#anyway. thank you so much for asking me this anon!!!!
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bnyf · 3 days ago
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╭﹕୨୧﹒ yandere pirate x willing mermaid reader ♡
┊ warnings : yandere content and themes, unhealthy behaviors, relationship and relationship dynamic, suggestive, stalkholm syndrome, kidnapping, size difference
╰﹕୨୧﹒ authoress note : requested ♡ still having trouble writing smut but i'll get there! thank you anon for requesting apologies for how long this took ^_^
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greedy fucking man. so, so greedy. he's so manly too. such an earthly being with all his earthly cravings. him and his men, moving from island to island to plunder every village and kingdom of it's golds, treasures and riches.
god, men were such pleasure bonded creatures. men are greedy.
and yet you admired them, and yet you loved them, wanted to be like them, walk in their shoes. you had no idea just how cruel men were. but you were about to find out.
you'd always swim up to the surface to watch humans, to study and observe what they were like. sure, your father had told you all the tall tales about how horrible humans were, yet you choose not to believe him. foolish.
worst yet, you wanted to be like those beings, which scared your father and made him ban you from going on the syrface again. but when did a dumb little fish like you ever listen to the echos of the back of the hallow head of yours? better yet, those who know better like your father?
exactly. that's why your now his property.
whomst? you may ask? the very same greedy pirate, that barbaric man, that your father warned you about.
you were not supposed to be on the surface, espcially at night. but you wanted to spy on the pirates who'd crashed in for the night. pirates don't usually park there boats up on land but when they do, it's probably to plot a raid.
and then little ole you got carried away, trying to steal a few goods from the humans when you were shamelessy caught by no other than the crew's captain. a large, muscular, bulk of a man. his eyes gave everything away though, those dark orbs held nothing but humanly desire and evil in them.
"well, well, well," his barren of a voice rumbled from his chest, speaking to you in a low tone. "are you lost, little mermaid? shh, it's alright dear, i won't hurt a sweet little thing like you. i promise. but, i won't return you either, since you're in my territory, you belong to me. finders keepers, amiright?"
he snatched you up like nothing and dragged you even further away from the ocean. and you helplessly wiggled in his grasp. from then on, he ordered his men to build a little portal fish tank, just good enough for you to fit and swin from point A to point B.
you were restricted heavily, being only allowed to see him and speak to him. any crewmate who dares hold any sort of interaction with you would be slaughtered mercilessly and their body thrown overboard. to say the captain was infatuated with you would be a mere understatment. that man wanted to curl up into your mind and preoccupy it 24/7.
you were treated like a pet. fed, bathed, and completely taken care of, all your needs and wants were meet each time, all you had was to do was say it and he'd present it. he has too much gold, jewels, diamonds, lavish silks, treasures, ect. anyways. he doesn't like sharing but now with his littld mermaid darling here? he might as well rip out his heart and present it to you. he wants to share his entire life with you, and hopefully you'd want that too right?
his words like poison, his calloused hands that have killed to many to count always wrapped around you, those insane eyes drinking you down like a gold glass of water on a sunny day, and his long beautiful unkept hair, braids messt and all tickling your face.
his voice made you wonder if he were a siren in disguise.
"have you had enough for the evening darling? or is your appetite insatiable like mines?" he cracked a chuckle, his lips touching your ears. that man did not care if he was wetting his clothes everytime he had to get phsyical with you. and that meant two things actually, if you know what i mean~
you of course noded. at this point you've accepted this and have become completely compliant. you were strange to him. sure. women would fling themselves at him, he had no qualms with getting laid but you? you were confused, then curious, now complaint and it made him wonder if you wanted this all along.
it made him confident actually. he didn't hold back to be weird, touchy or crazy over you. because you liked it, right? you loved when his hands roamed your body, when he explored you, his crazy words like "if you dare look at another man on this boat i'll punish you serverly... after i've killed that motherfucker of course."
