Stars shining bright above you
55 posts
K | they/them | 22 | requests OPEN| Read the pinned rules post before submitting plz! | I arrive once in a blue moon to bring smut and stuff
Last active 60 minutes ago
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 10 months ago
May I request some tooth rotting fluff for a reader who's in a relationship with Diluc, gets a little too drunk at Angel's Share, falls asleep, and Kaeya brings them back to Dawn Winery to hand them over to Diluc? (I think this falls within your rules, as they're not sharing a darling, but more like siblings looking out for one another. But also, considering their painful past, I think it'd be nice to get at least some very rare sweet brother moments between them. If this request doesn't work for you tho, feel free to delete!)
I got you, this is hella cute.
Short comeback. Sorry.
Pairing: Diluc x gn! reader (married) . Platonic! kaeya x gn! reader
type: story
Warnings: drinking
Masterlist --. x.
Request rules --> x.
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The night was coming to a close, and the last ones in Angels Share began wandering to who knows where. Kaeya was left on supervising duty, as diluc had a meeting with the wine sellers in Liyue about imports for the upcoming Windblume festival. He didn't like it but it was worth it if it if it meant Diluc would stop making fake threats of turning his bedroom into an office.
He made his way upstairs after he locked the front doors, making his round to pick up the stray cups and plates left, when he spotted y/n, asleep, slumped over a table. Kaeya sighed a bit at the image, not out of malace but out of irony. Diluc always complains about his drinking habits but here his s/o is passed out from a night of partying themselves.
Kaeya made his way to find a horse and carriage, turning in a favor. While Kaeya is certain carrying someone wouldnt delay his speed, it is a 4 hour walk to get to dawn winery on foot, a cart will cut that time in half. So Kaeya gently lifts them from the chair, carefully made his way downstairs, and loaded y/n into the cart, being careful to put a blanket over you.
Diluc was on his 3rd cup of coffee. Going over bank statements and order reviews for the month, they were short a few cases of liyue wine this month, and hes currently trying to figure out where the error could be at. It was, stressful. He was on his way back downstairs to work by firelight, hoping the crackling noise would help keep him awake. Looking up from his feet he sees a slightly damp Kaeya, carrying in y/n with a blanket still covering her. Keaya lifted his hand a bit to motion to stay quiet. Diluc stood a bit shocked in the stairway, making room to let kaeya up to place them in the shared room. When Kaeya came down Diluc handed him a cup of coffee which he took with a silent nod.
"You let them go too far again." Diluc commented.
"I believe they are a grown adult capable of making their own desicions no?"
"They get that habit from you, you are aware."
"They were my friend first, maybe i picked up the habit from them." Diluc rolls his eyes and sits down on one of the chairs in front of the fireplace, Kaeya following in the seat next to him. "Lucky i got a cart with a roof. It started sprinkling about halfway though."
Diluc nods, "Thank you, Kaeya."
Kaeya smiles at the rare comment, "Of course dear brother."
And there goes Diluc rolling his eyes again.
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 1 year ago
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Genshin doesn't talk about this friendship enough
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 1 year ago
having cash is like having secret money. like whos gonna find out i’m buying tacos with this crisp $20 bill??? not my bank account, that’s for sure
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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centuries wept away
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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the master plan 👌
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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what im imagining every time it rains now
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
Fontaine's Chief Justice (Iudex) - Neuvillette
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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ginger twink gets DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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— So this is how justice is done in Fontaine. What a joke. You've got your rules... Well, I've got mine too!
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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New year new prices
business email: [email protected]
dm me here or on discord (I tend to respond faster on discord lol Just message me on here first before you do what your discord name is)
furries/scalies ect.
ship art (nothing pedo or incest)
high fantasy
dnd races/classes
oc art
body horror/gore (nothing involving self harm)
character sheets/refs
nothing involving self harm or anything triggering in that manner
no hate stuff (racism, bigotry etc)
Relogging helps more than liking
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
Diluc x Reader(or can be more characs)
Where they find reader crying over a book and I really wanna see how they’ll react
It’s just such a cute little scenario I think about everyday whenever I read some of my books
This is hella cute tho. I to, am a book cryer and I have a lot of feelings about this w a lot of characters.
