#tw: prostitution
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shelfperson · 9 months ago
while i see where some if it comes from, i feel like way more people took “as a former sex slave, armand is disgusted by teenage daniel’s sexual behavior” from the torture scene and not “daniel has been prostituting himself for drugs presumably for years, and armand both relates to and is repulsed by daniel as a form of projection” and i think that’s extremely fascinating.
like it’s a very consistent vampire trait that they only really get up in arms about social issues that affected them in their mortal life, and even then only when it would directly affect them now. i.e, claudia and louis being aware of and condemning racism but not really caring about european nazism despite very real parallels.
and there is. a big difference. between the ultimately consensual gross misogyny of the paper bag incident and armand being sold to a brothel as a child, then kept as a rich man’s catamite experiencing regular sexual assult.
AND armand is a man who does not experience that kind of day-to-day indignity. those are completely separate circumstances and armand doesn’t give any reaction to the memory aside from what it means for daniel. in fact, that remark has very little to do with how armand feels and everything to do with daniel’s lifelong feelings of guilt for constantly being a fucking asshole.
and the vampire armand, specifically, is not a creature prone to sympathizing with people who share his struggles anyway. especially not strangers he doesn’t know. look at the way he treats claudia, specifically. she’s in a spot similar to him, both growing up and now. constantly robbed of agency, both infantilized and adultified depending on what’s convenient, and in the books of course they’re both child vampires. and he doesn’t offer her any compassion whatsoever because he’s the type of person to take his suffering out on others and reenact his trauma with himself in marius’s place.
like mr. i-constantly-mind-control-my-lover, duchess of unsafe bdsm practices, is not offended by daniel’s understanding (or lack thereof) of power dynamics or safe and respectful sex. he’s throwing the boy across the kitchen because he doesn’t understand what makes danny special when, despite all similarities, he himself is not.
edit: i went into a whole rant in the reblogs about the importance of sexuality and sexual autonomy and sexual perversion as a theme in this show if any one interested
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strscrossed · 6 months ago
introducing — the victorian serial killer au!
tw: murder, graphic descriptions of said murders, and prostitution
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this will deal with some pretty dark topics and I have put the triggers above.
the gist of it
mikasa is a prostitute, working at one of the higher end brothels. one day a strange but handsome young man comes along and starts demanding her nights. very rarely does he request sex, most nights he just wants to lay with her, let his heart bleed out in front of her, and feel her warmth. at first he’s just another client, until he becomes a fixture in her nights. he cares for her, so he claims. and her heart melts at the sweet little promises he whispers to her in the dark.
all this as a killer starts prowling the street, leaving prostitutes dead and dismembered. Eren promises mikasa that nothing will happen to her. he promises. whatever that means.
the leads
eren: the son of a well off doctor and belongs to a respectable family in the upper echelons of society. however there is a dark secret about his family — his mother was a former prostitute and she was eren’s whole world until she died. and when he uncovers why, it unlocks a very dark side of him. a loner by nature, he keeps his truth well-guarded secret and no one suspects him. he starts prowling the red light district when he catches sight of mikasa, a prostitute at a high end brothel and she becomes the only exception to his twisted thrill. he starts visiting her almost every night after killing.
mikasa: a fairly popular prostitute at a high-end brothel. a quiet, shy girl by nature, she keeps mostly to herself. she knows how to fake a smile and play a man. her life story is fairly tragic one, having lost her parents young, growing up in an orphanage, and then selling her body to put food on the table. it’s become mechanical to her. until one dr. eren jaeger shows up in her life and makes her cold world just a little warmer, just a little more beautiful. but, something isn’t right about him, and she can’t place her finger on it…
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cometomecosette · 2 years ago
"Les Misérables" musical character interpretations: Fantine
As usual, these three characterizations are all based on performances I've seen, either in person or filmed. They can also be, and often are, combined with each other to create still more characterizations. For example, Anne Hathaway's Oscar-winning Fantine in the film version is basically "the Ingénue," but with a distinct undertone of "the Fighter." And none of them are precisely Hugo's Fantine. I'd say that they all represent aspects of the character as Hugo wrote her, and that the ideal Fantine would blend all three of them, as the occasional actress does.