"you belong to me, you're sole purpose is to bear my children, entertain me, and enjoy all the amazing pleasures this world has to offer. do you understand? if you do, say 'yes husband'."
and you did. you nod in agreement to him and uttered those words like it was nothing. he loved you for that. he didn't have to do to much to break you, you were already broken to begin with.
but he wanted to see just how far gone you were... so, one lovely midnight, after a harsh day of pirate work (read: plundering, killing, raiding, conquring all that belonged to him, rightfully.) your beloved husband took you to the sea for the first time in ages, watching you seemlessly swim about as your scales on your tail shimmer like diamonds in the pale moonlight, and that beautiful iridescent color shines through it, as though it's almost transparent. he can see through your lower half a little like an angel fish.
he only marvels at your wonderfulness. but when you swam up to him, placing your hand on his beating chest and looking up at him with nothing but love and admiration. something in him just... snapped. you were so much smaller than him, most your body mass being your tail. his strong arms reach for your waist his mind was going insane with lust. a beautiful being like yourself had such feelings for him despite the fact that he kidnapped you and kept you away from society.
was it stalkholm syndrom?... well, whatever it was now he knew for sure you were just as insane as him and it wasn't just fear why you were complyubg to him.
there was no formalities whatsoever. not even a plain subtle kiss, he straight on kissed your lips and stuck his tongue inside your mouth. a wet, messy make out session before you'd feel his length poking you.
it will be an entirely long night for you both.
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gffa · 23 hours ago
People shouldn't be too hard on Mon!
I absolutely love and is grateful of Freed's understanding and appreciation of the Jedi, apparent in the book, apparent in the interview he'd given for the book:
"For me, the excitement of the time period here, is that I tend to think of 'Star Wars' as a setting with plenty of room for grey area stories and moral ambiguity, but there are very clear lines of good and evil as well. There's no version of 'Star Wars' in which you look at the Emperor and go, 'Well, maybe he had some good ideas.' No, the Emperor is evil. And the Jedi and Luke at their best are good. Everything else exists somewhere in there. This is a period where the remains true but no one really knows that the Emperor is evil.
"As far as the public is concerned, this guy just won the worst war in living memory. The Clone Wars were this horrendous affair and Palpatine has put an end to it. Yes, he's declared himself Emperor but he's not the embodiment of all evil. There's not even a Death Star out there. On the absolute good side, the Jedi have sort of been tarnished in recent years. War scrapes away at the shining morality of any organization."
I think Freed really understands what Lucas meant when he said "The Jedi have been corrupted by this war."
...but I still don't hold it against Mon cause she's going through hell and she spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler in the later half of the book. I think she's fascinating, wonderful, equally valid character with equally valid viewpoints as Bail within context of their own worlds and experiences in this novel.
The editor of the book said it best:
Bail – knows the truth about Palpatine, the Empire, and the fall of the Jedi. Caught between his commitment to truth and justice at any cost, and the duty he has to the daughter he’s been entrusted to protect.
Mon Mothma – a master politician, who believes – like so many – that opposing Palpatine is part of the regular game of politics. She doesn’t yet realize, Palpatine stood up from the game board years ago, and she’s playing against shadows.
Mon and Bail are allies, but not really friends (at this time). Padme was their link, and now, she’s gone. Where does that leave them?
For Mon and Bail especially, the secrets Bail holds that he cannot reveal leaves a gulf between them. And what does it mean when they find themselves at odds with each other, over truths they cannot speak?
prev anon) I'm talking about their different mindsets and experiences and viewpoints born from those and I'm not excusing Mon's... *spoilers* anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of the book! It's so nice seeing an author like Freed, who usually writes non-force side of sw, handling the jedi with such warmth, understanding and awareness
This was such a reassuring message to get, thank you! I've been avoiding spoilers for the book as best I can, but I'm only a quarter of the way through it and I was wondering how the various themes were going to go, but Freed's interview quotes and your comments have made me glad that I'm picking up what this book is putting down, because that's exactly how I've been reading it. (And why I'm hoping to encourage more people to read it--though, I will give a warning that this book can be uncomfortably prescient about current events in a way that I wouldn't say Alexander Freed Is A Witch, but that can be very hard to read about if you're not in the headspace to deal with a lot of reflections of the dumpster fire we're currently in.) As for Mon, I hope nobody comes down on her for this, because as much as I scream, cry, throw up, etc., over Bail's scenes, in general I lean a bit more towards Mon's way of doing things, because I think her approach is her answer to the question, "But what can actually be truly achieved?" That she is looking at an incredibly shitty situation with only shitty options and asking herself what can she actually get done, what does she have a snowball's chance in hell of success with? And she knows clearing the Jedi's name at this point in time is not on the table, not when there are a million other things that might actually do tangible good for the galaxy. And I don't disagree with that! I love the Jedi more than anyone, but clearing their name isn't more important that, say, trying to stop the Wookiees from being classified as a non-sentient species! Clearing their name isn't important enough to blow all your political capital and having nothing to show for it when there are people who you can help, with a chance that will actually succeed! Bail's idealism isn't stupid, he's incredible and the galaxy needs a shining light like him, it's necessary for the bigger hope for the future, we can't make it through the dark times without bright, shining hope. So even when they don't always think positively of each other, I never get the sense that Bail and Mon don't understand that the other is doing what they think is best. They just disagree on what that is. And it makes sense! Bail knew and was friends with the Jedi! He knows the truth about Palpatine and how important all that Force shit is to what's going on here! Mon is operating with the idea that this is a political battle--and she's not entirely wrong, she's necessary to the recovery of the galaxy, too, just as Luke is necessary to save the day, so too is Leia, and I sort of see that reflected in Bail and Mon's approaches--one is focusing on the mystical and one is focusing on the political and I think both are important here. So, I have nothing but hearts for Mon Mothma and what she's trying to do for the galaxy.
