#anyway i'm having a normal one. can you tell.
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currentlysleepingus · 19 hours ago
I'm bored
I want more Amity parkers hanging out in metropolis and more danny being unintentionally scary.
I want paulina and danny to hang out with each other more. I want her to listen to pop songs and be decked out in the latest fashion and be the pink prom queen trope, but she is actually a good person. She just shows it in her own way.
Danny's just the tired man who runs a mystery show and works odd jobs while fighting his ghost friends and managing everything. His shop is very successful, it the to go to place for everything and anything
Anyway I want paulina to drang Danny to lexcorp one day and while she's telling lex that she's taking a day off Danny's just standing behind her, menacingly.
The pink chick and the emo that follows
I want sam and paulina to hang out more, I want the Kent's to be friends with them, and Danny accidently became an uncle to Jon because he gets along with Clark and konner and ellie decided that their cousins and switch houses from time to time.
Paulina and Danny's girls' night at the mall, some villains try to break the stadium or cause property damage that would cause the shop to close early, not on their watch.
I want danny to befriend the a-listers, I want the forever trio to hang out with wes and make conspiracy theories, realize that their right, and them properly burn the evidence because they don't feel like experiencing thw fall out. Find out the JL identities, nope never seen then or heard of them.
I want was and danny to have a rivalry on who can do more shit and get away with it. Being cursed to never have anyone believe you has its quirks. Wes could literally commit a crime and say he did it and they wouldn't arrest him. Danny is determined to beat him at his own game and become more infamous
Than him.
I want the cheerleaders to run into nightwing and promptly challenge him. I want Amity parkers moving into fawcett and feeling gright at him. I want them to be close friends.
I just need more. danny is trying jis best to live a normal life after everything and is failing because being dead changes that. I need more Amity parkers sticking together and are all friends. More wes and danny rivalry. More tucker is friends with everyone and makes whatever they ask for as a challenge if they can gather the supplies, this typically means raids. I want more danny and paulina being friends and besties, and danny hanging out with the cheerleaders.
I want more danny being a very nice person who's just tired and works odd jobs, one being occasionally running a meta fighting club mostly filled with his rouges so they can have fun.
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scribesynnox · 2 days ago
Sike! I seperated my first post into a second one anyways. More apocalyptic ponyo jazz and prowl thoughts because the first post was getting long. And I want to see people's thoughts on them, but that'll be hard to do if there's too much going on in just one post.
@keferon Sorry for the double post but hey, this is on you. You are just so inspirational, and your ideas are just so fun to play with.
Man, one my favorite parts about captive Jazz and him knowing human language is that Jazz knows from the get go that humans are sentient and sapient. Everyone else is playing "oh wow, I've befriended a very clever animal!" and the only mer who knows humans are in fact not a pet, is stuck with ANOTHER mer and can't even speak fluent mer yet.
It's going to be so funny when Jazz finally learns enough mer to tell Prowl about humans and Prowl is like "THEY'RE SENTIENT?!"
Jazz: man, did you really think I was held captive for so long by a bunch of NON sentient animals? Because if you did, I'm about to be very offended. Prowl: You were land locked, I was hardly going to think you were unskilled or dumb. Any normal and sane mer wouldn't have been able to escape. Jazz: I feel like there was an insult hidden in there. Prowl: No, I'm shocked because if they're sentient, then they HAD to know what they were doing was wrong! Jazz: don't blame them too much. They didn't keep me trapped out of malice, they thought I'd die if they let me go. And to be fair, without you, that definitely would have happened. Prowl: That doesn't make your treatment okay! Jazz: I said don't blame them TOO much, I didn't say don't blame them at ALL.
Jazz swimming around in the ruins of the drowned city and going up to read a city map that's been protected behind some glass. Prowl has no idea why Jazz is staring so intently at the human drawings, and impatiently tries to get Jazz to move along. Jazz frowns at him and waves him away, stiltedly replying back, "Listening now. Gathering information. Hold." What is Jazz learning from the drawings? Do they actually mean anything?
Jazz memorizing the maps and then using the street signs to navigate their way around. Prowl being baffled at how Jazz seems to know where to go despite having clearly never been outside before.
It takes so long before Jazz can convince Prowl that "see those weird squiggles? That's human writing" Prowl: no those are territory marks that humans make. Jazz: hey, who's the one that grew up around humans. I'm telling you, it's writing. Prowl: but it's only one color! Jazz: humans don't use color as a tone indicator, they have different symbols for that. Also, fuck you guys for using colors as a second secret language, why is your writing so complicated? And I thought Chinese was hard.
Hey speaking of not knowing things about his own god damn culture, WOW how must Jazz feel about getting to go back home, except when he finally escapes, there's a lot more rubble and deadly mutant sharks than he expected.
Except when he escapes and gets to the open sea, he STILL feels like he's inside a tank. An outsider looking from behind a glass wall as everyone else gawks at him.
he is a stranger to his own culture and it hurts more than he expected it to, to come back to what should have been his home, only to find that there is no magical instant sense of belonging. It is just as alien to him as the tank had first been all those years ago.
He expected it but it still hurts more than he thought it would.
But at least there IS a warm welcome, courtesy of Prowl warbling a "Welcome back" at him. It's a start.
There is just.. SO MUCH sea!! Jazz can swim forward and swim and swim and SWIM and he can swish his tail as much as he wants, and he'll never hit a wall. And there's more than just Forward, there's also up and down and left and right and just!!! EVERYWHERE!! There is so much sea EVERYWHERE!! He could swim a HUNDRED laps just going straight forward and still never run out of room!
there is almost.. TOO much sea, honestly. Jazz's whole world consisted of tanks that barely had enough room to swim in, and now there is a dizzying amount of room to swim in.
This whole experience has just been absolutely breathtaking but if Jazz is being honest, he's not sure if it's from awe or from fear.
haha, imagine if this is when Jazz finds out he has a fear of The Vast? Oof, rip.
And like, Jazz had been in a cell, trapped for years, yes, but he still grew up there. I bet Jazz misses things from the human world.
He named himself after jazz music, Jazz isn't going to want to give up on human things.
Does Jazz sometimes miss the processed food that had been given to him? Because I KNOW we all got that one garbage food that doesn't taste good but it's what you grew up eating so you love it anyways, so does Jazz have his childhood garbage food in processed fish food? Does Jazz dig up and find those buckets of fish food and just start chowing down and Prowl is just staring at him in disgust and judgement? Lots of judgement. Jazz is offended.
Oh! And what about the effects of being raised by humans! Like, yes, the ignorance about his own culture and own world and the lack of social knowledge and his atrophied tail and all that. But like. what about night vision?
