#anyway thanks for the ask/chance to ramble nonny!!!
smolandweirdwriter · 9 days
this isnt really a headcanon but i feel like adaine only gives off "good girl" vibes because she likes & cares about school, but from every interaction she has with her parents and other authority figures, it makes SO much sense why she and fig get along so well. adaine is a punk rebel bitch at heart and i feel like that's something that's overlooked a lot
something i find fascinating to explore is how similar fig and adaine actually are--especially in their introductions!
of all the bad kids, fig and adaine are the least technically "eager" to start school freshman year. siobhan/adaine says adaine is, but it's clear she's apprehensive, maybe even a little embarrassed, and trying to convince herself this is a good thing rather than a punishment
moving on, both fig and adaine fight with their parents in the morning, and both attempt to use spells/magic to manipulate those around them. both then have the familial figure who is both the least involved in the things fig and adaine hate about their families (ie, gilear didn't do anything, sandralynn is the one who cheated on him, and aelwyn is not responsible for their parents' cruelty which is passed down to their children (oh i have so many abernant family generational trauma headcnons)) extend an olive branch ("it's awful that you got kicked out of hudol"/"i know i said some hurtful things when i first found out") albeit a not very good one ("it doesn't reflect well on our family"/"...get out of my fucking car, you demon"), which is then rejected
adaine is smart and likes to study and doesn't actively pursue trouble for the sake of it--but she also has a smart mouth and a short temper. fig is has an attitude and cigarettes, but she's kind and clever too.
basically, fig is "gives emo bad girl energy, is secretly the nicest person you'll ever meet" and adaine is "gives type-a energy, will not hesitate to dunk a bitch no questions asked"
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theragethatisdesire · 11 months
Hiii. How are you? I hope you're doing fine, I read your new addition to the poly relationship thing and it was really cool.
I was wondering if you have more headcannons of them? Maybe what pet names Jean and eren use for each other or the love language they have for each other,do they use physical touch or maybe words of affirmation or anything else? Or how they make out. Also do they cuddle (just the two of them)? Like maybe Eren had a bad day or something and I recall you mentioned that eren stops frowning when Jean touches his brows or smth like that. So what if eren had a bad day and he needs Jean to comfort him,do they cuddle or they just hug?
I'm curious about Jean's mom having a hard time with the poly relationship thing. At this point I'm just rambling,sorry.
I just wanted to see your thought on this cause I have some but I don't know how the others perceive it. Anyways thanks you so much,i love your content 🫶🏻🫶🏻
hellooooo cutie pie nonny :) this has been sitting in my ask box for AGES like since i dropped the last erejean fic i think and i have been so excited to answer it. i'm sorry it took me forever!!! but i am back and ~ ready to chat ~
more poly!erejean headcanons because anon said so
i think it takes them foreverrrrrr to be physically affectionate with each other, and it honestly takes jean awhile to get physical with you too, just bc of the dynamic changing
eren's love language is definitely physical touch, jean's is definitely gift-giving
whenever you or eren texts in your group chat (because of course you have a "y/n's bfs<3" groupchat lol) that you're having the worst day at work, jean's already plotting what store he's running by to pick something up for you as a nice little surprise
maybe it's ingredients for your favorite dinner, your favorite candy, a new pair of fuzzy socks, etc.
eren, on the other hand, just crushes you/jean with the biggest, tightest hug he can manage whenever you're having a bad day. probably offers a massage of some sort.
eren just ...very absentmindedly touches you and jean? like he is always just running a hand over your waist as he passes you in the kitchen, playing with jean's fingers while he scrolls on his phone, kicks his feet up on your lap to watch tv. it feels uncomfortable for him to be in the same room as either of you and not touch you somehow.
jean's favorite thing in the world is to have each of you tucked under his arms cuddling. insists on being in the middle for movie night.
i can't remember if i've mentioned this but eren and jean love sharing clothes. eren's the worst about it- he's literally always snagging jean's stuff and jean, misunderstanding at first, started buying eren a couple of his shirts that he noticed going missing. he got the point when eren never touched his new shirts.
eren 100% nuzzles into jean and you like a dog like noses against your shoulder/neck/tummy
just some little cuddling/physical touch hcs <3 as for jean's mom, i picture her being very traditional, wanting jean to get married and have children. jean has been bi for years in this verse, but very quietly bi, like maybe had a bf in college, told his mom (it took her a minute, but she came around) and his closest friends but keeps it pretty lowkey.
when he told his mom about his relationship with you and eren, the poly dynamic was just completely unlike anything she'd ever heard of and it really caught her by surprise. she wasn't outright unsupportive, but she's very old-fashioned and she just didn't understand how it could function like a legitimate, serious relationship. but when jean just keeps mentioning you both more and more (he knows things like this take her awhile, and she knows her boy is serious by how insistently he keeps bringing it up), she can just hear how happy jean is and wants to see how it works and give it a chance.
she's always adored eren through all the years she's known him, and she's smitten with you the second you shyly cross the threshold into her house, complimenting the decor. she never goes back, just has a few tentative questions for jean here and there, but all that matters to her is that her boy is being made happy by two wonderful people :)
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noemitenshi · 11 months
I’m rewatching there seasons and I’m wondering if Troy did go with the purpose of killing Mike, what’s your opinion?
Oh god, the Mike thing!!! I'm still not sure I have cracked that one yet haha (and it's been years XD) Forever salty we did not actually get to see what happened (they always tell us Troy is bad but they never really show us. what's that about, hmm? can't really go there...?) what I wouldn't give to see it…
Anyway, to the actual question: I don't think Troy went with the purpose to kill Mike, I believe he tells the truth when he explains himself later, namely, that he wanted to talk to Mike. He does seem pretty torn up about Mike leaving in that one scene with Madison in the pantry, where he talks about his feelings (before he goes out to confront him).
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(Also notice how in this scene he's trying to open up/connect emotionally to Madison and how she only engages in as much as it leads the conversation towards her goals. when he goes "hard to know how to react to something like that" that's the heart of it, to him. What's got him confused, what he needs to understand. He's in essence asking for help there, for her to make sense of it or help him make sense of it and instead of doing any of that Madison goes "make sure no one else leaves" which is exactly her goal. bc if people leave the ranch, chances of winning the war are lower (or nonexistent if enough people leave)) Also, I fully believe, if he'd have planned to go out to kill mike he would've cleaned up his mess better. He's a lot of things but definitely not stupid. And you see how oh shit he is about being found out when Madison comes back with the bodies.
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You also see that he is unhappy with himself in that talk they have shortly after - in which he tells her his reasons for going after them.
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Namely, because he felt Mike owed it to him to tell him to his face (that their friendship was over). Which I also find believable. My reasoning is that in the already referenced pantry scene, he did voice his confusion over mike leaving pretty clearly. He really wanted, no, needed to know (I think that may be one of his driving forces btw, the need to know, I know no one asked me that but how can I pass up that opportunity to point it out XD). And then Madison goes "He didn't want to do that, did he?" And Troy shakes his head no, so… he must've tried to talk to Mike, to know that Mike refused to do what he asked of him.
Anyway, so yes, I don't believe he wanted to do this.
I do, however, believe that he knew it was a bad idea to follow the Trimbols. A part of him did suspect it could go out of hand - that things could go badly (he knows he has trouble keeping control when angry, I'm sure). I don't think he wanted it to go there, though. And I also don't think he felt like he could've stopped himself from going after them, again, because of his need to know (that probably feels overwhelming at times).
Thank you for the question and giving me opportunity to talk about this Mike thing!! I also had a whole thing already typed about how I tried to make sense of the scene of the crime, reconstruct what happened there, but honestly it was so rambly (and also not really part of your question) I just got rid of it hahahah
I do hope you find my answer satisfying and otherwise I'm always down for discussing things further (or for other folks to jump in and correct me/offer their own perspective)! Have a great day, nonny 🧡
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vampcubus · 4 months
Your fabolousness Queen Ashi, it is I, poll nonnie or a nonnie named desire.~ just kidding you can call me whatever. Anyways I thank you ever so kindly for giving me the chance to share my tragic story and unburden myself. Oh and that phrase you like is a spanish saying. One of my favorites that i try to live by. I believe you could use it in this time of need, because though I haven't expressed it you have my support. As I said previously fuck dem kids. Best thing you can do sometimes is not acknowledge the squealing, don’t give foolishness a platform. There's enough of that already.
Now, I will try to make it brief, but I tend to ramble, so I may require two parts. But I'll try to get to the point. So, without further ado, hit it with the sad violin music or Sarah McClellan.
