#anyways yeah. i know a lot of folks on here like the good doctor
Idk if any of y'all saw this video yet, but rn there's a tik tok going viral of of this white woman who confronted her parents bigotry on Christmas and got sent home. She's an upset mess about but not in a white savior/validate me way which I can respect.
And as always I have something to say about it.
So she says she starts a war after she reminds her parents that people are people and that she
"probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with because there's no point"
And I've seen this sentiment of "there's no point" a LOT among allies. Not just white allies to BIPOC either but with allies across the board, queer allies, ND allies, etc.
To clarify by "that sentiment" I mean the idea that your personal effort to correct, inform, or speak up on an issue is not Worth it unless it will cause a Change in the person/people you're addressing that You will be able to see reflected. Because if they won't change then you're just putting up with their vitriol, hostility, and ignorance for nothing, right? And why put up with that for nothing. You're a person with feelings and limited patience so if you're gonna experience something awful, it should be for something, right? Especially if it's someone you have to put up with see regularly like your parents.
And besties...
The point is trying. The point is challenging bigotry and ignorance wherever it exists. The point is to show bigots that their ignorance isn't tolerable. It's to show them that their bigotry isn't tolerable. And as many times as they will be harmful, you will rise to meet their challenge.
The point is to challenge bigotry because it is bigotry and there's no room for it in the future we're building.
And as awful as it feels to have your family disown, belittle, and berate you there are So Many people going through this. BIPOC, immigrants, queer folk, Muslims, etc. We know what it's like to have people who should love you treat you badly, what it's like to lose community and support. You're not alone in this feeling, you know?
But everyday we still talk to our families and communities and strangers online and we still challenge their bigotry and yeah it hurts sometimes but we do it anyway so the next generation of our community won't have to.
Because they may not be here yet but we are.
In my tribe we have this concept of 7 generations being deeply significant. Part of that belief is that you and your choices will impact the next 7 generations of your descendants. And I want to be a good ancestor. Not just to the generations of my family that don't exist yet but to yours too.
I want to be a good ancestor to family I'll never meet and the friends I'll never get to drink with.
To queer kids that never had to answer to anyone for their love, to Muslim and Black boys who never had to be mindful of the toys they played outside with, to the loud brown girls who never felt out of place, to the disabled lady up the road who is the First and only voice her doctors listen to.....None of these people exist yet, but they will as long as I'm doing what I can for them today.
And absolutely everything I do is for them. It's for the future I won't get to see. For a world I'll never get to walk on. For laughter I'll never hear.
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three--rings · 15 days
So this whole Trump Racist Conspiracy on Immigrants Eating Pets thing...
It's the oldest smelliest Racist Uncle At Thanksgiving Shit. It doesn't matter the race or the location or the time period, people are accusing them of eating cats and dogs.
So, a personal story.
About 18 years ago I was working as a social worker and one day I was sent to a different county to help out in a public mental health clinic in a rural town that I normally didn't go to.
And lunchtime came around and the local workers were like, let's go each lunch. And there were not a lot of places to eat in this town. Like a McDonald's, a subway, and idk a few local places. They said we can go to the chinese buffet and me and my coworker were like cool let's go. And the psychiatrist there that day said he would go to lunch with us and treat us. Excellent!
So we go to this little chinese place and it's not, like, great. It's mediocre chinese all-you-can-eat buffet in a town with a dearth of asian people, yunno? But it's fine. It's edible. And we're all sitting there eating and we notice, hey, the psychiatrist doesn't have any food.
"Not eating lunch?" someone asks him.
"I don't eat Chinese food," he says.
"Oh?" Puzzled looks all around, like...this is a pretty weird statement, considering regardless of dietary concerns it's pretty easy to find something to eat, you know.
"No. You never know what that meat is," he says with confidence, with the air of someone older and wiser letting the young folks in on a secret. This man is probably late 60s, retired from normal practice. White, obviously, with a strong Texas accent (that pegs him as rural).
Silence and looks around the table. Nervous laughter. "Uh, what do you mean?"
"I mean I bet there no stray cats on the streets around here."
Longer silence as what this man is saying sinks in. Finally, my coworker, a black man who doesn't put up with much, says, "let me get this straight...you think we're eating cat right now?"
The doctor shrugs. "How do you know you're not?"
"You think it's easier for this restaurant to go catch cats and use them in the food than buying something at a store?"
More shrugging. Then he doubles down. "Hey I used to work in The Valley [the Rio Grande Valley, along the border with Mexico, an area with high poverty and like 90% hispanic] and I'll just tell you that there are no stray dogs down there."
Raised eyebrows and the looking down at your plates that happens when Racist Uncle starts going off. My coworker continues to challenge him a little, "No dogs. You looked everywhere..." etc.
You have to understand the power dynamics at play too. A psychiatrist in public mental health is the VERY TOP of the hierarchy. It's so hard to get a psychiatrist to come to the middle of nowhere and practice in shit conditions for shit (relative) pay. You don't usually get the best. So you have to treat them like royalty. What they says goes. They are treated with such deference. So we really were just in this situation of like...what the fuck do you do. Don't Piss Off The Doctor is a big rule. (I was really lucky that the clinic I usually worked at had a good young doctor out of Austin, who was bilingual and like...quirky? Always late? But provided good care.)
I did later find out this doctor had a reputation of the "don't be a female and find yourself alone with him" variety. Some people had been moved offices because they refused to work with him. But like, finding a replacement for him was virtually impossible.
Anyway, so that was the first time I had someone to my face talk about all the immigrants eating cats and dogs. And it wasn't even one of my patients! I heard a lot of shit at that job but never anything as blatantly racist as what that psychiatrist said. (Sexist? homophobic? okay yeah)
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alexwilltellyouthings · 2 months
Entirely self indulgent rating post about the top 10 TV shows that made me fucking insane for some reason
10. Sense8
God, this was so good. Such a blessing. I saw part of the cast during a Pride Parade and it's one of my favorite memories. I felt every possible emotion with this show, I love it.
9. The Last of Us
This is kind of a cheat, because the obsession comes from the games, but it is what it is. It's one of the few games that had a big impact on me and I closely relate it to my relationship with my dad. Can't wait to cry my heart out at season 2.
8. Good Omens
It's a given, isn't it? That stupid angel with his stupid demon and their stupid God. GRRRAAWW. A lot of thoughts and feelings came from the fandom, I have to point out. It's been very nice.
7. The Umbrella Academy
I have the first issue of the comics autographed by Gerard Way!! I mean, yes, it's because I'm a MCR fan, but it became even more precious after I got into the show. I'm rewatching right now, preparing for the last season. I'll be a mess when I say goodbye to them. Can't even really think about it too hard or I'll cry right now.
Continues under the cut
6. Our Flag Means Death
LISTEN THIS CHANGED EVERYTHING TO ME. What do you mean we can have a show THIS queer? It's all I want now. I ate it up. I smiled so much. I wanted this so badly and had no idea.
5. Interview with the Vampire
Feels like it should be top 3 honestly but I'll get there. This is also a cheat, I've been reading the Vampire Chronicles since I was like 15. Growing up with Anne Rice probably messed me up but hey at least I have great taste. And seeing them on screen? The way they made it BETTER? And Lestat?? Who has been haunting me for 15 years on and off??? And the second season and their reunion and and and?????????? I'm STILL insane about them and will be forever, I'm afraid.
4. Doctor Who
Listen. Listen. Okay. Yeah. What can I say? If you get into it, you're doomed. And I have been doomed for 10 years at least. I stopped watching for a while and got back last year, and it hit me all over again. I love this dumbass genius alien in a way that's calm, even. Just a permanent part of who I am now.
3. The Untamed
The year was 2022, it had been a while since I had a proper fixation and I didn't think it would happen with this danmei live-action, but then came Wei Wuxian. Guys, if I tell you I fell in love. Couldn't stop thinking about him. Everyday I was plagued by his smile and red ribbon and tragic backstory, yadayadayada. I really like other characters too, and their stories, but WWX did something to me that I still don't quite understand.
2. Queer as Folk (US)
This was a looong time ago and it didn't really persist over time like the others, but it was my first actual obsession. I was clinically insane over these gays. I had no one to talk to about them, so for every episode I wrote several pages of notes to comment to my (only) friend at school the next day, the poor thing. It was pretty much all I talked about because I spent EVERY MINUTE we had to talk going over the notes and explaining the episode. Like, between classes, during breaks, everything. Months of that. She held on firmly because she was a good friend, but I'm aware it must've been terrible. Like I said, insane.
1. Dead Boy Detectives
Maybe I'm putting this up here because it's my current hyperfixation? Maybe. But I don't think I have felt something hit as strongly as this since QaF over there. This time I can participate in fandom so I don't need to write every thought I have because it's all a big talk anyway, but I'm still pretty much having those thoughts all the time for *checks notes* nearly three months. I'm writing more than I have in years. I'm back at Tumblr after I don't know how long. I'm staring at GIFs over and over like I have the fucking time for that. I'm distracted at work daily. I talk about it in therapy. I have the main cast's notifications on. I'm getting involved in fandom discourse sometimes even knowing I shouldn't. It's a nightmare. I love it. I love them.
If you read all of this, congrats! Now you know how my mind works, kinda!! I'm open to talk about any and all of these shows. It's amazing how they mess us up. It's also scary, but anyway.
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
Due to the large amount of debating on Twitter around stunts and forcible closeting and who gains what from the partnership, let’s talk about stunts as someone who works in the industry and has a degree in this shit, baby!!!
Okie dokie. Stunts are just about our least favourite thing in this fandom, and we watch the boys get exploited, used, and see that they are thoroughly and visibly upset during pap shots and any public event with said stunt. I will be touching on bbg here, as a warning. But this will look particularly at Harry’s stunts, a bit more than Louis’, because people seem to all be fighting about Harry and TR at the moment, and there have been a lot of nasty things said between solos and larries and yeah… let’s have a chat about this all, so you folks can have a little more context of behind the scenes, and also a more thorough understanding than just “that stunt gf is using him for his fame and is part of the problem by forcibly closeting that artist”. Sooooo yeah, let’s get into it. I’ll break this down by Harry/Louis, and we can have a good look into this together. Feel free to hit me up in my inbox for any questions/comments etc., my loves. A lot of this stuff you might already be aware of, but yeah. Just thought I’d do something a bit more in depth while all this discourse is happening.
