#anyways. this isn’t actually aimed at anyone. I just needed to say something
notahaterbutakvetcher · 3 months
Open letter to everyone silent on the pogram in LA yesterday (being Sunday, June 23rd), despite reblogging misinformation after misinformation about Israel’s unique evil:
I see you. I see how quiet you are. I see how afraid you are, how scary it is to comment on it, because of the backlash you might face for “not supporting the movement.” I see the indecision as you hover over the reblog button.
And I am calling you a coward for it.
How dare you refuse to acknowledge what is happening within your own movement. How dare you claim to be on the side of peace, and allow yourself to ignore what your own protesters are doing.
I see you, and I am disgusted with you.
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the-himawari · 4 months
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SR] Indomitable Thoroughbred (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*door opens*
Masumi: Director—.
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Sakuya: Masumi-kun!
Masumi: …Sakuya’s here too?
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Izumi: Thanks for coming, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: If you call me, then I’ll be there, 24 hours of the day, 365 days of the year. But… what were you doing with Sakuya?
Sakuya: Huh! What, you ask…
Izumi: Sakuya-kun had something to discuss with me. Isn’t that right, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Y-Yes! Actually, I have a favour to ask you, Masumi-kun…
Masumi: No.
Sakuya: At least hear me out!
Masumi: *Sigh*… what is it?
Sakuya: So you see, they’re holding a bazaar in the neighbouring district and the daycare centre I’m working part-time at is going to participate. On that note, the organizers asked if we could host an event aimed at children. And so, I was wondering if there was anyone who could help us out with that.
Izumi: We were wondering whether you’d be available, Masumi-kun? Only if it doesn’t conflict with your school…
Masumi: I’ll go. I’ll do something about my classes.
Sakuya: Wait, really!? Awesome…! Thank you, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: It’s not for you, Sakuya.
Option 1: “Let me say thank you too.”
Izumi: Let me say thank you too.
Masumi: I’ll do anything if it’s for you. I don’t care even if it risks my life.
Izumi: That’s a bit much… please treasure yourself more, okay?
Masumi: There’s nothing more important than you.
Izumi: (How in the world did the conversation lead to this…)
Option 2: “It helps if you’ll go.”
Izumi: It helps if you’ll go.
Masumi: Attending an event is no problem.
Izumi: Will you be alright for school?
Masumi: Are you worried about me…? I’m so happy… I love you.
Izumi: A-Ahaha… anyways, don’t push yourself, alright?
Izumi: Let me know if you’d like to discuss anything. I’ll be helping out too, after all.
Masumi: …
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Sakuya: Um… Masumi-kun?
Masumi: …This isn’t what we discussed.
Sakuya: Well, that’s… sorry about that.
Misumi: What’s wrong? You’ll look cool though, Masumi?
Muku: That’s right! You’ll be a very handsome horse!
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Masumi: … Why do I have to wear this horse mask…
Yuki: Stop whining. We’re going to be doing a play, so just let it go.
Masumi: Why a horse though?
Tenma: The play’s story is going to be a comedy aimed at children, so…
Masumi: That part’s fine. I don’t understand why I need to go out of my way to wear this horse mask. You guys didn’t wear this kind of headgear when you were acting as cats and dogs.
Kazunari: Hmm~… Why don’t you wear one where your face is visible then? I’m pretty sure we had one like that!
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Masumi: …
*imagination starts*
Masumi: …
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Izumi: Oh, Masumi-kun…?
Masumi: Director…!
Izumi: Pft…
Masumi: Huh?
*imagination ends*
Masumi: …
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Kazunari: Ooh boy. That’s not gonna fly either, huh~?
Kumon: But hey, isn’t it better to wear this mask? Think about it. Director might not even realize it’s you if she can’t see your face!
Masumi: There’s no way around it… I guess this one’s better.
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Kumon: Yeah, exactly! This is the way to go!
Tenma: Alright, let’s start our rehearsal.
| next
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writer-or-whatever · 4 months
The body swap WIP! I love that trope🤭
It's a good fucking trope! Although currently that fic sort of exists just as a bulleted list type outline, not any concrete scenes yet (despite the fact that it has been nebulously floating around in my brain for like a year). Anyway, please enjoy the concept:
AU where soulmates swap bodies for 24 hours. This happens when one of them needs the other most instead of some arbitrary age. Peter, of course, is alone in NYC post-nwh and after Ned and MJ go away to college. 
The bodyswap happens on a completely mundane Tuesday. Peter hasn’t even had any kind of big spiderman fight, and MJ isn’t in any kind of trouble beyond the six courses she’s taking this semester (it’s slightly too many, or so Ned keeps saying, but she needs to keep herself busy to keep her mind off the gaping hole she feels in her life but can’t really get her head around) 
When they swap, Peter does his best not to panic. He goes through his day, doing his best to channel his inner MJ (which, shouldn’t be too hard. He is in her body) and not clue anyone in. He finds her class schedule, goes, takes notes, and lays low so she doesn’t fall behind. He makes it almost all the way through the day before Ned finally catches up to him and almost immediately clocks that he is, in fact, not MJ. Cue the great grilling for information.
Ned is so excited for MJ, for both of them honestly—even though he doesn’t know Peter—and Peter feels so so bad for clamming up and skirting around so many of his questions, giving just the most perfunctory answers and trying not to break down at having his best friend’s enthusiasm aimed at him again. Ned assumes that MJ is the one who needs her soulmate, he knows about her unease and the feeling that she’s missing something big—knows about her lists and drawings of a boy they don’t know (but that looks so familiar somehow) and the feeling of loss that she tries to play off every time he asks. 
Peter feels like he’s been punched in the solar plexus for the entire conversation. He had no idea that MJ was feeling like this. He hadn’t realized that everyone that forgot him had a Peter Parker sized hole in their lives. He didn’t realize it was possible for anyone to miss him so much, especially when they never even knew he was missing. Peter gets so worked up about this that he actually vomits. Ned is so so worried, but before Peter can really say anything one way or another, he’s back in his own body. 
Meanwhile MJ is having quite the Tuesday. She wakes up in this sad tiny cramped apartment back in New York. It takes her approximately five minutes to come across the spidey suit, which is draped over the shower curtain rod drying. It takes her even less time to find the picture of her, Ned, and the boy whose face she is currently wearing. 
She gets that same sick feeling in her gut and buzzing in her head that she’s had for months, every time she tries to figure out what the hell is missing. She still doesn’t know all the details, or any of them really, but the weird holes in her life and in her and Ned’s friendship seem to be adding up to the shape of this boy—of fucking spiderman apparently (and why does that information give her a bit of smug satisfaction? Not that her soulmate is a superhero but rather the fact that she’s figured out that this boy is spiderman). 
She digs around his entire tiny one-room apartment and lays out everything she finds and deems another important piece of the puzzle. She finds a few more photos of them, a lego star wars figure (notably one of the ones that Ned has complained he’s missing from one of his sets), and then the fucking note. The one he wrote to practice telling them who is he is. The one where he tells them all about who he is (Peter Parker), and who he was to her and Ned. Upon reading this, she has a vague memory of this guy walking into the diner she used to work at and giving her his whole name with his order of a single small black coffee before he left. 
Suddenly she is so so angry. It comes from somewhere deep inside her, deeper than the well of the strange sadness she’s been dealing with for months. She doesn’t remember knowing Peter, but somewhere deep inside her she remembers being devasted by something he’s done. 
It’s almost midnight, so she doesn’t have time to do much other than leave him a short note that she leaves on top of all of the other things she’s dug out over the course of the day. It just says ‘You owe me an explanation, Peter’ and her phone number. 
This is, of course, a bad things happen bingo prompt fill so I'm leaving the ending a bit open. So yeah. That's the bodyswap au WIP. Thanks for asking 🥰
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whentommymetalfie · 1 year
hey, your fics on ao3 are actually saving my life rn. i’m not doing amazingly atm and reading your “breathe again” and “home to you” fics about tommy struggling with mental health (admittedly in a slightly different way to me) is somehow making it all so much easier to cope with.
i’m so in love with the dynamic of alfie being completely head over heels for tommy, despite tommy feeling utterly broken and despising everything about himself - it really does give me hope that perhaps i’m not entirely hopeless and unlovable either, even if sometimes i’m about as mentally stable as tommy is.
but yeah, idk - i don’t think any of that made a lot of sense, but i just wanted you to know what a positive impact your writing has had upon me.
and seriously, fucking wow- you’re absolutely amazing at writing - i have never read better, more in-character tommy and alfie fics. the way you create the angst and attraction between them is just everything to me and i hope you keep writing this pairing forever!
also, i was wondering - how long did it take you to learn to write like this? did you study creative writing formally or are you self taught (if you don’t mind me asking)? your use of words is just mesmerising and i’d love to think that one day i could be able to write as beautifully as you do.
anyway, thank you for all that you have done for the tommy/alfie community. seriously, you should see the indirects you get on twitter (you’re like the ceo of this ship at this point)
Firstly: This was an absolutely wonderful message to receive, and made my whole week. Secondly: this reply is long so my apologies in advance! 
You make complete sense. And, not to get way to personal here, but I think it’s a very human and common feeling to be afraid that we’re unlovable when we’re at our lowest points and probably need it the most ❤️ One of the reasons I write is because it’s an escape and a comfort (and well, a huge struggle, but in the end the positives outweigh the negatives). And knowing someone else finds that through reading my fics is the biggest compliment I could ever receive, and reminds me why I do always slog through the more challenging parts of writing to finish things and put them out there for people to read.
Thank you for your kind words ❤️ I suppose I feel that my characterization isn’t spot on, but I’ve aimed for one that feels ’true’ within the setting and circumstances of the story, if that makes sense, and I’m so happy you like it. I’m wholly unable to cope with this incredible praise, but at least I can answer your question: I don’t have any formal education in creative writing. But I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing -though I mostly read in my native language (Swedish), I do try to define what I enjoy about my favorite writers’ works, and while I’m not skilled enough to always put that knowledge to use, I’d like to think that it’s helped me in some ways. As for how long it took me to learn how to write (though I definitely feel like I’m fumbling around in the dark from time to time and like I’ve learned nothing) I wrote and posted my first fanfic in English when I was 17 (a true blood fanfic I haven’t re-read since, and probably wouldn’t like to), wrote some more stuff that I never posted, and then began writing PB fic… six years ago or something? I’m 29 now, so I suppose you could say that I’ve got a few years of writing under my belt now. But I’d say that I’ve improved the most over those last PB years, simply because I’ve written so much over that period of time. And the more I write, the more critical my eye has become. And I still feel like I’m learning more every time I sit down to write. 
And I fully believe anyone can learn to write, especially in a setting like fanfic, because I’ve always felt it’s a very encouraging and ’free’ environment. At least that’s been the case in the corner I’ve been in. There’s always someone out there who’ll enjoy what you put out there. And I know it’s cliché, but the key really is to just keep at it, so a huge dose of enthusiasm and self indulgence is important. I’ve got heaps of stuff that I’ve written and never posted, just because I’ve had an idea I wanted to explore. And I’ve made my peace with the fact that I’ll never be quite as skilled at writing in English as in Swedish, and won’t always find the perfect words, because as long as I write something that excites me in some way, I know there’ll be at least one other person out there who’ll enjoy it too. I try to just make it as good as I can with the tools I’ve got. 
Again, thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️  I don’t know what else to say, but please know I’ll be back to re-read this message many times. And I hope you’ll be happy to hear there’s a new chapter coming tomorrow -please consider it a thank you gift! 
PS I’m not on twitter so I don’t know what goes on over there but now I’m dying because I need to see 👀 the indirects 👀 What are they saying?? 👀 the curiosity is killing me! 
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dioslab · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day! I was participating in @mcyt-valentines and my giftee was @honey-sunsets ! Hope you like it!
Scar lives a pretty simple life.
It’s not as bad as you’d think, running a burger shop in the middle of the busiest district of Hermitia. At least, not now that the hype of Hotguy’s Burgers has died down. When he opened, he was immediately overrun by fans of the superhero, willing to buy anything with Hotguy’s branding on it. Of course, Scar was immediately called a conman, a bastard capitalizing on their city’s newest hero. A photo of them together put up in the front hall (edited so well that no one would suspect it to be fake), along with an interview from the hero himself saying he didn’t mind, eased some folk…
But the novelty wore off anyway, and now it’s just an averagely busy burger joint. So he wakes up, gets ready for work, and then opens up shop as soon as his employees arrive. Scar doesn’t normally take breaks- at least, not consistent ones- but he makes sure that Cub and Bdubs get theirs.
It’s during one of their shared lunch breaks that the bell rings on the door. It’s odd- this hour, they generally get no customers, which is exactly why Scar feels safe to send off his employees. Not that he can’t work the kitchen himself, no, but while the kitchen is disability-friendly, it’s still not… ideal, for him to be doing all the cooking. He generally sticks to taking orders and making the drinks.
Still, a single customer isn’t too hard to handle alone, and he lifts his head with a smile. “Well hello there, and welcome t-”
His words catch in his throat when he sees her.
The woman in the doorway is stunning. She’s shrugging off an oversized pink fur coat- Scar keeps it much warmer in here than it is outside- as he stares, though she doesn’t seem to mind his gaze, smiling back at him. She must be used to it. Of course she is, considering she’s-
“Are you closed?” Ariana Griande asks him, glancing around the empty shop. Her brightly colored feathers ruffle a little behind her. He has no idea what that means, he’s never looked much into avian body language, but he’s delighted at the motion anyway. He’s never seen them move that, well… fluidly, he supposes? She rarely moves them on stage, and when they do, it always seems to be part of her performance. This looks so much more natural.
It takes him a moment to even realize what she’s asked. “Oh, no, of course not! Especially not for a bigshot like you!” He rolls his chair around the counter to be a little closer to her- to the pop sensation he’s been following since the start of her career. “No, you’re lucky, you caught me during one of our slower hours. You can sit wherever you’d like, take your pick!”
Ariana Griande giggles- she laughed! Because of him!- and actually takes a seat at the counter, right in front of where he was a moment ago. She picks up a menu, her well-manicured nails tapping against the countertop as she flips through it, the restaurant nearly silent otherwise. He can’t pull his eyes away from her. “Any recommendations?” she asks after a moment.
“Well, that certainly depends on you. Any allergies, foods you avoid, flavors you like, are you looking for a full meal or just need something quick?” Scar rattles off quickly. They’re his usual questions he asks anyone looking for a recommendation, but he guarantees, her answers will be engraved into his memory.
Just like her smile when it’s aimed right at him. “Well, you know.” She rustles her wings again. “No meat, no caffeine, avocados, onions, chocolate…”
“Right, right,” he should have realized. Though, again, he isn’t an expert on avians, and he’s fairly sure that the only consistent poison across all avians is meat, so he certainly wouldn’t have known about the others. “Well, I’d recommend, hm, the Scarassic Park,” Scar says, leaning as far as he can over the counter and flipping through her menu to point it out. It’s a large vegetarian burger, overflowing with toppings. “I can just leave the avocado off. And as for drinks, we have an excellent selection of smoothies, all recipes created by myself, Scar Goodtimes. The Lime Llama is my favorite, personally, it has lime and green apple with a bit of brown sugar to even out the sourness.”
Ariana Griande glances at him, eyebrows raised slightly. “Scar Goodtimes? Then you’re the owner?”
It’s… interesting she knows that just from his name. Though maybe menu items named after him are a bit of a giveaway, but still. “The one and only!”
She seems to have lost all interest in ordering, instead resting her chin on her hand and leaning in a little towards him. He swears, his heart stops, she’s truly gorgeous this close. Later, when he’s out of work mode, he’ll lose his mind. Seeing Ariana Griande in person has always been a dream of his. “I was hoping to meet you,” she murmurs, practically a whisper.
