#anti wash zone
thotsforvillainrights · 6 months
Do a wash x reader fic
(Happy arpil fools)
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I am inside your walls chewing at the insulation and waiting for the right moment to get you...
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The Grey Zone 5
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, manipulation, age gap, bullying, toxic parental figures, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your relationship with your parents has never been good, and that with a family friend takes a strange turn(goth!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen
Note: Oh my mustachioed man!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
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Lloyd pulls in at the last rest stop before you officially enter the true desolation of the northern wilds. You open your door before he can even turn off the engine, unable to hold back the spew of sickness. You spit onto the tarmac as the sun sets darkly above. You grip the door and flinch as Lloyd reaches over to rub your back.
"You okay, baby cakes?" He asks as you press the back of your hand to your mouth and sit back, trapping his hand against the seat.
"Yeah, I just get car sick, like I said," you're almost breathless as the bile sears in your throat, "I should go rinse my mouth out."
"Need help?" He asks and you send him a confounded look. He winks as you struggle to decipher his meaning.
"No," you unbuckle your seat belt and grab your little leather knapsack.
"I guess you're not in the mood for any snacks?" He says as he climbs out on his side, mirror you as you shut your door.
"No, I'm good," you cough.
You walk in stride with him, trying to keep ahead as you're paranoid about your breath and any possible dribble from your vomit. He reaches past you to open the door and holds it open. You flit in and search for the bathroom sign, leaving him behind as the taste of your sickness dries on your tongue.
You hurry down the hall and push into the ladies. You crank on the sink and bend over to rinse your mouth out. You dry off, wiping away much of your black lipstick. 
You fish a mint out of your bag and reapply the tint to your lips, checking your reflection one last time. You go into one of the stalls, just to be sure and wash your hands before venturing out into the store. 
As you come out. Lloyd stands by the magazine shelf, browsing without intent. He glances over at you and smirks, his hands full.
"Got ya... ginger ale," he holds up the green bottle, "and some anti-nausea stuff." He shakes the box of tablets.
"Oh, you didn't have to..."
"I saw it, so... whatever," he hands over the items, "paid and good to go, unless you need anything else."
"All good," you muster a smile.
"You just relax, sweetheart," he waves you towards the door, "we're looking at making midnight if we're lucky. You rest up... you'll need your energy for your vacation."
"Thanks," you mutter. You don't plan on relaxing, you have textbooks and more than enough homework.
"Let me get this," he opens the door for you again.
You step through and he follows closely, just grazing the loose fabric of your pants. You feel a tug but don't think much of it right as he passes you and hits the unlock button on his keys. You near the car and drop into the passenger seat with your goodies.
You crack the seal on the ginger ale, the mint tainting the flavor. You open the box of pills and break one free of the insert. You swallow it with another swig of soda and put the bottle in the cupholder, tucking away the pills in your bag before shoving it between your feet. You lean back and buckle up.
Lloyd turns the engine and flips the stereo on again. You're tired already. You're glad he's taken on most of the driving, aside from his lead foot.
"That's it, you just chill," he reaches over and claps his hand on your thigh, "we'll be home before we know it."
"Home?" You wonder.
"Home away from home," he shrugs and pulls his hand back to the wheel and shifts into gear. "don't worry about it, babe. I got you."
You don't respond. You're not really sure how to and you're stomach is still gurgly. You just want the meds to kick in so you can close your eyes without getting dizzy.
"Alright, back on the road," he steers around the lot, following another car towards the ramp, "huh," he snorts as he speeds up.
"Nah, just thinking... feels like... a movie," he muses as he sits back, keeping one hand nonchalantly on the wheel even as the speedometer ticks up, "like we're going away on a honeymoon. Some ridiculous romcom... or maybe a horror movie. You seem partial to the latter."
"I guess. That's a stereotype though. I'm not really a horror person."
"No?" He sniffs, "my bad. I saw that Poe collection on your shelf, so I assumed--"
"I like to read, not so much into seeing gore," you shrug.
"Fair," he replies, "surprising..."
"Why's it surprising?"
"I didn't take you as squeamish with the whole..." he points to his nose, "ring thing."
You reach up to touch your septum.
"Oh, I couldn't really see them doing it," you say.
"Not that I don't like it," he assures you, "it's a look."
You furrow your brow and nearly laugh. Is he trying to sound young and hip or something? At least he's not like your mother, lecturing you on mutilating your body.
"You got any ink? Tattoo or something?" He asks, "something mommy and daddy don't know about?"
"Um, no," you say, "it's... expensive."
"Oh, do I ever know," he clucks.
"You have a tattoo?"
"Sure do," he pats his chest, "I'll give you a look once we get where we're going. It's nothing hardcore. Mostly a college mistake."
"Ah, makes sense."
"What else is college for?" He winks at you in the rearview, "making memories."
"Sure," you agree and yawn into your hand.
"I'll shut up now," he scoffs, "you rest that pretty head."
You look at him, hesitating before letting yourself relax against the seat. You cross your arms and lean into the door, closing your eyes to keep from glancing out the window. He must have got the drowsy stuff, your head is swimming.
Soon the motion of the car turns from alarming to soothing. You let yourself sink into the anti-nauseant laced drowse itching on your eyelids. You blink, slower and slower, as you succumb to the dark sky and your induced exhaustion. You drift into semi-consciousness, the engine still whirring in your ears.
The hours slip by like seconds and you wake much before your ready too. Not quite all the way as your head wobbles and your body feels buried in sand. You drag your hand across your face clumsily as the car slows and you hear the chirping of crickets. You grumble, batting your lashes before letting them close again. You nestle into the door, reaching for sleep once more.
A soft rumble, like a chuckle, rises as the engine quiets completely. You feel a shift and hear the driver's side door. You can't tell if it's real or you're dreaming. Not until your own door opens and your seatbelt barely keeps you from falling out of the car.
Lloyd nudges you back and snickers again, "ah, look at you, sleepy girl."
He bends over you, his fingertips fluttering over your stomach as he reaches to undo your seatbelt. You moan as you struggle to keep your eyes open. His shadow blocks the moonlight as your tongue sticks dryly to the roof of your mouth. You feel... more tired than you should.
"Let's get you to bed, huh? Look at you," he lets his hand wander down your thigh, "fuck, you're so warm." He tickles you through the fabric of your pants and you shiver, "and it's damn chilly, isn't it?"
He pushes his hands between your thighs and you gasp. You reach for him and he bats your hand away easily. He cups your cunt through your pants and you squirm. He puts his other arms below your chest, pinning you to the seat.
"Wha..." you babble.