Jazz having shit night vision because he grew up surrounded by humans, and humans are always leaving SOMETHING bright on. He's never experienced true darkness before, and the first time he sees the world without light pollution, he's scared shitless because FUCK, IT'S PITCH BLACK, HOW DO YOU SEE ANYTHING, HOW CAN YOU KNOW WHERE DANGER IS!
Can I just say, I absolutely adore the fact that Jazz is as terrified of the ocean as humans are because he only knows of the ocean through their eyes. It provides an EXCELLENT way to project our own fears of the ocean onto a mer. I love it.
you know, I'm really glad that Jazz is the captive one and Prowl is the "wild" one in here. Not just because it's interesting, since it's so easy to immediately go "Oh yeah, Prowl would be the captive one and that's why he's so analytical and aloof", but also because this way makes more SENSE.
Prowl as the "wild" mer, the free mer, was able to grow up in a society. He went to school and got a degree and shit. Ya man has gone to college.
Meanwhile Jazz doesn't get taught SHIT because everyone thought he was a dumb animal. Clever, sure, for an animal, but still just a regular non sentient animal. So Jazz had to learn tricks and how to read people and all that jazz (haha, get it?), learn how to get around and do things on his own.
Which seems fitting for these two. SO yeah, I like their current set up, it's great.
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seokminfilm · 12 hours ago
seventeen as my memorable school experiences
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♫ pairing, seventeen x reader ♫ warnings, fluff, unserious/crack, non-idol au, very short, headcanons, debut/high school age seventeen, cliches, cursing, kind of dramatic, my personal stories
♫ author's note, hi everyone 😞 school and deadlines have been driving me insane so i'll be semi-active until further notice 🧍 ANYWAYS wanted something fun (slightly unserious) and quick, so i thought of this idea! these are all in good fun so don't worry 🤍 without further ado enjoy these headcanons (and tell me if you like them/want more of this format!)
seungcheol would definitely be the type of guy to hold the littlest things over you 😭 definitely one to pull the "I'm older than you" or "I'm stronger than you" card in literally every situation 🧍 you know the kid that was like "i'm so fast i can run here and back in three seconds"? seungcheol would be the one doing that, and trip over something and face-plant 💀 i would not take him seriously let me tell you that
jeonghan teacher's pet 100 percent LMAO definitely the type of person to tell on someone when they're not doing something they "should" be doing. has to be the teacher's helper, passing out papers and running errands for them. jeonghan would be the sly one that is actually one of the most unruly ass students but gets away because he sucks up to the teacher 😭
joshua he'd be the popular transfer student that everyone would be focused on for like a week. he's the talk of the school okay 😭 has that generic 2010 gelled/swooped to the side hair with a button-up for sureee joshua is the kid who's really polite and sweet and has the teacher singing his praises, but when he gets around the right people, he cannot be stopped
jun jun's the really quiet one you forget even exists sometimes 😭 your teacher is taking attendance and says "who are we missing" and you say someone jun, while everyone else is yelling another person 🧍like no jun's sitting right behind you, he's just really quiet. (part two of getting around the right people and being loud)
hoshi hoshi is that one kid that cannot be embarrassed by himself. he will do the most cringy things known to mankind, and still be able to walk away normally after it 💀 does not care about what he likes (definitely an anime kid i feel it in my soul), and makes references that no one gets. people are scared to have to be his class partner let me tell you 🧍
wonwoo not be overused or anything but i seriously do see wonwoo as a gamer boy 💀 my childhood best friend (who goes to school w me & is in my class) is an absolute dork when it comes to video games. wonwoo would be the person to bring a sketchbook skilled fo video game characters 🧍 would also be the person to listen to video game osts while doing homework/assignments
woozi part two of "the really quiet kid you forget even exists sometimes" LMAO woozi is definitely to be the one in the back of the classroom minding his business, doing his work, or sleeping. woozi can be funny, but just doesn't feel like trying 🤷 has great timing with the things he says and makes the whole class laugh
the8 did (or do) you know that one kid that would correct your grammar or pronounciation without your consent? the8 would SO be that kid omg 😭 lord forbid you stutter around him cause he'll go straight to mocking you for it. the8 would be such a stickler w that i fear (i can just imagine you having him read something you've written and there he is correcting your run-on sentences 💀)
mingyu there's this one kid i see walking around in the hallways of my school with a mop of curly hair shielding his eyes 🧍 that just screams mingyu to me LMAO idk he tries so hard to be cool and hip but it just doesn't work 😭 considered one of the more popular people of the class, even if it's just because he's "mysterious".
dk he's definitely the type of person to make you come undone with an "are you okay?" or bunches of compliments CHANGE MY MIND i have a friend who's so good at coaxing feelings & tears out of me w a simple "hey, are you okay?", and i feel like dk would be the same way 😭 gives you a hug every day when you're leaving, and texts you on school holidays/breaks because he "misses human interaction" ("i miss you so bad ☹" "seokmin it's been 2 hours since i last saw you")
seungkwan theatre kid or choir kid 🤷 also probably has his mom working as a teacher so has those privileges to where he can visit his mom's class and participate in a bunch of things since his mom is already at the school 🧍probably also a generic popular girl too LMAO hears things from other people and spreads it professionally (probably to the8: if you see them two conversing and looking at you, 9/10 you're being secretly roasted)
vernon debut vernon to me screams "random boy every girl in your grade liked with a windshield wiper laugh and thick, brown wavy hair" 🤷 had this one boy in 3rd grade that EVERY SINGULAR GIRL THOUGHT WAS CUTE. also probably says cringe things (ex: dude, bro, fire, lit, sike, etc) unironically because he has an image to uphold or something. please don't make him laugh really hard (you'll hear this squeaky grating sound that makes you want to stuff your head in your backpack)
dino dino is the popular boy by association 😭 he's not really popular on his own, but when with vernon/mingyu suddenly multiplies in popularity. he's actually a really chill, down-to-earth dude LMAO lord forbid he makes a terrible joke though 💀 he'll be so embarrassed he'll shut down and never come back. would friends with vernon and probably practices the windshield wiper laugh in his bathroom at home 🧍
a/n: lowkey very cliche and personal but still fun/comforting to write (speaking with experiencing most of these things firsthand LMAOAOOA!! tell me what you think about it LMAO
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ace-of-amaryllis · 1 day ago
i have an amazing idea for actor!amane's audition interview. it's peak. every time they ask her a question about herself she answers in the most annoying manner she possibly can and also says she's a magical girl. yes, this is what gets her casted. this is exactly what they wanted for her t1 voice drama.
interviewer: hi! can I have your name?
amane: hm... no! only the fae ask that and the fae steal you away to other dimensions! so I think you're a fae!
interviewer: *loud sigh.* can you tell me what your name is?
amane: that's better! thanks for sabotaging yourself, mr fae trying to take my name! it's amane momose kajiyama!
interviewer: great. nice to meet you, amane-chan! okay, I need to fill out some basic information about you. what's your sex and gender?