I'd like to thank @quarryquest for sending me the Fantine chapter of her book on the stage history of Les Mis just as I was in the middle of writing this. It provided excellent insights.
The Lady
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         This Fantine, in the words of Victor Hugo, displays “a serious and almost austere dignity.” At the beginning, her dress and hair are as neat, clean, and pretty as factory work allows, and her bearing is strikingly graceful and refined. She clearly once knew a better, more elegant life before her lover abandoned her. This sets her apart from the rough, uneducated factory folk who surround her, and at first, she might seem slightly cold and haughty in her distance from them, which no doubt contributes to how quickly they turn on her. But “I Dreamed a Dream” earns all our sympathy as she sings of her lost happiness, while in “Lovely Ladies” she moves us further by slowly sacrificing all her elegance for her daughter. Yet she never loses her core of pride and dignity. While this Fantine has as much raw anguish as any other, she tries to hide it from her oppressors under a brave face. Though she might reach the verge of tears several times, she’ll rarely let herself cry. When the moment of selling her body arrives, she’ll swallow her grief and fear with the drink she’s given, and offer a firm, resolute hand to her first customer. Her “Come on, captain…” is sultry, but not drunk or grotesque; instead, her hard, cold tone evokes Hugo’s description of the fallen Fantine as having “turned to marble.” Her rejection of Bamatabois will be calm and businesslike until he turns violent, and when “Monsieur Madeleine” approaches her, she’ll express her anger with head held high, making it clear that she sees him as no better than herself. This Fantine is a gemstone that’s thrown into the mud of the streets, but never breaks.
The Ingénue
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         This is a warmer, softer Fantine than the Lady, and whether the actress is twenty-five or forty, she’ll probably seem younger too. This characterization keeps in mind that Fantine’s name means “childlike” and that her “tragic flaw” in her past was her naïveté. Despite being an abandoned mother, she hasn’t entirely lost that naïveté at first. Her air of gentle innocence is what sets her apart from the other, more worldly factory folk, and throughout the factory scene she’ll be frightened and brutally shocked by the cruelty she faces. Then “I Dreamed a Dream” will overflow with anguish, and likely with tears too. With just cause, this Fantine is more prone to tears than any other. More than the loss of her dignity, the tragedy of “Lovely Ladies” is the loss of her innocence, which dies once and for all when she accepts her first prostitution client, crying or trembling with fear as she does so. What comes next will depend on whether the director thinks the “Old men, young men…” verse contains a time skip or not. If not, then this Fantine will be awkward and nervous on “Come on, captain…” still all too new to her profession. But if so, then she’ll reenter heartbreakingly transformed: staggering drunk, crudely flaunting her body, utterly disheveled and broken. Either way, she rejects Bamatabois out of rash fear, then claws at his face in rash, animalistic rage. Abuse and misery reduce this vulnerable young woman to behaving like a cornered stray dog or cat. Yet through it all, there’s never a doubt that her heart remains pure and tender, because everything she endures is for the sake of her little girl.
