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gcdfvcked · 11 months ago
continued from here for @lovesvenom !
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"god, listen to you. waiting all day like i didn't fuck you literally yesterday. i mean, morning, but still." arden's still smirking, but the risk is becoming a numbers thing—with enough chances to get caught, they eventually will be. arden's definitely not thinking about numbers as she watches how eagerly buffy works to unzip her dick, though. she lifts her ass from the couch enough to work her jeans and boxers down her hips until she can kick them off, and then buffy's granted the increasingly familiar sight of her bestie's hung cock resting against her thigh, waiting for the kind of attention only she could give. arden doesn't wait, for her part, already cupping the back of buffy's neck to urge her face down to it. "c'mon, buffy," she chuckles. "show me how badly you've been craving a taste."
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felteverywhere · 1 year ago
closed starter for @lovesvenom
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"yeah, i don't know why i said that. came out more douchey than i'd planned."
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whileurmine · 10 months ago
@lovesvenom liked this for a random thing
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"so, hmm, no head?"
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lovecharged · 1 year ago
starter for @lovesvenom continued from here.
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the man hadn't ever considered the possibility that she was unaware of his feelings for her. to drake, he hadn't been particularly subtle. hadn't even attempted to be, hopeful that the visibility of his adoration for her would lead to them becoming more than just friends. "what do you mean 'what do you mean'?" the man knows that they could easily grow stuck in some infinite circle if he didn't answer her question. "i like you. i've always liked you." determined, certain and entirely unashamed of the fact; written boldly and brazenly along his stern features. "you really didn't notice?"
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springbreezc · 1 year ago
♡ — for @lovesvenom | continued from here
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————— head tilts to the side as she observes him making sure her skirt didn’t get dirty before she could even complain about how filthy the bench must be. the brunette is quiet for a few moments after sitting down and holding her wrist out to him. once the jade bracelet is clasped onto her wrist she brings it closer to examine. “thank you.” a rare thing coming from chloe — meaning she actually meant it. she clears her throat, quick to move on as she brings fingers up to coil a carefully curled lock of hair around a digit. “i’m kind of hungry, you know? we should do lunch.
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he's momentarily stunned by her words of gratitude. something so simple had been fought for, and his lips curled into a broad grin. zeke attempted to mute his brightened expression, not wanting to appear overzealous but he was vibrating with elation. this was all going above and beyond his expectation. "then let's do lunch." he wasn't going to turn down the invitation to spend more time with chloe, nodding his head and standing up from the bench. "there is a nice bistro not too far from here." a place that was more upscale but wasn't completely outside of what his wallet could afford. "let's go?"
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beautifulxboy · 1 year ago
@lovesvenom Liked >this post< for a starter from Hal.
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It was a beautiful day to be out on the road in his van travelling in no particular direction. Since Hal had dropped off his friend a few days ago Hal had been hit with how lonely he was travelling on his own. The truck stop had been helpful, filling up his van with gas, grabbing a shower and something to eat as well as getting more water to drink. "Look at me being all productive" he spoke to himself as he carried the bags. These were useful places but not somewhere to stop and certainly not somewhere he would have chosen to hitchhike from. When he saw them he felt nervous for them. Not everyone on the road were good people, he didn't even count himself as 'good people' but he was better than some. "Aye" he called out and walked towards them "where you need to go?" he asked as he got closer almost tripping over a curb.
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goddamndaddies · 10 months ago
Just hearing those words, Harry knew Isaac was about to become his best friend, he was going to spend so much more time here just to get up close and personal with his mom. "Fuck yes" He groans softly, eyes looking up into hers as she leans forward.
His hands slide onto her hips, teeth sinking down into his bottom lip as her hand begins to pick up it's pace, his head tilting to enjoy the feeling of her lips trailing along his jaw. "Hng.. The only criticism I have.." He starts then grabs her robe and opens it, pushing it eagerly off her shoulders. "You're wearing too much."
————— "good. maybe we can do this again sometime then." was she already planning on a repeat? maybe. depending on how well this went. besides, something told joanna she'd have to remind him again when everything is said and done that he needs to keep his mouth shut.
joanna leans forward, her lips hovering over harry's as she begins to pick up the pace of her fingers stroking his cock. "this how you like it? you can tell me if i need to do anything else." she hums softly, moving to let lips begin to trail across his jaw. "i accept constructive criticism."
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pixiesupe · 1 year ago
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        𝐏𝐈𝐗𝐈𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄 — independent original character isla hayashi of the boys / gen v. ran by strawberry/mei. multiship & multiverse. beta editor. MINORS DNI.