I must begin by saying that I do not receive much male validation... like ever. Which is strange because I have an ample bosom and a winning personality, but alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but they won't fuck me. I have found however that they do fuck with me quite often. See, ever since I was a girl, I've been the object of cruel pranks where I would be asked out as a joke. Boys had no qualms using me as a sort of penalty of a low bar of attractiveness if you will and that remained through grade school. Thing is everyone said you will thrive in college and that happened to some of my friends, but not me. Even in college nothing ever really happened, and I was always more invested in the interactions than the men were. So I've learned to pick up cues and behavioral patterns to know when I'm being led on, or when they're waiting for me to put out.
This all leads to a couple days ago. You read that right. Mere days ago I reconnected with someone from early college through Facebook, a den of foolishness and evil. Being graced with male validation I was gleefully happy for the first couple interactions. I returned to my youthful girlish days of squealing when I got a message.
My grave sin, is I caught myself simping. *Simping* for a human male when I swore to myself and vowed by the queens Ruby and Teresa that I would *never* be caught simping for a man unless that happened to be Leon Sexy Kennedy in the fucking flesh. Needless to say, the man I was tragically simping for is far from a Leon. I wouldn't even consider him an Ethan Winters (less beloved but perhaps equally devoted lover). I decided to stage an intervention and request assistance in this endeavor from some bad bitches because that could not stand. No it would not stand. Homeboy was leaving me on read. Taking hours to reply. Sending single sentences responses? I knew the signs. I knew them well, I had not put out. Or perhaps he had realized that he'd drunk messaged me. Regardless it would not stand that interaction though only days brief would end by my terms dammit. I just needed some reassurance that I was doing the right thing, because a softer. Weaker part of myself kept making excuses for this fool. So thank you again your fabolousness, and if you've made it this far you are a real gem. I sincerely thank you for helping me remember my worth because Queen Ruby didn't get her face burned so that I would simp for a common peasant who can't be bothered to send a timely reply.
“alas men will fuck a mcchicken sandwich but won’t fuck me” TOOK ME OUTTTTT 😭😂
PLEASE I JUST GOT HOME FROM A HARD DAY AT WORK AND YOU GOT ME DYINGGGG /POS. “i wouldn’t even consider him an Ethan winters” DRAG HIMMM 👹
i could listen to you ramble about your life all day i am so entertained. your storytelling skills >>> i’m glad metaphorically kicked that guy the the curb cus you deserve better queen 😤 especially with a personality and sense of humor like yours.
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
Heyyy! I popped already three times (in the last three days) into your ask box... so why not make it a regular thing? I'm here for day four! Sooo... I think I will just ramble a bit, because why not?
I already told you that I read "nothing happens" (and like I also already said, it was just fucking amazing!!) so why not talk about "only by you"?
I just love it and re-read both parts VERY often, because they are just soooooo good (you're really fucking talented)! And I can't say who I find hotter James or Regulus?! They are both just so: 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Anyways love your writing and will hopefully find soon the time to read "making ghosts"!
Much love! <3
hi nonnie!! that's okay, ur always welcome, i love getting asks!! i know i've been a mess at replying to them lately, and i have a few old ones still sitting in my inbox but i SWEAR i'm gonna get to all of them
absolutely make it a regular thing <3 and ramble away, i adore talking to all of u!!
SO CRAZY WHEN U GUYS TELL ME U REREAD MY FICS it makes me all warm and giddy. i'm so so so glad that u like oby this much!! and tbh i get it, i also don't know who's hotter, they're both everything to me and always driving me up the wall (in a good way)
thank u so much darling, and making ghosts is my baby, so if u end up giving it a chance, i truly hope u like it <333
wishing u the best MWAH
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matan4il · 1 year
Hi! I've just read your meta (and loved it♥️) and I wanted to ask you your thoughts about it being filmed as an actual series finale
I know some people have been saying (about buck's and Eddie's resolutions) that they feel rushed because they had to wrapped it quickly in case it was the end, but if it were that way, why didn't they just not introduce the plot about Eddie being lonely? Because I feel like, for a series finale, it would have work way way better if they'd show us Eddie being happy and excited about life in general, not tied to some random girl (specially after season 5) And for Buck, is obvious that him picking his own damn couch would have been a more satisfying conclusion to his arc
And I mean, I don't think the writers are stupid, they know what they're doing tying buck's couch to some random love interest. So I don't think (personally) that they approached this ep as a series finale. My guess is that they knew there was a pretty good chance they were gonna get picked up, so they left some threads open on purpose. There were better ways to do that, sure. But I truly cannot conceive the writers thinking 6x18 works as a series finale (what they did in 5x18 works so much better, imo)
And I know Oliver said they didn't know about the move until two hours before the article dropped, but the rumors (and therefore the negotiations) started way earlier, so TPTB could still have been pretty positive they were gonna move to abc, no?
Anyway I just wanted to ask your thoughts about it being conceived as a series finale or no, and about the theories about rewriting and reshooting stuff that have been going around, if you have seen them
I'm sorry about the long rambling!!! But you always have great takes so I wanted to hear your thoughts on this
Thank you so much!!! Have a great day ♥️♥️
Hi Nonnie! First, thank you so much for reading and liking my 618 meta, and for letting me know you did!
Second, I detailed here the three scenarios I see as possible for how the drama around 911 being canceled/moved might have affected the end of s6. I'll tell you honestly, if I were in charge and I thought my show is being canceled, I would wanna go out with a big. Pull no punches back in the show finale, and leave people with a taste of what made the show great. Maybe even try to give a twist that would help the show go down in TV history. Whichever scenario actually took place, that's NOT what they did with this finale. It was lukewarm at best. It had good parts, but even those IMO suffered from how rushed everything felt.
I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding Eddie and Buck's resolutions. For both of them, they deserved something deeper and more meaningful than "resolving" everything by shoving them into yet another random hetero r/s with an underdeveloped LI.
I agree, while I believe Oliver that they didn't know until 2 hours before the finale aired, there is no way they didn't know BTS that there were talks about possibly moving 911 to ABC. The showrunners? For sure knew before the finale aired that this was at the very least a possibility, though when did they find out about the possible move, I have no idea.
I guess that's a part of why I feel clueless regarding which of the 3 scenarios is the one that actually happened: IDK what the timeline BTS was, and the finale itself on the one hand felt very much as if it tried hard to tie everything up neatly, on the other hand, it wasn't going for the epicness that I think a show finale deserves. So I could see it being a poorly conceived show finale, a well conceived (originally) but poorly executed show finale, or a poorly conceived last moment change from a show finale into a season finale to leave some things only seemingly resolved, but actually meant to be re-opened and addressed in the next season... I guess because in whichever scenario I look at, something wasn't done right, I find it hard to tell in which direction exactly did they fuck up. Does that makes sense?
Thank YOU again for the incredibly lovely and kind words! I hope I managed to somehow help. Have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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What is your opinion on the last happening episode of Big Sky? About the progression and Beau's backstory?
Kinda miss your episodic reviews
Aw!! Thanks for asking, Lovely Nonny!! I was literally just thinking about writing a little post about this!! I haven't had the chance to write my little recaps/reviews lately cause real life has been crazy and I've been trying to keep up with my too many fic series!
But I found myself in a conundrum about the info we got in this last episode, because while I'm very happy we got it, I hated that Carla was spewing it out to Jenny without checking with Beau first. Like Jenny JUST fucking told her Beau hasn't shared anything about Texas and his life there and, and yet, she's just like blabbing away. "Oh, he didn't tell you about this, he didn't tell you about that?!" Like, shut up! Let Beau tell her himself!
But I did appreciate hearing about some of what he's coming from, sounds like he lost a partner to a gang of some kind? Wonder if he died or if he went bad or something?
I also hated Carla's little dig when Beau said he couldn't drink cause he was working and she was like, "Never stopped you before." Wanted to bitch slap her for that one. He accepted her apology too easily, imo.
Like, she broke up with Beau Arlen (even a possibly broken and hurting Beau Arlen!) to marry the sketchy af asshole, Avery?! He was SO uncaring when Emily was missing in episode 7. Even Carla wasn't as upset as she should have been about her 15 year old being missing while all this scary/dangerous stuff was happening. My daughter is 15 and if I were in that situation I would be - 1. calling Beau immediately and 2. SCREAMING at anyone who I felt wasn't as concerned as they should be.
Ugh! I still need Beau to punch Avery at least once, really hard! 😠😠😠
Anyway, my ramblings may have made you sorry you asked, but to sum up, glad we got a bit of info - hated how we got it.
LOVING this season with Beau.
P.S. Still don't trust Cormac, and is it too much to hope the shady criminals following Avery will just shoot him, or at least beat him up a bit? 😜
Thanks for the ask, sorry for the novel!! 😘🥰
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college au headcanons gn reader x diluc pls
You got it Nonny!
Diluc x gn!Reader College AU
type: headcanons, fluff
warnings: None
No matter how many times I read over my work I will always miss typos/grammatical errors and I apologize
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I'm honestly torn between a writing major or a music theory major for Diluc, so I'm not mentioning specifics, sorrryyy.