The Fighter
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           This is the grittiest Fantine. Her portrayal reminds us that Hugo’s Fantine was an orphan who grew up on the streets and that he describes her as having “fierce courage.” This is a passionate, determined woman who boldly stands up to her oppressors and who battles all obstacles to provide for her daughter. Like the Lady, she values and defends her dignity, but hers is a stolid, down-to-earth working-class dignity, not aristocratic grace. In “At the End of the Day,” she’ll protect her letter from the Factory Girl with the fierceness of a mother bear, and her self-defense to the Foreman will be firm and simmering with frustration. Her “I Dreamed a Dream” will also be angry as well as anguished and yearning, and in “Lovely Ladies,” the chief tragedy will be that despite her valiant efforts to stay “above the water,” poverty pulls her under anyway. Her prostitution sequence may or may not be drunken, but it will most definitely be hard, brash, and filled with biting rage. In her bitterness, this fallen Fantine will recall Jean Valjean as a convict before the Bishop’s mercy, and when she confronts him about her firing, she’ll stop just short of attacking him. None of this means she lacks vulnerability or deep, heartbreaking sadness; like any Fantine, she has them in spades. But the way she combines them with strength and anger make her a more complex figure than other Fantines, and arguably, it makes the gentleness of her deathbed scene especially poignant. There, for the first time, we fully see the motherly tenderness that lies beneath her fire, and which has motivated her struggles all along.
More comparisons to come!
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darkosomatsuconfessions · 4 months ago
They should become prostitutes. They would have both sex and a job. Well, anal sex with weird old men but that still counts
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the-delightful-temptation · 11 months ago
//Valentino was the son of a Cartel boss. Very religious family who constantly beat him once they knew he was bisexual. He wanted to be an actor but his father forced him into the cartel business, and so he did, with promises that if he wasn’t useful and profiting he would be deserted.
He run the sex business, selling and buying prostitutes for his faction. But one day he was kidnapped by a rival of his father. Instead of saving him, his father allowed him to die. He got caught, so he no longer was useful.
One of the cartel ways to kill is to cut the eyes and tongue of the victim so they don’t snitch in the afterlife, this is why Valentino doesn’t see well and constantly drools, having a long and slithery tongue in his afterlife. 
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awkwardwhims · 1 year ago
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Whimsy Legacy Expanded - Ali's Backstory
TRIGGER WARNING: Ali's backstory is a series of flashbacks which involve some triggering topics such as teen pregnancy, drug use, sexual abuse/acts, death, etc. Please don't read if you think these topics may be triggering to you. I tried my best to keep the scenes modest; but the scenes are obvious with what happens.
Transcript "I ended up on the streets, just trying to survive. Ended up getting into some trouble with drugs & soliciting myself…"
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allsystemsredx · 11 days ago
muse: Red (The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: California 'Verse) open to: 21+ only please/ mutuals and non-mutuals / other comics muses, multifandom crossovers, etc. / OCs welcome if you have active threads with mine plot: Red is a pornodroid from a futuristic dystopian world ruled by an evil tech corporation, Better Living Industries. Y/m can be another human/android of Battery City or someone from another universe who ended up there. I'm also happy to write her into other cyberpunk worlds (Blade Runner, Westworld, Fallout, Total Recall, etc.). triggers: prostitution
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Obedience had been written into her programming, yet she still had some freedom, or at least Red liked to think she did. She could dream of a city where the streets were meant for shopping, not for selling her body. She could choose whether she wanted to be kind or not, and somehow it did feel like a small rebellion to keep choosing kindness in a world that gladly would have seen her beaten down and sold for parts. She could pray to Destroya to someday rise up and liberate them, to create a better world for humans and androids alike. No matter how some of them insisted she was "just" a robot, she felt alive. She believed she was. Everything that made her herself couldn't just be programming, any more than chemicals and neurons made up a human mind.
Dawn was close, the night stretching long behind her. The Lobby was just around the corner, a derelict skyscraper home to both humans and machines, but a noise down an alley made her pause. There were plenty of dangerous things in the city--though she healed most injuries far quicker than a human, she could be destroyed with enough effort if she was dismantled or her battery removed--but there were also people who needed help. She took a hesitant step into the mouth of the alley, peering into the darkness. She wasn't a military 'droid. Her eyes weren't made for seeing in the dark, and she couldn't make out much aside from the hulking shapes of dumpsters and heaps of trash. "Hello? Is someone there?"