And I don't see them as antagonists here, I see them as two people who look at each other with the understanding that there is deep love and compassion for people in the other, that they want this other person on their side not just for political alliances but because they care, and maybe they want to scream in frustration that the other person can't see what they see, but I don't feel for a second that this is going to end with them anything other than them as friends. Their scene in Rogue One implies she knows about Bail knowing a living Jedi, if not directly knowing about Obi-Wan Kenobi, which isn't something he would tell just anyone. I'm hoping for the same with Saw, there's going to be conflict about their approaches, and I love that that's clearly a theme/why these three characters were chosen as the pillars of this book, that each of them are shown to have their reasons why and that each of them serve a purpose. I scream/cry/throw up more about the Jedi because that's the most fun for me, but I am enthralled with Mon's chapters just as much, the political tightrope she's on, and I would encourage people to read for those aspects just as much as I would encourage them for crying about the Jedi. ANYWAY, EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK FOR YOURSELF, I'm having fun with the snippets I'm posting, but the book is so much more than those things! It's one of the best SW for rounding out the characters and filling in the transitions between the movies and TV shows, but in a way that keeps the tension and emotional gut-punches despite that we know where it's going. ALSO, MON MOTHMA AND BAIL ORGANA ARE THE BEST, I'M WILLING TO FIGHT THE INTERNET OVER THIS
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grandline-fics · 16 hours ago
For Valentine's event! I'm so deeply in love how you write, especially Doflamingo!! So maybe, True love's kiss for him?
Anyway thanks for your works they're all amazing 🙌💕
DESCRIPTION: True Love's Kiss- The moment they realise they're in love
WARNINGS: none (at least I don't think so, other than the fact is about Doflamingo)
CHARACTERS: Doflamingo
WORDS: 1,420
A/N: At first I was tempted to link this to Immune To Your Charms but then decided against it so we could have a different version of Doffy and another version of his realisation he's capable of love. I hope you enjoy what I came up with for this for you anon. Thank you for the request!
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Doflamingo thrived on the adoration and unequivocal loyalty of his family, his most trusted elite officers in the inner circle ready to throw their lives down should he simply say the word. The rush that would flood his system when his subordinates and civilians bowed low before him took him flooding back to his short lived days in his rightful standing as a Celestial Dragon; it’s never quite the same that his nostalgia had preserved in his memory but it's as close as it’ll ever get. The only other thing that ever came close to giving him a surge of true satisfaction and happiness is when you, one of his best and most precious officers, would throw him that sweet smile contrasting with that sharp and dangerous gaze of yours and greet him with a smooth “Hello Doffy.” 
He could always count on you to see to it that any mission he gave you was executed perfectly and without hesitation. Not only did you take pride in your efficiency and skill but seeing it recognised in a man like Doflamingo mattered to you too. You knew that Doflamingo’s trust and reliance on you had nothing to do with the fact that you were Doflamingo’s current lover. As it was, you understood your place in the whole situation, just as you’d witnessed with his previous entanglements.
It was only ever going to last as long as your King wished it to. Should anyone else ever catch his eye and attention and he wished them to warm his bed instead of you, you would be cast aside in that regard. You came to terms with that long ago and idly part of your mind always wondered when that day would come so you enjoyed what you had for as long as Doflamingo wanted you that way.
