Paramore, Archived
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Franklin, TN | est. 2004Independent since 2024
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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September 9, 2009
ello loves.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for Islington! we had such a great time and it's been a while since a show has really made us feel that way. i know we'll never forget it. since about 30 minutes after the show, i've been hunting down videos online that people shot of our set. the comments have ALL been so encouraging and exciting. i'm ready for the fall tour!!! let's do this!!! some of the highlights of the whole experience for me were "Conspiracy", obviously... seeing old friends/long-time fans in the front row... the size of the room alone was so refreshing and easy to just melt into. i felt so at home. the best was hearing you guys shout the gang vocals from "Ignorance" as well as "Brick By Boring Brick" - which now, since it's been released, you can REALLY start practicing for the fall tour. at the top of the list, is definitely the "Miracle Outro". none of us realized how many of you actually knew it. screaming it at the top of your lungs... it was a feeling we'd never really had before. that song happened so accidentally before our 2nd try at a UK tour in 2008. we were meant to practice in nashville for the tour and ended up just jamming on that one song for hours. when we finally got done with it, or felt satisfied, we just left and went back home. that piece of music is really special.
I wanted to say also... to "parawhore91" - I'm so sorry for the mix up with your tickets. That should've never happened. I messaged our management as soon as I saw your post and told them we gotta figure something out for you. SO! When we come back we will make it up to you for sure. If there's someway I can get your info without you having to spill it all over the internet... let's make that happen!
There's so much more to talk about but I gotta start packing. Early start tomorrow - we're heading home. Can you believe the next time we're packing our bags it'll be for the fall tour!? So stoked. Look at me, I started using capital letters again. What's gotten into me? Probably from talking to my lil sister about her schooling... trying to set a good example ;)
Alright - another post to come soon. We had such a blast this past week playing the Myspace Secret Show in Munich and traveling Europe... and everything in London was so fun. Paris ruled! Overall, I'd say this whole trip has been a success. Got to meet so many new fans... see familiar ones. Spread the word about the new record. Thanks to all of you for making it exciting for us. Now, time to get home and recharge!!!
<3 youuuuuuuuu Hayley
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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September 10, 2009
In light of a very disturbing article which was published about me in Bravo Magazine (Germany)... I've decided to write an open letter. This isn't a total walk in the park for me. But I think it needs to happen. The disturbing part is not that the article was untrue. It's that what was written was so completely unnecessary, and just plain shitty. NEWSFLASH EVERYONE: Hayley Williams does not have perfect skin. She's got flaws! *Gasp*. Oh well, I guess it's better than reading another article about me being pregnant.
Check out the article here: (P.S. This is pretty embarrassing. And I'd like to add that I don't go out anywhere with a "bloody" face. Chick was buggin').
Below is my response:
Dear Bravo Magazine and some apparently flawless chick named Juliane,
A recent article of yours was published about me and my less than perfect skin. I don't read Bravo... but a scan of the column was posted on our message board. Naturally, I saw it. First, I'd like to say thanks. Thanks for actually printing something honest. I do, in fact, have acne. It doesn't always look bad but it's there. There are many magazines that would never go out of the way to print something so truthful as this... so kudos, you clever bitches. Second, if this article actually accomplishes anything, I hope that it makes people feel good about themselves. They don't have to be perfect. And no one ever is. I'm a real person... with millions of flaws. Most of which don't show on the outside for you and your magazine to judge. I don't do interviews or TV appearances or meet and greets in order to prove to the world that I'm beautiful. I don't have to prove that to anyone. My heart is in my music, anyway. That's where you should be casting your eyes and ears. Judge that. I welcome you to. Lastly, I'm sorry, but who is Juliane?