"Shhhh, it's alright, babe," he purrs as he bends, pulling his hand down your thigh as he parts them wide, dipping his head into your lap. "Mmmm, you smell delicious."
He buries his face in your pelvis and takes a deep breath before exhaling hotly into you. You whimper and push on his head. He chuckles and pulls his head back. He raises the hand he had cupped against you and sniffs that too.
"The way I'm gonna taste you and find out it you're just as good as you smell," he stands and hooks his arms under yours, lifting you out of the seat, "and you're gonna be begging me for it."
"What are you talking..."
"It's okay, honeybee,  you're fucking out of it," he snaps shut the passenger door, keeping you against him, "if I wanted to, I could fuck you in the dirt right now but that's no fun."
"Huh?" You lean against him, your feet unsteady in your platform boots.
"My dicks been hard since we got in the car, you're lucky I don't test your throat out," he guides you along the pebbles and twigs, a large structure looming limned in moonlight.
"Mr. Hansen?" You eke out.
"Relax, I'm gonna put you to bed, nice and cozy. Cozier on my dick but we'll save that," he teases as his hand creeps down to squeeze your ass, "you got some of those rings in your nips too? Kinky shit."
You shake your head, stumbling with him up the wooden steps of the cabin. The place is dark and you didn't notice if your dad's SUV was there yet. They must have got there by then.
Lloyd angles you through the front door and moves seamlessly through the dark. His strength is unsettling, knowing he could do anything and you couldn't fight him off. Even if you weren't groggy.
"Come on, princess," he hums as he takes you up the stairs, each step creaking.
"Please," you beg, "why..."
"Shhh," he hushes you as he gets you to the top.
Your panic pulses and you try to shove away from him. He lets you and you go crashing into some unseen shape and bounce onto the floor. The noise of your tumble is deafening. Lloyd cackles and you hear something else. Suddenly, footsteps barreling but uneven, a door opens further down.
"What the fuck is going on?" Your mother snarls drunkenly.
"Nothing, Connie," he calls through a chortle, "girl's just a bit hopped up."
"Hopped up?!" She shrieks and you hear her struggling before she emerges, shining a light at you from the flash of her cell phone, "what?!"
"Calm down, she had some dramamine," he scoffs, "she doesn't have the same tolerance as you, Con."
"Oh, shut up," she huffs and turns back, casting the light away from both of you, "keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep."
"Pleasant as ever," he mutters as he slides his arms under you and lifts you. You touch your forehead, dizzied as he cradles you against his chest. He walks down the hall and stops to push open a door with his foot. He stands in the frame and clucks, "just like a honeymoon, huh? Me carrying you over the threshold." He enters and moves carefully through the dark as it thickens, "but we'll save the fun stuff for now."
He puts you on the bed and you grumble. He hovers over you, his hand trails down your body. You shiver and he presses his lips to your forehead and growls, "I can wait…"
He pushes away and stands straight, lurking as you feel him staring down at you. You hug yourself and roll onto your side, weak and disoriented. He takes in an audible breath and lets it out. 
"I'm not even gonna jerk off, as much as my balls are swinging like barbells," he taunts as he leans back on his heels, "I'm saving it all up for you, baby." He clicks his tongue in his cheek, "I'm even gonna be a gentleman and bring your stuff in. Don't worry, you can be naughty for me."
You don't say a word as you close your eyes, hoping to shut out this twisted reality. You hear him retreat, slow deliberate steps that stoke your nerves. He's letting you be for now, but it won't be forever. And now you know exactly what he wants…
The morning greets you with the sight of an unfamiliar room. Your memory doesn’t rush back but trickles in. A patchwork begins to form in your mind; your father sending you off with Lloyd, his herky jerky driving, the rest stop, and the wobbly scenes that came after.
You remember a conversation but not every word. Only enough to set you on edge. You sit up sharply as the words etch in your mind; ‘don’t worry, you can be naughty for me’. You want to shrug it off as a figment of your own imagination but it’s all too real in your mind.
You look around at the bedroom. Hardwood side for the walls and similarly coloured slats across the floor. The bed frame is elaborate, hand-carved with ornate knobs at the top of each post. There’s a quilty haphazardly pulled over you, gathering at your waist as you hold yourself with palms flat to the mattress.
Your duffle is in the plaid armchair set in the corner. It’s empty. You shake your head, clearing out the last of the cobwebs. Despite the nausea meds and a night of almost lifeless sleep, you wake swiftly. You feel eerily alert of every detail. 
You get up and near the tan dresser, your reflection appearing in the circle mirror perched above. Your eye makeup is smeared and your lipstick only left at the edges of your lips. You’re a mess.
Your hat hangs on the one of the posts that holds up the mirror and your knapsack from the other. You rest your hands on the thin metal handles and slide the top drawer open slowly. You look down as the wood grinds loudly.
Your underwear is neatly folded to one side but you didn’t pack enough to fill the whole drawer. At the other side, there’s something else, something unfamiliar. You touch the lacy fabric and hook your fingers through the slender straps. 
You pull it out of the drawer and let it hang down to the floor. It’s a full body suit, lace in the pattern of spiderwebs, with no lining. It wouldn’t hide much at all. You look up and see yourself positioned behind it, as if you’re trying to see what it would look like on.
You lower the garment and clear your throat. Last night wasn’t a dream, you’re lucky it was a nightmare. You quickly tuck the lacy bodysuit back into the drawer and close it.
What do you do? Do you tell your parents? You don’t imagine your mother would believe you, if she even listened. She’s already into the wine. And your father, Lloyd is his friend. He’d probably shrug it off as one of his jokes.
You back up and turn to the rest of the room. You hear the birds chirping, trees swaying, and the soft breeze flowing in through the slightly open window. You cross to the pane and look out at the deep cluster of trees that stretches for miles. It’s all the more obvious then that you’ve walked straight into his trap.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🟢 Tue morning  - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
❗️YESTERDAY’S MASSACRE STORY FALLS APART.. the attack DID NOT take place in a designated safe zone but 1 km away.  The fire was caused by a nearby vehicle loaded with EXPLOSIVES - more specifically rockets.  The IDF used a “very small” bomb, and the damage shows no bomb dispersal pattern (meaning it wasn’t from the bomb).  
▪️UNRWA - 1 MILLION LEAVE RAFAH.. everyone who wanted to leave Rafah has.
▪️AID PIER DIFFICULTIES.. most of the aid pier was floated to Ashdod, to shelter during wavy seas.  One part broke away and beached in Ashkelon, along with a vessel trying to pull it off.  Another 2 pieces washed ashore in Gaza.  Several experts weighed in: bad place for this type of pier, there were other better options.
