base is very spacious, but the closest area to the restroom was upon the walking platform, and so that platform became your living area for the sake of convenience. However, if you wished for more privacy he offered the first room down the corridor (it is massive and a long way to walk though).
You don't need to worry about Agent Fowler, either. Optimus had already mulled things over with him, and he agreed to allow the bots to let you live there. Fowler even does what he can to provide you with food stamps and provide you healthcare for any disabilities or illnesses you have.
Every now and then he talks to Agent Fowler about you, and he brings up the same topic time and time again, and every time Optimus still receives the same uncertain answer that might as well be a fancy-worded "maybe". Sometimes he receives good news, sometimes there's nothing at all, but Optimus still hasn't lost hope that eventually you'll be given some form of financial aid.
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She doesn't mind having you around at base 24/7. If anything, it makes her job much more convenient because you're within range most of the time. When you were first allowed to stay at the base full-time, she showed you all the spare rooms, the exits to the base encase of an emergency, and any other rooms you asked to see. Since the base is rather large for someone your size, she recommended staying as close to the main area as possible, or otherwise it could be quite the jog to get around.
As she learned more about you, she has asked about your past from time to time, and however you mean "caused it on your own", she won't push you to explain if it's too sensitive a topic for you to elaborate on, or if you just generally don't wish to, she respects your privacy and she won't press for any more information. And even if you do tell her, she doesn't judge you for it.
She'll offer to be your ride any time you want to go to Jasper for whatever reason, and she tries to stick close to you encase things go south. The more she goes out with you in public, the quicker she is to realize that she sort of deters cops from trying to shoo you away. If you go to food pantries or food banks, she feels guilty that she ends up limiting what you can bring back with you since her alt-mode's not too convenient for transporting things.
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He certainly isn't going to butt heads with Optimus about whether you should stay at the base. If you have no home of your own, you're at a bigger risk of being caught by the Decepticons. For the most part he won't have any problem with it, and he leaves you be so long as you don't obstruct his work.
You have your own designated corner in the base, it's the area that the kids currently hang out in, but you were most likely there first. You were also offered other empty areas within the base that would offer you more privacy, but whether you take them or not is up to you.
As much as he'd prefer to stay indoors so he can work productively, if you need to go outside for whatever reason he'll escort you to Jasper. He sticks out like a sore thumb amidst the other cars on the road though, so he still makes a point to swiftly take care of any business you have, as not to attract any unwanted attention to yourselves.
His understanding of human anatomy is very rudimentary and limited, but he's learned enough to be able to understand when something's wrong. And in the event that his own medical knowledge isn't enough to help, he's glossed over the route to the nearest hospital from the base, and he'll be sure to ask Fowler to take care of the expenses later on.
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thatturtleleon · 10 days
TFP and Love Languages HCs
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note: these are platonic unless stated otherwise!
starting with the humans, i think Raf's is physical affection
throughout the show we see him holding Jacks hand in a few scenes, especially when he's worried (i cant remember specific scenes but ill edit once i do remember)
we also see him hugging others and sitting on Ratchets shoulder
Jack is words of encouragement, i think this slowly develops over the show more but we see him comforting Raf in that one scene on the decepticon ship
i also think he gets it from Optimus (in which ill describe in a bit)
Miko is quality time (also physical affection maybe? we see her hug some of the others and she seems like the type of person who doesnt gaf about personal space that much lol)
but she loves doing things with the bots, especially Bulkhead of course
and shes always wanting to go on missions with the others, part of this is probably her love for getting the adrenaline rush of it all and also alien robots fighting each other, but i also think part of it is her wanting to hangout and see her favorite people in action if that makes sense
i havent thought of any for June and Fowler but if anyone has an idea pls do share !!
Optimus is definitely words of encouragement
pretty self explanatory, hes the ultimate motivational speech expert
Ratchet was hard but i believe his is acts of service
he puts others needs above his own
and although its technically his job/specialty, i think treating the others wounds and worrying about their health in general is his way of saying "i care about you, so let me do this" yk?
Bulkheads is physical affection
he hugged Wheeljack when they reunited and always is patting others on the backs
i jst think hes a big hugger <3
Arcee is words of encouragement
she gave Miko encouragement and advice when Bulkhead was injured
same when Raf was injured, she talked with Bee to try and calm him down
Bumblebee was also a little tricky for me
for him i wanna say physical affection
hes constantly reaching out and holding Raf, and hugged Ratchet when he got his voice back
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