sharperfit · 8 years
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Ask me anything, cos I'm your huckleberry. PS 100g of huckleberries will give you 4% if your vitamin C RDA..... And grow out your Ubulous muscle huuuge #notscience #trolling #mnuconference
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Sharper Fitness mens 12 week SharperSHRED program begins on January 9th. Drop up to 2 Stone and get that mojo back. Semi private small group training. Results guaranteed! (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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We need to stop with the glorification of 'busy'
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sharperfit · 8 years
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So how did your 'clean eating' weekend go??! :) (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Ah the good old days... (at Salthill Galway)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Perform a random act of kindness today. 'So shines a good deed in a weary world' ~ Willy Wonka (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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6.30am shout out. Start your day the right way. Don't talk about wanting a great body and a healthy mind. Show up and action it! 💪✌💪✌💪✌💪🌞💃 (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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An ode to the squat rack in my gym..... (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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During a good tough workout you get a lot more off your chest than just the dumbbells. ✌💪 (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Dear calories, You need a holiday. Yours sincerely, My expanding waist line. (at Sharper Fitness)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Fly ye little loons!!! FLY!!! (at Maternity Unit)
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Life.....It's a mirror What you send out you receive back. What you reflect is what to expect. Be present. Stand tall. Be hungry for and deserving of it all. Don't waste your talents by playing it small. Play with passion and determination.....or don't bother to play at all.
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Nothing comes from nothing. That thing you've been planning.....start it TODAY!
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Strength is never a weakness
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sharperfit · 8 years
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I heard a good one that made me chuckle: How do you make God laugh? Tell her/him your plans!! You see when we start out with a new project we're full of gusto - we're gonna SMASH it. We're going to finish top of the class on our new course. We're going to get to our lowest body fat ever. We're going to beat our personal best at the next 10k or marathon. We're finally going to get into the best shape of our lives.....the list is endless. But then 'life gets in the way' or some other roll of the tongue excuse enters our vernacular and the engine that was once roaring like a V8 on nitrous oxide starts to sound more like your old 2 stroke lawnmower. That's why we need to plan. That's when we need to know what to do when motivation is low. That's when we need to be able to focus on our long term goals and commit to them ahead of feeding into our weakness in the present moment. Diet was going great but then..... Training was going great but then..... .....when the going got tough I quit on myself OR .....when the going got tough I rolled up my sleeves and said NOT THIS TIME! Ultimately the path you chose is your decision. Having a support group is invaluable in this process and the bodyshape changers I work with in my SharperShapers group are a testimony to this. They're like a human trampoline - people bounce back after a fall and it's a bit of fun too!
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sharperfit · 8 years
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Keep on trackin' Keep on truckin'
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sharperfit · 8 years
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The battle between my inner Homer and outward Toner is very real. If I just eat the middle part of the donut I'll be OK. I'll be OK.
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