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aceroxluz · 9 months ago
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( ANA DE ARMAS . CISFEMALE . SHE/HER ) - the chicago resident , ( LUISA ‘LUZ’ ACERO ) , was heard blaring ( IGUAL QUE UN ÁNGEL / KALI UCHIS ) this morning . the ( THIRTY-TWO ) year old is ( UNEMPLOYED ) in the city & has lived the ( EAST ) tower for ( ONE YEAR ) . since being here , they have been told to be ( - SARCASTIC ) , but also ( + FLIRTY ) , i guess we’ll find out soon !
Luisa had no illusions about her life. Born in a small home in Santa Clara, her father was a dishwasher and her mother was a maid both at the same swanky hotel for tourists, both hardworking and trying their best, trying to make something of themselves as best they could. Luz realized at a young age though that, no matter how hard they worked, it never really mattered. Nothing they owned was really theirs. Sure they had a place to live, had food, had possessions, but…at the end of the day, all that could be taken away by the snap of fingers if the hotel owner (or some snooty guest) wanted to cause problems. They lived their life tiptoeing by.
Luz wanted more than that for herself. She wanted more than cooking and cleaning and being at someone else's beck and call. So when she found ways to do that...she jumped at it, morals be damned.
Luisa was barely sixteen the first time she not only slept with someone, but was paid for it too. Her virginity for enough money to buy extra food for them for a week? Easy deal. And then she kept at it, covertly sleeping with men (and women on occasion) in exchange for food and money. She soon caught the attention of higher up hotel guests too, and while they could use her as they wanted for a pretty penny, she started coercing them into giving her more. Eventually, along with food and money, she could sometimes get gifts. Clothes and jewelry, makeup. Anything she could want until she was old enough to have an actual job. She doubled down on her beliefs then. She didn’t want to be a maid. Or a waitress. Or anything like that. She was good at sleeping with people…good at being a good time. So she ran with it, all covertly under her parents' nose.
For years it went on like that, with Luz earning enough money from her clientele that she not only got her parents a better place to live, but she got them out of their jobs altogether. And when she was twenty-five, she earned a best gift of all: a way off the island. The US had always been the dream after all, a goal that never quite seemed attainable--until now.
Her mother had a cousin in Miami that took them in once they arrived, and with her parents squared away, Luz decided to do life on her own now, heading north to New York (she'd had a few hotel guests always inviting her to the city after all, promising her more money and jewels if she ever took them up on it). And for years, Luz did just that, happily hanging off the arm of some well-off man, wearing pretty dresses and expensive jewels in exchange for, well, not a whole lot of effort on her part. Finally last year though, she decided a change of scenery was in order and headed off to Chicago, an old client telling her she'd have fun there- which she definitely has. And while she still has some clients here and there looking for more of the high end escort type, she's found an equally-fun way of getting cash quick in ways of being a cam girl. Her Onlyfans is not only premium content, but an easy way to connect with clients old and new--all from the comforts of her bedroom.
And sure Luz would one day like to actually have someone want her for her and not just her body, she'd like to maybe even one day get a real job, but until then, she could at least make sure she was financially secured so she'd never, ever, have to struggle in the ways her parents did.
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roppongi-division · 1 year ago
"The question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me."
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Age 0:
She is born to her mother and an unknown man in San Antonio, TX.
Her father abandons her and her mom after finding out Mireya isn't his daughter.
Her mother begins dating another man.
Age 2:
The man she thought was her father leaves the family for some reason.
Another man takes his place as his mother begins dating him.
Age 3:
Her mother begins putting her in child beauty pageants.
She is told how to stand, how to walk, how to sound, etc.
Though she doesn't win most of them, her name gets out there as a beautiful young child.
Age 4:
She soon becomes something of a child model, starring in commercials and magazine covers.
Age 9:
After her mom changes boyfriends for the umpth time, she finally decides to ask who her father is.
Her mother refuses to answer, stating that she doesn't want to talk about him.