▪️ROBOT / DRONE ARMOR?  Spotted in Rafah: armed APC’s with no humans aboard - new drone armor by the IDF.
▪️HEZBOLLAH LAUNCHES A CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN.. you too can buy a drone or missile to kill Jews.  
▪️PROTEST CONVEY.. is slowing traffic along the coastal highway.  The protest for the "return of the mandate to the people" motorcades left from several points in the country as part of the protest calling for the elections.
♦️RAFAH - TUNNELS.. The IDF has so far located more than 10 smuggling tunnels along the Philadelphi axis, crossing from the Gaza Strip to Egypt. Some were destroyed, the IDF is working to destroy the rest.
♦️RAFAH - FIGHT.. a 6th combat brigade has entered the fight.
♦️GAZA CITY TUNNEL DESTROYED.. 800 meter-long and 18 meter-deep tunnel was located close to the Netzarim Corridor, n the Sabra neighbourhood.  Demolished by explosion.
⭕ NEAR TULKARM, TERRORISTS FIRING AND IED.. shooting attack combined with an explosive device against the Deir al-Hausun checkpoint North of Tulkarm.
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scarybabe · 5 months
Speaking of sensory stuff and gaining. How did you deal with all the new bits touching each other when they didn't before?
I've gained a bit over the past year. I love being soft and squishy but I really can't handle feeling myself all the time ya know.
It takes a lot of getting used to - the chafing and friction in my chin and neck area and armpit areas especially are borderline unbearable for me when trying to sleeep.. it just comes with the territory 😮‍💨 the fatness is super hot but all the friction/moisture when I’m out in the heat or being physically active is sensory overload sometimes.
I do recommend using an anti chafing stick to make sure everything glides together smoothly - Megababe makes products for plus size people and I love theirs! They also make a moisture absorbing lotion that dries to a powder that helps with some of those sensations - any similar brand will do though :) 🩷
another thing that I didn’t learn until I was in the 270’s is that antifungal ointments (like Terrasil) can really help with redness and irritation in areas you chafe! I’ve used it in my armpit zone & under belly fold and it really calms my skin down. It’s hard as someone who HATES having wet hair but taking a rinse off shower every other day or after any intense physical activity helps as well, also I use Lume antibacterial body wash 🥰 it also has stuff in it that brightens the hyperpigmentation caused by chafing and makes me smell amazing.
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tvckerwash · 9 months
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hi @banamine-bananime I didn't want to rb the post these tags are on since it's not mine, but I NEED to talk about how important it was for the bgc to forgive wash no questions asked at the end of s8 for a minute.
the washed hands interview, in conjunction with wash's speech to the chairman, along with what we see of wash throughout the series, all shows us that he is someone who has been repeatedly punished throughout his life for doing the right thing. whether it was standing up to his childhood bully, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers, or putting an end to an experimental military program gone wrong, and stopping the mindless killing machine his former friend had been turned into because of said program—he always ended up with the short end of the stick. he was supposed to be the hero! the guy who was brave enough to do what no one else would! but instead, all he was ever seen as was the crazy guy with violent anger issues who couldn't let things go and ruined everything because of it. he didn't stand up to his bully, he brutally attacked a classmate unprovoked and caused him to lose vision in one eye. he didn't save a platoon of soldiers, he disobeyed orders and attacked his CO. he didn't put an end to a corrupt military program and save his friend and former teammate, he destroyed government property and hindered a federal investigation.
wash in s8 is a man who never wanted to be a villain, but if no one would see him as the hero, what other choice did he have? the reds and blues answered by showing wash that there was a third option that he had never considered before: do neither, just give up and go home. who do you think they are? the master chief? who gives a crap about any of that savior of humanity garbage when they could stand around bickering about the shitty box canyon they're stuck it? or daydream about picking up chick's with a tank? or constantly blow up their brand new vehicles? the possibilities are endless!
wash had spent so long fighting against the world trying to prove everyone wrong and make them see him the way that he sees himself, that reds and blues forcibly adopting him as one of their own purely out of convenience, not asking for anything in return beyond "don't be a team killing dick", and being more than happy to forget his fucks ups as water under the bridge is EXACTLY the type of unconditional acceptance and anti serious try hard zone wash needed to grow as a person. the power of friendship, the art of not giving a fuck, and taking a chill pill for the win!
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those who are not aware, I have decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s Queer Cinema Syllabus and have officially started Unit 3: Faith and Religion. The films in Unit 3 are: But I’m a Cheerleader (2000), Prayers for Bobby (2009), Latter Days (2003), Blackbird (2014), The Wise Kids (2011), Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015)
Today I will be writing about
But I’m a Cheerleader (2000) dir. Jamie Babbit
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[Run Time: 1:30 , Available: tubi, amazon, google play, apple play, Lang: English] 
Summary: A cheerleading-obsessed teenager is sent to a strict summer camp when her parents suspect her of being a lesbian. 
Cast: * Natasha Lyonne as Megan * Clea DuVall as Graham, Megan's love interest
Note: I watched the 2020 Director’s Cut
Hello, I have entered The Danger Zone. For the next two units I expect to be absolutely and utterly dashed upon the rocks as I start Unit 3: Faith and Religion, and eventually wash it down with Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley. 
Ben is being nice by having the first film on the list be But I’m a Cheerleader, so at least we can ease our way in to the conversations around conversion therapy and religious trauma to the queer community with some dark humor and bright colors. 
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While I decided to embark on this syllabus project because my experience with queer media has been severely limited, there is at least one movie in Units 1-6 that I have seen before. For Unit 3, it is this one. I love this movie. I love this movie because for all that it is dark, for all the pain you see being carried by these queer teenagers, for all the harm that has and could be done to them throughout their time at True Directions, the film wastes absolutely no time highlighting the absolute absurdity of programs like this. What do you expect to happen when you put a bunch of horny, queer teenagers in a room together? But I’m a Cheerleader does a phenomenal job at maintaining the fact that queerness is inherent, it is not learned, it is not chosen. 
And it does something else that I picked up on this watch through, that makes me appreciate it even more, which is that it kinda pokes fun at 12 step-programs.
I don’t know that I have really talked about this much on my tumblr, I know I have referenced it a couple times in like…comments and conversations with some of my mutuals on tumblr about my opinions on Alcoholics Anonymous. Before I dig in to it, I will preface that AA and NA works for who it works for, and that’s cool, but I have strong negative opinions on these 12-step programs as a harm reductionist because they hold abstinence as the ultimate goal of substance use recovery, they are super religious, and they generally espouse anti-harm reduction ideologies. So seeing True Directions have a five step program, where the first step is literally admitting you have a problem are a homosexual, and to see these steps be a) absolutely absurd, b) random, and c) ineffective made me so happy. 