amane: magical girl.
interviewer: what.
amane: I was born a magical girl and I identify as one to this day. that's not the same as a girl, by the way! I better see you put down mahou shoujo on that piece of paper!
interviewer: o-kay. anyway. how old are you?
amane: don't you know it's polite not to ask a girl her age? (with a shit-eating grin) where are your manners, mr interviewer man? but for your information, I'm thirteen point nine billion years old!
interviewer: what.
fuuta: she's twelve, man. she's twelve.
interviewer: what school are you enrolled in?
amane: a normal boring school that I skip most of because I have to save the world as a magical girl!
interviewer: ...... okay. acting and singing experience?
amane: I have to act like a civilian every day of my magical girl life! I'm a master at acting! and I sing my magical girl transformation theme song every day!
fuuta: she actually does that, yeah. sings a whole theme song she wrote-- it's good, by the way-- and throws glitter around.
amane: (turning to fuuta) betraying me! telling my SECRETS! traitor brother!!!!! (throws a handful of glitter at his face)
fuuta: you already said ALL OF THAT YOURSELF????
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acescorazon · 3 days ago
Chapter: 22
Title: Maybe
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, Crocodile. Dialogue Heavy because Mihawk and Crocodile want to bicker.
Word Count: 3532
Chapter excerpt:
Oh, this shouldn’t feel good.
Mihawk’s still a little cold, and he smells faintly like the ocean, but his body is firm and his embrace soothes some of Buggy's anxieties, as well as his heart and his spirit. God, it’s been too long since he was last held by a man, hasn’t it? Or at least that’s what he tells himself. 
Mihawk leans down slightly and rests his cheek against the top of Buggy’s head, “You didn't have to thank me, though. I'm just glad you're alive and well.” The comment is almost surreal to Buggy. Months ago, Mihawk probably wouldn't have cared if Buggy lived or died, but right now he's telling him how happy he is that he's alive. It’s weird.
“Don't try and butter me up.” Buggy murmurs in response. 
“I'm not. I was afraid I wouldn't make it to you in time.”
“Oh, quit lying… You're not afraid of anything.” 
“That's just not true. I was genuinely afraid I wouldn’t be able to save you.” 
Buggy groans softly. He knows he shouldn't believe a word Mihawk's saying, but his feelings are all screwed up right now. Mihawk gives good hugs and is surprisingly good at sweet talking, and Buggy’s trying his hardest not to believe him and just melt into his arms, but Mihawk isn’t making it easy for him.
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As Buggy trails behind his two fellow members of Cross Guild, he keeps his eyes glued to the ground and remains quiet. So much has already happened on their first trip out to sea together, and Buggy is still processing everything from the events that just transpired to his own thoughts and emotions. He wants to say something to Mihawk and Crocodile, but he doesn’t know where to start. Is now even the right time to say anything? After all, their horrifying encounter with the sea king barely came to an end less than twenty minutes ago. 
In the end, Buggy decides not to potentially annoy Mihawk and Crocodile by speaking to them right now. He listens to them bicker instead, and It’s both a relief and (oddly) endearing to see them acting so lively, especially after such a scary situation.
“Will you stop coddling me already?” Crocodile grumbles in a gruff voice as he leans onto Mihawk for support. “I already told you I can walk on my own. Told you I didn’t need to see no doctor neither.”
Mihawk sighs as he ignores Crocodile’s protests and helps him to the infirmary anyways, “I have a headache. Will you shut up for two seconds?” he asks, and Buggy just knows that the world’s strongest swordsman is rolling his eyes right now, even though he can’t see him do it. 
“You think you’re the only one with a damn headache? Do you know how long I was underwater? I almost passed out because you took forever to come get me.”
“I couldn’t save you both at once. Buggy was the first one I saw, so naturally I saved him first.”
“You couldn’t have saved him any faster? I know you’re not as young as you used to be, but for fuck’s sake. Another few seconds and I would have fuckin’ croaked.”
“I swam as fast as I could,” Mihawk replies after clicking his tongue, “You’re such an ungrateful man. I should have left you at the bottom of the ocean.”
God, they’re annoying, Buggy thinks as he tries to hold back a smile. Shouldn’t they just be happy that everyone’s safe and sound, and that their crew didn’t have to abandon ship? Any normal person would be celebrating that they're alive right now and not arguing, but then again, Mihawk and Crocodile are anything but normal.  
“You should’ve.” Crocodile agrees, “Drowning would have been way better than dealing with your constant babying. You worry too much, y’know? I don’t like it.” 
“Someone has to worry about you. You’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.” Mihawk mutters under his breath. 
“Aw, you have a heart after all.” 
“I have a heart, but very little patience for obnoxious fools like you. If you keep irritating me, I’ll slice you in half.” 
“HA! I would love to see you try.”
The altercation doesn’t become physical even though heated words were exchanged and a threat was made. Instead, Mihawk continues to drag Crocodile to the infirmary and Crocodile lets it happen despite all his complaining. Buggy wishes he were surprised, but he's not. There were days when he wished that Mihawk and Crocodile would finally clash and kill one another so that he wouldn’t have to live with both of them, but things almost never got physical between the two. In fact, they seem like they're two peas in a pod and like they secretly enjoy arguing with each other. Maybe bickering is some weird form of entertainment for the two, who knows?
Once in the infirmary, Mihawk and Crocodile continue their fight (if you can even call it that) as the rest of the crew run around, warming up blankets and towels, and looking for spare clothes for the three wet men. Buggy can’t help but roll his eyes as he begins to get undressed. Jeez, do they ever stop? He wonders, once his feelings of endearment turn to annoyance. 
“You’re so irritating. Just let the doctor check you out.” Mihawk tells Crocodile. 
Of course, Crocodile continues to refuse to get checked out by the ship’s doctor, though. “I don’t need a doctor to tell me something I already know. I’m fine. What I really want to do is go to sleep so I can wake up early and get us back on track.” 
“Will you forget about your plans for two seconds? We just ran into a sea king. We need to make sure everything is alright before we head to Prickly Pear. We should stop by the nearest island a–”
Crocodile raises his hand up and cuts Mihawk off quickly once he mentions changing their plans, “Are you kidding me? Everything is fine. There’s no reason to stop now.” Ah, now that sounds like the Crocodile Buggy knows. He really does have a one track mind, doesn’t he?
“Everything might appear to be in good condition right now, but it’s late and assessing any damages the ship might have taken from the attack will be difficult. Plus, I’m sure the men need a break after tonight.”
“Bullshit. We just started sailing, there’s no reason to stop now. We ain’t even halfway to the island yet.”
“It’s not bullshit, it’s the truth. You seemed like you were thinking so reasonably before. What happened? Did you lose what little sense you had left while you were underwater?”