Scar’s hand is trembling a little as he sets it on the counter by hers. There’s- there must be a reason for it, but his mind runs away with it anyway. Ariana Griande wanting to meet him? “And why is that, Miss Griande?”
“You can call me Ari,” she corrects him,fluttering her eyelashes, and he immediately decides to call her that forever. Does he really have permission to call her a nickname? “I’ve just been interested in trying Hotguy’s Burgers since it opened,” Ari says, nails tapping the counter again. “Everything’s been so busy since we started recording for my next album, though…”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s worth it,” Scar says, only barely holding back from gushing. Her only released song from thank u, vex is In My Head (Games), which he started listening to on loop as soon as it dropped. He can’t wait for the rest of the album- it’ll make a great addition to the music he plays at the restaurant.
“It is,” Ari agrees, leaning in even more and lowering her voice. It feels so… intimate, especially in an otherwise empty building. “But you know, I’m actually a huge fan of Hotguy.”
His heart actually does stop this time. He has fans. Scar knows he has fans. He’s been stopped by all types of people, from children to the mayor of Hermitia, all thanking him and calling themselves his fans. Still, for Ariana Griande, his celebrity crush, to come to his restaurant, to tell him to his face that she’s a fan, even if she doesn’t know who he is-
“As far as I know, Hotguy’s Burgers is the only branding he’s allowed,” she continues. “Why is that?”
Ah, the age old question. He’s… sure he planned a response to this, if it ever came up, but all of his thoughts fell right out of his head, replaced with the fact that Ariana Griande is his fan. Scar sputters a little, trying to remember what to say. “Oh- well, you know, that isn’t true! There’s quite a lot of, of Hotguy merchandise out there, I’m sure you’ve seen people wearing hoodies or hats or-”
“Those don’t count,” Ari interrupts. “Hotguy openly said he was fine with Hotguy’s Burgers. He hasn’t said that about any of the unofficial merchandise, and he definitely hasn’t posed for photos with people who make it.” She turns her head, twirling a piece of her hair as her gaze falls on the photoshopped image of him shaking hands with himself.
“Well, that’s-” He had excuses, he planned for this, but it all falls to pieces in front of her. “We had a chance encounter,” Scar finally remembers, though he doesn’t sound nearly as charming and convincing as he usually does. “I’d hit hard times, he was generous about it, etcetera-”
That gets a laugh out of her, and he feels dizzy. Her eyes are shining with interest. “Really?” Ari sighs, almost musically. “I’ve always wanted to meet him in person.”
“I’m sure you will,” he blurts out, and it’s true. Not that she knows that, not yet, but- when he knows she’s interested? When she wants to meet him? Yes, yes, Hotguy will hang around her concerts when they let out, he can arrange a ‘chance encounter’, whatever she wants.
Her expression changes more, but he can’t put a finger on how. Scar feels like he can’t even think. Ari’s eyes shine almost inhumanly, her beautiful smile is too sharp, and her nails tap hard on the counter. “You promise?”
“I promise.” He can’t hold the words back. Especially not when she looks so happy-
And the world shakes.
Things fall off the walls, and through the front window he can see smoke pouring out of a hole in the building across the street. Even with how thick the restaurant walls are, he can hear metal groaning, can hear screams as the building starts to bend under its own weight, the structure weakened from… an explosion?
Oh. Oh no.
“Oh,” Ari gasps. It’s high pitched, frightened- dramatic.
Scar blinks, trying to get ahold of his thoughts, his mind starting to clear. Ari’s charisma is intoxicating, but this threat is quick to distract him. He needs to go into the back- get his prosthetics, his costume, get going, but Ari is right here, she’d know-
“I guess the Scarassic Park will have to wait.” She gets up from her seat, staring out the front windows. “I’ll see you soon, Scar.”
Before he can say a word, warn her against going outside, how dangerous it is, the whole building could collapse- she’s gone. Scar takes a moment, only a moment, to catch his breath, to let his mind fully clear, and then he’s gone into the back, readying up as fast as he can.
Despite the danger, the people who need help, that interaction runs through his mind again and again. Ariana Griande, his fan, prying a promise out of Scar Goodtimes that she’ll get to meet Hotguy. She looked… odd, near the end of their conversation, her eyes and smile almost familiar, and not just in the seen-her-on-TV way.
He puts it out of his mind for now, and in a flash, Hotguy is on the scene, explosive arrows notched in his bow. A few aimed charges take out smaller chunks of the building, evening out the tilt and stabilizing it long enough to safely evacuate the inhabitants. As he runs through the building, his prosthetics heating up uncomfortably from the fires set by the explosions, he spots another civilian in need of help.
Or, so Hotguy assumes, before he gets close enough to look through the smoke. Cuteguy sits in the frame of an open window, his pitch black wings hanging out of it, prepared to fall back and make his escape at any moment. Hotguy pauses at the edge of the room- he’s never gotten so close to the villain, the one that designed himself after Hotguy, his costume and name all mocking him. It’s clear this person sees himself as Hotguy’s nemesis, but he’s always been interested as to why-
And then Cuteguy reaches a hand up, lowering his pink sunglasses enough for him to see his eyes unhindered- as Cuteguy flutters his eyelashes at him.
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Hey a little psa for the new adult fandom folks from Twitter
If you don’t want minors to interact with your posts or some of your posts, “minors dni” in your bio isn’t going to be a good way to achieve that.
When seeing posts, people’s descriptions don’t show up unless you look for them. When a “minors dni” banner is on a post, it’s usually at the bottom, so the potential minor has already seen the content, and even if it’s at the top, they will have to scroll past it anyway.
Here are some solutions you can use that will actually achieve something:
Manually block any minor you find (very effective but time consuming. annoying for people who eventually age out of your dni.)
Say minors please block on the post itself (relies on the minors listening to you, can get old real fast, but at least it’ll actually be seen)
Tag posts you don’t want minors to interact with something consistent (doesn’t need to be nsfw; I’m just talking about anything you want them to know not to interact with). I use #lemons because I’ve been reading fic for way too long and I think it’s funny. (this relies on others filtering this tag themselves, thus giving them agency in the situation. That’s what I aim for but if you don’t want that, add another solution— just keep in mind some adults won’t want to see that content either, and maybe you’ll want to find those posts later yourself, so it’s good to do this regardless)
Tag the post #nsfw, which is probably going to do something weird like take it off search or automatically give it the mature community label. Pretty sure those posts are hidden from minors. (honestly they’ve changed it a bunch of times so try your luck or don’t.)
Use a readmore and warn for what you’re about to show above it. On mobile, type :readmore: and newline; on web, it has its insert button like photos or links, which is a squiggly line. (this is great for suggestive pictures or whatever else you wouldn’t want someone to catch a glimpse on while mindlessly scrolling. It doesn’t stop anyone from interacting though.)
Use community labels to signal mature content. This will automatically hide the post for minors, and allow adults to either also have it hidden (default), blur it, or leave it alone. This can be changed in your settings. Note that, even labeled, pictures of sex acts are still forbidden on tumblr due to the Apple Store and payment processors being run by puritans people who refuse to tolerate that kind of content in case they accidentally get caught up in sex trafficking. Twitter only got an exception because it was big enough that they thought it was more profitable to turn a blind eye. Tumblr is being made an example out of, having been threatened and taken off the app store over this. (In other words they did not remove nsfw content to bully creators. It was at gunpoint.) You will have to link this stuff while only showing a more sfw picture if you want to share this content, privatter style. I don’t think non previewed linked content is monitored so it should be ok??
There’s probably other ways I haven’t thought of. A combination is great!
Additionally, you can make a blog password protected (a priv, basically), post privately (only visible to you) and disable reblogs on a post (tagged people can still reblog I believe).
If other people find your post inappropriate, they can also submit it to be reviewed as mature content, and it’ll get forcibly labeled if tumblr rules they’re correct. As far as I know, unless it’s something that’s illegal, tumblr posts won’t get removed in any way— only the pictures tend to get replaced by “this picture was violating content policy”. Some blogs I believe can also get marked as mature? I’m not sure how that works.
So! Depending on what you need and want with your minor dni, you have a bunch of solutions to pick from, and by all means get creative if you can think of more.
Happy posting!
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✨Western Magical Girl Confessions January 2023 Update!✨
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Hi everyone!^^ Happy New Year! 🎊
How are you all? What’s new? Still here? Lol Anyways, some of you may be wondering what’s going on with me? Maybe? Maybe not?lol Either way, I’m here to give you an update!
I’ve actually been sick with the flu for almost 3 weeks now! Has it been easy? HECK NO! 😆 So unfortunately, that’s a big chunk of the reason why I haven’t been motivated to make confessions. I’m starting to feel better, but I’m not planning on making any confessions until I’m 100% well! So once again, stay turned and thank you for being patient!
I’ve been just taking a break from this blog in general due to past events that have happened on it. Some due to my own ignorance and mistakes, some due to other factors, like anons. Either way, when I do eventually start making confessions again, I want to start off on a cleaner slate.
Just basically life stuff. Some stressful, some just average.
So after all of that is over and done with, I really want to make confessions again! I really miss doing them! Also, another thing I want to mention, throughout this hiatus in the past few months, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. So I have a couple of things that I want to say and mention once more before I start up confessions again. I also want to say that this is going to be the last time that I’m going to repeat myself like this when I explain the bare bones of this blog, and to anyone who still doesn’t get it, I’ll just link the rules or link them back to this post.
Note: This stuff isn’t really meant to be aimed towards a particular group of people or certain fans, I’m just explaining this through my experiences and to make sure we are all on the same page here. My goal isn’t to “offend” anyone, it’s for my followers (and others who may pass this blog) to understand more clearly! So please don’t take what I say as offensive, please?
So, like I just said above, this is a confession blog about different western magical girl shows for different criticisms alike. It’s about people being able to express their feelings about different issues that they have with shows, it’s ships, it’s writing etc. I’m doing this blog for fun, for people to have a voice and to give people a chance to vent and to express their opinions without being directly attacked by certain people.
This blog is not JUST about a particular show. It’s about many western magical girl shows alike. So it’s not really fair to act passively aggressive towards the mod or the blog it’s self just because it allows a confession that said something negative about a show or ship that you like (or vice versa). Every opinion alike is allowed, even negative ones.
The mod’s thoughts and opinions on these shows, it’s ships, it’s characters etc. AREN’T a factor on this blog. This blog is about the mod submitting other people’s opinions and thoughts through cards. Their opinions and thoughts litterally have nothing to do with it, so please don’t act like it does to cause disclosure (or anything else of the sort).
If you have certain concerns about certain confessions on this blog, then you need to come to the mod about it so the situation will be taken care of to the best of it’s ability. If that particular problem is not solved in the way that you like it, then I’m sorry. The only other solution that I can recommend to you is to even ignore said problem, block the tags, or just block this blog in general. I personally can’t solve every single problem, especially since they come from different kinds of people, in which their opinions might contradict other’s opinions. If you truly aren’t satisfied with the way I run things, then it’s probably best if you just block and move on. I won’t get offended nor stop you. Sometimes, things just won’t work out 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like I’ve said above, this blog WILL be filled with different opinions and criticisms alike, even ones that you disagree with. If you can’t accept that, then just block this blog and move on. You’re allowed to reblog or comment on these confessions with your own opinions if you like as long as it’s aimed towards that confession in particular, not the blog it’s self. So if I feel like that your just trolling or what your saying is being indirectly vulgar towards this blog, then I’ll just block.
Again, anon hate will automatically be blocked, plain and simple. I don’t have the patience or tolerance anymore.
Again, like I’ve said many times before (and this will be the last time I’ll say this), Confessions are by DIFFERENT people, not the same person, so not ALL confessions are by the mod, nor are they by the same person. So don’t send hate that’s directed at the mod, since not all confessions are by them.
Look, I’m going to try to say this in the most non-belligerent way possible. I will try to take the necessary steps and make the necessary choices to make the blog enjoyable for everyone, not only me of course. However, sometimes those “steps” and “choices” might not be the same as what you want. If you don’t like that, that’s perfectly fine! However, being rude or gaslighting me about it isn’t going to change my mind. Even block the tags that are added to the confessions, or block this blog in general. Your opinions and feelings matter, but they aren’t the only ones that do.
Before submitting your thoughts & confessions, please read the rules.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave it in my ask box!
Now! With that out of the way! When I get back into making confessions, some will be unbanned and some will not!
The following confessions that will most likely be unbanned
Nex (Winx Club) confessions.
Positive Nabu (Winx Club) confessions.
All Chloe Bourgeois, Marinette Dupain Cheng, Zoe Lee, Sabrina Raincomprix (Miraculous Ladybug) confessions, regardless positive or negative. However, repetitive ones will most likely be submitted much later!
Anti Catra/Catradora confessions. However, ones that talk too negatively about its fans are still banned!
Negative Hordak (She Ra) confessions.
Negative Entrapta (She R) confessions.
The confessions that will still be banned or will be banned too
Confessions about Thomas Astruc (the creator of Miraculous Ladybug). You can still make criticisms about the writing or other issues, but avoid directly talking about him.
Confessions that talk directly about Chloe Bourgeois’s “redemption arc” (Miraculous Ladybug).
Nabu’s Death (Winx Club) Confessions.
Winx Club v.s. W.I.T.C.H confessions. You can still talk about both shows together, but NOT against each other.
Bloom, Sky and Diaspro (Winx Club) confessions, mostly ones like “Bloom/Sky are crappy people for what they did to Diaspro!”.
Anti Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony) confessions. I just feel everyone and their grandmother knows how much of a “bad character” she is at this point, and has talked about it enough. I just don’t see the point anymore and just beating a dead horse.
“Bloom (Winx Club) is a Mary-Sue” confessions.
Confessions that claim characters as “Mary-Sues” or “Gary-Stus” in general. I just feel that the term has lost it’s meaning.
“I want the old Winx to come back!” confessions.
Things that could help!
Let me know if there’s any words, triggers, or tags that you would like for me to add to post so you can blacklist/block them.
Explaining your reasons for wanting a certain thing banned or not might help. I might understand or explain why this certain thing is valid/invalid.
The purpose of the blog IS for you to get things off your chest, but positive confessions are accepted too! I would love to hear some positivity about the shows, ships, characters etc. ^^
Please write *SPOILERS* in your confessions before writing it if you know that it’s a spoiler, especially if it’s Miraculous Ladybug and The Owl House. They’re the only active shows right now.
That’s all I really have to say. Sorry if this seems like I’m “making a mountain out of an anthill”, because I understand that this is just a side blog for fun, something that I don’t have to do lol However, I just want to be able to run my blog in peace, without any hurdles from people who refuse to understand. I’m just letting it be known that this is most likely the last time I’m going into detail like this.
So with this said, my little hiatus should be over soon, and I hope to do confessions again! Thank you for listening and if you have any thoughts or questions about any of this, feel free to leave it in my ask box!
Confessions at this time are closed until further notice, so please reframe from sending in confessions and headcanons! If you do so, it will be saved, but be released at a much later time!
Stay Magical!~
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16 notes · View notes
[Transcript Begin.]
[The video begins with two people running across a desolate parking lot. The camera shakes, never focusing on one target. Through the moving video, one individual is visible, the other holding the camera and sometimes showing their own footsteps. Heavy breathing is heard through the other small sounds such as clothes ruffling, footsteps, or accessories hitting against each other.]
Tom: Stupid brat all she had to do was listen.
[The video zooms in on the man, a cigarette lit in his hand, He soon releases a puff of smoke before the two individuals get closer.]
T: Can I help you two?
Madeline: Yeah, yeah! I have one question.
T: And what is that? I'm on break, so hurry up.
M: Yeah, so, why don’t you want your child to be happy?