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For real, this program did not work on a single one of the residents by the end of the film, and that is absolutely what needs to happen. 
I love that the kids sneak out to go to a gay bar, I love that when the kids fail the conversion therapy program they get taken in by survivors of True Directions and find safety in a queer-positive house, especially because (as we see with Megan) if the kids fail the program they do risk homelessness. Which is a very real and present threat to queer kids today, both conversion therapy and possible homelessness. 
I like that Megan’s parents picked up on the fact she was queer before Megan herself did (shout out to vegetarianism, I literally wrote ‘vegetarian’ in my notes as an observed potential indicator lol) and find it is absolutely an intentional point that Megan would very possibly not have realized she was queer if her parents hadn’t sent her to conversion therapy, because it was not until a fellow queer was like “not all girls think about what you are thinking about when you look at girls” 
And it always hurts my heart a little when I hear people say their parents make comments sometimes that are like “well, everyone thinks about kissing a girl sometimes” etc etc and are still existing under the belief that they are straight. Megan seemed completely oblivious to her own queerness until other people pointed it out, and her parents might have had the intended outcome of a “straight” child if they had just kept their mouths shut and minded their own goddamn business. 
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Not that we want Megan to be straight, but more just that the film itself feels like it does make a point of calling out the fact that putting your queer kid in a room with other queer kids is going to help them understand themselves better. It’s why cishets are so terrified of trans people, because the more visible trans and/or queer people are, the more people are able to question their own identities, and the more the white supremacist society we have built in the United States starts to become undermined by the degradation of a pillar of patriarchal heteronormativity, etc etc. 
I love that on the boy’s side of True Directions all the little decorations of like…shop tools and soldiers look sexual. The soliders look like they are either getting fucked in the ass, or about to perform oral sex. The tools look like dicks, it’s very much indicative of the fact that even the adults who say they have been “cured” really have not been, because they are still creating scenery and teaching these boys how to be straight while subconsciously producing images of queerness. 
I love that But I’m a Cheerleader is also able to challenge our own perceptions of queerness and heterosexuality. I love that it is Jan, who looks the most butch/masc of all the girls who is revealed to be heterosexual, and I think it is vitally important to see this not only as commentary around judging people based on appearance, but also can be used as a discussion point about the masculinization of women of color, and in addition the fact that all the girls are turned on watching Jan vacuum the floor, demonstrating that masculine women can be seen as hot/sexy. 
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Anyway, I love this movie a lot, I think the messaging is great, I think it can read a little more serious for a queer audience than a straight audience around the actual extent of the damage done to these characters during their time at True Directions, but I think there are all of these little things that make the funny moments funnier if you are queer. 
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For sure by and about queer people. Both the director, Jamie Babbit, and the screenwriter, Brian Wayne Peterson are queer. I will admit that for a bit during the film I struggled to decide whether or not this film was made for queer people, because in some regards I thought that perhaps the purpose of But I’m A Cheerleader was to show straight people how fucking stupid conversion therapy is. But, I have actually landed on The Gay Trifecta for this one. 
Jamie Babbit stated that part of her inspiration for making this film was because she wanted more representation for fem lesbians in media, and that she decided to make it a romcom because of how media has historically treated lesbians (if you have read some of my other posts, we know I have talked about that history multiple times). 
Favorite Moment
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SEX SCENE! So, I am pretty certain that I watched But I’m A Cheerleader for the first time before 2020, and therefore I did not have access to the director’s cut. But, in 2020 Babbit released her own cut of the movie, which is 5 minutes longer and I think the only difference between the two films is the addition of a sex scene that had been cut out of the initial film. It is not a hardcore scene by any means, but it is absolutely gorgeous, and it has some very clever and important shots contained within it, the most memorable for me being the shot of the cross necklace Megan always wears as she is actively having sex with Graham. 
Favorite Quote
“You are who you are, the only trick is not getting caught” 
God is that just like a bullseye statement for queer people, especially the ones who have to stay closeted. Such a quick line, such an active acknowledgement of threat, because everyone that ended up at True Horizons either got caught or couldn’t hide.
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Next up, Prayers for Bobby, and uh, I have it on good authority that it may leave me looking like Graham in that gif directly above this sentence.
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This day in history
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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#5yrsago A grandmother is suing the TSA for strip searching her to get a look at her panty liner, on Mother’s Day https://professional-troublemaker.com/2019/06/06/tsa-strip-searches-grandmother-on-mothers-day-for-over-feminine-hygiene-product-gets-sued/
#5yrsago A trove of leaks show that Brazil’s “anti-corruption” task force was secretly trying to oust Lula and install a far-right strongman https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/brazil-archive-operation-car-wash/
#5yrsago Americans are too poor to survive whether or not they’re working https://eand.co/half-of-americans-are-effectively-poor-now-what-the-c944c518db6a
#5yrsago Competition can fix Big Tech, but only if we don’t make “bigness” a legal requirement https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/06/06/regulating-big-tech-makes-them-stronger-so-they-need-competition-instead?fsrc=gp_en?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/regulatingbigtechmakesthemstrongersotheyneedcompetitioninsteadopenvoices
#5yrsago Weekend SIM-swapping blitz targets US cryptocurrency holders https://www.zdnet.com/article/wave-of-sim-swapping-attacks-hit-us-cryptocurrency-users/
#5yrsago The NRA begs gun nuts for donations, spends lavishly on its board of directors and execs https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/nra-money-flowed-to-board-members-amid-allegedly-lavish-spending-by-top-officials-and-vendors/2019/06/09/3eafe160-8186-11e9-9a67-a687ca99fb3d_story.html
#5yrsago On Grenfell’s second anniversary, 60,000 Britons are still living in firetraps clad in the same deadly, decorative materials https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/grenfell-tower-fire-material-high-rise-buildings-flat-block-a8946276.html
#1yrago Links, dumped https://pluralistic.net/2023/06/10/in-the-dumps-2/#do-the-humpty-dump
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cars2-renaissance · 3 months
I need to make a post on this little guy cause he’s too good
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I got Mac so long ago, I don’t remember it. Probably ‘06 or ‘07. But he is iconic. Let me take y’all on a little tour.
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Mac’s trailer opens up into a whole mini condo for cars. There’s a bathroom, game room, kitchenette, and workout room. It’s funny but it also gives some pretty cool insight into what living quarters look like for cars.