Harry - a brief history of stunts/his image, and why TR is his beard right now
So, we are all certainly aware of Harry’s past, with everyone from Caroline Flack, to Taylor Swift, to Kendall Jenner… the list goes on and on. His image was doctored to fit the ideal womaniser - sweet and funny, but flirty and cocky. If he was marketed as a dick, no one would idealise him, obviously. So he was allowed to be himself, as the sweet boy we all know, with the exception of flirting with every woman that breathes, and bedding them immediately, before moving on. He was still desirable like this. He was still seen as somewhat attainable, because he was never tied down. He didn’t do long term, he did one night stands and would keep women around long enough until the next pretty little (famous) thing came along. They wanted him to be seen as a sexual being, as so many young male boy bands are full of “goody two shoes” and are little happy cherubs who sing about what makes you beautiful, not waking up with a hard on.
So, his image flowed with the times. They seeded that baby as a womaniser, so when the band got older, he could be seen with multiple stunts, and be even more attainable than someone with a long term partner (Louis) because he didn’t fall in love. He was sex, and rock n roll, while playing innocent as well. It was a different twist to your usual “bad boy” narrative… the young girls saw him as a beautiful sweet angel, and the older girls thought they had a chance to have sex with him (multiple “receipts” that said Harry asked for numbers from fans and took them backstage after shows also posted on Tumblr/Twitter which the older fans had accounts on). They covered the very wide demographic that one direction had with this image, while keeping him closeted. S*mon always thought he was gonna be the main boy, so why not do whatever they can to give him even more PR? Two birds one stone, right?
Anyway, stunting is, and always has been, a crucial part of PR. The general public, and fans, are always interested to know the love life of celebrities. It causes drama, and gossip, and pays for the families of Paps, journalists, interviewers, etc. ya know? These folks would have a pretty boring job if they couldn’t spread gossip. They get paid more to do so, so it’s just the circle of life in the music industry. Almost all the jobs around an artist are there because of stunts. There’s only so many times a reporter can comment on what Harry is wearing if he’s not seen with someone else.
Anyway, this day and age, stunts have become pretty see through. We can spot one a mile away, anticipate articles, and guess what’s coming next. It’s embarrassing really. But, in the earlier days of stunts, it used to be a mutually beneficial agreement. Celebrity A “dates” and is spotted with Celebrity B, who both have large fandoms and make a lot of money (HS and TS). So, being seen together makes sense. A power couple, if you will. Two of the biggest stars on the planet, joining forces, exposing their already established fandoms to the other person’s music, and both of them gaining more followers, more money, and more clicks in the media. It’s the same with the OW shit show that happened… however, that was marketed as a 2 year long stunt, his longest yet, and was obviously to promo the movie. But, being his longest public relationship as of yet, they kinda dragged him away from the womaniser image a bit. Makes sense, right? He’s getting older, settling down a bit… he’s becoming a professional, not fucking the fans of his boyband backstage, and sleeping with every hot celebrity he sees.
However, because of a lot of these stunts are now being exposed and superficial af, they have tried a different kind of stunt, that, while we’ve seen before in different “womanising” artists, they do this to boost a positive image of the artist in question, and move them away from their… multiple sexual escapades. This is what I like to call the “Girl Next Door” stunt, which is exactly where Harry is at now, and where Louis has been all throughout his stunts.
The Girl Next Door stunt shows the public “oh wow, he’s not superficial!!! He’ll date someone who isn’t super famous and he loves them for them!!! He isn’t using her!! He’s attainable and would date someone like me because I’m not super famous!!!” narrative. Which, for Harry, pulls his image back towards being more “real” and authentic, and, for the fans, causes them to defend him because of this. They don’t see it as an obvious stunt because why the hell would this be mutually beneficial for Harry? Why would he bother to continue agreeing to closet himself with someone who isn’t gonna give him any PR from their own fandom? Who the paps are gonna wonder who she is? Well… it’s because he’s a sweetie pie baby boy cherub angel who doesn’t care about fame and fortune, just treats people with kindness and has fallen in love with someone who wasn’t really in the public eye to begin with. Wow. What an incredible guy.
And while you may say “hang on, TR wasn’t totally unknown, she had a following”, her following was nothing compared to Harry’s before they got together. So, with the above in mind about how this positively boosts Harry’s image, you can see why this is mutually beneficial. It’s not always about the money for both sides.
But… hang on… “why would TR agree to this? She’s actively participating in the closeting of Harry? She’s not a good person!!!!!” Well… if it wasn’t her, it’d be someone else. If every celeb/person boycotted the idea of stunts and refused them due to the fact they didn’t want to closet artists, that would be great. It would be a massive shift in the industry. It would be fantastic. But… that’s just not the way it is right now. And unfortunately I don’t think it ever will be.
Closeting has existed for years in the celeb world, and it’s not just gonna go away like that. Sometimes the artists get to choose who they stunt with, and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes bisexuality is seeded juuuuuust enough to get people talking even more. But in his case right now, that’s why people are relating to TR. that’s why they’re defending her, and that’s why they’re a good stunt for now, because she’s the girl next door. See that image shift, now?
Louis - bbg, long term gfs, and the Girl Next Door
Now that I’ve explained the idea of the Girl Next Door stunt (which I’m sure a lot of you have picked up on already prior to this post), that’s exactly what Louis’ closeting and stunting has been for the past 13 years. Eleanor was an unknown, young pretty girl aspiring to be a model. They had one womaniser in the band, two would just be sleazy, so why not make him somewhat “unattainable” but still show his love and commitment and as he was the oldest of the band, he took relationships seriously? It makes him look grown up, so people can take the band more seriously. They’re not just 5 boys who are fucking everything that moved due to newfound fame. It would keep Louis closeted, keep Harry closeted but in the public eye at all times, and totally remove any possibility of them being in a relationship behind closed doors. Sounds great on paper, right? So… if Louis was the sweet, funny, long term gf boy… then why did he go out and get drunk and fuck some unknown hairdresser in a one night stand and have a baby with her, and it be so public? Let’s have a quick look…
For obvious closeting reasons, someone who is speculated to be gay having a baby is quite a clear cut. They’ve had vaginal penetrative sex, they can’t be gay… right? Bisexuality is often overlooked in the media, but, that’s a story for another time.
So, bbg makes sense. They were seeding Harry’s bisexuality/coming out over mid 2014-2015 buttttt little problem… if Harry was in fact into men, then why couldn’t he be into Louis? Larry Stylinson is no stranger to the press, and to pay off every outlet to include in their article the previous denials of Larry’s relationship in the coming out articles, was more effort than what it’s worth. So, even giving him a male stunt, larry would still be prominent in all press relating to Harry’s sexuality. So, in the plans of Harry’s (not successful) coming out, what do they do with Louis?
Long term gf man Louis became quite the party boy, and slept around with Girl Next Door types. People who weren’t famous. People who weren’t gonna help his career after one direction, nor boost his popularity and exposure. He was almost attainable to fans, as so many fans have met him at clubs before. But Harry needed to be THE one who ended up on top (no pun intended), and THE extra attainable now openly bisexual man. They just had to stop Louis from being a desirable match to pretty princess harry, and kinda pushed him to take over Harry’s womaniser image. So, what better way than to push him into being a grotty undesirable party boy who was getting fucked up and sleeping with random girls? What better way than to make him be extra closeted with a kid whose mum he’d had a one night stand with? It could’ve been any fan… right? Quite the Y/N wattpad story if you ask me…
(Anywho, this isn’t a bbg post so I won’t go into S*mon vs Louis, the big gay war, Belfast etc., I’m just talking plainly about the images to the public eye).
So, bbg sticks and is set for the long term, and so Louis still has the committed image he always did. He’s always been tied down, except… he can’t go from party boy to doting dad in one breath. So a couple of VERY short lived stunts here (including one he did by himself in protest) and there, keeps him attainable. He cares SO much about his little lad, BUT is on the look out for some lady bits at all times. Funnily enough, with women who aren’t going to actively improve his career/popularity. So… Girl Next Door attainability, long term commitment grown up responsibility, and now, stunt free (apart from bbg) for over a year. Party boy louis lives on, though. And that is certainly an interesting deep dive as to why, but again, for another time.
Overall - why the fuck is this all happening?
So, they’ve pushed Harry and Louis as far apart from each other as possible, since 2015. Their images, everything. We know this, we’ve watched it, some of us have been here for it. But why is Harry now Girl Next Door stunting? It’ll be a year of them together in a few months. It’s arguably his first stunt gf who is not popular or influential in any way. Well… his image now is happy go lucky boy who loves everyone and is sweet as pie and while he still has suggestive lyrics and moves on stage, he’s actively been pushed away further from the womaniser image through OW and TR. I believe, since he has shot to fame, they’ve decided to kick him back down and seem more attainable, with a more “realistic and authentic” stunt. It makes him look like a real person again. Obviously, it’s forced closeting and you can plainly see it makes him upset and he’s doing everything he can to move away from it, but… that’s his image for now. They’re moving away from womanising because he’s older and needs to still look attainable and professional and “grown up” (30 yrs old isn’t grown up by any means, but it’s the ageism in the industry and generally around the world that pushes this), and so this is the purpose of TR. now, you can sit here and yell about her being an active part in his closeting, which she is, but if it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. Solo Harries who believe in them being together, would be stanning another chick if she was in TR’s place. It’s a Copy of a Copy of a Copy. Get mad at the teams behind Harry and Louis, not at the girls participating in it. (BBG is somewhat of an exception bc who tf would actively put a baby through that but whatever, the promise of money can sway people like crazy).
In short, Long-Term Tomlinson and Harry Sly-les are still in full force, but in an adjusted way to seem more authentic. Because in this day and age, where everything is fake, authenticity sells.