One morning you were summoned to his office for your latest mission. Wordlessly you accepted the information he handed over to you and began to read it over while listening to his every word. “Seems someone’s been pushing their nose into places that doesn’t concern them. That’s the most recent location we could learn so it’s likely they’ve moved on already.” He explained, his sinister grin in place. “I know it’ll be no issue for you to track them down and taking care of them before returning home to me.”
“Sure you don't want me to take my time?” You asked curiously, finally lifting your head with your own smile curving your lips. “You normally enjoy it when I make them suffer first.”
“You’ll already be spending time away in search of your prey, my dear.” Doflamingo explained while rising from his seat to step around the desk to stand in front of you. Never needing his strings to make you move or respond in the ways he wished, you simply always knew. Keeping your eyes on his face, you turned to face him, stepping back until the desk was now behind you and his hands settled on the wood to playfully cage you in. “I’d much rather have you go and kill and come back, otherwise I’d just miss you too much.”
For the smallest moment his words threw you off but you quickly controlled your expression. Unfortunately you weren’t fast enough and it hadn’t gone unnoticed to Doflamingo. Lifting one hand away to pinch your chin he made you look firmly at him, refusing to let you go until he got answers out of you. Doflamingo knew you wouldn’t have to force it out of you. The second he asked, you’d answer. “Now what was that look for? What could I have said to possibly create such a face?”
“Just surprised my absence would have such an affect on you.” You explained calmly, your smile returning. “There’s plenty here that’ll keep you company if I take too long. Speaking of, with your permission, I’ll go straight away Doffy.” Doflamingo regarded you silently and moved his hand from your chin to thread his fingers into your hair and pulled you in as he leant forward to capture you lips in a harsh, bruising kiss. Under his lead, you effortlessly followed the pace and intensity of the kiss, only breaking apart when he allowed it to. Breathless and dazed you could only stare at Doflamingo when he released you, offering a small but determined nod when he ordered you to complete your mission as fast as you could.
Two weeks went by and still you hadn’t returned, leaving Doflamingo to feel restless. Uncomfortably so. He had been receiving updates from you steadily up until a few days ago, everything in code and brief but you hadn’t given him any signal that something was wrong. You were closely on the heels of your target who you were certain you’d catch up to soon. Doflamingo had no doubts about your abilities, you were one of his best so he knew you’d get the job done but still something was annoying him about it all. He was also unshakable in his knowledge of your loyalty to him, there was no way you’d leave him but he still needed to know what was causing his agitation. Thinking back to the day you left he remembered the look of genuine surprise that captured your usually self-assured features when he spoke of how he’d miss you. 
Your little comment about others keeping him company also hadn’t gone unnoticed by him either. Truth be told now that he had the time to think about, you had lasted so much longer than anyone else had as his lover. Those that came before you held no true interest with him, simply attractive things that allowed him to satisfy his needs before he kicked them out of his bed and sought his next source of entertainment in another person. You held his every attention, staying close to him even without having to give your body or touch to him. It was you he wanted and he had meant what he’d said when he said he missed you when you were gone, only now he seemed to realise just how much. 
Two more days passed before you returned to Dressrosa’s Palace, walking slowly and tensed. At your arrival in the entrance hall, you saw a few servants hurrying in different directions most likely in search of Doflamingo to let him know. You didn’t know why they bothered, he was going to be the first person you sought out to report the success of your mission and apologise for taking longer than you should have. You were only halfway up the staircase when Doflamingo appeared at the top, watching you climb the last few steps until you were beside him. 
Carefully he inspected your face. You looked exhausted, dark circles under your eyes and your shoulders slumped slightly. You were barely staying awake, he could see the steeled focus in your gaze as you were determined to remain conscious enough to greet him with an attempt at your usual sweet smile. “Hello Doffy. Sorry I took longer than intended.”
“Was the mission successful?”
“Mhm.” You nodded before covering you mouth to yawn. “Target was a nuisance though.”
“In what way?” Doflamingo lifted you effortlessly into his arms and carried you to his quarters.
“Devil Fruit user.” You explained with a mumble, a small hum of contentment breaking from your lips when you were laid down on his bed, sinking against the pillows. Doflamingo tilted his head curiously at that revelation. Had he known that the target had an ability, he would have ensured you were better prepared for that. Doflamingo felt relief wash over him to see you’d been unharmed, knowing better than anyone how monstrous Devil Fruits were, and made sure that in future you would be better prepared so there would be no surprises like that on your missions. “Doffy? Why am I in your room?”