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I’m gonna show y’all around with Francisco demonstrating the different amenities because I still haven’t found my lightning mcqueen yet so improvisation!
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First we see the shower. It’s fully equipped as a mini car wash with rolling sponges, a shower head, and a water-proof, anti-slip mat. The car can drive through as many times as they need to get squeaky clean, with the rollers a perfect hight except Francisco is a shorty so doesn’t reach-
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Next we have a vanity with cold and hot water levers built into the floor that Francisco can’t reach properly because of his dumbass low front bumper and a low, accessible sink, complete with a hands free toothbrush and a mirror that Francisco can see himself in.
Then there’s the game room with a fully positional (sofa? Bed? Mat?) cushioned parking spot.
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If he pulls forward, there a tv/game controller for his front tires. And of course behind there is the phone. (Harv’s phone number yall)
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Next is the kitchenette where we find a water tank and gas pump positioned to be accessible for Francisco. There’s some products which I can only assume is McQueens pantry. The labels are kinda hard to read but he’s got Nitroade™️, shiny wax, and transberry juice. Hehehehehehhehe 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️Then there’s the fridge that has a single product inside labeled “ENERGY.”
Then there’s the whole work out zone which I’m going to need to add in the reblogs.
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wack-ashimself · 11 months
This bullshit on is-(it)-real is tiring. No joke, they had....10 major articles about it, all pro israel, but with a few patterns that showed their biasedness.
1-they ALWAYS blamed hamas, and almost refuse to ever say Palestinians or the country of Palestine. They always say West Bank or Gaza. Where is hamas based out of? MAGIC-ville? Like in real time, they are white washing history....acting like the place they are attacking isn't there...and soon, it won't be.
2-they regularly try to tie in ANYONE from another country visiting or who have dual citizenship that are in the war zones, basically guilting the countries to get involved too. WHY? israel has been slaughtering Palestine for decades. They have every-single-advanatage but they constantly act like THEY are the ones being bullied. CRUNCH THE NUMBERS-you killed over 2000 Palestinian kids since 2020. YOU KNOW THEY HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED THAT IN TOTAL KILLS AGAINST ALL OF ISRAEL. I know. I pay attention. They kill even 2 israeli soldiers, IT MAKES NEWS EVERY TIME.
3-They are releasing REAL UNEDITED video of stuff they claimed hamas did. That is fair: we should have to see the dark sides of war, in full, if WE ARE PAYING FOR IT (BILLIONS TO ISRAEL EVERY YEAR. NEVER ONCE TRULY STOPPED). However...I have seen fucked up shit israel has done to Palestine for...20 years. I HAVE SEEN SOME SHIT. But NOW when israel is attacking IN FULL RAGE MODE, they play the sympathy card? Palestine has begged for aid for decades, with regular video evidence of dead babies, but YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY THAT CARD NOW?! HYPOCRITES. Fucking israel is ran by hypocrites. Especially their fucking media.
It just pisses me off cuz it ignores who is doing most of the killing, has all the money, cuts off their resources and emergency aid, then tries any small and stupid way to look innocent or defenseless when that is not even close to the case. YOU can shut off resources they require to survive; in no form can they do that to you. HYPOCRITES. FUCKING HYPOCRITES! Lying, selfish, cruel hypocrites. Fuck all zionists.
<and again, for all the stupid fucks in the back. zionists=people who believe in the state of israel AND its' superiority AND in their right to kill anyone they feel is in their way of their rights. Tell me how ANY OF THAT is a good thing? Sound like NAZIS. Cuz zionsists are the new nazis. And that's isn't anti Semite. Tried of that bull shit. Tons of smart great people who are Jewish do NO support israel CUZ THEY HAVE SOULS. I love those Jewish people. I hate anyone of any background that blindly supports israel & what they are doing. Because that's what zionists do: support israel's ethnic cleaning. Then the try to make it sound like you're hating certain people. No. Fuck, I even wish the best for Israelis but (like the USA I live in) FUCK THEIR GOVERNMENT TO HELL AND ANYONE WHO BLINDLY SUPPORTS IT. ...I mean, we, the USA, basically GAVE israel nukes.....WE ARE THE BAD GUYS TOO.)>
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lunafad04 · 6 months
How start skin care as a beginner
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Here's a simple guide to starting a skincare routine for beginners:
Identify Your Skin Type:
Normal: No or few imperfections, no severe sensitivity, barely visible pores, a radiant complexion.
Dry: Almost invisible pores, dull and rough complexion, red patches, less elasticity, more visible lines.
Oily: Enlarged pores, dull or shiny, thick complexion, blackheads, pimples, or other blemishes.
Combination: Can be dry or normal in some areas and oily in others, such as the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin).
Sensitive: Redness, itching, burning, and dryness.
Establish a Basic Skin Care Routine:
Cleanse: Choose a cleanser that does not leave your skin tight after washing. Clean your face no more than twice a day, or just once, if you have dry skin and don't wear makeup.
Moisturize: Apply a moisturizer immediately after washing your face to keep your skin hydrated.
Apply Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Sunscreen is the easiest way to prevent premature aging of the skin.
Introduce Additional Skin Care Products:
Serums: Use serums that address specific concerns, such as anti-aging serums with antioxidants like vitamin C or hydrating serums with hyaluronic acid.
Exfoliants: Depending on your skin type, incorporate an exfoliant into your routine to help remove dead skin cells. Use gentle exfoliants if you have sensitive skin.
Masks: Face masks can be used occasionally to deep cleanse or hydrate your skin.
By following these steps, you can establish a skincare routine that suits your skin type and addresses your specific skin concerns.
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catgirltitties · 8 months
17 23 28 :]
OMG My fave murk sent me an EPIC ask !!! Thank you !! 17)most frequently worn pair of shoes? I just got a new pair that ive been rocking ! Ive wanted them for so long, the Jayson Tatum 1 Pink Lemonades, theyre color obsession colored !! they were originally really pricy, but i found a cheap bootleg it was so sick 23) strange habits? Im a weird mf with a lotta weird habits i feel like. One thing that i posted about today is that i get sour gummy worms and wash the sour off with water before i eat them. 28) five songs to describe you? YOU WOULD ASK ME THIS MY LOVELY MUSIC MUTUAL !! Ok 5 songs that have me embodied within them (choosing ones i hopefully havent selected for other asks) 1) grynpyret - Green Thrill Zone (Ft Sensei) (My brain sounds like this) (also grynpyret - wings is the song that is me in song form) 2) Amine - Beach Boy (How my style's been since 2015) 3) Halcali Bacon - Peek-A-Boo (The way i present myself sounds like this) 4) Open Mike Eagle - Ziggy Starfish (Anti-Anxiety Raps) (We rollin with it but still a little anxious) 5) Sleigh Bells - Riot Rhythm (My abrasive cutie heart is this) HM: @ - My garden (thank u again hehe)
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sailor-toni · 2 years
Danny Fenton Football Captain and the East Coast Vampire
Chapter 5: Grasping at roses
You can also read this on A03, FF.net, and Wattpad
“Kwan? Is that you? AH!” Star dropped her soda on the wooden floor. On her couch was Kwan but next to him was a glowing boy floating over her couch. 