T: Let me guess you know Mari… Let me tell you something. I want her to be happy, that's why I'm doing this.
M: You used ‘her,’ you do know your own child’s pronouns, don’t you?
T: Yes, she/her, the pronouns chosen for her at birth. Why don't you fuck off?
M: I’ll give you one last chance, mister.
T: Buzz off, you weirdo.
M: You asked for it.
[Madeline cracks her knuckles, then lands a punch straight into Tom’s face.]
[Tom attempts to punch back, but misses due to the pain.]
M: Crazy how you can’t hit a 17 year old. Come on, I have less experience than you!
[Tom attempts to punch again, he hits the air.]
M: You’re all bark no bite are you? Try harder!
[Tom throws a third punch, He hits Madeline in the arm.]
M:You couldn’t aim a little higher?
[Tom tries to slap Madeline, he misses. Madeline then counters by kicking him in the stomach.]
[A crash is heard from behind as someone smashes in a window nearby, the person climbs in and falls to the floor with little to no grace.]
M: Getting robbed and beat up? Skill issue.
Edgar: I’m not here to fucking rob you, not like I would, this place is ass!
E: Doesn’t matter, I have a crowbar, dickhead!
M: No but actually, who are you?
[Edgar lifts his left hand and opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it and just points at his hand instead.]
M: Oh! Hi Edgar!
T: So, your name is Edgar? Let me guess, another one of Mari's friends?
E: You could say that, yeah. Anyway, uh. Who’s winning?
[Tom attempts to punch Edgar, but he misses again.]
E: You’re really bad at punching people.
[Edgar swings his crowbar at Tom, it connects with his ribs, causing him to hunch over.]
T: Damnit! y'know if you kill me… Mari won't have any parents.
M: They don’t need your good for nothing ass!
E: Also, isn’t it your fault they don’t have a mom? They mentioned that at the Denny’s.
T: That bitch was gonna let Mari live in her own stupidity. I had no choice!
M: All I'm hearing is Blah..Blah..Blah. No choice? What does that even mean?
E: There’s always a choice. You just didn’t want to consider the other one.
M: Damn.. Guess we have to kill you now! You had a chance.
T: She’s crazy, why would I let my daughter date someone who doesn't have enough brain cells to understand how not to get kidnapped, let alone that you can't change gender.
[Edgar laughs, and takes a step towards Tom.]
E: I’m getting real tired of hearing you talk, Tom.
T: Same here, jerk.
E: Just call me a bitch, dude, this isn’t a children’s show. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.
T: How about you go die with that sarah kid then you bitch, lord knows if Mari lost two people she cared about maybe she would finally come home.
E: Tom, Mari tried to throw themselves off a bridge after your little chat in the Denny’s. If they lost anyone else, you’d lose them forever.
T: Whoever stopped her should have let her jump. That brat is dead to me.
M: What the fuck is wrong with you.
E: Well, they’re dead to you, big whoop. Guess what? You’re just dead.
[Edgar swings the crowbar at Tom’s neck, there is a sickening crack! As Tom’s neck snaps, and he falls limp to the floor.]
M: Oh shit..
E: Oops. Uh, okay, what now…
Olive: Skill issue!
M: Let’s leave him bleeding out! Just like, clear evidence or something!!
E: I’ll put a few pieces of glass near him, maybe… Wait, put that rock next to him as well.
M: Alrighty then.
[Madeline places the rock next to Tom's head while giggling. They then pick up a couple of shards of glass and shove them into Tom’s neck, leaving some around the body as well.]
E: Now it looks like an accident. We should probably skedaddle.
M: You just killed someone and you say skedaddle? Corny ass..
E: Well, what other words am I supposed to use?
M: Leave? Get out? Anything other than skedaddle?
E: It sounds better.
M: Okay bro. I'm surprised you didn’t call me homeskillet yet.
E: I completely forgot about that… I still could, honestly.
M: Don’t.
[Edgar chuckles, hesitating before speaking again.]
E: Whatever you say, homeskillet!
[Madeline groans, and puts her hands onto her face, throwing her head back as well.]
E: Well. Um. We probably should leave before someone reports this.
M: Alright. We’re going to go get drinks.
E: I would say you’re too young for that, but I just killed someone, so it would be a bit hypocritical to tell you that underaged drinking is against the law.
M: Exactly, alright, let’s head out. For real this time.
E: Alright, see you later. I guess.
M: See ya!
[Transcript end.]
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Alright, time for How Alden And Kodiak Actually Sort Their Shit Out. Get ready, it’s gonna get long
It’s a railjack mission, somewhere around Pluto. Kohlrabi and Alden invading ships where needed, Kodiak doing work on the railjack Peregrinus itself along with the human crew (gunners Die and Ched and engineer Maxi), and ofc Cy himself
It’s overall a good day of plundering and blowing shit up and setting various new Contraptions of Kodiak’s design on the corpus occupying the sector. Cy seems satisfied with their results so far. Die pilots and proceeds to argue about it with Ched non-fuckin-stop. Shanty the ship kavat patrols along the corridors like her job includes being a beast of battle instead of one of blanket piles
Alden and Kohlrabi are investigating an orokin derelict floating in orbit, already swarming with corpus, when there’s a cut off SOS signal and Kohlrabi reappears on the Peregrinus, not far from where Kodiak is working on stuff. Stumbling, wide eyed, clearly shaken
It turns out they and Alden wandered into a trap. An ambush. Y’know those grineer bullshit orbs on the Zariman that force you out of your frame? Yeah well the corpus have figured out the opposite it seems. They had scrambled the transference signal enough that Kohlrabi’s brain cut it off on instinct and now they’re back here on the Peregrinus with absolutely no connection to Alden, who was left behind
There had been so many corpus and proxies, so many, hundreds of them swarming in the halls of that derelict, and they had said something about stripping a warframe for parts, and-
Basically Kohlrabi is terrified out of their mind but determined to go back and both of those transfer to Kodiak as well. He wouldn’t let Kohlrabi back on to that derelict alone Anyway but. Alden. These fuckers went after Alden and he’s alone down there and they’re taking Alden away from him, again, out on a mission he will not return from bc he will no doubt find a way to deal with this that’s stupid and heroic and not something he can survive-
They need to go. They need to go Now
This is the part where maybe someone else would say hee hoo Kohlrabi transfers into Kodiak and they work together and I am v specifically and spitefully pointing out that I am Not Doing That bc I hate the trope of “character development but it’s just the character becoming more willing to let their boundaries get walked over.” Not doing that. Kodiak is not doing transference shit ever again and it’d put him in great distress if he did and They Can Do This Without That
They go in one of the landing shuttles that railjacks Have. Idc that they don’t in game, there Has to be a way for 1) ppl who aren’t warframes to get on and off, and 2) anyone to get on and off anywhere that isn’t the total of uhh. Three? I think? Dry docks you have access to in the game
So they go to get Alden back. From the fuckin derelict. From the fuckin corpus
The shuttle is remote controlled by Cy with a manual override for emergencies, so on the short ride over Kodiak gets to get a bit more detail out of Kohlrabi regarding what they’re walking into. They’re both angry and determined and scared, and everyone on board knew it’d be pointless to try and stop them. Is it a stupid mission with bad odds? Yes. Are they still the most likely to succeed? Also yes
Kohlrabi is fidgeting with the knife they got from North. Kodiak is bringing his chakkhurr that Alden had gotten for him, gifted with the undertone of “I hope you will never have to use this. I hope it’ll keep you safe, when you do.” It’s way bigger than what he’d prefer but also definitely insane enough to be right up his alley. He’s never aimed it at a living target before but suddenly he doesn’t find the thought so alien anymore
They dock at one of the corpus airlocks jammed into the side of the derelict to allow safe entry. The inside is a smaller corridor, thankfully deserted. When Kodiak tells Kohlrabi to go immaterial as long as they can and hide, it’s not bc he doesn’t believe in them. It’s bc this is two of them against possible hundreds. They can’t win this by force
Alden is...alone, against hundreds, and fuckin terrified. No shit. He’s outrunning the worst of it for now, but he knows it’s only a matter of time before he runs out of space in the bowels of the derelict. He’s bleeding and limping and lost and there’s corpus fuckin Everywhere
The bullets stuck under his skin giving their repeating magnetic pulses scramble his HUD, make him dizzy and disoriented and tired. He feels like he’s running in circles
He feels like he’s been here before, millennia ago, except that was a ship, not- not this place, and oh anyway, he has to find the reactor- there is no reactor, but there is, no, there-
In his delirium he is constantly swinging between past trauma and present danger. Struggling to survive either. Whatever he’s got left in him is draining fast. He just wants to go home more than anything, and with every step, every corner he feels more certain that that’s simply not an option anymore
And then the building around him hums, sings, and he knows immediately even through everything that he must be imagining it, because the tune is something Kodiak used to whistle when he tinkered in his workshop. But Kodiak is not here, Kodiak is- dead, probably, right? Maybe not. Probably yes. He’s not sure, he’s not sure about anything anymore except that it all Hurts
And then then derelict comes alive
Doors open and close of their own accord. Sentry drones float from their sockets to take aim at- at anything that isn’t Alden, apparently. Igniting chaos. Decorative contraptions animate not to dazzle but to tear apart anything that gets near them. The Neural Sentry stretches its horrible phantom limbs and makes every single soldier aboard it fight to retain their own selves
And as Alden keeps running, keeps searching for a way out or a way to end, the chaos parts around him. Overhead lights beckon and lead him, dimming back down to their ominous lacking once he passes. Doors open way ahead and then lock behind his back, layer after layer separating him from the fighting, until he can’t tell how much of it he’s imagining anymore
And then- then, there’s a corridor, with an airlock at the end
Kohlrabi is the first by his side, tackling him in a hug, a real hug despite the flesh-steel and the weak static electricity that’s the best Alden can really produce right now. He hugs them back the moment he realises what’s happening. If they’re here, if they made it this long alright, if they can afford the time to do this, then things must be okay. They must be. They must be. But he holds them tight just in case they aren’t
Kodiak lets them have a moment but can only hold out for so long when he’s also terrified and relieved and trying to take stock of Alden’s injuries from far away. So he comes over, gently lays a hand on Alden’s arm, watches as he sways closer. Promises him that they’re getting him home now, getting him fixed up. Alden hasn’t said a word and Kodiak is worried about a million things and that’s one of them, but he does at least nod. Kohlrabi looks up at Kodiak and things would probably turn into a group hug of their doing if Cy didn’t choose that exact moment to tell them to come the fuck back on board so they can all go home and get Alden some medical (Helminth) attention
It takes a bit, for the Helminth to fix everything. Kodiak and Kohlrabi spend that time sitting together. Kohlrabi is the most tired out of all of them, between having a human body and the shock of being thrown from transference on top of an already long day, so they end up settling down against Kodiak’s side and under his arm despite him not being Soft. Kodiak tells them stories of harmless, stupid things Alden would get up to when they were both young
When Alden emerges again, it’s more hugs and softness and making sure he’s doing okay. Kohlrabi keeps yawning. They only put up token resistance about Getting Some Rest but Alden jokingly threatens to call Hako anyway, and their response is “I already have two dads telling me to go to sleep, pls don’t sic my brother on me too D:”
This is a very normal thing for both Alden and Kohlrabi (and holy fuck did it take long for both of those found family relationships to get accepted as they are named now but Hey We Got There) meanwhile Kodiak is just standing there trying to have a coherent thought bc dad?? dad??? am dad???
So Kohlrabi ends up going to bed proper (tho they also end up sleeping like shit, but at least for the moment things are looking okay in that department). And Alden kinda just starts towing Kodiak along to his own room bc he Also wants to rest but also he Really Does Not Wanna Be Alone rn. Neither does Kodiak. Or maybe they just specifically don’t wanna be away from each other. They know things turned out okay but that residual fear is Still There. The Helminth heals faster than a once-human mind can keep up with
But Kodiak stops walking the moment they’re in Alden’s room bc. Okay. They need to talk. Bc he almost lost Alden Again and they both relived Horrible Fuckin Things and Kodiak doesn’t even know most of what Alden had just gone through bc they haven’t Talked about it yet. But he needs to tell him what he’s gonna now even if it goes wrong bc he’s been quiet for millennia but the chance of never getting to say it at all bc Alden will just be Gone again is too great to bear at this point
So he says, “I need to tell you this. I love you.”
And Alden is confused and amused and fond bc This Is Not New. They’re best friends! This is not new! “I love you too.”
“No, you idiot, you- I’m in love with you!”
And Alden is still amused until the next second it Clicks and he kinda. Short circuits. Also mind you they’re still holding hands and Kodiak tries to pull his hand away and Alden won’t let him. But otherwise he’s stunned silent so Kodiak is Expecting The Worst. He’s forcing himself to stay quiet but he Knows that he’s practically radiating anxiety
Eventually Alden asks, “How long?”
Which. What the fuck. Unexpected enough that Kodiak just...answers. “Since we were 25, I think?”
“Oh you motherfucker”
“????” (even more anxiety)
But Alden is laughing. Jittery and adjusting his hold on Kodiak’s hand and Laughing. “You beat me by a year! I- I think we were 26 anyway, remember when Teerak-”
“You can’t be serious.”
But he is. He’s so giddy and his free hand keeps flitting about and this is a grown man but he’s acting like a teenage boy in love and Kodiak loves him So Fuckin Much but he’s also maybe gonna kill him bc what the fuck. What the fuck
“So you’re saying. All this time-”
“Every fuckin day back then I was thinking about wanting to kiss your stupid face, and then I died and all this shit happened and I realised I’d never get to, and then- then we found you again, and I just went back to the same, I guess.”
Yeah Kodiak is gonna kill him. “Why didn’t you just Say Something”
“I was waiting for You to say something!”
“For me to- Bunny, I was so obvious! Everyone knew!”
“Everyone but me, apparently!”
They...argue about this pointlessly for a while. It’s fine. They’re just very giddy about it
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roving-boi · 1 year
Dear Diary
I spent the weekend with my mom for my birthday. she picked me up and took me to the county fair which is inconveniently located right across the street from my school. So of course everyone from school was there. Not a big deal, I got to say hi to some school friends and still had a blast. It’s just a little sucky to run into familiar faces sometimes. I don’t really like the town I currently live in, scenery wise it’s alright. I like the small town vibe and stuff I just don’t really like the people themselves.
Anyway it was great and I got to meet an online friend in real life for the first time ever. They actually live not too far away but we never got to meet before. So we just planned to meet up at the fair and then we saw each other and hung out for a few hours. We went on rides together, browsed the shopping stalls, and I even bought him ice cream. He didn’t finish it but he was still quite happy about it so thats fine.
I’ve been writing a book lately, it’s a little far from being finished but I’ve been making progress. I’m hoping all goes well, and I get to have it done this year. I’m a little worried no one is going to read it, but I guess that’s okay. At least I put something out there. It’s this romance fantasy kinda aimed toward anyone looking for escape. The protagonist is this high school boy who is unhappy with their mundane life and one day steps through a mirror that takes them to another reality. They meet this magical bunny person and they kinda fall in love and then yeah. It took a lot of inspiration from deltarune. In case you’re a weirdo who plays indie games and that rung a bell. (No shame though because I think that makes you really cool) im excited to keep going with it but I hope I don’t give up.
Also one of my close friends from school (who I’ll just call Jay.) isn’t my friend anymore. Uh- well let me explain. So basically.. I made a group chat with me and another good friend (who knows jay, but moved away) and I was venting about how I feel like jay mistreats me. I feel like jay ignores me at school and I feel like we just haven’t been really getting along lately at all. Me and my one friend agreed and went back and fourth on our personal opinions regarding jay. Well, there was another friend of mine (who is an online friend, but also knows jay) who was also in the group chat. I guess they took screenshots of everything me and my friend said and sent it to jay. The next day at school, jay blew up at me and told me to never talk to her again. I was like what the fuck.