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clarkes-and-god · 10 months
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"Hey, are you the new folk? I saw your post on Facebook, and your church thing sounds like just the type of thing that my wife and I have been praying for. I'm Cooper Hankins, she's Hepzibah, and this is our daughter, Joy-In-Worship."
"You can call me Zizi! And congratulations on your pregnancy, Beth, I'm expecting too. It's such a blessing to have another pregnant lady around! We'll have to talk about that. And y'all just moved all the way from Brindleton? How're you finding it down here?"
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"Well, do you guys wanna come inside and then we can talk? We have a little room for the church, and it'll be more comfy than hanging out on the porch."
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"Now, I've gotta ask, are you seeing that doctor in town about your pregnancy?"
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"Doctor Williams? I've just booked an appointment, why?"
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"Goodness gracious, thank the Lord that we came! You mustn't go to that awful man, he's a baby killer! They'll inject you and your baby with all these nasty chemicals, and give you all these scans that'll ruin your baby's brain and stop them growing. We didn't go to any doctors when I was pregnant with Joy, and we had an unassisted homebirth, it was wonderful. And she is just the smartest little girl, and so healthy. We're doing the same with this baby too, and you really should with yours."
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"That's just awful, but how do you know all this? I mean, all the women in my family have had doctors involved with their pregnancies, and all us kids are fine."
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"Cooper is on this website called SimChan, and some others. They're all really the only places you can speak your mind these days, if you know the truth. All the folks at the top don't want you to know what's going on, but my Cooper and the other guys have found all this evidence, and they know the truth. He told me about how awful Vitamin K is, it's not healthy for babies. And I mean, babies are made in God's image, they're perfect just as they are. They don't need those awful chemicals to make them slaves to the-"
"Alright, I think they get it. I know it sounds strange, but Zizi's right. The people of the Bible didn't go and get scans and shots, and they were all just fine, all those babies were healthy. But now we all live under this Satanic system, they suddenly all need all these interventions. And you've gotta think, if we're meant to be the healthiest we've ever been, then surely our babies don't need all that? It's just another reason for the government to be involved in our kids lives, like the drag queens in schools. This country is heading to Hell, it's not even just about the kids, and they're trying to hide it."
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"Really? Gosh, I see your point, I won't go to that appointment. It sounds like we should do some more research."
"Yeah, maybe we should. Thanks for telling us that, it makes a lot of sense. Maybe Zizi, you can help Beth with that? Sounds like you know a lot. Anyways, I guess we should start the Bible reading, today we're reading Luke 5:27-31"
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zeroducks-2 · 1 month
All the speedster omegaverse talk is making me think about the world building aspects. (I mean, also speedster sandwiches but, of course, but) I wonder how different the culture about be towards omegas and relationships, and if Eobard had any adjustments he had to make
I do think that it would vary between Barry's 20th/21st century and Eo's 25th, in terms of societal roles and expectations and all.
The 25th century would be way more segregated and big on stuff like heat and rut blocker/suppressant/delayer. Being able to smell someone which isn't pack (so parents, spouse, siblings, pups) would be considered very rude. I headcanon that 25th century folks can control their scent glands well enough that they don't really need patches (people are bio-engineered and it's a gene easy enough to replicate), and who isn't able to do that and needs scent patches is treated like someone with a deformity or almost.
I'm pretty sure Eo's parents were two Betas (scientists), and that it's pretty normal for his time to have lots of Beta pups (since they have offspring in vitro there is no need for people with high fertility or hormonal compatibility) and the designation of a pup is chosen purely on the basis of what their parents want for them. A charming, delicate looking singer with angelic voice; a kindergarten/primary school teacher; a nurse or caretaker, they'd probably design the baby so that they'll present as an Omega. If they want a scientist, a researcher or a doctor they'll want a Beta. A cop, a spokesperson, an athlete, they'll pick Alpha traits. This is also the reason why I headcanon that Eobard was designed with both Alpha and Omega traits - since (very likely) his parents wanted him to be a politician, they'd paid lots of money to give him both the charming attributes of an Omega and the inclination for aggressiveness and leadership of an Alpha.
I think there's less sexism towards Omegas in the 25th century, outwardly at least. Since reproduction mainly happens via designing children in vitro and the usage of heat/rut blockers is mandatory, and people don't even perceive each other's scents, recognizing that someone is even an Omega is not easy. Surely people will assume that the pretty journalist who would get a story out of anyone just by smiling and batting her pretty lashes is an Omega (yeah I'm thinking about Rose), but that's not a given and it would be VERY rude to ask her, borderline sexual harassy. Therefore less sexism, even if the conversation on how Omegas are supposed to be subordinates to Alphas still exists of course. This is not really a good thing since everyone is hella repressed and the segregation doesn't help anybody. Lots of violence happens behind closed doors, especially between members of the same pack.
That's also something that probably shocked Eobard, the fact that in Barry's time the segregation is way less strong. People don't always wear scent patches (pups for example don't do it at all, in pubs and clubs people don't unless it's mandatory for entrance, or at the beach and other relaxed social situations etc), they talk about their hormonal designation openly, and it's not considered scandalous or obscene to say something like "I'm probably about to go into pre-rut, this month I'm skipping the blockers and just take a week off" (or anyway not in all contexts), and people don't know for certain what a pup is going be until they present (there are ways to find out but lots of people don't care).
I have more but I'm going to stop here because this is already a wall of text 😂 feel free to add any hc of your own or to pick from mine if you like them, I really don't mind!
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Personal rant bc we haven't gotten my official results yet but we did get a very stressful phone call about it, and because adhd has been kicking my ass lately. This is going to be long and rambly and all over the place, and if you're anti self-dx, I wouldn't suggest reading further (or interacting with me in general). It also sort of becomes just me psychoanalyzing my own behavior and infodumping about it
For context, I'm autistic and adhd, and I went and talked to a psychologist a couple weeks ago and had some testing done
Personally, I don't really feel the need to have an official diagnosis for autism. I'm confident in my informed self-diagnosis (technically it was actually my parents who first suggested I might be autistic but I've learned a lot about it since then and now I'm pretty sure I'm more convinced than they are) and I just don't think a doctor's note will do much for me (totally understand and support anyone who does want to get diagnosed tho). Adhd however is another story. If I want meds that will actually work and accommodations with my school, they need proof, and as things are I am desperate for some help.
So the appointment I had a couple weeks ago was supposed to be for adhd testing, but apparently he also lowkey tested me for autism while we were there. Which like, fine, whatever, it would be sort of nice to have that validated I guess, but when we checked back in with him on the phone earlier this week he started using outdated and problematic terms like high-functioning and aspergers and I'll just say that it did not exactly inspire confidence
But that can of worms aside, let me get back to (mostly) adhd related ranting
I feel like there could be an essay about how the diagnostic process for adhd is flawed and doesn't work all that well for people who have an internalized notion that their worth as a person is dependent on their academic success and task performance and therefore spent their childhood and adolescence funneling all their efforts time and attention into school and generally being seen as a good well-behaved bright kid out of desperation to have value (and it worked- I've always made good grades, but what people don't see is the days, weeks, months of paralyzed procrastination, the anxiety-fueled mad rush in the end to get things done late, and the grace I'm inexplicably shown every time, without which my grades would be much worse)
I'm scared, that I'm going to be determined "too high functioning" to be diagnosed even though I'm currently doing basically nothing with my life outside of college and yet I'm technically failing like half of my classes right now, that they're going to say "well the signs weren't there when you were younger" even though there's a variety of explanations for why that might be, not the least of which being the fact that for some folks with both autism and adhd the traits of the two have a tendency to "hide" one another
Apparently he also ran an iq test on me, and he broke down the 5 scores to us; I scored in the upper average/above average bracket in all but the 4th, processing speed, in which I'm below average. And like yeah, I'm well aware that I'm slow, but I guess it's official now-
Anyway, my main point with the iq thing was that while he was telling us about my high scores in the first 3 areas, I'm sitting here getting more and more uneasy, bc I'm like yeah sure I'm intelligent or whatever but it isn't worth shit if I can't motivate myself to actually do anything with that potential, and the conditions under which I was tested just don't reflect my day to day life closely enough to give an accurate reading, in my opinion.