“Don’t freak out! It’s Danny,” Kwan said. 
“Sup,” Danny waved at Star. Star eyes switched between the two. 
“Can you guys like, explain please?” Star shouted.
Danny groaned. “Remember last year when I was out of school for a few weeks?” Star nodded. “Well. I was out because I went into my parent’s ghost portal and I kind of fixed it. With me inside of it. There was bright light, my skin felt like it came off and I woke up like this. I think I made myself half ghost, half human. I can fly, go through walls, and I'm more unique than anyone else in Amity Park. “ Star groaned at the joke. 
“So wait, have you been causing all the trouble around town for the past year?” Star picked her soda can up and sat down on one of the white upholster chairs. 
“No. Well. I didn’t mean to. When I turned the portal on, a bunch of ghosts came flying out of it. It was like a flood, and I didn’t want to get in trouble with my parents, so I have been trying to catch all the ghosts and put them back in the ghost zone,” Danny said. White rings appeared around his torso and returned him to his grass stain football uniform. Kwan reached over and pulled a tree branch from Danny’s hair. “Thanks bro,”
“No problem!” Kwan said. He got up to throw the branch away when he saw Star looking at him with that look. “I was getting us food from Nasty Burger when the terminator came by and tried to shoot up the place. Danny was hiding behind a dumpster and I, being such a great guy, saved his ass.” Star gave Kwan another look . “And then we didn’t know where to go and I know you are one of the smartest, most beautiful, most amazing persons I know. So, I had Danny bring us here.”
“He wasn’t a terminator. He was a ghost, ghost hunter from the Ghost Zone that was trying to kill me,” Danny pointed out. 
    Star pinched the bridge of her nose. “Danny, why didn’t you tell anyone?” 
“Well I didn’t know how everyone would react. My parents want to tear apart any ghost that crosses their path, and every time I save someone, they go on Facebook and complain about me. There are three anti-Ghost Boy Facebook groups already,” Danny said. “Look Can you promise me that you and Kwan can keep this a secret? I don’t know what would happen to me if everyone found out. I would lose everything.”
It was Star who was sighing, “Danny you are lucky that we have been friends since third grade, when you spilled milk all over my bratz t-shirt and then cried when I punched you. Of course I will keep your secret… but only on the condition that you let me help you catch ghosts.”
“It was an accident and you gave me a black eye for no reason! And why? Ghost catching is dangerous, didn’t you just hear Kwan say that a terminator shot up Nasty Burger trying to catch me?”
“Wait, I thought he was a ghost, ghost hunter?” Kwan said. 
“He is, but his skin is made of metal,” 
“Danny I want to help because hunting ghosts sounds amazing, and you are one of my oldest friends. I want to make sure you are okay. Especially since your foot is bleeding all over my parent’s floor,” Star said. 
“Fuck,” Danny lifted his foot and his white knee high football socks were stained red.
 Star ran to her kitchen, her family’s apartment was a minimalist hell. Everything was shit upon white with accents of gold here or there. In one of the few closed cabinets in the place, was a wooden first aid kit. She grabbed it and ran back to the living room. Under Danny’s socks, the net had cut into his skin leaving crosshatch cuts down his leg and around his foot. Kwan ran out of the room, he ran back in with a few towels. Star washed the blood off his foot, then wrapped his foot up in gaze. 
“Dam! Does that hurt?” Kwan asked. 
“A little, it mostly stings,” Danny said. 
    After the excitement and blood clean up the three sat around the living room talking about Danny’s adventures. 
“So you have defeated an evil lunch lady, escaped Ghost prison, and fought a dragon?” Kwan said. 
“Yeah, and out of them the hunter was the scariest thing I have seen,” Danny said. 
“Why is he hunting you anyways?” Star said. 
“I don’t know. All he said was, auh! I am Skulker, the best hunter in the Ghost Zone! Now watch me kill you ghost boy!”
“Wait, his name is Skulker? Like lurker and skull mashed together?” 
“How lame. He sounds like an edgy fourteen year old on x-box.” They all laughed at Star’s joke. 
“Wouldn’t it be great if he was one of those gamer bros, and we could scare him away by threatening him with a shower?” Danny joked. 
“Hey Skulker, you think you’re so great? Well, you have never faced a foe like this, a shower!” Kwan grabbed a nearby pillow and pretended it was a hose, spraying down the invisible enemy.
“I wish. God I don’t even know how to defeat that guy,” Danny grumbled. 
“What do you usually do? Like how do you catch the ghost? Do you open a portal and send them back or do you chant a spell, or do you do a magical girl attack and hit them with ghost magic?” Star said. 
“I beat them up till I can suck them into my parents Fenton thermos,” Danny said. 
“You put them in a thermos?”
“My parents have made a bunch of ghost weapons to catch ghosts or give them serious harm. One of them is this soup thermos that can suck up any ghost and stuff them inside. Then I can shoot them back into my parent’s portal,”  
“Why don’t you do that with the terminator?” Kwan said. 
“His name is Skulker,” Star corrected him.
“I tried, but he took me by surprise and hes super tough. I don’t know fi I can beat him one on one,” 
“Yeah, he did have chainsaw arms.”
“And that was after a tree fell on him.”
“A tree fell on him?”
“Yeah, I blasted him through a tree, and then it fell on him. And he got right back up.”
“If you can’t fight him one-v-one, then don’t?” Star said.
“What? What are you trying to say Star?” Kwan asked. 
“You said you can’t just beat him up, so why don’t we turn the hunter into the hunted? We could use Danny’s parents' weapons and stuff to set up a bunch of traps, and we use Danny as bait, and trap him! And when he’s trapped we can use the thermos to lock him in!”
“Star, you are a genius!” Danny shouted. 
“Yeah, if you bring a bunch of your parents stuff to school tomorrow, Kwan and I can take it and set up a bunch of traps!” 
“But where are we going to set the traps?” Kwan raised his hand. 
“Hmm..” Star rubbed her chin. “I don’t know.” 
“We can’t do it where people can get hurt, or where my identity can be found out,” Danny said. 