Smell ya later. Hayley Williams
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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September 11, 2009
it's been a really lazy day around here. watched Madea Goes To Jail... ate a bunch of healthy shiz... i'm useless today. can't all days be this easy?
taylor and i are going to be heading up to NYC sunday morning... we're going to the VMAs! so stoked that the VMAs are at Radio City this year. i remember watching the ceremony as a kid and thinking that Radio City seemed like the Emerald City. only its not emerald... and no wizards or anything like that. anyways, it just seemed surreal. so, as you can imagine, i'm pretty excited to get to go there myself. we're not performing or presenting, just going to hang out and have a good time. however, we are up for an award. strong competition, folks!!! i highly doubt we'll be beating out the likes of Coldplay... but i'm stoked nonetheless. i wasn't going to wear a dress... didn't feel like it... but the closer we get to it the more i feel like wearing one. nevermind... i'm thinking Lil Kim. nipple tassels. those are back in style, right?
tonight my grandparents are coming over to make dinner and.... we'll probably watch CSI: Miami. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?? Horatio, will get his... eventually. i'll see to it! oh the misery, the sleepless nights he has caused me. with those sly looks and the shades he got from Walgreens. i saw the same ones there. he's not as spiffy as he wants you to think. not that i totally care, i've bought sunglasses from Walgreens before.
great, now i'm just rambling! hope you don't mind. it's the price i pay for wanting to stay in my pj's all day. anyone here start to feel a little guilty if they aren't out actually DOING stuff? gotta convince myself that i earned these days off.
in order to make this post actually worth the time it took you to read it. how 'bout a picture post. post pics of what you think me and taylor should wear to the VMA's. happy google image searching!
love, haybreed
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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September 28, 2009
keep cool my babies
we're at The Tonight Show!
i can't believe it. last time we were here (which was in New York, then) i was hoarse and sick with some kind of sinus infection and our band wasn't in the best of shape. this time, i am sick - again - with the same thing. hoarse and feeling a bit discouraged. BUT, as a band, we feel awesome. i'm so stoked to be playing this show and to get our tour kicked off this week. it's about time, right?
and with the record coming out, all the reviews have been piling up. we've never been that band. the one that gets the amazing reviews and that critics are stoked about. it's nice to have some of em on our side this time. i mean, if the entire world hated 'brand new eyes', we would still be stoked on it.. but like i said, it feels good that everything has been so positive.
what did you guys think of the MTV pieces we did back home? they were a lot of fun to shoot. obviously, it wasn't much work. we just did our thing and there were some cameras there. i got to show off my sick bike and my sweet car, Miss Anne. she's a looker. it was just nice to finally be able to show people who we are from a different angle. if anything, with the new album and all that it entails, people won't have much trouble understanding our band. after two records and hundreds of thousands of millions of miles, we're relaxing into whatever this could be becoming. i am enjoying the fact that it CAN actually be easy and entertaining to entertain other people. does that make sense? we've never lost passion for what we do but there was definitely a period of time where it was hard. this is a whole new game. and i love it. with all of it comes a little bit of new hair. only for a time. i'm tired of getting stuck in a corner... i'm excited to be nervous again about my hair. but anyways... new subject... until you all see it tonight. i wanted it to be a shocker anyways haha.
i gotta go! i just realized. time for hair and make up....
see you guys soon! and let's do this again soon, too.
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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October 2, 2009
Tour dates postponed.
Hey everyone, I've kept quiet (literally) for the past few days waiting to figure out how we were going to deal with my vocal cords breaking (not literally). Now's a good time to fill everyone in, I suppose.
First of all, the show on Tuesday was absolute insanity. Such an amazing mix of emotions. We were so excited to see all of you who came out in Pomona. It was weird, because it felt like one of those shows that we did in the fall of 2006. When things seemed to be exploding but it was still really intimate. I've never had such a good time on stage. Then there was the other side of me that was just in pain. After a 15 hour "work" day, 1 other show and 3 meet and greets later, my voice finally gave out on me. A few days before, I had already gotten sick, so it was probably bound to happen at some point. I made it through 7 or 8 songs alright and then, that was it. I was trying to be super positive about it, too! Haha... in the end, it was best that I let it go. Man, I was so disappointed I couldn't be a part of the encore. When the guys walked back onstage, I was sitting backstage in a corner... trying to hide my embarrassment from the crew members and other bands. You guys can't even imagine how good it felt to hear you singing along to "Misery Business" and even the "Miracle: Outro". It was SO LOUD! Definitely, one of the most incredible moments, for me, thus far. So, before I go on and try to explain all the boring details... I wanted to say THANK YOU!