“Oh, fuck off. Even if we abandoned the ship, I wasn’t going to abandon my plans. We would just have to get to Prickly Pear in the lifeboats instead.”
Mihawk’s eyes go wide and he scoffs. For once the world's strongest swordsman seems caught off guard by something. “What an idiotic idea. You do realize we wouldn’t have made it all the way to Prickly Pear in just a lifeboat, right? If the ship had sunk, we most likely wouldn’t have had food or water, or emergency supplies. Not to mention navigating the sea would be damn near impossible in a lifeboat. We’d all die before we made it there.”
Crocodile scoffs right back at Mihawk, “Oh, please. Don’t be dramatic.” he replies, sounding rather dismissive. 
Buggy’s on Mihawk’s side this time, but he doesn’t let the other two know that. He remains quiet and pulls his wet shirt over his head instead, shivering slightly when he feels cool air make contact with his wet skin. Maybe I should have packed a few more pairs of clothes for this trip after all, he thinks. There were so many things Buggy didn’t account for like accidents, or tears, or giant sea squid attacks, and maybe he should have. A captain should be prepared for anything, after all. 
Buggy’s about to pull off his boxers next, when he notices the room has gone rather quiet. He looks up and quickly realizes that Crocodile and Mihawk are staring at him intently. What'd I do now? He thinks as he suppresses a sigh. “What's wrong?” He asks. He expects some sort of answer, but Crocodile and Mihawk simply exchange looks before going back to their previous conversation. It's weird, but Buggy doesn't question it because Crocodile and Mihawk are just weird in general, man. 
Buggy spends the next few hours being monitored by the ship’s doctor alongside Mihawk and Crocodile. During this time, Mihawk somehow convinces Crocodile to make a pit stop at a nearby island as soon as possible. It’s incredible how Mihawk always manages to get Crocodile to change his mind, even if it takes some time. Buggy would have never managed to do something like that. Arguing with Crocodile is always such a headache and he tries (but often fails) to avoid doing it at all costs. 
The infirmary eventually clears out and quiets down with only the sounds of various machines operating filling the room. Once the rest of the crew is gone and all that remains is the three founding members of Cross Guild, things become strangely peaceful between the three of them as they sit around, waiting to get the okay to leave. Buggy didn’t think he’d ever live to see the day where he could be at peace with Crocodile and Mihawk around. But, truth be told, he doesn’t mind their presence in the infirmary with him, at least not right now. 
He lies in a hospital bed, wrapped in a giant, warm blanket, and stares at the ceiling as time slowly passes by. It's boring, but it's nice. Having nothing to do is a lot better than having Crocodile and Mihawk yell at him, or order him around, or try to beat him up, that's for sure.  
Crocodile clears his throat all of a sudden, though, and disrupts the peaceful silence in the room. “Look, Hawkeye. You better not let this go to your damn head…” he mutters, “But you really saved my ass back there, and I appreciate it.” he pauses after Mihawk grunts in response and then glances over at Buggy, “You too. You might not have saved me, but you tried, and I’m grateful for that.”  
Aw, so he really can be nice after all, Buggy thinks sarcastically - He can't help it, the thought appears in his head before he can stop it. 
Buggy remains silent for a moment before he causally replies: “Meh. There's no need to thank me. I couldn't have stood around and done nothing while you went overboard, could I?” He asks, waving his hand. He swallows before quietly adding, “You scared the shit out of me when you went overboard all of a sudden, you know that right? I'm glad you're okay.” The words sound so strange coming out of his mouth given the fact that he’s saying them to Crocodile, but he means them. “I… I’m glad you’re both okay. I was worried you guys wouldn’t make it back to the ship alive, actually.”  
Mihawk chuckles quietly, “You were worried about us? How cute.” he replies, “And here I thought you still hated our guts. Are we finally starting to get on your good side, Buggy?” That comment alone makes Buggy’s face burn with embarrassment. Ew, no! He takes it all back! He wasn’t worried about Mihawk or Crocodile at all. In fact, he was actively praying for their end. 
(That's not true at all, and Buggy knows it.)
“Huh…” Crocodile stares at Buggy for a moment, sizing him up, or something, “You are kind of cute, aren’t you?” He asks all of a sudden. Excuse me? Buggy finds himself thinking, obviously taken back by Crocodile’s sudden compliment. Did he just call me cute? No, I must be hearing shit again. The worst part about this all is how nonchalant Crocodile is about the whole thing. It's like he didn't just call the man he hates with all his guts ‘cute.’
Crocodile turns and looks over at Mihawk, who’s lounging lazily in his own bed, “He’s a pretty boy, ain’t he? He’s all soft, and he’s got a real pretty face.”
“He is.” Mihawk simply agrees, which shouldn’t be surprising, but his answer only adds to Buggy’s confusion and makes him feel more flustered. Is this a joke? This feels like a joke, if you ask Buggy.
“Quit messing with me…” Buggy mutters under his breath as he feels a wave of agitation and frustration mix with his confusion and embarrassment. They shouldn’t just say things like that so casually… Buggy’s a gutless coward, not a pretty boy -- Those were their words, not his, by the way…
“Who’s messing with you?” Mihawk replies with a scoff, “You’re pretty, and anyone with eyes can see it.” It’s not that Buggy can’t appreciate a compliment, it’s just that this moment feels so surreal to him that it almost feels like it's staged or even just a cruel joke. 
“I’ve never really looked at you before,” Crocodile admits, “But, Hawkeye’s right. You’re a real pretty thing.” How is Buggy even supposed to reply to something like that? He has no idea, so he waves his hand dismissively and mutters a quick response, “Yeah, thanks.” After that, he tries his best to finally get some rest, but it’s hard with all the thoughts buzzing around in his head.
Buggy never does fall asleep, though, and It sucks. He’s exhausted by the time the doctor finally sends them on their way. Granted, he can probably sleep all day and leave Mihawk or Crocodile to tend to the ship and crew if they aren’t too tired themselves, but still.  
The sun is just beginning to rise and illuminate the infirmary in a soft, warm glow as Buggy shuffles out of the room behind Crocodile and Mihawk. He’s about to head back to his room when he suddenly remembers something. “Hey, Uh, Hawkeye, can I speak with you for a minute?"
Mihawk hums in response, “Of course,” he replies before allowing Buggy to pull him to the side. Buggy hesitates for a moment, waiting for Crocodile to disappear from his line of sight before he finally speaks up, “I probably should have said this earlier… But, uh, I just wanted to thank you for saving me.” Buggy tells Mihawk. “I, uh… This might sound a little silly, but I'm just now realizing how much you do for me and Cross Guild in general, and I really appreciate you for always saving the day. And, yeah… Thank you.” 
Mihawk stares at Buggy for a moment, looking pleasantly surprised by Buggy's words. “I didn't think the day would come where I'd receive your praise, Captain Buggy.” He jokes as he reaches out and slowly grabs Buggy’s hand before giving it a squeeze.