She also tells Mireya not to ask about him again.
Age 13:
She starts entering teen beauty pageants.
She views it as the same thing as when she was younger; she is sick of it.
She dreams of being a professional actress.
Age 14:
She starts high school.
She isn't allowed to make friends or hang out with boys, per her mother's instruction.
She finds this to be hypocritical of her considering she changes boyfriends all the time.
Her school is hosting a school dance. She asks her mom for permission to go. She says 'no', unsurprisingly.
Upset, Mireya sneaks out to go anyway. For the first time in a long time, she has fun.
She fights with her mother upon her return home, calling her a hypocrite.
Age 15:
Her body begins to mature, meaning she gets a lot of attention from guys.
Age 17:
She graduates high school.
She considers going to college to studying acting; her mother thinks it is a waste of time and money.
Age 21:
Despite pressure from pageants and her mother, she manages to graduate with a bachelor's in acting and theatre.
She decides to leave San Antonio to go to L.A. to pursue an acting career.
She and her mother have one last fight when her mother tries to stop her.
She states she's sick of the pageants, the pressure, and her mom trying to live her life through her because she made mistakes.
She runs off with the money she made from the pageants and heads for the west coast.
Unfortunately, the money she makes is quickly used up because her mother has blocked her credit cards.
She is forced to stop in Las Vegas and find work until she can get some money in her pocket again.
She gets hired at a bar as a bargirl.
The mistress in charge teaches her the ins and outs of bartending, dancing on stage and flirting with customers.
Mireya takes to it quickly.
One of the girls, who has a Middle Eastern theme going, teaches Mireya how to belly dance, which she loves.
Age 22:
While working in one of the bars one day, she is told that a new DJ is coming to help with one of the shows.
She doesn't really pay him any mind until she locks eyes with him. He calls himself 'DJ Veenyle'.
He asks her out on a date after the show. Mireya happily accepts. He introduces himself as 'Kai Quinlan'.
The two spend several days together, enjoying each other's company.
Sadly, Kai has to leave, and the two bid each other farewell, hoping that they'll see each other again.
Age 23:
After saving up some money, she decides to leave the bar and continue to L.A.
She arrives in the city and is pointed to a nearby movie studio.
Unfortunately, it is just an indie studio that produces B-rated films.
She searches for another movie studio that is further away, but can help get her career started.
Unfortunately, the movie makes adult films and, unknown to her, is secretly owned by the mob.
The mob gets her hooked on heroin to make her more compliant.
She is basically used as nothing more than a prostitute.
Age 24:
She is, surprisingly, saved by Kai Quinlan, who came to rescue her.
He cares for her while she is recovering from her trauma and drug use.
After several months of therapy and medication, she is deemed fit healthy.
After several more months, Kai asks her to marry him. She accepts.
She refuses to tell her mother, not wishing to speak with her.
Though things get tense between her and Kai's mother, Kai is, thankfully, there for her.
The two are wed in New York City, Kai's birthplace.
Kai's sister bequeaths her and Kai a brand-new car as a wedding present.
Age 25:
The two have their honeymoon in Tokyo, Japan.
She is surprised when Kai asks her to stay with him in Japan.
After thinking about it, she decides to put her acting career on pause and agrees to stay with him.
They both renounce their American citizenship, officially becoming Japanese citizens.
Age 26:
It is revealed that she and Kai are unable to have a child due to her being diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia.
She is depressed by this ordeal and becomes melancholic.
Kai helps her every step of the way.
After almost a year of therapy, she starts to feel better, though she is still sensitive about the topic of children.
Age 27:
No longer having the heart for acting, she passes the time by teaching young girls and women how to dance.
She is introduced to 'Zakari Hiroya', an orphaned teenager who plays games of chance.
She is asked by Kai if they want to adopt Zakari. She is skeptical, but agrees.
She eventually decides to raise him as his own son.
She goes back to work, dancing in bars and nightclubs.