Diluc was a year above you, so you very seldom saw him except when meeting his friends at the entrance of the dorm.
(Diluc has resting bitch face imo he doesn’t look approachable but social norms dictates if you make eye contact you gotta interact in some way)
Small hellos and talks about the weather were shared but nothing more.
It wasn't until a sorority party on the last day of spring break you had a proper interaction.
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You just wanted to sleep, you took morning classes and had work as well after. You just wanted to spend the last night of spring break getting a full nights sleep in preparation for the lack of it in the months to come.
But your dormmates (specifically Hu tao and Amber had a better idea, “let’s crash the sorority party!”
You just hoped the alcohol would get you to sleep faster after it’s all over.
It was, loud, and you obviously got caught, but people were kind enough to vouche for you as “cool enough” (lol)
Amber and Hu Tao stayed with you for the half of it, but eventually got whisked away by people, and with nothing left to do, you chose to go to the kitchen area and get yourself a drink.
And stumbling in you find the make shift bar tender, Diluc, mixing drinks for people and slowly losing his patience on it.
He just sighed when you walked in, assuming to be someone else that wanted him to make something.
“What do you want?”
“uh, wine?”
 He mixes you something anyways.
After finally getting a chance to get out of the kitchen, you Diluc find yourself hiding out in the same spot on a balcony, and both learn you were dragged to this party.
The conversation wasn’t much, more awkward rambling between the two to fill the air, but you didn’t dislike it. 
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After that the hellos at the doors lasted longer, and you found yourself spotting him more and more on campus.
You now always have a seat available in the Library or an on campus coffee shop as your free periods match together.
Sometimes he falls asleep studying and you just brush his hair out of his eyes and go to grab a coffee for him a little bit later when he’ll probably wake up. He’s extremely embarrassed but thankful you didn’t tease him
Kaeya catching the interaction on his phone on the other hand
Hu Tao and Kaeya just “casually” bringing the other along to hang out more often.
He is the never gets sleep because he has late night shifts at his fathers bar type. = not a morning person.
It becomes routine to hand him an extra bottled coffee on your way out for him.
Late movie nights where he brings your favorite candy and you bring the blankets
Late night car rides that lead to weirdly just chilling and chatting at the gas station, he gets the gas while you know exactly what snacks to get him.
braiding his hair and him forgetting to take it out and being very confused by the looks he’s getting in class.
Bringing each other papers and/or other items you need for class when you forget them (I.e you both either have a key or you go to each others dorms so often the roommate/dorm administrator just lets you in.)
It’s not a matter of Hu Tao and Kaeya try and scheme a way to get you guys together, because you two so casually just get into a married couple routine of nagging to each other at the same time of helping that they almost thought you guys asked each other out without them noticing.
But every time someone asks you both just go “No, why do you ask?”
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It wasn’t until you fell asleep on his bed during a study session that he actually started to realize the way he was admiring you, catching himself in the mirror as he was about brush your hair out of the way
He was about to pull away and try and shake himself out of it, but you woke up just as he was about to touch your cheek.
Tried to brush it off as him about to shake you awake but the blush makes it sorely unconvincing
“Uh i’m going to go make more coffee, if you’re that tired then clearly we need a pick me up.”
“Hey Diluc?”
“Um, yes?”
You just get up and go in front of him, this time putting a hand on his cheek, he froze as you leaned in and placed the gentlest kiss on him, he almost thought he was imagining it and you pulled back last second.
“Coffee would be lovely.” You smiled, he tried coughing off his flusteredness, you had a long chat the next day through texts to make it less anxiety ridden. 
The cocophany of “finally!” s and “bout time” that rang throughout the campus was resounding.
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
currently having so many thoughts about aubrey getting sick of her moms mess one day and packing her bunny into her carrier and just leaving... she drifts about friends houses for a while before basil braves up to ask if she's okay :(( she's all out of energy + too stubborn to go home so she doesn't bother arguing and lets him take her to see polly (sorry me again with aubrey ramblings pls tell me to shush if you dont vibe w it)
Wow....I love this so much so I’m gonna combine it with that ask I got the other day and noodle on this a bit. Hope you don’t mind me taking your idea and running nonnie!!!
This got really long and kind of intense, so I’m putting it under a Read More. There’s also gonna be way more ahead!! This AU has caught me. But y’all Serious warning for emotional child abuse and neglect. Aubrey’s mother is decidedly not a good person, and their relationship is very damaged. Read only if you know you mentally can handle it, and no shame in skipping this. This part of it is heavy.  TW: Child abuse and neglect. TW: Alcoholism TW: Running Away TW: Homelessness
In the end it’s the rain that does it. The rain, the drafts in their weary old house, and the bucket that sits in the corner of her room next to her half broken laundry basket
On the last night Aubrey spends in her mother’s house the rain is coming down in freezing icy sheets. It’s bitterly cold, and she is weary. 
The summer of her 16th year has come and gone, and they are firm into the grip of September. It was a summer that had changed everything in her life. A summer where she found her way back to her chosen family, while becoming more isolated than ever from her real family. She had spent almost every hour out of the house- riding scooters with her gang, reconnecting with Basil, finding her way back into Kel’s loyal heart, letting her walls down around Hero, even discovering a hidden strength within her to forgive Sunny.  
It was the best summer of her life, even beating out the perfect summers spent in her childhood with Mari. In those days Aubrey had been naive. She didn’t know what she had, she just assumed she would always have it. This summer she had seen every experience for what it was- a gift. 
Fall coming had been difficult. Really almost nothing had changed, except it had. 
Hero had gone back to college, promising to visit at every chance he could. Aubrey had pushed down the spike of jaded denial that had risen up inside her at his words, and put her arm around Kel who was misty eyed saying goodbye to his brother. 
Sunny had spent most days in Faraway at either Kel or Basil’s house over the summer, but now he only came on weekends. He had started school again, a new school where no one knew his name or his face. He didn’t say much about it, but he hadn’t stopped going yet, so Aubrey considered it progress.
Kel and Basil had stuck close to her, and she was thankful for it. Aubrey knew now that nothing would ever separate the five of them again, but there was still the irrational fear inside of her that they would all leave her sooner or later. Her gang must’ve seen something too, because they had been awkwardly affectionate in a way that both irritated and comforted her.
But her mother....
Her mother had changed too. 
By sixteen Aubrey knew her mothers rhythms like the back of her hand. She knew the cycles that played out. Her mother would circle through various moods- cleaning, ignoring, depressing, drinking, regretting, promising, and then cleaning again. 
The regularity of it all had numbed her to the terrible conditions of her childhood home, and Aubrey spent most of her time out of the house anyway. (She had never been so grateful for nine hours at school, four hours after school goofing off in a big group, and the usual invitation to dinner with Polly or Kel’s mother. Aubrey usually only went home to sleep these days)
But her mother had added and taken away from her cycle. There was a new cycle now, and it was impossible to deal with. 
Ignoring, Depressing, Drinking, Angry, Regretting. Rinse and Repeat. 
Angry was new. Angry was (terrifying)....Angry was new. 
Aubrey had never tried to disrupt her mother’s cycle before, but Angry was enough to get her to try. She would clean the house top to bottom, putting in an effort she had never put in before to make things nice. She had thrown away bottles, cleaned dishes, cooked food, on and on all in an effort to change what she knew was coming. It still came. Her mother still wailed like a banshee, shrieking and hollering loud enough neighbors had called. 
The calls were the worst part. The low humiliation that sat in her stomach as she assured these people who didn’t really care that everything was fine, all while her mother continued to scream in the background. 
With Angry, Regretting was also different too. Aubrey, never one to take things lying down, screamed back until angry tears burst from her eyes. She would break down and sob in front of her mother, her walls finally ripped apart brick by brick by the woman who was supposed to love her most. 
Then her mom would hold her tight and promise things would be different. Regretting had mixed with Promising, and as much as Aubrey wanted to shove away the confusing affection, she couldn’t bring herself to. 
Screaming at each other was the only time that Aubrey’s mother looked at her. Curled in her mother’s arms weeping was the only time that her mother had a kind word. Aubrey couldn’t resist what she always craved, and some sick twisted part of her even longed for the point where her mother would snap and start yelling, just because she knew the release of emotions was soon to follow. 
That last night in her house was one of those nights. Her mother was yelling, too incoherent for Aubrey to even make out the words, but the tone said everything. Her mother had lost it over the dishes in the sink piling up. Aubrey had done them this morning, yet somehow she came home to a sink full of chipped dirty dishes. Those dishes felt like an ironic symbol of her life. No matter how many times she wiped it away. The dishes would be dirty the second she turned around. 
Aubrey was already in tears, her fists bunched at her sides and her teeth grinding down against each other. Soon enough it would be time for her to start yelling back, and the cycle would go on and on and on. The dishes would never be clean. 