Damn it, don’t do this to me… Buggy thinks as he looks around the empty hallway and double checks to make sure no one is around. His heart is fluttering from Mihawk’s touch, but he tries his best to ignore it and remain calm. “Don't get used to it.” He mutters, “I'm not going to shower you in praises every time you do something.” 
Mihawk chuckles softly, “I didn't expect you to.” He replies, then he pauses for a moment before speaking again, “I'm probably asking for too much, but can I hug you? Just for a minute, i promise.”
The question almost makes Buggy choke on his own spit. Huh? He wants a hug? It’s a simple request, but it feels like a huge one to Buggy at that moment. He shouldn’t be allowing Mihawk in his personal space so easily, should he? This should definitely be where he draws the line. Right, but…
Mihawk has been so good to him lately…
Despite his own hesitancy, Buggy’s eyes soften slightly when he sees Mihawk open his arms. Just once… he thinks. Just this once because Mihawk has been so sweet and because he saved Buggy’s life. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s been horrible to Buggy in the past and that Buggy still hates him. He's just going to give him a hug because he's thankful, that's all. Buggy steps forward and as soon as he’s close enough, Mihawk grabs him by his waist and pulls him into a tight embrace. 
Oh, this shouldn’t feel good.
Mihawk’s still a little cold, and he smells faintly like the ocean, but his body is firm and his embrace soothes some of Buggy's anxieties, as well as his heart and his spirit. God, it’s been too long since he was last held by a man, hasn’t it? Or at least that’s what he tells himself. 
Mihawk leans down slightly and rests his cheek against the top of Buggy’s head, “You didn't have to thank me, though. I'm just glad you're alive and well.” The comment is almost surreal to Buggy. Months ago, Mihawk probably wouldn't have cared if Buggy lived or died, but right now he's telling him how happy he is that he's alive. It’s weird.
“Don't try and butter me up.” Buggy murmurs in response. 
“I'm not. I was afraid I wouldn't make it to you in time.”
“Oh, quit lying… You're not afraid of anything.” 
“That's just not true. I was genuinely afraid I wouldn’t be able to save you.” 
Buggy groans softly. He knows he shouldn't believe a word Mihawk's saying, but his feelings are all screwed up right now. Mihawk gives good hugs and is surprisingly good at sweet talking, and Buggy’s trying his hardest not to believe him and just melt into his arms, but Mihawk isn’t making it easy for him.
The lack of awkwardness scares Buggy, and so does the amount of time he spends in Mihawk’s embrace. This should have been a quick, awkward, encounter, but they hold each other longer than they should. When Buggy realizes this, he immediately tries to pull away, but Mihawk grabs him and pulls him back towards his chest. “Wait.” he murmurs, "Can I just hold you for a little while longer?” 
“Huh?” Buggy asks, and he despises how soft his voice comes out sounding.
"I've never held someone like this before. I think I like it.” Mihawk casually confesses. He says it like it’s a completely normal thing to say to Buggy, but it isn’t. This is weird. They shouldn’t be doing this. Buggy shouldn't be doing this for fuck's sake. He hates him. He hates him with all his guts. This shouldn't feel so natural. This is grossly crossing the line. They need to STOP.
(Why does Mihawk’s body feel so good pressed against his?)
Buggy is utterly speechless for a moment, but against his better judgment, he slowly begins to hug Mihawk back again, “Ugh. Don't get used to this kind of stuff. I'm only letting this happen because you saved my life.”
(Is that really the truth, though?)
“I know.” Mihawk replies, chuckling. His laugh sounds so pleasant to the ears at that very moment, and Buggy wonders why. Why does Mihawk’s touch feel so good? Why does his laugh sound like music too his ears? Why does Buggy feel so...off right now because of horrible ol' Mihawk?
“This doesn't change anything, either. “ Buggy adds as he clings onto the back of Mihawk’s dress shirt tightly.
“I know, but I hope things will change between us soon. I hope you’ll be able to truly forgive me and — “ 
“I forgive you, okay? Just shut up.”
Mihawk goes oddly quiet, and his silence confuses Buggy. Isn’t this what he wanted? Hasn’t he been seeking Buggy’s forgiveness endlessly and trying to prove to him that he’s changed? What’s wrong now? “Do you really mean it?” He finally asks. 
Maybe. Probably. Buggy still has so many emotions he needs to sort out, but he thinks he forgives Mihawk for the most part even though their messy past always lingers somewhere at the back of his mind, "Yeah… You’re forgiven or whatever, but don’t go thinking we’re best friends now. I still kind of hate you, but I’ll tolerate you for the sake of Cross Guild.”
“How do I get you to start liking me back?”
“You won’t. Now, let me go, you're cold.” 
“Stay and warm me up then.” 
Okay, that’s enough. Buggy breaks away from his and Mihawk’s hug (finally) “Listen, Romeo…” He says, and as the words leave his mouth, his voice cracks slightly. God, he doesn’t know what’s more embarrassing, Mihawk’s flirting or that stupid voice crack he just experienced. Either way, now he’s annoyed and even more flustered than before. “I said nothing’s changed. I still don’t like you like that.”
Mihawk hums, “I know.” he says before he grabs Buggy’s hand one last time, “But…” He pauses, clearly choosing his words carefully before he speaks again, “Maybe we can talk some more later…”
Turn him down.
Don’t give him hope.
You hate him. Don’t let this get out of hand, you’ll regret it. It’s dangerous. He has feelings for you and he’ll start thinking you like him if you keep playing these stupid games.  
...But what if...?
Buggy bites the inside of his cheek, “Maybe. I’m not making any promises, though.” he replies.
You dumbass. There's a voice at the back of Buggy's head that's yelling at him and telling him: Why do you do this to yourself? You hate him. Do you not remember all that he’s done to you? He’s hurt you, idiot. Don’t you remember that? Why are you acting differently now that he’s saved you and has been nice to you a few times? You shouldn’t let him keep doing this. You should turn him down. What if he goes back to his old ways and hurts you again? It’ll crush you, you know it will.  
Buggy ignores that voice, though, the moment Mihawk starts talking to him again, “Perhaps we can start off as friends and build some form of trust between us and, then…”
“...Maybe." Buggy reluctantly agrees, "I should go, though, I’m tired.”
"Okay, sleep well, but I hope we can talk more when you wake up, Buggy."
Good god, even his goodbyes are sweet now. Buggy can't handle this right now. He needs to get far away from this man and as quickly as possible before he does something dumb.