“What about the old playground at Elm Street park? My mom said they have locked it off and aren't letting anybody near it,” Kwan said. 
“Why?” Danny and Star said at once. 
“They are tearing it down to put up one of those plastic playgrounds,” Kwan said. Danny and Star groaned. 
“Why are they getting rid of it?” Star asked. 
“Cuz’ it’s old,” 
“Wait, that’s perfect. If it’s closed then nobody would be there!” Danny said. 
“Yeah let’s do this!” Kwan yelled. 
. . . 
    The next morning, Danny got up early and empty his football duffel bag. The sports equipment scattered all over the floor with a bang. He then rushed out and headed towards the basement. The basement was always cold with the workbenches covered in nuts and bolts and blueprints. His father stood over a large ball with a pencil in his mouth. 
“Slowly, slowly, slowly.” His Father said. 
    His Mom held up the sphere, sweat pouring down her face. Her blue hazmat suit was custom fitted to her body avoiding the baggy-ness that came with the others. Green and black stains covered her arms, while a wrench was clenched in her mouth. Her muffled voice came out greeting Danny. 
“Uh Hey Mom. What are you guys doing?” Danny replied, quickly grabbing random weapons off the wall and shoving it into his bag. 
“We are building the fenton ghost killer 9000. This is a super bomb that will kill any nearby ghost but not any humans. Annnddddd there! Okay you can let go Maddie,” Jack said, backing away from the sphere. His mother backed away, her butt was resting on a small platform on wheels, allowing her to roll away. 
“Jack, do you think the ectoplasm levels are too high on this? It could affect nearby humans?” Maddie said.
“A small dose of radiation dosen’t kill anyone,” his Father brushed off. 
“True, but the levels here are massive. It would be more than a small dose.”
“We can examine it more in the simulations. But they should be fine.” 
Danny grabbed a few more traps and closed his bag. “Well it sounds like you guys are super busy, so I’ll just leave you guys alone.”
“Oh have a good day at school sweetie!”
“Have a good day son!” 
“Yeah, don't forget I have a football game in two weeks!” Danny yelled.
“We won’t forget son! We’ll be there!”
. . . . 
             The school day moved like molasses running down a wall. The entire time he could feel someone staring at him. It had to be Skulker but his ghost sense wasn't going off. He always knew when a ghost was around as he could see his breath and chills would run up his spine. But around Skulker it wasn’t going off. He was a ghost. He said so himself, but it created a twisted feeling in Danny’s gut. At lunch he passed the bag over to Kwan and Star. He didn’t know what half of it did, but Star assured him she would figure it out. With that underway, all Danny had to do was make sure the feeling didn’t go away. 
            When the school day ended Danny went and visited all the clubs. Asked his teachers for any late work that was due, and he even helped the lunch ladies throw away the mystery meat. But that only took an hour and he needed to burn more time. Football practice had been canceled due to the coach getting surgery for a hernia, leaving Danny the only player left in the school. I could get a workout done. He thought. 
            He made his way through the back of the school and down the beaten path to the football team’s locker rooms. They were in a building off to the side. It was larger than a shed but for a team of 18 players. Four showers were not enough. The inside looked like every locker room from the eighties. Down to the steam from the shower. Danny paused, who else was there. Creeping through the locker room he heard crying. 
“Hello?” Danny called out. There was a squeak of surprise, and then the sound of someone trying to forcibly stop themselves from crying. Danny pulled back the shower curtain, and Dash pulled it back. “Dash? Dash, what's the matter?”
“I don’t want to talk about it!”
“No, Dash come on. You can talk to me about it.”
“No! You’re just gonna make fun of me.”
“No, Dash come out of the shower. I promise I won't laugh at you.”
“Fine. Just let me get dressed first.”
“Okay,” Danny left his friend and sat near the front of the locker room, the steam from the shower slowly dispersing as the shower came to a close and Dash joined him on the bench with two towels. One was tied around his waist. And a second he was using as a giant tissue.
“I. I bought one of those roses for the ball, and,” Dash cried into the towel. “I asked Paulina to join me, and she said no. She just wants to stay friends. ”
“Dash- I’m so sorry.” Danny hesitantly put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. 
“I know she wasn’t trying to be rude. She even gave me a hug. But, man I really like her. She's not like the other girls. She doesn't make fun of me like the others do. And I know you guys like to joke around, but-”
“I’m sorry Dash. I didn’t think it affected you like this. We can stop,” Danny said.
“No, a lot of the time it doesn’t affect me. But I thought maybe since she didn't make as many jokes. She liked me as well. But she's just nice. ” 
“Dash there are more people out there that would love to be with you. You know, there are more fish in the sea?”
“I guess. I just hurt.” Dash blew his nose on the towel. 
“No, I understand that. Just know that I’m here for you”
“Thanks Danny.”
“You're welcome dude.”
“Uh Danny?”
“Can I get a hug? I’m sorry I’m a big hugger.”
“Um sure.” The two stood up and a very awkward hug was had. 
“Thank you man. I really needed this,” Dash said, still hugging Danny. 
“Your welcome Dash.” Danny said.
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taking anti-depressants is like stepping out into the warm sun after years and years of being cold. it takes a bit to feel the difference, and then when it hits you, you’re overwhelmed. taking anti-depressants is like being underground with stale air, and starting to make your way to the surface. beginning to feel the fresher air coming in, and realizing you could never go back down.
taking anti-depressants is being excited to shower to use the new body wash you actually enjoy, and not just tolerate. taking anti-depressants is looking forward to things, and not just being in a permanent gray zone of detachment.
being on anti-depressants is leaving the house and volunteering for things willingly, not having to be forced. being on anti-depressants is starting projects, hobbies, after being disinterested in things for years. being on anti-depressants is hanging out with friends and enjoying it. being on anti-depressants is creating things.
being on anti-depressants for feels like waking up for the first time in years.
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Was going through the comments on that post about people who claim to like gothic horror and dark academia but have a moral panic over dark themes, even staple tropes of the gothic genre like incest (yeah yeah we all make the mistake of going through comments) and midway I just zoned out and my mind went back to all these years actually studying literature, from school all the way to a master's degree, and how normally we talked about these topics being dealt with.
A 17 year old having an affair with his friend's mom, we read that in school while we were teenagers ourselves and our teachers explained the complications of human relationships and media portrayals and what it means for such a thing to be in the story (keep in mind, in our culture even big age gaps between adults have been a taboo in the recent past). I'm thinking Edgar Allan Poe and DH Lawrence and Henrik Ibsen and Mary Shelley, and I'm thinking about these people in the comments insisting that if you have to use incestuous themes to make a story interesting then you're not a good writer, and I'm having this surreal out of body experience as I realise how incredibly far removed these puritan literature cops are from any proper understanding of literature - even one achieved at school level. I'm realising how far removed these concerns have been from anything anyone studying and writing and reading Literature does.