Aubrey didn’t want it to go on. Not even her mother holding her was worth how torn apart her heart was becoming. She fled upstairs, slamming the door to attic and locking it tight. It didn’t matter anyway. By this point of drinking, her mother could barely stand, let alone climb a ladder. 
The rain was slamming against her windows, a steady drip already starting in the bucket in her room. It was freezing cold, and goosebumps rose on her bare arms. Maribelle was sitting in her pen, her nose twitching as she watched her Aubrey. Aubrey brushed at her damp cheeks and picked her bunny up, snuggling the tiny white creature close to her chest. 
Maribelle was too cold. Her mother hadn’t paid the heating bill again. The rain was too loud, and the wind sneaking in wrapped Aubrey in a tight grip. Aubrey sat on the edge of the bed and rocked her bun, trying in vain to warm them both up. A single thought ran through her head over and over
This wasn’t worth it. This wasn’t worth the love she craved from a woman who couldn’t give it. This wasn’t worth her pride at keeping things together. This wasn’t worth trying to fix over and over with no results. 
The rain began to slow to a quieter drizzle. Her mother was silent below. In the cold wet of her tiny attic room, Aubrey decided. 
No. This really just...wasn’t worth it. 
Aubrey slipped onto her knees, keeping Maribelle close as she pulled her backpack towards her and began to empty it out. She kept only her English textbook and her history notes. Everything else she could get a spare of. in her bag went two spare shirts and one pair of jeans. She packed in underwear and socks into the smaller front pouch. Aubrey stood and pulled the false bottom out of her desk drawer, taking the cash and the pack of cigarettes she had pinched off her mom and throwing them in as well. 
Finally there were the pictures. The frame of her photo of her and Kim had to be abandoned, but the actual picture was placed carefully inside her backpack. She had never been more happy to have her tiny carrier for Maribelle. The bunny happily hopped inside and burrowed deep in the soft downy blanket Aubrey put inside for her. 
It was depressingly easy to pack up her important things. Shockingly simple to write a note to her mother (I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. Two short sentences and that was it) It hadn’t even been hard to sneak out. After the hour or so it took to gather the rest of her necessities from the house and steal whatever money was in her mother’s purse, said woman had passed out on the couch in an alcoholic haze. 
Aubrey locked the door and stared at the silver key gleaming in her palm. She had only her backpack, a messenger bag, and her tiny bunny carrier. Her whole life fit into two bags. Aubrey left her key on the doorstep. 
She wouldn’t need it anymore. 
The rain had let up, but a harsh breeze whipped around her as she walked, pushing Aubrey to move faster. She took the sidewalks she had taken since she was little, letting her feet move as her mind went blank. Before she knew it she was standing on another street, one more familiar to her than her own. 
Aubrey spared a long look at Kel’s hosue. The lights were on inside, bathing their front yard in a warm golden glow. She stared at it for a moment, considering, and then the chill became too great. 
Aubrey bypassed Kel’s house and quietly snuck into the backyard of Sunny’s old home. The elderly couple that owned the house now was sure to be asleep. Kel said that they were quiet and almost never noticed anything going on. Perfect. 
Aubrey knew exactly where she was going. It was still standing. Faded and beaten down, probably rickety too, but it would be safe for her and her Belle. 
Besides only four other people even knew this treehouse existed. No one would ever find her here. 
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2nd reggie model anon (she of the caleb/ray/reggie/luke foursome that has wedged itself in and made a home in my brain) back on her bullshit and i have thoughts or headcanons or ideas. i might be drunk. yay thanksgiving. anyway. firstly, yes to all you wrote. seriously, yes - i mean i have like five pages of outline or just rambling and it’s not even halfway done but you pretty much hit all of it from living together with a billion roommates (they share a room and then a bed because it just made more sense once they started hooking up!) to caleb crashing (not really) the photoshoot. 
when caleb goes to the shoot, on the last day of the campaign because reggie and ray made him promise he wouldn’t interfere before then, he sees luke and is just like “shit. okay yes, ray, he’s gorgeous and he and reggie are absolutely enamored of each other.” so he walks over to luke and reggie, reggie having told luke about out his boyfriends, begging him to keep it quiet and luke would do anything to protect reggie so of course he promises he would, and invites luke over for dinner.
it’s a disaster. they all feel like they’re being tested and reggie is very on edge and terrified he’s going to lose all of them. 
so luke leaves early and reggie’s shutting down. ray runs after luke because he’s gotten to know him a little over the campaign and talks him into coming back. and when they do, luke asks reggie what he wants and all reggie can say is “i don’t want to lose you from my life.” to which luke replies “oh, baby no. we always have each other. even just as friends.” 
and look. caleb and ray are strong men. they’ve been through a lot. but they are not willing to give reggie up even though maybe, MAYBE, luke is good to and slightly  more appropriate for him. however, there are other options and one in particular they know exactly they would be okay with. they look at each other, caleb kind of pleading but he doesn’t even have to try hard because ray has taken a liking to luke and is already nodding yes. 
it’s a suggestion, “maybe we could finish dinner as a date. the four of us” that has reggie absolutely reeling because in two boyfriends are more than he could ask for but three? it’s unheard of. but luke, luke hears the offer and he licks his lips and grins. he’s going to take this offer and run with it because he gets a chance for reggie and with these two gorgeous men that the second he saw them with reggie, he’s been fighting the idea of him joining them down because he didn’t think it was possible and he didn’t want to want. but they are offering and luke has always been good at knowing when a chance was worth taking.
and reggie just beams when luke says “yeah, that sounds good,” and winks at them saucily. ray is laughing but also very sure he’s gonna have so much trouble to deal with but in a good way and caleb is so many steps ahead already thinking of the filthy things he’d like to do to him but also see what luke and reggie are like in bed. the man’s got ideas and plans. 
cue the porn which i can imagine but cannot write so i leave it to everyone to run wild with that thought.
also, other model nonny, we definitely share some more braincells because i too have the hc that reggie absolutely loves talking photography with ray (this is one of my favorite things about him in canon, that he’s got a liking for art and photos, not just with ray but also remember that scene in eats ‘n beats with the lady photographing her pastry) and has so many questions and I LOVE THE IDEA THAT RAY WOULD GIFT HIM ONE OF HIS OLD CAMERAS BECAUSE IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO REGGIE. anyway. i’m not crying a little over that thought. nope, not at all. (jk i'm absolutely tearing up)
anon. omg. this is so much to process that idek where i'd start.
thank you for sharing this with me 💛
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I Thought You were Supposed to be Smart?
Pairing: Sirius x Ravenclaw!reader
Request: Can I request a Sirius Black Scenario with Ravenclaw Reader where she breaks up with him because she can’t handle all the hate she’s getting so her best friend (guy) tells her that she should break up with Sirius but Sirius believes that she’s breaking up with him because she likes her best friend instead and gets jealous but when she explains he’s like for a raven claw, you’re not that smart
A/N: Thanks for the request nonnie!! I hope you like it!!
Wordcount: 1.2k
Y/n was sat in the Ravenclaw common room, sheltering herself from the rest of the castle, from the rest of the student population. Her best friend Tom was sat by her side, listening to her as she vented about her struggles, twisting a piece of string in her hands.
“I have a reasonably hard shell, but there’s only so much I can take, you know?” she sighed, knees pulled up to her chest with her head resting on them, her y/h/c hair falling down her plait in a braid, loose pieces framing her face messily, having fallen there from her distress. “It’s just constant and it hurts me.” Her voice cracked at the end as she voiced what she had been thinking for a while, finally admitting it to herself the pain that she was feeling, relieved to be able to confide in her best friend.
“Oi, y/l/n, what does he see in you anyway? Let’s see, not your looks, not your smarts, not your personality. Oh, I guess he must be more insane than we realised.” One of the girls walking past you sneered, her friends all laughing as y/n looked away, trying not to let the words sink in.
“I don’t know what to do, Tommy. I like hanging out with Sirius, it’s loads of fun, but I don’t know if I can handle the abuse that comes along with it.” She explained, wrapping the string around her index finger and unravelling it as she spoke.
“Maybe it’s not worth it if it’s hurting you this much. Speak to Sirius about it, I’m sure he’ll understand if it’s hurting you this much.” Tom offered, and she nodded, resolve made up, knowing that her head was being logical even if her heart was irrationally shouting at her to stay despite the pain.
“Hey, Sirius, can we talk for a second?” She asked him nervously, pushing her hair back over her shoulder and pulling the waistband of her skirt so that settled comfortably on her waist. He nodded, standing up from the Gryffindor table and walking into the Entrance Hall with her, as they stood in the open doors leading to the grounds, facing each other, Sirius waiting for her to start as she bit her lip anxiously. “I don’t know if this – if we – are working out.” She confessed, daring a look at him and regretting it instantly, seeing the way his whole face crumbled, clearly surprised and hurt by her words.