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mcbitchtits · 2 years ago
a reenactment of me scrolling through all the Indiana Jones announcements today
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it ends exactly the way you think it does:
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cluescorner · 3 months ago
The Council of Optimuses: Pleasant, generally positive, they exiled Bayverse a while ago but they still check in once in a while to make sure he's ok/out of curiosity, Earthspark enables One's 'I can fix him' delusion to the point that Prime is falling into it too, IDW does NOT want to add to the delusion pile so he shuts up, Cyberverse kinda doesn't want to be at this meeting it feels too much like a party, IDW keeps making calls to somebody but he won't tell anyone who, they used to have 'bring your Bumblebee to work day' but Skybound had a breakdown over it so they can't do that anymore, everybody is suspicious of Skybound's new arm but the only person who actually brought it up was Bayverse whose solution was 'kill him' so now everybody thinks they are getting paranoid and should maybe start seeing a therapist (they should start seeing therapists, but they ARE right about the arm).
The Council of Megatrons: They are having a great time even if it looks horrible from the outside looking in, Prime constantly wants to fight IDW for his spot as the strongest Megatron but IDW is not about that, they tried to kick out Earthspark but he somehow keeps getting in (IDW leaves the door open), One has like 5 devils on his shoulder telling him to escalate and two fallen angels who are desperately trying to get across that maybe total destruction isn't the move, IDW is trying to hide his redemption arc in order to keep the situation under control (only Earthspark is aware of it, though Skybound has his suspicions), Cyberverse always tries to kill the others to take over their universes and it's the highlight of everybody's month, Bayverse is mocked for being killed by Optimus but secretly everybody is kinda jealous about it (Prime especially), one time an unidentified Starscream (it was Animated) broke in and it was on sight (he got away because every Megatron wanted to be the one who killed him and they fought each other over it), IDW keeps taking calls from somebody but he won't tell anyone who, Skybound can listen in on his Optimus's meetings due to being his arm and reports back, there is an ongoing debate about whether Galvatrons should be included.
Inspired by @jyang030107 's art of ES and IDW Megs advising their One counterpart.
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arc852 · 3 months ago
Gosh, I have no idea how I'm going to put this into words but I'm gonna try my best.
I have a lot of feelings about Jimmy's canary status and such.
For four seasons he has been the first out, he's the canary. He signals the start of the end and for four seasons that was very true. And Jimmy hated it. He hated being out first everytime. Everyone around him either pitied him or made fun of him for being out first and Jimmy started to hate himself for how bad he was at the game.
And then came Secret Life.
As we all know, he wasn't the first out. And he was ecstatic. Even after dying second not ten minutes later, he cared more about the fact that he wasn't out first. He claimed the curse was broken and now we continue to see this into Wild Life.
Now, where am I going with this?
I think the Watchers are doing this on purpose.
There has always been something about Jimmy that the Watchers have clung on to. And up until this point, I thought the Watchers despised him. I mean, being the one cursed to always be out first, to be the one that warns your friends of their deaths, that's not fun. That's straight up torture.
But now, I don't think they despise him. I think they see to use him.
Think about it! The Watchers, for four seasons, have pummeled Jimmy's self confidence into the ground. Has made everyone see him as a loser. He started getting hopeless, started feeling like nothing was ever going to change.
And then it did change, in Secret Life, and he wasn't out first. Now, being out second is really not any better but it wasn't about that. Jimmy was starting to feel like, maybe he could actually do this! Maybe he could even win.
And then session 3 of Wild Life happened.
The Watchers did this on purpose. They gave him hope by not being out first in Secret Life and then let things get crazy in session 3 of Wild Life for Jimmy. Jimmy had it pretty bad in session 3 and I know a lot of us didn't have a lot of hope for him after that. Of course, session 4 went a different way than we were all expecting but again, that kind of plays into things.
The Watchers have torn Jimmy down, given him a little hope, and then tore him down again. And they did this to get Jimmy right where they wanted him.
Because Jimmy, before session 5, prayed to the Watchers. He asked them, begged them to please not let him be out first. To please let the canary curse well and truly die.
And they answered.
And Jimmy wasn't out first.
And now Jimmy is putty in their hands.
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edible-emerald · 1 month ago
every time a ls!kaboodle hater posts in the "justkaboodle" tag an angel looses its wings
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masonscig · 2 years ago
okay i kind of need to go insane about this rebecca line from book one because it's got me riled up LMAO
so, my f-mancer, flor, has the lowest stats with rebecca, at a whopping 5% so any biting dialogue option at their mom's expense is immediately smashed
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to tell your mother pretty plainly "i'm good. i don't need you. you were never there for me, " and for her to say "that's not true. i've always loved you," is so? indicative of her character imo?
she doesn't listen to the detective even when they're being straight up direct with her – for me, this interaction negates any of the good rebecca's been trying to do, whether or not she thinks she's coming across as genuine in making amends. how are you going to tell your own child that they're wrong? that what they experienced (a childhood full of loneliness, loss, and forced independence) isn't the full story (your mother loved you from afar but never made the conscious effort to show it)?
it doesn't matter if rebecca was out fighting hand-to-hand combat against supernaturals that were trying to take over the world, she was *not* there for the detective. she chose to be an absent mother! that's a fact! no matter the "good" she was doing for mankind
this whole exchange bothers me so much – maybe the writing doesn't exactly line up (that happens with choice based games sometimes, so i get it) but either way it's poor timing, and adds yet another layer to the complexity of rebecca's relationship with the detective
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reborrowing · 1 year ago
snake tank (part one maybe?)
little snake lady can have a borrower. as a treat. ~2100 words cw: captivity, dehumanization, neglect, cruelty, violence, fear, pet…treatment? - I don’t want to call it pet trope because that implies sentient pets are normalized and this is weird and awful in-universe as well. not actually vore! idc if you interact from that side of tumblr, but you'll be disappointed if that's what you're hoping for
I threw myself against the glass one last, futile time as I heard the door on the far side of the study creak open. My fingers nearly brushed the lip of the prison I’d been placed in, nearly caught onto that ledge that might let me pry open the lid and make an escape. I was still in the air when I felt his eyes land on me. My fur stiffened as his heavy footsteps approached. His towering form blocked out what sunlight had filtered through the closed window as he sat at his desk.
“You quit that, now. You know you aren’t getting out. Unless you’d like to try speaking with me again?”
I turned to face him rather than wait for him to spin the jar I was sitting in. I slunk to the floor, drawing up my knees as if they could shield me from his . He looked annoyed this time, rather than intrigued. I shook my head and stared at my hands. It wasn’t as if I would want him to dump me into his cold hands even if he wasn’t upset. I was bruised enough.
“I don’t have anything else to say. Sir,” I said.
He rolled his eyes.
“There's no one else!" I insisted. “It’s just me, the others ran away months ago, I’m the only one left.”
It wasn’t the truth, though by now it was close. The Copper family had moved out after Mellie reported that the master of the house was now collecting dangerous, exotic pets in his showroom. It was just the most stubborn of us left, or the most foolish.
“What to do with you, then?” the master of the house hummed.