I trusted my friends and they literally betrayed me and all this drama happened. The reason I didn’t go to jay about anything up front is because I don’t think they would even care or acknowledge it. So I decided to vent to some close friends of mine and thought I could get some comfort. I guess I’m always the bad guy when I speak up about being mistreated. Like that one time my dad was yelling at me and chewing me out for like, no good reason. I told him to “chill” and he blew up oh my god. Yeah. So I never really have the right to say anything. Which you kinda learn to live with, but it’s still gay I guess. So I guess jay and her other little friends have all turned on me. But I don’t really care I don’t need them. It’s still unfair, but if you can’t roll with me then leave I guess.
Anyway, I have one week of school left and then summer. I’ll see what happens i dunno. I’m gonna get some rest. At least I updated and I’m not dead haha
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themculibrary · 1 year
Hawkeye Masterlist
A Good Feeling (ao3) - dentalfloss T, 81k
Summary: “You work for SHIELD” Barton spat the agencies title at Coulson as though it were the nastiest cuss he knew. “We have nothing more to talk about.” Which was all good and fine, except-
“I have some things to discuss with you, actually,” Tony said and Clint’s bruised and swollen gaze turned towards him. “Many things. Nice things,” he tagged on when Clint’s gaze narrowed darkly. The kid might be passing out in slow motion before them but Tony was well aware he was still a threat and he made no move to approach. “Let me help,” he insisted anyway.
Or: the one where Clint may be a pretty formidable assassin for hire, but he was broke and his brother needed help he couldn’t afford so he needed a legitimate job for a little while. How fortunate Stark Tower was hiring.
Aim (ao3) - visiblemarket clint/phil M, 61k
Summary: Clint “Hawkeye” Barton takes on a contract for one Philip J. Coulson. It all goes downhill from there.
(And uphill for a while. Then downhill again. Mostly downhill, overall).
All in the Family (ao3) - AlphaFlyer M, 3k
Summary: Hawkeye meets the Red Guardian. Alexei is not impressed.
Five Times Clint Saw His Teammates, and One Time They Saw Him (ao3) - rohanrider3 clint/natasha T, 15k
Summary: Everyone runs on something. Clint is better than most at seeing at what that is.
And people–especially the Avengers–are full of surprises.
Or, don’t underestimate the “least powerful” team member just because he fights evil with snark and a weapon from the paleolithic era.
Hawkeye? (ao3) - gunpowder_and_pearls G, 366
Summary: Hawkeye is sent on a mission with a handler as an assignment to assess them. They don’t know he is Hawkeye, but they’ve all heard of him. He was just as legendary as Phil Coulson and Fury.
Just Another Guy With A Bow (ao3) - myrmidryad clint/natasha, clint/phil, darcy/steve, jane/thor N/R, 94k
Summary: Clint's life is a steady progression from point A to point B, but it's everything that happens between those points that make the story interesting. Things like joining the circus, losing Barney, finding Barney, stumbling into SHIELD, trusting Coulson, making a different call when he's sent to kill the Black Widow, and becoming part of the dysfunctional Avengers team.
Masks (ao3) - VespidaeQueen clint/natasha G, 358
Summary: Clint decides he needs a new addition to his Hawkeye outfit.
Once Lost (now found) (ao3) - Teeelsie bucky/clint M, 40k
Summary: There’s a beat and then Phil says, “Clint, you don’t have anything to prove.”
And that stings, because, “If you think I’m doing this to prove anything to anyone, then you don’t know me half as well as I thought you did.” He hears Phil sigh on the other end of the comm. “Besides,” Clint tells him, “I’ll have back-up. I’ll have Barnes. Hawkeye out.” He reaches up and clicks off the comm, cutting off Phil’s continued objection mid-word.
Eight days these assholes have had Barnes and he’s not going to let them keep him for another hour, much less another day. He doesn’t have anything to prove, but he sure as hell isn’t going to give anyone any reason to question his actions, either.
The Best Hawkeye (ao3) - dreamerfound T, 405
Summary: Kate and Clint playfully argue about who is the best Hawkeye
Trading in on Our Names (ao3) - pherryt clint/bucky T, 11k
Summary: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier didn’t know each others identities. Being mercenaries meant secrets both inside and outside of the jobs. That didn’t stop either of them from admiring from afar, resigned to never going any further.
Then Clint and Bucky started dating and life got a little more complicated…
Two Hawkeyes Are Better Than One, The Mix (ao3) - kultiras, pyroblaze18 (kultiras) G, 516
Summary: Clint Barton, Hawkeye. Kate Bishop, Hawkeye. They may drive each other crazy, but Hawkeyes stick together.
Two Times Hawkeye and Winter Soldier Meet and One Time Clint and Bucky Do. (ao3) - orphan_account G, 511
Summary: The Winter Soldier meets Hawkeye over the years
Who the Hell is Hawkeye? (ao3) - pherryt G, 19k
Summary: In retrospect, Bucky should have seen it coming. Sure, Clint was fast and agile and his marksmanship was out of this world - second to none, even Bucky - but on a team of superheroes, Clint was still all too human.
With Us (Or Without) (ao3) - dentalfloss pre clint/bucky T, 45k
Summary: “What the actual f*@k,” Fury glared incredulously, “are monkey’s doing here?”
“They’re marmosets, Sir,” Hill corrected flatly as Tony looked between them all with glee.
“They’re also with us,” Clint stated, not amused and clearly not giving two shits about anyone’s actual opinion of the matter as he stood there with a marmoset on his shoulder, and Natasha Romanov and the Winter Soldier backing him up.
or: SHIELD handles things badly after Loki, and Clint doesn't take it well. Neither does Natasha.
Youngest In History (ao3) - Aggie2011 T, 55k
Summary: 18 year old Clint Barton was lost. Known only by "Hawkeye" since his escape from military prison, he works as a bow wielding assassin for hire. But a betrayal and an offer bring him to SHIELD and to Agent Phil Coulson who takes on the daunting task of rescuing Clint from his own darkness...and gives him an unexpected gift in the process...hope. Pre-Avengers, NOT slash
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Mozart MKII
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Hi-dee ho, who’s in the house?
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Kaede, hey! There you are.
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How’d the meeting go?
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Basically, Shuichi and Kyoko are gonna try and find wherever Zetsubou are camped out. In the meantime, we’re preparing to a siege, and I’ve been made one of the squad captains.
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Which is why I’m here. Are you done looking at my spear? ‘Cause I’m gonna need it back.
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Huh? Um...yeah, about that.
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What did you do?
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Wh-What’s with that judgmental glare!?
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Alright, fine! I may have made a couple of...upgrades to it?
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I swear to god if you’ve added a vibration function or something.
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No...wh-why would I do that? It’s a weapon, not a sex toy?
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Miu, it’s you.
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Ah yeah fair point.
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You’ve got nothing to worry about Kaede. Miu and I worked on it together. I made sure no weird or out of place functions got added.
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Here it is. Just finished up with it.
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What the heck!?
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*Kaede retrieves her spear from Mona, only to see the weapon now looks completely different from how it did before.
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Made a couple of design changes on top of the modifications. Hope they’re to your taste.
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Yeah, this is definitely my color, but...what did you guys DO to it?
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Well, after I got to see it in action, I realized something. The fact that you have a spear you can control using electromagnetic contraction is useful in and of itself, but there plenty of other things we can make it to do help you fight better with it.
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So Miu and I got to work and gave it a bunch of new features.
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See those keys near the head? Those are actual keys that you press to activate each function.
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First of all, the mode it’s in right now is Polearm mode. You can activate it by pressing this key.
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But if I press THIS key...
*Miu demonstrates, and as she presses the key, the sound of the piano rings out, and the bladed end of the polearm suddenly retracts, and a different mode protrudes.
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This one is called Javelin mode. For pokey things!
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Wow! So it changes into other kinds of weapons?
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Well, it’s still a spear, just...different kinds.
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Yeah. We assigned a mode for each key. Polearm mode, Javelin mode, and next is Bludgeon mode.
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*Miu presses the third key and the sharp, needle-like javelin folds apart to reveal a half-sphere on a piston.
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*Mona takes the gauntlet and then the spear from Miu. She throws it towards a training dummy in the corner. The spear flies forward and the piston thrusts the tip outwards, leaving a large dent in the dummy. Mona calls the spear back to her.
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That’s gonna leave a bruise.
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Yeah, if you aim wrong, you might bust a lung or something.
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That was a joke. Anyway, the next mode is a little special.
*Mona presses the next button. This time, the bumper switches out to a megaphone shape.
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What’s this one? Wait, isn’t this...?
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Yep. This one is Hacking mode. It gives the weapon the same properties as the Future Foundation hacking guns, like the one’s Komaru Naegi uses. You hold it like this and fire it like a rifle.
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It’s got all the same bullets too. We’ve got a list of them, but it might be best to just ask her for any tips on how to use it.
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Awesome! And the last mode?
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Ah, well...
*Mona presses the last key, which switches the weapon back to the bladed end again. However, this blade is bigger, and is a darker color.
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What’s this one?
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We didn’t give this one a name, since none of the ideas we came up with really worked. The working title is Kill mode though.
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K-Kill mode? And...what does it do?
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What do you think it does? The difference between this blade and the regular one is that the regular one doesn’t cut as deeply. In hectic situations like a fight to the death, you can use this one to...you know...
*Mona makes a swiping motion across her neck.
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No. Not happening. I’m not gonna use this thing to kill anyone.
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I figured you’d say that. To be honest, I only installed it as a precautionary measure.
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Aside from the new functions, it’s retained all the old one’s. I’m trying to see if there’s a way you can control it without the big ugly glove, but you’re gonna have to give me more time with it for that.
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And there you have it. The Mozart MK2.
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Mozart MK2? What happened to the Mozart MK1?
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Wasn’t that what it was called before?
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I never named it that.
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What? But Mii-Yu told me you named it the Mozart!
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I never named it that, I just said I wonder if I could use the keys to PLAY Mozart Menuet No.1 K.1.
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Still though, Mozart’s a good name for it, so I think I’ll stick with it.
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Oh...good...That’s pretty embarrassing. I can never tell what Mii-Yu means literally or figuratively.
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Still, this is amazing Mona! I was gone for like...what? A few hours? And you already accomplished all that!?
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With Miu helping me, it was a lot easier.
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Aw, thanks.
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Sounds like you’ve got a good thing going for you Kaede.
*Everyone turns to see Rantaro enter the room.
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Hello Kaede. Apologies, I brought Rantaro here.
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Just wanted to deliver a quick message. Shuichi’s headed out now, and he wanted me to let you know that he said bye. 
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And that if he doesn’t get back safely, he’s counting on you to come and rescue him.
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Well, I owe him that much at least. Thanks.
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No problem. I can sense that you’re not exactly welcoming of me right now, so I’ll take my leave for the time being.
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Wait just one moment.
*Before Rantaro can leave, Miu stops him.
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Yeah? What is it?
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...We didn’t get much of a chance to talk when you showed up randomly. I’ve got a question I need to ask.
*Miu, with a stern expression, strides up to Rantaro.
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Is it true? That you’re the one who programmed Mii-Yu?
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...Yes, that’s right. 
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Mii-Yu is from our universe. Me and an old friend created her.
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Uh-huh? And when did you create her? What kind of circumstance would lead you to wanting to make a robot?
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...When did I do it?
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That’s what I asked.
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Well...It was actually during the 52nd Killing Game. Me and Mii-Yu’s other creator, Kojima, built her as a joint project during that time.
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So Mii-Yu was born during a killing game?
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No Mona, she was CREATED during a killing game. “Born” would imply she exists as a result of love.
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But this smug asshole doesn’t see her as anything more than a mindless machine.
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That’s not really true. Artificial Intelligence still counts as intelligence to me. It’s just not one that can really stand to learn on it’s own.
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SHE is far more sophisticated than you give her credit for! Maybe she didn’t know how to learn when you made her, but she’s LEARNED how to learn.
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...You seem to have taken quite a liking to her.
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Oh, you think? Nah, must be your eyes playing tricks on you.
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Regardless, is that your question? You wanted to affirm who, when and how Mii-Yu was built?
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No...I want to know WHY she was built...
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*Miu looms close to Rantaro’s face, threateningly.
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Miu, please, don’t!
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What did you build her for Rantaro? And why are you turning your back on your own creation like this?
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What the fuck did you DO to her...!?
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*Rantaro doesn’t respond.
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You’re not gonna answer me, are you?
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...If you crave the answers so much, then I ask that you give me a little bit of time.
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It may sound like I’m dodging the question, but I feel like regardless of what answer I give you, your opinion of me will worsen. And I’m well aware that it’s an all time low right now, given the recent revelations.
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You don’t have to like me Miu, but I need you to trust me for the time being. I’d rather not answer too many questions while risking that.
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Fine. To be honest, I don’t HAVE to know the answer. Even if you never tell me, that’s alright too. 
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What I care about is Mii-Yu right now, not whatever bullshit she did back when she was with you. 
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If you want me to rely on you for the coming future Rantaro, I will. I don’t have much of a choice. But in exchange, I want you to promise ME something.
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Oh yeah? What’s that?
*Miu pulls away and points at Rantaro.
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You stay the FUCK away from her from now on. If I see you approaching her without my permission, I’m gonna shove a railgun up your ass and fire it.
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...I don’t have any reason to associate with her from this point on. She’s all yours.
*Rantaro exaunts.
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...Fucking ass...! 
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anothergleekgirl · 6 months
by anothergleekgirl
SUMMARY: Finn & Rachel are best friends since childhood and set to be each other's 'Best Friend of Honor' at their respective weddings. As they move ahead helping each other plan, they begin to awkwardly discover that maybe what they'd always thought was 'just friendship' runs much deeper.
Alt Universe/Canon Divergent – FUTUREFIC. A friends to lovers Finchel story! - Set in NYC.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor Status: COMPLETE Chapters: 14 Words: 108,847 Published: Dec 4, 2023 Cast: Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Jesse St James, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Burt Hummel, Hiram & Leroy Berry, Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Shannon Beiste, Emma Pillsbury, Holly Holiday, Sue Sylvester --------------------------------------
“Say you’ll do it? Be my Best Friend of Honor, pleeeeease??”
“Didn’t we always promise each other? ‘Course I will! I’m so happy for you, Bite-Size!”
She stands on tiptoes and throws her arms around her best friend’s neck to squeeze him tight while exhaling into his shoulder “Thank you thank you thank you! Oh Finn, this means so much to me... I couldn’t possibly dream of anyone else standing by my side for this. I’ll need my BFF or it just wouldn’t feel real.”
With his long-reaching arms still wrapped around her waist he kisses her on the cheek.
“Anything for you Rach. You know I’m always here for you.”
With a sweet smile and a slight blush she suddenly looks up into those honey warm almond-shaped eyes. “Now we just need to get you squared away. Exactly when are you planning to set the date?” She pokes her little index finger teasingly into his chest a few times.
“Set a date?” He chuckles heartily, wrapping his large hand around hers and tickling at her palm with his thumb. “Jumping the gun a bit aren’t you, Rach? You know full well the ring is still sittin’ in my sock drawer... how ‘bout I maybe ask her first?”
“Right. You should probably actually do that! I swear, you’re the King of Procrastination.” She smirks at him.
“It’s not procrastination. I’ve just learned with her, it’s best not to make too many sudden moves. Slow and steady is the safest play.”
Peals of laughter burst out of her. “Okay, if you say so... but you do know Tana’s getting impatient, right?”
He aims a glare laced with sarcasm at her. “Ya think?? She keeps bringing home new bride magazines like, daily, and watching hours-long marathons of Say Yes to the Dress. Between you and me? I really hope she wants one of those Panini Turkay dresses, y’know, the ones that look like corsets and see-through lingerie?” He wiggles his eyebrows with a suggestive smirk as he nudges her with his elbow.