“I had your things moved here while you were away, of course.” He chuckled watching you struggle to open your eyes to look at him in confusion. “It seemed as though you had a lapse in awareness about your standing with me. Your place is beside me always and there will never be any room for anyone else. Understand, love?” For emphasis he pressed a tender kiss against your lips.
“I understand.” You hummed softly, the loving smile gracing your lips suddenly securing itself in Doflamingo’s regard as something no-one else could ever come close to competing with.
TAG LIST (If I’ve missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @fiery-captain-spider-santa, @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04 , @chillerkiller , @extremely-ashtridic , @decayingpizza , @liesatemyocean , @ace-for-ace , @nerium-lil , @destynelseclipsa , @dreamcastgirl99 , @my-name-is-heartache , @iamn1ya ,  @yunho-leeknow , @hinata7346 , @h0oouwlss , @missrandomdreamer , @sleepykittycx , @ddawn111 , @jaygrl22 , @sylum , @acehyacinth , @resident-cryptid , @treelogirl , @maellem , @thulhu , @appalost , @dindjarins1ut , @irumawife , @laidenbreecatchall , @redwolfxx , @jevoislesbrasdemer , @schanwow , @pao198391 , @glitchtricks94 , @nina-ya , @48daisies , @sagyunaro , @artemis162534 , @rosemary-lungs , @thecraftywriter , @rorozorolover , @yagirlsmuchelle , @engenemoazen , @sukunasstomachtongue , @nico-ith
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blissfullylankartz · 1 day ago
the oddworld fandom don’t really want to interact with you because you don’t care about oddworld. compared to other fandoms we’re tiny and the games don’t get enough love anyway so it feels borderline disrespectful. if it’s not your thing why are you even making ocs for it?
I literally made a post saying not to pull this shit, I said I would be taking anon asks as long as people were kind. Yet once again I'm being met with being pushed out of a community I was wanting to get to know about. Being told I don't care when I'm literally still new and learning things. So people apparently can only partake in a community if they only know every little detail about it?
Look if you have an issue with me I'd rather you not be hiding behind anon, it feels incredibly uncomfortable and disrespectful that you would cross a boundary I set in place. The anon asks was to allow people to send asks comfortably, but you keep ruining it for everyone with me needing to turn them off because you don't have the balls to come out and say stuff without hiding behind anon. You make me believe the community is unkind and unwelcoming, when I don't want to believe that because some of the people I have interacted with have been wonderful.
You don't get to dictate what I take interest in and how I enjoy those things. So just leave me alone or at least stop hiding behind anon, it isn't fair on anyone else that you keep doing this. I won't be switching anon off because I put it on to allow people to be comfortable. I didn't put it on to allow you to feel comfortable being unwelcoming, if your going to stand up for what you love then stop hiding. Or are you afraid that if people knew who was doing it that they wouldn't like you as much anymore, since it's a small community alot of people seem to know each other. I doubt it would be fun to find out that someone was going out of Thier way to shun people from a community they apparently care about.
If you love something wouldn't you rather want to share it and talk about it, not being hateful and pushing people away from it.
I'm tired of this, this was a shitty thing to just wake up to.
Edit: anon has apologised for their behaviour however decided not to post a response to that because I don't want to give them more attention than necessary. This will be the last thing I'll be adding to this situation. I've blocked them from being able to send anon asks anymore, this is because they broke a couple of boundaries and have done things that I'm really not comfortable with. Also just didn't enjoy the vibes being brought to the table. Just hope a lesson has been learnt here.
Thank you for all the kindness that everyone has shown to me, I was a little surprised by the amount of responses, but I'm glad the community seems to take these things seriously. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere and my asks are still open and yous are free to send asks as anons. Just be kind and respectful<3 eventually I may make a post with all the ocs on it that are available for asks once I've brushed up more on lore. I look forward to doing more with yous <3
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nyxtickled · 18 hours ago
Fucking hell, Nyx. I have down-shifted my presence on here significantly lately (only tangentially relevant tl;dr: it turns out that the added mental bandwidth from my ADHD meds is not the only thing I need in order to be a good member of a kink community, and I am still working on the rest) so it took me a minute to get caught up, but I have now.