Basically I'm afraid this guy is going to look at the results of some tests- tests which I was really focused on bc of the intrinsic fear of failure that plagues my existence (even though rationally I know you can't fail a psychological evaluation) and bc I know it's a bitch of a process to even get tested in the first place and I wasn't going to waste the opportunity goddammit-
That he's going to look at them and decide that I'm "too smart" to have a learning disability, when, again, all the brains in the world wouldn't do me any good if I
1) don't have the ability to self-motivate and direct them at what I need to be working on, even if I've been beating myself up about that pile of homework or my disaster of a room for weeks or even months, and
2) have such a loose grasp on the concept of time and priorities that I have on multiple occasions found myself pulling all-nighters on personal projects or reading for pleasure or scrolling on my phone only to realize oh shit I have to get up for school in like two hours, oh fuck, I'm going to be exhausted all day, what happened to "let's go to sleep early this time, I'll just do this for like 5 more minutes and then call it a night"
or realize after one of those all-nighters that what was actually a period of about 10 hours feels more like 10 minutes to me ("man wasn't I literally just here to get dinner" the next morning, passing the caf on my way to class on exactly 0 hours of sleep and still having managed not to get any of my actual class work done in all that time)
And also just that tendency in itself is significant, to get so deeply hooked on something once it does manage to get my attention, that I often feel like I can't stop until outside forces demand it- staying up until 4am on a school night painting my phone case and texting my crush (14 or 15), making bracelet after bracelet at the kitchen table at ungodly hours of the night because I couldn't sleep and now that I'm on a roll I don't want to break the momentum (18, a few months ago), throwing horrific amounts of time at reading fanfiction of whatever series currently has my interest when I have so much work that needs to get done if I want to have a chance at passing my courses this semester (18, basically present), making a last minute birthday present for my aunt and being so caught up in the rush and the craft of what I was working on that I ignored my body's needs until I ended up pissing myself (12), etc
The fact that I've been meaning to catch up with my high school friends for weeks or months, literally something as simple as a "how have yall been" in the group chat, yet for some reason I still haven't gotten around to it
The fact that for all my alleged intelligence I still haven't learned to ride a bike or drive a car or apply for a job or develop a work-life balance or play any of the instruments I want to or have a thriving social life or feel like a person (I think these are more autism-related but I'm throwing them in anyway)
The fact that minor (or even just mistakenly perceived) disapproval or judgment or teasing or having a text left on read can send me spiraling into anxiety and convinced that everyone hates me and that I'm worthless or obnoxious or stupid (rejection sensitivity is a bitch)
The fact that when I try to read I have to make a constant conscious effort not to jump ahead and all over the place and I often have to reread the same passage multiple times to understand it because I realize that I wasn't actually paying attention the first couple of times, my mind elsewhere and my eyes wandering
I know even if I do get diagnosed they'll say it's inattentive, not hyperactive or combined, because the majority of my hyperactivity is either fairly subtle movements (because I'm socially anxious and clumsy and don't want to draw attention to myself or run the risk of breaking or disturbing something) or just straight up in my head. Like sure I'm not a nine year old boy who can't sit still in class and is constantly bouncing around all over the place and getting into trouble and driving his parents and teachers crazy (bc being seen as annoying and unruly by authority figures would have broken me), but there's always so much noise in my brain, it's always talking or playing music in the background or thinking about the 47 different projects I need to be working on and the media it wants to be engaging with instead and the 1000s of things there are to worry about in a day; sometimes I'll get stuck in a loop where I'm mentally repeating a word or phrase over and over and over again until I feel like I'm going crazy
All of this is stuff that this guy doesn't see, and that worries me when it comes to the validity of his assessment
But basically, what I'm trying to say is, I swear to god if the people around me don't believe that there's clearly something not neurotypical going on here I'm going to fucking riot
And, ranting aside, I want to end this post with a note to all my fellow neurodiverse folks who are waiting for answers or treatment or validation or support or whatever.
I feel you. Hang in there. You have my well wishes in your endeavors. And remember, it's ok to be happy with or proud of who you are and what makes you different, it's ok to embrace your neurodiversity while also acknowledging how difficult it can be to live with and the fact that you might need extra time or support with things that seem to come easily to other people. It's ok to admit that it's fucking hard sometimes, and it's ok to ask for help. Take care, mates
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paramorearchived · 5 months
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June 17, 2010
strange youth
long time coming, this post is....... was.... why am i talking like yoda now?
so, i'm really excited to be writing here. not really sure what i'm going to write about yet but that's what makes it exciting. i guess i can start with, it's been a wild month, to say the least. "life is a daring adventure or nothing at all". is there really more to say about that than that? ok, well one more thing... human beings are no less respectable when they are at their most vulnerable. and that's why i try to have faith in people. 
right now, it's about 12:30am - we landed here in Hamburg, Germany about 10 hours ago. all i've done is sleep, watch movies and "glaze" my hair. i'm trying not to dye it at all this summer besides right before the honda civic tour. i like the way the colors fade and how strung out i start to look with my hair turning all sorts of greenish yellow. it's even better when i don't wear any make-up out. what a sight. anyways, i'm tired and at the same time completely restless. and in, what some people would call, a "desperate need" for a shower. and what's most exciting is that my face wash spilled out into the rest of my toiletry bag. there's still a little left though.  on the flight over, i read half of a new book i've started called Wonderland Avenue. it's by Danny Sugerman, in case you're interested, who happens to be my voice doctors' brother. NEATO! the author of this book not only met and hung around The Doors as a young kid around the age of 13 ... but by the time he was out of his teens he was already managing them AND Iggy Pop. (if you aren't aware of these artists, get to googling). so yeah, couldn't put that book down until finally i had to... cause me and jeremy wanted to watch Shutter Island on the plane tv's. that's right, folks, business class seats have an assortment of movies available to you on little personal tv's. what a bunch of snobs we must be! by the time we were done with that movie we realized we still weren't tired so we watched Fantastic Mr. Fox (directed by Wes Anderson, an absolute genius)... and then as jeremy fell asleep i proceeded to doodle in my journal and listen to Nirvana's 'Incesticide', then Mumford and Sons' 'Sigh No More'. it was a good flight. clearly, i got a lot of things accomplished.
again, i'm still just sitting here in my hotel room letting the orange glaze sit in my hair until i finally give in to a shower. i didn't even have enough orange left to cover my full head, so just get over it when you see me and i look like a hot mess. 
maybe now is a good place and time to state my opinion on our being everywhere at the same time. seems like we've got just about every magazine covered this month, people are playing our songs and i'm singing on B.o.B's song and it's just crazy all the time. i do love it... it's a lot of fun to work hard and see your work all around you. yet at the same time, there are still large number of people that i don't think will ever get it. the SPIN article (you know, the cover one) that was just printed about us doesn't really seem to say anything ABOUT us as a band. and it seems that in most cases writers simply enjoy looking at us and exclaiming - like they've discovered something huge - "THEY'RE YOUNG!" or of course there's always, "THEY'RE CHRISTIANS"... or "THEY DON'T SHOOT UP IN THE BACK OF THE BUS!" what is this the 80's? is it really that sensational that we aren't the second coming of Motley Crue? does our music suggest that we should be acting otherwise? listen, i'm not trying to sit here and wreck the writer from SPIN. i'm sure it's hard to get a handle on any band within the amount of time given to capture "our story". maybe reading articles about us just gets a little monotonous, that's all. oh and i'm not actually friends with McLovin or Miley. awkward turtle.
and on a slightly different tip, it's my opinion that anyone who is coming onto our band looking for controversy is completely missing the point. the point isn't in the intent of controversy, the point is that there is no way around it. as people, aren't we all bursting at the seams with conflict and controversy? the point of our music is that there are human hearts in it. because anyone knows that eventually, someone will find something on you. if you don't do drugs, you probably have another addiction. even innocent. we could stop looking for the wrongs and realize that they're inevitable on the way to something more meaningful. i'm not totally preaching here. talking to myself as well, in case you wondered. who knows? maybe i really am just bored with giving music journalists the benefit of the doubt. like they're really gonna let people know what we would want to tell them. yet still, i want to have faith in people. and anyways, what WOULD we want to tell people if we had that much space to write about ourselves? it would probably end up just the same. does it ever bug you guys? do you ever feel like some people are just missing it? 
when you come to a show do you feel the same thing that i feel when i'm on that stage? i mean, i know you're not standing on the stage... but surely you can feel the same energy that i'm feeling, to some degree. it's so much more powerful than all the trivial nonsense that people chalk our band up to be. it means something great and it feels empowering. it's the grace of knowing that we can all totally suck and be a little messed up and then stand in a room with thousands of other people who are exactly the same way, no matter how dressed up they look on the outside, and we can be broken all the same. 
man, what have i gone and spouted off about now? sorry for such a long winded, self-serving type of post.  i'm ready to wash this crap out of my hair and try to sleep til the show tomorrow.  we are actually sharing the stage with The Get Up Kids, Hot Water Music and Dropkick Murphy's tomorrow. should be a good one!
<3 hayley
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gg-carboxylase · 1 year
Got ahold of Step by Step episode 12. We needed 2 more episodes as usual with these series.
If you've not watched the show, please do. It's worth your time, even if you feel like you're wading thru the first few episodes. It's slow burn. This is not horny hours. This is really office hours.
Spoilers under the cut obvs.
Some meta. Mostly my opinions.
I wrote that paragraph before the Mildly Spicy Bed Makeout. I kind of enjoy that Jeng shooed Pat to the shower For Reasons. At least, I personally infer bottom reasons but that's just me. Still, I would have liked more spice à la Bed Friend, but I'm a thirsty ho.
I'll get this admission off my chest — I'm bummed that we got those really spicy kisses and that's as far as it went. KP and Domundi productions spoiled me, obviously. Did I want to see them fake fuck? Yeah. I'll admit it.
The scene where they were writing out then deleting their text messages was acted to perfection.
Hot take — Ben is the worst ugly crier. We love him anyway.
Jeng is a stalker, he needs to learn to go less hard. He also needed to resign like, 2 years earlier from the company. Good for him though. Dad is hot. Shame he's a homophobe.
I am super over people singing in the shows, no matter how good they are.
I love that Jeng's passion is cooking.
You can tell this is a real Thai show because when they show that green curry, it's real green curry even if it's store bought. It's hard to find good green curry paste over here unless you're in certain places.
Jeng's mom — what was the point of a 30 second meeting. Ben is so good at being nervous and young, he's really a great actor.
The chemistry is off the charts in this episode, good Christ. They obviously had fun shooting the cake scene.
Jeng better have a hell of a savings if he's returning all his shares to his dad and putting his hopes on his restaurant.
The restaurant biz is a bitch. I grew up in the restaurant business and the margins are razor thin, even in famous and successful restaurants. Hopefully, Pat's advertising firm is doing well.
Seriously, again. Needed another couple episodes. Especially with how Jeng's dad tossed his resignation letter.
I know Man said this would be his only BL, but I would really like to see them do another show together. They really got their shit together at the end and it's rare to see a couple that can have this kind of chemistry.
The age difference works really well between them, it's comfortable — which isn't there for a lot of decade+ couples — and there's a lot of plots where this could be used. So let's manifest that.
I have no idea what the fuck Man does for a living, so I'm not sure if he's even free to do another series. Dude has an econ degree, which means nothing (no offense econ folks, you guys are like Swiss army knives). I suspect he's a mini Mile Phakphum, and just sort of exists on the largess of his family and his modeling career.
I very much liked this series. It's definitely in my list of favorites. For me, it started out rocky because I didn't understand what it was trying to do. Looking back, now that I see what the aim is, the path it took is perfect.
Would I have liked more sex? Absolutely, but as I mentioned before — I'm a thirsty ho. These lads get paid more than I make as a clinical lab scientist, spending my day making your doctor look smart. A little bed shenanigans isn't too much to ask.