So, this week I saw one of the best doctors in the country to check on my vocal cords. I knew it wasn't going to be good but knowing that we were just starting our tour, I was trying to remain positive about it. In short, I've got laryngitis and need several days of vox rest. Luckily, we caught it early on. It's not like I've got some impending doom hanging over my head in which every time I play a show I'm going to wonder if it's the last one... I just have to be smart about this whole thing. So - we may have to rework the way I do stuff on the road.. like not only do I need to watch what I eat - but how much I talk at meet and greets and signings and press. I might have to go back to wearing that "I'm on voicerest" button that I used to wear all the time. Ha. Ha. IT SUCKS!!! But I'm doing every thing I can, taking every precaution, to get it right. I wanna beon tour, man! All in all, this is the reason for the postponement of the upcoming shows. Just know that we WILL be coming back for you guys! The entire tour is going to happen... and I'm psyched.
Thank you again for the incredible support that you've shown me and the guys. We always say it but seriously... Paramore fans are the best fans. Wanna fight about it?
Oh and PS. To everyone who's picked up 'brand new eyes'. Holy cow. I'm hearing all kinda numbers and reports about having one of the top two records of the week. Regardless of whether it happens or not... this is madness! I LOVE IT! We're so proud of the new album and so stoked that so many people have already heard it. Keep telling all your friends! We wanna see you at the shows singing along!
Love, Hayley
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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October 9, 2009
chi town chi town
It's been a week... and we're ready to finish what we started. This whole time, I was in LA, just trying to get better and hoping that everything would be alright by the time we got around to the Chicago show. I spent 4 full days on voice rest, took a crap load of medicine and have switched my diet around to only the most boring of foods. (At night, anyways). I'm trying to be super disciplined about it. Because I think this tour is going to be one of the best our band has ever done. I don't want anything to screw it up... again!
A couple days ago, the dudes came back to Los Angeles and we prepped for our new video. We spent all of yesterday shooting and as long as the day was, it was still pretty relaxing. Due to the nature of the video, it didn't seem like a work day at all!
ugh, i just noticed all the capitalization. it's not very bloggish of me.
anyways, we're on a plane. heading to chicago to get this tour going. i'm so stoked to hang with our friends and play rock shows. not to mention, see you guys. i feel like you all need a big e-hug. we've felt so supported! it's been really encouraging to see that you guys were more concerned that we take the week for me to recover rather than to keep hacking at my voice just for the sake of moving along. it's gonna feel so good to be on stage singing again.
as for meet and greets - of course, they are still on! there might be days where i don't talk as much... or at all, depending... but maybe you could all learn my whistle language that i made up, so we can still communicate. oh and we've brought cornhole (an awesome game) to play, though it might be too cold in some cities???
thanks again for hangin tough with us... see you in Chicago!!!
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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October 14, 2009
two days off in chicago and i'm dying to do something. anyyyything. i decided (early this morning) that i wasn't going to change out of my pj's... and i didn't until a couple hours ago. lazy days are crucial. but man i'm ready to work again. ha! if you can even call it work! tomorrow, we've got a crap ton of press to do in toronto. and the next day, we will unleash ourselves on a crowd of about 1500 or so? (i'm just guessing... i don't know the actual capacity of Kool Haus). i feel like a caged tiger. hahaha. i wanna play some shows! my voice felt great at the last two. i was pleasantly surprised. cause to be honest, i wasn't sure how it was going to pan out after a week of voice rest and twiddling my thumbs.