He tapped a finger on the glass thoughtfully, right behind my head, in case I needed the reminder that my skull was no larger than the tip of his finger. I grimaced and looked back up at his face, where his wide lips twisted into a grotesque smirk. I closed my eyes as they curled back and revealed his teeth. My stomach twisted as he kept talking.
“My …friends tell me your kind is more trouble than you’re worth. But perhaps I could get some entertainment out of you?”
“Let me go, please. I’ll leave. I won’t bother you again,” I begged.
“Oh, but I do believe you owe me, little thief. How long have you been squatting here, hm?”
I slumped and curled in on myself. I had thought maybe, just maybe, if this guy cared for a zoo of strange animals, he might have a thread of compassion hiding in his oversized heartstrings. I’d—god, I had bet my life on it, hadn’t I? And now I was going to pay up.
A hand lifted away the log that I’d been curled up under.
I flinched awkwardly at the sudden light, then rolled to face the front of my enclosure. The man liked it when I “looked” at him. I couldn’t tell if he knew I was blind or not. All my eyes told me was that there was a large, blurry shadow standing over the tank. It could’ve been a tree, for all my eyes could understand.
I knew it was him though. I could sense his blazing warmth through other means. More importantly, I could smell him.
The hands. The nice hands. The man. Hugh Morton.
I smelled something else, too, something new. Another person, maybe? I listened intently for another heartbeat, another guest. I didn’t want to be shown off right now. I wanted to go back to sleep.
His hand reached back down to ruffle my hair, then run a rough finger across my scales. He rumbled something about feeding and I slumped back down to crawl back to bed. I wasn't hungry enough to want to fight and for all the good these hands did, they never killed my meals for me like the last ones did.
"Don't be so fussy, Hecate, I’m giving you a treat,” he chided. The ground shook as he flicked a finger against the glass wall. “You must get bored lying around in there all night.”
I huffed and and backed into a better position, against the side of one of my ceramic caves. I was still nursing a bite on my flank from my last dinner. 
I licked the air as Hugh slid open one half of the wall. I frowned. The prey was not a creature I knew. Hugh’s hands dangled a warm shadow by a long tail, then flicked it into the soil and the prey squeaked as it landed. It didn’t smell like a rat or any other rodent I’d encountered before. It did smell afraid.
It already understood it was being hunted. I didn’t like that. Scared meals fought back. I had scars to prove it.
Hugh scoffed in annoyance as the creature scrambled towards the opening in the glass. He knocked it back into the enclosure several times while I waited for a chance to strike.
“Don't make me break your legs," Hugh sighed.
The creature stopped moving. Strange. Its little heart was hot and hammering. Was it trained? Why would anyone take the time to train food?
Maybe it was afraid of Hugh’s voice. 
I took advantage of its stillness and lunged. It turned to run in the split-second before we collided. It slammed into one of my open arms. I fumbled as it flailed, then got myself curled around it anyway.
It felt strange against my scales. Not furry. Not naked. Synthetic. Was it wrapped? Humans wrapped their food, but not mine. They used those crinkling papers. This was wrapped in something soft.
Was it clothed?
I hesitated in my confusion and the prey bit back. Something long and sharp stabbed in between two ventral scales. I flinched, hissing, and the prey slipped away. It left the sharp thing behind, but it didn’t bleed. I put a hand on the sharp thing and realized it wasn’t a tooth. It had some kind of handle. Plastic. The point was metal. Some kind of tiny knife? I swayed uncertainly and let the little creature run.
What was he feeding me?
It had never occurred to me that there might be peoples other than humans and my own kind living in this world. I wish I had the time to found out.
The caged creature I had been placed with was, as most things were, comparatively massive. Its front was that of a vaguely humanoid woman, small, but still at least twice the size of my own top half. Her eyes were vacant and unfocussed. She was pale, fat, and lined with scars that told me she had much more experience than myself in fighting. 
The bulk of her body was what truly scared me. She was a python that trailed lazily across the near half of the terrarium. She was coiled, so I could only guess at her true length, but her girth was easy to make out. I regularly crawled through tunnels narrower than this snake, making it all too easy to understand what would happen to me. That the master of the house had returned my thumbtack seemed like a joke. I had no prayer here. This would be a cruel combination of all the worst deaths I'd been taught to fear—caught, crushed, and consumed.
I wanted to refuse him the satisfaction. I let myself lie down and cry as the master of the house threw me back into the dirt with an unambiguous threat. I might as well. No one else would know to mourn me for weeks, even months.
It would turn out that my inborn will to survive was stronger than my desire to spite the host I'd lived under for so many years. I rolled out of the way, only a split second two late, as the snake woman pounced. She caught me in the crook of her elbow then shoved me into a wall of scaled muscle. The python whipped around me before I could take a breath. I barely had the space to think, never mind resist. It was sheer luck that wedged my thumbtack between two plates of her underbelly.
And it was enough. She spasmed and let go of me.
I fell forward into the dirt, coughing to refill my aching lungs. I don’t think she had left any part of me unbruised, though didn’t waste time taking inventory of my injuries.
“Hey, don’t let it get away now, girl, get up!"
I scowled up at the master of the house as I pushed onto my feet. There was nowhere for me to get away to, not while he was leering over the open door.
I didn't understand him.
I didn't understand how a thinking creature such as himself, with all his power and all his resources, would resort to blood sport for entertainment. The study I'd spent my life beneath had a beautiful library. Page after page told of the world's endless mysteries, of beauty and majesty and life for him to go out and pursue. And he would choose to spend his time watching some monster eat me alive.
I saw the snake-woman moving out of the corner of my eye. My stomach twisted at the utter silence of her movement over the dirt even before she started sliding towards me, and then it was like a switch went off in my head. Gone was higher thought, blown away by the sheer force of the ancient instinct to run.
The terrarium was full and well-decorated, with plenty of greenery both faux and alive as well as several dark spaces to hide. I doubted any would shelter me, this place had been built for her. 
I had nowhere to go and I ran and I ran and I hit the glass and I ran and there was a branch so I climbed it and I reached the ceiling and there was more glass and I turned around and there she was crawling after me and I jumped and her hand brushed my leg and I kicked and she fell  around me like an avalanche and it was over.
Her long body surrounded me and as soon as I moved, she struck. Walls of scales encased me again and this time, no tack would save me. Everything went dark.
Several seconds passed. She loosed her grip. I heard the master’s muffled voice droning through her flank. I took a breath and shuddered. Long minutes of silence passed and the knot she’d wrapped me in fell away. 
I admit I didn’t know much about snakes, but she didn’t seem to be very good at this.
I sprung to my feet, desperate to get at least a few inches between us again, but her hand wrapped around my face. She grabbed the back of my shirt’s neckline with her other hand and I thrashed as she pulled me off the ground.