Alas, I can't complain too much. The kisses we got were A+, top-tier compared to nearly any other series. The physical stuff we did get was also A+. Truly, my complaints are mostly unfounded. We could have ended up with Korean level bullshit.
I'm not going to bother with meta about the story because there's users here that are far better at articulating exactly what I want to say, so troll the tag for them.
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correctingcuntboys · 2 years
Sorry you're getting hate from kink critical folks. I don't get why some trans people are so mean to others just because they don't process trauma the "right" way. For most people into detrans and misgen play, this is a way to reclaim our bodies in the context of violence and abuse.
And god, they shouldn't try to play the oppresion card because we are all trans here and come from many different contexts. Assuming we have some sort of priviledge just because of the kinks we are into is terrible. (Also, so-called Western contries are awful to trans folks—I recently found out Finland has a policy of forced sterilization for people who want to transition! As someone who lives in Mexico and always gets this picture of how amazing Europe is, this surprised me a lot).
Anyway. Just wanted to tell you that I love seeing your posts on my dash and even though I don't know you, you have helped me to become more comfortable with my sexuality. I appreciate a lot what you do in here providing a safe space for trans folks like me. I am sure many others feel the same.
Thank you for this so much. <3
And yeah, 'Western' countries (I'm speaking about European countries mostly, as I don't know much about outside of Europe) sure have some privilege - but it still doesn't mean it's so good here. I'm not gonna say waiting 5 years in a queue to be able to see a doctor who can prescribe you HRT is equally as bad as not being able to get HRT at all because it might be illegal - that's pretty obvious. But there is literally no country that's actually good for trans people, and comparing abuse that happens in different ones is a shitty move. And assuming that everyone in Europe has it good is just so stupid - trans people in Hungary can't change their legal gender at all right now, trans people in Poland have to take their parents to court and actually argue with them about their identity so a judge can decide if they're 'allowed' to be trans! In Scandinavian countries, countries that are supposedly great for LGBTQ+ people, you have to wait several years to be seen by a specialist, similarly as in the UK, which is also supposed to be great (well, maybe less so now that TERFs are taking over).
I can openly admit that I'm privileged when it comes to certain things - because I am, in more than one way. But there's no such thing as 'being privileged as a trans person'. There just isn't. No matter how happy I am to be trans.
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shaftking · 1 year
I honestly don't know where the hell fat activists get the idea that fat folks struggle to find clothes.
According to google, me being 5'1 and 232 pounds means I'm OBESE. (Which. I got weighed today at my doctor's appointment and honest to ffucking god I thought I had been losing weight recently. Another reason to be glad I'm doing boxing this summer, that will assure that I lose weight.)
But anyway, as an apparently obese guy, I have literally never had issues that fit. Goddamn even when I'm forced to go to the mall for clothes the only reason I can't find clothes in my size is because the t-shirt designs I like are only made for young boys. I do have issues finding swimsuits I like that fit correctly, but that's really only a dysphoria thing not a weight thing. Shit man the swimsuit I have now is actually too ffucking big on me.
Maybe it's because I mostly rewear the same clothes every week and only ever like to get new clothes in the form of hand-me-downs from my cousin and grandfather, but I really don't see the clothing problems most fat folks seem to have.
Maybe other fat folks oughta get shorts and sweatpants made of stretchy material instead of leggings and denim. Maybe other fat folks oughta try out tshirts and sweatshirts and tank-tops and ffuck, even button up shirts.
Almost every damn problem faced by overweight people is also faced by underweight people. Some bitches are just really damn entitled.
Okay first, why did I think you were taller than me? Lol.
Yeah fr though I’m kind of a manlet myself at 5’4” and on the slimmer side after losing a few lbs in the years after high school for a handful of reasons. And while I tend to like my clothes a little bigger usually (also for dysphoria reasons but also it’s just comfy) and when I look for clothes that actually have to fit, like recently I was shopping for something nice to wear to a college event, I had a hard time finding anything in the S/M range that actually fit. Like idk if it’s just that my proportions are weird or what but yeah.
When I go to thrift, which is where I get like most of my clothes, it’s almost entirely larger size stuff. I literally don’t know where fat activists are going but it seems really easy to find big clothes as opposed to smaller ones.
One of my siblings was actually technically underweight for a long time and had a really hard time putting on lbs bc of a low appetite + high activity combo and finding clothes for her always sucked because she had to choose between things fitting right width wise and being too short or fitting length and being too wide.
Anyways I’m rambling a little here, but good luck with boxing! That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I can’t wait for the Francis gets shredded arc.
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gracericardson · 9 days
Pelixel Birthstone Legacy Challange
CHECK OUT HER TUMBLR: https://pelixel.tumblr.com/
CHECK OUT HER YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@pelixel
So...I'm just putting this up because I had it saved in my Google Docs and always forgot it was there. Putting it as a personal save on Tumblr will ensure I don't forget about this wonderful challenge and use it as a legacy idea for my gameplay. Buckle up folks because it's a long one :)
Birthstone Legacy Challenge
Do you like pretty stones? Yes? No? Well, I sure do, and that’s why I’m here today bringing you a fancy lil legacy challenge based around them! I’m a big fan of themed legacy challenges as it kinda gives me a feel for how each generation could go so I figured–why not just make my own! 
Note: I narrowed it down to birthstones by month because knowing myself we’d be here for like 30 generations if I didn’t.. 
Also for some months there’s more than one birthstone! Which means options galore! Those generations will have alternate routes so pick whichever you’d like. Alternatively they could just be extra generations, do whatever you gotta do man.
If you decide to do the challenge, tag me or something idk, show me your sims! With that out of the way, let’s hop into it.
General Rules
This follows most of the original legacy challenge rules–no cheats for unfair advantages, have an heir for each gen, yada yada. 
The only one I won’t be including is staying on one lot for the entirety of the challenge. You can if you want to (just be sure to read ahead and plan accordingly), but I like to move around!
Also, you can use all of your sims starting funds to buy your first house/apartment. Or don’t, if you're into that. 
Finish all of the assigned goals for each generation.
You don’t have to use all of the traits if you don’t wanna/can’t, just use at least 2-3 of them. Or adapt them to whatever you need, I’ll be listing 5 for each gen anyways so you have a few to pick from.
Generation 1: Garnet ------------------------------------------------------
You’re quite strong, I’ll give you that. A natural warrior and protector at heart, countless people have watched you defend your friends and family to the end. Plus, you can probably count on one hand the number of times you’ve ever gotten sick. You know those kids that dream of becoming a doctor someday? Yeah.. well guess what, that’s you! Time to follow your dreams.
Traits: Brave, Disciplined, Family-Oriented, Ambitious, No Sense of Humor
Career(s): Medical 
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Reach the top of the medical career track, it’s your dream after all! 
Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. 
Master the athletic skill.
Have at least 5 friends. 
Marry a sim that also has a “protector” career (Ex: firefighter, medical, military, etc.) Perhaps a co-worker would be best for you? 
Have at least 4 kids, you want a big family!
Generation 2: Amethyst --------------------------------------------------
A clear head and a sharp tongue, your reputation precedes you. As confident as you are, you tend to keep most at a distance. But you’re allowed to rely on other sims y’know? Take the confidence you have in yourself and share it with others. Well, maybe I’m wrong, maybe there’s a reason you won’t let yourself get influenced by other sims?
Traits: Loner, Perceptive, Genius, Proper, Perfectionist
Career(s): Investigator OR Fortune Teller (Mystic branch)
Color theme  (Open Link to View)
Get an A in school and get a part-time job as a teenager. 
Can’t go to any bars, lounges, etc. You’re not too fond of alcohol. 
You can’t make any friends until you’re a young adult. 
Master the logic skill.
Once you finally let your guard down, you manage to make a friend! Eventually this friendship turns into a relationship. However this sim isn’t a good influence on you at all…
Must have only 1 child either with that partner or by adoption. 
Once you become an adult you realize how unhealthy your relationship has gotten. You dump the toxic partner and vow to never marry or date again. 
Buy a hot tub! You earned it, it’s your place of rest and relaxation. Use it at least 2 times a week.
Our first split choice is below! Like I said you technically only have to do one of these but you can do whatever you like.
Generation 3-1: Aquamarine ---------------------------------------------
Nothing quite like the ocean is there? Nobody’s really sure where you got your sea legs but they can’t deny that you have them. I know you joke about running away to live on a deserted island and never coming back but you wouldn’t actually do that.. Right? Well, at least you know how to swim.
Traits: Sailor, Loves the Outdoors, Loves to Swim, Adventurous, Commitment Issues
Career(s): Lifeguard OR Angler OR Scuba Diver
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Note: I HIGHLY recommend playing in a world that has an island, or an ocean at the very least. Sunset Valley is a good choice if you don’t wanna play in a custom world or in Isla Paradiso.
Have two best friends growing up and hang out with them at least three times a week. 
Live near the beach and visit it at least once a week.
Buy a boat.
Master the scuba diving skill. 
Meet a mermaid and have a relationship with them and–oh no.. now YOU’RE a mermaid. 
Break things off with the mermaid and confide in your best friends about your newfound supernatural secret, only one of them will believe you. The other thinks you’re making it up and they no longer want to be friends with you. 
Fall in love with the friend who has always been there for you and marry them. 
Generation 3-2: Bloodstone
You really thought you wanted to become a vampire but… this is nothing like the movies! I mean seriously, did you really think vampires sparkle in the sunlight? What’s that? You want to abolish all of the vampires in the city?? Alright Buffy, do what you’ve gotta do.
Traits: Neurotic, Genius, Excitable, Dramatic, Brave
Career(s): Music OR Law Enforcement OR Alchemist
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Have a friend as a child/teen who’s a vampire and once you both age into young adults have them turn you. 
Master either the guitar, piano, or bass skill and create a room in your house dedicated to practicing your instrument.
Cure at least 3 vampires of vampirism before curing yourself. 
Cure your childhood friend of vampirism, unbeknownst to you however they quite liked being a vampire…
Start a relationship with them and eventually get married. Once you get married you decide to only cure one vampire a week now!
