#Zamn olive was silent😞they were with us in spirit
[Transcript Begin.]
[The video begins with two people running across a desolate parking lot. The camera shakes, never focusing on one target. Through the moving video, one individual is visible, the other holding the camera and sometimes showing their own footsteps. Heavy breathing is heard through the other small sounds such as clothes ruffling, footsteps, or accessories hitting against each other.]
Tom: Stupid brat all she had to do was listen.
[The video zooms in on the man, a cigarette lit in his hand, He soon releases a puff of smoke before the two individuals get closer.]
T: Can I help you two?
Madeline: Yeah, yeah! I have one question.
T: And what is that? I'm on break, so hurry up.
M: Yeah, so, why don’t you want your child to be happy?
T: Let me guess you know Mari… Let me tell you something. I want her to be happy, that's why I'm doing this.
M: You used ‘her,’ you do know your own child’s pronouns, don’t you?
T: Yes, she/her, the pronouns chosen for her at birth. Why don't you fuck off?
M: I’ll give you one last chance, mister.
T: Buzz off, you weirdo.
M: You asked for it.
[Madeline cracks her knuckles, then lands a punch straight into Tom’s face.]
[Tom attempts to punch back, but misses due to the pain.]
M: Crazy how you can’t hit a 17 year old. Come on, I have less experience than you!
[Tom attempts to punch again, he hits the air.]
M: You’re all bark no bite are you? Try harder!
[Tom throws a third punch, He hits Madeline in the arm.]
M:You couldn’t aim a little higher?
[Tom tries to slap Madeline, he misses. Madeline then counters by kicking him in the stomach.]
[A crash is heard from behind as someone smashes in a window nearby, the person climbs in and falls to the floor with little to no grace.]
M: Getting robbed and beat up? Skill issue.
Edgar: I’m not here to fucking rob you, not like I would, this place is ass!
E: Doesn’t matter, I have a crowbar, dickhead!
M: No but actually, who are you?
[Edgar lifts his left hand and opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it and just points at his hand instead.]
M: Oh! Hi Edgar!
T: So, your name is Edgar? Let me guess, another one of Mari's friends?
E: You could say that, yeah. Anyway, uh. Who’s winning?
[Tom attempts to punch Edgar, but he misses again.]
E: You’re really bad at punching people.
[Edgar swings his crowbar at Tom, it connects with his ribs, causing him to hunch over.]
T: Damnit! y'know if you kill me… Mari won't have any parents.
M: They don’t need your good for nothing ass!
E: Also, isn’t it your fault they don’t have a mom? They mentioned that at the Denny’s.
T: That bitch was gonna let Mari live in her own stupidity. I had no choice!
M: All I'm hearing is Blah..Blah..Blah. No choice? What does that even mean?
E: There’s always a choice. You just didn’t want to consider the other one.
M: Damn.. Guess we have to kill you now! You had a chance.
T: She’s crazy, why would I let my daughter date someone who doesn't have enough brain cells to understand how not to get kidnapped, let alone that you can't change gender.
[Edgar laughs, and takes a step towards Tom.]
E: I’m getting real tired of hearing you talk, Tom.
T: Same here, jerk.
E: Just call me a bitch, dude, this isn’t a children’s show. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.
T: How about you go die with that sarah kid then you bitch, lord knows if Mari lost two people she cared about maybe she would finally come home.
E: Tom, Mari tried to throw themselves off a bridge after your little chat in the Denny’s. If they lost anyone else, you’d lose them forever.
T: Whoever stopped her should have let her jump. That brat is dead to me.
M: What the fuck is wrong with you.
E: Well, they’re dead to you, big whoop. Guess what? You’re just dead.
[Edgar swings the crowbar at Tom’s neck, there is a sickening crack! As Tom’s neck snaps, and he falls limp to the floor.]
M: Oh shit..
E: Oops. Uh, okay, what now…
Olive: Skill issue!
M: Let’s leave him bleeding out! Just like, clear evidence or something!!
E: I’ll put a few pieces of glass near him, maybe… Wait, put that rock next to him as well.
M: Alrighty then.
[Madeline places the rock next to Tom's head while giggling. They then pick up a couple of shards of glass and shove them into Tom’s neck, leaving some around the body as well.]
E: Now it looks like an accident. We should probably skedaddle.
M: You just killed someone and you say skedaddle? Corny ass..
E: Well, what other words am I supposed to use?
M: Leave? Get out? Anything other than skedaddle?
E: It sounds better.
M: Okay bro. I'm surprised you didn’t call me homeskillet yet.
E: I completely forgot about that… I still could, honestly.
M: Don’t.
[Edgar chuckles, hesitating before speaking again.]
E: Whatever you say, homeskillet!
[Madeline groans, and puts her hands onto her face, throwing her head back as well.]
E: Well. Um. We probably should leave before someone reports this.
M: Alright. We’re going to go get drinks.
E: I would say you’re too young for that, but I just killed someone, so it would be a bit hypocritical to tell you that underaged drinking is against the law.
M: Exactly, alright, let’s head out. For real this time.
E: Alright, see you later. I guess.
M: See ya!
[Transcript end.]
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