“Finn Hudson! You’re ridiculous!” She chastises him through laughter. “I swear your mind is always in the gutter, isn’t it? And her name is Pnina Tornai... A panini is a sandwich, Finn. We’ve discussed this before.”
Shaking it off he doesn’t miss a beat, images of those dresses still dancing in his smiling eyes. “Whatever. Those are some super HOT dresses... especially the ones that lace up the back.”
Rolling her eyes, she gapes at him with mock disgust, then resigns with a sigh. “First of all, Finn, they are not dresses, they are GOWNS – very expensive gowns, I might add. But... Well, I guess I can see the appeal from the groom’s point of view. Although, I’d suppose they’re really only meant for a certain type of bride...” Her voice softens a bit, and he can almost hear a sadness behind her previously cheery tone. “I, for one, don’t think I could ever pull off something so... risqué or revealing – not that it’s really my style anyway. Besides... I’m just not built for a dress like that.”
“You serious right now, Rach? You know you’d totally rock one of those Panini dresses.”
“It’s Pnina. Pronounced pa-nee-NAH, Finn.”
“Don’t care. Stop deflecting... You always do that though, you always put yourself down – and it sorta pisses me off. You gotta stop doing that. Don’t you know you’re beautiful Rach? And I bet anything you’d look super awesome in one of those dresses. In fact, I know you would. I’ll even prove it to you.”
She laughs hysterically as he pokes her lightly in the most ticklish spot on her left side – the spot only he seems to know about since he’d first discovered it at the age of ten. He knows it’s her kryptonite and she’s utterly defenseless against his tickle attacks.
She blushes at his sweet words and squeals through her giggles, "Finn, STOP! And exactly just how do you think you’re gonna prove anything?”
“Well, as your official B-F-O-H, I get to go to the dress shop while you’re picking out a dress, don’t I?? So... I’ll pick one out, you’ll try it on and I’ll prove my point.”
“You wanna help me pick out my wedding gown? You’re insane.”
“Hmmm, maybe. But we both know you’re gonna insist on getting my approval either way. Plus you’re going to Kleinfeld's anyway, so...”
She looks at him for a hard minute with narrowing eyes laced with suspicion.
“You seem to be very well informed, not only about the designer names and dress styles, but also with the name of the bridal shop... Admit it, Finn. You actually watch Say Yes, don’t you?”
Looking away nervously, he shrugs her off. “Uh... no comment.”
A chorus of giggles rings out as her lovely plump pink lips curl up to the apples of her cheeks and make her eyes shine bright. “Oh, you're so BUSTED!”
“Shut up. Hey, I’m a GUY, alright? So I can’t help it if I happened to be walking through the room during that one episode where the bride wanted to be practically naked and had a dress special made that was like HOLY FU–”
“Finn!! Language!” She slaps him lightly on the bicep. “And please stop objectifying women like that; you know it annoys me. Not to mention, how do you think Tana feels about you making those comments?”
He chuckles. “Are you joking right now? She’s the one who comments on the hottest brides on the show most of the time! She even rates them on a scale from g-strings to granny panties. Which, that alone is pretty hot and reason enough to watch.”
“Mmhmm. I forgot. She’s a little... peculiar like that. It’s almost like I’m talking to Puckerman instead of her most of the time. Sometimes I think you two are kind of an odd pairing.”
“So what, you think I shouldn’t—”
“Hey, I never said that. I mean, you love her, don’t you?”
“Well, yeah. Sure I do.”
“Okay then, it’s settled. Just get off your procrastinating ass and get the deed done already, BFG. She’s going to be in my wedding party too, don't forget, and you know that’s just going to make her even MORE antsy if you don’t hurry the hell up.”
“Yeah yeah, Bossy Baby Spice, as long as you’re sure... Annnnd as long as you say you’re gonna be my BFOH.” he teases back with a wink.
She beams her megawatt smile and reminds him, “Didn’t we always promise each other?”
“Cool. You’re the bestest y’know that, short-stuff?” He brushes her bangs from her eyes and wraps a loose strand of her mahogany locks behind her ear, a sincere smile stretching across his dimpled face. “And you’re gonna make a beautiful bride too, Rach. Seriously. Jesse’s a lucky dude – and he’d better treat you right, or he’ll have me to answer to.”
“Is that a fact?” She laughs softly and leans her head against his shoulder. “You’d still defend my honor, huh?”
“Always, Rach. Hey... you wanna grab a bite? Since you mentioned paninis I’ve got a craving now.”
“Oh god... Sure. C’mon, let’s go feed the human garbage disposal.”
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 11 months
No-one is fond of civilians being killed, which is fair, but everyone is pretty keen to come up with reasons for why the civilians that are being killed aren’t actually civilians, or why it isn’t as bad as you might think it is. Twas ever thus, I’d argue, but some recent gems do include:
“It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”
Which would be from Isaac Herzog, President of Israel, who followed it up by claiming that, no, he didn’t say that made them legitimate targets. One wonders why you felt the need to say it in which case, Isaac.
I’m not saying they’re complicit! I’m just saying they’re complicit.
And also this:
"We are not killing civilians. This is a military society. They are the ones who elect their governments.”
A line that apparently comes from a spokesman for Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Guess that would explain why firing rockets just in the general area of where people live is something that keeps happening. Sure makes it easier where to aim if anyone you hit happens to be a vital component of the occupying infrastructure by definition.
As an aside, I saw someone say that referring to anyone as Islamic Jihad should be avoided as that is playing to a particular narrative, and while I can see the logic of this argument Palestinian Islamic Jihad is, unfortunately or not, just straight-up the name of this particular group. Like, that is literally what they call themselves. There’s not a lot you can do about that.
Anyway, like I said, no-one likes killing civilians – or being accused of killing civilians – but since the only alternative is not flinging rockets or missiles around the only option is, it seems, to adjust what you mean by civilian, typically to the point it stops meaning anything at all. Oh, they’re a military society – boom. Oh, they’re human shields – boom. Oh, they’re colonisers – boom. Oh, their brother’s friend’s girlfriend’s cousin once looked at a Hamas member – boom.
Alternatively just say you warned people to get out the way. That’s also doing a lot of heavy lifting these days.
0 notes
97-liners · 3 years
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frat!s.coups x sorority!reader
words: 7.3k
themes/genres: college au, frat au, fluff, rom com
warnings: suggestive! there’s a heavy makeout scene, but no sex. general college antics, including heavy drinking/partying. there’s a scene with a creep on campus.
it’s your final year of college, and you’ve been elected president of your sorority. this is all great and fine, but as the semester goes on, you find yourself having repeated run-ins with the president of the fraternity next door in a series of unfortunate coincidences (that might not actually be coincidences, as you come to discover).
in which you’re trying to deal with your crush on seungcheol in a normal way, but the meddling kids are making it harder than it needs to be.
title and soundtrack: hello tutorial - zion.t feat seulgi 
please reblog from this link! tumblr is dumb as usual 😡
Not even a day into your senior year of college, you open the door to find Seungcheol on the other side and you immediately know you have a problem on your hands.
This isn’t the first time you’ve met Seungcheol. The two of you have been neighbors since freshman year, when he joined the frat next door to your sorority. He’s naturally friendly and likeable, everybody’s friend, and it’s no surprise to anyone when he’s elected the secretary, vice president, and then, this year, the president of Sigma Beta Tau. This isn’t a problem at all. And anyways, you’re also friendly and likeable, an organized, responsible leader, going into your senior year as the president of your sorority. That’s not the problem.
The problem is the broken glass littering the carpet of the downstairs hallway between the first sitting room and the study room, the empty window frame next to the mess, and the guiltily sulking forms of Mingyu and Seokmin towering behind Seungcheol.
“I’m here to apologize,” Seungcheol says, “on behalf of Sigma.”
You blink at Seungcheol. Just a moment ago, you had been in the hallway inspecting the mark on the wall left by the errant football, cussing out the mysterious perpetrator with a few of the other girls who were in the study room at the time of the incident. There’s a cut on your hand from a jagged piece of glass and a careless swing of your arm when the knocking on the front door had startled you. 
“Seokmin and Mingyu are here to clean up the glass and board the window,” Seungcheol says, tilting his head in the direction of each boy as he mentions their name. “They were playing catch in the backyard and got careless. It won’t happen again, and Sigma will foot the bill for repairs.”
But the thing is: it’s been a while since you last saw Seungcheol. He’s gotten his ears pierced and his hair is a bit grown out and pushed back, and he’s wearing a sleeveless muscle tee that shows off his broad shoulders and well-muscled arms, and he’s so fucking hot that your brain short-circuits and all words leave you.
“Kim Mingyu,” you hear a loud voice come from over your shoulder as one of your sorority sisters rounds the corner, her hands on her hips, “tell me how I just knew that it was your clumsy ass that did this? Do you not know how to throw a football? Do I need to teach you how to aim?”
“Stop it, Minjeong” Mingyu whines, immediately putting on his puppy eyes, “Seokmin was the one who threw it-“
“And you’re the one who couldn’t catch it,” Seokmin immediately counters, pointing an accusatory finger. 
“You boys are both so dumb,” Minjeong rolls her eyes, “it’s a miracle if either of you ever manages to hold hands with a girl.”
“Take that back,” Mingyu gasps, mouth falling open in shock. “Excuse me, but I’ve held multiple girls' hands before!”
“You’re the one who got dumped on Valentine’s Day last year ,” Seokmin accuses, and Minjeong’s eyes flash with rage, her mouth opening to deliver something biting and mean.
“Both of you, knock it off,” Seungcheol suddenly interrupts, his voice deep and commanding, and Mingyu and Seokmin immediately close their mouths and look guilty. You feel a not-completely-unpleasant shiver travel down your spine for some reason.
“Whatever,” Minjeong says, turning with a flip of her short hair and heading up the stairs haughtily. 
“Um,” you say, opening the door a bit wider, mouth suddenly dry, “sorry about that.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Seungcheol says again, looking genuinely apologetic. “These two are clowns, and they’ll be cleaning up their mess.” From behind him, the two guilty parties in question nod sheepishly.
“We’ll handle the broken glass. We brought gloves and everything,” Seokmin says, raising a pair of leather work gloves.
“Thanks,” you say haltingly, turning to the side to let the boys in. “The broken window is in that hallway.” You point toward the opposite end of the sitting room in the direction of the disaster zone.
“Y/N!” Seungcheol’s loud voice, bordering on a shout, startles you into a jump. When he takes your hand in his own large, warm hands, your heart nearly bursts out of your chest through your esophagus. “You’re hurt,” Seungcheol says, turning your hand over and inspecting the cut on your palm.
You blink, willing yourself not to overreact. “Oh, yeah, I think I cut myself on some broken glass.”
“Let me clean that up for you,” Seungcheol says, gently passing the tips of his fingers near the site of the wound.
Your brain isn’t functioning. It’s all static, half panicked and half dazed, as you hear yourself say “the first aid kit’s in the kitchen,” and proceed to lead Seungcheol there, with your hand laying palm-up on his the whole time. 
Later on, as he dabs at the cut with a damp paper towel and sprays it with antiseptic before patting it dry and placing a band-aid over it, you realize that you’ve made a terrible impression, even if it’s not your first. Seungcheol is an innate leader and his presence commands respect, and all you’ve done today is stand around dumbly and let your sorority sister insult Mingyu and Seokmin. 
Seungcheol gives you his number, saving himself in your phone with a cherry emoji by his name, telling you that he’ll be in contact to arrange for repairs to the window. You thank him, graciously accept his apologies once again, and send him back on his way next door, the band-aid on your palm burning a hole into your skin and tugging at the embarrassing fluttery part of your heart, and you think: you have a problem on your hands, and it’s called Choi Seungcheol. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
The boy in front of you falls on the ground with a shout, jumping at the sound of your shriek. He turns and you recognize him as one of the new Sigma pledges, a freshman named Chin or Cham or something. “I-I’m sorry,” he stammers, scrambling up to his knees, “I was looking for a girl—“
“Obviously! But you can’t be up here,” you snarl, pulling your bathrobe tighter around your body. You’re wearing fluffy slippers and there’s a towel around your hair. Pointing the curling iron in your hand at the boy, you glare at him. “Come with me.”
He slumps, avoiding eye contact, and lets you lead him down the stairs as if you were holding a gun to his back instead of an unplugged curling iron. You’re still in disbelief at the sheer nerve of the boy to try to sneak into the upper floors of the sorority house— your sorority house, at 9pm on a Saturday night, no less. 
“Sit,” you wave the curling iron at the bottom step of the staircase in the center of the large foyer, and the boy plants his ass on the hardwood ledge obediently, looking like a kicked puppy. “I’m calling Seungcheol.”
The boy’s eyes flash with panic. “Wait, I said I’m sorry!” But his pleas fall on deaf ears, and you already have your phone held up to your ear anyways. Seungcheol picks up almost immediately.
“Hey,” his voice is somehow deeper and rougher on the phone, “what’s up?”
“I caught one of your pledges upstairs, Seungcheol,” you say, narrowing your eyes at the topic of conversation. “Come pick up the kid.”
“Oh my god,” Seungcheol groans. “Who is it?”
You point your phone in the kid’s direction. “What’s your name?”
“Chan,” he supplies helpfully, looking miserable. “Lee.”
“Yeah, that’s one of mine,” Seungcheol sighs. You hear some rustling in the background. “I’ll be over in a minute.”
“Thanks,” you reply primly, hanging up. 
True to his word, a minute later, there’s a knock on the door. When you open it, Seungcheol stands on the other side, wavy black hair hanging over his face and dressed in an oversized sweatshirt. 
“Sorry for the kid,” he jerks his head in Chan’s direction, looking thoroughly exasperated. “Chan,” he calls out, frowning, “what’s the number one rule of sorority houses on this campus again?”
Chan pouts. “Um. Don’t break windows?”
“Wrong,” you cross your arms, letting your curling iron hang from your fingers, no longer wielding it like a police baton. “Rule number one. No boys allowed upstairs. I know it’s archaic and patriarchal, but this is literally a house full of young women with no self-preservation instinct, and college still isn’t a safe place for women, statistically. So, no boys allowed upstairs, and if we catch another one of you past the first floor again, I’ll have to ban Sigmas from this house completely.”
Chan’s jaw drops. “But Jeonghan told me that rule didn’t apply if I was invited in!”
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief the same time Seungcheol pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs a heavy, long-suffering dad sigh. “Do you think we’re vampires? And, who invited you?”
“Oh my god, Chan,” you hear a voice come from upstairs and turn to see Yerim hanging over the bannister on the third floor, lashes on, glittery makeup on her lids, wearing a tiny going-out skirt. “I was just flirting when I told you to come over! I didn’t think you’d take it literally!”
You shake your head. “We have got to raise our standards a bit,” you huff under your breath, and Yerim rolls her eyes.
“Please, sometimes I just want to have some fun with a cute himbo. We can’t all fuck fraternity presidents, can we?” 
There’s a slight choking noise from Seungcheol that’s quickly drowned out by Chan and Yerim cackling in tandem and the sound of blood rushing to your face, your heart thudding in your ears, the last of your patience leaving your body. “You,” you point at Yerim with the curling iron, once again wielding it like a weapon, “go away and stop antagonizing everyone. You,” you direct the curling iron at Chan, “don’t let me catch you back here again. And you,” you turn to Seungcheol and falter, not sure why you’re angrily rounding on him when he didn’t do anything wrong. “Um. Thanks for coming over.”
“Yeah, any time,” he fluffs the hair at the back of his flushed neck and motions awkwardly for Chan to get up. “Give me a call if you need anything. C’mon, let’s go.” 