Have no more than 2 kids.  
Uh-oh, your spouse has turned back into a vampire! Feeling betrayed, you divorce them.
After your divorce you don’t have to cure vampires anymore, in fact you want nothing to do with them for the rest of your life! 
Generation 4: Diamond ---------------------------------------------------
The second you walk into a room all eyes are on you and you know it. Nothing short of arrogant and cocky–you know other people want you, want to be you, you’re the most beautiful sim they’ve ever seen after all. Not to mention you’re tough skinned, even if they don’t like you–who cares? They’re practically the pebbles beneath your feet. 
Traits: Snob, Star Quality, Evil, Friendly, Irresistible 
Career(s): Film (Acting branch) OR Singer OR Business
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Have a strained relationship with your sibling(s), they don’t understand you and why would they? They’re not even on your level.
Be best friends with your parents… You always were their favorite child right?
Have at least 8 friends while growing up.
Live in a mansion/large house.
Become a five star celebrity.
Master the charisma skill.
Fall in love with another celebrity who has at least three of your traits and is in the same career as you. A diamond can only polish another diamond after all. 
Buy a car worth over 30,000 simoleons. 
Generation 5: Emerald ---------------------------------------------------
You believe in true love. A soulmate. You’ve seen it happen with your parents and you’re determined to have it! Your loyal heart leads you through the world as you’re ready to start fresh. A story always has a beginning and an ending, and yours will have a happy one if you have any say in it. 
Traits: Easily Impressed, Friendly, Lucky, Hopeless Romantic, Flirty
Career(s): Writer
Color theme 
Start learning the writing skill as a child, you’ve gotta put those daydreams somewhere.
Right when you become a young adult, move to a new town (if you’re not moving lots, have the rest of your family move out.)
Go on 5 dates with 5 different sims.
Master the writing skill.
Get desperate and marry a sim that you have nothing in common with. Have at least two kids with them. 
Travel and find the love of your life, have an affair. When you return divorce your spouse and remarry the sim you had an affair with. 
Publish at least 10 romance/poetry books.
Generation 6-1: Pearl -----------------------------------------------------
Quite the delicate thing aren’t you? That must be why the walls you've built around yourself are higher than the eiffel tower. The world is scary, I know! But for some reason you find it a bit more bearable after the sun goes down and the moon takes its place. Could that have anything to do with some untapped magic running through your veins?
Traits: Perfectionist, Neurotic, Good, Proper, Night Owl
Career(s): Education OR Music (Symphonic Branch) OR Acrobat
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Maintain an A in school all throughout your child and teen years.
Dabble around in the alchemy skill and find a way to become a witch.
Own at least two cats.
Reach the top of your career, it’s the only other thing that brings you some solace throughout the day.
Future spouse MUST be human, and you have to become best friends before you begin dating them. Also woohoo is only allowed after marriage.
Cast a curse on a sim with the evil trait.
Master 3 skills, one of them can be the spellcasting skill.
Have 5 children, you want the picture perfect family.
Generation 6-2: Alexandrite
Hot one minute, cold the next, that’s how you roll. You have plenty of tricks up your sleeve, nobody really knows who you are and that’s exactly how you like it. Your mischievous nature tends to attract interesting individuals and that might bother some, but all you want to do is study them. You're fascinated by the unknown because it’s what you are at your very core. 
Traits: Eccentric, Perceptive, Unstable, Childish, Social Butterfly
Career(s): Magician OR Science OR Criminal
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Have 5 enemies and 5 friends.
Also befriend a witch, vampire, werewolf, fairy, and ghost. You’d like to understand these creatures more.
Clone a sim, any sim, perhaps one you find most intriguing…
Your future spouse should have at least 3 traits that conflict yours, you like to be kept on your toes and well… Opposites attract or whatever.
Watch a movie once a week.
Master the science skill.
Generation 6-3: Moonstone
The only constant in your life has been change, ironic huh? But you prefer it that way–no, you need it to be that way. Too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing for you. You’re okay with switching careers as long as you can keep doing it, you're fine with dropping a skill in favor of another, and don’t get me started on relationships.. The only thing that seems to be bothering you now is your own humanity, but it appears you’ve found a solution for that as well… A beast at your very core.
Traits: Commitment issues, Absent-Minded, Loves, the Outdoors, Daredevil, Schmoozer
Career(s): Political OR Professional Sports OR Acrobat OR Firefighter OR Culinary
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Switch between school clubs and part-time jobs often as a child and teen.
Find a way to turn into a werewolf as a young adult.
You must have your moon cycle on so you can transform under every full moon. 
Host a party once a week.
Reach level 5 in 5 different skills.
Switch to a new career every sim week until you’re an adult. 
Date around until you find a sim with a compatible zodiac sign.
Fall in love with them and forsake your werewolf powers as an adult, they’ve taught you that stability can be as fun as the alternative.
Maintain your current career, you're now determined!
Generation 7: Ruby -------------------------------------------------------
Stubborn to a fault, you’d probably fight someone before you let them have their way. You were born to be a leader, responsible for something bigger than yourself. And you have the courage to go for it! You’re grabbing life by the horns and taking charge, it’s all up to you now soldier.
Traits: Brave, Athletic, Ambitious, Hot-Headed, Workaholic, Party Animal
Career(s): Political OR Military OR Firefighter OR Law Enforcement
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Attend Fort Starch Military School as a child.
Maintain an A in school all throughout your teen years.
Workout 3 times a week.
Fight someone once a week.. I did warn you of that didn’t I?
Master the athletic and martial arts skills.
Marry your first love fast, you were smitten from the start.
Befriend at least 4 of your co-workers, to be a leader you have to have a team behind you!
Help your children with their homework/skills! Number 1 supportive parent right here folks.
Generation 8-1: Peridot --------------------------------------------------
Your eye is on the prize and the prize is gold–or uh, simoleons. Who cares about having a steady job when you could just marry rich and travel the world! “We as sims were not put on this earth to work a 9-5!” You shout, and the crowd goes nuts. All in a day’s work for the world’s finest con-artist. I’ll admit you’ve got the right idea but uh–your tactics are a bit questionable.
Traits: Lucky, Adventurous, Genius, Loves the Heat, Snob
Career(s): Unemployed OR Art Appraisal (Acquisition branch) OR Fortune Teller (Scam Artist)
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Marry a rich sim, having a career is optional to you.
Visit Egypt, France and China at least once each.
Have multiple different affairs behind your spouse's back while traveling (and while not), what they don’t know won’t hurt them… probably. 
Also have multiple different kids from each of those affairs! Whoopsies!
Take a picture with each of your partners, kind of like your very own trophies.
Master the photography skill. 
After saving over 30,000 simoleons, eliminate your spouse. How you do so is entirely up to you, just make sure you don’t get caught.
Generation 8-2: Sardonyx
Born to sell, baby! That's you! We’re looking at the number one salesperson. You’re sly and slimy, but so charismatic people will overlook that because–wow, you sure do know how to strike a good deal! Only 800 simoleons? And it's a limited edition model?? Get me a pen big shot, you’ve got a deal! 
Traits: Genius, Charismatic, Evil, Ambitious, Born Salesperson
Career(s): Inventor OR Resort Owner OR Business
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Have a bake sale every two days as a child, planting your roots early!
Master a tech skill (inventing or advanced technology) and sell your products, now you’re really getting your name out there!
Build a plumbot, you need a partner in crime after all.
Have 10 friends but no best friends.
Live in an apartment and order pizza at least 3 times a week.
Have a one night stand lead to an unexpected pregnancy! Uh oh!
Create the nanny chip for your plumbot so you can deal with that uh, problem.
Never get into a relationship or get married, you’re married to your career after all–and you’re determined to get to the top of it!
Generation 8-3: Spinel
  If there was an award for being underappreciated, you’d get it. You work so hard and put in the effort... Why can’t other sims see that? Well, maybe you just haven’t found the right crowd yet. Someone out there will appreciate you in your entirety, you just have to get out there and find them!
Traits: Good, Shy, Good Sense of Humor, Socially Awkward, Ambitious
Career(s): Culinary OR Science OR Astronomy (Astrophysicist branch)
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Have a neutral relationship with your siblings and parents growing up.
Attempt to make 5 friends while growing up but something always manages to screw it up. Now you just have 5 sims who dislike you, bummer.
Move out and go to university! Get that degree baby!
Pursue your career right as you get back, there’s no time to waste! 
Only befriend other sims that have compatible zodiac signs to yours, this includes future partners as well.
Find an alien and befriend them, they seem to really like you! 
Master the social networking skill.   
Get into a relationship but never get married.
Generation 9: Sapphire ---------------------------------------------------
Prim and pristine, nothing seems to phase your royal-like attitude. And good luck to those who attempt to sway your moral compass. A cold demeanor with the ability to crush those who attempt to do wrong by you–only if they deserve it might I add, you’re quite the force to be reckoned with! I’d hate to go up against you in a debate, that’s for sure. 
Traits: Proper, Disciplined, Loner, Vegetarian, Avant Garde
Career(s): Political OR Investigator 
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Argue with a sim at least once a week but never physically fight them.
Any future partners must be at least good friends before you can romance them, you really wanna know these sims before you pursue them.
Excel and reach the top of your career before getting married. 
You find painting helps you keep a clear head so master the painting skill.
Have a big wedding party once you decide to get married.
Complete any opportunities you accept.
Generation 10-1: Opal ----------------------------------------------------
Nothing is ever what it seems. You’ve gone your entire life being doubted and judged by others before they even got to know you! How rude! It’s not your fault you don’t like to play by the rules, why would you if the rules were so unfair to begin with? They can call you a cheater all they want but deep down you know that they’re just envious they can’t do the same. 
Traits: Commitment Issues, Artistic, Genius, Daredevil, Party Animal
Career(s): Street Artist OR Magician OR Criminal
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Throw a party at your house at least once a week. 
Get arrested at least 3 times.
Greet every sim you meet with a rude introduction, then you can befriend them. They have to get to know you, silly!
Eat out at a restaurant or diner twice a week.