“No, no. No!” He began to ramble, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could stop them. “What is it? Have I done something, just tell me and I swear I can make it up to you, I’ll be better.” He asked, and she ran the few steps between them, catching his hands in her own, a reassuring gesture as she held them to her chest, her own heart aching as she visibly watched his bleeding.
“It’s not you, Sirius. You’re wonderful, you’ve been nothing but lovely to me.” She told him, silently pleading that he didn’t blame this on himself, didn’t give himself an extra unfair burden to carry around with all of his others. He seemed to process her words as he pulled his hands from hers, stumbling backwards a few steps and raking a hand through his hair.
“It’s Tom, isn’t it?” He laughed, bitterly, clearly no humour evident in his voice. “We’re not working because you like Tom.” He connected the dots for her, struggling to see where he was going, as she blanched.
“Absolutely not!” She insisted. “It’s not like that with Tom, and he has major feelings for Anna anyway.” She rolled her eyes, growing slightly wary as Sirius seemed to only grow more agitated.
“Well then what is it?” He exploded, his voice ringing out across the grounds. “If I’m so wonderful, and it’s not that you have feelings for Tom, why can’t we be together y/n? What aren’t you telling me?” His words broke her down, they dismantled the wall she had built to protect him, to leave him guilt free, to not carry any worries into any future relationships he might have. The pain in his voice made her forget all of that, and instead she found herself spilling her heart out to him.
“Sirius, you’re the most sought-after guy in the whole school. And I didn’t care, it never bothered me, that’s never been how I see you or who you are to me, but apparently not everyone can see past that. All I get, every day, everywhere I go is abuse hurled at me from all these girls, ‘you’re not smart’, ‘you’re not pretty’, ‘you don’t deserve Sirius’ and I can’t TAKE IT ANYMORE.” She was now shouting too, and as soon as the words were out she regretted them. “I’ve loved being with you Sirius, but I’m not strong enough. You deserve someone who can be strong and block it all out, for you.”
“You don’t need to be strong.” He called out, grabbing her wrist as she went to walk past him and back into the castle. “I never noticed, I’m sorry. But if they think they can tear us apart they have another thing coming. Nothing that they’ve been saying is true, I promise. Jealousy is an evil thing, but I’m never going to give you up for them, because I don’t love them.” His grey eyes were boring into hers with an intensity she had never seen and she gasped audibly at his words.
“You love me?” she whispered, trying to stay silent, trying not to break the moment, not wanting to give him the chance to go back on his word.
“How could I not?” He replied softly, wrapping his arms around her as she collided with his chest, holding him tightly, a silent apology for all that she had put him through. She moved back slightly so she could look at him, wiping her eyes with one hand as the other stayed resting on his back. “Here, if they need proof that I’ve chosen you, wear this.” He offered, sliding a ring off one of his fingers and giving it to her.
“Woah there pretty-boy. You can’t just tell me you love me and then expect us to get married.” She laughed, looking at the Black Family ring he had given her. He laughed too, pressing an affectionate kiss into her hair.
“For a Ravenclaw you can be pretty dim-witted.” He laughed even louder at the slap this earned him. “It’s not an engagement ring, it’s just… a show of my affection. A piece of me to carry with you when I can’t be there, something to help you be strong.” He smiled when he saw her slipping the ring onto her index finger once he had finished speaking, glinting in the last of the evening sunlight. “C’mon, let’s go and eat.” He encouraged, pulling her back into the Entrance Hall with him. They walked across the empty hall towards where they could see students sitting around tables, smiling and laughing happily amongst themselves.
They were just approaching the door when she tugged on his hand, stopping him in his tracks as he looked back at her, asking with his eyes what was up. “I never told you that I love you too.”
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
Your post about Dean treating others like family in a different way made me rethink what he said in 15x17. He tells Sam Jack isn't family like Cass. And then later he thanks Jack for his sacrifice since he and Sam (just them) will get to live in peace. It's like Dean knew Cass wouldn't stay after Jack's gone, knew how much the kid meant to Cass and he accepted that. But he also knew how much Jack meant to Sam (they just had a fight about it). But to him, not having Sam is incomprehensible.
Well nonnie now YOUR ask is making ME think about Dean and Jack's relationship AAAAAAAAAAAA. Ok so I think the funniest thing (ok not funny? More like interesting) is that Sam and Jack's relationship is the easiest one to understand. No, I don't mean it's shallow (if I hear another "Sam is Jack's uncle!!!" I'll cut a bitch), but it's very clear why Sam took to Jack so quickly and why Jack basically imprinted on Sam. Jack is literally Sam 2.0 and he even got a whole bunch of Sam's arcs in 3 seasons lol. ANYWAY BACK TO DEAN AND JACK: I've seen a lot of Sam stans getting pissed bc the writers APPARENTLY made Jack "like Dean more all of a sudden" and I totally disagree??? I think the thing is, Sam is like the mom who is openly affectionate with Jack so Jack doesn't have to work as hard for his approval, whereas Dean is the distant father figure who is hard to please so Jack is always trying to imitate and impress him to gain his love. I believe Dean loves Jack, I really do, but in a way a stepfather does ig???  As you said so yourself, not having Sam is incomprehensible to Dean, and Sam and Jack are kind of a package deal. Dean gave Jack a chance only bc Sam puppy dog eyed him into it, but most importantly, bc Jack SAVED SAM. And I think the kid grew on him after that, until he smoked Mary (can't really blame Dean here since that's his m o t h e r that Jack killed rip). But in Last Holiday we saw that Dean was trying to forgive Jack for that, which is a pretty big deal since we all know Dean doesn't forgive easily. And then Unity happened. HERE Dean's "everyone is family to me except Sam who is so much more than just family" policy comes into play for the umpteenth time. Sam says Jack is like family to them so they shouldn't let him turn himself into a bomb, Dean says Sam is his family (and throws in a mention of Cass bc he knows Sam is selfless and mentioning only him won't sway him) (which is funnily enough the reverse of what Sam does later on, he talks about the AU hunters and Eileen but Dean won't budge, so he uses the Sammy card on Dean: "What about me? Would you trade me?" It's super effective) and not Jack. Jack can never be on Sam's level no matter what. And he later thanks Jack for willing to sacrifice himself so that he and Sam can live a normal life off of Chuck's hamster wheel (and you realize here just how desperately he needs Sam bc the WORLD is going to get destroyed if Jack doesn't sacrifice himself but Dean only cares about him and Sam wow) (and as you said nonnie, no mention of Cass either). I have a lot of conflicting feelings on Cass and Jack's relationship which I won't elaborate on rn bc this is getting way too long as is and I'm rambling (orz) but I totally agree that Dean realized Cass wouldn't stick around after Jack's gone. And he really didn't! It's canon! Jack pulled Cass out of the empty and Cass didn't bother to visit Sam and Dean between 15×19 and 15×20. Since Jack's put everything back to the way it was and Cass is in heaven and thus no longer in need of a vessel, he's most likely abandoned poor unwilling Jimmy's body and gone back to his original form aka a beam of light the size of the Chrysler Building. Back to my original point: Dean loves Jack, but that love is conditional imo, while Sam is his whole world, so it's no wonder he was okay with Jack willing to turn himself into a bomb. Sure, saving the world was important to him, but him and Sam being free from Chuck was clearly what Dean really wanted. So in conclusion, I 100% agree with you nonnie.
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silver-wield · 4 years
Can you do an analysis on Cloud and Tifa’s body language during that scene when they’re in Cloud’s room and he’s slyly referring to his promise to Tifa? There was crazy sexual tension in that scene and it honestly looked like Cloud was subtly being flirty with her 😭
No probs, Nonny! I actually already touched on their body language in a reply to a gif set of this bit, so we'll just expand on that ^=^
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it's gonna be a VERY long one so prepare to scroll.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Keep reading
Recap time! Yall know the drill by now if you've read my other ramblings.
Chapter 3, where we get a room (lol), do some jobs and have a chat with Tifa. It's pretty basic stuff until the cut scene after Marle gives Cloud a talking to. She's the overprotective grandmother figure that Tifa needs in her life and she wants to make sure Cloud isn't messing with her. Now, why would she think that? Well, maybe she picked up some hints when Tifa mentioned Cloud to her about wanting a place to stay? Marle's pretty sharp, after all, and if she got the impression Tifa is carrying a torch, she'd definitely make sure Cloud's not about to blow it out. She tells him to pay attention to her, to listen. This is the very first instance of Cloud taking in that kind of info and it changes how he treats others for the rest of the game.
After the chapter 4 mission where Cloud reflects on his promise to Tifa, it's back to the slums for some rest. Then Tifa knocks on his door and enters. She mentions Cloud was gone for a while, and he answers he was walking so that he keeps Jessie's secret – because he's that kind of guy.