Catching you crying over a book
pairings: Diluc, Al haitham, Wanderer, Kazuha, Arataki itto, x gn! reader
type: bullet points
warnings: none
masterlist --> x.
Rules --> x.
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After a long day and him telling you to go ahead you found yourself in your usual spot, a loveseat that Diluc got for you to be placed near the fireplace.
It was another night of "one more chapter", the previous all ending leaving you needing to know what happens next, and at the pinnacle, Diluc finally come in, quietly just in case you did fall asleep.
But instead, he comes in right as you shot up from the chair, a first it was cause he thought he scared you, instead finds you so engrossed in the book you didn't even hear the slight noise he made from getting scared at the sudden jump.
Instead, he sees you tearing up and pacing a bit, fingers already on the next page waiting to turn it as quick as possible. He chuckles a bit, trying not to interrupt. The pacing stops at a particularly strong point on the page, tears freely falling and no sign of you trying to wipe them as you read on.
Goes to get some sleepy-type tea for the both of you.
Sets the tea down on the table next to the love seat is when you finally notice him, jumping a bit at him suddenly appearing in front of you.
"Ah- hey, Diluc! When, when did you get in?" You quickly wipe your tears, hoping not to worry him over something a little embarrassing to cry over.
"Oh not too long ago, " He lies a bit, smiling knowingly as you not so subtly try and hide the wiping of tears.
The usual routine of asking about each other's days begin, till it finally gets to your book and you're eyes sparkle when he finally asks about it.
Loves listening to you retell the events with such excitement, and thinks it's the cutest thing.
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Al Haitham
Now Al Haitham isn't one to indulge in non-fiction books. He didn't see the point in them.
The key point is didn't.
But seeing how animated you get when you're face full in a book, might just give him at least one reason to like them.
He can't work when you read though, cause he easily gets distracted by you're ever-changing face and the tiny mumbling comments you make each time.
When you're quiet is when he's actually concerned. Looking up though and seeing you tear up, oh boi.
He's shocked the first time it happens because he can't really wrap his head around crying over something that isn't real so he asks if you're ok thinking it has to be something else. When you tell him about a part in the book it does nothing to quell his confusion, but he is relieved it is nothing serious.
After a while, he finds it really cute, especially cause you don't notice him watching you when he's right in front of you.
Especially more when you do notice and immediately try and wipe the tears, you get a small chuckle out of him every time.
He won't say anything, just shake his head with a smile and goes back to work.
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This man will not admit he likes non-fiction books, and will always tease you for being so expressive while reading them.
"You've read that book a thousand times, how can you cry at the same part every time?"
"Shush you, I like this part is all."
Does love as you try and justify yourself by retelling the events in the book, you're defensive voice exclaiming "How could you not tear up?!" as you talk so passionately is his favorite pass time.
Any time he catches you crying over a book he just shakes his head and goes on with his day, less you tell his to shush up cause "it's just getting good." and he's interrupting it.
Quietly hands you a handkerchief in passing to do his own things, and a glass of water to keep you hydrated.
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This man does not say anything for a while.
Thinks you're the most beautiful when reading, and even gets his hand on a kamera to take pictures while you do. Puts every one in a journal with little hearts and poems written around it.
After pretends to walk in like he just got home, kissing you on your cheek.
Definitely loves reading with you so as soon as you see him you scooch over and let him snuggle close while you catch him up on what's happening.
Buys lots of books of many genres just to see you're reaction to all of them. He's the best at picking out books to read. Hands down.
You'll apologize for getting all sappy over something silly like a book and he just chuckles lovingly.
"What's so embarrassing about enjoying something so much it moves you to tears? it's certainly one of the most beautiful things about you I think."
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Arattaki Ito
Let's face it, this man does not read like he should. Nothing past reading for kids or signs at food stands at least.
Loves you're attention but knows to be respectful when you want to read, so instead distracts himself with other things in the mean time.
Will however forget the reason he left was to let you read. And this man does not come home quiet.
The type of guy to immediately come in, no greeting, and sometimes forgets to take his shoes off cause he just has to tell you about what just happened.