Age 28:
After a period of time of this, she eventually decides to open her own with her husband's help.
The two find a suitable place in the party district of Roppongi in Minato and take out a loan to have the nightclub built.
Age 29:
Within a year, the couple's nightclub is finished.
Though Mireya wants to jointly own it with her husband, Kai refuses, letting his wife be firmly in charge.
She calls it 'Gypsy's Palace'.
Kai begins playing exclusively at the nightclub, boosting its popularity.
Though she is the owner, she still performs and dances.
Age 31:
She manages to pay off the loan for the nightclub.
She decides to expand it, adding a casino in one wing.
Zakari decides to help out, performing extreme stunts in the casino for money.
Age 32:
Together with Reika Aichi of Shizuoka, she starts up a recreational center for young girls.
Age 33:
The H-Era officially starts, and the Party of Words takes control of the Japanese government.
Her husband becomes depressed, due to TDD breaking up.
She does what she can to make him feel better.
Age 34:
Chuohku, in an effort to consolidate more power, forces Kai to join the D.R.B.
After hearing that he must form a team to enter, Mireya offers to join. Though Kai doesn't want her or Zakari to get involved, they join, regardless.
She becomes the second member of the Roppongi Division rap battle team, Private Party, alongside Kai Quinlan and Zakari Hiroya.
12 a.m. - 1 a.m.: Performing at Gypsy's Palace
1 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.: Returns home
1:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.: Asleep
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.: Freshens up
11 a.m - 12 p.m.: Makes and eats brunch with family
12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Heads to recreational center
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Tutors young girls in dancing
2:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.: Returns home
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Works out
4 p.m. - 6 p.m: Freshens up for evening
6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.: Walks to nightclub
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: Does paperwork for nightclub
8:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.: Prepares and opens up nightclub
9 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.: Observes nightclub
11:30 p.m. - 12 a.m.: Performing with husband at nightclub
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Found a family that loves me
#Welcome to Gypsy's Palace
#Happy with my life
Trauma Hashtags
#A fatherless existence
#I couldn't live my own life
#Deprived of a child(hood)
Other Info
Hobby: Dancing
Weakness: Large Ego
Trauma: "Ever since I was born, my mom has always dictated how I should live."
Twitter: @TheGypsyQueen1
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I'm not afraid to take charge when I need to. I'm a charismatic leader."
Intro Quote: "If negativity knocks on your door, it's your choice to let in it."
Trauma Quote: "I'm sick of it, mother! I'm sick of all of the pageants, the stress, not being able to do what I want, everything! But worst of all, I'm sick of you! I HATE YOU!!"
Ending Quote: "Sorry, but we don't abide wallflowers here in Gypsy's Palace."
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ak-177 · 2 years ago
Trash magic? 👀 all the Wips sound interesting!
Aaaaaah, Trash Magic, as everything I write, it's Thramsay haha, I definitely have talk about this waaaaaay too much times lmao but I love this concept I made, it goes like this:
First, TW: prostitution (not Theon's or Ramsay's, someone else's)
Theon is a mess of human being like on all my fics lol, and he gets a new job on a hotel, he's basically the person that tells everyone where is their room and things like that, right? And then, we have that Theon and Robb are besties, like, suuuuper friends, and all cool.
Buuuuut, Robb has some self-destructive behavior, but in a veeeeery different way from Theon, since he's always under pression and stress, he needs some relieve, something to feel free even if it's for a little time, so, he whores himself to anyone
So, Theon and Robb have a deal: Theon will always have a room ready in the hotel at weekends nights for Robb to use with his clients.
They don't know that Ramsay is the owner of the hotel 💀💀 so, Ramsay hears that there's a new "whore" working there, and goes to see Robb Stark (Robb doesn't know Ramsay tho). Ramsay pays for a night and goes to Theon asking for the special room, Theon has to idea what he means and gets into a fight with Ramsay because he thinks he's making fun of him or something like that.