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Small talking Tifa is cute, but lol, Cloud seems to have purposely forgotten Johnny since he's yet another admirer of Tifa. For a guy who doesn't forget info like morons who could cause them trouble in the long run, it's pretty telling how quickly he is to dismiss Johnny.
Onto something more interesting in this pic, though. Cloud is sitting on the bed. Now, if he wasn't comfortable around Tifa he'd have got up. His eyeline is lower than hers so he has to look up at her. This puts her in a position of dominance over him – also not surprising since his mentality is that of a 16yr old around her and she's the adult in the relationship. Tifa for her part has her body turned to the side in a non-confrontational pose.
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Tifa has her hands clasped in front of herself (couple of seconds before this screen) which indicates she's trying to protect herself as she asks the question if Cloud is leaving Midgar. Not surprising since she's afraid of losing people she cares about and even just someone heading off somewhere else would upset her, though she'd try not to show it.
Cloud, for his part, looks away, appearing as though he's thinking it over, but we're already aware he's decided to stay and help Tifa out, so this is a fake out on his part. He's half-teasing, half trying to get a positive response from her (remember the water tower? Yeah, this is that Cloud. The dork. The one who is useless at talking to girls).
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I'm sorry, but Cloud is such a cheeky bastard I just can't with him! This is giving me all the throwbacks to his behaviour at the water tower and I love that it mirrors that moment, but with more success on his part this time. He's looking all around trying not to give himself away before it's needed. He's smiling and looks relaxed. He might be sitting but he definitely believes he has the upper hand between them at this point. Remember, I've said before that eye contact is important. Well, in this case, Cloud's deliberate refusal to make eye contact shows he's teasing. This is such a cute moment between them!
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Oh ho! But here's where his teasing ends. Cloud is being completely serious and obviously took the promise between them as being special. Ducking his head out of sight completely prevents us from seeing his expression and allows him to act in a casual way about something that's such an important part of who he became. But, he's not quite pulling it off because he's also looking quite defensive in this pose. His hands are clasped in front of him and he's leaning forward, looking at the floor. This is something very meaningful for him to talk about and he's hoping Tifa doesn't brush it off, so if he doesn't look at her he won't have to see her reaction.
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Tifa's obviously got her own interpretation of how that promise went. We can guess she did it because she just wanted a guarantee she'd see Cloud again some day from how she acted during the water tower cut scene. Here, she's leaning back on her hands which leaves her body language open, but also conceals something. She's looking down, the same way Cloud did. She's also hiding her true feelings towards Cloud the same way he's hiding from her, but she's being as honest as she can be as the same time. I've seen people call Tifa a liar because of how she doesn't address Cloud's memory problems in OG, but when you really take a close look at her, lying just isn't her. This is a complex moment between them. They've not long met again and they're having this heavy conversation. The feelings between them are still there, but there's all this other stuff that's more important. But, they know they're friends, and that's a good place to start getting to know each other again, and Cloud choosing to stay is that first step, with the quick follow up of him reminding her of their shared history.
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Cloud, you smooth bastard I love you for this! This is definitely flirting! He's looking directly at her, then dips his head to the side in an inviting gesture. His eyes soften and he gets this tiny smile on his face. His body language has changed, too. He's sitting up and back slightly with both arms by his sides. There's no more defensiveness about him. He wants to listen to her. Cloud is choosing to ask for Tifa's confidence. He's letting her know she can rely on him. That he's interested.
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For her part, Tifa's pleased, but surprised. She's not long got back in touch with Cloud and, while he's been a decent guy, she's had the overall impression he isn't the same as the soft boi she knew, so this is a revelation for her. The Cloud she knew is still within this Cloud – which anyone who knows the real!Cloud SOLDIER!Cloud storyline is exactly the point of this moment. Tifa knows his true self. The true self that comes out only when he's with her.
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Cloud, bro, I'm gonna combust from all these flirty gestures! Fully open body language, a smile, teasing tone. Goddamnit, just say you love her already! Yes, please, invite Tifa to check you out. Remember, he's still sitting. He's so relaxed and natural around her. Even if all you saw was two friends and no ship, you'd be insane to think he isn't a different person in this scene. He's not SOLDIER Cloud here.
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Tifa, for her part, isn't flirting here. She likes Cloud, that's clear, and her body language is reaching towards him, which suggests she has feelings towards him, but her tone is more playful and her expression is pleased. She's happy to see her friend isn't too different from the one she knows. Most of the flirting in this scene is on Cloud's side, which makes sense when you think of the torch he's been carrying for her. He's trying to get her attention, same way he did when they were kids. Tifa's oblivious but receptive because she likes him back, but she won't show it as much because she thinks he's not interested. Someone knock their heads together please lol
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OMG FUCKING HELL CLOUD JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER! Leaning back on the bed, totally vulnerable body language, drawing attention to the bod in an attempt to spark her interest – since he's clearly interpreted this line from Tifa as a rejection – this boi is trying so hard! He even looks a little disappointed she's not more impressed with SOLDIER Cloud, but we knew she preferred the dork anyway lol
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Now, I know everyone talks about the physical and emotional distance between them here, which is obvious, but what I'm gonna point out is after feeling like SOLDER Cloud has been rejected by Tifa – thanks to her preference for the real deal – Cloud looks away from her. She's brushed him off and he's hiding his upset by not meeting her eyes.
Tifa is still oblivious to this, but Cloud definitely has a look of disappointment on his face.
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Now, after that last bit you'd think Cloud would assume he's got no chance, but then Tifa says how glad she is to have him back and that cheers him up. He's still in that mindset of a 16yr old with a crush, whereas Tifa's moved on. She's had 5 years apart from him (she thinks it's 7, I know, but he saw her in Nibelheim and how she'd matured a little). She's not thinking of him in an openly romantic sense, whereas Cloud is definitely still deep in his feelings for her. Hearing she's happy to see him hints to him that he might still have a chance with her if they spend more time together. His soft af goodnight is the last indicator of his strong feelings for her. His body language is open once more, he's staring after her with a longing look and a smile and doesn't look away until the door closes.
Lol seriously though, Cloud is definitely still deep in the throes of his childhood crush. Tifa could resurrect hers with time because it's clear she does still harbour feelings for him, but she's not the type to be pushy or insistent. She'll let Cloud take the lead and offer subtle hints how she feels, hoping he feels the same. She doesn't pick up on Cloud's subtle flirting compared to those more in your face things he tried earlier. Through all of those interactions with her he's definitely trying to say that he likes her and he'd like her to accept his feelings, but the bigger gestures get the brush off, although she blushes and looks shy, and the smaller ones go over her head.
Unfortunately, these two are oblivious af and it's gonna take everyone's help to get them together.
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
hm, personally i don't think kaeya's loyalty lie completely within mondstadt? like, it's not to say that he would immediately destroy it once he had the chance, i actually think he'd rather avoid it, but i do think that if his end goal means tearing mondstadt down, i don't think he would hesitate on that? maybe i'm just a sucker for villain characters lololol
i just think that, as you said, if he didn't trust diluc, he wouldn't have told diluc at that time. but he did, and how did that turn out? he lost the trust of arguably his closest friend considering they were sworn brothers. i don't think kaeya trusts anyone? like, not on the level of trust he once had with diluc anyways. that's why he's always so secretive ig, he saw what happened when he told diluc everything, and that ultimately drove the two of them apart. he keeps this secret to himself because he's afraid that if he trusts anyone else and they learn of who he is, they'll leave him.
and doesn't mona have a voiceline about kaeya? it's quite interesting honestly, he's literally one of my favourite characters if not my favourite, based on just lore.
and thank you 🥖 nonnie! i hope i don't get my behind handed back to me is all lololol
— r. anon
all very perfectly great points that make me want to burst out in tears but id rather not see bc my heart cannot take kaeya angst. i mean... he’s my first boy 😭😭 if he goes down, i will go down with him i swear. i say as i nervously glance at my kaeya angst wips
spoilers and ooc stuff utc!
on a deeper note, i don’t think kaeya is loyal to mondstadt. i think kaeya is loyal to the memory of crepus who valued mondstadt more than a lot of things. i know that kaeya had a lot of respect for the man and dare i say, he loved him as a father, more than his biological one that seemed to be absent and irrelevant in his mind. telling diluc abt his origins was not just an act of trust between brothers, its an act of contrition from a man who is burdened by the guilt of his secrets and hidden happiness when mondstadt lost one of its greatest protectors. i think kaeya sought out the part of crepus that was still alive in diluc, hoping that coming clean will relieve him of his guilt, that the man he looked up to will still see him as a son despite everything he could and would have done. but the thing is diluc wasn’t crepus and that ultimately broke them apart. now as you said, kaeya keeps a safe distance away from everyone. sure he has friends and acquaintances but they will never know him like he allowed diluc to. i think subconsciously, diluc turning away made him think he was unworthy of what he dreamt of and is now perfectly content with just playing beneath the shadows.