The freshman gets up from the staircase and follows Seungcheol obediently, turning and giving Yerim a friendly wave before leaving and closing the door gently behind him.
“Hey Y/N, hurry up and finish getting dressed,” Yerim calls down from the third floor, “you said you’d sober-monitor us at the Nu Kaps’ party.” 
It’s then when you belatedly remember that this entire exchange happened while you were still in a long fluffy bathrobe covered in a pattern of little fried eggs, fluffy slippers on your feet, a wet towel piled on your head, an unplugged curling iron in your hand with the cord dragging on the floor. 
“What is wrong with me,” you huff under your breath, turning to head up the stairs.
You derive a considerable amount of pleasure from being the opposite of a stereotypical machine shop hand, you with your lip gloss, sorority letters on your laptop, and Starbucks in your hand. It’s a far cry from the burly dudes that typically run the shop, but you’re a mechanical engineering major, goddamnit, and you’re smart and friendly and you love getting paid just to help other engineering students with their projects. 
But perhaps the only downside to being a shop hand presents itself when Mingyu shows up at the tail end of your shift with a tupperware container of homemade cookies in his hands and a pout on his lips. “I need help,” he says, his voice small and helpless despite his towering stature and large biceps peeking under the sleeves of his tee. 
“Ask Johnny,” you tell him as you replace your safety glasses on the rack and scribble your time out on the sheet hanging by the door. “I’m not the shop hand on duty anymore.”
“Um, but I want your help,” he insists, following you as you shoulder your backpack and leave the shop. “Some of the brothers are trying to build a loft and we can’t figure it out, and we need an engineer.”
“A house full of dudes, and not a single one of them can put a few pieces of wood together?” You raise your eyebrows at Mingyu. He sticks by your side as you walk back home, which, unfortunately, is the same path and direction that he takes to walk home. 
Mingyu whines, “yeah, but I want your help. Did I ever tell you that you were my favorite calculus TA? And look,” he holds out the tupperware in his hands, “I made red velvet cookies stuffed with cream cheese frosting, just for you.”
For such a large, buff, fuckboy-appearing guy, Mingyu is surprisingly pathetic when he wants to be. It’s hard for you to say no when he curls his shoulders in like he’s trying to make himself small, like the world’s saddest little Victorian street urchin. “Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll help you.”
But when he leads you upstairs to the half-finished construction project, instead of the group of boys he had mentioned, you find yourself face-to-face with a sweaty, frazzled-looking Seungcheol in his bedroom, surrounded by plywood and pine beams. 
“Mingyu,” he says, furrowing his brows, “I thought you were going to get Johnny.”
“Johnny wasn’t on shift when I got there,” Mingyu replies quickly, stuffing the box of cookies in your hands. “I remembered wrong, I guess, and Y/N was the shop hand on duty, so I brought her back here instead.”
Seungcheol turns to you. He’s wearing another one of those muscle tees that shows off his large arms and broad shoulders and you can smell the scent of his aftershave mixing with freshly cut wood, and suddenly your mouth is dry and you can’t find it in you to chastise Mingyu for lying. 
“You don’t have to stay,” he tells you apologetically. “I think we can figure it out.”
You blink, snapping out of your trance, and step forward, walking over a stray pile of scattered power tools to frown at the mess of tiny holes in the drywall. “Do you boys not know what a stud finder is? You can’t just attach things to drywall and expect it to support any weight.”
Mingyu backs away, putting himself between the door and the doorframe. “A stud finder? Isn’t that you?” he squeaks, before escaping and closing the door behind him.
“Ignore him,” Seungcheol says, burying his face in his hands. “I just wanted more storage space.”
You don’t need Seungcheol to tell you to ignore Mingyu, however, because you’re already distracted by the materials laid out on the floor, quickly putting together a plan in your head. “Okay, so we’ll have these as horizontal supports,” you point to a stack of wood by the wall, putting the cookies down on Seungcheol’s desk. “But I don’t think the studs in your walls can support the shear that we’ll be putting them under, so we’ll want some diagonal beams too, to redirect the force this way and minimize torque,” you hold up your palm vertically and point your finger downward, then into your hand, to indicate the direction of force. “It’s all a really simple statics problem that Mingyu should have been able to solve.”
When you turn back towards Seungcheol, you’re surprised to see him staring at you, his eyes dark and intense. You’re caught off guard to see his attention so fully directed toward you. “Uh,” you lick your lips, suddenly feeling very awkward, “I have a stud finder at my place. I’ll grab some eye protection for us, too, and some drywall fasteners. I hope you don’t mind if I make you do all the heavy lifting, though,” you laugh nervously, eyeing his bulky arms. “I’ll, uh, be back in five.”
And while you’re grabbing the requisite supplies, you think, it probably wouldn’t hurt to spray a little perfume on yourself and refresh your lip gloss while you’re at it.
Sometimes, you resent the mom-friend reputation thrust upon you by virtue of being a senior and the president of the sorority this year, but there’s a few good reasons why you’re usually the one sober-monitoring the girls, and most of them include the fact that you’re terrible at holding your liquor. That’s why it’s a surprise when Sooyoung offers to sober-monitor at the Sigmas’ Halloween party. She’s not the most responsible sober-monitor, usually disappearing halfway through, but at least she’s one of the older ones, and it’s been a while since you last let loose.
And, besides, it’s Halloween. In the wise words of Cady Heron: in girl world, Halloween is the one night a year a girl can dress like a total slut, and no other girls can say anything about it. Tonight, you and Yerim are in matching playboy bunny costumes, at her insistence. Despite the sexy alien costume hanging in your closet, you had let Yerim persuade you into the black lacy teddy, iconic white cuffs and collar, and mandatory bunny ears, with the promise of the Nu Kaps’ Halloween party tomorrow and the Betas’ Halloween party on Sunday.
You’re already drunk when you walk into the Sigmas’ house, arm linked with Yerim. It’s dark and there’s a fog machine somewhere and there’s an actual DJ in the corner, one of the brothers that you don’t recognize. Sooyoung greets you, her tall figure and eagle eyes giving her a vantage point over the costumed crowd, and pushes a drink in your hand. “Come on,” she grins, eyes twinkling, “it’s your designated night away from responsibility. Drink up!”
Already tipsy and bubbly-drunk, you tip the shot back, ignoring the burn of shitty vodka, and let Yerim drag you to the packed dance floor. You’re not sure how much time passes, but somewhere in the middle, you dance with a dude dressed as a sexy priest, you’re handed two more shots and another cup of the Sigmas’ homemade jungle juice, and you dance with a girl dressed as Harley Quinn. You end up drinking way more than you should, justifying it to yourself as just blowing off steam from midterm season. 
At some point, you find yourself laughing and hanging off Tony the Tiger (it’s Soonyoung, but you had mistaken him for Johnny, who is also dressed as Tony the Tiger (this is somehow something that happens to Johnny quite frequently)), when you see Mingyu (a fireman who can’t seem to find a shirt) accompanied by Jihoon (the world’s most miserable teletubby). You remove your arms from around Soonyoung’s tiger-striped torso to wave at your friends. 
It’s at this exact moment that you feel Soonyoung’s shoulder jerk to the side after undoubtedly having been pushed by the crowd, sending you, drunk and wobbly in your high heeled pumps, stumbling away from Soonyoung and into someone’s chest. Luckily, a pair of warm, strong arms close around you before you can fall.
You look up at your savior, and in your drunken state, it takes you a moment to realize what you’re looking at, but when your brain finally processes the visual input and translates it into a meaningful image, you bark out a short laugh. It’s Seungcheol, dressed in a maroon velvet smoking jacket, tied loosely to expose his chest. 
“Cheol! You’re dressed as Hugh Hefner,” you grin, staggering to your feet.
He frowns at you. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you blink, struggling to clear your vision. “I think  I’m a little drunk.”
Seungcheol laughs, putting an arm around your waist to steady you. “I think you’re a lot drunk,” he says. “Come on, let’s go upstairs. I’ll get you some water. You should sit down.”
“‘M fine,” you mumble, but you still let him guide you away from the party and up the darkened stairs, his hand firmly placed against the dip of your waist, catching all your little stumbles and sways. You blink again, hard, and suddenly, you’re seated on Seungcheol’s bed in his room. The lights are on and Seungcheol is handing you a bottle of water.
“Drink,” he orders, uncapping the bottle and placing it in your hands. “You’ll regret it tomorrow if you don’t hydrate.”
Instead, you point to the wooden structure over his window, which now holds cardboard boxes and a few suitcases. “Our loft. It’s still up. I’m glad it didn’t collapse. It’s, like, our baby.”
“Yeah,” you hear him say, nudging your hands gently. “Water, remember?”
“Oh.” Obediently, you lift the bottle to your lips and drink, spilling some from the corner of your mouth and down your chest in your haste. When you’re done, you hand the half-empty bottle to Seungcheol, who caps it and places it on his nightstand. (His ears are strangely pink, but you forget about it almost as soon as you notice.)
The mattress dips as Seungcheol takes a seat next to you and places something heavy over your shoulders. You look down to see an oversized denim jacket belonging to Seungcheol covering your frame. With just a little bit of swimming, you manage to put your arms through the sleeves. The jacket smells like Seungcheol’s cologne, warm and spicy, mixed with the pleasant aroma of freshly cut softwood that still permeates his room. 
“How are you feeling?” Seungcheol’s voice is gentle, and you can’t help but to stare at his plush lips bitten cherry-red, the pale column of his neck, the exposed V of his chest. 
“Cheollie,” you whine, the nickname rolling off your drunken tongue easily, “why are you so hot?”
This time, Seungcheol flushes all the way pink. “Stop, I’m not,” he responds automatically, but you’re relentless in your current state.
“We’re matching,” you mumble, shifting closer to him until you’re almost in his lap. “We’re practically wearing a couple costume. Did you know I’d be dressing as a playboy bunny today?”
“No,” he puffs his cheeks, “the guys put me up to it. I had no idea.”
“You look so good,” you press your hand flat against his chest, tilting your head when Seungcheol shudders under your touch. “I’m normally a feminist, but I’ll make an exception for you.”
Seungcheol laughs and you feel his body vibrate underneath your palm. “That sounds like something you’ll regret saying tomorrow,” he grins, relaxing a little bit.
“Mm,” you consider his words. “That’s a problem for sober me. But Cheol, can you please just entertain drunk me for tonight? I want to kiss you so much,  it’s all I can think about,” you murmur, shifting to throw your leg over his lap and straddle him.
Seungcheol groans when you rake your nails lightly up the back of his neck, burying your fingers in his dark hair. With your other hand, you reach up, sliding your palm from his chest to his shoulder and pushing away at the collar of the velvet smoking jacket. 
“You’ll be the death of me,” he rasps, his hands settling on your hips and squeezing, before tilting his jaw up and meeting your lips with his. Seungcheol’s mouth is hot and slick, and he makes a small noise of surprise when you drag your teeth over his lower lip.
The party continues downstairs, floorboards rattling with the heavy bass from the music, but you’re focused on the quiet hitch of Seungcheol’s breath when you grind down on him, rolling your hips over the bulge in his pants. The tips of Seungcheol’s fingers ghost across the edge of your teddy, where the lace and satin stops, demarcating the line between your hip and thigh. 
Seungcheol moves down to your throat, licking and sucking lightly at the flesh under your jaw. When you feel his teeth graze against your skin, you can’t suppress the high whimper that escapes your mouth as you press your chest against his, needing to be closer to him, closer. You want his mouth everywhere, his hands everywhere, you want him everywhere on you.
And then, you wake up. 
It’s morning and the sun streams through the half-closed blinds of the window, covering the room with stripes of gold. Your head pounds with a nasty headache and you feel like something small and furry crawled into your mouth and died. You blink and, slowly, the world materializes. You’re laying on Seungcheol’s bed, still dressed in your costume from the night before, rolled on your side and propped up with a pillow against your chest so you don’t choke during the night. There’s a trash can by the bed placed to easily catch any vomit, and it’s thankfully empty. 
You blink again and realize that across the room from the bed, Seungcheol is asleep on his couch, dressed in oversized sweats with the hood pulled up over his head, cheeks squished, full lips stuck in a pout, curled into a ball with his knees drawn up to his chest. 
The previous night is hazy, but you can still remember some things. Soonyoung, dressed as Tony the Tiger. Yerim passing you another shot. You, straddling Seungcheol, his lips parted against yours, moaning into your mouth. Then, Seungcheol pushing you off his lap, cheeks flushed but firm in his insistence that you go to sleep despite your whines, your hands reaching out for his body. Seungcheol telling you that you’re too drunk for anything and putting you in bed.
“Oh my god,” you groan, voice hoarse. You’re a messy drunk, you know this, and you never should have let Sooyoung offer to sober-monitor while Yerim supplies you with drink after drink. You’re not sure if you can ever face Seungcheol again after your behavior the night before. “What is wrong with me,” you murmur to yourself, reaching out for the bottle of water and painkillers left on the nightstand for you.
(Later on when you get back to the sorority house, dressed in a borrowed tee and sweatpants from Seungcheol, you’re immediately crowded by Minjeong and Yerim, demanding updates. “Did you hook up with him,” Minjeong asks, following you into the bathroom and sitting on the counter.
“No,” you respond, pouring makeup remover onto a cotton pad and working at the smeared mess of mascara under your eyes.
“What?! You’re so hot,” Yerim huffs, crossing her arms. “He’s insane if he didn’t want to fuck you.”
“No, it was totally my fault.” You sigh, discarding the dirty cotton pad and wetting a fresh one with makeup remover. “I got way too drunk, no thanks to you, Yerim.”
Minjeong and Yerim share a look. 
“Anyways, he was just being a gentleman. We made out, but it never went past that. He said he didn’t want to do anything while I was drunk. Remember,” you wave a finger at the two younger girls, “sex happens between two consenting adults, and you can’t consent to sex if you’re a sloppy blackout drunk bitch like I was. I was lucky that I ended up going upstairs with Seungcheol, and not some random weirdo.”
“So,” Minjeong grins, pushing right past your lecture, “you’re saying that you made out with him? Is he a good kisser? How big is his dick?”
You sigh. “Get out and let me shower,” you snap, waving them out of the bathroom. “And stop being nosy about my sex life!”)
You’re drunk again, this time at a club, after having been dragged out on the insistence of Mingyu and Seokmin. 
Ever since the Halloween incident, you’ve been too embarrassed to show your face around the Sigma house anymore in fear that you’ll run into Seungcheol. Which is why it’s a surprise when Mingyu and Seokmin show up at your front door, asking to see you and insisting that you join them and a few other friends to go clubbing. Predictably, all it takes for your resolve to crumble is an expertly pathetic pout from Mingyu and a whine of “I haven’t seen you in forever, I miss you,” from Seokmin.
When you arrive at the club with the two boys, however, you see a small gaggle of friends already seated in a corner booth, heads leaned together and conversing. You recognize Minjeong and Yerim instantly, but it looks like Chan and Soonyoung are also in the mix.
Yerim spots you first, turning and grinning brightly while waving her arm to flag you down. “C’mere,” she shouts over the booming music, “finish the rest of this cocktail for me, I don’t like it.”
You slide into the seat next to Yerim, pressing your thigh against hers and leaning into her side affectionately, and take a sip of the drink in her glass, only to grimace and frown. “Yerim, why would you order a long island iced tea? And, why should I trust you to hand me drinks, after what happened last time?”
“Just one drink,” she wheedles, looping her arm around yours, and you sigh, because it’s your last weekend out before you need to hunker down for finals, and because it’s Yerim and you can’t deny your favorite freshman, and because you can’t make good choices all the time.