Mess around with multiple romantic interests at once before finding “the one” then never cheat again, you’re a changed sim! (If you decide to have children with the romantic interests before settling down is entirely up to you.)
Master the street art skill. 
Generation 10-2: Tourmaline
Having options has always been your number 1 priority in life. You’re a sim of many different talents and traits! Why hold yourself back from all of that endless potential? Your second priority? Helping others! Your kindness is unlimited and your desire to care for others will outweigh your own needs at times. Quite the generous character aren’t you? 
Traits: Good, Friendly, Bookworm, Nurturing, Eco-Friendly
Career(s): Daycare OR Education OR Firefighter OR Medical
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Live that eco-friendly life baby! Save the planet!
Have 20 friends. (Wow, you’re pretty popular huh?)
Donate to charities once a week.
Master the cooking and handiness skills and reach level 5 in 3 other skills. 
Date a sim as a teen and never break up, then marry your high school sweetheart! 
Have 5 children and adopt at least 1 of them.
Generation 11-1: Topaz ----------------------------------------------------
Your desire to live a long life might be clouding your judgment, don’t you think? I mean seriously, I know your family has dabbled into the occult stuff in the past. But of all the supernatural creatures you could choose, you pick fairies? What’s that? You’re just built different? You know what, I’m staying very far away from you. 
Traits: Genius, Avant Garde, Loves the Heat, Lucky, Supernatural Fan
Career(s): Ghost Hunter OR Alchemist 
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Don’t attempt to make any friends until you age into a young adult.
Harvest death flowers from your local cemetery and reach level 7 of the gardening skill to grow them yourself! 
Master the alchemy skill.
Create and use the Midas touch potion 5 times. And touch at least 3 sims while using it. 
Have one human child before turning yourself into a fairy.
Create the Bottled Blessing of the Fae potion to turn into a fairy and extend your lifespan.
Obtain the philosopher's stone and bind a ghost to your household.
Marry a sim that either has the same lifespan as yourself or longer. (Your best bet for this would probably be another fairy or vampire.) 
Generation 11-2: Citrine
Responsible and honest, you’re a big fan of the little things. You want a simple and easy life living off of the land, who can blame you for that? Although while your life may be a breeze, your interests may make it difficult for you to connect with those around you. Have patience! 
Traits: Natural Cook, Animal Lover, Loves the Outdoors, Technophobe, Gatherer
Career(s): Culinary OR Gardener OR Farmer OR Nectar Maker OR Equestrian
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Adopt a dog, cat and a horse. Max out their relationship bars.
Master the cooking, fishing and gardening skills. 
You can only get into a relationship after you become an adult and your spouse must have the computer whiz trait. Someone has to understand technology around here, but it won’t be you!
Learn 20 recipes. 
Only eat meals you cook at home, you’re very picky when it comes to what you eat.
Grow a large garden.
Have 3 children max.
Generation 12-1: Tanzanite -----------------------------------------------
There’s nothing wrong with living in the moment, but doesn’t your future make you nervous? I mean c’mon, do you have anything else planned other than getting famous? Actually y’know what? Just manifest it babes, you’ll be fine… probably. 
    Traits: Absent-Minded, Clumsy, Unstable, Star Quality, Schmoozer
Career(s): Film (Directing Branch) OR Journalism OR Bartender
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Change something about your appearance every week. (Ex: haircut/color, outfit, etc.) 
Master the mixology skill.
Work at least 4 nights a week bartending.
Become at least a 4 star celebrity. 
After you gain a celebrity star level, only interact with other celebs. Cut your old friends off, you don’t need them anymore. 
Get married to your partner quickly, a spur of the moment decision on your end. 
Have an affair that leads to a child. 
Generation 12-2: Zircon
You’ve been around the block and seen it all. That includes things you didn’t even want to see. But as time goes on, you continue to be ever changing and your mind opens up to the world around you. Use all of that knowledge to benefit society!
    Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Bot Fan, Unflirty, Frugal
Career(s): Bot Arena OR Astronomer OR Science
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Visit the past and the future.
Manage to create a Utopia for the future.
Build 3 Plumbots and have a romantic relationship with one… (Gonna be honest I didn’t even know that was a thing until I looked it up.)
Meet and befriend your descendants. 
Master the bot building skill.
Only ever adopt children if you decide to have them. 
Generation 12-3: Turquoise
Kind and sweet but also cold and cruel at the same time, how do you do it? You’re eerily similar to some of your ancestors, but having gained their knowledge–you manage to pull it off better than they did! To be completely honest, I don’t even think I know your true intentions.. 
    Traits: Evil, Friendly, Family-Oriented, Savvy Sculptor, Irresistible
Career(s): Sculptor OR Artist OR Architectural Designer OR Stylist
Color theme (Open Link to View)
Become best friends with 5 sims.
Have 3 of those friends turn into enemies.
Woohoo with 10 different sims.
Do something new once every week.
Own a bird, any bird will do.  
Master the sculpting skill.
Get married and then get divorced, get remarried to one of your enemies. 
Woah you made it to the end, congrats!! I sincerely hope you get some enjoyment out of this challenge and thank you for either checking it out or completing it! This was kinda a spur of the moment project but nonetheless, I put a lot of love and time into it - Pelixel <3
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eziojensenthe3rd · 16 days
Midnight Gaming: Have an NSO sub for that cancer mam...
So I played Super Mario Land, Mario Land 2 6 golden coins and some Tetris past midnight, checked socials later to find....devs of a mental health action shooter look forward to a health-insurance funded "golden age" of gaming?
Ummmm... yeah..  i'm not from the United States of America but I am aware that healthcare there is abysmal, I don't think letting doctors prescribe a subscription to xbox game pass would improve things.
I mean sure, video games can improve mental health, one of the games I played last night Tetris is a good example of that. But given how people are struggling to afford treatment, I dont think having your insurance front the cost for video games is a good idea. Still the FDA has already cleared it, we can only wait to see how it goes. Why not share your thoughts on it? Full article from PcGamer:
So now onto the games. I did not buy a NSO sub for this since I'm sure a lot of people would tell me to just emulate, though I dont feel like tinkering with my steam deck to do that. I played these on a 7-day trial for this post and I wont bother with a full sub, unless folks really want to see thoughts on the games available there.
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Mario Land 2 was the first I played and I've enjoyed the game a lot in the past. Its just a neat lil mario romp for your handheld Game Boy and was the first appearance of that garlic rouge Wario. Honestly Mario Land 2? Easy as hell, most of the bosses take 3 bounces quickly and take no time at all. I can genuinly say the hardest boss was the three pigs in the toy zone since they take 9 hits in total for all three. The bunny ears that mario gets here? Probably the most op item in the game since you can jump high and glide a far distance, going back to the difficulty, the first level you go through to get to space zone? Once you get in a bubble just keep pressing A and stayat the top of the level as you go forwards, nothing will touch you and you'll get to the end quick.
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Since I beat that quick, it wasnt quite midnight so I decided to play through Mario Land 1 since I played the sequel and its certanly a strange beast compared to the other mario games. I mean you have Egyptian sphinxes, ufos, easter island heads and exploding koopas. Come to think of it, Land 2 also had some out there locales and enemies with a tree of ants and bees, outer space with bad stars, a massive house with a zone name furries would appreciate, a halloween zone with voorhees goombas and japanese yokai, a toy mario with ball shooting pigs and a couple of levels in turtle zone where you go in a sunken sub and roleplay jonah in a whale.
If you played mario platformers nowadays, you understand they have a pretty traditional structure with their worlds: grass, desert, ice, water, fire etc. I guess since these games were released around bros 3 and world, nintendo didnt really have a formula locked in so for their handheld titles, they decided to experiment a bit and create some unique enviroments and enemies. Thats probably what led to Land 3 starring Wario himself instead of Mario, leading to a whole bunch of games with that guy.
More games need have a spooky world, only other games I know that have it are Sonic Adventure 2 with pumpkin hill and Sonic Heroes with that Castle. Donkey Kong 64 has Creepy Castle as a world and Banjo Kazooie has Mad Monster Mansion. What other games have a spooky level in them?
Anyway, Land 1 ends rather abrupt, you get to the end of world 4, shoot a cloud and then you're suddenly fighting Tatanga and then, credits. I know the game was made to go with the launch of the Game Boy but, I couldnt help but wonder if it was rushed, it was certanly a surprise even though I've beaten the game before. Anyway since I STILL wasnt past midnight, I decided to run out the clock with Tetris to round out this Game Boy feature.
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I can play Tetris alright but I am by no means a tetris pro, barely even average I think, I get to a point where I get a few lines cleared, get dealt with some tetriminos I can't place properly thanks to rng and then it cascades into a game over. You ever hear of those Grandmaster Tetris arcade games from Japan that are uber-hard? Yeah i'm nowhere close to the folks who can play those games reliably. But I managed to run the clock past midnight so I was able to accomplish my goal regardless. Tetris is fine, its an iconic game that people know of and it'll outlast all of us, no doubt about that.
Hey you know that meme about "I want games with worse graphics from people paid more" meme? That was kind of the philosophy of Gunpei Yokoi who was the creator of the Game & Watch and the Game Boy, and that philosophy still kinda drives Nintendo to this day. That and DMCA the fans.
Thank you for reading this post on Midnight Gaming. Feel free to leave feedback and game suggestions. Anons are currently on. See you all tomorrow.
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elyndafae · 5 months
Queen Lucy - Chapter One
To tell the whole story of Nantrelor would take several volumes, for it is a history that reaches back into the mists of legend. Perhaps we shall learn something of that history as we go along. But, for now, we are to relate the story of Queen Lucy.
It is not for nothing that the country folks still refer to the eastern wilds of the kingdom as the 'Enchanted Forest'. The old magic, so they say, is still very much alive there. And here and there may be found many curious relics of past ages...
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Nobody is quite sure who built this place, or when, or for what purpose. Locals believe it to be the haunt of kindly spirits from another age, remembering perhaps that happy Arcadia where the mothers and fathers of mankind once danced and played in the innocence of their childhood. Not a place to be disturbed with noise, but rather a place for tranquillity and quiet meditation.