now how does that apply to the ask you sent aside from being a reason for me to ramble pointlessly about personal hcs? well, in my blind eyes, i see the concept of sin and contrition very fitting for kaeya. he wants to pay back his dues silently bc the only person who would have listened to him was dead and his alternative left him in the dust. the concept is similar to the act of confessing to a priest as an act of penance in some religions. through dubious methodology, he protects mondstadt because that was what crepus wanted (ngl his method of protecting mondstadt was also dubious so... like father like son ig) and he wanted to clear his name by honoring he who took him in without any hint of doubt assumingly.
here’s how mona’s line comes in. mona tells the traveler smth along the lines of ‘he thought he has come clean from his past but eventually, it will come back to bite his ass’. for the most part, he succeeded in clearing his name. he sees himself as a free man who has decided to protect mondstadt that welcomed him with open arms. his loyalty is with them. he chose mondstadt. but sometimes, you’re never given a choice and if smth khaenri’ah related comes back, he might be dragged into the mess all over again and he’ll be as powerless as he was when he was just a kid except this time, no one’s offering him a hand. kaeya’s loyalty lies with mondstadt but loyalty does not equal power and he might not be strong enough to protect it. in fact, he might be the one to destroy it. does he want to? no, i dont think so. i think that’s the last thing on his mind. does he have a choice? against khaenri’ah? no, i don’t think so either.
ugh no wonder i wrote 3k worth of brainrot abt diluc and kaeya. i just cant shut up abt them for the life of me. lowkey became a part two of my fic and also lowkey botched up kaeya but hey! this is how he lived in my head and its what makes me love him so.. 🤡
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aspiring-ginger · 4 years
Words (Jaskier x Reader)
Request: Could you please do a Jaskier x reader, where the reader has had a rough, very upsetting day, so she goes to Jaskier and asks if he would sing to her to help her calm down? Gives them both a chance to vent, and she gives Jaskier the appreciation he DESERVES for his wonderful singing 😍
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1,705
Pairing(s): Jaskier x fem!reader (The Witcher)
Song: Words, by Gregory Alan Isakov
A/N: Here you go, nonnie! This took awhile, but I hope you liked it! This song has always been one of my favorites, and it instantly popped into my head while trying to think of songs Jaskier would sing. It’s very calming and beautiful, and I highly recommend giving it a listen! 💜
Comments and feedback are always appreciated!
Taglist: @thunderdog8​ , @dreaming-about-starfleet​ , @dandelionwitcher​
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You nodded in thanks as a bowl of stew was placed in front of you. There was no way to tell what kind of meat was even in it, and what you thought were supposed to be vegetables were just grey chunks. Maybe it was some sort of dumpling? Either way, it looked disgusting. But it was hot, and that’s all that mattered.
You’ve been travelling with Geralt and Jaskier for some time now, and it honestly feels like you’ve been on the road forever. It had taken at least an hour’s worth of pestering from both you and the bard to convince Geralt to stop for the night at some unnoteworthy small town, instead of pressing on before camping for the night. So, at least this food was hot and not hunted and cooked before your very eyes. There was a chunk of bread to go with it, but as you moved it to grab your spoon, it fell to the table with a thud. That thing was stale.
Honestly, you didn’t expect any better from this stupid town. Your day was spent arguing with shopkeepers who overpriced their goods just for you. Literally, A man looking through the same wares as you was given a lower price, but when you approached the owners with the same items, they raised the price. You had a sneaking suspicion it was because of your disheveled appearance, and the fact that you were a woman carrying a weapon.
That was just ridiculously stupid, as you were travelling on the road with a gods forsaken witcher. Of course you needed weapons to protect yourself. It didn’t matter if you actually used them or not, but both Jaskier and Geralt felt better with you having one.
Anyway, while Geralt was off seeking any contracts or work suited for a witcher, Jaskier sought out any rich families who might want his musical entertainment for the night. After all, once you’ve seen one tavern, you might as well have seen them all, so playing in one was not quite exciting. Although as much as the bard would complain about his songs and skill being much too good for such a tavern, money was money and he would still play if need be. So that left you with the task of restocking and repairing equipment, as well as tending to the horses.
Your body was still sore from your second task, and you absolutely reeked of horse. While leading Roach and Jaskier’s new horse (who seemed to have a new name every day as Jaskier was very indecisive) into the tavern’s stables, something must’ve spooked the horses and some idiot hadn’t properly taken care of their horse. The frightened mare broke free and ran straight into you, knocking you down into a fresh pile of horse dung. Of course.
It had just been a shit day overall, and you wanted nothing more than some food in your stomach, although this ‘stew’ in front of you didn’t look particularly appealing, and a hot bath. You grimaced and chewed through your dinner, trying to ignore the strange textures from...whatever it was that you were actually eating. You didn’t even bother with the bread, it was way too hard to chew, and just wasn’t worth the effort. You shoveled the slop as into your mouth as quick as you could, desperate to get on with the meal and hop straight in the bath. Of course the universe just wanted you to be absolutely miserable, because when asked about the baths the innkeep directed you in the right direction, but there was no hot water. Cold water only.
You had to take a deep breath to hold your tears of frustration at bay before you stomped up the stairs. There was no way you were letting this horrible town get the best of you and see you cry.
Just as you expected- the baths were freezing. You did your best to get yourself clean, shivering as you scrubbed. It would have to make do. Once you were clean and not a second after, you hopped out of the bath and trudged up to your shared room with Jaskier.
You weren’t sure if you wanted him to comfort you or simply let out your frustrations alone. These were all very silly things to get upset for, but you were already in a foul mood to begin with, and the world’s punishments were seemingly endless. It was very silly, so you should be able to deal with whatever life handed you. You cursed to yourself as you thought this, your eyes welling up once again.
It seemed you didn’t have a choice in the matter- as you opened the door you saw Jaskier in a chair against the wall, lute in hand and bits of parchment crumpled and strewn about the floor around him. You mumbled a greeting as you headed straight for the bed, plopping yourself down and not even bothering with the blankets. Jaskier looked up from his notebook and furrowed his brows in concern.
“Are you alright, love? You didn’t even say hello.”
You didn’t respond.
“Darling? What’s wrong?” He gently placed his lute on the floor and stood from his seat.
“Just a bad day, that’s all. Don’t stop working on a song just because of me.” Your voice was muffled from the pillows. There was a pause as you heard shuffling around you. The mattress dipped as Jaskier sat down.
“It’s okay, love. I want to hear how your day was. If something’s the matter I want to help.” He reached out a hand and began to gently massage your back.
“Shitty,” You grumbled.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. “ Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” You thought for a moment and then shrugged.
It was comforting just being in your lover’s presence, but you didn’t know what he could do to make your day better. You felt bad interrupting his work. Jaskier just waited, rubbing circles and miscellaneous shapes into your back.
“Maybe….you could sing for me? Show me what it is you’re working on?” You asked.
Jaskier shifted and his hand stilled. “Well, I had this song almost finished and ready to go, but when I showed it to Geralt, he just said it was worthless. I’m sure you don’t want to hear that. It’ll take some time for me to rewrite everything to make it good, if any of it is actually salvageable. Are you sure you don’t want to hear a different song?”
You frowned and turned your head to face him. “Geralt didn’t actually say that, did he?” He nodded. “Well that’s stupid, your songs are always good and Geralt has no idea what he’s saying. You said it was almost finished, I want to hear it.”
He sighed. “Would that help you feel better?”
“Alright fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Nothing I’ve written lately has been any good.”
You didn’t respond and waited for him to begin.
“I erm, I had you in mind when I wrote this, but I don’t think it does you any justice, and I love you so much and I just want it to be perfect for you, because you deserve the best and nothing less.” Jaskier rambled.
“Julian. I’m sure I’ll love it. Just play.”
He sighed when you used his full name, and picked up his lute. He began to strum a few notes to get back into the rhythm, then he began to sing. His soft voice carried around the room as he gently plucked each string.
“Words mean more at night
Like a song
And did you ever notice
The way light means more than it did all day long?
Words mean more at night
Light means more
Like your hair and your face and your smile
And our bed and the dress that you wore
So i'll send you my words
From the corners of my room
And though I write them by the light of day
Please read them by the light of the moon
And I wish I could leave my bones and my skin
And float over the tired tired sea
So that I could see you again
Maybe you would leave too
And we'd blindly pass each other
Floating over the ocean blue
Just to find the warm bed of our lover
And i'll send you my words
From the corners of my room
And though I write them by the light of day
Please read them by the light of the moon”
The tears that had been threatening to spill all day finally broke through, spilling down your cheeks and staining the pillows.
“I-It’s really meant to be more of a poem talking about a song, or just a poem, but I thought that it would sound best with music, but obviously it needs a lot of work…” He began, wringing his hands and playing with the ring around his finger.