our bus call is ridiculously late tonight. 2am. so that means i have an hour to pack up the mess i made in my hotel room and go down to the bus where i can sleep until border crossing. 8am, ugh! since the postponement of all the shows, i've been going to bed pretty early... so i'm not in the greatest of moods right now. i would much rather have been asleep for a few hours by now. oh well, after being stared down by an officer for 30 or 40 minutes at the border (the usual), maybe i'll be able to go back to bed for a little while.
how are you guys liking the shows? the swellers? paper route? i feel like it's a really well rounded tour. we're still settling into our set list but i think it's our favorite set, so far. i'm into the backdrop and frames too! as short as this tour is, i know it's going to be one of the best.
i can't wait for the video to come out. or just to see some of it. it's very.... different.... than anything we've done before. which makes the wait even worse. hope you guys are into it. "bbbb" is going to be a fun song to promote. what kills me is when i hear, or see, people talking about "ignorance", as if just because it wasn't as successful as "misery business", it was a failure. all those people are missing the point. we don't care about coming out and having huge singles every time we put out a record. i thought that "ignorance" did exactly what i wanted it to... put us back out there and got people talking. most importantly, it was the beginning of the story. you can't have the good without the bad and the ugly... and that song wasn't exactly pretty. and now it's time to get to a different part of it. "brick" is going to rule and then we'll be onto something else after. thank you guys for getting the whole picture. we're more proud of this record than we've ever been of just about anything!
gonna be an awesome couple of years :) i better get packing.
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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October 18, 2009
sick day
i'm taking the day off.... i mean, we already have a day off today but I'm really taking it off. guys, i think i'm getting old! i should be out on the town, tearing up the streets... shopping on Newbury. anything! or maybe i should stop making myself feel guilty for having some time to myself?
anyhoooo, tonight we're trying to organize a full on tour hangout. so these hours all alone are precious!
the tour keeps getting better and better. we're only, what, 5 shows in!? it's my favorite tour ever. i love the show, i love the bands we're out with, i love seeing you guys go nuts. it's all perfect. there couldn't have been a better way to put out the record and promote it. in fact, it's been so easy and so much fun that it doesn't really seem real. everyone's stoked on it from our friends to our label... and we're so proud of it! and the year's just going to keep getting better... cause after this we're heading overseas and we're bringing Paper Route with us again. and we'll have some of my good friends: Now, Now Every Children... along with our long time buddies in YOUMEATSIX. this whole year is turning into one big hang session. i like it.
Halloween is pretty much here. and we get to be home for it this year! it'll be nice to decorate my place and bake weed brownies for all the neighbors kids. JUST KIDDING. omg.. hahah it was word vomit! it ain't happening. i mean, i can't even bake regular brownies. so anyways. i still haven't figured out who or what i wanna be. what are you guys doin? i'd love to see some costumes! maybe i'll just shave my head for halloween... and say i'm sinead o'connor. easy right?
and speaking of scary sorts of things... who's caught up on Dexter? i'm up to episode 3 of season 4.
and another scary thing. the Scream Awards. we're actually nominated for "Decode"! i want to go so bad but obviously, we're on the other side of the country. honestly, i dunno who i want to win... us, Jace Everette for "Bad Things" - the theme from True Blood, or They Might Be Giants for the "Other Father Song" from Coraline! there's some gnarly competition. but vote away, if you'd like. check out all the songs, while you're at it:
i love horror cinema so much. we may not ever be nominated again but i'll attend the Scream Awards one day.
okay, i gotta go eat. you guys be good!!! see you at the show tomorrow, Boston :)
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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October 28, 2009
aloe vera juice town!