And I felt like, this chill wash over me of how massive this movement of anti-intellectualism is, nuanced fiction reduced to easily consumable and sellable aesthetics through tiktok and Tumblr ideas of dark academia, widespread amongst younger people in particular who are currently filling or would soon be filling the university spaces and possibly bringing this rejection to discomfort with themselves, and how ill equipped this movement is to actually critique mass media perpetuating harmful ideas because they'll train their guns instead at some marginalised indie author for engaging in dark fiction and see that as the equivalent of media analysis. that unsettled me, more than any of the dark fiction I was thinking about.
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news-of-the-day · 2 years
The referendum held in the territories Russia conquered came out as for annexation, so Russia said they would formally absorb those areas tomorrow.
There were explosions under the Nordic Sea that damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines that Russia uses to transport gas to the rest of Europe. The general consensus is sabotage, although no one can launch an investigation into the cause due to the gas currently spilling out. (Russia had shut down Nord Stream 1awhile ago, claiming mechanical problems on its end, but gas had remained inside. Germany scrapped Nord Stream 2 when the war began.) Russia is blaming the US, the Ukraine and Poland are blaming Russia.
UK Prime Minister Truss announced a series of tax cuts as well as lowering government spending in hopes of turbo-charging the economy after COVID and Brexit. One major worry is the government is subsidizing fuel after soaring prices thanks to the war, which means the government will have to borrow billions. Consequently the markets went crazy and the Bank of England stepped in to buy £65B of bonds to calm the situation.
Giorgia Meloni won the Italian elections on Sunday and will become Italy's prime minister next month. Meloni is very right wing and a known admirer of Moussolini. Her platform is anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage (which was legalized in 2016), etc. There are worries in the EU about her stance on the war and Russia, which could threaten the united front.
Hurricane Ian hit Cuba, knocking out power to the entire island. It then moved onto Florida as a category 4, and is currently over it as a tropical storm. Massive areas of western Florida received extensive damage with 2.5M people without power. Boats are and their passengers are missing. Cuba is slowly coming back on line.
Last weekend Hurricane Fiona, which had previously shut down Puerto Rico, headed up north and then hit Newfoundland, causing massive damage with houses being washed to sea and great erosion on the coast.
Iranian protests are continuing with at least 41 dead. Iran also launched missiles against Iraq's northern, Kurdish region. Iran has been bearing down on Kurds recently, and with the protests it's ramping up, saying Kurds are involved with demonstrations.
Tensions are hot again in Iraq with al-Sadr's supporters attempting to storm the Green Zone. Several rockets were also fired.
Trump has made the claim that the FBI planted evidence amongst his files, so special master Dearie is now asking by tomorrow for his lawyers to declare whether that is true or not. I also just learned that Trump is required to pay for the special master and his staff, although Trump wanted that hoisted onto the taxpayer.
Correction 9/29/22: Fixed some bulletpoint and link mistakes.
1) BBC 2) NYT 3) BBC 4) CNN, France24 5) Reuters, AP 6) BBC 7) Al Jazeera 8) Al Jazeera 9) NBC
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reginaldmen · 9 days
The Best Face Wash for Men: A Comprehensive Guide
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When it comes to skincare, many men might overlook the importance of a proper face wash. However, using the best face wash for men can make a significant difference in maintaining healthy, clear, and radiant skin. In this guide, we'll explore why choosing the right face wash is crucial, what ingredients you should look for, and how Reginald Men's face wash can be your go-to solution.
Understanding the Importance of a Face Wash
Men's skin is structurally different from women's skin. It tends to be thicker, oilier, and has larger pores. These differences mean that men require a face wash specifically designed to address their unique skin needs.
Benefits of Using the Best Face Wash for Men
Deep Cleansing: Removes impurities, dirt, and excess oil.
Unclogs Pores: Prevents breakouts and acne.
Moisturizes: Maintains skin hydration without making it greasy.
Refreshes: Leaves your skin feeling fresh and energized.
Key Ingredients to Look For
When choosing the best face wash for men, it's essential to consider the ingredients. Here are some key components that offer immense benefits:
Natural Ingredients
Nature has provided us with some powerful ingredients that are gentle yet effective.
Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing and moisturizing properties.
Green Tea Extract: Acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
Witch Hazel: Helps to cleanse and tone the skin.
Active Ingredients
For men battling specific skin issues, active ingredients can make a big difference.
Salicylic Acid: Great for treating acne as it helps to unclog pores.
Glycolic Acid: Exfoliates and renews the skin surface.
Niacinamide: Reduces oiliness and improves the skin barrier.
How to Use the Best Face Wash for Men
Using a face wash might seem straightforward, but a few tips can enhance its effectiveness.
Step-by-Step Guide
Wet Your Face: Use lukewarm water to wet your face. This will open up your pores.
Apply a Small Amount: A little goes a long way. Use a small amount of the best face wash for men and lather it up in your hands.
Massage Gently: Gently massage the face wash into your skin using circular motions. Focus on your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin).
Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse off the face wash with lukewarm water to ensure all of it is removed.
Pat Dry: Use a clean towel to pat your face dry. Avoid rubbing as it can irritate the skin.
Moisturize: Finish off with a good moisturizer to lock in hydration.
Why Reginald Men Offers the Best Face Wash for Men
At Reginald Men, we understand the unique needs of men's skin. Our specially formulated face wash combines natural and active ingredients to provide the best care for your skin. Here's why Reginald Men's face wash stands out:
Unique Formula
Natural Elements: Infused with aloe vera and green tea extract for soothing and antioxidant properties.
Deep Cleaning: Our face wash includes gentle exfoliants like glycolic acid to remove dead skin cells.
Moisturizing: It’s enriched with niacinamide to help maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier.
Using Reginald Men's best face wash for men ensures that your skin is not only clean but also nourished and protected. It's perfect for everyday use and addresses common skin concerns like acne, oiliness, and dullness.
Choosing the best face wash for men is essential for maintaining healthy and vibrant skin. With Reginald Men's face wash, you can be confident you're using a product specifically designed to meet the unique needs of men's skin. Its blend of natural and active ingredients ensures deep cleaning, hydration, and protection against common skin issues.
Make the right choice for your skin. Trust Reginald Men to provide the best face wash for men that will keep your skin looking its best. Try it today and experience the difference!
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