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can also be found at @lovesvenom
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distant-thundcr · 10 months ago
replying to: X
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Esme loved these moments. When the pretty girls she was trying to seduce finally stopped being rational. When they started thinking with their pussy, there was only one thing they wanted. Something that Esme could give them. "Patience..." She muttered into the girl's ear. "Let me enjoy your body a little..." Her teeth explored the girl's neck as her hand finally entered the panties. "Hmmm... So wet for me..." Esme smirked, skilled fingers working on her clit. She wanted to make her moan, even though they were in the middle of the party.
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elysiumxii · 2 years ago
cont from here w/ @lovesvenom ft alistair & nadia 
With his fingers just gently brushing the fabric of her dress, and feeling the heat of her skin below, Alistair’s smile remains wide as the young woman turns to him and for the briefest of moments he can read her like a book. Confusion, realisation and then... ah, the panic. 
Alistair isn’t unaccustomed to being unrecognised. His name was on the side of the building they all entered every morning, but his face was more infrequently seen. Especially by those who did not often have need to travel up to the top floor and visit his office. Perhaps his assistant was right in insisting he showed his face here. Besides, he is now able to meet such a lovely thing. 
“Alistair, please-” he hums softly, insisting on the use of more informal language between the two. Mr An was his father and if there is one person he does not want her lovely lips reminding him of, it’s him. “Can you keep a secret?” His lips curl once more before his head dips a little to speak in a softer tone. “This party is dreadful and I have been looking for an excuse to leave for the last 20 minutes” he teases softly because he knows an exiting back when he sees one. She was about to do the same. 
Now with his face slightly closer, his eyes scan hers for a moment, before that incredibly useful brain kicks in. “Nadia..” he says her name gently, he’d only met her once, but his genetics never allow him to forget a face. It was a survival trick. “How is your father?” He asks gently, he was an... interesting man. 
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twistedthings · 1 year ago
        ――――――――――― ⌽ ―――――――――――
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Brody's protectiveness was brutal, deadly given he didn't stop himself. He had never let his anger take him that far, let the beast within take complete control and possess his body so viciously he couldn't draw back his blows before ending someone's life. But damn had he wanted to let that control of his slip just the hear more anguish filled sounds slip from the other man's lips, if it meant he never fucking touched or looked at Ariel again then Brody would have done it. He still had plans of returning to finish what he started but it took only a few words from Ariel to alter his violent track of mind. Strong and slightly bloodied fingers brushed over the back of Ariel's head to rest against her shoulders, supportive and comfortable in their touch as Brody directed her around to the passengers side of his car where he opened the door for her.
Part of him wanted to check every inch of her soft skin to be sure she truly was alright but that was a route of thought he wasn't ready to let his mind go down. There was a time when Brody knew every inch of her body so intimately that he would have known instantly if something was off about her. Time hadn't made his memory fade but that didn't mean there was anything new to Ariel, he still had to shove off the idea of pressing her against his car to check her over better but he did pause there, putting an arm in her way from getting into the lush and expensive black sports car, blue eyes sharp as they dipped to catch her gaze.
"Don't be sorry, you can call me for anything, especially pieces of shit like that," he shit a cruel glance back at the building before meeting Ariel's gaze again and his own softened some more. "-- I don't care where, when, or what time, you call me anytime you need something, okay?" He wanted to be sure she was safe but also, deeper down, Brody loved knowing she might call him if she needed him, it meant she thought about him like he did her. There was really no hiding that he still cares about Ariel, it was there in his eyes even now as he dropped his arm from blocking her entrance to his car before he brushed his fingers against her cheek and a smile pressed gently at his lips. "I mean it."
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————— she's sure she'll be getting an ear full from the male on the ground the next day about how she called her ex of all people for help. the argument of 'i know you weren't really over him' is already giving her a headache and it hasn't even happened yet.
ariel follows after the taller out to his car, trying her best to ignore how nice his touch felt against her. gentle after how he'd brutally handled the other, it felt like home more than she'd like to admit to herself. once she climbs into his car, she's turning slightly in the passenger seat to face brody. "really, b'. i'm okay. i promise." luckily the threat of him coming by and his subsequent appearance had kept things from escalating further. at least against her.
her teeth chew against her bottom lip, the wheels turning in her head practically visible on her face as she lets her thoughts get ahold of her. "i'm sorry to call you out here so late. i'm sure there's plenty of other things you'd rather be doing right now. i appreciate it."