"what's the closest you can come to an almost total wreck and still walk away... all limbs intact?"
hey there everybody, the guys and i made it home... and we get to hang here for a few days before our show at the ryman. i've been a lazy bum all day. i think hanging with the swellers got me sick. they must've put swine flu in my tea, again. how rude. anyways, it should be a nice little break. halloween is so soon! i'm still not too sure of what i'm going to do. i just want to scare kids, you know? that's not too much to want.
i can't stop listening to Jawbreaker tonight. do you know em? if you don't, you should. here's some trivia for you... my favorite album of theirs, "Dear You" was produced by the same guy who produced our new record. yes, you guessed it, Rob Cavallo. not only has he done nearly every Green Day album but he also produced this gem. the dude is unstoppable. "Dear You" is almost 15 years old... it came out in 1995!!! still holds up, too. every time i put this record on, it's the only one i listen to for the rest of the day. every single time. if you check it out, i hope you enjoy it as much as i do. if not... well, i'll put the swine flu in YOUR tea. that would never happen. i don't know where you keep your tea cups.
btw, i caught up on Dexter tonight. i can't believe it!!! make sure not to spoil it for anyone in the replies but seriously, can you believe it!? i'm gonna go shave my legs or something...
- hayley
PS. thanks to everyone for coming out to all the shows on this tour, so far. can't wait for more!
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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November 7, 2009
bunk life
"O Lord, sink me in self that I may rise in Thee." - Spurgeon
what humbles you? whether it's something that sort of breaks you down or really builds you up?
i guess i'll start. loss of security humbles me... when i feel like the whole world is watching but no one knows me. i hate knowing that everyone can look but it's from such a distance that they get to make up their own captions and sort of say who i am on their own terms and in their own time. i'm simple. not hard to amuse... i like to laugh a lot. i like dirty jokes! and i like working my ass off. what i'm most passionate about doing puts me in a position to be judged on a daily basis and from a long way off. it's humbling because i have can't possibly have any control over that. on the other hand, i can lose my voice and walk off stage pissed at myself and then have the people in the crowd sing TO ME, instead of booing. that was an encore that i will never ever forget.
for the past couple of days, i've been thinking a lot about my life. the things i have. the things i've lost. i've never felt so empty and full at the same time. of everything that i've gained through joining a band and leaving home the thing i'm most grateful for is the constant humility. i'm humbled by the opportunities that we're given. by trials that i face alone. the people who love me the most, who hate me the most. the fact that i'm still figuring out the difference between some of those people. there couldn't be a better way to know exactly where you stand than to fall flat on your face. it's the moments where i know i don't have any of the right answers that make me excited to have what i do. a few real friends, a family that would do anything for me, music, being in love, getting to see the world... i could never take any of it for granted cause i don't deserve to have it so easy.
okay so again, what humbles you? the good and the bad.
- hayley
ps. can't believe this tour is almost over..
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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November 28, 2009
pictures of puppies
everyone is just hanging out and we're going to Helsinki in an hour or so. it's been a good trip so far... i just can't wait to get to a bed. definitely going to catch a lot of z's. i don't mean Zac's. i mean sleep.
i listened to The Cardigans on the way here and had "You're The Storm" on repeat for quite a while. i enjoy love songs... though, there aren't many that i actually understand. that one, i do. i like that she wants someone to claim her so much. "IF YOU WANT ME I'M YOUR COUNTRY" and what i like most is that she realizes she'd do whatever it takes and that this love could be a risk. "ALL THIS PEACE HAS BEEN DECEIVING". most of the love songs that i really like have a hint of sadness mixed up in them. which to me, makes perfect sense because i don't really believe that love can be even half way understood unless you've felt some degree of what is opposite of love. or if you've had your heart mistreated. so, the contrast is drastic and you see love at it's brightest and fullest potential. is it even cool to talk about love like this anymore? i mean, it feels kind of important to me. it's not like i'm saying anything that's never been heard before... but i guess it's all worth restating in a round-a-bout sorta way. it takes a lot of faith to give love... and even more faith to let yourself be loved. such a risk that seems so worth it. but what do i know, i'm only 20, right?
check out this song if you've never heard it. The Cardigans rule.
sincerely, hayley
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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December 5, 2009
Strike me dumb.