I am really fucking sorry that Socal put you through all of this extremely unhinged, unnecessary, sociopathic shit; I am really fucking glad you had the receipts ready to unload; and I am really really fucking amazed at your fortitude, both in carrying it mostly in silence as long as you did, and in opening up about all of it. I obviously also wish you hadn't had to do either of those things, but that's not news. I reiterate: fucking hell. 😞
(Incidentally: he was the pissant, penny-ante troglodyte shitheel, wasn't he? Your answers to other asks implied you knew who the main anon hater was, and that you'd taken some distance from them. It deserves mentioning that that was the same fucking guy. If someone wrote a character that toxic on an HBO show, people would say it was unrealistic. Fucking hell. 🤮)
I've always felt two ways about sharing community hygiene posts because my blog is tiny and I legitimately can't see that it matters (though I do it anyway) but I also saw the one that said "reblog that shit no matter the size of your blog" so I guess I'm done feeling two ways about it. Do you mind if I add a couple of my own thoughts when I do? They feel really inconsequential, because I have not dealt with anything even remotely like this, but I think I saw a reply saying you appreciated other people's perspectives, so I dunno.
Either way. I am glad you're here and that you continue to be here despite All Of The God-Damned Fucking Bullshit. The community is better for it. I am very evidently not the only one who feels that way, either. Go hug your wife and cuddle your dog and gather some spoons. 🖤
hey there, my dear beloved Thing 💖 it’s so great to hear from you! and i appreciate your empathy and support, very very much.
(incidentally: your suspicion is absolutely indeed on par with mine. the first time i ever received anon hate was during the screenshot fallout i shared when my dog got sick, as i was ignoring his calls and receiving walls of toxic texts from him. the second time was during the additional screenshot fallout i shared when the AUNT convo went down. the next time was after i got married, when i wasn’t speaking to him anymore. and, ever since i ended the connection entirely, ive been getting sporadic anon hate from the same person who just keeps trolling about me “cheating” since im married now etc. lmao, it’s just, the timing??? is way too fucking suspicious and it makes me laugh every single time i think abt it)
i am always open to anyone sharing their thoughts and perspectives! you’re more than welcome to add anything you want to a rb.
thank you for being here. the overwhelming response has been so validating and healing bc i legit only wanted to look out for others, and i’m so grateful that it was received in the way i intended. 💜
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soulmatesinc-if · 2 days ago
… and Wyatt, who is not comfortable with the idea of mc being mad at them even playfully, wraps themselves around to stop them, and the glasses fly off their head anyway.
stooopppp, Wyatt is so cute, im gonna cry
(this prompted multiple trains of thoughts in very different directions, #ADHDThings, so ill leave them in separate Asks for your ease of use)
1️⃣ im just imagining Wyatt being someone who is competitive with anyone but the MC now when it comes to "rage-bait games" like Uno or Mario Kart or Monopoly or Sorry or Mario Party
like Wyatt having six Uno "Draw 4 Cards" and nothing else, yet drawing cards from the deck bc Wyatt is refusing to play any of them until someone plays a reverse-card so the direction of play changes so that Wyatt won't force the MC to draw 4 cards six times. like. winning is fun, esp if it's Wyatt flirtily winning, but Wyatt being uncomfortable with the MC even playfully being mad makes me think Wyatt would be like "..........im going to skillfully slide some of my Monopoly money over to the MC while no one is looking, so im not beating them" while also targetting anyone else playing mercilessly
Anon dropped quite a few musings in my inbox (thank you so much, I was giggling reading them all!!!), and some of them I'd like to address, beginning with this one.
Wyatt is quite competitive, actually! It is a low-key opportunity to show off, which they like doing, so they will go all out, especially if it is in competition with MC (and there will be one 🤗). Seeing MC riled up would be hot/fun for them, and they would live for the banter.
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They would enjoy seeing MC wear their stuff because then Wyatt could tell MC to "now now, that isn't yours, you have to take it off" (seeing which they would enjoy even more).
MC wearing their clothes is actually Romero's weakness, full-on no thoughts, head empty, just MC on the brain 😄
Sam is more into swapping accessories, especially bags or backpacks. There's something weirdly intimate to them about trusting one another with the weird stuff that could be stuffed into the random nooks and pockets. And bonus point for being something that can be easily worn in public, so watching MC sort of flaunt the relationship would be a major turn on for Sam.