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springbreezc · 2 years ago
♡  — for @lovesvenom​​ ​ / continued from here
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nadia had not been taking the breakup very well - but she had been doing her best to ignore her feeling about it all. drinking, partying, clubbing - the latter of which had nearly gotten the brunette into some serious trouble. until whoever had came into the club with the intentions of retaliation against whoever was there seemingly recognized her and left her unharmed. strange. strange enough for the brunette to do some digging and end up in front of the ex she’d once swore was too painful to even mention by name. “we need to talk.” nadia starts, instead of moving out of minjae’s way like he’d asked. “we can right here, unless you’d want a plus one to wherever you’re going.”
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this can’t be anything good. those words were the last thing he wanted to hear. the first fear that seizes minjae was the thought that she might be pregnant, and that momentary terror will linger well into his nightmares, he was sure. that was the last thing he could cope with, considering what had befallen his own mother. so he didn’t even ask nadia the question. “i’m headed to the club.” he had some work to do there that went beyond crunching numbers. “and i don’t really want a tag-along, no. so spit it out so i can get on with my day.” and with his life, empty as it was without her. arms crossed, defiant, and not at all revealing the turbulent storm that was raging in his chest. 
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Dana spread her arms in a grand gesture, showing off the wide array of food that she’d ordered for her and Yui to eat tonight. “Keva publishing is officially open for business. Dig in, it’s all on me tonight.” Sitting on the couch, Dana grabbed a taco and began to eat.
A little bit later, during a lull in the movie, Dana glanced over at Yui and smirked. “Are you gonna eat that?” she asked, pointing not to the half finished hamburger on the table, but between Yui’s legs.
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canthelps · 2 years ago
@lovesvenom​ liked for a starter
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“quit acting like a baby” cody scoffed, looking the other up and down “or at least less like a child”
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terrorbitch · 10 months ago
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manipulation tactics seemed to run in the wolfe family. though lauren never wanted to use those tactics, she found herself desperate to cover her tracks. to not seem as obsessed with buffy as she seemingly was. lauren couldn't stop thinking about her. she often found herself dreaming about her, asking her boyfriend if she was a good kisser or if she smelled good or... whatever. and he thought it was an insecurity thing, and lauren was fine with him thinking that. sometimes she could convince herself it was an insecurity thing.
"your door was unlocked?" she suggested, as if that was a totally fine reason to walk into someone's home. she offered her a smile, and then pressed her lips together as if she were thinking about something. "gavin was talking to me about his favourite watch, and wasn't able to find it. it's his birthday soon, and i felt like it would be so cute if i could find it for him. so, i looked everywhere and i came over because i thought you could help me look for it!" the watch didn't exist, but she put her acting skills to the test for it. "sorry, did i upset you?"
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————— as much as buffy hated to admit it, her ex-boyfriend's current girlfriend was pretty cool. when she came across the girl on tiktok and saw how talented and pretty she was . . . well. at least she wasn't a downgrade.
the two had a friendship of sorts . . . at least buffy liked to think so. the comments she left tended to get hearted so in a way it was a nice little girls-supporting-girls moment for the two of them whenever they interacted.
buffy had just came back from a party and admittedly may have drank too much for her small frame, tipsy enough to not noticing anyone follow her or to lock her door behind herself. she's just washed her makeup off and came back to her room to see. . . lauren? the shock is evident on her face as she stares at the blonde. "uh . . . hi?" confusion is written clearly on her face as she brings her hand up to tug off the headband that had been holding her hair back. "i'm okay — uh. how'd you get in here?" while buffy was known to be nice and beautiful, she wasn't particularly known for her brains.
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multistoty · 2 years ago
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Open to any female muses of a human Au were Josie has been mutually pining over your muse at a coffee shop next to the college her dad runs- Any assumed friendship or etc open
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Josie was certain that her smile was either to wide or overly thought out in front of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her twenty one years of life. Large doe eyes gleaming with the truth of her feelings regardless of the way her mouth decided to create sound. It wasn’t fair that the Saltzman girl was so poised on most thing that were not flirtation. Her arms were leaned against the coolness of the marble countertop. The place surprisngly empty of young people typing and eating pastries as she stressed over work. Her heart shaped pout momentarily breathed a piece of onyx hair blocking her gaze. There was something about loving someone soul first. The kindness and conversation with which the soul in front of her gave. “God, it’s unfair how pretty you are,” the words had no parachutes as they fell out of her mouth. The wit of the joke had apparently loosened her tongue slighty. A pepper of a blush blooming against the delicate skin of her cheek. Had the barista heard? ���Lovely that was my inside voice, but it’s true. You have been more than a miracle worker for premed student and not just with the coffee and bearclaws that keep me alive.”
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