#tw: homelessness
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 26 days ago
I'm facing a very difficult February...
Due to the reduced work hours I've been experiencing since the beginning of January, I'm looking at a very rough financial situation in the month ahead. I haven't been able to get a second job because first, post-Christmas no one around here is hiring, and second, I'd have to reduce my availability at Walmart, which they never look kindly upon and will end up getting my current hours cut further. However, it does look like I'll be getting most of my hours back by the end of February. So I just have to ride this out for a few weeks more.
In the meantime, in order to keep a room and not have to sleep in my car, I have to try to raise some funds again. I hate having to do this; I'm both exhausted and incredibly ashamed of having to beg this way. While also realizing it's gotten nearly impossible to raise what I need because everyone has their own financial limits. But in my desperation, I need to try - all the while hoping and praying for a miracle.
I'm housed through Saturday night (Feb. 8) and currently have $13 to my name. My immediate goal is to raise enough to keep lodging from the 9th - 15th, plus have some funds for food & gas (my next payday is the 13th). Beyond this, I hope to raise enough to get me into March.
immediate need: $0/$500
long-term goal: $0/$900
As ever, my heartfelt thanks go out to anyone who can help with donations or reblogs of this post. I will be reblogging this as often as I need, so if you don't want to keep seeing this, you can blacklist the tag #coping with homelessness.
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batwynn · 10 months ago
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Love how people will go online and brag about not seeing other people as people with their entire, disgusting chest.
And then, of course, there’s the comments agreeing or doubling down on how the person was ‘doing too much’ etc. God fucking forbid someone asks for something with some specifics, never mind what dietary needs they might have. Never mind that cream and sugar offer actual calories vs black coffee.
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alolynn-heart · 4 months ago
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// Hey y'all ...
So this isn't going to be easy for me to say. And I'm not really one to ask for help. But I'm currently in a very dire situation. I'll put the info here below a read more. Warning there is some negative stuff.
Update - I want to really thank those who donated from the bottom of my heart. Honestly. Every little bit helps. That being said I know my time is scarce here and given my situation. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I can keep in contact. My IMs and Discord are open if anyone wants to get updates or just chat in general. Again thank you for your help. I love you all.
Link to Paypal for donations - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/pumpkamun
Long story short and to give context, I have been living with my ex boyfriend and our daughter. More so living in parents house. About a year ago, I was cheated on and dumped because my ex of several years had an online affair. For a while we decided to live together so we can co-parent our daughter.
I am currently disabled with a chronic pain condition that effects my spine that forces me to move very slow and hinders my ability to work greatly. Right now I'm working with a lawyer to help with a claim.
Originally I was told by my ex's family I could wait until my disability claim was approved by spring of next year (2025) Mind you that going home to my own family is out of the question. They have been extremely abusive both verbally and physically and they are refusing to let me back.
The issue now?? I'm being told I need to move out within the next 30 days (by November 19th, 2024) And I'm currently on the verge of being homeless.
All I want is to find a way to have a roof over my head and survive so I can be there for my daughter. Because of the financial situation she will be living with her father. It's just me that the is being kicked out of the household. I have contacted a social worker regarding this case.
Anyways I'm going to to provide links to my paypal account for anyone that wants to donate and kind of help. Any little bit would be greatly appreciated. Optional - In exchange the best I can offer is to make character art, sprite art, or custom icon folders.
Link to Paypal for donations -
This being said...if anyone is willing to give a temporary place to stay. That would be of help to. But in the mean time, just any financial help would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading this
Lindsay (Pumpkamun/Lin)
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awkwardwhims · 1 year ago
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Whimsy Legacy Expanded - Ali's Backstory
TRIGGER WARNING: Ali's backstory is a series of flashbacks which involve some triggering topics such as teen pregnancy, drug use, sexual abuse/acts, death, etc. Please don't read if you think these topics may be triggering to you. I tried my best to keep the scenes modest; but the scenes are obvious with what happens.
Transcript "I ended up on the streets, just trying to survive. Ended up getting into some trouble with drugs & soliciting myself…"
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case-study-on-love-comic · 7 months ago
CASE 6: Rich
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ahhscheisse · 2 years ago
This is going to sound real annoying and bitter, but I wish I had a massive following and was hot and had a personality people were drawn to or something so I could try and raise a few months rent for my family. I’m going insane. We got two weeks, man. Two weeks before homelessness. I hate my fucking life.
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wormsdyke · 2 years ago
sometimes you’re having a conversation with someone you admire and trust and then they hit you with an atomic bomb in the absolutely vile way they talk about unhoused people, specifically those in a mental health crisis
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valtiels-darkness · 2 years ago
As someone who had been homeless at the age of 14 and off and on homeless. Including 2021/2022 homeless with a small child then living ina hotel room while hoping to the gods that the project housing opens up before being kicked out of the hotel (due to lack of funding) i can attest the fucked up hoops that one is forced to go through.
Now, the hotel program is completely through and there has been a huge influx in crime and overdoses in the area and its so sad because all this shit could be easily dealt with if we banned together.))
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 3 months ago
Housing update...