I'm not gonna say more hahaha but you all can imagine how it's going to go lololol and yeah, it's completely Thramsay (maybe I'm gonna put a glimpse of Ramsay/Robb and Robb/Roose, yk, to spice a bit haha, it's still on discussion)
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mothvalentino · 1 year ago
Valentino was born Valentino Álvarez in Sinaloa Mexico in the 1940s. His father Ignacio Álvarez referred to as Don Ignacio, was the head of a drug trade and human trafficking operation, dealing mainly with opium and marijuana locally and across the border to the United States.
His mother was one of the many prostitutes trafficked to the Álvarez estate and of Italian American heritage, she was allowed to pick her son's name. When Valentino was eight, his father fatally strangled his mother in a drug-induced rage.
At age nine, Valentino had to pass one of his first family trials, being ordered to shoot a rival dealer on the street with his father watching. He killed the target with a headshot right between the eyes, passing the test and becoming one of the children designated to take over leadership roles within the organization in the future.
Valentino had six siblings, all bastards of different mothers. They endured a harsh upbringing, being taught lessons by their father through means of violence, torture, and manipulation. The number one rule was family business over everything.
Whenever his father went to prison, Valentino took responsibility for the dealings during his absence. He traveled many times to visit associates in the States as well as in Colombia. In his teenage years, Valentino developed an opium addiction, preferring to smoke the substance in various opium dens, one of his favorites being located in Chinatown, New York City.
Until his death from a bullet wound to the chest in 1978, Valentino was a closeted pansexual who only lived his full sexuality in secrecy. He died as a result of the war on drugs in Mexico, fighting off a razzia with his father who died a few moments before him. Valentino died at the age of 36.
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quackity-rp-blog · 4 months ago
is alaska grumpy that oves is a schlut
"I'm fine with them having another partner or two but.. but that is extreme. I'm not exactly special if they let the town fuck them too."
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wretchedstraystars · 6 months ago
Siris has absolutely whored himself out before and is not afraid to do it again. He used to just frequent bars and clubs - whatever worlds had them, anyway - for one-night stands; it was a surefire way to have a warm bed to sleep in and have some fun. But over time, cutting out the middleman altogether was easier.
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allsystemsredx · 7 months ago
There were rarely any changes in Battery City. Better Living Industries preferred to keep it running like clockwork, any aberrations quickly captured and reconditioned, or simply destroyed. Red had only a vague understanding of how the human population lived, or what caused them to be so complacent-- as if the threat of the Draculoids or, worse, the Exterminators, wasn't enough. They liked to hassle her sometimes, and she had no choice but to tolerate it. Though she had regular interactions with humans, she would never be one of them. The sound conditioning that kept them compliant wasn't necessary for androids; obedience was already written into her programming.
Yet she still had some freedom, or at least she liked to think she did. She could dream of a Bat City where the streets were meant for shopping, not for selling her body. She could choose whether she wanted to be kind or not, and somehow it did feel like a small rebellion to keep choosing kindness in a world that gladly would have seen her beaten down and sold for parts. She could pray to Destroya to someday rise up and liberate them, to create a better world for humans and androids alike. No matter how some of them insisted she was "just" a robot, she felt alive. She believed she was. Everything that made her herself couldn't just be programming, any more than chemicals and neurons made up a human mind.
Dawn was close, the night stretching long behind her. Her feet ached from walking, her wrists bruised from the restraints her last client had used. They would heal themselves by the next night, her body designed purely for the pleasure of paying customers--and the manufacturers must have realized early that some of them could not enjoy themselves if their pornodroids couldn't be hurt. She could bruise and bleed and hurt and cry just like any human, and some of them preferred her that way.