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sgiandubh · 2 days ago
Thank you for your opinion. I think it's fascinating to have a look bts of diplomats. Maybe, if you feel like it, you could comments more like this on political events.
Anyway, have a great weekend.
Dear (returning) What's Your Take Anon,
You are welcome. I have answered because I found your question very thoughtfully written, something I always appreciate.
This page always claimed to not deal in politics, something that permeates my life, willy-nilly, every single day. I wanted to have some respite from it at least in here, where I can steer the course totally by myself. Plus I think we already live in a divisive world: why drag it in here, anyways? Look at how people insult each other for the sake of These Two!
That being said, I will always answer with great pleasure questions like the one you sent me, because I find way too many people think of us either as perks-laden parasites or cliquey profiteers. Not saying this does not exist, but let's not put everybody in the same boat. I have met the worst and the best, but the one thing I do know, is that the feeling of serving one's country is perhaps the most gratifying one can experience.
For this, Anon, there's no excuse and no recess. So there you go, if you want to understand a bit more about the way things are done behind closed doors, go ahead and ask. Comments on current events? Not as much as you'd probably like, but you will easily guess my stance - we are simply trained to not lay all our cards on the table, if possible. That would be bad poker, something I have seen yesterday aplenty.
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[Antoine Coypel - Louis XIV at Versailles receiving the ambassadors of the King of Siam, engraving, 1686]
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bichianti · 3 days ago
Do you have to deal with harassment a lot? I love to see all the support you have, makes me so happy that such a talented artists gets all the appreciation you deserve :3 but also makes me question myself about if someone bothers you with stupid messages about your account sigh, idk if i could handle that, too anxious. Anyways, hope you have a good day <3
Direct hate messages are a rarity and not the norm at all. And tbh, If it really bothered me, I could just turn off anon or close my strawpage you know... everyone can message me (and anonymously lol).
I'm pretty immune to it tho, I think to a certain point you just have to be, if you create something and put it out there. People will always find a way to hate.
Now with the characters I draw it is a special case and I know that, because the more horrible, the more I feel inspired somehow. And I respect people not liking it, as long as they don't get SUPER obsessed with hating me or make up wild assumptions just because I love to depict certain fictional (!) scenarios/characters...
Anyway thank you for this nice ask. But yea, if you are an artist or writer or whatever. You need to grow a thick skin and not care too much about every single opinion, and focus on the positive aspects.
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stormyoceans · 2 years ago
we are expecting gmmtv 2024 in october. what's your list of manifestations? share with us, dear!
i also don’t know how to feel about the line up being announced before last twilight and 23.5 even got the chance to air (unless we’re getting last twilight replacing hidden agenda which means it would start on october 1st, but i do not dare to hope), however i thought about it a little and here’s a very rough list of my hopes and dreams that im gonna actualize with the power of manifestation and delusion:
JIMMYSEA NEW SERIES DIRECTED BY P’JOJO. LISTEN I DON’T CARE IF IT’S UNLIKELY FOR THEM TO GET A SHOW 3 YEARS IN A ROW MY CLOWN WIG IS ON MY SHOES ARE SQUEAKING MY MAKE UP IS IN PLACE. the amount of p’jojo+jimmysea online interactions we’ve got since p’jojo visited them on the last twilight set is just TOO SUSPICIOUS to be meaning nothing I WANT TO BELIEVE. that being said, i feel like it will probably be an ensamble cast kind of series, so im praying for the medical drama QL of my dreams with jimmysea + earthmix OR the heist QL of my dreams with jimmysea + forcebook. im not picky though I REALLY JUST WANT A NEW PROJECT FOR JIMMYSEA AS A PAIRING but also..
SOME SOLO PROJECT FOR BOTH JIMMY AND SEA. they’re both great actors and sea in particular is able to portray an insane range of emotions so it’s time for GMMTV to start giving him more roles.
regardless of whatever happens with jimmysea, i do want earthmix and forcebook to have a new series next year.
PAPANG AS THE MAIN LEAD IN A BL. do i believe this is gonna happen? sadly, no. will i still be manifesting this every single day from here to october? DAMN RIGHT I WILL MY MAN DESERVES IT. actually i said this before but i think GMMTV should just give me papang+guy+pond+pepper in a BL. MY MEN DESERVE IT.