Which is how you end up here— a little drunk, on the dance floor after having been dragged by a Seokmin who has been insisting all night that you meet one of his friends from high school, Jaehyun, who’s really cool and you’ll definitely really like, he promises, offering up his pinky when you gave him a dubious look. The guy in question, who you’re dancing with right now, is tall and broad and well-dressed, and he’s so handsome, you’re not sure you’re seeing correctly, because it shouldn’t be possible for a person to be so conventionally attractive. 
You put your arm around his shoulder, cupping your hand around the back of his neck for leverage, and lean up to speak in his ear over the music. “You’re one of the Nu Kaps, right? Aren’t they throwing a party at the house tonight?”
Jaehyun shrugs. “Yeah, but Seokmin and Mingyu made me come out here,” he tells you, tilting his head toward your neck so you can hear him over the noise. “Hey, aren’t you a TA for MEC 3110? I need some help with the problem set due tomorrow. Wanna get out of here?”
You burst into laughter, tilting your head back and swatting his chest. “Is that how you flirt?”
“No,” Jaehyun grins, “but I really do need help. I’m not actually hitting on you. I don’t want to get murdered by that guy,” he jerks his head toward the crowd behind you. You turn to look over your shoulder, only to see Seungcheol making his way through the crowd with a scowl on his face.
“Oh, that’s my friend,” you turn back towards Jaehyun. “He’s not scary, I promise.”
“Not taking my chances, sorry,” Jaehyun says, his cheeks dimpling with a smile. “So, can we meet about that problem set? I got a study group and everything. That unit on combined bending and axial loading is killing all of us.”
“Fine,” you puff, patting the side of his neck as he retracts his hands from your waist. “Text me, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll ask Seokmin for your number,” he calls, disappearing into the crowd just as you feel Seungcheol’s hand close around your wrist. 
Seungcheol tugs on your arm, spinning you around and pulling you into his chest smoothly. “Who’s that, and why does he need your number,” he asks, holding you against him with a hand on the small of your back. 
“That’s Jaehyun, a friend of Seokmin’s. He needs help with some mechanics problems,” you say, looping your arms around his shoulders easily. “He’s in my deformable bodies class.”
“He needs your help studying?” Seungcheol raises an eyebrow dubiously. “Doesn’t sound likely.”
“Maybe he has other motives. Why do you care? I’m his TA, I can’t not help,” you reply testily, frowning. Seungcheol’s hand presses tighter against the small of your back.
“I don’t care,” he says, clearly lying. “You can do whatever you want with whoever you want.”
He’s sulking, you realize. You stop dancing and stare at him. “Cheol, you’re not jealous, are you?”
Seungcheol flushes all the way to the tips of his ears and he looks away. Against your better judgement, you laugh at the sudden awkwardness that comes over him. “We’ll talk,” you promise, grabbing his hand and interlocking your fingers between his, “but not here. C’mon, let’s get out of the dance floor.” Seungcheol doesn’t put up any resistance as you pull him through the crowd, letting you lead him back to the table, linked by your clasped hands in the middle. 
The two of you slide back into the booth occupied by your friends in the back, who all zero in on your linked hands. 
“God,” Mingyu groans, slapping a ten dollar bill in Seokmin’s hand, “fine, you win.”
Seokmin holds out a hand in Chan and Soonyoung’s direction, raising his eyebrows. “Twenty from you two. I haven’t paid Minjeong and Yerim for Halloween, so we’ll count it as even.”
“Hold on,” you frown, pulling your hand from Seungcheol’s (you nearly miss the tiny sulky pout that he makes the second you stop holding his hand). “What’s going on here?”
The kids all freeze, eyes widening as they exchange looks. 
“Um,” Mingyu squeaks, shrinking back in his seat.
“I see a friend of mine,” Soonyoung blurts, springing up from his seat and escaping onto the dance floor.
“I’ll ask again,” you frown at the remaining individuals, “what’s going on here?”
It’s Yerim who speaks up. “We had a bet,” she says, coming clean. “About you and Seungcheol, and whose idea would get the two of you together.” Yerim stares at you defiantly, ignoring Chan’s panicked swats under the table, Seokmin’s deer in the headlights stare, and Mingyu’s continually shrinking frame.
“Wait,” Seungcheol pinches the bridge of his nose with a grimace, “so the loft, Chan’s break-in incident, Halloween—“
“Yes, it was all planned,” Yerim says, still defiant.
“You guys broke a window for your dumb plan,” Seungcheol exclaims, aghast. 
“No, that was an accident,” Minjeong interrupts, “Seokmin and Mingyu are really that dumb, but we all saw how obsessed with each other the two of you were then, and it just progressed from there.”
“You all do realize how inappropriate and invasive this is, don’t you?” Seungcheol scowls, and they all have the decency to at least look ashamed.
You slap your hands on the surface of the table as you get up, abruptly interrupting the conversation. “I’m leaving,” you announce. Seungcheol makes a motion to follow you, but you give him a glare that pushes him right back into his seat. “Don’t come with me,” you snarl, “any of you. I can call my own damn uber without your help.” 
As you stalk through the club, you feel a lump forming in your throat while your skin burns from embarrassment. Just moments ago, you had been ready to ask Seungcheol out on a real date, bubbly with the thought that maybe you liked him and maybe he liked you too. But now, you feel humiliated. Played by everyone, your stupid crush used as the subject of a bet, reeling from the possibility that everything you thought was true may just be a lie, after all.
You spend the week after that furiously avoiding the Sigmas, but you can only hold a grudge for so long against your own girls, especially when Yerim and Minjeong come into your room with a tray of homemade brownies and guilty faces, apologizing for their intrusion into your love life.
On the other hand, it’s a lot easier for you to hold a grudge against Mingyu, who approaches you for help on a 3D printing project and immediately turns around and goes to the other shop hand on duty as soon as he sees your glare, and Seokmin, who smiles and waves to you when he sees you in line at Starbucks only to lower his hand and look at the floor when you scowl at him in response. 
Then, half out of spite and half because you’d feel bad letting them just struggle, on Tuesday night, you end up going to the Nu Kappa Tau house on the other side of campus to help Jaehyun and his friends study for their final. It’s almost 2am when you finish up and head back home for the night. By then, the shuttles have stopped running, so your only option is to make the thirty minute trek across the deserted campus. 
It’s cold and you can see your breath as you walk. Shivering, you zip your coat all the way up to your chin and pull the hood up over your head to shield your ears from the wind, in the process muffling the sound of scattered leaves blowing in the wind. It’s likely because of the hood that it takes you so long to notice the figure following you, always maintaining a distance of about half a block behind you. You don’t really register it until you see his reflection in the windows of the darkened English building as you pass. When you pass the Psychology building, he’s still there, trailing behind you, and that’s when you start to get nervous.
This late at night, there’s nobody else on this side of campus. You take a sharp turn and loop through the liberal arts campus, your pace quickening, but when you pass by the Psychology building again and check the reflection in the windows, your follower is still there. 
Panic shoots through you when you realize that you still need to walk through the quad and past the engineering campus to get home, which contains a stretch of road lined by trees and heavy landscaping. It’s lovely during the day, but at night, it’s dark and creepy. 
You lower your hood to make sure you can hear everything, and then you pull out your phone. Hands trembling, you tap on the first contact that comes to mind.
Seungcheol picks up immediately. “Y/N?” He sounds confused as to why you’re calling, which you can’t blame him for, since you had iced him out even though the whole fiasco with the underclassmen’s bet wasn’t his fault at all. “Are… you still upset?”
There’s a lot to unpack, but you have more pressing concerns on your mind right now. “Seungcheol, there’s someone following me,” you say quickly, glancing backward. He’s still there. “I’m walking past the law library right now, heading down 34th street. I took a loop around the liberal arts campus and he followed me the whole time.”
There’s a pause, and then he replies urgently, “I’ll be there in ten. Can you meet me at the student center?”
“Yeah,” you mumble.
“Good,” he says. You can hear rustling in the back and the jingling of keys. When he speaks again, it sounds like he’s jogging. “Now, can you put your phone on speaker?”
“Okay,” you pull your phone away from your ear and hit the speakerphone button with numb fingers. When his voice comes out again, it’s deeper, and the volume makes you jump.
“Hey babe, what are you doing right now?”
It takes your panicked brain a moment to figure out what he’s doing, but when you realize, you thank your lucky stars that at least one of you can think clearly under pressure. “I’m heading back,” you respond, trying your best to keep the tremble out of your voice. 
“Perfect,” he responds, still on the move. “I’ll see you soon then. Tell me about your day, baby.”
“Um.” You search your mind for non-identifying details that you can give. “I don’t know.” Stupid, you berate yourself. Stupid, stupid, but you can already see the student center building down the street. 
“That’s okay, babe, I’ll just tell you about my day,” he says in a voice that somehow manages to soothe your frazzled nerves. “I went to the gym with some of the guys this morning, then I went to the new cafe on 14th for lunch. I gotta take you there for a date sometime, it’s really nice. I think you’ll really like the cheesecake. Did some studying in the afternoon for my MGT 4350 final.”
“Which one is that again,” your teeth chatter, “Law, Management, and Economics, right?”
“Yeah,” he sounds genuinely surprised. “You remembered.”
“Of course, Cheol, I’m not completely self absorbed.” You check over your shoulder again. You’re still being followed, but the distance is wider now. Looking back forward, you see the distant figure of Seungcheol lightly jogging over the hill towards the student center. “Look,” you say suddenly, slightly louder than you intended, “I’m sorry for what happened at the club last week. It wasn’t your fault, so I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“What, no, you don’t have to apologize,” is his immediate response. 
“Are you mad at me, Cheol?”
“No, I’m not. I was a little bummed this week when I didn’t see you, but I’m not mad, or upset at you at all.”
“Oh.” You sniffle. “Thanks for understanding. I was worried that I had fucked everything up.”
“No, no, no. I, um, I’m glad you called me.”
“Yeah, me too,” you say, walking up the well-lit path leading to the student center entrance. Seungcheol greets you there, his hair mussed, a light sheen of sweat over his forehead, dressed in pajamas with a leather bomber jacket haphazardly thrown on top, and you end the call and shove your phone back in your pocket.
Seungcheol takes your hand and pulls it into his pocket as the two of you walk back, pulling you close into his side. “You doing okay?” 
“Y-yeah,” you respond, still tense, but considerably less anxious. “Can you check if he’s still back there?”
Seungcheol turns his head, craning his neck as he scans the darkened streets. “No, I don’t think so,” he frowns. You breathe a sigh of relief.
“Hurry, let’s go home,” you tug at his arm and hold him close to your side like a shield.
The walk back is silent and tense, with Seungcheol occasionally turning back to check for anybody who might be following. The whole time, you feel like you’re hyper-aware of each cracking twig and each dry rustle of the fallen leaves lining the sidewalks, so much so that even the distant hooting of an owl makes you jump and tug Seungcheol in front of you. 
Eventually, the two of you make it back to your sorority house. You enter the password in the keypad with trembling hands, and when Seungcheol hesitates by the threshold, you tug him inside after you. “Stay with me for a little while,” you insist.
The inside of the house is dark. Seungcheol trails after you while you make your way through every room on the ground floor, watching as you flick on the lights and check each window and exterior door to make sure they’re all locked.
By the time you’re done, it’s 3am. The two of you are standing back in the foyer by the front door. “Um,” you tug at the sleeves of your coat, “thanks for… everything.”
“Of course,” Seungcheol smiles, “anytime.” And you know he’s telling the truth, that he’d drop everything and come to your side, to any of your friends’ sides, any time anybody needs help. 
“I meant what I said on the phone earlier,” you tell him.
“I did too.” 
You think you might melt under his affectionate gaze. “You know I’m going to have to kick you out now, right?”
“Yeah,” Seungcheol laughs. “Give me a call if you need anything, though. Anything.”
“Okay. Um.” You suck in a breath. Well, here goes nothing. “Thanks for pretending to be my boyfriend earlier. But you don’t have to pretend, if you don’t want to. I like you a lot, Seungcheol.”
His entire demeanor lights up. He reaches out and takes your hand in his, running the pad of his thumb over your knuckles. “I think I’ll take you up on your offer,” he grins, eyes sparkling. “I like you a lot, too.”
“Good,” you respond, letting a smile spread across your face. 
Seungcheol steps forward, closing the distance between your bodies. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you breathe, your heart fluttering. You feel his hand come up to cup your jaw and angle your face up toward him. When he kisses you, it’s a soft, chaste press of his lips against yours, short and sweet. It’s barely a peck, but it carries the promise of more.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assures you as he steps back and opens the front door.
“See you tomorrow,” you grin dopily. You feel like you’re floating.
“The kids are gonna riot,” Seungcheol laughs.
“Let them riot,” you say as his fingers slip out of yours. “I got the world’s best boyfriend out of it, anyway.”
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Sentibubbler” summary? “Sentibubbler” salt?
Why not both at the same time?
Something a little experimental, though also somewhat reminiscent of some of my past videos. Calling it “summasalt” for now, based on the word “somersault” because this episode was an exercise of my patience.
It’s basically just me going through the episode with my usual episode summary, but salting along the way instead of making you guys read a wall of text without any images or clips or me making snarky comments.
(By the way, yes, I did in fact have caffeine before recording.)
script below for anyone who wants/needs it:
"Sentibubbler" begins with Marinette having food with the Cesaires and I already know this isn't real because Marinette is actually getting to interact with her best friend's family. That's only happened, like--when, two episodes of Season 2? [”Sapotis” and “Anansi”]
Marinette sees Trixx and points out how they're supposed to be a secret, and Alya asks why while calling Marinette "Ladybug." Marinette plays dumb but is told by Nino that everyone already knows her secret. Chloe is also there, chiding Marinette for her identity rule - it's not Marinette's rule but after "Reflekdoll" I've just gotten used to Marinette being blamed for things she didn't do - and Marinette goes to question Chloe's apperance when there's a knock on the balcony door. Alya invites Shadow Moth in and--[Shadow Moth has to duck to come inside]--huh, I thought Sole Crusher was seven episodes ago.
Anyway, now obviously, Marinette is just being ridiculous and overemotional as usual, because why would Marinette ever think that Alya would reveal any information to--["Feast"]--oh yeah, that's right.
Tikki doesn't transform Marinette and says that Marinette shouldn't have trusted Alya with her secret. Enter Chat Blanc, who says that they can be together now without any secrets. Not really sure what this episode is aiming for with the mixed message of "your identity rule sucks" but also "your fault for trusting someone instead of having a mental breakdown," but a’ight. Trixx also gets another dig in on Marinette for giving Alya the fox miraculous.
Marinette wakes up from her nightmare and panics, but Tikki reassures her that Alya is loyal. [”Chameleon”] Mm. Also, that kind of support might've been nice from Tikki literal seasons ago when Marinette could've used a confidant.
Wayzz - I swear, they've had eyelashes more often than not in this season - points out that Trixx is mischievous and Xuppu talks about Trixx being the cause of the Loch Ness monster rumors, which worries Marinette further. Marinette runs out in her pajamas and I can already predict that neither Tom nor Sabine are going to check on her later or care.
Marinette finds the Cesaires looking for something, their words vague enough for Marinette to think that they're talking about Trixx. Alya brushes Marinette off and tells her to help with looking instead of lecturing her.
Marlena makes a comment that reminds Marinette of her nightmare, only increasing Marinette's stress. A tarantula crawls up a ladle and Marinette freaks out when she sees it, which Marlena has a laugh at because Marinette's anxiety, fear, and panic is hilarious, guys!
This is my laughing face. [not a laughing face]
Nino exits, having been too afraid of the spider to leave the room, so Nora compares Marinette to him. Nino tries to play it cool, then changes the subject to point out Marinette's pajamas. Alya wonders aloud why Marinette showed up and Marinette tries to act casual, but Alya sees through it and states that she doesn't usually lose things when someone lends them to her.