I wish I was...
I love this tour and I love my friends. Only 10 more shows to go... so far, they've been some of the most exciting shows we've ever played. 5... 6 years in? I love it.
Can't lie... I can't wait to spend the holidays with my family. I'm really anxious to see what's coming next. After this year. After we spend a month at home... meeting the yearly quota of "normal" time. I don't even care to be off the job anymore. I enjoy the work. As if I can even be called work. I like the distraction. Otherwise I find all this extra time to kill, sitting around on my ass watching the internet. The internet is boring.
I want to get out there and do something. Every day. Even if it's sleeping in. Anything except for sitting in front of a 13" screen. Some people have 17" screens now... hooray for them? So, if you're sitting there reading me. Stop. I'm boring. Go check out something fun.
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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January 4, 2010
rather be alive
so, i have thought long and hard about it.
i was going to stop posting here. i was trying to think about where i could move it to, or if i should even continue at all to try and communicate directly like this with y'all. it isn't that i don't enjoy it or that i think something like this is so great that it should be considered a reward... it's not... but it's just that this place, our bloggy community, had become something that i hoped it wouldn't.
not sure if you will agree or disagree but i feel like "paramoremusic" is on the up and up. not really sure where we are at with "paramoreband" but i guess we shall see in time. i'm going to keep posting here. i'm not going to reply to negative comments, so as not to encourage any more stupid people to come in and get some sort of rise out of me... and if i do my part then i hope you all will do your part to encourage more positivity around this place.
the thing that i hope everyone takes away from this direct line we have to you guys is the fact that just because we may have a song on the radio, or sold "this many" records and done "this many" things... we are just the same as we've always been. sure, we've changed. BUT. we are the same 5 people who started the band in 2004. we don't believe any hype that may be written about us... and we all realize that in one single day it could all be gone. what matters is this. the connection. that's what outlives any good write up... it outweighs the number of records sold... it means the most. and that's why i can't let any negative hype that is created right here push me away from keeping this thing going.
so again, do your part and i'll do mine. the guys (if they decide to come in and post haha) will do theirs. CAN WE BE FRIENDS!?
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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January 8, 2010
...and it's the choice of a new generation!
Thank you guys so much for getting us that People's Choice award. There's only one way that we would be nominated and recognized among all those other nominees and that's Y'ALL! So, seriously, thank you.
I had a good time hanging out, watching the show... dressing up! PS, don't feel bad about any "worst dressed" lists, we all know that's just me. Anyways, I'm much more saddened by the fact that the cast of Dexter didn't attend. Oh well. I'll go cry about it somewhere else, I guess.
So, this year is about to really get started. We got a video to make, merch to create, shows to put together and a bunch of touring to do! If I have to sit around at home (or in LA, whichever) any longer I might pull my hair out. After a couple weeks of being off, I just start to feel useless. Not in a sad, pathetic, sort of way more like a Tin Man... or maybe a Scarecrow... kind of way. I keep trying to find things to do to get prepared for what all is next. I guess the only thing that I won't have to do is re-dye my hair. Already took care of that one. In fact, I didn't waste anytime doing away with the blonde. The morning after we all flew in from London I went straight to Brian (O'Connor - if you're interested). We died my hair with the pure blood of a real live red-haired angel... aka the guitarist (Wes- if you're interested) of one of my favorite local bands, Murdock. So this red is here to stay. That is, until I get bored again.
Wow. Did I really just blog about my hair? I'm as bad as every first few sentences of every write-up we've ever had.
Hmmm... well, things to do: - fix my email for the mobile stream on - buy a pair of new jeans - make some clothes for tour (cause it's about time that I do that, i think) - never use capital letters in a post ever again - figure out who we are touring with in the US, this summer - make up another "to-do" list. - get rid of my iPhone. (apparently, once you go blackberry, you never go backberry... someone shoot me for that dad joke) - see that Dr. Parnassus movie
Okay, I'm done.