“Oh, Julian.” His head snapped up when he heard your sniffles. “That was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard. Geralt is a fool for not appreciating your work.”
“(y/n), please don’t cry, I-”
“No, Jaskier. I’m crying because I’ve had a terrible day and you just played one of the sweetest songs for me. These are good tears.”
Jaskier smiled as he climbed back into bed with you.
“I loved it.” You were quick to fall into his embrace, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You really think so?” He pulled you closer, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“Of course. It was wonderful.”
“I love you with all my heart, (y/n).” He murmured into your hair.
“And I love you.” You snuggled closer, letting a few stray tears drip onto his shirt.
Jaskier held you like this for a long time, whispering sweet words when tears would begin to fall again. As he heard your breathing slow, he hummed the melody one more time. There was a small smile on your face as you drifted off to sleep, knowing that you were safe in his arms.
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Maybe you could use the "impermissible degree of entanglement" for a Valdo x Reader fic where the reader is Jaskier's sister or sister-like friend and he catches wind of Valdo's interest in the reader, and uses that as part of his threatening?
A/N: Nonny, I don’t know what madness drove you deep into the “random thoughts” part of this blog to find that, but I could kiss you for it. Thank you so much. Word Count: 1625 Content Warnings: none
“I don’t understand why you won’t just let me meet him, Y/N. I see you smiling at letters and I want to know the person who makes you so happy. What’s wrong with that?”
You rolled your eyes as your best friend since childhood continued to ramble.
“It’s not anything serious, Jask, and I don’t want to jinx anything by introducing him too soon. But I think he’ll be in town tomorrow, so maybe,” you held up a finger to cut off whatever excited utterance he was about to make, “just maybe, I’ll think about letting you meet him.”
His fingers trailed reverently over a lute on display, made of dark, reddish wood with a delicate wave motif.
“I don’t suppose this is for sale?” he asked hopefully.
“Unfortunately no. That was a commissioned piece.”
“It’s gorgeous. Your work always is, but this…this is a cut even above the rest.”
You blushed at the compliment. You had put your heart into that particular instrument, wanting it to be perfect for the curly-haired bard it was intended for. Technically, you were lying to Jaskier about its origin. Your love had off-handedly mentioned that he was in the market for a new lute soon, as his current one had seen better days and was a bit plain, even shabby, for performing in the courts and galas he was frequently called upon for, and you had decided to make him one worthy of his caliber. But to admit that would give away too much of the depth of your feelings to your perceptive best friend, and like any good brother-figure he would never let you hear the end of it.
That evening as you were closing up shop, you heard your door open, the little bell above it jingling cheerfully.
“I’m sorry, we’re closed,” you called out, not bothering to stick your head out from the back room where you were doing a final inventory count for the day.
“Surely you can make an exception for a special customer?” a familiar voice purred.
“Valdo!” you gasped excitedly, circling the counter to greet him with a tight hug a little quicker than you would have liked to admit. “I thought it would be another day or two?”
He returned the hug with enthusiasm before drawing back to brush aside a strand of hair out of your face.
“Well you see,” he explained, emerald eyes soft as they traced the line of sunset painted across your face. “There was an absolute vision of divine beauty waiting for me in town, so when I realized how close I was, I decided to push a little harder than I otherwise would have. To get to you sooner.”
You flushed at his compliment, face warm under the hand that cupped your cheek and drew you tenderly to his lips.
“Gods, I have missed you, my muse,” he murmured, resting his forehead against yours.
“Not nearly as much as I you,” you countered, one hand toying with a loose curl at the back of his neck.
“Impossible.” He reluctantly pulled away. “Now hurry up and finish your nightly routine. I insist on treating you to dinner as soon as possible.”
You nodded, biting your lip nervously as you moved about your little shop.
“Jaskier is in town,” you said after a moment. “He’ll probably be playing at the inn. Are you sure you want to…I mean I could just make us something instead…”
He grinned, the mischievous look in his eye making your heart jump.
“No, no. I won’t let that rake ruin our time together, Y/N. I will endure his alleged music for a night and be a perfect gentleman.”
You sighed, not believing him for a second, or that your best friend would give him the chance to, but agreed anyway, unable the attractive nuisance poised charmingly in your doorway, all smooth lines and fine fabrics.
Your fingers trail hesitantly over the lute before deciding to just cover it with a cloth. Who knows what trouble he was going to get into tonight, best to protect your art rather than assume the risk of its destruction so soon after completion.
The pair of you secured a table easily, despite the crowd there for the other bard’s performance and the barmaid had just brought over your meals when the room shook with deafening cheers as he came out and launched into his first, familiar tune.
Noticing Valdo’s grimace as he watched Jaskier strut about the makeshift stage across the room, you reached across the table to take his hand and smile softly at him. He started at your touch and practically melted when he finally turned to see the look you gave him. He brought your fingers to his lips and kissed them gently, the warmth in his emerald eyes causing you to flush. Gently he tugged on your joined hands, coaxing you out of your chair and onto his lap, where his arms immediately wrapped around you and his lips planted teasingly against the side of your neck.
You leaned into his kiss with a sigh. “I thought you wanted dinner.”
“I did,” he smirked against your skin, lips trailing higher to your jaw. “But I like this much better. Don’t you angel?”
You knew that he could feel the way your pulse fluttered and decided there was no point in lying to him.
“I’d like it better if you’d just cut the teasing and kiss me already,” you grumbled.
“I am but a slave to your wishes my darling. As you command,” he growled before pressing his lips hungrily to yours, arms tightening at your waist to crush you to him as you braced yourself with one hand against his chest.
He nipped lightly at your lower lip and you were just opening your mouth to deepen the kiss when a gasp rippled through the crowd, one you could have ignored but for what happened next.
“Get your filthy hands off my sister you lech!” Jaskier cried as he stomped over to your table, face twisted and reddened with rage. You sighed, pulling away and shooting an apologetic look at Valdo.
“Pancratz,” he muttered through gritted teeth, “lovely of you to join us.”
“What is going on here?” Jaskier snapped. “Y/N…is this…are you and he…why didn’t you…” his affronted face reminded you of a dying fish and you couldn’t help but giggle as he gapped and floundered for words.
“Yes Jaskier, the person you so desperately wanted to meet because of how happy even their letters made me is your chief rival. Not that it’s any of your business what I do or with whom,” you explained, trying to keep your tone level.
“Absolutely not. This is unacceptable. You and Valdo Marx…and this…this…impermissible degree of entanglement.” He gestured between the two of you and the very suggestive way you were sitting.
“Your disapproval is noted,” you rolled your eyes, “but there is nothing you can do or say to stop it.”
“But…but why?”
“Because I love him. And like you said yourself this afternoon, he makes me happy. Please don’t ruin this.” You felt the brush of Valdo’s curls as he turned his head to look at you, but you couldn’t meet his eye just then.
Jaskier deflated instantly, but only for a moment before turning to Valdo, his blue eyes flashing in rage. “And what about you? Why are you with Y/N? Tell the truth, now, Marx.”
Valdo looked affronted. For a second you thought he was going to, rightfully, refuse to answer.
“I have no ulterior motive if that’s what you’re worried about. Y/N is special to me and important and it has nothing to do with slighting you or with our rivalry. In fact, when I started this, I didn’t even know the two of you knew each other.”
“I don’t like it,” Jaskier said, “but I…I won’t get in the way of it. If you ever hurt them though…” he waved a finger threateningly.
“You will be well within your rights as their longtime friend to do with me as you like,” Valdo confirmed with a nod.
“And could you not practically undress each other at my show? This…indecency is highly inappropriate and distracting.”
“Hm…I doubt distraction can make your playing any worse then you already were,” Valdo offered dismissively. “If it bothers you so much though, I suppose we could take it somewhere else. I am feeling benevolent after all. What do you say, dove?” his lips pressed teasingly to the side of your neck again, just below your ear, and you blushed, even knowing that he was doing it just to rile Jaskier.
“I think that can be arranged,” you giggled. Then you suddenly remembered the lute. “I had a surprise to give you anyway, back at my shop.”
Jaskier gave a shudder of horror. “Disgusting. Have you no shame?”
“No,” you and Valdo said in unison, staring challengingly at him.
With another withering look at his fellow bard, Jaskier turned on his heel and returned to the stage where he tried to continue his show as if nothing had happened. Still, you felt the eyes of the crowd regularly falling back to you, chilling your appetite and leaving you vaguely uncomfortable.
“Were you serious about leaving?” you asked Valdo, feeling guilty about your unfinished meals.
“If that’s what you want, dearest, I am ready when you are.”
He deftly pulled you to your feet and wrapped you in his arms for one more kiss before leading you out with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You leaned happily into his side.
“By the way,” he whispered, awed by your beauty in the full moonlight. “I love you too. You know that right?”
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