I presume the exception is Marinette's trust. OH-HOOOOHHH, we'll get there.
Nora takes a jab at Alya for losing the spider and Marinette drags Alya away to talk. Nino tries to join but Alya states that it's between her and Marinette, which makes Nino sad.
Nino, does the phrase "guys' time" ring a bell by any chance?
Marinette is explaining her nightmare and is simply told to calm down by Alya, though Marinette is briefly startled by a phone ringing. Marinette puts together what she knows that Shadow Moth knows, including that Alya is Rena Rouge, adding on that Shadow Moth could steal the fox necklace if he figured out that Alya has it permanently. Alya reassures her that no one will ever know and Marinette states that this must include Chat Noir. Alya agrees and brings attention to the fanny pack around her waist, which Trixx has been hiding in, and Marinette has Trixx promise not to show up at the dining table like in her nightmare. Tikki tells Marinette that everything will be fine and Marinette admits that it was silly of her to worry, which it was! ...If you ignore all the anxiety, mental scarring, and constant pressure to be perfect or risk Paris lighting itself on fire, much like I presume they accidentally did with their original script for this episode.
Alya tells Marinette to trust her and also herself - I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Alya, thank you - then Alya loses her temper at the phone continuing to ring. She leaves to find an empty living room, then answers the phone only to hear Shadow Moth on the other line. Alya turns upon hearing Marinette scream to see that Marinette has been trapped in a bubble. Cue the reveal/return of the Bubbler, who is definitely Nino akumatized and not--like--a sentimonster, because the episode didn't spoil it at all with the title of Sentibub--
show, this is freaking embarrassing. Why even bother akumatizing someone when you can mold a sentimonster with the exact power you want?
At least they reveal it quickly, though that also means I have to live with the knowledge that Shadow Moth wINKED AT ALYA, NO.
Anyway, Shadow Moth tells Alya that he wants her to betray Ladybug. Marinette, meanwhile, is panicking over being unable to transform while in public, whereas Tikki remains calm and reassures her that Alya will figure something out and it's why Marinette gave Alya the fox miraculous in the first place.
Weird, I thought it was for the show to continuously validate Alya as a worthy choice for a confidant despite repeatedly covering up her sINS and so the show can push for more anxiety on Marinette's part while simultaneously not having to make a new hero model for Alya, which they would have to do if the realistic decision had been made to give Alya a different miraculous due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity as Rena Rouge.
Marinette texts Alya to inform her that the Bubbler is a sentimonster and so Rena can tell Chat not to use Cataclysm on him or the bubbles will burst due to the sentimonster's lack of control.
Hate to burst the show's bubble but Alya could literally see Nino up in the sky and they could see her; the bubbles are in viewing range. Did this even go through a quality check?
Alya goes to look at Marinette's text, but the phone is bubbled away by Sentibubbler. Marinette sees the phone floating by and panics, only to be reassured again to trust Alya and at this point I vaguely wondered if I was watching this episode on repeat. Tikki also adds that Alya has never let her down - [”Ladybug”] MMMM - and Marinette agrees, also certain that Chat Noir will show up soon.
Oh yeah, he exists. Oh no.
Cut to the Agreste mansion where Adrien is watching the news - dude, how is there never anything better on when you need to be told that there's an akuma? here, look, I'll show you [”Silencer” Lukabug clip] there, much better, see? - and it's pointed out that the bubbles are identical to the ones Bubbler had, yet Nino is in one of the bubbles. Adrien readies himself while Plagg is - for once - okay with leaving since his cheese isn't "edible" yet.
I feel like he should be a little more concerned about Marinette being in a bubble.
Meanwhile, Shadow Moth is explaining to Alya that Ladybug will come to give her the fox miraculous due to the bubbled people in the sky - plenty of other choices that aren't within breathing range of the obvious danger zone, but a'ight - and SentiBubbler will catch Ladybug. Alya brings up Chat Noir saving her but Shadow Moth states that she'll create an illusion of Ladybug and Rena to lure Chat Noir, who won't see Sentibubbler coming, at which point Rena will hand Shadow Moth her miraculous. He adds that her loved ones will only be returned once all three miraculouses are in his possession, though if she tries to warn the heroes then Sentibubbler will send the bubbles into space, too far for any hero to save them.
[clip of space power-ups] Hm.
Also, I would've just let her keep the miraculous as an extra bribe since he doesn't need the fox and she wouldn't have time to recharge anyway - at least to his knowledge - but that's just me.
Marinette is relieved that Alya still hasn't been captured--TIKKI, I KNOW, YOU'VE BEEN PARROTING THIS ALL EPISODE, I KNOW--but Marinette changes her tune when she sees Alya blindly calling out for Ladybug's help, unaware that Alya is buying time. Marinette laments the idea of transforming there and having using the rabbit to go back in time to reverse, as that's never a good thing (seconded), but gets the idea for Tikki to take her miraculous to someone else. Tikki rejects the idea, as the earrings won't go through the bubble, and Marinette realizes that Chat Noir is their only hope.
I mean, it was nice knowing them. Sure is interesting how Marinette has only been getting herself into these situations where she requires saving when the show needed to present Alya as a valid choice for a confidant.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir is leaving a message for Ladybug about the bubbles in the sky, saying that he'll wait for her; I already see where this is going and I don't like it.
Alya mutters to Trixx about how they need a plan to release Marinette. Through Alya Vision, we're shown Sentibubbler, a bowl of fruit, and the bathroom door. Alya tells Sentibubbler that she needs to go to the bathroom and - wow, we're really doing this, aren't we? - which Shadow Moth rejects. Shadow Moth is also on top of a building holding a coffee cup which honestly makes about as much sense as the rest of the episode, so whatever. Alya claims that she can't wait and that it'll be awkward for Ladybug to find her like that, which gets Shadow Moth to relent but also remind her of what's at stake if she tries anything. Alya states that she can't do anything without a miraculous anyway, then purposefully falls onto the table, concealing her long enough for her to transform and allowing an illusion of herself to go to the bathroom while she escapes. She detransforms in the twins' room and feeds Trixx with some grapes that she'd picked up.
Alya explains her plan to trick Shadow Moth and Sentibubbler since they don't know that she has a miraculous, though she also has to make sure that Chat won't ruin things. Rena then proceeds to call Chat Noir and claim that Ladybug wanted her to call him with her plan, but adds that it's a two-person plan and Chat himself isn't needed, so he needs to wait for further instructions. Chat demands that Ladybug call him to tell him herself, but Rena insists that she can't, as Ladybug is very busy. She warns him not to use Cataclysm if he sees the Bubbler, as he's a sentimonster, then promises to talk to him later before hanging up.
She uses Mirage again, making the Alya illusion reappear as well as creating a Ladybug. Chat Noir, infuriated at being left out, destroys part of a building with his baton. He then dismisses the action because Miraculous Ladybug will fix it.
Spoiler alert, it will, which is a very fascinating detail! I mean, I can't imagine another situation where a hero did something while there was an akuma going around and Miraculous Ladybug decided to help 'em out, but it just goes to show what happens when you're the writers' pet. Just look a little pitiful and they'll give you all the sympathy in the world.
By the way, didn't expect them to actually confirm my theory that Chat Noir does Chat Noir things because he knows that Miraculous Ladybug will fix it anyway, essentially allowing him to earn brownie points from Ladybug via sacrificing himself regardless of how it affects her mentally, yet here we are and I don't know whether to be sad, angry, disappointed, or a mixture of all three.
Chat Noir sees the Ladybug illusion jumping off and gives chase, refuses to stay where he is. Marinette, seeing that Rena Rouge's illusions are active, panics at the sight of Chat Noir, as the illusion will vanish if Chat touches it.
I like to imagine the immediate concern is the idea that Chat Noir will try to take Ladybug's hand while trying to flirt.
Anyway, Marinette flails inside the bubble in an attempt to reach Chat Noir, while illusion Alya and SentiBubbler get into position. Chat Noir watches what he perceives as Ladybug heading into the Cesaire house with Alya, but Marinette gets to him in order to tell him not to go anywhere. Chat complains about everyone telling him to stay put, but Marinette explains Rena's plan to him. Chat is skeptical of how she knows that, to which Marinette insists that she saw it from where she was. Chat Noir relents with a sigh and stays where he is.
SentiBubbler watches as the illusion of Alya and Ladybug talk to each other, Rena making it look like Ladybug is piecing together what happened and refusing to give Alya a miraculous ever again due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity. She claims that she'll find another holder and give them an even more powerful miraculous, which interests Shadow Moth and gets him to follow after the Ladybug illusion. Once Sentibubbler leaves as well, Chat sees this as his chance to stop the sentimonster, as the Ladybug illusion will vanish if it's touched. Marinette strokes his ego for the token love square moment of the episode, and Chat Noir fights SentiBubbler while Shadow Moth goes after the Ladybug illusion.
I'm noticing a real lack of tension in this episode. Once Alya has her plan, it's kind of a clean sweep from start to finish with no interference or unexpected roadblocks in the way. Even Shadow Moth following the Ladybug illusion goes fine, with Shadow Moth even punching a building thinking that Ladybug actually got away from him.
Dude, it's fine, Miraculous Ladybug will fix it, just put on your best sad face. Maybe Chat Noir gets it from you actually, is treatment from the writers a hereditary thing?
Sentibubbler and Chat Noir are still fighting. Shadow Moth shows up and Marinette tries to warn Chat, but Chat gets caught in a bubble and Marinette apologizes; she doesn't have anything to apologize for but after "Reflekdoll" I--wait I already did this.
Chat Noir uses Cataclysm to escape, only to get caught in another bubble. I'd just like to throw out there that this guy's a hero three seasons going and the love interest for the main character, yet his role in the episode has amounted to complaining about the authority of a hero Ladybug chose, throwing a property-destroying tantrum over being excluded, and wasting his power without a single thought which just got him captured again.
Chat, does the name "Syren" ring any bells by any chance? I'm just sayin', you could always quit. In fact, wasn't it you literally one episode ago saying that you understood if Ladybug couldn't always come get you? Then, after seeing the jump from "Glaciator" to "Frozer," I'm about as shocked as rubber.
Back with the competent one, Alya notes to Trixx that Rena Rouge can no longer be seen by Shadow Moth or else the jig is up. She transforms and texts Marinette to be ready, creating an illusion of Marinette that simultaneously hides the real version, allowing her to transform into Ladybug.
Chat Noir's bubble gets dragged down and Shadow Moth gets SentiBubbler to mute Chat Noir's bubble.
[clip from “Silencer” where Ladybug takes amusement in Chat being muted]
Ladybug uses Lucky Charm and receives a pot, her Lucky Vision spotting Shadow Moth's coffee cup, then SentiBubbler, then the tarantula trapped in a bubble. Ladybug deduces that the cup is the sentimonster's object, then pulls the horse miraculous out of her yoyo and unifies it with the ladybug--oh.
Oh my.
You know, it's times like this where I'm reminded that the show knows nothing about fashion... or girls... or good writing actually--there's just a lot of stuff they don't know.
Sentibubbler does a countdown, then starts sending the civilian bubbles up into the sky. Chat Noir is about to de-transform while PegaBug notices of Shadow Moth's two miraculous, up for grabbin'. She notes that she won't be able to catch everyone, so she forms a portal behind Shadow Moth and goes for the coffee cup first, thus putting her in control of SentiBubbler, who happily brings the bubbles back down at her command.
Shadow Moth erases SentiBubbler from existence though, causing everyone to fall, but Chat and PegaBug manage to catch them. PegaBug de-transforms and presents the Cesaires with the tarantula, which had been trapped inside the lucky charm. Ladybug and Chat Noir watch Shadow Moth escape and Ladybug laments that it could've been the end of Shadow Moth once and for all because it's not a Miraculous episode without Marinette being at fault or feeling guilty in some way! Chat Noir reassures her [*by “reassure,” I mean he might as well have said, “Well, you saved ME, so you did great!”] - wow, that's two token love square moments for the price of one episode, don't I feel spoiled - and Ladybug leaves to retrieve the tarantula's tank.
Rena Rouge is waiting for her and they hug, with Rena repeating that she doesn't lose something that someone gives her. Ladybug states that she never should've doubted the idea of giving Alya a miraculous and Imma just give you guys a counter real quick. [counter that shows that Tikki has complimented Alya four times, Alya has complimented herself/told Marinette to trust her thrice, and Marinette has said that she was wrong thrice]. Miraculous Ladybug is cast and everything returns to normal, with Alya explaining what she did and Marinette being relieved that Shadow Moth won't be going after her anymore. Alya confidently asks if she was smart and Marinette is happy to praise her, confirming it and stating that Alya is a real superhero and honestly? If the narrative wanted to marry Alya this badly, they should've just used some of the budget to buy a ring instead of projecting onto the other characters.
Then again, the apparent budget can't even afford a new hero model nor new akuma to a very noticeable degree, so I guess they're taking what they can get.
Alya praises Marinette as well for her work as PegaBug and they do a fistbump, thus ending the episode. There's also this ever-so-lovely post-episode scene with Gabriel and Nathalie where Gabriel laments the fact that Ladybug never makes mistakes which--I... has he even watched the series at all? Gabe, babe, Babriel Agreste, it's literally part of the show's formula that Marinette makes a mistake in every episode and she felt guilty like a minute ago over not yoinking your miraculouses when she had the chance, where have you been?
But, yeah, anyway, the episode.
Needless to say, not a fan. Like I said, the show seems so intent on immediately validating the choices they make with Alya in order to make her look like a better character. "Gang of Secrets" basically replaced her with someone different at the end of the episode, and the episode immediately afterwards in chronological order, "Mr. Pigeon 72," did everything it could to push Marinette out of her guardian position long enough for Alya to figure out the grimoire despite having zero onscreen experience with it, the episode even trapping Ladybug in a situation that forced Rena Rouge to come into play to validate that decision as well.
And now we have "SentiBubbler" here following immediately after "Optigami," desperate to reassure its audience that Alya is cool, smart, truthworthy, and that not needing to make a new model--sorry, I mean Alya continuing to have the fox--was a good decision. All the while, they continue pushing Alya's flaws under the rug [Note that it’s not even considered that Alya is even remotely at fault for Shadow Moth going after her specifically after her stunt in “Optigami” when no one else but Ladybug and Chat have ever given out a miraculous], hiding them instead of Alya actually acknowledging them, the only reason she did so in "Optigami" being the same as in "Gang of Secrets"; to make her look good while Marinette makes a big decision in their relationship.
The episode tries so hard to drill in this idea that Alya is a good friend who can be trusted, and I'm just not here for how much they try to hammer it in. Marinette's very real anxiety over Shadow Moth's power and ability to plan things is played off as her being silly instead of something to be concerned about, and instead of giving her a hug and trying to help her calm down - [clip from “Heart Hunter” of Luka hugging Marinette] I miss Luka - she's just told to trust and believe and hAVE fAiTh in Alya.
Shadow Moth is an adult; he has abilities that the teenage heroes don't. I'm not even saying that Marinette isn't overreacting [Basically, her concern about Shadow Moth is valid, especially after “Optigami” where her identity was almost found out], but she has anxiety and some obvious trauma over "Chat Blanc." I was already upset that Alya got a free pass to Marinette's identity, but the constant stressing over how much Marinette should trust her just doesn't affect me when I know Alya and I know the kind of stuff she's done that the show blatantly ignored in favor of pushing for her.
But okay, show, I'll give Alya the benefit of the doubt that she doesn't deserve. Let's say that she's turned a new leaf, and has become the reliable, trustworthy, and loyal partner that Marinette deserves. I'm sure that Alya has Marinette's back, and will never go behind said back in order to do something completely unsurprising and wholly indicative of the character I actually know her to be.
Especially not a mere three episodes later...
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