"BABE! You are not going to believe this, me and the gang just- wait why are you crying?"
Gets real serious at first thinking something happened, especially because his loudness always makes you jump no matter how much time has passed being with this man.
After you tell him you were just crying about something that happened in the book he lets out a sigh of relief along with a quick "don't scare me like that." before immediately asking what happened in the book that led to the crying.
This man isn't big on reading but if it catches his interest is more than willingly hop in your lap and let you read to him the rest of the way.
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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Seems Kaeya’s vision has 3 wings on each side now and is a combination of Mondstadtian vision and Khaenri’ah’s 8-pointed star. Except instead of two points there are wings on the bottom part. I’m very normal about it
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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i love this game so much
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
Ask and you shall recieve! As I just finished the Inazuma Archon Quest, how about some angsty headcanons about a reader with a cryo vision who's Ayato's significant other, who unfortunately had their vision confiscated during the vision hunt decree? I'm really curious as to how the Yashiro Commissioner would deal with that situation if it impacts him directly.
oooo love this idea. This one got away from me a bit so it's long.
Pairing: Ayato x gn!reader
type: headcanons + small blurbs, angst, comfort
warnings: hyperventilation, panic attacks, depression, loss of motivation/will.
masterlist --> x.
Rules --> x.
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Unlike Ayato, you're not someone in a position of power who could prevent/delay the inevitable.
When the decree was first announced I imagine everyone with a vision was more confused than in a panic. There's no way anyone could've known the effects losing a vision could have because no one loses their vision. It was never heard of before now
"What do they mean they're confiscating our visions?"
"How is that even allowed? We earned these."
After the first visions were taken, and the true effects of a loss of vision became clear, true panic started. People were moving, running, taking as many boats as they could before the borders became closed. Pure. Chaos.
Since it's a decree from the Raiden herself though, and by extension, the God herself, there's little he believes he can do.
Would let you stay in his protection for as long as he can,.
Unfortunately being in a position of power is just as bad as being a citizen when trying to help w this situation, would he like to help every one of his/your friends and family? Of course. But if too many people were suddenly moving in/getting hired by the Yashiro commission quickly after the decree, it'd be seen as suspicious. Ultimately he still had to pick and choose so he's not seen as bending the system/becoming corrupt.
They caught you walking to get groceries one day, and demanded a search and seizure of your person in order to retrieve the vision.
You came back crying and in panic, the groceries never bought. He couldn't understand what you were saying at first thought the hyperventilating and stuttering. Doesn't ask any questions until he fully has you calmed down, rubbing your shoulders, helping you through your breathing, then asks you what you have to say.
"They....they took it Ayato. My visions gone." It was barely above a whisper, he almost didn't hear it. The look of absolute despair covered your face.
The first week you were a mess, but you were still yourself. Ayato was on visit with anyone that would listen to him to try and find out where the visions were going, and what was being done to them.
When he heard there was a statue to be built w the visions cemented inside of it, he stopped working for a second.
He went to his sister in need of help. "I can't do it Ayaka. How do I tell the person I love their visions getting put in a statue?"
Ultimately he had to tell you, it'd be worse if you just saw the construction on your way out one day. And that's when the dam broke.
He asked your family to let you stay at the Kamisato house full-time, which they fully allowed.
You didn't get out of bed for days and barely ate. At first, it was just the depression getting to you. You're hopes and dreams turned to shiny blue jewelry on a statue, to commemorate the god that's supposed to protect the land of all things.
Then your memory was getting foggy, you left the food in a bit too long when helping out in the kitchen, then you forgot Ayakas birthday. You couldn't recall how you and Ayato met.
"Love, can you repeat what I just said to you?"
"huh? I'm sorry Ayato, I guess my mind was somewhere else."
He's seen the effects that came w a vision being stolen but it was all in passing, he never stayed long enough to see how bad it got.
it wasn't until you started being indifferent that he realized he needed to do something. He thought he'd be relieved when you started getting out of bed more and eating more, but there was no light in your eyes that he fell in love with, no sparkle of snow he saw every time he looked at you. you weren't healing, you were becoming a shell.