Everyone have a lovely rest of their Friday... and a great weekend. Love, Hayley
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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January 14, 2010
.net photo stream, single stuff, and more!
so i think i got my phone all sorted out for the mobile stream on hopefully, now there will be all kinda updates happening. between that, this, and twitter... not to mention, more video stuff when we get back out on the road.
also wanted to say for the record that "the only exception" will probably be the next single everywhere. sure, it may be exclusive in another country for a while but i think it will make it's way over here too. it would be a chance for us to do something different. we've never put out a song that wasn't fast or quirky or upbeat and fun. there are other sides to the band too... you guys know that better than the rest of the world... and to see how people react to the side of us that isn't sorta wild would be fun for us. to be honest, i'm nervous as to how it could go! i like the idea of having to take a leap instead of going with an obvious style of a song... but sure, it's a risk. anyways, i would like to ask you that even if you aren't completely sold on the idea you would at least pretend to support us in it. it's not like this is the last song we'll be releasing anyways! there will be plenty more from brand new eyes.
well, i'm sick still. none of the afore mentioned "to-do's" have been done, really. just a whole lot of sitting around and taking tamiflu. i'm such a disease. but tonight is spaghetti night! so i gotta prepare the angel hair pasta and make meatballs. (look at me actually learning to cook). and you thought it would never happen!
love, hayleymeatballs
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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January 19, 2010
Hannah is the best tea maker.
my bff, Hannah and i have set out on a long and treacherous journey across the southern region... in hopes of shaking the hands and kissing the babies of just about every radio personality unfortunate enough to find themselves in our presence. just kidding, we're actually a real treat to hang with. and that first sentence was entirely too long.
tomorrow i'm gonna go and hang with Kidd Kraddick in Dallas. i mean, i'll try to be all there but let's be honest, i'm completely useless before noon! then we'll be off to Florida. it's really no big thing, we're just taking over the airwaves one southern town at a time. i'll keep you all posted this week as we're trucking along. FueledbyAdam is going to set up a mobile stream for Hannah to send in some random photos from our trip. who knows if she'll be any good at it... hahah.
in other news, Crime In Stereo put up a new song "Drugwolf" on their myspace. check it out. i love em. and in other news that's not related to the first bit of news, i'm going to have this chamomile/lavender tea and hit the hay.
<3 hayley
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paramorearchived · 11 months ago
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January 23, 2010
We sent this to the fanclub first and now everyone gets a chance:
Hey guys!
We need your help. Later this month, we'll be shooting the video for "The Only Exception". There is a shot that may or may not require a bazillion Valentine’s Day cards...instead of picking up a bunch of dumb ones, which would probably be easier, we want personalized ones. Made by YOU! We're not asking for anything crazy, just get some red or pink paper and write something on it. It could be the name of some kid you’re crushing on and don't have the balls to tell yet...or it could be a letter to us saying what's up... Or maybe you just like writing? If you're up for it, get to it now! We will be putting EVERY LETTER we get from you guys in this video. There are no losers, only winners. Woohooo!
Oh and just a side note: try to keep the size of the cards to a minimum!
Thanks guys :) Paramore
To submit YOUR Valentine's Day card to be included in the video, please mail your card to the following address:
Paramore Fan Club 853 Broadway Floor 3 New York, NY 10003
We MUST have your card by next Wednesday, January 27th, to be included in the shoot. As mailing times vary per region, we strongly recommend you mail your card on Saturday or Monday to ensure its arrival in NYC by Wednesday. [EDIT FROM THE BAND:] If you think you could get your cards in by Thursday.. or even early Friday.. still give it a shot! Cause we will try and have them overnighted to the shoot and use them. THANK YOU!
[EDIT!!!!] I forgot to post the little form that you gotta sign... so that legally we can put your cards in our video. Here's the link for the form:
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