A sound down an alley made her pause on her walk home. Her building was just around the corner, less than a block away. Whatever it was sounded larger than a rat. A human or even an android could be far more dangerous, but perhaps they were hurt or needed help. She took a hesitant step into the mouth of the alley, peering into the darkness. She wasn't a military 'droid. Her eyes weren't made for seeing in the dark, and she couldn't make out much aside from the hulking shapes of dumpsters and heaps of trash. "Hello? Is someone there?"
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h0llow-max1ez · 10 months ago
The year is 2009. Stephen Arellano, a young, struggling addict in El Paso, Texas, stumbles into a club one cold night. As he stumbles around, looking for an ounce of food, or at the very least a drink, he runs into a tall man, well dressed in red. After a while of talking, the two get to drinking, and eventually end up in the red man's mansion. What Stephen doesn't know is he's just gotten himself lost into a world of indescribable horrors. Sex. Drugs. Murder. Gambling.
Welcome to the wild west.
Old El Paso has been a passion project ever since my freshman year, so if you're still reading this, thanks! I appreciate it.
Old El Paso centers around the conflicts between 4 major gangs that collide in a small, Texas city.
The Reds
The Reds, led by 33 year old Preston Olveira, is a pr*stitution ring. It's a powerful gang, and the primary focus of the story, as Stephen is hired to be a personal hitman for Preston at the beginning of the story.
Preston is a manipulative and cunning man, able to successfully drag anyone and everyone that he desires into his business, eventually trapping them there permanently. He uses love and "care" to lure his victims into false senses of security, much like he did to Stephen himself.
The Blues
The Blues, led by 46 year old Zuri Muchumba, is a hitman agency. Zuri and the gang as a whole serve as antagonists to the story, as she and Preston have a long and complicated history. The Blues are notoriously violent and cold, historically ruling through fear and financial manipulation.
Zuri is a calm, level-headed and calculated woman. She's highly experienced, having owned this company for a little over 20 years. She's incredibly professional, and never let's her emotions get in the way of her business. Especially not after Preston.
The Greens
The Greens, better known as Cartel Del Caballeros, are a drug cartel led by the Velazquez family. The current boss is Joseph Velazquez, a 47 year old man who inherited the position from his mother and father back when he was only 21. His right hand is his sister Estrella, and his daughter is Kiki, who is a mere 20 years old.
Joseph is incredibly relaxed and fun loving, never engaging in violence or intimidation himself, though he's very capable of such. As he was raised to, he's very centered and keeps his image clean, immediately sending people out to clear any problems that may damage the cartel's image, all while planning parties and keeping a smile on his face.
The Yellows
The Yellows, also known by their popular club name The Bakery of Beatings, is an illegal gambling/fighting ring co-operated by a 37 year old couple only known publicly as Cherry and Berry. The company focuses around violent entertainment and indulgence, and the lovers will make certain that anyone who causes trouble is thoroughly baked. Especially cheaters.
Cherry is an excitable, cheery woman, much in contrast to her quiet, stoic boyfriend Berry. Cherry focuses on the overall image and financial concerns, while Berry handles things having to do with the behind the scenes process, such as extortion and especially silencing trouble. Though Berry does have a powerful position, it's widely known that Cherry is the "true" boss of the operation, while Berry is the guard dog.
☆ If you've read this far, thanks. I appreciate it, and more story information will be released soon!! ☆
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gambledfate · 10 months ago
Okay so some things about my Luxord a.k.a. Rould is that after he gained his heart back he still had no memory of his past such as his family or life in general. Although he doesn't remember his family I have an idea about who his parents are and what kind of lifestyle they have. Mainly it's what I thought up because we know it's not in the game 😆. Anyway...
His father's name is Aerin and his mother's name is Collette. His father was an alcoholic and his mother was pretty much a woman who slept with tons of other men for money. But this was after she had given birth to Rould. Rould grew up being neglected and abused by his so-called parents.
He grew up in a hellhole pretty much until he was 18. He left at the drop of a hat on his 18th birthday and pretty much lived on the streets until he had started gambling and hustling people. It pretty much became his way of life.
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