AT LEAST 2 GLs BUT PREFERABLY MORE. freenbecky got me gagged with their upcoming sci-fi movie and period drama series, so i think GMMTV should step up their game and give us ALL THE GIRLS. im frankly starving for more GLs so i don’t really have any specific plot i want to see, i just want the genre to thrive and be allowed to explore different stuff like BL has started to do. if i really had to pick tho, i would love to have a sizzy series (maybe with janaye and ciizejane) and to have prigkhing and piploy in a GL. and namtan. and jamie.
QL exploring other sexualities and gender identities. just give me ace main characters, trans main characters, non-binary main characters, ALL THE DIFFERENT QUEER MAIN CHARACTERS!!!!!!!
i want to say enigma season 2 because it was actually a great show but with bright leaving GMMTV i don’t think i should get my hopes up ;;;;;;; unless they recast his character since he appeared for 5 seconds at the end of the series.
these are the main things that come to my mind for now, but im sure that by the time october comes im gonna have some more!!!!
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ectopuppy · 5 months ago
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Jake English asked for by: @plummymcplum Lydia asked for by: anon Mabel asked for by: anon Tucker asked for by: @strawberrycamel
im having a lot of fun with figuring out this art style thanks for the character suggestions!!
also i did like a emo/gothy tuck idk why i was just feelin it teehee
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north-noire · 10 months ago
Behold! I am the magic anon #058! Now it’s time to dropkick William Afton into the fifteenth dimension!
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The FNAF good ending just dropped.
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shepscapades · 3 months ago
Hi hi shep!! I’ve been following your AU for AGES now (honestly the only reason I open tumblr these days)
And I recently listened through the Etho playlist with my best friend and we’ve been absolutely obsessing over the AU all over again!!
Genuinely so blown away with how fantastic the playlist is. Our favorite parts are the intro into the initial deviation and the first void segment!!! The songs you picked flow so well together and your descriptions were SOOOO enlightening and fun to read we adored it.
VERY excited for the fanfic on the horizon post destruction!!
((Fanart may or may not be on the way 👀))
But we just wanted to say thank you for this amazing AU and we’re SO incredibly invested :)))
~ 📺
WAUUUU thank youuuu this is so so so so sweet :( <3 I’m so glad you enjoy the playlist, it truly is a labor of love! Etho’s story has been rotating in my head for so long, and it makes me happy to allow others to finally experience it in a similar way!! <3 the beginning songs representing Etho’s initial deviation are also some of my favorites—just good songs to bop to, peak vibes imo!! And yes!!! Key is such a fun transition song, I’m so glad it’s effective! :DDD
AND…. You didn’t hear it from me but there’s a very good possibility that Don’t Let it Reach the Heart will be postable by the end of the week.
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blindmagdalena · 8 months ago
outnumbered twin girls dadlander is the best i can't stop thinking of him experiencing the toddler unconditional love and affection like those choppy selfmade postcards on father's day and and them running to him after the daycare and babbling how their day went and 😭😭 him hosting a barbecue in one of those "good looking is cooking" aprons and his silly face expression everytime he looks at his (chubby) wife in awe because she gave this family to him and jfnfnfnfn
also one of the girls hiccuping and accidentally shooting lasers through the wall and maybe even killing somebody and he's just in awe and love and maybe crying because she's so him
the toddlers with superpowers is the best part of this because i keep thinking about him having to catch stray laser beams or move his wife out of the way when one of the girls sneeze because there is just a constant risk of them exploding or vaporizing something 😂
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crystallizsch · 9 months ago
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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hunysckle · 2 months ago
bt might be the most breedable but have you heard tone's lines? the way she talks to you and about enemies? she'd top you under all 40 tons of sheer metal chassis and you'd thank her for shattering your pelvis into a sludge cowgirl style. butch cougar titan
this is not in opposition to bt but it is in addition. also high femme northstar send post
this is the most epic ask i have ever received
i've never played tone so i'm listening to a compilation of her lines as i type this and YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!! the way she says welcome back and the "my systems are yours" line like hello butch service top tone...and YES YES YES high femme northstar is real and true you are so smart
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months ago
Outer Kitty sure is a popular kitty so far outta the batch he got 2321 people to pet him!!!
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Oh my god you're right!!
Get wrecked winter kitties lol
He might be second most petted of all time actually, I can't remember what Dream got up to but it might be close!
As is customary, he gets a bonus petting pic
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