Slowly, her palm pulled away from my face. She rubbed two fingers over my eyes, traced the curve of my nose, and drew a thumb across my lips. I bit down as hard as I could. She barely flinched, just wiped a little blood off on the side of my face.
“Beb?” she croaked.
Her blank eyes narrowed in concentration as her tongue flicked out of her mouth and brushed against my nose. Tasting me. Her lips twitched. I felt cold.
“No, please! Please, please, please, kill me first, please,” I cried.
She tilted her head to the side. Her tongue flickered twice more and both times I flinched. She babbled something in a tortured voice. 
“Please,” I begged. “If you can even understand me, please, just kill me before you eat me. I don’t want to suffer.” 
She frowned and hissed several times. My blood trembled through my veins. She slowly shaped her tongue around some word I did not know. She patted my head and sighed, then set me gently on the dirt beside her and slithered away.
The prey had the face of a person.
The little thing was clever enough to talk, but not smart enough to understand me. They were small like a hatchling. They ran on legs like a bird. 
They screamed and cried so I let the little one have some space, whatever they were.
I hoped they would come back to me. They were very warm. Like the sun, but in a person. Like food. Like Hugh.
Like this lovely little cave in the back of the tank. I curled up and burrowed into myself for a cozy rest.
I hoped they wouldn’t try to kill me.
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doctorweebmd · 13 days ago
i don't think i'll ever get over the comedic timing of being prepared to intubate an obtunded patient going into worse and worse shock on three pressors code cart in room pads on having like six people all staring at the vitals anxiously as this person might code at ANY MOMENT, me standing at the head of the bed ready to tube the second we have a safe BP and the nurse from two doors down comes into the room and says, 'hey doc, room x is in asystole' and just. walks away.
i'm just. standing there. peri-coding this patient. and i'm calling after him 'uh.... are they supposed to be?!'
absolutely insane delivery. no context no info just 'hey, btw this person's heart stopped. :) bye ' HELLO!?!
#last night was just. something out of a med drama/comedy#keep in mind that i'm. at the moment. spending no more than 2-3 shifts a MONTH in the ICU. on NIGHT SHIFT.#it has been a month. i walk in. 3 admits in past hour#one that hasn't been seen#need to eval her real quick. ok.#start my PM rounds. look at one of the 'admits' through the door#completely obtunded not moving not responding to sternal rub....like ok. not good.#ok. 'hey can i get an ABG and the bipap?' to RT. vitals ok for now but i just KNOW he's hypercapnic#keep rounding. come to panicked nurse#patient in horrible septic shock super young maxed on 4 pressors would like an art line and triple lumen.#ok. 'can you get the line cart? i'll stop by after we finish rounding if it can wait 10 more mins'#ok. we're downstairs. charge nurse gets called.#'um that patient thats obtunded their pH is 6.8'#'welp. thats not compatible with life. time to intubate.' i tell her the meds to pull and she runs ahead#SOMEONE ASKS ME TO TRANSITION INSULIN DRIP TO SQ IN THAT MOMENT?! its just like. bro. that can wait (i still do it)#now we're in the room. pushing meds. he's becoming shockier. .crash cart please. pads on just in case.#nurse comes in. just saying 'hey room x is in asystole' super casually. i'm like what#apparently they were on comfort care and it was expected#which is HOW HE SHOULD HAVE LEAD THAT SENTENCE?!? LMAO#listen. i did not sit down or start documenting for the first 7 HOURS of my shift#and the craziest thing is that like. 5 people died during my shift. FIVE.#(all not unexpected and not needing to be coded but still. that is. not normal.)#and i come in to hand off. and the doc i hand off to is like#'yeah the most i've ever had die on one of my shifts is 8'#like bro are you trying to ONE UP ME?! on THIS?#medical tw#i was really lucky. the charge and the two floats were STELLAR. i sincerely dont know what i would have done without them#there were many other difficult things on that shift that don't feel appropriate to share#anyway watch the pitt. its exceedingly medically accurate. all my ER friends love it
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offthewall1979 · 1 month ago
my review of Moonwalk: hot mess. ★★★.
#i will refer to it#but oh god... it's just#1st of all. the added afterword from 2009 should have been a FOREWORD bc it gives you the context for how this book was made#so they did have a real writer put it together based on long transcripts of interviews one of the publishing people did with mj#if those tapes exist or pieces of then exist i need to find them. i think i've seen some floating around#bc ... the way it's written sounds very michael. it's not well written. so i'm surprised they even had an actual writer do it#but that makes me think maybe the writer just pulled a lot of exact wording from the tapes?#i hope that's how it happened#like the publishing lady said i Also wish michael had been devoted to this project. this could've been really good#i'm interested in anything that comes straight from michael so ultimately i'm just grateful he did a book at all#and really WAS involved in it#but it just. it's a mess. it's disorganized. it's disjointed#it just does not deliver in so many ways#there were so many times i would read a couple paragraphs and be like. wait What. that went Nowhere#there are really wonderful parts of course too#first of all i'm happy to hear him talk about parts of his life he didn't necessarily talk about that much#i find everything he says about motown and esp the mid-late j5 motown years Supremely interesting#everything written about music and dancing and performing is great. seeing the way he thinks about those things. divine. enlightening.#the thing is. the tone is extremely defensive and passive aggressive throughout the whole book#which is amusing and i mostly like it. michael jackson was one petty and spiteful mf. he loved being right and he reiterates that a lot#but bc of the press treatment of more personal things like his appearance and relationships. those parts are just. eugh#like when it comes to music/dance/performance he can defend himself no problem. concrete evidence that he's fucking awesome and he knew it#he brings up dating and stuff and it feels like he was like. floundering. maybe he just couldn't decide how much to share?#idk it just feels like. he won't outright SAY some things but he'll sort of hint at things. and i can't tell if what he's hinting at#is the real truth or him being defensive and wanting to give the impression that he was 'normal' so people would just leave him alone#i can't tell. i really can't. i wanna just believe him but i'm like. wtf do you mean. and then there'll be inconsistencies#like WHAT R U TRYING TO SAY. you might as well just tell me what you WANT me to think and what you want people to stop bothering you about#ok anyways#it definitely feels like they rushed to get it out asap#i have like 10 questions for every page. i feel like a writer/editor should've been working with him in that way
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silverselfshippingchaos · 2 months ago
a really big chunk of my ship tags are just titles of songs that I happen to like (if you can tell what they are, you get a gold star!)
but that also means that every now and then, a certain song will come on and I'll be hit with the strongest wave of just. Feels.
(some spoilers for M.onster in the tags btw)
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dropespeon · 2 months ago
god. me when characters escape the narrative
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 5 months ago
It seems tautological, almost, some unavoidable law of the universe invoked by the sharing of this body. Arthur will always suffer. John will always be there to pick up the pieces afterward.
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