It's true he couldn't shelter all of his loved ones from this decree, but he sure can fight it.
Began holding funds for families affected by the decree who could no longer work and support their families, and began support groups for those trying to heal and help heal others.
Keeps up a political appearance if only to continue to be a part of the political call, because bet the second he's seen picking sides he'll be excluded from conversations realll quick. So while he's continuing to put up appearances, he's secretly feeding that info to as many families as possible about where the next round-up of visions will go. Mainly using Thoma's chores to pass along notes to the public he goes to.
Becomes a significant patron to the resistance. Under an anonymous name of course, but often letters Kokomi and Gorou via pen pal names and code to give them all that they need.
There are times when you relapse, go hysterical begging to get your vision back, threatening to go up to the statue and break your vision free yourself. He has to physically stop you from leaving the building like this. Takes any hit or insult you throw.
"You're the head of the Yashiro commission you're supposed to be able to stop this. You still love me right? Do something!!" You're crying and pounding his chest and all he can do is agree and hold you. " I know love, I know. I'll make this right, I promise, just hold out a bit more for me ok? I love you so much." He really doesn't know which he'd prefer at this point, you being numb to the situation so you're at least no suffering, or you demanding justice because at least then you're doing something.
Holds you while you sleep, if you know you cry while you sleep, you either don't acknowledge it or you don't remember why you were crying in the first place.
He's a lot more exhausted as time goes on, exhaling big sighs and closing his eyes the second that meetings are over. You try and help him with relaxing, reassuring him that he doesn't have to try so hard. But he does, because right now you don't even know what you're trying to reassure him of, you're spitting empty words of love and reassurance as he tries and fight for you to feel again. It's frustrating, but he knows it's not your fault, so he has to put a face off not just at work but at home.
When it's all over, he sighs the biggest sigh of relief, not just for you, but for his sister and everyone he loves. The nation collectively cheered in the streets, hugging loved ones still dazed and confused about what all the commotion was about.
Ayato knocks on the bedroom door, as he was taught when entering a room. You open the door, eyes tired, clearly woken up from a nap but still answering non the less. "Sorry Ayato, I must've dosed off reading." You were cut off by a huge hug, lifting and twirling you a bit in the air, laughing along with you. "Hey now, what's all this about hun?"
He sets you down gently, hands pulling up to your shoulders and bending slightly to look you straight in the eyes. "We did it." He says.
"We did?"
"Yeah, we did it. We won, love."
"Oh. Well, good for us I suppose." He shakes the lackluster response off, quickly retrieving a cloth from his pocket and presenting it to you. You're still confused but take it anyway, slowly opening the cloth, revealing the vision you lost so long ago.
The shine that comes off you and the vision as it touches your bare palms is immaculate, a slight breeze that wasn't there before blowing you're hair. And then you're crying, for a second he's worried till the smile forms on your face and he realizes you're crying out of pure joy. You laugh like you haven't laughed in a century and all the color spills back into the world.
"What happens now?" You ask.
He smiles, taking your waist in his hands and kisses you deeply, for the first time in a long time.
"We start making things better."
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
Heyo! Saw requests were open. Would you be up to writing a headcanon for Tighnari and what he would do if his girlfriend was having medical issues with no answers? ( something I've experienced )
Anyways thank you!
I got you. Hope you got the issue fixed! Lots of love.
Pairing: tighnari x fem!reader
Warnings: none I think but lemme know if there is.
masterlist --> x.
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The most supportive tm.
Constant reassurance and is ready to defend you if anyone is to doubt you even have anything (as someone that took years to eventually get diagnosed w chronic illness, I feeeell this)
"There had to be one unknown case before a medical anomaly is given a name. So it would be wise to keep your mouth shut."
He's got a lot of friends in high places, so finding healers/doctors to get a second/third etc opinion isn't hard.
Most of all though he's there for you when the medical issue ats up, makes sure you're into/ go to a safe place.
Rubs your back and whispers words of affirmation till you feel better
And even then he ends up doing any work/chores himself the rest of the day.
All in all he's really supportive, and is ready to defend you and be a witness for anyone that thinks you're faking. 100/10
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zhongyeet-me-to-the-moon · 2 years ago
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