As some following this blog might remember, I've been hoping to be able to move in with a relative who has been experiencing serious health issues (severe osteoarthritis in her hip), which would be of help to both of us; I'd be paying rent which she could put towards her mortgage, plus do the cleaning & maintenance on her condo which is now beyond her ability. She's already qualified to go on full disability, but she won't take it yet as she fears the reduction in her income would eat into her retirement savings too quickly. And while I had envisioned that I would be settled in with her by Christmas, she isn't ready to let me move in right now just in case her daughter (whom she subsidizes rent for) decides to move back home. So, I remain homeless in a state whose low-income housing waiting list remains closed.
As a result, I need to raise enough funds...
...to supplement my work income through the end of the year so that I can keep a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep. Nighttime temperatures have fallen into the twenties, so there's no way I can sleep in my car. I hope to raise around $500 for the remainder of 2024, with an immediate need of $175 towards next week's cost.
I know very well that just about everyone is going through financial stress right now (along with the added stress of the holiday season), so I understand that donations will be hard to come by. But in my desperation, I just have to try--while hoping for the best. I am sending out my love and gratitude to anyone who might help with a reblog or donation!
$0/$175 (short-term goal)
$0/$500 (goal for December)
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minimuppet-sadhour · 4 months ago
oh my fucking god. im gonna be homeless ahhehah this is just great. "im looking for places under a thousand" AND YOU CHOSE TO MOVE TO CALIFORNIA FOR THAT??? HOW STUPID ARE YOU MOM. no place is going to be fucking under a thousand for rent. and you're too busy sitting on your ASS watching TV to actually do anything. GO GET A FUCKING JOB.
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toksidermy · 9 months ago
got almost everything moved over to the new apartment today except furniture and necessities. did some laundry at the new place (it's coin-op at the current apt and my neighbors laundry has been in the washer for 3 days), organized the kitchen a bit. it's really hard to be in the old apartment when I want so badly to be in the new one, the vibes are so much better and I'm excited to have a roommate again.
I also have a plan if this roommate deal doesn't work out or we turn out to hate each other - the same apartment complex has 1 bedrooms so I could just swap to that. realizing that helps my homelessness anxiety a lot! I've moved around so much over the years and usually because I was being asked to leave (sailors getting re-deployed, roommate getting married, owners moving back into the house, etc), I've got a lot of fears about my home suddenly being taken from me without warning, or very little warning.
so going into my 40s will be a new chapter. I'm in therapy, I'm California sober, my financial burdens are about to be lessened greatly. I really want to take advantage of this and upgrade myself for the better, make the next 40 years the best they can be.
here's hoping .
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zima74824 · 11 months ago
We need more people like that young lady that gave this man some money to pay for his food and coffee I wouldn’t have hesitated to give him food and some money if he didn’t have money to pay for anything he was given if I saw a homeless man outside shivering from the cold weather I would not hesitate to give him a coat these people need to be shown respect no matter what they’ve been through and boom not talking about the type of homeless person that would spend the cash given to them for alcohol or drugs
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shriamato · 1 year ago
Slipprd and fell down the stairs last night and fucked up my already fucked up back. In addition, we are having to pack up and move for the 6th time in a month and a half, because apparently people want the credit of being able to "help out" without actually having to deal with any minor inconveniences themselves in doing so.
And our permanent place as been delayed until the end of the month.
Because asking for a little fucking stability is too much to ask the universe for, I guess.
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beautifulxboy · 1 year ago
@lovesvenom Liked >this post< for a starter from Hal.
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It was a beautiful day to be out on the road in his van travelling in no particular direction. Since Hal had dropped off his friend a few days ago Hal had been hit with how lonely he was travelling on his own. The truck stop had been helpful, filling up his van with gas, grabbing a shower and something to eat as well as getting more water to drink. "Look at me being all productive" he spoke to himself as he carried the bags. These were useful places but not somewhere to stop and certainly not somewhere he would have chosen to hitchhike from. When he saw them he felt nervous for them. Not everyone on the road were good people, he didn't even count himself as 'good people' but he was better than some. "Aye" he called out and walked towards them "where you need to go?" he asked as he got closer almost tripping over a curb.
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crabussy · 7 months ago
by the way if you think an endangered species deserves to go extinct because it takes effort to save them/they can’t look after themselves, you need to reevaluate the way you look at the world because that is an extremely flawed, messed up, and sad worldview.
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riverxjackson · 2 years ago
He smiled at Travis glad that he did appreciate him coming over and reaching out. It had to be hard on him he knew it, so River was going to try and take it slow with him. He nodded as he looked around. "I may have not got that... habit from the family" the idea he didn't have home he was just used to using what he had, so he leave things all over the place, and it wasn't as clean. But living with Andrew now he had been trying his best to keep clean. "Alright, studying mostly" he said as he sat down on the couch. "I been on school for about a month now..." he said with a smile. It wasn't that easy on him but he was doing the best he could.
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Well, this was making him feel bad. Here his nephew was reaching out to him and wanting to show him that he cared and Travis wasn't. He probably should've been the one to do it first. "I appreciate it." He said again and let his nephew in before he shut the door. "Thanks." He said with a smile and looked over the place. "Nothing better than a clean home, right?" Though, if he was honest, it was more manic cleaning when he felt like his mind was going too much. Plus, he always remembered how the place was a mess those years following the loss of his son and he didn't want to see it like that again in fear it'd bring back those memories. As if he needed another reason. "How are you doing?"
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