At least, that is the case most of the time…
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"Most extraordinary!"
May we introduce Doctor Hans Vanderling, late of the University of Simstadt, philosopher and historian. Elderly, bespectacled, rather dapperly dressed: he appears to be just what he is, a kindly, mild mannered old scholar. But he is a little bit more than that, as we shall presently learn. For now, we shall say he is an inquirer into mysteries. Both ancient and modern.
And if things were were not extraordinary enough…
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“Still in one piece Doc? I told you I could work these things, didn’t I. And now I’ve saved you a long, bumpy journey by coach. Believe me, those mountain roads are no joke! Don’t I always take care of you?”
“I never doubted you Anthea. And I assure you there was no need for you to give me such a push, it quite set me off balance. And I was quite ready to step through of my own volition”.
“Sorry Doc, I just thought you needed a little encouragement. And I promise you I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t absolutely sure it was safe. Yeah, I used to get around using these things all the time, but there ain’t so many of them left now”.
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“This place is quite fascinating, I wish I had time to examine it more closely. I hadn’t expected to find a Greco-Roman influence here. Some kind of shine or sanctuary, I would say. And this, the god Apollo I would guess, patron of the arts. A later addition, I would think”.
“I s’pose. It doesn’t look much like him though”.
“Indeed? I suppose you are now going to tell me he’s yet another of your old acquaintances”.
“Hardly that Doc! Sure, I did run into him one time, but I didn’t stick around long enough to get acquainted. Let me tell you, Doc, you don’t want to get on the bad side of those old Olympians, they’re a touchy lot. No sense of humour, any of them!”
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“Meaning he didn’t appreciate any of your little pranks. Any more than did the Emperor Charlemagne, or Ivan the Terrible, or was it Vlad the Impaler? Really I lose track of your many misadventures Anthea.
“But now I really must sit down for a bit. My old legs feel a little wobbly after that journey, brief though it was.
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“And whilst we’re on the subject, Anthea, I want you to be on your best behaviour whilst we are here. None of your usual antics now. You know I don’t like to nag you my dear, but we are here upon serious business, and not a mid-summer fairy frolic. We must proceed cautiously and not call undue attention to ourselves. Do you understand?”
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“Well, okay Doc. But this looks like being a dull kind of adventure from where I’m sitting. I mean what are we supposed to do here anyway? The place seems like Snoresville, so far as I can tell. I doubt if anything exiting has happened around here since the time of the old Witch Queen. This place wants waking up”.
“We are here, first and foremost, to keep a promise Anthea, remember that. And as for waking things up, well you ought to have learned by now that there are some things that are best left undisturbed. And some other things will only wake up when they are good and ready”.
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“Come along now Anthea, the afternoon is wearing and there is much for us to do. And do not look some gloomy, liebling, I daresay things may liven up soon enough, and you will find plenty of interesting things the occupy you.
“As for me, I shall first need to go shopping. There are some items I need to acquire. Travelling light may suit a fairy, Anthea, but a gentleman does not go adventuring without so much as a toothbrush or a clean shirt collar.
A short walk later...
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“Brelor Castle at last! Beautiful, is it not? Alas that I come at such a sad time. Oh, my dear friend Robert, would that you were here to greet me!”
“I loved him too, Doc. And I’m not kidding around this time, I truly have met a few kings in my time, and a few queens too, and he wasn’t just one of the best, he was truly the best”.
“And in that castle dwells one who will miss him more than we Anthea. For no child should lose both mother and father at so tender age, be she princess or no. And she must now bear a heavy burden upon small shoulders. Whatever else may betide, she will want our help. We can do no less for our dear departed friend”.
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“And now, Anthea, I must employ your singular talents. Go now, fly to that castle and 'case the joint', as you would say. But on no account let yourself be seen, not even by the queen. Not yet. We must proceed cautiously. And first we must learn the lie of the land, so to speak”
“You mean you want me to spy on them?”.
“You may call it reconnaissance, if you prefer. You must, of course, use a measure of discretion, and you must certainly respect peoples’ privacy. Just listen and observe. Learn what persons attend upon the young queen, their characters, and how they are disposed towards her. Most particularly I wish to know whether she has any unsuspected enemies there. I shall expect a full report when I come. Now off you go, and be good”.
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“I go, I go, see how I go. Swifter than arrow from the Tartar’s bow. Wee!”
At this point the reader may not be too surprised to learn that a certain Robin Goodfellow, sometimes called Puck, is also one of Anthea’s old ‘acquaintances’. They have much in common.
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And so it begins.
“Be good” the Doctor says. Well, when Anthea is good, she is very good. And when she is bad – watch out! Things may soon liven up rather a lot in Nantrelor. Especially if Anthea has anything to do with it.
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prism-empurress · 1 year
so here's something I've put some thought into...i'll try to put words to it. When Ganthor is first introduced, he's introduced as a teenager with a bob cut, and he crashlands into Lady Greenfyre's backyard like KRRRSSCCHHHH -smashes a model ship onto the ground- and its like, bloody. he needs medical help. Neither Greenfyre or PegaKitty are licensed doctors, but injured folk happen to find the cabin all the time so it's fine. Clean up the wounds, bandage it up really good, kiss the booboos....and PegaKitty remembers she has healing powers. Maybe I'll like, have her do that at the beginning. The thing is, it's protocol at the cabin to stitch everything up first THEN do the healing magic. Because PegaKitty's healing powers don't always work. Don't worry, it does for Ganthor. Who's mute until the next day, speaking broken english. PegaKitty's like WOAH WHAT?! And Ganthor explains he and his people can learn languages almost instantaneously with physical contact. That's a nod to Starfire from Teen Titans. But Ganthor doesn't english very good so...he grabs her hand and says "language...touch. gain language" or something among those lines. What's important is; touch + language = yes language. Speech increased to 2. Skyrim skill increase jingle.
Anyway, PegaKitty asks where he comes from, what happened, what caused his asteroid shaped ship to come crashing down, Ganthor answers...as best as he can. He can only speak very simple, very broken english.
He answers...as best as he can. With a lot of gesturing and pointing and...even more hand holding to absorb more language. He figures that as long as he holds PegaKitty's hand, he'll be a fluent speaker in no time. And teenager Ganthor is tall, he stands at 7 feet tall. He hasn't reached his adult height yet. So throughout the day, and the days that follow, he's always seen holding her hand, at least until he can speak sentences. PegaKitty figures it helps him to be holding her hand, so she allows it. And it's nice. Since there's little to no material involving teenager Ganthor, the only Ganthor even MENTIONED on my "about my ocs" page, I briefly considered getting rid of those paragraphs all together! Cutting out the middle man! Being like, "fuck it, have them meet as adults??" Ganthor was originally intended to be a one-off character for a piece of NSFW fiction. But the more i rewrote it and rewrote it again and again I got attached to the character concept and thus fleshed him out to be an actual character, instead of him being this perfect like, prince charming guy to whisk the female protagonist to her happily ever after.
Yeah I was raised on disney movies. Back to...what I originally have planned. When Ganthor fully recovers from his crashlanding and gets to know the cabin folk, he explains he's actually a prince, and abandoned his throne in the middle of a war on his homeplanet.
the whole war thing is...well it's messy, there's nothing set in stone yet. bad stuff is happening, so he was like 'fuck this place' and left.
There's also ANOTHER reason why he left...and that deals with parental abuse. I'll go more in depth on that later.
So one of those ideas...might be thrown out the window. I don't want to seem like I'm taking inspiration from real life events. And I'm really sorry if it comes across that way.
to put an end to this really long post...I think Teenager Ganthor will be here to stay. I really need to update my oc page on tumblr to include his adult age as well.
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apricusnights · 1 year
Stories from the past #5.
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"Did you even request permission to go digging through the personal files of a now retired soldier? You've got special privileges Doctor but sometimes I think you're trying to press my buttons on purpose."
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Finishing his coffee before shrugging. "Seems like a lot of people have done quite a bit around here without permission. Someone going through files that were left behind is the least of your problems."
"If we're done here, I have to get back to work." Giving the commander a half-assed salute before heading off.
Time: Several years after the "Viceroy" incident.
Location: Guardian District.
The following are excerpts from the personal log of a soldier who wished to remain anonymous. They take place over the course of several years.
"Observation duty can be boring as crap. You do have to watch yourself though. Sometimes you start noticing weird little details that may or may not actually lead to something. Sometimes you gotta let it go. If I wrote down every little thing I wondered about in my official reports, they'd probably think I was out of my mind. Off the record though.."
"There's a kid that's been showing up on base. I honestly don't know where she's originally from. She's apparently one of the scientist's foster daughter. Cybele I think? Though I've seen Windsor around her every now and again. Am I the only one who thinks there's somethin off about that guy? Anyway, not the point."
"That kid is nice enough. The higher-ups don't seem to mind her being around too much. Though the more times I see her, the more times I just..wonder about things. I saw her playing around on some of the training courses. By playing around I mean actually doing some of the courses, and at a reasonable time no less. Yeah I actually timed her, just to see if I was losing it or not."
"Most of base has just grown accustomed to having her around by now. Despite her young age she's pretty good at Hecaball. Heard a few rumors that they may consider recruiting her for the team in a few years once she completely qualifies. As good as she is now, she might be a prodigy or something."
"Had a buddy tell me there's been some glitches in inventory. Occasionally some stuff shows up that nobody officially ordered. It sits there for a bit but before the clerk can have it sent back it tends to go missing. Since it's not on record of being ordered it's sort of hard to track down."
"First time actually being in the same room as the kid. Bunch of us sat down to play Caverns & Chimeras and she wanted to play. Not sure where she learned how but the game is popular enough so that's not a big concern. We let her. She's a sweet kid, knows a lot more about a lot of things than someone her age should probably know."
"Sometimes I wonder if I've watched too many sci-fi movies or something. It's just..people like Cybele, and especially Windsor, those are not the kind of people I think of when I think of folks that want kids. Not sayin Cybele's kid is some guinea pig or anything but..yeah I don't know, I need a vacation.."
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